Modelling Methane Decomposition - Italy
Modelling Methane Decomposition - Italy
Modelling Methane Decomposition - Italy
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Article history: This paper reports a model of fluidized bed thermo-catalytic decomposition (TCD) of
Received 29 March 2007 methane. The novelty of the model consists of taking into account the occurrence of
Received in revised form different competitive phenomena: methane catalytic decomposition, catalyst deactivation
4 January 2008 due to carbon deposition on the catalyst particles and their reactivation by means of carbon
Accepted 23 March 2008 attrition. Comparison between theoretical and experimental data shows the capability of
Available online 12 May 2008 the present model to predict methane conversion and deactivation time during the process.
The model demonstrates to be also a useful tool to investigate the role played by operative
parameters such as fluidizing gas velocity, temperature, size and type of the catalyst.
Methane catalytic decomposition
In particular, the model results have been finalized to characterize the attrition phenomena
Fluidized bed reactor
as a novel strategy in catalyst regeneration.
Hydrogen production
& 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
Attrition phenomena
catalyst must be periodically unloaded because the carbon methane catalytic decomposition, catalyst deactivation due
produced by the TCD process has a lower activity than that of to carbon deposition on the catalyst and catalyst reactivation
the initial catalyst. However, the authors pointed out the by means of carbon attrition. A main feature of the model is
feasibility of using fluidized bed reactors and carbon as related to taking into account the positive effect of attrition
catalyst on the basis of a scale-up model [3]. phenomena, commonly considered as a disadvantage of the
Ammendola et al. [11] have proposed a copper-based catalytic fluidized bed processes, on the regeneration of the
catalyst. Advantages of this catalytic system are: (i) relatively active external surface of catalyst particles. The hypotheses
high catalytic activity over that reported for carbon- and made in the model formulation have been validated by
nickel-based catalysts; (ii) high operative temperature up to comparing theoretical results and experimental data ob-
1000 1C; (iii) relatively high mechanical resistance to attrition. tained by Ammendola et al. [12]. A sensitivity analysis of
This catalyst is a good candidate to be used in fluidized bed the model has been carried out with reference to operative
applications, considering that, in addition to a low attrition parameters (properties of catalyst particles and of carbon
rate of the catalyst, it is also characterized by carbon deposits) which have been considered relevant for the
deposition without formation of carbon fibres with the metal uncertainties on their value. The model has been also used
particles on their tips. This catalytic system has been to investigate the role played by operating conditions such as
extensively studied in a laboratory-scale fluidized bed reactor fluidizing gas velocity, size and type of the catalyst and to
[12] in terms of methane to hydrogen conversion, amount of highlight the operating conditions which yield the attrition
carbon accumulated on the catalyst, effectiveness of attrition phenomena useful for the catalyst regeneration.
in removing deposited carbon produced by methane TCD
process and deactivation time.
In the present paper a model of methane TCD carried out in 2. Mathematical model
bubbling fluidized bed reactors is presented. The model has
been formulated taking into account the fate of catalytic A block diagram of the model is shown in Fig. 1. The model is
particles subjected to different competitive phenomena: structured in three sub-models, which account for the main
temperature properties
CH4 inlet kinetic of CH deposited carbon
FB 4
hydrodynamicsconcentration decomposition properties
methane methane conversion
catalytic hydrogen production
decomposition deactivation time
internal active
catalyst surface carbon
catalyst pore distribution
amount of carbon
external active
deposited on external
catalyst surface
catalyst surface
concurring phenomena: catalytic decomposition of methane, sions as carbon fines transported in the exit gasses as well as
catalyst deactivation due to carbon deposition on catalyst for renewal of a part of external active surface of the catalyst
active surface and removal of deposited carbon by attrition. particle. According to the scheme it has been considered that
The input variables of the first block are the operating constant values of H2 production and carbon elutriation rate,
conditions, the fluidized bed hydrodynamics and the catalyst Ec, can be obtained. This means that carbon attrition rate is
and deposited carbon properties. Time by time the first block able to balance carbon deposition rate. Under this condition
needs the values of the actual active surface of the catalyst there is only a partial carbon recovering of the external
particle to calculate the reaction rate and, in turn, the surface of the catalyst particle. Fig. 2A reduces to Fig. 2B when
methane conversion and the hydrogen production as a attrition is not present. In this case a full recovering of the
function of time. Accordingly, it is also possible to calculate catalyst is obtained and, due to a deposited carbon activity
if the deactivation occurs and, in this case, the deactivation significantly lower than metal activity, a relatively low value
time of catalyst particles. The second block requires as input of H2 production is expected.
variable the catalyst pore size distribution and, considering
the actual active surface of the catalyst, it calculates the 2.1. Model assumptions
carbon deposited on the internal and the external active
surfaces of the catalyst particles. The third block determines The main assumptions concerning hydrodynamics, methane
the amount of carbon removed by attrition from the external decomposition, carbon deposition and carbon removal by
surface of the catalyst particles which is the elutriated attrition are, separately, detailed below.
amount of carbon in the flue gas.
The model has been developed by considering the beha- 2.1.1. Hydrodynamics
viour of a single catalytic particle during the TCD of methane The well-sound two-phase theory of fluidization [13] has been
in a bubbling fluidized bed and by integrating this contribu- considered to model the hydrodynamics of the fluidized bed
tion to the total number of particles forming the bed to obtain reactor. Accordingly, two different phases are distinguished
the performance of the reactor. A schematic representation of (Fig. 3): the dense phase which contains all the bed material
the single particle phenomena is shown in Fig. 2A. At t ¼ 0, and the bubble phase which consists of the swarm of bubbles
the fresh catalyst is represented as uniformly covered by effectively present inside the bed. The two-phase theory of
metallic active sites. At t40, methane decomposes producing fluidization establishes that a gas flow rate corresponding to
hydrogen and carbon. The carbon deposits on the particle the incipient fluidization condition percolates through the
active surface, determining a decrease in particle activity and, dense phase whereas the remaining part of the total gas flow
in turn, reducing methane decomposition rate. In parallel rate rises along the bed as bubbles. The volume changes due
with these phenomena, attrition of carbon deposited on the to the methane conversion along the bed axis are considered
external surface of particle is responsible for carbon emis- proportional to the methane conversion by means of a factor,
Fig. 2 – A conceptual representation of thermo-catalytic decomposition of methane on a single bed particle. (A) Presence of
attrition phenomena; (B) absence of attrition phenomena.
I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 2679 – 2694 2683
the reaction temperature in the range 600–800 1C [18]. The decreases with time from an initial value Xi (ffi0.9) to a residual
data have been elaborated by means of an Arrhenius plot to value Xr (ffi0.2) at tdffi6500 s, followed by a second stage, in
estimate k01 (2.1 m3/(m2s)) and E1 (1.55 105 J/mol). It is worth which it is constant. The first stage is that expected considering
noting that the obtained value of the activation energy is that methane conversion decreases with time due to the
between that of metallic (0.6 105 J/mol) [27] and of carbon- carbon deposition and the corresponding decrease in catalyst
based catalysts (2.0 105 J/mol) [22] according to the effective activity. The second stage is due to two different and constant
intermediate activity of copper. The value of proportionality contributions: (i) the internal decomposition rate is constant
constant of Eqs. (7) and (8), Scd, represents the surface of because the internal catalyst surface, completely recovered by
catalyst particle occupied by deposited carbon per carbon carbon, does not vary during the carbon deposition according
mass. Assuming that one mole of carbon deactivates one to model hypothesis; (ii) the external decomposition rate due to
mole of copper, this parameter has been estimated by the activity of the accumulated carbon and to the activity of the
metallic catalyst sites renewed by attrition is constant because
catalyst particle surface carbon mole
Scd ¼ carbon attrition rate is able to balance external carbon
catalyst particle copper moles carbon mass
deposition rate yielding constant the external surface occupied
arc Vc MCu
¼ (9) by the carbon and by metallic catalyst.
rc Vc yCu MC
Carbon elutriation rate (Fig. 4) monotonically increases up
where a, rc, Vc, yCu, MC and MCu are the catalyst specific to a stationary value at tffi8000 s. Again this steady state
surface area, the apparent catalyst density, the volume of condition corresponds to the balance between the carbon
catalyst particle, the copper mass fraction of catalyst, the deposition rate on the external catalyst surface and the
carbon and copper molecular weight, respectively. Using the carbon attrition rate. The model has been used to calculate
catalyst data reported in Ammendola et al. [12], the estimated the relative contribution of external metal activity renewed by
value is in the order of 5000–6000 m2/g. The thickness of the attrition and activity of total deposited carbon on actual CH4
carbon deposits on Cu-based catalyst is unknown in litera- decomposition rate. Under the tested conditions, attrition
ture. However, NiCuAl catalysts have shown the formation of contributes to an amount lower than 1% of the residual value
high-order deposited carbon structurally close to a perfect of methane conversion.
graphite [28]. As a consequence, in the model it has been The predicted profiles, presented in Fig. 4, are in agreement
assumed equal to the thickness of an elementary cell of with the conceptual representation of methane TCD in a
graphite. The adopted value of ka has been determined bubbling fluidized bed presented in Fig. 2A.
working out experimental data [12,18] obtained collecting A better understanding of the mechanisms active during
the elutriated material during methane decomposition tests the fluidized bed TCD process can be obtained considering
and analysing their carbon content. The kinetic parameters the ratio between the active and the total external surface of a
of the carbon deposits have been chosen from literature data catalyst particle, Se1 =Se , the ratio between the active and the
concerning the activity of carbon blacks [22]. total internal surface of a catalyst particle, Si1 =Si , the carbon
Fig. 4 shows typical model output variables: methane amount deposited on the external, wec , and internal, wic ,
conversion and carbon production rate (solid line) and carbon surface of a single bed particle. Fig. 5 shows these variables as
elutriation rate (dashed line) as a function of time. Methane functions of time.
conversion profile, i.e. carbon production rate profile, is The active external surface of catalyst particle decreases
characterized by a first stage, in which it monotonically with time until, at tffi8000 s, a steady state condition is
1.0 25
carbon production rate, PC (105), g/s
0.8 20
methane conversion, X, -
0.6 15
8 0.4 10
4 0.2 5
0 0.0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
time, s
Fig. 4 – Model results (base case). Methane conversion X and carbon production rate Pc (solid line) and carbon elutriation rate
Ec (dashed line) as functions of time during methane TCD in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor.
2686 I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 2679 – 2694
approached corresponding to a value of about 13% of the total activity of deposited carbon. It has been verified that in the
external surface. Correspondingly, the amount of carbon considered time interval the accumulated carbon does not
accumulated on the external surface, wec , increases with time significantly modify the total internal surface of the catalyst
until a stationary value is reached at tffi8000 s corresponding particle.
to a value of about 6 1011 g. These results can be analysed
by taking into account that the carbon deposition rate is 3.1. Comparison between experimental and model results
initially much larger than the carbon attrition rate, propor-
tional to the amount of the deposited carbon, thus the active The developed model has been validated by comparing the
external surface of the catalyst particle decreases and the time series of methane conversion obtained during TCD tests
amount of deposited carbon increases until a stationary state in a lab-scale bubbling fluidized bed reactor [12,18] and the
is achieved. experimental values of the initial, Xi, and the residual, Xr,
The active internal surface of catalyst particle decreases methane conversion and of the deactivation time, td, with the
with time up to a complete covering of the surface at model computations in the same operating conditions.
tffi6500 s, corresponding to td, which can be considered the The experimental set-up, procedure and measurement tech-
‘‘primary’’ deactivation time. Contrarily to the external sur- niques of the experiments have been described elsewhere
face, being in this case absent carbon attrition, the amount of [12,18].
carbon accumulated on the internal surface, wic , increases Fig. 6 shows the comparison between the model and
even at t4td, but at a lower rate due to the low catalytic the experimental time-resolved methane conversion [12,18].
1.0 10
and total particle surface, S1e/Se, -
0.8 8
0.6 6
0.4 4
0.2 2
0.0 0
1.0 10
and total particle surface, S1i/Si, -
0.8 8
0.6 6
0.4 4
0.2 2
0.0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
time, s
Fig. 5 – Model results (base case). (A) Ratio of the active to the total external surface of a catalyst particle Se1 =Se and carbon
amount deposited on the external surface of a catalyst particle wec as functions of time; (B) ratio of the active to the total
internal surface of a catalyst particle Si1 =Si and carbon amount deposited on the internal surface of a catalyst particle wic as
functions of time.
I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 2679 – 2694 2687
1.0 In particular, the conditions are the same as the base case
experimental data Hmf = 0.07 m except for the fluidizing gas velocity which is 0.087 m/s.
model computations
The influence of bubbling fluidized bed hydrodynamics is also
investigated considering three different bed heights: 0.07, 0.10
and 0.12 m. The agreement between the model computations
0.6 and the experimental data is quite good during both the
initial and the final step of the deactivation process.
0.4 Table 2 and Fig. 7 present the comparison between model
predictions and experimental results, obtained with different
superficial gas velocities and bed heights [12,18], in terms
of Xi, Xr, td and their relative errors. The model predictions are
in good agreement with the experimental data whatever
0.0 operative conditions are considered. As a matter of fact, the
relative error is lower than 710% in most of the investigated
Hmf = 0.10 m
methane conversion, X, -
3.2. Sensitivity analysis
The model has been also used to investigate the influence of
properties of catalyst and of deposited carbon on the
performance of the fluidized bed reactor (Fig. 8). In particular,
the specific surface area, a, and the intrinsic reaction
0.2 constant, k01 , of the catalyst, as well as the surface of catalyst
particle occupied by deposited carbon per carbon mass, Scd,
have been increased and decreased with respect to the
base case. The study has been further pursued in order to
1.0 determine the sensitivity of relevant output variables to
Hmf = 0.12 m changes in these input variables. To this end, the standard
0.8 procedure for linearized sensitivity [29] has been used. Each
input variable has been changed by some fraction (720%) of
their values assumed as base case. This variation has been
0.6 fixed on the basis of either uncertainties in their experimental
determination or intentional changes with respect to base
0.4 case due to operative requirements. The sensitivity of the
generic output variable z has been evaluated as
Table 2 – Comparison between experimental and model results obtained under different operating conditions
U (m/s) Hmf (m) Xi (–) Xr (–) td (s) Xi (–) Xr (–) td (s) eXi (%) eXr (%) etd (%)
0.058 0.07 0.87 0.11 4780 0.84 0.11 4364 3.5 0 8.7
0.12 0.91 0.16 6760 0.91 0.18 6424 0 12.5 5.0
0.087 0.07 0.79 0.08 2980 0.78 0.07 3504 1.3 8.7 17.6
0.10 0.82 0.11 4280 0.84 0.11 4398 2.4 0 2.7
0.12 0.84 0.09 4350 0.86 0.12 4880 2.4 33.3 12.1
0.116 0.07 0.75 0.07 2850 0.72 0.06 3076 4.0 14.3 7.9
2688 I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 2679 – 2694
td experimental, s 1.0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 k10 = 1.68 m3/m2s
1.0 10000 k10 = 2.10 m3/m2s*
model methane conversion, -
td model, s
0.6 6000
0.4 4000
0.0 0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
experimental methane conversion, - 1.0
a = 80 m2/g
a = 100 m2/g*
Fig. 7 – Model computations: comparison with experimental a = 120 m2/g
methane conversion, -
data obtained under different operating conditions (dashed
lines 710%).
Values of output variables in the base case are: Xi ¼ 0.91, Xr ¼ 0.18, and td ¼ 6424 s.
1.0 1
Fig. 9A shows the final ratio of the active to the total
external surface of a catalyst particle, hSe1 =Se iss , and the 0.8
residual methane conversion, Xr, as function of the carbon T = 800°C
0.6 τg = 5s
final ratio between external active and total particle surface, <S1e/Se>ss, -
attrition constant, ka, obtained with a catalyst particle size
of 3.5 104 m, at temperature of 800 1C and with a mean gas 0.01
residence time of 5 s for two different fluidization velocities, 0.4
0.1 and 0.5 m/s, continuous and dashed line, respectively. 0.001
hSe1 =Se iss presents an increasing monotone sigmoid curve 0.2
0.1 m/s
which highlights a strong dependence of the catalyst 0.5 m/s
regeneration on carbon attrition constant. When the fluidiz- 0.0 0.0001
of magnitude, from 6 108 to 9 107 m3/(m2s), producing, a more effective catalyst regeneration by attrition (i.e.
as a consequence, the following effects: (i) the complete at the same ka a slightly higher hSe1 =Se iss is observed)
regeneration of external surface and, in turn, the maximum and, moreover, a higher residual methane conversion.
value of Xr are reached at higher values of ka with respect to In particular, it can be observed that the maximum values
800 1C; (ii) the maximum value of Xr increases by about one of Xr obtained in correspondence of the smaller particles is
order of magnitude, up to about 6%, with respect to 800 1C. It higher: about 2% and more than 10% at 800 and 1000 1C,
can be concluded that for the coarser bed particles and the respectively.
operating conditions investigated the role played by carbon The model results suggest that the attrition could play
attrition is moderate. an important role in the performance of the reactor when
Figs. 10A–C show the final ratio of the active to the the contribution of external surface of the bed particles
total external surface of a catalyst particle, hSe1 =Se iss , and to the reaction rate is significant, i.e. in the case of completely
the residual methane conversion, Xr, as a function of the regenerated catalyst particles and of high surface intrinsic
carbon attrition constant, ka, obtained with a lower catalyst kinetics. The comparison of Figs. 9 and 10 underlines that for
particle size of 0.8 104 m, at the same operative conditions the finer bed particles investigated, this contribution is
as those of Figs. 9A–C, respectively. The observed phenom- obviously larger as the total external surface of the bed
enology is very similar to that obtained with bed particles particles per catalyst mass is higher.
with larger size as it regards both the catalyst regeneration
by carbon attrition and the residual methane conversion.
It is worth noting that a decrease in particle size determines 4. Conclusions
Following a procedure analogous to that developed by Harrison and Davidson [15], the actual methane concentration in the
dense phase can be expressed as
U Umf
b¼ (A.4)
where U and Umf are the fluidizing gas velocity and the minimum fluidization velocity.
The index of gas exchange between bubbles and dense phase, Xbe, may be expressed as a dimensionless cross-flow ratio,
defined as [15]
Kbe H
Xbe ¼ (A.5)
where Kbe is the overall coefficient of gas interchange between bubble phase and dense phase, H is the bubbling fluidized bed
height and Ub is the rise velocity of bubbles through the bed.
H and Ub can be calculated by the following equation system [16]:
> U þ ðUð1 þ 0:5XðtÞÞ Umf Þ
> H ¼ Hmf br
> Ubr
> x ¼ ð0:4C0:5Þ H
< 0:3 x
db ¼ dbm ðdbm db0 Þ exp (A.6)
> Dr
> 0:5 d
> Ubr ¼ 0:711 ðg db Þ 1:2 exp 1:45 b
> Dr
Ub ¼ Uð1 þ 0:5XðtÞÞ Umf þ Ubr
where Hmf, Ubr, x*, db ; dbm, db0 and Dr are the static bed height, the rise velocity of isolated bubbles, a pre-set distance above the
distributor, the effective bubble diameter at x*, the maximum bubble diameter, the bubble diameter just above the distributor
and the bed diameter, respectively. db is the mean value of the bubble size along the bed axis and it is assumed as the bubble
diameter in all the fluidized bed.
Kbe can be calculated from the following relation [17]:
1 1 1
¼ þ (A.7)
Kbe Kbc Kce
where Kbc and Kce are the coefficient of gas interchange between bubble and cloud-wake region and the coefficient of gas
interchange between cloud-wake region and dense phase, respectively.
Kbc can be evaluated from the expression derived by Davidson and Harrison [15]
! 0 1
U DCH g1=4
Kbc ¼ 4:5 mf þ 5:85@ 4
A (A.8)
dnb db
DCH4 mf Ub
Kce ¼ 6:77 (A.9)
where emf is the void fraction in the bed at minimum fluidization condition.
The Damköhler number is calculated by [26]
kp ðtÞrb Hmf
DaðtÞ ¼ (A.10)
rc U
where kp(t) is the apparent reaction constant per volume of catalyst particle, rc is the apparent catalyst density and rb is the bulk
density of catalyst bed.
The apparent reaction constant kp(t) varies with time as the active surface of the catalyst varies with time as a consequence of
the deposition of carbon produced by methane decomposition. Accounting for the simultaneous action of the different
resistances, i.e. gas diffusion in the external boundary layer, intra-particle diffusion, intrinsic kinetics on the surface of catalyst
and intrinsic kinetics on the surface of deposited carbon, kp(t) can be expressed as
kp ðtÞ ¼ (A.11)
ðVc =kg Se Þ þ ðVc =ðk1 ðSi1 ðtÞZðSi1 ðtÞ; Si2 ðtÞÞ þ Se1 ðtÞÞ þ k2 ðSi2 ðtÞZðSi1 ðtÞ; Si2 ðtÞÞ þ Se2 ðtÞÞÞÞ
where Vc, kg, Se, k1, k2, Si1 ðtÞ; Se1 ðtÞ; Si2 ðtÞ; Se2 ðtÞ and ZðSi1 ðtÞ; Si2 ðtÞÞ are the volume of a single particle of catalyst, the mass transfer
coefficient outside the particle, the total external surface of the catalyst particle, the surface intrinsic kinetic constant of the
catalyst, the surface intrinsic kinetic constant of the deposited carbon, the internal and external active surfaces of a single
catalyst particle, the internal and external catalyst surfaces occupied by the deposited carbon and the efficiency of a catalyst
particle, respectively. The surface intrinsic kinetic constants, k1 and k2, can be expressed by Arrhenius’s law as first order of
approximation as
dc k1 Si1 ðtÞ þ k2 Si2 ðtÞ
YðSi1 ðtÞ; Si2 ðtÞÞ ¼ (A.14)
6 Vc DðSi2 ðtÞÞ
> 4
1 < Deff ¼ t
DðSi2 ðtÞÞ ¼ 1 1 C wi ðtÞS (A.15)
þ > i
> D ðS ðtÞÞ ¼ 485 dp 2 c i cd hcd T
Deff Dk ðSi ðtÞÞ : k 2 t S M CH4
where dc, DðSi2 ðtÞÞ; Deff, Dk ðSi2 ðtÞÞ; ec, t, dp, wic ðtÞ; Scd, Si, hcd, T and MCH4 are the catalyst particle diameter, the mean, bulk and
Knudsen diffusivity inside the particle, the porosity, the tortuosity factor and the mean pore diameter of a catalyst particle, the
carbon deposited on the internal surface of a single bed particle, the surface of catalyst particle occupied by deposited carbon per
carbon mass, the internal surface of a catalyst particle, the thickness of the deposited carbon, temperature and molecular weight
of methane, respectively. It is noteworthy that the Thiele number varies during reaction time as a result of changes in pore
diameter and in catalyst particle activity due to carbon deposition. The actual average pore size is calculated by considering that
the carbon deposits uniformly along the pores reducing, in turn, the diameter. The temporal evolution of the deactivation
process has been taken into account considering the variation of the active internal and external surfaces of the catalyst particle
with time.
The mass transfer coefficient outside the particle kg can be evaluated from the expression derived by Hayhurst and Parmar for
fluidized beds [30]
dc kg Remf 1=2
Sh ¼ ¼ 2mf þ 0:68 Sc1=3 (A.16)
DCH4 mf
where Sh, Remf and Sc are the Sherwood number, the Reynolds number at minimum fluidizing conditions and the Schimdt
number [31], respectively.
I N T E R N AT I O N A L J O U R N A L O F H Y D R O G E N E N E R G Y 33 (2008) 2679 – 2694 2693
The deactivation process occurring on the internal and external surfaces of the catalytic particles can be modelled taking into
account that:
(I) The transient mass balance on the carbon deposited on the external surface of a single bed particle, wec ðtÞ; is determined
by both the effective external reaction rate of carbon accumulation proportional to the methane decomposition rate and
the removal rate of carbon by the mechanical abrasion of bed particles:
dwec ðtÞ
¼ kep ðtÞce ðtÞVc MC ka wec ðtÞðUð1 þ 0:5XðtÞÞ Umf Þ (B.1)
where kep ðtÞ
is the external surface reaction constant, MC is carbon molecular weight, ka is the carbon attrition constant.
(II) The transient mass balance on the carbon deposited on the internal surface of a single bed particle, wic ðtÞ; is determined
by the effective internal reaction rate of carbon accumulation proportional to the methane decomposition rate:
dwic ðtÞ
¼ kip ðtÞce ðtÞVc MC (B.2)
where kip ðtÞ
is the internal surface reaction constant.
(III) The transient balance on the external active surface of a single catalyst particle, Se1 ðtÞ; is similar to the mass balance on
the deposited carbon, but it is referred to the external active catalyst surface:
dSe1 ðtÞ
¼ Scd ðkep ðtÞce ðtÞVc MC ka wec ðtÞðUð1 þ 0:5XðtÞÞ Umf ÞÞ. (B.3)
(IV) The transient balance on the internal active surface of a single catalyst particle, Si1 ðtÞ; only accounts for the
accumulation of carbon deposits on the internal active surface of catalyst:
dSi1 ðtÞ
¼ Scd kip ðtÞce ðtÞVc MC (B.4)
The external and internal surfaces’ reaction constants, kep ðtÞ and kip ðtÞ; can be expressed as
kep ðtÞ ¼ (B.5)
ðVc =kg Se Þ þ ðVc =ðk1 Se1 ðtÞ þ k2 Se2 ðtÞÞÞ þ ððk1 Si1 ðtÞ þ k2 Si2 ðtÞÞZðSi1 ðtÞ; Si2 ðtÞÞVc Þ=ððk1 Se1 ðtÞ þ k2 Se2 ðtÞÞkg Se ÞÞ
kip ðtÞ ¼ (B.6)
ðVc =kg Se Þ þ ðVc =ððk1 Si1 ðtÞ þ k2 Si2 ðtÞÞZðSi1 ðtÞ; Si2 ðtÞÞÞÞ þ ðððk1 Se1 ðtÞ þ k2 Se2 ðtÞÞVc Þ=ððk1 Si1 ðtÞ þ k2 Si2 ðtÞÞZðSi1 ðtÞ; Si2 ðtÞÞkg Se ÞÞ
and the active and the deactivated surfaces are related to each other by
Se1 ðtÞ þ Se2 ðtÞ ¼ Se
Si1 ðtÞ þ Si2 ðtÞ ¼ Si
Ec ðtÞ ¼ ka ðUð1 þ 0:5XðtÞÞ Umf ÞWc ðtÞ ¼ ka ðUð1 þ 0:5XðtÞÞ Umf Þwec ðtÞNc (B.8)
where Wc(t) and Nc are the carbon deposited on the external surface of bed particles and the number of catalyst particles,
respectively. Nc can be evaluated as
pD2r =4Hmf rb
Nc ¼ (B.9)
Vc rc
The production rates of carbon, PC, and of hydrogen, PH2 ; can be calculated by
PC ðtÞ ¼ MC Uc0 XðtÞ (B.10)
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