Screening Levels - SEGSD
Screening Levels - SEGSD
Screening Levels - SEGSD
Level I
Level II
Every Pennsylvania student in grades 3 through 8 is assessed in English Language Arts and Math. Every
Pennsylvania student in grades 4 and 8 is assessed in science.
Keystone Exams
The Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments designed to assess proficiency in the subject areas of Algebra
I, Algebra II, Geometry, Literature, English Composition, Biology, Chemistry, U.S. History, World History, and Civics
and Government. Beginning in the 2012-2013 school year, Keystone Exams in the following subjects were developed
by the Department and made available for use by school districts, AVTSs and charter schools, including cyber charter
Algebra I
4Sight Assessments:
The 4Sight PA Core Standards Benchmark Assessments are quarterly benchmark assessments developed by
the Success for All Foundation (SFAF) to assist schools as they prepare their students for the rigor of the
Pennsylvania System of School Assessments (PSSAs).
Designed to provide on-grade-level assessments of students?skills in Reading and Math, Grades 3-8, the 4Sight
PA Core Standards Assessments are aligned to the PA Core State Standards and provide a formative evaluation
of student progress. Assessment results can then be used by schools and districts to inform instruction and track
progress toward the goals of the PA Core Standards over the course of a school year.
The Gifted Multidisciplinary Team will determine whether your child is gifted and in need of specially designed instruction.
This information will be outlined in a Gifted Written Report. If the team determines your child is eligible for specially
designed instruction the Gifted Written Report will be given to the GIEP team.