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Salt Processes

GEA Messo PT
The activity in salt of GEA MESSO PT is anchored in the big
number of references and power of expertise of its prede-
cessors Standard-Messo Duisburg with solar salt based salt
factories and ESCHER WYSS with their famous rock salt

ESCHER WYSS - The first contract to supply a multistage

compressor for mechanical vapour recompression in a
salt plant dates back to the mid-twenties. ESCHER WYSS
manufactured the compressors in their own workshops and
were also asked to fabricate the evaporator for this plant
which recovered salt from brine on a continuous basis.
The first salt plant was followed by contracts for further
salt plants as well as evaporation plants for other liquors,
known frequently as concentrators. The scope of supply
was limited to the main vessels, which were assembled in
our own workshops exclusively until the mid-fifties. By
installing a circulation pump in the center of the calandria
type evaporator the forced-circulation system was created.
This evaporator became famous for its excellent heat transfer
rates and salt slurry handling characteristics. The drive was
mounted at the top of the vapour dome and connected by a
shaft to the propeller in the base.
Experience has grown from the widening range of
applications in this special thermal separation technique.
New technologies were established by R&D and ESCHER
WYSS developed to a contractor and supplier of salt plant

1924 to 1996 belonging to the ESCHER WYSS GROUP

1996 to 1999 belonging to the Voest AG
1999 to 2009 Messo GmbH, since 2004 under regime of GEA
GEA Messo PT
From the very early begin in 1953 the
activities of Messo had been connected
to the salt crystallization business. In
opposite to the activities of EscherWyss
these were concentrated solely on solar
salt refinery worldwide. Thermally
operated vacuum salt factories have
been designed as multiple-effect
plants as well as plants with vapor
recompression. The produced salts were
affected to the chloralkali and the table
salt industry. Oslo-type crystallizers
were designed for a special granular
salt used in the market niche for dish
washer regeneration.

Combined salt plants for the recovery

of drinking water and salt together
were developed by Messo engineers
for the Gulf region (Kuwait and Abu
Dhabi) fed with the concentrated sea
water from the huge MSF desalination
facilities for the table water generation.
Seeding technologies had to be applied
to resolve the scaling by Gypsum in the
pre-concentration stages.
Beside the thermally operated salt
plants Messo is designer and supplier
of salt wash factories. These are
characterized by large throughputs
and mainly focusing on the chloralkali
industry in countries basing on solar
salt resources. The design is based
on roller milling in order to keep the
narrow particle size distribution of the
harvested solar salt. Salt factory - industrial grade vacuum salt from solar pond brine

GEA MESSO PT salt plants can be found around the world in nearly every area suited for solar pond activities. Countries with
GEA Messo PT references are:

Abu Dhabi Kuwait

Argentina Libya
Croatia Pakistan
Egypt Saudi Arabia
France Tunesia
Greece Turkey
Indonesia Venezuela
Iraq Yemen
Salt is dissolved in the oceans with 3 percent by weight
amounting to a quantity of 4.1016 tons only, thus being an
inexhaustible source. Additionally, enormous common salt
deposits emerged from the evaporation of sea water millions
of years ago. Common salt supply is effected by mining or
leaching these deposits or, at climatically favorable points, by
recovery of salt from sea water by means of solar evaporation.
Quality of salt produced in that way does however no longer
meet today’s demands. Purity, whiteness, crystal habit,
crystal size distribution and free flowing behavior are quality
criterions for the different usages of salt. Such qualities can be
met only by processing the crude material in mechanical or
thermal refining plants.

Salt is required by the human body with 5 to 7,6 g daily.
The actual consumption for human food is about 15 million
tons per year. Salt for food is the most ‘taken for granted’
commodity. It is available from many sources in many
qualities as table, cooking and industrial salt for food
Salt, however, is one of the most essential basic materials of
modern industries, too. More than 90% of the 200 million
tons of NaCl consumed per year all over the world are for
industrial use. The industry predominantly converts the
salt into chlorine, caustic and soda ash for, amongst others,
petroleum refining, petro chemistry, organic synthesis and
glass production. Salt production on a large scale is an
economical necessity. Higher standard of living entails the
demand for improving salt qualities, too. More ecological
responsibility compels to avoid purge streams from chemical
processes and thus to higher purities of the crude material
“salt”. To meet today’s requirements, continuous and largely
automatically working, energy-optimized plants designed to
the above effects are needed.
GEA Messo PT plants meet all requirements regarding salt
quality combined with maximum economy. They are the
product of careful planning and extensive experience in the
field of modern technique in crystallization. The utilization
of natural salt resources depends upon the geological
characteristics, the requirements of the end users and
economical aspects. These considerations are decisive in the
selection of the most suitable technology to satisfy the quality
requirements for vacuum salt.
Multiple-effect evaporation crystallization

Triple-effect salt plant for recrystallization of solar salt

Table salt of best quality (vacuum salt, free-flowing), industrial salt of highest purity to reduce purge streams from chemical
processes. Our thermal plants are designed in such a way that specific demands on the product are met: moist or dry, fine-
grained or coarse-grained, cubical or spherical or dendritic, white, free-flowing with additives (e.g. magnesium carbonate, potas-
sium iodide), ready-packed in bags, bottles, sacks, etc…. Depending on crude material and plant design, purities over 99.9% of
NaCl are achieved.

Jintan - rock salt based salt recovery in China

Pimai - rock salt based salt recovery in Thailand

Vapour re-compression
Apart from single or multistage evaporation plants for thermal salt production we also develop and supply plant designs suit-
ing customer’s further specific requirements. In many cases plant technique has to be optimized with regard to the most favor-
able energy available at the place of installation, or in consideration of the crude salt composition.

Mechanical compression
Whether a multistage evaporation plant or a thermo-compression system is employed is essentially to be decided from eco-
nomical angles. If electric power is available from the grid system of the plant, or the same is attainable at a low price from the
electric supply line, the plant can be run very economically with a mechanical vapor re-compressor (MVR). By using electric
energy the vapors from the evaporator are compressed to a higher pressure, thus entailing rising temperature and are reused as
heating medium for the heat exchanger. Heating steam is not required in case to operate the plant.

Single effect with mechanical vapour recompression

Thermo compression
The thermocompression plant with a steam ejector instead of a mechanical thermo compressor involves less capital expenses
but higher energy costs.

Single effect with thermal vapour recompression

Brine purification
Most of the chloralkali plants worldwide are operated with brine prepared from local salt. GEA Messo PT’s experts are conse-
quently familiar with the particularities of the salts available in many different countries. They can thus optimize the concept
for any particular brine preparation and purification plant. GEA Messo PT’s vast experience will give optimum results indepen-
dent of whether the feed stock is vacuum salt, solar salt or rock salt. Our specialists will evaluate the most economical alter-
nates for some or all of the following process steps:

♣♣ Primary brine de-chlorination

♣♣ Secondary brine de-chlorination
♣♣ Saturation
♣♣ Chemical treatment
♣♣ Clarification
♣♣ Filtration
♣♣ Ion exchange purification

Salt wash
Salt processed, washed and conditioned in the mechanical refining plant meets all demands on table salt or salt for animal use.
It is also applied in the fish industry and in the chemical industry.

Salt wash plant

The produced wash salt can be moist or dry, coarse-grained or fine-grained and provided with additives it may be packed into
bags, bottles or sacks. Depending on the composition of the crude salt, purities up to 99,5% can be achieved in the mechanical
refining plant. By-products, too, contained in the discharge solution from the refining plant can, in many cases, be recovered
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02/2010 All rights reserved. Printed in the Netherlands

Process Engineering

GEA Messo PT
Germany: The Netherlands:
Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 134 De Beverspijken 7b
47229 Duisburg 5221 EE ‘s-Hertogenbosch
Tel. + 49 2065-903 0, Fax + 49 2065-903 199 Tel. + 31 73 6390 390, Fax + 31 73 6312 349 @ @

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