How To Begin "Re-Evaluation Counseling": Getting One'S Feelings "Out"
How To Begin "Re-Evaluation Counseling": Getting One'S Feelings "Out"
How To Begin "Re-Evaluation Counseling": Getting One'S Feelings "Out"
This is good to do whenever you get a chance. As Would you like to continue trying this? You can
you listen this way more times, you get to know each read on for more information about how to do this
other better and like each other more and more. well.
Time spent listening to each other without inter- If you come to your session as client and there
ruption is often called a “session.” Below are some seems to be nothing in your present life that you need
things that you can experiment with doing in your to talk about, try telling your life story. Most people
sessions. have never had a chance to tell the whole story of
their life, and everyone needs a chance to do this. As
“News and Goods” you tell the story of your life, certain incidents will
You can start your session as client by telling your seem more important in their effect on you, good or
counselor about “good” things, big or small, that bad, than others. These incidents are worth coming
have happened lately. It could be the beautiful sun- back to and talking about many times in Co-Coun-
set you saw last night, or your new job, or a problem seling sessions. Getting a chance to review them over
you figured out last week. The idea is to give your- and over, with someone who is really listening, can
self a chance to notice the things that are going well. make a surprising difference in your thinking. Bad
(This is especially a good idea if you feel discour- feelings left over from old, hurtful experiences (in-
aged. It helps remind you that maybe things aren’t cluding experiences that you thought were “behind
as bad as they feel.) Sometimes people spend whole you”) can come to the surface and discharge, leav-
Co-Counseling sessions just telling “news and ing you with a lighter step and freer thoughts. Good
goods” and leave feeling much more positive and experiences, when reviewed with the attention of a
thinking more clearly. good listener, can also help bad feelings from old,
difficult times to discharge, and this can help you
Recent Upsets regain a positive outlook.
If something has happened recently that you are
upset about, a Co-Counseling session is a good place Self-Appreciation
to talk about it. You can tell as much or as little about Most of us have been belittled or mistreated
it as you would like, and you can tell it once or you enough that it is now difficult for us to feel good
can tell it over and over. You will probably find that about ourselves. We have been “blamed” for things
lots of your problems seem to get much smaller if when we were doing our best. We have been told
you just get a chance to talk about them without many untrue things. We have been told that if we
someone trying to give you advice or solve them for like ourselves, we are “conceited” and that we
you. You will find, more often than not, that you can shouldn’t feel good about ourselves. This isn’t true.
think of a good solution if you just have someone People need to feel good about themselves. When
hear you out and show some confidence in you while we do feel good about ourselves, we treat other people
you feel upset and talk about the problem. better, not worse.
Troubles from the Past In a Co-Counseling session when you are client,
tell your counselor what you like about yourself. Tell
If you use your turn as client to talk about some-
this to him or her in a tone of voice that sounds like
thing that is bothering you, you can sometimes, af-
you are proud of yourself (not “superior,” just
ter you have had a chance to talk about the upset for
proud). Tell your counselor this over and over. You
awhile, ask yourself (or your counselor can ask you),
may find it difficult, but stick with it. Don’t stop your-
“What does this situation or this feeling remind you
self from laughing or crying or any other type of dis-
of? When have you felt like this before?” You will
charge. Try to appreciate everything about yourself
almost always think of some situation from the past
(EVERYTHING). When you notice which things feel
that was hurtful or upsetting in a similar way. It will
harder to appreciate (for example, how you look or
be plain that old feelings from that time are still lin-
how smart you are), focus on appreciating those
gering in your mind, adding more confusion and bad
things. You will probably remember incidents from
feelings to the present situation than there would
your life of being criticized, blamed, or mistreated.
otherwise be. If you can talk about the earlier situa-
These incidents will be good to look at and talk about
tion, what happened then, how you felt, and how it
in a counseling session when you are client.
affected you, some of those old bad feelings can then
be discharged, leaving you with a fresher look at the
present difficulty.
It helps your life go better to set goals for yourself It also works well to get a small group of people
or review your progress towards goals that you have together to take turns listening to each other. (In RC
already set. This is a useful thing to do when you we call this a “support group.”) Each person gets a
are client in a Co-Counseling session. Talk through roughly equal amount of time to talk while the rest
the different periods of your life, tentatively decid- of the group listens.
ing what you want to accomplish tomorrow, next
One person acts as the leader of the group to help
week, this year, in the next five years, in the next
the group decide how much time each person will
twenty years, in your lifetime. As you talk about each
get, who will go first, and so on. When each person
future period, you can think through the steps that
has had his or her turn as client, you can end the
you will need to take to reach these goals.
group meeting with each person getting a chance to
Occasionally reviewing your goals and any ap- say what he or she liked best about being in the group
parent obstacles will tend to assist you in achieving meeting or something he or she is looking forward
them. to.
Letting Discharge Continue Support groups can meet as often or as many times
as the group members wish. The group can be a
If you talk about something as client that results
group of friends, co-workers, neighbors, or people
in lively talking, laughter, tears, shaking, sweating,
with a similar background or interest. Sharing some-
or yawning (all forms of discharge), don’t rush on
thing in common with the group often helps people
to something else. Try repeating what you were say-
feel safer to talk about things they need to talk about.
ing or doing several times until you are no longer
For example, there have been support groups of
discharging. It’s worth doing this over and over for
women, men, parents, young people, working-class
as much time as you can take. The greatest benefits
people, people of a certain ethnic group or religion,
of Co-Counseling come after these releases of ten-
disabled people, artists, and many others.
sion. They make it possible to think and act in ways
that have been inhibited before. Inviting friends to the group is a good way to in-
troduce more people to Co-Counseling. If the group
Ending a Session becomes too large, it can be divided and a second
At the end of a Co-Counseling session, especially group formed with a new leader chosen for the new
if you’ve been talking about something difficult for group. About eight people seems to be the optimum
you, take a few moments to re-direct your thoughts size for a group, but they can function well both
to something you are looking forward to, or to some smaller and larger.
simple subject you don’t feel tense about, for ex-
ample, the names of some friends or some favorite Support groups are a good structure for people
foods, or some scenery that you enjoy looking at. from a similar background or similar situation to use
This helps make a relaxed change from being a cli- to talk about what they like about being a part of
ent to becoming a counselor if it is your turn to do that group and what they are proud of about the
this, or to going on to other activities. people from that group. Support groups are also
good for talking about what has been hard, what they
For each person to feel safe to talk about what- wish people understood about their group, what
ever he or she needs to, it works best to agree that hopes and dreams they have for people from their
you won’t discuss it with anyone later. Also, keep in group, and what they would like to do in relation to
mind that alcohol and drugs interfere with the good that group.
effects of discharging.
For example, in a women’s support group, each
woman would get a turn sharing what she likes about
being a woman, what has been hard about being a
woman, what she would like men to understand
about women, how she would like to see women’s
lives improve, and what ways she would like to reach
out to other women.
IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE If you are very interested in learning more about
If you try Co-Counseling and you decide that RC and know other people who are eager to learn,
you’d like to learn more, you may get in touch with we may be able to send a teacher to your group or
the main Re-evaluation Counseling office (look bring one of you to a workshop.
below for the address and phone number), and ask There is an RC web site on the internet,
that office if there are any Co-Counselors who live, with lots of information and articles.
near you. You could also order a few introductory If you are in an area which does not yet offer RC
publications. Some good readings to start with are: classes but you can connect to the internet, you
might find the on-line “class” on this web site help-
The Human Side of Human Beings (the theory of RC),
$4.00 (US)
People who use Re-evaluation Counseling find
The Fundamentals of Co-Counseling Manual (the that it helps them think better, improve relation-
beginning practice of RC), $6.00 (US)
ships, stand up for the right things, and enjoy life
The Art of Listening (an introductory talk about RC),
$2.00 (US) more. Co-Counselors usually get “smarter” as they
An Introduction to Co-Counseling (a very short use RC, and they get better at using it. They teach
description of RC), $1.00 (US) other people about RC and teach them how to teach
The Human Situation (essays on different topics), other people, so that in some places lots of people
$6.00 (US) are using RC, holding classes and workshops, learn-
Present Time (a general journal published four ing from each other, and supporting and encour-
times a year), $4.00 (US) aging each other.
We have literature published in about thirty dif-
Videotapes and audiotapes are also available. ferent languages, written by Co-Counselors from
(They are all in English, but we do have different all over the world, with stories about using RC and
video formats for different countries as well as with RC information about people of different ages,
typed transcripts for each videotape.) Someone at backgrounds, and situations.
the main office can tell you which ones might be
There are a few ground rules and a set of “Com-
good for you to start with.
munity Guidelines,” which help Co-Counselors
If you can’t afford to pay for literature, explain keep things well organized.
this to the office and ask if it is possible for Out-
Good luck.
reach Funds to pay for some literature in order for
you to get started.
ISBN: 1-885357-46-X