People Vs Tuangco

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People vs Tuangco 1996, Sanggalan identified accused Sonny Tuangco as the one he

G. R. No. 130331 | November 22, 2000 referred to as 'Baba'.

Petition: Automatic Review (Death Penalty) - RTC: Guilt of the accused as charged was established with the required
Plaintiff: PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES quantum of evidence and concluded that the three accused conspired to
Accused-Appellants: ADEL TUANGCO and SONNY TUANGCO commit the crimes charged.

Doctrine Issue:
A deaf-mute is not incompetent as a witness. All persons who can perceive, and W/N the alleged eyewitness account of Silvestre Sanggalan who is a deaf-mute and
perceiving, can make known their perception to others, may be witnesses. Deaf-mutes unschooled be given full faith and credence
are competent witnesses where they (1) can understand and appreciate the sanctity of
an oath; (2) can comprehend facts they are going to testify on; and (3) can communicate Ruling:
their ideas through a qualified interpreter. - Yes. A deaf-mute is not incompetent as a witness. All persons who can
perceive, and perceiving, can make known their perception to others, may be
Facts: witnesses. Deaf-mutes are competent witnesses where they (1) can
- On January 4, 1995, the naked cadaver of Aurea Eugenio, a bookkeeper understand and appreciate the sanctity of an oath; (2) can comprehend facts
employed by the CEU Credit Cooperative in Manila was found lying beside a they are going to testify on; and (3) can communicate their ideas through a
creek about 50 meters away from the national highway in Apalit. Her body qualified interpreter.
bore multiple stab wounds and her private parts were bloodied and showed - The imperfections or inconsistencies cited in appellants' brief arise from the
signs of sexual abuse. fact that there is some difficulty in eliciting testimony where the witness is
- 2 Informations were filed charging Adel Tuangco, Nelson Pineda and Sonny deaf-mute, but these do not detract from the credibility of his testimony, much
Tuangco with the crimes of rape with homicide and theft. less justify the total rejection of the same.
- Adel Tuangco was arraigned but pleaded not guilty to both charges. In the - What is material is that he knew personally the accused-appellants, was with
course of the trial accused Sonny Tuangco was apprehended and also pleaded them on the fateful night when the incident happened, and had personally
not guilty. Nelson Pineda, Jr. remains at large. witnessed the rape-slay and theft three and (3 ) meters away from the scene.
- The principal evidence against the accused consisted of the testimony of an He did not waver in the identification of the three accused despite rigorous
eyewitness, Silvestre Sanggalan, a deaf-mute. He gave his testimony through cross-examination, and positively pointed to the accused-appellants as the
sign language, which was interpreted by a sign language expert. persons who raped and killed Eugenio and took her personal effects.
o At the night of the crime, he was inside a 'beer house' along the - The trial court's assessment of the credibility of Sanggalan, whose testimony
national highway. When nighttime came, witness Sanggalan together was found to be candid and straightforward, deserves the highest respect of
with three (3) of his companions left the place and proceeded to a this Court.
rice field near the highway. Sanggalan described and identified the
said three (3) other persons as the accused in the case. Conviction affirmed.
o The three accused later left the waiting shed and went to the rice
field to follow a girl who was wearing a long hair. They held her, took
her belongings, and stabbed her multiple times.
o After the deceased fell down on the ground, 'Tatoo' inserted a bottle
of Pidol cough syrup into her private parts. Together, the three
removed her clothes and took turns raping her.
o After raping the victim, Adel Tuangco took her bag, 'Tatoo' got her
camera and cash money while 'Baba got her ring, earrings and watch.
After the incident, 'Tatoo' and 'Baba' went to the rice field while Adel
Tuangco went to the other direction. Earlier, during the incident, Adel
Tuangco, 'Tatoo' and 'Baba', on two occasions, asked witness
Sanggalan to leave. However, the witness merely hid behind the
grasses and trees. When recalled to the witness stand on January 17,

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