Assessment Assignment 1
Assessment Assignment 1
Assessment Assignment 1
Definition of Component
The body of words in a particular language
Type of Tool Name of Tool or What It Assesses How the Assessment How the Data Are
Activity Is Administered Evaluated
Formal Vocabulary Quiz Assessing a child’s The teacher hands Based on the number
knowledge of out each quiz for the of questions
vocabulary words students to work on answered correctly,
and their particular individually each student will be
unit of study. placed on a level
solely used for the
teacher’s eyes only.
Formal, “Spell Book VOCAB” While reading Harry This will be indirect I will be able to
school/teacher Potter and the teaching, mainly gauge student
designed, or Chamber of Secrets, based around group vocabulary growth
Activity this activity will and individual quiet over the course of
assess/teach time. the school year, and
students new or within a given
vocabulary that is book study unit.
meaningful for
comprehending this
particular book
Activity “HeadBandz” This activity will help The teacher will I, as the teacher, will
assess/ review participate as a have a clip board to
vocabulary words referee for the class. document student
with other students The teacher will not participation and
directly teach after struggles. This will
directions are given! help me evaluate if
they comprehend
the vocabulary in a
given unit.
Type of Tool Name of Tool or What It Assesses How the Assessment How the Data Are
Activity Is Administered Evaluated
Formal CAP TEST -Book Orientation -One-on-one basis, or Based on the number
-Directionality in a small reading of boxes checked to
-Letter & Word group setting CAP scoring sheet, I
Concepts will decide which
areas need more
work for each
student and the class
as a whole.
Formal, “Rainbow Fish -Assesses/ teaches -Administered with -On individual
school/teacher Reading” children to read left direct teaching student participation
designed, or to right as the fish and practice at the
Activity swims across the active board
Activity “Word Sleuthers” -Assess/ teaches -Administered in -Based on the
children to find small group guided number of times the
particular words on a reading sessions on a student points to the
page book previously correct word, and
introduced/ read in according to the class
class. average, each
student will be
placed at a word
finding level of
“Beginner” “On Par”
or “Above Par”
Component Phonemic Awareness
Definition of Component
The conscious awareness that spoken words are made up of a series of sounds.
Type of Tool Name of Tool or What It Assesses How the Assessment How the Data Are
Activity Is Administered Evaluated
Formal PALS -Phonological -One-on-One with -Using Virginia’s
Awareness teacher online system for
-Alphabet knowledge score entry, I will be
-Letter Sound able to run reports,
Knowledge portfolios, and
-Word Recognition in monitor progress
Formal, “Falling into -Assess/ teaches -Administered as a The teacher makes a
school/teacher Autumn” children the /i/ direct teaching check off list with
designed, or phoneme as a short activity with the each student’s name
Activity vowel to increase whole class and determines if
student ability to they are “Above,”
identify sounds in “Below,” or “On Par.”
Activity “Polar Bear -Assess/teaches -Indirect teaching -They will be
Popsicles” students the /p/ with students leading evaluated on their
sound in an easy discussion communal ability to
format. create a list of words
that start with the
sound /p/. *the
popsicle making will
not be evaluated for
any particular skill*
Component Phonics
Definition of Component
The study of the relationship between letters and the sounds they represent.
Type of Tool Name of Tool or What It Assesses How the Assessment How the Data Are
Activity Is Administered Evaluated
Formal Quick Phonics -Assesses basic word The teacher in a one- -The data will be
Screener reading skills, on-one setting will scored and evaluated
phonics skill administer the test. based on the number
development of correct letters or
pronounced. This
will identify needs in
decoding skills.
Formal, Leo the Lion -Asses student -This activity will -I will observe and
school/teacher Scavenger Hunt- understanding of the assess/ reinforce the write down
designed, or Letter of the Week letter L and the phoneme /l/ and individual student
Activity Activity sound the letter objects that start accuracy within their
makes (phoneme) with that letter table groups to
identify if they need
more work on this
phoneme, or if they
are able to apply it in
everyday life.
Activity Hot Coal Diphthongs -Assess/ teaches -This activity will be -This will show me if
Game students the sounds teacher directed for students are able to
that diphthongs demonstration and understand and
make instruction, but will apply what a
be indirect as diphthong is and
students practice and what words contain
make up their own this phonological
Hot Coal Diphthong concept. I will then
songs! be able to represent
each student as
“proficient” or “In
need of practice.”,_Standard_
Component Fluency
Definition of Component
The ability to read quickly and accurately, with appropriate and meaningful expression
Type of Tool Name of Tool or What It Assesses How the Assessment How the Data Are
Activity Is Administered Evaluated
Formal High Frequency Sight -Assess student The quiz is The quiz’s data will
Word Quiz ability to decode administered and be evaluated and
phonetically guided by teacher constructed using the
examples and direct “Dolch Word List”
instruction and the
characteristics of
Formal, “Word Giving Tree” -Assesses/ teaches -This will be -Each student
school/teacher Morphemic Analysis children the administered as a participation of one
designed, or difference between class activity to word, will help me
Activity bound and free create words that evaluate if they
morphemes contain both bound understand this
and free morphemes fluency concept. I
and hang them on will also track if they
our giving tree helps their reading in
(indirect teaching the long run during
after instructions) running records.
Activity “Pancakes, This activity will This activity will be This will evaluate if
Pancakes” assess/ review administered students can use
morphemes by using indirectly after skills practiced in Eric
“fun” compound instructions are given Carle’s book to write
words from a book out. their own story
by Eric Carle staring a “fun”
compound word.
This will be used to
identify if they are
able to implement
the new idea of
compound words
and to place them in
Component Comprehension
Definition of Component
A reader’s process of using prior experiences and the author’s text to construct meaning that is useful to the reader
for a specific purpose (Irwin, 1991).
Type of Tool Name of Tool or What It Assesses How the Assessment How the Data Are
Activity Is Administered Evaluated
Formal “AR” Reading Quiz This assess students This is administered The data is evaluated
ability to decode and by a computer and based on the
comprehend a given program that uses number of questions
topic or material indirect teaching answered correctly
which helps to place
students at reading
Formal, If we were to read This assesses student This would be a Based on student
school/teacher the The Giving Tree, ability to retain story whole class activity participation and
designed, or we could make a details and to summarize the knowledge of book
Activity paper tree to review story and would be shown in a
details (the leaves) as teacher lead with contributed detail,
our after activity. open-ended the teacher could
discussion mark if students
understood material
to possibly place
them at a new
reading level.
Activity If we read Pete’s This after activity This would be This activity would
Dragon, we could assess student administered as show growth in
create a Dragon retention and the student lead table group work skills,
Language for Elliot to final “check for groups after comprehension, and
use to communicate understanding.” discussion and schema building.
with Pete throughout directions
the story.
Component Writing
Definition of Component
The combined learning experience of the process of writing, that how to research for the purpose of writing, and
the mechanics that support writing.
Type of Tool Name of Tool or What It Assesses How the Assessment How the Data Are
Activity Is Administered Evaluated
Formal Writing prompt This will assess This will be This will be evaluated
(scored with rubric student administered as a with a rubric sheet
Checklist) - Harry understanding of graded take home then compared with
Potter and the organization, assignment. personal and
Chamber of Secrets content, originality, classroom growth.
“Why the term Mud- and creativity
Formal, “Cereal Box Book This activity would This will be This data will be
school/teacher Review” assess student administered as evaluated with a
designed, or understanding of indirect teaching rubric sheet then
Activity sentence structure with individual work compared with
and content after instructions are personal and
given. classroom growth.
Activity “American Writing This activity would This will be By walking around
Ninja” assess student ability administered as with my clipboard, I
to collaborate with indirect teaching and will document
other to create a teaching assistance student participation
writing obstacle after instructions are and understanding of
course to be given (meant to be a content. This will
completed outside student guided help me evaluate
activity) their individual
writing level.
Component Spelling
Definition of Component
Children go through developmental stages when learning to spell. This development is based on their evolving
knowledge of written language.
Type of Tool Name of Tool or What It Assesses How the Assessment How the Data Are
Activity Is Administered Evaluated
Formal Spelling Quiz This assesses a This is administered The data is evaluated
student’s ability to by direct teaching based on the errors
spell within their and verbal and evaluated to see
given stage of instructions if they were
developmental throughout the meaning, verbal, or
spelling and to see if assessment syntax errors. Then
they can move up a cross-analyzed on
stage in spelling individual and
student growth.
Formal, “Umbrella Ball” This assesses student This is indirect With the teacher
school/teacher (much like “Around ability to spell quickly teaching with the clipboard, errors and
designed, or the World” in and efficiently while teacher as the participation are
Activity Basketball but with maintaining accuracy referee during the marked and used to
words) class game see growth in the
stages of
Activity “Rainbow Words” This assesses/ This is administered This activity is
reviews student by indirect teaching evaluated based on
ability to write and and is given as a take completion and
spell words home assignment student ability to
accurately write words
correctly. Then
evaluated to show
ability to perform “on