The Phylogeny of Staphylococcus Aureus - Which Genes Make The Best Intra-Species Markers?

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Microbiology (2006), 152, 1297–1305 DOI 10.1099/mic.0.


The phylogeny of Staphylococcus aureus – which

genes make the best intra-species markers?
Jessica E. Cooper and Edward J. Feil
Correspondence Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath, Claverton
Edward J. Feil Down, Bath BA2 7AY, UK
[email protected]

The ability to make informed decisions on the suitability of alternative marker loci is central for
population and epidemiological investigations. This issue was addressed using Staphylococcus
aureus as a model population by generating nucleotide sequence data from 33 gene fragments in
a representative sample of 30 strains. Supplementing the data with pre-existing multilocus
sequence typing data, an intra-species tree based on ~17?8 kb of sequence was reconstructed
and the goodness of fit of each individual gene tree was computed. No strong association was
Received 21 October 2005 noted between gene function per se and phylogenetic reliability, but it is suggested that candidate
Revised 21 January 2006 loci should possess at least the average degree of nucleotide diversity for all genes in the
Accepted 30 January 2006 genome. In the case of S. aureus this threshold is >1 % mean pairwise diversity.

INTRODUCTION under consideration and present in single copy, other desir-

able criteria are not so clear-cut. For example, it is typically
The influx of genomic and multilocus sequence data has
not possible to gauge which genes most closely reflect the
transformed our understanding of bacterial evolution, and is
underlying organismal phylogeny, or even if such a phylo-
set to revolutionize bacterial systematics and our view of what
geny exists (Bapteste et al., 2005). Although genes encoding
constitutes a bacterial ‘species’ (Gevers et al., 2005). In
essential housekeeping functions are commonly viewed as the
particular, recent years have seen the rise of multilocus
most reliable markers, the precise importance of gene function
sequence typing (MLST) for epidemiological or population
in predicting the utility of intra-species markers has not been
studies on single named species. These studies commonly
systematically studied. Similarly, the optimal win-dow of
involve the characterization of hundreds of isolates at a small variation remains poorly defined, although it is clear that too
number of gene loci, assumed to be a representative sample of little variation will result in poor resolution whereas too much
the ‘core’ genome (‘housekeeping’ genes). Homo-logous will separate isolates that are very closely related.
recombination, the replacement of a gene with an orthologue
from an unrelated lineage, may confound attempts at intra- It might be expected that genes encoding proteins which
species phylogenetic reconstruction or accurate typing (Feil et interact with the host or the external environment will be
al., 1999, 2000; Jolley et al., 2000). The use of multiple highly variable owing to strong diversifying selection, and as
(typically seven) loci in MLST is necessary to ‘buffer’ against such be poor reflections of the underlying phylogeny. Two
this effect in single genes (Hanage et al., 2005), and the recent reports have compared the phylogenetic signal of
employment of housekeeping genes is presumed to provide MLST (housekeeping) genes in Staphylococcus aureus
added insurance as there is no a priori reason to expect with those of highly variable genes encoding proteins
recombination to confer a selective advantage at such genes putatively associated with the cell wall (Robinson et al.,
(Maiden et al., 1998; Spratt & Maiden, 1999). 2005) or adhe-sins implicated to play a central role in host
colonization and/or virulence (Kuhn et al., 2006). Contrary to
Whilst practical considerations dictate that candidate expecta-tions, both investigations noted that highly variable
markers should be ubiquitous throughout the population genes were at least as informative for phylogenetic
reconstruc-tion as the slowly evolving housekeeping genes.
Abbreviations: CAI, codon adaptation index; CE, cell envelope and These obser-vations suggest that strong diversifying selection
cellular processes; FCT, fit to the consensus tree; IP, informational may not significantly confound the phylogenetic signal within
pathway; HK, housekeeping; MLST, multilocus sequence typing; the S. aureus genome in general.
MRSA, meticillin-resistant S. aureus; MSSA, meticillin-sensitive S.
aureus; OR, orphan; UF, unknown function. Here we expand on these observations using S. aureus as
The GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ accession numbers for the sequences a model population and a range of unlinked loci from all
reported in this paper are DQ413277–DQ414234. functional classes. The use of S. aureus has several
Two supplementary tables and two supplementary figures are advantages, as follows. (i) Extensive information on the
available with the online version of this paper. population structure of this species is available through
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J. E. Cooper and E. J. Feil

the generation of MLST data. (ii) Although recombination DNA replication and processing, regulators; n=9), housekeeping
does occur (Robinson & Enright, 2004), S. aureus is basi- (HK; central and intermediary metabolism; n=13), and cell envel-ope
cally clonal, which allows the reconstruction of a and cellular processes (CE; n=5). We also characterized con-served
genes of unknown function (UF; n=7) and orphans (OR; unknown
reasonably robust tree. This then facilitates comparisons function, no similarity to other genes in the database; n=6). Genes of
between indi-vidual gene trees and a consensus tree. (iii) unknown function are referred to throughout using the SA ORF
The data will provide a valuable phylogenetic framework numbers proposed by Kuroda et al. (2001), except SA2439, which
for this impor-tant human pathogen. has subsequently been renamed sasF (Robinson & Enright, 2004).

We present sequence data from 33 unlinked gene loci

DNA extraction, PCR and sequencing. DNA was purified using
representing a range of functions for 30 diverse S. aureus DNeasy kits (Qiagen) following the manufacturer’s instructions. PCR was
isolates. Supplementing these sequences with existing MLST performed with an initial denaturation step of 3 min at 95 uC followed by
data we reconstruct a phylogeny based on ~17?8 kb of con- 34 cycles of 30 s denaturation at 95 uC, 1 min annealing and 1 min
catenated sequence and compare each individual gene tree extension at 72 uC. There was also a final extension step at 72 uC for 10
against a consensus phylogeny. We note no strong evidence min. PCRs were successful for all genes in all strains except SA1621 (in
strains H295 and H116) and SA0272 (in strain D22). As it was not
that gene function, dS/dN ratio, G+C content or codon bias are
possible to amplify these genes in all strains (presumably because of their
strong predictors of phylogenetic reliability. This analysis absence), these genes were not included in the phylogenetic analysis. All
does, however, provide a convenient rule of thumb that genes were sequenced directly from purified PCR products using an ABI
candidate phylogenetic markers should possess at least the Prism 3700 sequencer. Primer sequences and annealing temperatures are
average degree of sequence divergence (expressed as mean given in supplementary Table S2. All sequences have been deposited at
pairwise diversity, p) for all genes in the genome. GenBank (accession numbers DQ413277–DQ414234).

METHODS Computation of sequence parameters. dS/dN ratios were calcu-lated

using the method of Nei & Gojobori (1986) as implemented in MEGA
Bacterial strains. We used a total of 30 S. aureus strains, 27 meti-cillin version 3.1 (Kumar et al., 2004). Nucleotide diversity (p; the mean
(formerly methicillin)-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) sampled from cases percentage of polymorphic sites over all pairwise comparisons) and G+C
of asymptomatic carriage (n=9), community-acquired disease (n=5) and content were calculated using MEGA version 3.1. The codon adaptation
hospital-acquired disease (n=13) recovered from Oxfordshire, UK. All index (CAI) (Sharp & Li, 1987) was calculated by reference to the codon
these strains had previously been charac-terized by MLST, and were usage in ribosomal proteins using EMBOSS (Rice et al., 2000).
chosen to represent a diverse range of genotypes. A small number of
duplicate STs were also included. We also included three strains from
Phylogenetic analysis. Of the 33 gene sequences generated, 30 were
epidemic meticillin-resistant (MRSA) clones (EMRSA-3, EMRSA-4 and
used for the phylogenetic analysis (two genes were not present in all
EMRSA-9) from global sources kindly donated by Dr Mark Enright,
strains, and the 16S rRNA fragment was invariant). These 30 genes were
Department of Infec-tious Disease Epidemiology, Imperial College
supplemented with the existing MLST data and a consen-sus Bayesian
London, UK. See sup-plementary Table S1, available with the online
phylogeny was reconstructed from the concatenated sequences of all 37
version of this paper, for details of the strains.
genes representing 17 814 bp using MrBayes ver-sion 3.1 (Huelsenbeck
& Ronquist, 2001; Ronquist & Huelsenbeck, 2003). This procedure uses a
Gene loci. We supplemented the MLST data already available for this simulation technique, Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), to
strain collection (based on seven housekeeping genes) with a further 33 approximate the posterior probabilities of alternative trees conditioned on
gene loci representing various functional categories to give a total dataset the input data. As well as being very computationally efficient, the
encompassing 40 loci, including 16S rRNA. These loci represent a range approach enables the sampling of a wide range of ‘tree-space’ rather than
of functions, and are widely distributed across the chromosome (Fig. 1, just locally optimum trees as in hill-climbing algorithms (for more details
Table 1). Genes were grouped into three functional classes, following see http://mrbayes.csit. Four MCMC chains were
Kuroda et al. (2001), adopted from the study of Kunst et al. (1997): run for 1 000 000 generations. The optimal trees were sampled every 100
informational pathways (IP; generations

Fig. 1. Distribution of selected loci repre-

senting different functional categories around
the S. aureus chromosome. Genes shown
inside the ring are coded on the lagging
strand; those on the outside are coded on
the leading strand.

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Gene function and phylogeny in S. aureus

Table 1. Details of selected genes

All genes except the two indicated in the footnotes were found to be present in all strains.
Category Gene Position* Fragment size (bp) Function

CE aapA 1732548 423 D-Serine/D-alanine/glycine transporter

CE pbpB 1486656 474 Bifunctional type A penicillin-binding protein (PBP2)
CE SA0272D 327449 450 Hypothetical protein similar to transmembrane protein Tmp7
CE SA0817 920455 495 Hypothetical protein, similar to NADH-dependent flavin oxidoreductase
CE vicK 25648 384 Two-component sensor hisidine kinase
HK adhE 164457 432 Alcohol-acetaldehyde dehydogenase
HK arcC 2723049 456 Carbamate kinase
HK aroE 1629141 456 Shikimate dehydrogenase
HK glpF 1296691 465 Glycerol kinase
HK gmk 1191032 429 Guanylate kinase
HK hemH 1886217 819 Ferrochetalase homologue
HK hutH 10879 429 Histidine ammonia lyase
HK hutI 2386381 807 Imidazalonepropionase
HK leuB 2104034 849 3-Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase
HK pta 1770243 474 Phosphate acetyltransferase
HK SA0224 270714 456 Similar to 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase
HK tpi 835146 402 Triosephosphate isomerase
HK yqiL 835146 516 Acetyl-CoA acetyltransferase
IP agrC 2080353 390 Accessory gene regulator C
IP dnaC 20770 414 Replicative DNA helicase
IP hsdR 216859 399 Probable type 1 restriction enzyme restriction chain
IP luxS 2186360 384 Autoinducer 2 production protein LuxS
IP sarA 666721 294 Staphylococcal accessory regulator A
IP serS 12793 453 Seryl-tRNA synthetase
IP sigB 2118920 441 Sigma factor B
IP tufA 590790 462 Translational elongation factor TU
OR SA0139 158837 426 Hypothetical protein
OR SA0268 324010 471 Hypothetical protein
OR SA0740 847031 456 Hypothetical protein
OR SA1619 1853499 417 Hypothetical protein
OR SA1621d 1854608 456 Hypothetical protein
OR SA2445 2753901 459 Hypothetical protein
OTHER SA0117 135490 435 Similar to rhizobactin siderophore biosynthesis protein
OTHER SArRNA16 2234298 470 16S rRNA
UF SA0013 18328 435 Conserved hypothetical protein
UF SA0100 115153 444 Conserved hypothetical protein
UF SA0275 331163 450 Conserved hypothetical protein
UF SA0775 880970 405 Conserved hypothetical protein
UF SA0778 884238 456 Conserved hypothetical protein
UF SA1544 1764642 495 Hypothetical protein similar to soluble hydrogenase 42kD subunit
UF sasF 2744355 432 Conserved hypothetical protein

*With respect to genome of N315 (Kuroda et al., 2001).

DAbsent in D22.
dAbsent in H295 and H116.

(with the first 2000 trees discarded as ‘burn-in’). A 50 % majority than very uniform genes, variable genes are more likely to show a
rule consensus tree was then calculated using PAUP* version 4.0b10 closer fit. In order to draw independent comparisons between
(Swofford, 2000) with the posterior probabilities indicating the per- individual gene trees and the consensus, we constructed a further 37
centage of optimal trees supporting each node. consensus trees, in each case excluding a single gene. We then
compared each of these consensus trees in turn with the gene tree
Fit to the consensus tree. As very variable genes make a larger corresponding to the excluded gene. We used the Shimodaira–
contribution, in terms of informative sites, to the consensus tree Hasegawa (S-H) test (Shimodaira, 2002) in order to rank each gene Downloaded from by

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J. E. Cooper and E. J. Feil

with respect to the differences in likelihood values between indivi- employed in this study. The genes are ranked according to the
dual gene trees and the corresponding consensus tree (using the likelihood differences between individual gene trees and the
concatenated data as the reference). The S-H test was implemented in
consensus tree (FCT). The value of p for all genes was 1?28
PAUP* version 4.0b10 (Swofford, 2000); a lower likelihood differ-
ence (S-H score) reflects a closer fit to consensus tree (FCT). %. Five of the six most uniform genes were classified as IP
genes (16S rRNA, 0?0 %; sarA, 0?02 %; tufA, 0?2 %; serS,
0?3 %; and sigB, 0?4 %). At the other extreme, three genes
appeared unusually diverse [agrC (IP), 5?5 %; aapA (CE), 5?
RESULTS 3 %; and SA1619 (OR), 4?0 %]. Although the dS/dN ratio
Table 2 gives the mean pairwise percentage nucleotide varies substantially both within and between gene classes,
diversity (p), the mol% G+C content, the codon adaptation none of the genes showed evidence of positive selection. The
index (CAI) and the dS/dN ratios of all the gene loci orphans tended to exhibit low dS/dN ratios (mean 3?1,

Table 2. Sequence parameters for selected genes

Gene Category p Mol% G+C CAI dS/dN S-H score FCT rank

SA2439 UF 0?017402 32?6 0?624 1?1 1345?368 1

pbpB CE 0?009915 39?6 0?665 9 1565?546 2
SA1619 OR 0?040238 33?1 0?65 2?5 1708?409 3
leuB HK 0?00953 35?8 0?537 8?7 1776?105 4
SA0740 OR 0?012154 29?5 0?593 3 1800?583 5
SA0775 UF 0?006123 34?1 0?689 ‘ 2056?379 6
hemH HK 0?008434 34 0?645 13 2116?149 7
SA1544 UF 0?008046 33?4 0?595 7?3 2255?252 8
SA0224 HK 0?011473 38?8 0?533 5?8 2340?697 9
luxS IP 0?008435 33?2 0?673 29 2507?735 10
SA0817 CE 0?014364 37?6 0?57 7?6 2536?186 11
SA2445 OR 0?018211 32?4 0?544 5 2573?84 12
vicK CE 0?009325 36?5 0?527 ‘ 2604?608 13
hutI HK 0?014635 37?2 0?532 23?5 2627?56 14
aapA CE 0?05333 34?5 0?573 44?3 2671?307 15
aroE HK (MLST) 0?010952 30?2 0?602 6?8 2677?064 16
agrC IP 0?055196 31?5 0?568 13?5 2838?84 17
sigB IP 0?003951 35?1 0?515 13 3011?601 18
tpi HK (MLST) 0?010412 37?6 0?794 6?3 3043?117 19
dnaC IP 0?013988 40?5 0?528 125 3080?7 20
SA0100 UF 0?00974 33?3 0?574 ‘ 3109?434 21
pta HK (MLST) 0?006538 36?2 0?579 8?3 3151?953 22
SA0139 OR 0?018839 38?4 0?533 2?5 3220?862 23
SA0268 OR 0?007894 31?4 0?507 2?3 3271?318 24
SA0778 UF 0?002405 32?7 0?726 ‘ 3364?755 25
SA0275 UF 0?022545 29?6 0?628 27 3388?939 26
yqiL HK (MLST) 0?007807 37?9 0?606 10?3 3436?345 27
SA0013 UF 0?013904 39?4 0?575 ‘ 3458?439 28
hsdR IP 0?007711 29?9 0?538 11?5 3757?817 29
gmk HK (MLST) 0?008309 33?5 0?633 11?7 4010?359 30
glpF HK (MLST) 0?004106 40?8 0?648 15 4307?895 31
arcC HK (MLST) 0?007888 38?5 0?539 6?3 4459?983 32
serS IP 0?00339 34?2 0?737 ‘ 4661?175 33
adhE HK 0?004256 40?3 0?6 12 4767?796 34
hutH HK 0?004164 38 0?543 11 5480?02 35
tufA IP 0?00198 38?5 0?891 5 5727?689 36
sarA IP 0?0002 26?5 0?671 ‘ 6564?651 37
SA0272 CE 0?0144 30?9 0?604 6?5 – –
SA1621 OR 0?031 34 0?521 4?1 – –
16SrRNA IP 0 50?2 – – – –

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Gene function and phylogeny in S. aureus

median 2?8), suggesting a low level of functional found to be relatively common amongst intravenous drug
constraint and rapid evolution. This is consistent with the users in Brighton, UK (Monk et al., 2004), and is an impor-
non-essentiality of these genes, as indicated by their tant community-acquired MRSA from the USA (Pan et al.,
absence from the sequenced genomes of the closely related 2005; Vandenesch et al., 2003). Group 2 contains the related
species S. epidermidis. CC8 clones (EMRSA-1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 11 and 17), which includes
the first MRSA lineage to be described (Crisostomo et al.,
2001), ST5 (EMRSA-3; the New York/Japan clone) (Oliveira
The phylogeny of S. aureus lineages et al., 2002) and ST1, which is the genotype of sequenced
Data for 37 loci were concatenated to produce a total of strains MSSA476 (Holden et al., 2004) and MW2 (Kuroda et
~17?8 kb for each of the 30 strains, and used to produce al., 2001). Group 2 also contains a relatively high number of
the unrooted Baysian tree presented in Fig. 2. This tree is sporadic or asymptomatic genotypes (e.g. ST20, ST9, ST13,
broadly consistent with one previously published based on ST101, ST7, ST97) and exhibits shorter branch lengths and
the concatenated sequences of the seven MLST genes, but lower clade credibility values than Group 1a.
is more robust and contains no unresolved branches. The
tree confirms the division into two main groups, as Relationship between gene function and fit to the
reported previously (Feil et al., 2003; Holden et al., 2004; consensus tree
Robinson et al., 2005) with Group 1 being further
subdivided in to Groups 1a and 1b. ST55 is an exceptional We ranked each gene tree with respect to its fit to a con-sensus
genotype, pre-viously being classified as Group 1 but tree (FCT) reconstructed excluding the gene under
appearing to fall at an intermediate position between the examination using the S-H test, as described in Methods
two main groups from the current data. (Table 2). All the genes showed significantly lower like-lihood
scores (P<0?001) against the consensus tree (com-pared with
Group 1a contains the major MRSA clones ST36 (EMRSA- the concatenated data) using the S-H test. The gene showing
15), ST22 (EMRSA-16) and ST45 (the Berlin clone) (Aires the closest FCT (i.e. the smallest likelihood difference) was
de Sousa & de Lencastre, 2004; Oliveira et al., 2002), as well sasF (SA2439) which is of unknown func-tion but likely to
as the common MSSA clone ST30 from which ST36 is encode a surface-associated protein as it contains an LPXTG
thought to have evolved (Enright et al., 2000). Interestingly, motif (Roche et al., 2003); it was one of several putative cell-
and in contrast to the MLST tree, these data suggest that ST45 wall-associated genes used for a fine-scale study of the micro-
and ST30 share a common ancestor. Group 1b con-tains no evolution of MRSA clonal lineages by Robinson & Enright
major nosocomial lineages; although ST59 was (2003). This result is surprising, as

Fig. 2. Bayesian reconstruction of S. aureus

phylogeny based on the concatenated
sequences of 37 gene fragments (~17?8 kb).
The three subgroups are highlighted; it is
unclear if ST55 should be assigned as a
Group 2 genotype. The posterior probability
scores are given on internal branches.

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J. E. Cooper and E. J. Feil

cell-wall-associated genes might be expected to be subject

to diversifying selection pressure from the host immune
res-ponse, and hence are likely candidates for frequent
recom-bination. sasF exhibits reasonably high nucleotide
diversity (p=1?7 %) and the lowest dS/dN ratio of all the
genes examined (1?1). The high degree of congruence of
this gene to the consensus tree suggests that diversifying
selection has not compromised the phylogenetic signal of
the gene. The next highest scoring gene was pbpB, which
encodes the bifunctional protein PBP2 (Pinho et al., 2001).
Although fulfilling an essential housekeeping function,
PBP2 is an important target for b-lactam resistance (Leski
& Tomasz, 2005) and vancomycin-intermediate
glycopeptide resistance (Sieradzki & Tomasz, 1999). The
third highest scoring gene in the S-H analysis is SA1619.
This is an orphan of unknown function, although clearly
one which has a stable and long-term association with S.
aureus and is not prone to frequent transfer. Thus there are
reasons for which each of the three top-scoring genes
might have been avoided under classical MLST criteria.

With the exception of the very uniform informational genes,

with their poor fit to the consensus tree, there is no obvious
relationship between gene function and FCT. The house-
keeping genes rank between 4th and 35th (Table 2) and in Fig. 3. Relationship between mean pairwise nucleotide
general score no better than cellular envelope genes or diversity (p) and FCT (SH score). A lower SH score reflects a
ORFans. It is noteworthy that three of the MLST genes, gmk, smaller difference in likelihood score between the gene and the
glpF and arcC, rank 30th–32nd respectively and only out- con-sensus trees, thus a higher FCT. (a) Plotted using the
rank those genes which are extremely uniform. This analysis values of p with a linear regression line. (b) Ranks of p are
also confirms a previous suggestion (Feil et al., 2003) that plotted and the regression line is quadratic; this clearly
arcC in particular possesses an atypical phylogenetic signal. illustrates that the linear relationship between p and FCT only
holds for low values of p (i.e. more uniform genes).

Relationship between nucleotide diversity and fit to

the consensus tree
genes which fall below a threshold level of p (in this case
To examine the role of other sequence parameters we plotted approximately 1 %), pairwise nucleotide diversity is a strong
the FCT of each gene against p, G+C content, dS/dN ratio and predictor of phylogenetic reliability. For genes above 1 %
codon bias. Owing to very low levels of diversity, sarA was diversity there is no obvious relationship, but the observa-tion
excluded from these analyses. Plotting p against FCT confirms that two of the three very diverse genes show a modest FCT
that more diverse genes tend to show a closer fit to the (Fig. 3a) suggests that there is also an upper threshold of p
2 with respect to FCT. The most diverse gene, agrC, is ranked
consensus (linear plot: R =0?111, P=0?047; Fig. 3a;
17th in terms of FCT, which confirms the discrepancies
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient=20?508, P=0?002).
between agr groups and S. aureus phylogeny discussed
The use of a quadratic plot increases the R to 0?329 (P=0? elsewhere (Robinson et al., 2005).
001; not shown), suggesting that the relation-ship between p
and FCT is not linear. If the pairwise diversities are ranked, We also examined the correlation between FCT and G+C
which provides a closer fit of the residuals to a normal content, dS/dN ratio and codon bias. We noted no evidence
distribution (by controlling for the effect of extreme values), a of a correlation with dS/dN ratio or codon bias (data not
2 2
quadratic plot gives an R of 0?441 (P<0?0001; Fig. 3b). This shown), but a weak correlation with G+C content (R =12?
plot demonstrates that the relationship between diversity and 7 %, P=0?033; see supplementary Fig. S1). The
FCT only holds for the more uniform genes. significance of this association with G+C content is
unclear and requires further analysis.
To examine this further we divided the genes into two equal
groups according to p and plotted the rank in diversity against
FCT as a linear trend for each group. Examining the most
uniform 18 genes separately reveals a linear correlation of
increasing FCT with increasing p (R =0?342, P=0?011), We have presented an intra-species tree for S. aureus based
whereas the 18 most diverse genes did not reveal a signifi- on ~17?8 kb of concatenated sequence which provides
2 hypotheses concerning the relatedness between the major
cant trend (R =0?024, P=0?54; plots not shown). Thus for
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Gene function and phylogeny in S. aureus

MRSA lineages. Although this is an improvement on the isolates (MSSA476 and MW2) which only revealed 285
existing tree, the branching order cannot be reconstructed with single base changes in all orthologous gene pairs (~1 in
complete confidence in some parts of the tree. Would the tree 10,000 sites) (Holden et al., 2004). These results confirm
be improved by the addition of yet more data? Rokas et al. the high degree of genetic relatedness between isolates
(2003) examined phylogenetic congruence in eight yeast sharing identical STs. However, a more extensive
species and concluded that the concatenated data of a investigation of intra-clonal differences has proved
minimum of 20 genes are required to produce a robust tree. successful in providing detailed hypotheses concerning the
Although in terms of nucleotide sites our dataset of 38 gene emergence of closely related MRSA clones (Robinson &
fragments is of a similar size to the 20 genes of Rokas et al. Enright, 2003). This study utilized the highly variable sas
(2003), the use of a higher number of independently evolving genes, and our current results suggest that these genes
genes should increase the performance of the data. Therefore might also be highly infor-mative for reconstructing deeper
we feel that the intra-species tree we present here would not relationships within the S. aureus population. A second
be greatly improved by the addition of yet more data. The study, utilizing variable adhesin genes, provided some
broad consistency of this phylogeny with the basic groupings evidence that recombina-tion is more common within,
previously inferred from MLST genes (Feil et al., 2003), sas rather than between, clonal complexes (Kuhn et al., 2006).
genes (Robinson et al., 2005), adhesin genes (Kuhn et al.,
2006), AFLP clustering (Melles et al., 2004), PFGE Gene function, diversity and informative trees
(Grundmann et al., 2002) and microarray analysis (Lindsay
et al., 2006) provides additional support. These data are not only relevant for studies on S. aureus, but
also provide clues as to the extent to which the current criteria
The topology within Group 2 remains relatively poorly for choosing gene loci for phylogenetic, systematics or
supported, and contrasts with the much longer branches epidemiological studies can be justified or relaxed. Here we
evident in Group 1a. This difference between these groups has find little evidence to justify the current emphasis on
also been noted in an analysis of MLST and sas genes housekeeping genes, at least on an intra-species level, and
(Robinson et al., 2005). One possibility is that the globally indeed our results for S. aureus suggest that the MLST genes
disseminated Group 1a clones (clonal complexes –‘CCs’ – 30, for this species rate amongst the poorest phylogenetic
45 and 22) may be particularly efficient at out-competing markers. In contrast, the three genes which score highly
close relatives and that the longer branch lengths in Group 1a against the consensus tree are putatively associated with the
reflect a higher rate of stochastic extinction than in Group cell wall (sasF), modified in antibiotic-resistant strains
2. The relatively poor clade credibility scores in Group 2 are (pbpB) or an orphan (SA1619), all of which would have been
also consistent with a higher rate of recombination in Group avoided under classical MLST criteria.
2 strains, although comparisons of the two groups using
various tests for recombination did not produce strong We suggest that the emphasis on gene choice for intra-species
evidence to support this view (data not shown). phylogenetic markers should be shifted to the more tangible
parameter of nucleotide diversity, with gene func-tion being
Our data also suggest that Group 1 strains can be further regarded as secondary. Clearly, gene function and diversity
subdivided into Group 1a and Group 1b, a division not are not always independent; ‘informational path-way’ genes
recognized in previous phylogenetic studies. Although (in particular 16S rRNA) should generally be avoided due to
there is generally little association between phylogenetic the extremely low levels of diversity of these genes. It is not
distri-bution and epidemiological source, it is noteworthy clear what determines the point at which extra variation ceases
that Group 1b contains no major nosocomial lineages, to improve the tree, and more speci-fically why variation in
whereas Group 1a contains the two major MRSA clones reasonable excess of 1 % generally does not result in a closer
currently circulating in the UK (STs 36 and 22), as well as fit to the consensus phylogeny. Nevertheless, this analysis
the Berlin clone (ST45). Future studies aimed at provides a convenient ‘rule of thumb’ for identifying genes
identifying the gene-tic factors underlying the ability to which are likely to contain sufficient diversity, i.e. those
rapidly disseminate might therefore focus on comparisons containing at least the average for all genes. Our results also
between Group 1a and Group 1b strains. An interesting raise the possibility of a cor-relation between G+C content
observation in this context is the high degree of divergence and closeness of fit to a con-sensus tree. Given the large
between Group 1a and Groups 1b and 2 at aapA (see number of potential candidate loci for each gene it may
supplementary Fig. S2); an examination of the region therefore also be sensible to avoid those with extreme G+C
surrounding this gene might therefore shed some light on contents.
the epidemiological differences between the two groups.
We emphasize that we do not advocate changes to any
Although the phylogenetic emphasis of this study was on the established MLST scheme. The current MLST scheme for S.
relationships between the major clonal lineages, we included aureus has proved extremely successful in understanding the
duplicates of four STs (5, 22, 36 and 121). In each case, these population structure of this species and for assigning isolates
duplicates differed at five or fewer positions in the to particular lineages. In a highly clonal organism, almost any
concatenated sequence of 17 814 sites (<0?0004 %). This is gene will typically provide the same basic lineage
consistent with a comparative genome analysis of two ST1 assignments – in the case of S. aureus this is clear from the Downloaded from by
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J. E. Cooper and E. J. Feil

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