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Organised by Agnel Polytechnic, Vashi in association with IIE ZENITH – 2009 30 - 31st OCT –09

Energy Conservation In Electrical System

Author: Co-author
Mrs.Nisha V.Vader Mrs.R.U.Patil
Energy Manager, Head Of Department, Sr. Lecturer,
Electrical Power System Dept. Electrical Power System Dept.
V.P.M.‟s Polytechnic, Thane. V.P.M.‟s Polytechnic, Thane.
e-Mail address:[email protected]

Electrical energy is universally accepted as an essential commodity for human beings. Energy is the
prime mover of economic growth and is vital to the sustenance of a modern economy. Future economic
growth crucially depends on the long-term availability of energy from sources.
Areas of application of Energy Conservation are Power Generating Station, Transmission &
Distribution system, Consumers premises. Steps are to be taken to enhance the performance efficiency of
generating stations. Energy Conservation technology adopted in Transmission & Distribution system may
reduce energy losses, which were in tune of 35% of total losses in Power system. Acceptance of Energy
conservation technology will enhances the performance efficiency of electrical apparatus used by end
users. Implementation of Energy conservation technology will lead to energy saving which means
increasing generation of energy with available source.
Scope of the paper is about Implementations of Energy conservation technologies, case studies,
related to Electrical systems adopted by industries, Municipal Corporation, Hospitals, residential
consumers, Utilities. This paper also covers Roll of Government, State nodal agencies, Energy Act, and
Energy Policies.
Energy Conservation In Electrical Field
(Full-length paper)

1.0 Introduction; Energy is the primary and the most universal measures of all kinds of work by human
being and nature. Electrical energy is proved to be an ideal energy in all sorts of energy available in
Energy is the prime mover of economic growth and is vital to the sustenance of a modern economy.
Future economic growth crucially depends on the long-term availability of energy from sources that are
affordable, accessible and environmentally friendly.
2.0 Energy Scenario:
Energy is prime factor for national economic development. India ranks sixth in the world in total
energy consumption and needs to accelerate the development of the sector to meet its growth aspirations.
Per capita energy is use in India is much below compared to many countries.
Installed capacity of India: 110,000MW
Installed capacity of Maharastra: 20,289.5MW
Available power: 13,375MW
Peak demand: 18,049MW
Power shortage: 4,774MW
Limited Fossil fuel stock up to 50 to 100 years only

3.0 Need of energy conservation:

Fossil fuels like coal, oil that has taken years to form is on the verge of depleting soon. In last
200 years we have consumed 60% of all resources. For sustainable development we need to adopt energy
efficiency measures. Today 85% of primary energy sources come from non-renewable and fossil sources.
These reserves increasing consumption and will exist for future generations.

Energy survey conducted by Ministry of

Power in 1992 reveled that there is requirement of
improvement in energy generation efficiency,
improvement in energy transportation (transmission
& distribution systems) and enhancing the
performance efficiency of use end apparatus. Study
of ‘Energy strategies for Future’ evolved two
things - efficient use of energy, energy conservation
and use of Renewable Energy. Energy conservation
emerges out to be the first and least cost option.

3.1 What is energy conservation?

Energy conservation means reduction in growth of energy consumption and is measured in physical
Energy conservation is the practice of decreasing the quantity of energy used while achieving a
similar outcome of end use. (This practice may result in increase of financial capital, environmental value,
national security, personal security and human comfort.)
Energy conservation also means reduction or elimination of unnecessary energy used and wasted.
4.0 Area of application of Energy Conservation:
Electrical system is a net work in which power is
generated using non-renewable sources by conventional
method and then transmitted over longer distances at high
voltage levels to load centers where it is used for various
energy conversion
Areas Consumption process. End user sector
(Year-2007) are identified as three
Domestic 21% major areas -Power
Commercial 18.0% Generating station,
Industrial 32% Transmission &
Transportation 29% Distribution systems, and
Energy consumers. Consumers are further classified as Domestic,
commercial and Industrial consumers.

4.1 EC in Power generating station:

To generate 1MW power generation cost is Rs 4.5 to 5.25 crores and T& D cost is Rs.2
crores . But cost of saved power is Rs.1Crores/Mw.The important note is time period to set a
power plant is 5 years; to set up transmission line 1 year and to plan energy conservation is only 1
month. We have less opportunity for EC in generating area but we can improve the performance
efficiency of generators by optimization of load, optimal distribution of load among different
units, periodical maintenance and also increasing the capacity by adopting advanced technology
using renewable energy sources.
4.2 EC in Transmission & Distribution:

In India the power transmission and distribution (T&D) system is a three tire structure comprising
of state grids, regional grids and distribution network. To meet the energy demand power system networks
are interconnected through INTRA-REGIONAL LINK.
The inter-regional power transmission capacity of India at end of 2007 was 14000 MW. T&D
system in India is characterized by heavy losses of about 34.54% according to statistics of 2005-06, as
compared to 10-15% in developed countries
Power losses in T&D system can be classified as Technical losses and Commercial losses.

Power losses in T&D system

Technical losses Commercial losses
 Transformer losses  Metering
 Transmission line losses  Inefficient management
 Inter-link losses  Improper maintenance
 Distribution losses

4.2.1- Technical Losses In T&D System:

Power losses occurring in T&D sector due to imperfection in technical aspect which indirectly
cause loss of investment in this sector, are technical losses. These technical losses are due to inadequate
system planning, improper voltage and also due to poor power factor etc.
Components Nature of losses % Losses
Transformer Losses Electrical Losses= I²R losses Power transformer contributes
Magnetic Losses = Core losses nearly 40% to 50% of total
transmission and distribution
Transmission line losses: Line losses = 3I2R loss 17%
Inter-link losses: Line losses = 3I R loss
Distribution Losses: I2R loss in distribution line These losses range from 10%
High reactive burden. to 62%. The average losses are
Poor p.f. found to be 25%.
Harmonic currents.
Unbalanced load.
Excessive neutral current.

4.2.2-Commercial Losses: Commercial losses are those, which are directly responsible for wastage of
money invested in transmission and distribution system. These losses are effects of inefficient
management, improper maintenance etc. Corruption is also the main reason contributing to the
Commercial losses. Metering losses includes loss due to inadequate billings, faulty metering, overuse,
because of meters not working properly and outright theft. Many of the domestic energy meters fail
because of poor quality of the equipment.


4.3.1 EC Techniques In Transformers:
i) Optimization of loading of transformer:
 By proper Location of Transformer preferably close to the load center, considering other
features like centralized control, operational flexibility etc. This will bring down the
distribution loss in cables.
 Maintaining maximum efficiency to occur at 38% loading (as recommended by REC), the
overall efficiency of transformer can be increased and its losses can be reduced

 Under fluctuating load condition more than one transformer is used in Parallel Operation
of Transformers to share the load & can be operated close to the maximum efficiency
ii) By Improvisation In Design And Material Of Transformer:
 To reduce load losses in Transformer, use thicker conductors so that resistance of
conductor reduces and load loss also reduces.
 To reduce Core losses use superior quality or improved grades of Cold Rolled Grain
Oriented (CRGO) laminations.
iii) Replacing By Energy Efficient Transformers:
 By using energy efficient transformers efficiency improves to 95 % to 97%.
 By using Amorphous transformers efficiency improves to 97 % to 98.5%.
 By using Epoxy Resin cast/ Encapsulated Dry type transformer- efficiency improves to 93
% to 97%.

4.3.2 Energy Conservation In Transmission Line:

 To reduce line resistance-„R‟ solid conductors are replaced by stranded conductors (ACSR or
AAC) and by bundled conductors in HT line.
 High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) is used to transmit large amount of power over long
distances or for interconnections between asynchronous grids
 By transmitting energy at high voltage level reduces the fraction of energy lost due to Joule
heating. (V α1/I so I 2 R losses reduces).
 As load on system increases terminal voltage decreases.
Voltage level can be controlled by using voltage
controllers and by using voltage stabilizer
 If required reactive power transmitted through
transmission lines, it causes more voltage drop in the line.
To control receiving end voltage, reactive power
controllers or reactive power compensating equipments
such as Static VAR controllers are used.

4.3.3 Energy Conservation In Distribution Line:

a) Optimization of distribution system: The optimum distribution system is the economical
combination of primary line (HT), distribution transformer and secondary line (LT), To reduce this loss
and improve voltage HT/LT line length ratio should be optimized.
b) Balancing of phase load- As a result of unequal loads on individual phase sequence,
components causes over heating of transformers, cables, conductors, motors. Thus, increasing
losses and resulting in the motor malfunctioning under unbalanced voltage conditions.
c) Harmonics: With increase in use of non-linear devices, distortion of the voltage and current
waveforms occurs, known as Harmonics. Due to
presence of harmonic currents excessive voltage
and current in transformers terminals,
malfunctioning of control equipments and Energy
meter, over effect of power factor correction
apparatus, interference with telephone circuits
and broad casting occurs. Distribution Static
Compensator (DASTACOM) and Harmonic
filters can reduce this harmonics.

d) Energy Conservation by using power factor controller:

Low power factor will lead to increased current and
hence increase losses and will affect the voltage. We can use

Power Factor Controller or Automatic Power Factor Controller that can be located near receiving
substations, load centers or near loads.

e) Energy Conservation By Demand side management control

Demand-side management is used to describe the
actions of a utility, beyond the customer's meter, with the
objective of altering the end-use of electricity - whether it be
to increase demand, decrease it, shift it between high and low
peak periods, or manage it when there are intermittent load
demands - in the overall interests of reducing utility costs.
Nearly energy of 15,000 MW can be saved through end-use energy
By using DSM saving potential in…
Industry and Agriculture - 30-35%
Commercial / Government establishments and residential houses. -25-30%

4.4 - Energy Conservation In Lighting system:

Good lighting is required to improve the quality of work, to reduce human‟s / worker‟s fatigue,
to reduce accidents, to protect his eyes and nervous system. In industry it improves production, and
quality of products / work. To view economy of lighting system, cost of initial installation cost, running
cost, and effect on production / work are to be considered as main parameters. The power consumption
by the industrial lighting is nearly 2 to 10 % of total power consumption, depending on type of
a) Optimum use of natural light: Whenever the orientation of a building permits, day lighting has to be
used in combination with electric lighting. The maxim use of sunlight can be get by means of
transparent roof sheets, north light roof, etc
b) Replacing incandescent lamps by Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL's): CFL's are highly suitable
for places such as Living rooms, Hotel lounges, Bars, Restaurants, Pathways, Building entrances,
Corridors, etc.

Area Existing lamp Proposed lamp Power savings

Industry GLS 13w CFL 9w 4w 31%
GLS 200w Blended 160w 40w 20%
Domestic GLS 60w CFL 25w 35w 58%
c) Replacing conventional fluorescent lamp by energy efficient fluorescent lamp: Energy efficient
lamps are based on the highly sophisticated technology. They offer excellent color rendering properties in
addition to the very high luminous efficacy.
Area Lamp Type Power Saving
Existing Proposed Watts Efficiency
Industry TL 40w TLD 36w 4w 10%
Street lighting TL 2*40 w TL 2*36 w 08w 06
Domestic TL 40w T-8 28w 12w 30
d) Replacement of Mercury/Sodium Vapor Lamp by Halides Lamp: MHL provides high colour
rendering index and offer efficient white light. Hence for critical applications where higher illumination
levels are required, these lamps are used. They are highly suitable for applications such as assembly line,
inspection area, painting shops etc.

Area Existing lamp Proposed lamp Power savings
Industry HPMV- 400w MHL- 250w 5w 17%
Commercial HPSV- 150w MHL- 250w 150w 35%
Street lighting GLS - 200w ML- 160w 40 w 07%
GL- 300w ML- 250w 50 w 17%
e) Replacing HPMV Lamps by High pressure sodium Vapour Lamp (HPSV): Where color
rendering is not critical for such applications e g street lighting, yard lighting because CRI of
HPSV is low but offer more efficiency.

Area Existing lamp Proposed lamp Power savings

Street lighting HPMV - 125w HPSV 70w 25 w 44%
HPMV- 250w HPSV 150w 100 w 40%
Yard lighting HPMV- 250w HPSV 150w 100 w 40 %
f) Replacing filament lamps on panels by LED: LED lamps consumes less power (1 W lamp),
withstand high voltage fluctuation in the power supply, longer operating life (>100,000 hrs). Hence
nowadays they are also used in street lighting, signaling, advertising boards, even as replacement
for tube light or CFL.
g) Replacement of conventional ballast by Electronic ballast: Installation of high frequency (28 –
32Mhz) electronic ballast in place of conventional ballasts helps to reduce power consumption up to
h) Installation of separate transformer for lighting: In most of the industries, the net lighting load
varies between 2 to 10%. If power load and lighting load fed by same transformer, switching operation
and load variation causes voltage fluctuations. This also affects the performance of neighboring power
load apparatus, lighting load equipments and also reduces lamps. Hence, the lighting equipment has to
be isolated from the power feeders. This will reduce the voltage related problems, which in turn
provides a better voltage regulation for the lighting This also increases the efficiency of the lighting
i) Installation of servo stabilizer for lighting feeder: Wherever, installation of separate transformer for
lighting is not economically attractive and then servo stabilizer can be installed for the lighting feeders.
j) Control over energy consumption pattern: Occupancy Sensors, Daylight Linked Control are
commonly used in commercial buildings, malls, offices, where more no. Of lights are to be controlled
as per operational hours microprocessor based Light control circuits are used. As a single control unit it
can be programmed to switch on /off as per the month wise, year wise and even season wise working
k) Periodic survey and adequate matainance program: Illumination level reduces due to
accumulation of dirt on lamps and luminaries. By carrying periodic maintenance i.e. cleaning, dusting of
lamps and luminaries will improve the light output / luminance. As part of maintenance programme,
periodic surveys of installation, lightning system with respect lamp positioning and illumination levels,
proper operation of control gears should be conducted to take advantage of energy conservation
opportunities as user requirements changes.

4.5 Energy Conservation In Motors: Considering all industrial applications 70% of total electrical energy
consumed by only electric motors driven equipments.
a. Improving power supply quality: Maintaining the voltage level within the BIS standards
i.e. with tolerance of +/-6%and frequency with tolerance of +/-3% motor performance
improves and also life.
b. Optimum loading: Proper selection of the rating of the motor will reduce the power consumption.
If the motor is operating at less than 50% of loading (η<50%)significant power saving can be
obtained by replacing with properly sized high efficiency motors. If the motor is operating at loads
below 40% of it‟s capacity, an inexpensive and effective measure might be to operate in star mode.

c. Improving transmission efficiency: Proper selection of power transmission means (belts, gears)
will reduces transmission losses.
d. Stopping idle or redundant running of motors or lights will save 100% power.
e. By use of Soft Starter: Soft starters are essentially stator voltage controllers; helps to over come
above problem. It helps to restrict starting current and also provide smooth start and stop
Application No. Of No. Of Energy Savings Savings
working hours jobs consumed in in kWh in %
Grinding machine
Without soft starter 7 55 168.0 --- ---
With soft starter 7 51 136.8 31.2 18.6
Lathe machine (5.5 kW)
Without soft starter 7 231 96.4 --- ---
With soft starter 7 228 76.4 19.6 20.4

f. By improving power factor: For improving p.f., connect the capacitor bank, which will improve
the p.f. of the system from installation to generating station. Maximum improvement in overall
system efficiency is achieved, which also reduces max. demand of the system and that will reflect
in energy bill.
g. Use of high efficiency or Energy efficient motors

The energy efficient motors have reduced losses through

improved design, better materials and improved manufacturing
techniques. Generally motor life doubles for each 10 0C reduction
in operating temperature. While selecting EEM, select with
1.15service factor, design for operation at 85% of rated load.

5.0 Case study: Thane Municipal corporation

Thane Municipal Corporation initiated the project of energy conservation in year 2001 by
identifying the area- municipal building, municipal hospital, street lights, pumping station sewage
pumping station.
The initial energy status was as…
 Municipal Buildings: 2970 kW
 Municipal Hospital: 1276 kW
 Streetlight: 7364 kW
 Water supply: 6634 kW
 Sewerage pumping stations: 1299 kW
Total: 19573 kW (19.5 MW)
List of energy conservation techniques adopted:
Area Technique Total saving

Municipal  Preventing wastage & leakages in AC system
Buildings  Revision of contract maximum demand with MSCDL
 Improving the power factor to unity
 Use of electronic ballast & T8 tube lights
 Creating awareness of energy saving among the employees Rs 1523.4 lacs
(331 units)
Streetlight  Using microprocessor based cyclic timers
 Energy efficient components (SV Lamps) for street light Up to year 2006
 Adaptation of solar based LED lights
Municipal  Use of electronic ballast & T8 tube lights
Hospital  Adopting solar water heating system Rs 15.46
 Creating awareness of energy saving among the employers lacs/annum
 Optimization of air conditioned load & light load
Water supply  Improving the power factor to unity
Rs 24.96 lacs
 Use of Time Of Day (TOD) Tariff
 Replacement by efficient pumps
 By undertaking water audit project
Sewerage  Improving the power factor to unity Rs 12.3 lacs
Pumping  Optimization of load on transformer /annum
stations  Voltage stabilizers
Through energy conservation cell awareness program, periodical maintenance program utilization of
alternative energy sources, energy generation (methane gas), quality control & use of in-house man power
TMC obtained the success in all its energy conservation programs For its efforts TMC received first prize
in „State Level Award For Excellence In Energy Conservation & Management’ for year 2004 & 2006
First prize in „National Energy Conservation Award 2005’.

6.0 Conclusion: Everything what happens in the world is the expression of flow of energy (Electrical) in
one of its forms. In development process to cope with increasing energy demands, conservation and energy
efficiency measures are two parallel paths.

“It takes … one hour to promote energy conservation, but only one sec. to save energy. ”
7.0 Reference:
Books : Guidebooks for National certificate of examination for Energy Managers
 Electric energy utilization & consevation-S.C.Tripathy
 Renewable energy sources & conservation technology-N.K.Bansal
 Energy efficiency & Demand Side Management-Paper by Rangan Banergee,IIT Mumbai.
Journals: Electrical India –March 2009
 IEEMA – magazine
 Power India – magazine
Websites: www.bee


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