Based On Revised KSSR & KSSM Curriculum: M. Suhaimi Ramly

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Kangaroo Math Competition (KMC) is an annual international math competition for primary and secondary
school students. The KMC is the largest math competition in the world with more than 6 million participants
annually, taking part from more than 60 countries. The contest originated from France and is administered
globally by Association Kangourou sans Frontieres (AKSF). Each local contest is organized by a national
organizer affiliated with AKSF. KMC has been organized in Malaysia since 2013 by Kangaroo Math Malaysia.
The first KMC in Malaysia attracted more than 10,000 participants and the number had grown every year
until 2016, with 28,000 participants. The growth shows that mathematical competitions are getting more
popular, and more teachers realize that problems from mathematical competitions are not separated from
the mathematics that students learn in their classrooms. In fact, mathematical competitions such as KMC
can help students learn to apply their mathematical curriculum knowledge in an unfamiliar situation, which
leads to the development of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), and problem solving skills.
HOTS and problem solving skills are highly emphasized in the new KSSR & KSSM curriculums. The
international assessments TIMSS and PISA measures and compares the ability for students worldwide on
complex problem solving, as opposed to routine mathematical exercises. Ability to solve complex problems,
and ability to apply knowledge in a novel situation are some of the major characteristics of 21st Century
In this short booklet, I have shortlisted 12 of my favorite KMC problems from recent years, with my
commentary on how the problems can be used to apply HOTS in day-to-day teaching and learning (PdP).
There are more than one way to solve each problem, and sometimes the solution presented is not the easiest
or the most attractive. Problem solving in mathematics is an open-ended activity, it should not stop with
the correct answer. Students and teachers should reflect on the problems and discuss about the strategies
used to solve them. Another useful activity is to modify the problem (after it is solved), and get students
to solve and reflect on the modified problems. This will lead to deeper understanding and appreciation of
mathematical methods.
I want to credit Loke Zhi Kin as the original author of the solutions. To get the full collection of KMC
problems from 2013 with solutions, please visit the Kangaroo Math publication website (refer to the back
cover of this booklet). The collection are bilingual in Bahasa Melayu and English, in line with the government
policy to promote dual language instructions in mathematics at schools.
It is our hope that our small effort with benefits students and teachers in Malaysia and elsewhere.

M. Suhaimi Ramly
Director, Kangaroo Math Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
December 2016.

just need to know how much to add for each addi-
tional house, and multiply the number with the num-
Problem 1 ber of additional house. The problem is then reduced
into an arithmetic problem.
Source: KMC 2013 Pre Ecolier, Problem 18

Problem: Sophie makes a row of 10 houses with

matchsticks. In the picture you can see the beginning.
How many matchsticks does Sophie need?

(A) 50
(B) 51
(C) 55
(D) 60
(E) 62

Solution: For the first house, Sophie needs 6

matchsticks. After that, each house uses an addi-
tional 5 matchsticks. In total, Sophie needs

6 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 51

matchsticks. The answer is (B).

Topics Covered: Whole Numbers.

Applications of HOTS: There are two different

problem solving strategies that the student can adopt
to solve this problem:
First, the student can draw the complete diagram
with 10 houses, and then count the number of match-
sticks needed to produce the diagram. This requires
the skill of generalization and drawing a figure, both
important components of higher order thinking.
Second, the student can use the strategy used in
the solution, and find the answer with arithmetic op-
erations. The key is to generalize the patterns of
matchsticks (e.g. “each house uses an additional 5
matchsticks”) and add 5 for each additional house
after the first house. This leads to a general formula,
which can be used for any number of houses.
Suppose the problem is made more difficult by
changing 10 houses to 100 houses. Then the first
method is not practical, because a student has to
draw 100 diagrams with more than 500 matchsticks.
Using the second method is far easier – the student

Problem 2 does not require a lot of arithmetic. In fact, students
can work on the problem in group, with each students
Source: KMC 2015 Pre Ecolier, Problem 18
contributing one or more sequences in the answer.

Problem: The Kangaroo jumps from circle S

along the line to the next circle in one jump. It is
not allowed to jump into any circle more than once.
In how many different ways, by taking only 4 jumps,
can the Kangaroo reach circle F?

(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6
(E) 7

Solution: The kangaroo jumps must consist of

one up, one down, and two rights. Furthermore, the
up and down jumps cannot occur consecutively, oth-
erwise the kangaroo will end up in the same circle.
With these in mind, we can make a list of jump se-

1. up, right, down, right

2. right, up, right, down

3. up, right, right, down

4. down, right, up, right

5. right, down, right, up

6. down, right, right, up

There are 6 ways. The answer is (D).

Applications of HOTS: The problem falls in the

category of counting problems, where the student has
to count a finite number of certain objects. The
method used is called the trial and error, in which
we try all possibilities and list them in a systematic
manner. This is a very useful problem solving skill.
The problem is quite suitable for younger students
since it can be solved by drawing the paths, and it

Problem 3 Problem 4
Source: KMC 2014 Ecolier, Problem 18 Source: KMC 2016 Ecolier, Problem 20

Problem: Write each of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, Problem: Five sparrows sit on a branch, as shown
4, 5, 6 in the squares to make the addition correct. in the figure. Each sparrow chirps the same number
Which digit will be in the grey square? of times as the number of sparrows it sees. For ex-
ample, David chirps three times. Then, one sparrow
turns to look in the opposite direction. Again, each
of the sparrows chirps the same number of times as
the number of sparrows it sees. This time, the total
number of chirps is more than the first time. Which
of the sparrows has turned to look in the opposite

(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
(E) 6
(A) Angel
Solution: Label the digits as follows: (B) Bertha
(C) Charlie
A B (D) David
+ C D (E) Eglio
Solution: We can check the sparrows one-by-one:
The digit in position E is the result of a carry over,
and must be a 1. Next we find that A + C = 10, so 1. Angel is looking at 4 sparrows. If it turns, it
that we can have a carry over and so that F = 0. would see 0 sparrows, and so would chirp less.
Therefore, A = 6 and C = 4 or A = 4 and C = 6.
2. Bertha is looking at 1 sparrows. If it turns, it
Only the digits 2, 3, and 5 remain. Since B + D = G,
would see 3 sparrows, and so would chirp more.
we get G = 5. The answer is (D).
3. Charlie is looking at 2 sparrows. If it turns, it
Topics Covered: Arithmetic Operation. would see 2 sparrows, and so would chirp the
same number of times.
Applications of HOTS: This is a hard problem
4. David is looking at 3 sparrows. If it turns, it
(for the intended level), but it is not impossible to
would see 1 sparrow, and so would chirp less.
solve with the correct thinking. The first idea is to
use a notation for all the digits that appear. The 5. Eglio is looking at 4 sparrows. If it turns, it
second idea is to find the solution one by one. This would see 0 sparrows, and so would chirp less.
problem can be solved in group or in a large class-
room, where the teachers can lead the students using Since there are more chirps, Bertha must have turned.
questions (e.g., “where does carrying over occur in The answer is (B).
the addition? what can E be?”) and get the students
to make gradual progress in the problem. The teacher Applications of HOTS: For this problem, the
can also go through the reasoning throughout the so- method is simple but very instructive. Students have
lution (e.g., “why is F equal to 0? what happened if to consider each cases separately, meaning that they
F is not zero?”). A major component of higher order consider what will happen if each of the bird turns.
thinking skills in mathematics is the ability to give This is a very common method in problem solving
reasoning to the steps performed in the solution. and is known as case-by-case analysis. To do proper
case-by-case analysis, they have to consider all the

cases even though they have arrived at the answer. Problem 5
For example, if the students consider the bird in the
Source: KMC 2013 Benjamin, Problem 12
order Angel, Bertha, Charlie, David and Eglio, they
would still have to finish the analysis even if they get
the answer Bertha after the second case. This is a Problem: Mary colors figures on six square sheets
good habit to inculcate in doing case-by-case analysis. of paper as shown below. How many of these figures
have the same perimeter as the sheet of paper itself?

(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
(E) 6

Solution: The first, fourth, fifth and sixth figures

have the same perimeter as the sheet of paper. The
answer is (C).

Topics Covered: Perimeter.

Applications of HOTS: This problem is quite

challenging, although the solution given here is quite
short. One of the strategy for this type of problem is
to substitute a number for the measurement in each
diagram. This is commonly attempted by students.
A more mathematically mature strategy is using un-
knowns (x or y or any other symbols) to represent un-
known measurements, and then express the perimeter
in terms of the unknown. This is another example of
case-by-case analysis, where the student has to con-
sider all the figures before arriving at an answer.

Problem 6 Applications of HOTS: This problem is a non-
routine problems involving perimeter. The strategy
Source: KMC 2016 Benjamin, Problem 17 is to represent the lengths that we want with other
lengths which is similar but easier to calculate. To
Problem: The perimeter of the rectangle ABCD do this well require some competence with geometric
is 30 cm. Three other rectangles are placed so that thinking. A nice feature of this problem is that the
their centers are at the points A, B and D, as in shapes of rectangles with centers A, B and D do not
the figure. The sum of the perimeters of these three matter. Most students will try to do this problem by
rectangles (with centers A, B, D) is 20 cm. What is assigning the length of all the segments in the rect-
the total length of the thick line? angles. This is a mathematically undesirable method
(since the lengths are not given in the problem, only
the sum of perimeters) although it will lead to a cor-
rect answer.

(A) 50 cm
(B) 45 cm
(C) 40 cm
(D) 35 cm
(E) 30 cm

Solution: The total length of the thick line is the

same as the total length of the thick parts below:

This is equal to sum of the perimeter of ABCD

and half the perimeters of the three rectangles with
centers A, B and D. We get 30 cm + 12 × 20 cm =
40 cm. The answer is (C).

Topics Covered: Perimeter.

Problem 7 Problem 8
Source: KMC 2014 Cadet, Problem 8 Source: KMC 2015 Cadet, Problem 13

Problem: Georg built the shape shown using Problem: Every asterisk in the equation 2 ∗ 0 ∗
seven unit cubes. How many such cubes does he have 1 ∗ 5 ∗ 2 ∗ 0 ∗ 1 ∗ 5 ∗ 2 ∗ 0 ∗ 1 ∗ 5 = 0 is to be replaced
to add to make a cube with edges of length 3? with either + or − so that the equation is correct.
What is the smallest number of asterisks that must
be replaced with +?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(E) 5

Solution: We start by placing only minus signs in

the expression

2 ∗ 0 ∗ 1 ∗ 5 ∗ 2 ∗ 0 ∗ 1 ∗ 5 ∗ 2 ∗ 0 ∗ 1 ∗ 5.

(A) 12 The result is

(B) 14
(C) 16 2 − 0 − 1 − 5 − 2 − 0 − 1 − 5 − 2 − 0 − 1 − 5 = −20.
(D) 18
Now, notice that if we change a (−5) into a (+5), we
(E) 20
are actually adding 10. Therefore we only need to
change two (−5)s into (+5)s. Checking, it is indeed
Solution: A cube with edges of length 3 consists the case that
of 3 × 3 × 3 = 27 unit cubes. Since there are already 7
unit cubes, Georg has to add 27 − 7 = 20 more cubes. 2 − 0 − 1 + 5 − 2 − 0 − 1 + 5 − 2 − 0 − 1 − 5 = 0.
The answer is (E).
The answer is (B).
Topics Covered: Solid, Volume.
Applications of HOTS: Despite the short solu-
Applications of HOTS: The higher order think- tion, this problem is tricky. The common strategy to
ing skill involved here is the ability to conceptualize solve a problem asking for a minimum value, is to dial
3 dimensional shapes. This is an easy problem for the value to 0, which is what we do when we place
students who understand solid volume well. minus signs only. Then we can find the minimum
value by considering the minimum change that we
need to do to achieve the objective. Here, the change
we need is to add 10 to the sum with all minuses, and
the objective is to make the sum 0. We need another
observation which is changing the sign from minus to
plus, will add 2 times the number after the symbol,
to the sum (for example, changing −5 to +5 increases
the sum by 10).

Problem 9 which is an important component of HOTS. The main
difficulty is transferring the problem statement into
Source: KMC 2014 Junior, Problem 23
mathematical sentences. Once we translated it into
mathematical sentences, solution is achieved by com-
Problem: On an island, frogs are always either bining several arithmetic calculation, which has to be
green or blue. The number of blue frogs increased done with care.
by 60% while the number of green frogs decreased by
60%. It turns out that the new ratio of blue frogs to
green frogs is the same as the previous ratio in the
opposite order (green frogs to blue frogs). By what
percentage did the overall number of frogs change?
(A) 0%
(B) 20%
(C) 30%
(D) 40%
(E) 50%

Solution: If we let the original number of green

and blue frogs to be g and b respectively, then after
the change, the new number of green frogs would be
0.4g and the new number of blue frogs would be 1.6b.
Since the ratio is now the opposite order, we have the
1.6b g
= .
0.4g b
Simplifying, we get

1.6b2 = 0.4g 2 ,

4b2 = g 2 ,
2b = g.
We now know that originally, there were twice as
many green frogs as blue frogs. Therefore green frogs
made up 23 of the population and blue frogs made up
3 of the population. The change in population is

2 1
× (−60%) + × 60% = −20%.
3 3
We can also refer to this as a 20% change. The answer
is (B).

Topics Covered: Ratios, Fraction, Percentage.

Applications of HOTS: Although the problems

only uses simple concepts such as ratios and frac-
tions, the problem is very hard and many students
were unable to solve it. This is an example of ap-
plying a known concept to an unfamiliar situation,

Problem 10 Problem 11
Source: KMC 2016 Junior, Problem 13 Source: KMC 2013 Student, Problem 17

Problem: Eight identical envelopes contain the Problem: Vlad has drawn the graph of a function
numbers: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128. Eve chooses a f : R → R, composed of two rays and a line segment
few envelopes randomly. Alie takes the rest. Both (see figure). How many solutions does the equation
sum up their numbers. Eve’s sum is 31 more than f (f (f (x))) = 0 have?
Alie’s. How many envelopes did Eve take?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
(E) 6

Solution: The total of Eve’s sum and Alie’s sum

must be

1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 = 255.

If Eve’s sum is x, then we have x + (x − 31) = 255, (A) 4

so x = 143. Then Eve must have taken the envelopes (B) 3
containing 128, 8, 4, 2, and 1. The answer is (D). (C) 2
(D) 1
Topics Covered: Linear Equation, Binary Num- (E) 0
bers / Number Bases.
Solution: Looking at the graph, we have f (−4) =
Applications of HOTS: The are two parts of 0 and f (0) = 0, these are the only inputs of f where
this problem, both disguised in the simple problem we can get 0. Therefore, for f (f (f (x))) to be 0, either
statement. The first part requires solving a linear f (f (x)) = −4 or f (f (x)) = 0. We consider each case
equation. The second part is a disguised problem on separately.
binary numbers. The problem of writing 143 as sums Case 1: f (f (x)) = −4. Then looking at the graph,
of powers of 2, is equivalent to translating the decimal only f (−8) = −4, so it must be that f (x) = −8.
number 143 into binary numbers. Again looking at the graph, we find that x must be
This problem is a great example on how a well- −12.
designed problem statement can disguise the true na- Case 2: f (f (x)) = 0. Then we are in a similar
ture of the problem. situation as before. Either f (x) = −4 or f (x) = 0.
If f (x) = −4, then x = −8. If f (x) = 0, then either
x = −4 or x = 0.
The answer is (A).

Topics Covered: Functions, Graphs.

Applications of HOTS: The problem tests the

understanding of the concept of the composition of
function. The difficulty is understanding what the
problem means, based on the graph given. The main
step is to note that the only solution to f (x) = 0 is
x = 0 and x = −4. The rest of the solution is an
extension of this important fact.

Problem 12 M2 , M3 and M4 :
M1 = (D + C)
Source: KMC 2015 Student, Problem 21 

= ,1
Problem: In the rectangle ABCD shown in the M2 = (A + M1 )
figure, M1 is the midpoint of DC, M2 is the midpoint  
1 1
of AM1 , M3 is the midpoint of BM2 and M4 is the = ,
midpoint of CM3 . Find the ratio between the areas 4 2
of the quadrilateral M1 M2 M3 M4 and of the rectangle 1
M3 = (B + M2 )
3 1
= ,
8 4
M4 = (C + M3 )
11 5
= ,
16 8

Now it remains to use the formula in coordinate ge-

ometry for the area of a polygon, and get the answer
32 . The answer is (C).

Topics Covered: Coordinate Geometry, Area,


7 Applications of HOTS: The solution provided

16 here (using scaling) is not commonly known among
3 students in secondary school. Another more common
(B) method is to denote the lengths of the rectangle with
unknowns, and express the area of M1 M2 M3 M4 with
7 the same unknowns.
1 [1] Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2013–
5 2025. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2013.
[2] Trends in Mathematics and Science Study
(TIMSS): Assessment Framework and Specifications
Solution: Use coordinates to denote the points 2013 (2nd Ed.). International Association for the
A, B, C, and D. For simplicity, let A = (0, 0), B = Evaluation of Educational Achievement, 2003.
(1, 0), C = (1, 1) and D = (0, 1). (We can scale our [3] Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi: Aplikasi di Seko-
coordinate axes so that this assignment is possible). lah. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2014.
As a bonus, the area of rectangle ABCD is 1, so once [4] Inisiatif Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi di Seko-
we find the area of M1 M2 M3 M4 , that would be the lah. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia, 2013.

We can find out the coordinates of the points M1 ,

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