Self Regulation Handout 1

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(Academic and Behavioral)

What is Self-Regulation?
Self-regulation can best be described as an individual’s ability to handle a situation,
while controlling their behavior and emotion. Self-regulation skills can be learned Procedures of Self-
from experience and practice. It is an important behavior to learn especially during Regulation
early childhood to promote social learning, emotional learning and behavioral  Recognize
learning. emotions and
 Establish
Why Should Educators implement Self-Regulation in their  Provide
classroom? opportunity for
Self-regulation helps students academically because it promotes goal achievement practice
and the ability to take responsibility for ones actions. When students are able to  Monitor
recognize their emotions and behaviors in the classroom it allows time for student/classroom
instruction and learning rather than spending that time redirecting student progress
behaviors and the time spent disciplining. Self-regulation also promotes
independent and motivated learners. It can be taught in both general and special
education classrooms and is beneficial for all students.

References Examples of
strategies to teach
Hall Pistorio, K., Brady, M., & Morris, C. (2017). Using literacy-based behavioural interventions to
teach self-regulation skills to young children. Early Child Development And Care, 1-13.

SMITH, S. W., CUMMING, M. M., MERRILL, K. L., PITTS, D. L., & DAUNIC, A. P. (2015).
Teaching Self-Regulation Skills to Students With Behavior Problems: Essential Instructional
 Checklists
Components. Beyond Behavior, 24(3), 4-13.  Assignment
Korinek, L., & deFur, S. H. (2016). Supporting Student Self-Regulation to Access the General
Education Curriculum. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 48(5), 232-242.  Positive
Conderman, G., & Hedin, L. (2011). Cue cards: A self-regulatory strategy for students with learning
disabilities. Intervention In School And Clinic, 46(3), 165-173. feedback
 Cue Cards
Tseng, W., Liu, H., & Nix, J. L. (2017). Self-Regulation in Language Learning. Perceptual And
Motor Skills, 124(2), 531-548.

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