BT Spring 2018 Summative

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2017-2018 Teacher Candidate Evaluation Form

Teacher Candidate Name:

Breanna Tomlinson

Program (check all that apply):

Special Education Early Childhood Education - Early Intervention
Special Education Early Childhood Education - Preschool
Special Education Mild Moderate Disabilities
Special Education Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Special Education Visual Impairment
Special Education Severe Disabilities
Special Education DeafBlind


Spring 2018


Liberty Elementary and Murray High


Murray School District

Site Teacher Educator/Cooperating Teacher:

Emily Horne



Evaluator (your name):

Julia Fleming

Position of Evaluator (your position):

University Faculty Cohort Leader

Field Experience:

Pre-Student Teaching Special Education Field

Internship - Fall
Practicum Studies

Student Teaching Internship - Spring

Subject of Observed Lesson:

High School Math

Evidence for Evaluation (Check all that apply for this evaluation):

Reviewed my formative observations

Reviewed formative observations or summative evaluations from Site
Teacher Educator/Cooperating Teacher
Conferenced with candidate, Site Teacher Educator/Cooperating
Teacher, and/or other school personnel
Reviewed lesson plans/TWS/candidate portfolio
Other, please describe:

When rating, items with a "O" are evaluated through observation; items with a "C" are evaluated through consultation

with the teacher candidate

The Learner and Learning:

Teaching begins with the learner. To ensure that each student learns new
knowledge and skills, teachers must understand that learning and
developmental patterns vary among individuals, that learners bring unique
individual differences to the learning process, and that learners need supportive
and safe learning environments to thrive.

The minimum score at pre-student teaching practicum/SPED field studies is 10;

minimum score for final student teaching is 14.
Standard 1: Learner Development
The teacher understands cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical
areas of student development.

For each question, refer to the following rubric: Standard 1

Not Effective Preservice

(0) Beginning (1) Developing (2) Effective (3)
1.1 O - Creates
appropriate and
challenging learning
experiences based
on each learner's
strengths, interests,
and needs
1.2 C - Collaborates
with families,
colleagues, and other
professionals to
promote student
growth and

Standard 2: Learning Differences

The teacher understands individual learner differences and cultural and linguistic

For each question, refer to the following rubric: Standard 2

Not Effective Preservice

(0) Beginning (1) Developing (2) Effective (3)
2.1 O - Allows
learners multiple
ways to demonstrate
learning sensitive to
diverse experiences,
while holding high
expectations for all
Standard 3: Learning Environments
The teacher works with learners to create environments that support individual
and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active
engagement in learning, and self-motivation.

For each question, refer to the following rubric: Standard 3

Not Effective Preservice

(0) Beginning (1) Developing (2) Effective (3)
3.1 O - Develops
learning experiences
that engage and
support students as
self-directed learners
who internalize
classroom routines,
expectations, and
3.2 O - Collaborates
with students to
establish a positive
learning climate of
openness, respectful
interactions, support,
and inquiry
3.3 O - Uses positive
strategies, including
the resources of
time, space, and
attention, effectively

Comments on the Learner and Learning

Instructional Practice:
Effective instructional practice requires that teachers have a deep and flexible
understanding of their content areas and be able to draw upon content
knowledge as they work with learners to access information, apply knowledge in
real-world settings, and address meaningful issues. They must also understand
and integrate assessment, planning, and instructional strategies in coordinated
and engaging ways to assure learner mastery of the content.

The minimum score at pre-student teaching practicum/SPED field studies is 18;

minimum score for final student teaching is 26.

Standard 4: Content Knowledge

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of
the discipline.

For each question, refer to the following rubric: Standard 4

Not Effective Preservice

(0) Beginning (1) Developing (2) Effective (3)
4.1 O - Bases
instruction on
accurate content
knowledge using
representations of
concepts and
academic language
Standard 5: Assessment
The teacher uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own
growth, monitor learner progress, guide planning and instruction, and determine
whether the outcomes described in content standards have been met.

For each question, refer to the following rubric: Standard 5

Not Effective Preservice

(0) Beginning (1) Developing (2) Effective (3)
5.1 O - Uses data
sources to assess the
effectiveness of
instruction and to
make adjustments in
planning and
5.2 C - Documents
student progress and
provides descriptive
feedback to student,
parent/guardian, and
other stakeholders in
a variety of ways
5.3 C - Designs or
selects pre-
formative, and
assessments in a
variety of formats
that align to learning
objectives and
engage the learner in
knowledge and skills
Standard 6: Instructional Planning
The teacher plans instruction to support students in meeting rigorous learning
goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, Utah Core Standards,
institutional best practices, and the community context.

For each question, refer to the following rubric: Standard 6

Not Effective Preservice

(0) Beginning (1) Developing (2) Effective (3)
6.1 C - Demonstrates
knowledge of the
Utah Core Standards
and references them
in short- and long-
term planning
6.2 C - Integrates
skills into instruction
to purposefully
engage learners in
applying content
Standard 7: Instructional Strategies
The teacher uses various instructional strategies to ensure that all learners
develop a deep understanding of content areas and their connections to build
skills to apply and extend knowledge in meaningful ways.

For each question, refer to the following rubric: Standard 7

Not Effective Preservice

(0) Beginning (1) Developing (2) Effective (3)
7.1 O - Practices a
range of
culturally, and
strategies to meet
the needs of
individuals and
groups of learners
7.2 O - Provides
opportunities for
students to develop
higher-order and
meta-cognitive skills
7.3 O - Supports and
expands each
communication skills
through reading,
writing, listening, and
7.4 O - Uses a variety
of available and
technology and
resources to support
7.5 O - Develops
learners’ abilities to
find and use
information to solve
real-world problems
Comments on Instructional Practice

Professional Responsibility:
Creating and supporting safe, productive learning environments that result in
learners achieving at the highest levels is a teacher’s primary responsibility. To
do this well, teachers must engage in meaningful, intensive professional learning
by regularly examining practice through ongoing study, self-reflection, and
collaboration. They must be aware of legal and ethical requirements and engage
in the highest levels of professional and ethical conduct.

For Standards 8 and 9, the minimum score at pre-student teaching

practicum/SPED field studies is 5; minimum score for final student teaching is 7.

For Standard 10, the minimum score at pre-student teaching practicum/SPED field
studies is 4 (yes to both questions); minimum score for final student teaching is 4
(yes to both questions).

Standard 8: Reflection and Continuous Growth

The teacher is a reflective practitioner who uses evidence to continually evaluate
and adapt practice to meet the needs of each learner.

For each question, refer to the following rubric: Standard 8

Not Effective Preservice

(0) Beginning (1) Developing (2) Effective (3)
8.1 C - Adapts and
improves practice
based on reflection
and new learning
Standard 9: Leadership and Collaboration
The teacher is a leader who engages collaboratively with learners, families,
colleagues, and community members to build a shared vision and supportive
professional culture focused on student growth and successer.

For each question, refer to the following rubric: Standard 9

Not Effective Preservice

(0) Beginning (1) Developing (2) Effective (3)
9.1 C - Participates
actively in decision-
making processes,
while building a
shared culture that
affects the school
and larger
9.2 C - Advocates for
the learners, the
school, the
community, and the
Standard 10: Professional and Ethical Behavior
The teacher demonstrates the highest standard of legal, moral, and ethical
conduct, as specified in Utah State Board Rule R277-515.

For each question, refer to the following rubric: Standard 10

No (1) Yes (2)

10.1 C - Is
responsible for
compliance with
university policies,
federal and state
laws, State Board of
administrative rules,
state assessment
policies, local board
policies, and
10.2 C - Is
responsible for
compliance with all
requirements of
State Board of
Education Rule R277-
515 at all levels of
teacher development

Comments on Professional Responsibility

The Teacher Candidate scored a 62.

For Pre-Student Teaching Practicum/SPED Field Studies, the minimum

score is 37.
[at least a "2" for 80% of items in each section; yes to both questions in Standard 10]

For Final Student Teaching, the minimum score is 51.

[at least a "3" for 80% of items in each section; yes to both questions in Standard 10; no "0"s]

Additional Comments

Breanna is a true professional. She is a fierce advocate for her students and special
education as a whole. Breanna approaches difficult situations with a solution-based mindset
and can effectively and clearly communicate student needs. Additionally, she welcomes
professional feedback and uses it to improve her instruction, behavior management, data
collection strategies, and collaborative efforts. Students, parents, administrators, and
teachers would be lucky to have Breanna as a special education teacher.

Teacher Candidate

By typing your name, you, a Teacher Candidate, are signing this document
electronically and confirming that you understand the content of this form.
Type Name (Signature)

Breanna Tomlinson

Please fill in your email address below. The email you supply will be used to verify
that you have signed this document.

[email protected]

Please enter today's date (MM/DD/YYYY)


Site Teacher Educator / Cooperating Teacher/ Supervisor Signature

By typing your name, you, a Site Teacher/Cooperating Teacher and/or Supervisor,

are signing this document electronically and confirming that you understand the
content of this form.

Type Name (Signature)

Julia Fleming

Please fill in your email address below. The email you supply will be used to verify
that you have signed this document.

[email protected]

Please enter today's date (MM/DD/YYYY)


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