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Journal of Hazardous Materials 145 (2007) 120–126

Pretreatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) using

Moringa oleifera seeds as natural coagulant
Subhash Bhatia ∗ , Zalina Othman, Abdul Latif Ahmad
School of Chemical Engineering, Engineering Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
Seri Ampangan, 14300 Nibong Tebal, Penang, Malaysia
Received 19 April 2006; received in revised form 3 November 2006; accepted 3 November 2006
Available online 9 November 2006

Moringa oleifera seeds, an environmental friendly and natural coagulant are reported for the pretreatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME). In
coagulation–flocculation process, the M. oleifera seeds after oil extraction (MOAE) are an effective coagulant with the removal of 95% suspended
solids and 52.2% reduction in the chemical oxygen demand (COD). The combination of MOAE with flocculant (NALCO 7751), the suspended
solids removal increased to 99.3% and COD reduction was 52.5%. The coagulation–flocculation process at the temperature of 30 ◦ C resulted in
better suspended solids removal and COD reduction compared to the temperature of 40, 55 and 70 ◦ C. The MOAE combined with flocculant
(NALCO 7751) reduced the sludge volume index (SVI) to 210 mL/g with higher recovery of dry mass of sludge (87.25%) and water (50.3%).
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Moringa oleifera seeds; POME; Coagulation–flocculation; Suspended solids; COD

1. Introduction ment systems need proper maintenance and monitoring as the

processes rely solely on microorganisms to break down the pol-
Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is a voluminous, high lutants. The microorganisms are sensitive to the changes in the
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) liquid waste normally dis- environment and thus great care has to be taken to ensure that
charged at 75–85 ◦ C. It is a colloidal dispersion of organics with a conducive environment is maintained for the microorganisms
an unpleasant odour. This polluting effluent has total solids con- to thrive in.
tent of 5–7% of which a little over half is dissolved solids, and Different treatment methods have been reported by many
about the other half being a mixture of various forms of organic researchers for POME treatment [3–5]. Oswal et al. [3] treated
and inorganic suspended solids. This property, coupled with its POME using tropical marine yeast, Yarrowia lipolytica NCIM
high BOD loading and low pH, makes it not only highly pollut- 3589 and 95% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction
ing but also extremely difficult to treat by conventional methods was achieved with a retention time of 2 days. Nik Nurulaini et
[1]. al. [4] reported that the chemical coagulation is the fastest way
The current treatment technology of POME typically con- to reduce the organic load of the POME to an acceptable and
sists of biological aerobic and anaerobic digestion. Biologically economical level. Thereby it can be treated using conventional
treated effluent is disposed of via land application system, thus treatment systems. Borja and Banks [5] carried out studies on
providing essential nutrients to the growing plants. This method a laboratory—scale anaerobic filter (AF) and a fluidized-bed
may be good choice for the disposal of treated effluent. However, reactor (FBR) and compared their performance for treatment of
considering the rate of daily wastewater production, it is doubt- POME.
ful that the surrounding plantations receiving it could efficiently There are many palm oil mills, which failed to comply with
absorb all the treated effluent [2]. Furthermore, biological treat- the Department of Environment (DOE) standard discharge
limits even though they have applied biological treatment
system in their mills. Therefore, an alternative POME treatment
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +60 4 599 6409 fax: +60 4 594 1013. system is required to meet DOE standard discharge limits.
E-mail address: chbhatia@eng.usm.my (S. Bhatia). A technological shift from biological treatment and chemical

0304-3894/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Bhatia et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 145 (2007) 120–126 121

treatment to coagulation–flocculation treatment employing 2. Materials and methods

an environmental friendly coagulant could lead to improved
effluent treatment as well as gaining benefits through the 2.1. Palm oil mill effluent samples
recovery and recycling of water to the plant with minimum
treatment. Samples of POME in the present study were obtained from
Moringa oleifera is among the 14 species of trees that belong United Palm Oil Mill, Nibong Tebal, Penang at a temperature
to the genus Moringaceae (syns. Moringa pterygosperma ranging from 75 to 90 ◦ C and cooled to room temperature before
Gaertn.). Moringa is native to North India but is now found used for experimental study. POME samples were character-
throughout the tropics and is the best known of all the species ized and its composition is presented in Table 1. Raw POME
[6], commonly known as the ‘horse-radish’ tree or ‘drumstick’ is a brown coloured suspension, which is slightly acidic and
tree [7–9]. M. oleifera is a multi purpose tree with most of its consists mainly 94–96% of water. Freshly discharged POME
parts being useful for a number of applications. is viscous and oily with obnoxious odour. POME characteris-
Many coagulants are widely used in the conventional tics vary depending upon the time of sample withdrawal. This
wastewater treatment processes [10]. These coagulants can might be due to the method of the processing, the quality of
be either inorganic (e.g., aluminium sulfate and polyalu- the fresh fruits and the time of the collection of the POME.
minium chloride or PAC), synthetic organic polymers (e.g., Although the characteristics of POME could vary but, in order
polyacrylamide derivatives). These coagulants are used for to minimize the effect of different characteristics of POME, the
various purposes depending on their chemical characteristics experiments were repeated with different samples of POME to
[11]. Aluminium sulphate (Alum) is the most widely used obtain the average results. APHA standard methods of exami-
coagulant in water and wastewater treatment [12]. High level nation of water and wastewater were followed in the analysis of
of aluminium concentrations in water may also have human samples during the experimental study [19].
health implications [13]. Many developing countries can hardly
afford the high costs of imported chemicals for water and 2.2. Coagulant preparation
wastewater treatment. In this context, environmental friendly
coagulant presents a viable alternative for treatment of the The dry M. oleifera seeds were obtained from Nibong Tebal
wastewater. area of Penang State, Malaysia. The seed wings and coat were
The use of M. oleifera seeds would be viable replacement removed manually, good quality seeds were then selected, and
to the conventional coagulants. Earlier studies recommended the kernel was grounded to a fine powder using an ordinary elec-
the use of M. oleifera seeds extract as coagulant for water tric blender (Model National MX-798S). Oil present in the dry
treatment in African and South Asian countries [14]. The M. oleifera seeds was extracted with n-hexane (96% purity) as
turbidity removal by M. oleifera coagulant (MOC) as primary a solvent using Soxhlet apparatus. The extraction was carried
coagulant was up to 80–99% for both raw waters and synthetic out for nearly 8 h. Stock solution of the M. oleifera cake after
turbid waters [15–17]. Ndabigengesere et al. [17] reported extraction of oil (MOAE) was prepared by dissolving 5 g of the
that M. oleifera is an effective natural coagulant that can dried cake in 100 mL distilled water. The mixture was blended
be used in water treatment in two principal crude forms: for 2 min to extract the active ingredients. Finally, the resulting
shelled or non-shelled dry seeds. The action of M. oleifera suspension was filtered through a muslin cloth. The flocculant
as a coagulant lies due to presence of water-soluble cationic (NALCO 7751) was obtained from Merck Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia
proteins in the seeds. In addition, it is possible to extract an [20]. The chemical description of milky white liquid flocculant
edible quality of oil from the Moringa seeds before using as the (NALCO 7751) is based on water-soluble polymer, ammonium
coagulant. As by product, nearly 25% oil could be extracted sulfate and inorganic acid(s). The material safety data sheet
from Moringa seeds. This oil could be utilized as a source of (MSDS) of this flocculant shows that it is non-hazardous and
edible oil for human consumption. It also contains a high ratio biodegradable. Thus, this flocculant is safe and suitable for
of monounsaturated to saturated fatty acids and ideal substitute POME treatment. The stock solution of aluminium sulphate
for highly monounsaturated oils such as olive oil in diets (alum) powder (Envilab Sdn. Bhd., Malaysia) was prepared by
[18]. dissolving 5 g of Al2 (SO4 )3 ·18H2 O in 100 mL distilled water.
The main objective of the present study is to utilize M. oleifera
seeds after extraction of oil as natural coagulant for the POME
pretreatment with minimum suspended solids and organic mat- Table 1
ter present in the treated POME. The effects of important process Typical characteristic of palm oil mill effluent
parameters such as pH, flocculant dosage (NALCO 7751), M. Parameters Range Average value
oleifera extract (MOAE) dosage and temperature were studied Temperature (◦ C) 75–90 80
for the removal of suspended solids and COD reduction. The pH 4.0–4.8 4.5
sludge volume index (SVI), % recovery of dry mass of sludge Suspended solid, SS (mg/L) 11,500–22,000 17,927
and % recovery of water after POME treatment were also esti- Total solid, TS (mg/L) 36,500–42,600 39,470
mated. The present study also compared the performance of M. Chemical oxygen demand, COD (mg/L) 30,000–50,400 40,200
Oil and grease (mg/L) 1300–4700 2658
oleifera seeds extract (MOAE) with aluminium sulphate (alum) Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, TKN (mg/L) 660–890 800
in the coagulation of POME.
122 S. Bhatia et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 145 (2007) 120–126

Polyaluminium chloride (PAC) (supplier; Envilab Sdn. Bhd., The percentage recovery of dry mass of sludge and water are
Malaysia) was also used for comparison in the pretreatment of defined as:
POME in terms of sludge volume index (SVI) value.
recovery of dry mass of sludge (%)
2.3. Coagulation–flocculation process dry mass of sludge (solid) recovered after treatment
mass of sludge (solid) present from in the POME
The 600 mL beaker was filled with 500 mL of POME for each
× 100% (4)
test run. The pH value of each Jar test (Stuart Science Floccu-
lator model, SWI) was adjusted to the desired value by using recovery of water (%)
either sulphuric acid (3 M) or potassium hydroxide (5 M) within
the range of 4–9; M. oleifera dosage (MOAE) was varied from volume of supernatant after POME treatment
= × 100%
500 to 6000 mg/L and POME sample was agitated at 150 rpm volume of POME before treatment
for 5 min (rapid mixing). The speed of mixing was then reduced (5)
to 30 rpm for 30 min (slow mixing) after adding the flocculant
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) analysis was done in two steps
(NALCO 7751) dosage varying from 500 to 9000 mg/L. The
using BÜCHI Digestion Unit K-424 and BÜCHI Distillation
addition of flocculant (NALCO 7751) helped to increase the
Unit B-324 respectively. The oil and grease analysis was done
performance of coagulation–flocculation process by agglomer-
using a Rotary Evaporator (model R-114, BÜCHI, Switzerland)
ation of suspended particles during the POME pretreatment. The
equipped with a BÜCHI Vacuum System (model B-169) and
contents of each beaker were then allowed to sediment with the
BÜCHI Water Bath (model B-481). n-Hexane was used as a
settling time of 90 min. The Jar test was also repeated using
solvent for the extraction of oil and grease.
alum alone for comparison purposes with M. oleifera after oil
extraction (MOAE). The effect of temperature was also studied
in the coagulation–flocculation process because POME coming 3. Results and discussion
out from the palm oil mills is generally under hot conditions
with the temperature varying from 50 to 70 ◦ C. 3.1. Coagulation–flocculation process

2.4. Analysis 3.1.1. Performance of M. oleifera seeds (oil extracted)

combined with flocculant (NALCO 7751) and alum as a
The suspended solids concentration of the supernatant was comparative study
determined by a turbidity measurement with the help of turbidity M. oleifera seeds after oil extraction (MOAE) were used in
meter, model WTW Turb 350 IR. The pH value of supernatant the present study as coagulant based on the preliminary exper-
was measured using a Mettler Toledo 320 pH meter. The chemi- iments. The efficiency of the coagulation–flocculation process
cal oxygen demand (COD) was determined by the closed reflux, was studied using M. oleifera (MOAE) alone as well as com-
colorimetric method using APHA standard methods of exam- bined with the flocculant (NALCO 7751) in order to improve
ination of water and wastewater [19]. In the present study, the removal efficiency of suspended solids and COD reduction.
suspended solids removal, COD reduction and sludge volume The performance of MOAE and alum alone was compared for
index (SVI) are defined as follows: their performance in coagulation–flocculation process of POME
suspended solids, SS removal (%) Coagulants (MOAE or alum) with charges opposite of the
SSraw POME − SSafter treatment suspended solids are added to the POME wastewater to neu-
= × 100% (1) tralize the negative charges on dispersed non-settleable solids.
When the charges are neutralized, the small suspended parti-
cles are capable to interact together through rapid mixing. Once
CODraw POME − CODafter treatment the coagulation process was completed, flocculation processes
COD reduction (%) =
CODraw POME start to take place. The flocculant (NALCO 7751) used has high
× 100% (2) molecular weight containing a long chain of polyelectrolyte.
This polyelectrolyte could generate a ‘macroflocs’ particles with
slow mixing, resulting in the interaction with the suspended
sludge volume index, SVI (mL/g) solids [10]. Finally, when the floc reached its optimum size
and strength, the wastewater is subjected to the sedimentation
volume of sludge in mL process.
= (3)
weight of sludge after 30 min settling time
The sludge (solid) after sedimentation was dewatered in the filter Optimum pH. In the present study, the effect of pH
and dried in the oven (Model ULM 500, Memmert) for 24 h at was studied in the range of 4–9 using MOAE and alum. The
105 ◦ C. The sample was cooled in a desicator for about 30 min. flocculant (NALCO 7751) was also used during the coagulation
The process of drying (1 h for repeat) and cooling steps were process. The concentration of stock solution of MOAE and alum
repeated until the weight was constant to the nearest 0.1 mg. was 50,000 mg/L respectively and flocculant (NALCO 7751) as
S. Bhatia et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 145 (2007) 120–126 123

as a result, less attracted to anionic organic compounds. But, at

low pH the anionic organic molecules from POME react directly
to form insoluble complexes.
The usage of M. oleifera after oil extraction (MOAE) alone
as a primary coagulant generally does not increase the size of
the suspended solids. MOAE addition to POME wastewater only
destabilized the particles and settle down the suspended solids in
the bottom. In order to increase the size of suspended particles,
the flocculant (NALCO 7751) is added which promotes the faster
aggregation of colloids by the formation of bridge between the
suspended solids and formation of particles of sufficient size that
Fig. 1. Effect of pH on the removal of suspended solids and COD reduction in
could be easy and faster settled. Thus, flocculant (NALCO 7751)
POME pretreatment. Experimental conditions; 5000 mg/L of MOAE, alum or
flocculant (NALCO 7751) dosage, 90 min of sedimentation time and 30 ◦ C of helped in the formation of large flocs and thereby the removal
temperature. of suspended solids and COD reduction were increased.

100,000 mg/L. The experiments were performed with a fixed Optimum flocculant (NALCO 7751) dosage. Fig. 2
coagulant dosage of 5000 mg/L. shows the effect of different dosages of the flocculant (NALCO
Fig. 1 shows the effect of pH on the removal of suspended 7751) over the suspended solids removal at an optimum pH 5.
solids. At low pH, the solution appeared clear but showed the The optimum dosage of a flocculant (NALCO 7751) was deter-
presence of very small colloidal particles. As the pH increased mined when there was no significant increase in the removal
towards alkaline value, the POME turned into a darker color efficiency with further addition of flocculant (NALCO 7751).
due to the presence of higher suspended solids and the removal The optimum dosage was observed around 7000 mg/L and fur-
became poorer. It can be seen from the figure that MOAE and ther addition, there was no change in the suspended solids
alum alone gave the reduction of suspended solids as 95% at removal. Reduction in the removal efficiency at higher dosage
pH 5 and 85% at pH 4, respectively. M. oleifera contains short of flocculant (NALCO 7751) was due to its electropositive prop-
chain cationic polyelectrolyte, which helps in the removal of sus- erty. Cationic polyelectrolyte used as a flocculant (NALCO
pended solids through electrostatic patch mechanism (surface 7751) in this study actually replaced the anionic groups on
phenomena) [21]. The electrostatic patch mechanism involves POME colloidal particles. Over dosages can cause restabiliza-
the surface contact of charges between M. oleifera and sus- tion of the particles and consequently hindered the formation of
pended solids particles resulting in coagulation process. But the flocs.
positive charges present in alum were not enough to neutral- The variation of flocculant dosage over the COD reduction
ize the charges in POME wastewater. Therefore, the removal of during the coagulation–flocculation process is also presented in
suspended solids was reduced after using alum alone. Fig. 2. The efficiency of the COD reduction initially increased
The flocculant (NALCO 7751) alone resulted in 98% removal with the increase in the addition of flocculant (NALCO 7751)
whereas the combination of M. oleifera (MOAE) with floc- and further increase in the dosage up to 7000 mg/L, COD
culant (NALCO 7751), the removal of suspended solids was reduction dropped. The combination of M. oleifera after oil
improved to 99.2%. The removal of suspended solids increased extraction (MOAE) with flocculant (NALCO 7751) gave better
due to flocculation process. The flocculant (NALCO 7751) has performance in COD reduction. In both cases, flocculant
a high molecular weight, high cationic charge and large poly- (NALCO 7751) shows a reversal effect at higher dosage beyond
meric molecules. This result shows that the charges of suspended the optimum value. This was probably due to the charge
solids present in the POME probably not effective in coagula- reversal phenomenon of flocculant, where colloidal stability
tion process with pH changes and thereby the suspended solids
removal decreased with the increase of pH. At higher pH, the
colloidal particles could be negatively charged while at lower
value of pH, the particles are positively charged. The charge
balance is actually associated with changes in H+ and OH− ions
to maintain the ion balance with water at different pH [4].
Fig. 1 also shows % COD reduction against pH during
coagulation–flocculation process. It is observed that M. oleifera
after oil extraction (MOAE), flocculant (NALCO 7751) alone or
combination of both and alum alone gave maximum COD reduc-
tion at pH value of 4. The COD reduction decreased with the
increase of pH with and without flocculant (NALCO 7751). The
COD reduction drop off was due to the concentration of OH−
Fig. 2. Effect of flocculant (NALCO 7751) dosage on the removal of suspended
ions, which was high enough to compete with organic molecules solids and COD reduction in POME pretreatment. Experimental conditions;
from POME for adsorption process. In addition, at high pH the pH 5, MOAE dosage = 5000 mg/L, 90 min of sedimentation time and 30 ◦ C of
charge of the coagulating species will become less positive and temperature.
124 S. Bhatia et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 145 (2007) 120–126

gets destabilized once the flocculant charge concentration was removal of suspended solids as 99.3%. The flocculant (NALCO
higher than the total charge of the colloids present in POME. 7751) has a high molecular weight compared to M. oleifera
(MOAE). The rate of flocs formation in the presence of floc- Optimum coagulants (M. oleifera and alum) dosage. culant (NALCO 7751) was relatively fast resulting in the large
The optimal pH was pH 5 for M. oleifera (MOAE) alone and size flocs, which could be easily settled. The flocs were more
coagulant combined with flocculant (NALCO 7751) with an firm, bigger, dense and strong.
optimal flocculant dosage of 7000 mg/L. The optimal pH for Fig. 3 also shows the COD reduction as the coagulant dosage
alum alone was pH 4 and applied in the present studies. Exper- was varied. The COD value is normally used to assess con-
iments were performed varying the M. oleifera (MOAE) and centration of organic matter in wastewater. It does not however,
alum dosage between 500 and 6000 mg/L in order to determine provide information on the different organic compounds present
the optimal dosage loading during the coagulation–flocculation in the sample. It can be seen that COD reduction of the POME
process. The presence of oil in the seeds could form an emul- dropped as the coagulant dosage increased. This was proba-
sion or film coating, which inhibits the surface of reaction and bly due to contribution of M. oleifera COD value. After the
thus reduces floc formation [22]. Therefore, extraction of the oil coagulation process, some of the organic matter remained in the
from the seeds enhanced the suspended solids removal resulting supernatant, thus contributed to the final COD value. As depicted
in better coagulation process. The presence of primary aliphatic in the figure, the optimum dosage of the MOAE with increased
amines as functional group in the MOAE also helped to improve in the reduction of COD was around 1000 mg/L.
the coagulation process for suspended solids removal. Further- M. oleifera seeds after oil extraction (MOAE) have the poten-
more, the M. oleifera seeds after oil was extraction (MOAE) tial to become new source of environmental friendly and natural
gave 25 wt.% of edible oil as a side product [18], which made coagulant for POME treatment. It was found that the M. oleifera
this coagulant more economical in its usage. seeds after oil extraction (MOAE) alone gave a higher removal in
Fig. 3 shows the suspended solids removal was 95% for M. suspended solids (95%) and COD reduction (52.2%) at dosage of
oleifera (after oil extraction) alone at the dosage of 6000 mg/L. 6000 mg/L. The combination of M. oleifera (MOAE) at dosage
The addition of M. oleifera (MOAE) dosage exceeding the opti- of 4000 mg/L with the flocculant (NALCO 7751), the removal
mum value did not change the suspended solids removal. At alum of suspended solids was increased to 99.3% and COD reduction
dosage of 6000 mg/L, the removal of suspended solids was 89% as 52.5%.
and lower than MOAE. The use of alum normally increases the Fig. 3 shows that the COD reduction was increased with the
sulfate ions and total solids in the effluent create a setback to the increase of alum dosage. At 6000 mg/L of alum dosage the COD
wastewater treatment in the broader sense [23]. The predom- reduction was 66%. The increase in the COD reduction was due
inant mechanism of the coagulation with Moringa appears to to the charge neutralization, which destabilized the colloids and
be adsorption and charge neutralization of the colloidal charges caused settling of the metal cations together with organic anions
[17]. M. oleifera is a short chain low molecular weight and high [24].
charge density compound; the flocculation activity is due to the
electrostatic patch charge mechanism. The positive charged pro- The effect of temperature on coagulation–flocculation
teins bind to the surface of the negatively charged particles. This process. The effect of temperature using M. oleifera after oil
led to the formation of negatively and positively charged particle extraction (MOAE) combined with flocculant (NALCO 7751)
surfaces. Due to particle collision enhanced by agitation, inter- was studied on coagulation–flocculation for POME treatment.
particle interaction between the differently charged sectors took Fig. 4 show the effect of temperature on suspended solids
place and resulted in the formation of flocs [21]. removal and COD reduction during the coagulation–flocculation
The combination of 4000 mg/L of M. oleifera (MOAE) process. It can be observed from the figure that an increase
dosage with the flocculant (NALCO 7751) resulted in the the temperature from 30 to 70 ◦ C reduced the efficiency of the

Fig. 3. Effect of M. oleifera and alum dosage on the removal of suspended Fig. 4. Effect of temperature on POME pretreatment using MOAE with
solids and COD reduction in POME pretreatment. Experimental conditions; pH flocculant (NALCO 7751) on the removal of suspended solids and COD reduc-
5, flocculant (NALCO 7751) dosage = 7000 mg/L, 90 min of sedimentation time tion. Experimental conditions; pH 5, MOAE dosage = 4000 mg/L, flocculant
and 30 ◦ C of temperature. (NALCO 7751) dosage = 7000 mg/L, 90 min of sedimentation time.
S. Bhatia et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 145 (2007) 120–126 125

coagulation–flocculation process for the removal of suspended

solids and COD reduction.
The temperature effect may be due to the destabilization
of charge on the suspended solids in POME wastewater. With
increase in the temperature of POME and addition of the
MOAE with flocculant (NALCO 7751), the floc particles
become smaller compared to the particle size of flocs at the
temperature of 30 ◦ C. This might be due to the particle transport
processes or particle collision rates and through the effect on
viscosity (concentration) in POME. The floc strength becomes
weaker with the increase of temperature and the ‘macrofloc’
could be easily broken. Fig. 6. Effect of M. oleifera with flocculant dosage on the percent recovery of
sludge and water from POME during coagulation–flocculation process. Experi- Sludge volume index (SVI) of POME during mental conditions; pH 5, flocculant (NALCO 7751) dosage = 7000 mg/L, 90 min
of sedimentation time and 30 ◦ C of temperature.
coagulation–flocculation process. In general, the sludge
volume index (SVI) depends on the choice of coagulant or
flocculant and operating conditions during the coagulation– with flocculant (NALCO 7751) was selected to find out the
flocculation process. A lower value of SVI indicates a good set- highest percentage (%) recovery of sludge and water after
tling sludge, which has a bigger floc size and need a shorter time POME pretreatment. The dry mass of sludge in 500 mL of raw
for sedimentation process. The SVI values were calculated at the POME was 22.35 g (after drying 24 h at 105 ◦ C in the oven).
optimum dosages of MOAE, MOAE with flocculant (NALCO Other parameters were kept constant at 7000 mg/L of floccu-
7751), alum and combination of PAC with alum. Fig. 5 shows lant (NALCO 7751) dosage, pH 5 and 90 min of sedimentation
that MOAE alone gave the lower value of SVI (330 mL/g) at time. The flocculant (NALCO 7751) was added after dosing
30 min of settling compare to higher value (371 mL/g) of alum of MOAE. Fig. 6 shows that MOAE with flocculant (NALCO
alone. MOAE with flocculant (NALCO 7751) gave SVI value 7751) at dosage of 4000 mg/L recovered 87.25% of the sludge.
of 287 mL/g and alum combined with PAC gave 314 mL/g for At this dosage, the removal of suspended solids from POME
30 min of settling time. The SVI values dropped further with was 99.3%. This figure also shows the % recovery of water at
increase of settling time of 90 min. The larger value of SVI in different dosage of MOAE after sedimentation process. The per-
the case of alum alone and alum with PAC, compared to MOAE centage recovery of water was remained constant with increasing
alone or with flocculant (NALCO 7751), can be explained by of the MOAE dosage above 4000 mg/L (50.3% of water recov-
the production of aluminium hydroxide as a precipitate. In the ery). The increase in MOAE dosage increased the removal of
case of MOAE alone or with flocculant (NALCO 7751), only suspended solids as well as the recovery of dry mass of the
initial suspended particles are agglomerated into larger and set- sludge and water after POME pretreatment.
tleable flocs, but no additional precipitate is formed. Although,
the value of SVI after using MOAE alone or with flocculant 3.1.2. Analytical profile of the treated POME
(NALCO 7751) were still high, it may be argued that Moringa The POME treated with MOAE was sequentially treated with
sludge would be more economical to treat than alum sludge. a flocculant (NALCO 7751) to remove the suspended solids and
organic content in POME wastewater. Table 2 presents the ana- The percentage recovery of dry mass of sludge and lytical profile of a sample of POME before and after treatment.
water (after POME treatment). At different dosage of MOAE It is clear from the table that there was a substantial removal of
suspended solids. The sequential treatments also brought a sig-
nificant reduction in COD from 40,200 to 19,100 mg/L, which
was 52.5% reduction from the original POME. It is observed that
for the oil and grease, removal was close to 99%. The results also

Table 2
Analysis of the sample before and after treatment
Parameter Raw POME Treated POME % removal

pH 4.5 5.0 –
Suspended solid (mg/L) 17,927 140 99.2
COD (mg/L) 40,200 19,100 52.5
Oil and grease (mg/L) 2,658 30 98.9
Fig. 5. Sludge volume index (SVI) produced with the different coagulants TKN (mg/L) 800 181 77.4
(alone and after combined with flocculant) used for the optimal condi-
tions at 30 and 90 min of settling. Experimental conditions; pH 5, coagulant Conditions: T = 30 ◦ C, pH 5; MOAE dosage 4000 mg/L; stirring speed 150 rpm
(MOAE or alum) dosage = 4000 mg/L with flocculant (NALCO 7751 or PAC) and mixing time 5 min for rapid mixing; NALCO 7751 flocculant dosage
dosage = 7000 mg/L, MOAE or alum alone dosage = 6000 mg/L and 30 ◦ C of 7000 mg/L; stirring speed 30 rpm and mixing time 30 min for slow mixing;
temperature. sedimentation time = 90 min.
126 S. Bhatia et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials 145 (2007) 120–126

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