(5 Marks) : Grade 08

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Grade 08

 Test 1
In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line that has a blank alongside it. Mark the place
where you think a word has been omitted, using /. Write the word you think has been omitted in the space
provided. The first one is done for you.
A man sat / the table after breakfast one a)....at.....
morning, engrossed in his newspaper for over hour b)............
Finally asked for another cup of coffee c)............
"Coffee !" echoed his wife.
"but look the clock. Aren’t you going to the office today? d)............
"Office ?" he exclaimed got up. "Heavens !" e)............
I thought I was the office f)............
(5 Marks)
 Test 2
Match Part - A and - B to make complete utterances. Write the correct letter in the space provided. The first
one is done for you.

Part - A

1. We should try to play the game (1).......F..........

2. I am writing (2)..................................................
3. He is rich (3).......................................................
4. Although he got up late (4).................................
5. She is not only a good teacher (5).......................
6. He got a headache (6)..........................................
Part - B
A. but he is not happy
B. he could catch the bus
C. while he was doing his homework.
D. but also a good mother
E. with regard to your cheque date 25th July 2014
F. according to the rules
(5 Marks)
 Test 3
Fill in the blanks choosing the suitable word from the words given at the end of each sentence.
i. Bambarakanda is the highest waterfall in Sri Lank with a ............................ of about 240 meters.
(weight, length, height)
ii. In the village in the Dry Zone farmers are faced with great ................................ in obtaining water
for their cultivation purposes. (difficult, difficulty, difficulties)
iii. Usually a few students .............................. in getting admission to the Universities. (success,
succeed, successful)
iv. How ................................. is this well? (depth, deep, deepen)
v. The Manager is ................................ with my work. (satisfied, satisfy, satisfaction)
vi. Are you .................................... in Music? (interested, interest, interesting)
vii. Great damages are ................................. to the property by floods. (caused, cause, causes)
viii. A good sportsman has ........................... qualities. (ownership, leadership, relationship)
ix. The banks give ............................ to help people in their cultivation. (loans, sums, loan)
x. It was a .............................. project. (successful, successfully, success)
(10 Marks)
 Test 4
Read the following letter and answer the following questions.
No. 25 / 3,
Maligawa Road,
20th July, 2015
Dear grandma,
I am sorry that I couldn’t write to you so long. As I remember I wrote my last letter three months ago. Three
special changes happened in my life and a would like to share them with you.

First one is that I celebrated my 15th birthday in a grand scale. We had a dinner dance and all my friends
attended except my best friend.

I changed my school and now I am in a mixed school. I feel little embarrassed in some situations as I do not
have more friends there.

I You will be delighted to hear the third one. My father got a new job and he was given a nice car from the new
company. He likes white cars and I like red. But it is black.

I hope you are resting at home and we look forward to your visit in September.

With love,

1. In which month did Nimal write his last letter to the grandmother? .........................................................
2. How old is Nimal now? .............................................................................................................................
3. Who did attend the birthday party? ............................................................................................................
4. Why does Nimal feel embarrassed in some situations? .............................................................................
5. What is the colour of their new car? ..........................................................................................................
(10 Marks)
 Test 5
Re-arrange the words / phrases in the following sentences and write how Kamal makes an omelet. The first
one done for you.

1. takes / as small pieces / onion / He / and cuts / them / some

......He takes some onion and cuts them as small pieces.....
2. beats / into a saucer / them / he breaks / and / with onion / After that / two eggs
3. his taste / adds / black / He / pepper and salt / for
4. on the gas / Then / places / vegetables oil / he / and adds / some / the sauce pan
5. into the sauce / he puts / When / the mixture / the oil is hot
6. fries / Then / both sides / about / two minutes / he
(5 Marks)
 Test 6
Make a complete question to get the answer below.

1. Who ..........................................................................................................................................................?
The computer was invented by Charles Babbage.
2. What .........................................................................................................................................................?
My father is an engineer.
3. Which .......................................................................................................................................................?
The longest river in Sri Lanka is the Mahaweli river.
4. Where .......................................................................................................................................................?
Mr. Leelaratne lives in Kurunegala.
5. Whose .......................................................................................................................................................?
Mr. Goonewardena’s daughter met with an accient.
(5 Marks)
 Test 7
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets.

1. He was punished for his ........................... (care) driving.

2. The lion is famous for its ............................... (brave)
3. It is a ........................... (crowd) bus.
4. Sahan’s father bought .............................. (he) a new computer.
5. Because of this uncle’s ...................................... (die) he did not come.
6. Father always ..................................... (travel) to office by train.
7. The elephant is ....................................... (heavy) than the tiger.
8. I did the work by ..................................... (I)
9. Ranjith is the .......................................... (good) on the class.
10. We are ............................................. (go) to Nuwera Eliya next week.
(5 Marks)
 Test 8
Underline the correct form if the noun, in order to complete each sentence.
1. When we move to a new house, we pack up all our (furniture/furnitures)
2. They have two (dog/dogs) at their house.
3. Did you hear the terrible (thunder/thunders) last night?
4. I’ve had so many cups of (tea/teas) today.
5. Young girls like a lot of (make up/make ups)
6. We built a house between large (tree/trees)
7. All the (friend/friends) of mine are invited to the party.
8. Every (child/children) must be given a chance for education.
9. My mother gave us some (money/moneys) for shopping.
10. I had much (home work/home works) last week.
(5 Marks)
 Test 9
Read each situation and write the relevant number of the expression given in the box.

Be polite and
use magic words.

Excuse me... Thank you...

Please... You are welcome...
I’m sorry... No. Thank you...
Can I have... May I...

a) You meet your class teacher on your way to school

b) Playtime is over and it is time to leave your friends at the play ground
c) You saw an old lady carrying a basket of vegetables and you want to help her
d) You accidently broke your mothers favourite vase
e) You want to have more vegetables during the dinner. The dish is
beside your brother
f) One of your friends invite you to have a cup of tea when you are not hungry
(5 Marks)
 Test 10
Your friend borrowed your English Book. but still he didn’t return it. write a note to him. asking the book.
Give the reason.
(5 Marks)
 Test 11
Read the following text. There are ‘Ten’ incorrect words which are underlined. Write the correct word in the
space provided. First one is done for you.

Sirisena is a weaver of cane baskets. Last evening he (1) go into the jungle behind his house and cut some
cane. He collected a lot of cane and (2) brings it home. The next day with the help of (3) he wife he cleaned
the cane and dried it for several (4) day. Then he used a dye and coloured the cane. After a few days (5) his
started weaving cane baskets. (6) Her eldest son helped (7) about the work. When he (8) finishes weaving
about ten baskets he took (9) their to the village fair and (10) sell them for a good price.

(1) .............went................. (2) ......................................

(3) ...................................... (4) ......................................
(5) ...................................... (6) ......................................
(7) ...................................... (8) ......................................
(9) ...................................... (10) ......................................
(10 Marks)
 Test 12
Write an essay on one of the followings
 My future ambition.
 National Day
(10 Marks)

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