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Copia de Hoja de Cálculo para Analizar Cargas de Viento en Edificios y Estructuras de Acuerdo Al Código ASCE 7-02

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Program Description:

"ASCE702W" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of wind loading analysis for buildings
and structures per the ASCE 7-02 Code. Specifically, wind pressure coefficients and related and required
parameters are selected or calculated in order to compute the net design wind pressures.

This program is a workbook consisting of eight (8) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet Name Description

Doc This documentation sheet
Simplified Analysis using simplified method for low-rise buildings with h <= 60’
MWFRS (Low-Rise) Main Wind-Force Resisting System for low-rise buildings with h <= 60’
MWFRS (Any Ht.) Main Wind-Force Resisting System for buildings of any height
Wall C&C Analysis of wall Components and Cladding
Roof C&C Analysis of roof Components and Cladding
Stacks & Tanks Analysis of cantilevered chimneys, stacks, and vertical tanks
Wind Map Basic wind speed map (Figure 6-1 of ASCE 7-02 Code)

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. This program assumes only enclosed or partially enclosed buildings. Open buildings are NOT considered.
2. Worksheet for Simplified analysis is applicable for low-rise buildings meeting the criteria of Section 6.4.1.
3. In the worksheet for Simplified analysis, the design MWFRS wind load is calculated for each direction.
The design MWFRS load is assumed to be the total wind load on either the width or the length of the
building respectively.
4. Worksheet for MWFRS (Low-Rise) is applicable for low-rise buildings as defined in Section 6.2.
5. Worksheets for MWFRS (Any Ht.), Wall C&C, and Roof C&C are applicable for buildings with mean roof
heights of up to 500 feet.
6. In worksheets for MWFRS (Any Ht.), Wall C&C, and Roof C&C the user may opt to utilize user designated
"steps" in height, "z", in determining the wind pressure distribution.
7. Worksheet for Stacks & Tanks is applicable for cantilevered structures up to 600 feet tall.
8. Worksheets for Wall C&C and Roof C&C are applicable for flat roof buildings, gable roof buildings with roof
angles <= 45 degrees, and monoslope roof buildings with roof angles <= 3 degrees.
9. Worksheets for MWFRS (Any Ht.) and for Stacks & Tanks can handle “rigid” as well as “flexible” buildings
and structures. For “rigid” buildings or structures, this program uses the smaller value of either 0.85 or the
calculated value from Section of the Code for the gust effect factor, 'G'. For “flexible” buildings or
structures, this program calculates the gust effect factor, ‘Gf’, per Section 6.5.8 of the Code based on the
assumed formula for the fundamental period of vibration from Section of the Code.
10. This program uses the equations listed in the reference, “Guide to the Use of the Wind Load Provisions of
ASCE 7-02” for determining the external wind pressure coefficients, ‘GCp’, used in the Wall C&C and Roof
C&C worksheets.
11. This program contains numerous “comment boxes” which contain a wide variety of information including
explanations of input or output items, equations used, data tables, etc. (Note: presence of a “comment box”
is denoted by a “red triangle” in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the
desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)
"ASCE702W" es una hoja de cálculo escrita en MS-Excel con el propósito de analizar las cargas
de viento para edificios y estructuras con el código ASCE 7-02. Especificamente, se seleccionan o calculan
coeficientes de presiones de viento y relativos y parámetros, para calcular las presiones de diseño del viento.
seleccionan o calculan
nes de diseño del viento.
"ASCE702W.xls" Program
Version 1.7

WIND LOADING ANALYSIS - MWFRS and Components/Cladding

Per ASCE 7-02 Code for Low-Rise, Enclosed Buildings with h <= 60' and Roof q <= 45o
Using Method 1: Simplified Procedure (Section 6.4)
Job Name: Subject:
Job Number: Originator: Checker:

Input Data:
Wind Speed, V = 90 mph (Wind Map, Figure 6-1)
Bldg. Classification = II (Table 1-1)
Exposure Category = B (Sect. 6.5.6)
Ridge Height, hr = 19.00 ft. (hr >= he)
Eave Height, he = 15.00 ft. (he <= hr)
Building Width, W = 41.00 ft. (Normal to Building Ridge)
Building Length, L = 61.00 ft. (Parallel to Building Ridge)
Roof Type = Monoslope (Gable or Monoslope) W
Wall C&C Name = Wall (Girt, Siding, Wall, or Fastener) Plan
Wall C&C Eff. Area = 75.00 ft.^2 (for Component/Cladding)
Roof C&C Name = Joist (Purlin, Joist, Decking, or Fastener)
Roof C&C Eff. Area = 205.00 ft.^2 (for Component/Cladding)
Overhang Eff. Area = 0.00 ft.^2 (for Component/Cladding) qo
Resulting Parameters and Net Design Pressures:

For Transverse Direction: (wind perpendicular to ridge) W

Roof Angle, q = 5.57 deg. Elevation
Mean Roof Ht., h = 15.00 ft. (h = he for q < 10 deg.)
Adjustment Factor, l = 1.000 (adjusts for height and exposure)
Importance Factor, I = 1.00 (Table 6-1)
Wall & Roof End Zone Width, a = 4.100 ft. (use: "2*a" for MWFRS, "a" for C&C)

Transverse MWFRS Net Pressures (psf)

Location Direction Zone Load Case 1 Load Case 2
A = end zone of wall Horizontal A 12.99 ---
B = end zone of roof Horizontal B 0.00 ---
C = interior zone of wall Horizontal C 8.63 ---
D = interior zone of roof Horizontal D 0.00 ---
E = end zone of windward roof Vertical E -15.40 ---
F = end zone of leeward roof Vertical F -8.87 ---
G = interior zone of windward roof Vertical G -10.70 ---
H = interior zone of leeward roof Vertical H -6.85 ---

For Longitudinal Direction: (wind parallel to ridge)

Roof Angle, q = 0.00 deg. (assumed)
Mean Roof Ht., h = 17.00 ft. (h = (hr+he)/2)
Adjustment Factor, l = 1.000 (adjusts for height and exposure)

Longitudinal MWFRS Net Pressures (psf)

Location Direction Zone Load Case 1 Load Case 2
A = end zone of wall Horizontal A 12.80 ---
B = end zone of roof Horizontal B 0.00 ---

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C = interior zone of wall Horizontal C 8.50 ---

D = interior zone of roof Horizontal D 0.00 ---
E = end zone of windward roof Vertical E -15.40 ---
F = end zone of leeward roof Vertical F -8.80 ---
G = interior zone of windward roof Vertical G -10.70 ---
H = interior zone of leeward roof Vertical H -6.80 ---

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Total Design MWFRS Horizontal Load (kips)

Transverse Longitudinal
Load Case 1 Load Case 2 Min. Load Load Case 1 Load Case 2 Min. Load
8.97 --- 11.59 7.12 --- 6.97
Ph(Trans) = ((Pc*(L-4*a)+Pa*4*a)*he+(Pd*(L-4*a)+Pb*4*a)*(hr-he))/1000
Ph(Trans)(min) = P(min)*L*hr/1000 , where: P(min) = 10.0 psf on projected area
Ph(Long) = (Pa*(hr+he)/2*4*a+Pc*((hr+he)/2*W-(hr+he)/2*4*a))/1000
Ph(Long)(min) = P(min)*W*(hr+he)/2/1000 , where: P(min) = 10.0 psf on full area

Components & Cladding Net Pressures (psf)

Item Location Zone Pos. (+) Neg. (-)
Wall 4 = interior zone of wall 4 12.70 -13.95
5 = end zone of wall 5 12.70 -15.80
1 = interior zone of roof 1 4.70 -13.30
Roof Joist 2 = end zone of roof 2 4.70 -15.80
3 = corner zone of roof 3 4.70 -15.80
Roof Overhang 2 = end zone of o.h. 2 --- ---
3 = corner zone of o.h. 3 --- ---

Notes: 1. For Method 1: Simplified Procedure of Section 6.4 to be used for an enclosed low-rise building
to determine the design wind loads, all of the following nine conditions of must be met:
a. Building is a simple diaphragm building, in which wind loads are transmitted through floor
and roof diaphragms to the vertical Main Wind-Force Resisting System (MWFRS).
b. Building is a low-rise building where mean roof height, h <= 60 ft., and h <= min. of L or W.
c. Building is enclosed and conforms to wind-borne debris provisions of Section
d. Building is a regular shaped building, having no unusual geometrical irregularity.
f. Building is not classified as a flexible building so it is considered "rigid".
g. Building is not subject to across-wind loading, vortex shedding, etc.
h. Building has no expansion joints or separations.
i. Building is not subject to topographic effects, no abrupt topographic changes.
j. Building has an approximately symmetrical cross section in each direction with either a
flat roof, or gable roof with q <= 45 degrees.
2. Wind pressures (ps30) in Figures 6-2 and 6-3 were prepared based on following assumptions:
a. Mean roof height, h = 30 ft. , Exposure category = B , Importance factor, I =1.0
b. Velocity pressure exposure coefficient, Kz = 0.70
c. Directionality factor, Kd = 0.85 , Topographic factor, Kzt = 1.0
d. Internal pressure coefficients, GCpi = +0.18, -0.18 (enclosed building)
e. MWFRS pressure coeff's. from Figure 6-10, and C&C pressure coeff's. from Figure 6-11.
f. Design wind pressure, Ps = l*I*ps30, in psf.
3. Design wind pressures are net pressures (sum of external and internal pressures).
4. Wall net pressure for MWFRS is total for both windward and leeward walls.
5. (+) and (-) signs signify wind pressures acting toward & away from respective surfaces.
6. If pressures for Zones "B" and "D" < 0, assume = 0.
7. For the design of the longitudinal MWFRS use roof angle, q = 0 degrees.
8. Both load cases 1 and 2 are be checked for roof angle, 25 degrees < q <= 45 degrees.
9. The total design MWFRS horizontal load is the total horizontal wind load on either the length (L)
or the width (W) of the building respectively assuming one end zone of a width = 2*a.

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10. Minimum wind load for MWFRS design shall be 10 psf applied on projected vertical plane.
Minimum wind load for C&C shall be 10 psf acting in either direction normal to surface.
11. References:
a. ASCE 7-02 Standard, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures".
b. "Guide to the Use of the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-02"
by: Kishor C. Mehta and James M. Delahay (2004).

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MWFRS - Wind Zones

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Components and Cladding - Wind Zones

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nd Roof q <= 45o

L ###
h<=60' Purlin
he Joist

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osed low-rise building ### must be met: ###
smitted through floor ###
d h <= min. of L or W. ###
ction with either a ###
owing assumptions: ###
s. from Figure 6-11. ###
on either the length (L) ###

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ed vertical plane. ###


Main Wind Force Resisting System - Method 1


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Enclosed Buildings
esign Wind Pressure, ps30 (psf) (Exposure B at h = 30 ft. with Iw = 1.0)
Basic Wind
Speed, V

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WIND LOADING ANALYSIS - Main Wind-Force Resisting System

Per ASCE 7-02 Code for Enclosed or Partially Enclosed Buildings
Using Method 2: Analytical Procedure (Section 6.5) for Low-Rise Buildings
Job Name: Subject: II
Job Number: Originator: Checker: III
Input Data: B
Wind Speed, V = 90 mph (Wind Map, Figure 6-1) D
Bldg. Classification = II (Table 1-1) Wind Gable
Exposure Category = C (Sect. 6.5.6) B Monoslope
Ridge Height, hr = 53.33 ft. (hr >= he) Y
Eave Height, he = 20.00 ft. (he <= hr) N
Building Width = 200.00 ft. (Normal to Building Ridge) Wall Zone 6 =
Building Length = 250.00 ft. (Parallel to Building Ridge) L Wall Zone 1E =
Roof Type = Gable (Gable or Monoslope) Roof Zone 2E =
Topo. Factor, Kzt = 1.00 (Sect. 6.5.7 & Figure 6-4) Roof Zone 3E =
Direct. Factor, Kd = 0.85 (Table 6-4) Wall Zone 4E =
Enclosed? (Y/N) Y (Sect. 6.2 & Figure 6-5)
hr For Transv
Resulting Parameters and Coefficients: h
e =
2.5*h =
Roof Angle, q = 18.43 deg. L Use =
Mean Roof Ht., h = 36.67 ft. (h = (hr+he)/2, for angle >10 deg.) Elevation

Check Criteria for a Low-Rise Building: Lesser of L or B:

1. Is h <= 60' ? Yes, O.K. 2. Is h <= Lesser of L or B? Yes, O.K. 0.1*(L or B):
Compare to 0.4*h:
External Pressure Coeff's., GCpf (Fig. 6-10): Compare to .04*(L, B):
(For values, see following wind load tabulations.) Compare to 3':
Positive & Negative Internal Pressure Coefficients, GCpi (Figure 6-5): Use 'a' =
+GCpi Coef. = 0.18 (positive internal pressure) Use '2*a' =
-GCpi Coef. = -0.18 (negative internal pressure)

If h < 15 then: Kh = 2.01*(15/zg)^(2/a) (Table 6-3, Case 1b) +GCpi Coef. (PIP) =
If h >= 15 then: Kh = 2.01*(z/zg)^(2/a) (Table 6-3, Case 1b) -GCpi Coef. (NIP) =
a= 9.50 (Table 6-2)
zg = 900 (Table 6-2)
Kh = 1.02 (Kh = Kz evaluated at z = h) a=
I= 1.00 (Table 6-1) (Importance factor) zg =
Kh =
Velocity Pressure: qz = 0.00256*Kz*Kzt*Kd*V^2*I (Sect. 6.5.10, Eq. 6-15) I=
qh = 18.06 psf qh = 0.00256*Kh*Kzt*Kd*V^2*I (qz evaluated at z = h) qh =
Design Net External Wind Pressures (Sect.
p = qh*[(GCpf) - (+/-GCpi)] (psf, Eq. 6-18)

Wall and Roof End Zone Widths 'a' and '2*a' (Fig. 6-10):
a = 14.67 ft.
2*a = 29.33 ft.

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MWFRS Wind Load for Transverse Direction MWFRS Wind Load for Longitudinal Direction
Surface GCpf p = Net Pressures (psf) Surface *GCpf p = Net Pressures (psf)
(w/ +GCpi) (w/ -GCpi) (w/ +GCpi) (w/ -GCpi)
Zone 1 0.52 6.08 12.58 Zone 1 0.40 3.97 10.47
Zone 2 -0.69 -15.71 -9.21 Zone 2 -0.69 -15.71 -9.21
Zone 3 -0.47 -11.71 -5.21 Zone 3 -0.37 -9.93 -3.43
Zone 4 -0.42 -10.75 -4.25 Zone 4 -0.29 -8.49 -1.99
Zone 5 -0.45 -11.38 -4.88 Zone 5 -0.45 -11.38 -4.88
Zone 6 -0.45 -11.38 -4.88 Zone 6 -0.45 -11.38 -4.88
Zone 1E 0.78 10.84 17.34 Zone 1E 0.61 7.77 14.27
Zone 2E -1.07 -22.57 -16.07 Zone 2E -1.07 -22.57 -16.07
Zone 3E -0.67 -15.41 -8.91 Zone 3E -0.53 -12.82 -6.32
Zone 4E -0.62 -14.41 -7.91 Zone 4E -0.43 -11.02 -4.51

*Note: Use roof angle q = 0 degrees for Longitudinal Direction.

For Transverse when GCpf is neg. in Zone 2: For Longitudinal when GCpf is neg. in Zone 2:
Zone 2 distance = 91.66 ft. Zone 2 distance = 91.66 ft.
Remainder of roof Zone 2 to have roof Zone 3 pressures.

MWFRS Wind Load for Transverse, Torsional Case MWFRS Wind Load for Long., Torsional Case
Surface GCpf p = Net Pressure (psf) Surface GCpf p = Net Pressure (psf)
(w/ +GCpi) (w/ -GCpi) (w/ +GCpi) (w/ -GCpi)
Zone 1T --- 1.52 3.14 Zone 1T --- 0.99 2.62
Zone 2T --- -3.93 -2.30 Zone 2T --- -3.93 -2.30
Zone 3T --- -2.93 -1.30 Zone 3T --- -2.48 -0.86
Zone 4T --- -2.69 -1.06 Zone 4T --- -2.12 -0.50

Notes: 1. For Transverse, Longitudinal, and Torsional Cases:

Zone 1 is windward wall for interior zone. Zone 1E is windward wall for end zone.
Zone 2 is windward roof for interior zone. Zone 2E is windward roof for end zone.
Zone 3 is leeward roof for interior zone. Zone 3E is leeward roof for end zone.
Zone 4 is leeward wall for interior zone. Zone 4E is leeward wall for end zone.
Zones 5 and 6 are sidewalls.
Zone 1T is windward wall for torsional case Zone 2T is windward roof for torsional case.
Zone 3T is leeward roof for torsional case Zone 4T is leeward wall for torsional case.
2. (+) and (-) signs signify wind pressures acting toward & away from respective surfaces.
3. Building must be designed for all wind directions using the 8 load cases shown below. The
load cases are applied to each building corner in turn as the reference corner.
4. Wind loads for torsional cases are 25% of respective transverse or longitudinal zone load values.
Torsional loading shall apply to all 8 basic load cases applied at each reference corner.
Exception: One-story buildings with "h" <= 30', buildings <= 2 stories framed with light frame
construction, and buildings <=2 stories designed with flexible diaphragms need not be
designed for torsional load cases.
5. Per Code Section, the minimum wind load for MWFRS shall not be less than 10 psf.
6. References : a. ASCE 7-02, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures".
b. "Guide to the Use of the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-02"
by: Kishor C. Mehta and James M. Delahay (2004).

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h <= 60'

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WIND LOADING ANALYSIS - Main Wind-Force Resisting System

Per ASCE 7-02 Code for Enclosed or Partially Enclosed Buildings
Using Method 2: Analytical Procedure (Section 6.5) for Buildings of Any Height
Job Name: Subject: Parallel
Job Number: Originator: Checker: I
Input Data: III
Wind Direction = Normal (Normal or Parallel to building ridge) B
Wind Speed, V = 120 mph (Wind Map, Figure 6-1) Wind C
Bldg. Classification = II (Table 1-1) B D
Exposure Category = B (Sect. 6.5.6) Gable
Ridge Height, hr = 157.00 ft. (hr >= he) Monoslope
Eave Height, he = 157.00 ft. (he <= hr) Y
Building Width = 100.00 ft. (Normal to Building Ridge) L N
Building Length = 200.00 ft. (Parallel to Building Ridge) For h/L<=0.25:
Roof Type = Monoslope (Gable or Monoslope) For h/L=0.5:
Topo. Factor, Kzt = 1.00 (Sect. 6.5.7 & Figure 6-4) For h/L>=1.0:
Direct. Factor, Kd = 0.85 (Table 6-4) actual h/L =
Enclosed? (Y/N) Y (Sect. 6.2 & Figure 6-5) qo Use Roof Cp =
Damping Ratio, b = 0.030 (Suggested Range = 0.010-0.070)
Period Coef., Ct = 0.0200 (Suggested Range = 0.020-0.035) hr
(Assume: T = Ct*h^(3/4) , and f = 1/T) he for 0 to h/
for h/2 to
for h to 2*
Resulting Parameters and Coefficients: L
for > 2*h
Roof Angle, q = 0.00 deg.
Mean Roof Ht., h = 157.00 ft. (h = he, for roof angle <=10 deg.) L = 100 ft.
Windward Wall Cp = 0.80 (Fig. 6-6) B = 200 ft.
Leeward Wall Cp = -0.50 (Fig. 6-6)
Side Walls Cp = -0.70 (Fig. 6-6)
Roof Cp (zone #1) = -1.04 -0.18 (Fig. 6-6) (zone #1 for 0 to h/2) a=
Roof Cp (zone #2) = -0.70 -0.18 (Fig. 6-6) (zone #2 for h/2 to h) zg =
Roof Cp (zone #3) = N.A. N.A. (Fig. 6-6) (zone #3 for h to 2*h) Kh =
Roof Cp (zone #4) = N.A. N.A. (Fig. 6-6) (zone #4 for > 2*h) I=
+GCpi Coef. = 0.18 (Figure 6-5) (positive internal pressure) qh =
-GCpi Coef. = -0.18 (Figure 6-5) (negative internal pressure)

If z <= 15 then: Kz = 2.01*(15/zg)^(2/a) , If z > 15 then: Kz = 2.01*(z/zg)^(2/a) (Table 6-3, Case 2a)
a= 7.00 zg = 1200 (Table 6-2)
Kh = 1.12 (Kh = Kz evaluated at z = h)
I= 1.00 (Table 6-1) (Importance factor)
Velocity Pressure: qz = 0.00256*Kz*Kzt*Kd*V^2*I (Sect. 6.5.10, Eq. 6-15)
qh = 35.23 psf qh = 0.00256*Kh*Kzt*Kd*V^2*I (qz evaluated at z = h)
Ratio h/L = 1.570 freq., f = 1.127 hz. (f >= 1, Rigid structure)
Gust Factor, G = 0.818 (Sect. 6.5.8)
Design Net External Wind Pressures (Sect.
p = qz*G*Cp - qi*(+/-GCpi) for windward wall (psf), where: qi =qh (Eq. 6-17, Sect.
p = qh*G*Cp - qi*(+/-GCpi) for leeward wall, sidewalls, and roof (psf), where: qi = qh (Sect.

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Normal to Ridge Wind Load Tabulation for MWFRS - Buildings of Any Height
Surface z Kz qz Cp p = Net Design Press. (psf)
(ft.) (psf) (w/ +GCpi) (w/ -GCpi)
Windward Wall 0 0.57 18.01 0.80 5.45 18.13
15.00 0.57 18.01 0.80 5.45 18.13
20.00 0.62 19.55 0.80 6.46 19.14
25.00 0.67 20.84 0.80 7.30 19.98
30.00 0.70 21.95 0.80 8.03 20.71
35.00 0.73 22.94 0.80 8.68 21.36
40.00 0.76 23.83 0.80 9.26 21.94
45.00 0.79 24.65 0.80 9.80 22.48
50.00 0.81 25.40 0.80 10.29 22.97
55.00 0.83 26.10 0.80 10.75 23.43
60.00 0.85 26.76 0.80 11.18 23.86
70.00 0.89 27.97 0.80 11.97 24.65
80.00 0.93 29.05 0.80 12.68 25.36
90.00 0.96 30.05 0.80 13.33 26.01
100.00 0.99 30.97 0.80 13.93 26.61
120.00 1.04 32.62 0.80 15.01 27.70
140.00 1.09 34.09 0.80 15.98 28.66
For z = hr: 157.00 1.12 35.23 0.80 16.72 29.40

For z = he: 157.00 1.12 35.23 0.80 16.72 29.40

For z = h: 157.00 1.12 35.23 0.80 16.72 29.40
Leeward Wall All - - -0.50 -20.75 -8.07
Side Walls All - - -0.70 -26.52 -13.84
Roof (zone #1) cond. 1 - - - -1.04 -36.32 -23.64
Roof (zone #1) cond. 2 - - - -0.18 -11.53 1.15
Roof (zone #2) cond. 1 - - - -0.70 -26.52 -13.84
Roof (zone #2) cond. 2 - - - -0.18 -11.53 1.15

Notes: 1. (+) and (-) signs signify wind pressures acting toward & away from respective surfaces.
2. Per Code Section, the minimum wind load for MWFRS shall not be less than 10 psf.
3. References : a. ASCE 7-02, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures".
b. "Guide to the Use of the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-02"
by: Kishor C. Mehta and James M. Delahay (2004).
4. Roof zone #1 is applied for horizontal distance of 0 to h/2 from windward edge.
5. Roof zone #2 is applied for horizontal distance of h/2 to h from windward edge.

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Determination of Gust Effect Factor, G:

Is Building Flexible? No f >=1 Hz.

1: Simplified Method for Rigid Building

G= 0.850

Parameters Used in Both Item #2 and Item #3 Calculations (from Table 6-2):
a^ = 0.143
b^ = 0.84
a(bar) = 0.250
b(bar) = 0.45
c= 0.30
l= 320 ft.
e(bar) = 0.333
z(min) = 30 ft.

Calculated Parameters Used in Both Rigid and/or Flexible Building Calculations:

z(bar) = 94.20 = 0.6*h , but not < z(min) , ft.
Iz(bar) = 0.252 = c*(33/z(bar))^(1/6) , Eq. 6-5
Lz(bar) = 453.94 = l*(z(bar)/33)^(e(bar)) , Eq. 6-7
gq = 3.4 (3.4, per Sect.
gv = 3.4 (3.4, per Sect.
gr = 4.218 = (2*(LN(3600*f)))^(1/2)+0.577/(2*LN(3600*f))^(1/2) , Eq. 6-9
Q= 0.805 = (1/(1+0.63*((B+h)/Lz(bar))^0.63))^(1/2) , Eq. 6-6

2: Calculation of G for Rigid Building

G= 0.818 = 0.925*((1+1.7*gq*Iz(bar)*Q)/(1+1.7*gv*Iz(bar))) , Eq. 6-4

3: Calculation of Gf for Flexible Building

b= 0.030 Damping Ratio
Ct = 0.020 Period Coefficient
T= 0.887 = Ct*h^(3/4) , sec. (Period)
f= 1.127 = 1/T , Hz. (Natural Frequency)
V(fps) = N.A. = V(mph)*(88/60) , ft./sec.
V(bar,zbar) = N.A. = b(bar)*(z(bar)/33)^(a(bar))*V*(88/60) , ft./sec. , Eq. 6-14
N1 = N.A. = f*Lz(bar)/(V(bar,zbar)) , Eq. 6-12
Rn = N.A. = 7.47*N1/(1+10.3*N1)^(5/3) , Eq. 6-11
hh = N.A. = 4.6*f*h/(V(bar,zbar))
Rh = N.A. = (1/hh)-1/(2*hh^2)*(1-e^(-2*hh)) for hh > 0, or = 1 for hh = 0 ,Eq. 6-13
hB = N.A. = 4.6*f*B/(V(bar,zbar))
RB = N.A. = (1/hB)-1/(2*hB^2)*(1-e^(-2*hB)) for hB > 0, or = 1 for hB = 0,Eq. 6-13
hL = N.A. = 15.4*f*L/(V(bar,zbar))
RL = N.A. = (1/hL)-1/(2*hL^2)*(1-e^(-2*hL)) for hL > 0, or = 1 for hL = 0 ,Eq. 6-13
R= N.A. = ((1/b)*Rn*Rh*RB*(0.53+0.47*RL))^(1/2) , Eq. 6-10
Gf = N.A. = 0.925*(1+1.7*Iz(bar)*(gq^2*Q^2+gr^2*R^2)^(1/2))/(1+1.7*gv*Iz(bar)) ,
Use: G = 0.818 Eq. 6-8

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Figure 6-9 - Design Wind Load Cases of MWFRS for Buildings of All Heights

Case 1: Full design wind pressure acting on the projected area perpendicular to each principal axis of
the structure, considered separately along each principal axis.
Case 2: Three quarters of the design wind pressure acting on the projected area perpendicular to each
principal axis of the structure in conjunction with a torsional moment as shown, considered
separately for each principal axis.
Case 3: Wind pressure as defined in Case 1, but considered to act simultaneously at 75% of the
specified value.
Case 4: Wind pressure as defined in Case 2, but considered to act simultaneously at 75% of the
specified value.

Notes: 1. Design wind pressures for windward (Pw) and leeward (PL) faces shall be determined in
accordance with the provisions of Section and as applicable for buildings
of all heights.
2. Above diagrams show plan views of building.
3. Notation:
Pwx, Pwy = Windward face pressure acting in the X, Y principal axis, respectively.
PLx, PLy = Leeward face pressure acting in the X, Y principal axis, respectively.
e (ex, ey) = Eccentricity for the X, Y principal axis of the structure, respectively.
MT = Torsional moment per unit height acting about a vertical axis of the building.

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WIND LOADING ANALYSIS - Wall Components and Cladding

Per ASCE 7-02 Code for Buildings of Any Height
Using Method 2: Analytical Procedure (Section 6.5)
Job Name: Subject: II
Job Number: Originator: Checker: III
Input Data: B
Wind Speed, V = 90 mph (Wind Map, Figure 6-1) D
Bldg. Classification = II (Table 1-1) Gable
Exposure Category = C (Sect. 6.5.6) BMonoslope
Ridge Height, hr = 53.33 ft. (hr >= he) Y
Eave Height, he = 20.00 ft. (he <= hr) N
Building Width = 200.00 ft. (Normal to Building Ridge) Girt
Building Length = 250.00 ft. (Parallel to Building Ridge) L Siding
Roof Type = Gable (Gable or Monoslope) Wall
Topo. Factor, Kzt = 1.00 (Sect. 6.5.7 & Figure 6-4) Fastener
Direct. Factor, Kd = 0.85 (Table 6-4) Compare to 3':
Enclosed? (Y/N) Y (Sect. 6.2 & Figure 6-5) Use 'a' =
Component Name = Girt (Girt, Siding, Wall, or Fastener) qo
Effective Area, Ae = 208 ft.^2 (Area Tributary to C&C) hr
he =
+GCpi Coef. (PIP)
-GCpi Coef. (NIP) =
Resulting Parameters and Coefficients: L
Roof Angle, q = 18.43 deg. a=
Mean Roof Ht., h = 36.67 ft. (h = (hr+he)/2, for roof angle >10 deg.) zg =
Kh =
Wall External Pressure Coefficients, GCp: I=
GCp Zone 4 Pos. = 0.77 (Fig. 6-11A) qh =
GCp Zone 5 Pos. = 0.77 (Fig. 6-11A)
GCp Zone 4 Neg. = -0.87 (Fig. 6-11A)
GCp Zone 5 Neg. = -0.93 (Fig. 6-11A)
Positive & Negative Internal Pressure Coefficients, GCpi (Figure 6-5):
+GCpi Coef. = 0.18 (positive internal pressure)
-GCpi Coef. = -0.18 (negative internal pressure)

If z <= 15 then: Kz = 2.01*(15/zg)^(2/a) , If z > 15 then: Kz = 2.01*(z/zg)^(2/a) (Table 6-3, Case 1a)
a= 9.50 (Table 6-2)
zg = 900 (Table 6-2)
Kh = 1.02 (Kh = Kz evaluated at z = h)
I= 1.00 (Table 6-1) (Importance factor)
Velocity Pressure: qz = 0.00256*Kz*Kzt*Kd*V^2*I (Sect. 6.5.10, Eq. 6-15)
qh = 18.06 psf qh = 0.00256*Kh*Kzt*Kd*V^2*I (qz evaluated at z = h)

Design Net External Wind Pressures (Sect.

For h <= 60 ft.: p = qh*((GCp) - (+/-GCpi)) (psf)
For h > 60 ft.: p = q*(GCp) - qi*(+/-GCpi) (psf)
where: q = qz for windward walls, q = qh for leeward walls and side walls
qi = qh for all walls (conservatively assumed per Sect.

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Wind Load Tabulation for Wall Components & Cladding

Component z Kh qh p = Net Design Pressures (psf)
(ft.) (psf) Zone 4 (+) Zone 4 (-) Zone 5 (+) Zone 5 (-)
Girt 0 1.02 18.06 17.11 -18.91 17.11 -20.13
15.00 1.02 18.06 17.11 -18.91 17.11 -20.13
20.00 1.02 18.06 17.11 -18.91 17.11 -20.13
25.00 1.02 18.06 17.11 -18.91 17.11 -20.13
30.00 1.02 18.06 17.11 -18.91 17.11 -20.13
35.00 1.02 18.06 17.11 -18.91 17.11 -20.13
40.00 1.02 18.06 17.11 -18.91 17.11 -20.13
45.00 1.02 18.06 17.11 -18.91 17.11 -20.13
50.00 1.02 18.06 17.11 -18.91 17.11 -20.13
For z = hr: 53.33 1.02 18.06 17.11 -18.91 17.11 -20.13

For z = he: 20.00 1.02 18.06 17.11 -18.91 17.11 -20.13

For z = h: 36.67 1.02 18.06 17.11 -18.91 17.11 -20.13

Notes: 1. (+) and (-) signs signify wind pressures acting toward & away from respective surfaces.
2. Width of Zone 5 (end zones), 'a' = 14.67 ft.
3. Per Code Section, the minimum wind load for C&C shall not be less than 10 psf.
4. References : a. ASCE 7-02, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures".
b. "Guide to the Use of the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-02"
by: Kishor C. Mehta and James M. Delahay (2004).

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Wall Components and Cladding:

Wall Zones for Buildings with h <= 60 ft.

Wall Zones for Buildings with h > 60 ft.

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WIND LOADING ANALYSIS - Roof Components and Cladding

Per ASCE 7-02 Code for Bldgs. of Any Height with Gable Roof q <= 45o or Monoslope Roof q <= 3o
Using Method 2: Analytical Procedure (Section 6.5)
Job Name: Subject: II
Job Number: Originator: Checker: III
Input Data: B
Wind Speed, V = 90 mph (Wind Map, Figure 6-1) D
Bldg. Classification = II (Table 1-1) Gable
Exposure Category = C (Sect. 6.5.6) BMonoslope
Ridge Height, hr = 53.33 ft. (hr >= he) Y
Eave Height, he = 20.00 ft. (he <= hr) N
Building Width = 200.00 ft. (Normal to Building Ridge) Purlin
Building Length = 250.00 ft. (Parallel to Building Ridge) L Joist
Roof Type = Gable (Gable or Monoslope) Decking
Topo. Factor, Kzt = 1.00 (Sect. 6.5.7 & Figure 6-4) Fastener
Direct. Factor, Kd = 0.85 (Table 6-4) For Zone 1,2,3 Pos. =
Enclosed? (Y/N) Y (Sect. 6.2 & Figure 6-5) For Zone 1 Neg. =
Component Name = Joist (Purlin, Joist, Decking, or Fastener) q o For Zone 2 Neg. =
Effective Area, Ae = 208 ft.^2 (Area Tributary to C&C) hr For
h Zone 3 Neg. =
Overhangs? (Y/N) N (if used, overhangs on all sides) he =
Use Zone 1,2,3 Pos.
Use Zone 1 Neg. =
L Use Zone 2 Neg. =
Resulting Parameters and Coefficients: Use Zone 3 Neg. =

Roof Angle, q = 18.43 deg.

Mean Roof Ht., h = 36.67 ft. (h = (hr+he)/2, for roof angle >10 deg.) Fig's. 6-11B, 6-11C, and 6
Fig. 6-11B:
Roof External Pressure Coefficients, GCp: For Zone 1,2,3 Pos. =
GCp Zone 1-3 Pos. = 0.30 (Fig. 6-11B thru 6-11D) For Zone 1 Neg. =
GCp Zone 1 Neg. = -0.80 (Fig. 6-11B thru 6-11D) For Zone 2 Neg. =
GCp Zone 2 Neg. = -1.20 (Fig. 6-11B thru 6-11D) For Zone 3 Neg. =
GCp Zone 3 Neg. = -2.00 (Fig. 6-11B thru 6-11D) Fig. 6-11C:
Positive & Negative Internal Pressure Coefficients, GCpi (Figure 6-5): For Zone 1,2,3 Pos. =
+GCpi Coef. = 0.18 (positive internal pressure) For Zone 1 Neg. =
-GCpi Coef. = -0.18 (negative internal pressure) For Zone 2 Neg. =
If z <= 15 then: Kz = 2.01*(15/zg)^(2/a) , If z > 15 then: Kz = 2.01*(z/zg)^(2/a) (Table 6-3, For
Case 1a) 3 Neg. =
a= 9.50 Fig. 6-11D:
zg = 900 (Table 6-2) For Zone 1,2,3 Pos. =
Kh = 1.02 (Kh = Kz evaluated at z = h) For Zone 1 Neg. =
I= 1.00 (Table 6-1) (Importance factor) For Zone 2 Neg. =
Velocity Pressure: qz = 0.00256*Kz*Kzt*Kd*V^2*I (Sect. 6.5.10, Eq. 6-15) For Zone 3 Neg. =
qh = 18.06 psf UseatZone
qh = 0.00256*Kh*Kzt*Kd*V^2*I (qz evaluated z = h)1,2,3 Pos. =
Use Zone 1 Neg. =
Design Net External Wind Pressures (Sect. Use Zone 2 Neg. =
For h <= 60 ft.: p = qh*((GCp) - (+/-GCpi)) (psf) Use Zone 3 Neg. =
For h > 60 ft.: p = q*(GCp) - qi*(+/-GCpi) (psf)
where: q = qh for roof
qi = qh for roof (conservatively assumed per Sect.

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Width 'a'
Lesser of L or B:

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Wind Load Tabulation for Roof Components & Cladding

Component z Kh qh p = Net Design Pressures (psf)
(ft.) (psf) Zone 1,2,3 (+) Zone 1 (-) Zone 2 (-) Zone 3 (-)
Joist 0 1.02 18.06 8.67 -17.70 -24.92 -39.37
15.00 1.02 18.06 8.67 -17.70 -24.92 -39.37
20.00 1.02 18.06 8.67 -17.70 -24.92 -39.37
25.00 1.02 18.06 8.67 -17.70 -24.92 -39.37
30.00 1.02 18.06 8.67 -17.70 -24.92 -39.37
35.00 1.02 18.06 8.67 -17.70 -24.92 -39.37
40.00 1.02 18.06 8.67 -17.70 -24.92 -39.37
45.00 1.02 18.06 8.67 -17.70 -24.92 -39.37
50.00 1.02 18.06 8.67 -17.70 -24.92 -39.37
For z = hr: 53.33 1.02 18.06 8.67 -17.70 -24.92 -39.37

For z = he: 20.00 1.02 18.06 8.67 -17.70 -24.92 -39.37

For z = h: 36.67 1.02 18.06 8.67 -17.70 -24.92 -39.37

Notes: 1. (+) and (-) signs signify wind pressures acting toward & away from respective surfaces.
2. Width of Zone 2 (edge), 'a' = 14.67 ft.
3. Width of Zone 3 (corner), 'a' = 14.67 ft.
4. For monoslope roofs with q <= 3 degrees, use Fig. 6-5B for 'GCp' values with 'qh'.
5. For buildings with h > 60' and q > 10 degrees, use Fig. 6-5B for 'GCpi' values with 'qh'.
6. For all buildings with overhangs, use Fig. 6-5B for 'GCp' values per Sect.
7. If a parapet >= 3' in height is provided around perimeter of roof with q <= 10 degrees,
Zone 3 shall be treated as Zone 2.
8. Per Code Section, the minimum wind load for C&C shall not be less than 10 psf.
9. References : a. ASCE 7-02, "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures".
b. "Guide to the Use of the Wind Load Provisions of ASCE 7-02"
by: Kishor C. Mehta and James M. Delahay (2004).

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Roof Components and Cladding:

Roof Zones for Buildings with h <= 60 ft.

(for Gable Roofs <= 45o and Monoslope Roofs <= 3o)

Roof Zones for Buildings with h > 60 ft.

(for Gable Roofs <= 10o and Monoslope Roofs <= 3o)

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WIND LOADING ANALYSIS - Chimneys, Stacks, and Vertical Tanks

Per ASCE 7-02 Code for Cantilevered Structures Classified as Other Structures
Job Name: Subject: II
Job Number: Originator: Checker: III
Input Data: D B
V= 90 mph (Wind Map, Figure 6-1) D
Class. = II (Structure Classification from Table 1-1) Round
Exposure = B (Exposure Category from Sect. 6.5.6) Wind hHexagonal
Kzt = 1.00 (Topographic Factor from Sect. 6.5.7) Square
h= 80.00 ft. (Height of Stack/Tank itself)
Hb = 50.00 ft. (Ht. of Stack/Tank Base Above Ground)
D= 3.00 ft. (Diameter or Width of Surface Normal to Wind) Hb >= 0
Shape? Round (Round, Hexagonal, or Square) Ground
b= 0.010 (Damping Ratio = 0.010-0.070) Elevation
Base Shear and Moment Tab
Ct = 0.0412 (Period Coefficient = 0.020-0.035) for trapezoidal pressure distrib
Kd = 0.95 (Direct. Factor, Table 6-4) Wind Load Tabulation for Stack / Tank
z Kz qz p=qz*G*Cf F=qz*G*Cf*D
(ft.) (psf) (psf) (lb/ft)
Resulting Parameters and Coefficients: 50.00 0.81 15.97 12.54 37.61
55.00 0.83 16.41 12.88 38.65
If z < 15 then: Kz = 2.01*(15/zg)^(2/a) 60.00 0.85 16.82 13.21 39.62
If z >= 15 then: Kz = 2.01*(z/zg)^(2/a) 65.00 0.87 17.21 13.51 40.54
a= 7.00 (Table 6-2) 70.00 0.89 17.58 13.80 41.41
zg = 1200 (Table 6-2) 75.00 0.91 17.93 14.08 42.23
I= 1.00 (Table 6-1) (Import. Factor) 80.00 0.93 18.26 14.34 43.02
h/D = 26.667 85.00 0.94 18.58 14.59 43.77
freq., f = 0.907 Hz. (f < 1) Flexible 90.00 0.96 18.89 14.83 44.49
G= 1.122 (Gust Factor, Sect. 6.5.8) 95.00 0.97 19.18 15.06 45.18
Cf = 0.700 (Figure 6-19)(Press. Coef.) 100.00 0.99 19.47 15.28 45.85
(for Mod. Smooth Surface) 105.00 1.00 19.74 15.50 46.49
110.00 1.02 20.00 15.71 47.12
Velocity Pressure (Sect. 6.5.10, Eq. 6-15): 120.00 1.04 20.51 16.10 48.30
qz = 0.00256*Kz*Kzt*Kd*V^2*I 130.00 1.07 20.98 16.47 49.42

Net Design Wind Pressures (Sect. 6.5.13):

p = qz*G*Cf (psf)

Net Design Wind Forces (Sect. 6.5.13, Eq. 6-25):

F = qz*G*Cf*D (lb/ft)

Resulting Total Base Shear & Moment:

SV(total) = 3.53 kips

SM(total) = 324.23 ft-kips

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Determination of Gust Effect Factor, G: SV(total):

Flexible? Yes f < 1 Hz.

1: Simplified Method for Rigid Structure

G= N.A.

Parameters Used in Both Item #2 and Item #3 Calculations (from Table 6-2):
a^ = 0.143
b^ = 0.84
a(bar) = 0.250
b(bar) = 0.45
c= 0.30
l= 320 ft.
e(bar) = 0.333
z(min) = 30 ft.

Calculated Parameters Used in Both Rigid and/or Flexible Structure Calculations:

z(bar) = 48.00 = 0.6*h , but not < z(min) , ft.
Iz(bar) = 0.282 = c*(33/z(bar))^(1/6) , Eq. 6-5
Lz(bar) = 362.57 = l*(z(bar)/33)^(e(bar)) , Eq. 6-7
gq = 3.4 (3.4, per Sect.
gv = 3.4 (3.4, per Sect.
gr = 4.166 = (2*(LN(3600*f)))^(1/2)+0.577/(2*LN(3600*f))^(1/2) , Eq. 6-9
Q= 0.895 = (1/(1+0.63*((B+h)/Lz(bar))^0.63))^(1/2) , Eq. 6-6

2: Calculation of G for Rigid Structure

G= N.A. = 0.925*((1+1.7*gq*Iz(bar)*Q)/(1+1.7*gv*Iz(bar))) , Eq. 6-4

3: Calculation of Gf for Flexible Structure

b= 0.010 Damping Ratio
Ct = 0.041 Period Coefficient
T= 1.102 = Ct*h^(3/4) , sec. (Period)
f= 0.907 = 1/T , Hz. (Natural Frequency)
V(fps) = 132.00 = V(mph)*(88/60) , ft./sec.
V(bar,zbar) = 65.23 = b(bar)*(z(bar)/33)^(a(bar))*V*(88/60) , ft./sec. , Eq. 6-14
N1 = 5.043 = f*Lz(bar)/(V(bar,zbar)) , Eq. 6-12
Rn = 0.050 = 7.47*N1/(1+10.3*N1)^(5/3) , Eq. 6-11
hh = 5.119 = 4.6*f*h/(V(bar,zbar))
Rh = 0.176 = (1/hh)-1/(2*hh^2)*(1-e^(-2*hh)) for hh > 0, or = 1 for hh = 0 , Eq. 6-13a,b
hB = 0.192 = 4.6*f*b/(V(bar,zbar))
RB = 0.883 = (1/hB)-1/(2*hB^2)*(1-e^(-2*hB)) for hB > 0, or = 1 for hB = 0 , Eq. 6-13a,b
hd = 0.643 = 15.4*f*L/(V(bar,zbar))
RL = 0.680 = (1/hL)-1/(2*hL^2)*(1-e^(-2*hL)) for hL > 0, or = 1 for hL = 0 , Eq. 6-13a,b
R= 0.817 = ((1/b)*Rn*Rh*RB*(0.53+0.47*RL))^(1/2) , Eq. 6-10
Gf = 1.122 = 0.925*(1+1.7*Iz(bar)*(gq^2*Q^2+gr^2*R^2)^(1/2))/(1+1.7*gv*Iz(bar)) , Eq. 6-8
Use: G = 1.122

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FIGURE 6-1: Basic Wind Speed
FIGURE 6-1a: Western Gulf of Mexico Hurricane Coastline
FIGURE 6-1b: Eastern Gulf & Southeastern U.S. Hurricane Coastline
FIGURE 6-1c: Mid and Northern Atlantic Hurricane Coastline

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