The Sampradaya Sun - Independent Vaisnava News - Feature Stories - April 2007

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1/4/2018 The Sampradaya Sun - Independent Vaisnava News - Feature Stories - April 2007

Sri Syamananda-sataka

Illustration from Bhagavat Purana

Rajasthan, early 19th c.

Apr 12, CANADA (SUN) — Srila Rasikananda's "Sri Syamananda- sataka", translated
by Sriman Kusakratha dasa.

Text 1
sandrananda-nidhih prasada-jaladhis trailokya-sobha-nidhih
purna-prema-rasamritakshaya-nidhih saubhagya-lakshmi-nidhih
santaptaika-maha-nidhir drava-nidhih karunya-lila-nidhih
syamananda-kala-nidhir vijayate madhurya-sampan-nidhih

Glory to Sri Syamananda, who is 1. an ocean of transcendental bliss, 2. an ocean

of mercy, 3. an ocean of glory that fills the three worlds, 4. an eternal nectar
ocean of spiritual love, 5. an ocean of glorious good fortune, 6. a great ocean of 1/22
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splendor, 7. an ocean of gracefulness, 8. an ocean of the pastimes of compassion,

9. an ocean of artistic skill, and 10. an ocean of sweetness.

Text 2
yam loka bhuvi kirtayanti hridayanandasya sishyam priyam
sakshac chri-subalasya yam bhagavatah preshthanusishyam tatha
sa sriman rasikendra-mastaka-manis citte mamahar-nisam
sri-radha-priya-narma-marmasu rucim sampadayan bhasatam

May Sri Syamananda, whom the people of this world praise as the dear disciple of
Hridayananda and the dearest grand disciple of of Bhagavan Sri Subala, and who
is the crest jewel in the crowns of the kings of the rasikas, and who pleases Sri
Radha's playful friends, day and night be gloriously manifest in my heart.

Text 3
syamenaiva rasena yas tri-jagatim anandayaty ullasan
syamananda itirayanti kavayo yam karshna-rajam bhuvi
tam vande jagatam gurum sa-karunam sri-durika-nandanam

I offer my repsectful obeisances to the great devotee who, because he delights

(ananda) the three worlds with the dark nectar of Lord Krishna (syama), the
poets call Sri Syamananda. He is the king of the devotees of Lord Krishna. He
reveals the secret truths of the beautiful gopis dear to Vraja's handsome prince.
He is the son of Sri Durika-devi and the merciful spiritual master of all the worlds.

Text 4
atha asirvada-rupe mangalacaranam

cetas ced virala-pracara-madhura-premamritasvadane

kamo marganaya vina yadi sukhad bhavakhya-cintamanau
ced raganuga-bhakti-sampadi rucih sarvatma-bhavat tada
syamananda-suparva-padapam imam nityam bhajadhvam janah

An Auspicious Introduction in the Form of a Blessing

O people, if your hearts yearn to taste the rare sweet nectar of love for Lord
Krishna, if you wish, without the trouble of great searching, to find the cintamani
jewel of ecstatic love for Lord Krishna, and if you are attracted to the great
treasure of spontaneous love for Lord Krishna, then with all your heart please
always worship the kalpavriksha tree that bears the name Sri Syamananda.

Text 5
atha sandrananda-nidhih

yasya sri-caranaravinda-yugala-sparsadhikarotsava
snigdheyam dharani vibhati nitaram karshnaih stritah sarvatah
tam karshnim pranato 'smi krishna-rasadam cit-saukhya-sandrakritim
syamanandam amanda-lila-paramanandam surendrarcitam

1. An Ocean of Transcendental Bliss

I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda's son, Sri Syamananda. He is a

great devotee of Lord Krishna. To this world he gives the nectar of Lord Krishna.
His form is filled with spiritual bliss. He is delighted by hearing Lord Krishna's
glorious pastimes. He is worshiped by the king of the demigods. The touch of his
glorious feet brings a great festival of bliss to the affectionate goddess of the
earth. By preaching the Lord's glories he has created devotees of Lord Krishna in
every direction.

Text 6
santa brahma-rasamburasim iha yam jananti subhrasaya
yam su-prema-rasojjvalas ca parama-premaspadam kovidah
maya-mohita-manasas ca yam ami ajna janah prakritam
tam vande misha-manushakritim ajam sri-durika-garbha-jam 2/22
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I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda's son, Sri Syamananda, who

although he is unborn, pretends to be a human being born from Sri Durika's
womb. The pure-hearted devotees in santa-rasa think he is plunged in an ocean
of the nectar happiness of Brahman. The expert devotes glistening with
devotional love know he is the great abode of devotional love. The fools, their
hearts bewildered by maya think him an ordinary human being.

Text 7
vikrantair vikalam vilokya parito gam karshna-senavritah
asil locana-gocaro 'tra kripaya yah prema-sastranvitas
tam vande kali-kalmashaugha-dalanam karshnim jagan-mangalam

I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda's son, Sri Syamananda, the

auspiciousness of the worlds. Seeing the frightend earth overrun by millions of
powerful armies of atheists, sinners, Saivas, Saktas, and great demon kings,
Syamananda came before our eyes. Surrounded by armies of Krishna devotees,
and bearing the weapons of the devotional scriptures, he mercifully slashed into
pieces the flood of sins that had covered the people in Kali-yuga.

Text 8
samsarati-bhayankarogra-balavac chardula-vikriditam
yan-namna kali-kala-sanga-valitam stambham yayau tat-kshanat
tam karshnim pranamami murtimad idam tejo maha-bhi-bhayam

I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda's son, Sri Syamananda. He is

great power personified. He frightend fearful Yamaraja himself. His name alone
stuns Maya's Kali-yuga forest, a forest where wild passions roam, a forest that is
the playground of the fearsome tigers of repeated birth and death.

Text 9
dashtam kala-kubhogina nipatitam samsara-kupe kalau
samslishtam vishayandhakara-vidrisam yam prekshya lokam grihi
dattva svanghry-avalamba-bhakty-agada-rat-premanjanany uddharet
samseve vyasanardanam tri-jagatas tam krishna-sunum prabhum

I serve Krishnananda's son, Sri Syamananda. He is my master. He relieved the

sufferings of the three worlds. Seeing the people in Kali-yuga bitten by the black
snake of time, fallen into the well of repeated birth and death, and blinded by the
darkness of material pleasures, with his feet he mercifully gave the king of
medicines, the medicine of pure devotional service performed with sincere love.
He cured the people and delivered them.

Text 10
dagdhah phalgu-viraktito 'rasa-hridas cadhyatmika-jnanato
vyasaktah kila haituka dridha-jaran-mimamsakas tapasah
anye ye kathinas ca te yad-amala-premambu-bindu-drutah
krishnananda-sutam nato 'smi tam aham lila-rasambhonidhim

I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda's son, Sri Syamananda. Because

of his preaching the burned pretended renunciates, who have no nectar in their
hearts, the renounced philosophers filled with impersonal ideas, the speculative
thinkers who follow the vaiseshika and nyaya theories, the followers of karma-
mimamsa, the ascetics, and all other followers of hard-hearted philosophies have
now become devotees melthing with pure love for Lord Krishna.

Text 11
magnam ghora-su-dustare 'khila-janam samsara-varamnidhau
paravara-gamagama-vyasanitam uddhatu-kamo gatah
krishna-prema-vahitram avirakarod yah karnadharah svayam
sandranugraha-murtaye bhagavate tasmai namah karshnaye 3/22
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I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda's exalted son, Sri Syamananda.

He is great mercy pwrsonified. He is the captain of the boat. Desiring to rescue
the people drowning in the horrible impassible ocean of repeated birth and death,
he came to this world, bringing with him the wonderfully powerful boat of pure
love for Lord Krishna, a boat that at once takes one to the farther shore.

Text 12
atha prasada-jaladhih

bhinnabhih srutibhih smriti-prabhritibhir bhrantah puranagamaih

siddhantair api krishna-bhakti-rasikah syur yat-prasada-sthirah
dura-nandanam anato 'smi tam aham vedartha-saraspadam
trayya-gita-gunanuvadam atulanandam paresham param

2. An Ocean of Mercy

I offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Durika-devi's son, Sri Syamananda. He is

the abode where the true meanings of all the Vedas rest. He teaches that the
three Vedas describe Lord Krishna's glories. His bliss has no equal. He is the most
exalted of exalted devotees. By his mercy the people bewilderd by the different
Vedas, Smriti-sastras, Puranas, Agamas, and philosophies have now become
devotees who taste the nectar of service to Lord Krishna.

Text 13
vadodarka-kutarkakarkasa-dhiyah sankhyati-sankhyonnata
vedantadhvani panthatam upagata vaiseshikodvakra-gah
mimamsa-prabalas ca ye vyasaninah patanjale te 'bhavan
yasyanugraha-lesato 'cyuta-paras tasmai namah karshnaye

I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda's son, Sri Syamananda. By a

small fragment of His mercy the hard-hearted logicians, the followers of atheistic
sankhya, the persons who walk on the path of impersonal Vedanta, the crooked
followers of vaiseshika, and the followers of mimamsa have all become devotees
of the infallible Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna.

Text 14
vani yasya vinodini su-vidusham govinda-vartankita
lila yasya subhankari tri-jagatah krishnanuraga-prada
haso yasya madandhakara-dalano nana-madandhatmanam
drishtir yasya kripavaloka-madhura tasmai namah karshnaye

I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda's son, Sri Syamananda. Filled

with news of Lord Krishna, his graceful words delight the wise. His auspicious
pastimes make the three worlds fall in love with Lord Krishna. His smile breaks
apart the darkness that blinds the materialists. His glance is sweet with mercy.

Text 15
sausilyena vinodayan sujanatam manena dushtan nayan
kainkaryam parimodayan kila balat panditya-sarair budhan
visvam krishna-rasavahena vapusha nihsesham anandayan
sadgunyadbhuta-viryavan vijayate ko 'pi prabhunam prabhuh

Glory to a saintly and wonderfully powerful person, a person who is the master of
masters, a person who with His saintly virtues delights the pious, a person who
respectfully leads even the wicked to the path of devotional service, a person who
with his great learning pleases the learned, a person with his glorious form filled
with the nectar of love for Lord Krishna delights the whole world.

Text 16
sri-gopi-bala-ratna-mathura-mukha-sva-grava-khandani yah
loke 'smin prakatany amuni kritavams tejo-'nkitany atmanas
tam karshnim dyu-manim bhaje bhava-maha-duhkhandhakara-dvisham 4/22
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I serve Krishnananda's son, Sri Syamananda. He is a sun like a jewel in the sky,
a sun that is the ferocious enemy of the blinding darkness that is the torment of
living in this world of birth and death, a sun that with its brilliant light places in
this world the suryakanta jewels of Lord Krishna's holy names, names like
Netrananda (the bliss of the eyes), Kisora (the most charming of youths), Hari
(the playful Lord), Murajit (the killer of Mura), Damodara (the Lord whose waist
was tied with a rope), Sri Hari (the Lord who removes all that is inauspicious),
Sri-gopi (the master of the gopis), and Bala (Balarama).

Text 17
sainyadambara-samvritati-balavat pashanda-senotsavah
ko 'pi prema-durandharo 'stu jagad-anandaya karshnotsavah

May he who is a festival of the pastimes of humbleness, a festival that crushes

the arrogance of the atheists, a festival of sweet words that rip pride into pieces,
a festival filled with ecstatic love, a festival celebrating the glories of Lord
Krishna, delight the worlds.

Text 18
uddharmasura-sekharan ati-balan mandyam nayams tejasa
sva-pranesa-yaso-'mritaih kali-tapah klishtam jagat plavayan
vidvan-manya-madacalam vimala-cid-dambholina darayan
jiyat karshni-purandaro bhuvi sada karshnaditeyagranih

All glories eternally to to Krishnananda's son, Sri Syamananda. With his great
power he makes the powerful sinners who are like the crowns worn by the
demons weak and helpless. With the nectar of the glories of Lord Krishna, who is
his life's master, he floods a world tormented by Kali-yuga. With his glistening
thunderbolt of spiritual knowledge he breaks into pebbles the great mountains of
the learned scholars' pride.

Text 19
asleshat kali-ghora-duhkha-dahana-jvalopataptasaya
magna yasya kripakulad vraja-vadhu-pranesa-lila-rase
tam vande karunamburasim adhika-priti-prasannananam
Š premanugraha-vigraham guru-bhavottapavali-nigraham

I offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Syamananda, who is an ocean of mercy.

He is kindness and spiritual love personified. His face is always cheerful with
spiritual love. He is a soldier who defeats the horrible sufferings of life in the
material world. By his merciful embrace, they who are tortured by the flames of
Kali-yuga's torments find themselves plunged in the nectar of Lord Krishna's
pastimes, Lord Krishna who is the life's master of Vraja's girls.

Text 20
dushta vyadha-pulinda-huna-yavanah sumbhah khasah pukkasa
ye canye 'subha-vrittayah su-patitah krurantyaja durhridah
yal-lila-sravanamrita-svadanatas tyakta-svabhava babuh
premananda-rasojjvalas tam adhamoddharavataram bhaje

I worship Sri Syamananda, who descended to this world to deliver the fallen
people. By tasting the nectar of hearing of his pastimes, the wicked hunters,
Pulindas, Hunas, Yavanas, Sumbhas, Khasas, Pukkasas, cruel Antyajas, and all
other sinners with wicked hearts and inauspicious deeds have given up their old
natures and become devotees glorious with the nectar of spiritual love and bliss.

Text 21
atha trailokya-sobha-nidhih

yat-padabja-paraga-ragi-hridayas tivranuraga janah

sri-krishna-pratimurti-sesha-nilayah kshma-mandale sarvatah 5/22
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asan kirtana-nartanadi-rasikah sa-prema-seva-paras

tam gopi sa-nitanta-bhakti-sukhadam karshnim bhaje 'ntar hridi

3. An Ocean of Glory That Fills the Three Worlds

In my heart I worship Krishnananda's son, Sri Syamananda. To the people of this

world he gives the gift of joyful devotion to Lord Krishna, the gopis' master. The
great devotees on this earth, the devotees intent on serving Lord Krishna with
love, the devotees who deeply love Lord Krishna, the devotees who are like
temples where Lord Krishna's forms are worshiped, the devotees who taste the
nectar of singing and dancing in the kirtana gloriufying Lord Krishna's holy
names, have made their hearts red with the pollen dust of Sri Syamananda's
lotus feet.

Text 22
patum mukta-mumukshavo vishayinas cec chanti-trishnoddhatas
tyakta-sva-sthiti-vaibhava rasavate tasmai namah karshnaye

I offer my respectful obeisances to Krishnananda's son, Sri Syamananda. Leaving

behind their homes and opulences, the liberated souls, souls desiring libveration,
and even the materialists now yearn to taste the nectar of Lord Krishna's sweet
and graceful pastimes, pastimes that have risen from the nectar ocean of Sri
Syamananda's actions.

Text 23
premollasa-ghanam rasonnati-ghanam lavanya-lakshmi-ghanam
san-madhurya-ghanam kalavali-ghanam tejo-ghanam sri-ghanam
dhairya-sthairya-ghanam kripa-bhara-ghanam sobha-ghanam hri-ghanam
vande daura-maho-ghanam sukha-ghanam lila-ghanam cid-ghanam

I offer my respectful obeisances to Sri Syamananda. He is filled with blissful love

for Lord Krishna. He is a monsoon cloud showering the nectar of the rasas of love
for Lord Krishna. He is a great forest of the descriptions of Lord Krishna's
handsomeness and glories. He is filled with descriptions of Lord Krishna's gopi-
beloveds' sweetness. He is the expert teacher of the 64 arts. He is a weapon that
rips apart the people's aversion to Lord Krishna. He is an iron mace that breaks to
pieces the pride of so-called scholars averse to Lord Krishna. He is steady,
determined, and fearless. He is a monsoon cloud of mercy. He is intent on
chanting Lord Krishna's glories. He is humble, glorious, and joyful. He is rapt in
remembering and describing Lord Krishna's pastimes. He is a preacher of Lord
Krishna's glories.

Text 24
muktim pasyati sampavad itaran vantannavad vargakan
bhutim capy animadikam kuhukavac chakradikam rankavat
tam sakshad vraja-sundari-priya-rasasvadanubhavam bhaje

I worship Sri Syamananda. He always tastes the nectar of hearing and talking
about Lord Krishna, the beautiful vraja-gopis' beloved. Anyone who tastes from
his lotus lips the madhvika nectar of talking about Lord Krishna becomes wild
with bliss. The drinker will see impersonal liberation to be like a blade of straw,
the other goals of life to be like vomit, the mystic powers beginning eith anima-
siddhi to be like a series of clever tricks, and the demigods headed by Indra to be
like a host of wretched penniless beggars.

Text 25
syamangam vraja-nagarasya dayita-bhavollasan-manasam
antar-bhava-vilasi-hava-valitam raganubhavojjvalam
tam seve madhuratmakam vraja-vadhu-bhavaptaye nityasah 6/22
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So one day I may love Lord Krishna as the vraja-gopis do, every day I worship
Sri Syamananda. He is ecstatic love for Lord Krishna personified. His heart is
glorious with meditation on Sri Radha's flirting pastimes with Lord Krishna. He
describes Lord Krishna's graceful amorous pastimes with the gopis. His heart is
filled with thoughts of Lord Krishna's playfulness. His limbs are glorious with
symptoms of ecstatic love. He is graceful and charming.

Text 26

praudha-priti-mayaih payobhir atala-sparso 'nukampa-kshama-

hri-lakshmi-suvidagdhatadi-tatini-srenibhir alingitah
syamananda-maharnavo disatu nah purno mano-dohadam

4. An Eternal Nectar Ocean of Spiritual Love

May the fathomless ocean of Sri Syamananda, an ocean filled with the milk of
spiritual love, an ocean filled with waves of mercy, tolerance, a father's love for
his disciples and the people in general, a son's love for his spiritual master and
grand spiritual master, sweet words, and a host of virtues, an ocean embraced by
flowing rivers of modesty, glory, expert intelligence, and a host of other virtues,
fulfill the yearnings of my heart.

Text 27
radhaya dayitam sakhim bhagavatah krishnasya nitya-priyam
kancit prema-rasatmikam vraja-vadhu-yuthagrimam mohinim
rasollasa-vilasinim rati-kala-vaicitrya-simam navam
premananda-vinodinim rasavatim syamamrita-syandinim

I worship Sri Syamananda who, concealing his original form as Radha's dear gopi
friend, a gopi eternally dear to Lord Krishna, a gopi whose heart is filled with the
nectar of spiritual love, a charming leader of many vraja-gopis, a gopi glorious in
the rasa-dance pastime, a gopi who stays at the highest limit of wonderful skill in
transcendental amorous pastimes, a young playful gopi filled with the bliss of
spiritual love, a gopi sweet like nectar, a gopi like a flowing river of playful
amorous pastimes, . . .

Note: Texts 27-54 are a single sentence. The gist of this sentence is:

"I worship Sri Syamananda who, concealing his original form as a gopi (a gopi
described here in Texts 27-48), a gopi who, playing the vina, inspired Radha and
Krishna (who are described in Texts 49-53) to dance, was sent (Text 54) to the
material world by her beloved compassionate to the fallen souls in the material
wrld, and who, playing the part of a human being as an actor plays a part on a
stage, caused the people of the world to fall in love with the lotus feet of Sri
Krishna, the master of the gopis. I worship him, Sri Syamananda, who is full of
nectar, who is the abode of love for Lord Krishna, and who is compassion

Text 28
vrindaranya-vane yami-tata-bhuvi srimat-kadambatavi-
madhye kalpa-taros tale sumanasam renutkarair dusare
cintaranta-maya-sthale su-vimale gopangana-mandale
krishnasyantika-samsthitam kula-pateh sri-yoga-pithopari

. . . a gopi who stays at Lord Krishna's side in the midst of many gopis under a
kalpa-vriksha tree in a transcendental place glorious with sumanah-flower pollen,
a place paved with a mosaic of cintamani jewels, a glorious place in a beautiful
kadamba forest of Vrindavana by the Yamuna's bank, . . .

Text 29
sri-godhug-yuva-raja-matta-madhupa-krida-kala-vallarim 7/22
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. . . a gopi with wonderful beauty glistening with the sweetness of newly

blossomed youth, a gopi like a flowering vine that attracts the wild black
bumblebee that is the gopa prince Sri Krishna, a gopi like a crest of flowers in the
hair of the all wonderfully beautiful girls, a gopi like a festival of newer and newer
wonderful nectar pastimes, . . .

Text 30
pranesasya rasojjvalam nava-navam rasotsavam tanvatim
nana-keli-taranga-sangam avalat-saubhagya-sampad-dhuram

. . a gopi who, pretending arrogant indifference, flirts with Lord Krishna, a gopi
who enjoys newer and newer nectar rasa-dance festivals with Lord Krishna, a
gopi who, feigning contempt, gloriously flirts with Lord Krishna, a splendidly
beautiful fortunate gopi who plays in the waves of many pastimes with Lord
Krishna, . . .

Text 31
atha saubhagya-lakshmi-nidhih

vaidagdhi-nikuramba-keli-vasatim madhurya-kallolinim
lavanyamrita-dhorinim parivalac-caturya-lila-rasam

5. An Ocean of Glorious Good Fortune

. . . a gopi who is the abode of playfulness and intelligence, a gopi who is a river
flowing with waves of sweetness, a gopi who is a flood of the nectar of exquisite
beauty, a gopi filled with the sweet nectar of graceful pastimes, a gopi whose
every splendid limb is worshiped by the glory of charming playfulness, whose
every limb creates hundreds of waves of sweetness, waves whose fragarnce
attracts her lover's eyes and heart, . . .

Text 32
bibhranam bhramaranjanambuda-tamah pronmilad-indivara-
sreni-manjulam ambaram viracayat kantanga-sanga-bhramam

. . . a gopi whose glorious fair complexion mocks lightning, kunkuma, ketaki

flowers, gold, gorocana, campaka flowers, and splendid haritala paste, a gopi
whose blue garments are more glorious than black bees, mascara, monsoon
clouds, darkness, and blossoming blue lotus flowers, a gopi overcome by the
touch of her lover's limbs, . . .

Text 33

sandra-snigdha-su-kuncitasita-kacam jaijhyac-catakollasad-
dhammilla-dyuti-manjari-parimalam pinchavatamsojjvalam
rocirbhir mukha-mandalasya madhuraih kandarpa-kallolibhir
manadhyam upamana-pungava-ghatam hasyaspadam kurvatim

6. A Great Ocean of Splendor

. . . a gopi beautiful with curly, thick, glistening black hair, a gopi fragrant with
the flower buds decorating her splendid curly braids, a gopi opulent with the
splendor of her round face and with waves of amorous playfulness, a gopi who is
the abode of smiles, . . . 8/22
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Text 34
bhru-valli-dyuti-ninditatanu-dhanuh sautirya-saroddhatim
sasvan-mara-madalasam vikiratim drishtim priye mohinim

. . a gopi whose half-moon forehead is glorious with glistening red sindura dots, a
gopi whose blossoming lotus face is graceful with black-bee locks of curly hair, a
gopi whose glorious vine eyebrows mock the great powers of Kamadeva's bow, a
gopi whose passionate, languid, amorous glances enchant and bewilder her
beloved, . . .

Text 35

. . . a gopi whose playful khanjana bird eyes mock the blue lotus flowers, a gopi
whose glistening sidelong glances defeat Kamadeva's archers, a gopi whose
glistening mascara-decorated eyes expertly speak from their corners the ever-
new nectar of many beautiful amrous hints, hints that arouse her beloved's
passionate desires, . . .

Text 36
nasagram vara-bandhujiva-patali-rocih-suramyadharam
bhasvan-mauktika-raji-vaibhavam idam din-mandalam kurvatam
dantanam kiranojjvalam paramaya mandam hasantim ruca

. . . a gopi whose nose is beautiful with a splendid pearl on a golden ring, a gopi
whose lips are more splendid than glorious bandhujiva flowers, a gopi the
splendor of whose smiles, smiles revealing the glistening pearls of her teath,
illuminates the circle of the directions, . . .

Text 37
manjv-alapa-tarangitam vikiratim pranadhi-nathe rasat
tambula-drava-sundaradhara-radarunya-prasastya muhuh
kidrin misra-vimoha-bhajam atulam ragam nayantim patim

. . . a gopi whose gentle, charming smile is a swiftly-flowing nectar celestial

Ganga, a gopi whose sweet talking is like waves in that celestial Ganga, waves
flowing with nectar for the master of her life, a gopi whose charming betelnut-
reddened lips again and again arouse the desires of her master . . .

Text 38
gandanta-pratibimba-sonima-lasad-ratnojjvale kundale
vasanti-stavakavalim api daronmilat-prasunodarim
rolambavali-lalitam sravanayoh krishnarpitam bibhratim

. . . a gopi whose cheeks are reddened by the reflection of her glistening ruby-
earrings and by her beloved's betelnut-decorated kisses, a gopi whose ears are
decorated with just beginning to blossom vasanti flowers placed there by Lord
Krishna, flowers that still attract the playful black bees . . .

Text 39
samphullambuja-kaccha-vibhrama-milad-bhringabham aty-ujjvalam
syamam bindhum ativa-caru-cibuke snigdha-tvisham bibhratim
kasturi-ghanasara-kunkuma-lasac-chrikhanda-liptangikam 9/22
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. . . a gopi whose beautiful chin is decorated with a glistening musk-dot graceful

like a black bee landed on a blossoming lotus flower, a gopi splendid with a collar-
necklace made of glistening jewels, a gopi whose limbs are anointed with musk,
camphor, kunkuma, and glistening sandal paste . . .

Text 40
kandarpeshu-manoramaih kararuhair agre karair bhrajitam

. . . a gopi whose splendid arms are embraced by glistening beautiful jewel

armlets, a gopi whose beautiful wrists glisten with splendid sapphire bracelets, a
gopi whose splendid reddish budding-twig fingers are glorious with glistening
jewel rings, a gopi whose fingertips are splendid with nails delightful like
Kamadeva's arrows . . .

Text 41
sri-hastambuja-citritam su-lalitam kasturika-patrakam
mukta-hara-vihara-manjula-rucor vakshojayoh pitayoh
phullam nila-saroja-dama dadhatim kanthe ca krishnarpitam

. . . a gopi whose fair pearl-necklace decorated breasts are inscribed with graceful
pictures drawn in musk by amorous Krishna's glorious hand, a gopi on whose
neck is a blue-lotus garland placed by Krishna's hand . . .

Text 42
kallolabha-bali-trayi-latikaya citra-sriya sobhitam

. . . a gopi effulgent in the Kaustubha jewel's light as Krishna embraces her to His
chest, a gopi whose belly is decorated with a line of black hairs, hairs that are a
black Yamuna river where the fish of Krishna's glances play, a gopi who is like a
great ocean of new youth, an ocean where the wave-filled rivers of childhood
flow, a gopi splendid with very wonderful beauty, . . .

Text 43
caru-kshama-sumadhyamam prithutara-sroni-rasan-mekhalam
rucy-alaktaka-raga-ramya-rucina svanghri-dvayenancitam

. . . a gopi whose waist is graceful and slender, a gopi whose broad hips are
decorated with a tinkling belt, a gopi whose thighs uproot the pride of the golden
banana trees, a gopi whose every limb is glorious like red roses or lotus flowers,
a gopi whose feet are gracefully anointed with red lac, . . .

Text 44
gacchantya kalahamsa-raja-padavim cittam harantya balan
nanascarya-vibhanga-citra-padaya lila-lasac-chri-bhrita
gatya nupura-nihkvanair lalitaya vismapayantim harim

. . . a gopi whose swanlike steps charm the heart, a gopi who with her wonderful,
colorful, graceful, playful, splendid, beautiful gestures and with the tinkling of her
anklets fills Lord Krishna with wonder, a gopi whose effulgent nails on her lotus
feet rob limitless moons of the pride they hold in their own beauty, . . .

Text 45
trailokyadbhuta-saubhagam pratilava-pratyagra-vesamalam
sarvascarya-camakritakhila-kala-panditya-saraspadam 10/22
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vasanti-vara-keli-kunja-nilayam govinda-netrotsavam
sringaramrita-dirghikam vrajapati-sri-gaura-vaksho-manim

. . . a gopi whose good fortune fills the three worlds with wonder, a gopi whose
splendor is newer and newer at every moment, a gopi who is the abode of very
wonderful skill in all the arts, a gopi whose home is in a grove of vasanti flowers,
a gopi who is a festival of bliss for Lord Krishna eyes, a gopi who is a nectar lake
of transcendental amorous pastimes, a gopi who is a topaz on the graceful chest
of Vraja's prince, . . .

Text 46
atha drava-nidhih

krishna-priti-sudha-vaham rasamayim ullasi-havavalim

sandrananda-rasaika-nirjhara-darim sangita-ratnakaram
srimat-kunja-dharadhipa-pranayinim sri-rasa-lila-nidhim

7. An Ocean of Gracefulness

. . . a gopi filled with the nectar of love for Lord Krishna, a gopi sweet with nectar,
a gopi who again and again splendidly and happily flirts with Lord Krishna, a gopi
learned in the playful arts described in the Kama-sastras, a gopi who is a cave
that is the source of the swiftly-flowing nectar stream of the sweetest bliss, a gopi
who is an ocean filled with the jewels of sweet songs, a gopi who dearly loves the
handsome king of the forest groves, a gopi who is a great treasure of the rasa-
dance pastime, . . .

Text 47
kantam gana-bharena rasa-militam vyamohayantim kvacit

. . . a gopi who, meeting her beloved in the rasa-dance, charms Him by sweetly
accompanying Him nectar flute music by playing on the vina, playing many
graceful nectar melodies beginning with the 49 keynotes, . . .

Text 48
srimac-chri-nata-nagarendra-natanamande sutauryatrike
nrityantim saha saurina nava-navananda-svarupe kvacit

. . . a gopi who in the great festival of singing, dancing, and instrumental music,
a festival filled with flute music, the beautiful gopis' singsing and the tinkling of
the gopis' bracelets and anklets, gracefully dances with Krishna, the handsome
king of dancers, . . .

Text 49
snigdhabhir lalitadibhih parivritau lila-tarangambudhau
anyonyam vadanendu-varya-sushamalokati-lubdhekshanau
gopi-mandala-mandite vidadhatau rasotsave tandavam

. . . a gopi who, playing the vina by the Yamuna's bank, inspires the dancing of
Sri Sri Radha and Krishna, Radha and Krishna whose every limb are filled with
beauty and spiritual love, Radha and Krishna who are surrounded by Lalita and
Their other friends, Radha and Krishna who gaze at each other with beautiful
passionate glances, Radha and Krishna who enjoy a rasa dance festival in the
center of the gopis' circle, . . .

Text 50
dampatyoh kamaniyayo rasavato lakshmi-bhritor etayor 11/22
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anyonyam dyuti-madhurim prapibator drik-patra-bhangyangikim

nrityam visva-drig-utsavam sumukhayor ity ukti-lilollasat-

. . . Radha and Krishna who are pleased when they hear Candravali and the other
gopis joyfully say, "With the cups of they eyes, graceful, charming, nectar Radha
and Krishna drink the sweet nectar splendor of each other's limbs as They dance.
In this way they create a festival of bliss for all our eyes", . . .

Text 51
anghri-nyasa-vicitra-bahu-dhutibhir bhangi-satair netrayos
cilli-vallari-vibhramaih smita-lavair mugdhanga-bhangair api
ramyaih kankana-sinjitaih kala-tula-koti-svanair vallaki-
kanci-vamsa-mridanga-vadya-kalitaih sammohayantau mithah

. . . Radha and Krishna who delight each other with Their graceful steps, the
wonderful gestures of Their arms, the hundreds of waves of Their crooked
glances, the playful movements of Their vine eyeborws, Their gentle smiles, the
waving motions of Their sublimely beautiful limbs, the delightful tinkling of Their
anklets, belts, and ornaments, and the millions of sweet sounds of the flute, vina,
and mridanga, . . .

Text 52
asta-vyasta-vilasa-lola-dalakau gande calat-kundalau
smerau sundara-kesa-pasa-vigalad-vyakosa-malli-srajau
vibhrasyat-kuca-pattika-muralikav anyonya-samsparsana-
sphitananga-rasau mitho nava-rasenabaddha-hastau muhuh

. . . Radha and Krishna who, Their hair scattered in Their pastimes, Their earrings
swinging on Their cheeks, smiling, the jasmine flowers falling from Their hair,
Their flute and bodice undone, and Their limbs filled with nectar pleasure as They
touch each other's limbs and hands, . . .

Text 53
unmilan-madanam parisrama-galad-gharmambu-bindv-akulam
hastenambuja-santamena vadanam premna mrijantau mithah
kalindi-puline vane priyatamau talair vipancy-utthitaih
sri-radha-vrajanagarau nata-varau sannartayantim kvacit

. . . dear Radha and Krishna who are the best of dancers, and who with Their
most glorious lotus hands wipe the perspiration from each other's delightful faces,

Text 54
murtim svam apidhaya yas tanubhritam sampreritah preyasa
visvanugraha-murtina manujata-natyam vrajal-lilaya
premanam caranabjayor janayati sri-gopakanya-pates
tam krishna-pranayaspadam rasamayam karunya-murtim bhaje

. . . a beautiful gopi described in these verses, was sent to the material world by
her beloved compassionate to the fallen souls in the material world, and who,
playing the part of a human being as an actor plays a part on a stage, caused the
people of the world to fall in love with the lotus feet of Sri Krishna, the master of
the gopis. I worship him, Sri Syamananda, who is full of nectar, who is the abode
of love for Lord Krishna, and who is compassion personified.

Text 55
atha karunya-lila-nidhih

kalindya mani-rodhasa madhuraya gambhiraya madhava-

premananda-dayanjanambudatamah-syamambhasa putaya
vyakosambuja-raji-sushmi-madhupa-srenibhir aghushtaya
kujat-koka-marala-sarasa-kula-krida-kala-jushtaya 12/22
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8. An Ocean of the Pastimes of Compassion

May merciful Sri Syamananda, who teaches the people the truth of Vrindavana,
Vrindavana embraced by the Yamuna, the Yamuna with jewel banks, the deep
Yamuna with pure black-ointment waters that make one blissful and make one
fall in love with Krishna, the Yamuna filled with blossoming lotus flowers and
buzzing black bees, the Yamuna filled with cooing playing cuckoos, swans, and
cranes, . . .

Note: Texts 55-77 are a single sentence. The gist of this sentence is:

May merciful Sri Syamananda, who teaches the people the truth of Vrindavana
(Texts 55-64) and Lord Krishna (65-77) increase our love for Lord Krishna.

Text 56
vincholi-ruci-manjaribhir abhito gaurayita-jyotisha

. . . the Yamuna filled with a white splendor of newly-blossomed flowers, flowers

that delight the lotus-eyed gopis exhausted from the rasa dance, the Yamuna
whose splendor and sweet fragrance is doubled when Lord Krishna's form is
embraced by the arms of her restless blissful waves, . . .

Text 57
srotobhir nayanavalim nava-navanandam nayantya muhuh
Š rasa-praskhalitanga-raga-pulinodara-sriya veshtitam

. . . Vrindavana surrounded by the Yamuna, the Yamuna again and again

delighting every eye with newer and newer bliss by carrying in its streams the
colorful blossomed sumanah flowers fallen during many pastimes, the Yamuna
filled with many festivals of sweet pastimes enjoyed by Krishna and His gopi
beloveds, the Yamuna with banks gloriously anointed with cosmetics fallen from
the gopis during the rasa dance, . . .

Text 58
kantaih kalpa-mahiruhair vratatiibhih phulla-prasunavali-
smerabhir madhu-sampad-asru-jharibhih kantabhir alingitaih
unmilat-pulakabha-kuntala-kula-bhrajishnubhih koraka-
sreni-manjula-manda-hasa-lalitair amulam ullasibhih

. . . Vrindavana splendid with glorious kalpa-vriksha trees embraced by kalpa-lata

vines, vines smiling with fully-blossomed flowers, vines shedding streams of tears
with oozing honey, vines the hairs of their bodies erect with partly-blossomed
flowers, vines gently laughing with graceful new buds, . . .

Text 59
su-snigdha-cchadanojjvalair nava-bhavad-gucchavali-manjulair
udyan-nutana-manjari-vilasitais citrair varair akulam

. . . Vrindavana filled with many trees, trees with bending branches, branches
with hairs standing erect with new flower blossoms, blossoms that with their
sweet fragrance and pollen attract swarms of greedy black bees, trees with
glorious leaves, trees with many clusters of beautiful flowers, trees colorful with
many wonderful buds, . . .

Text 60
vasanti-nava-malika-nava-vadhu-dakshinyato mantharaih 13/22
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gopi-yutha-dukula-lolana-paraih samsevitam marutaih

. . . Vrindavana graced with many gentle breezes, breezes bearing the fragrance
of blossoming lotus, lavanga, ketaki, mallika, vasanti, and nava-malika flowers,
breezes that delight the gopis, breezes carrying the spray from the Yamuna's
waves, breezes that make the gopis' garments flutter, . . .

Text 61
vyaktalaktaka-lanchanaih parigalad-divyangaragahitair
talpaih pallava-kalpitaih sumanasam varshonnatai rajata
kunjavasa-satena bhringa-nripater akridakenatatam

. . . Vrindavana filled with forest couches marked with the remains of red lac,
couches anointed with the remains of splendid cosmetics, couches that are the
resting places of fallen anklets, necklaces, peacock feathers, belts, and forest
garlands, couches made of leaves and flowers, couches splendid with jasmine
flowers blossoming after the rain, Vrindavana filled with hundreds of forest
abodes, abodes that are the home where the king of black bees enjoys pastimes,

Text 62
vani-gana-rasotsavam gati-maha-nrityam cid-anandathur
jyotih prema-param sudhamaya-jalam cintamani-kshma-talam
hridyam vidruma-pallavam sikhari-bhit-pashana-patrotkaram

. . . Vrindavana where every word is a nectar festival of song, where all walking is
dancing, where effulgence is full of transcendental bliss, where love is spiritual
and sublime, where all water is nectar, where the ground is paved with cintamani
jewels, where the trees bear new sprouts made of coral, leaves of sapphires,
buds of pearls, sumanah flowers of diamonds, and many kinds of fruit made of
rubies, . . .

Text 63
gayan-matta-mayura-nartaka-varam bhusha-suvadyotkaram
vamsi-gana-parasparasu-lalitam sarvartubhih sevitam
dik-cakram sumano-rajah-samudayaih sampadayad-dhusaram

. . . Vrindavana filled with the singing of parrots, doves, bees, and cuckoos,
Vrindavana filled with the wild dancing of the peacocks, Vrindavana filled with the
tinkling of many ornaments, Vrindavana delightful with flute melodies,
Vrindavana served by all the seasons, Vrindavana where the circle of the
directions is darkened with the pollen of sumanah flowers, . . .

Text 64
sarvascarya-rasaika-sima paramanandaika-dhamamalam
gopinatha-padambujanka-nikarair ullasi vrindavanam

. . . Vrindavana situated at the highest limit of all wonderful nectar, Vrindavana

the pure and splendid abode of transcendental bliss, Vrindavana splendid with
millions of glistening dancing arenas, Vrindavana splendid with the impressions of
Lord Krishna's feet, impressions bearing the marks of the lotus, flag, thunderbolt,
fish, waterpot, parasol, urdhvarekha line, and other auspicious signs, . . .

Text 65
tan-natham ca rasatmakam vraja-caram kantam kisoram harim
pronmilan-nava-yauvanam nata-varam gopangana-vallabham
tiryag-grivam imam tribhanga-lalitam vamsi-karam sundaram
gopi-mandala-madhya-gam sura-taror mule nivishtam sukham 14/22
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. . . and who also teaches the people about Vrindavana's master, Lord Krishna,
Lord Krishna who is the soul of nectar, Lord Krishna who walks in Vraja, dear and
handsome Lord Krishna situated in the prime of new youth, Lord Krishna the best
of dancers, Lord Krishna the gopis' beloved, Lord Krishna whose neck is tilted,
Lord Krishna whose form gracefully bends in three places, Lord Krishna who
carries a flute in His hand, Lord Krishna who stays in the midst of the circle of
gopis, Lord Krishna who happily sits under a kalpa-vriksha tree, . . .

Text 66
saundaryadya-samordhva-rupam atula-prema-priya-mandalam
tattvam tam murali-ravamrita-rasair visvasya vismapanam
lavanyamrita-rasim ujjvala-rasanandadhidevam param

. . . Lord Krishna whose waves of graceful pastimes fill the worlds with wonder,
Lord Krishna whose handsome form and qualities have no equal, lord Krishna who
is surrounded by a circle of peerless gopi beloveds, Lord Krishna whose nectar
flute music fills the world with wonder, Lord Krishna who is a nectar ocean of
handsomeness, Lord Krishna who is the ruler of all splendid nectar and bliss, . . .

Text 67
srimad-rasa-rasotsukam nava-ghana-syamam prasannananam
bibhranam vasanam tadid-dyuti-haram citram ca vanya-srajam
su-smeram madhurakritim malayajalepa-sphurad-vigraham
gopinam nayanotsavam nava-nava-kalpati-citra-dyutim

. . . Lord Krishna who thirsts to enjoy a rasa-dance festival, Lord Krishna who is
dark like a new monsoon cloud, Lord Krishna whose face is cheerful and pleasing,
Lord Krishna who wears garments that eclipse lightning, Lord Krishna adorned
with a wondeful colorful forest garland, Lord Krishna whose smile is graceful, Lord
Krishna whose form is charming, Lord Krishna whose form glistens with sandal
paste, Lord Krishna who is festival for the gopis' eyes, Lord Krishna whose
garments are wonderful, colorful, and always new, . . .

Text 68
tiryag-daksha-lalata-patta-militam utphulla-malli-sraja
gunjad-bhringa-manojnaya valayitam mayura-pinchojjvalam
su-snigdham vraja-nagari-viracitam cudam navam bibhratam

. . . Lord Krishna who wears an ever-new crown tilted toward His right forehead,
a crown fashioned by the heroine of Vraja, a crown encircled by a garland of
blossoming jasmine flowers and charming with a host of humming black bees, a
crown glorious with a peacock feather, a splendid crown on His handsome
moonlike face, a crown that eclipses many millions of the shining moons of this
world, . . .

Text 69
vyalolalaka-darsaniya-tilakam lilonnata-bhru-yugam
dhiranam kutilavalokana-sara-srenibhir eni-drisam
pativratya-mahadri-setum acalam sancalayantam balat

. . . Lord Krishna whose tilaka is very graceful amidst His curly locks of hair, Lord
Krishna who playfully raises His eyebrows, Lord Krishna who playfully casts a
glance from His lotus eyes, lotus eyes restless like khanjana birds, Lord Krishna
who with the feathered arrows of many crooked glances forcibly shakes the
unmoving mountain of the saintly doe-eyed gopis' faithful dedication to their
husbands, . . .

Text 70
lambi-svaccha-suvritta-mauktika-lasan-nasagram abja-dvayim
bibhranam mani-kundale ca makarakare cale karnayoh 15/22
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. . . Lord Krishna the tip of whose nose glistens with a beautiful pearl, Lord
Krishna whose ears are decorated with two lotus flowers and with swinging shark-
shaped jewel earrings, Lord Krishna whose red lips are more charming than red
sindura, bimba fruits, coral, or great rubies, Lord Krishna whose teeth rebuke the
beauty of pearls, pomegranate seeds, jasmine flowers, and sikhara gems, . . .

Text 71
abhiri-hatha-kantha-dharana-param nagendra-sundopamam
rajat-svangada-kankanormi dadhatam dvandvam bhuja-dandayoh

. . . Lord Krishna whose graceful words and gentle smiles sweeter and more
fragrant than nectar make the girls of Vraja fall in love with him, Lord Krishna
whose arms decorated with waves of glistening bracelets and armlets hold the
gopis' necks in the same way an elephant's trunk holds something, . . .

Text 72
rupamohitaya sriya ca vilasad-vakshah-kapatodaram

. . . Lord Krishna whose splendid palace-door chest is glorious with the Srivatsa
mark and with a glistening pearl necklace and Kaustubha jewel, whose palace-
door chest is glorious with remnants of the pictures and designs drawn on the
playful gopis' glorious breasts, whose palace-door chest is glorious with a
blossoming kadamba garland that makes the black bees wild with its sweet
fragrance, whose palace-door chest is the resting-place of the beautiful goddess
of fortune, . . .

Text 73
roma-sreni-su-vigraham tribalimat-kantodare bandhuram

. . . Lord Krishna, the line of hairs on whose torso is like a line of black bees on a
tamala tree, Lord Krishna whose belly is graceful with three folds of skin, Lord
Krishna whose navel lake is home for the saphari fish of the gopis' eyes, Lord
Krishna whose graceful hips are decorated with a tinkling jewel belt, . . .

Text 74
gopi-citta-karindra-bandhana-mani-stambhoru-yugmam natac-
padagra-cchavi-madhuri-vijita-sat-kurmendu-kantim java-

. . . Lord Krishna whose hips are two jewel stakes for chaining the regal elephants
of the gopis' thoughts, Lord Krishna whose anklet-clad feet rival even the
beautiful gopis' graceful steps, Lord Krishna whose toes defeat with their splendor
and sweetness even the king of the turtles, Lord Krishna whose feet are more
glorious than even the nectar autumn-lotus flowers and the new rose blossoms, .

Text 75
kurvanam jita-candra-darpana-mani-sriman-nakhendu-tvisha
brahmananda-sudhambudheh sata-satam sapurti-kallolakam 16/22
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. . . Lord Krishna the soles of whose graceful feet are decorated with the marks of
the thunderbolt, flag, cakra, cow's hoofprint, barleycorn, sky, half-line, elephant
goad, parasol, rainbow, fish, conchsell, waterpot, and lotus, Lord Krishna whose
toes defeat the moon, mirrors, and jewels, Lord Krishna's whose toes with their
moonlight create hundreds and hundreds of great waves on the nectar ocean of
transcendental bliss, . . .

Text 76
kancid visva-vimohini tanumatim samsiddhi-vidyam navam
murtam kancana mantra-rajam abala-kaula-vrata-stambhanam
kancit kanana-devatam ghana-rucim mugdham lagantim sriyam
kancid bhranta-nadim vadhu-dhriti-tarim sammajjayantim balat

. . . Lord Krishna whose goddess of perfect transcendental knowledge charms the

worlds, Lord Krishna whose king of mantras makes the gopis' devotion to their
husbands become stunned, Lord Krishna whose charming handsomeness
glistening like a dark cloud rules the forests of Vraja, Lord Krishna whose
handsomeness makes the boat of the gopis' peaceful composure capsize and sink
in the ocean of being overwhelmed, . . .

Text 77
kincil loka-vilocanasya madhurasvadam padartham param
kancic citta-mahotsavam rasamayim kancit pasasyam kalam
govindam madhuraih smitair upadisaty ananda-murtim janan
Š yah premna karuno vivardhayatu nah krishne ratim ko 'pi sah

. . . Lord Krishna whose graceful form charms the eyes of all the worlds, Lord
Krishna who is a festival of joy for the heart, Lord Krishna whose artistic skill is
glorious and sublime, may that Sri Syamananda increase our love for Lord

Text 78
atha syamananda-kala-nidhih kalindya upakulato nava-nave samphulla-vasantika-
kunje manjuni vibhramad-bhramarika-sandoha-jhankarini
kankelli-prasavavali-viracite talpe nivishtau sukham
vyamugdhau rati-vibhramai rasa-cala-svantau kala-kovidau

9. An Ocean of Artistic Skill

May Sri Syamananda, who meditates on Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, Sri Sri Radha-
Krishna who on the Yamuna's bank in a grove of blossoming vasanti vines, a
grove filled with playful buzzing bees, lay down on a couch of kankelli flowers
and, nectar in Their hearts, enjoy many amorous pastimes,

Note: Texts 78-93 are a single sentence. The gist of this sentence is:

"May Sri Syamananda, who meditates on Sri Sri Radha-Krishna, grant

auspiciousness to us."

Text 79
sriman-navya-kisora-sundara-varau tarunya-lakshmy-ancitau
lavanyotka-rasa-ghanau nava-rasollasa-sphurad-bibhramau
madhurya-prakarancitau smara-kala-vaidagdhya-saraspade
pasyantau nayanotsavam nava-navam pratyanga-bhangim mithah

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who are glorious with the splendor of youth, who are
filled with the beauty and handsomeness of youth, who are two monsoon clouds
of the nectar of handsomeness and beauty, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who taste the
nectar of joyful pastimes, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who, gazing at each other's
limbs, give a festival of bliss to each other's eyes, . . .

Text 80
gauri-syamalakau nave mridutare cine rase vallabhe
navyendivara-kancana-dyuti-hare pattambare bibhratau 17/22
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kasturi-nava-kunkumakta-vapushau lilamritabhodharav
asrantabhinavau svayam suci-rasau sri-sagarau nagarau

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who wear soft silk garments splendid like gold and like
blue lotus flowers, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna whose limbs are anointed with kunkuma
and musk, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who are two flooding oceans of the nectar of
transcendental pastimes, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who are eternally new and fresh,
are filled with the purest nectar, are two oceans of transcendental beauty and
handsomeness, and are the best of lovers, . . .

Text 81
bhramyad-bhrnga-dara-sputad-vicakila-srag-dharinau harinau
raty-asvasana-bhashanaika-nipunau narmamritasvadinau
aviddhaika-rasau su-keli-rasikau premanubhavojjvalau

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who wear flower garlands that attract playful black
bees, charming Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who taste the nectar of lovers' talks and
lovers' jokes, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna whe enjoy many crooked amorous pastimes
and many charming and straightforward amorous pastimes, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna
who glisten with passionate love, Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who yearn to enjoy many
pastimes of playful flirting, . . .

Text 82
kshiranau madanasavena suratonmada-praharshoddhatau
anyonyam pratikalpitatanu-ranakalpavalokotthita-

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who are intoxicated by tasting the nectar of amorous
pastimes, who taste the wild happiness of amorous pastimes, who are glorious by
playing in the ocean of a great festival of amorous pastimes, who fight each other
in the battle of amorous pastimes, who, gazing at each other, dive into the
flowing stream of passionate amorous pastimes, . . .

Text 83
antar-mugdha-manoja-ranga-kalitair anyonyam alinganaih
purna-prema-sunirbharai rasa-bharad ekayamanakriti
alokotthita-manmathormi-capalau cumbati-lubdhadharau
caturyavali-pesalau smara-kalalapamritodgarinau

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who, passtionately embracing, find their two forms
sweetly become one, who play in the waves of amorous desire, waves created by
their glances, whose lips yearn to kiss, who are most expert, who speak nectar
words of lovers' talks, . . .

Text 84
premandhau rati-lampatau nava-nava-krida-kala-sangatau
praudhananda-dhurandharau manasijollasa-sriya rajitau
krida-kuta-vilokana-smita-calad-dhairyavalambhau valan-

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who are blind with love, who enjoy newer and newer
passionate amorous pastimes, who are filled with the swetest bliss, who glisten
with the splendor of glorious amorous bliss, whose crooked playful smiles and
glances destroy Their peaceful composure, whose limbs are wet from the
perspiration that flowed in Their amorous pastimes, . . .

Text 85
bibhranau cala-curna-kuntala-cayam vaktrabjayoh sundaram
svedambhah-kana-jala-dhauta-tilaka-srimal-lalatodarau 18/22
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. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna whose atimukta garlands have fallen from Their dark,
think, dishevelled hair, whose hearts are filled with love, whose faces are
delightful and charming, whose lotus faces are framed by very graceful hair,
whose foreheads and bellies are washed by streams of perspiration, . . .

Text 86
praudha-sri-mada-harino rati-ranotsahonnatim tanvatoh
mugdhais cilli-drig-antayos cala-dasam kancin nayantau mithah
samyak-kausala-nartaki-vzra-kala-samsparddhibhir vibhramaih

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna whose arrows of passionate glances conquer the three
worlds, who ferociously engage in amorous battle, whose restless glances and
moving eyeborws make each other restless with passion, who are expert dancers
in the battle arena of amorous pastimes, . . .

Text 87
ishan-mudritayor madadalasayoh karnanta-maitri-jushor
akshinacita-pakshmabhir madhurayor vaktravalokayushoh
sakuta-smitam ingitair nayanayor ullasayantau mithah

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who delight each other with the meaningful glances
from their eyes, eyes splendid and beautiful like blue and red blossoming lotus
flowers, large eyes that are the friends of their ears, eyes whose lids, exhausted
from many amorous pastimes, are now beginning to close, . . .

Text 88
tanvadbhih srama-vari-bindubhir alam lampatyam akshno ruca
mugdhe mohana-modanaika-mahite vaktrambuje sa-smite
nasagre vara-mauktike ca lalite sphita-tvishi bibhratau

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who are exhausted from amorous battle, who are
covered with perspiration, whose eyes glisten with love, whose smiling faces are
filled with passionate love, whose nose-pearls are glorious, who manifest the
greatest charm and splendor, . . .

Text 89
smayam smayam ananga-ranga-madhurair bhangi-sataih sauratair
darsam darsam anukshanam madhurimadhare cale kundale
anyonyam nava-karnikara-sumano-gucchavatamsa-cchata-
rajac-caru-kapola-cumbana-rasasvadair atriptim gatau

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who, smiling and smiling, taste hundreds of sweet
waves of amorous pastimes, who gaze and gaze at each other's charming
earrings, who, tasting the nectar of kissing each other's cheeks glistening with
splendid karnikara and a sumanah garlands, find their desires are never satiated,

Text 90
anyonyarpita-manjuloraga-latam asvadayantau valan
dor-damaguru-saurabham manimaya-graiveyakodbhrajite
ramyam kankana-mudrikangada-ruca kanthe 'rpayantau mithah

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who relish the betelnuts They place in each other's
mouths, whose bimba fruit lips glisten with happy smiles as They speak many
joking words, who are fragrant with aguru, who are decorated with bracelets,
armlets, and rings, who place splendid jewel necklaces on each other's necks, . . .

Text 91
kasturi-makari-tad-anka-madhure vakshoja-vakshah-sthale
bibhranau karajankite hridi parishvangojjvale sri-yute 19/22
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romali-tatini bali-traya-maha-vici-sunabhi-hrada-
bhramyan-mugdha-visala-drishti-saphari-yugmoddhritav akshamau

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who gloriously embrace, His chest and Her breasts
both marked with scratches and with pictures of dolphins drawn in musk, Sri Sri
Radha-Krishna, the passionate and playful saphari fish of whose eyes happily play
in each other's navel lakes, navel lakes tossed with great waves of three folds of
skin, navel lakes where a dark river of a line of hairs flows, . . .

Text 92
lila-bhangura-madhyamau gurutara-sroni-skhalan-mekhalau
ramyoru madanambudheh plava-varav alambyamanau mithah
kujan-nupura-ranjitanghri-jaljau sriman-nakhendu-tvisham
lavanyena natananam vidadhatau kandarpa-koty-arbudam

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna whose waists are graceful and playfully curved, whose
broad hips are decorated with tinkling belts, whose delightful thighs are two
graceful boats in an ocean of passionate amorous pastimes, whose lotus feet are
decorated with tinkling anklets, the glorious moonlight of whose toenails makes
millions of Kamadevas bow their heads in shame, . . .

Text 93
anyonyam nikhilanga-sangama-rasasvadottha-bhavakulav
arudham rasa-varidher udarato magnau vilasavadhi
sambhoganka-manorama nga-latikau vrindavanendrav imau
dhyayan ko 'pi rasatmako bhavatu nah kshemaya lila-tanuh

. . . Sri Sri Radha-Krishna who, touching each other's limbs, are now overcome
with love, who are plunged in an ocean of nectar pastimes, who are sublimely
playful, whose flowering-vine limbs are gracefully decorated with the marks of
their pleasure pastimes, and who are the king and queen of Vrindavana, may that
Sri Syamananda grant auspiciousness to us."

Text 94
atha madhurya-sampan-nidhih

dyute jitvara-maninam vraja-patim nirjitya vamsim balat

karshantim kara-pankajat priya-sakhi-yuthagrimam radhikam
sa-vrida-smita-sundarasyam api tam krishnam kvacid yah smaran
smerasyah pramadotkarati-vivasah stambham samalambate

10. An Ocean of Sweetness

To Sri Syamananda who happily smiled as he meditated on the pastime where

Radha, claiming victory in the gambling match pulled the flute from smiling and
embarssaed Krishna's lotus hand, . . .

Text 95
range tam sumano-yudhi pravikasat-pushpotkaraih kalpite
pushpastrani vimuncatim priyatame radham sakhibhir yutam
tasyam uccala-pushpa-sastram akhile 'py ujjhantam ali-jane
yah krishnam ca hrida smaran kvacid uru-premojjvalam svidyati

. . . Sri Syamananda who was splendid with ecstatic love as in his heart he
meditated on the sumaanah-flower battle pastime where Lord Krishna showered
flower-arrows on Radha and the gopis and they responded by showering flower-
arrows on Him, . . .

Text 96
kridantim yamuna-jale ghanarasam pranesvare sincatim
alibhih saha radhikam su-vasanam mugdha-smitam mohinim
tasya locana-khanjarita-natana-stabdhayitam yah smaran
smeram krishnam api kvacit sa-pulako magno rase vepate 20/22
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. . . Sri Syamananda, whose bodily hairs stood erect, whose limbs trembled, and
who was plunged into sweet nectar as he meditated on the pastime where,
beautiful, enchanting, playfully smiling, gloriously garbed and decorated Radha
and Her friends playfully splashed water on Lord Krishna as They played in the
Yamuna, and where Lord Krishna became momentarily stunned as the khanjana
birds of Sri Radha's eyes happily danced. . .

Text 97
kanta-sri-rasikendra-ballava-mane sri-radhika-vallabha-
pranesa-pranayambudhe vraja-pate govinda gopi-pate
krishneti-pramadati-gadgada-padam yo manju vakti kvacit

. . . Sri Syamananda who, overcome with ecstatic love, calls out with broken
words, "O Kanta (beloved)! O Sri Rasikendra (king of they who taste nectar)! O
Ballava-mani (jewel of the gopas), O Sri Radhika-vallabha (Sri Radha's beloved)!
O Pranesa (master of my life)! O Pranayambudhi (ocean of love)! O Vraja-pati
(master of Vraja) O Govinda (Lord who pleases the cows, land, and senses)! O
Gopi-pati (master of the gopis)! O Vrindaranya-mahendra (great king of
Vrindavana)! O Rasa-rasika (enjoyer of the rasa dance)! O Pratyagra-megha-
dyuti (splendid like a monsoon cloud)! O Krishna (all-attractive)!

Text 98
sri-saurer virahe trivarna-kulise karnanganantam gate
sadyas taj-janita-jvara-vyatikara-prodbhuta-vadharditah
vicchedo na hi varnyatam mama purah sri-ghosha-lakshmi-pater
ity antah-klamavan vadann ahaha yo vaivarnyam eti kvacit

. . . Sri Syamananda who, when he heard the words, "Sri Saurer virahe"
(separation from Lord Krishna), felt the three syllables "viraha" (separation) to be
like a thunderbolt striking the courtyard of his ears, and who, gravely wounded
and now burning with fever, said, "Please do not tell me how the goddesses of
Vraja suffered in separation from Lord Krishna", and who, suffering at heart, then
became very pale, . . .

Text 99
khelantau vimale kalinda-duhitur gunjad-dvirephakule
kule pushpita-kanane dvija-rute radha-vidhu yauvate
pasyantau kusumavali-kshana-mishad raktendu-bimbam mitho
gayan yo muditah kvacid vitanute kancin nadim drig-jalaih

. . . Sri Syamananda who shed a river of tears as he happily described the

pastime where, as They sat among the gopis in a flower-filled forest grove by the
glorious Yamuna's bank, a grove filled with humming bees and cooing birds,
Radha and Krishna, pretending to look at the many flowers, gazed at the glorious
moons of each other's faces, . . .

Text 100
sri-gopijana-vallabhasya madhure rasotsave kirtite
sadyas tat-pranayanugah kvacid aho yo nartane murchati
tam karshnim pranamamy aham prati-lavam bhavatmakam bhava-dam

. . . to that Sri Syamananda who, hearing of Lord Krishna's sweet rasa-dance

festival with the gopis, became filled with ecstatic love, began to dance, and then
fell unconscious as he danced, and who then manifested the ecstatic symptoms of
trembling, being stunned, speaking words in s choked voice, perspiring, weeping,
becoming pale, and having a body with hairs standing erect, and who was at
every moment overcome with ecstatic love, and who taught others how also to be
overcome with ecstatic love, I offer my respectful obeisances.

Text 101
etad yah satakam rasotsava-mayam piyusha-dharadhikam
syamananda-gunancitam vrajapati-krida-katha-sangatam 21/22
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premananda-vivardhanam pratipadam sraddhanvitah kirtayet

sa prapnoti gurau dhruvam vraja-vadhu-nathe ca bhaktim param

Any person who faithfully and regularly reads or recites these hundred verses,
which are a great festival of nectar, which are a flood of sweet nectar, which
describe the glories of Sri Syamananda, which are filled with descriptions of Lord
Krishna's pastimes, and which increase the reader's blissful love for the Lord, will
attain eternal and great faith for his spiritual master and for Lord Krishna, the
master of the vraja-gopis.

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