Roger Wicker Campaign Finance Report April 2018

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yep, __ PASE 08 Ree THE SENATE 7 REPORT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS For An Authorized Committee 1. NAME OF TYPE OR PRINT ¥ Example: typing. woe COMA TE (nan Sanpe ere wee MRAM Wicker for Senate rena oe oper eee ede put L poet L po L es ADORESS (rumor an sie : FFL pe : + a : : than previously Jackson Ms 39205-0064 reported. (ACC) i ar cry & sae & 2IP CODE & 2, FEC IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ¥ STATE ¥ DISTRICT CS cooeaszt6 3 STS = x NEW AMENDED REPORT ™ OR “ Ms 0 4. TYPE OF REPORT (crore m8 |) .9uy PRE-lecton Repo fre (@) Quarter Reports: pray (2) err (20) Pano 12) p18 cuay ape camenon (20) speci (125 say sary merce | Sate o October 15 Quarterly Report (3) Election on January 31 YearEnd Repor VE) | (6) 30:Day POST Election Report forthe General (G08) Runoff @0R) Special (908) Termination Report (TER) nia Election on State of 5. Covering Period on ore through 8 st 2018 Tconiy that Ihave examined tis Report and tothe best of my knowledge and belt tis tue, corect and comple, Breazeate, Paul, Mé. “ype or Print Name of Treasurer “ Areacele Paul ¥.. Mr Mot ag? Sod Signature of Treasurer ate wore ction of oa, evneos, reams oration yet he paren ering hi Repro the poate of 52 USC ON “ise FEC FORM 3 Use i EC FORMS Oniy wy a & Bt x " % a a o 8 a 9 & o g a T SUMMARY PAGE Fee ee ee era of Receipts and Disbursements ite or Type Committee Name Wicker for Senate ‘ “] PAGE 2/301 nom contig teres rom Par Per) Taw} COLUMN A This Period 6. Net Contributons (other then leans) {@) Total Contributions iponesaosca) (other than foans) (tom Line 11(@)).. ' eee (0) Tota Contribution Relunds ry thm ine 20) eee (6). Net Contributions (other than loans) fi mene (subtract Line 6(b) from Line 64a) mde atenbenttond 7. Net Operating Expencitures (@)_ Total Operating Expenditures , 7 (rom tine 17) Ce (0) Tota Ofsets to Operating Ta Expenditures (fom Line 14. ear x (0) Net Operating Expenditures —— — (subtract Line 7(b) from Line 7(@)). Peden). nee & Gash on Hand & ove of omearcon) Reporting Period (rom Line 27) [peeoeatiems @ Debi and Obigatons Owed TO the Commitee ersze a on oor Schedule © andlor Sched O) [Depa encese 10. Debts and Obligations Owed BY the Committee (temize all on ‘Schedule C andlor Schedule 0} aati) oatte: pene gener 0.0 COLUMN B. jon Cyck peers 100225 CoE EE '3678569.28 ee 3747805, Leet tte! ‘36990518 For further information contact: Federal Election Commission 999 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20463 Toll Free 800-424-9530 Local 202-694-1100 w 8 a Ry 9 8 * a a * cI a s a 8 “ CT DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE FEC Form 3 (Revised 05/2016) jeliecelnia} Wile or Type Commies Name Wicker for Senate 5 PAGE 3/381 Repost Covering the Period COLUMN A |. RECEIPTS Total This Period 11. CONTRIBUTIONS (other than loans) FROM: (@)_ Indviduals/Persons Other Than Poitical Committees 0) temized (ose Schedule A. ea 272) Seta : 320400 (i) Uniterized. {i) TOTAL of contributions from individuals / eee secectnteteabes Eeeoereats Liaeiaramaniae oF ; a0 ——— EE (b) Poltical Panty Committees (@) Other Political Commit (auch as PACS) (@) The Candidate (e) TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS (other than toans) (add Lines 4 (afi, (©) (9), and (8) 12, TRANSFERS FROM OTHER AUTHORIZED COMMITTEES 13, LOANS. (a) Made or Guaranteed by the Candidate {) All Other Loans. (@) TOTAL LOANS (add Lines 13{a) and (0. 14, OFFSETS TO OPERATING EXPENDITURES (Refunds, Rebates, etc) 15, OTHER RECEIPTS (Divicends, interest, etc) 16, TOTAL RECEIPTS (add Lines 1102, 12, 13(¢), 14, and 15), > (Camy Total to Line 24, page 4). Coes COLUMN B Election Gycle-to-Date 2609280.19, Sonate retort 99806 68 903217 07 ines Loe] Cee rr 398628,78 1 Latent OEE poe daaatee eatentan ate nO eee ° 3747808 apne cme 31126 2 enteenen te C a 2 Sant nme nit nto L a] bh a & eo in 8 Q ss a gs os a cy “ a a r FEC Form 3 (Revises 05/2016) I, DISBURSEMENTS DETAILED SUMMARY PAGE of Disbursements COLUMN A. Total This Period 4 PAGE 4/381 COLUMN B. Election Gycle-to-Date 17, OPERATING EXPENDITURES. 48, TRANSFERS TO OTHER AUTHORIZED COMMITTEES 19, LOAN REPAYMENTS: (@) Of Loans Made or Guaranteed by the Candidate (e) OF All Other Loans (e) TOTAL LOAN REPAYMENTS (add Lines 19(2) and (0) 20. REFUNDS OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO: (@)_IndividualsPersons Other Than Poltical Committees (0) Poltical Party Committees. (©) Other Political Committees (such as PACs) (@ TOTAL CONTRIBUTION REFUNDS {add Lines 204), (), and (c) 21. OTHER DISBURSEMENTS. 22, TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS (ada Lines 17, 18, 19), 2004), and 21) De "roset1 85, pe eee rence) Canned Coo [Eaeeoert nn) aero riz 85 teen a tte ao 3676585.24 aera 000 Lsseete tent teSisinntab a open [ 0.90 Leteetan none tenn pEaeaners { F 9695.00 ttn Sp to eae 9.00 ent an totPoet tn csspncenenntet ad Cee) ee COIs ae Cee] f ro se] MI, CASH SUMMARY 23, CASH ON HAND AT BEGINNING OF REPORTING PERIOD. 24 TOTAL RECEIPTS THIS PERIOD (from Line 16, page 3) 25, SUBTOTAL (add Line 23 and Line 24) 26. TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS THIS PERIOD (trom Line 22). 27, CASH ON HAND AT CLOSE OF REPORTING PERIOD (eubtract Line 26 from Line 25), oem Le 019404 49 Soetnn ecernteaetntnnteee! i eer sann nNOS L | a hy a " g cl ss a o a g 8 ow o a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate scheduets) for each category of the Detalles Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER: PAGE 5 OF ast {heck only one) [Xie Hr ie [nse Be His Ass Aly coe "any information copied from such Repors and Stalements may not be s6l6 oF used by any person forthe purpose of solicking contributions for commorcal purposes, other than using the name and adress of any polttal commtes to solct contibutons from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (ln Ful) Wicker for Senate Fa Name (ras Fret, Madi Taa Bowen, Stephen, , Mr., E bate of Raat iatrg Peat 7 Brood Fat Pe ey on ad (ad State Zp Code Transaction ID : AT4C40722A4284D8B85F_ corn ve | rrsedoar [enero arecoarznanbnensae FEC 1 nmbe of eoare a ao ach ci a Pees (Sen pie coven arog imo aoe a oo thon burt rope os 1 a | Prime [5] General PS cor woeciw 20000 I) B. Finch, Charles, D., Mr., Date of Receipt Hrs Asses 400 Conca Ove ee or a 1 at 2018 Cry oa 2p Code Transaction ID : A9F033B837CAC4C50B51 Canon ws | Soocesres FEC © nate of conrng c neato ach ct ts Pad 5 pall Sov. | 250.00 eT aa >. * (nomoten Reet rameter sued seman oar ae Sam GrseeboaTe BK Primary] Genera oo PS er bone . Fans Tan, OOH c. Phillips, Ann, Elise, Mrs. Date of Receipt Fag RSIS 401 pny 10 a sr tal dow o ero In: AMBSrarssedstenb a soreeaas TEC 0 canbe demining Tn sated coats c mou of ac Rect is Ped Name oT Epa ‘BeeapaTGN , 2700.00 Salter ena Rear aT oo to tn Bq Primary] Goneral PA ctr users moo SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optiona. TOTAL This Period (ast page tis ine number ony). 650.00 FEC Scheause A (Form 3 (Revises 08/2016) a OT e SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedue(s) for each category of the Detales Summary Page FOR LUNE NUMBER: (eneek only ore) PAGE 6 OF 81 As 110 Ps He hse 1 Os NAME OF COMMITTEE (in Fu) ‘Wicker for Senate Tiny information copied fom such Reports and Statements may ro! Be sold or use by any person for the purpose of soliciting contibutions Or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any polical committe fo solicit contrbutions tom such committee, Foi Name (uae, Fra, Middle Taal Wyler, Greg, . Mr. A bate of Rocdot ialing Adress 1356 ver Fa eet ees ce an ze Cty ‘State fee Transaction ID : A9JESF2FFSA9F403FASC Start a 25066011 | Transaction 0: ASDESFZFFSAOFSUSFASC ies mie clones Cc ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Name of Empoyer Decupation F 700,00 Sal Employed Enopreneur Reset For: 2078 Tecion Gye bale y {Momo nem | Pray] Genera Y omer (sect . ‘40000 Fal ome (oa Fra Wide aad B. Newman, Samuel, , Mr. Date of Receipt ialing Aastess 211 5 Vley Orve naee or cas hore oy Sate] Bp Gove “Transaction ID : AGASSCASEFS3CA9A2644 Manhattan Beach cA 0266-6552 Se FEC 1D pum of contibuting federal polis commits. c Amount of Each Receipt tis Period Name ot ralorer | , ‘anne : 3 TOTAL Tis Period fst page tis ne number on). > , : FEC Schade (Farm 2) Reise 057016) 7 a e wl Q eo SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) \TEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER: PaGe_7_OF 381 {eneck ony one) (K]ne [Jr Pa Hiss As Fist rs Tay Faso copie orm wich Repos an Sisters may nob Sd OF Statements 9) aol ay pola! corms fo soict contin fom such eames OF for commercial purposes, cther than using th NAME OF COMMATTEE (ln Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Far Nae (as, Fest, Made ad 7 forthe purpose of sotcting contbutions _ Nusz Trt, Mis. bate of Reeds Fang Aas 11 Wowend Ove Se ey an Cty ae Zip Code ‘Transaction ID : A2059662623AS4CEDASZ Howson 1% “70247828 FEC 10 number of contributing Cc ‘Amount of Each Receit this Period ‘ecu pote! comet. 150090 Tame ol Eno? ‘ccaton , , : WA Homemaker Ft mew w Recep For 2018 Becton GyeeHO.ORE wy mo Dei} cores os "omer pec ¥ | , Y Fat Nare Cam Fah woe sh T Bain, Kristin, , MS.. _| ate of Rein Fang Address 120 indo Jo Be vat tg OT See cay State Zo Code ‘Transaction 10 : AS36CO8F2B573476981F Pehl ws 02100725 [rascin 9 ASE FEO 0 numer of eonrbung ee federal pial corte c Amount of aon Rect bis Peto __—_—_—— 23000 ameter 7 : ; romaton Request tomato Reaves oration Requesied formaton Regested + jsene Fecaot For 2018 lection Gyset-0516 y i revay [Gover "omer pect w | . ag Fa are Tash FT Te TT Lanier, Douglas, , Dr. Date of Receipt " Mailing Address 4300 B West Railroad St cr ° a se ¥ my or ow sald — Tap Cas | rranscton 10; AABB4SFOOFFSADBO995, oto Ms 3050-2568 | Trnssston OA FEO 0 ruber of conuing {ecu pots! conse. c mount of Each Recep is Peron ame or Empoyer Cecupation ; 2300.00 sot Erloyed Nephobgst eT Caton yan 1 Memo tem “remay OX Gove | | omer nec w | ; | seo 4050.90 SUBTOTAL of Racine Tis Page (otona > , : : > : : TOTAL This Period (last page tis ine number on. Feo Sehodula A (Form 8) Res 082016) “ “ & 8 Bi gy 6 a a 6 q & o 8 [ice FoF ser SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) et a eee ITEMIZED RECEIPTS a eee mae Pare se One Fe x Chis The Che Cs | Tay Ficmaton coe wich Reports and Stalris may rok be so sed by any person fr, te post of toseg amg Any infomation, cpiescnen, oti tha wang the rame end ates of any poical connie to stl contibulons fom Suh comes NAME OF COMMITTEE (n Ful ‘Wicker for Senate Fal Warne (ast Frat Miodie Wa Teague. R., Cornell, Mr. Jr Date of Recelpt an iain hates api Ox Damion ve ee ow sae ates woLeen va | 21012700 FEC 10 rrbe of coiutng uct of Ech Recto is Pate federal poteal convatee. c ” Name of Employer ‘Occupation | ’ * a “he Anne ove Vee brett Receipt For 2018 Erection Gycleto-Date wy 4.) Memo tom 5 Primary [J Gonerat ote beech 0000 | Far ame fan Fe, Ma ah , Stern lian, Mr oof Reet iting heres 51 Eason PHS ee Pease aa ‘State ip Code ‘Transaction 1D : AB164ADF015C24289935 iow Yok wr | tozess [ean 1: ABYEAMDFOS280995 — £0 0 be of conruina (eer pales! Sorte. c ean f Each Rect his Peed Name of Emaover ‘Cecupation i ee Saves Fund Manageme Farce sumo on Fieceipt For. 2018 lection Oyeie-0-0s eu Pinay TT ome tence © ; Farnam Tan A aa WaT c. Stott, Barbara, , Ms., Date of Receipt Mailing Adsress 2263 Wilmot Rd a ao vy of tae ay tate Te Code rsaction ID : A41E03CCC397244E1926_ tear we | erase FEC 0 wamber fering fedora! ples! commit. c savant of ach Reset tis Peed ame of Employer Decopation A eee Tomaton Reese man Rusted event For OTE Sesion Opiate Os Wen tm 13d Primary [7] General i PS ote esti : oso00 soso [SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional > ; ; ae > ee ‘TOTAL This Period fast page this tne number On FEC Schedule A (Frm 3} Revised 08/2018) z 7 SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) vw ma ates |G ITEMIZED RECEIPTS ena some ae Duna [Je Fre Fre Geass vn | ue Fes Ass A rae Gay hionmation coped From such Reports and Staterents may not be sod or used by any person forthe purpose of soiting contibuions Raa eaten 5 huposen oer than using the name and aadress of any polical commitae to sot contsbutions from such comes NAME OF COMMITTEE (n Full ‘Wicker for Senate Fal Nae (at Ft la ita _ Strickland, Wallace, ME. ean iMating Aacress 6219 Syeareve GieskOr wee | “os aw Tae p Cooe ae Merion ws 390055405, FEC 10 number of conrouing mount of Each Receipt he Pet federal polteal conmitee c CNet ie 100 Tame of Eioyer ‘Sccipaton , » nm Rush Heath Systems Heathcare xacuive eco For 2018 — Gedion Grae 000 Mem er | Primay [7] Genera PS ote eoectvi ; | f00000 Fal rvs (ask Fre, Mae Py Mansour, Philip, . Mr., Jt. ate of Receipt Maing Aadress 149 N, Eason St ww ee we of 8 ors oy Sate [2 Gove “Transaction 10: ADEDE3S2BASCEACESE7” Greenvile Ms 38701-9756 | ranssetion AoE FEC 1D number of conbutin oO mia sein c our of ach Rect hs Pete ee ane oF Eee OSEAN : a wf Atrnay shone ectipt For 2018 Becton GyeletODate y hed Primary [Genera "omer spect ; 190 Fa Ware Ca, Ft Wao Tata a Neber, Joseph, , Mr., Date of Recspt “ Waling ASSESS 1620 SE 38H Ave ww ee ere is oar 208 “ ea Baie [ep Cane Transaction ID : AFBYSCE360228439594F q Homestead FL 33035-1945 [trensecton 9; ArBTSCE Oe mi FEC 10 sumer of conrbuing ° federal poteal commit. c Amount of Each Receipt this Peiod e a Tame o Enpioner oy ; 00.00 @ Comtenser Boats Presiden 8 Fecebt For 2076 — Becton Gyaee-DsIe y |_| Meme tem o 1X Primey_[_} Genera et omer pect 0000 a le : & 2 7 [SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (options. > + ee S| ovat tis Period (ast page this ne aumber on > : : FEC Shes A (Form 3) Raised 082036) “ b a "i g es Q a s q a ae = e os SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER: (eneck only one) PAGE 10_OF 381 np Pace Ae As At Fy oration copied fom such Repos end Statements may not be sold er used by ary pera A forma ee en oter than using the name and access of any poltical committee to sol contfowons fom such commits, fon forthe purpose of solicting contributions NAME OF COMMITTEE (hn Ful) Wicker for Senate For name [as Fiat, Midd ial Young, Charles, . Or., A vow Rea ig ie 12 ern meets opp | City ‘State Zip Cove ‘Transaction ID : AFO9FECSO8FE34593A29 we ne [boone 70 0 nna ol enor penne ah Ren i Pes eco eeoen c - ao Ie sens te Receipt For 2018 ection Gyeleto ale y ‘ Fey coe 1” | Other (specity) ¥ : 500.00 1 B. Barry, Rick, , Mr., Date of Receipt are ae eee ote fet City ‘State ‘ip Code ‘Transaction ID : A192067C99A8C402BB6A_ wean ve | soesns | wansasion batsneremascaznBHA 0 nee ol enrmare c oe x Fae bh Pa Name of Employer ‘Occupation : . oe Sell Employed poe Memo tem Sota mre Sa Dae 17] Other (specity) w 2800.00 Tae TE ET c. Locke, Thomas, , Mr. Date of Receipt * Maling AdGeSS 4304 Cadte Creek Road enw pe vere at" den sae 2506 ———— or sas sont ArcacererDagezce coma wo pucrasen FEC 10 number of contributing {federal political committe. Cc ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period are Sam 7 $00.00 “Tomas 8 Locke & Associates, LLCIBGR) | Secury Constant recep For 2078 Taston Cjteo-dae {Memo tem 1X Prima) cent ) ote soectH , 500.00 > SUBTOTAL of Recents This Page (ontiona. ‘TOTAL This Period (ast page this tne number ony) > 1100.00 FEC Schade A (Form 3) Revised 0572018) “ a m a Fl 8 a eo a & a a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedulels) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER: (eneck only one) [PAGE_17_OF 381 At nd sx [ja [is Pie Ar xe [hs NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Tay iiortion copied fom such Reports and Staloments may not be 1d ox sed by any person ox the pupose of slicing conus a ner a purposes, eter tan using the name and address of ary posal commie to sot contibutons fem sveh commis Fu Warne (vast, Fret wade Faia) Pawlik, Emil, , Mr, A Date of Receipt Waling Adress 17 Avery Gr =e Ya Ce veckson MS sean 2408 £0 © mba of cntbtng c Amount of Each Receipt ts Peto ee so. ane of Empbver Cezipaton : , a Hughes East Comp Patleum Engineer Fecept For 2018 Econ GyeletoDale y emo tem | Primary —_[[_] General | otter pect ¥ : oe Fai Name (at Frat aoe wah p, Cook, William, G., ME. ate of Reco eating Ada33 FO Box 85763 re wy wo “ors oy ines —- “Transaction 10: ASSZ7SDFEZTFCATFBAD! Jackson 5 eae ee eae c ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period a : ae ook Commecil Properties Commercial Rea Estate see ys Recent For 2018 Becton Gyee-Dale y aa Dd Pemary [7] General omer (pect : 25000 Fa Nave Uae FS, Woe a g, Catpenter, Jot, D., Mra af bate of Receipt Hang Aasiess 4g7 & Mason Ave ee ee vey “os 208 a Co FEE enon o eg “Transaction ID : ABDODOF 1641284176890. tederal political committee. Cc ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Name of Ene aeation ; S000 cma Government Airs eco Far 2078 Glacton Cyeleto-Date y Seen ae Primary [_] General PP omer speci w 750.00 1 00.00 SUBTOTAL of Recelns Tis Page (ontlona. > 5 i e TOTAL This Period (ast page this ine sumber on. > , , : FEC Schedule A (Form 3) ovis 0/2016) JA LINE NUMBER: [PAGE 12 OF 381 | SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) Use sept scacses) | Caos ono ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of th Piss 11, Ar 16 Seas Summa age Ps we Che Flin Che Che ca TST Ged Tom Hh TE a Slovan 1 Swe ay pe ain ot sali aN Any wtornaion ne Ton Re er ard ans plea ote Yo si eins fom seh cone NAME OF COMMITTEE Ful ‘Wicker for Senate A Crossen, Michael, K., Mr. Date of Receipt eR a ce asta aoe w a aco anton 10: ADEBFBDEOSSA2E90 FEC 10 rrber of cot ee federal pottea commit. c port St eens ble Tare a Envir oer yee Facet For 708 sa aeobaey Wee tm 5g Primary) General Pe ter st zo00e0 p, Davis, Wats, Mr bate of Recest ae ota Sab Be ea = ba aoe ‘Transaction 1D : A10874956D990432F ASF FEC 0 wamter of contre : (Sie sles! conte, c fevont of ach Rect ts Pees Name of Employer Decupation ; 8 sat enoloyed Onnetst Facet For 278, yaaa | Cn | Pimary (Generel | Omer est v Po eo aa Ta, ET ©. Shackouls, Bobby, S., Mr., Date of Receipt ‘Malling Address 4400 Uptown Park Blvd vow oo vrs tntass oe eT dos yode | ae Dae ssaction IO ; AT7SAESTS4CB24AS7857 FG 1b rarer coi faderal poftieal committee. GC ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period a Tame of Empoyer Seeupaon ; ce Baringon ceo Primary} General Sve Goschy 10000 3500.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipts Ths Page (optional ‘TOTAL This Period (ast page ths ine number ony FEO Sehedule A (Frm 3) Revises 5/2016) w b ol m1 a a 4 a e 1 a cy eT a e [race 13 OF 301 | SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) aster ae ee SOF 361 ITEMIZED RECEIPTS ee eee Bue (Je Fine [ie Detalles Summary Page Fi Ar FE: 8 ie “iny information copied Fem such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions Or tor Commercial purposes, other than using the name ané address of any poltical committe to solct contibutions from such committee NAME OF COMMITTEE Qn Full) Wicker for Senate Fal Warne (ast, FVst, Meda Tad York, Bennett, , Dr., A Hating Adsross 1421 28h Ave ay Tate] 2s Case atbesbug MS 394023108, FEC 1D number of contbutng fee eeleeo eee federal pote conmitee c “ 10009 Name of Employer ‘Occupation , * eae Sot-Employed (ra Sugeen Reset For, 2018 T Gecton Cyclo bate Mere Hn | Primary [Gove PY! other (speci w ; 1000.00 For Narre ast, Fra, de Ta) Mintz, Adelyn, , Ms.. Date of Receipt ialing Aderess «212 va Lane rere Fan or at os Claessens auae caste cauE auc | 20 gn tc] 17s ane Monroe a 71201-2089 FEC 1D number of contributing ; {ederal politcal commit Cc “Amount of Each Receipt this Period sation 1 : ASOFSB6SFA02441E5835, Rane of Empl Oation : ee Information Requested Information Requestas i Fieceint For: 2018 Bestion CyletoDate y Memo tem Xray ower [2 otner tspecii-w 7 , 00 Fad Nara (oat, Fat wide Wivay , Chiz, Barnet, Mr., Date of Receipt * ating AGGTESS pO Box 466 we eee 1 2 2018 ay pale ee action 1D: A21SC2D7O7EBAGBBFAAA ‘Shaw MS 36773-0466, FEC ID numberof eonebutng ederal politcal committee. Cc ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Tame of eager] Sapa ; ee Dive Tobacco 8 Candy Co, Executive Fico For” 2018 Brecon Oyceto-Date 1 Memo tem x Primary [7] General "| omer pecit w 500.00 750.0 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (options > : 5 ae TOTAL This Perod fast page ths line number ony) > , . FEC Schedule A (Form 3} fRovsed 05/2018) eo 8 a 8 & wl a o Teace_14 oF 381 | SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) eee ree nce og ec tor each category of the ne Cw (ne Cn ITEMIZED RECEIPTS er ees Al Are te A rs Tiny Information copied fom such Repors and Statements may not be sold or used by any person forthe purpose of soiting contibutions Or tor commerciel purposes, other than using the name and adress of any poltical committee to solicit contbutions trom such committe. NAME OF COMMITTEE (Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fa Name (ast, Fret, Magis Tava) ‘Anderson, Andy, » Mr. A Date of Receipt ling Adress 525 Parkway Ave wae ey oe os 2018 CJ eae | eco “Transaction ID : ADIAZOACFCAFS4A0180 Rating Fork MS. 301595101 eee FEC 1D numberof contributing Cc ‘Amount of Each Receipt tis Peviod {ederalpoltical eommites. Name of Employer ‘eevpaion , , me Self Employed Farmer Recebt Fo 2018 Election Gycieto Date y Menno arn DX Primary [7] General 1 other pect w 500.00 Fan Name (oat, Fst, Made Waiah p, Bowlin, John, , Dr. Date of Recent ialing Adress 2661 Columbine I wow oe ce “ ey esate ee cece ansaction 1 : AAATIBF442 ‘Tupelo Ms. 36801-3433, FEC 1D numberof contibuting ; bectftreepetcated c “Amount of Each Receipt tis Period Narie of Empiover Capa : oe Retires snyiclan acne Recei For 2078 Election Cycleto-Date ‘em 3d Primary [7] Generat "other (speci w | sano i , Fan Name (Ca, FG Midas Way T Resin, Jamie, , Mr., Date of Receit Mating Ad6e55 2121 Avenue of the Stars re) we 3 2 2018 oy ma poe action 10: ADF6C33497291426A9CD Los Angeles cA 80067-5010 eee FEC 1D number of conibating federal poitical committe. Cc ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period —— 650.00 ‘Gecapaton Ievesment Management Name of Employer Goldman Sachs Feces For 2018 Tecon Cysero Dale ereliony 1X Primary] General © omer seth 8000 l 1480.00 SUBTOTAL of Reciis This Pas (ootion > , , . TOTAL Tis Period (est page this lino rumber ont). > , . FEC Senedle (Form 3) Rood 0872016) # et 6 a ci cy © 6 e a a a ow 8 a sc A (FEC Form 3) FOR LINE NUMBER: [PAGE 15_OF “381 HEDULE A (FEC Form 3) I eee encee | leerar ein Sa BE 'TEMIZED RECEIP’ for each category of the iain iale 7 ITEM. ECEIPTS \ a cae pe ve Fre Fs ; “any formation coped from such Report and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contbutions fr for commercial purposes, other than using the name ard adcress of any poiical comnttee to solicit contributions from such comenitee NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fat Name (cas, Fret, Midle Ta) i Yarber, Lealon, , Mr., iMaling Adress P.0, Box 96 Date of Receit oy Wp Code 38627-0096 FEC 1D number of conrbuting man — Amount of ach Recep this Period federal pial corte. —| { 280.00 Tame of Employer Cesipaton ce eed retired Reired | eo ants Lr nn | Primay [7] ones Ler Seah | Ta Ware (as, Ft, Mage ah , Plutsky, Melvin, , Mr. | Date of Receipt Haling Adsess 336 ram Suet 1 UE EY PERE yy i os | Ee Zora oy aoe | pecs Transaction 0 ADCOFSZA«63664C58037 Senta Monica cA 90402-2408 eee FEG ID numberof conribat geet woes aems® Ty | amen eennean me na ——— 75000 Raine ot Eplover esupaton : pao Set Emotoved Rel Estate feos Receipt For: 2078 Becton OyeetoOse y 5K] Primary [7] Genera paren ee © other ispecivi 7 fe ae par ZOD t Fal Name Tas, Fis, Maas OT H oc, Genzer, Frank, | Mi Date of Receipt Malling Address 145 Saint Jude St wT peeyrrey Lg sale ip Code Transaction ID : A7033DECSEDFE44DEBDB ind MS | sossoseoe | tantsion I: ATIODECSEDFEMDEEDS 0p naar ceo a fedora! pote! commit i aie une ef ach soup hia Pare ee ere ame of Employer] 0eeapatien : pent? j Satlempoyed cnet etn reer re Te Gera S [1] vere tn Sd emery] Gener "Other (spect y u ee] Lett i "1020.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Pace (optional) > : : Toten ete : , Ce. TOTAL This Potiog fast page ths tne number only > een FEC Scheaute & (Form 3) Revised 08/2018) bs eal a 6 a oe a a 3 @ s et a o SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate scheauiets) | ( for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE T8_OF 367 A: 16 say Fla (check only ore) Pes A 2 [ssa Dis ‘Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soiting contibutions Or for commercial purposes, other tnan using the name and address of any polical committee to solicit contbutions [rom such commie. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) Wicker for Senate For Name (last Fist, Middle tal Crigier, Amy, , Dr., | A Date of Recs Waling Ars 108 angion Gv cee ce wae chy State ip Code Transaction ID : ADCCEDCAAIC4D40BE9F3_ Satie ws | sersba2e2 | ranssctlon ID: ACCEDCAAICADIOBEOFS_ FEC 10 number of cortrbutng c Ant of Each Raitt Pesiod fer! pote conmite 25090 Tae EOS Oaupaton De Sal employed Optoma! a ipl For 2078 Election Oycleto-Dale a Primary [~] General * oer pec ; 250,90 Tal ae (ak Fen idle iy B. Wicker, Richard, , Mr., Ii Date of Receipt ing Ass e05 Hanover St fo op pe ct hore Cty State ‘ip Code ‘Transaction ID : A338FB6250CC2444986F Frederiksborg va_| eaovsrns [trsneseton 0: asvararesoccaéedener _ FEC 1D numberof eortbuing spun of aon Rect is Pt tec! pocal cot G mci of Each Rec hs Peto 000 mere Cail 5 Systems Pann & Anas. nce Ara oe Facet For 2078 Becton GyoletoDale y 3 Primary [Gone PS otter ech a) Far Tare Can FR, ET c. Edwards, Clyde, B., Mr., Jr. Date of Receipt Malling AGdeSS PO Box 115 now oo vory ca tae oy [sae [Zeca tion ID : AC41F7DBOSEDDABSBEFS aon us| ssoieons FEC 10 rater of cont federal potical commit. c ‘Arnaut ot Each Receipt the Peed Name of Employer ‘Casapation ; 700.00 Sef Enoyed Imeslr / Receipt For, 2078 Election Gycie-to-Date 3 Memo Item Primary [~] Sonal | omer tec 200000 1000 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional). > , ’ 7 TOTAL This Peso st page is ne uber ot > fa FEC Scheduse A (Form 3) Revised 05/2016) SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detales Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER (check oA ore) PAGE OF 381 138 Ars h18 Hs la Ae A Ps ‘Any information copied trom such Repors ang Statements may not be Sold or used by any person forthe purpose of soliciting contibutions ‘or far commercial purposes, other than using the name and adcress of any political committe to soit contbutions from such commie. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fal Name (ant Frat, idole iad ; | aw Sate] Zp ode Canton us 39046-8407 re SS FEC 1D number of contributing ree 1 federal plies commits ae Name of Eraper Decimation Se Endodontst ooo For TOE Becton Cyse-ioDale y Paimary [7] General ee] iM Teco "Other (speci w Date of Receipt fal to) Ca “Transaction 1D ATS9ESFSABABBASABAAS ‘Amount of Each Receipt is Period eaeeworeons oO Meme item Full Name (bas, Frat, Middle ital ‘Anderson, Margie, , Mi aling Adsre55 0 gox 250 ay Sas ap oe oom es (ea pea cro g aes ae ET crate Information Requested Recent For 2018 [] Genera | Primary (Domne (soecin w Information Requested ction Cycie-o-Date y ane eae Date of Receipt fe) fs) ary “Transaction ID: AEZ6447TECFASAEBSBSF me] tt Fal Name (an Fs Wide Pay OReilly, David, J., Ml fing ASSeSS 2159 Las Trampas Ra ay Sate ip Code ‘Alamo fea (94507-1862 FEC 10 aumber of contibuting SS aT federal poltcal committee C te Name of Enptoyer ‘Decupation cheveron co Reco For 2078 Sein GoeeDHE 5d) Primary General A) other (specie 70000 ] Date of Receint tical napheaas Per] Por] [Te “Transaction ID AAT2D90AA1TSFGSITAAS run of Each Rect the Peto a Cc Tom | LI none ! 396000 a i FEC Senedute A (Form 3} Revises 08/2016) os es a 8 & “ 9 a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER! PAGE 18_OF 81 (eheck oaly one) Ay fis As Br oy NAME OF COMMITTEE {ln Ful) Wicker for Senate ‘Any information copied from euch Repods and Sialéments may not be al or Used by any person for the purpose of soleting contibutions or for commercial purposes, ether than using the naine and address of ary poitical commitee to solit contibutions fom such committee, For Name (Lat, Ft, Midcie Tova Hauck, Megan, , Ms. iMaling Address 133 Dudaingion Place Se | Orta ot Rect . on 10 a Ce ‘Amount of Each Receipt tis Period 000.00| oy ‘State Zip Code Washington Joc 20003-2625 FEC ID number of contributing cee ‘ederal political committee. Name of Employer ‘Occupation Nathanson+ Hauck Consultant Reset For 278 | Pray] Genera 7 omer tect Elsction Gyele-to-Date y ph eee ere ensormean ti fe fot 00 Fol Name (ast, Fst, Middle etal Virden, Britt, Ms., iMating Adress pO Box 1056 1 | Date of Receipt Ce) Cay ary “Teansactioh ID AS24013FCAAETAGBCBAA ‘Amount of Each Receipt tis Period "250.00, ow Sea se Greenville 38702-1856 FEC 10 number of contributing ie feceral poltical commit. enetonden nes Rane of Eployer ‘Ceeupation Information Requested Information Requested Sees Leenein tint netam tna Receipt For 2018 — [7] Genera | Primary PY omer (speci w Election Cyete-to-Date Fa Namo (Last, Fret Midele aval Steele, Gibb, , Mr., raling AGSieS5 +107 Cloverdale Dive ate of Recelnt a 2] Ce) Cae] ow See] ap oe Greenvile jus 38701-8321 7 ransaction 1D, AKCCSDCTATAB44120A90 FEC IO number of contributing fesera poiical eommitee, ‘Amount of Each Receipt tis Perod ‘OccupatION amma oT Eroover e Sell Empoyes Famer event For 2078 Perey] cow ote (sew Tecion Oyeeto-Oale iene 350000 | ti ate ee] [] ven non SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional. TOTAL This Period (ast page tis line rumber onl oa 3750.00 } a jpeseos oe { FEC Schedule A (Form 3) Raed 05/2016) a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page PAGE 19 OF 28 Are Fs rae Che FOR LINE NUMBER (check only one) Pars Az 130 Cis ’Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold oF used by any person forthe purpose of solcting contributions oF for commercial purposes, other than using the naine and adress of any political commitee to solicit contioutons from such committe. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) Wicker for Senate Fo Name ast, Frei, wide Tay Boykin, Cindy, , Mrs., octet an eaae aid ins, ip Code “Transaction 10. ATIEEOBESSG67#9590A6 eres ween fceerseas =< rae er ass Tee) Information Requested Inlermation Requested Receipt For 2018 5X] Pemary [7] General "| otter (speci w Fa Name (lat, Fre, Middle Ina, Belz, Ronald, , Mr., iMalng Address 6362 Bive Heron Cv Elacton Oyele-to-Dale Patong mage mere il 100000"; Date of Recent oy Memphis ‘Slate [Zip Coe fi 38120-3205 “Transaction 10 : AACF2C3COO7ES4ES7AG FEC ID number of controuting feceral poitical commitee ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Name of Employer BICO Associates ‘Occupation Executive eee ome cos eosin For: 2018 ite en Elecion Cyc Dale pp a rr ey a 2000.00 Lp setae tects oer (speci) Fa Name (ast, Fest Middle Tava Simons, Stephen, , Mr., Malina AdGre=5 2556 Norhpoinie Orve Date of Receiot fel Tel Fase By Tupelo ion ID AFFOTIAgOTEICABTORGA FEC ID number of contributing {ecera! poitical committee ‘Amount of Each Recep this Period Name of Employer VIP Cinema Seating ‘Occupation manufacturer ro0000 "4 Feseipt For 2018 RX Pirey (Pome (speci General Elgcton Oyeto-t-Date | 7000.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional). TOTAL This Period past page thi ine eumser ory). > FEC Schedule A (Form 3) Raed 0572016) “6 4 bs ° st " 8 6 a 8 8 s e wt o o SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schecuels) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 20_OF 391 (check only one} Poe se [ne [re se [ise [hige Fie Cis ‘Any information copied trom euch Reports and Statements may not 69 601d or used by any person for the purpose oF solicting contibutons for commercial purposes, other than Using the name and address of any political commitoe to soit contibutions trom such commie. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fou Name (ast, Fest, wide Tay Yerger, Wirt, Adam, Mr. uf. A Date of Receipt Hating Adress 129 Woodland Ci wee ee 0 a 2018 ce ib Code saction ID : ASESTBF 2898834084910 Jackson 3926-4104 FEC 1D numberof contibuing c Amount of Each Recep this Period federal polial comes 280.00 ame of Employer Seeupaton : , ‘ Ross 8 Yerger Insurance Chaiman Ema 7 em tem seit For 2018 ] Gecion Cyceto-Date x] Prey] Gone | omer pect 7 | ; 20.00 a Name (as, Fs, Maa va) a, Warrington, Robert, N.. Mr. | date of Receint iMaling Address p.0, Box 1856 ay Sate] Zp Coe Greenvile MS 36702-1856, fea tse} ea Cc Amount of Each Receipt this Period 000.0 ane of Epiver ‘azspation ; 7 : Information Requests Information Requested Meme tem Feceipt For: 2018 lection Oyele-t0-Oate y 1X Ptmary—[] Genera 1) otter tsecinh-w , 1000.00 Far Name (ast Feat, Meee a cc, Evans, James, Fletcher, Mr. Date of Receipt ma ACRES BO Box 602 wero ty _ os’ ar 2018 oy tare |p Cae lon ID: ATABOTTCTSAC2447FBB1 sin ws 900.0082 FEC ID numberof contrat federal pottealcommitee. c ‘Amount of Each Recep ths Peed Nae of Eonar Cezpaton ; , 00 Reted Reties Raced Far 2016 Becton Oyelove-Date y Maro an Primary [] General ‘omer (spect 1500.00 [SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional, ‘TOTAL This Period (ast page this fine number only) FEC Schedule A (Form 3) (Revised 05/2016) ca 1 b e "1 S 6 oy ey a a 6 « a o SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schesulets) for each category of the Detailed Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER PAGE 2 OF 36 (heck onty one) Bie Are Ars Ass iat ’Any information copied from such Reports and State-nents may not be Sold 0” used by any person for the purpose of soling contributions Cr for commercial purposes, other than using the naire and adress of any pottical committee to solck contributions from such commit NAME OF COMMITTEE (n Full Wicker for Senate Fal Name [last Fre, Wade nah Dalton, Frank, , Mr. Date of Rect wae | ‘Transaction 1D ABBTAIDDOBC8249A9818 Haig Aes 1602 ro oy sae cee us|" sesuzaas oad FEC 10 mumbo of conong - (Seopa cre Caterer 7 Tare TERT Sesion si ployed ‘Amount of Each Recent this Period Cee] eoept For 2078 3) Primary] enw tne (speci ¥ Far Name (Last, Fst, Middle Ina Alexander, Christa, L., Ms., Mating AdGIES5 41 Jute St Date of Recent oy Bay Spxings FEC IO number of contributing federal potical committee. “Transaction 1D AE46125CF0S224AFDS0E [Amount of Each Receipt tis Period 270000, Rane of Empoyer Fell Communications ‘Decupation General Counset nna ant Receipt For: 2018 3X] Pemary [2] Genet "ote ispecii'w Fal Name Was Fa, WGaa aay Cortes, Jose, Hugo, Mr., J Date of Receipt ‘Transacllon 1D" AGFO93B50937044739DA Amount of Each Receipt this Period i 7 | oy sate ip Coe Ocala fe 34471-4562 FEC ID number of contributing ee er {ederal political committee. iC! Name of Employer ‘ecupatan Blanchard Merriam Adel and Kind atiorey 270000 Receipt For 2078 [Primary DX) General TF] otnerispectii y Becton yee to-OHe iF ae ‘zoo | Ly vr ton [SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional 3650.00 | Se eee TOTAL This Period fast page this ne rumber ony}. FEC Schedule A (Form 3} Revises 05/2016) SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedue(s) foreach category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER: (check only one) PAGE 22 OF 61 Put His As Ass Ds NAME OF COMMITTEE {In Fut) ‘Wicker for Senate ‘Any information copied trom such Repors and Stateinents may not be sold 0” used by any person for the purpose of solicting contributions Cr for commercial purposes, ther tnan using the name and adress of any poitical cornmitee to salt contnbutions from such committee, ‘Arad, Joyce, , Mrs., | Full Name (Last, First, Middle inital) | Malling Adcress 29 Beverly Park Terrace 1 a Sas aso ‘bereits few] sztones Fe 0 mow o cong ra a aes Se co] imme tae Sena Set npoyed Instr Fecal For 208 Eecion Gye Dato Dx] Primary [7] General ems a | Other ispecibh in inate tan ace Date of Recent fe Po) PE] “Transaction ID : AAFSACEDB16384FBC99A foe of Each Receipt this Period Cle ese: Fa Name cast, Frat, Middle Tah T p, Davis, Terry, , Mr., | | Mating Adress 722 Rankin Rd \ ay Sate] p Cove Canton its 38006-076 FEC 10 amber of conting ‘oder! poeal commits. IC i ae ERT Deas Sot Emoloyed Prarmacst | Feceit For. 2078 Elécion Cycle Bate y 3X Prmary[} Genera —— x j Pome (sect oy) otra pect ime . oo | Date of Receipt “Transaction ID: AACB6S9DGB40AGBAGST1 i 5 [ee meee Fal Name (ast Frat Mae ay Bourgeois, Gerald, , Mr., Walipa Address 6509 Shore Or Date of Receint 2) Ee) 'E 2018 ow Sas] 2 oe Osren Sings ves | osseasen FC D aunber ol coxvrg rere oe Ic 1] t a wk reid Foca For 2076 Dd Primary © otter (spect Becion Oycete Dale Gone! rece ene Ci 3247 “Transaction 1D ACFBECTOBEBODSIEOATO ‘Ambunt of Each Receipt this Period [SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page foptions TOTAL This Period fast page this tine number onl) » oe7e.00 i | FEC Schedule A (Form 3) Revised 05/2016) Os a a t a a 8 & ss cI 9 & 8 a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) foreach category of the | Detailed Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER {check onty one) [ease 23 0F 361 Peue Flim Fe Fr ie [his FIs se Dis ‘ny information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be 601d or used By any person for the purpose of soliting contibuiions oF for commercial purposes, other than using the name and addrass of any polileal committe to soit contibutions fam such committee NAME OF COMMITTEE (in Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fal Narne (last, Frat, Mica Tava Blackmer, Lori, L., Or... Maling Address 700 Pine St oy Picayune Zp Coe 38066.2566 FEC 1D numberof contributing federal poltical committee, ae of Enpioyer ‘esupation Sell Employed pt0matry Aecent For TE Bicion Cyaeo Dae y 3X) Primary] onert paren | ter (speci \ 1000°00 Transaction | 3 TDECSIOAESAOF ai ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period i 90000 Penner eee Dns Ful Name (ast, Fret Wage va p, Wood, Robert, D., Mr., 1 Date of Receipt Malling Address §13 vicar Ln pear pore TET y i Hos 3 218 City an fee ‘Transaction ID: AS6SDO740FF164886BBF teers! pte! conte te ae Amount of ath Rect is Pt ; ee Te aE CaS Lo ee | rou Gin Rago, LC Constr feu Por Be Eason Oye to Daley a | Primary [j General Pon eae fcr moe Perr donay? eeaae cos Ra FT TS i ¢, Dye, Brad, . Mr, i Date of Receipt ‘aling Address 210 Devander Run iy Ridgeland FEC ID number of contributing {ederalpoitical committee Name of Epye Sot Empoyed Reoet For 2018 [pq Primary} Gonerat F omer (spect y aie] Zip Cae ius 39157-9708 ey | ‘Oscupation Astorsey | Zenon CWSSTaDAE nen : tao “Transaction ID ATAFAT3DSBTBS¢22E960 Amount of Each Receipt this Period = F50000 becta seen hetaetan i d SUBTOTAL of Recelpts This Page (optiona. l > TOTAL This Period (ast page this ne number ony. > nett te a ncn FEC Schedue A Form 3) (Roveed 09/2016) bs a1 Be eo m @ ei el © Q a a a wl a FOR UNE NUMBER, [EAGE 28 OF aa Use separate senecults) | (check only one) Tor each category of the Pes a Are i ee oeeeeiaeel 12 3a [Tie ie [ss SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS i | | Any information copied from such Reports and Slatements may not be sold or used by any pereon for the purpose of soteting contibutions for commercial puposes, other than using the na/ne and address of any pobtical commttee to solic contibutions trom such commites NAME OF COMMITTEE (ln Fut) ‘Wicker for Senate — Fal Nae (ast Ft, Waa 7 Simmons, Shirley, , Mrs., I A Date of Recsipt Maling Adsress 2628 Enckson Ra | TIE SES) TTT 93 21 | zs} CJ State [2p Coxe “Transaction 10, AATSFT9SAGEBSACECEST ‘Yazoo City [ms 39194-8457 ——— rer he ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period {ederalpoltical committee Gh aa a ———= OOS { 1000.00 ‘Name of Employer ‘ecupaton nt 000205 Nia Hememaker j ; a FEC 1D number of contributing spt For TOE Eigclon Cyseto bate T Primary 9X) oneal ce — om | other pee) © i ne p, Rzepka, Justin, , Mr. Fal Name (ast, Fret, Middle va Date of Receipt oy Bate] Zip Code Washington be 20002-5318 FEC 10 umber of contributing feceral pots commits, Amount of Each Receipt his Peto Name of EmpaRe Casa Cee NCTA Vice President ‘Transaction 1D ATCESSESS2BB84104084 Samm oe Tern | Primary [/] Generar [pre eee emcee ny 1} Other (specity) w ‘ ‘ 1000.00 [a teceeaeiecenienciniaed Ful Name (bast Fret Middle ka Tigrett, Waymon, , Mr., Date of Receipt | eso EN a ee es tnsevoe see nsbssbonesoe eee EEESESTENTEN| Mating AASteS5 BO Box 395 | BURT) PEVEY) PEEP ETTT [ 03 x 2018 tay Sate) 2ip Cade ‘Transaction ID ATABS1ADOEFTOSACEBES Brandon us 39043-0305 ase aac FEC ID number of contributing ee federal poitical commitee, . + Amount of Each Receipt this Period Name of Employer ‘Decupation Brandon Discound Drugs Pharmacist Feceiat For 2016 Becton Cyclete-Date 1 Pinay T] enw ee | oer iy Ee eas STOTT ae eo » Coe [sumone neni me rw ononnne P Lpetepet TOTAL Mis Pa at poe ts ne nar o eee ee | | FEC Schodule A (Form 3) Revised 0572016) (FEC Fe [pace 25 oF 361 | SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) Uae agate chads) | ORNS NUS: LEAGE EOF 364 ITEMIZED RECEIPTS [hflenatpeaactded Pas tw Cine Tne Detaled Summary Page wie Ars "hs “Any information copied fom such Reports and Statements may not be Sold 6 used by any porson for the purpose of solcting contbutions fr for commercial puipeses. other than using the name and address of any political commitee to solicit contioutions from such committer NAME OF COMMITTEE (i Full) ‘Wicker for Senate Fal Nae (an Fray Meso a Rout Lary, , Mr. a Date of Resp itaing Address {07S Natchez St ewe ree reat oo aoe ow sae Transaction 0: ATEDBOTASVTCASTOREDE Kosciusko MS. FEC ID number of contributing [ “Amount of Each Receipt this Periog federal political committee, c " eno Tame of Eeyer Ceeaton , : : routeye cine etomtrat : Receipt For, 2078 Election Gyele-to-Date y, fame tem 3 Prmary [7] Gana © owner tect my Fall Name (Last, Fret, Made Ital Barbour, Haley, , The Honora, Date of Receipt * Waling Acdress G48 Dogwoos Or a is Yi Cc Yara Cy [ius | sovusaos FEC mumba of oer c Ao ot Each Rac hs Pes Tamme of Employer ‘Oscupation z pene baru itn Rope UC Feunig Fe {junmm Recap For 208 “ecion Geeiodae y SSC rim 5X ana te est | ne) Se aR TSSE GT ¢, Creekmore, Betsy, , Mrs. Date of Receipt s aling AGGeSS 101 wightand Colony Pkwy Ste 500 wom ey ° co" "28 do City ate ee ‘Trans yn 1D: ASFC618B3463A419BAE9 : Ridgeland MS ‘30157-2089 FEC 1D amber of cong weer pole! commie c Amount of Each Race te Prod 8 aeareRaj=@ poses} , 70090 _ NIA, [Homemaker 9 RaRERT ae (3 en mn Q ° ' ’ Z 9 ~] Pimary—_X} General erty i s40090 a o 5700.00 wt | SUBTOTAL of Reco Ths Poe ton > — & e S| rorat ths Porc test page hi ne rb on) > no FEC Schedule A (Fm 3) Revises 082016) SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedue(s) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER, [PAGE 26 OF 387 (check only one) [X}ne Hw As tte NAME OF COMMITTEE (hn Ful) Wicker for Senate ‘Any information copied trom such Reports and Statements may nat be sold or used by any person for the purpose of solicting contibutions| ‘oF for commercial purposes, other than using the name and adress of any poltical committe to soit contibutions trom such commits. Fa Warne (last, Fret, Mado Tita Terracina, Joseph, R., Dr., A Date of Receot Waikng Adoress 2525 Hy 1 South Sie A Beta ee ena owe City ‘State ‘Zip Code ‘Transaction I 491 104947851 Greenite MS 287018054 FEC 1 numberof conouing c Amount of Each Rect this Period federal pola conti ~ 1000.00 Haro of Eroloer ‘ezupaion , , Y Set Emeloyed Dacor ston ye Receipt For 2018 lecion Oycleto-Date y, mee X Pray] Genera PO other (speci ; paaian Fat Nae (ast Fr Made ah i, Cohen, Philp, H., Mr. ote of Recet ling AAS 1500 Oooo Ove A 008 “ght ‘od hy Lol Zip Code Transaction ID : AF941D11EE3E641F098B_ ami Beach FL sei383199 [rsnsscton Io; Afperosteescseroere FEC 10 numberof contbving nour of Each Receipt ts Pes federal political committe. Cc permet oll aoe Roce tis aod 25000 Name Ear Cea ; ’ coe Rete aes 1 Memo Hem ecest For 2018 Becton Gyeto ale y 1 3X Pimary [oor " omer spect 7 : 000 Fal Nase Cae, Fat aT TST ©. Thomas, Ernest, G., Mr., Date of Receipt Mailing Address 3996 indiana Ave. ay sats [06 as Veksburg MS 28180-4541 FEC 1 numberof contbing : federal potial committee c mount of Each Rect tis Period 1000.00 Nae oT Eno Osa ; : aired Reed Receipt For 2018 | Evection Gycle-to-bate ‘Memo Item Bq Primary [-] Gonert 5 ter foe y | , s00000 [SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (options. a 6) [TOTAL This Period (ast page this ine number only FEC Schedule A (Form 3 Rev2ad 052016) "a a a é a a “1 w gy & os a Use separate schedue(s) for each category of the Detaled Surmary Page t | SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS | FOR UNE NUMBER: i only one) PAGE 27 OF 361 [X}na ine ze As sa [ieee [iis ‘Any information copled ftom such Reports and Statements may not be Gold or used by any person forthe purpose of soliciting contbutons | ‘or for commercial purposes, cther than using the name and adress of any politcal committee to salt cantibutions from such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) ‘Wicker for Senate Tal Name Tan, Ft aoe a Weitman, Rebecca, , Ms., | Maling Adress 517 Adame St Apt t | oy eRe Hoboken 07090-2001 FEC 10 number of contributing federal poltical committee. co ane of Enea ‘caaion Homemaker Hamar econ rox BE ] Eecton Griese Primary [-] Gene (py i lees Fal Name (last, Fret, Modi Tava T T p, Edwards, Clyde, B., Mr. Jr. I | Other tspeci Maing Address po Box 115 tay Canton Tp Code 39046.0115 FEC ID umber of eonvbuting {ederat poitical commie ame of Empioyer supa J Self Employes Linkestoe Recap For 2018 Election Cycleto- Date y | Pemany [SQ Genera ener “00000 ] omer pect) w Date of Receipt eT] | PENT. POT TITET fa 31 2018 ] ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Cee [1 mare ton Date ot Receipt faced ‘Transaction 1D: AOZF3SC7O7ET240BF606 ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period “Transaction 1D: AOCC39CFCFC7E40A2074 Fal Name [cast Ft, aaa Tava T Fiske, Stephen, , Mr., i Raina HS ei00 Hates Bras | oy Hollywood FEC ID umber of contributing federal poitical committe. Tp Cae 39024-7081 qd Geeupaian President Name o EnoTe City Fst Morgoge Aesop For 2018 Primary] General otter (pect ection Gyeleto-Date 0000, Date of Receipt _ : 2) Ce] Caer] action 1D» AGSSFOFTO747E44A7S2C Amount of Each Receipt this Petios Cae) Lene tem SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional. | TOTAL This Period (last page this line aumber only) > 2000.00 FEC Schade A (Form 3} (Revised 05/2016) 1 "q ww 8 n a i a ay PI *« " a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detailed Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER: PAGE 78 _OF 363 {neck only one) Bie Het Ass Av os ‘Any information copied trom such Repors and Statements may nt be sold er used by any person for the purpose of solicting contbutions for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any politcal committee to soit contibutions kom such commttee NAME OF COMMITTEE (i Ful Wicker for Senate Fal Name (ast, Frat, Mile Tita ‘a, Haloossim, Mark, , Mr. Walng Address 1122 Maybrook Or Date of Recent 03 CI 2018 oy [sae Bevery Hils [ca FEC 1D numberof contbutng federal polical commie c Tp Cade 90210-2735 “Transaction 10 : AGBASOCESSSC4AC5938 Amount of Each Receipt this Petiod Name of Employer T Contempo Floor Covering Ine 500,00 Seater ony] ea PS oe bono Bien Gyelet0-0a0 500.00 Memo em p, Coleman, Elizabeth, , Hon, Fal Name (ast, Fret, Mido Tish Maing Adaress po Box 308 ow Saie Rosedale Ms Tp Code 38769-0309 Date of Receiot 03 a zoe “Transaction ID : A8D19805A71EB4805938 FEC 10 number of contibuting tederal political committee. Cc ae oe wa Recep FOr Te 5d Pay Corea Oerbeetiy ‘Oscupation Homemaker ‘Amount of Each Receiot this Period 10.00 Memo tem Fai Name (ast Fret sae Pa Chavez, Manuel, , Mr., ‘alin AGGr@55 260 West Cour si, suite 200 € ay — Cincinnati Tis Coa 48202-1088 Date of Receipt 03 2 2018 ssaction 10 : ACDESADB3A2534802960 FEC IO umber of eontbuting federal pale! commits. c ‘Amount of Eaen Recep hs Period Name oT ERB Seca 270000 Sel Employed Real Estate Feceot For aOie Becion Oyceto baie y Memo tem Dd Pray [7] Gonerat PY omer nect¥ 2700.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional, TOTAL This Period (ast page this Ine number only 3210.00 FEC Schedule (Form 3) Roveed 082016) “ a ws a a 2 8 i a “ mo ts 8 a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate scnedtlels) for each category of the Detalles Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER: (eneck ony one) PAGE 25 _OF 361 As Ae A: n8 x2 [hie Chie ha Dis ‘any iteration copied fom such Reports and Statements may not be S01 or used by ary person for the purpose of song contributions for commercial purposes other than using the name and adress of ary poliical commites to solic contrutions from such commie. NAME OF COMMITTEE (in Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fa Name (cast, Fra, Maas Fa) ‘a, Gipson, Scott, , Mr. * allng Adoress 520 57th Court ay eraian FEC ID number of contributing {ederat poitieal commits Tae cove Ms. 39905 a Rainey owen ae 4 Sra tet i te Mactan a a! ty ever ST Pa Cs ‘Transaction 1D" AOTES9EDOSAAS46B0820 Amount of Each Receipt this Period : 1900,00 Li tiene ten Fa Name (at, Fre, idole Ta) p. Fink, Steven, B., Mr. Maing Address 2670 Sera Rood aw Sale Coa albu cA 902654917 FEC 1D numberof conmoving —————— fer pola conan Cen Tame or Era Ops Lawrence Investments Jceo Fecept For 2018 Becton Onieto ae y 3d Primary [1] General ee! PS tes tne Tes Date of Receipt POUT TTT te) Ce) Ce 2018 Transaction 10» ATF30181172274363810 ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period = [1 mere tin Fa Name (at, Ft aoaie ay Mintz, Yossi, , Rabbi, c. ‘Mailing Address 2408 Vali Ave. 7 See oono Beh ce | auzreas £20 0 vamow ol ing Seal (cco gota! comnts (cr Tae a Er esr vows Commany Cer ar econ or De Tecion Geos 5 Pima [-] Gown ere apie ta00. | Date of Receit ‘Transaction 1 7 AB5922007872A4C 1EBB7 Amount of Each Receipt this Period cr SUBTOTAL of Receints This Page (optional. > TOTAL This Period (ast page this line number ony. » "2650.00 Saeew econ, toes act die Gate an (eoeeeeees FEC Somadula& (Form 3) Revisod 082016) my Ws eu st m a 8 eu a a 1 8 e SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate echeoue(s) for each category ofthe Detailed Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE 20 OF 81 (check only one) Be Are Ars Ast oe “any information copled from such Repcrs and Statements may not be sold or used by any ‘person for the purpose of soliciting contributions (r for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committe to solt contributions trom such committe. NAME OF COMMITTEE (ln Fu) ‘Wicker for Senate Fal Name (las, Fret Middle aa a, Green, Mary Sydney, , Ms Maling Adoress 420 Saint Andrews Or Date of Recs Co) Pe} est a detson Loss Zip Code 211-2511 “Teansaction 10 | ARBTF 199449B449EA99C, FEC ID umber of contributing federal polticl commitee ieee ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period [pene ears acre] Name of Employer ‘Occupation NA | Rewes Receist For 2078 Election Oyeleto-Date BX Pray [] General > ] Other (ein w 250.00 ee nina a TET J Far Ware (ast, Fret, Modis Taal p, G0za, George, , Mr. Date of Receipt Wang Aas 205 N Cr Ae SE] | EES PTET TT e] fe] [ize CJ ea elec Transaction ID : A84F4185840104725968 ogeota ws | 9ese-2520 FEC 0 nmber of corbaing ee one aot Each Rett the Ps fede! ple! commits _ Ament of Each Reco te Patlod | ame of Empoyer Casupaton inane pees care contucion Contactor eosipt For 2016 5<| Primary omer (pect 7 Becton Gyslet6-Date y General “350.00 Neat aetna tad tn Fat Name (ast Fret, Migalo ta McDonald, Lamar, , Mr., ating AdSI@55 PO Box 1729 Date of Recent | Rey Ge ae] oy Meriion Ms Tip Coe 99002-1728 “Transaction 10; AEAOAIFIE6024256820 FEC 10 number of contriouting rer fesoa plea! comes ct cL eee ‘Amount of Each Receipt tis Period Name of Employer Meyer & Rosenbaum ‘eeupaton Insurance Receipt For 2078 Paria] cor * other speci y Becton Gyeete-Date SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page optional. TOTAL This Period fast page this tine number ony) See » Leer pl 5 eer FEC Schedule A (Form 3) (Revised 0572016) [exc SOF 3] SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) mapeyeanan [Saxony foreacheateyryof tre | Due (lew [ate ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Detaled Summary Page A fe Chie Cle is “hry Wormation copied from such Repers and Statements may not be s0ld or used by any person for the purpose of solitng contibutions for commercial purses, other than using the name and adaess of any politcal committee to solicit contabutions from such committee NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) Wicker for Senate Fal Name (ast Fat, woos Tay ‘a, Coates, Kevin, , Dr. ate ot Recipe ee Re a Dea | acer Pe Pe) CE oy Sate [ip Gode “Transaction ID A12A13EGCSCDAACTBAQS Winston Salem NC 27108, 9840 [fesesseion ib: Aran npecescomerene— a FEC ID number of contributing ior ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period federal potealcommitee 1h ns ennt aaa “900.00 Tame of Enpoye ‘scaration dine dante te Wake Forest Bapist Healt Orhopaedie Surgeon Receipt For, 2018 T Etecton Cycieto-Date y L] were tem 000.00 | oter (sect w S| Pimary [7] General eee Fa Name (last, Fret, Wiaale inal pg, Dunaway, Bob, Mr., | owe of Recent Hating Adress 126 Morison Dive | peer ere p peererer a 2 sore i a “Transaction 1D 32548070 BB4AAZB10 ior ws 39056-5229, a umber of contributing a ey ere {c Amount of Each Racept this Period LC te acne 7 [ oo, | Name oT erpyer Cesipaton : jon Information Requested Information Requested Dn nn Feceipt For 2018 0 GycetoDate Sd Primary") General por eee Dotter pete 300.00 Fat Warne (eas, Fret, Made vata \ Corban, Kevin, , Mr., __| Date of Receipt 1 Mailing Acoress ¢ : sone reales a iy tate tip Code Transaction ID : A¢4FB0400680642F2A92 Lh FEC 1 amber of conbuing qo g feoeral polticl committee (Cae : ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Peiod 8 Ce 5000 8 Name oremployer—SSSC* OSSD ateaeanp iment tat em 2 Racomrror a Se Saison > 1] mane ton a SX Primary [7] General : ee Cc " te * SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional). id TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only). FEC Schedule & (Form 3) Revised 082016) 1" 6 b 8 a uw 9 nm a 8 a & Sf 8 @ i n a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaied Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER: (check onty one) PAGE 02 _OF 36% Ps 110 Ars sa xe [isa [hige [he ss. NAME OF COMMITTEE (Ful) Wicker for Senate “iny Formation copied Kom such Reports and Statements may rot be sold or used by any person for the purpose of solcting contibvions er tor Gommercla purposes, other than using the, name and address of any poliical commitee to solic contributions from such commits. Fa Name [last Fret, Mole Pia Reed, Michael, R., Mr., A Date of Recept ating Address 016 Camino Oe Aroyo Ore per) Pree arr Pe) Cel Ces2] ae rata aoe “Transaction 10: AFODASAD34BA042FOAEE 5 a weoomesete | ] | teeteen menor ee OW Coe general toms | senor ve Receipt For 2076 ection Oycleto-Date y 1 were tem 1 Primary [] Gener! ee Otner (speci { 00.00 Fan Ware (an Ft, Wise a B. Veazey, Marianne, , Ms., Date of Receipt Mailing Address 100 Pine Cove Lane TERY PONT TT ET 5 we | [2 ose oF a pee “Transaction 1 ASTTTCIEESSDES1 56089 FEC 10 number of conbutng ner Ceaeam ] Amunt of Each Receipt tis Period a 250.00 Name o Eniorer Desist eaten tn nt Information Requested Information Requested Reosint For 2018 Election Gyele-to-Date D were sem | Primary] General ame omer poe 000 Deira ea er) anna to Fa Na Ta, FT, Wide TAG] c. Yablon, Paul, , Mr., Date of Receipt * Maling AISTeSS 730 Park Ave, 10/416 iy sae EE] New Yore Ny 10214945 a EP Ci FEC ID number of contrbuting feoeralpoltical committe. Fae Ea CaaS Moore Capt fence Fecapt For 278 Tosien Cae Oa Bq Primary [-] Genera a 5000.00 omer (p00 tn a he ‘Transaction 1D ASG7A79DS2O0S¢58FBOA ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Ce | [sere tem SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) > TOTAL This Period (last page this line number ony) > 3080.00 1 Pectntant nate FEC Schedule A Form 3) lavsed 05/2016) SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate scheduie(s) for each category of the Detaies Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE SOF 38 (eneck only one) Pars [i Ene Fre xz [hae [ie [lve Dis NAME OF COMMITTEE (n Ful) Wicker for Senate “any infermation copied rom such Reports and Sia ‘oF for commercial purposes, other than using the Toments may nol be 60d oF used by any person for the purpose of solicting contributions fame and address of any poltical committee fo solicit contributions from such committee. Far Name (ast Feet, Middle Tana Gowdy, Otis, , Dr, Jr * Maling AdGTESS Anderson Regional Medical Center Date of Receipt 2124 tah St oy Sate] Zip Code Meridian Ms 39001-4040 FEC 10 number of contributing feceral polticl commie, Internal Medicine Clinic Receint For 2078 DK Primay [7] Ga "other (spect cesoee) Name tempor SSCSCSCS~*~*di apa SSSSC*Y Prysician “Transaction 1D? AGSOOEASODES7AERFBE2 ‘Amount of Each Receipt ths Period [ . 7000.00 ene ete Fa Name (cast, Fret, Mage Tia) Chase, Elizabeth, , Dr.. VMaling Adsress 222 Ashect Grcie Date of Receipt ory slaceson [Sate] Zip Code [ws 39211-8103 ‘Transaction 1D; ASTOSBCTOBETC49S0806 FEC ID number of contributing federal poltical commits. Tare o Enplonee Information Requested Receipt For 2018 XK Primsy [Gee PY other (sect w ceeaee:| Election Gyelete-Oate y "250.00 Ieee cn ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Coe] DI) sare ne Tor Warne (ast, Fra Middle Taal Simmons, C., Douglas, Mr., Ill Date of Receipt el ea ty ale [% ae ‘Transaction 1D = ADF3CB08961DC4A14A59_ a eines [serine Soe So] | amen mero eras oct Coo ee Fee a TE eaien SSO 5 Ly sere DX Primary [7] General ‘other (spect aes ‘000.00 [SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional “TOTAL This Period (ast page this ne number ont), 7280.00 > Pontes s » a ee FEO Schedule A (Form 3) Revd 0572016) SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use eaparate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page PAGE 04_OF 381 Ar: so FOR UNE NUMBER: (check onty one) Pass stb. 2 130 re js Cis Tiny formation coped from such Reports and Statements may Fone rine Purposes, ote tan using the name and adcress of any polical commites Tot be Sok or used by any pereon forthe purpose of sobicting contributions te scbot conbutions from such committee NAME OF COMMITTEE (ln Full Wicker for Senate Fa Narre (ast, Fret, Waddle Wad Cochran, Glenn,» Dr, A eee iatoghaes PO Sore Fyre a) (lee Gy ‘State ee ‘Transaction ID : AAECFC18C297141AD892 ‘oan wo __| Soossosso | erscion Ws angeresocanrstApeE ec 0 pobe ot contra mat of Each Pao Pasod me Name of Employer ‘Oacupation fie teentn) noateentine heaton Recaro DOE an eretaere Tro > 215000 cet fat aaa ipeeeerenees FEC Senedule A Form 3) (Revises 05/2016) TEASE OF 361] SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) oe ITEMIZED RECEIPTS foreach category of no nw ‘i (ne (ve Detaled Summary Peo nie Line Hrs Ma: Tiny information coped fom such Reports and Staterenis may not be sid or used by ary person for the purpose of soliting contabutions eat ee ela horposes, other than using the name and adoress of any politcal committe fo solicit contibutions from such commie, NAME OF COMMITTEE (ln Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fa Name (last, Fret, Mile Fatah Shackelford, Roy, Lee, Mr., Jr in, Shackelford, Roy,Lee, Mr..Jr_ ate ot Roca ialing Adress P.O, Bor 908 Pay Pe) Par Bos" | Con} 128 City: Tsu Zip Code ‘Transaction ID : AOOF9027E4CS24A30A74 Benton [ws 350360001 [transaction 10: AOOFSOz7EAcs74AS0A7# — FEC ID number of contributing ene * Amount of Each Receipt this Period feceral pote! commie I) ey ————— Orr en. f 770000, | Nave of Enalover Oar 1 atee apnea ‘Shacketiord Construction Recept For 2016 5X| Pimary—[_] Gener 7 otner oeot w Owner Election Gyeiete-Date pene eres si000" | Fal Nama Laat, Fst, alo ital Barbour, Georgie, . . Date of Receipt Hating Ads es voodond meu pos. perez ow Sais] T ae Wansacion 07 azccoroiFeancan Yao Cty us| -soraesrio | naasson 0: AaccoTorseroesony _ FEC ID number of contributing aid unt of Each Receipt this Per {te plea coe ic Amount ot Each Reet Pees oe | satenptyed Duows Facer Por 28 — ecion yc Dae [LJ Primary [5X Genera — ee omecerr Other pect w DO ce Fa Name (oat, FT, Miaato Tita « —¢, Nordan, Edwin, , Or., ate of Receipt : 2018 ay salt [7 Coe ion 10" A3004DB2070024903A97 Greenvite Ms 38701-7708 “ FEC 10 number of contributing PEE Fuea! poled covert cla ‘Amount of Each Receit this Period Nave of Empoyer ‘Secupatian [eee a Primary [7] General eoengee reenter a eta c fara a | oe | - ee | suyroma of eosin Ths oe stot » bod a TOTAL This Period fast page tis line number ony). > sede anti FEC Schedie A (Form 3) Revised 0572016) SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schecule(s) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER: (eneck only one) PAGE 06 OF 38% H tia ef tte 30 hie 1 nb 30 Cis Tiny formation copied kam such Reports and Statements may not be €01d oF used by any person forthe purpose of sobcting contributions ortor commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of ary poltical committee to solic contributions from such committee, NAME OF COMMITTEE (I Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fal Name (lat, Frat, Magia Taal Hayward, Manly, , Mr. ‘Maing Address 730 E Monroe St tay Grenada Sate] Zip Code Ms 38907-4831 FEC 10 numberof contributing feceral police committee. Name of Empiyer ‘Cecupation Set Employed Insurance Sales Receipt For. 2078 Beeclion Gyeleto-Dale y | Primary General oa 238.00 (ote (spect ttt en Date of Recaipt BERL RRA PTT 2 13 2018 “Transaction 10» ADSE2337310804D0F61D ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Petiog Coe Fu Name (vast, Frat, Male Tia) Bledsoe, Steven, E., Mr., B. Mating Adsre35 4651 Ocearknoll Or ay Sie] ip Cave Huntington Beach cA s2esa6ee1 FEC ID number of contributing federal poltical committe, ‘Getupaton Attorney Election Gyeleto-Date y poner CS at 12nd meen Rae ERB Larson OBI LL? eco For 2018. Pima |] ere Y omer peat w Fon Ware (ast, Fiat, Md Wiad Belz, Jack, , Mr., Waling AdSe5S 0, Box 3661 oF sale [a Or Memphis 1§ 2179-0661 FEC W marmot of cosouing Se federal pote! conmte f Tare TERE OER BIC Assocs Execute eos For 2016, 1 Primary] Genera Foner (speci Ballon Gyoeto-Dale y 000.00 Yat abana aint Date of Receipt ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period ee 500.00 pate enn Date ot Receipt 2018 “Transaction 10 7 ABADACOSO0D&940S2AE7 ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Petiod [SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (cptiona. > TOTAL This Petiog (last page this ine number ony. epee 750800 Set FEC Schedule A (Form 3} Revises 0572016) SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detailed Summary Page [RAGE 37 OF 81 Ars sta so» lia FOR LINE NUMBER: (heck only one) Ass 1b 32 199 Os “iny Information copied from such Reports and Statemente may not be cold or used by any person forthe purpose of soliciting contbutions oc for commercial purposes, other than using the name and adetess of any politcal commites to solicit contibutions from such commits NAME OF COMMITTEE {in Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fat Name (ast, FS wide Tata ‘a, Teyon, Warren, Mr. * iasing Acoross 216 9m St SE Date of Receipt “Transaction 1D | MDASIOSEDSSAATESBIF Amount of Each Receipt this Poiod Recbenten netannbntheate so sotoed oF Tare Cae asin oc _| zooosarss = FEC 10 numba of conbutng yj federal political committee. Cc tas Tare oO Deaipaton Cap Counee onsutart Fecal For 2078 Becton Oyseto ate | Primary [7] Gene PS omer tree ¥ rr 7500000 Lectin te tad altar ed Fa Name (cas, Fst, Middle tia p, Alford, Warner, . Mr.. aling Ad6r@85 108 Cedar Hit Or oy Ontos FEC 10 numberof contributing feserl potical committee Sate Ms Zip Cade 36655.6129 Date of Receipt ‘Amount of Each Recoipt this Period Rare of Emaayer Information Reauested Cesupaton Information Requested "70000 ata neat Fecept For 2078 Primary [_] Genera (Dotter speci w Becton Oycleto-Date [tere te Fa Name [las Fra Madre Toa Long, Connie, Crawford, Dr., Date of Receipt * Maing Aare 0, Oawer B55 FURY | PETE oe 3 | [P30 208 chy tate fee Transaction ID : A334EB260125840A282A Averdeen MS 29720-0955, ESE o———owe FEC 10 umber of contbung ae fedora! patil commie. ic : ‘mount of Each Receithis Peg Tame ot Eaver cor : ea Aberdeen Eye Cine Eye Dost earn Receipt For: 2078 1D Pray] Genera "| Other (speci y SUBTOTAL of Receints This Page (optional) | econ Gycioto aie y | > TOTAL This Period (ast page this tne eumber only. » —L { ~— 850.00 pcos teeta eae FEC Schedule A (Form 3} (Rovisas 05/2018) a Trice OE 8] SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) oe oe ee fe each catego te ett Ce Ee ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Seca Summary Page Pe a A he hss person for he purpose of solcing contbutions Tay Rlomaton copied Wor such Repos and Statareris may rat be sod sed OY ny eo sokct conibutions or such commits A er a perposes, other than using the name and adress of any police commie NAME OF COMMITTEE (1m Fl ‘Wicker for Senate Fa arse Waa, Fist, Medal rifad ‘Weeden, Michael, L.. Mr.. Date of Recsiot _ Weeden, Michael, LaMfs tag Rees 2701 Ges R08 Sy Peay eee Coy (Ce) Te oa Sate] ip Code “Transaction 10 /AIFCISFFCTOATASABIBS Corinth us 39804 5929 eee ee rae FEC 10 number of contibuting id. ‘amount of Each Receipt tis Period fecealpaltcal commie. sss ee eal 1900.00 ‘Name of Eplove ecuRaton ce net ne Employed Optometist Facet For 2070 Election Oycieto- Daley 5d Primary [/] General | pees P omer pect ¥ 700.00 f Lan bm Pat Fo Warne (Last, Fret, Midle Wta B. Canon, Nolen, , Mr. Date of Receipt * Malling Address p.o, Box 1453 evry STTTT ET eo) Ce) Cae Cty ‘Zip Code “Transaction 1D ; ASAGCC1CTBETSAES19A3 — Sore | nanscion 0 MASCCICTRENESIOAS — ee al oun ota can ac Rt he Pet feel palical commit ic = ae TER saan oD cnemen See Yann SOE SQ Panay [_] General cn rem PS omer bosch eee! EEE TFA TEC TIT s ¢, Canada, R. Barry, Mr. ate of Receipt 4 ‘Malling Address 27 Pinehurst PI SEY PV VTTT TY Ms 0 2018 a Cy ate ip Code ‘Transaction 1D | ASSCS17557435403887 4 sdackson ws ‘39202-1740 eee : oe ee 8 fee pomeal conten. amount of Each Recbt ti Peed 3 (Cieeeeese| ee 8 ee eee a wane aan el aoe 8 ig ater sron mer 2 ra a eee [] sere ten a = q Primary {| Genel iar pacmeal ‘ote pect 250.00 a (epecinl see eatin cen! 8 : Se w : 7 72250000 " ‘SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Paze (optional > tare opine te os a neem PR a ae TOTAL This Period fast page this tine number Soy) est oath mmr FE Senedle A (Form 5) ais 052016) 1s “ a 8 cc cy a 8 a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS PAGE 39 OF 361 Ars 118 sao [Chia FOR LINE NUMBER (check only one) Bs Ae 2 Thies. Use separate schedue(e) for each category of the Detailed Summary Page Dis NAME OF COMMITTEE (ln Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate ‘Any information copied from such Reports and Siatements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soteting contributions 9: for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committe to soci contibutions trom such committee Fal Nate (ast, Fret Midole Taina Looser, Rick, , Mr., Date of Receipt ‘Mating Address 1626 Highway 471 Tew] | PPPS TTY el) State [2p Code “Transaction IO | ASTE4C2005489452E887 Brandon Ms 39047-7964 jresreection 10 ASTEAC ree sseaszeee? _ FEC ID number of contiouing federal poitical commit Name af Employer The Chit Agency eceint For: 208 5] Primary (7) General * otter (speci w oa ‘Becupation Owner Brecon Gyclero-Date y 7 za. | Lise ne eeteet materi ‘Amount af Each Receipt this Period all Name (cas, Pst, Miaaie Tata , Deal, Dougias, Scott, Mr., WMaling AdSTeSs 1503 W Camino Del io Date of Recent a SO ipa Transaction 1D: ASTAQAB7DB4F6483AB13 Vero Beach AL 32960-2219 EEE eevee FEC 10 numberof contributing mane a cis his federal political committee. iC} “Amount of Each Receipt this Period Name of Employer ‘Oeaipation . So Maverick Bost Group cE wie emia Receipt For: 2016 | Primary [7] Genera TO) omer (speci Ly sare tm Election Oyele-to-Dale i "500.00 ] hte nat) enon Fal Name (ast, Frat, Migdle na Romano, Michael, , Mr., Maling Adgi0=5 7906 N Stafford S1 Date of Receint I 1 perp preversr 2 05 2018 ay J ioe “Transaction 1D / ABATS39AFED404350547 Atington vA 22207-3948 FEC 10 number of contributing federal potical commites Name of Employer NTCA Feceit For XX Primary) Other (spect 28 General ‘Amount of Each Receipt tie Period LD mene tem cereene) a ES cao 500.00 ee) SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) TOTAL This Period Gast page thie ine qumber ony) > 3700.00 > nth aint = Nt nde tert FEC Schedule A (Form 3) (Revises 0572016) SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) Use separate schedvets) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS eae seen raced Oetaies Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER (check only one) TeaGe_#0 oF 81 138 Bis Hix Ass Ai Cis "any itermation copied fom such Repos and Slatemnts may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of salting contibuions Tor commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any poltical committee. solic contibutons fom such committee NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fo Name (last, Fri, Made Tal ‘Simmons, Shirley, , Mrs. : ate of Rect Mating Address 2626 Erickson Rd ww be ey sat 2018 oy Sale] Zp Gade “Transaction 10: ASZADETOSOFF2410085F Yazoo Oy MS 39196-0457 FEC ID numberof contbuting c Amount of Each Recap his Prod federa!potteal commitee 2700.00 Name at Employer Deepa : , NA Homemaker Recep For 778 Eaton Cysete Dale Memo tem Z| Pimay [7] General Other (speci 3700.00 Fan are (at Fret, wide Waa Yabion, Paul, , Mr, Date of Receit ialng Adare 790 Pak Ave, OTC erat we 01 af bos ow Sate] Zip Coe New York Ny 10021-4945 FEC ID number of contributing federal poitical committee, Cc “Transaction ID : ABAASCIACBS1CASCASEE ‘Amount af Each Receipt this Period a 22000 ame of Employer ‘Occupation , , ve Moore Capital Finance 1) emo tem Feces For: 2016 T eect Gyo.Se y Primary [SX General | Other (spec) ¥ , 5 590000 Fal Name (as Fa Maas Tata Barge, Charles, , Mr., Date of Receipt * aling Ad&655 pO Box 72 wie ep ry 0 e a7 ae] Ze ae a Macon Ms 39041-0072 FEC ID numberof conrbutng tederal politcal committee. Cc ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period tame oT Eaplgye —___]eeubaton , 1000.00 Barge Forest Products Lumberman Receipt For. 2018 Tacion Oye TDS y | Memo item 13K Pamay [7] General (P) omer ispeciit w 1000.00 6000.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional. 3 : : ‘TOTAL ‘This Period last page this ne number on » : ‘i FEC Schedule A (Form 3} (Revises 082016) i a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) Fon Une NuMBER, [PAGE 41_OF 361 “any information copied fom such Repents and Statements may not be sold or used by any person forthe purpose of salting contbutions 6r for commercial purposes, ether than using the name and adgess of any potical commitee to solicit cantibutions fem such committee NAME OF COMMITTEE (Im Full) ‘Wicker for Senate Fall Name (las, Fret, Miodle inal Cale, Charles, Griffin, Mr., a, Gale, Charles, Griffin, Mr, Sate of Reet Waling Access P.O, Box 68 5 SES] | PSTETTT (fe) Ca} Ces City ‘State ‘Zip Code Transaction IO : A1072081C3C514841907_ Pole Palisades cA 90272-0688 [ Transaction 10 ateraBycacst4Be1e07 _ Se FEC 10 numberof contibving ci Amount of Each Receipt tis Period federal potical committee a rence 2000.00 rena re oa Coles DokelGifin nace Peak LLC self empoved Lene tem Aecept Fon 2078 | caer cena 5] Primary Genera epee ae otter pect 7 | nr one, | Fai Name (ast, Fret, Medce ina O'Gorman, Joseph, , Mr. Date of Recaipt ling Adsress 43008 w Railroad St wea | PSES Fey ee See [ Fe Code “Transaction ID y ABAIF6Z7ECABAAOAGBSS Gautport Ms | 39501-2568 eee Oe ter! pte! coment cq. 1 Avant of Ea Rect is Pees eee Reveint For 2078 Election Oyeleto-Date XX] Primary] Gere poe i omer (speci w "000.00 Fat Name (las, Ft, Middle Tia Ballard, Frederick, A., Mr, Ill Date of Receipt c. Waling ASCres 3392 O18 Highway 61 8 % Swe] 2p Cade Leland Ms 136756.8796 FEC 10 number of contributing = {eceral political committee Ch ae empress oF Emp ‘Gecupation Sel-Employed Planter Fecept For 2016 Erection Gyalete Dale { Prmary[] Genera omer pect SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (options. eareeeerd FEC Seneaue A (Form 3} (Revsnd 0/2018) ‘TOTAL This Period (ast page this line number ony > te aw bs 0 % 6 a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER” [PAGE 42 OF 381 (check only one) Peja ve Ar 16 Bis He: Ass Het is Fay biormation copied fom such Repirs and Statements may not be sold or used By any person forthe purpose af salting contutions a scclal purposes, ther than using the name and adoress of any polical committe to solicit coninoutions rom such commites NAME OF COMMITTEE (hn Ful) Wicker for Senate ‘a, Weathers, Carolyn, Ingram, Ms. pene ity Paes 12 yo Fowd Sexy preeerr ' feel Cer] ane City ‘State’ Zip Cove ‘Transaction ID ; AA30187BCB1284488893 7 ws | Soon —— FEC 0 moe of contag al eon och Pec ths Pod mepemmonnae (|, Wane of Empyrean SSCS nanan nade So Solenoid Es eceot For iE Teeter Sisto ae Tyner tom BK Pimay [] General | en PS other occ ¥ eee a Nar Ta Fs WT p, At, John, | Mr. Date of Receiot Haina aes po Boviese peep are PeerTer? City . [sate Zip Code yansaction IO : A1ES75B12096B40348CB Mecomb [us 5.1684 | Tansaston im AMESveprz02 : fi : FEC Seneduso A Form 3) Revises 052016) by wt bs " uw 8 8 a a a a a n & « 8 a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS FOR UNE NUMBER, [PAGE 4 OF 381 tsk on oe Pare Pins Fe As Awa 90 Use separate schedulets) for each category ofthe Detaled Summary Page Thay Rfomaton copied fom such Reports and Statements may noi be sald or used by any person fox the purpese of soli commons A aie eieposes, other than using the name and acéress of any politcal committee to sol contributions from such commives NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full Wicker for Senate Ful Name (ast, Fret, Middle Ina McMillan, Howard, , Mr., Date of Receipt aang Addis +200 Meodowtoak Ra ata ee) peer oo Let Lied City’ at Zip Code ‘Transaction 1D 10 TAC6247OCFESEBA0BTO woelson So206 6108 | ansacton 1 ACRERATOCFEREABADHT®_ re ren Caco a FEC ID number of contributing “ ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period fede! poses comes _ oe CCl ze | Tae o Eno eapaon fda anne sisipp Cotoge Fecsipt For 2078 JX] Primary [_] Genera PY omer (spect ¥ Dean of Ete Schoo of Managem Becton Gycleto-Date y a rer 50.00 | acs Ae aed For Name (ust, Fst, wade Toa , Doyle, William, F., Mr. * ialing Address 1500 Broadway #FL 20 NC ay New York Date of Receipt Ce) Fs) Cae ae Zip Code’ ‘Transaction ID : AIGA0CS360B37479396C_ FEC ID number of contributing federal poltical commits. Name orto «es | {Retreat A va. ‘Amount of Each Receipt tis Period Soe] tation an eeaennen Reset For 2018 [| Pamary [3G Cenera | omer (spect) w ection GycietoDate y Fa Name (ast, Frat, Middle Tia Hopkins, Erica, Yoon, Dr., te of Receot * Waliog AdGESS 3008 Tara Ove raeTT “e. 2018, ow os ip Cade ‘reneaction Cl 611637356 164508636 Goo MS 39500-7074 FEC 1D rumber of contributing feceral poftical cominitee Nara OT Epo? Sell Employed Feceiot For: 5078 Primary [7] General * other (pect Aout of ach Red i Pte ee] petit Down ed Cl ‘Oacapator Doctor Becton Cyeiorobale | ° 1000.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional ‘TOTAL This Period fast page tis line number Oi > > Compre ee (eed FEC Schedule A (Ferm 3) Revised 0572018) e a & a " 8 8 os g 8 ° ut 8 oo SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate scnecue(s) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page PAGE SOF at Ar ina sv [he FOR UNE NUMBER: (check only one) Be Az Cis ‘any information copied from such Reports and Stalements may nt be sold oF used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contbutions Oc or commercial purposes, other than using the name and adress of ary poltical committee to solic contributions trom such commie. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fat Name (tas, Fra, Mode Tava Hohit, Richard, , Mr, ialing Adsress 7901 Kent Ra Dare of Receipt Pel Pa Ce iy Alexanesia Tip Code 22308-1328 “Transaction 1D: AASBOSF6D75674BAEBBD FEC ID number of contributing federal poiicat commits. Name of Employer NA Gezapation Retwed ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Revoist For 2078 BX Primay [7] General 1) otter spect Blocton Gycieto-Datey, ee C= | Fat Name (cas, Fst, Miaale Tata p, Wooldridge, Thomas, D..Or, aling Adress s649 Northwood Or oy Tupelo Zip Code ‘38804-1067 Date of Receipt fansaction ID" ASSBFCBIB483846470FO FEC ID number of contributing federal political committee ‘Amount of Each Receipt tis Period 2000°00| ot tant are oF Employ ‘Decupation Self Employed physician Receipt For. 2018 Election Cycleto-Date y Primary —_(_] General "Other (speci Fal Name (cast, Fret, Mode Total "2000.00 L] sare ten cc, Swain, Sherry, S.. Ms., _| ote of Receiot - A ep aoe Pe ‘ate pala ‘Transaction ID : A17204A5E15CD44BA936_ federal potteal commie. ic Amount of Each Reco this Peis paaeoea mes] Feceipt For 2018 DX) Primary [7] General otner (speci y Beaton Cyclete-Date Cee 1] tere ton SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (options. TOTAL This Period (ast page this line eumbor ony). fee al FEC Senecule A (Form 3) (Revsea 0/2018) e % oa Bi in ry i a a & oo es, SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) vse spate xreases) | Seamer fer each category of he > Cte ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Detaled Somme Pape Pes He Ar arate “any formation copied from such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions ‘cor commercial purposes, other than using the name ang address of ary paltical committee to soliit contributions from such committe. NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate For ame (ast, Frm, wale ta Stringer, Dana, , Ms., Date of Receit fa, Stinger Dana..Ms, Talng Actress 109 Bowood Ov Teer? Ce) Pa] Coes City ‘State ‘Zip Code yansaction ID : AOTFESA24F24445ESA4A Soyndon ws | ss0era180 [eseesetion ib A rssAaeraeessces — FEC ID number of contributing Amount of Each Receipt this Period federal plea commits. Sh aseatnttntnd “ Ce spe eae etn it ttt a] matted [Rete Receipt For 218 Seaton Ovseio bay T] mare non 5] Prmary [7] Genera eae PS omer nec v Te | Far wae (as, FMT B. Lawton, Jack, E., Mr., Jr. : : Date of Receipt or | Lon Bag, 2 oe ow Sale [ap Coe Lake Crates tA | Tosr ae FEC 10 ruber ot cooing (cena ol teceral potitical committee. ‘of Each Receipt this Period Tooneo Name of Employer ‘Cacapation Z 5 oa _ Londoner ee ; Ly oer tem Recent For Zctan C7Sw aE $0 Pinay [7] Genet ee ‘Other (specify) ¥ 7 ed Fane LaF WTS TT c. Lang, Richard, , Mr., Date of Receipt * Mailing AdGreSS 4722 elon St. a aie a oe Prada Px | teraoea FEC numer of contra an eae ene ° Aunt of Each Rac ths Prod Name ot Enpioyer espa pect ee, Comcast Cabo VP. aig Facet For DOT Toaien Gyae ORS 11 were ten XX Primary [| General MS Ore sate ret, 7250.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional. : F ees FEC Schedule A (Form 9} vised 05/2016) Q in “ yf iy Q 8 ia Q 8 a cs 8 ‘e 8 s SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE @7_OF 381 Use separate schedutts) | (check oniy one) ‘any formation copied from such Reports and aa eens parpaven, other than using the name and acess of ary poticl commie to soc contibutons fom such committe, Sralemonte may nol be 601d oF used by any person for the purpose of soictng contnbtions [NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fa Name (ast Frat Waal Wah Talpins, Mara, , Ms., ate of Recelpt a, Talpins, Mara, Ms» Hating Adciess 1080 Bayread Or TEPETTT oy Sate [20 Gove “Transaction ID ASGEFEBISEEBBSATSAFS Mamaroneck Ny +0583.4701 Tanai eo ——— Panel eerie Cd a ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period a Ns Homemaker rae te Tse tn Piva D6) Gon oar 4 omer fspeciy) ¥ t eee [eesti Fou Name (cat Fret, Wicae Wah p, Nichols, Louie, Hu. Mr. Date of Recoot Haina Adsre8 6139 Seacebrook Cove aay) PONY RTT Fe} S y aa income) Transaction it BRA lve Branch Ms 38656-1212 FEC 0 number of contibuting —— federal paltical commits. IC ance arena le ease eee a pelaisaboniaiaainane nae ere “000 Name of Erie eeipaN I : foe! Information Requested Retred ene fo item Raat 16 Erion GRO O were | Primary [7] Genera ence Bonner tsneci . 50.00 Fan Rare (amt, Fret Wale Tay ¢, Hodges, Roy, F. Mr. Date of Receipt * Mating AGGIES po” Box 663 pre) Prep eee w ii wet ed i eee “Tansaclion 10: AADBTOFSZEOAREATBCE Dumas ! ws 30625-0665 aneeeti OE FEC 1 number of contbutng a ee federal pote! conrits. ict ‘vount of Each Receipt tis Period a ota li eae room ‘Oecapaion seston 00 208 vimary Prmay ‘omer (spect y SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional ‘TOTAL This Period fast page this: Ine number oly), etree Bacio Gyo Date y 5000 [_beenent en ttntnt aoe 9500.00 > maton’ nieeee eee) FeO Schedule A (Form 3 (Reva 05/2018) ry ‘ ts 3 i « 9 a 8 8 8 " a “ i cy iu SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS FOR UNE NUMBER: Use separate schedults) PAGE 1 OF 38% (check only one) for ch category ofthe Xia L]ie Ars ite fod Summary Page teas Sees | Fs AS Eh He’ ‘any Information copied om such Reports and ao oes eposen, other than using the name anc aucress of any polical ommatee to soit controutlons fom such Commitee ‘iatemonts may rat be 301d or used by any person for the purpose of salting contributions NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) Wicker for Senate a are Ca FR OTS aT 1a, Gresham, Thomas, Mr. ote ot Recap inayat Geom See ee poe ieecmeeaatiemed OA eee Ee eee ic lenges iy State cee ‘Transaction ID : AB2C091F5381D4EE6B37_ moe ws | serena | tnsactonD: ABZCOO}FSSBTOAEEEESY _ or Fc nuber of conbutg out ach Ress Pe federal poltial commites. Ich L eramk cach oeere TE ees rane Er eae [Eesereesnnd ‘ona Pevonom Company Cena Receipt For 2018 Tiecion Gyeeio Ose y 1 ten tem primary OX] Genera eae see ee | iar ll p, Williams, Leo, , Mr. Date of Receipt * Mailing Address 109 Leo Williams Road aT a pRemyyy tz) Ee) Cae City Lawl ‘ip Code ‘Transaction 10 : ADE307F2290624EDDBC2 vane we | sonore | ranzecon n= apesorezzoseeronece _ ee ——— Feo O nate et | ee Name of Empoyer ‘Oacanaion coat eee 1 rreton Rens Inomaton Request eat ae ne D1 rere tom 3 mary [7] Genera Serr ea ii ian "| other (speci w | st tad natal Nae TFA OSS FT c. Easley, Carl, , Mr., Date of Receipt ‘Malling Address 429 Liberty Park Ct. Ste, A 7 sus — uo oo — we | scans SS ————= Hesdepieeherpeborticta cf ‘mount of Each Receipt tis Pettod mea arn meses Bene remy cet Sw ster | [] ment Breen] cone ce | er ene so ] Coens [SUBTOTAL of Receips This Pape (optional TOTAL This Period fast page tis ine number oni) FEO Sehedue A (Form 3) Reviad 052018) Ww I " wt th 8 m a 8 iu g 8 & wa 8 a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE “9_OF 381 (check ery one) Ar mb Ar i 12 3a |igp [i Pts Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page ‘any information coped fom such Reports and Sat ee ccon tne thay usig the name ard adress of any pocal commits to soit contnbuons fom such commen Tranls may not bo 60d oF used by any person for the purpose of solcting contributions NAME OF COMMITTEE (mn Ful) Wicker for Senate For Name (amt, Fret Wiodle Waa 7 A ca Rick, , Mr., Date of Receipt el (a) Cie City State) ip Code Transaction ID : AF33DSSAEE4F8469A84C conn us| seeoesee7 C1 mabe of contotng oqo mount of Each Recs is Pesos “= ° oe Tae EO Seaman jiatntaah atl Recep For 2018 Tiecion Cyl Daley D1 nem tm Se] Primary [[] Gener nanan ae | otter eat "som Far Ta Can Fe TT jp, Asher, Daniel, Mr bate of Rect Hing Adress 21 &. cheapo Ave F029 roy. pees | [RTL ey Pe) ike Gay feeeare Transaction 1D : A8838E1F969AD46B4BAB colage | “coore eee | zassion 0: ARBRE FSRADIESEEAS nore ot eta ey 0 @ nee f cong id meant of Each Rect ts Patios eel | : Sao Rane EST oo lee] KessevAsar CoD bree er tem fe a Een gecarele Dy wer Frumary—[_} Genera fone ote epeciti ¥ jb ea 00.00 ] TaN CAF GE TOT c. Oberfeld, Ber, , Mr., Date of Receipt * Tallng AASESS 26 Bevery Park Ter oF x —r5 Oo covery Has cx | arose FC 0 nanbe &corg ——— Se panel conmmae Cc a ment Each Rac ts Peod ae — eae ed vet ieee Rasa To TOS Tecion Go Oy D vere tm [Xd Pray [7] Gone (oeennenemnennaerenran PS Cher woecty — om, SUBTOTAL of Recepts This Page (ptionsh ‘TOTAL This Period fast page tis tne number only FEC Schecie A (Form 3) Revised 0872016) , Rae] SCHEDULE A (FEC Forrh 3) eo eee ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the ta, 1b ie 16 ; tec Sewn me | Ps Else Ass At a ‘any information coped From such Reports and Statements may nol be sad or used by any person for the purpose of solting contributions aio" commercial purposes, other than using the name end aderess of any poltical committee to solt contibutions from such commutes NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full ‘Wicker for Senate Barry, Rk Mr cata of Fecal Finng Riss PO ox 009 | Poy Fa} Case a, ea | ce “Transaction 1D; ADSO4SDSBBEZTA9AQBCA ion ws | ssoon2a00 Z — FEC 10 rate of cong ee pets Bina " fac i i uid ie a Ee aT [eseeeena] Set empoyed aoe) Recon ror BE T Evcton Gydeto bas y [seme em Primary [7] Genera a 4 (ther (specih) ¥ . 220000 | TaN CaF Wa a p, Snowden, Greg, , Rep., Date of Receipt itaing hades Sox to? en ‘ [its | sostaseor FE 19 rb of coro eee Aeunt ol Each Red th Petes “sou Tare aE aR . cuyetNedan tones Feel For 2078 ; Some cece [1 weme tem 3 ian] Geet a EF other (spect 250.00 ee : Lae nn} inne ae me see! 18g, Biener, Mori, , Mr., Dote of Receiot w ‘Malling Address 2591 N. Sepulveda Bivd, 2nd Floor a PETTITT i Ce) Ce) Cee “ ay Pe ec ‘Transacion 1D ABG48DB4E38634081A2E ‘Manhattan Beach ’ cA | s02es-2722 F010 ranbe of comang fos pales cone cl oun of Each Reet ts Paros ener Name Of Eppa cation} Gag Sal Enpoyed Retest opel aac Becaet For TO Tiacion Geto Dae LI tiene tem Pinay] Sonal a Othe ioech'y so a ” "3600.00 v3 | suorors co Mi on a Pe eae “ TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only}. > inonmaaueers| FEC Schedule A Form 3) Revised 082016) SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use seperate schedules) for eacn category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER: PAGE 51 OF 61 (check onty one) fel alate dielect aera NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) Wicker for Senate ‘any Information copled from such Reports and Statements may not be 6010 or used by any person for the purpose of solicting contibutons oF for commertal puposes, other than using the name and address of any pottcal committee to solick contibutions from such committe, Fat Name (lst, Fst, tiaaie Ta Crane, Johnny, , Mr., A. Date of Receipt IMalingAdGress PO Box 428 Perry prrrerey [i] 8 ory oa melcose ‘Transaction ID : AOD3003AECBF1471E913 Fulton Ms: 38843-0428 FEC 1D number of contributing cl ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period {ederal poitical committee a = 250.00} Name of Employer ‘Gccupation eset) nad teebean FL Crane Contractors Executive Facet For 7078 S| Primary [] conwra * omer sect Election Cyeie-to-Date y 2950.00 Far Name (ost, Fret tle Ta 8. Rosen, Kevin, . Mr. alin Adoress 120 2nd St Date of Receipt oy Manhatian Beach State cA Tip Code 90266-6508 Transection 10 = AC&A66F2103644402807 FEC ID number of contributing federal poltical committee Name of Employer Gibson Dunn 1a Cacupation Atorney i aes: ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Peoee eet Receipt For. 2076 Xj Pinay 7) tne sp00897 General Becton Gye te-Date y 65039 Let ett to Fal Warne (ast, Fret, Moore Ta Barbour, Marsha, , Ms., Maling AGSte55 6490 Dagnood Drive Date of Recsipt Amount of Each Receipt this Period 2700.00 a7 Sie —] op tose Yat00 Cly MS aero FEC 1D numberof eortibuing rm > {ederal political committee. iC are of Enoyer ‘Desipaton Sate of Msisppt Frat Loy Faceit For 2016 Becton CyeeOae Primary (X) General pee "| Other (specify wy [ 5400.00 Dace titan tee [SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional. TOTAL This Period fast page this tine number only) ee FEC Sonedute (Form 3) Raised 0872018) [pace 82 oF 381 | SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) Use separate schedules) (ona eee PAGE OF 381 ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of the ia vib [_]ite 10 ne Br Liss Ais 1 _Dhs “Any ifermation copied For such Reports and Statements may aot be Sold or used by any person forthe purpose of sobcting contributions br tor commercial purposes. other than using the name and adcress of any poltical committe to sol contibuions trom such commits. NAME OF COMMITTEE (hy Full) ‘Wicker for Senate Fav Name (lan, Fret Mioale Tata Martin, E., Bruce, Mr., a, Martin... Bruce,Mr, date of Rect Haling Adress PO Box 1729 | pear Lporrery fe oS oy Sate | Zp Gove ‘Teansacion 10; AB467DO76087249ACBB8 Merion NS 38902-1729, er FEC 1D numberof contbutog Amount of Each Receipt this Period feoeralpotical Commitee Toe ame of Eiover ‘ezupation sates eS Meyer & Rosenbaum Insurance Agent Becein For 2078 Becton Oyelet0D3te y D] weeme tem | Pamany Genera a Bote lowe ioe Zae7j Fai Name (at, Fra tale Tay gp, Nowell, Billy, Mr. Date of Recent * Haig Adres 06 Noman Gr ara TEEETET Ce Ce) Cae oy Sate] 2 Cote “Teanaacton ID ABDSEDEZEATIOWOAZAED Cleveland Ms. 38732-8714 ia ae foe ones raed Sl] treater eam meet re maa a ee] ryt inna vy = Receipt For. 2018 Election Oyeleto-Date mal Primary [] Genera a *S otter ecw 200000 ee nt} hee Fat ware (ast, Frat, Madde Waa 1 ¢, Bridgewater, Erle, Mr. Date of Recet 1o aling AdBr@SS 749 §, Harbor Lighrs Or. Tm TF by e fs aw sale] Tip Cea Transaction ID AAC: cS Ponte Vedra FL 320615026 FEC 10 number of contributing es {federal political committe. iC. ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Fame a eee ——_ oxaates ————] 00.0 enenen= a 2 any Tso PB oater speciy r 50000 p oe sumo nase , Cos FEC Schedule (Form 3} Revised 052018) SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER [PAGE 53 OF 381 (check onty one) Pjne [Jr A tte Bie Hs Ais Het 9, Or for commercial purposes, other than using the name ang adcress of any poltical commitee Fay information copied from such Reports and Statements may nt be SOK or used by ary person forthe purpose of saeting contbutons {fo salt contributions trom such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (in Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fon Name oan, Fr, Maa Tay Bell, Jonthan, , Mr. ‘Maling Adaress 45 13th sty Avenue ow Sais] ip Code Merion Ms 30005 Date of Receipt “Transaction ID: ADAES984ASE&C#1B3964 FEC 1D number of contributing feseralpoitical committee. icieeeetes| Wane olempoyerSCSC~d mat SSCS tal care of meraian President PY) otter (seit w X Primary [7] General x ‘ | CT be ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Cree] Fa Name (ast Fret, Wasie Wish p, Chao, Albert, , Mr. Date of Receipt Healing Ad6reSS 3970 Inverness Orie Oy El Oa or @ 2 2018 Ly see | cee ‘Transaction 1D ASFCFS6203E4A4B2AB52 Houston TK 77019-1008 FEC 1D number of contributing ame (i eemnsal cose cl. ‘Amaunt of Each Rectiot this Period Name of Erapiover ‘Gecupaton [ ee Westlake Chemical Corporation Executive Facet For 2018 [7] Genera X Primary FS other (speci w Beecion Gycleto-Date one ener renpemem 27001 [] tev ton Far Name ant Fret, Mga Tia Wittichen, F., O., Mr., Jr Date of Receipt cee Taling Adsress 4904 Baronne Way oy Sate] Zip Coe Memphis TW ‘38117-2908, 1D TAGD120542061FSEEABS FEC 10 number of contributing F — federal politcal committee. : ooausaion Business Owner Name of Enaioyer iitichen time and Cement ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period "30000 jee te ecepi For 2018 Tiastion OyeeTODaIE 1X Pinay [7] General - otra ovoci'y 50000 J jo pci SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional ‘TOTAL This Period fast page tis tine number on > “4000-00 tein eat FEC Senedue A (Form 3) Revised 0/2016) se separate schedules) for exch category of the Detaled Summary Page SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS FOR UNE NUMBER (cheek only one) PAGE S4_OF 381 Bis Are Ars Ae Tay ifermation copied from such Reports and Staements may not be sod or used By any person for the purpose of salting conrbutions arto commercial purposes, other than using the rame and address of any poliical committe to salt contibutions from such commie, NAME OF COMMITTEE (in Ful ‘Wicker for Senate Fan name (at Fat Neale Way Aldy, Linda, Ross, Mrs., Flowooe Ms 39232.9236 FEC 1D number of contrbuting ee feceralpottical commits Tame oF Epa Nia Resa For ATS 3X Primay [7] Genera omer (speci ‘DeeuRaton Retired Beclon Gyeletobate y ee A ate of Rect Trang Ades 124 Hunters Cove" Tea] PTT] PTET ot Pee} Lae Cry ‘State 2 Code ‘Transaction ID : ASECDF22E66C44D9F9F6 vasaon ms | sor07082 a] F200 mabe of orig ic Ann of Each Recap is Peed fl pte conte satan tntecnnen! Caen : [eee mom ree eee Ce Optom osceton : | Exettve Orecoe Soar BE + SS [er ton Peray poe 1} omer (speci i 250,00 Fatwa fant Fe Wee Way p, Graham, Hardy, . Mr. Date of Receipt - Png Assess sooasin st" ary Teeerey S 18 aw z Sasa Coe "anasson DT ATG7COOTOSTSBSOZEBOA werion ms | 380052046 a co] Avant of Each Recap isPaod ; 70000 Rae oT En Oe eee ee Meson Coes Cola — cr tes Waist For 8 Eecion GUSH g Ow | Primary [] General aoe ear 1D) other tpecityy © | 100000 Fa ae Ta Fa Wee aT ©. Rhodes, Ir, Dean, Mr., Date of Receipt ‘Maling Address 159 Dogwood Pl enw wre TTT fel’ Ge) Cee oy State’ ee Transaction ID : ASEE6B300B95946A7ABF cr aoe [tere SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional > > ‘TOTAL This Périod fast page tis ine number only) ——— =e eee [Eeerceres FEO Schedule A (Form 3 (Revised 05/2018) “e in bs es st "0 ag a 9 o a “ a “ SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detalles Summary Page PAGE 55 OF 361 hie Fe ssp [ve FOR UNE NUMBER: (check only one) X]ne [Jr x2 138 Dis “any formation copied Fom such Reports and Statements may nat be sod oF used by any person for the purpose of soliciting contributions or tor commercial purposes, other thai using the name and adress of any poltical committe fo soc contibutins trom such comnts NAME OF COMMITTEE (hn Full ‘Wicker for Senate at Name (last, Fst aoe Tia) Bryant, Kaye, , Ms. Maling Address 253 N 15th St ae. Gy Oxiors FEC 10 number of contbuting feceral poltical commie, Tip Code Sate 38655707 Ms CTC —y jansaction ID: AEFFO3A71DBAT4S1CE4A ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Petiod 250.00 Tare a Emporer Deeipaton Sel-Empoyed Tee Famer Receict For: 2078 Elecion Oye to Date y. 3 Prmary [7] Genera | omer (sect) w Fol Name (las Frat, Middle Tish Weintraub, William, , Mr. Mating Ad6r085 26 ericgepont rs 0.00 J Date of Receipt ion 1D ATSFEODS1E0D14B34820 ow Fi Sate] Zip Case Manhattan Beach oA. 90266:7226 FEC ID number of controutng Bn] 1 easement federal potical eommitee. ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period aie of Empiover Information Requastod ‘Cecupaton Information Requested "850.00 ] anda Ba Receipt For 2018 xi Pema Coxon leation Gycleto Date y aan 50.00 aterm ene other (speci) Fo Name (ast Fra, Moar Tava Alexander, Jimmy, , Mr., Date of Receipt fs) err] c. Haling Addre35 60 ox 1265 6150 Newell RA oy ‘Siae ip Coe Mercian Ms. 39302-1265 Transaction ID ADA30842745E64090026 FEC 10 aumber of contributing federal poltical commits. Re cl ‘Amount ef Each Receipt this Period as 2700.00 Name oF over ‘Coeupaton ‘ABB Electric . Owner Fecapi For 2076 Breton Oyelete Daley {Primary [] General mere Commer tspecivy 2700.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional, TOTAL This Petiog (last page this Ine number only FEC Schedule A (Form 9} Roveed 052076) SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedue(s) for each category of the Oetaled Summary Page PAGE 66 OF 361 As FOR LINE NUMBER: (eneck only one) Bue Cr se a8 ne Dis “iny information Gopled fom such Reports and Statements may not be sold o used by any person for the purpose of soictng contributions 6c for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any pottical committe to soc contributions trom such commits, NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Fu) ‘Wicker for Senate Fat Name (oss, Fret, Miadle Total Yerger, Wirt, Adam, Mr., J. ate of Recep “Transaction 1D ATFAGOTACZOF74S9FAGB ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period 0 A ialing Adsress 129 Woodland Cir Gy Tate [Zp Cove ckson Ms. 99216-4108 FEC ID number of contributing er a feceralpotical commie. he, ame of Employer ‘Docupation Ross & Yerger insurance Chairman Emeritus 2018 Fecoipt For: 5K) Peary "| otmer (speci) Ge Election Gycle-o-Date al Name (Last, Fst Wiaale Fva Hunter, Robert, , Mr., alng Aédress 11673 Sadcle Hom Date of Receipt Ey Gl cae ion ID AFAZ959BBCTASETECS63 ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Ptlos oy Tae ap tae Sate co | 801 3486 FEC 10 rarbe ol conibing fess pte! Srines cq fae ot oat oe Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Orthopetsc Surgeon oo ee] nl Nee Facet For 2016 S| Primary [Gener PA omer teen w Becton Gycleto-Date er 7000.00 Fa Name (cas, Fis, Medco Toa Kronfol, N., O., Mr. ” Maling AdSre55 7959 MeClain St 7 Greervile FEC 10 umber of contributing federal potical commit. Date of Recet “Amount of Each Receipt this Period Tame of EnV Datta Regional Medical Center es lel on = { “ 1000.00 Receipt For 2076 5M Primary [~] General A} other ispecitTy Becton Cycietobate pence oe nr ame "10890, Dy we ten SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (option. TOTAL This Period fast page this line number ony ———————— [ 2100.00 ee | 1 onthe am FEC Sched A (Form 3} (Reed 052016) 8 My is ‘8 ny SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER: PAGE § OF 36 (cheek only one) Be He Ges As Diss ‘Any Information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be Sold oF used by any person fox the purpase of salting contibutions or for commercial purposes. other thah using the name and addeess of any poliical committee to solet contributions from such commitee NAME OF COMMITTEE (Ful Wicker for Senate Fal Nae (as Ft Midas Tata ‘a, Simmons, C., Douglas, Mr Jt ialing Adoress 64 Leo Witams Re ‘Amount of Each Recelpt this Period oy Sate] Zip Code Holandale Ms 38748.9737 FEC ID number of contibuting = {ederal poitical commits, Name of Employer . ‘Ossupatn Sel-employed Former : 1000.00 Receipt For 2078 3K Pray} Geen "Other (speci w Eeciion Gyeleto-Date y 1000.00 Fal Name (Last, Frat, Made Wnta Noble, Richard, ,Mr., Mating Ad5:€55 +04 Seymour Dr Date of Receiot “Transaction 1D ADAZSAGL 80 ‘Amount of Each Recent this Period "26000 ent a ‘ Sas [ap ame Indra ws | serene FEC 10 ruber of conbutng 7 (ede! plea cote Cd mew Enos Tossa salkcptoyed tomer Feceit For 2078 Becton OyaeTo Date XX Piray[) Genet otter peat v sie ete tate ad sane to Fai Ware (las, Frat, Mido Tah Mathis, Chad, , Mr., 3 AGGSS 655 81. Vincents Dri Bung 3 Date of Receipt ‘Transaction ID" ADDD1066720064776011 ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Peviod ty tate [Zip Code —— [rem federal pola Somme cf rae oO Sxapator Onrespore Artes Suen ReconrFo Dae Election Oyeie-to-Oate Co] De ton SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (option. TOTAL This Period (ast page tis ling number ony). » - 225000 eeeeeeeee FEC Schedule A (Form 3} (Ravsed 08/2016) ot 0 Is a n n a ct a “ nt 8 a ww 8 os SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS FOR LUNE NUMBER, [PAGE 56 OF 381 Use separate echedueis) | (ebeck only one) for each category of the Pee Gm eee ai Detaled Summary Page eae aes ae Diss NAME OF COMMITTEE (a Full Wicker for Senate Fny Information copied from Such Reports and Statements may nol be sold or used by any person fox the purpose of soiting contrbutions ator commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of ny poliical committee to sot contrbutens from such committe. Far Name (ast, Fst, Middle Fal Morris, Beth, , Ms... * ialing Address 102 Rvewiew Drive, Se A Date of Receipt Site] Zip Code oy " “Transaction ID ACTE26853200F TCAD Flowoos cS 39232-8008 FEC 1D number of contributing Cl ‘Amount of Each Receist tis Period ‘federal poitical committe. (Cee eee ame of Empoyer a ‘eeupation 2. Cental Nephlogy Administrator Facet For 207 Pinay [C] Goma Sonne eneothy Election Oycleto Date y | ee Fal Name (ast, Frat, Middle Ina , Oakes, George, Bryan, Mr., ‘Maling AdSre55 503 Metal Road Date of Receipt Cty a ‘Zip Code “Transaction ID : AADOA1797AD10482E 895, one we | serovar | resesionb:antoaerzaoroezeoes FEO nae ours or ° ee marr = ene ima i reas — Reap te Tso CySOTSDHS O« | Prmay —[_] Genera PY other pect w Fal Name (as, Fiat, Male ital Ansted, Jeffrey, , Mr., ling Adcress 7a63 Qual Crock Ra ate of Receipt au id pcos) sngaction|O /ADOCS736708C 14D389°D Maumee OW 43897-9485 FEC 1D aumber of contiouting = federal poltical committee. Cl ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Petiod Tame oT Ealoyer Tesupaton ‘ aes ‘Am Broadband and Telecomm Prosigont a ft Recept For 2018 [Dk Primary [7] General omer (seecty w [] mene to rection Oyeiete-Datey oe) SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional, ‘TOTAL This Perad fast page this line number onl > 6200.00 > At re tetent L Tntnencnteeenod FEC Schedule A (Form 2) Revises 082016) Trace 29 _oF 3st SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) agen amie |Gotonae ITEMIZED RECEIPTS cee eee Pie: tb a 10 eed eee en 2 Sia hie he (1s Thay Homaton copied fom auch Reports and Statements may nol be sold or used by any person fr the purpose of soleting contains aay eset” ouposes.oter Oa using the name and adéress of any political committe to solct contributions from such commie. NAME OF COMMITTEE (hn Ful) Wicker for Senate Fat ame [at Fist Wide tay Davis, Terry, » Mr. ee ean A ‘ating Aderess 222 Rankin Re aE] POPPY) PTETTT 3 2 2018 oy ‘State [Zip Code “Transaction 1D; ASZE2B3748ESB6200852 9086.4874 EEE ee canon us eee FEC 0 nur of contre 6 zoel Amant of Ea Rec hs Pot fecal pots conte eo 3m. | Fr oT ERE SR Lee tented Set empiojes Pramas! Strom or en Primary [] General eee One? tspecid w | [ ceruesnrioe tant ad Far nae (aa Ft Mise , Monroe, Loren, , Mr. ate of Reet ‘Malling Address 601 13th St NW FI 11 ey vie 2 City ‘State’ Le dbp ‘Transaction ID : AG434013FBC114FSCASC ‘washington [xc | 20onssec2 FEC 10 ruber of eon eae . ss Pe Se ere occas cc Amount of Each Rec hs Peed Name oT ERE ‘Oezipaton GR Halting, LLC [cnet Operating Ofer Receint For 2018 Election Oyeleto-Dato y X| Primary [-] Genera pos neem FS omer (spect ¥ pooeeeer a. For Name (ast Fre, wide vad —¢, Whitman, Kristin, , Mrs, ate of Receipt A Maling Adaress 3524 Saylor Place wrTy PUTT TT ce ~—_ |S Ere e a ate 9 Code “Transaction 1D ATC2DATCTIAFS4G29ATA a Alexandria va 223041851 deere A FEC 0 nub of conn == e federal polcal covetee. cl _ Amount of Each Receint he Peis Fae TER capaien Ee neers ee Ll sero 4 Other (speci w. ne a | Co ted e a Cee] suororo Ress Ths Pg ns patria 8 a : TOTAL This Period ast page this tne number ony » a FEC Schedule A [Form 3} (Revised 082016) [ease oF 301 J SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ve east wowace) | One eeR Teac OF ae ITEMIZED RECEIPTS for each category of me | PX} rta | |10 Ars nie teoee pron | Phas Hes Alig At os Thay Roman copied fom eu Report and Stseeis may tbs 20 or ved by ary person far he pupae Ct acicing =o A or ceepones other tan using the name and adress of any poltical committee to Soke contbutns fom such commis NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful ‘Wicker for Senate Far nane Tan We TT a, Murphy, ariel. Me, sate ot csi een pease) PRE TY Pee] Eee} Laos bina eee ‘Transaction ID : A47974C5846C94B00B54 Fatt Staion 220092862 | teneacton 1b: aaronecsuagcnesnn0s¢ SS FEC 0 number of contbuing a ee oe feral pote Some : ee | BR Hking. tLe Pecos Receipt For: 2076 Brection Oycie-to-Date D1 tere tem x Primary {_| General Coo eT] PS cone eat 7 ; ae Han Ling? eran Lm 3B me 8. inwin, Charles, T., The Honora, Date of Receipt ” Mailing Address 2003 Patrick Dr pay pore ITT fel EE Ee: ‘Chy ‘State ine Transaction ID ; AFA1SAG63A68742ACOFF carn ms [38006720 FEC 10 aonber ot contig a senuen o tach {esl pte! cost Ch ae se Se 75000 Rare o ERO Cease EGRESS Fecaet For 70% econ Ove O0 y Ty sore X| Primary —_[_] General a (E) other pecity L a Fe TRC FR, WS TT c. Butera, James, J., Mr. Date of Receipt * Mailing Address 1319 G, Street, NW Suite 720 r wy. perr Teter : Le : “ Cty tate ae ‘Transaction 1D - ADBO63BE 100526421952 4 Washington oc | aeoasaa06 | tension 10; ApSossBE ppszeAe Tee — th ee 8 federal pots cones. cl ‘mount of Each Receipt tis Period 3 == eet ir {Cx ‘0 a Ramne of Employer OasuRaton pee ea cs Butera, Israel & Becker Attomey 8 Recapt For 2018 STSSCSC~*~*SYSCRton ycleto-Date Ly wer em i Primary} General i Other (specify) 750,00 a a ’ Coes - 2000.00 SUBTOTAL of Reeds The Page lptona > Tet Selecta es aa eee oreeeere FEC Schedule A Form 3) Reiss 052016) Texge_61 oF 61 | SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) FOR UNE NUMBER, [PAGE 61_OF 38% Use separate scheaet) | (chock only 7) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS eacdomeee pacel tte Hie re FIs [eeercassaneeees tone jie [7 hi2 Fase he is ‘any itormaton copied from such Repors and Statements may not be Sold or used by any person forthe purpose of soliciting contbutions| for commercial purses. other than using the name and addiess of any polical commttee to soc contabutions ftom such committee, NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full Wicker for Senate ! Fal Name (ast, Fret, Modis Tava Gilligan, Phil, , Mr., A. Ting Address sou Romany Oak Date of Receipt iy ie a ag Oy prover ST Pol Peed City: ‘State ‘2p Code ‘Transaction ID : AC2B4300C9EDD41E3B4D_ a a is (eso one cneneesen a Name of Employer ‘Occupation the nada) Fest For AT oe Dvn» tem 5 Pima] eneat ann CY omer epeatii-w oe fees Fal Namo (Las, Fret, Middle a, p, Hilburn, Kent, Mr., Date of Receipt Mailing Agdress 463 Bayou Rd a oc ovo" TTT T Ty City ‘Siate [Ze Code ‘Transaction |D : AFEE7FO7E3094476B9F9 F210 mabe of ning ne meant of xen Pact is Pets Rane of egy ora —————] [Oscapa : = oo eens ae Se ca sion Cray Bh oo tena C ress Far Name (oan, Fst Migale Tara, Wormser, Jason, , Mr., Date of Receipt Maling AdSre55 2109 Vanderbuit Lane # a7 Saw ip Code Redondo Beach cA 90278-3020 FEC ID number of contributing feseral political commitos. ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Peioe | ong Oy amie of Employer ‘Occupation 7 oe For Soom 1 [reer Fecep toa Bec GSES y Dy sere te 19d Primary] General Poe tocar TEST] ao SUBTOTAL of cis Te Fae tons, > eee ‘TOTAL Thi Periog (ast page this lng number ony). » : pte td FEC Schedule A (Frm 3) Revised 082016) GE OF 1 SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ee ee foreach eategoryoftme | Dine [Tite [Jute Lt ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Detaies Summary Page i Ae te he Cs "any formation copied Fam such Repors and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpese of sobting contibutions © tor Sommercial purposes, other tha using the name and access of any poltical ommitee to sol contributors trom such committe. NAME OF COMMITTEE (Im Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate For Name [last Fret, Middle Tay Heard, Keith, , Mr., een p teatkethaig re) Pa) Ces City son ip Cod Transaction ID : AF707041D0497405C880_ ae vss [eascion wo arTovosiooarsGsee0 ee FC © nebo cong nun of Each Rca Pete Go aera : Cre iene a oe Sea eens enue tener omar : [tere wm | Primary [7] Gonerat - Boner oeet - "oot For Name [ast Fret, Wiadle ita p, McNamara, Daniel... Date of Receipt —_ Ce) Cae] hy eae ppnicoee “Transaction IO : ACSAFOZCESFDEASY7896 Washington 2c 20001-4133, ee nate ‘rmaunt of Each Recent this Period federal pattie! commites. a ot 500.00 arse of Employer Oasupation anhantinehnion atone al Cassidy & Associates Execute Tver ton Recep For 2018 Election Gyeete Daley Primary (J General —— "Otter (speci bo. ya 20008 ] Far Nare Tash, FST Maa Tay in ¢, Mood, Joel, Mr. Date of Receipt ty © ating 6885 zape windsor Ra ORY [SFE] OPTS AT 7 3 2 2018 iy ‘Sate | Zip Code "ATGTSQFGATSAZAFOARZS Alexandria 22307-1018, cy ‘Dmunbe of conti —— federal potes! Sonne. cI ] mount of Each Reco his Ped = ™ ~ 7000. J Nahe of Empiover Decipaton jute =e eee See Tynes DX Primary [/] Genera _ om tose [Eeneceenens | 4200.00 [SUBTOTAL of Recelata This Pago (options). > FS atntnn onto a ‘TOTAL This Period (ast page this tne number on). » identi ane FEC Senecio A Form 3) vised 05/2016) ag SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER: (check onty one) PAGE 63 _OF 381 Ps Aes Ass At oo, “hay information copied trom such Reports and Statements may not be so} or used by any person for the purpose of solcting contnutions Rai se Pesoves, oter tan using the name and address of any poliical committe to solicit contibwtons trom such committe, NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) Wicker for Senate Fou Name Want Fret, Waal Taal) an, Franklin, Luciana, Ms, * Maling Address 199 Crump RE woe Sate [Zp oes Tupelo Ms 33001-7932 FEC 10 numberof contrbuting federal poll cormtoa. c Name of Envoyer Retired Receipt Foo 708 5) Pinay [7] Gere PS tne ect w Ocsapaen Reties Blection Oysieto Date 250.00 Date of Receipt 02 13 2018 ‘Transaction ID : ABE4S7BDBCEAAEOABB10 ‘Amount of Each Recelpt this Period 50.00 Memo tem For ware last, Fret Wade Wi) , Ditto. J.. Kane, Mr * Maling Address p. Box 13925 Zip Cade 39236.9925 Gay sae Jackson MS. FEC 1D number of contibuting ‘ederal political committee, Cc Tame of Eraiover Sell Employes ‘Oscupation Developer Becton OycleioDale y, 3M Primary ) Other (speci ¥ [] Gevera 1000000 as Date of Receint ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period 1000.00 Memo item Fa Name ast Fa, Wide Ta Herring, James, H., Mr.. Sr. Maing Aastess 252 € Semmes St iy aie ip Cade Canton MS 39086-4550, FEC 10 number of contributing Date of Receipt 02 a 2018 “Transaction 10 : A2BS5C46890054314841 federal poltical committee. Cc ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Perios Tae or Eyer Cee . _ tane0 Hering Long & Crews rney Facet For 2078 Becton GyeetoDae Memo tem “Vprmary 0X} General | cine tepect w 700.00 IF 2050.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipts Ths Page lptonl. > B : ‘ TOTAL This Porod fast page tis tne rumiber oni, > A A FEC Schedule A Form 3) (Reiss 0872018) ty wo is aw w a ag 8 i SCHEDULE A (FEC Form: 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate scracuies) | ( for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER PAGE © OF 381 (check only one) Pas He Ars 8 v2 hr Fre Fhe Css iy wonton copies fom each Repors and Staats may tbe 3 or ved by ary person fe the pase ot skein Gor Ao oe see, other tan using the name and adcress of any polticl committee fo sos contbutons fom such eommes NAME OF COMMITTEE (in Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate For Warne fast, Frat odie Wa Moore, Charles, L., Mr. A Hating Adéress PO Box 285, oy Sate] Zp Code Cota Springs Ms 39059-0285 FEC 1D number of contributing aq federal political commie : ame a Ero tnomaion Reged eset For 2078. S| Primary [] Genera " oter tne | Gesupation Information Requestes Elacion Gycieto-Date y Spa enn if “000 onto ee [ee] Cos] Tae ‘Transaction ID ATASFSBOFEATEGASTOFS ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period 200,00 Fo Name (ash, Fret, Wioaie Wea p, Fox, Sam, Mr. ‘ating Adste85 7701 Forsythe Blvd Ste. 600 a nom les vo | eoosers #0 © nmber a cowng = a aa a fon eek For 208 X Pinay [) See! PS ter ect Fa Ware Wash, Ft, Waals Wad ‘Carmen, David, , Mr., Election GycletoDate y pore ee 2700.00 tnt ant nant an c. Mailing Address 5115 Lowell Lane NW FEC ID number of contributing Re ee ee Carmen Grou Ine President & CEO Recast For 2018S LS Sata yO eee Sein eee est ime Date of Receipt re) 2018 “transection 1D; ASSI4F571BFCB41E9023, ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Fone peeeneernn| ate of Recelot ‘Amount of Each Recelt this Peiod Sr Tam] 2 atten Ly sere tn omer pect y SUBTOTAL of Recents This Page (optional > ‘TOTAL This Period (ast page tis line number ent > [ee Some | pete oe ciate ai £0 Schedule A (For 3) owes 05/2016) e a he 4 "8 a a ww " is SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ee a oe ee ITEMIZED RECEIPTS ee ae fXlne Fe A nia 1 ed ji sga_| trap [fsa [ss Or for commercial purposes, other than using the n Tay Wormation copied Fom such Repors and Satements may ft be sot or used by any person for te purpace of sokctng corto roe and aaéress of any pobical committee to soit contributions from such commitee NAME OF COMMITTEE (in Fu) ‘Wicker for Senate For Name (cam, Pre, Made tial Claure, Raui, Marcelo, Mr., iMaling Adsress 200 S. Blecayne BNA, Suite 4420 oy Miami a ITTF (roe | ar] [ane nase “Transaction 10: AFTECASTASBOAS4O692E FL 33131-2303, a eee FEC 1D number of contributing federal poltial committee Amount of Each Receipt this Period 700 Rane a Enon ‘eases Teen OO Soe oe ar oa 1] were nen 5 Primary [7] General ne PY other (speci ¥ 200000 Tai Name (ast, Fst, dle ra p, Monroe, Nicole, , Dr., ‘Maing AdGreSS 2575 Appleton Orve Date of Receipt ow Southaven ‘Sate Zip Code “Transaction ID: A22028008ACOAABEIADS 38672-7100, Eee FEC ID number of contributing {eel poltial committee Name of Etover Olive Branch EyeCare, PLLC Decupaton Eye Doctor ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period 700000 petite th te Feceint For: 2018 Primary) Gomera! omer isp w i ection Gycieto Date y Licence dhe ats Fa Narre (ast FPR, Mode Tahal Hipp, Ozelie, , Mr., * ialing Adress 7572 Hunters Greek Drive Date of Recsint 3 Bato CE ‘Transaction ID AEOBE7E2Z96564AASBAF, (live Branch Ms 658 Ee ae FEC 10 number of contributing federal palical committee. ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Name of Enioyer eaipaton “ooo | Infomaton Renweted blomaton Renuatod Reo For aan oe Lert 13d Primary [] General a anc ny mmr =] Other (specityh 400.00 ¢ Le arses Sent inte SUBTOTAL of Recsiots This Page optional TOTAL This Period fast page tis ne number ony. » : 320000 > es | SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page optional noone ee FEC Seedule A (Form 3) (Revies 082016 “ “ wt 8 ee " n “ SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use coparate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page PAGE 68 OF 38 As: Ax FOR UNE NUMBER: (check only one) Pays A v2 [ise NAME OF COMMITTEE (I Full) ‘Wicker for Senate “ray hiormation copied om ach Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person forthe purpase of sollting contibutons ai ermmacial paposes, other than sing the name and adcress of ary pallial committee to soli contrbutions trom such commutes For Name [lan Fret, Mice Toh Friedberg, Barty, » Mr.. * ‘aling Adcress 194 € Tist St Date of Receipt Ce) Ca) Cae “Transaction 10» ATSABBOZSCTABAOAEACE ‘Amount af Each Reésipt this Perod cepa reece 2700.00 ow Site] Zip Code New York ny 0021-5011 FEC 1D number of contributing icf~ me se federal poitical commie he tee Name of Emalover ‘Ooeupaton Friedberg Mistein Finance ecapt For. 2018 | Peary [7] General "other specin) Becton Gyeleto-Date y ens = 770000 fame ann Fa Name (ast, Ft, Mle nia) Otoole, Sean, , Mr.. VMaling Adsress 1605 Sadao Ridge Way Tip Code 30350-4854 ow ont GA Date of Recs PE ey ee o 2 2018 n "AAGTATEOASBAAATCCSSB. FEC 10 number of contributing federal poltical committee. Rawat ao 1908 Capital LLC Investor scat For 20%8 | Primary] General "omer (speci y Becton Oyeleto-Oate : 2700.00 | snk Sn na [Amount of Each Recsipt this Period ° 2700.00 ane al nt ta Ty tere nr Fa Waive (ast, FART, Md Ta Cochran, Marvin, , Mr. Date of Recept * Malling AdCreSs pO Box 115 eT Pere OTT ET | [Eos 2018 ad a pace ‘Transaction ID ADFDA6]7EO3EGFOBEE ‘von ws 307230115 Ltanszetien eee FEC 10 numberof contbutng ee federal poltical committe. iC an _ Amount of Each Receipt this Period Nana of Eonar [oscopater — f ene pn OO, Sell Empoyed Farmer eae Reon For 8 Sesion GSES Ly eto tem Primary] Genet "Other (speci y vs0000, | SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional ‘TOTAL This Period (ast page this re number only ee wr E00 | > Facban na inton! os FEC Sohedule A (Form 3} Revised 082018) a is a eT SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedule() for each category of the Detaled Summay Page FOR LINE NUNBER, (eneck only ne) PAGE 67 OF 383, X]r0 Hz As ia we [hte Fis» he Os “any Information copied fom such Repars and Statements may not be S04 or used by any person for the purpase of solcting contibutlons 0 lor Commercial purposes, ote thar using the name and address of any poltcal committee to salt contributions from such committe. NAME OF COMMITTEE (hn Ful) Wicker for Senate For Warne (at Fs, waddle ita Genzer, Frank, , Mr. * Maling AdSres5 145 Saint Jude St — ow Sato aip Code Bios NS 39590602 FEC 1D number of contrbuting ame federal potleal commas. CL ame af Emporio Sel Employed entect eco For 278 Becton GyeeioDale y 3X Primary [7] General orien ncn com toss | Date of Recspt “Transaction 1D AEB91004011804790A09 ‘Amount of Each Recelpt ths Pesod For Name (last, Fret, Wiadle Fa) Gresham, Thomas, Mr. iMaling Adoress 105 East Gresham Street ‘ate [Zip Cade 38751-2422 _—_anee bee meinen 8 ow Ingianola FEC ID number of contributing feceral potical commie, ORsuRATICA execute lection CyclatoDale Namie of Empioyer Gresham Petroleum Company Receipt For 2018 Pray [7] Genera rr PY other pect Teer ee, | Date of Reéeipt ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period [peeeoeee =o) Fal Nerve (ast Fee, Widale Tay ¢, Charbonnet, J., Storey, Mr, * aang ABEESS 659 Loyola Ave sez ay ms [as Now oars [roars FEC 0 rumor conoana 7 foal pclae Cg _ Rane oT ET Sea ‘ese ea Sectre Receipt For 2078 Becton Oyseto bate y [[] Genet penenner: on) | Date of Receiot jeag ee rangaction 1D A428992432034004029 ‘Amount of Each Receint this Period Co ee] [SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional) ‘TOTAL This Period (last page this line number ony) > { - 3420.00 | Sanita 1 endomatntat mae FEC Schedule A (Form 3) Reiss 082016) he bh a a 8 & a ee | SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) cesar ITEMIZED RECEIPTS fer eaut commmery tL) [X]rte Ae Ars i een oeee 2 ga [igo [le Css Fay nomation copied For such Reporte and Statements may not be sold or used by any person forthe purpose of solicting contibutions lat Commercial purposes. other than asing Ihe Name and adress of any poltical committee to soit contabutions from such commitee NAME OF COMBITTEE Qn Fl) Wicker for Senate Ea Na Ga FT A ‘O'Brien, Robert, , Mr., Jr. Date of Receipt ss aoe? oe (eer City ‘Sate Zip Code ‘Transaction ID : AGEA173C545344434ASD_ Ua cand Firs tx | srorratee | ereaton1 0 ABEAYT9GSEDASAASD Se FEC 10 number of eontbuing Gj ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period a = [eeweetetna] ane Ere aan ae Vanow Bren uP ory FecaitFor 27 esa Grae baele Ly sere tm cl Pinay [1] General ne E Ser beat oy) | Oe ee ee Ta a Fa ah , Simmons, Harry, D., Mr., Date of Receipt " Mailing Address 26267 Erickson Road wre SREY | LETT ET [SE eT Cty ‘State’ Zip Code “Transaction ID : A8B3121109B7446FA8FE verse iy we | aoe | aneecion 0: ARBBLAIONBTWEEARED EG 1 rar of onion : FE 0 rab ot con (caeeaeeoe] evo ah eco i Pied Name of Employer ‘Occupation re Aunts Ver Ln a Ly tien ten Foes for conn Oeste 5 | Primary] General ps a CTT Tee ©. Landrum, Lenwood, , Mr., Date of Receipt ‘Mailing Address g21 Arcturus on the Potomac 7 - [Te] Pee] iy aie ip Code Transaction ID : A12A0324961AB42E0890_ . we | sess | seaion ArzamnnMnrABeTeND _ Feo 0 rnbe ding ST {eoeral poitical committee. iC. ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Rare of Employer Cacapation [ Wnt es ] Sa ———] eats y Treen Biren ome ———— | over tooo | Tee] 300.00 SUBTOTAL of Receipis This Page (optional. > Fesebeche iterated TOTAL This Period (last page this line number only) nee adamant FEC Senedie A Form 3) evised 0572018) 0 i [eace_69_oF 361 J SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) FOR UNE NuMBER, [PAGE 60_OF 38 Use separate scheeuies) | (eneck ony one for each category of the 4 we Cn ITEMIZED RECEIPTS ansd Slammer reas Pa Ar As Area, “Any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be Sold or used by any person for the purpose of sokcting eontibutions ‘or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any polical committee to salt contributions from such comnte, NAME OF COMMITTEE (la Full ‘Wicker for Senate Fol Rame (ast, Fret, Micde Tay McPherson, John, W., Mr., a, McPherson Jon, Wart ate ot Recent ‘Mating Aderess PO Box 690 pr cee Ty Ce] Eel Rae Gry [Sie] Ze Code Transaction ID: ABD271EFBS05C4F72609 Indianola Ms 38751-0690 —————E—E—E—E—E—EO—EO rr ee FEC 10 number of contbuting ci ‘Amount of Each Receiot this Period federal pottical commites. — : oo 1000.00 ame a ine ol Cee Gresham Petroleum Company C0-Owner Oe femo tem Receipt For, 2078 Electon Gyciero-Daie 1] Primary) General — - al Name (Last, Prt, Middle Wiad Strong, Philip, , Mr. Date of Receipt Ce) Ce) ae City State ‘Zip Code Transaction ID : AC8502AAA23A3409E8D5- FE 1D rambo of conbing — - fee poten canton cc Amount of ach Reco a Pera ; ane eB aa ee] Information Requested tiernaton Requestod Memo tem tea ror ae ovr Oyen y Qo Pinay] 6 ae lees cee Coe For fame (ast, Frat, Midale Tata Reints, Steven, , Mr., Date of Recent Maing AdSI@55 +10 shadows Band Ove Tey PEeEy) peerer er ® wo] [ze cay pa pe com ‘Transaction 1D AST6O9BSDOSGBADFAGF?, Baton Rovge a 70810-3633 eee FEC 1D number of eontabuting pe federal political committe. Cc} ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period ame of Empioyer OesupaTGR ; sae 2700.00 ] Shale Support : Buisness Owner Rotor aE ee [1 tere ne 5 Pinay {-] Gene! porn neem eee Other (spect y bye mpeg wal 2090 “ "3800.00 eee) FEC Schedule A Form 2) Fvees 08/2016) This Page (optional. TOTAL This Period (last page this line ruber ony). [pace _70_oF 361] SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) FOR UNE NUMBER Use separate schedue(s) |} check only one) D RECEIPTS fecieeet eee ol te Pas Ere Ars ne ITEMIZED REC! Detaled Summary Page aa led lel oe sce els “Any formation copied from such Reports and Siaiements may not Be Sold used by ary person for the purpose of sobcting contibutlons ‘or for commercial purposes, cther thar using the name and adéress of any political commftee to solic contributions from such committee, NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Full) ‘Wicker for Senate Fa Name (oat, Fret, Mace Tia Oberfeld, Fabian, , Mr., A oat ast Ting As ea Toa ary Pee ee oo} [oh [ae Gly Co [22 coc ID : ABBF91FCCBB314AD781F ‘ese it ce | ton Fe 0 rater ot cng qo seit of Ein Rt i Pte ‘Se pea conten : : Name of Employes sell ‘Oecopation nt O | Primary [7] General rer Oe best w | ee Ee || Fu Name (ast, Fst, Midas Waal o Recapi For 2078 Phillips, Mary, Kay, Mrs., Date of Receipt iMaling Adress 4024 Money Sunk EI RY PETTY rg “4024 Money Sunk Re FE] eal [oaal aay ‘Sate — [2p Code “Transaction ID, ATCF29CADAEDF4A1E88C Yazoo Ciy Ms. 39194-0553 FEC ID numberof contrbuting Arount of Each Recep this Period federa! potcal commites qa) eee so 7700.00 Name of Emptor Cesipaton 1 at nan ton KK) Pima [7] Gener ee PY) omer (speci ¥ ere " c. Cutler, Stephen, , Mr. Date of Receipt " Wialing Adsress 279 Riverwalk Gi. Tey) POPE]! PTET ts carla feral tacea Ld ity ‘Sate ip Code "ATSFSBDSA1A114FC6902 a West Coumbia sc 29169 aaa coer a i epee ogee af TT sat Ech et te Pte is 500.00 ewe oan aN al University of South Carolina ‘Dean College of Pharmacy 8 esebt For aie econ Oyaeto Dae [] tere tem ic ; 3 nay oom ————— ty [ener toeahiy er ee 8 ——— rs ad 5 - 3700.00 3 | eusronn a Recetn Ti og eter eens wt serena Rees Ts ope et es P tcc pe | eaten ee eens an econo FEC Schedule A (Form 3 Revue 082016) 0 bw ow 10 y a “ 8 a 8 ow SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Sunenary Page FOR LINE NUMBER: (eneck only one) PAGE TOF 361 [X}ue Ae Ar sia Bir He Ais Av os Tiny ivormation copied Fam such Repors and Statements may not be sold oF used by any person forthe purpose of solcting contributions Gr tor commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any poltical commites to soll contuons from such commie, NAME OF COMMITTEE (h Full ‘Wicker for Senate Fa Name (ast, Fret, Mid Tay Roberts, John, Walker, Mr., * * ialing Address 6419 Western Ave NW oy Washington Tip Case 20015-2448 FEC 1D number of contrbuting {federal poitical committee. Name of Employer BGR Holeing, LLC Receipt For, 2078 Election Gyeieto-Date y X Piimay —["] Genera Co eT] | omer ence w f ooo c0 ter pec [beeen re ‘Oesupation Vice President Fa Name (asi, Fret, Megalo wa p, Drake, Angie, ,Ms., iMaling Adsress 7520 N, Macarthur Blvd. ute 100, a cae ito a eres Ho Oambe a enwinire a fe aes canes [cies ame of Employer ran auNUNP ETT EESIEEEeeerrETETECEEEIELEEE me oe Seren) come —— | Ge toeonw lf tao | be ttn Date of Recap ‘Transaction 1D: AGFOSBB107SF 14F7287 Amount of Each Receipt this Pesiod ees Cee] Date of Receipt fra’) Pos ree “Transaction 1D ABS24065FOBOECTDDBS2 ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Cr ee pinta Ly ser ton Far Nae (am, Fs, Wie Toa Cossar, George, Payne, Mr., II ©. ling AdST@=5 2673 Country Cub Re my n io Coe Senstobia 38668-7000 FEC ID number of contributing pe federal poltical committe, Nae ot Emoloyer eeupaton Entergy Manager Receipt For 2576 Election Gycierto-Date [XX Primary [7] Generat - ad O otner speci -y { pe net en 1 SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional TOTAL This Petiog (last page this ne number only) > Date of Receit [ o 2 | 2018 Amount of Each Recelpt this Period comers 300 FEC Seneduse A Form 3) Fetes 0/2016) bh by oT SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER: (eheck only one) Bs Az 30 PAGE 72 OF 361 0 As so» [hia Dis "any formation copied from such Repars and Statements may not be sold or used by any person for the purpose of soicting contnibutons for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of ay political commmitee to solt contibutons ftom such commitee NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fal Name (oan, Fret, Maas aay T a, Lazarus, Betty, . Ms., Waling Address 1973 Brumfed Ra SW EP Pee ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period oy Sate] Zip Case Summit Ms 39666-7417, FEC 10 number of contributing cee federal poltieal committee. Cl. Name of Enplover ‘Cccupation Information Request Information Requested . 200.00 Se nt thd lection Oyeie-to-Date : 30000 | Nese ceSert ne Aas mmm Fecast For: 2018 Primary [7] Genera Otnee (speci 'v [1 tere tem Fal Name (last Fret, Middle Ita , Stone, John, , Mr. ling Ad8ress 718 Oronoco St. #2 Date of Receipt 7 BEV ESE “Transaction 1D : ASDCESD1947344638C1 ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period ow Sale [Zp Cate Asana vA mo1455 te is cee cseeeret fecal potteal commie. {c Tas ERB | Oazapato 80R Grup Constant Rect For 2079 Eocion Cyeet-Dale Xi Pimay[] Cones ea PY otner (speci : pean OOD ] Fa Name (asi, Fret, Mae Vata) Newman, Samuel, , Mr., Maling AGSreSS 217 § Vatey Deve aay Manhattan Beach on Seescoaad ame of Employer Oeeipator 7 Gibson Dunn | atomney Tip Coe 90265-8552 FEC ID number of contributing fegera poliical committee. Date of Receipt ‘Teamsacon ID" ASZIGAZ3725104200975 ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period e600 | tem tan tonto Fecal For 7018 Bein Cyaete ale SQ Pimary [7] Genera prenee ceen eeenimg © omer rect e100 eee bees | SUBTOTAL of Reeints This Pepe lotion > FEC Seneaule A Form 3} fRevend 0/2018) “0 he ol 8 SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedule) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER: REE (eck iy on Pee Fe » Ae As Aww os “any Information copied from such Repos and Statements may not be sold or used By ary ps Or for commercial purposes, other than using the name and adsvess of any palitlcal committee to sollt contibutons from such commie er20n for the purpose of soliciting contributions NAME OF COMMITTEE (I Full) ‘Wicker for Senate Fal Name (las, Fret, Middle Taba Alford, Warner, , Mr. 8 A ee Date of Receipt Maing Adress 106 Coca Hil Or Pree]: Perey | PRET e) Col Fae a pao ea cee “Transaction 10 AGZTESED366D04895966, Oxon! Ms 306556129, FEC 1D rumber of contibutng ic] ‘Amount of Each Recelpt this Period federal politcal committee Tare of Bopper Infomation Requested Fecaipt For 2078 S| Primary [] Gores PS omer teats ‘Occupation Information Requested Eecion Gycle-to-Date a 50.00 Dat) te tne Coed 1 were nm Fa Name (at, Fret, Migale Tia , Brasell, Kenneth, , Mr., ialing Adate85 175 Highway 35 5 ¢ Date of Receipt Tey Pe oar oy Batesville Sate] Ze Code MS 38606-7226 “Transaction 10 ADSOFBADSGF20E20AAF FEC 1D number of contributing federal poical committee. ‘een Namie of Eapaye patos ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period ee "00.00 J etetine natn sal Enployed [reer Foil For 2078 Bectan GyaetoOH | Prmany[-] Genel "one nectvW Fal Name (east Fst Miaaio Tava Peretz, Avi, , Mr., * Waling AOdress 0343 Sawyer St tay sae ip Code Los Angeles cA 90036-4101, FEC ID rumber of contbuing {eceral political commitee ' ‘Oecupation RealEstate Nanve of Employer WRP MGMT CORP Receipt For 20 Election Cyele-to-bate A |e Date of Recent ey Fe) Paes] action 1D” ASSBABOSOOBTAA7DAAGD. Amount of Each Receipt this Perod 50000 SUBTOTAL of Receipis This Page (optional) ‘TOTAL This Period fast page this line number ony). » enna FEC Schedule (Form 3) eid 0872018) he bs es it " a a a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate scheduets) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page PAGE 14 OF 381 Ee 18 igo [The FOR LINE NUMBER: {check only on0) Bis Az Os ‘any information copied from such Reports and Slatements may aot be Sold or used by any parson for the purpose of solcting contbutions Or for commercial puposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contributions fom such committee. NAME OF COMMITTEE (Full ‘Wicker for Senate Fal Name (last, Frei, Mioaie Taal Shirley, Janet, , Mrs. A Date of Receipt italng Adress {908 Noniwood Dive PESETY ) [POOR ET fey (ac [ee Oy State ‘2p Coda ‘Transaction 10 : A3F2103C591D24279990_ upelo NS 38804-1020 | Transaction 10; AdF24990591024279990 _ FEC 1D number of contributing =~ ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period fed! plea corte oe a Sale 35000 Name of Enpiover ‘Ocaaaon nen ntane NA Retires Receipt For 20981 Election Gysie-to-Date y 1 sere ten S| Primary [7] Generat er O otter pect w S00 00 it rt nS Fa Narme (ast, Fst, taal Tata Allen, William, H., Mr. Mating Addre38 p.0, Box 2302 Date of Receipt a Cy oy Tunica FEC ID number of contributing {ederat politcal commits ‘Sate [Zp Coe Ms 38676-2302 Caeeers are ‘set Employed Famer ‘Transaction 1D ASS3BOAFBOS74207F02C ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period tend) ttn esata eceint For: 2018 x] Primary [] Genera (2) omer (speci 7 lecion Oycie-to-Date ° 1000.00 | Fat Name (as, Fist, agro Tava Reeves, Sims, , LTC, Date of Receipt c. —— te) Fy Pec] ey} Pe] (es it [Sate [Zptodee————SC~S a ip Cod Transe ID : A240CBFA33CBA40S: Tunes ms | sseor-2ni6 FEC 0 nue of coo — Teer pote! cone. icq. ‘Amount of Each Receipt tis Peto ae EO CoaaaTar ee Nowe Avaabe eed ne Receiet For: 2078 DK Pray] Genera PS oer oe» Election Oycleto-Dale paeoweee al SUBTOTAL of Receints This Page (optiona ‘TOTAL This Period fast page th line number ony). » [peeeererz ee FEC Senedulo A (Form 3} Revises 052018) . BEE a | SCHEDULE A (FEC Forth 3) ee a eee oe spn ett) | emer On ITEMIZED RECEIPTS foroeey aaa oe EM |r» Ars "Oe Tay formation copied trom such Reports and Statements may not be sold or used by any person fr the purpose of socting contributions arto. commercial purposes, other than using the narhe and address of any poliical committee to salt contibutons trom such committee NAME OF COMMITTEE (in Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fal Narva (ast Feet, Middle Tata T A Miller, Scott, F., Mr., . Date of Receipt Hag hares 157 Gale Pome Sey peesy (TeETeT Cy ‘State ‘Zip Code Transaction 1D : AOS6CAE88E4914E41A81 ‘don ws. | ssrtowzer fe Dantes oe ct ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period So ea conte Ca ——— aoe " Tame of Empioyer ‘ecupaton Ventre tteer te foie zs ' Eecion Get Day Tse ta 3 Primary [] General ape es PS Oe toa Ta 1 Ta Neve Ca FH TAT aT p, Edwards, Ciyde, B., Mr. Jf Date of Receipt Maling Adaress PC Box 115 rer TOIT E] City " ‘State ‘ip Code ‘Transaction ID : AAC18902CB3E247B9801 Caton we, | seasons | renscion 0: anctasozeenezeTe9001 _ FEC O ranbw a eruing FEE 0 rio cov Cc...) meant Each Rect te Ped 3 ee oe set Enpyed nt Feet to See oeesony D] wre ' Primary [3X] General per | omer weet © amen STS CaF NTT . te, Peatl, Scott, , Mr., Date of Receiot Wailing Address g Snitten Court SOR OTT PUTT Co Gy Cad Ww ly La Zip Coe ‘Transaction ID : A06B7EC2AE6004820807 q Yor ; wt | toreasos [ weracion 1: AOSSTECBAEAOOASEOSO” _ 4 FEC 1D number of contributing Cer epee om a ee es a 3 ane ator woe Cant Hoot Pore Frame Fest For 28 a [mrt 4 Se Piney [-] Goma § ote ese y " i = a "ps0 | suarors ot acts mis Fase poets 8 si TOTAL Tis Pet fas ag Ne rub on) | Segetnien® FEC Schedule A (Form 3) Revises 0572016) ” bh “ BI a ‘ & a fs a w 8 & a a SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use sepatate schedules for each category of the Detailed Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER: (check only ore) PAGE Te OF a6 na ste fea alate etc ‘any information copied from such Reports and Statements may not be 301d or used by any pers © for commercial purposes, other than using the name and address of any poliical commitee to soft contributions from such commit, [NAME OF COMMITTEE (Im Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate on for the purpose of socting contributions Fa Name (east Fuse, Mido Tay Meyers, Sara, , Mrs., A iMaling Address 1861 VERMAGK COURT oer Sa |e Aenta GA 30398-5127 FEC 10 numberof cotbuting federal potial committe, Name tempo SSSSCSCSC~d EMT SSSC~*@Y aa Retied Receipt For 2016 5d] Peary ‘omer (spect) Election Gyelet0-Date wy Date of Receipt ‘Transaction 0 + ASFESGSB836BC42C385B ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period ieeteeeee ne [] ser ten | 500.00" Fal Name (ast, Frat, Middle ria) ig, Thames, Shelby, , Dr.. iMaling Adcress 37 Bocage Re ay sae a Cae veto is _ | soene 00 FEC 1D mmber of cong S teal pie ote ch. aE Taare] us Protessoe Foca For 2078 — | Pemary [5% Genera | omer pect | Becton GyelewOate y = ” or 2725.00 Date of Recent fee “Transaction 1D AB2696FOCSBFBAECTSES ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Ce Fon Warne [ast Frat, Nidla ith c. McDaniel, Debbie, , Mrs. Date of Receipt Mailing Address 2811 Old Wire RO Cer) Pees. errr pel Pel [se oly jek ‘Zip Code ‘Transaction 1 ; A2E367344BCFB40A1Bi Nestion ws | eoor-aze FEC 10 numberof conto > a fedecal polteal Somme, cy | amount of ach Receipt tis Period aie oT Ee Cexapalen Nene ae a] Mebane! Form Owner a eosin For 2078 Be Piney © otter specivy eee tated | Elocion Oyeleto-Date General 7 SUBTOTAL of Recelnts This Page (ptonal) ‘TOTAL This Period (ast page this ine number oni » eeeeeere) FEC Schedule A (Form 3} (Raised 0/2076) SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedue(s) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR LINE NUMBER (check only one} Ass 1b 2 [Asa PAGE TOF 381 H sab te [ss ‘any information coped trom for commercial purposes, NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) Wicker for Senate Tush Repos and Slatements may nat be sold of used by any person forthe purpose of soltng contributions ‘inet tan using the name and address of any political committe to soit contibutions from such committe, Fa Narre last, Fret, wiadle tava Curry, William, Joseph, Mr. A oat ot Rest wl (ceed city State) 2p Code ‘Transaction ID : A738D1B612AC34CA788C_ Crater s eo | snstcton b:AroeosBer2acstcarene _ ee FEC 0 romeo coon ai — (Scns plea conte 220ne: " —— 7% ss eta OO Gem crvety [ester ect Por 2 Sa aeeoS hoe Sima (-] Gora eT] q * (specity) ¥ 00 Or osc a Tatas TF aT i. Philips, Leland, Mes cate of Rest ig es 60s eer Bd verre Tre Cy State ce “Transaction ID : A15F328448486472A95A_ Bote wo | zsreaane | ateacton D aveFsaeseteaznesh FE. run o contr Cod Amount ach Rede Pad - es C ee] Tame of Emaiover Deeupaion Ee hg vent vet sare ten For 28 | acon Grlsto Day D1) mere Primary [_] General eet O otner (speci ¥ , ane 1 Fa c. Dunkelman, Daniel, , Dr., Date of Receipt * Malling Address 9917 Sunset Bid re 1 Pere TITRE T oy sae] Zp Code Bevery His cA 90210-3008 FEC 10 number of contibuting federal poltical committe qo “Transaction 10 A2STEDSOBF2C6480 1642 ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period 50000 amie or Erayer esipaton sat Prysian acagt FOr 2HTE Teton GyeieteDaie 5 Sq Pimay [7] General ey OS) other pect y i 300.00 Enesco [SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page ‘optional | SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page ‘option nnn nnn P > ‘TOTAL This Period fast page tis line number nl) ° =F335000 ] Dots: os eet tet atte FE Sehedue A Form 3) Peis 0872010) SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER: PAGE 78 OF 381 (check a one) Bis He His Hi [iis “ny Information copied from such Reports and Statements may not Be sold or used by any person for the aa ef salting contra fr for commercial purposes, ather than usieg the name and address ol any political committe fo soc contibutions trom such commits, NAME OF COMMITTEE (in Full) ‘Wicker for Senate Fa Name (any Frst wide ba) Meyers, Stuart, Mr., Date of Receipt (ey Ca) Cae] ‘Transaction 1D ASSS1937ECA354B 12090 an, Meyers, Stuar Haling Aces 11 VERIAGK COURT oy Sas oe Ania 20000-5127 FEC 10 ber of contiovtng Chana fer! pots! cote. Ce Tare Em onion reed ewad Amount of Each Receipt this Period peereeee | ecepr For 2078 — MK Primay [7] General © omer scot 7 Election Gyeieto-Date y St pare 500000 t Fat Name (ast FT, edie Fa) fp. lfergan, Moti, Mr, iMaing Adsress 7200 Walnut Ave Date of Receipt Eyer ow Sule [ip Cade Manhatian Beach ca. 90266-2845 FEC 10 number of eontributing fexeralpoltical committee ‘Transaction 10" AEASOECDSEZDB40E S888 ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period 50.00 nae dd ame of Enpiorer ‘Oezupaion NA NA Reset For 2018 Eecion Oyse9 Daley BK Primary [Ge FY omer spect w 65000, etna tnt Fal Name (ast Frat Wace Tava Eardensohn, Todd, A., Mr., Date of Receipt ©, Malina AdEIe55 673 Constiuton Ave NE ay T tae [ee oe Wieshington 20002-6035 faneaction ID: A0SZF2FZ908074101 FEC ID number of contributing federal poitical comtee. a Cesecmee| ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Perios Name of Employer BGR Holding, LLC es URaTOR cro. 000.00 ecsipi For 2016 Primary [/~] General otner (epoch Elecion Cycieto-bate SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional. TOTAL This Perod (ast page this line number ony) [ 2150.00 » Seatetentint ae > Latte tet mt FEC Schedule A (Form 3) (Revises 0872016) “ SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS Use separate schedules) for each category of the Detaled Summary Page FOR UNE NUMBER: PAGE 79_OF 36% {eneek onvy one) [K}a Fie Fite Fite Bie Hie Ais A’ ns NAME OF COMMITTEE (im Ful) Wicker for Senate ‘any information copied fom such Reports and Statements may not be sold o used by any person for the purpose of solcting contbutions 6r for commarcia purposes, other than using the name and address of any political committee to solicit contibutions from such committee, Fal ame ash, Fra idle Tita) McGivern, Timothy, , Mr, Haling Adoress 1395 R Steet NW #2 Date of Receipt “Transaction 1D: ADSOIOTEESSD7434BAF7 oy ‘Sate ] Zip Code Washington oe 20009-4922 FEC 1D number of contbuting ian federal potical commitee. Name of Employer esipation giv Government Relations Lobbyist Receipt For: 2048 5K] Pinay [7] Genera Omer (spect) ¥ Becton OyeletoOate wy "2000.00, ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Coes Fal Name (ast, Fst, Mea Tih Barkley, Harold, Mr, Date of Receiot 8 ‘Malling Address PO Box 56849 grr oes FeVEs Cty State Zip Code ‘Transaction ID: ADSF33D16100F 4608945, vactson mS | econo [Tsamsation 0 AosFoopseronFssneots FEC 10 rater of conuirg LL foc! pliea! conte Ic . cat ten aco Pte ane oe oy Cre | sabenetoyed tomey Mem tm esept For 2078 lect Gyo Dale ay Oo . Pemnary —[] General PS otner erect w ee | Far are CSCS TST c. Buffington, Bill, , Mr., Date of Receipt iy ‘ate ‘2p Code “Transaction IO : A99600720AASS4C5D9D5_ dackson FEC 1D number of contrbuting {edera!paltical commitee [ws "sears Cieseseeer| ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period Wane of Employer . Self Employed eEuRaTEA Wireless Consultant : 2700.00 Recent For 2058 DM Primary [-] General ‘omer (spec [SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional, TOTAL This Period (ast page this ine number only Treen Gycleto-Dale seo eri cen { 2700.00, [1] tare en | Cote | FEC Schedule A (Form 3} (Resse 8/2076) SCHEDULE A (FEC’Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS se separate schedue(s) for each category ofthe Detailed Summary Page PAGE 60 OF 981 Ar: 00 FOR UNE NUMBER: (check ony one) Az He 330 sta aC his Tay Wioraion copied fom such Reports and Steers may 01 be 500 o used By any person fa he pase of ocing caribstens A tora rpores, other than using the name and adoress of ay political committee to sole contributions rom svch commites NAME OF COMMITTEE (In Ful) ‘Wicker for Senate Fa Warne cast Fret, Middle Tal Hawks, Thomas, , Mr., Date of Receint A iMaling Address 17180 SINE ow Sale] 2 ose Washington oc 200026610 FEC 1D number of contributrg federal poles! committee. iC) — Name of Empyer ‘Secapaon Government Relations ction Cyeieto-Dat Monument Paley rou, LLC Fecet For: 2078 jPaenary [| Genera | omer tenet REY TORT PETE 03 z. 2018 “Transaction 10 = AAAC9BCCDEAD4FECBSS, ‘Amount of Each Roceipt this Period 1900.00 Neha Li sere ta Fan Name (ast, Fest, Miadle Ina Smith, Richard, S., Mr. iMaling Adsrese 1951 N Nash Sieot #1409 ow FEC 10 number of contributing federal poltical committee — sate] Cade Arington vA 22209-1869, ca Date of Receipt “transection ID: ABSSCECEB268F4470820 ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period 75000 tent rare oT ER OER sl Enoloyes Buisness Omer Facet For. 2078 Ziectan Gye tORS Primary ["] Gene! 1) otner (speci ¥ Cee Far Warne (ast, Ft, Weaie Wal Sartucci, James, A., Mr. Date of Receiot “Transaction 107 ASCTEFBESESAASDSTOSE [Amount of Each Roceit this Period a Maing ABSreSS 4607 K STroet NY! eae eid eoeciae federal political committee, eee nay Lone con or tealrt c m9 1 eee "7900.00 ener _ SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (optional TOTAL This Period fast page ths ine number oni I 7 2750.00 » ee a > FEC Senedule A (Ferm 3 (Revises 052016 a e he a i i " SCHEDULE A (FEC Form 3) ITEMIZED RECEIPTS FOR UNE NOMBER, [PAGE 61 OF 381 (cheek only one) Xa Are As 10 Le [lige Trae [Isa Use separate schedulels) for each catagory of the Detaled Summary Page Cis NAME OF COMMITTEE (in Ful ‘Wicker for Senate iy iermaton copied fron sock Reports and Sateents may not be sad & used by any person fa the purpose of soicing cottons ao nea Darpoves, ater than using the name and adress of any potical commits to soFeh contibutlons fom such commie. Far Namie [ast Fist, adie Wad Black, Kathryn, Brewer, Ms., A Dae of Recent Waling Adress 285 windsor Ove Nort Ba Ler eee ope ———J Ce) Cel’ Caen") ity a ip Code ‘Transaction ID : AG3A210B980134EFS8F3 oxo ws" | 3ees57002 1D: ASDAD OB OEO AEF SSF FEC ID number of contributing “ * ‘Amount of Each Receipt this Period fecrl peal commit. om ee Cc e Name of Epiver ‘Sesipaton etna rates Rateed eae oO See 1] vero en 5 Pemary_(] Gener © other (speci w e000 Laman titan “ Fon Name (as, rt, Mico al p. Griffith, Susan, , Mrs.. Wialing Actress 625 Oakland Ter Date of Receipt fel 0 Cee omy exancria Sate] Zp Coe fn vA, 22302-4114 action ID: ABABIET4T20FE44E0012 FEC 1D number of contributing federal palteal committee. fae of Eyer Ki Pinay [-] Gonos FS ones eon arent Cee a we te ‘Gezonaton i, i NA Homemaker Recep! For 2018 Blecon Cycieto-Date oe Lactate ee] Fam Warne Wash Fa, Made ay Buchanan, Sadie, , Ms... * Waling AdreSs 2129 Brio Risge RO rs Tupelo com | ca Zip Cod Transaction |D ; AEB7504804EDD46B0988_ 3804-6609 FEC 10 number of contributing {ederal poltica! Commitee. rc Recep For 2018 7 dren ] General FY otner soe ‘Amount of Each Recent this Peiod eesee= Coed Sea OTT Ly ir pen ey bearers ante SUBTOTAL of Receipts This Page (onions) TOTAL This Period fast page this,jine number ony) a ee dt Se Se FEO Senedule A (Form 3) (Revises 052016

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