Swindon LV Switchboard and Generator Specification EHS (ME) 012013

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Specification for the LV Switchboard

and Standby Generator for
The Swindon Office

Date: 05/06/2013 Revision: 00 Author: CLC English Heritage Specification

English Heritage Standard

English Heritage Specification

EHS (ME)01:2013 Specification for electrical services


General Requirements

1.0.0 Extent of Work ....................................................................................................3

2.0.0 Scope of Works ...................................................................................................6

Workmanship and Materials

3.0.0 Power Distribution Equipment ...................................................................... 13

4.0.0 Power Distribution Cables ............................................................................. 16
5.0.0 Alarm, control, communication and monitoring cables ........................... 18
6.0.0 Cable supports .................................................................................................. 20
7.0.0 Cable installation ............................................................................................... 23
8.0.0 Earthing ............................................................................................................... 25
9.0.0 Inspection and testing ...................................................................................... 28
10.0.0 Drawings and Documents by Contractor ................................................... 29

Appendix 1 Location Plan ...................................................................................................... 34

Appendix 2 Existing LV Switchboard Installation Drawing ............................................ 35
Appendix 3 LV Switchroom Layout .................................................................................... 36
Appendix 4 LV Schematic ...................................................................................................... 37
Appendix 5 Automatic Transfer Switch Data Sheet ....................................................... 38
Appendix 6 Control Philosophy .......................................................................................... 39
Appendix 7 Photographs ....................................................................................................... 41

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EHS (ME)01:2013 Specification for electrical services

General requirements

1.1.0 Extent of work

1.1.1 This specification gives the requirements for the supplying, assembling, fixing in
position, connecting, inspecting, testing and leaving in working order, new or
a modified electrical installation with additional features.

1.1.2 The work shall comprise the whole of the labour and, unless otherwise
indicated, all the materials necessary to form a complete installation, including
such tests, adjustments and commissioning as are prescribed in subsequent
clauses and as may otherwise be required to give an effective working
installation to the satisfaction of the Project Manager.

1.1.3 The words “complete installation” shall mean not only the items of electrical
equipment conveyed by this standard, but all the incidental sundry
components necessary for the complete execution of the works and for the
proper operation of the installation, whether or not these sundry
components are mentioned in detail in the tender documents issued in
connection with the contract.

1.1.4 Items listed in the contract documents or otherwise indicated will be supplied
to the contractor.

1.1.5 Adequate protection of equipment during transit shall be provided by

manufacturers and the contractor shall ensure adequate protection on site.
The contractor shall advise the Project Manager of any damage that occurs to
equipment including finishes and shall carry out repairs as directed by the
Project Manager.

1.1.6 The work shall include for the removal and safe disposal of equipment where
specified. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a tidy and clean
site whilst working and the removal of all rubbish during and at the end of the

1.1.7 Related documents

1.1.8 Related documents will be enumerated in the invitation to tender or in an

appendix to the “particular clauses”. They will include the conditions of
contract, particular clauses and any supplementary specifications, schedules
and drawings that relate to the contract.

1.1.9 If any discrepancy is found between this standard and the related documents,
regulations or standards, the Project Manager shall be informed.

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1.2.0 Definitions

1.2.1 The definitions in BS 7671:2001 apply throughout this specification.

1.2.2 Where work is undertaken as a subcontract, “contractor” shall mean “sub-


1.2.3 The words “as indicated”, “where indicated”, “unless otherwise indicated”,
refer to items or requirements indicated elsewhere in the tender documents
issued in connection with the contract, for example, on a drawing, in a
supplementary specification or schedule.

1.2.4 “Project Manager” shall mean the official of English Heritage or their
representative responsible for the purpose of the management and
administration of the works covered within this standard.

1.2.5 The Project Manager shall, where required, consult with competent persons
to ensure that deviations from specification are satisfactory. Alternatives may
only be used with prior written approval of the Project Manager.

1.3.0 Regulations

1.3.1 Each installation shall comply with all relevant statutory instruments and
regulations, including, but not limited to, the following:

(a) Electricity at Work Regulations

(b) Electricity Supply Regulations
(c) Health and Safety at Work etc. Act
(d) Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
(e) BS 7671:2001 Requirements for Electrical Installations;
(f) Requirements of the local electricity, telecommunications, gas and
water suppliers;
(g) COSHH Regulations
(h) Construction (Working Places) Regulations;
(i) Electrical Safety Quality and Continuity Regulations
(j) EU Directives implemented into British regulations.

In addition the guidance published in the Institution of Electrical Engineers (lET)

Guidance Notes shall be followed.

1.3.2 The contractor shall fulfil the relevant duties under the Construction (Design
and Management) Regulations as ‘Principal Contractor’ or shall co-ordinate
with the ‘Principal Contractor’ as appropriate.

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1.4.0 Standards

1.4.1 The complete installation shall comply with all relevant British Standards and,
where indicated, with other standards and specifications, and all amendments
to, or replacements of these. The relevant issues shall be those current three
months before the date for return of tender, unless alternative dates are

1.4.2 Where practicable, each item of equipment shall be clearly and indelibly
marked to indicate the standard with which it complies. Alternatively a
Certificate of Compliance shall be provided for the Project Manager, to be
included in the handover documentation.

1.4.3 Where equipment or services are indicated to be manufactured or provided

under a particular certification, licensing or quality assurance scheme, the
manufacturer or supplier shall be a current participant in the relevant
scheme. A ‘Certificate of Compliance’ shall be provided for the Project
Manager, to be included in the handover documentation

1.4.4 Equipment supplied shall be of a standard that ensures its compliance with all
appropriate British Standards and EU requirements.

1.5.0 Approval

1.5.1 The Project Manager’s approval shall not relieve the contractor of his
contractual responsibilities and obligations. The contractor shall be
responsible for discrepancies, errors or omissions on drawings or other
documentation supplied by him, whether they have been approved by the
Project Manager or not, provided such discrepancies, errors or omissions are
not due to incorrect information given in writing by the Project Manager. The
contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that equipment complies with the
specified requirements.

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2.0.0 Scope of Works

2.0.1 Description of Existing Services

This document sets out the requirements associated with the design, manufacture,
delivery, on site storage requirements, setting to work, testing and providing the
necessary attendance during the installation and commissioning work for the LV
Switchboard and Standby Generation at English Heritage’s Swindon office.

The facilities in Swindon were converted in 1992 as part of a design and build project
for office accommodation at which time the existing LV Switchboard and building
services were installed.

The site in Swindon has changed over the years from being a regional office to the
hub for all commercial and support services for the organisation with a business
critical function. The site also houses the Archive Building which is supplied from the
LV Switchboard.

In order to improve the electrical resilience of the site in 2012 English Heritage
procured a standby generator capable of supporting the building electrical load but
not the Archive load. The cabling from the standby generator control panel to a new
ATS switch located within the LV switchroom were installed and terminated by the
generator supplier. The exhaust pipe from the generator set was also installed to
terminate above the LV switchroom.

It was clear at the time from the age of the LV Switchboard the control required
would not be possible without extensive refurbishment or replacement of the board.

As part of English Heritage’s energy efficiency programme a new PowerPerfector

voltage harmonisation unit was bought at the same time and would also need to be

2.0.2 Incoming Electricity Supply and Metering

The site is supplied via an 11kV service to the utility owned transformer located in
the purpose built room behind the external LV switchroom, see site plan, Appendix
1. Access is only by liaising with Scottish and Southern Power Distribution Plc,

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2.0.3 Existing LV Switchboard

The LV Switchboard is located in a purpose built external plantroom behind the

offices, see site plan, Appendix 1. The existing cubicle pattern LV Switchboard was
manufactured by Dorman Smith and installed in 1992. It was built to Form 4 Type 4
and comprises of seven sections with incoming and outgoing cabling access to the
bottom of the panel. The busbar is located at the top of the panel, see original
Dorman Smith drawing, Appendix 2 and Switchroom Layout, Appendix 3.

The switchboard is fitted with an incoming 1600A ACB switchgear and an 1250A
ACB feeding the Archive LV Switchboard both manufactured by ABB.

The outgoing devices are manufactured by Dorman Smith ‘LoadLine’ MCCB’s with
ratings of 100A, 250A and 315A, see LV Schematic, Appendix 4. The MCCB’s in
section 4, breakers 10 and 12 have been replaced with Group Schneider MCCB’s in
the last three years.

2.0.4 New Standby Generator

The generator was bought in 2012 by English Heritage and is an Inmesol 11-300
INVECO C87 TE1D model with a standby power rating of 300kVA,. The generator
is sited externally adjacent to the LV Switchroom. The unit has a sheet steel acoustic
enclosure to 85dBA at 1 metre.

There is no separate fuel tank as the capacity in the bunded sub base fuel tank is
designed to provide approximately eight hours of operation at full load which is
deemed sufficient.

2.0.5 Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS)

Separate wall mounted unit located in the LV Switchroom at the end of the LV
Switchboard. see data sheet, Appendix 5.

2.0.6 Power Perfector Unit

The voltage optimisation unit bought in 2012 is made by Power Perfector and rated at

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2.1.0 New Services Description

This part of the document describes the particular works required and shall
comprise of the supply, delivery, fixing, installation, testing, commissioning and
demonstration of all work associated with the LV Switchboard and Standby

The Contractor shall submit two pricing options to English Heritage and each shall
be priced as option A and B. The options shall be as follows:

Option A

Refurbish the existing LV Switchboard and provide the necessary switchgear and
controls to use with the new standby generator and controls philosophy in Appendix
6. Provide an oil fill point to the generator base fuel tank and connect the new
PowerPerfector unit.

Option B

Complete removal of existing LV switchgear and replace with new LV Switchboard,

provide the necessary switchgear and controls to use with the new standby
generator and controls philosophy in Appendix 6. Provide an oil fill point to the
generator base fuel tank and connect the new PowerPerfector unit.

2.1.1 Timing of Work

Due to the site at Swindon being the hub for all commercial and support services for
the organisation a back up of all information stored will be required before the
supply is switched off. This takes approximately 3 days to complete. Once the
backup is completed the power can be switched off. The work can only take place is
during the Christmas 2013 holiday period from 27th December and must be
operational when staff return to work on 2nd January 2014.

2.1.2 Generator Backup during works

For both options A and B the Contractor shall advice on the period the site will be
without power during the work and provide sufficient generator backup for the
following items of equipment for the duration:

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• 3rd Floor Computer room distribution board fed from breaker no. 8 on LV
• 3rd Floor Lighting and Power Distribution Board DB/T3 fed from Rising
Busbar RB3 tap off T4.
• Ground floor Server room UPS fed from breaker no.18 on LV Switchboard.
• Ground floor mechanical services board fed from breaker no.19 on LV

The equipment has the following load:

3rd Floor computer room distribution board DB/T6 10kW

Core 3 250 amp rising busbar RB3 83kW

Server Room UPS 20kW
Server Room Mechanical Services 20kW

2.1.3 Incoming Supply

For both options A and B the Contractor will be responsible for liaising with Scottish
and Southern Power Distribution Plc, in order to make themselves aware of their
requirements in shutting down and reinstating power to the site during the works
and any costs associated. The Contractor should provide a programme of work
detailing when the power will be required to be switched off and reinstated.

2.1.4 Load Priority/Sequencing/Shedding

For both options A and B on mains failure to the LV Switchboard all breakers shall
be configured to automatically open except those supplying life safety and essential
equipment, with the main incoming ACB being proved open, and a signal from the
ATS to the generator control panel initiating the diesel generator to start.

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The life safety loads:

• Fire Detection Panel – breaker no. 15

The essential loads:

• 3rd Floor Computer room distribution board fed from - breaker no. 8
• Rising Busbar RB3 – breaker no.10
• Ground floor Server room UPS fed from - breaker no.18
• Ground floor mechanical services board fed from - breaker no.19

The initiation signal shall be controlled via a 0-60 second timer. Once the generator
reaches the rated speed and volts the generator control panel will signal the load
breaker on the ATS to close so the LV Switchboard is now supplied by the Standby
generator. The ATS shall ensure that at no time the normal mains supply and
generator supply be connected in parallel.

Once the standby generator is supplying the LV Switchboard the remaining breakers
will close sequentially until the generator is supporting the loads in the control
philosophy, Appendix 6, until mains power is restored.

2.1.3 Option A - Refurbishment of Existing Panel

The existing panel shall have the following work carried out;

• Replace all existing switchgear with one make and type for each rating and
motorised where required for generator control.
• A microprocessor power meter on the incomer giving indications for voltage
on each phase, phase to phase voltage, current on each phase, instantaneous
kW, power factor, frequency, power used kWh and maximum demand –
• Coordinate selection of trip units and final settings of new devices with
upstream devices.
• Be able to lock device in the off position.
• Provide all load and control cabling between the breakers and ATS panel,
generator control panel.
• Thoroughly clean the panel, torque tighten and indelibly mark all bolts, Repair
or replace any damaged panels or screws missing.
• Label and colour switches to highlight supplies which feed critical and
essential circuits. Replace current labelling of devices with description of what
it is feeding.

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2.1.4 Option B - New Low Voltage Switchboard

The low Voltage Switchboard shall have the following particular characteristics and
be able to fit with safe access in the current LV Switchroom;

• Corrosion resistant sheet steel construction, Powder coated.

• Internal separation as existing panel.
• IP41 degree of protection to BS 5490
• Short Circuit rating of 50KA for 3 seconds.
• Horizontal busbars in a segregated chamber rated at 1600A.
• A fully rated earth bar installed throughout the whole of its length.
• Front access only.
• Cable to be bottom entry as existing switchboard.
• A withdrawable pattern, 1600A, 4 pole main incoming ACB. The ACB status
shall be indicated on an integral or panel mounted display, (i.e off, trip type,
on, fault)
• A withdrawable pattern 1250A, 4 pole ACB feeding the Archive. The ACB
status shall be indicated on an integral or panel mounted display, (i.e off, trip
type, on, fault)
• A microprocessor power meter on the incomer giving indications for voltage
on each phase, phase to phase voltage, current on each phase, instantaneous
kW, power factor, frequency, power used kWh and maximum demand –
• Outgoing MCCB devices will be of one make and type for each rating and
motorised where required.
• Be able to lock device in the off position.
• All switches and breakers will have rotary or retractable handles.
• Fit non metallic mesh to enable safe removal of panels to thermal image
switchboard whilst panel is live.
• Label and colour switches to highlight supplies which feed critical and
essential circuits. Labelling of devices with description of what it is feeding.
• Torque tighten and indelibly mark all bolts,

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2.1.5 Stand by Generator Works

The base fuel tank will be require to be filled with fuel. As access to the rear of the
building cannot be guaranteed in the future a fill point to the ‘drive through’ service
area, with an overfill alarm and tank contents gauge will need to be provided, see site
plan showing location, Appendix 1.

The Contractor shall provide for the testing and commissioning of the generator and
final simulated mains failure demonstration prior to completion.

The Contractor should allow for all fuel for the testing and commissioning of the
generator and shall fill the base fuel tank on completion of works.

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Workmanship and Materials

3.1.0 Power distribution equipment

3.1.1 The electrical characteristics of component parts of assemblies shall apply.

When the components are mounted in their enclosures, appropriate
derating factors having been allowed for the effect of the enclosures, other
components and interconnections.

3.1.2 Site built assemblies shall not be allowed except with the express written
approval of the Project Manager.

3.2.0 Enclosures of assemblies

3.2.1 Doors shall have fastenings with provision for locking in the closed position,
or shall require a special tool for opening.

3.2.2 Fixing holes for equipment inside buildings may be inside or outside the
enclosure. Equipment to be located outside buildings shall have fixing lugs
external to the enclosure.

3.2.3 Earthing terminals shall be appropriately fitted to each enclosure, suitable

for internal and external connection, to enable the exposed conductive
parts of the factory built assembly to be connected to a protective
conductor. Where the enclosure has a painted finish, provision shall be
made for the earthing terminal to be electrically connected to the enclosure
without the need to remove any paint from ferrous metal.

3.2.4 Adequate spacing shall be allowed for spreading of cable tails to avoid stress
on the insulation or terminals; if necessary, proprietary extension boxes
shall be fitted to standard enclosures.

3.2.5 Gland plates shall be provided as appropriate for the type of cable to be
connected. For single-core cables, non-ferrous gland plates shall be
provided, and there shall be a clearance of not less than 25mm between
cable glands and ferrous metal.

3.2.6 Ferrous parts of enclosures located outside buildings or at other locations,

as indicated, shall be protected against corrosion by a hot-dip galvanized
coating to BS EN ISO 1461 or by a zinc sprayed coating to BS EN 22063
with the manufacturer’s standard finish or as indicated.

3.2.7 The resins and dyes used in the manufacture of Glass Reinforced Plastic
(GRP) enclosures shall be able to withstand continuously a temperature of

3.2.8 The minimum acceptable degree of ingress protection (IP) from all
directions of the installed assembly shall be as indicated.

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3.3.0 Air-break switches

3.3.1 Air-break switches shall comply with BS EN 60947-3 and clause 3.1 and
have a utilization category of AC-22 or AC-23 as indicated. Other
characteristics of the equipment shall be as indicated.

3.3.2 All switches including fuse combination units shall meet the requirements
for switch-disconnectors.

3.3.3 Switches used as motor starters shall be to Appendix A of BS EN 60947-3.

3.3.4 Operating mechanisms shall be independent manual or as indicated.

3.3.5 Where indicated auxiliary contacts shall be incorporated in switches.

3.3.6 Each switch shall have a facility for padlocking in the “OFF” position.

3.3.7 Fuse combination units shall be fitted with fuses complying with clause 3.7.3.

3.3.8 Enclosures shall comply with clause 3.2.

3.4.0 Moulded-case circuit-breakers

3.4.1 Moulded-case circuit breakers shall comply with BS EN 60947-2 and clause
3.1. They shall have the voltage and current ratings, rated duty and rated
short-circuit breaking capacity as indicated. The rated short-time withstand
time shall be one second unless otherwise indicated.

3.4.2 MCCBs shall be of the independent manual closing air-break type, rated for
an uninterrupted duty, unless otherwise indicated.

3.4.3 Auxiliary facilities, including power closing and undervoltage releases, shall
be provided only as indicated.

3.4.4 Each MCCB shall have a facility for padlocking in the “OFF” position.

3.4.5 Enclosures shall comply with clause 3.2.

3.5.0 Fuses

3.5.1 The type and current rating of fuses shall be as indicated.

3.5.2 Cartridge fuse links complying with BS 1361 shall be Type I. Fuse carriers,
bases and associated parts shall also comply with BS 1361.

3.5.3 Cartridge fuse links complying with BS 88/BS EN 60269 shall be Class gG
(or Class gM in motor circuits) unless otherwise indicated. Motor circuit
fuse links shall be used only where indicated. Fuse carriers, bases and
associated parts shall also comply with BS 88.

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3.6.0 Framework

3.6.1 Frameworks for supporting electrical equipment shall be constructed from

mild steel plate and strip, cold and hot rolled steel sections or slotted
angles, complying with BS EN 10162, 10111, BS 4345 and BS EN 10025,
10113, 10130, 10131 or 10149 as appropriate. Metal-arc welding shall
comply with BS EN 1011.

3.6.2 Frameworks mounted within a building shall have a galvanized finish with a
coating equivalent to, and not less than, type Z275 to BS EN 10147, but
manufacturers’ standard finishes will be accepted for slotted angles. All
metal exposed during fabrication shall be given a coat of zinc-rich paint,
brushed on, and finished matching the manufacturers’ finish.

3.6.3 Frameworks mounted outside a building or at other locations as indicated

shall be hot-dip galvanized to BS EN ISO 1461 or sheradize coated to BS
4910. Metal exposed during fabrication shall be cleaned with a wire brush
and given a coat of zinc-rich paint, brushed on.

3.6.4 Bolts, nuts, washers and screws shall be non-corrosive and compatible with
the environment in which they are installed.

3.7.0 Erection

3.7.1 Equipment, including associated accessories, shall be fixed independently of

the wiring system. All fixing bolts, nuts, washers and screws shall be non-
corrosive and suitable for the environment in which they are installed.

3.7.2 Equipment shall be located so that a clear working space for operation,
inspection and maintenance is provided. Minimum dimensions shall be in
accordance with the recommendations contained in the Ministry of Defence
- Defence Works Functional Standard Design and Maintenance Guide 08:
‘Space requirements for plant access, operation and maintenance’. In the
case of cupboards which are too shallow to meet the requirement with the
doors closed, equipment shall be located in the elevation area of the clear
door opening.

3.7.3 Single items of equipment shall be mounted 1450mm above finished floor
level to the centre of the equipment, unless otherwise indicated. Groups of
equipment, other than floor standing, factory-built assemblies, shall be
arranged so that no part of the equipment requiring access for operation or
maintenance shall be less than 500mm or more than 2000mm above finished
floor level, unless otherwise indicated.

3.7.4 The suitability of equipment to fit into the available space shall be checked
before it is ordered. Where the requirements of clauses 3.8.2 or 3.8.3 are
unable to be met, the Project Manager shall be consulted.

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3.8.0 Marking and notices

3.8.1 All diagrams, charts, tables and the wording for labels and notices shall be
submitted for the approval of the Project Manager before they are installed.

3.8.2 Identification labels shall be fixed to the outside of equipment enclosures.

Label format and materials shall be appropriate to the installation and shall
be fixed by non-corrosive materials appropriate to the intended application
and location.

3.8.3 Characters for labels fixed on the means of isolation at the origin of each
installation shall be at least 10mm high and 1.5mm thick. On all other labels
characters shall be at least 4mm high and 0.5mm thick.

3.8.4 Where there are two or more incoming supplies this shall be clearly
indicated at each point of isolation. Labels on single-phase equipment
supplied from a three-phase supply shall indicate the phase to which it is

3.9.0 Power distribution cables

3.9.1 The type, size and conductor material of power cables shall be as indicated.

3.9.2 Thermosetting (XLPE) insulated cables up to, and including, 3.3kV shall
comply with BS 5467, BS 7889 or BS 6724 as appropriate.

3.9.3 Reduced neutral conductors shall not be used unless indicated.

4.0.0 Jointing and terminating cables

4.0.1 Joints and terminations shall comply with clauses 4.2.2 to 4.2.12 inclusive,
and with clauses 4.3 to 4.9 inclusive as appropriate to the type of cable. All
joint and termination equipment shall be used to the manufacturer’s
recommendations. The Project Manager shall be consulted where it is
proposed to install joints that are not indicated.

4.0.2 The Project Manager shall be given evidence that the joint or termination
manufacturer has stated that the materials to be employed are suitable for
the type of cable to be jointed or terminated.

4.0.3 A cable shall not be cut until the jointing or terminating commences and the
work shall proceed continuously until it is completed. All necessary
precautions shall be taken to prevent damage and ingress of moisture and
impurities. Cable ends shall be free from moisture before jointing
commences and a sample of paper from paper-insulated cables shall be
tested for moisture. Where circumstances prevent completion the cable
ends shall be sealed. This shall be by plumbing of lead sheathed cables and
by hermetically sealing aluminium sheathed cables. For polymeric cables with

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polymeric oversheaths appropriate heatshrink or cold applied end caps shall

be used.

4.0.4 The contractor shall employ staff who are fully qualified and competent for
the types of joints and terminations to be made. Jointers employed for both
LV and HV work must produce evidence of training by the manufacturer or
an appropriate training authority in the completion of LV or HV joints and
terminations as appropriate.

4.0.5 Core identification shall be matched at each joint without twisting or

crossing of the cores. Where numbered cores are jointed to coloured
cores, the system adopted shall be consistent throughout all cable runs and,
on sites with existing installations, consistent with the system already in use.
The location of the joint shall be recorded and included in the handover

4.0.6 At the last joint in an HV run or in an appropriately sized end box where
phasing-out is to be done, the joint or final connection shall not be made
until the Project Manager or his competent representative has witnessed,
and approved, the phasing-out.

4.0.7 Joints selected for use with armoured cables shall not reduce the fault
current withstand capacity nor increase the impedance of the circuit
protective conductor (CPC) and shall be of a type approved by the Project

4.0.8 Armouring and metal sheaths shall be connected by a bonding conductor

directly to the external earthing terminal of the equipment at all
terminations. The cross sectional area of bonding conductors for LV cables
shall be calculated or sized in accordance with Table 54G of BS 7671: and
HV cables it shall be to BS 7197. Metal sheaths of single core cables shall be
bonded and earthed at one point only, unless indicated otherwise, and
insulated glands shall be used at the open-circuit end or ends.

4.0.9 Cable tails at terminations shall be formed by separating and bringing out
the cores. Each tail shall be long enough to connect to the terminals of the

4.0.10 At the terminations of single core cables, gland plates shall comply with
clause 3.2.5. For three phase circuits the phase conductors shall be
arranged, where practical, in trefoil formation where they pass through
enclosures of equipment.

4.0.11 Core identification at LV terminations shall be by coloured or numbered

plastic stretch or shrink ferrules on the cores. For HV and LV terminations
coloured or numbered discs shall be provided on the outside of sealing
boxes to indicate the disposition of the phases and neutral conductors
inside. Insulating tape shall not be used for marking cables inside joints or

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4.0.12 Continuity of spare cores shall be maintained at joints, and at terminations,

the cores shall be connected to earth at the supply end and in a spare
terminal at the load end.

4.1.0 Connecting and terminating conductors

4.1.1 All connections and terminations shall normally be by means of compression

fittings. Solder may be used only for connecting or terminating paper-
insulated cables. Mechanical connectors may only be used where the
manufacturer of the joint or termination has confirmed, in writing, the
suitability of the chosen connector for use with their product.

4.1.2 Cable soldering sockets shall be of correct size for the conductor without
excessive clearance.

4.1.3 Compression connectors and associated dies for the compression tool shall
be the correct type and size. The tool shall be so designed that the correct
compression must be applied before it can be released.

4.2.0 Sleeves, tapes and sealing compounds

4.2.1 Sleeves shall be of the shrink type, applied to the manufacturers’

recommendations. They shall provide sufficient thickness of insulation to
suit the particular application.

4.2.2 Insulating tapes used in joints and terminations shall be compatible with, and
have a temperature rating and insulating property not less than, the cable
insulation. They shall comply with BS 3924, but crepe paper tapes may be
used for jointing paper-insulated cables.

5.0.0 Alarm, control, communication and monitoring cables

5.1.0 Cables

5.1.1 The type and size of cables shall be as indicated. Section 5 specifies those,
which will be most commonly used.

5.1.2 Thermosetting and thermoplastic insulated and sheathed cables, with or

without screening and armouring, shall comply with BS 3573.

5.1.3 Cables shall be installed in accordance with this section, section 7, and
sections 4, 9, 10 or 11, as appropriate.

5.2.0 Joints and terminations

5.2.1 Joints and terminations shall comply with clause 5.2.2, and appropriate parts
of sections 4 and 11. For special cables, joints and terminations shall comply
with the manufacturer’s requirements.

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5.2.2 Joints shall be located above ground unless otherwise indicated. Joint boxes
shall be supported securely on short posts or other approved structures.
Where joints are buried, the joint box shall be positioned a short distance
from, and at right angles to, the line of the route and at the same depth as
the cable.

5.3.0 Jointing thermosetting polyethylene-insulated cables

5.3.1 Joints shall comply with clause 5.2 and the following.

5.3.2 Joints in two-core cables shall be made in adaptable boxes complying with
clause 9.3. Cables shall be terminated at the boxes with compression glands
and armour clamping cones. Joints in conductors shall be made using
insulated terminal blocks complying with the requirements of clause 13.19.
Boxes shall be filled with an inert, permanently plastic compound having a
high insulation value, and shall be completely wrapped in thermoplastic
(PVC) self-adhesive tape or similar.

5.3.3 Joints in multi-pair cables with twenty or fewer pairs, including tee-joints
having a branch cable of not more than four cores, shall be made in single
ended bell-type boxes with expanding plug assemblies. The complete cable,
including the armouring and outer sheath, shall be clamped in a neoprene
expander plug.

5.3.4 Joints in cables having more than twenty pairs, including tee-joints having a
branch cable of not more than four cores, shall be made as indicated.
Approved sleeve type boxes complying with the cable manufacturer’s
recommendations shall be used.

5.3.5 Link disconnecting units located above ground shall be used where tee-
joints having a branch cable of more than four cores are to be made.

5.4.0 Terminating thermoplastic (polyethylene) insulated cables

5.4.1 Terminations shall comply with clause 4.2 and the following.

5.4.2 Cables shall be terminated at link disconnecting units (LDU), which shall be
supplied complete with terminal strips and compression glands.

5.4.3 The armouring of all cables entering the LDU shall be bonded together,
unless otherwise indicated. The conductivity of the bonding conductor shall
be not less than the conductivity of the armouring of the largest cable.

5.6.0 Segregation

5.6.1 Segregation of cables from those of other systems and from equipment,
pipework and ductwork shall comply with clause 7.2 and with any additional
requirements that are otherwise indicated. Any requirements that are
indicated for segregating circuits of particular systems shall be observed.

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5.6.2 Band 2 cables shall not be installed in the same conduits, trunking
compartments or cable ducting compartments as Band 1 cables, unless
otherwise indicated, and any requirements that are indicated for segregating
circuits of particular systems shall be observed.

5.7.0 Marking

5.7.1 Marking of cables and the termination of conductors shall comply with
clause 7.11, 9.1.5, 10.1.2 and 11.6.9 as appropriate, to the type of cable.

5.7.2 A label indicating the system concerned shall identify all joint boxes. Labels
shall be in accordance with clause 3.13.

5.7.3 A diagram showing the allocation of terminals for each incoming cable shall
be permanently fixed inside each joint box cover. The diagram shall be
afforded protection suitable for the environment in which it is located.

6.0.0 Cable supports

6.1.0 Selection of cable supports

6.1.1 The type and sizes of cable support systems shall be selected by the
contractor to suit the circumstances of the installation, unless otherwise
indicated. They shall also comply with clauses 6.2 to 6.8 inclusive, and the
following preferences shall be taken into account:
(a) For horizontal runs - cable tray or cable rack;
(b) For vertical runs - cable cleats or cable tray or cable rack;
(c) Where marshalling of cables occurs (for example, at switchboards) -
cable racks.

6.1.2 The selection, sizing and installation of cable supports shall take account of
the requirements of Section 7.

6.2.0 Protective finishes for ferrous materials

6.2.1 All ferrous metal for cable tray, cable racks, cable ladder, cable hangers and
their fixings and suspensions shall have a galvanised finish.

6.2.2 Galvanized finishes shall be hot dipped to BS EN ISO 1461, except that
support steelwork in dry indoor unpolluted areas shall be galvanised to
Z275 of BS EN 10147.

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6.3.0 Cable tray

6.3.1 Cable tray shall be metal, plastic or GRP, as indicated. Metal cable tray shall
comply with clauses 6.2 and 6.3.2 to 6.3.8. Steel mesh basket trays may be
used only for data, communications, alarm and similar wiring systems, unless
otherwise indicated.

6.3.2 Cable trays shall be perforated. Metal cable trays shall be formed from steel
plate complying with BS EN 10130, 10131 or 10149 as appropriate. Trays
and supports shall be selected to provide adequate support without sagging
more than 1/360 of the support span, or as indicated.

6.3.3 Bends, tees, risers, reducers and four-way crosspieces shall be factory made
wherever possible, and shall be of the same construction, material, thickness
and finish as the cable tray. All tees and crosspieces shall have a 45° gusset
on each side from the point of intersection.

6.3.4 Cable trays shall be cut along a line of unperforated material. Holes cut in
cable trays for the passage of cables shall be fitted with grommets, bushes
or other lining. Cutting of cable trays shall be kept to a minimum.

6.3.5 Each length of a cable tray shall be securely bolted to an adjacent length
with factory made couplings of adequate dimensions to prevent sagging or
twisting in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Where
required, bolts and nuts shall be appropriately dimensioned mushroom-head
steel roofing type complying with BS 1494. Ends of coupling bolts shall not
come into contact with the cables. No welding shall be used in the joining of
cable trays.

6.3.6 Where cables are laid on the cable tray they shall be secured by ties, each
tie securing the cables of only one circuit. The ties shall be of a proprietary
type low in halogen, be self extinguishing and ultra-violet resistant. The use
of wire or similar material is not permitted. Ties shall be used at less than
600mm intervals along each cable, and within 100mm of each bend or set.
Ties shall be trimmed or clipped.

6.3.7 Cables shall be supported by cable cleats where cable trays are vertical.
Mineral-insulated cables on vertical trays shall be supported by saddles or

6.3.8 Cable trays shall be fixed at regular intervals in accordance with

manufacturer’s recommendations but not exceeding 1200mm and at 225mm
from bends and intersections. A minimum clear space of 25mm shall be left
behind all cable trays.

6.3.9 Cable trays shall be installed with a 20mm gap at building or structural
expansion joints. Cable tray supports shall be installed within 150mm on
either side of the joint.

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6.4.0 Cable cleats

6.4.1 Cable cleats shall be made from materials that are resistant to corrosion
without the need for treatment or special finish. Plastic materials shall be
non-brittle down to -20°C. Non-metallic cleats used for low smoke fume
(LSF) cables shall be of LSF material.

6.4.2 Cable cleats shall be of a size such that they can be tightened down to grip
the cables without exerting undue pressure or strain on them. For vertical
cables two-bolt cable cleats shall be used which shall grip the cables firmly
enough to prevent them slipping.

6.4.3 The spacing of cable cleats shall comply with the lEE Guidance Notes for BS
7671. Cleats shall be located immediately on each side of bends in the cable.

6.4.4 Single core cables shall be cleated with trefoil cleats, where appropriate.

6.5.0 Cable racks and cable ladders

6.5.1 Cable racks shall comply with clause 6.2 and shall be constructed from
proprietary systems using channel sections with return lips and compatible
fixing accessories.

6.5.2 Ladder rack shall be factory made from steel complying with clause 6.2.

6.5.3 Racks and supports shall be selected to provide adequate support without
racks sagging more than 1/360 of the support span, or as indicated.

6.5.4 Cable racks and ladders shall be installed with a 20mm gap at building or
structural expansion joints. Supports shall be installed within 150mm on
either side of the joint.

6.5.5 Cables shall be fixed to racks and ladders by cable cleats.

6.6.0 Cable hangers

6.6.1 Cable hangers shall be used only where indicated. They shall be made from
mild steel flat bar complying with clause 6.2.

6.7.0 Suspension and fixings

6.7.1 Proprietary suspension systems comprising channel sections with return lips
and compatible fixing accessories or slotted angles complying with BS 6946
shall be used. Fixings may be fabricated from mild steel flat bar where
necessary. Metal arc welding shall comply with BS EN 1011.

6.7.2 Fixing to the building fabric shall comply with Table 6A, unless otherwise

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6.7.3 No shot firing shall be used and no drilling or welding of structural

steelwork shall be done without the approval of the Project Manager.

6.7.4 Suspensions and fixings shall comply with clause 6.2.

6.7.5 Bolts, nuts, washers and screws shall be non-corrosive and compatible with
the environment in which they are installed.

6.8.0 Bonding

6.8.1 Metallic cable trays, racks and ladders shall be electrically and mechanically
continuous throughout and bonded to the earth system.

6.8.2 Supplementary bonding shall be installed wherever necessary, between

component parts of cable trays, racks or ladders where the method of
mechanical connection does not provide permanent and reliable metal-to-
metal joints of negligible impedance. An earth bonding strip having a
minimum cross section of 6mm2 shall be installed across the gap at building
or structural expansion joints.

Table 6A: Fixing for cable supports

Building fabric Type of fixing

Structural steelwork Purpose made clamps, the type to be approved by
the Project Manager
Non-structural steelwork As for structural steelwork, or bolts, washers and
Concrete, brick or Expanding anchors, or screws and plugs, to be
building blocks approved by the Project
Timber Coach Bolts

7.0.0 Cable installation

7.1.0 Routes

7.1.1 Unless the routes of cables are indicated on the drawings they shall be
determined by the contractor and approved by the Project Manager before
work is started.

7.1.2 Cables installed on the surface shall be parallel with the lines of the building
construction and properly aligned.

7.1.3 Cables buried below ground shall, as far as practicable, follow the features
of the site such as roadways and building lines. Ducts at road and rail
crossings shall normally be at right angles to the line of the road.

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7.2.0 Segregation

7.2.1 A minimum clearance in accordance with Table 7A shall be allowed from

any equipment, pipework or ductwork. The distance shall be measured
from the external surface of any lagging. In the event of difficulty in achieving
these requirements the Project Manager shall be consulted.

7.2.2 Spacing between cables shall comply with Table 7A and be arranged so that
the grouping factor used in the cable calculations shall not be affected. In the
event of difficulty in achieving these requirements the Project Manager shall
be consulted.

7.2.3 Where indicated, space shall be allowed along cable routes for future
additions, and cable supports shall be of adequate size for the ultimate load.

7.2.4 Adequate space shall be left between cable runs and the building fabric and
other services to allow for the future removal or installation of cables.

7.3.0 Supports and fixings

7.3.1 Cables shall be adequately supported, by one of the methods specified in

Section 6, throughout their length except where they run through cable
ducts or are buried direct in the ground. Fixing direct to the building fabric
by cable cleats may be adopted for single runs subject to the approval of the
Project Manager, and where indicated.

7.3.2 Where cables are not continuously supported, the supports shall be spaced
to the cable manufacturer’s recommendations.

7.3.3 Cables shall be supported within 300mm of their termination at equipment.

The weight of a cable shall not be carried by a terminal box or gland. The
distance maybe increased to suit the requirements of clause 14.11.

7.3.4 Where cables cross expansion and settlement joints in the building
structure they shall be fixed 300mm each side of the joint and sufficient
slack left between to allow for movement. Where the cables are buried in
the building fabric, suitable provision shall be made to allow for movement
of the structure. The contractor shall submit his proposals for the approval
of the Project Manager.

7.4.0 Marking of cables

7.4.1 Marker posts or slabs shall permanently identify the location buried cables.
The wording on the markers shall be ‘HV CABLE’ or ‘LV CABLE’ as
appropriate; in addition the word ‘JOINT’ shall be added where appropriate.
Posts shall only be used where they do not cause obstruction or danger.

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7.4.2 Cable marker slabs shall be installed, as required, flush with the finished
ground level, on the precise line of the cable.

7.4.3 Cable markers shall be located at every point where a cable enters a
building, sub-station, plinth or distribution pillar, at each joint, change of
direction, road and pathway crossing, and along the route of the cable at
intervals not exceeding 45m.

7.4.4 Cables shall be colour coded in accordance with BS 1710 except where
cables are buried, located in switchrooms, in ducts and spaces designated
solely for electrical services, or have orange oversheaths. Colour coding,
where used, shall be conspicuous bands, not less than 100mm long, located
at least once within each separate compartment through which the cables
pass and at intervals not exceeding 12m.

7.4 5 Trunking or ducting shall be permanently and conspicuously identified. The

method of identification shall be as indicated or approved by the Project

7.4.6 Cables shall be permanently and conspicuously identified. The method of

identification shall be as indicated or approved by the Project Manager.

7.4.7 Cable identification shall be located within 500mm of terminations and

joints, at least once within each separate compartment through which the
cables pass, at intervals not exceeding 24m, and shall coincide with the
colour bands, where used. Consideration shall also be given to identifying
cables at entry or exit points and where buried cables emerge from the

7.4.8 Every cable end shall be provided with a means of identification showing the
designation, number and cross-sectional area of cores and rated voltage of
the cable.

8.0.0 Earthing

8.1.0 Materials

8.1.1 All materials and installations shall comply with BS 7430, the IEE Guidance
Notes, appropriate parts of BS 6651, and standards quoted therein.

8.2.0 Conductors

8.2.1 Earthing conductors, main earthing bars and main equipotential bonding
conductors shall be of the type, size and conductor material as indicated,
and shall comply with clauses 8.3.2 to 8.3.4 as appropriate.

8.2.2 Where used to interconnect copper electrodes the conductor maybe bare,
but for all other purposes the conductor shall have an extruded
thermoplastic (PVC) sheath.

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8.2.3 Main earthing bars shall be hard drawn copper bar to BS EN 13601 Grade
C101 having minimum dimensions 450mm x 50mm x 6mm.

8.2.4 Cables shall comply with BS 6004, Table 1, without sheath, or BS 7211,
unless otherwise indicated.

8.3.0 Joints and connections

8.3.1 Joints and connections shall be kept to a minimum.

8.3.2 All contact surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and coated with an anti-
corrosive electrical jointing compound suitable for the conductor materials.
For bi-metallic joints a separate abrasive shall be used to clean each metal.

8.3.3 Connections shall be made as follows: to main earthing bars by bolted

connection of brass, bronze or other non-ferrous conducting material, but
outside buildings, in plant rooms or other locations as indicated they shall
be stainless steel or phosphor-bronze set-screws and nuts; to earth rods by
bronze, gunmetal or copper clamps with phosphor-bronze bolts. Edges of
clamps shall be rounded; to earth plates by bolting, or welding.

8.3.4 Termination of cables shall be by connectors jointed to the cable conductor

by the exothermic welding process or by compression joints complying with
BS 4579 and clause 4.3.3.

8.3.5 Joints which are indicated as test points shall be bolted or clamped. Joints in
tape, other than at test points, shall be made by the exothermic welding
process. Overlap of conductors shall be not less than 100mm.

8.3.6 Joints and connections shall be protected by a coating which will form a seal
and exclude moisture in all weather conditions. At connections to earth
electrodes the coating shall cover all exposed conductors. Protective
coatings shall be of a waterproof, inert, tenacious material.

8.3.7 Bolts, screws, nuts, washers and rivets for copper conductors shall be of
phosphor-bronze, naval brass or copper-silicon and for aluminium
conductors they shall be of stainless steel. The minimum provision shall be:
for flat strip - two M8 bolts; for sheet metal - two M8 bolts and where the
sheet metal is less than 2mm thick it shall be backed for an area of at least

8.4.0 Supports and fixings

8.4.1 Cables shall be supported and fixed in accordance with Section 6.

8.4.2 Tapes and bars shall be fixed by spacer bar saddles which shall be of non-
metallic material or corrosion resistant alloy, compatible with the
conductor’s maximum temperature under fault condition. Fixing of the

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saddles shall comply with Table 9A. The maximum spacing of fixings shall
not exceed 600mm unless otherwise indicated.

8.4.3 Main earthing bars shall be supported on insulators suitable for the
maximum temperature under fault condition. They shall be not less than
50mm clear of the building fabric.

8.4.4 For general areas inside buildings, screws and nuts shall be non-corrosive
and compatible with the environment; outside buildings, in plant rooms or
other locations as indicated they shall be stainless steel.

8.4.5 No shot firing shall be used and no drilling or welding of structural

steelwork shall be done without the approval of the Project Manager.

8.5.0 Installation

8.5.1 Electrodes shall be installed in undisturbed ground. The distance between

any two electrodes shall be not less than the sum of the lengths of the two

8.5.2 Excavations and backfilling shall comply with clause 7.4 as appropriate.
Backfill immediately surrounding plate electrodes shall have a low specific
resistivity and good water retention properties, and shall be well

8.5.3 Electrode seals shall be provided where earth rods are to be installed
through the base slab of a building. As indicated, either: the rods shall be
driven and the seals fitted before the concrete is poured; or the seals shall
be handed to the building contractor for him to incorporate into the slab
for the rods to be driven at a later date. Ingress of water shall be avoided
when driving the rods.

8.5.4 Earth plates shall be installed vertically in an excavated hole, with the top of
the plate at a minimum depth of 1m below finished ground level. Where
difficulty in achieving this depth is met the Project Manager shall be

8.5.5 Installation of conductors shall comply with Section 7 as appropriate.

8.6.0 Bonding to incoming services

8.6.1 Bonding to incoming services shall be to BS 7671.

8.6.2 Where a service belongs to a supply company, the permission of the supply
company shall be obtained before connection is made.

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9.0.0 Inspection and testing

9.1.0 General

9.1.1 Inspection and testing shall be done in accordance with BS 7671, the
associated lEE Guidance Notes, and the requirements of this chapter.

9.1.2 Inspection shall include a physical check that all equipment has been securely
fixed and that all electrical connections are mechanically sound.

9.1.3 In addition to the test at the completion of each installation, certain tests
shall be done during the progress of the works, as required by sections 9.4
to 9.8 inclusive, 9.12 and relevant standards.

9.2.0 Information

9.2.1 For equipment supplied under the contract, the contractor shall obtain from
manufacturers the time/current characteristics of all protective devices for
automatic disconnection of supply, and provide copies to the Project
Manager and to the person or persons carrying out the inspection and
testing, in addition to meeting the requirements of clause 9.5.1.

9.3.0 Testing methods

9.3.1 The Project Manager shall be notified of the method to be used for each
type of test and the notification shall be given not less than 28 days before
the tests are to be made.

9.3.2 Testing procedures for continuity of protective conductors and

equipotential bonding shall be in accordance with the IEE Guidance Notes.

9.3.3 Voltage tests on HV cables and, where indicated, on LV cables, type tested
and partially type tested assemblies and transformers shall comply with the
requirements of site testing in the appropriate British Standards.

9.3.4 Alternative methods may be proposed for the approval of the Project
Manager, but they shall be no less effective than those set out in the British

9.3.5 Equipment shall be disconnected for the duration of the relevant tests,
where necessary, to prevent damage to components of equipment.

9.4.0 Power cables

9.4.1 Tests shall be made immediately on completion of the installation of power

cables to demonstrate that the phase sequence is correct at all end

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9.4.2 HV cables and, where indicated, LV cables shall be tested in accordance with
clause 9.3.3 as soon as their installation is complete.

9.4.3 Where indicated, the oversheaths of cables laid underground shall be given
a voltage withstand test after backfilling of the trenches is complete but
before termination.

9.5.0 Alarm, control, communication and monitoring cables

9.5.1 Cables shall be tested as soon as their installation is complete to ensure that
the cores are continuous, that they have not been crossed and that the
insulation resistance is satisfactory. Insulation tests shall cover all
permutations between each conductor, screen, metallic sheath, armour and

9.6.0 Earth fault loop impedances

9.6.1 The measured earth fault loop impedance for each circuit shall be checked.
Where the maximum value is exceeded, the Project Manager shall be

9.7.0 Records and certificates

9.7.1 Inspection and test results shall be recorded on the forms provided by the
Project Manager. Two copies shall be submitted to the Project Manager
within seven days of each test.

9.7.2 When all inspections and tests results are satisfactory, Electrical Installation
Certificates shall be given to the Project Manager not later than the date of
completion of the Works. The certificates shall be given in the form laid
down in BS 7671, BS 5839 for fire alarm systems and BS 5266 for
emergency lighting systems.

9.7.3 The type of earthing employed, the values of prospective short-circuit

current and earth fault loop impedance at the origin of the installation shall
be recorded on the Electrical Installation Certificates.

10.0.0 Drawings and Documents by Contractor

10.1.0 Extent of provision

10.1.1 Unless otherwise indicated, the contractor shall provide the drawings and
documents specified in this chapter.

10.1.2 General layout drawings shall be drawn to a scale of 1:100 or 1:50 as

indicated and detailed layout assembly drawings to a scale of 1:10. If more
detail is necessary, scales of 1:10, 1:2 and 1:1 may be used.

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10.1.3 The numbers of sets of drawings and documents to be supplied shall be as


10.2.0 Installation drawings and documents

10.2.1 Installation drawings and documents, including diagrams and schedules, shall
show the details of the contractor’s proposals for the execution of the
works and shall include everything necessary for the following purposes:
(a) To illustrate in detail the arrangement of the various sections
of the works and to identify the various components;
(b) To integrate the works with the detail of the building and
other installations.

10.2.2 Installation drawings shall include:

(a) General layout drawings showing the location of all equipment
including cable, cable tray, conduit, thinking, ducting and earth
(b) Detailed layout drawings showing the location of all equipment
including cable, cable tray, conduit, trunking, ducting in
switchrooms and plant rooms;
(c) Assembly drawings of factory built equipment and site built
(d) Detailed layout drawings showing the connection of cable,
conduit and trunking to equipment;
(e) Detailed layout drawings showing sections through ceiling
voids and vertical shafts;
(f) System diagrams, circuit diagrams and wiring diagrams for all
installations and equipment.

10.2.3 Diagrams shall comply with BS 5070 and BS EN 61082. Interconnection

diagrams shall indicate the type of cable, conductor size and terminal

10.3.0 Builder’s work drawings

10.3.1 Builder’s work drawings shall show fully dimensioned details of all builder’s
work required in connection with the works together with the overall size
and weight of equipment.

10.4.0 As-installed drawings

10.4.1 As-installed drawings, including diagrams and schedules, shall show all the
information necessary so that each installation can be operated, maintained,
inspected and tested so as to prevent danger, as far as is reasonably
practicable. They shall incorporate the information necessary for the
identification of the devices performing the functions of protection, isolation
and switching, and their locations. The values of prospective short circuit
current and earth fault loop impedance at all material locations of the
installation shall be recorded on the appropriate system documentation.

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10.4.2 The drawings shall include those set out in clause 10.2.2.

10.4.3 Circuit details including loading, origin, route, destination and, where buried,
the depth below finished ground level shall be shown for each cable,
conduit, trunking and ducting. Conductor size and material and the type of
insulation of all cables shall be shown together with the number of cores in
each cable or the number of cables in each conduit, trunking or ducting.
Where identification is by colour of insulation or sheath this shall be shown.
Joints and draw-in boxes shall be shown.

10.4.4 Where incoming supply cables are installed by others they shall also be
shown as described in Clause 10.4.3.

10.4.5 Drawings shall indicate whether conduit, trunking or ducting is surface

mounted, concealed in ceiling spaces, in wall chases, in floor screeds or cast

10.4.6 All earthing conductors, main equipotential bonding conductors, main

earthing terminal or bar, protective conductors shall be identified with
function, origin, route, destination, conductor size and material, type of
insulation and, where buried, the depth below finished ground level. Test
points shall be indicated.

10.4.7 Earth electrodes shall be identified, showing their type, dimensions, material
and depth below finished ground level. The nature of the soil and any
treatment that has been given to it or special fill that has been used in the
installation shall be identified.

10.4.8 Details of each item of equipment, including luminaires, shall include

electrical characteristics, classification, degree of protection against ingress
of solids and liquids, class of protection against corrosion and
manufacturer’s name and reference.

10.4.9 Diagrams shall comply with clause 10.2.3 and, where necessary, they shall be
supplemented with physical arrangement drawings to assist the location and
identification of component parts of equipment.

10.4.10 During the course of the works the contractor shall maintain a fully detailed
record of all changes, which shall be available to the Project Manager, to
ensure the as-installed drawings are in all respects accurate.

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10.4.11 Each drawing shall be in accordance with BS 308, or the relevant BS EN ISO
document that replaced it and delivered in the format and medium required
in the Particular Specification. The words ‘AS-INSTALLED’ shall be placed in
19mm block letters adjacent to the title block of each drawing together
with the name of the site and the section of the Works, the title of the
installation, the date of completion of the Works, the Contract number and
the name of the Contractor.

10.4.12 A draft of each as-installed drawing shall be submitted to the Project

Manager for approval before final issue is made.

10.5.0 Operating and Maintenance instructions

10.5.1 For each electrical installation, system and individual equipment forming part
of the works, the Maintenance and Operating instructions shall include:

(a) The information specified for Manuals Class D in Building

Services Research & Information Association (BSRIA)
Application Guide 1/87;
(b) A description of the extent and manner of operation, including
duration periods of standby systems;
(c) A description of the method used for compliance with
Regulation 413-02 of BS 7671 together with time/current
characteristics for all protective devices for automatic
disconnection of supply;
(d) A copy of any Certificates of Compliance with relevant
standards or schemes as required by clauses 2.5.2 and 2.5.3;
(e) Comprehensive instructions for the switching on, operation,
switching off and isolation of circuits/systems and for dealing
with emergency conditions;
(f) Instructions for any precautionary measures necessary;
(g) Instructions for servicing, including frequency and materials to
be used, to maintain the equipment in good and safe condition;
(h) The names and addresses of suppliers of all major components
together with the type and model reference, serial number,
duty rating and the order number and date.

10.5.2 Operating and Maintenance instructions shall be indexed and contained in

ring binders with rigid covers. The name of the site and the Contract
number shall be printed on the front and spine with a suitable identification
title (where more than one volume is necessary). The date of completion of
the Works shall be included on a flyleaf.

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10.5.3 Copies of Manufacturer’s data maybe incorporated to supplement the

descriptions and instructions required in clause 10.5.1 but shall not replace
them. Only data relevant to the Works shall be included, and where non-
relevant information appears on the same sheet it shall be clearly marked to
show that it is not applicable. The information shall be cross-referenced
within the text and included in the index, and, if possible, it shall be
contained in the ring binders. Where this is not possible suitably protected
box files or folders shall be provided, identified in accordance with clause

10.5.4 A draft of the Operating and Maintenance instructions shall be submitted to

the Project Manager for approval. Any amendments required shall be made
before the Project Manager accepts final documentation.

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Appendix 1 – Location Plan

EHS (ME)01:2013 Specification for electrical services

Appendix 2 – Existing LV Switchboard Installation Drawing

Full size copies are available upon request.

EHS (ME)01:2013 Specification for electrical services

Appendix 3 – LV Switchroom Layout

EHS (ME)01:2013 Specification for electrical services

Appendix 4 – LV Schematic

Full size copies are available upon request.

EHS (ME)01:2013 Specification for electrical services

Appendix 5 – Automatic Transfer Switch Data Sheet

Full size copies are available upon request.

EHS (ME)01:2013 Specification for electrical services

Appendix 6 – Control Philosophy

Breaker Ref Breaker serving Normal Mode Mains Failure Generator Running Load
Mains Healthy Running
1 Main Incoming Breaker Closed Open Open
1a Archive Breaker Closed Open Open
2 Roof lighting & power distribution board Closed Open Open 0
3 3rd Floor lighting & power distribution Closed Open Closed 16
board DB/T4
4 2nd Floor lighting & power distribution Closed Open Closed 16
board DB/S4
5 1ST Floor lighting & power distribution Closed Open Closed 16
board DB/F4
6 Ground Floor MCC2 Closed Open Open 0
7 Ground Floor MCC2 Closed Open Open 0
8 3rd Floor computer room distribution Closed Closed Closed 10
board DB/T6
9 Passenger Lift No.3 Closed Open Closed 0
10 Core 3 250 amp rising busbar RB3 Closed Open Closed 82.8
11 Passenger Lift No.2 Closed Open Closed 0
12 Core 2 250 amp rising busbar RB2 Closed Open Closed 42
13 Passenger Lift No.1 Closed Open Closed 0
14 Core 2 250 amp rising busbar RB1 Closed Open Closed 55
15 Fire Detection and Alarm Panel Closed Closed Closed 5

EHS (ME)01:2013 Specification for electrical services

Breaker Ref Breaker serving Normal Mode Mains Failure Generator Running Load
16 Boiler Room distribution board DB/B1 Closed Open Open 0
17 Hose Reel Pump Control Panel Closed Closed Closed Not Used
18 Server Room UPS Closed Closed Closed 20
19 Server Room Mechanical Services Closed Closed Closed 20
20 Spare
21 Spare
22 Ground Floor lighting & power Closed Open Closed 14
distribution board DB/G4
23 Generator control unit Open Open Open
24 Spare


Life Safety
Non Essential

Appendix 7 – Photographs

1.1 Generator in foreground with LV 1.2 Access behind generator to external LV

switchroom behind Switchroom

1.3 Generator in foreground with LV 1.4 Access between the rear of the generator
Switchroom behind showing bike storage and LV Switchroom
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1.5 Bike Storage in front of generator 1.6 Bike Storage in front of generator

1.7 Access to LV Switchrrom doors on right 1.8 Generator Data Plate

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1.9 Above the front of LV Switchboard 2.0 Above LV Switchboard

2.1 Front of LV Switchboard 2.2 Front of LV Switchboard

2.3 Front of LV Switchboard showing cable 2.4 Cable trench at front of panel and

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trench at front of panel PowerPerfector unit on the right hand side.

2.5 Archive ACB 2.6 Main Incoming ACB

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2.7 Front of section 4 of LV Switchboard 2.8 Front of section 6 of LV Switchboard

2.7 Front of section 4 of LV Switchboard 2.8 Close up of typical MCCB

2.9 Front section 7 of LV Switchboard 3.0 Power Perfector unit

3.1 Landlords metering and distribution 3.2 Landlords metering and distribution

EHS (ME)01:2013

equipment equipment

3.3 Landlords metering and distribution 3.4 ATS Panel at the end of LV Switchboard

3.5 Cabling to ATS panel


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