U.S. Pat. 4,656,917, Musical Instrument Support, Eddie Van Halen, 1987.

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United States Patent (19) 11) Patent Number: 4,656,917

Van Halen (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 14, 1987

54 MUSICAL INSTRUMENT SUPPORT Primary Examiner-S. J. Witkowski
Assistant Examiner-David Warren
76 Inventor: Edward L. Van Halen, 1900 Ave. of Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Lerner, David, Littenberg,
Stars #1780, Los Angeles, Calif. Krumholz & Mentlik
(21) Appl. No.: 760,598 A supporting device for stringed musical instruments,
22 Filed: Jul. 30, 1985 for example, guitars, banjos, mandolins and the like, is
51 Int. Cl."......................... ...................... G10G 5/00 disclosed. The supporting device is constructed and
52 U.S.C. ....................................... 84/327; 224/910 arranged for supporting the musical instrument on the
58) Field of Search ................. 84/327,453,267, 280, player to permit total freedom of the player's hands to
84/411,421; 224/910; 248/444, 371, 443 play the instrument in a completely new way, thus
allowing the player to create new techniques and
56) References Cited sounds previously unknown to any player. The device,
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS when in its operational position, has a plate which rests
upon the player's leg leaving both hands free to explore
1,285,802 11/1918 Russell . the musical instrument as never before. Because the
1,945,162 1/1934 Rasmussen . musical instrument is arranged perpendicular to the
2,814,229 11/1957 Vaccaro et al. . player's body, the player has maximum visibility of the
3,371,570 3/1968 Lester . instrument's entire playing surface.
3,955,461 5/1976 Ivie .
3,979,993 9/1976 Proctor ................................ 84/453
4,213,369 7/1980 Swartwout . 22 Claims, 4 Drawing Figures
U.S. Patent Apr. 14, 1987 Sheet 1 of 2 4,656,917
U.S. Patent Apr. 14, 1987 Sheet 2 of 2 4,656,917

O 4. IO6 S
4,656,917 2
It is broadly an object of the present invention to
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION provide a musical instrument support for supporting a
stringed musical instrument in an angular orientation to
The present invention relates in general to a stabiliz a player's body to allow the player to create new tech
ing support for a musical instrument of the type having niques and sounds previously unknown to any player, in
a body and fretted neck, e.g., guitars, banjos, mandolins a manner which overcomes or avoids one or more of
and the like, and more particularly, to a musical instru the foregoing disadvantages resulting from the use of
ment mounted device which positions the instrument in 10 the above-mentioned prior art device, and which fulfills
a substantially perpendicular orientation to a musician's the specific requirements of such a musical instrument
body to provide total freedom for the musician's hands support for use with, for example, guitars, banjos, man
to play the instrument in a completely new way, thus dolins and the like.
allowing the musician to create new techniques and Specifically, it is within the contemplation of one
sounds previously unknown to any musician. 15 aspect of the present invention to provide a musical
One such musical instrument to which the stabilizing instrument support which permits playing of the instru
support of the present invention is uniquely suited is the ment while the musician is standing, either in a unique
guitar. As a stringed musical instrument, the guitar is perpendicular orientation for maximum visibility of the
capable of being played by a variety of techniques entire playing surface, or in a conventional vertical
which produce an equal variety of acoustical effects. In 20 orientation when and as desired by the musician.
all such circumstances, the guitar is oriented with re invention, there iswith
In accordance one embodiment of the present
spect to the guitar player's body in a manner to facilitate ment constructed ofdescribed a stringed musical instru
the manipulation of the sound reproducing strings by and rear surfaces, sound producingbody
an instrument having front
the player's hands and fingers in an uninhibited manner. 25 over a portion of the front surface,means and
a device
To create new playing techniques and sounds, it is desir mounted onto the rear surface for positioning the
able that the guitar be supported in a manner which ment body in an angular orientation to a player'sinstru body,
leaves both hands of the player free to explore the the device including an attachment movable between an
strings which overlie the guitar body and fretted neck. inoperative position overlying the rear surface and an
In addition, as nearly all musicians prefer to view the 30 operative position at an angle to the rear surface, the
fretted neck of the guitar as they are playing, to be sure attachment engaging the player's body when in the
that the proper notes or chords are being fingered, it is operative position for maintaining the instrument body
desirable that the guitar be arranged to afford the player in the angular orientation and disengaging from the
maximum visibility of the guitar playing surface. player's body when in the inoperative position for main
If the musician is in a sitting position, the guitar can 35 taining the instrument body in other than the angular
usually be rested across the player's lap and supported orientation.
by the player's legs. Even when sitting, it is sometimes In accordance with the above embodiment, the de
desirable to provide means for supporting the guitar, vice further includes a pair of spaced-apart mounting
other than directly against the player's legs. For exam blocks attached to the rear surface and a rod extending
ple, U.S. Pat. No. 1,285,802 discloses a device which is therebetween, and wherein the attachment is movably
mounted on the rod for rotational movement between
attached to the fretted neck to facilitate supporting the the operative and inoperative positions and for lateral
guitar when the musician is in a sitting position. How
ever, it is not always possible, or even desirable, to be in movement between a locked and unlocked position.
a sitting position. Furthermore, even if it is possible, Further in accordance with the above embodiment,
many musicians prefer to play from a standing position. 45 the attachment includes a projection extending there
This is particularly true of musicians who sing while from and engagable with one of the mounting blocks
when the attachment is rotated about the rod into the
they accompany themselves on the guitar. Of course, operative position while being laterally moved along
various types of support straps have been devised,
which usually attach at opposite ends to the guitar body SO the rod into the locked position by a compressed spring,
whereby the attachment is locked into the operative
and fretted neck for placing about the neck and shoul position substantially perpendicular to the rear surface.
ders of the musician. These straps do not serve the Further in accordance with the above embodiment,
purpose of leaving both hands of the guitar player free one of the mounting blocks is provided with an opening
to explore the guitar, as well as maintaining the guitar in for receiving the projection when the attachment is
a substantially perpendicular orientation to the player's 55 rotated into the operative position, and wherein the rod
body for a better view of the fretted neck. In fact, these extends through the center of the opening and through
straps tend to position the instrument in a substantially the center of the projection along one of its axes,
vertical orientation, so that the musician must still exert whereby the projection is received within the opening
effort, generally with the hand gripping the fretted when the attachment is in the operative position.
neck, so as to position the instrument in an oblique plane Further in accordance with the above embodiment,
for better playing of the frets. the rod extends off-center through the projection along
Accordingly, there remains as unsolved need for a the other of its axes, whereby the projection is pre
universally acceptable device for stringed musical in vented from being received within the opening when
struments of the type having a body and fretted neck, the attachment is in the inoperative position.
suitable both for supporting and positioning the instru 65 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
ment for better viewing of the playing surface and leav
ing both of the musician's hands free to explore the The above description, as well as further objects,
musical instrument while the musician is standing. features and advantages of the present invention, will be
4,656,917 4.
more fully understood by reference to the following The slide blocks 128, 130 are provided with a slot 138,
detailed description of the presently preferred, but as shown in FIG. 4, for securing the attachment 122
nonetheless illustrative, musical instrument support in thereto by means of, for example, screws or bolts. The
accordance with the present invention when taken in attachment 122 is constructed generally of a flat plate
conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein: 140 having a contoured body engaging portion 142. As
FIG. 1 is a perspective view showing the musical the mounting blocks 124, 126 are positioned adjacent
instrument support of the present invention mounted to one edge of the guitar 102, the plate 140 is located cen
the rear surface of a guitar for maintaining the guitar in trally over the rear surface 108 of the guitar. The coiled
a substantially perpendicular orientation to a player's spring 133 is compressed about the rod 132 between the
body, while being played by a musician in a standing 10 mounting block 124 and slide block 128.
position with both hands free to explore the playing The construction of the supporting device 120 having
surface; now been described, the reader's attention is directed to
FIG. 2 is a rear view showing the musical instrument FIGS. 1-4 in general, where a detailed description of
supportin its inoperative position arranged adjacent the the manner of operating and using the supporting de
rear surface of the guitar to permit playing of the guitar 15 vice will now be described. In this regard, the support
in a conventional manner; ing device 120 is illustrated in an inoperative position in
FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view taken along line 3-3 FIGS. 2 and 3 and in an operative position in FIGS. 1
of FIG. 2, showing the center and off-center mounting and 4. In the inoperative position, the attachment 122 is
of the musical instrument support rod with respect to a arranged overlying the rear surface 108 of the guitar
mounting block and a projection of a slide block; and 20 102. Spring 133 biases the attachment 122 along rod 132
FIG. 4 is a rear view showing the musical instrument towards the mounting block 126. As shown in FIG. 3,
support locked in its operative position arranged sub as the rod 132 is positioned off-center with respect to
stantially perpendicular to the rear surface of the guitar. the Y-axis of the projection 134 of the slide block 130, a
portion 144 of the projection engages an opposing por
25 tion of the mounting block 126, thereby acting as a stop
Referring now to the drawings, wherein like refer and preventing engagement of the projection within the
ence numerals represent like elements, there is shown in opening 136. The guitar 102 with the supporting device
FIG. 1 a musician 100 playing a guitar 102, or other like 120 being arranged in its inoperative position may be
stringed musical instrument such as a banjo, mandolin played in a conventional manner, that is, with the guitar
and the like. The guitar is constructed from a body 104 30 being arranged in a substantially vertical orientation. As
having a front surface 106 and rear surface 108. A longi the attachment 122 is positioned adjacent and overlying
tudinally extending neck 110 having a fretted surface the rear surface 108 of the guitar 102, the supporting
112 and a plurality of tuning pegs 114 extends from the device 120 will not interfere with the conventional
body 104 in a conventional manner. As shown in phane playing of the guitar.
tom in FIG. 4, a plurality of sound producing guitar 35 When it is desired to activate the supporting device
strings 116 extend over a portion of the front surface 120, the musician 100 merely picks up the guitar 102 and
106 and frettted surface 112 between a bridge 118 and rotates the body 104 into a substantially horizontal posi
the tuning pegs 114. A supporting device 120 is tion. During rotation of the guitar 102, gravity causes
mounted onto the rear surface 108 of the body 104 for the attachment 122 to rotate about rod 132. When the
positioning the guitar 102 in a substantially perpendicu attachment 122 has achieved a substantially perpendicu
lar orientation to the upper body of the musician 100. lar orientation to the rear surface 108 of the guitar 102,
The supporting device 120 is constructed from an at the projection 134 of the slide block 130 will now be
tachment 122, a pair of mounting blocks 124, 126, a pair arranged in registration with the opening 136 of the
of slide blocks 128, 130, a longitudinally extending rod mounting block 126. Once in registration, the spring 133
132 and a coiled spring 133. As more clearly shown in 45 will cause the attachment 122 to be laterally moved
FIG. 2, the slide block 130 is L-shaped having a projec along the rod 132 until the projection 134 of the slide
tion 134 protruding therefrom. block 130 is fully engaged within the opening 136 of the
Referring again to FIG. 2, the mounting blocks 124, mounting block 126 as is shown in FIGS. 1 and 4. the
126 are secured to the rear surface 108 of the guitar 102 attachment 122, now being in a locked position, is pre
in spaced-apart relationship by means of, for example, a 50 vented from rotation from its substantially perpendicu
plurality of screws or bolts. Mounting block 126 is U lar operative position to its inoperative position overly
shaped having an opening 136 and is mounted toward ing the rear surface 108 of the guitar 102. The ability of
the neck 110 adjacent the edge of the guitar 102. Rod the projection 134 to engage the opening 136 is due to
132 is attached between the mounting blocks 124, 126 the fact that the rod 132 is positioned centrally of the
and overlying the rear surface 108 of the guitar 102. As 55 projection along its X-axis, although being positioned
more clearly shown in FIGS. 2 and 3, the rod 132 is off-center along its Y-axis to prevent engagement when
located at the center of the opening 136 provided within in an inoperative position.
the mounting block 126. The slide blocks 128, 130 are Turning now to FIG. 1, the guitar 102 is initially
provided with a central opening, not shown, through supported on the musician 100 by a strap 146 which is
which the rod 132 passes. In this manner, the slide conventionally attached between one end of the body
blocks 128, 130 may be rotated about the rod 132, as 104 and one end of the neck 110. The guitar 102 is main
well as being movable laterally therealong. The rod 132 tained in a substantially perpendicular orientation to the
is located off-center with respect to the Y-axis of the body of the musician 100 by the engagement of the
projection 134 of the slide block 130 and on center with body engaging portion 142 of the attachment 122 with
respect to the X-axis. 65 the musician's upper leg portion. Thus, by resting the
The slide blocks 128, 130 are spaced-apart with slide body engaging portion 142 on the lower body portion
block 128 arranged adjacent mounting block 124 and of the musician 100, the guitar 102 may be maintained in
slide block 130 arranged adjacent mounting block 126. a substantially perpendicular orientation without as
4,656,917 6
sisted support from the player's hands. The musician the spirit and scope of the present invention as defined
100, having both hands free, may manipulate the guitar by the appended claims.
strings 116 to create new techniques and sounds previ What is claimed is:
ously unknown to any player. In addition, because the 1. A stringed musical instrument comprising an in
guitar 102 is maintained in a substantially perpendicular strument body having front and rear surfaces, sound
orientation, the player has maximum visibility of the producing means extending over a portion of said front
entire playing surface, i.e., front surface 106, guitar surface, and a device mounted onto said rear surface for
strings 116 and fretted surface 112. positioning said instrument body at an angular orienta
Upon completion of the musician's performance, or tion to a player's body, said device including attach
upon desired storage of the guitar 102, the attachment O ment means movable between an inoperative position
122 is rotated back to its inoperative position overlying overlying said rear surface and an operative position at
the rear surface 108 of the guitar. To inactivate the an angle to said rear surface, a pair of spaced-apart
supporting device 120, the musician 100 merely grabs mounting blocks attached to said rear surface and sup
the attachment 122 and slides it laterally along the rod port means coupled to said mounting blocks for rota
132, so as to compress the spring 133 and disengaging 15 tionally supporting therebetween said attachment
the projection 134 from the opening 136 of the mount means, said attachment means engaging said player's
ing block 126. Once disengaged, the attachment 122 is body when in said operative position for maintaining
rotated about rod 132 to its inoperative position adja said instrument body in said angular orientation and
cent the rear surface 108 of the guitar 102, as shown in disengaging from said player's body when in said inop
FIG. 2. The guitar 102 may now be played in the con 20 erative position for maintaining said instrument body in
ventional manner, where it is arranged in a generally other than said angular orientation.
vertical orientation, or conveniently stored in a case 2. The stringed musical instrument of claim 1 wherein
without the necessity of providing specially constructed said support means comprises a rod extending between
storage cases to accommodate the supporting device
120. 25 said mounting blocks.
In accordance with the present invention, there has said3. attachment
The stringed musical instrument of claim 2 wherein
means is movably mounted on said rod
thus far been described a guitar constructed from an for rotational movement between said operative and
instrument body having front and rear surfaces, a neck inoperative positions and for lateral movement between
extending from the instrument body and having a fret a locked and unlocked position.
ted surface, sound producing means extending over a 30
portion of the front surface and the fretted surface, and said4. attachment
The stringed musical instrument of claim3 wherein
means is mounted on said rod by a pair
a device mounted onto the rear surface for positioning
the instrument body in an angular orientation to a guitar of5.spaced-apart slide blocks.
player's body, the device including a pair of spaced said The stringed musical instrument of claim3 wherein
device further includes biasing means for biasing
apart mounting blocks attached to the rear surface, a 35 said attachment means towards said locked position.
rod extending between the mounting blocks, an attach
ment movably mounted to the rod for rotational move said6. biasing The stringed musical instrument of claim 5 wherein
means comprises a spring located about said
ment between an operative and inoperative position and rod and arranged between said mounting blocks and
for lateral movement between a locked and unlocked
position, the attachment overlying the rear surface said attachment means.
when in the inoperative position and substantially per 7. The stringed musical instrument of claim 5 wherein
said attachment means includes a projection extending
pendicular to the rear surface when in the operative therefrom
position, the attachment having a portion engaging the blocks whenand engagable with one of said mounting
player's body when in the operative position for main rod into saidsaid attachment means is rotated about said
operative position while being laterally
taining the instrument body in the angular orientation, moved along said rod into
said locked position by said
the portion disengaging from the player's body when in
said operative position for maintaining the instrument biasing means, whereby said attachment means is
body in other than the angular orientation, and a projec locked in said operative position.
tion extending from the attachment and receivable said8. The stringed musical instrument of claim 7 wherein
projection comprises a portion of an L-shaped
within one of the mounting blocks when the attachment 50
is rotated about the rod into the operative position and member by which said attachment means is mounted on
laterally moved along the rod into the locked position said rod.
by the biasing means, whereby the attachment is locked 9. The stringed musical instrument of claim 7 wherein
in a position substantially perpendicular to the rear said one of said mounting blocks has an opening for
surface. 55 receiving said projection when said attachment means is
Although the invention herein has been described rotated into said operative position.
with reference to particular embodiments, it is to be 10. The stringed musical instrument of claim 9
understood that these embodiments are merely illustra wherein said rod extends through the center of said
tive of the principles and application of the present opening and through the center of said projection along
invention. For example, although the invention has one of its axes, whereby said projection is received
generally been described as maintaining the guitar body within said opening when said attachment means is in
substantially perpendicular to the player's body, the said operative position.
invention may maintain the guitar body at other angular 11. The stringed musical instrument of claim 10
orientations with equal utility and possessing the dis wherein said rod extends off-center through said pro
closed advantages that result therefrom. It is therefore 65 jection along the other of its axes, whereby said projec
to be understood that numerous modifications may be tion is prevented from being received within said open
made to the illustrative embodiments and that other ing when said attachment means is in said inoperative
arrangements may be devised without departing from position.
7 8
12. A guitar comprising an instrument body having between one of said mounting blocks and said attach
front and rear surfaces, a neck extending from said ment means.
instrument body and having a fretted surface, sound 15. The guitar of claim 12 wherein said one of said
producing means extending over a portion of said front mounting blocks has an opening for receiving said pro
surface and said fretted surface, and a device mounted 5 jection when said attachment means is in said operative
onto said rear surface for positioning said instrument position.
body at an angular orientation to a guitar player's body, 16. The guitar of claim 15 wherein said rod extends
said device including a pair of spaced-apart mounting through the center of said opening and through the
blocks attached to said rear surface, a rod extending center of said projection along one of its axes, whereby
between said mounting blocks, attachment means mov 10 said projection is received within said opening when
ably mounted to said rod for rotational movement be said attachment means is in said operative position.
tween an operative and inoperative position and for 17. The guitar of claim 16 wherein said rod extends
lateral movement between a locked and unlocked posi off-center through said projection along the other of its
tion, said attachment means overlying said rear surface axes, whereby said projection is prevented from being
when in said inoperative position and at an angle to said 15 received within said opening when said attachment
rear surface when in said operative position, said attach means is in said inoperative position.
ment means having a portion engaging said player's 18. The guitar of claim 12 wherein said projection
body when in said operative position for maintaining comprises a portion of an L-shaped member by which
said instrument body in said angular orientation, said said attachment means is mounted on said rod.
portion disengaging from said player's body when in 20 19. The guitar of claim 12 wherein said attachment
said inoperative position for maintaining said instrument means is rotated about said rod by the force of gravity
body in other than said angular orientation, and a pro when said instrument body is moved from a substan
jection extending from said attachment means and re tially vertical orientation toward a substantially hori
ceived within one of said mounting blocks when said Zontal orientation.
attachment means is rotated about said rod into said 25
operative position and laterally moved along said rod 20. The guitar of claim 12 wherein said attachment
into said locked position, whereby said attachment means is mounted to said rod by a pair of spaced-apart
means is locked in a position at an angle to said rear slide blocks.
surface. 21. The guitar of claim 12 wherein said angular orien
13. The guitar of claim 12 wherein said device further 30 tation comprise a substantially perpendicular orienta
includes biasing means for biasing said attachment tion.
means towards said locked position. 22. The guitar of claim 12 wherein said angle com
14. The guitar of claim 13 wherein said biasing means prises a substantially perpendicular angle.
k k is
comprises a spring located about said rod and arranged





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