Ie6605 - 2marks Q.BPDF
Ie6605 - 2marks Q.BPDF
Ie6605 - 2marks Q.BPDF
PART A (2 Marks)
1. What is production?
Production consists of a series sequential operation to produce a desirable product acceptable
to customer and meets the customer demand, with respect to the quality and intendedfunction.
5. Define – Durability
Durability refers to the length of the active life of the product under given working condition.
6. Define – Dependability
Dependability refers to the reliability with which the product serves its intended function.
7. Define –Standardization
Standardization is a process of defining and applying the conditions necessary to ensure that
given range of requirements can normally be met with a minimum of variety and in a
reproducible and economic manner on the basis of the best current techniques.
1. What do you understand by production planning and control? Discuss its main elements.
5. Give detailed account of the various factors considered while designing a product.
6. Discuss in detail:
i) Breakeven Analysis ii) Samuel Eilon model
7. Explain the characteristic features of (i) batch production and (ii) mass production system.
PART – A (2 Marks)
16. What are the various techniques used for work Measurement?
1. Stopwatch time study
2. Work sampling
1. Explain briefly the various steps involved in conducting the work study.
2. State and explain in brief the steps involved in conducting the method study procedure.
4. Define time study. List down the various steps in conducting a stopwatch time study.
6. Briefly explain the different tools and techniques used in the recording phase of method study.
7. Explain the procedural steps involved in the work sampling study and illustrate how work
sampling is used for the computation of standard time for an operation which involves both
manual and machine elements.
8. Discuss two types of each of the charts and diagrams used in the recoding phase of the method
9. List the principles of motion economy as applied to the use of human body, arrangement of
workplace and design of tools and equipment.
10. a. Write short notes on (i) Symbols of process chart (ii) Therbligs
b. Distinguish between cumulative timing and fly back timing.
PART – A (2 Marks)
15. What are the factors used for selection of machine and equipment?
a. Accuracy
b. Rate of output
c. Cost of product
1. What is value analysis? Describe the basic steps involved in the value analysis.
2. Explain the importance of process planning with reference to production control. Discuss
the activities in process planning.
4. What is meant by machine loading? Also enumerate the various methods to the cycle time
to a minimum.
5. What do you mean by machine balancing? Also explain the effect of balancing on number
of machines required with an illustration.
8. A gear manufacturer has gear shaper and gear hobbers. The gear can be processed on gear
shaper as well as gear hobber. The following is given. Which of the two machines will you
choose to do the job if the order quantity is (i) 1000 numbers and order is unlikely to repeat
and (ii) 1000 numbers and the order is likely to repeat for 3 years?
Gear shaper Gear hobber
Machine time per piece (min) 12 04
Machine cost per hour 45 120
Set up time (min) 60 90
Tooling up cost (Rs) 400 200
9. What is meant by product planning? Explain, in detail, the various steps involved in the
product planning process.
PART – A (2 Marks)
1. What is loading?
It is defined as the assignment of work to a facility. The facility may be men, machine, a
department, a group of men, group of machines of a plant.
2. What is scheduling?
It is time phasing of loading. It is defined as the assignment of work to a facility specifying
the particular sequence of the work and the time of actual performance.
1. Explain the procedure by which scheduling 2 jobs in m machines can be done with
suitable example
3. Discuss the concepts, inputs, characteristics, working, outputs, and benefits of MRP.
4. What are the functions of dispatching? Explain the various documents raised by dispatching
7. Discuss in detail about the various factors that affect scheduling. Explain any one technique
used in loading and scheduling process.
10. a. What are the common causes for delay? How can they be avoided? Explain.
b. Explain the various techniques adopted for aligning completion time and due dates.
PART – A (2 Marks)
6. What is demand?
It is the number of items required per unit of time. The demand may be either deterministic
or probabilistic in nature.
2. What is EOQ? Derive the expression for EOQ when the demand of the item is uniform, the
production rate is infinite and no stock-outs are allowed.
3. a) Explain the terms: lead time, stock out, buffer stock, inventory carrying cost.
b) Distinguish between in-process inventory, safety stock inventory and seasonal inventory.
4. Describe the fixed period quantity inventory model? Also compare and contrast P-system
with Q- System.
5. What is selective control of inventory and explain various selective control techniques.
6. What is ABC analysis? Explain its significance in the inventory control with suitable
8. Discuss in detail about the P and Q systems of inventory replenishment along with their merits
and demerits.
9. a. Explain the various costs associated with the inventory control with suitable examples.
b. A manufacturer has to supply his customers 3600 units of his product per year. Shortages
are not permitted. Inventory carrying cost amounts Rs. 12 per uit per annum. The set up cost
per run is Rs. 80. Find (i) Economic order quantity (ii) Optimum number of orders per
annum (iii) Average annual inventory cost (iv) Optimum period of supply per optimum
10. Write short notes on (i) ABC analysis (ii) Computer integrated production planning systems
(iii) Manufacturing resource planning (iv) Enterprise resource planning.