A Comparative Study of Queue, Delay, and Loss Characteristics of Aqm Schemes in Qos-Enabled Networks

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Computing and Informatics, Vol.

22, 2003, 317–335



Jahwan Koo, Seongjin Ahn, Jinwook Chung

School of Information and Communications Engineering
Sungkyunkwan University
Chunchun-dong 300
Jangan-gu, Suwon, Kyounggi-do, Korea
e-mail: {jhkoo, jwchung}@songgang.skku.ac.kr, [email protected]

Manuscript received 2 September 2004; revised 15 November 2004

Communicated by Jiřı́ Šafařı́k

Abstract. One of the major component in a QoS-enabled network is active queue

management (AQM). Over the last decade numerous AQM schemes have been pro-
posed in the literature. However, much recent work has focused on improving AQM
performance through alternate approaches. This study focuses on an unbiased com-
parative evaluation of the various proposals. The evaluation methodology adopted
is the following: we first define the relationship between the terminologies used in
this paper, briefly introduce the queue, delay, and loss characteristics – a subset of
network characteristics that can be used to describe the behavior of network entities,
and give their mathematical description. Next, we present a method that would be
a successful case study based on the NS simulation technique and simulation-based
comparisons of AQM schemes chosen, which will help understand how they differ
from in terms of per-node queueing information and per-flow end-to-end behavior.
Simulation results showed that PI schemes, a feedback-based mechanism, can as-
sist delay sensitive applications to adapt dynamically to underlying network and
to stabilize the end-to-end QoS within an acceptable requirement. To understand
this attribute and behavior is important for the proper design of queue disciplines,
for the provisioning of queues and link capacity, and for choosing parameters in

Keywords: Network characteristic, simulation technique, queue schemes, per-node

queueing, per-flow end-to-end behavior, Internet QoS
318 J. Koo, S. Ahn, J. Chung


Network technologies have been revolutionized in the last decade. The speed and
capacity of various components in a networking system, such as transmission media,
switches, and routers have been drastically increased. Millions of users and billions
of traffic have introduced into wired and/or wireless networks. In addition, new
peer-to-peer applications such as Napster, Kazza, and e-donkey as well as multime-
dia traffic such as audio and video have been widely delivered. For these reasons,
network characteristics have been more complicated and diversified.
However, today’s packet-switched networks only provide best-effort services. All
traffic is processed as quickly as possible and treated in the same manner, but there
is no guarantee as to performance requirements in terms of throughput, delay, delay
jitter, and loss rate. The best-effort service is adequate as long as the applications
using the network are not sensitive to variations in losses and delays, and if the load
on the network is small. These conditions were true in the early days of the Internet,
but do not hold anymore due to the increasing number of different applications using
the Internet. There is an urgent need to provide network services with performance
guarantees and to develop algorithms supporting different levels of services. The
solutions are summarized as Quality-of-Service (QoS).
A QoS-enabled network is composed of various functions for providing different
types of service to different packets such as rate controller, classifier, scheduler, and
admission control. The scheduler function of them determines the order in which
packets are processed at a node and/or transmitted over a link. The order in which
the packets are to be processed is determined by the congestion avoidance and packet
drop policy (also called Active Queue Management) at the node. AQM schemes have
evolved over time and continue to do so.
Over the last decade numerous AQM schemes have been proposed in the lite-
rature. Although there are many papers related to AQM schemes, there have been
few discussed together in a single paper. In this paper, we first define the rela-
tionship between the terminologies used in this paper, briefly introduce the queue,
delay, and loss metrics of the main network characteristics that will be more com-
plicated and diversified, and give their mathematical description. We also present
a method that would be a successful case study based on the NS [25] simulation
technique for describing network characteristics and simulation-based comparisons
of AQM schemes, which will help understand how they differ from in terms of per-
node queueing information and per-flow end-to-end behavior. To understand this
attribute and behavior is important for the proper design of queue disciplines, for the
provisioning of queues and link capacity, and for choosing parameters in simulation.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we define the termi-
nologies used in this paper and network characteristics that can be used to describe
the behavior of network components, investigate the metrics available to measure,
present their mathematical descriptions, and provide related works. In Section 3,
we present a description and model of the basic algorithms for QoS-enabled network
including DropTail, Random Early Detection (RED) [14], BLUE [15], Random Ex-
A Comparative Study of Queue, Delay, and Loss Characteristics of AQM Schemes 319

ponential Marking (REM) [16], Proportional Integral (PI) [17], and Joint Buffer
management and Scheduling (JoBS) [18]. In Section 4, we discuss why we use a net-
work simulator and how we simulated network characteristics within the scope of
this paper. Section 5 presents simulation-based comparisons of AQM schemes such
as DropTail, RED, and PI. Its purpose is to identify the basic approaches that have
been proposed and to classify them according to the design goals and performance
issues of AQM schemes. The final section offers future work and concluding remark.


2.1 Definition of Terminologies

To describe network characteristics very well and to enable discussion and definition
of network simulations, we will define the following terminologies, ranging from
general to specific:

• A network entity is a general terminology that encompasses node, link (hop-by-

hop) and path (end-to-end).
• Network characteristics are the intrinsic properties of a portion of the network
that are related to the performance and reliability of the network.
• Simulation methodologies are the means and methods of evaluating those charac-
teristics. Generally, there will be multiple ways to evaluate a given characteristic.
• A monitored output is an instance of the information obtained by applying the
simulation methodology.

Network describes Network

Characteristic Entity


Simulation is result of Monitored

Methodology Output

Per-node Per-flow Per-class

: Scope of this paper

Fig. 1. The relationship between the terminologies used in this paper

The relationship between these terminologies is illustrated in Figure 1. We

considered the terminology specified by the IETF Internet Protocol Performance
Metrics(IPPM) Framework [1].
320 J. Koo, S. Ahn, J. Chung

2.2 Definition of Network Characteristics

The characteristics hierarchy shown in Figure 2 is taken from Global Grid Forum
(GGF) Network Measurements Working Group (NMWG) GFD-R-P.023 [2] that
describes a standard set of network characteristics. The current hierarchy does not
fully express all network characteristics, but they will be added to the hierarchy if
needed. In this paper, we will focus only on queue, delay and loss characteristics, on
discussing their definition and significance in terms of network characteristics, and
on making a formal description of the metrics such as queue length, delay, average
delay, and loss rate.




Round-trip One-way Jitter

Discipline Capacity Length

Loss Loss Pattern


Round-trip One-way
Packet Reordering

: Scope of this paper

Fig. 2. A subset of network characteristics that can be used to describe the behavior of
network entities

Queue: A queueing system in networks can be described as packets arriving for ser-
vice, waiting for service if it is not immediate, and if having waited for service,
leaving the system after being served. In most cases, four basic characteristics of
queueing processes provide an adequate description of a queueing system in net-
works: (1) arrival pattern of packets, (2) service pattern of schedulers, (3) queue
discipline, and (4) system capacity. To model network behavior, analytical mod-
els require information about the properties of the queues.
Delay: Delay is the time elapsed while a packet travels from one point (e.g., source
premise or network ingress) to another (e.g., destination premise or network
degress). As described in [3], delay is important because (1) some applications
(e.g., audio and video applications) do not perform well (or at all) if end-to-
end delay between nodes is large relative to some threshold value, (2) erratic
variation in delay makes it difficult (or impossible) to support many real-time
applications, (3) the larger the value of delay, the more difficult it is for transport-
layer protocols to maintain high bandwidths, (4) the minimum value of this
characteristic indicates the delay due only to propagation and transmission delay,
A Comparative Study of Queue, Delay, and Loss Characteristics of AQM Schemes 321

which will likely be experienced when the path traversed is lightly loaded, and
(5) values of this characteristic above the minimum means the congestion present
in the path. This characteristic can be specified in a number of different ways,
including average delay, variance of delay (jitter), and delay bound.
Loss: Packets can be lost in a network because they may be dropped when a queue
in the network node overflows. As described in [4], loss is important because
(1) some applications (e.g., audio and video applications) do not perform well
(or at all) if end-to-end loss between nodes is large relative to some threshold
value, (2) excessive packet loss may make it difficult to support certain real-
time applications, (3) the larger the value of packet loss, the more difficult it is
for transport-layer protocols to maintain high bandwidths, (4) the sensitivity of
real-time applications and of transport-layer protocols to loss become especially
important when very large delay-bandwidth products must be supported, and
(5) the sensitivity to loss of individual packets, as well as to frequency and
patterns of loss among longer packet sequences is strongly dependent on the
application itself. This characteristic can be specified in a number of different
ways, including loss rate, loss patterns, loss free seconds, and conditional loss
End-to-End Delay: Each packet generated by a source is traversed to the desti-
nation via a sequence of intermediate nodes. The end-to-end delay is thus the
sum of the delays experienced at each node on the way to the destination. Each
such delay in turn consists of two components, a constant component which
includes the transmission delay at a node and the propagation delay on the link
to the next node, and a variable component which includes the processing and
queueing delays at the node.
End-to-End Loss Packets may be dropped at the intermediate nodes because of
buffer overflow.

2.3 Mathematical Descriptions

Next, we give a formal description of the discussed metrics used in network cha-
racteristics. We assume that the link has a capacity C and a total queue space Q.
We use a(t), l(t), and r(t), respectively, to denote the arrivals, the amount of traffic
dropped, and the service rate at time t.
We now introduce the notions of arrival curve, input curve, and output curve
for a traffic in the time interval [t1 , t2 ]. The arrival curve A and the input curve Rin
are defined as
Z t2
A(t1 , t2 ) = λ(x)dx, (1)

where λ(t) is the instantaneous arrival rate at time t, and

Z t2
Rin(t1 , t2 ) = A(t1 , t2 ) − ξ(x)dx, (2)
322 J. Koo, S. Ahn, J. Chung

where ξ(t) is the instantaneous drop rate at time t. From Equation 2, the difference
between the arrival and input curve is the amount of dropped traffic. The output
curve Rout is the transmitted traffic in the interval [t1 , t2 ], given by
Z t2
Rout (t1 , t2 ) = r(x)dx, (3)

where r(t) is the instantaneous service rate at time t. From now on, we will use
the following shorthand notations to denote the arrival, input and output curves at
a given time t, respectively:
A(t) = A(0, t),
Rin (t) = Rin (0, t),
Rout(t) = Rout (0, t).


A D(t)

t time

Fig. 3. Queue length, delay and loss

In Figure 3, the vertical and the horizontal distance between the input and
output curves, respectively, are the queue length Q and the delay D. The delay D
at time t is the delay of an arrival which is transmitted at time t. Queue length and
delay at time t are defined as

Q(t) = Rin (t) − Rout (t), (4)

D(t) = max{x|Rout (t) ≥ Rin (t − x)}. (5)

We also obtain the average delay by averaging the instantaneous delay D(t) over
a time window of length τ .
1 t
Dtavg (τ ) =D(x)dx. (6)
τ t−τ
We denote the loss rate as P (t), which expresses the fraction of lost traffic since
the beginning of the current busy period at time t0 . A busy period is a time interval
A Comparative Study of Queue, Delay, and Loss Characteristics of AQM Schemes 323

with a positive queue length of traffic. So, P (t) expresses the fraction of traffic that
has been dropped in the time interval [t0 , t], that is,
l(x)dx Rin (t0 , t− ) + a(t) − l(t)
P (t) = R t0
t =1− . (7)
t0 a(x)dx A(t0 , t)

t− = sup{x|x < t}.
With the metrics just defined, therefore, we showed that we can now formally
describe network characteristics.

2.4 Related Work

To understand network characteristics is very important for designing, implement-

ing, maintaining, and provisioning network components. Many studies of network
characteristics in various network environments have been reported in the literature,
e.g., [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18].
In general, the methodology to describe network characteristics is divided into
(1) the analytic approaches [5, 6, 7, 8] which have been used in queueing network
models and analyzed corresponding models simply with certain assumptions, (2) the
experimental approaches [9, 10, 11] which have monitored the variations of network
characteristics on a given environment and/or measured the metrics passively or
actively, and (3) the simulation approaches [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18] which have
been used to design a model of a real system and conducted experiments with this
model for the purpose either of understanding the behavior of the system or evaluate
various strategies for the operation of the system. Also, it has been suggested [22]
that an advance in simulation approaches is the birth of network simulator, NS [25],
which is indeed a remarkable thing developed by Virtual Network Testbed (VINT)
project. Especially, many researchers have used NS to develop and investigate
AQM schemes discussed in this paper as well as to identify their behavior and
characteristics under varied conditions [14, 15, 16, 17, 18].
AQM schemes can be classified in different ways. In [19], these were classified
based on two dimensions: one is when decision on discarding packets is made and
the other is what information is used to make packet discard decisions. In [20],
a detailed classification of the various schemes has been proposed. It was based on
the networking environment (ATM or IP networks), the type of congestion mana-
gement mechanism implemented (congestion avoidance or congestion control and
recovery), the number of thresholds used (none, global, or per-connection), decision
information (global or per-connection), and the queue behavior (static or dynamic).
An important factor in IP network to provide the required QoS is to avoid the
effects of network congestion. Congestion occurs on a communication link whenever
the amount of traffic injected on that link exceeds its capacity. This excess traffic
causes queuing delays to increase rapidly as buffers fill up, and in extreme cases can
cause the buffers to overflow, losing packets. Thus it is crucial to have some kind
324 J. Koo, S. Ahn, J. Chung

of congestion management, of which there are two broad approaches: congestion

control and recovery, and congestion avoidance. While the first approach is reactive
and enables the network to recover when congestion has occurred, the second ap-
proach is proactive and attempts to avoid congestion in the first place. Because of
the existence of different traffic classes in a single network, typically both reactive
and proactive methods are applied. Congestion avoidance methods apply open-loop
and closed-loop flow control mechanisms and require the cooperation of the end
systems. Reservation of resources, admission control, and traffic policing are among
the most commonly used open-loop mechanisms to avoid congestion. Closed-loop
mechanisms, on the other hand, rely on feedback to detect and prevent congestion
where the feedback can be explicit, implicit, window-based, rate-based, end-to-end,
and hop-by-hop. Congestion control and recovery mechanisms are applied within
the network to combat congestion and they do not require the collaboration of the
end systems. The most common way to combat congestion is by dropping packets
whenever there is insufficient queue space.

Criteria Congestion Thresholds State-Info

Schemes Control Avoidance None Global Per-Conn Global Per-Conn
DT • • •
RED • • •
BLUE • • •
REM • • •
PI • • •
JoBS • • •

Table 1. Classification of AQM Schemes

In this paper, a wide variety of AQM schemes with many different characteristics
for IP network are considered, and hence a more extensive classification is proposed
in Table 1. We refer to a survey article [20, 23, 24] for an exhaustive review of all
possible AQM schemes.
Initial proposals for AQM for IP network [14, 15, 16] were motivated by the need
to improve TCP performance, without considering service differentiation. More
recent research efforts [17, 18] enhance these initial proposals in order to provide
service differentiation.


We provide a description of the basic schemes for IP network including DropTail,

RED [14], BLUE [15], REM [16], PI [17], and JoBS [18] and present analytic models
of their dropping (or marking) probability.
A Comparative Study of Queue, Delay, and Loss Characteristics of AQM Schemes 325

3.1 DropTail

DropTail maintains exactly simple FIFO queues. There are no methods, configura-
tion parameter, or state variables that are specific to drop tail queues.

3.2 RED

RED [14] was presented with the objective to minimize packet loss and queueing
delay, to avoid global synchronization of sources, to maintain high link utilization,
and to remove biases against bursty sources. To achieve these goals, RED utilizes two
thresholds, minth and maxth , and a exponentially-weighted moving average (EWMA)
formula to estimate the average queue length, Qavg = (1 − Wq ) · Qavg + Wq · Q, where
Q is the current queue length and Wq is a weight parameter, 0 ≤ Wq ≤ 1. The two
thresholds are used to establish three zones. If the average queue length is below the
lower threshold (minth ), RED is in the normal operation zone and all packets are
accepted. On the other hand, if it is above the higher threshold (maxth ), RED is in
the congestion control region and all incoming packets are dropped. If the average
queue length is between both thresholds, RED is in the congestion avoidance region
and the packets are discarded with a certain probability Pa :
Pa = . (8)
(1 − count · Pb )
This probability is increased by two factors. A counter is incremented every
time a packet arrives at the router and is queued, and reset whenever a packet is
dropped. As the counter increases, the dropping probability also increases. In addi-
tion, the dropping probability also increases as the average queue length approaches
the higher threshold. In implementing this, RED computes an intermediate proba-
bility Pb ,
Pb = · (Qavg − min) (9)
maxth − minth th

whose maximal value given by maxp is reached when the average queue length is
equal to maxth . For a constant average queue length, all incoming packets have the
same probability to get dropped. As a result, RED drops packets in proportion to
the connections’ share of the bandwidth.

3.3 BLUE

BLUE [15] uses different metrics to characterize the probability of dropping an

arrival. This scheme uses the current loss ratio and link utilization as input parame-
ters. It maintains a single probability, Pm , which it uses to mark (or drop) packets
when they are enqueued. If the queue is continually dropping packets due to queue
overflow, BLUE increments Pm ,

Pm = Pm + d1, (10)
326 J. Koo, S. Ahn, J. Chung

thus increasing the rate at which it sends back congestion notification. Conversely,
if the queue becomes empty or if the link is idle,

Pm = Pm − d2, (11)

BLUE decreases its marking probability. This effectively allows BLUE to learn
the correct rate it needs to send back congestion notification. Beside the marking
probability, BLUE uses two other parameters which control how quickly the marking
probability changes over time. The first is freeze time. This parameter determines
the minimum time interval between two successive updates of Pm . This allows the
changes in the marking probability to take effect before the value is updated again.
The other parameters used (d1 and d2 ), determine the amount by which Pm is
incremented when the queue overflows or is decremented when the link is idle.

3.4 REM

REM [16] is an AQM scheme that measures congestion not by a performance mea-
sure such as loss or delay, but by a quantity we call “price”. It maintains “price” as
a congestion measure to determine the marking probability, pl , based on rate mis-
match (i.e., difference between input rate and link capacity) and queue mismatch
(i.e., difference between queue lenght and target value qref .

pl (t + 1) = max(0, pl(t) + γ(αl(ql (t) − qref ) + xl (t) − cl (t))) (12)

The cost is directly proportional to the queue occupancy.

3.5 PI

PI [17] uses a feedback-based model for TCP arrival rates to let the queue occupancy
converge to a target value, but assumes a priori knowledge of the round-trip times
and of the number of flows traversing the router. It improves responsiveness of the
TCP flow mechanisms by means of proportional control, stabilizes the queue length
around target value qref by means of integral control, and marks each packet with
a probability, p,

p(t + 1) = p(t) + a(q(t + 1) − qref ) − b(q(t) − qref ). (13)

Two main functions are used in the PI algorithm: one is the congestion indicator
(to detect congestion) and the other is the congestion control function (to avoid and
control congestion). The PI-controller has been designed based on (1) not only to
improve responsiveness of the TCP flow dynamics but also to stabilize the router
queue length around Qref . The latter can be achieved by means of integral (I)-con-
trol, while the former can be achieved by means of proportional (P)-control using
the instantaneous queue length rather than using the exponentially weighted moving
average (EWMA) queue length.
A Comparative Study of Queue, Delay, and Loss Characteristics of AQM Schemes 327

3.6 JoBS

JoBS [18] is capable of supporting a wide range of relative, as well as absolute, per-
class guarantees for loss and delay, without assuming admission control or traffic


Projected Arrival
(after packet marking)



t t' time

Fig. 4. The concepts of JoBS algorithm

The main idea of the JoBS scheme is as follows: At time t of a packet arrival,
the router estimates the congestion window size, W (t), and the round-trip time,
RT T (t), of the TCP flow. With these estimates, future traffic arrivals are projected,
and impending queue overflows are inferred. If a packet loss is projected, JoBS
reduces the congestion window size of the TCP source by marking packets with
Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN). By reducing the congestion window size,
the sending rate of the TCP source is reduced, and impending packet losses can be
avoided. At any time t, the backlog at the router is equal to Rin (t) − Rout(t). Hence,
the JoBS makes an effort to meet the following requirement:

∀t : Rin (t) − Rout (t) ≤ Blim (14)

where Blim is the size of the router’s buffer, Rin (t) is the total amount of traffic that
has entered the router until time t, and Rout (t) is the total amount of traffic that
has left the router until time t.


In this section, we discuss why we use a network simulator and how we simulated
network characteristics discussed in the previous section.
328 J. Koo, S. Ahn, J. Chung

4.1 Simulation Package Selection

We will choose a network simulation package because (1) we want verifiable and
reproducible results, and (2) we want to test network characteristics in a variety of
The NS-2 [25] we chose is an object-oriented, discrete event driven network
simulator written in C++ and OTcl that simulates variety of IP networks. It has the
following main functionalities that can be used for describing network characteristics.
First, arbitrary network topologies, composed of nodes, links and paths can be
defined. It also implements traffic models and applications such as ftp, telnet,
web, constant-bit rate, variable-bit rate and real audio, transport protocols such
as TCP (Reno, Vegas, etc.) and UDP, queue disciplines such as DropTail, RED,
priority and fair queue, routing algorithms such as link state and distance vector,
and more. Second, it is based on two object-oriented languages (one is OTcl script
interpreter, another is C++ compiler). This leads to a better reusability, efficiency
and maintenance. Third, there are two primary but distinct types of monitoring
capabilities currently supported by the simulator. The first, called traces, record
each individual packet as it arrives, departs, or is dropped at a link or queue. The
other types, called monitors, record counts of various interesting quantities such
as packet and byte arrivals, departures, etc. Monitors can also monitor counts
associated with all packets, or on a per-flow basis.

4.2 Simulation Goal and Network Topology

We perform two simulation experiments. In the first experiment, we compare the

performance provided by the DropTail, RED, PI schemes, at a single node. The
first experiment focuses on the performance issues of the queueing information at
a bottleneck link. In the second experiment, we augment the first experiment’s
network topology to the multiple nodes with TCP and UDP traffic, and assess the
per-flow end-to-end characteristics.

4.2.1 Setting Up Single-node Topology for Experiment 1

We consider a bottleneck link with 10 Mbps bandwidth, 10 ms propagation delay, and

15 0000 bytes queue size as shown in Figure 5 a). The rest of the links (edge links)
are all 100 Mbps. Their propagation delay is 1 ms. Each source node is connected to
the corresponding sink node at the other side of the network, i.e., source node Si is
connected to sink node Ri. A node is a compound object composed of a node entry
object and classifiers as shown in Figure 5 b). Similarly, a link is another major
compound object as shown in Figure 5 c). Since there are numerous tutorials as
well as manuals related the node and link object in NS-2, we will not pursue further
discussion of this subject. There are 3 TCP source/sinks and one UDP source/sink
connected to each edge node. Each TCP source is an FTP application on top of
NewReno TCP. The FTP packet size is 500 bytes. Each UDP source is a Pareto
A Comparative Study of Queue, Delay, and Loss Characteristics of AQM Schemes 329

On-Off source with peak rate 5 000 Kbps, burst time 10 ms, and idle time 10 ms. The
shape parameter α of the Pareto distribution essentially characterizes the burstiness
of the traffic arrivals. The smaller α, the burstier the traffic. The experiment lasts
for 70 seconds of simulated time, and ECN is available in the entire network.

Packets FTP

Source Nodes Sink Nodes

S1 100 Mbps R1
100 Mbps
1 ms 1 ms Port
Classifier Client Traffic Source
(S1 ~ S3) 10 Mbps
C1 C2 Classifier 0
10 ms
S3 R3 0
UDP ON/OFF S4 Bottleneck Queue Information R4
SOURCE (S4) (Link Utilization, Drop Rates, Entry
Average Delays, Average Queue
(a) Network topology with single node for per-node Node
queueing behavior
(b) Node Object and Structure

EnqT Queue DeqT Delay TTL RecvT

DrpT Agent/Null

:Link Objects : Trace Objects

(c) Link Structure with Trace Objects

Source Nodes Sink Nodes

S1 100 Mbps 100 Mbps R1

1 ms 1 ms
S2 R2
(S1 ~ S3) 10 Mbps 10 Mbps 10 Mbps
C1 C2 C3 C4
10 ms 10 ms 10 ms
S3 R3

SOURCE (S4) End-to-End Per-Flow Behavior
(End-to-End Delays, End-to-End
Loss Rates, End-to-End throughput)

(d) Network topology with multiple node for per-flow end-to-end behavior

Fig. 5. Network topology, node, and link

DropTail. We use DropTail to have an estimate of the performance measure en-

countered without AQM scheme. With DropTail queue, incoming packets are
discarded only when the queue is full.
RED. RED utilizes two thresholds, minth and maxth , and an EWMA formula to
estimate the average queue length. RED is configured with a minimum threshold
minth = 30 000 bytes, and a maximum threshold maxth = 120 000 bytes. Also,
330 J. Koo, S. Ahn, J. Chung

the parameter maxp is set to 1, and the weight used in the computation of the
average queue size is set to Wq = 0.002.
PI. We configure the PI algorithm with approximate RTTs and a tight upper bound
on the round-trip times R+ = 180 ms, with a sampling frequency of 160 Hz, and
get a = 1.643e−4 and b = 1.628e−4. The target queue length Qref is set to
70 000 bytes. Note that such a crude parameter tuning is to account for the
uncertainty on estimates of the RTTs and of the number of flows at router
configuration time.

4.2.2 Setting Up Multiple Node Topology for Experiment 2

We use the same traffic pattern as in experiment 1 and augment the single-bottleneck
core node to multiple core nodes as shown in Figure 5 d).

4.3 OTcl Script for Traffic Sources and Tracing

To setup and run a simulation network, we should write an OTcl script that initiates
an event scheduler, sets up the network topology using the network objects and the
functions in the library, and tells traffic sources when to start and stop transmitting
packets through the event scheduler. We present an OTcl script for generating traffic
sources (TCP/FTP and UDP/Pareto) and creating trace file as shown in Figure 6.
Note that we have used int-ftp and build-pareto-on-off procedures to describe long
file transfer and busty UDP traffic, respectively, which can be representatives of
traffic pattern in the Internet.


In this section, we present simulation results for each queue discipline in terms of
per-node queueing behavior and per-flow end-to-end behavior. In referencing [21],
however, this paper will be limited to simulation results. In summary, queue disci-
plines have mainly focused on seven issues: 1) avoid congestion, 2) reduce the packet
transfer delay, keeping the queue lengths at low levels, 3) avoid the TCP global syn-
chronization problem, 4) achieve fairness among different traffic types, 5) deliver
service guarantee (guaranteed or differentiated), 6) reduce the program complexity,
and 7) increase the scalability. These issues, however, are all inter-related.

5.1 Per-Node Queueing Behavior

For each discipline, we monitor link utilization, loss rate, average delay, and average
queue length at the bottleneck core link as shown Figure 5 a), and present our
results in Figure 7. Note that RED is the worst of the three schemes with regard to
link utilization and packet drop rates. This result makes us understand that RED
discipline has a heavy effect on the parameter configuration.
A Comparative Study of Queue, Delay, and Loss Characteristics of AQM Schemes 331

##### Traffic Sources Primitives ##### ##### Global Variables #####

proc flow_setup {id src src_agent dst dst_agent
app_flow pksize} # Packet Size(in bytes) and TCP Window Size
{ set PKTSZ 500
global ns set MAXWIN 50
$ns attach-agent $src $src_agent # Number of monitored flows
$ns attach-agent $dst $dst_agent set N_CL4
$ns connect $src_agent $dst_agent set N_USERS 4
$src_agent set packetSize_ $pksize set N_USERS_TCP3
$src_agent set fid_ $id # Alpha parameter of the Pareto distribution
$app_flow set flowid_ $id set PARETO_ALPHA_C 1.3
$app_flow attach-agent $src_agent set START_TM 0.0
return $src_agent
} ##### Main #####

proc inf_ftp {id src src_agent dst dst_agent app_flow set ns [new Simulator]
maxwin pksize starttm} set rnd [new RNG]
{ set seed 16
global ns $rnd seed $seed
flow_setup $id $src $src_agent $dst $dst_agent \\ set nf [open dt/out.nam w]
$app_flow $pksize
$src_agent set window_ $maxwin # Trace File
$src_agent set ecn_ 1 $ns namtrace-all $nf
$ns at $starttm "$app_flow start"
return $src_agent # Generating User Traffic (TCP/FTP and UDP Pareto)
} for {set i 1} {$i <= $N_USERS} {incr i}
proc build-pareto-on-off {id src src_agent dst dst_agent if {$i <= $N_USERS_TCP} {
app_flow peak_rate pksize shape_par start_tm idle_tm burst_tm} set flow($i) [new Application/FTP]
{ inf_ftp $i $source($i) $source_agent($i) $sink($i) \\
global ns $sink_agent($i)
flow_setup $id $src $src_agent $dst $dst_agent $app_flow \\ $flow($i) $MAXWIN $PKTSZ $START_TM
$pksize } else {
$app_flow set burst-time_ [expr $burst_tm / 1000.] set flow($i) [new Application/Traffic/Pareto]
$app_flow set idle-time_ [expr $idle_tm / 1000.] build-pareto-on-off $i $source($i) $source_agent($i) \\
$app_flow set rate_ [expr $peak_rate * 1000.0] $sink($i)
$app_flow set shape_ $shape_par $sink_agent($i) $flow($i) 5000.0 $PKTSZ $PARETO_ALPHA_C \\
$ns at $start_tm "$app_flow start" $START_TM 10.0 10.0
} }

Fig. 6. OTcl script for generating traffic sources and creating trace file

1.2 0.03
Link Utilization

DropTail RED PI
1 0.025
Drop Rate (%)

0.8 0.02

0.6 0.015

0.4 0.01

0.2 DropTail RED PI 0.005

0 0
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70
Simulation Time (s) Simulation Time (s)
(a) Link Utilization (b) Loss Rate
Queue Length (bytes)

80 90000
Average Delays (ms)

DropTail RED PI 80000 DropTail RED PI

60 70000
20 20000
10 10000
0 0
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 54 58 62 66 70
Simulation Time (s) Simulation Time (s)

(c) Average Delays (d) Average Queue Length

Fig. 7. Per-node queueing behavior with single node

332 J. Koo, S. Ahn, J. Chung

5.2 Per-Flow End-to-End Behavior

For each discipline, we monitor end-to-end packet delays, end-to-end packet loss
rates, and end-to-end throughput as shown Figure 5 d), and present only an end-
to-end delay result in RED as shown Figure 8. Each of these four flows traverses
four nodes, each node providing a queueing delay. Adding to this per-node queueing
delay the propagation delays between each node, one can infer that the end-to-end
delays of a flow in RED scheme have to be less than 4 × Dtavg + 3 × 10 + 2 × 1.

Fig. 8. Per-flow end-to-end delay with multiple nodes in RED

Note that PI scheme can achieve lower-delay performance than the remaining
schemes. Furthermore, PI scheme was almost unaffected shown in the standard
deviation of Table 2. It means that PI, a suitable feedback mechanism, can assist
delay sensitive applications to adapt dynamically to underlying network and to
stabilize the end-to-end QoS within an acceptable requirement. We have shown
that the equilibrium and dynamics of the network depends on AQM schemes. In
our opinion, a proper congestion signalling from network will be an effective solution
to the instantaneous network fluctuation in the Internet.

AQM Average Standard Deviation

Schemes Loss Rate (%) Delay (ms) Loss Rate (%) Delay (ms)
DT 0.174 52.27 0.238 12.458
RED 0.171 51.07 0.230 11.454
PI 0.226 14.67 0.082 5.487

Table 2. End-to-end performance results of AQM schemes

A Comparative Study of Queue, Delay, and Loss Characteristics of AQM Schemes 333


In this paper, we defined and classified various network characteristics, and showed
that we can describe them through the simulation approach. Simulation results
showed that PI schemes, a feedback-based mechanism, can assist delay sensitive
applications to adapt dynamically to underlying network and to stabilize the end-
to-end QoS within an acceptable requirement. The analysis has two objectives.
First, we describe each algorithm’s design goals and performance issues. Second, we
compare the performance of our surveyed AQM schemes in QoS-enabled networks.
In addition, the method presented in this paper could be used as a common sim-
ulation methodology to identify the behavior of network entities that will be more
complicated and diversified. Therefore, we need to be supplemented with the ability
of simulations to effectively describe, analyze, and evaluate network characteristics.
We are currently describing another network characteristics discussed in this
paper by using the similar method. Also, we will extend the network topology
toward a Grid-enabled network. Despite all the efforts and results described above,
the analysis of network characteristics remains an area which deserves more research
attention as far as network dynamics exist.


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Jahwan Koo received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in informa-

tion engineering from Sung-kyunkwan University, Suwon, Ko-
rea, in 1995 and 1997, respectively. He is currently working
towards the Ph.D. degree in information communication engi-
neering with the School of Information and Communications En-
gineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea. For more
than five years, he was an infrastructure architect at LG CNS
Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea. His research interests include quality of
services in IP network, network management, network security,
and information technology architecture.

Seongjin Ahn received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in in-
formation and communication engineering from Sungkyunkwan
University, Suwon, Korea, in 1988, 1990, and 1998, respectively.
For more than five years, he was a Researcher in Electronics
and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Daejeon,
Korea. He is currently an assistant professor of computer edu-
cation, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea. His research
interests include network management, network security, and
information assurance.

Jinwook Chung received the B.S. degrees in electric engineer-

ing from Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, Korea, in 1974, the
M.S. degrees in electronic engineering from Sung-kyunkwan Uni-
versity, Seoul, Korea, in 1977, and the Ph.D. degree in computer
science from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1991.
For more than ten years, he was a section chief in Electronics
and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Daejeon,
Korea. Since 1984 he has been a professor of the School of Infor-
mation and Communications Engineering, Sungkyunkwan Uni-
versity, Suwon, Korea. In 2002 he served as President of the
Korea Information Processing Society (KIPS). His research interests include data commu-
nication, computer networks, network management, and network security. He has guided
more than 150 M.S./Ph.D. students in this area of study and has published more than
100 papers in technical journals and conference proceedings.

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