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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

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Butanol and pentanol: The promising biofuels for CI engines – A review MARK

Vinod Babu M , Madhu Murthy K, Amba Prasad Rao G
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Warangal 506004, Telangana State, India


Keywords: Existing fossil fuels may not be able to meet the energy demand in near future due to rapid increase in oil
Butanol consumption. Fluctuating oil prices, depleting oil reserves and high level of harmful emissions through the use
CI Engines of conventional diesel forced the research community to focus their attention on the use of biofuels in
Combustion compression ignition (CI) engines. Extensive use of biofuels offer multitude of advantages such as social
structure, self-sustainability, soil development, effective use of cultivable land and self-employment. Butanol
and pentanol are the most attractive biofuels, which could relieve energy crisis and reduce carcinogenic
particulate matter (PM) emissions that are customary in CI engines. Research in the recent past has witnessed
the notable amount of study in the use of these alcohols, mainly because of the improved yield through modern
fermentation processes. Present work reviews the literature on the effects of using butanol and pentanol on the
combustion, performance and exhaust emissions of CI engines operating under various test conditions.
Attention is paid towards the review of strategies employed for use of higher alcohols in neat or in blended form
to increase the renewable fraction of fuels in CI engines. The combination of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)
rates, delayed injection and the use of higher alcohols can enable low temperature combustion (LTC) strategy in
CI engines, which presents simultaneous reduction in oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and soot emissions with
increased efficiency. This paper also summarizes the key findings of earlier researchers contributed for use of
biofuels in CI engines emphasizing higher alcohols. These biofuels are potential and attractive alternatives for
the use in CI engines for improved performance and substantial reduction of harmful emissions.

1. Introduction ice caps, ozone layer depletion caused by carbon monoxide (CO),
carbon dioxide (CO2) etc., (ii) acidification caused by sulfuric oxides
Due to increase in population and rapid socio-economic develop- and NOx etc., (iii) impaired oxygen carrying capacity, heart and central
ment, global energy demand is unceasingly increasing, which headed to nervous system disorders caused by CO, (iv) cough, eye irritation and
unrestricted energy consumption. Total primary energy consumption drowsiness caused by unburnt hydro carbons (UHC), and (v) major
of the world has increased from 10,556.6 Mtoe (million tonnes of oil health problems like irritation in respiratory tract, asthma, lung cancer
equivalent) to 12,928.4 Mtoe in a span of 10 years i.e. from 2004 to caused by NOx, particulate matter (PM) [2–6] Oil spills or leaks during
2014 [1]. Among the sectors that involve the energy usage, surface transportation via sea can pose serious impact on aquatic life.
transportation is the main sector which consumes petroleum fuels. Moreover, all oil dependent countries lose their hard-earned foreign
Majority of oil reserves are limited to some regions only and rest of the currency reserves for importing the fossil fuels. In order to minimize
world is depending on them to meet their energy needs. These the above mentioned ill effects and to meet the ever increasing fuel
traditional fuel reserves are not only limited but also nonrenewable demand, using alternative fuels compatible to the existing engines
in nature and as such they may deplete completely or may lead to a seems to be a more appropriate method [7–9].
considerable world crisis when the demand exceeds supply. Also, the CI engines emit lesser emissions of UHC, CO and CO2 than SI
use of fossil fuels greatly increase the harmful exhaust emissions which engines. Moreover, they have higher thermal efficiency, torque capa-
deteriorate the quality of our environment and human health apart city, brake power, reliability and durability than petrol engines.
from increasing the global warming. NOx emissions leads to ground Therefore, diesel engines usage is continued in public transportation,
level ozone formation which is harmful not only to human beings but agricultural and industrial equipment, heavy-duty machinery and
also to the vegetation and animal life. Some of the important ill effects power generation applications. However, diesel fueled vehicles produce
with the use of fossil fuels include: (i) rise in sea levels due to melting of higher NOx and PM emissions which are detrimental to atmosphere

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (V.B. M), [email protected] (M.M. K), [email protected] (A.P.R. G).

Received 20 June 2016; Received in revised form 28 April 2017; Accepted 10 May 2017
Available online 15 May 2017
1364-0321/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

and human health. Growing concerns over exhaustion of conventional

fuels, oil pricing worries, greenhouse gas emissions, strict emission
regulations, need for better energy diversity and safety are forcing the
research community to explore alternate, renewable biofuels for CI
Utilization of renewable fuels like biogas, alcohols, vegetable or
seed oils and biodiesel are gaining importance for use in CI engines
because they are environmentally acceptable, locally and abundantly
available, uniformly spread all over the world, technically feasible and
can fulfill the global energy demand. Biogas can be produced domes-
tically from plant and animal wastes and doesn’t have any geographic
boundaries. It is biodegradable, renewable and cost effective. But, the
use of biogas is limited because apart from being hazardous, it requires
high pressure for its use in automobiles [7,10].

1.1. Preparation of biodiesel

Higher density, viscosity and iodine value of vegetable or seed oils

make them unsuitable for long term use in diesel engines. This may
lead to the problems like poor atomization, fouling of injector, piston Fig. 1. Biodiesel production process from vegetable/seed oils.
ring sticking, lubricating oil contamination, poor pumping, more wear,
poor combustion performance, and higher emission levels. Hence, the to its properties like non-toxicity, bio-degradability, higher flash point,
properties of these oils related to combustion must be brought closer to clean burning ability due to its oxygenated nature, about 90% reduction
those of diesel by any of the following methods: (i) blending, (ii) micro- in cancer risks due to less harmful emissions, zero sulfur content and
emulsion, (iii) thermal cracking, and (iv) transesterification (or alco- its ease of manufacture [15,16]. Biodiesel usually consists of fatty acid
holysis). Among these, alcoholysis was found to be the best method ethyl/methyl esters, which are obtained from triglycerides of oils by
which is defined as the process of converting the triglycerides present alcoholysis with ethanol/methanol [15–19]. Concept of biodiesel is
in the seed oils to the fatty acid esters known as biodiesel [11–17]. introduced by the inventor of diesel engines, Rudolf Christian Karl
American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) defined biodie- Diesel, in 19th century who used neat peanut oil to run the engine [18].
sel as a domestic, renewable fuel for diesel derived from natural oils Numerous oils were proposed as an alternative to diesel in due course
such as soybean and other vegetable oils. It is not a raw vegetable oil: A of time. More than 350 vegetable oils, animal fats, recycled greases,
biodiesel must be refined so that all natural glycerin is removed from used vegetable oils were identified as prospective feedstocks for
the oil. Problems like carbonization and engine coking that are usually preparation of biodiesel [19].
encountered with the use of vegetable oils can be avoided with the use Majority properties of biodiesel are nearer to diesel which enable
of biodiesel. Biodiesel can be prepared from both edible and nonedible blending of these fuels in the desired proportions. A number of
seed oils, used or recycled oils and animal fats. Biodiesel production researchers have reported that identical power output, reduced emis-
from edible vegetable oils increase the cost of fuel and hence it is sions of soot, CO, CO2 and UHC could be obtained using biodiesel in
necessary to consider the nonedible oils and waste oils as the feedstock neat or in blended form against diesel operation. This could be credited
for biodiesel production. Most of the nonedible oils are produced to the oxygen content available with biodiesel that leads to complete
abundantly across the world and have not been used to their potential burning [15–17,20–23]. The B20 blend (20% biodiesel and 80% diesel)
so far. These issues motivate the research community to concentrate is the most common blend which reported early start of combustion,
more on the use of biodiesel from non-edible feedstock in CI engines lower ignition delay, longer combustion duration, lower heat release
[11–14]. rate (both premixed and total) and 30% less engine wear as compared
The process of biodiesel production from vegetable/seed oils is to diesel operation [11,15,16]. It was also reported that exhaust
outlined in Fig. 1. After extracting the raw vegetable oil from seeds, it contained zero sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions, improved polycyclic
must be pretreated before proceeding to transesterification. aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions and ± 10% NOx emissions
Pretreatment involves heating and purification methods. The refined depending on the engines’ combustion characteristics [15].
vegetable oil is then transesterified using an alcohol (methanol,
ethanol, butanol etc.) and a catalyst (either acid or base). Acids donate
a H+ to the carboxyl group, while bases remove a H+ from alcohol to 1.3. Preparation of alcohols
catalyze the reaction. The refined vegetable oil is heated to a tempera-
ture of 60 °C before adding the solution of alcohol and catalyst in the Methanol (CH3OH) and ethanol (C2H5OH) are the simple forms of
desired proportions. In transesterification, triglycerides of oil react alcohols that are produced from a range of renewable sources. Simple
with an alcohol in the presence of a catalyst and produce crude and environmental friendly production processes, local availability and
biodiesel and glycerol. The crude glycerol thus obtained can be refined ability to burn clean have made these alcohols as a good choice for the
and used for soap making. Crude biodiesel is then subjected to use in CI engines. Methanol can be produced from various carbon
distillation and water washing for the removal of alcohol, residual sources like biomass, coke oven gas, syngas, coal and natural gas [24–
alkali catalyst and glycerol. The alcohol thus obtained can be recycled 29]. Fig. 2 demonstrates various steps involved in the production of
and used for transesterification process. The biodiesel thus obtained methanol.
must be heated at about 110 °C for 30 min for the removal of moisture Ethanol dominates the present-day biofuel market due to its ease of
traces and to obtain refined biodiesel which possess properties closer to manufacture and environmental friendliness as compared to methanol
that of diesel. [30]. It can be produced from lignocellulosic materials like agriculture
feedstock, sugar cane residue, waste biomass and forestry biomass
1.2. Suitability and applications of biodiesel in CI engines without relying much on food crops. High yields of lignocellulosic
biomass could be obtained from energy crops [31]. Ethanol production
Application of biodiesel in CI engines has gained importance owing involves hydrolysis (breaking cellulose to glucose) and fermentation

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

values of cetane number (CN), calorific value (CV) and flash point (FP),
poor miscibility with diesel, higher latent heat of vaporization (LHV),
and high self-ignition temperatures (SIT) limit their application in CI
engines [35,36]. To deal with these limitations, techniques like bi-fuel
injection, fumigation, blending and emulsification were adopted [37].
Further, mixing of these alcohols to diesel make these blends fall under
Class I liquids (with FP less than 37.8 °C) thereby increasing storage
and handling difficulties [38]. The available reviews on some main
biofuels are presented in Table 1 to enable the readers to have an
overview of the literature. Table 2 presents the applications, pros and
cons of main biofuels that were extensively used in CI engines so far.
Higher or long chain alcohols with carbon atoms exceeding three
viz., butanol (C4H9OH), pentanol (C5H11OH) etc. have gathered the
attention of research community in recent years because of their higher
cetane number and energy density, less hygroscopic nature, better
ignition quality and blend stability [35,47,48]. Moreover, these alco-
hols can be used in transesterification and the esters produced through
their use possess good CN, high calorific value and energy density
owing to the increased carbon chain length [7,10]. Comparison of
Fig. 2. Preparation of methanol from various carbon sources. properties of some alcohols and diesel is presented in Table 3. Long
chain alcohols blend well with diesel owing to their properties like low
(converting glucose to ethanol) processes. It can be made by separate polarity, more-carbon fraction and less hygroscopic behavior [49,50].
hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF) or simultaneous saccharification and Other interesting properties of these alcohols are less corrosiveness,
fermentation (SSF) processes. Hydrolysis and fermentation processes higher FP and lower vapor pressure, which result in safer handling and
will be carried out under distinct optimized parameters in SHF process. lower evaporative emissions [51]. Among these alcohols, butanol and
While higher yield and faster hydrolysis rate were observed using SHF, pentanol are viable alternate biofuels for the use in CI engines. They are
higher productivity and shorter operating time were observed using SSF renewable fuels that are produced by alcoholic fermentation of biomass
[32–34]. The combined mode of SHF and SSF which possess the feed stocks similar to ethanol production [49–51]. The higher oxygen
advantages of both the processes (higher yield and productivity) is called content available with these alcohols compared with biodiesel results in
semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation. In this process, additional reduction of soot and the higher LHV leads to poorer
hydrolysis is carried out under optimized conditions followed by combustion temperature which in turn reduces NOx emissions [52].
fermentation without removing the hydrolysate [33]. Fig. 3 depicts the This review presents and discusses the studies on the usage of
production process of ethanol and other higher alcohols. butanol and pentanol: (i) as neat fuels, (ii) under dual-fuel injection
mode, (iii) as blends with diesel and some popular types of nonedible
biodiesel for partial or complete replacement of conventional diesel
1.4. Suitability and applications of alcohols in CI engines from CI engines with no modifications of engine hardware. Previous
researches and the on-going investigations on the usage of butanol and
Utilization of methanol and ethanol as alternate fuels in CI engines pentanol in CI engines were found to be successful because of their
has been extensively investigated and found that they deteriorate the ability to lower the dependency on conventional diesel by increasing
engine performance, especially when blending exceeds 10%. Lower the fraction of renewable fuels.

Fig. 3. Production process of ethanol and other higher alcohols.

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

Table 1
Available reviews on the use of biofuels in CI engines.

Type of biofuel Biofuel Sources/ Sub type Effects/Techniques discussed Reference

Biodiesel i. Edible and nonedible oils i. Cost estimation of feedstock [7]

ii. Animal fats ii. Influence of fatty acid
iii. Waste oil iii. Effect of feedstock
iv. Other oils iv. Effect of biodiesel type
Alcohol i. Propanol i. Combustion characteristics [10]
ii. Butanol ii. Emission characteristics
iii. Pentanol iii. Performance characteristics
iv. Other higher alcohols
Alcohol, Vegetable oil, and Biodiesel i. Methanol i. Environmental and health issues of various pollutants [11]
ii. Ethanol ii. Engine alterations needed and material compatibility
iii. Edible oils iii. Various methods of reducing viscosity of vegetable oils
iv. Nonedible oils iv. Effects of process parameters on biodiesel preparation
v. Engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics
vi. Engine tribology studies
vii. Economic feasibility of biodiesel
Biodiesel i. Edible oils i. Economics of biodiesel production [12]
ii. Nonedible oils ii. Chemical composition, flow, storage and stability properties evaluation
iii. Animal fats iii. Engine performance and endurance issues
iv. Fat oils iv. Regulated and unregulated emissions
Vegetable oil, and Biodiesel i. Edible oils i. Suitability of vegetable oil and its blends [15]
ii. Nonedible oils ii. Problems in using seed oils and its blends
iii. Performance and emission characteristics of seed oils and its blends
iv. Production of biodiesel and its use
v. Engine performance using biodiesel and its blends
vi. Teardown analysis
vii. Biodiesel policy and recommendations for its development in India
Biodiesel Nonedible oils i. Effects of process parameters on biodiesel preparation [16]
ii. Quantification of biodiesel
iii. Engine performance using biodiesel and its blends
iv. Environmental issues and economic feasibility of biodiesel
Biodiesel i. Edible and nonedible oils i. Chemical composition of various oils and their methyl esters [18,19]
ii. Animal fats ii. Various methods of producing biodiesel
iii. Other sources iii. Use of oils, their performance, problems raised and possible solutions
iv. Use of biodiesel, their performance, problems raised and possible solutions
v. Economic viability of biodiesel

Methanol i. Coal i. Methanol production, supply, demand and economics [24]

Ethanol ii. Natural gas ii. Environmental and health issues of methanol
Hydrogen iii. Coke-oven gas iii. Applications of methanol and its blends with conventional and various biofuels in
Biodiesel iv. Hydrogen internal combustion (IC) engines
DMEa v. Biomass
Alcohol i. Methanol i. Renewable sources of alcohols [31]
ii. Ethanol ii. Influence of methanol and ethanol fumigation on engine testing parameters
Alcohol Butanol i. History of n-butanol production [57]
ii. Improvements in butanol production
iii. Alternative hosts for biobutanol synthesis
iv. Progress in the use of n-butanol as a fuel

Dimethyl ether.
Liquefied petroleum gas.

2. Butanol production and its usage in CI engines E.coli, ionic liquids, gas stripping, supercritical extraction and perva-
poration have considerably increased the butanol yield [37,53–55].
Butanol, a straight chain alcohol with 4-carbon atoms, can be Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) introduced a
prepared using same feed stocks as that of ethanol (Fig. 3) but need less new technology known as Butyfix process which can convert 94% of
energy [35]. Production capability from both petroleum and non- carbon available in biomass during fermentation [56]. Like ethanol,
petroleum resources, inferior LHV, superior CN and FP, and higher CV butanol can also be used in the transesterification process for the
as compared to lower alcohols have made butanol as a viable making of biodiesel [57]. Neat butanol operation, butanol dual-fuel
alternative to diesel fuel. “ABE (Acetone-Butanol-Ethanol) fermenta- injection, butanol blends with diesel, biodiesel and vegetable oils will
tion” was the most popular process for the production of butanol since be focused in the following sections.
World War I. The bacteria used, Clostridium, also produce acetone and
ethanol along with butanol. In the earlier days, the efficiency of butanol 2.1. Neat butanol operation
production was only about 50% as compared to ethanol production due
to which researchers have not concentrated much on its utilization. Higher LHV and SIT, lower CN of butanol as compared to diesel
Escalating oil prices, health and environmental concerns in recent limits its straight usage in CI engines without any engine modifications.
years have made the scientific community to put focus on increasing Modifications like replacement of plastic and rubber parts with alcohol
the efficiency of fermentation processes. The modern fermentation tolerant materials [57], use of elevated injection pressures for direct
processes using genetically improved strains of clostridia species, injection of butanol with high EGR rates [59], Using fuel cooler,

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

Table 2
Major applications, pros and cons of some of the main biofuels used in CI engines [7,11,18,19,24,31,39–46].

Biofuel Applications Advantages Disadvantages/Negative impacts

Methanol i. In high compression ratio engines as a i. Simple, cheap and eco-friendly i. Not safe to handle due to their poor FP.
straight fuel (or) under dual fuel mode production. ii. Poor miscibility with diesel necessitates use of blending
(or) in blended form with diesel or ii. Lower ozone forming potential. agents or emulsifiers.
biodiesel. iii. Oxygen content available aids in clean iii. Poor lubricating properties increase engine wear.
ii. In transesterifi-cation process for combustion thus produce less PM iv. Poses cold starting problems due to its high heat of
biodiesel preparation. emissions. vaporization.
iv. Local availability reduce fossil fuel v. Lower energy density necessitate large storage
imports. requirements and higher fuel inputs for same engine
v. Neat methanol use improves BTE, NOx power.
and PM emissions. vi. It is highly corrosive.
vi. Methanol improves BTE, soot, CO and vii. Cause environmental hazards in case of spill due to its
UHC emissions when blended with toxicity.
diesel. viii. Neat methanol use deteriorates BSFC, and CO, UHC
vii. Methanol fumigation and diesel DI/ emissions.
biodiesel DI improves CO2, NOx and ix. Methanol/diesel blends deteriorate BSFC, and NOx,
PM emissions. aldehyde emissions.
viii. Methanol improves NOx, UHC and PM x. Methanol fumigation and diesel DI/biodiesel DI increases
emissions when blended with biodiesel. BSFC, CO and UHC emissions.
xi. Methanol/biodiesel blends deteriorate CO, aldehyde and
unburnt methanol emissions.
xii. Higher concentrations of methanol in diesel/biodiesel
blends increase CO, UHC emissions.
Ethanol i. In high compression ratio engines as a i. Possible to produce from agricultural and i. Not safe to handle due to their poor FP.
straight fuel (or) under dual fuel mode forestry biomass thus increasing ii. Poor miscibility with diesel necessitates use of blending
(or) in blended form with diesel or agriculture based economy and agents or emulsifiers.
biodiesel. employment. iii. Poor lubricating properties increase engine wear.
ii. In transesterifi-cation process for ii. Reasonably cleaner, less toxic and less iv. More expensive to produce compared to methanol.
biodiesel preparation. corrosive than methanol. v. Poses cold starting problems due to its high heat of
iii. Oxygen content available aids in clean vaporization.
combustion thus produce less PM vi. Lower energy density necessitate large storage
emissions. requirements and higher fuel inputs for same engine
iv. Local availability reduce fossil fuel power.
imports. vii. Ethanol fumigation and diesel DI/biodiesel DI increases
v. Ethanol fumigation and diesel DI BSFC, CO and UHC emissions.
improves CO2, NOx and PM emissions. viii. Ethanol deteriorates BSFC, and NOx, aldehyde emissions
vi. Ethanol/diesel blends improve BTE, soot, when blended with diesel.
CO and UHC emissions. ix. Ethanol increases CO and UHC emissions when blended
vii. Ethanol/biodiesel blends improve NOx with biodiesel.
and PM emissions. x. Higher concentrations of methanol in diesel/biodiesel
blends increase CO, UHC emissions.
Vegetable oils i. In CI engines as a neat fuel or in i. Making of vegetable oils involve reduced i. Poses cold starting problems, misfire and extended ignition
blended form with diesel/alcohol in energy input compared to energy crops. delay owing to their high viscosity and low volatility.
any proportion. ii. They possess higher energy content (about ii. Subjected to plugging and gumming of filters, fuel lines and
90% of diesel). injectors owing to natural gums and ash content.
iii. Higher CO, UHC and PM emissions paid to higher viscosity
and poor atomization leading to incomplete combustion.
iv. Injector coking, carbon deposits on piston and cylinder
head due to incomplete and poor combustion.
v. Failure of engine lubricating oil and hence excessive engine
wear due to dilution and polymerization lubricating oil.
Biodiesel (Methyl i. As a straight fuel or in blended form i. It possess higher energy content (about i. It increases the oxidation of lubricating oil.
esters of seed with diesel in any proportion with no 90% of diesel). ii. It has high viscosity compared to diesel which increase
oil) engine alterations. ii. It is nontoxic, biodegradable and has high droplet size and spray penetration.
FP making it safer to store and handle. iii. Biodiesel produced from high unsaturated esters has lower
iii. It can reduce cancer risks by 90% due to CN and less oxidation stability.
its lower PM and PAH emissions. iv. Biodiesel produced from high saturated esters has poor
iv. Its inherent lubrication properties reduce cold flow properties.
engine wear thereby increase engine life. v. Its lower heating value and higher density increase BSFC.
v. Its lower C/H ratio, fuel bound oxygen, vi. Higher unsaturation of biodiesel leads to poor long term
higher CN aids in complete combustion storage and deposit formation issues.
thus producing lower CO, soot and UHC vii. Performance and emissions of engines vary largely based
emissions. on the type of feedstock selected for biodiesel
vi. It produce lower NOx emissions (only production.Generally, the use of shorter carbon chain esters
with the use of biodiesel derived from result in the deterioration of power, BTE and BSFC, and the use
high saturated oils due to their high CN). of unsaturated esters lead to higher NOx emissions.
vii. It helps in mitigating global warming due i. Less oxidation stability of biodiesel leads to the formation of
to closed CO2 cycle. harmful products to engine components.
ii. Higher cost of feedstock and processing cost.

preheated air, high intake boost pressure and port injection of butanol in CI engines due to: (i) its diesel like stoichiometric air/fuel ratio [35],
[60,61], adding a lubricity improver to butanol upto 500 ppm [61] were (ii) its less corrosiveness, low vapor pressure and high flash point,
suggested for using neat butanol in CI engines. By incorporating the which ensure safe storage, handling and transportation [57], (iii) its
above modifications in the existing engines, one can safely use butanol inferior volatility, which reduces cavitation and vapor lock problems

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

Table 3
Properties of some alcohols and diesel [17,36–38,47,50,51,58,118].

Property/Fuel Diesel Methanol Ethanol Butanol Pentanol

Molecular Formula CXHY CH3OH C2H5OH C4H9OH C5H11OH

Lower Calorific Value [MJ/kg] 42 to 44 19.58 to 20.08 26.78 to 26.83 32.91 to 33.1 34.65 to 34.94
Density at 15° C [kg/m3] 820 to 844 791.3 789 to 790 808 to 811 814.8
Kinematic Viscosity at 40° C [cSt] 2.42 to 4.0 0.58 to 0.74 1.08 to 1.5 2.22 to 2.63 2.89
Oxygen Content (%) – 49.93 34.73 21.59 18.15
LHV [kJ/kg] 260 to 270 1162.64 840 to 918.42 581 to 586 308.05
SIT [°C] 254 to 300 463 420 345 300
Flash Point [(°C] 55 to 88 11 13 to 17 30 to 37 49.1
CFPP [°C] −17 to −5 < −51 < −51 < −51 −40
Lubricity [µm] 315 1100 1057 591 670.5
CN/CCI 40 to 55 2 to 5 8 to 11 17 to 25 18.2 to 20

[57], (iv) its better CN, inferior LHV and SIT as compared to methanol
and ethanol [57], (v) its diesel like kinematic viscosity, which results in
better wear characteristics [58], (vi) its lower boiling point than that of
diesel, which enables faster evaporation and enhanced mixing [61].
Some prominent investigations on the effects of using butanol as a
direct fuel on combustion, emission and performance parameters of CI
engines are presented in the following sections.

2.1.1. Combustion characteristics

Liu et al. [58] investigated spray combustion characteristics of neat
butanol on a constant volume combustion chamber at altered ambient
temperatures and showed that it was more suitable to CI engines. They
observed less flame luminosity for butanol compared to soybean
biodiesel during the tests. The flame propagation and distribution
were found to be less sensitive to temperatures in the range between
700 K and 1000 K.
LTC can be achieved by thoroughly premixing the air-fuel mixture
which oxidizes at a low temperature preceded by an extended ignition
delay period. Uncommon fuels like butanol were found to be more Fig. 4. Comparison of HCCI operating range with IMEP for Butanol and Gasoline [60].

appropriate for LTC operation using direct injection (DI) strategy

under high pressures and port fuel injection (PFI) strategy under low dead center). Drop in in-cylinder pressure rise rates were observed
pressures. Its higher SIT, lower CN and higher volatility are favorable with retarded injection. However, the operating range of injection
to accomplish LTC. While lower CN and higher SITs increase the timing was limited to a small window of 5 °CA (−18° to −13° aTDC)
ignition delay period which helps in better air-fuel mixing, higher only owing to high PRR and misfire. Reduction in O2 concentration in
volatility increases vaporization rate [10,57,59–65]. Unlike diesel, the mixture from 20.5% to 19.8% increased the operative range of
butanol is favorable for achieving homogeneous compression charge injection timing to a 12 °CA window (−26° to −14° aTDC) due to slower
ignition (HCCI) combustion due to its less reactive and high volatile chemical reaction rate. It was concluded that butanol has a very narrow
nature [10,57,59–64]. range of injection timing compared to that of diesel. However, it can be
PFI of butanol into the intake manifold and preheated intake air increased by reducing the intake O2 amounts. Shorter combustion
were used to achieve homogeneous mixture preparation and auto- duration of butanol features in rapid heat release which leads to high
ignition to operate one of the engine cylinders in HCCI mode without pressure rise rates [59,61–65]. Fig. 5 shows the comparison of
employing EGR and intake boost pressure. It was found that butanol combustion between butanol fueling techniques and baseline diesel
has good combustion characteristics for HCCI operation with a slightly operation with and without EGR. Use of EGR was found to be effective
smaller HCCI operating range than gasoline throughout the speed to postpone the ignition and reduce combustion roughness [61–65].
range as shown in Fig. 4. Higher boiling point and LHV of butanol High EGR requirement with butanol PFI mode was reported to control
compared to gasoline led to inferior mixing and evaporation character- the pressure rise rate as compared to butanol DI mode. Whereas,
istics, which resulted in lower combustion efficiency than that of butanol DI required delay in injection timing to control the pressure
gasoline. However, higher combustion efficiency was observed with rise rate even without using EGR [63].
rich mixtures and elevated intake temperatures for both the fuels [60].
Yanai et al. [61] conducted preliminary investigations on a DI CI 2.1.2. Emission characteristics
engine running under the high loads from 6.5 to 8.0 bar IMEP It is very difficult to accomplish simultaneous drop in NOx and soot
(Indicated Mean Effective Pressure) keeping speed constant at emissions in CI engines owing to their natural trade-off relationship.
1500 rpm by varying injection timing, EGR rate (intake O2) and intake LTC is one of the promising strategies which offers drop in NOx and
boost pressure using butanol and diesel. They reported relatively stable soot emissions with enhanced efficiency. Most commonly used meth-
combustion of butanol using higher intake boost pressure. While the ods to achieve LTC are EGR and late injection timing. While high EGR
diesel case showed both premixed and diffusion modes of combustion, rates decrease the engine performance by deteriorating combustion
butanol showed almost premixed combustion only. Extended ignition which results in increased UHC and CO emissions, retarded injection
delay owing to the inferior CN of butanol presented a rapid HRR (Heat timing results in lower indicated thermal efficiency (ITE) and increase
Release Rate) resulting in an excessive high PRR (Pressure Rise Rate) in smoke opacity. These bad effects can effectively be tackled by using
compared to diesel operation. Attainment of both peak heat release and butanol without using high EGR rates and retarded injection timings
peak cylinder pressure were observed at around 6 °CA aTDC (after top for realizing ultra-low NOx and near zero smoke emissions [59–65].

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

HCCI combustion resulted in simultaneous drop in NOx and PM

emissions with a penalty in CO and UHC emissions against diesel
operation [10,57,59,60,64,67]. It was also found that NOx emissions
are more sensitive to the air-fuel ratio when compared to inlet air
temperatures in HCCI operational range [60]. Compared to gasoline
HCCI, butanol HCCI presented ultra-low NOx emissions and lower CO,
UHC emissions. However, there was a noteworthy increase in CO
emissions and a slight deterioration in UHC emissions with butanol
HCCI operation as compared to diesel operation [60,64,67]. These
could be attributed to an enhanced mixing, drop in in-cylinder gas
temperatures and extended ignition delay.
Increase in IMEP from 6.5 bar to 8 bar presented a significant rise
in NOx emissions and a significant reduction in CO emissions with
almost unchanged soot and UHC emissions [61]. The emissions of NOx
and CO can further be reduced with the use of moderate intake O2 with
a slight penalty on UHC emissions [59,61]. Single-shot injection
strategy of neat butanol in a modern common rail DI CI engine under
medium loads (6–8 bar IMEP) presented ultra-low NOx and soot
emissions even without employing EGR [62]. Both PFI and DI modes
of operation (using butanol as fuel) have reported ultra-low NOx and
soot emissions with deteriorated CO and THC (total hydrocarbon)
emissions against diesel operation without EGR as shown in Fig. 6
[63]. Comparable soot and CO emissions with both butanol fueling
techniques, extremely high NOx emissions with butanol DI mode and
very high THC emissions with butanol PFI mode were also reported
without EGR. It was also observed that butanol DI mode with 25% EGR
Fig. 5. Comparison of combustion between n-Butanol fueling techniques and baseline
presented best emission characteristics compared to butanol PFI mode
Diesel operation [63]. with 60% EGR (Fig. 6).
Tests performed on a modified CRDI diesel engine using butanol
Liu et al. [58] reported simultaneous decrease in NOx and soot proved that the emissions are not sensitive to the intake pressure and
emissions with prolonged ignition delay in their investigation. Though dilution by EGR is not required to achieve ultra-low NOx and soot
there was an increase in soot mass concentration with elevated emissions at low and middle loads (4–7 bar IMEP) which is not the
temperatures, it was found to be very least for butanol compared to same case with the use of diesel [64]. Whereas, both boost and
soybean biodiesel. The renewable nature of butanol decreases the reasonable levels of EGR are essential for butanol HCCI at higher
carbon foot prints, and its oxygen content helps in reducing soot loads to control the PRR and to improve the combustion phasing for
emissions, especially at elevated load conditions [10,57,59,61,62,65]. improved thermal efficiency [59,63,64]. Zheng et al. [65] suggested
Single-shot injection of diesel requires elevated injection pressure, high multi-phase injections with medium EGR to overcome the drawbacks
intake pressure and very high EGR rates (60–70%) for simultaneous associated with deteriorated combustion and misfires caused by high
drop in NOx and soot emissions through LTC [10,57,59,61]. It is rates of EGR.
understood that supply of high EGR rates is not practicable except in
the research environment [10,57,59,63]. 2.1.3. Performance characteristics
Drop in both NOx and smoke emissions was observed with Investigations on a four-cylinder, DI CI engine at high compression
moderate EGR and intake boost using butanol [57,59,62,63]. High ratios showed that butanol has a promising potential to enable LTC
EGR requirement (51–57%) with butanol PFI mode with disabled pilot under high pressure DI due to its diesel-like viscosity [59,61–63].
diesel DI was reported for achieving very low NOx and smoke HCCI combustion helps to achieve higher thermal efficiency due to
emissions as compared to butanol DI mode [59,63]. Use of double- reduced heat losses as a result of lesser combustion temperatures and
shot injection at medium loads and triple-shot injection at higher loads shorter combustion duration compared to conventional diesel opera-
with moderate boost and EGR presented better heat release pattern tion [10,57,59,60,64,66]. Inferior ITE and ISFC (Indicated Specific
and reduction in NOx and soot emissions simultaneously [59]. Fuel Consumption) were reported with butanol as compared to gaso-
line in HCCI mode, which could be attributed to the lower combustion

Fig. 6. Comparison of various regulated emissions between n-Butanol DI and PFI modes [63].

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

and soot emissions against diesel-DI operation.

• Butanol-PFI recorded inferior ITE compared to butanol-DI for the
same NOx and rate of pressure rise in the cylinder.
• High EGR is required with butanol-PFI mode for achieving low NOx
and smoke emissions and to control the PRR. Whereas, butanol-DI
needs late injection timing to regulate the PRR.
• Compared to diesel, butanol single shot injection is good from NOx
and soot emissions point of view but is difficult to control combus-
tion using injection timing. This can be rectified using EGR, but it
increases CO and UHC emissions.
• Pilot-main injections showed deteriorated NOx and smoke emis-
sions as compared to single-shot injection.
• Multiphase injections using medium EGR rates is beneficial to
Fig. 7. Comparison of ITE and maximum PRR between n-Butanol DI and PFI modes control the combustion without affecting performance and resulting
[63]. in low exhaust emissions.

efficiency of butanol [60]. However, best efficiency was observed with 2.2. Butanol Bi-fuel injection
rich mixtures and low intake air temperatures for both the fuels.
Efficiency drops significantly with butanol HCCI at lower intake Bi-fuel injection is a technique available for utilizing low CN fuels
temperatures for leaner mixtures due to late combustion phasing. like butanol in the CI engines. In this method, a pre-decided amount of
Use of butanol presented similar thermal efficiency with 20.5% butanol is injected into the engine inlet manifold by an injector coupled
intake O2 and slightly lower thermal efficiency with 19.8% intake O2 to an additional fuel tank with separate controls and fuel lines. It has
compared to diesel operation [61]. There was a gradual deterioration in gathered the attention of researchers as it offers several advantages
thermal efficiency with retarded injection timings later than −16° aTDC over alcohol/diesel blending strategy. High LHV of butanol results in
due to the effect of fast burning. High cylinder pressure rise rates lowering the charge temperature which increase mixture density. Due
limited the peak load around 8 bar IMEP. Butanol single-shot injection to this, excess charge enters the combustion chamber thus improving
in a modern CRDI engine at 6–8 bar IMEP presented comparable engine power. This excess utilization of butanol increases the energy
efficiency with diesel operation without employing EGR [62]. share from renewable fuels as compared to its blending technique
Introduction of EGR at low levels helped to realize LTC through [66,67]. It must be observed here that the blends with higher fractions
delayed ignition which in turn resulted in improved efficiency [62,65]. of butanol (more than 35% v/v) violate European norms-EN 590 owing
Fig. 7 shows the comparison of ITE and maximum PRR between to their less lubricity [38]. It is possible to switch the engine operation
butanol DI and PFI modes. Both techniques using butanol as fuel from bi-fuel mode to single fuel mode depending on the requirement. It
without EGR showed slightly higher ITE as compared to diesel is also possible to regulate the butanol fraction to be injected based on
operation, but butanol DI with 25% EGR presented higher ITE as engine load conditions [69]. When compared to blends, dual-fuel
compared to butanol PFI with 60% EGR for the same rate of pressure injection minimizes the evaporation losses [70].
rise [63]. Investigations on a modified CRDI engine using butanol The summary of the literature based on the effects of using butanol
HCCI proved that the load range can be extended by about 25% (upto PFI and diesel DI in multi-cylinder diesel engines [66,67,69,70] and
10 bar IMEP) over diesel HCCI with improved performance [64]. single-cylinder diesel engines [68] on combustion, emission and
Multi-phase injections (two early pilot injections and a reduced main performance parameters is presented below. The effects of butanol
injection) with medium EGR further improved the efficiency [65]. PFI and biodiesel DI on combustion, emission and performance
parameters of a single-cylinder CI engine [71–73] are also discussed.
2.1.4. Summary
The above literature on usage of butanol reveal the following points: 2.2.1. Combustion characteristics
PFI of butanol promotes premixed combustion phase which
• Neat butanol usage in CI engines results in decrease of soot and NOx increases with an increase in butanol fraction. This results in rapid
emissions simultaneously without deterioration in efficiency irre- burning and smaller combustion duration, which leads to increased
spective of the type of the engine used. heat release rates and higher cylinder pressure rise rates [66,67]. The
• Butanol is favorable for the implementation of the HCCI operation. combination of high EGR ratio and increased butanol PFI percentage
• Butanol shows stronger soot reduction capability and offers higher leads to longer ignition delay due to which combustion starts aTDC,
fuel efficiency than biodiesel. causing slower burning rate and lower combustion pressure [66,68].
• Its oxygen content helps in suppressing soot formation, while its However, the locations of the peaks of cylinder pressure and HRR were
greater LHV lowers cylinder temperature and thus reduces NOx advanced with prolonged ignition delay and shortened combustion
formation. duration by using advanced injection timing [68,73].
• Dilution by EGR is not required to achieve ultra-low NOx and smoke The combination of single-shot DI of peanut biodiesel and butanol
emissions at low and middle loads. Use of moderate EGR further PFI without EGR was used to achieve LTC at idling speeds (800 rpm)
reduces NOx emissions. Moreover, load range can be extended by which decrease the premixed combustion phase drastically. Reduction
about 25% (upto 10 bar IMEP) over diesel HCCI with improved in ignition delay compared to baseline ULSD operation, occurrence of
performance. premixed combustion before TDC and diffusion combustion after TDC
• Huge drops in NOx emissions are obtained with butanol HCCI. were observed. Moreover, higher loads on the engine and increased
When compared to gasoline, butanol has good HCCI characteristics butanol content drastically diminishes the premixed combustion phase
but the operating range is slightly smaller. [71]. Comparable results were observed by employing combined modes
• Diesel requires higher EGR for lowering NOx emissions but at low/ of butanol PFI and cottonseed bio-diesel DI through reactivity con-
middle loads, butanol HCCI combustion requires no dilution to trolled compression ignition (RCCI) combustion [72].
realize very low NOx and smoke emissions. Liu et al. [73] investigated detailed combustion characteristics of
• Neat butanol operation (under PFI and DI modes) present low NOx butanol PFI and soybean biodiesel DI dual-fuel-injection system
employing different EGR rates and premixed ratios in a CI engine

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

using experiments and simulations. They adjusted injection timings to moderate butanol PFI fraction (20%) and advanced injection timing (8°
keep 50% burn point between 2° CA and 10° CA aTDC. Retardation in CA BTDC) [68].
combustion phasing and reduction in PRR and cylinder pressure were Slightly lower efficiency and significantly higher SFC compared to
observed with an increase in premixed ratios and also with retarded baseline ULSD operation were observed with the combination of
injection timings. While early injection presented a single-stage HTHR single-shot DI of peanut biodiesel and butanol PFI without EGR was
(High Temperature Heat Release), late injection presented a two-stage at low loads during idling speed (800 rpm). However, comparable
HTHR in which the first-stage HTHR was predominantly due to the values were obtained at the maximum load point during idling speed,
oxidation of biodiesel. i.e. at 3 bar IMEP, 800 rpm [71]. Comparable outcomes were observed
with the arrangement of early PFI of butanol and cottonseed bio-diesel
2.2.2. Emission characteristics DI through RCCI [72]. Liu et al. [73] explored the impacts of three pre-
Butanol fumigation (50% v/v) presented 73% reduction in NOx mixed ratios at late and early injection timings and observed compar-
emissions, while butanol/diesel blends (50% v/v) presented only 61% able ITE for premixed ratios of 80% and 85% and a reduction of about
reduction compared to diesel operation at medium loads. Moreover, 0.6% in ITE for a premixed ratio of 90%. Little higher value of ITE was
butanol fumigation presented improved trade-off among smoke and reported with the early injection compared to that of late injection.
NOx emissions with unaffected efficiency at medium/high loads [67]. While both 35% and 40% EGR rates presented comparable ITE, 45%
The combination of high EGR ratio and increased butanol PFI EGR rate presented 1–2% reduction in ITE.
percentage results in improved smoke and NOx emissions and
deteriorated UHC and CO emissions. Whereas, medium EGR pre- 2.2.4. Summary
sented improved NOx and smoke emissions with no observable change Based on the studies on butanol bi-fuel injection, the following
in CO and UHC emissions as compared to the engine operation without information can be inferred:
EGR at all butanol PFI fractions [66,68].
Advanced injection timing exhibited a significant decrease in the • There was an improvement in smoke and NOx emissions trade-off
tendency of the deterioration in UHC, CO and NOx emissions with with unaffected thermal efficiency at medium/high loads. Whereas,
higher butanol PFI percentage, predominantly at low EGR ratios. unburned fuel loss and cooling loss have worsened thermal effi-
However, reductions in UHC, CO and soot emissions were reported ciency at low loads with butanol fumigation method.
with a small penalty in NOx emissions using early injection timing at • Using dual-fuel injection, higher volume of butanol (upto 65% v/v)
high EGR ratios [68]. Reduction in particle number concentration can be substituted.
(PNC) and reduced geometric mean diameter (GMD) of particles were • Arrangement of butanol PFI, diesel DI and EGR effectively reduce
observed with butanol fumigation. Further, it was also found that both soot and NOx emissions to ultra-low level.
butanol fumigation can meet the current emission standards, and all • Higher butanol concentration increases UHC and CO emissions,
specific emissions were in good agreement with the literature [70]. which lead to higher ISFC and lower ITE.
Simultaneously improved NOx (74%) and soot (98%) emissions at • Improved engine performance, slightly inferior NOx emissions and a
3 bar IMEP were achieved by developing a clean idling technology reduction in other regulated emissions were observed with advanced
using single-shot DI of Peanut bio-diesel and low pressure butanol PFI injection of 5°CA before top dead center (bTDC). Use of high butanol
compared to baseline ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) operation. fraction (40% v/v) in combination with high EGR (45% v/v)
However, there was an increase in UHC and CO emissions by 10–20 produced better emissions and efficiency.
times owing to partly burned fuel during premixed combustion phase. • Deteriorated engine performance and high UHC and CO emissions
Moreover, butanol and biodiesel usage resulted in significantly in- are common features with butanol-PFI.
creased formaldehyde emissions in LTC regimes due to the oxygenated • Though there are many common features between hydrous ethanol
characteristics of these fuels. This tendency was decreased with the and butanol, the latter can be considered as a better choice for
increase in load [71]. Similar outcomes were found with the arrange- fumigation.
ment of early butanol PFI and cottonseed bio-diesel DI through RCCI • Reduction in PNC and reduced GMD of particles were observed with
[72]. They reported reduction in peak temperature by 100 K and also butanol fumigation.
the drop in both NOx (35%) and soot (90%) emissions at 5.5 bar IMEP • Both butanol PFI and butanol bi-fuel modes offered better trade-off
and 1400 rpm when compared to the reference fuel (ULSD 2). Further, among NOx and soot against butanol/diesel blends. Higher LHV of
NOx emissions were reduced to a total of 50% by adding 20% cooled butanol depresses the NOx emissions and its oxygen content helps
EGR. in lowering smoke emissions through better combustion.
Liu et al. [73] investigated the impacts of different pre-mixed ratios • Combination of biodiesel DI and butanol PFI develops a clean idling
(80%, 85% and 90%) and EGR rates (35% and 45%) at retarded and technology for reducing NOx and smoke emissions simultaneously.
advanced injection timings. They reported reduction in NOx emissions While addition of EGR further reduces NOx and smoke emissions, it
with constant soot emissions at advanced injection compared to increases UHC and CO emissions.
retarded injection. Further, drop in both NOx and soot emissions with
escalated UHC and CO emissions were observed under increased EGR 2.3. Butanol and diesel blends
rates. Higher UHC and CO emissions were also reported with the use of
higher premixed ratios. Lower polarity of butanol exhibits better miscibility with diesel and
hence it is best suited for blending with diesel [47]. The density and
2.2.3. Performance characteristics viscosity of diesel decrease by adding butanol which affects the spray
Butanol fumigation (50% v/v) has worsened thermal efficiency at characteristics, droplet size, atomization and combustion, injection
low loads due to increased unburned fuel loss and cooling loss. timing and injection pressure. Butanol has properties like higher SIT,
Whereas, trade-off between thermal efficiency and NOx emissions inferior CN and greater volatility which are favorable to LTC operation.
was enriched at medium/high loads with butanol fumigation compared Therefore, a partly premixed combustion with low amounts of smoke
to diesel operation [67]. Deterioration in ISFC and ITE were reported and NOx can be realized without using higher EGR rates [74–76].
with higher butanol concentration with low and medium EGR ratios. Poorer volatility and SIT of butanol ensure fewer ignition problems at
However, moderate butanol PFI at high EGR ratio presented better ITE low loads [77]. Butanol/diesel blends require no co-solvents or
with lowest ISFC [66,68]. Further improvement in engine performance blending agents due to their less hydrophilic nature. These blends
was reported with the combination of moderate EGR ratio (20%), remain stable for several days owing to stable mixture formation ability

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

of butanol [78]. The above reasons made the butanol/diesel blending to pressures and early injection provide more time for mixing before
be the most practical method and have attracted the research commu- combustion. Extension of ignition delay through better management of
nity to work on these blends in CI engines. oxygen concentration at intake (19% intake oxygen), lower injection
The summary of the literature based on the effects of using butanol/ pressures (100–120 MPa) and earlier injection timing realized the
diesel blends in single-cylinder CI engines [35,51,52,79–82,85,86,93], partial premixed combustion.
in four-cylinder diesel engines [50,75,76,83,87–90] and in six-cylinder A series of tests conducted at 1200 and 1500 rpm and 3.56, 7.04
diesel engines [37,77,78,84,91,92] on combustion, emission and and 10.52 bar brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) on a turbo-
performance characteristics is presented below. The effects of turbo- charged, heavy duty DI (HDDI) CI engine using butanol/diesel (8% and
charging [37,50,75,76,78,83,84,86,90–92], variable injection timing 16% v/v) blends showed slightly displaced injection pressure diagrams
[75–77,81,86,87] and EGR rates [75–77,79–81,86] on combustion, and increased ignition delay against neat diesel operation. Peak
emission and performance characteristics are also presented here. cylinder pressures and temperatures were dropped slightly in initial
combustion phases and got smoothened later [78,84]. On the contrary,
2.3.1. Combustion characteristics isobutanol blends presented slightly higher peak cylinder pressure and
The existence of oxygen in butanol/diesel blends allowed the HRR in contrast to diesel operation in similar engine type [37].
engines running ‘leaner’ even in locally rich zones. Slightly delayed Compared to diesel operation, not much difference was observed in
fuel injection pressure diagrams, faster burning rates, higher cylinder the in-cylinder pressures for different butanol/diesel blends (upto 15%
pressures, extended ignition delay periods and lesser exhaust gas v/v) in a common rail HDDI CI engine using multiple injections and
temperatures in the late expansion process were observed with these different EGR ratios. Whereas, higher premixed combustion heat
blends, particularly with higher butanol content. Higher premixed release was observed for higher butanol fraction in the blend [77].
combustion part was also observed with increased butanol content due
to increased ignition delay, oxygen content of fuel and higher burner 2.3.2. Emission characteristics
velocities [51,52,79–82]. Use of butanol/diesel blends (upto 24% v/v) in single-cylinder; high
Increased EGR rates reduce cylinder pressures and increase igni- speed CI engines under variable loads presented significant drop in
tion delay and combustion period of butanol/diesel blend. Ignition PM, a small drop in CO and NOx emissions and a considerable
delay increases with excessive butanol fraction at the same EGR rate escalation in UHC emissions at all loads in contrast to diesel operation.
due to lower CN and higher LHV [79–81]. The combined effect of high These changes were observed to be higher with increase in butanol
EGR rate and high butanol fraction is then to increase ignition delay percentage [51,52,82].
which also increases the combustion rate. Considering these combined Tests conducted on a DI CI engine at full load employing iso-
effects retarded injection timings for lower EGR rates and advanced butanol/diesel blends (upto 20% v/v) at speeds between 1200 and
injection timings for higher EGR rates were used to achieve LTC by 2800 rpm showed improved NOx emissions and deteriorated UHC
maintaining a fixed CA50 (50% burn point) timing at 8°CA after TDC. emissions throughout the speed range. However, a slight increase in
While PRR and HRR increase with higher butanol fraction, they first CO emissions at lower speeds with higher isobutanol content and
increase and then decrease with increase in EGR rates. It was observed significant reduction in CO emissions for all blended fuels at medium
that butanol can be blended with diesel upto 40% under high EGR rates and higher speeds were observed when compared to baseline operation
upto 54% without combustion noise and engine load problems [80]. [35]. Iso-butanol/diesel blends (40% v/v) with 30% EGR rates in a CI
It has been reported that the combination of delayed injection engine at uniform speed (1500 rpm) under high engine loads (5.3 bar
timing by 2° CA bTDC and 30% EGR rate using isobutanol/diesel (40% BMEP) presented simultaneous drop in NOx (from 1284 to 886 ppm)
v/v) blends further delays the ignition which promote better fuel-air and soot emissions (from 20.7% to 1.6%) compared to diesel operation.
mixing resulting in late combustion with higher premixed combustion There was an additional drop in NOx emissions (from 886 to 749 ppm)
part. This combined effect resulted in lower HRR and peak cylinder with a negligible increase in soot emissions (from 1.6% to 1.9%) when
pressures compared to diesel operation and isobutanol/diesel (40% v/ the injection timing was delayed by 2 °CA bTDC. Increasing trend of
v) blend with 30% EGR rate at original injection timing [81]. Compared UHC emissions was observed with higher isobutanol content and
to diesel operation, increased premixed heat releases and more stable higher EGR rates. Whereas, CO emissions deteriorated with high
combustion cycles were reported by using butanol blends (upto 20% v/ EGR rates. The combination of 20% EGR rate, retarded injection
v) in a light duty, turbocharged DI CI engine at different injection timing and 40% blend showed improved trade-off among NOx and soot
timings and varying engine speeds between 1500 rpm to 3500 rpm. with no observable penalty on other regulated emissions [81].
Among all the blends, less combustion stability was observed with 10% While diesel operation with EGR showed significant drop in NOx
blend [50]. No appreciable change in the shape of HRR and cylinder emissions with a great escalation in smoke emissions, butanol blends
pressure diagrams was spotted with butanol/diesel blends compared to with EGR (below its threshold level) presented a drastic reduction in
that of diesel (Fig. 8). There was an insignificant upsurge in peak HRR NOx emissions with no significant changes in smoke, UHC and CO
and peak cylinder pressure for an increase in butanol content due to emissions. Beyond the threshold level of EGR, the values of UHC and
accelerated burning. 40% butanol blend caused an increase in peak CO deteriorated intensely. Combination of 40% EGR and 40% butanol/
pressure by about 4.6% and 4.5% under maximum torque condition diesel blend was recommended to realize very low NOx and smoke
(2000 rpm) and maximum power condition (4000 rpm) respectively. emissions [79]. Decreased proportion of nitrous oxide (NO) and
This demonstrates that higher butanol fraction could be used in high increased proportion of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were observed with
speed, turbo-charged DI diesel engines without any modifications [83]. the blends (20% and 40% v/v) and this tendency was increased with an
Slightly higher peak cylinder pressure and HRR were observed in increase in butanol proportion. NO fraction declines initially and then
contrast to diesel operation with the combination of 20% pilot injection increases with the increase of EGR rate while NO2 proportion has a
(varied between 20° and 60° CA bTDC at 10°CA interval) and 80% conflicting trend. While addition of butanol to diesel showed minute
main injection (at 3° CA bTDC) of biobutanol/diesel blends at all test impact on CO, UHC and smoke emissions at lower EGR rates,
conditions. Retarded peak point crank angles of the cylinder pressure increased fraction of butanol in the blend caused drop in soot, CO
and HRR were observed with higher butanol fractions [84]. and UHC emissions at rich EGR rates. The tendency of increased
Valentino et al. [75,76] explored the effect of butanol/diesel fuel proportion of methane (CH4) with LTC was found to be lowered with
blends (upto 40% v/v) on a turbocharged, CRDI engine by changing the higher butanol fraction in the blends [80].
intake oxygen concentration and injection parameters. While the The increase in PAH emissions were reported with the blends
introduction of EGR extends the delay period, higher injection containing more than 10% butanol in single-cylinder, high speed DI

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

Fig. 8. Effect of Butanol fraction on HRR and Cylinder pressure [83].

diesel engines under variable loads. Increased organic carbon (OC), Biobutanol/diesel blends (10% and 20% by mass) with 20% pilot
decreased PM and elemental carbon (EC) emissions were also reported injection and 80% main injection presented lower NOx, soot, CO
with high butanol blends (15% and 20% v/v). There was a significant emissions and higher UHC emissions against diesel operation at all test
reduction in the volatile and non-volatile particle concentrations with a conditions [87].
small decrease in geometric mean diameter (GMD) for blended fuels at Slight decrease in NOx and huge drop in soot emissions were
all loads compared to baseline ULSD operation. Whereas, 15% and observed with 20% and 40% butanol/diesel blends compared to neat
20% butanol blends presented more number of volatile and non- diesel mode by enabling partially premixed LTC with early start of
volatile particles of diameter less than 15 nm at low loads [85]. The injection (SOI), modest injection pressures (100–120 MPa) and 19%
PAHs are carcinogenic in nature and also the key components of soot intake oxygen. High combustion noise was also informed with larger
emissions. The formation of smoke particles is heavily influenced by butanol content (40%) in the blends, which can be reduced by timing
the reactions that these PAHs undergo. Both formation and final the injection more towards TDC [75,76].
amounts of smoke precursors reduce with an increase in butanol ratio. Drive-cycle analysis showed an increase in UHC and CO emissions
Whereas, early injection timing results in early formation of smoke with larger butanol content (40%) in the blends for the urban drive
precursors which escalates with an increase in intake pressure [86]. cycles. There was no significant effect on NOx emissions with 20%
Compared to diesel operation, use of butanol 5–20% v/v) blended isobutanol blend but they decreased with 40% butanol blend. Whereas,
with diesel in a turbocharged, DICI engine presented improved opposite trends in the results were observed for the highway drive
emissions under medium and high loads, particularly at 3000 rpm. cycle. Further, a reduction of 80% in filter smoke number was also
Significant increase in CO and UHC emissions upto 25% loads at detected for 40% butanol blend [88]. Ballesteros et al. [89] investigated
3000 rpm and significant increase in UHC emissions throughout the the carbonyl emissions of a DI CI engine in four modes of the European
load range at 1500 rpm were reported [50]. Investigations on the use of driving cycle using ethanol and butanol blended with diesel (10% and
higher butanol fractions (20% to 40% v/v) in a turbo-charged, high 16% v/v respectively). They found that carbonyl emissions are lesser
speed DI CI engine presented slightly different observations at max- with butanol blends compared to that of ethanol blends. Choi et al. [90]
imum torque condition (2000 rpm) and rated power condition performed European Stationary Cycle (ESC) tests to explore the effect
(4000 rpm). There was a noteworthy drop in soot emissions at all of butanol fraction (10, 20% v/v) in a turbocharged, common rail CIDI
loads with less smoke being with the use of higher butanol blend. engine using cooled EGR. It was discovered that 20% blends contribute
Whereas, the remaining emissions were altered with loads. toluene, benzene emissions which activate PAH development. Decrease
Deteriorated CO and UHC emissions and improved NOx emissions in NOx at all loads and an increase in NO2 with increased butanol
were observed with larger butanol proportion at low loads. On the content was observed. A decrease in total mass of PM in the range of
contrary, a different trend was observed at higher loads [83]. 70–90%, 60–80% and 30–60% was also observed. Formaldehyde

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

emissions, UHC and CO emissions were increased at low loads for all to diesel. There was an improvement in BTE with an increase in
blends. 5% blend was suggested by this study for low emissions of PM butanol content which could be attributed to better combustion
and also for low PM mass concentration. efficiency, rapid HRR, increased premixed combustion phase, and
Rakopoulos et al. [78,84] observed higher drop in smoke and NOx decreased heat losses owing to the presence of oxygen, inferior CN,
emissions with larger butanol fraction in the blends against neat diesel and lower boiling point of butanol.
operation. Significant decrease in soot and small reduction in NOx In contrast to diesel operation, all isobutanol/diesel blends (upto
emissions, almost unchanged CO emissions and significant increase in 20% v/v) showed poor efficiency and reduction in engine power at low
UHC emissions were also observed. These findings are similar to those and medium speeds. While blends upto 10% isobutanol content
of earlier studies [51,52,82]. Whereas, isobutanol and diesel blends showed slightly higher engine power and efficiency at higher speeds,
(upto 15% by volume) in similar engine type presented slightly blends with more than 10% isobutanol content showed poor perfor-
different trend. While 5% blend showed a slight reduction in all mance at all speeds. Increase in BSFC and reduction in exhaust gas
regulated emissions, 10% and 15% blends showed significant reduction temperature for all blends were observed throughout the speed range
in NOx, soot, and CO emissions and a minor increase in UHC (1200 and 2800 rpm) with the lowest change for 5% blends and highest
emissions throughout the operation against diesel fuel operation [37]. change for 20% blends which could be attributed to the lower energy
Yao et al. [77] experimentally studied the effect of butanol quantity value of isobutanol [35]. Whereas, isobutanol/diesel blends (40% v/v)
(upto 15% v/v) in a HDDI, common rail CI engine using multiple presented a poor performance compared to that of diesel when used in
injection strategies and different EGR ratios keeping NOx emissions slow speed CI engine at various loads and speeds. It was declared that
constant at 2.0 g/kWh and found that butanol addition to diesel has no isobutanol addition upto 30% helps in accomplishing good perfor-
major influence on NOx. All injection strategies exhibited prominent mance [93]. Investigations on a single-cylinder CI engines at uniform
improvement in soot emissions using more butanol fraction in the speed (1500 rpm) and high engine loads (5.3 bar BMEP) also revealed
blends. Pilot injection showed deterioration in CO emissions with that all isobutanol/diesel blends (upto 40% v/v) present poor BTE and
reduced soot. They observed that triple injection of blended fuel with lower exhaust temperatures with and without EGR. Delayed injection
more butanol fraction as the best technique for the maximum reduc- timing by 2° CA BTDC further deteriorates the BTE and exhaust
tion of smoke emissions. temperatures [81].
During a transient test cycle, starting process contributes most to While diesel operation with EGR showed significant reduction in
overall emissions. The control of these transient emissions is essen- NOx emissions with a great deterioration in ITE, butanol blends with
tial for meeting the strict emission norms. Rakopoulos et al. [91] EGR (below its threshold level) presented an improved ITE. Beyond the
examined the establishment of smoke, NO and combustion noise threshold level of EGR, the ITE deteriorated intensely. Combination of
radiation on a turbo-charged CI engine. They used neat diesel, medium EGR rates (about 40%) and 40% butanol/diesel (v/v) blend
biodiesel/diesel blend (30% v/v) and butanol/diesel blend (25% v/ was recommended to achieve higher ITE while maintaining very low
v) for conducting a variety of starting tests. The major findings are: (i) NOx and smoke emissions [79]. Gradual decrease in ITE was observed
turbocharger lag was the chief contributor to all preliminary pro- with increase in EGR rate for all the fuels. Blended fuels present better
blems and main source of noxious waste for both blends, (ii) low ITE as compared to diesel due to reduced combustion period and a
cranking speed showed a severe impact on combustion noise devel- little increase (less than 1%) in ITE was observed with increase in
opment, (iii) compared to butanol blend, biodiesel blend mostly butanol fraction from 20% to 40% (v/v) [80].
affects the combustion behavior and stability. Also, more stable Slightly deteriorated BSFC and a significantly improved BTE were
combustion was found at higher idling speeds, (iv) while butanol reported with butanol/diesel blends (20–40% v/v) in four-cylinder,
blend decreases the smoke opacity significantly (−69% in peak value), turbo-charged, high speed DI diesel engines compared to neat diesel
biodiesel blend increases it (+40% in peak value), (v) compared to fuel operation under rated power (4000 rpm) and maximum torque
neat diesel operation, biofuel blends exhibited more NO emissions. conditions (2000 rpm). Moreover, higher values were observed with
The increase in peak NO values were 51% and 30% for butanol and higher butanol content in the blend under maximum torque condition
biodiesel blends respectively, and (vi) both blends showed insignif- [83]. These results are in-line with those of single-cylinder and six-
icant impact on the transient performance and the overall combus- cylinder engines operated with butanol/diesel blends [51,52,84].
tion noise radiation. In another study, same research group [92] Biobutanol/diesel blends with 20% pilot injection and 80% main
investigated NO and smoke formation mechanisms at different injection presented longer ignition delay periods, higher ISFC, higher
accelerating conditions with the same engine set-up. They reported BTE and lower EGTs in contrast to baseline operation at all test
improved smoke and NO emissions using butanol blend. The reduc- conditions [84]. The combined effects of early SOI, modest injection
tion in smoke opacity was observed with both butanol and biodiesel pressure (100–120 MPa) and 19% intake oxygen concentration in a
blends but the peak values were obtained with the butanol blend. CRDI diesel engine using larger butanol fraction in the blends (upto
While NO emissions were increased with biodiesel blends, they were 40% v/v) which gave best NOx and smoke emissions have deteriorated
decreased with butanol blends compared to neat diesel operation. BSFC and BTE compared to baseline operation [75,76].
Urban drive-cycle analysis on a turbocharged engine showed higher
2.3.3. Performance characteristics SFC and decrease in vehicle drivability with higher butanol content.
Marginally higher brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), little Whereas, opposite trend in the results were observed for the highway
hike in brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and slightly lesser exhaust gas drive cycle as compared to urban drive cycle [88]. Rakopoulos et al.
temperatures (EGT) were observed with all butanol blends (upto 24% [84] observed deteriorated BSFC and improved BTE using higher
v/v) at all loads in contrast to diesel operation. Butanol blends seemed butanol quantity in the blends against neat diesel operation at all loads.
to be attractive from higher BTE and lower emissions (except UHC) Fig. 9 shows the variation of BSFC and BTE with BMEP for two butanol
point of view which could be attributed to higher premixed combustion blends and diesel at two different speeds. These findings are similar to
part [51,52,82]. Campos-Fernández et al. [36] performed the tests on a those of earlier studies [36,51,52,82]. On the contrary, deterioration in
Perkins DI CI engine using butanol/diesel blends (10% to 30% v/v) and both BSFC and BTE was observed in similar engine with higher
compared the engine performance with that of baseline operation. They isobutanol quantity in the blends against neat diesel operation [37].
concluded that these blends can safely be used in CI engines with no Compared to diesel operation, not much difference was observed in
modifications. The results showed the fuel-borne oxygen (with butanol BSFC for different butanol/diesel blends (upto 15% v/v) in a six-
content upto 20%) of the blends offsets the reduced calorific values and cylinder, HDDI, common rail CI engine with multiple injections and
helps in achieving better BSFC throughout the operation as compared different EGR ratios [77].

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

Fig. 9. Variation of BSFC and BTE with BMEP for Butanol blends and Diesel at different speeds [84].

2.3.4. Summary and hence fuel deposition on walls. Therefore, higher butanol
Based on the studies mentioned above, the following information fractions in the blends increase CO and UHC emissions.
can be inferred: • When blended with diesel, both ethanol and butanol resulted in
higher carbonyl compound emissions compared to diesel. However,
• It is possible to replace diesel upto 40% v/v (through blending with butanol/diesel blends show superior carbonyl compound emissions
butanol) for use in CI engines with no engine alterations. compared to ethanol/diesel blends.
• Increased butanol content resulted in a lower CN blends which in • PAH emissions increased with 10% and higher butanol/diesel
turn increase the delay period. This enhances the premixed combus- blends. Increased butanol content also resulted in lower EC emis-
tion phase due to which peak HRR and peak in-cylinder pressure sions and higher OC emissions.
increases slightly. • The combustion temperature is lowered owing to higher LHV of
• Increased butanol quantity in the blends results in improvement of butanol and also by using more EGR fraction which in turn
BTE due to higher burning velocity and deterioration of BSFC owing decreases the NOx emissions besides prolonging ignition delay
to inferior calorific value of butanol. period.
• Dominance of inferior CV and higher LHV results in low combustion • Also, ignition delay can be extended by EGR and retarded injection
temperatures during low and medium loads. Whereas, dominance of timing which provide ample time for better mixing of air and fuel.
premixed combustion results in high combustion temperatures This results in lowering the overall combustion temperature which
during full load conditions. So, NOx emissions may shoot up or in turn results in suppressing the smoke and NOx formation.
drop based on operational parameters and specific engine type. • LTC results in a simultaneous drop of NOx and soot emissions
• Owing to superior oxygen content and lesser carbon content through thorough premixing of air-fuel mixture which burns at low
compared to diesel, soot emissions decreased consistently with temperature.
higher butanol quantities. The presence of oxygen in locally rich • High EGR rates decrease the engine performance by deteriorating
zones enhanced diffusion phase combustion thereby lowering soot combustion which results in increased UHC and CO emissions.
emissions. Retarded injection timing effects in decrease of BTE and increase in
• Larger LHV of butanol blends results in low temperatures and in smoke concentration. These bad effects can effectively be tackled by
turn unhurried vaporization and poor air-fuel mixing. Lower using butanol due to its higher self-ignition temperature, lower
viscosity of butanol blends results in amplified spray penetration cetane number and higher volatility.

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

2.4. Butanol and biodiesel/vegetable oil blends use of EGR can effectively control the NOx emissions with no penalty
on PM emissions [97].
Though vegetable oils have comparable energy content with that of Yilmaz et al. [98] reported a decline in CO, UHC emissions, and
diesel, their long-term use in diesel engines poses several operational upsurge in NOx emissions as load increases for all fuels used. There
and durability problems due to their disadvantages like inferior CN, was an increase in CO and UHC emissions with higher butanol fraction
poorer volatility, higher viscosity and pour point [15–17,94–96]. upto 50% load. However, a slight change in UHC emissions and
Biodiesel has several advantages like higher flash point, minimal sulfur insignificant change in CO emissions were detected beyond 50% load
content, good lubricity, oxygen content, higher CN, and higher among the fuels. While 20% butanol blend presented highest CO and
aromatic content in contrast to diesel. However, they have some UHC emissions upto 50% load, neat biodiesel presented lowest CO and
disadvantages which include lower calorific value, lower oxidation UHC emissions at all loads. Moreover, 20% butanol blend showed
stability, lower volatility, higher viscosity, higher pour point and similar CO and UHC emissions as those of diesel at medium and high
hygroscopic tendency which limit their use to some extent either as loads. They also observed a drop in NOx emissions with higher butanol
straight fuels or biodiesel/diesel blends in CI engines [11,15–17,95– fraction (upto 20% v/v) at all loads. While neat biodiesel showed
97]. On the other hand, butanol has got some good properties like highest NOx emissions at all loads, 20% butanol blend showed a slight
oxygen content, less hygroscopic tendency, higher miscibility, better- reduction in NOx emissions in contrast to baseline operation except at
blending stability, lower viscosity, lower pour point and lower density high loads.
rendering it preferable for blending with biodiesel and for use in CI
engines [11,82,95–97]. It has been reported that mixing of renewable 2.4.3. Performance characteristics
fuels eliminate the dependence on a single fuel and also offer improved Unchanged values of brake specific energy consumption (BSEC)
emissions [98]. The summary of the literature based on the effects of were reported with the addition of butanol (upto 29% v/v) to neat
using butanol blended with vegetable oil/biodiesel in single-cylinder DI rapeseed oil at high loads compared to baseline operation [94].
diesel engines is presented briefly here. Whereas butanol addition to neem oil showed deterioration in BTE
and BSEC compared to those of diesel, but an improvement in BTE and
2.4.1. Combustion characteristics BSEC compared to those of neat neem-oil. This change in BTE and
Improved viscosity and distillation characteristics of rapeseed oil BSEC was more evident with the use of high butanol fraction (20% v/v)
were observed when butanol was added to it upto 29% by volume [94]. in the blends [95]. Both cottonseed oil/butanol and cottonseed
The addition of butanol to neat vegetable oil/biodiesel reduces the CN biodiesel/butanol blends with 20% volume fraction of butanol pre-
and viscosity of the blends which lead to better mixing and higher sented deteriorated BSFC and improved BTE against neat diesel
premixed combustion [95–97]. Lower peak HRR and cylinder pres- operation, but they showed improved BSFC and BTE compared to
sures, delayed injection pressure diagrams, higher cylinder pressures neat vegetable oil or biodiesel operations [96]. Butanol/RME blends
and temperatures during expansion were observed for 20% butanol showed deteriorated ISFC and similar ITE compared to both biodiesel
blended with biodiesel (or seed oil) compared to neat biodiesel (or seed and ULSD operation. A small reduction in engine efficiency was
oil) operation [96]. Use of neat rapeseed methyl ester (RME) and its reported with the addition of hydrogen due to reduced volumetric
blends with butanol (8% and 16% v/v) resulted in higher peak cylinder efficiency of the engine [97]. Increased values of BSFC with butanol
pressures against ULSD operation due to the lower compressibility of blended fuels and biodiesel against diesel operation were witnessed by
biodiesel, and inferior CN, higher LHV of butanol. The addition of Yilmaz et al. [98] which is in good agreement with the literature.
hydrogen further increased premixed combustion due to its faster
flame speed [97]. Yilmaz et al. [98] explored the effects of cooking oil 2.4.4. Summary
biodiesel/butanol blends (5,10% and 20% v/v) in a twin-cylinder, Based on the research works discussed above, the following
indirect injection (IDI) CI engine under varying load conditions. information can be inferred:
Butanol blended fuels present lower exhaust temperatures at all loads
owing to their inferior CN and lower energy density compared to those • Butanol can be added upto 29% in neat biodiesel without any engine
of neat diesel and biodiesel fuels. modifications.
• Butanol addition improves viscosity and distillation characteristics
2.4.2. Emission characteristics of biodiesel. This leads to better combustion of the blends which
A linear decline in soot emissions with the increase in oxygen results in improved BTE, and better emissions of soot, CO and UHC.
content of the blend was observed when butanol was added to neat • Inferior CN of butanol leads to increased delay period and hence
rapeseed oil upto 29% by volume. Moreover, NOx emissions remain higher HRR during premixed combustion phase.
unaffected at high loads with the addition of butanol [94]. Significant • Butanol addition lowers the calorific value of the blends which
drop in smoke intensity, a small drop in NOx emissions and a deteriorates BSFC.
considerable decline in CO and UHC emissions were observed with • Enriched combustion with higher butanol fraction increases the in-
the use of all neem-oil/butanol blends (upto 20% v/v) compared to cylinder temperatures which have a negative effect on NOx emis-
those of neat neem-oil. Whereas, a huge reduction in NOx emissions, a sions. Whereas, larger LHV of butanol decreases the in-cylinder
noteworthy growth in UHC emissions, slightly deteriorated CO and temperatures due to which NOx emissions decrease slightly.
smoke emissions were observed compared to diesel operation [95]. • Butanol addition (upto 20% v/v) to biodiesel results in improved
Almost similar results were reported for cottonseed oil/butanol blend regulated emissions and higher BTE with a penalty in BSFC
(20% v/v). They reported significantly higher UHC emissions against compared to diesel operation.
neat vegetable oil operation and slightly lower smoke opacity against • Hydrogen addition enhanced the combustion and helped to reduce
neat diesel operation for vegetable oil/butanol blend. Whereas, cotton- UHC, CO and PM emissions with a penalty in the NOx emissions.
seed biodiesel/butanol blend (20% v/v) presented a significant im- Use of EGR can effectively control this increase in NOx emissions
provement in all regulated emissions compared to those of diesel [96]. with no penalty on PM emissions.
Drastic drop in CO and soot emissions with a minor penalty in UHC
emissions were observed with butanol/biodiesel blends. Hydrogen 2.5. Butanol ternary blends
addition enhanced the combustion and also helped to neutralize the
deterioration in UHC emissions and further reduced the CO and PM Vegetable oils, biodiesel, and alcohols are very important alter-
emissions with a penalty in the NOx emissions. It was also shown that native fuels for use in CI engines because they can be produced from

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

biomass. High viscosities of vegetable oils and biodiesel limit their credited to the improved combustion because of more fuel-borne
direct use in CI engines. The microemulsion is the most commonly oxygen in butanol ternary blends compared to B20 fuel. Further, they
used method to mix vegetable oils or biodiesel with alcohols to reduce presented deterioration in both BSFC and BTE compared to diesel
their viscosity. Compared to lower alcohols, butanol is advantageous operation throughout the load range at 2000 rpm. The increase in
for microemulsion as a solvent due to its higher cetane number, lower BSFC could be attributed to the loss in heating value of the ternary
corrosion risk, lower polarity and higher calorific value [51,98]. Also, it blends compared to B20 and diesel fuels [99].
is known from literature survey that 20% biodiesel/diesel blends are Tests conducted under full load condition by varying the engine
most acceptable alternate fuel blends for use in CI engines with no speeds between 1200 and 2400 rpm using butanol/biodiesel/diesel
engine alterations, particularly due to renewable nature of biodiesel ternary blends (20% diesel replacement) reported almost same brake
and capability of reducing UHC, CO, and smoke emissions. On the power, significant improvement in BSFC and BTE throughout the
other hand, the problems like higher BSFC, lower power, and higher operating range against neat diesel operation. Compared to B20 blend,
NOx emissions limit their use in CI engines to some extent [15–17]. To ternary blend (5% butanol +15% palm biodiesel +80% diesel) exhibited
overcome these difficulties and also to increase renewable fuels significantly improved brake power, BSFC and BTE throughout the
fraction, many researchers have worked on using n-butanol as additive operating range. Further, B20 blend showed better BTE, deteriorated
to biodiesel/diesel blends [99–103] and vegetable oil/diesel blends brake power and BSFC throughout the operating range in contrast to
[104–109]. It was found that more than 50% replacement of diesel is diesel [101]. The edible nature of palm oil forced the same research
possible by blending it with different biofuels and these blends could be group [102] to continue their work using the non-edible nature
a favorable substitute for use in CI engines for improved performance biodiesel in a four-cylinder turbocharged IDI CI engine at constant
and emissions without any engine modifications [103,104,106]. The load and variable speed. They used 20% jatropha biodiesel +80% diesel
best advantage of these blends is that the attainment of more similar (J20D80), 5% n-butanol +15% jatropha biodiesel +80% diesel
properties of diesel fuel by offsetting the disadvantages of the greater (B5J15D80) and 10% n-butanol +10% jatropha biodiesel +80% diesel
viscosity of biodiesel (or vegetable oil) and the inferior CN of butanol (B10J10D80) on volume basis. All the blends showed deteriorated
[100,102]. The summary of the literature based on the effects of using BSFC and BTE (except at 1000 rpm) against diesel operation. However,
butanol ternary blends in single-cylinder DI CI engines is presented there was an improvement in these values with an increase in butanol
briefly here. fraction. B10J10D80 blend presented 3.9% reduction in BSFC, 5.3%
increase in BTE on average compared to J20D80 operation.
2.5.1. Combustion characteristics Po-Ming Yang et al. [103] used the ternary blends of isobutanol
While butanol/biodiesel/diesel ternary blends (upto 40% diesel (10% v/v), waste cooking oil biodiesel (upto 40% v/v) and diesel in CI
replacement) presented slightly lower exhaust temperatures compared engine running under idle mode. They reported higher BSFC for all
to diesel fuel operation, they showed little higher values compared to ternary blends against diesel operation with this increase being more
B20 operation at a uniform speed of 2000 rpm. Higher exhaust significant with higher biodiesel fraction.
temperatures were observed with an increase in butanol quantity in Sharon et al. [104] used the ternary blends of butanol (5, 10, 15%
the blends, particularly at higher loads. This could be attributed to the v/v), used palm oil (35%, 40% and 45% v/v)and diesel in CI engine
larger fraction of premixed heat release owing to the better volatility running under variable loads at a uniform speed of 1500 rpm. They
and smaller CN of butanol [99]. When compared to diesel and B20 observed deteriorated BSFC and BTE for all ternary blends against
blends, ternary blends showed better fuel efficiency owing to their diesel operation. However, there was an improvement in these values
higher oxygen quantity and lower viscosity. B20 exhibited higher peak with higher butanol fractions. These outcomes are in good agreement
in-cylinder pressure and temperature than diesel owing to its better with the those of other investigators [51,99,102]. Similar observations
CN. However, butanol addition decreases the peak in-cylinder pres- were found with the use of other butanol/vegetable oil/diesel ternary
sures and temperatures because of retarded SOC (Start of Combustion) blends in a four-cylinder, HDDI, turbo-charged CI engine [105–108].
and higher LHV [102]. Also, increased addition of cotton oil to the blends improved the BTE,
Palm oil is most commonly used for cooking purpose throughout BSFC and EGTs compared to those of n-butanol addition. This could be
the world owing to its cheaper cost and is usually dumped outside after credited to the higher CV and lower LHV of cotton oil than butanol
use. It is possible to reuse this used palm oil in CI engines without any [106].
modifications by blending it with butanol and diesel thereby saving a
large amount of diesel without compromising on food security. 2.5.3. Emission characteristics
Improved fuel properties, smooth operation without knocking, in- Butanol/biodiesel/diesel ternary blends (upto 40% diesel replace-
creased HRR, lower peak cylinder pressures and temperatures (at high ment) exhibited a noteworthy decline in soot, CO and UHC emissions
loads), and lower exhaust gas temperatures were observed with these over the complete range of engine tests against using diesel and B20
ternary blends against diesel operation. Reduction in EGT and an fuels. Though there was a reduction in NOx emissions with all ternary
increase in heat release rate were more pronounced with the increased blends throughout the load range in contrast to diesel and B20 fuel
butanol fraction in the blend owing to its high LHV, fuel-borne oxygen operations, the effect was more significant at high engine loads and also
and inferior heating value of butanol [104]. These outcomes are in good with higher butanol fraction [99]. Slightly different results were
agreement with those of other researchers [35,52,89,102]. reported with the use of 5% butanol +15% palm biodiesel +80% diesel
Reduction in exhaust gas temperatures was also reported with the ternary blend in contrast to diesel fuel, and B20 blend under high loads
works carried out by researchers using various butanol/vegetable oil/ and varying speeds. There was a substantial drop in CO and NO
diesel ternary blends in a four-cylinder, HDDI, turbo-charged CI emissions throughout the operating range against the remaining two
engine [105–108]. It was witnessed that the higher butanol proportion test fuels. While B20 blend presented significantly improved UHC
decreases the CN of ternary blends which can be improved by adding emissions throughout the operating range, ternary blend showed
CN improvers like 2-ethylhexylnitrate [106]. slightly deteriorated UHC emissions at higher speeds as compared to
diesel operation [101].
2.5.2. Performance characteristics Ternary blends using non-edible jatropha biodiesel (10%) and
Butanol/biodiesel/diesel ternary blends (upto 40% diesel replace- butanol (10%) presented significantly lower CO and soot emissions,
ment) exhibited a slight escalation in BSFC and BTE compared to those comparable NO emissions and marginally higher UHC emissions as
of B20 operation with this increase being more significant with higher compared to diesel operation throughout the operating range. However,
butanol fraction in the blends. The improvement in BTE could be this ternary blend showed 8.8% reduction in NO emissions, 30.7% lower

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

CO emissions, 27% decrease in smoke emissions and 48% increase in tackled with ternary blends through the higher proportion of
UHC emissions on average compared to B20 operation [102]. renewable nature biofuels (upto 50% replacement of diesel).
Significant reduction in regulated emissions and carbonyl compound • Incremental addition of n-butanol presented a chronological drop in
emissions (CBCs) were reported with 10% isobutanol +40% waste the viscosity and density of biodiesel/diesel blend. However, n-
cooking oil biodiesel +50% diesel ternary blend against diesel operation. butanol addition also decreased the in-cylinder pressures and
This decrease in CBCs could be attributed to the greater CN, larger fuel- temperatures due to retarded SOC and higher LHV.
borne oxygen and the greater lubricity of ternary blends [103]. • While butanol addition to diesel/biodiesel blends showed a positive
Ternary blends of butanol (5, 10, 15% v/v), used palm oil (35%, effect on performance and emissions of CO, NOx and soot, it showed
40% and 45% v/v) and diesel were tested in CI engine running under a negative effect on UHC emissions.
variable loads at a uniform speed of 1500 rpm. Blends with more than • 10% isobutanol +40% biodiesel +50% diesel presented higher BSFC
10% butanol have presented a slight reduction in average CO, NOx and lower regulated emissions and carbonyl compound emissions
emissions, significantly reduced average soot and CO2 emissions, and a compared to diesel operation at the idling condition.
significant deterioration in UHC emissions against diesel operation. • 15% butanol +35% used palm oil +50% diesel on volume basis
Use of cetane improvers and catalytic converters were suggested by the presented better performance and improved emissions (except UHC
authors to reduce the increased UHC emissions with the use of ternary emissions) compared to diesel operation. This increase in UHC
blends for making them as better alternatives for partial replacement of emissions can be tackled by using cetane improvers and catalytic
diesel from CI engines [104]. Whereas, 10% butanol +20% cotton oil converters.
+70% diesel ternary blend in a HDDI, turbo-charged CI engine • Butanol addition to the vegetable oil/diesel blends improved the
presented increase in NOx and UHC emissions (5.4% and 45.7% phase stability (upto 60 days) and low-temperature behavior of
respectively), reduction in CO2 and CO emissions (1.4% and 18.5%) ternary blends.
on average against diesel operation [105]. • It is possible to replace 80% of diesel with renewable biofuels (60%
It was observed that the addition of cotton oil and butanol to diesel n-butanol +20% cotton oil) which showed a drastic improvement in
amplified the formation of NO and NO2 emissions. But, increased CO and UHC emissions with a significant deterioration in NOx
addition of butanol to the ternary blends drastically decreased the emissions compared to diesel operation.
formation of CO and UHC emissions compared to that of cotton oil • Optimization techniques like RSM can be used to find the best blend
addition. Ternary blends of butanol (60%), cotton oil (10, 20%) and ratios for use in engines without any engine modifications for
diesel (20, 30%) showed a noteworthy growth in NOx emissions against improved performance and low exhaust emissions.
diesel operation [106]. Same research group [107,108] explored the
impacts of using equal volume fractions of mixed vegetable oils (20%), 3. Pentanol usage in CI engines
and various crude vegetable oils (20%) in the ternary blends containing
10% butanol and 70% diesel in a four-cylinder, HDDI, turbo-charged Pentanol is a straight chain alcohol with 5-carbon atoms. In
CI engine. They found deterioration in the average CO and NOx contrast to the production of short chain alcohols, pentanol production
emissions, improvement in CO2 and UHC emissions against diesel involves energy in small quantities [14]. Natural microbial fermenta-
operation. tion of engineered micro-organisms and biosynthesis from glucose are
In order to investigate the optimum ternary blend ratio correspond- the common methods employed for the production of pentanol. It can
ing to improved BTE and exhaust emissions, Atmanli et al. [109] be preferable to use pentanol in esterification reaction during biodiesel
recently focused on in-depth mathematical optimization of butanol- production due to its superior fat solubility than methanol [110].
cotton oil-diesel ternary blends based on the engine operational Pentanol has a higher energy density (about 80% of diesel) and less
conditions. Three optimization studies were conducted on a four- hygroscopic nature against methanol and ethanol. It also has better CN,
cylinder, turbocharged, DI CI engine at 2200 rpm (which corresponds lower SIT, and higher FP than methanol, ethanol and butanol [111–
to the maximum brake torque) using RSM (Response Surface 114]. Pentanol is a good corrosion inhibitor and doesn’t affect the fuel
Methodology) by keeping the emissions fixed at maximum possible lines [113]. Apart from these, its diesel-like viscosity and LHV, its
value as per emission standards. The three optimum blends that were closer chemically correct air/fuel ratio to diesel made this fuel as a
determined mathematically are: Optimum blend 1 (34.75% butanol potential candidate for blending with diesel (or biodiesel) to be used in
+3.55% cotton oil +61.7% diesel v/v) which correspond to BTE and CI engines [111–114,116]. Pentanol/biodiesel blends usually have
exhaust emissions; Optimum blend 2 (28.7% butanol +6.8% cotton oil lower viscosities, higher oxygen content and better ignition quality
+64.5% diesel v/v) which corresponds to BTE, exhaust emissions and which help in achieving better atomization and combustion [116,117].
brake power; and Optimum blend 3 (23.1% butanol +11.4% cotton oil Pentanol blends have better blend stability and show no phase
+65.5% diesel v/v) corresponds to BTE, BSFC, BMEP, brake torque, separation [113–115,118]. Also, these blends have CFPP (Cold Flow
exhaust emissions and brake power. They reported a substantial drop Plugging Point) properties within the EN 116 norms [19]. Some
in NOx, CO and UHC emissions (4%, 33%, and 79% respectively) for prominent investigations on the impacts of using pentanol as a direct
more or less same engine performance compared to diesel operation. fuel [111], as a blending component with diesel [36,49,112–115] and
as a ternary blend with diesel/biodiesel [116–118] on combustion,
2.5.4. Summary emission and performance parameters of CI engines are discussed in
The studies discussed above reveal that butanol addition to the the following sections.
biodiesel/diesel blends (or) vegetable oil/diesel blends leads to the
following effects against neat diesel operation from the view point of 3.1. Combustion characteristics
emissions and performance.
Investigations using single-injection pentanol in a single-cylinder
• It is possible to use high viscosity biofuels with the blends of diesel DI CI engine at constant load and speed (6 bar IMEP and 1600 rpm)
and butanol to replace upto 50% of diesel by blending it with presented declined maximum HRR and lower maximum PRR against
different biofuels and these blends could be the promising alter- single-injection diesel. A twofold increase in delay period and a
natives for use in CI engines without any engine modifications. significant decrease in combustion duration were also observed for
• The problems like higher BSFC, lower power, and higher NOx constant 50% burn point at 14° CA BTDC. These factors lead to more
emissions with the use of best possible biodiesel/diesel blends (20% steady premixed combustion resulting in moderate, chronological heat
replacement of diesel) against diesel operation can effectively be release with better knock resistance against diesel operation [111].

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

Wei et al. [112] investigated the effect of using pentanol/diesel in the particle emissions of less than 20 nm diameter size at low engine
blends (upto 30% v/v) in a four-cylinder DI CI engine at low, medium loads for 20% alcohol blends [115].
and high loads and compared the results with baseline operation. All The addition of pentanol to diesel (upto 30% v/v) resulted in
blended fuels exhibited similar pressure profiles and heat release improved total PNC and particulate mass concentration at all loads
curves and increased ignition delay periods at all loads. Retarded against diesel fuel operation when tested in a four-cylinder DI CI
ignition timings and delay in the occurrence of peak pressures, peak engine. Significant reduction in these emissions was observed with
heat release rates (away from TDC) were detected with higher pentanol higher pentanol fraction in the blend owing to extensive delay period,
fraction owing to the lower CN of pentanol. The slight decrease in peak leaner gas condition and reduced carbon content. Further, a substantial
cylinder pressure and unchanged CA50 timing (crank angle position at deterioration in UHC and CO emissions was observed with all blends
50% heat release) were observed with an increase in pentanol content against diesel operation except at high loads. Higher NOx emissions at
at low engine loads. Whereas, an increase in peak cylinder pressure and medium and high loads and a small drop in UHC emissions were also
a drop in CA50 timing were detected with an increase in pentanol observed because of inferior CN of pentanol and improved combustion
content at medium and high loads. Moreover, heat release curves for all at high loads. Also, a noticeable increase in NO2 emissions was
blends shift closer to TDC with an increase in load owing to shorter observed with higher pentanol content caused by -OH functional group
delay periods caused by high in-cylinder temperatures at high loads. [112].
The possibility of using higher proportions of pentanol blended It is possible to use pentanol/diesel blends (upto 45% v/v) in CI
with diesel was investigated by Rajesh Kumar and Saravanan [113,114] engines without any engine alterations which results in slightly higher
in order to make the best use of renewable fraction in the fuel. They NOx emissions (only at higher loads), near zero smoke emissions and
carried out tests using pentanol/diesel blends (upto 45% by volume) on significantly higher CO and UHC emissions against diesel operation.
a DI CI engine at high load (5.3 bar BMEP) and constant speed Use of cooled EGR (upto 30%) was found to be effective to mitigate the
(1500 rpm). Longer ignition delay periods were observed with pentanol increased NOx emissions at peak engine loads. Substantial reduction in
addition to diesel which further increased by using EGR [113,114]. The NOx and smoke emissions, a slight drop in CO emissions and a
combination of low EGR rates (upto 30%), delayed injection timing (by substantial deterioration in UHC emissions were observed for 45%
2° CA) and reformulation of diesel fuel (using 40% isobutanol and pentanol blend with 30% EGR compared to baseline operation [113].
pentanol by volume) presented prolonged ignition delay, lower peak in- Conditions favoring LTC are helpful to realize decrease in soot and NOx
cylinder pressure and higher peak heat release against neat diesel emissions simultaneously. A combination of EGR (30%), retarded
operation. Also, pentanol blend exhibited poor combustion character- injection timing (by 2° CA) with 40% pentanol-60% diesel blend in a
istics compared to butanol blend owing to its higher boiling point, single-cylinder DI CI engine at high loads and uniform speed of
lower oxygen quantity and inferior CN with or without using the EGR 1500 rpm exhibited a simultaneous drop in NOx (about 39%) and
and retarded injection timing [114]. smoke (about 15%) emissions against baseline diesel operation.
Some researchers studied the effects of pentanol addition to neat Noticeable increase in UHC emissions and a substantial decline in
vegetable oils for use in CI engines [94,95]. Improved viscosity and CO emissions were also observed [114].
distillation characteristics of rapeseed oil were observed with pentanol A linear reduction in soot emissions with higher oxygen content of
addition upto 29% by volume [94]. The addition of pentanol to neat the blend was observed when pentanol was added to neat rapeseed oil
vegetable oil/biodiesel reduces the CN and viscosity of the blends upto 29% by volume. Moreover, NOx emissions remain unaffected at
which lead to better mixing and higher premixed combustion [95]. high loads with the addition of pentanol [94]. Significant discount in
Investigations on the use of pentanol (upto 30% v/v) as a ternary blend smoke intensity, a small reduction in NOx, CO and UHC emissions
in a single-cylinder CI engine presented improved combustion char- were detected with all neem-oil/pentanol blends (upto 20% v/v)
acteristics than those of neat diesel and diesel/biodiesel blends. Better compared to those of neat neem-oil. Whereas, a huge reduction in
fuel-air mixing, advanced CA50 timing, smaller combustion period and NOx emissions, noteworthy growth in UHC, CO emissions and an
higher maximum heat release rates were observed with all pentanol insignificant deterioration in smoke intensity were experienced com-
blends due to their lower cetane numbers and higher oxygen content pared to diesel operation [95].
available with them [116,117]. Ternary blends of pentanol exhibited Pentanol ternary blends help to increase the utilization of renew-
lower EGTs as compared to butanol ternary blends owing to lower self- able fraction of fuel in CI engines. Excellent emission characteristics
ignition temperature and lesser oxygen content of pentanol [118]. were observed with the use of ternary blends in DI CI engine at uniform
speed compared to diesel, biodiesel/diesel, and pentanol/diesel opera-
3.2. Emission characteristics tions using a double injection strategy. With pilot injection at 17°CA
BTDC (10% of fuel) and main injection at 1°CA BTDC (90% of fuel),
The effects of single-injection pentanol, both pilot-main and single- 40% diesel +30% pentanol +30% biodiesel blend showed a significant
injection schemes of diesel were assessed in a DI CI engine at constant drop in soot, CO and UHC emissions in contrast to diesel operation.
load and speed (6 bar IMEP and 1600 rpm). Late injection timings (1° Improved smoke and NOx emissions at medium, below medium loads
to 3° CA BTDC) for single-injection diesel, advanced injection timings and deteriorated NOx emissions at peak loads were reported against
(20° to 26° CA BTDC) for single-injection pentanol, 10% fuel in pilot diesel operation. Comparable NOx emissions, slightly higher soot, CO
injection-90% fuel in main injection with a constant dwell of 16° were and UHC emissions were observed using pentanol/diesel blend (30%
used in the investigation while maintaining constant 50% burn point at v/v) compared to those of ternary blend [116].
14° CA aTDC. Very low NOx and smoke emissions with better trade-off Slightly different results were obtained using ternary blends of
between them, and higher CO, UHC emissions were reported using pentanol under varying speeds from 1200 rpm to 2400 rpm at full
single-injection pentanol as compared to other two modes [111]. throttle opening in a single-cylinder DI CI engine. Substantial im-
The addition of pentanol to ULSD (upto 20% v/v) showed a provement in soot, CO and UHC emissions and a considerable
reduction in the EC, PM and a total count of volatile and solid particles deterioration in CO2 and NOx emissions were observed with all ternary
at all loads when tested in a DI CI engine at uniform speed. They also blends (upto 20% pentanol and 20% biodiesel v/v) against those of
presented a small reduction in OC emissions and a noteworthy growth diesel and biodiesel (B20) blends throughout the operating range. This
in WSOC (Water Soluble Organic Carbon) emissions as compared to effect was found to be more significant with an increase in the
baseline operation. A substantial decline in particles of size more than renewable fraction of the fuel [117].
50 nm and a slight increase in particles of less than 50 nm were Alpaslan Atmanli [118] investigated the engine emission para-
observed with these blends. However, there was a significant increase meters of a four-cylinder, IDI CI engine at fixed speed of 1800 rpm

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

using waste fry oil biodiesel (WFB), propanol, n-butanol and pentanol However, all ternary blends showed improved BSFC, BTE and BP
blended with diesel. Four different blends: 50% diesel +50% WFB, 40% compared to those of biodiesel blend (B20) at all speeds [117].
diesel +40% WFB +20% propanol, 40% diesel +40% WFB +20% n- Alpaslan Atmanli [118] investigated the effects on performance of a
butanol and 40% diesel +40% WFB +20% pentanol were used in this four-cylinder, IDI CI engine at uniform speed of 1800 rpm using waste
investigation. They reported that pentanol ternary blend was the best fry oil biodiesel (WFB), propanol, n-butanol and pentanol blended with
from NOx emissions reduction viewpoint compared to other blends diesel. Four different blends: 50% diesel +50% WFB, 40% diesel +40%
used in their investigation. WFB +20% propanol, 40% diesel +40% WFB +20% n-butanol and 40%
diesel +40% WFB +20% pentanol were used in this investigation. They
3.3. Performance characteristics reported significant improvement in BTE and a slight deterioration in
BSFC with pentanol ternary blend against diesel operation throughout
Single-injection of pentanol in DI CI engine under constant load the operating range.
and speed (6 bar IMEP and 1600 rpm) presented improved ITE and
ISFC against both pilot-main and single-injection of diesel [111]. 3.4. Summary
Blending of 20% pentanol with ULSD presented better BTE and
BSFC compared to diesel operation in a DI CI engine at uniform speed It is possible to use upto 45% of pentanol in blended form with
and variable loads [115]. Whereas, the addition of pentanol to diesel diesel (on volume basis) in CI engines safely without any engine
(upto 30% v/v) resulted in deteriorated BSFC with almost unchanged modifications. However, long-term durability investigations are must
BTE and slightly lower EGTs at all loads against neat diesel operation to endorse this alcohol as a fuel in CI engines. The effects of using
when tested in a four-cylinder DI CI engine. These effects were more pentanol in CI engines are:
pronounced with higher pentanol fractions in the blend and also at low
engine loads owing to the poorer energy density of pentanol [112]. • With higher pentanol content, delay period of the blend increases
In contrast to diesel operation, all pentanol/diesel blends (upto which in turn increase the pre-mixed HRR and helps to attain higher
45%) presented poor BTE and BSFC throughout the load range with/ peak cylinder pressure. This could be attributed to the inferior CN of
without EGR. No noticeable change was observed in the values of BTE pentanol.
and BSFC with the use of EGR for all pentanol blends [113]. The • The lower viscosity and more oxygen quantity of the blends result in
combination of EGR and delayed injection timing with higher pentanol improved atomization and combustion. Therefore, the engines
fraction in the blend further worsened the BTE and BSFC of the engine fueled with pentanol/diesel blends offer same or even better BTE
compared to baseline diesel operation [114]. against diesel operation.
Campos-Fernandez et al. [36,49] performed the tests on a three- • The less energy content of pentanol/diesel blends results in higher
cylinder, Perkins DI CI engine using different fractions of pentanol 10– BSFC of the engines fueled with pentanol/diesel blends compared to
25%) blended with diesel and compared the performance of the engine that of diesel operation.
with that of neat diesel operation. They concluded that these blends can • The dominance of inferior CV and greater LHV of pentanol result in
safely be used in CI engines with no alterations with a slight reduction low combustion temperatures during low and medium loads.
in power. The results showed the fuel-borne oxygen of the blends Whereas, the dominance of premixed combustion (owing to its
offsets the reduced calorific values and help in achieving diesel like inferior CN) results in high combustion temperatures during full
BSFC at low and middle loads (upto 4 bar BMEP). However, blends load conditions. So, NOx emissions may improve or decline based
with higher fractions of pentanol (20, 25%) presented worse BSFC at on working conditions and specific engine type.
higher loads (beyond 4 bar BMEP). There was an improvement in BTE • Drop in smoke emissions can be observed using higher pentanol
with an increase in pentanol content which could be attributed to better fraction in the blends, which could be attributed to the oxygenated
combustion efficiency, rapid heat release rate, increased premixed nature of pentanol.
combustion phase, and reduction of heat losses owing to the presence • UHC and CO emissions are generally higher with the use of
of oxygen, inferior CN, and lower boiling point of pentanol. pentanol, particularly at low and medium loads. However, some
Unchanged values of BSEC were reported with the addition of researchers have reported a drop in CO and UHC emissions with
pentanol (upto 29% v/v) to neat rapeseed oil at high loads compared to pentanol content upto 20%.
baseline operation [94]. Whereas pentanol addition to neem oil showed • It is possible to replace 60% of diesel with biofuels (30% biodiesel
deterioration in BTE and BSEC compared to those of diesel, but an +30% pentanol) using double injection strategy. The inferior CN and
improvement in BTE and BSEC compared to those of neat neem-oil. high oxygen quantity of these blends presented shorter combustion
This change in BTE and BSEC was more evident with the use of high and higher heat release rates which resulted in higher ITE compared
pentanol fraction (20% v/v) in the blends [95]. to diesel operation. This blend also presented good performance and
Higher fuel-borne oxygen of biodiesel and pentanol leads to emission parameters (except high NOx emissions at peak loads).
advanced combustion phase and shorter combustion duration which • It is possible to reduce total particle number concentration and
result in better combustion efficiency with the use of pentanol ternary particulate mass concentration simultaneously with higher pentanol
blends. Double injection strategy with 10% of fuel in pilot injection and content.
90% of fuel in the main injection presented lower heat transfer loss and • The inferior CN of pentanol resulted in longer delay period which in
negative work during pilot injection combustion period owing to turn helped in overcoming the trade-off between NOx and PM. Neat
inferior peak cylinder pressure and longer ignition delay. These effects pentanol use in CI engines presents more stable premixed combus-
resulted in an improvement in ITE and ISFC of a single-cylinder DI CI tion resulting in moderate, chronological heat release with improved
engine operating at uniform speed of 1600 rpm using pentanol ternary knock resistance against diesel operation.
blends against diesel operation [116]. • Pentanol is a tremendous future generation biofuel which can be
Slightly different results were obtained using ternary blends of used in high proportions with the combination of low EGR and late
pentanol under varying speeds from 1200 rpm to 2400 rpm at full injection to realize drop in both NOx and smoke emissions through
throttle opening in a single-cylinder DI CI engine. Significantly partially premixed LTC mode.
improved BTE and BP, and slightly inferior BSFC values were observed • Pentanol blends reduce EC and PM emissions, and a total count of
with all ternary blends (upto 20% pentanol and 20% biodiesel v/v) volatile and solid particles at all loads. However, there was a
compared to those of neat diesel throughout the operating range with considerable increase in the particle emissions of less than 20 nm
better values being with the higher renewable fraction of the fuel. diameter size at low engine loads for 20% alcohol blends.

V.B. M et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 78 (2017) 1068–1088

4. Future research directions engines. This can be achieved by adopting the techniques that are
discussed in this review paper. The following conclusions can be drawn
• The majority of the researchers focused their studies on the from this extensive literature review:
utilization of neat butanol in single cylinder CI engines only.
These studies could be extended to multi-cylinder engines. • It is possible to use upto 40% butanol and 45% pentanol (on the
• Butanol and pentanol have high volatility, low reactivity and inferior volume basis) as blending components with diesel for fueling CI
CN compared to diesel. These properties are favorable to achieve engines.
LTC or HCCI operation in CI engines and the effect of using these • It is also possible to use neat butanol (or) pentanol under high-
alcohols could be possibly explored. pressure in DI CI engines for achieving LTC or HCCI combustion.
• Carbon deposits may get accumulated by using EGR when the • The inferior CN of butanol and pentanol extends ignition delay of
engine is operated with neat butanol (or) pentanol which accelerates the blends. This prolongs the premixed combustion phase due to
the engine wear. It is required to develop advanced materials and which these alcohol/diesel blends present greater peak cylinder
surface technologies so as to improve wear resistance of engines pressures.
while using these alcohols along with EGR. • Lower viscosity and density of butanol (or) pentanol improve spray
• Long-term engine durability tests under LTC operation using characteristics of the blends. A higher percentage of premixed heat
butanol (or) pentanol should be carried out in collaboration with release rates and improved spray characteristics of the alcohol/
engine manufacturers to mitigate the problems like excessive engine diesel blends present higher BTE of the engine against diesel
wear, degradation of lubrication oil and carbon deposits on the operation.
piston head. • The inferior calorific value of butanol and pentanol demands higher
• Investigations on the use of hydrous butanol under dual-fuel fuel supply when these alcohol/diesel blends are used for obtaining
operation mode are not yet attempted. Hence, it is recommended same engine output. This increases BSFC of the engine.
to carry out studies on the effect of PFI of hydrous butanol in CI • The oxygenated nature of alcohols and biodiesel improves local
engines. equivalence ratio of the alcohol/diesel (or) biodiesel/diesel blends
• Much literature is not existing on the use of pentanol under dual- which improves combustion parameters which in turn results in
fuel operation mode. The possibility of pentanol fumigation in CI reduced soot emissions.
engines should be attempted and should be optimized for better • Combination of butanol PFI, diesel DI and EGR results in simulta-
performance with low exhaust emissions. neous drop of soot and NOx emissions to ultra-low level. However,
• It is required to carry out further studies to explore the feasibility of higher butanol concentration increases UHC and CO emissions
using cetane number improvers with the optimum blends identified which lead to higher ISFC and lower ITE.
so far to improve the performance with low exhaust emissions. • The higher LHV of butanol blends results in low temperatures and
• Further investigations on engine performance and emissions using in turn slower evaporation and poor air-fuel mixing. Lower viscosity
more than 40% of these alcohols with diesel/biodiesel/vegetable oils of butanol blends results in increased spray penetration and hence
(on volume basis) shall be performed. fuel deposition on the walls. Due to these reasons, CO and UHC
• Investigations on using butanol (or) pentanol blended with diesel/ emissions increase with higher butanol fraction.
biodiesel/vegetable oils (on volume basis) are to be carried out • UHC and CO emissions are higher with pentanol usage, particularly
under transient conditions. at low and medium loads. However, some researchers have reported
• The Possibility of high-pressure pentanol direct injection in CI a drop in CO and UHC emissions with pentanol content upto 20%.
engines should be explored. • While butanol addition to diesel/biodiesel blends showed a positive
• Pentanol ternary blends possess higher CN and oxygen proportion. effect on performance and emissions of CO, NOx and soot, it showed
The feasible studies of these blends on CI engines should be a negative effect on UHC emissions.
explored. • EGR followed by late injection is the most preferred technique used
• Although most of the mixed feedstock presented better performance for reducing NOx emissions in engines fueled with butanol (or)
and exhaust emissions, the influence on long-term usage of this pentanol blends. The combination of high EGR rates, delayed
mixed feedstock needs to be investigated to ascertain engine injection, and high ignition delay helps in achieving LTC in CI
deposits. engines. This technique presents a simultaneous drop in NOx and
• Design of experiments techniques like RSM, Taguchi method etc. soot emissions with enhanced efficiency.
should be explored to optimize the fuel blend ratios to be used in CI • Butanol and pentanol can be blended with biodiesel upto 20% for
engines with no engine alterations for improved performance and complete replacement of diesel from CI engines with no engine
emissions. alterations. These blends showed higher BTE and BSFC, drop in the
EC and PM emissions compared to those of biodiesel and diesel
5. Conclusions operations.
• While pentanol/biodiesel blends showed a small increase in BSFC
Butanol and pentanol are the two most important higher alcohols and slightly higher BTE at all tested conditions, butanol/biodiesel
that come under the category of second/third generation biofuels blends showed a better reduction in the EC and PM emissions.
which are capable of addressing major issues like environmental • Butanol and pentanol blends showed lower volatile and solid
degradation and energy insecurity. The production costs of butanol particle emissions, lower PAH emissions and also lower carcinogenic
and pentanol are high when compared to the production cost of potential.
methanol and existing diesel prices but the benefits with their use • Optimization techniques like RSM shall be used to find the best
even in small proportions (through blending with diesel/biodiesel) blend ratios for use in engines without any engine modifications for
towards the human health, vegetation and animal life are noteworthy. improved performance and low exhaust emissions.
Their use in CI engines reduces reliance on food crops while increasing
the renewable fraction of the fuel. Moreover, the available literature References
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