Interview Question of Underground Cable

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Interview Question of

Underground Cable
1.What do you mean by underground cable and where is it used ?

Ans : The cable buried in ground for transmission and distribution of electrical power is
known as underground cable. These are used in large cities and other densely populated
areas where overhead construction in such area is practically impossible.

2. What are the advantages of used cables for transmission of electrical power as
compared to overhead lines ?

Ans : The advantages of the underground cable are as follows :-

1. Being exposed to atmosphere cables are free from the interruptions of supply
caused by lightning or thunderstorm or birds or other severe weather conditions.
2. It reduces accident due to breaking of conductors.
3. Maintenance cost is low.
4. It does not spoil the beauty of the cities.
5. These are very much useful in densely populated areas.

3. When is a cable termed as L.T. mains and L.T. submains ?

Ans : When a there phase, four core cable is used as a distributor it is known as L.T.
mains and when a single phase two core cable is used as a distributor it is known as L.T.

4. What are the different types of cables used in transmission & distribution system ?

Ans : (a) For low & medium voltage lines P.V.C cables are used. (b) For high voltage lines
XLPS and PILC cables are used. (c) For extra high voltage lines XLPE, oil filled, gas filled
and gas pressure or compression cables are used.

5. What are the classifications of the underground cables according to the voltage
range ?

Ans :
1. Low tension cables – (1) 250-440 volts (2) 650-1100 volts.
2. High tension cables – (1) upto 3.3 kV. (2) up to 6.6 kV (3) up to 11 kV.
3. Super tension cables – (1)66 kV. (2) 132 kV.
4. Extra super voltage power cables – above 132 kV.

6. What are the full names of PVC, PILCSWA, PILCDSTA & S, XLPE and MIND
cables ?

Ans : P.V.C. cable – Poly Vinyl Chloride insulated cable.

P.I.L.C. cable – Paper Insulated Covered cable.

P.I.L.C.S.W.A. cable – Paper Insulated Lead Covered Steel Wire Armoured cable.

P.I.L.C.D.S.T.A. cable – Paper Insulated Lead Covered Double Steel Tape Armoured cable.

XLPE cable – Cross Linked Polyethylene Insulated cable.

M.I.N.D. cable – Mass Impregnated Non Draining cable.

7. What are the essential elements of an underground cable ?

Ans : The essential of an underground cable are the conductor, the insulation, the
screening, the sheathing, the bedding, the protection and the serving.

8. Why are stranded conductors used in the cable of sizes above 16 sq mm. ?

Ans : Stranded conductors are used to increase the surface area of the conductor and
also to make the cable flexible and more workable.

9. What are the advantages of circular and sector shaped conductor in cable ?

Ans : The interstices between the cores and overall diameter are reduced.

10. What do you mean by the terms ‘the nominal cross section’, ‘the actual cross
section’ and ‘the equivalent cross section’ of the spiraled stranded conductors of a
cable ?
Ans : The normal cross section is the area of the cross section of one conductor in a
plane perpendicular to its length multiplied by the number of conductors.
The actual cross section is the area of the oblique cross section of a conductor produced
by cutting the stranded conductor by a plane perpendicular to the core of the cable
multiplied by the number of conductors, which is also greater than the nominal cross
The equivalent cross section is the cross section of a solid conductor of the same length
as the cable and having the same resistance at the same temperature, which is less than
the nominal cross section because of the incase in resistance due to spiraling.

11. What are the insulating materials used in underground cable ?

Ans : P.V.C. Impregnated paper, Vulcanized rubber, Varnished cambric are used in L.T.
cables while Impregnated paper, Cambric, XLPE are used in H.T. cables.

12. What do you mean by the belt paper insulation ?

Ans : Belt paper is an oil impregnated paper, the principal insulating part of the cable,
which is essentially composed of cellulosed fibres felted to from a mechanically strong

13. What is the purpose of metallic sheath in underground cable ?

Ans : To protect the insulation against ingress of moisture.

14. what materials are generally used for metallic sheath ?

Ans : Lead, Lead alloy and Aluminium are generally used for metallic sheath.

15. What do you mean by bedding of a cable ?

Ans : Bedding means a layer of compounded jute or hessian applied over the lead

16. Why is a layer of bedding provided over metallic sheath in underground cable ?

Ans : To protect the metallic sheath against the corrosion and from mechanical injury
from the armouring.
17. What do you mean by the armouring of a cable ?

Ans : Armouring of a cable means the provision of layers of galvanized or ungalvanised

steel wires or steel wires or steel tapes over the bedding.

18. Why is armouring provided in cable ? Under what operating conditions

unarmoured cables are used ?

Ans : Armouring is provided to protect the cable against mechanical damages caused by
direct blows, abrasion, pink-axeing, vibration and longitudinal stresses or any accidental
digging. If there is no chance of mechanical damages whatsoever the nuarmoured
cables can be used.

19. What are the different types of armouring used in cable ?

Ans : The different types of armouring are as follows :

(a) Galvanised or ungalvanised steel tape, (b) Galvanised round steel wire, (c) Galvanised
flat steel strip and (d) Hare drawn aluminium wire armour.

20. What are the merits and demerits of (a) Double steel tape armour & (b) Single
wire armour ?

Ans : (a)Double steel tape armour –

Merits : It is gives a good protection against impact, mechanical damage and any
penetration of sharp bodies.
Demerits : It is inflexible. It has grater loss rather than wire armour.
(b) Single wire armour –
Merits : It is higher longitudinal strength, more flexibility and greater electrical
conductivity with minimum loss rather than steel tape armour. It can be easily handled
with short bend.
Demerits : Mechanical protection is poor rather than steel tape armour.

21. What type of armour will you expect in a single core 11 kV cable ?

Ans : Hard drawn aluminium wire armour is found.

22. Why can wire armoured cables take bends of shorter radius than tape armoured
ones ?
Ans : Wire armoured cables can take bends of shorter radius due to higher longitudinal
strength of wire armouring than that of tape armouring.

23. What arethe applications of single steel tape, double steel tape, singal wire
armoured ones ?

Ans : Single steel tape armouring:Single steel tape armouring is used principally for
parkway cables, cables suspended on a messenger or clamped at intervals in shaft and
tunnel installation or cables buried directly underground where a mechanical outer
protection is required but longitudinal are not involved.

Double steel tape armouring: Double steel tape armouring is used particularly for low
tension cables installed indoors or aerially outdoors or directly buried underground
where a good protection against crushing or penetration by sharp bodies is required and
not likely to be subjected to tensile stresses.

Single wire armouring: Single wire armouring is used in cables where the armouring is
subjected to have longitudinal strength such as for cables pulled into duct, used for river
crossing, laid in marshy ground or in colliery districts where soil subsidence may occur,
vertical cable runs and for cables hung on brackets along side railways or tunnels etc.

Double wire armouring: Double wire armouring is used chiefty for vertical run of large
size cables as in a mine shaft, submarine or dredger where easy handling and greater
flexibility for the same conductivity with high longitudinal strength is required.

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