Ak Judicial Review Project

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Asst. Prof. Sidharth Fuller

Faculty of Law



Semester VIII

Roll No. - 14082

Group No. - III

Project Submitted On- 23 April, 2018


1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1

2 JUDICIAL ACTIVISM ........................................................................................................... 3

2.1 MEANING ....................................................................................................................... 3

2.2 ORIGIN OF JUDICIAL ACTIVISM IN UNITED STATES .......................................... 4

2.3 ORIGIN OF JUDICIAL ACTIVISM IN INDIA ............................................................. 5

3 JUDICIAL CREATIVITY AND PRECEDENTS .................................................................. 7

3.1 STARE DECISIS AND RATIO DECIDENDI ............................................................... 7

3.2 PRECEDENTS................................................................................................................. 8


4.1 ROLE OF ACTIVIST JUDGES IN JUDICIAL CREATIVITY ..................................... 9

4.2 JUDICIAL CREATIVITY OF SUPREME COURT OF INDIA .................................. 10


5 CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................... 17

The project has been prepared in consideration within the available time and resources. On
completion of the project satisfactorily and successfully land new in the midst of elation at the
movement. On the culmination of finishing my project, I am in dept to all those who helped me
continuing my task, up till end especially to my lecturers who were the sources of constant
inspiration and encouragement for the completion of the project. I owe a deep sense of gratitude
and in debt to our lecturers for giving us opportunity to write and help us and guide us with
throughout the project. To make subject clearer suitable details have been given. Errors do creep
of every care has been taken as it is well known fact that it is impossible to escape the devil of

Words fail to express my deep sense of glee to my honorable teacher, Dr. Siddhartha Fuller who
enlightened me with her beautiful work on the topic. I would like to thank her for guiding me in
doing all sorts of researches, suggestions and having discussions regarding my project topic by
devoting his precious time.

My heartiest thanks also go to R.G.N.U.L for providing Library, Computer and Internet
facilities. And lastly I thank my friends, seniors and all those around me who have helped me in
the completion of the project in collecting and locating all the required source of materials. It is
my great pleasure to acknowledgement my deep sense of gratitude to our teachers for their
valuable guidance and thanks to all my friends for their valuable contribution and help in
completion of the project.
ROLL NO-14082

 To understand the concept of Judicial Activism and creativity.

 To understand the various provisions of Constitution.
 To show concern for the welfare and dignity of weaker section of the society
 To support rights and freedoms of all individuals
 To seek community improvement through active, democratic participation
 To take responsibility for own personal development and obligations
 The objective of this project is to give a detailed explanation of Judicial creativity.
 This project contains the main heads under which various case laws are discussed
 In this project a detailed purview of Judicial approach towards weaker section is


 This project is purely descriptive and theoretical in nature. Primary and Secondary
sources have been used for the successful completion of the same.


Today judicial activism has touched almost each and every aspect of life ranges from
human rights issues to maintenance of public roads! Judicial activism means the power of the
Supreme Court and the high court but not the sub-ordinate courts to declare the laws as
unconstitutional and void. If it infringes or if the law is inconsistent with one or more provisions
of the constitution. To the extent of such inconsistency while declaring a law as constitutional
and void the courts do not suggest any alternative measures.
The term judicial activism despites its popularity to amongst legal experts, judges, scholars and
politicians has not until recently been given an appropriate definition of what the term should
mean so that it will not be subject to abuse. The effect of this has been a misconception about
what the term is all about. 1
This therefore creates series of definitions about the concept. Although definitions are usually
products of individual idiosyncrasies and it’s often influenced by the individual perception or
world view, a combination of various definitions gives a description of the concept. The Judicial
Activism as innovative, dynamic and law making role of the Court with a forward looking
attitude discarding reliance on old cases, and also mechanical, conservative and static views. It is
the creative thought process through which the court displays vigour, enter- prise, initiative
pulsating with the urge of creating new and refined principles of law.
It means when the Court plays a positive role the court is said to be exhibiting the Judicial
Activism‟. There are different opinions about the origin of doctrine of Judicial Activism. Some
scholars like Justice M.N. Roy believe that it is born in 1804 when Chief Justice Marshall, the
greatest judge of English-speaking world, decided Marbury V Madison. But P.P. Vijayan differs
with saying that Marbury V Madison is a case of Judicial Review and not of a Judicial Activism.
However he opines that the judicial activism has a hoary past in Dr. Bonham‟s case in which
Justice Coke derived doctrine of natural justice in the year 1610. In this context Dr. Suresh Mane
observed that “As a result English Courts by its interpretation role extended the necessary

Keenan D. Kmiec, “The Origin and Current Meanings of "Judicial Activism," (2004) 92, Cal. L. Rev., 1441, 1442

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protection; but truly, the movement of judicial activism got momentum on the soil of America
under the shadow of first ever written Constitution.” 1 The role of the judiciary in a modern legal
system is immense social significance.... Law is in a constant process of flux and development,
and though much of this development is due to the enactment of the legislature, the judges and
the courts have an essential role to play in developing the law and adopting it to the needs of the
Paul Mahoney in offering his own definition of the concept submits that judicial activism exists
where the judges modified the law from what was previously stated to be the existing law which
often leads to substituting their own decisions from that of the elected representatives of the
people.3 This definition would consider invalid actions or decisions of the judges given for the
purpose of seeking the justice in a particular case or to interpret the law in such a way as to
conform to social realities thereby not permitting the correction of mistakes in the previous
jurisprudence of law.
Famous Author Subhash Kashyap says, “What has come to be called hyper activism of the
judiciary draws its strength, Relevance and legitimacy from the inactivity, incompetence,
disregard of law and constitution, criminal negligence, corruption, greed for power and money,
utter indiscipline and lack of character and integrity among the leaders, ministers and
administrators. As a result of this a vacuum was created in which the governmental machinery
seemed to be totally helpless with the corruption in legislative and executive fields. The vacuum
was filled in by the judiciary”. A contrary view has also been offered that the judicial activism
becomes the most valuable instrument when the legislative machinery comes to a halt in a case. 4
Thus, where legislative machinery could not apply to a given situation, judicial activism appears
to be the most valuable instrument. In other words, judges should not be scared of adjudicating a
particular case because the law has not been enacted by the legislature to cover the situation.
This therefore justifies the application of judicial creativity in the matter.

Cardozo Benjamin N, The Nature of the Judicial Process, Universal Law Publishing Co.Pvt.Ltd., Delhi, (2004)
Paul Mahoney, “Judicial Activism and Judicial Self-Restraint in the European Court of Human Rights: Two Sides
of the Same Coin” (1990) 11, Hum. Rts. L.J. 57, 58.

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Judicial Activism is considered as a philosophy of administering justice whereby judges
allow their personal views about Public Policy, ignoring Precedents. It is an innovative, dynamic
and law making role of the court with a forward looking attitude discarding reliance on old cases
and also mechanical, conservative and static view.
Judicial activism is a progressive judicial thinking, developing the law for handling
constructively the contemporary problems of the Society5. It is a creative thought process
through which the court displays vigour, enterprise, initiative pulsating with the urge of creating
new and refined principles of Law.
Infact, judicial activism is a sort of judicial creativity. It is an apparent power of judges to modify
the scope and pattern of existing legal decision by application of mind and as guided by law. It is
also sometimes used as meaning simply the law established by judicial precedent.
Ironically, as the term “Judicial Activism” is defined in a number of desperate, even
contradictory ways scholars and judges recognise this problem yet persist in speaking about the
concept without defining it. Thus, the problem continues unabated; people talk past one another,
using the same language to convey very different concepts. To say that the idea of Judicial
Activism has been around far longer than the term. Before the 20th century, Legal scholars
squared off over the concept of Judicial Legislation, (ie,) Judges making positive Law.
The five core meanings of "judicial activism" are 6:
(1) Invalidation of the arguably constitutional actions of other branches,
(2) Failure to adhere to precedent,
(3) Judicial "legislation,"
(4) Departures from accepted interpretive methodology, and
(5) result-oriented judging.

Dr.G.P.Tripathi, Judicial Process by Central Law Publications 2013.
The origin and current meanings of “Judicial Activism” by Keenan D.Kmiec, CLR – 2004

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Arthur Schlesinger Jr. introduced the term "Judicial Activism" to the public in a Fortune
magazine article in January 1947. Schlesinger's article profiled all nine Supreme Court justices
on the Court at that time and explained the alliances and divisions among them. The article
characterized Justices Black, Douglas, Murphy, and Rutlege as the "Judicial Activists" and
Justices Frankfurter, Jackson, and Burton as the "Champions of Self Restraint." Justice Reed and
Chief Justice Vinson comprised a middle group.7
By 1947, none of the justices openly questioned the constitutionality of the New Deal. Instead,
the Court split over the interpretation of legislation and "the proper function of the judiciary in a
In its early days, the term "judicial activist" sometimes had a positive connotation, much more
akin to "civil rights activist" than "judge misusing authority." For example, references to the late
Justice Frank Murphy. Albon P. Man observed that "Murphy's votes in civil rights cases reflect
not only his objectivity and independence as a judge but also his position as perhaps the
outstanding judicial activist on the Court 6." Alfred L. Scanlan offered similar praise for Justice
Murphy's judicial activism in civil rights issues, answering the criticism that such activism is
undemocratic by replying.
For example, a 1949 article observed, "Mr. Brandeis was a pragmatic judicial activist who saw in
the courts a powerful instrument to be grasped by the people in ameliorating social and economic
conditions." 7 Yet even in the early days of its use, the term was most often considered a slight.
As now-judge Louis Pollak observed in 1956, "It seems safe to say that most judges regard
'judicial activism' as an alien 'ism' to which their misguided brethren sometimes fall prey." 8 By
the mid-1950s, the term had taken on a generally negative connotation , even its specific
meaning was hard to pin down.
First Judicial Use of "Judicial Activism" by Judge Joseph C. Hutcheson, Jr. While the exact
origins of the term "judicial activism" in legal scholarship are hard to pin down with certainty,
there is no question that Joseph C. Hutcheson, Jr. was the first to use it in a judicial opinion. A
hard but dedicated judge who "barely missed out on an appointment to the Supreme Court which

Schlesinger, supra note 22, at 74-76.
Louis H. Pollak, Review: The Supreme Court in the American System of Government, 65 Yale L.J. 749,
752 n.11 (1956).

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went to Hugo Black," Judge Hutcheson's contributions to legal scholarship and service on the
bench are generally praiseworthy.
A 1999 Fourth Circuit concurrence by Chief Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III adopts and
expands upon many of the themes discussed in Turpin. The case, Brzonkala v. Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University,9 invalidated a portion of the Violence Against Women
Act as exceeding "Congress' [s] power under both the Commerce Clause of Article I, Section 8,
and the Enforcement Clause of Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment." Judge Wilkinson
concurs, admitting that "it is a grave judicial act to nullify a product of the democratic process"
but concludes that this case merits such an act.
Judge Wilkinson suggested that judicial activism is alive and well in the United States. In the
twentieth century, he explains, it "falls into three general stages."
The first stage was the Lochner era, "beginning roughly with the decision in Lochner v. New
York,10 and continuing through the early New Deal," which "is still widely disparaged for its
mobilization of personal judicial preference in opposition to state and federal social welfare
The second stage took place during the "Warren and Early Burger Courts," roughly the 1950s
through the early 1970s, which "focused on finding new substantive rights in the Constitution
and down played that document's structural mandates." As Judge Wilkinson sees it, "Although
many of its individual decisions were overdue and salutary, when the era is considered as a
whole, the states were relegated to a second-class constitutional status."
Finally, the third stage of judicial activism "probably began with New York v. United States and
continues into the twenty-first century.


The nature of judicial process in India has undergone a metamorphosis expanding the scope of
judicial review legitimately through judicial legislation. Judges have been traditional law makers.
The judicial activism has flourished in India and has acquired enormous legitimacy with the
Indian public.

169 F.3d 820 (4th Cir. 1999)
198 U.S. 45 (1905).

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According to Hon’ble Mr.Justice A.M.Ahmadi, the former Chief Justice of India, the initial years
of the Supreme Court of India saw the adoption of an approach characterized by caution and
circumspection.11 The expanding role of judiciary in law making in recent times has major
reasons such as growth of parliamentary system and statutory intervention in the expansion of
legislation has brought about a parallel expansion of judge-made law. This can be better
understood by analyzing certain vital factors like degree of creativity, the modes, limits and
legitimacy of law making through courts. By reason of judicial activism, much good or harm
could be brought about by the Judges by resorting to innovative interpretation. Since judicial
interpretation always involves some degree of law making, the creative character of judicial
function and the degree of creativity depends on the most activist and dynamic nature of the

Judicial activism in India has not been a spontaneous development. It is the consequence of a
situation which necessitated it. When the Parliament enacted laws and the laws were intended to
cover new fact situations, the judges’ creativity and innovation revived in the matter of filling in
the gaps. Apart from filling in the gaps in the legislation, the judges revived their creativity in all
other areas which were not covered by legislation. The activist judges to an extent laid down law
to fill the vacuum created by the legislature.

The genesis of Judicial Activism in India started as an off-spring of judicial review from the mid
seventies when the judiciary as an activator infused in to the stream of judicial system many
revolutionary changes. After 1975 the judiciary has become unelected representative of the
people .

Some prominent Indian legal luminaries who adorned the bench of Supreme Court like Justice
V.R.Krishna Iyer, Justice P.N.Bhagwati, Justice O.Chinnappa Reddy, Justice J.S.Verma, Justice
Kuldip Singh, Justice A.S.Anand have sensitized the democratic principles in the country and
played an important role by way of judicial activism and judicial creativity with their able
umpiring and proactive judgments. Judicial activism earned a human face in India by liberalizing
access to justice and under their leadership the Supreme Court gained in stature and legitimacy.

. Justice A.M.Ahmadi, Judicial Process: Social Legitimacy and Institutional Viability,
(1996) 4 SCC (J) p.4

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It is pertinent to quote Rajeev Dhavan’s observation on Indian judiciary who states that “Owing
to indigenous pressure, the court has been mechanical in its approach to the problem on which it
was called upon to adjudicate. The Supreme Court rarely exhibited any activist tendency before
the eighties more precisely before emergency 1975.”12



Stare Decisis is Latin phrase. It means to stand by the decided cases to uphold the
precedent, to maintain a former adjudication. The purpose is to have uniformity for having
certainty. It is based on the public policy. Public policy is the major objectives of any legal
system are certainty, predictability and stability. The maxim is “Stare decisis et non quieta
movere”. Means – to stand by the decision and not to disturb what is settled. “Those things
which have been no often adjudged ought to rest in peace”.The Supreme Court of India is not
bound by its own earlier decision. It can overrule prospectively as well as retrospectively. Infact,
the case law is a source of knowledge, provides basis of arguments, expounds the implications of
law and sometimes even supplies the want of the legislatures.

The purpose of the judiciary is to implement the statutes in all its intents and implications. In
doing so, the judges introduce their own philosophies and attitudes of life which is reflected in
their judgments. The part of the judgment is called precedent which is rationale of the decision is
called “ratio decidendi” of the case due to this ratio, a case is remembered and acknowledged as

There are two theories of practices that are seen among the Judges, they are:

1) Declaratory Theory
2) Constitutive Theory

Rajeev Dhavan: The Supreme Court of India - A Socio Legal Critique of its juristic techniques
(Bombay 1977p.421)

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Judges declare law that already exists incognito. They find it and apply to case before them. This
view is based on the judicial process as it has been Savigny (German), Maine (English), Hugo
(German), Burke (English), Bicko (Italy), Montesquieu (France) subscribe to this thought.

 The reality in law is first, decision according to the law is thereafter.

According to constitutive theory, a judge is not a legislator and cannot be so, but laws are not
made only by Legislatures

Article 145 of the Constitution of India empowers The Supreme Court of India to make rules for
regulating practice and procedure by rules of court. The objections against the judge making
laws are based on Separation of Power which has not been accepted in India in the way it
operates in European Countries (France) and U.S.A.

Lord Becon stated that in new cases (Unprecedented) where statutory guidance is not available,
where the constitution does not help the judge, the judges place reliance of Logic, reasoning and
analogy, philosophy, custom, tradition to decide the new case. It is the permissible by judicial
process. Justice Cardozo, approved these in “Judicial Process”.

 The laws relating to trust, notice, fraud are creation of equity.

 Gray says “that the power to interpret law is not different from power to make law.
Infact, it is the judge who has final word to say what law on any point and this is real
Law making and person doing it lawfully is true law maker”.
 Hale held, “Judges only declare what law is, they do not make it, but, uphold rule of law,
they develop law and in doing so, they make law,

Precedent played a significant role in ensuring that ideals like creativity, stability and
uniformity gave the law a garb of reasonableness and legitimacy. The pleas for judicial creativity
within the precedent regime continued with Mansfield clarifying that the spirit of the case and
not the letter of particular precedents make law.
According to Holmes, the need of the law to evolve and develop by defining the judges' role to
be confined from 'molecular to molar motions'. He agrees that judges do, in substance, legislate,

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but they do so interstitially that is they legislate within the gaps left by the law made by the
The judge made law may not be so perfect because of the personal thinking, attitude, and the
consciousness of the judge lies the subconscious force of humanness, the likes, dislikes,
prejudices, instincts, habits and convictions. For this reason it is necessary to subject judicial
creative requires constant testing, revision and readjustment.




The activist judges play a vital role in exhibiting their judicial creativity and they
subjected the new legislation to their creative skills by introducing very many principles of
interpretation. Judicial creativity requires a great skill and high creative ability. The judges
evolved a number of principles while interpreting the Constitutional provisions, especially in
respect of the provisions relating to fundamental rights.

The recent trend adopted by the Supreme Court has been to interpret our fundamental rights in
the light of international conventions which are yet to be enacted in to our domestic laws. In all
these cases the judges of the Apex Court excelled in their creative skills. Anyone
who analyses the judicial process of the Supreme Court and High Courts would conclude that
judicial process has developed some finest principles and Courts have made tremendous
contribution in establishment of a rule of law society in India and enhanced the people’s quality
of life. Creativity in law through judicial process is one area that is greatly benefited by the
innovative and creative interpretation of the Supreme Court and High Courts. Therefore the
Creativity of the Supreme Court and High Courts shall always remain as a high benchmark of
judicial creativity in India.

On the contrary, it is also possible that in the process of creativity and innovation, there could
sometimes be some errors, but such errors could be corrected or modified or refined either in

THE COMMON LAW, By Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. 1881

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appeal, or in a latter case, and the latter judgment would be one step more in the progress of the

Cardozo while analyzing judicial process14 concludes that there is an element of creation and
discovery where the judge can play a creative role in matter of constitutional
interpretations. Each case coming before the judge has its own peculiarities requiring application
of fresh mind and skill. The judge has constantly to be a creative artist. His work, therefore,
requires constant thinking and display of talent and creativity.15

When judges interpret the law or a constitution by not merely giving effect to the literal meaning
of the word, but trying to provide an interpretation consistent with the spirit of that statute or
constitution, they are said to be activist judges. The function of the higher courts in this country
has not been limited to exploring what the Constitution-makers meant when they wrote those
words but also to develop and adapt the law so as to meet the challenges of contemporary
problems of the society and respond to the needs of the society.


A written constitution is not a self-executing document, and meanings of several provisions may
not always be self-evident. The Courts cannot interpret a statute, much less a constitution, in a
mechanistic manner. In the case of a statute, a court must determine the actual intent of the
authors. In the case of a Constitution, a court must sustain the constitution’s relevance to
changing social, economic, and political scenarios. The courts must adopt a judicially positivist
and pro-activist liberal approach in constitutional interpretation since the law-creative function of
the judges is very well recognised now.

Judges who interpret a written constitution cannot merely apply the law to the facts that come
before them. The scope of judicial creativity expands the degree of activism when a constitution

Prof (Dr.) A.Raghunadha Reddy: From Jurisprudence to Jurimetrics: A Critical Evaluation of the
Emerging Tools in the Judicial Process,
All India Judges' Association v. Union of India AIR 1993 SC 2493

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contains a bill of rights. In the words of Justice Benjamin Cardozo, a court must give to the
words of a constitution “a continuity of life and expression.”16

The judiciary at times is forging new tools, devising new strategies for the purpose of making
fundamental rights meaningful for the large masses of the people. In the words of H.L.A.Hart
“judges have an interstitial law-making function in so-called penumbral cases that are not clearly
covered by existing law.”

The liberal, purposive, law-creative interpretation of the constitution must be used by the courts
“with insight in to social values, and with suppleness of adaptation to changing needs.”17 It is a
matter of judicial attitudes and choices as to how the judges approach the task of constitutional
interpretation. The degree of necessary creativity might be well higher in constitutional
adjudication than is usually the case for ordinary statutory adjudication.18The higher judiciary
in India has been endowed with the onerous task of upholding the fundamental rights of the
citizens. Therefore the judicial interpretation and enforcement of social rights necessarily implies
a high degree of creativity by virtue of the activist approach of higher judiciary in construing and
declaring the fundamental rights.

The judiciary in a constitutional democracy can play an active role through the medium of
judicial review. This proposition is squarely applicable to the Indian context and it is evident
from the judicial precedents that the judiciary especially the Supreme Court has started playing
an activist role occasionally from its rulings in cases such as A.K.Gopalan v. State of Madras
and the activist role of the Indian judiciary was clearly evident in Golak Nath v. State of
Punjab 20.

The high water mark of judicial activism in India has been reached by the Court in the landmark
case of Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala 21 popularly known as Fundamental Rights Case

Benjamin N.Cardozo, The Nature of the Judicial Process (1927) p.92-94

Kariapper v Wijesinha (1968) AC 717
Mauro Cappelletti, The Judicial Process in Comparative Perspective, p.29
AIR 1951 SC 21
AIR 1962 SC 723
AIR 1973 SC 1461

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wherein the Supreme Court propounded the Doctrine of Basic Structure through its judicial
creativity and activist approach.

Chief Justice Marshall of American Supreme Court laid down the basic principle of judicial
review of legislation in Marbury v. Madison , our Supreme Court went further, on what
Cardozo would call, “the felt necessities of the time” For the first time a court held that a
constitutional amendment duly passed by the legislature was invalid as damaging or destroying
its basic structure. This was a gigantic innovative judicial leap unknown to any legal system.23

The Apex Court has adopted balancing technique in holding that the provisions of the
Constitution, particularly the provisions relating to the fundamental rights, should not be
construed in a pedantic manner, but should be construed in a manner that would enable the
citizens to enjoy the rights in the fullest measure. In the post-Emergency era, the Apex Court
sensitized by the perpetration of large scale atrocities during the Emergency donned an activist
mantle. The Emergency of 1975 and its aftermath constituted defining moments for judicial
activism in India.

In the infamous decision in A.D.M. Jabalpur v. Shukla24 famously known as Habeas Corpus
Case, the Supreme Court used its active judicial power permitted civil liberties in Part III to be
suspended during the Emergency. Therefore, permitting civil liberties to be suspended during the
Emergency would arguably have constituted deference both to the intent of the framers of the
Constitution and to legislative wisdom or judicial restraint.

Thus judicial activism during the Emergency was clearly the need of the hour and it had a strong
moral basis after Emergency and the judges ought to have been activist. In a series of decisions,
starting with Menaka Gandhi v. Union of India,25 the court widened the ambit of constitutional
provisions and held that the provisions of Part III should be given widest possible interpretation
to expand the reach of fundamental rights rather than to attenuate their meaning and content. In

(1803) 5 U.S. (1Cranch) 137
Anil Divan, Judicial Activism and Democracy, Article published in editorial, The Hindu, Chennai
Edition dated April 2, 2007 p.12

AIR 1976 SC 1207
AIR 1978 SC 597

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the post–Menaka period court’s activism blossomed and flourished with doctrinal creativity and
processual innovations.

The Supreme Court has infused new vigor in the moribund Article 21 by giving an expansive
interpretation to the word ‘life’ as therein as meaning not only mere ‘animal existence’ but ‘live
with human dignity’. The Supreme Court has thus infused a qualitative concept in Article 21 as a
result of which this constitutional provision has become a reservoir of Fundamental Rights.

The Supreme Court of India developed a vast jurisprudence of interpretation of Constitutional

provisions and other statutes. Over the years, the Supreme Court has culled out several un-
enumerated rights as being implied within the enumerated fundamental rights contained in Part
III of the constitution. The Apex Court widened the ambit of constitutional provisions to enforce
the human rights of citizens and sought to bring the Indian law in conformity with the global
trends in human rights jurisprudence. Simultaneously, it introduced processual innovations with
a view to making itself more accessible to disadvantaged sections of the society giving rise to the
phenomenon of Public Interest Litigation. The judiciary has moved beyond being a mere legal
institution; its decisions have tremendous social, political and economic ramifications.

The judicial creativity in constitutional interpretation is not only confined to explore the true
intent of Article 21, the horizon of activist approach of higher judiciary extends interalia to other
provisions enshrined in Part III of the Constitution. A classic example of this judicial activism
and innovativeness in interpreting Article 14 could be well explained by referring to the
landmark case of the Supreme Court in E.P.Royappa v. State of Tamil Nadu 26, the Apex Court
challenged the traditional concept of equality which was based on reasonable classification and
has laid down a new concept of equality. Justice P.N.Bhagwati delivering the judgment on behalf
of himself, Justice Y.V.Chandrachud and Justice V.R.Krishna Iyer, propounded the new concept
of equality in the following words “Equality is a dynamic concept with many aspects and
dimensions and it cannot be ‘cribbed, cabined and confined’ within traditional and doctrinaire

AIR 1974 SC 555

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The Supreme Court has set aside the classic formulation of the “Doctrine of reasonable
classification” as held in the case of Anwar Ali Sarkar v. State of West Bengal.27 reformulated
in Ram Krishna Dalmia v. Justice Tendolkar.28 and in “In re Special Courts Bill, 1978,” held
the field and became formally recognised as the touchstone for testing legislative and executive
violations of Article 14. The Apex Court has rightly admitted that Article 14 of the Constitution
of India has received a liberal interpretation over the years. Its scope has also been expanded by
creative interpretation of the Court.29 Thus the activist approach of Supreme Court paved way for
introducing a new dimension of right to equality by setting aside the mechanical notion of
traditional juridical concept.

The Supreme Court keeping in tune with the technological advancements in a phased manner is
applying the tools of creativity to forge the interpretation of Constitution to suit the societal
needs in the present era of technology. The Apex Court has observed that creative interpretation
of the provisions of the statute demands that with the advance in science and technology, the
Court should read the provisions of a statute in such a manner so as to give effect thereto.

A Constitution Bench of the Apex Court has observed that the permissible judicial creativity in
tune with the Constitutional objectivity is essential to the interpretation of the Constitutional
provisions so that the dominant values may be discovered.30


A great transformation has come about in the judicial attitude towards the protection of
personal liberty in the post-emergency period. The Court has re-interpreted Article 21 and
practically overruled A.K.Gopalan’s case in Menaka Gandhi which can be regarded as a highly
creative judicial pronouncement on the part of the Supreme Court. Judicial activism of the post-
emergency period means liberal interpretation of constitutional provisions like Articles 21 and

AIR 1952 SC 75
AIR 1958 SC 538
Food Corporation of India v. M/s. Seil Ltd. AIR 2008 SC 1101
Indra Sawhney v. Union of India AIR 1993 SC 477

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14, and reconceptualization of the judicial process by making it more accessible and

The most significant aspect of Menaka Gandhi was that the Court laid down a seminal principle
of constitutional interpretation. The Court held that there cannot be a mere textual construction
of the words of the Constitution. Those words are significant with meanings that unfold when
different situations arise. Another strategy adopted by the Supreme Court with a creative fashion
to expand the ambit of Article 21 and to imply certain bundle of rights.

However, judicial activism in India has now taken on an interesting face. The courts in India
pursue a form of review which can be described as best as ‘dialogic’ – a term used famously by
Peter Hogg and Allison Bushell in the context of the Canadian Supreme Court’s decisions. The
Indian Supreme Court has enforced socio-economic rights, though they are not considered
enforceable by the Constitution such as the right against malnutrition and the right to shelter. The
judiciary has started issuing guidelines increasingly in legislative spheres, one such occasion in a
landmark judgment in Vishaka v. State of Rajasthan.32

The Supreme Court has laid down exhaustive guidelines to prevent sexual harassment of
working women in work places until a suitable legislation is enacted for the purpose. The Court
relied on International Conventions and made a significant interpretation of guarantee of gender
equality, right to work with human dignity and safeguards against sexual harassment implicit
under Articles 14, 15(3), 19(1)(a) and 21 of the Constitution and filled the gap in legislative

The dynamics of judicial process has a new enforcement dimension which includes ‘rights
mobilization’ without which the rights and interests of the poor and illiterate silent majority
would become sterile.33 The Supreme Court has not confined itself to judge-made law in the
traditional sense of the term, but has embarked upon legislation to fill in the gaps left by

S.P.Sathe, Judicial Activism: The Indian Experience, Journal of Indian School of Political Economy
(1998 & 1999), Journal of Law & Policy (2001, Vol.6:29), P.51

AIR 1997 SC 3011
I.P.Massey, Administrative Law, (Eastern Book Company, Lucknow, 5th Edn, 2001) Pg. 261

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legislature. The role of judicial interpretation has to play far more active, creative and purposeful
role in deciding what is according to law. The judiciary by invoking its activist approach with a
camouflage of creativity laid down detailed guidelines on various spheres of law including the
process of inter-country adoptions,34 rehabilitation of children of commercial sex workers,35 and
the procedure to be followed by police officers prior to arrest, mildly similar to the American
Miranda rights propounded ‘Basu rights’36. Thus, when a competent legislative fails to act
legislatively and make a necessary law to meet the societal needs, the courts play an active role
and often indulge in judicial legislation to fill the void created by the legislature’s abdication of

While the Part IV deals with the Directive Principles of State Policy that largely
enumerate objectives pertaining to socio-economic entitlements. They are the creative part of the
Constitution, and fundamental to the governance of the country. However, the key feature is that
the Directive Principles are non-justiciable.37 Despite the fact that the Constitution did not permit
socio-economic rights to be justiciable or enforceable, the Indian judiciary taught that express
constitutional provisions may not necessarily translate in to social legitimacy.

The principle of harmonious construction in interpreting the relationship between Part III
and Part IV of the Constitution has been reiterated in number of cases38 decided by the Supreme
Court and consistently maintained that the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of
State Policy constitute the conscience of the constitution. The judiciary under our constitutional
scheme has to take up a positive and creative function in securing socio-economic justice to the

In State of Bihar v. Bal Mukund Sah39 it was held that the judiciary has, therefore, a
socio-economic destination and a creative function. In S. P. Gupta v. President of India40 it was

Laxmikant Pandey v Union of India, AIR 1987 SC 232
Gaurav Jain v Union of India, AIR 1997 SC 3021
D.K.Basu v State of West Bengal, AIR 1997 SC 610
Justice K.G.Balakrishnan, Constitutional Control Praxis in the present day, Lecture at Brazilian
Supreme Court Pg.5

Minerva Mills Ltd. v Union of India, AIR 1980 SC 1789
AIR 2000 SC 1296

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held that the judiciary cannot remain a mere bystander or spectator but it must become an active
participant in the judicial process ready to use law in the service of social justice through, a pro-
active goal oriented approach. It was emphasized that the judiciary has to adopt a positive and
creative approach.

The Supreme Court, in its creative role under Article 141 and the creative elements
implicit in the very process of determining ratio decidendi, it is not surprising that judicial
process has not been crippled in the discharge of its duty to keep the law abreast of the times, by
the traditionalist theory of stare decisis.41

The Supreme Court has observed that any legal system, especially one evolving in a
developing country, might permit judges to play a creative role and innovate to ensure justice
without doing violence to the norms set by legislation. The role of the Court is creative rather
than passive, and it assumes a more positive attitude in determining facts and circumstances of
each case.

The Apex Court goes to say that notwithstanding the conventional principle that the duty
of judges is to expound and not to legislate. The Courts have taken the view that the judicial art
of interpretation and appraisal is imbued with creativity.42


The focus of study in this assignment is on judicial creativity in interpreting provisions in

certain crucial areas in the Constitution of India. Judicial innovation was essential to adapt the
constitutional provisions to modern changed context. “Creativity of the Court has been mainly in
the creation and introduction of certain new concepts not found in any specific provision of the
Constitution which, but were essential for its meaningful interpretation”108. Independence of the
judiciary, basic structure and certain elements of social justice are cherished.

AIR 1982 SC 149
A.Laxminath, Precedent in Indian Law, Second Edition, 2005, Pg.32
Bhatia International v. Bulk Trading S. A., AIR 2002 SC 1432

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The second aspect of creativity lies in the attempt of the Court to construe provisions in the
Constitution with a view to upholding and maintaining the concepts so infused into the
Constitution. Introduction of those concepts into the Constitution by Supreme Court is necessary
and is justified. The Supreme Court was successful in its attempt in construing the constitutional
provisions in tune with the judicially introduced concepts with the aid of the Tools and
Techniques under the heads of Judicial Activism

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