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Oil Pipe

Anchorage burried in pierhead

Upper Part

Lower part

Anchorage burried in colomn

In order to minimize traffic distur The pier head is then cast over the pier bance during the
construction of this parallel to road axis. After post-tensioning of flyover, the 450 tonnes
pier head is turned the pierhead, oil is injected into the device 90 degrees. A device is
proposed and used until the force produced by the oil pressure for this project by the
author which nearly equals the weight of the pier head,
Mr. Soeharto President of the Republik of then the pier turned 90 degrees. Oil
Indonesia named Sosrobahu, a named pressure is the.n released and the gap in-
derived from a classical Javanese legend jected with non shrink grout. Four post-meaning
a thousand (505ro) shoulders tensioned U cables of total ultimate capacity (bahu). The
Sosrobahu device is a Hydrau- of 600 tonnes are then inserted through the lic Non
Friction Rotating Device, it is a flat pier head and pier, post-tensioned and jack with a
diameter of 80 cm. Technical grouted.
code LPBH. 80. The device is place in the centre of the pier. A gap of 20 .mm is made
between the pier and pier head.
Sequence Installation of Sosrobahu

Attach anchor bolt on pocket followed

Attach Sosrobahu on its place
by installing the tripod The Sosro after instaled & grouted

Position of Sosrobahu on the coloumn Filling the space/gap with material (thickness of
before working of pierhed formwork 20 mm)

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