Examiner Recruitment Policy en

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IB Examiner Recruitment Policy

Version 1.3 12/11/2015

1. Document purpose
The purpose of this document is to specify the minimum requirements
applicants must meet in order to be appointed as an IB examiner for either the
Middle Years Programme (MYP) or Diploma Programme (DP). In addition, the
document also outlines desirable qualities which may be taken into account
during the appointment process.

2. Applicant requirements
The list below identifies the requirements an applicant must have in order to
be appointed as an examiner for the IB.
• Applicants must have a degree or equivalent in the subject (or a related
subject) for which they are applying.

• Applicants must have a minimum of one year’s experience teaching the

subject (or a related subject) to students in an appropriate age range:

o 14 to 16 years of age – MYP

o 16 to 19 years of age – DP

Applicants who are no longer teaching must have taught or examined

within the last three years.

• Applicants for DP level Mathematics subjects must be competent in

using an IB approved graphic display calculator (a list of approved
models is available in Appendix A).

• Applicants must have access to the internet, via a broadband (or faster)
connection, in an environment that is suitable for marking confidential
assessment material.

• Applicants must provide the IB with contact details for at least two
referees. An applicant will not be appointed until the IB has received at
least two satisfactory references directly from the referees listed.

• Applicants must have a bank account held in their own name. Payment
to an examiner will only be made into a bank account held in the name
of the examiner. Under no circumstances will payments be made to a
third party account, that is, an account held in the name of a relative,
company/organisation or other representative.

3. Desirable qualifications and experience

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The list below provides information on the qualifications and experience that
are desirable for an applicant to possess when applying to become an examiner
for the IB.
• Experience of teaching the MYP or DP.

• Experience of teaching students at university entry qualification level

(for DP examiner applicants).

• Previous examining experience.

• The ability to read documents, write reports and mark candidates’ work
in languages other than English, specifically:

o French

o Spanish

o German

o Chinese

o Japanese

o Arabic

o Dutch

o Korean

o Hindi

o Indonesian

o Russian

o Swedish

o Turkish

4. Appointment principles
If an applicant meets the requirements listed above, the applicant will be
appointed to examine either the DP or the MYP.

If examining the DP the applicant will be appointed to one component.

However, exceptions are made where the period of assessment for two
components is not concurrent or where the nature of the assessment of a
subject requires an examiner to assess more than one component.

Applicants who wish to examine Theory of Knowledge must have experience

of teaching Theory of Knowledge.

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If examining the MYP the applicant will be appointed to one subject. In addition,
all examiners will also be offered the opportunity to examine the
Interdisciplinary examination. Current MYP teachers will also be offered
examining for the Personal Project.

The IB must comply with the laws and regulations of all countries in which it
appoints examiners.

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Appendix A
IB Recommended/Approved Graphic Display Calculators
Texas Instruments
• TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
• TI-83 Plus Silver Edition
• TI-84 Plus
• TI-83 Plus
• TI Nspire (non-CAS), with 84 faceplate
• TI Nspire (non-CAS) version 1.3 or higher, in “Press to Test” mode

• CFX 9850 Plus
• FX 9860 AU
• FX 9750 Plus
• FX 9860 G
• CFX 9950 Plus
• FX 9860 G SD
• FX 9860G II
• FX 9860 G II SD
• FX 9860 AU Plus
• FX1.0 Plus
• Graph 65 Plus
• Graph 35 Plus
• Graph 85
• Graph 85 SD

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