Conversion Factors RN

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CONVERSION FACTORS FOR RADON UNITS INTRODUCTION The folowing conversion facors are usetl or convering between uit commeniy used fr the ‘measurement of radon and radon decay produc. For some converson factors the folowing assumptions have been mace and are indicated in parentheses beside the unis. (a) the equlbrism rao between radon progeny and the parent radon is 05 {b) the daeling occupancy ‘actor is 100% (c) te dose convarioncoeient is 1 10* mSv per Bghm,>EER (equiibeum equivalent radon conentration “ICRP-50, sec. 33) (6) 1 WuMis VIL for 1708, WM = 63 x10 Bqghm EER 1 Bqhm EER» 1.80x 10° WLM {ICRP-59, section AS) acrwmry | 1 becquerel(8q) =1 disintegration per second(s") Yeuie(C)— =3.7x10" Bq { pcoore fC) =0.087 Bq ‘ beequeel (Bq) =27 pI RADON CONCENTRATION beoquere percube mete qm? 27 x10? pCiL” 2135010" Wa) = 05 Bgm?EER (a) pica pe ite TpCiL" 8qm? 5 xt WL a) qm? EER (a) [RADON PROGENY CONCENTRATION. Working Level | 1WL = 74 x10? Bam? (a) = 47 x10 Bgm*EER = 20 x10 GCL!) oem. = 148x108 Bg? EER (a) 4 pat) per ese mate, EER Teqm?EER = 2 Sqm? 54 x10? pCiL* 227 x18 ML POTENTIAL ALPHA ENERGY CONCENTRATION 1 Werkng Level W)= 13.10% MeV.L = 208% 10! dm? 1 WL coresponds to radon progeny concentration in ecru with 100 pL radon (8700 Bq) 'RADON, RADON PROGENY EXPOSURE ‘Average of 1 becquerel per cube mete Rn fora year 1Bqm'y = 438x10%mSv (abcd) 70 x10? WM (abd) 876x 10 Bghm? Average | picocue perv radon fora year tpclly = 162 mv abcd 0% WM aba) 324x108 Bhim? ‘Average of one Warking Level fora year tly =5153 WM = 48x10 Bahm? (ape) = 3241 10" Bahm? EER(ab.<) = 175410 point" (aba) ss mv bed) Average ot 1 becquerl per cubic mat, equim ‘equivalent Rn concertraton fra year TBgmEERy = 876x107 mv faded) 4 x10? WM (abd) 175x10' Bghm* (abo) 876% 10° BqhmrEER (abd)

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