ASSET Management System Synopsis

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Asset Management system plays a typical role and acts like a link
between Units of an Organization usually a corporate company.
The main objective of “Asset Management system” is to introduce
computerized system in a widely spread organization which can be used as
a resource for private network, in order to fulfill the basic needs of an
Organization like Information sharing, Communication, Document Viewing
as well as sharing.
This Asset Management System helps in creating and managing a data
repository of the inventory pertaining to the hardware of IT resources in
organization. The IT inventory list basically consists of computers,
monitors, software, network devices, printers. Plotters scanners, cartridges,


Asset Management System is a web based application, which

has two major components , an application for automatically capturing the
inventory data pertaining to the installed hardware and software of a
computer and its associated peripherals, and second component named
which helps in the management of these inventories The second module
makes use of the data captured by the first and the financial and
commercial data pertaining to the inventory.
The financial details include data on purchase order, invoice,
warranty , AMC and the commercial details include data on suppliers,
contacts , contracts etc , The financial and commercial data have to be

entered manually into the second Module . The data captured could be
imported into the second Module; also manual entry of inventory data is
possible in the software.


The problem definition for the system is to launching the online system for
the inventory of Technical store.

The objective of the project is to setting up of an on-line enquiry

system about the status of the availability of the hardware items
(printer /laptop /scanner) along with the facility to apply online and also to
automate the issuing procedure.

• Time Delay: It is inefficient to deal with voluminous data

manually in the existing system, record stored in different files.
It takes lot of time to search different files.
• Redundancy: As the branches are located in different locations,
same files have to be stored at all branches which involve lot of
complications and duplication works thus causes redundancy.
• Accuracy: Since same data is compiled at different branches
the possibility of tabulating data wrong increases also data is
more, validation becomes difficult. It may result in loss of
accuracy of data.


Computerizing of an organization whose branches are situated
at different locations and connecting them through Intranet. This
provides easy accessing of shared data and provides
communication channel between employees

• Reliability: The project performs intended function with

required precision; hence this project is very reliable.
• Feasibility: The project maintenance is very easy and
modifications can be made in the existing system in future. The
project can interconnect to other groups within the
organization and also to all other branches under integrated
• Online Processing: The online processing of the project is very
simple following the existing manual method without changes
and suitable validation is provided for the easy and correct
access of users.
• Security: Security measures are taken to avoid mishandling of
database. Password restrictions are provided to enter into
database. A correct password only will access to the database

The features of Asset Management System are:

 Inventory of the computers with management of the devices

connections and TCO management.

 Inventory of the monitors with management of the connections to

the computers Inventory of the network hardware with management
of the connections to the devices (Ip,Mac addresses, VLANs)

 Inventory of printers with management o connections to the

computers and management of consumable associated Inventory of
the external devices (Scanners, graphical tables) with management
of the connections to the computers

 Inventory if the software with license and expiration dates


 Assignment of the hardware by geographic area (room, floor)

Commercial and financial information management (purchase,
guarantee and extension, damping)

 History of the modifications on the elements of the inventory



In the flexibility of the uses the interface has been developed a graphics
concept in mind, associated through a browses interface. The GUI’S at the
top level have been categorized as

1. Administrative user interface

2. The operational or generic user interface

The administrative user interface concentrates on the consistent

information that is practically, part of the organizational activities and which
needs proper authentication for the data collection. The interfaces help the
administrations with all the transactional states like Data insertion, Data
deletion and Date updation along with the extensive data search

The operational or generic user interface helps the users upon the
system in transactions through the existing data and required services. The
operational user interface also helps the ordinary users in managing their
own information helps the ordinary users in managing their own
information in a customized manner as per the assisted flexibilities.


Current system is differentiated into the following modules which are

closely integrated with one another.


• The activities that are carried out in this module are related to the
maintenance of master records such as Managers, Department
master and Employee master for the entire organization. This module
provides for performing addition, deletion, updating and viewing the
records in the master tables. This module also provides viewing
profiles of branches, departments and user’s.

• The master entries can only be accessed by the administrator of the

organization. this module Also provides Viewing The software And
hardware. Of it resources in Organization
Features of administrator module:
 Login system
 Add,delete user’s Profiles
 Response for organizations
 View system peripherals
 Viewing software installations
 Solving repairs in Organization
 View reports
 logout


• The activities that are carried out in this module are related to
software’s installation viewing in their systems, Repairs forwarding to
Administrator, and updating, their profiles.. User’s can also view his
profile to know the details. He can join the conference to
communicate with people in the Organization.

• User can get organization Information and also communicate with
Administrator Those activities that are carried out in this module are
related viewing The Installed Hardware and Software's of a
computers and its Associated Peripherals

Features of USER’S module:

 Login to system
 Updating User’s Profiles
 Response to administrator
 Viewing installed software’s
 Sending repairs and problems to the administrator
 Submit Reports
 Logout

 This Module for automatically capturing the inventory data

pertaining to the installed hardware and software of a
computer and its associated peripherals, and second component
named which helps in the management of these inventories The
second module makes use of the data captured by the first and the
financial and commercial data pertaining to the inventory.
 This module Managing A data Repository Of The Hardware of
Assets such as Computers ,Monitors, Keyboards, Printers ,Scanners,
plotters, etc…..

 This Product's Management consisting The Software's Information

Such As Software Details With license And Expiration Dates
Management Assignment Of The Hardware By Geographic Area

Features of Assets module:

 Suppliers Details
 Store software’s Information’s
 Store Hardware information’s
 Store Financial Information
 Legal Restrictions
 Submit reports



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