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Heart Dysrhythmias Cheat Sheet

Arrhythmias Description Causes Treatment

 Irregular atrial and  Normal variation of  Atropine if rate decreases

ventricular rhythms. normal sinus rhythm in below 40bpm.
 Normal P wave preceding athletes, children, and the
each QRS complex. elderly.
Sinus Arrhythmia
 Can be seen in digoxin
toxicity and inferior wall

 Atrial and ventricular  Normal physiologic  Correction of underlying

rhythms are regular. response to fever, cause.
 Rate > 100 bpm. exercise, anxiety,  Beta-adrenergic blockers
 Normal P wave preceding dehydration, or pain. or calcium channel
each QRS complex.  May accompany shock, blockers for symptomatic
left-sided heart failure, patients.
Sinus Tachycardia cardiac tamponade,
hyperthyroidism, and
 Atropine, epinephrine,
quinidine, caffeine,
nicotine, and alcohol use.

 Regular atrial and  Normal in a well-  Follow ACLS protocol for

ventricular rhythms. conditioned heart (e.g., administration of atropine
 Rate < 60 bpm. athletes). for symptoms of low
 Normal P wave preceding  Increased intracranial cardiac output, dizziness,
Sinus Bradycardia each QRS complex. pressure; increased vagal weakness, altered LOC, or
tone due to straining low blood pressure.
during defecation,  Pacemaker
vomiting, intubation,
mechanical ventilation.
 Atrial and ventricular  Infection  Treat symptoms with
rhythms normal except for  Coronary artery disease, atropine I.V.
missing complex. degenerative heart  Temporary pacemaker or
Sinoatrial (SA)  Normal P wave preceding disease, acute inferior wall permanent pacemaker if
arrest or block each QRS complex. MI. considered for repeated
 Pause not equal to  Vagal stimulation, episodes.
multiple of the previous Valsalva’s a euver,
rhythm. carotid sinus massage.
 Atrial and ventricular  Rheumatic carditis due to  No treatment if patient is
Wandering atrial rhythms vary slightly. inflammation involving asymptomatic
pacemaker  Irregular PR interval. the SA node.
 Digoxin toxicity
 P waves irregular with  Sick sinus syndrome  Treatment of underlying
changing configurations cause if patient is
i dicati g that they are ’t symptomatic.
all from SA node or single
atrial focus; may appear
after the QRS complex.
 QRS complexes uniform in
shape but irregular in
 Premature, abnormal-  May prelude  Usually no treatment is
looking P waves that differ supraventricular needed.
in configuration from tachycardia.  Treatment of underlying
normal P waves.  Stimulants, cause if patient is
 QRS complexes after P hyperthyroidism, COPD, symptomatic.
Premature atrial
waves except in very early infection and other heart  Carotid sinus massage.
contraction (PAC)
or blocked PACs. diseases.
 P wave often buried in the
preceding T wave or
identified in the preceding
T wave.
 Atrial and ventricular  Physical exertion,  If patient is unstable
rhythms are regular. emotion, stimulants, prepare for immediate
 Heart rate > 160 bpm; rheumatic heart diseases. cardioversion.
rarely exceeds 250 bpm.  Intrinsic abnormality of AV  If patient is stable, vagal
 P waves regular but conduction system. stimulation, or Valsalva’s
aberrant; difficult to  Digoxin toxicity. maneuver, carotid sinus
differentiate from  Use of caffeine, massage.
preceding T wave. marijuana, or central  Adenosine by rapid I.V.
 P wave preceding each nervous system bolus injection to rapidly
QRS complex. stimulants. convert arrhythmia.
 Sudden onset and  If patient has normal
termination of arrhythmia ejection fraction, consider
 When a normal P wave is calcium channel blockers,
prese t, it’s called beta-adrenergic blocks or
paroxysmal atrial amiodarone.
tachycardia; when a  If patient has an ejection
normal P wave is ’t fraction less than 40%,
prese t, it’s called consider amiodarone.
paroxysmal junctional
 Atrial rhythm regular,  Heart failure, tricuspid or  If patient is unstable with
rate, 250 to 400 bpm mitral valve disease, ventricular rate > 150bpm,
 Ventricular rate variable, pulmonary embolism, cor prepare for immediate
depending on degree of pulmonale, inferior wall cardioversion.
AV block MI, carditis.  If patient is stable, drug
Atrial flutter
 Saw-tooth shape P wave  Digoxin toxicity. therapy may include
configuration. calcium channel blockers,
 QRS complexes uniform in beta-adrenergic blocks, or
shape but often irregular antiarrhythmics.
in rate.
 Anticoagulation therapy
may be necessary.
 Atrial rhythm grossly  Heart failure, COPD,  If patient is unstable with
irregular rate > 300 to 600 thyrotoxicosis, constrictive ventricular rate > 150bpm,
bpm. pericarditis, ischemic prepare for immediate
 Ventricular rhythm grossly heart disease, sepsis, cardioversion.
irregular, rate 160 to 180 pulmonary embolus,  If stable, drug therapy
bpm. rheumatic heart disease, may include calcium
 PR interval indiscernible. hypertension, mitral channel blockers, beta-
 No P waves, or P waves stenosis, atrial irritation, adrenergic blockers,
that appear as erratic, complication of coronary digoxin, procainamide,
Atrial Fibrillation
irregular base-line bypass or valve quinidine, ibutilide, or
fibrillatory waves replacement surgery amiodarone.
 Anticoagulation therapy
to prevent emboli.
 Dual chamber atrial
pacing, implantable atrial
pacemaker, or surgical
maze procedure may also
be used.
 Atrial and ventricular  Inferior wall MI, or  Correction of underlying
rhythms are regular. ischemia, hypoxia, vagal cause.
 Atrial rate 40 to 60 bpm. stimulation, sick sinus  Atropine for symptomatic
 Ventricular rate usually 40 syndrome. slow rate
to 60 bpm.  Acute rheumatic fever.  Pacemaker insertion if
 P waves preceding, hidden  Valve surgery patient is refractory to
within (absent), or after  Digoxin toxicity drugs
Junctional Rhythm QRS complex; usually  Discontinuation of digoxin
inverted if visible. if appropriate.
 PR interval (when present)
< 0.12 second
 QRS complex
configuration and
duration normal, except in
aberrant conduction.
 Atrial and ventricular  MI or ischemia  Correction of underlying
rhythms are irregular.  Digoxin toxicity and cause.
 P waves inverted; may excessive caffeine or  Discontinuation of digoxin
precede be hidden within, amphetamine use if appropriate.
or follow QRS complex.
 QRS complex
configuration and
duration normal.
 Atrial and ventricular  Inferior wall MI or  Correction of the
rhythms regular ischemia or infarction, underlying cause.
First-degree AV  PR interval > 0.20 second. hypothyroidism,  Possibly atropine if PR
block  P wave preceding each hypokalemia, interval exceeds 0.26
QRS complex. hyperkalemia. second or symptomatic
 QRS complex normal.  Digoxin toxicity. bradycardia develops.
 Use of quinidine,  Cautious use of digoxin,
procamide, beta- calcium channel blockers,
adrenergic blocks, calcium and beta-adrenergic

 Atrial rhythm regular.  Severe coronary artery  Atropine, epinephrine,

 Ventricular rhythm disease, anterior wall MI, and dopamine for
irregular. acute myocarditis. symptomatic bradycardia.
 Atrial rate exceeds  Digoxin toxicity  Temporary or permanent
Second-degree AV ventricular rate. pacemaker for
block Mobitz I  PR interval progressively, symptomatic bradycardia.
(Wenckebach) but only slightly, longer  Discontinuation of digoxin
with each cycle until QRS if appropriate.
complex disappears.
 PR interval shorter after
dropped beat.
 Atrial rhythm regular.  Inferior or anterior wall  Atropine, epinephrine,
 Ventricular rhythm regular MI, congenital and dopamine for
and rate slower than atrial abnormality, rheumatic symptomatic bradycardia.
rate. fever.  Temporary or permanent
 No relation between P pacemaker for
Third-degree AV
waves and QRS symptomatic bradycardia.
block (complex
heart block)
 No constant PR interval.
 QRS interval normal
(nodal pacemaker) or
wide and bizarre
(ventricular pacemaker).
 Atrial rhythm regular  Heart failure; old or acute  If warranted,
 Ventricular rhythm myocardial ischemia, procainamide, lidocaine,
irregular infarction, or contusion. or amiodarone I.V.
 QRS complex premature,  Myocardial irritation by  Treatment of underlying
usually followed by a ventricular catheters such cause.
complete compensatory as a pacemaker.  Discontinuation of drug
pause  Hypercapnia, causing toxicity.
 QRS complex wide and hypokalemia,  Potassium chloride IV if
distorted, usually >0.14 hypocalcemia. PVC induced by
second.  Drug toxicity by cardiac hypokalemia.
contraction (PVC)
 Premature QRS complexes glycosides, aminophylline,  Magnesium sulfate IV if
occurring singly, in pairs, tricyclic antidepressants, PVC induced by
or in threes; alternating beta-adrenergic. hypomagnesaemia.
with normal beats; focus  Caffeine, tobacco, or
from one or more sites. alcohol use.
 Ominous when clustered,  Psychological stress,
multifocal, with R wave on anxiety, pain
T pattern.
 Ventricular rate 140 to  Myocardial ischemia,  If pulseless: initiate CPR;
220 bpm, regular or infarction, or aneurysm follow ACLS protocol for
irregular.  Coronary artery disease defibrillation.
 QRS complexes wide,  Rheumatic heart disease  If with pulse: If
bizarre, and independent  Mitral valve prolapse, hemodynamically stable,
of P waves heart failure, follow ACLS protocol for
 P waves no discernible cardiomyopathy administration of
 May start and stop  Ventricular catheters. amiodarone; if ineffective
suddenly  Hypokalemia, initiate synchronized
Hypercalcemia. cardioversion.
 Pulmonary embolism.
 Digoxin, procainamide,
epinephrine, quinidine
toxicity, anxiety.
 Ventricular rhythm and  Myocardial ischemia or  If pulseless: start CPR,
rate are rapid and chaotic. infarction, R-on-T follow ACLS protocol for
 QRS complexes wide and phenomenon, untreated defibrillation, ET
irregular, no visible P ventricular tachycardia, intubation, and
waves  Hypokalemia, administration f
hyperkalemia, epinephrine or
Hypercalcemia, alkalosis, vasopressin, lidocaine, or
electric shock, amiodarone; ineffective
hypothermia. consider magnesium
 Digoxin, epinephrine, or sulfate.
quinidine toxicity.
 No atrial or ventricular  Myocardial ischemia or  Start CPR.
rate or rhythm. infarction, aortic valve
 No discernible P waves, disease, heart failure,
QRS complexes, or T hypoxemia, hypokalemia,
waves severe acidosis, electric
shock, ventricular
arrhythmias, AV block,
pulmonary embolism,
heart rupture, cardiac
 Cocaine overdose.

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