2014 Global Salary Survey
2014 Global Salary Survey
2014 Global Salary Survey
Welcome to the fifteenth edition of Robert Walters’
annual Global Salary Survey.
D espite the
mixed nature
of global market
career progression. Additionally, work/
life balance is still important to many
employees across the globe.
conditions there
are still shortages If you’d like to find out more about
of professionals salaries and recruitment trends in
across many your industry, call one our specialist
markets, with consultants today. Contact details for
widespread each of our offices can be found at the
demand for back of the book.
specialists in compliance, risk, sales,
IT and digital marketing. Indeed, as You can also download our Salary
the burden of regulation increases and Checker app from iTunes, or from the
digital technology and use of mobile Google Play store. Search for ‘Robert
devices continues apace, these will Walters Salary Checker’.
remain areas of high recruitment activity.
Lawyers and accountants will also
be much sought-after as economic
conditions improve. As a result,
wage inflation is anticipated for these
professionals across most regions.
Lawyers in South Africa and Brazil are
likely to see the highest uplifts.
accompanied by clearly mapped out
Accounting & Finance.....................203 Accounting & Finance
Banking & Financial Services���������204 Banking & Financial Services��������������250
Information Technology...................205 Commerce & Industry�������������������������252
Sales, Marketing & Banking Operations������������������������254
Communications.............................206 Human Resources & OH&S.............256
Secretarial & Business Support......207 Information Technology
Banking & Financial Services...............258
Commerce & Industry�������������������������260 ASIA HONG KONG
COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������335
Procurement, Supply Chain & CHINA Accounting & Finance......................337
COUNTRY OVERVIEW.......................299 Banking & Financial Services
Risk Management, Compliance &
Front Office�����������������������������������������339
Audit��������������������������������������������������266 BEIJING
Middle & Back Office��������������������������342
Sales, Marketing & Accounting & Finance���������������������301
Human Resources���������������������������346
Communications Human Resources...........................302
Information Technology...................348
Banking & Financial Services��������������268 Marketing.........................................303
Legal & Compliance.........................351
Commerce & Industry�������������������������269 Sales..................................................304
Property & Construction..................353
Secretarial & Business Support......271 Supply Chain & Quality�������������������306
Sales & Marketing............................355
NANJING Secretarial & Business Support......359
NEW ZEALAND Accounting & Finance���������������������308 Supply Chain & Procurement..........361
COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������273 Engineering & Operations���������������309
Human Resources...........................310 INDONESIA
Sales & Marketing............................311
Accounting & Finance���������������������275 COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������363
Supply Chain & Quality�������������������312
Banking & Financial Services���������277 Accounting & Finance���������������������365
Human Resources���������������������������278 SHANGHAI Banking & Financial Services���������366
Information Technology������������������280 Accounting & Finance.....................313 Human Resources���������������������������367
Legal�������������������������������������������������282 Banking & Financial Services Sales & Marketing............................368
Procurement, Supply Chain & Front Office�����������������������������������������314
Logistics�������������������������������������������283 Middle & Back Office��������������������������315 JAPAN
Sales, Marketing & Human Resources���������������������������317
Communications�����������������������������284 Information Technology...................318 COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������369
Secretarial & Business Support�����286 Operations & Manufacturing����������320 TOKYO
Sales & Marketing............................321 Accounting & Finance
FMCG & Cosmetics����������������������������323 Banking & Financial Services...............371
Accounting & Finance���������������������287
Retail & Luxury....................................324 Commerce & Industry�������������������������373
Banking & Financial Services���������289
Professional Services��������������������������325 Financial Services Operations�������375
Engineering & Construction�����������290
Industrial���������������������������������������������326 General Affairs & Administration....377
Human Resources���������������������������291
Supply Chain & Quality�������������������327 Human Resources���������������������������378
Information Technology������������������292
Legal�������������������������������������������������294 SUZHOU Information Technology
Procurement, Supply Chain & Accounting & Finance���������������������328 Commerce..........................................380
Logistics�������������������������������������������295 Engineering......................................329 Finance����������������������������������������������381
Property & Facilities Management�296 Human Resources...........................330 Online�������������������������������������������������383
Sales, Marketing & Industrial Sales & Marketing...........331 Technology Vendor & Consulting��������384
Communications..............................297 Operations & Manufacturing...........332 Legal & Compliance.........................386
Secretarial & Business Support......298 Quality & EHS�����������������������������������333 Risk���������������������������������������������������387
Supply Chain & Sourcing.................334
Sales & Marketing............................388 Information Technology...................428 Sales & Marketing............................469
Chemical.............................................390 Legal & Compliance.........................430 Supply Chain & Engineering............470
Consumer & Retail������������������������������390 Sales & Marketing
Financial Services�������������������������������390 Consumer & Technical Healthcare.......432
Healthcare������������������������������������������390 B2B & Industrial����������������������������������434 MIDDLE EAST
Information Technology�����������������������391 Secretarial & Support����������������������436
Industrial���������������������������������������������391 Supply Chain, Procurement &
Online�������������������������������������������������391 Logistics�������������������������������������������438 COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������471
Supply Chain������������������������������������392 Accounting & Finance���������������������473
SOUTH KOREA Banking & Financial Services���������474
MARKET UPDATE...............................394 Legal�������������������������������������������������476
COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������440
Accounting & Finance���������������������396 Accounting & Finance
Human Resources............................396 Banking & Financial Services��������������442 AFRICA
Supply Chain.....................................397 Commerce & Industry�������������������������442
Information Technology...................397 Human Resources���������������������������443 SOUTH AFRICA
Sales & Marketing............................398 Information Technology...................443
Sales & Marketing............................444 COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������477
MALAYSIA Accounting & Finance......................479
TAIWAN Banking & Financial Services..........481
COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������399 Engineering & Natural Resources��483
Accounting & Finance......................401 COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������445 Human Resources���������������������������484
Banking & Financial Services Accounting & Finance.....................447 Legal..................................................485
Front Office�����������������������������������������403 Banking & Financial Services���������448
Middle & Back Office��������������������������404 Information Technology...................449 NORTH AFRICA
Human Resources���������������������������406 Sales & Marketing............................450
Information Technology...................407 COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������487
Legal & Compliance.........................409 THAILAND Salaries���������������������������������������������489
Sales & Marketing............................411
Supply Chain, Procurement & COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������451 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA
Engineering.......................................413 Accounting & Finance���������������������453
Banking & Financial Services���������455 COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������491
Human Resources���������������������������457 Salaries���������������������������������������������493
Information Technology������������������459
COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������415 Sales, Marketing &
Accounting & Finance���������������������417 Communications..............................461
Banking & Financial Services
Finance...............................................419 VIETNAM
Front Office�����������������������������������������420
Operations������������������������������������������421 COUNTRY OVERVIEW����������������������463
Risk����������������������������������������������������422 Accounting & Finance���������������������465
Contract���������������������������������������������423 Banking & Financial Services���������466
Engineering��������������������������������������424 Human Resources���������������������������467
Human Resources............................425 Information Technology������������������468
Confidence returned to the UK in 2013.
I n 2013
to see compelling growth plans and
to know they’ll be part of something
special. Competition will also be fierce as
operations back to companies try aggressively to hire and
the UK, setting up retain quality employees.
regional hubs in the
Midlands and the With this in mind, UK hiring managers
North of may have to be more flexible in their hiring
England. requirements in the year ahead. For
example, considering professionals with
These hubs, which offer cost-effective broader skill sets and training them up
alternatives to ‘offshoring’, began internally, rather than holding out for the
attracting talented and ambitious ideal candidate.
individuals away from London.
Businesses may also need to prepare
With financial results improving, for salary increases across the board.
confidence continued to grow throughout Companies started benchmarking salaries
the year. Many companies began to against the industry towards the end of
expand, which meant people with sales, 2013, and specialist skills in particular
marketing, human resources and IT skills will push wages higher in 2014. With
were popular choices for hiring managers. technology centres and media parks
beginning to emerge all over the UK,
Later in the year, financial services innovation and e-commerce will be
organisations began looking for key growth areas, with a high price-tag
employees with capital markets know- attached to those who excel in these
how who could help with income fields.
generation. Meanwhile, ongoing
regulatory pressures meant banks and
financial services institutions were still
on the look-out for compliance and legal
specialists - particularly as, post-financial
crisis, they look to change their operating
models and focus more closely on how
their organisations are run.
We expect these trends to continue into
2014, although managers will struggle With financial results
to find employees with niche skills who improving, confidence
are willing to move. As employees continued to grow
commit to longer-term positions, it will throughout the year and
take more than attractive pay packages many companies began
Looking to move jobs to tempt them to move. People want to expand.
n 2013, recruitment for permanent they apply outside traditional regulatory may rise for the most in-demand skills,
banking positions was fairly cautious but reporting teams. Institutions will also need such as regulatory reporting, derivatives
confidence built throughout the year. to adapt to further regulatory changes valuations and finance business
The biggest item on the banking agenda this year, which will especially increase partnering – last year 10% rises were the
was regulatory change, specifically demand for contractors with Basel III, norm. Retention/completion bonuses are
interpreting capital usage, which led to CRDIV and regulatory risk legislation also expected to become more common
greater demand for regulatory specialists. experience. In banking, cost-control for contractors in these areas this year.
More temporary positions were recruited initiatives will require finance business For permanent professionals, the focus
compared to previous years, driven partners with cost base management and this year will be on annual bonuses – top
mainly by permanent headcount stakeholder engagement experience. performers are expecting good rewards.
restrictions and the trend towards The most sought-after specialists may
off‑shoring. At the junior end of the market, newly- also receive multiple job offers, meaning
qualified accountants will be hard to find there could be further upward pressure
The world economy is expected to as the financial services sector struggles on salaries this year.
recover further this year, and firms will to attract those with banking audit
be looking to take advantage of this experience. Similarly, employers will be
growth. As a result, hiring managers will holding on to regulatory professionals
specifically be looking for well-rounded who can articulate complex issues to
professionals who understand how wider both front office and management, so
issues affect bank revenue and risk. For they too will be scarce.
example, there will be demand for people
in management reporting and product As cost-control is still key, overall salaries
or financial control who understand and rates are likely to remain stable.
capital and risk-weighted assets and how However, contract rates and salaries
Regulatory reporting,
KEY TRENDS derivatives valuations
■■ Regulatory change and cost-control are driving the banking agenda; and finance business
experience in these areas will be in short supply. partnering specialists
■■ The ability to understand wider macro effects on banking, and communicate could receive multiple
complex issues at all levels, will be in demand. job offers this year as
■■ Newly-qualified accountants are scarce in London – there will be intense shortages of talent
competition for their skills. grow.
■■ There is growing expectation around bonuses though estimates vary widely
across the banking sector.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified. For director level hires please contact Robert Walters.
n 2013, we saw a general increase businesses unable to countenance even professionals and international teams.
in accountancy recruitment within the smallest degree of recruitment risk,
the commerce and industry sector. candidates with a strong understanding Hiring managers will have to work
However, pressures and constraints of a company’s profile and strategic hard this year to retain their best staff
persisted, and the majority of hiring direction were also at a premium in 2013. as people look for new opportunities.
activity was focused on junior roles. Few Those finance professionals able to make Salaries are not really changing but
companies were able to recruit at a senior strong, well-informed business decisions packages as a whole are becoming more
level – in fact we saw a number of high- commanded higher salaries when moving competitive – existing and prospective
earning professionals made redundant jobs. new employees are expecting a clear
as part of cost-cutting exercises. Those view of their career progression and
companies recruiting tended to be those Looking ahead, companies will struggle internal/international opportunities. As
with cash backing or strong overseas to recruit newly-qualified employees with demand increases, those companies
businesses, and also those who were industry training. In particular, we expect able to speed up the recruitment process
quick to capitalise on digital media and to see a shortage of personnel with one will secure in-demand professionals who
consumer spending. to three years’ post-qualified experience, have received several job offers.
and firms will be doing more to retain
Commercially-focused accountants their staff during this period. Additionally,
were and continue to be a hiring priority companies will find it a challenge to
within the discipline, particularly as the recruit recently-qualified chartered
FTSE strengthens. Newly-qualified CIMA accounts into technical accounting, group
and ACA-trained accountants will be accounting and internal audit positions.
increasingly sought-after – a good sign There is also a lack of skills to meet
for the market – as will those with strong demand for business-partnering roles in
technical and regulatory skill sets. With support of digital media-focused finance
Salaries are slowly
KEY TRENDS increasing but people
■■ New vacancies in 2013 were primarily for junior-level roles as organisations also want to know
looked to retain and grow qualified professionals. what progression and
■■ Business partners with online and digital media experience are in demand but internal and
in short supply. international
■■ Group and financial accountants are highly valued for keeping core finances opportunities they can
under control. look forward to.
■■ Compliance and regulatory change experience are vital skills in the current
verall, the recruitment market saw Capital Requirements Directive. These
strong recruitment levels in 2013. skills will be in great demand this year,
Real estate and private equity and hiring managers may well look to the
grew steadily although hedge funds more mature banking regulatory market
did not recruit as many accounting and to find the right professionals. However,
finance professionals as the previous year. skills are in short supply so there will be
There have been some challenges across stiff competition for the right individuals.
the board, most significantly the large
wave of regulatory change that is still Overall, professionals with client-facing
affecting the industry. and stakeholder management skills, and
those who can communicate complex
Market conditions on the whole should business succinctly, will be in demand.
be reasonably healthy this year, but
investment managers are still working Base salaries did not really change across
to tight budgets as costs continue to the sector last year and we anticipate
rise more quickly than revenues. With similar salaries and rates continuing this
the continued focus on regulation, asset year. But one notable trend, within asset
managers will be forced to look carefully management particularly, will be greater
at how their businesses are structured, movement across finance teams and
their operating models and long-term departments. Hiring managers in asset
business strategies. Organisations will management may therefore need to offer
specifically need to invest in expertise to higher salaries to recruit and retain people
comply with the Alternative Investment this year.
Fund Managers Directive and the EU’s
The opportunity to
KEY TRENDS move across teams
■■ Increased regulatory pressure is forcing organisations to examine their and develop new
business structure and strategy, and invest in specialist skills. skills will be key
■■ Hiring managers may look to other sectors for regulatory skills but to attracting and
competition will be high. retaining people this
■■ Costs are rising faster than revenues, so candidates with cost management year.
expertise are in high demand.
■■ The opportunity to move across financial teams and develop new skills will be
key to attracting and retaining people.
Financial Control
Management Reporting/Analysis
Fund Accounting
Regulatory Reporting
Project/Change Management
Part-qualified - ACCA/CIMA
ACCA Part 3/CIMA Strategic 35 - 45k 35 - 50k 140 - 175 150 - 180
ACCA Part 2/CIMA Managerial 25 - 35k 25 - 35k 125 - 160 125 - 160
ACCA Part 1/CIMA Certificate 25 - 30k 25 - 30k 105 - 125 105 - 130
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified. For director level hires please contact Robert Walters.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 14
ith increased regulatory pressure into trade surveillance and advisory
and a wave of high-profile fines functions. However, across financial
imposed on banks across crime and regulatory policy there will be
the market, 2013 was a busy year a widespread skills shortage, and as a
in compliance recruitment. As banks result employers will potentially hire an
come under increasing scrutiny and increasing number of graduate-level
new policies are implemented in 2014 candidates to make up for the shortfall.
we should see this recruitment activity
increase. Salaries increased for specific roles in
2013, and as the demand for compliance
This year hiring managers will be looking skills grows this year, they will rise further.
to attract regulatory policy specialists. In our experience, a fluid recruitment
Those with experience of working with process that focuses on engaging
regulators to help implement new policies, applicants will give you the greatest
and advising the business of the incoming chance of securing the best talent.
legislation’s commercial effects, will be We have seen on several occasions
particularly valuable. processes whereby an employer
interviews a good prospect, buys time
Employers will also be looking for to interview more people, and returns to
financial crime staff, particularly those the individual only to find that they have
who can work in assurance, overseeing accepted another offer.
their financial crime architecture. If
global markets pick up, organisations
will also be looking to recruit people
Those with experience
KEY TRENDS of working with
■■ There will be an increased number of roles available in regulation and policy regulators and advising
advisory. businesses on the
■■ Financial crime professionals will be in demand, particularly those who can commercial effects of
work in assurance. incoming legislation will
■■ If global markets pick up, organisations will be looking to recruit trade be particularly valuable.
surveillance and advisory functions.
■■ Due to a widespread skills shortage, hiring managers need to act quickly to
secure candidates.
he HR recruitment market across greater number of HR professionals to operational HR, change and generalist
commercial firms was subdued for progress their careers and there will be HR roles. We anticipate similar levels
most of 2013, with the majority of more movement overall in the market. this year. With many unable to offer
vacancies being replacement hires. There We also anticipate increased hiring as substantial rises, and as competition for
was a small increase in roles as economic SMEs recruit professionals to administer HR professionals increases, companies
confidence started to grow but employers the introduction of auto enrolment will need to promote career development
were cautious overall. The technology, pension schemes. In addition we expect and progression to secure the best in the
e-commerce, energy and property a shortage of mid-level learning and market.
sectors were amongst the few areas to development staff as fewer people
see net growth. In contrast, the retail and have focused their careers in this area Organisations will
FMCG sectors saw reduced hiring as the – similarly, heads of compensation and need to promote career
focus was on training existing teams. benefits will remain difficult to source. Few
development and
people have the requisite experience, and
In 2014, HR teams that have been this will drive demand. progression to recruit
running at headcount minimums the best talent.
(many for several years) will start to There was some incremental growth
grow again. This activity will spur on a in salaries last year – notably within
n line with the wider financial services momentum and confidence starts to Learning and
sector, HR recruitment was stifled by return, we expect to see increased hiring
a lack of confidence in the first half of of HR staff across a wider range of roles
development will be
2013. However, a high volume of activity including employee engagement, reward, back on the agenda
was seen within the regulatory and learning and development, talent and for many firms this
governance reward areas, which were recruitment. HR business partners will year, creating pockets
high on banks’ agendas. The second half also be in demand following downsizing of demand for HR
of the year was more optimistic, with a in 2012-3.
resurgence of talent management and
learning and development roles coming Whilst cost-control is still high on the
to market. This activity suggests firms agenda, our advice to hiring managers is
are starting to reinvest in their people as to invest in HR teams by identifying top
the banking sector works hard to repair performers and ensure they know how to
damage to its reputation and improve progress their careers. This will create a
internal staff morale. wider positive impression as an employer
brand of choice and help to attract other
As the financial services sector gathers talented individuals.
t was a positive year in IT recruitment: languages like Python were also in employers. The business intelligence
the marketplace improved and for the demand from banks, quantitative trading marketplace should also continue to grow
first time in many years IT professionals firms, media companies and smaller as organisations make the most of their
gained confidence and job security. The start‑ups. data and improve management reporting
number of vacancies increased steadily capabilities. SQL Server, SQAS, SSIS and
over the year and organisations recruited Within commerce, there will be SSRS and Business Objects skills will be
more contractors to help deliver high- competition for IT professionals with vital.
profile projects. In the past two years retail business systems, point of sale,
within banking, contract roles have click-and-collect, loyalty and vouchering With this increase in demand and as skills
almost exclusively been for regulatory experience. Mobile commerce specialists shortages grow, salaries are expected to
requirements, but in 2013 the range and people with Agile project experience rise for the best candidates. Firms unable
spread more widely across projects as on busy e-commerce platforms will also to offer an improved base salary are likely
trading conditions improved. be popular as companies respond to to lose out to competitors. A smooth
higher consumer use of mobile devices and swift interview process will also help
In banking, another indicator of and look to monetise their data. secure the strongest contenders.
improvement has been the increase
in front office IT recruitment as banks Technologies such as HTML5, iOS and
shifted their focus from regulatory and Objective C, Hadoop and NoSQL will
compliance issues to revenue generation. be in constant demand too, but we are
There was a steady stream of Java, also seeing the emergence of Android
C++ and C# recruitment and a notable as the new Linux. High-level front-end
increase in Scala requirements among UI developers and web developers
e-commerce-focused organisations with Javascript and ASP.NET MVC are
and investment banking. Development likely to receive multiple offers from
Salaries will increase
KEY TRENDS for the best candidates,
■■ Contract roles increased in number and in variety, which was a positive and firms who do not
indicator on the general IT market. offer an improved base
■■ E-commerce and mobile commerce are growing areas of recruitment as salary are likely to lose
retailers shift their businesses online. out to a competitor.
■■ Front-end UI and web developers will be in great demand across the board.
■■ Business intelligence needs will grow, and with them opportunities for SQL
Server, SQAS, SSIS and SSRS and Business Objects experts.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
combination of factors, including multiple disciplines will be in demand compliance, as all skills are in high
business growth, diversification and as business functions are merging and demand. Our advice for hiring managers
modernisation across the industry demanding a more diverse supporting is not to expect applicants to fulfill every
drove recruitment in 2013. Regulatory infrastructure. Regulators will also have single requirement for a role – insist on the
change also impacted recruitment levels a defining effect this year, putting high essentials, but focus on a person’s ability
– increased clarity from the FCA and PRA demands on audit, compliance and risk to evolve with business requirements.
on where companies needed to focus functions. In particular, employers will From the employee’s perspective, career
their attention triggered restructures and need people with strong commercial progression and mentoring will be top of
new recruitment strategies. One of the and business acumen to partner with their agendas and key retention methods
biggest shake-ups in the last year though, stakeholders, and business partnering this year.
was the postponement of Solvency II capabilities to facilitate change.
deadlines – this created a need for more
risk, audit and compliance professionals. However, across all these functions,
These functions changed significantly there will be a shortage of people with
in the last year, with an increased need two to five years’ experience. Other skills
for risk MI and reporting as well as for that will be much-needed include fully-
commercially-minded auditors. qualified actuaries and finance business
partners who can build relationships with
We expect recruitment activity this underwriters. However, these people may
year to be buoyant overall. More risk be hard to find as many have already
teams will emerge, focused on MI and secured roles in 2013.
data to ensure senior management
can make informed strategic decisions. This year salaries will rise overall at
Professionals with business skills across 15-30% for roles in risk, audit and
This year salaries
KEY TRENDS will rise overall and
■■ A combination of factors including business growth, diversification and at an unprecedented
modernisation across the industry drove recruitment in 2013. rate for risk, audit
■■ Risk, audit and compliance functions will be the main focus of recruitment and compliance
across the sector this year. professionals.
■■ Professionals with two to five years’ experience in risk, audit and compliance
will be in particularly short supply.
■■ People with multidisciplinary business skills will be in great demand to offer a
diversity of commercial support in newly-merged teams.
egal recruitment across commercial with detailed IP, IT, competition or data be able to offer better overall packages
businesses was steady throughout protection experience. In particular, through bonus payments too. To counter
most of 2013 but the second half lawyers with top-tier private practice skills gaps companies could take
of the year showed encouraging growth, experience, and a commercially-focused advantage of Antipodean lawyers, who
with a number of newly-created roles in-house secondment behind them, will would be ideal for in-house roles. This
across various industries. be highly prized. could provide access to some of the best
available talent.
The most significant development of From the job-mover’s perspective,
the year saw lawyers with less post- stability is critical so short-term contracts
qualification experience replace outgoing lasting less than six months will struggle
senior-level lawyers – this was primarily to find takers. Those already in contract
a cost-saving measure. It created more roles are more likely to be offered
movement in the market and there were permanent roles this year, making the
more roles available for lawyers with temporary and contract market much
two to five years’ experience. more competitive.
This year hiring managers will primarily Within many industries, salaries for legal
be looking for one of two things: smaller professionals have not changed for two
businesses will hire generalists, often years. This year we expect basic salaries
at a more junior level, who can pick up across the board to rise slightly – with
and run with a broad variety of projects. a particular increase for lawyers with
However, medium to large-sized legal a combination of private practice and
teams’ budgets will stretch to more in-house commercial experience. As
specialist hires – for example lawyers the economy improves businesses will
Offering sponsorship to
KEY TRENDS Antipodean lawyers
■■ Smaller businesses will be looking for enthusiastic and able generalists, could be the best way
particularly at a junior level. to secure top-quality
■■ Larger legal teams will be able to afford specialists, particularly in IP, IT, lawyers this year.
competition and data protection areas.
■■ People already in contract positions are likely be offered a permanent role in
the organisation.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
here was a notable improvement specific lawyers. The furore surrounding counsels have been nervous about
in the recruitment market for legal LIBOR also prompted larger banks changing roles but with more activity,
professionals across financial to begin restructuring, prompting the growing in-house legal teams and less
services in 2013. Particular demand was creation of new legal roles. The company caution generally there will be more
seen for interim lawyers with experience secretarial market also saw growth at movement this year.
in trading documentation and negotiation, all levels, as increased legal regulatory,
regulation and funds. This was driven by compliance and statutory demands were Salaries will continue to rise in line with
higher work volumes following recovery placed upon teams. 2013 especially in the contract market.
across the financial markets – yet Permanent roles will also see uplifts
caution was still the prevailing mood, and This year restrictions on permanent hiring particularly as interim lawyers start to be
permanent recruitment volumes overall are expected to lessen and contract replaced by permanent staff.
remained steady. The biggest shake-up or interim roles will be replaced by
of the year was caused by the ongoing permanent headcount. Derivatives and
implementation of Dodd Frank and the structured finance areas will be the most
Alternative Investment Fund Managers active areas, with institutions in the main
Directive. These both increased demand recruiting people with two to six years’
for restructuring, regulatory and product- post-qualification experience. In-house
LTD Company
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he offshore legal recruitment market This year the outlook is more promising. staff. But we expect gradual salary
was more cautious in 2013 than The Caribbean legal market will see increases in the Channel Islands as they
previous years. The Caribbean a seasonal hiring increase at the start seek to attract greater numbers of junior
offered fewer roles and Bermuda’s credit of the calendar year, and the Channel lawyers. Funds lawyers will also receive
rating was also downgraded by Standard Islands should continue to be buoyant, higher salaries as offshore firms tempt
& Poor and Fitch amid pessimistic with the AIFMD driving an increase in them away from high-paying US firms in
forecasts. The Channel Islands continued funds and regulatory work. Offshore firms London.
to hire regularly though. The Alternative will continue to look for associates with
Investment Fund Managers Directive had excellent academics, top-tier City training The Caribbean legal
a marked impact on the funds market and the desire to relocate. Commercial market will see a
offshore, but across the market the litigators will remain in high demand in the
seasonal hiring increase
real turbulence came from the widely- British Virgin Islands and Cayman due to
publicised campaign against offshore the continued high volume of high-profile, at the start of the
tax avoidance. Governments criticised high-value cross-border litigation. calendar year, and the
such practices but in reality their collapse Channel Islands should
would be disastrous for the UK, so their Salaries similar to last year’s levels will continue to be buoyant.
future looks secure. continue to attract and retain high-quality
2013 2014
he recruitment market for private several years of low expectations. continue to grow, and AML, conflicts and
practice associates was generally general compliance will attract a greater
subdued in 2013, but US firms in This year, an anticipated increase in number of high-quality candidates.
particular took a more positive approach workload at many of the larger firms
in the first half of the year. UK firms began will lead to greater demand for junior Provided there are no economic shocks,
to catch up too and increased overall associates as they create better balanced we expect salaries to rise across the
recruitment levels. Several new offices transactional teams. However, this board (fastest in M&A and structured
opened in London, mostly in energy and may cause acute shortages of talent in finance), particularly for firms who want to
boutique litigation, but ongoing growth banking, debt capital markets, property retain their best associates.
in commercial litigation and international and corporate teams. Experienced
arbitration drove increases in mid-level document review staff will be sought We expect salaries to
recruitment. At the junior end, more too, especially those with experience of rise across the board,
paralegals and documents review roles litigation and regulatory investigations,
particularly for firms
provided new career options for those and Russian or Asian language skills.
starting legal careers. Meanwhile at the Paralegal positions will also become more who want to retain their
top end, senior associates were more established as a career path. Finally, best associates.
active in pushing for promotions after compliance positions within law firms will
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2 45%
013 was an encouraging year becoming more flexible with regard to
for London-based marketing hiring criteria as they look towards future
professionals, with a steady stream growth, considering people from different
of vacancies for those with digital, change industries or with less experience in salary increases
communications, business development order to widen their choice of applicants. commanded by some
and investment marketing skills. Some Within consumer marketing, if specialists top performers in 2013
sectors showed a renewed focus on continue to show a reluctance to move,
growing their marketing functions, hiring managers may have to rely on
specifically, investment management, temporary staff until they can persuade pay rises went to job-movers with a firm
retail banking, technology and the right marketers to join their teams. understanding of how to maximise ROI –
professional services. Many professionals Individuals in shortest supply will be some top performers received up to 45%
who had remained in their roles investment communication professionals, more. Salaries are expected to go up by
throughout the global financial crisis were RFP writers and product marketers – similar increments in 2014, particularly as
also much more open to considering anyone looking for these specialists the best professionals are likely to receive
new career opportunities. In contrast, should be prepared to pay top market multiple job offers. Organisations will have
skills shortages were experienced rates. to act fast, offer unique opportunities or
across consumer marketing, where top pay a premium in order to be successful
performers remained nervous about In response to the busy year, salaries in this competitive job market.
moving roles. As a result, organisations have been going up across the board.
had to heavily rely on headhunting to Minimal increases of 10-15% were
unearth the best talent. expected for job-movers in most fields,
with specialists like RFP writers, product
The signs suggest 2014 will be an experts and pay-per-click marketers
equally busy year. Hiring managers are claiming 20-25% increases. The highest
Organisations will
KEY TRENDS have to act fast, offer
■■ Specific areas of increased recruitment in 2013 included investment unique opportunities or
management, retail banking, technology and professional services. pay a premium in order
■■ Consumer marketing professionals remain the most reluctant to move jobs. to be successful in this
■■ Hiring managers are becoming more flexible about hiring criteria as they look
competitive job market.
towards future growth.
■■ Salary increases for job-movers ranged from 10-45% in 2013, and we expect
a similar spectrum in 2014.
Bid 18 - 25 18 - 25 25 - 30 30 - 35 35 - 50 35 - 50
Brand 12 - 20 15 - 25 20 - 40 25 - 45 35 - 85 35 - 85
Campaign Management 12 - 20 12 - 20 18 - 35 18 - 35 35 - 75 35 - 75
CRM 12 - 20 12 - 20 22 - 40 22 - 40 35 - 75 35 - 75
Direct Marketing 12 - 20 12 - 20 20 - 35 20 - 35 35 - 75 35 - 75
DTP/Graphic 12 - 20 12 - 20 20 - 35 20 - 35 35 - 40 35 - 40
Events/Roadshows 15 - 25 15 - 25 25 - 40 25 - 40 35 - 70 35 - 70
Investment Writing 18 - 28 20 - 30 25 - 40 30 - 50 40 - 70 40 - 70
Marketing Analyst 12 - 25 12 - 25 22 - 37 22 - 37 35 - 70 35 - 70
RFP 15 - 30 20 - 30 25 - 45 30 - 50 40 - 70 40 - 70
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
013 was a busy year for the hiring of regulation and post bonus attrition which had their salaries frozen for the last
operations professionals in banks, saw the market open up at the senior couple of years, they received 20%
with an increase in permanent analyst to VP level. Roles within the increases in their base salary. In the
and contract recruitment across the permanent market tended to be focused second half of the year we also saw
sector. Contractor numbers also grew as on change the bank rather than purely run the return of guaranteed bonuses at all
organisations seconded permanent staff the bank with a high level of demand for corporate levels, something which hasn’t
onto regulatory projects and back-filled knowledge of CASS, Dodd Frank/EMIR, been commonplace since 2007.
BAU roles with temporary headcount. collateral, operational risk and control.
These opportunities tended to be for Operations candidates across functions
traditional operational skill sets due to In the last five years the operations market are now expected to have some
the seconded staff being subject matter has seen a below average attrition rate knowledge of how regulatory rules affect
experts in teams where the majority post-bonus season due to professionals’ their function and asset class. The shape
of headcount sat offshore/nearshore. lack of confidence in the jobs market. We of operations has changed and is now
There was also an increase in contract did start to see an increase in the number focused on cost efficiencies, streamlining
vacancies for junior to mid-level PMO, of candidates looking to move towards processes and client service rather than
business analysts and project managers the end of the year, but they are still BAU processing. Hiring managers will
as firms continued to focus on cost demanding higher salaries to compensate be looking for candidates who can see
management, operational risk, regulatory their risk for moving or lack of progression “the bigger picture” and are able to add
initiatives and automation. in their base or variable compensation in value beyond their day-to-day role. In
recent years. Base salaries were on par 2013 we saw a trend in hiring graduates
Meanwhile, there was also a steady flow with 2012 and most candidates received and candidates at analyst level and junior
of permanent opportunities up to quarter a 5-10% increase in their base salaries AVP level which we expect to continue
three, at which point firms began to take when they moved firms. However, in as firms look to develop a talent pool for
stock towards the financial year-end. some cases where candidates possessed succession planning.
The recruitment activity was driven by skills that were in short supply and had
Operations candidates
KEY TRENDS are risk averse and are
■■ Banks will see an increase in attrition and therefore we will see more therefore demanding
replacement hires in BAU and project roles mainly at analyst and AVP levels. a higher base salary to
■■ Demand for contractors will increase due to regulation, increased trading alleviate risk when
volumes as the market sentiment continues to improve and the traditional moving firms.
increased demand post 2014 budgets being released.
■■ Hiring managers expect applicants to have a wider understanding of
regulation and broader skills beyond their core role.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified. For director level hires please contact Robert Walters.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified. For director level hires please contact Robert Walters.
ecruitment for permanent roles operations became candidate short.
in 2013 was consistent with the There was also a strong graduate
previous year except for a slight recruitment drive as many firms offered
increase in quarters two and three. The in-house training as part of renewed
majority of these roles were at analyst succession planning efforts. Graduates
and mid-level management in asset with buy-side internship experience,
management and within the niche private IMC/IOC studies, strong IT skills and
client market, as well as the hedge fund confidence in Excel/Macros VBA proved
sector. In contrast the custodian and popular due to the presence of tactical
securities service sector saw very little projects to automate and reduce cost per model. However, when firms have been
recruitment activity due to the near/ trade. looking to attract talent from banks, offers
offshoring of roles. needed to be competitive to attract the
As market conditions continue to improve best professionals.
Temporary and contract recruitment across debt and equity markets and the
rose slightly among asset managers and number of tactical and strategic projects
private clients. The majority of hiring was to improve automation and increase
at analyst and AVP level. This is part of transparency rise, we expect top-
an increasing trend for organisations to calibre candidates to be in high demand
expand their temporary staff in an effort throughout 2014.
to maintain flexibility. Custody and fund
management offshoring/nearshoring While salaries slightly increased on the sell
and system implementations have also side, they have remained stable on the
created a temporary need for support buy side with the majority of candidates
and as a result some skill sets within still happy with their total compensation
Permanent salaries
KEY TRENDS will increase so
■■ Companies are recruiting temporary staff to expand their teams while packages will need to
retaining flexibility in their headcount. be competitive –
■■ Candidates with regulatory projects experience will be in demand on the buy especially for people
side due to pending regulatory deadlines. moving from investment
■■ Clients are demanding greater transparency so permanent client reporting banks.
and performance analysts will be in demand.
■■ More graduates will be recruited, especially those who have completed
investment management internships.
Silo Product Trade Support 28 - 48k 28 - 48k 48 - 60k 48 - 60k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k
Relationship Mgt 14 - 18 14 - 20 14 - 21 16 - 22 21 - 26 22 - 28
Business Analyst 28 - 50 30 - 50 50 - 65 50 - 65 64 - 80 65 - 85
Performance 16 - 24 18 - 24 25 - 30 25 - 30 30 - 40 30 - 45
Corporate Actions/Dividends 16 - 20 16 - 20 20 - 25 20 - 25 26 - 35 26 - 30
Loans/CDO 14 - 18 16 - 20 18 - 24 18 - 24 22 - 28 22 - 26
Operations Analyst 15 - 20 15 - 20 20 - 25 20 - 25 25 - 30 25 - 30
Transitions 16 - 22 16 - 22 22 - 26 22 - 26 26 - 32 26 - 30
Fund Administration 15 - 20 15 - 20 22 - 26 22 - 26 25 - 30 25 - 28
Client Reporting 16 - 20 16 - 20 20 - 26 22 - 26 26 - 30 26 - 28
Client Services 13 - 18 14 - 18 18 - 22 18 - 22 22 - 28 22 - 28
Pricing Analyst 14 - 17 14 - 17 17 - 21 17 - 21 21 - 26 21 - 24
Settlements 14 - 18 14 - 18 18 - 22 18 - 22 22 - 25 22 - 25
Reconciliations/Cash Mgt 14 - 16 14 - 16 16 - 20 16 - 18 20 - 25 18 - 24
Data Management 14 - 18 14 - 18 18 - 22 18 - 22 22 - 30 22 - 26
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ollowing a relatively quiet year front-to-back operations project
for recruitment in 2012, the job expertise are especially in demand for
market for projects and change these programmes. We also anticipate
management picked up dramatically last that banks will ramp-up hiring in
year. response to MiFiD2, T2S and Vickers
report developments. With all of these
Some of the strongest hiring activity programmes expected to require broadly
came from major financial services similar skills and knowledge, competition
groups responding to new regulation for prospective employees is likely to be
and compliance-related issues. As banks high. functions in finance, risk and front office
face the threat of large fines for non- are unlikely to experience significant
compliance with customer vetting and Increased rates and salaries for salary increases.
transaction monitoring requirements, compliance change professionals in
demand for compliance change particular were a consistent theme of
professionals has been particularly 2013 and look set to continue. In light of
buoyant. Compliance is likely to remain an the demands of the regulatory book of
area of high activity in 2014 as a number work, talent scarcity will drive up rates for
of banks run remedial programmes. contract operations change professionals
by 10%.
Demand for operations change
professionals has also increased as Some asset management professionals
companies respond to the requirements with exposure to AIFMD programmes
of Dodd Frank and EMIR in particular. may also have slightly more negotiating
Product line specialists with strong power than usual. However, change
During 2014 we expect
KEY TRENDS the market to be
■■ Most hiring demand in 2013 was focused around regulatory implementation buoyant overall but
and compliance remediation programmes. with hiring spend still
■■ Dodd Frank, EMIR and KYC/AML remediation had the biggest impact on the predominantly focused
job market. on regulatory change
■■ Focus areas for those moving jobs in 2014 are likely to be Dodd Frank, EMIR, programmes.
MiFiD2, T2S and possibly Vickers report programmes.
■■ Salary/rate increases will be most significant for compliance change and
operations change specialists.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified. For director level hires please contact Robert Walters.
41 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
013 was a particularly busy year their global footprint with an increased Recruitment managers may want to think
for risk recruitment in London as focus on local management in their legal about progressive health and work/life
organisations continued to make key entities and international regulations such balance benefits to target those looking
appointments late into the autumn. As as CCAR. for more flexible working arrangements.
ever, regulation was the influencing factor. Meanwhile, efficient interview processes
With many banks now receiving multiple Within the risk sector, expectations have will help to make prospective employees
requests from different regulatory bodies, changed regarding candidate profiles and feel valued, which can go a long way to
we saw an increase in demand for potential. Increasingly, financial institutions securing their signature.
reporting specialists and people qualified are looking for well-rounded employees
to deal with regulatory submissions. with a broad range of capabilities. As risk
teams merge closer together, candidates
This trend looks set to continue into are expected to have knowledge of
2014, and operational, credit and market counterparty and market risk as well as
risk will all be focus points for financial strong IT skills.
institutions. As the markets start to
bounce back, many banks will be looking Finding the right candidates within budget
to re-hire risk managers who can support this year will be more challenging than
trading in specific areas – such as credit last. Without significant pay or promotion
and fixed income – to ensure they are fully enticements, the best employees are
covered. generally hesitant to move from existing
roles unless they are unhappy.
Multinational institutions are reviewing
As the markets start
KEY TRENDS to bounce back, many
■■ Operational risk and risk control are key concerns for banks and major hiring banks will be looking
priorities. to re-hire risk managers
■■ Increasing demand for regulatory and reporting specialists. to support trading in
■■ Many institutions are changing their operations and shifting into new market
specific areas such as
areas. credit and fixed income.
■■ Finding the right candidates within budget will be more challenging in 2014.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
usiness confidence improved in find these professionals hardest to source the year ahead. Speed to market and
London during 2013 as many in 2014. Technology is evolving faster efficient interview processes will be crucial
companies sought future growth than employers are able to find qualified to hire the best prospective employees. In
by increasing their sales teams. While staff to keep up with increased demand. most areas, sales professionals will look
replacement hiring had dominated the As a result, sales specialists with niche for average pay rises of 8-15%.
market in previous years, there was skill sets and product knowledge have
increasing frequency of newly-created more career options than ever. However, We expect the job
positions as the year went on. Many sales professionals in other areas are also market in sales to move
of these vacancies were to focus on likely to discover more opportunities this
from a stable period
new business development. Some year. New business will be a continued
professionals were also brought onboard theme in 2014 and employers will to one of rapid growth
to push the sale of new products, seek senior sales managers to provide in 2014.
technologies and services; particularly leadership in this area.
within the IT industry.
With the talent pool for quality sales
As the IT sector has experienced the professionals steadily shrinking, hiring
most dramatic growth, companies may managers need to have a clear plan for
2013 2014
Territory Managers 23 - 30k 25 - 32k
National Account Executive 23 - 30k 25 - 30k
Field Sales Manager 30 - 50k 30 - 50k
National Account Manager 35 - 55k 35 - 60k
Senior National Account Manager 45 - 65k 45 - 65k
National Account Controller 55 - 85k 55 - 85k
Sales Director 70 - 130k 65 - 135k
Sales Executive 20 - 35k 23 - 38k
Account Manager 25 - 35k 25 - 35k
Business Development Manager 30 - 45k 30 - 50k
Key Account Manager 35 - 55k 35 - 60k
Sales Manager 35 - 55k 35 - 65k
Regional Sales Manager 40 - 65k 70 - 75k
Account Director 60 - 80k 60 - 85k
Sales Director 70 - 130k 65 - 135k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
hile hiring managers mainly previously been made redundant during Temporary hiring will also increase for
recruited temporary secretaries cost-control initiatives. professionals at this level as companies
and support staff in quarter build a more flexible workforce. The
one, the job market picked up quickly Hiring trends in 2014 are likely to follow candidate market across all skill sets is
after 2013 recruitment budgets were similar patterns across both financial still very buoyant. As a result we do not
confirmed. The number of permanent services and commerce and industry. expect to see any major salary increases
vacancies went up significantly within during 2014.
financial services as firms expanded their However, a key difference this year is
teams to contend with new regulations. In that fewer mid-level secretarial staff are
addition to this there were more cases of available for work as a high number of
temp-to-perm hires. these candidates have been retained by
their existing employers. Organisations
The frequency of new openings will have to consider professionals at
also increased across a selection of the more junior and senior ends of the
commerce and industry sectors, with the spectrum to meet their needs this year.
highest volume of vacancies coming from We also expect to see a continued
property, legal and professional services, number of secretarial roles for recently-
oil and gas and technology. qualified professionals who can receive
further mentoring on the job.
One of the most interesting trends across
all sectors was the increase in personal Candidates with a European language will
assistants to look after executives on a prove particularly popular as organisations
one-to-one basis. These professions had are starting to invest internationally.
To combat the mid-
KEY TRENDS level secretarial skill
■■ The job market picked up quickly after 2013 recruitment budgets were shortages, we
confirmed. encourage companies
■■ Permanent hiring increased, with property, legal & professional services, oil & to hire support staff with
gas and technology most active. one to two years of
■■ Personal assistant positions have become increasingly common after they experience and either a
were phased out during the financial crisis. secretarial qualification
■■ Salaries for both temporary and permanent staff across financial services and or a degree.
commerce and industry will remain unchanged during 2014.
Financial Services
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
verall, 2013 was a good year for reduction in graduate recruitment since
procurement and supply chain the financial downturn.
professionals across London
and the South East. There was regular In the supply chain jobs market, the
demand across most levels of seniority need for practitioners remained steady,
across the temporary and permanent and there were three core skill demand
jobs markets. Businesses with existing areas: commercial acumen, relationship
procurement functions were keen to management and languages. This
invest in new staff, however they were was due to both supply chain and
unwilling to increase salaries, which procurement functions expanding their
meant that experienced professionals influence across the entirety of their
were reluctant to move jobs. With a organisations. Pharmaceutical and
shortage of high-quality procurement FMCG businesses continue to be the
and supply chain professionals, salary largest demand sectors as the economy
expectations grew. improves.
Salaries will start to
KEY TRENDS increase as demand for
■■ Businesses are still growing their procurement and supply chain functions. talent is set to continue.
■■ Continued level of demand for experienced interims across most sectors.
■■ Organisations are working hard to improve their employee proposition which
will result in the recruitment market becoming even more competitive.
■■ Pharmaceutical and FMCG businesses continue to be the largest demand
sectors as the economy improves.
Chief Procurement Officer 100 - 250k 100 - 260k 800 - 1400 600 - 1200
Supply Chain
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
s companies’ tax avoidance and structuring projects diminished as London-based companies may have to
strategies became such a popular businesses focused on housekeeping look outside the ‘Big 4’, but even then the
front page story in 2013, the issues around compliance, systems and talent pool is limited in this area.
demand for tax professionals increased. processes.
Not only did the frequency of new An efficient and streamlined recruitment
vacancies increase, but so too did the As tax is likely to remain high on process will be critical to securing the
nature of the roles advertised. In financial organisations’ agendas, the emphasis highest-calibre candidates this year.
services, firms had to be more responsive on compliance will be further in evidence Hiring managers will also need to be more
to incoming taxes such as FATCA and during 2014. In order to keep costs flexible in their requirements and value
FTT, putting increased pressure on hiring down, hiring managers will prefer potential over an ideal match.
managers to find operational tax and newly-qualified professionals. However,
tax compliance specialists. Meanwhile, candidates with the necessary skills at
commercial institutions sought to avoid this level will be the hardest to find as
scandals like those of Amazon and many ‘Big 4’ accountancy practices
Starbucks by taking on experts in tax relocated their compliance teams to
transparency. In parallel, the appetite for nearshore locations such as Birmingham,
professionals focusing on tax planning Belfast and Glasgow to reduce costs.
2013 2014
FTSE 100
Head of Tax 140 - 300k 140 - 300k
Group Tax Manager/Senior Manager 80 - 120k 80 - 100k
International Tax Manager 70 - 100k 70 - 100k
UK Tax Manager 60 - 85k 60 - 85k
Tax Accountant 45 - 60k 45 - 60k
Head of Tax 120 - 180k 120 - 160k
Group Tax Manager/Senior Manager 65 - 110k 65 - 110k
International Tax Manager 60 - 90k 60 - 90k
UK Tax Manager 55 - 80k 55 - 80k
Tax Accountant 40 - 50k 40 - 50k
Financial Services
Head of Tax 120 - 350k 120 - 350k
Group Tax Manager/Senior Manager 90 - 160k 90 - 160k
International Tax Manager 80 - 110k 80 -120k
UK Tax Manager 65 - 85k 65 - 85k
Tax Accountant 45 - 60k 45 - 60k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
013 brought long-anticipated qualified even to get through the initial clear career progression, whilst attracting
signs of growth within the treasury shortlist of CVs. Companies are quick high-calibre professionals will require
divisions across commerce and to invest in individuals with clear stamps salary premiums as competition rises.
industry. The number of new roles was of quality, like dual treasury and finance
in itself positive, but the specific increase qualifications, especially as the link Salaries are likely to
of senior-level vacancies was especially between these two areas develops increase for the first
encouraging as these professionals are further. However entry-level professionals
likely to expand their teams in 2014 or may be hard to attract as career paths are
time in years as more
partake in specific treasury projects. less obvious for many new accountants roles come to the
This could fuel significant hiring activity outside of the treasury sphere. market and employers
for both permanent and temporary have a smaller selection
accountants of all levels. However, a Hiring managers should also be aware of professionals to
mixture of increased job flow and hiring that treasury professionals are already
managers placing more importance on educating themselves about the changing choose from.
treasury qualifications when defining recruitment market and prevailing salaries.
the ideal employee means that potential Retaining exceptional staff members will
job-movers will need to be treasury- mean paying market rates and offering
reasury was a crucial focus area for or liquidity risk. Change management Professionals who can assess controls
hiring managers in financial services experts will also be sought-after as the across retail and investment banking
during 2013 as departments regulatory demands on organisations will also command higher salaries as
faced continued regulatory pressure, continue to evolve. Where stakeholders accuracy and integrity remains high on
changes in business strategies and are concerned, organisations may need companies’ agendas.
capital requirements. The primary need commercial professionals who can
was for expertise in funding, capital and communicate effectively around the We anticipate hiring
liquidity risk management. Firms will importance of treasury and liquidity within managers will seek
continue to invest in their understanding financial services.
of transactions and funding strategies greater capital
throughout 2014 in order to ensure that For professionals in short supply – like management expertise
revenue streams and trading frameworks increasingly scarce capital management and specialists
remain robust. The professionals deemed experts – employers should be prepared with liquidity risk
most qualified for these challenges to offer higher salaries compared with
management skills and
will have former treasury experience, 2013. New EU capital requirements will
expertise in a fast-maturing market and put further pressure on this area and experience.
specialisms in capital management increase the competition for specialists.
Liquidity Risk Management 50 - 70k 55 - 75k 70 - 110k 80 - 110k 105 - 120k 105 - 120k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified. For director level hires please contact Robert Walters.
he Midlands reaped the benefits the ground running’. This is beginning to become more feasible as the economy
from the relocation of several change, but slowly. strengthens. Despite these general
large businesses in 2013 and market characteristics, businesses that
the opening of new shared service Confidence is returning to the region and are experiencing growth and seeking
centres, with each recruiting more than some organisations are now prepared to high-quality finance teams will need to
100 accounting and finance personnel. increase headcount rather than simply manage slick recruitment processes.
The region also benefited from the seeking replacement hires. With an There is a shortage of top talent, and
renaissance of the automotive sector (led emphasis still on cost-control, however, companies that ensure the time from
by Jaguar Land Rover) which resulted hiring managers are primarily looking for receipt of CV to job offer is only one to
in the creation of a significant number commercial, forward-thinking accounting four weeks will have an advantage over
of new accounting jobs. Such jobs had and finance professionals who can help others.
been in short supply, so the positive improve business processes and increase
impact reverberated around the market financial performance. There is particular Looking ahead to 2014, the return
as new vacancies were created by staff demand for finance managers with LEAN of M&A activity, and the rebuilding of
leaving their former employers. Until experience. accounting teams which were reduced to
this point, companies had been able ‘skeletal’ levels in the financial downturn
to retain finance professionals without Many companies are still facing difficult will result in increased levels of hiring
offering salary increases or bonuses, and market conditions though, and are across the Midlands.
employees had not wished to take the unwilling or unable to increase salaries.
risk of a job move. Finance staff are unlikely to move for
only a sideways step, so if companies
The caution in the market also meant cannot offer salaries at more attractive
that hiring managers did not have the levels, they may have a better chance
appetite – or budget – for training and of securing job-movers if they can offer
wanted to find finance staff who could ‘hit training and development. This should
Companies are still
KEY TRENDS facing tough market
■■ The opening of new shared service centres and relocation of some larger conditions and little
businesses to the Midlands have helped kick-start the finance jobs market. salary movement is
■■ Companies have been cautious about budgets and reluctant to offer training expected.
and development.
■■ Hiring managers are looking for finance professionals who can improve
business processes and productivity.
■■ Businesses that seek top talent are advised to manage slick recruitment
he migration of financial services have a greatly increased need for the face of much heavier competition for
professionals to London in 2011 professionals with skills in legal risk and skills this year. Professionals searching
and 2012 reversed last year as control, internal audit and compliance. As for new jobs across risk, compliance and
large banks and insurance companies banks increase consumer and business audit roles will most likely find multiple
expanded their regional operations lending, under pressure from government, opportunities, so a swift recruitment
and employees sought a better work/ we also anticipate an increased demand process will be essential to secure well-
life balance. A significant number of for experts in credit and relationship qualified employees.
financial services businesses moved management.
London-based roles to the Midlands to Risk, compliance
achieve cost-reductions on salaries and The salaries available for jobs in these and internal audit
overheads, so although demand for skills specialities are therefore higher and
financial services businesses are doing
experts will be highly
is rising, pay rates are remaining static for
the majority of roles. their best to retain employees with these sought-after this
skill sets. Hiring managers are advised year.
However, with the increased regulatory to consider the total benefits package,
pressure from the Financial Conduct including pensions and bonuses linked to
Authority, financial services organisations performance, to attract the best talent in
wo main trends were noticeable want HR professionals who can enable but rose for HR business partners and
in 2013: organisations focusing management teams to be more self- those specialising in compensation and
on business partnering and the sufficient and accountable, providing reward. Looking ahead, companies are
growth of newly-established shared skills development where appropriate. likely to take a creative approach to pay
service centres. As a result of these Meanwhile, to help capitalise on the structures and offer employees more
developments, in 2014 companies will economic upturn, organisations will be choice about benefits. We also expect
be searching for commercial business looking for compensation and reward to see bonuses linked to performance,
partners who’ve led change projects and experts who can design appropriate rather than basic salary rises.
can help businesses evolve by supporting financial packages that attract and
the leadership team. The shift to shared retain talent in an international market. Commercial business
service centres also means we’ll continue Alongside experience of change partners who have
to see HR advisor roles being moved management, hiring managers will be
led change projects
back into head offices, with reduced focusing on employees’ strength of
opportunities for field-based positions. character and cultural fit. will be in very high
Companies are increasingly turning to Salaries for HR administrators and
their HR divisions to drive change. They managers were fairly static in 2013,
onfidence in the IT sector built project managers and business analysts impressions of their business through
slowly in the first half of 2013. throughout the year. The need for Java the recruitment process. This of course
Recruitment activity increased in developers will also continue. Although covers everything from the clarity of
the second half as some companies, businesses will seek permanent staff to the initial job specification and efficient
particularly in retail and financial services, fill these vacancies, there are shortages interview processes to the way job-
moved more of their IT functions to of the right skills here, and contractors movers’ expectations are managed.
the region, helping to stimulate the are likely to be hired to make up for any Getting this right will help businesses hire
jobs market. Another boost came from shortfall. top performers this year.
small-and medium-sized businesses
as they sought to grow their IT teams. Salaries in 2013 held fairly steady in
The professionals most sought-after the first half of the year, but started to
were developers, both for .Net and for improve from quarter three. The highest
Java, and there was demand for both increases were for professionals in
permanent and contract staff with these development and business intelligence.
skills. Companies were also hiring IT We expect to see salaries rise across the
professionals with business intelligence board this year as business confidence
backgrounds in order to better exploit improves, with more companies moving
proprietary data for commercial benefit. their IT functions to the Midlands and
SMEs in particular increasing their IT
This increase in confidence is set to headcount.
continue in 2014, with the prospect of
some major projects on the horizon. Since the market is becoming more
We therefore expect to see demand competitive, hiring managers will need
for service delivery managers, PMOs, to think more about creating favourable
Salaries will rise
KEY TRENDS across the board
■■ Confidence built slowly in the first half of 2013 but gathered pace as the year this year as business
progressed. confidence improves.
■■ Retail and financial services companies moved IT operations to the Midlands,
stimulating the jobs market.
■■ Java developers are particularly in demand and the market for contractors
with these skills is very strong.
■■ Businesses will also be looking for service delivery managers, PMOs, project
managers and business analysts.
s corporate deal activity picked up are therefore in short supply. General
in 2013, growing confidence led to company and commercial lawyers are
a significant upturn in recruitment also proving hard to find because of
both by private practice law firms and limited hiring at the junior level in the last
by companies building in-house legal few years. Companies are growing their
teams. This is set to continue this year. in-house legal teams, but often with a
Law firms found themselves stretched as view to reducing the volume of business
business grew, leading many to increase they provide to external firms, so this
headcount. Demand has been particularly could have an impact on the balance of
heavy for specialists in real estate, recruitment in future years. Since qualified professionals, the feedback from job-
corporate law and other transactional fee-earners have become so stretched, movers is that the investment employers
disciplines. Firms specialising in insurance firms are increasingly seeking paralegal are prepared to make in their career
are actively hiring, with an emphasis on and non-qualified staff to undertake development is equally important as the
professional indemnity experts. the more commoditised tasks so their salary offered.
colleagues can focus on higher-margin
We are seeing a skills gap emerging in work and business development.
the two to four years’ qualified bracket –
the challenging economic climate since Salaries in the Midlands will rise this
2008 meant that law firms hired fewer year, reflecting the uplift in demand. As
newly-qualifieds and retention levels a result, hiring managers are reviewing
also dropped. Practitioners at this level existing employees’ packages and are
specialising in property and development often giving fee-earners the scope to
(both residential and commercial), earn significant cash bonuses if they
investment, or corporate and banking hit or exceed targets. When hiring new
When hiring, the
KEY TRENDS feedback from job-
■■ Growing market confidence has led to a significant upturn in recruitment by movers is that the
private practices and companies building in-house teams. investment employers
■■ Demand for lawyers in transactional disciplines, such as real estate and are prepared to make
corporate law, is particularly high. in career development
■■ Firms are reviewing pay packages, offering performance-related bonuses in a is equally important as
bid to retain these professionals. the salary offered.
■■ There is a shortage of two to four years’ qualified lawyers and firms are hiring
paralegals and non-qualified staff to relieve the pressure.
Private Practice
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
verall, we saw an increasing in sales and operational planning. We
number of jobs for procurement also envisage a greater need for experts
and supply chain professionals in the sourcing of raw materials as the
in 2013, with manufacturing and the manufacturing sector continues to grow.
public sector the two main sources of
growth in demand. Despite the need for A new trend emerging is the hiring of
additional resource, many organisations indirect category buyers and category
continued with headcount freezes, with managers to work in procurement teams,
the result that new roles were filled by however, there is a shortage of people
interim professionals and contractors. with this pure skill set in key categories. extend searches beyond the region to
Consequently, day rates increased. There will also be a lack of junior attract sufficiently-talented people. While
However, as confidence returns, we procurement and supply chain employees salary increases have been limited in the
expect to see more hiring of permanent due to little graduate recruitment in this last year, we will see incremental growth
employees. area over the years since the banking in 2014 as demand outgrows supply.
crisis in 2008.
This year, partly encouraged by groups
such as the Chartered Institute of The market is turning, with the
Purchasing and Supply, businesses in the competition for experienced procurement
Midlands will increasingly recognise the and supply chain professionals continuing
need for accurate, live information across to increase. Hiring managers will find
their supply chain. In order to realise the that prospective employees have
cost benefits of good stock control, the multiple options, these are likely to
biggest demand will be for customer- include counter-offers from their existing
facing supply chain skills and experts employers. It may well be necessary to
The market is turning
KEY TRENDS and salary increases
■■ Demand for procurement professionals has been led by the manufacturing will become more
industry and the public sector. common this year as
■■ Experts in sales and operational planning are needed for supply chain demand increases
functions. and professionals
■■ Organisations have been recruiting contractors rather than permanent staff, start to receive
but restrictions on headcount will ease. counter-offers.
■■ It may be necessary to search outside the region for employees with the
expertise to fill more senior roles.
Supply Chain
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he jobs market for accounting and In line with improved market sentiment,
finance professionals improved in we expect to see marginal salary
2013 as confidence returned to the increments across the board in 2014,
economy. comparing favourably with 2013 when
pay levels remained largely unchanged.
More organisations were recruiting and
people were willing to consider new In the last few years employers have
opportunities. We expect this momentum had greater bargaining strength and felt
to continue in 2014 as businesses start comfortable taking their time with new
to hire for growth, rather than simply hires. With better quality employees
recruiting replacements. in demand and receiving multiple
offers, companies need to ensure their
The improving market will bring new processes are as efficient as possible and
challenges and hiring managers will present their culture and brand in the best
need to adjust to the new dynamics. For light possible.
example, entry-level recruitment has been
relatively low since the financial crisis of
2008, leading to shortages of newly-
qualified accountants with commercial
industry experience. Those with up to
three years’ PQE, strong academics and
first-time passes will be in particularly
short supply this year.
Businesses will start
KEY TRENDS to hire for growth
■■ More organisations are recruiting and employees are willing to consider this year, rather than
moving jobs. simply recruiting for
■■ There is a shortage of candidates with up to three years’ PQE. replacement hires.
■■ Pay levels were broadly static in 2013 but we expect to see small increases
this year.
■■ Better-quality employees are now likely to receive multiple offers, so hiring
managers will need to move fast.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ecruitment levels across commerce businesses are currently in the process of the permanent market. Companies still
and industry have continued to moving middle and front office functions engaged in cost-reduction have turned to
increase as organisations looked to to the North West due to the number of centralisation and outsourcing.
switch focus from cost-cutting to growth. high-calibre finance professionals based
Many organisations have continued in and around the area. In 2014, technically-strong qualified
to invest in their commercial finance accountants will be needed for due
With an ever-increasing emphasis on diligence and transition work, and IFRS
functions, recruiting for roles which are
compliance and regulation there will be accountants will be in demand. 2014
closely tied to ‘value add’ and revenue
strong demand for qualified chartered will see an increased need for qualified
accountants as organisations look to accountants with project-based skills.
recruit ‘technically strong’ candidates.
Permanent These candidates are seen as ideal Sensitivity to market rates will be
After any recession, small and medium- for control areas including regulatory important in 2014 as an increase is
sized companies are often cited as the compliance, financial reporting, credit risk anticipated. With increased competition,
‘engine rooms’ of economy growth and operational risk. the average time to hire will reduce
and it is these organisations which are significantly.
now investing heavily in new people. In Interim
addition, a number of London-centric In the interim market, growth has mirrored
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
e saw a dramatic upturn in with advisory experience, hiring managers secure the best people, hiring managers
recruitment activity in the are likely to consider those with an audit will need to move fast in the recruitment
second half of 2013, particularly background who can demonstrate the process and should clearly communicate
in the national accounting firms. Renewed necessary talent and then train them in the factors that differentiate their firm from
business confidence increased demand the skills they need. The knock-on effect competitors.
for transaction-related and wider advisory of a limited talent pool with sufficient audit
services; and professionals are now experience to satisfy larger regional and New business
starting to migrate to jobs in industry or national firms means companies will be confidence has
to other practice roles. Chartered and competing more aggressively to secure
certified accountants who have provided the right candidates.
generated strong
advice on mergers and acquisitions, demand for
business transformation or advanced tax Wages for the traditional service lines of accountants with
planning and those who have undertaken audit and tax remained fairly constant advisory experience.
other consultancy work will be highly in 2013, but we expect increases this
sought-after. year. In particular, professionals with an
advisory background can often command
Since there is a dearth of accountants higher salaries than those without. To
2013 2014
Senior 27 - 35k 28 - 36k
Senior Manager 46 - 75k 46 - 75k
Manager 36 - 50k 36 - 50k
Assistant Manager 30 - 38k 30 - 38k
Senior 30 - 38k 30 - 38k
Senior Manager 50 - 75k 50 - 75k
Manager 39 - 50k 39 - 50k
Assistant Manager 34 - 42k 34 - 42k
Corporate Recovery, TS and Lead Advisory
Senior 28 - 38k 29 - 39k
Senior Manager 52 - 82k 54 - 85k
Manager 40 - 52k 40 - 52k
Assistant Manager 36 - 42k 36 - 42k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ttracted by the reputation of for supervisors and team leaders as Companies recruiting new talent will need
Manchester and the north-west as companies build back the tiers cut in the to ensure a short time to hire, even in the
a centre of best practice for shared recession. Part-qualified candidates will temporary market.
services centres, several businesses increasingly be in demand and employers
established central finance functions in will need to ensure competitive study The shift towards
the region in 2013. Competition for skilled packages are available to attract the best. growth means that
people increased, particularly for those
with SAP or other large ERP system In 2013, employees looking to move firms companies will be
experience. There has also been rising often received counter-offers from their looking for the best
demand for finance staff in the SME existing employer. This year, job-movers talent, not the
sector as confidence in the economy has could receive multiple interviews and cheapest.
grown. offers. This is putting upward pressure on
salaries and there were slight increases
The shift from cost-cutting to growth across the board and bigger increments
means that companies will be looking for people with skills in payroll to handle
for the best talent, not the cheapest. In RTI and auto-enrolment.
particular, we envisage a higher need
rise in general business confidence In view of the continuing regulatory changing. Organisations wishing to
from quarter two onwards and pressure, experts in risk and compliance attract the best talent will need to manage
a migration of middle and back will be in high demand in 2014. Those interview processes quickly and efficiently
office functions to the region meant that with specific product knowledge of and be mindful of market rates in relation
hiring activity grew steadily in 2013. derivatives and commodities will be to salary and benefits packages. After a
This was boosted by a demand for risk particularly valued, as divisions covering year of fairly static pay in 2013, we expect
and compliance teams as companies these specialities have relocated to the both salaries and discretionary bonuses
prepared for and acclimatised to the region. Initially, people with management to rise in 2014 as more companies invest
new regulatory environment under the and leadership experience will be sought in the region, building on the operational
Financial Conduct Authority. Specialists to help grow the teams required. centres of excellence that have been
in compliance advisory, compliance established.
As firms continue to assess their balance
monitoring, operational risk and credit risk
sheet management, they will be looking
in particular, who had previously left the
for treasury risk professionals, who remain
region to pursue a career in the south,
in short supply in the north. Competitive
were attracted back.
financial packages are therefore likely to
The growth in the talent pool of skilled be offered and employees will expect
financial services professionals is creating clear career progression opportunities.
a virtuous circle, with more employees In the past five years, when good job
willing to consider a career move opportunities were relatively scarce,
to the region as a result of the extra employers could afford to take their
opportunities and more organisations time to sift through a wide shortlist of
recognising they will be able to find the applicants. However, the pick-up in
people they need. the market means that this is rapidly
We expect both
KEY TRENDS salaries and
■■ In 2013, hiring activity grew steadily from quarter two onwards as confidence discretionary bonuses
returned to the market and middle and back office functions migrated north. to rise in 2014 in
■■ Regulatory pressures mean that banks and financial services companies will response to increased
be seeking experts in risk and compliance. business confidence.
■■ Treasury risk professionals remain in short supply.
■■ Organisations will have to ensure their recruitment processes are swift and
efficient if they are to secure the top talent.
Operations/Back Office
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
69 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
here was great demand for IT Key shortages of skills are anticipated
professionals in 2013. This was due across VMWare and Google Apps
largely to a growth in companies in the infrastructure market, mobile
undertaking business change and developers and front-end developers
transformation projects, and a rise in within the development market, and
the development and use of online, SAS analysts in business intelligence.
virtual, digital and mobile technologies. Although companies recruiting permanent
In addition, the financial services industry or contract staff are likely to find it hard
and public sector both started to recover. to source IT professionals with these
Other commercial organisations started backgrounds, contractors will be in Conversely, to attract staff, organisations
large programmes of work too, which particularly high demand. Salaries for will need to run efficient recruitment
contributed to increased demand for IT permanent employees have continued processes and ensure they give a good
staff. to increase, and contract rates have impression from the start. Employers also
followed suit. This was particularly need to be flexible about the particular
To meet their requirements for business noticeable for developers and VMWare mix of skills they require and be prepared
change projects, organisations will consultants. to offer training and development to new
increasingly be hiring business analysts, employees where necessary.
project and programme managers. The As business confidence and demand
growth of e-commerce and m-commerce continues to grow, organisations will
means that companies will especially need to put in place effective salary
be looking for people with skills in digital review systems and offer attractive career
– particularly mobile development and progression opportunities if they are to
infrastructure in virtual environments. retain their best employees.
KEY TRENDS may need to be
■■ There is a growing need for business analysts, project and programme flexible about the
managers to handle change and transformation work. particular mix of
■■ Increasing e-commerce and m-commerce business activity has led to a skills they require
demand for skills in online, virtual, digital and mobile technologies. and be prepared to
■■ Developers and people experienced in VMWare are in particularly short offer training and
supply. development to new
■■ Rates for contractors will increase along with salaries for permanent employees where
employees. necessary.
4th line Infrastructure (design) 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 350 - 450 350 - 450
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ncreasing business confidence led to mid-level and, in turn, this is having a work allocated to external firms.
a significant upturn in legal recruitment knock-on effect on ancillary disciplines.
in the North West. In private practice, Firms are also keen to bring in specialists Salaries had previously been fairly
a long-anticipated improvement in with experience of developing and static, but in 2013 firms started to pay a
corporate deal activity has generated a exploiting niche client needs. To keep premium to attract talent in key practice
fast-increasing demand for lawyers with costs down, firms are looking for non- areas and performance-related pay
skills in transactional work, such as real qualified fee-earners and junior lawyers also became more common. This will
estate and corporate. This has been from the newly-qualified level to four continue in 2014. While lawyers want
boosted by the arrival of new market years’ post-qualified experience. A skills to see compensation reflect increasing
entrants enticed by the strong local gap is emerging in the two to four years’ caseloads, the career development
economy, especially in the retail and qualified bracket, as firms had reduced opportunities they are offered continue to
financial services sectors. Commercially- hiring newly-qualified lawyers during the be very important.
led private practice firms, particularly recent recession.
those with a strong base of national
and international clients, are actively Insurance firms have undertaken
expanding. The fastest-growing practice sustained hiring of lawyers in defended
areas are transactional and business- personal injury, professional indemnity
led, including commercial property, and related disciplines; and are taking on
development and investment (both paralegals and non-qualified staff because
residential and commercial), construction, of a shortage of qualified practitioners.
corporate, compliance, banking and In-house career options are becoming
pensions. increasingly tempting to private practice
lawyers. Household companies in growth
The demand for transactional lawyers sectors are recruiting more in-house legal
has been particularly strong at the resource and managing more tightly the
While lawyers want
KEY TRENDS to see higher salaries
■■ The local market is buoyant and firms are hiring to expand their teams. to reflect increasing
■■ Lawyers for transactional disciplines, such as corporate and property, are caseloads, the
particularly in demand. career development
■■ A skills gap is emerging in the two to four years’ qualified bracket.
opportunities offered
continue to be very
■■ Static salaries have been boosted by performance-related bonuses and this
is likely to continue.
Private Practice
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
acancies for sales professionals managers also need to present a good With a greater
outstripped the supply of people to value proposition: sales professionals
fill roles throughout 2013 and this is perfect their pitch to their clients, so shortage of talent,
set to continue this year. Most in demand expect the same standards from those short-term guarantees
are new business experts with proven who are effectively pitching to them. will become more
experience of sales, ideally for three prevalent in contract
years or more. Since sales managers Employers tended not to put a ceiling on
and directors are generally well-rewarded basic salaries in 2013, preferring to meet
if they are achieving targets and have a the right talent and then agree terms.
pipeline of new business, they are often Since good-quality sales professionals
reluctant to leave current employers. This will have to walk away from pending
means that a proactive, head-hunting commissions or bonuses if they move
approach is required. jobs, they increasingly expect new
employers to provide a ‘soft landing’
With this in mind, ensuring an efficient in the first few months, with short-
and effective process is critical to term guarantees a part of contract
securing talent in this market. Hiring negotiations.
2013 2014
Sales Director 80 - 150k 90 - 150k
Account Director 60 - 80k 65 - 90k
Key Account Manager 70 -100k 70 - 100k
Account Manager 35 - 50k 40 - 60k
Business Development Manager 50 - 70k 50 - 80k
Sales Manager 70 - 100k 70 - 110k
Sales Executive 30 - 45k 30 - 50k
Sales Director 70 - 120k 70 - 130k
Account Manager 28 - 40k 30 - 45k
Account Director 45 - 65k 45 - 65k
Key Account Manager 45 - 60k 45 - 60k
Business Development Manager 30 - 45k 35 - 50k
Sales Manager 45 - 60k 50 - 80k
Sales Executive 25 - 35k 25 - 35k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 74
s the Greater Manchester area recruitment, often through recruitment As the Greater
benefited from large scale process outsourcing (RPO).
investment and developments,
Manchester area
such as the BBC’s relocation, demand for Only marginal increases were seen in benefited from large
secretaries and support staff started to 2013, but this year we expect to see scale investment and
rise. Supply has increased too, but at a average increases of about 1.7% in developments, demand
slightly lower rate, so potential employees the north-west region. Salaries will be for support staff has
are in a stronger position than before. unchanged at the lower end of the
Consequently, employers are finding it market, with a greater uplift for more risen.
harder to recruit part-time roles. specialised hires. As the labour market
becomes less cautious, companies may
We anticipate continued recruitment have to become more competitive in the
of graduates and more experienced benefits packages they offer.
hires in full-time positions, but also see
many companies opting for the shared
service model and undertaking volume
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he jobs market for procurement stakeholder needs as well as improve were particularly looking for demand
professionals improved in 2013 as processes and drive down costs. planners who were able to demonstrate
some organisations established The sudden demand for this type of both analytical skills and the ability to
brand new teams in recognition of the professional will create shortages, and build relationships with internal and
part procurement can play in saving this will be exacerbated by the fact external stakeholders. Such people are
costs. Other companies with procurement that few organisations have invested generally highly regarded by their existing
departments already in place moved in procurement succession planning in employers and therefore often reluctant
to increase their capabilities. However, the past. As national and international to move. There is not yet evidence that
businesses tended to be conservative corporations start to centralise companies are prepared to pay more to
about the amount they were willing to procurement, they will need managers hire the talent they need, but unless they
pay for new talent, and, in a still-cautious with sufficient experience to carry this do so they will have difficulty in achieving
market, strong professionals were out. The scarcity of procurement experts the business cost-savings that strong
reluctant to move for no financial gain. means that they have more negotiating supply chain teams can produce.
This was particularly true in the interim power, so businesses must ensure
market, where organisations were seeking they pitch salaries at the right level
to pay lower day rates than previously; and understand potential employees’
but as practitioners found themselves in motivations if they are to secure the talent
relatively short supply they often held out they need.
for higher rates, which created difficulties
for companies with limited budgets. In the supply chain jobs market the
need for practitioners remained steady,
Many businesses decided to recruit although there was considerable
indirect procurement professionals growth in demand in the FMCG and
– people who can fully understand pharmaceuticals industries. Companies
Despite an improving
KEY TRENDS market, companies
■■ Market conditions are starting to improve in procurement and supply chain. remain unable to
■■ There are shortages of indirect procurement professionals and supply chain increase salaries.
demand planners.
■■ Despite this, businesses have felt constrained on salaries by tight budgets.
■■ Companies will need to improve succession planning in procurement if they
are to avoid being left short-staffed.
Supply Chain
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
013 was a mixed year for and business partners for the FMCG
accountancy recruitment in the and pharmaceutical industries will be
South East. Key industries, such particularly sought-after this year. We
as pharmaceuticals, consumer and also envisage more demand for project
FMCG, increased their hiring of finance management skills – in particular, those
and accounting professionals. However, to support the upgrading of back office
there were also a number of high profile systems. Companies are more likely to
company acquisitions and restructures, hire people on a contract or interim basis
which slowed the market. Many for these roles. We could see confidence
companies had continued permanent rise further if organisations go through Salaries remained largely unchanged
headcount freezes in place, choosing with plans to move large finance teams in the last 12 months, with just a few
instead to hire people on a temporary out of central London to business parks businesses awarding nominal rises. We
or contract basis. They also sought to around the M25. expect this to continue in 2014 and for
adopt fixed term contracts rather than pay freezes to be particularly enforced at
pay on a day-rate basis, which deterred Despite sluggish market conditions, more senior levels.
contractors who preferred to sell their businesses still want to recruit high-quality
services through their own limited employees and these individuals can
companies. expect to receive multiple offers, often
within a relatively short space of time.
Nevertheless, there are signs of cautious Hiring managers are therefore advised
optimism for 2014. We expect companies to run fast and efficient recruitment
to bolster their commercial finance processes to secure the best people.
operations as they seek to generate
new revenue and control costs. Analysts
Analysts and business
KEY TRENDS partners for the FMCG
■■ The market was slow in 2013 and companies tended to hire contractors and and pharmaceutical
temporary staff rather than adding to permanent headcount. industries will be
■■ The FMCG and pharmaceutical industries have been noticeably stronger and particularly sought-
will be a main source of recruitment in 2014. after this year.
■■ Analysts, business partners and experts in commercial finance will be most
■■ Companies relocating large teams out of central London would provide a
boost to the local employment market.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
fter a slow start, the sales job The market is improving slowly, but Companies are
market strengthened in the second businesses still wish to scrutinise every
half of 2013, despite a relatively hire in some detail, which is lengthening
looking for hybrid sales
lacklustre economic climate. The business recruitment processes. Average salaries managers who can
services sector was buoyant, with remained fairly static in 2013, but there develop new accounts
strong demand for sales professionals were some increases for more senior and nurture existing
with experience in business information, professionals. business.
training and outsourcing. High-quality
sales professionals with a track record of We expect the first six months of 2014
winning new business and good sector to remain challenging, with slow growth
knowledge will continue to be in demand in vacancies across the market. Since
this year as companies look for people most strong sales professionals usually
who can help them generate revenue. need to be convinced to move jobs,
Hiring managers will also be keen to find hiring managers are advised to manage
‘hybrid’ sales professionals – people interviews as efficiently as possible
with the skills not only to develop new and where possible offer flexible pay
accounts but also to nurture existing structures.
2013 2014
Sales Director 80 - 150k 80 - 150k
Account Director 60 - 80k 60 - 85k
Key Account Manager 70-100k 70 - 100k
Account Manager 35 - 50k 35 - 55k
Business Development Manager 50 - 75k 50 - 80k
Sales Manager 70 - 100k 70 - 120k
Sales Executive 30 - 45k 30 - 45k
Sales Director 70 - 120k 70 - 140k
Account Director 50 - 70k 50 - 80k
Key Account Manager 45 - 60k 45 - 65k
Account Manager 28 - 40k 30 - 50k
Business Development Manager 35 - 50k 35 - 60k
Sales Manager 45 - 70k 50 - 80k
Sales Executive 25 - 35k 25 - 40k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 80
Market conditions improved significantly in
Belgium during 2013.
F ollowing
the general
improvement in the
and expectations for 2014. The 50-50 mix
between replacement and growth hiring
for permanent roles in 2013 also bodes
Belgian market, well for the future.
companies began
searching for For both permanent and contract roles,
permanent hiring managers will need to focus on
employees with providing the right working environment
between five and employment conditions if they want
and ten years’ to attract top talent. With salaries unlikely
experience. Priority areas for hiring to shift significantly, people are looking for
managers were construction, supply long-term development options, training
chain and manufacturing, while on the and career path opportunities. Companies
contract side companies were looking will also need to be aware of the merger
for accountants with English, Dutch and in 2014 of blue and white-collar statutes,
French language skills. which will deliver major change in the
way notice periods are served. This will
In fact, multiple language requirements generally have wide-reaching implications
remained critical in all areas and for HR.
continued to restrict hiring options.
Engineers, for example, are in short
supply in Belgium, but can generally only
be recruited from overseas into roles
where languages are not required – for
example, research or development.
Multilingual credit collectors are also in
very short supply for contract roles in
Belgium, despite the urgent need for their
particularly those looking for roles in
accounting and credit where there are far The 50-50 mix between
more applicants than vacancies. replacement and growth
hiring for permanent
Salaries, meanwhile, remained fairly stable positions in 2013 bodes
throughout 2013. However, a late flurry of well for the future.
Looking to move jobs bonuses in 2013 will boost confidence
s businesses in the banking sector about upcoming openings are risk
face increased pressure from managers, compliance professionals,
EU regulators, there were few auditors, solvency specialists and
vacancies in Belgium during 2013. With business developers. As the new
the heightened risk of redundancies, most regulation falls into place, businesses
professionals were reluctant to change will need these individuals to help them
jobs. While there was some replacement adhere to the changes. However, these
hiring in smaller businesses, larger professionals will not be easy to entice
institutions remained particularly quiet. away from their current roles. Due to the
Major banks were especially inactive uncertain economy, most people are wary their salary offering for risk management
as many froze headcount in an effort about leaving their existing employers. professionals as there could be increased
to increase profitability. What little new competition for these individuals.
job creation there was, focused on risk To secure in-demand professionals,
management, compliance and internal we recommend hiring managers stay
audit professionals who could help open to workplace diversity in order to
assess any threats to the business and maximise access to the limited pool of
adhere to changing regulations. prospective employees across areas
such as risk, compliance and audit. As
In 2014, we expect the job market to salaries are expected to remain stable,
remain relatively quiet. Businesses will organisations should outline clear
want to see stronger growth in the opportunities for internal progression
economy before they change their early in the recruitment process if they
cautious approach to recruitment. The want to attract top performers. In some
only professionals who can be confident cases, employers may need to increase
We recommend hiring
KEY TRENDS managers stay open
■■ The top priority in the banking sector was cost-cutting, which meant few to workplace diversity
organisations were actively hiring in 2013. in order to maximise
■■ The biggest challenge facing insurance companies will be the shortage of risk access to the limited
managers to implement Solvency II. pool of prospective
■■ Salaries for most banking and finance professionals will remain stable. employees across risk,
audit, compliance and
■■ To attract top performers organisations should outline clear opportunities for
career progression. solvency.
Managing Director 102 - 214k 102 - 214k 103 - 222k 103 - 222k 207 - 400k 207 - 400k
Finance Director/CFO 102 - 189k 102 - 189k 103 - 195k 103 - 195k 155 - 300k 155 - 300k
Risk Manager 69 - 109k 75 - 110k 83 - 130k 85 - 140k 106 - 186k 110 - 190k
Life/Non-Life Actuary 74 - 130k 74 - 130k 83 - 142k 83 - 142k 106 - 186k 106 - 186k
Internal Audit 79 - 137k 79 - 137k 103 - 206k 103 - 206k 155 - 300k 155 - 300k
Legal/Compliance Manager 79 - 137k 79 - 137k 103 - 206k 103 - 206k 155 - 200k 155 - 200k
Accounting Manager 63 - 111k 63 - 111k 88 - 127k 88 - 127k 100 - 148k 100 - 148k
Financial Controller 69 - 105k 69 - 105k 88 - 121k 88 - 121k 106 - 150k 106 - 150k
External/Internal Consultant 74 - 111k 74 - 111k 93 - 179k 93 - 179k 155 - 200k 155 - 200k
IT Project Manager/Director 74 - 111k 74 - 111k 93 - 132k 93 - 132k 104 - 114k 104 - 114k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
pportunities for finance The hiring trends of 2014 are likely international companies. However, as a
professionals increased in Belgium to continue in the same vein. We result of long recruitment processes many
last year. The attitude of hiring expect hiring managers to continue businesses lost top talent to competitors.
managers remained cautious but far more prioritising professionals with a good
optimistic compared with previous years. understanding of business and a keen In 2014, we anticipate salaries will
In light of recent economic fluctuations, eye for commercial opportunities. Last increase by up to 5% for professionals
companies primarily looked for individuals year, these traits were so desirable that with five to 10 years’ experience. At the
with strong business acumen. Operational many companies waited to interview a more senior end of the spectrum, salaries
controllers, business performance number of strong candidates and spent will remain similar to 2013. However,
managers and accounting managers also long periods benchmarking them in order companies may also need to embrace
had good command over the job market. to secure the ideal person for the job. In the recent trend of bigger sign-on
particular, organisations were looking for bonuses in order to remain competitive.
Across the legal market, 2013 witnessed trilingual professionals fluent in Dutch, Flexible working hours and in-house
slight increases in demand for in-house French and English with excellent people training opportunities will further enhance
counsels, particularly from SME’s who skills; these professionals were deemed employers’ appeal to prospective job-
sought to reduce external legal costs. particularly valuable to Belgium’s many movers.
Internal Audit 47 - 62k 50 - 65k 66 - 85k 70 - 90k 100 - 120k 100 - 120k
Treasurer/Group Treasurer 47 - 66k 50 - 70k 76 - 95k 80 - 100k 100 - 140k 110 - 140k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
85 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
here was such high demand for high volume of engineering professionals Companies will need to define their top
engineering and supply chain skilled in stability, structural design and needs and consider individuals with
professionals in 2013 that many mechanical design. Logistics managers transferable skills they can build on with
companies struggled to fill vacancies. and other supply chain workers with a clear personal development plan.
Mid-level supply chain managers, specialised experience purchasing Employers may be forced to look to
maintenance managers and industry services or materials will also be required the international job market to source
operations managers were the most in the early stages of the projects. But to some of the more experienced and
popular hires. And as signs of economic build a strong workforce, hiring managers qualified individuals. But as international
recovery further increased confidence will need to be flexible during recruitment. professionals cost more to set up
in quarter four, we expect these hiring There are few people on the market with in Belgium, local professionals with
trends to continue in 2014 with the launch five to 10 years’ experience who have equivalent skills will have significant
of more construction projects. the multidisciplinary technical knowledge leverage when negotiating salaries. For
and people management skills employers more junior roles, we anticipate salaries
This boom in project work will require a desire. will stay in line with 2013.
he HR job market was reasonably looking for HR generalists with a strong hiring. Organisations should look for
active in Belgium during 2013. track record of implementing performance HR professionals with transferable skills
Many organisations within financial management methods. More than ever, that can be refined through internal
services and commerce and industry employers will favour people with sharp training. As salaries are likely to remain
focused on hiring senior HR generalists business acumen who can add value in a stable, prospective employees will seek
and mid-level compensation and benefits variety of ways. Trilingual HR professionals opportunities for career development
managers. Businesses also began fluent in Dutch, English and French will when thinking about moving jobs.
preparing for a change in social legislation, also be expected to have good people
which is expected to negate the skills and an analytical mindset. Employers looking
contractual differences between white and for multi-skilled HR
blue-collar workers from January 2014. But holding out for the perfect candidate
is likely to end in disappointment. Long
professionals may need
Following these new regulations, recruitment processes with several to consider individuals
organisations will need compensation interview rounds may cause top with transferable skills
and benefits specialists to apply the performers to lose interest or accept who can be developed
necessary changes to employee benefits another position, so employers are with training.
packages. In addition, businesses will be advised to keep an open mind when
2013 2014
HR Director 115 - 250k 120 - 250k
HR Manager 70 - 100k 70 - 110k
HR Business Partner 50 - 85k 50 - 85k
Comp & Ben Manager 70 - 140k 70 - 140k
Comp & Ben Specialist 50 - 75k 50 - 75k
Training & Development Manager 50 - 100k 50 - 100k
Training & Development Specialist 45 - 60k 45 - 60k
Recruitment & Selection Manager 50 - 90k 50 - 90k
Recruitment & Selection Specialist 40 - 60k 45 - 60k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
s a result of the stabilising interim market. The numbers of interim organisations continue to invest in IT
economic climate, the job market finance, HR, IT and project managers systems and process improvements.
improved markedly for interim available increased just as the demand As more mergers and acquisitions
managers in Belgium during 2013. Many for these professionals increased, which are predicted, there will be a renewed
companies took this new stability as kept rates relatively stable throughout demand for interim compliance
an opportunity to improve processes 2013. However, there are fewer interim professionals too. Hiring managers
within their finance, HR, IT, CRM and managers available within business looking for individuals with these
logistics departments. Taking on interim process re-engineering, compliance, particularly popular specialisms should
managers was an efficient way to build on business controlling, accounting, legal, act fast when they find someone who
employees’ existing skills and gain new and compensation and benefits as can add long-term value to the business.
perspectives on established practices. demand outstripped supply for these For the busiest sectors, such as HR,
professionals. compliance and accounting, that may
While there were more interim managers mean higher rates compared to 2013.
on assignment, there was also an In 2014, there is likely to be even more
influx of new professionals entering the competition for interim managers as
2013 2014
General Management
CEO/Business Unit Director 1400 - 1800 1400 - 1800
Chief Financial Officer 1000 - 1350 1140 - 1400
Group Controller/Finance Director 900 - 1200 1000 - 1350
Controller/Finance Manager 800 - 1000 900 - 1100
Risk/Tax/Treasury Manager 800 - 1000 900 - 1100
Senior Financial Analyst 700 - 900 750 - 950
Accounting Manager 650 - 850 720 - 900
Human Resources
Group HR Director 900 - 1250 1140 - 1400
HR Manager 850 - 1100 900 - 1100
HR Business Partner 750 - 950 860 - 1000
Plant Director 900 - 1350 1000 - 1350
Supply Chain Director 850 - 1250 1000 - 1350
ERP Specialist 800 - 1050 1000 - 1300
Purchase Manager 800 - 1050 860 - 1100
Quality/Safety Manager 700 - 900 800 - 1000
Chief Information Officer 1000 - 1350 1100 - 1400
IT Manager 850 - 1100 950 - 1200
Programme/Project Management
Programme Manager 1000 - 1350 1200 - 1500
Project Manager 900 - 1150 1000 - 1300
NB: Interim management figures are daily rates and do not include benefits/bonuses.
he slow-moving job market for In addition to HR support staff, customer This year prospective employees
contract business support picked sales assistants are expected to be in are expected to be flexible with their
up in quarters three and four demand as the economy continues to salary expectations. In line with this,
2013 when companies received new improve. Across all areas of business we anticipate a continued focus on
hiring budgets. What followed was support, employers will be looking for prioritising other job perks such as
increased demand for temporary HR people with industry-specific experience, insurance, flexible hours and training
staff who could oversee recruitment and fluency in multiple languages and the possibilities.
the implementation of staff retention adaptability to undertake tasks not
programmes. This renewed economic included in their core role. But finding Benefits such as
confidence will play a key role in 2014, individuals with the desired language skills insurance, flexible
as will new social legislation expected and two to five years’ experience will hours, lunch
to negate the differences between blue prove particularly difficult as employers
vouchers and training
and white-collar contracts. Benefits and are very keen to hold on to them. Hiring
compensation consultants will prove managers should be open to transferable opportunities are
increasingly popular as companies draw skills in order to fill temporary roles quickly becoming powerful
up contracts that adhere to the new and efficiently. tools when negotiating
regulations. salary packages.
arly in 2013, the job market for approach to recruitment. Even urgent As there will still be significant competition
contract finance professionals assignments were met with many for new jobs, many experienced
in Belgium was extremely weak. interview rounds, which often culminated professionals will be prepared to lower
As a result of major cost-cutting in the cancellation of a job. However, the their salary expectations in the East-
initiatives and the outsourcing of finance market began to improve and companies Flanders and Flemish Brabant regions
departments, few major organisations are likely to be more optimistic in 2014. – particularly those who have been
took on new staff. Many international made redundant following restructures.
companies merged their accounting The demand for contract finance However, more focused demand in
services, which often led to redundancies. professionals who can add value through Brussels may give professionals greater
Where workloads increased following process improvement will be increasingly negotiating power as companies bid for
redundancies, businesses expected their sought-after. Employers will therefore their services. Where pay rises are not
existing teams to cover the extra work. focus on finding professionals with strong possible, companies should offer flexible
What little movement there was came technical skills and the ability to bring working hours, extra holidays and career
primarily from local SMEs, building groups innovation to process improvement – progression opportunities to attract top
and accounting practices. demand will be highest for those who performers.
can accompany these skills with strong
Due to the uncertain economy, hiring language ability.
managers took an exceptionally cautious
I n 2013, contract
professionals with
risk control and
the provision of clear and structured
career development paths are high on the
agenda of today’s employees.
accounting skills
and experienced Market sentiment across France,
banking analysts particularly in the banking sector, has
were most highly shown recent signs of improvement,
sought-after by perhaps pointing to the beginnings of a
hiring managers. recovery in 2014. Salaries are however
On the permanent likely to remain flat with any increases
side, demand for IT and data experts largely confined to individual employees
and treasury specialists was particularly based on exceptional performance.
will need to focus heavily on promoting
the trust and integrity of their employer Professionals are placing
brand to attract the highest-calibre increasing value on
individuals. Professionals are placing culture-fit and building
increasing value on culture-fit and a a bond with their
bond with their prospective employer - prospective employer -
companies that recognise and embrace companies that recognise
this will have a clear competitive and embrace this will
advantage. From a retention perspective, have a clear competitive
international career opportunities and advantage.
here were three distinct recruitment seeking candidates with strong technical, Spanish). Other attributes that will be hard
phases in the accounting and management and communication skills to source include: experience of working
finance sector in 2013. From who are flexible, deadline-focused and for an international group, three to four
January to June we saw stable job business-oriented. Audit professionals years’ experience in a ‘Big 4’ company
volumes, with companies looking for with a global mindset will also be high on and one or more years’ experience
treasury experts, consolidators and the recruitment agenda. working abroad.
employees for overseas assignments.
From June to July, companies reopened International mobility, meanwhile, will With confidence and fluidity returning
positions that had been previously frozen, continue to stimulate demand for to the market, we’re likely to see salary
such as financial controller and CFOs. replacement roles, with many French increases of 10-15% across all functions
employees moving overseas for in 2014. Hiring managers may need to
Hiring was mainly focused on opportunities in Asia, Russia, India and pay a premium for quality recruits, and
replacement roles, although there was a the US. Internal movement is common should think about minimising delays in
significant increase in activity in the luxury, too, with people looking to progress to the recruitment process; with optimism
services, energy and new technology bigger jobs after a few years in a role, rising, applicants’ patience will reduce
sectors. From September onwards, we again leaving replacement positions to and they will move on if they don’t receive
saw increased demand for employees be filled. These trends should create answers quickly.
with three to five years’ experience and momentum within the recruitment market
those who could fill more senior roles. throughout 2014.
In 2014 the priority for businesses will However, top-tier employees will be
be to hire professionals with international difficult to find – particularly those with
experience who can manage complex distinguished degree qualifications and
projects and act as trusted business foreign language skills (English plus
partners. In particular, companies will be another language, such as Russian or
Top-tier employees
KEY TRENDS will be difficult to find
■■ Significant increases in activity were seen across the luxury, services, energy this year – particularly
and new technology sectors. those with distinguished
■■ Internal and international mobility is stimulating demand for replacement hires degree qualifications and
as employees move internally in search of fresh opportunities. foreign language skills.
■■ With confidence returning to the market, we are likely to see salary increases
of 10-15% in 2014.
■■ Hiring managers are looking for international professionals who can manage
complex projects and act as trusted business partners.
Chief Financial Officer 130 -180k 130 - 200k 130 - 250k 130 - 250k
Finance Director 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 100 - 150k 100 - 160k 120 - 200k 120 - 200k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Investment Banking will RFP analysts, portfolio managers, Banking Federation began looking for
sales-focused analysts and employees private and property consultants.
t was a slow recruitment market during
specialising in change management and
the first half of 2013. Hiring managers
operational risk. In 2014, hiring managers will be looking
focused on internal movements linked
for control and risk experts and business
to the strategic and restructuring plans
Investment banking salaries and bonuses developers for functions such as property
of financial institutions (Bâle 3). From
remained stable in 2013 and this trend and relationship management. But finding
June onwards, however, French and
will continue in 2014. However, financial applicants who can make immediate
foreign financial institutions began to
institutions are likely to offer above-the- starts and bring tangible added value may
recruit externally as internal hiring failed to
market salaries to premium applicants be hard to find as demand grows.
satisfy managers’ demands for technical
skills. Autonomous employees who with specialist skills.
Companies therefore need to actively
could take the initiative were in demand, promote training and development
particularly in corporate finance. We also Retail Banking opportunities to attract and retain
saw requests for very senior roles in asset top talent from the domestic market.
management, such as head of equities. Retail banks in France recruited less
Meanwhile, salaries should remain stable
overall in 2013 than in previous years.
during 2014 in line with 2013 levels –
In order to be more competitive and to This was largely due to branch closures
although in demand risk professionals
reinforce the visibility of teams internally, following the rise of online banking and
may see increases.
companies will be looking for strong distribution, new regulatory standards
technical skills, for example in mergers (like Bâle 3) and general market caution.
and acquisitions, structured finance and
private equity. However, we did see a slight sector
recovery in mid-2013, with a resumption
Senior bankers with good networks of recruitment across banking networks.
will also be key hiring priorities, as In particular, mutual banks and the French
Market conditions were
KEY TRENDS tough, however we did
■■ Investment banking salaries and bonuses remained stable in 2013 and this see pockets of
trend will continue in 2014. positivity in the banking
■■ Companies will be seeking strong technical skills in mergers and acquisitions, and financial services
structured finance and private equity. sector in 2013.
■■ Retail banks are recruiting less than in previous years, due largely to branch
closures following the rise of online banking and distribution.
■■ Following a three-year lull, the hiring of operations managers within banking
networks is likely to resume in 2014.
Investment Banking
Broker and Sales 65 - 130k 60 - 130k 80 - 150k 80 - 150k 110 - 180k 450k+
Retail Banking
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
onsulting firms in Paris proved and regulatory change will most likely more interested in operational positions.
very capable of adapting to the lead to more demand for consulting
changing needs of companies experts this year. Digital expertise will With regard to salaries this year, the only
in 2013. For this reason the job market also be considered particularly useful changes we anticipate are marginal pay
remained buoyant, despite difficult by companies across a wide variety of rises in the most competitive sectors
economic conditions. sectors. Consultants who have good such as digital consultancy, performance
business acumen, industry-specific improvement and customer orientation
As organisations looked for new growth knowledge, three to eight years’ strategy.
levers like digital presence, customer experience and autonomous, self-
orientation strategy and performance motivated personalities will be in particular Despite difficult market
analytics, consultants rose to the demand this year conditions, consulting
new challenges presented to them. In
2014, these professionals will have to
firms have continued
continue diversifying their skills in order However, companies may want to take to adapt to the changing
to accommodate further changes within extra time testing prospective employees needs of their clients and
various industries. within the popular experience range the job market remains
of three to eight years insofar as many
This anticipated structural, technological professionals at this level are generally buoyant as a result.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
number of key developments in demonstrate solid technical expertise with
the engineering sector last year managerial competence and business
resulted in an active recruitment acumen. These individuals are already in
market in 2013. We saw a critical short supply and this will continue to be
shortage of engineering talent across the case this year.
a number of major car component
manufacturers, resulting in salary With this in mind, companies may need
increases. to be more open-minded when looking
to recruit. Rather than searching for
There was also huge demand for other experienced engineers, hiring managers those working in the engineering sector
specialist engineers – particularly for may be more successful securing those as industries increasingly place more
site and product direction professionals with strong development potential. value on engineering skills.
as manufacturers looked to remain Highlighting career paths to become a
competitive in this area. And finally, many manager or project head will also help to
businesses relocated their research and secure the best talent.
development divisions to France, creating
a need for professionals with experience While there will continue to be salary
in this area. increases for specialist engineers in line
with new HR policies (up to 20% in some
This year we expect competition to cases), we expect this year to look much
intensify for expert engineers, as well as the same as last overall.
those with supply chain and transport
experience. Overall, hiring managers will 2015 will probably be the year where we
be looking for professionals who can start to see a real upturn in pay rates for
The engineering sector
KEY TRENDS will continue to be
■■ Overall pay rates will stay the same this year, but we expect increases next bolstered by components
year as organisations start to place increased value on engineering skills. manufacturers this year.
■■ Hiring managers will need to promote career progression, not just the direct
benefits of the role if they want to attract and secure the best talent ahead of
the competition.
■■ Professionals who can demonstrate solid technical knowledge and
managerial skills will be in strong demand during 2014.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he HR recruitment market in 2013 Hiring managers will also continue to
remained largely stable. However, compete for HR community managers as
companies became increasingly companies develop their digital business
cautious due to budget constraints and and will gravitate towards versatile,
concerns over the unpredictable market English-speaking professionals, as well
and economy. As a result, many did not as those with business planning and
go through with their original recruitment strategic skills. Candidates who possess
plans. these skills, are comfortable with new
technologies and understand other
However, this only affected the hiring for cultures will be particularly popular. for companies offering non-financial
generalists, for example multi-site HR benefits such as access to training,
directors and HR business partners. It In order to attract strong professionals in diversity of responsibilities and flexible
didn’t really impact specialists and there a competitive market, hiring managers working.
was an increased need for labour law need to be completely transparent about
professionals, particularly in the second the challenges of every role they recruit.
half of the year, as well as for training and
development experts. In terms of salaries, we saw very little
movement on 2012 levels. Faced with a
And as businesses looked to meet the slowly recovering market, people were
challenges of globalisation, there was an willing to change positions for the same
increased need for HR professionals with or less money than last year.
experience of working in multinational
corporations. We expect these trends to With recruitment budgets staying low or
continue this year. being cut, applicants increasingly looked
Companies promoting
KEY TRENDS non-financial benefits
■■ Companies will need to offer diverse roles and non-financial benefits such as such as training and
training and flexible working hours to attract and retain the best people. development will secure
■■ There will be continued competition for HR specialists, such as those with the best available talent
experience of labour law, online communities and business strategy. this year.
■■ As companies face the challenges of globalisation, they will need HR
professionals with international experience.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
A 20%
greater focus on application and international backgrounds, fluent English
infrastructure, big data and cloud and recognised diplomas, for example
solutions generated an increased Central, EPITA and EPITECH. Overall,
need for IT professionals last year. This companies want IT experts who are true Experts in niche areas
year we expect companies to search for project leaders - those who can easily could command salary
even larger numbers of these individuals, interact with the rest of the business. increases of up to 20%
particularly to fill permanent positions with However, this year data scientists will
a view to retaining skilled people for the undoubtedly be top of most hiring
long-term. managers’ wish lists. across the board, with the exception
of those with more than three years’
Other noticeable trends last year included Already highly sought-after in the US and experience in niche markets such as
companies looking for IT staff to support Japan, these professionals have three big data. These individuals commanded
better structures for their DOSI staff and core competencies: a grip on data mining salaries of up to €60,000, which was an
IT teams. And due to the restructuring and statistics, an appetite for the latest increase of more than 20%. We expect
of corporations and the resumption of IT information technologies and data study similar salary trends this year. We also
projects, the emphasis was on recruiting competencies. anticipate more companies will seek
project management professionals and IT to hire female applicants as they try to
managers. Given the competition for strong, diversify their IT teams, as well as younger
experienced IT professionals, companies candidates as they seek to address an
This year, hiring managers will not only be may need to shorten the hiring process. ageing workforce.
looking for professionals with extensive This may be achieved by prioritising
technical expertise, but also those with two or three key skill areas, rather than
project, leadership and interpersonal searching for people who tick every box.
skills. Competition will be greatest for
those with project operation experience, In general, salaries have remained stable
This year, hiring
KEY TRENDS managers will not only be
■■ Salaries will stay largely the same as 2013, although professionals with looking for professionals
experience in big data could see increases of more than 20%. with extensive technical
■■ Big data, the cloud and application and infrastructure experts will continue to expertise, but also those
be in demand. with project, leadership
■■ Hiring managers will increasingly compete for data scientist roles already and interpersonal skills.
proving in high demand in the US and Japan.
ERP/SAP Implementation
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
utual insurance companies and National Inter-professional Agreement Salaries remained stable last year, with
benefits and pension companies (NIA), which requires large corporations the exception of risk prevention engineers
recruited actively last year, while to offer complementary group health who enjoyed pay rises of 5-10%.
the rest of the sector was cautious, insurance, the mutual and pensions Actuaries enjoyed large pay rises in 2012
concentrating on hiring only those with market experienced a boost. It led to an but these stabilised in 2013 and we don’t
niche skill sets. Competition did however uplift in the recruitment of professionals expect to see any changes this year.
increase for technical professionals in from different corporate environments,
prevention and financial engineering, such as managers and directors with We anticipate a steady
as well as for contextual/regulatory field strategic planning experience. and continuing need for
specialists such as hedge fund derivative
This year, we anticipate significant
niche expertise and
analysts. More generally, emphasis was
placed on the recruitment of inspection recruitment across all support operations support operations staff,
and trade leaders to help companies positions by commercial insurance rather than significant
retain a competitive edge, particularly companies, particularly back office, spikes in recruitment.
in the mutual and automotive insurance underwriting, management control and
sectors. actuarial professionals.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ast year in Paris, parts of the Despite a quiet few months, investment Salary levels remained the same last year
real estate sector recruitment from the US, Middle East and Asia as 2012 and there’s no indication that
market were buoyant while other stimulated recruitment, with asset this will change. So, to attract strong
parts remained cautious. Real estate managers particularly in demand. professionals, hiring managers will need
developers, for example, needed to promote long-term opportunities and
programme managers and directors to re- This year we expect investment in career progression, rather than relying on
implement projects that had been started tertiary real estate to pick up as investors salaries.
but put on hold. gain confidence in the market. With an
increase in property research, companies With salary levels set
This is a trend we expect to see continue, will need responsible land development to remain the same this
with property and land development programme managers, particularly
projects expected to flourish over the next tertiary managers. For asset managers
year, hiring managers
12 months. However, it was a different the picture is positive too, with hiring will need to promote
story on the business investment side of managers looking for professionals with career progression if
things due to the nervousness of French five to 10 years’ experience, versatility, they want to tempt good
investors. commitment and entrepreneurial spirit. people to move.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
L 10%
ast year many companies adopted recruitment. The market was dominated
a ‘wait and see’ attitude to by replacement hiring rather than new
business, expressing caution in an roles, with the exception of digital
uncertain market. But in spite of this, roles where demand grew steadily Job-movers in sales
the recruitment of sales people was as last year. Professionals with SEM and could negotiate rises of
active as 2012. Certain sub-sectors were SEO management and e-commerce up to 10%
particularly buoyant, bolstering the sector management experience were top of
as a whole. hiring managers’ wish lists. This year, this
trend for digital experts will continue. not stretch to allow for salary increases
Consumer goods companies sought key this year. There will be more new
account managers, B2B organisations Competition will be particularly fierce positions created but salaries will be very
looked for sales and strategic account for those with more than five years’ similar to those seen in 2013. The only
managers, and in retail, network and experience and with international rise we expect to see this year is for sales
regional directors were in highest backgrounds. With many companies professionals with proven track records,
demand. We found that confidence grew fighting for this resource, there is likely to who may be able to command premiums
throughout the year and by the end of be a shortage and hiring managers may of up to 10%.
2013 companies were optimistic about therefore need to change their approach.
the future. In 2014 we’re expecting to see Instead of sticking rigidly to person and
increased opportunity and openings for skill specifications, they may need to take
sales people of all levels. risks and focus on competencies rather
than sector-specific knowledge.
Marketing professionals had a slightly
different 12 months, with companies As companies are only really just starting
being much more cautious in terms of to get their confidence back, budgets will
Companies will
KEY TRENDS continue to be more
■■ Market confidence is anticipated to grow in 2014 resulting in an uplift in hiring confident this year,
activity across both sales and marketing. but it will take time
■■ There will be more opportunities for digital marketing professionals as for them to increase
companies focus on strengthening e-commerce and SEO teams. budgets and salaries.
■■ Salaries in general will remain stable as signs of recovery are still embryonic.
■■ One exception to the trend of stable salaries will be in sales; good people
here could negotiate increases of up to 10%.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Private Practice traditional academic law backgrounds, trend is likely to continue in 2014 in line
plus prestigious business school with positive international indicators.
n the competitive business environment
training or an LLM. They’ll also need
of 2013, law firms looked to reinforce
a perfect command of English, while As legal departments assume a more
teams working in areas related to
entrepreneurial flair and an established strategic role, the need for expertise will
mergers and acquisitions, such as
list of clients will be critical for counsel or intensify. In particularly strong demand
financing, tax law and litigation. We
partner roles. are lawyers from UK firms, where the
also saw niche firms increasing their
diversity of projects and expected levels
recruitment activity. Additionally, there was
Concerning compensation packages, if of technical capability and training are
strong demand for associates specialising
basic salaries remain static we may well extremely high.
in labour law and restructuring. Junior
see further recovery in bonus payments
associates remained drawn to reputable We also anticipate companies being
this year (often up to three months of
domestic firms, while mid and senior- increasingly receptive to applicants with
retrocession) as employers seek to attract
level associates made choices based on relevant project or industry experience, as
the top performers.
specific projects and opportunities. well as those with accounting skills.
Other professionals, meanwhile, In-House
prioritised work/life balance, which led With salaries remaining stable, companies
many to select in-house roles within In the first half of 2013 we saw a need to focus on providing career
business. Hiring firms seeking to recruit slowdown in the recruitment of legal development opportunities as well as
key lawyers will need to be able to offer and tax roles, counterbalanced by an financial incentives and bonuses.
attractive incentives and propose a well- upturn in the second. Demand increased
balanced work/life culture. for lawyers with eight to 10 years’
experience. Compliance and securities
In 2014, successful applicants will have law expertise was also sought-after. This
Demand for fiscal and
KEY TRENDS legal roles first dipped
■■ Law firms looked to reinforce teams working in areas related to mergers and and then recovered in
acquisitions. 2013, with the uplift
■■ Junior associates remained drawn to reputable domestic firms, while mid and expected to continue in
senior-level associates made choices based on both project and partnership 2014.
■■ With salaries remaining stagnant, organisations need to focus on providing
clear career development opportunities as well as financial incentives and
■■ Organisations will be actively recruiting lawyers with UK firm experience -
where the level of technical knowledge is extremely high.
Associate 105 - 160k 105 - 160k 130 - 190k 130 - 190k 160k+ 160k+
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n 2013, we saw an increase in the In 2014 we also anticipate a renewed trying to attract highly-qualified transition
number of tasks being entrusted to need for information systems and managers.
interim managers, particularly in the infrastructure directors. And as the
industrial sector. With ongoing staff European recovery continues, we’ll see Throughout 2013 wages in this area
reductions and company reorganisations, companies searching for communications stagnated, only international, multilingual
many companies had to rely on expert directors, network managers and and mobile transition managers could
interim finance and HR professionals directors of development as they try expect higher (some achieving up to
during the first half of the year. to reinvigorate business, increase their a 15% increase). Despite increasing
market share and attract investors. competition and market activity, we
We also witnessed a growing need expect salaries to remain largely stable
for legal and fiscal experts to handle As competition for talent increases and with cost-control remaining a priority.
international tax affairs and for interim the talent pool shrinks, securing the
managers specialising in engineering, right talent could prove more difficult.
such as industrial site managers. In particular, companies looking for
international professionals and Central
In 2013, French companies appeared European mobile managers will need to
naturally inclined towards interim do more to secure the right professionals,
management, in particular we expect as will those trying to recruit accounting
to see ongoing demand for interim and taxation experts and customs law
financial professionals, with additional and marketing specialists. To help their
requirements for personnel with expertise cause, hiring managers should look to
in centralising finance functions. accelerate the recruitment process when
Despite increased
KEY TRENDS market activity and
■■ French companies appeared naturally inclined towards interim management competition, we expect
during 2013. salaries to remain largely
■■ There was a growing need for legal and fiscal experts to handle international stable, with cost-control
tax affairs and for interim managers specialising in engineering, such as remaining a priority.
industrial site managers.
■■ As the European recovery continues, we expect to see organisations actively
searching for interim communications directors, network managers and
directors of development.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
uring 2013, we noticed a slight recovery advisors and credit controllers. know-how. Hiring managers should also
dip in companies’ accounting be aware that technical professionals
recruitment needs. In the second This trend for longer-term temporary and employees with dual linguistic and
half of the year however, activity contracts will continue in 2014, computing skills will expect substantial
increased, and recruitment levels for particularly as organisations look to rate revaluations (around 10%) -
qualified staff remained strong. This was further manage their headcount costs. otherwise salaries in 2014 should largely
particularly true in pharmaceuticals and As demand picks up, we will see fierce remain stable.
engineering, the service industry and to a competition for key operational personnel,
lesser extent, the environmental sector. in particular young graduates with As demand picks up, we
technician certificates in accounting (BTS) expect to see fierce
Companies also began to extend or technical diplomas in management
competition for key
temporary contracts, mainly for specialist (DUT) and/or good work experience.
areas such as ERP accounting and Companies will also have to compete operational personnel,
in-demand roles such as analytical for young graduates with DCG/DSCG in particular those with
accountants and management assistants. diplomas or Masters 2 in finance audit, technician certificates in
Additionally, the need for cash flow or more experienced employees with accounting (BTS).
control led to widespread demand for proven expertise, technical and regulatory
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
espite a volatile business sector, we anticipate ongoing recruitment With SEPA regulations only recently
environment, there was consistent needs in these areas in 2014. It’s also coming into effect in Europe, companies
contract recruitment activity likely to be a year of high demand for will find there’s strong competition
within the banking sector during 2013. commercial specialists, such as business for payment managers and SEPA
Specifically, companies were looking development managers and financial researchers in 2014. With this in mind,
for back-office and middle-office staff advisors. hiring managers may need to offer
specialising in investment banking. AMF- attractive rates to entice top local talent
certified account managers and financial Companies will be particularly hungry - although salary increments will be
analysts were also needed to help make for young graduates with BTS/banking selective and linked to talent and quality,
financial market operations more secure. degrees, and for back/mid-office rather than across-the-board rises.
In addition, new regulations including the technical professionals specialising in Companies that simplify and accelerate
global transition to Bâle III, stimulated derivatives, securities and funds. Across their hiring processes are likely to secure
demand for regulatory controllers, risk all these areas, English is fast becoming the highest-calibre professionals in this
managers and compliance officers. a core language requirement, while the more competitive market.
command of software such as Loan IQ,
With the large variety of banking products GP3 and VBA is a definite advantage.
and growing competitiveness in the
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n 2013 the business support to more and more assistants supporting Rates are likely to remain stable in 2014,
recruitment market experienced an several directors at once, with an although the best personal assistants
increase in interim assignments. This emphasis on strong multi-tasking and and office managers may see small
was the result of increased activity cross-functional capabilities. increases of around 5-10%. Employers
within SMEs and ongoing demand in the will face stiff competition for versatile
auditing, consultancy, industrial, luxury We expect the demand for these support professionals, particularly those
and e-commerce sectors. specialist skills and experience to with sector experience, which may put
continue in 2014. Companies will be pressure on contract rates across the
Many organisations were searching looking for employees with technical market.
for support staff, for example with very expertise, computing skills (ERP, pivot
specific backgrounds, particularly, tables) and experience of invoicing, Employers will face stiff
administrative assistants with experience reporting and managing overhead costs. competition for versatile
in assisting core services such as finance, Discretion and attention to detail will
human resources and purchasing. This also be critical assets for assistants this
support professionals
was largely due to budgetary constraints year, who are increasingly operating as and assistants,
as companies sought more value from business partners with involvement in particularly those with
every individual. Cost constraints also led strategic projects. sector experience.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
013 was a busy year for HR contract and analysis professionals to keep pace payroll managers who have mastered
recruitment, driven in particular by with changes in the global legal and N4DS.
demand for talent acquisition and contract environment. In recent years
pay management professionals – needed HR functions have become increasingly Salaries generally remained stable in 2013
in order to address the ‘war for talent’. We outsourced, leading many companies to and will stay at similar levels in 2014,
also noticed a re-emergence of demand seek flexible contract solutions to their although there could be uplifts for those in
for industrial relations and international HR requirements, and 2014 should be no demand. We may also see more flexibility
development managers. However, there different. with regard to bonus payments.
was less activity around strategic positions
and projects related to HR development, Companies’ priorities will be to As the market improves
GPEC (Gestion Prévisionnelle des Emplois find strong HR employees with this year, hiring managers
et des Compétences) and compensation international mindsets, a comprehensive
will need to promote
and benefits. understanding of information systems
(SIRH, ERP), and an ability to adapt their company culture in
A progressive upturn in the market is during periods of change. In particular, order to both recruit and
expected in 2014 and we expect to hiring managers will be looking for talent retain top talent.
see increased need for HR monitoring acquisition and retention specialists and
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he IT recruitment market develop web applications and mobile They also need to be aware of salary
remained generally stable in capability. There’ll be strong demand expectations: employees with technical
2013. The ongoing development for specialists in systems migration and and functional skills and fluent spoken
of new systems and the growth of development, and those who can make English are expecting salary increases of
e-commerce led to increased demand strong decisions based on data analysis. 5-8% in line with 2013.
for technicians, database administrators Additionally, a good understanding of a
and infrastructure specialists. Companies company’s business issues will be critical Employees with
focused on retaining talent by making in all areas. technical and functional
contracts more long-term, particularly for
those with three to five years’ experience Finding the right individuals may not be skills and fluent spoken
in production, operation and consultancy. easy this year as competition for skills English will be looking
grows. In particular, versatile professionals for salary increases of
It’s likely to be a year of dynamic capable of developing for mobile and new 5-8% in line with 2013.
change in the IT sector with increased internal systems will be in short supply.
employment opportunities, particularly To help secure talented IT professionals,
for web and application designers and companies will need to be transparent
developers as more companies look to about the challenges of the role on offer.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
espite mergers having shaken 2014. Additionally, with the arrival of the professional training and development
the insurance sector in France, ANI (Accord National Inter-Professionel), opportunities if they want to attract the
recruitment remained fairly stable in which requires organisations to set up top candidates. Salaries meanwhile
2013. Claims managers and production insurance coverage for employees, should remain consistent with 2013
managers (focusing on health, provident we expect to see increased need for levels, when a 5% increase was seen for
and life) were popular hiring targets, as specialist management positions in collective life roles.
were personal insurance managers and collective personal insurance. Increased
advisers with specific technical expertise regulation is also likely to trigger demand Above all, companies
(e.g. tax, compulsory and complementary for candidates with insurance experience in 2014 will be looking
schemes). and strong interpersonal skills across for personal insurance
both the legal and technical professions.
While insurance companies and brokers administrators with two
maintained their hiring levels, insurance We expect the highest demand in 2014 to three years’
activity inside banking groups increased. to be looking for personal insurance experience who are
As banks sought better risk control, managers with two to three years’ ready to make an
customer managers and professional experience who can make a difference
immediate difference to
claims managers were also on the to business immediately. However,
recruitment agenda. finding and securing them may not be the business.
straightforward as the market improves.
These trends are likely to continue in Hiring managers will need to promote
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
e saw stability in the contract As in 2013, the need for proprietors to positions, where increases of 5% and
property recruitment market in protect against the risk of unpaid rent over can be expected.
2013. Following a fall in interest will stimulate demand for managers
rates, increased property ownership and assistants. At the same time, In the rental area,
led to a rise in demand for skilled co- employees with strong technical skills and there’s likely to be an
ownership assistants and managers. qualifications in construction (BTP or civil
increase in demand as a
Property companies were also on the engineering) will be required to supervise
lookout for lease managers and traders, refurbishment or new-build projects. result of the new GURL
with general prerequisites including a Good customer relationship skills, editing arrangement.
degree or Masters in real estate (ICH capabilities (for minutes or leases) and a
or ESPI) and a minimum of three to five commercial appetite will also be essential,
years’ experience. but most likely quite hard to find.
In 2014 there’s likely to be an increase This year will probably follow 2013’s
in demand in the leasing area as a result salary trends, with little salary movement
of the new GURL (Garantie Universelle other than for co-ownership managerial
des Risques Locatifs) arrangement.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
larger number of assignments be looking for qualified suppliers, sales
made for an active supply chain administrators, after-sales assistants and
recruitment market in 2013. With transit agents. Applicants will need BAC
companies shortening their warehousing + 2 to BAC + 5 with a minimum of three
periods and shifting to centralised years’ experience. English, plus one other
logistics centres, there was an increased language (German, Mandarin or Dutch)
call for sales administrators, sales will also be required, while specialist
forecasters and buyers. computing skills, ERP capabilities and
good sector knowledge will greatly
We also saw increased management enhance an individual’s credentials. in e-commerce around the supply and
of after-sale disputes and an ongoing management of stocks. After-sales
need for better control of raw materials, Salaries stabilised in 2013, although service professionals will remain at a
production and storage costs. there was a slight increase (5%) for sales premium, as will those skilled in the
forecasting and sales administration roles. recording and monitoring of orders and
We expect these trends to continue Supply chain will continue to be a key the handling of disputes.
in 2014, with a strong emphasis on focus area for companies in 2014, with
cost-reduction. Companies will also increased recruitment activity expected
After sales service
KEY TRENDS professionals will remain
■■ A larger number of assignments made for an active supply chain recruitment at a premium, as well as
market in 2013. those skilled in the
■■ We saw increased demand for sales administrators, sales forecasters and recording and monitoring
buyers. of orders and the
■■ Salaries stabilised in 2013, although there was a slight increase for sales handling of disputes.
forecasting and sales administration roles.
■■ Supply chain will continue to be a key focus area for companies in 2014, with
increased recruitment activity expected.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
yon, capital of the Rhône-Alpes Hiring managers will need to show As in 2013, salaries are unlikely to
region and second city of France, more creativity in their recruitment increase significantly this year, although
boasts highly diversified employment approaches in 2014 as demand for top we may see some increases for the
sites and sectors. Throughout 2013 we talent is anticipated to grow. Salaries will markets highest-calibre professionals
saw a shift towards more alternative remain stable in line with 2013, although (10%+ compared to other industries).
markets, along with the launch of companies may look at pay increments
innovative projects requiring new skills. for the best in the market. HUMAN RESOURCES
Surprisingly, finance was quiet in 2013 -
Throughout 2013 employment
although there was a lot of recruitment HEALTH preservation plans (PSE) continued to
activity in R&D, maintenance, IT and
Following two years of strong growth, stimulate demand for specific HR skills.
health. As companies look to compete
health sector recruitment was steady in In 2014, HR site managers and labour
on the international stage, their pursuit
2013. relations managers will be key hiring
of high-calibre professionals means the
priorities, as will payroll specialists.
outlook for 2014 is fairly positive. In order to adapt to increasingly However, the need to harmonise salaries
competitive markets, medical devices will see companies seeking candidates
companies will need to strengthen their skilled in both HR and compensation and
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE teams in 2014. Key hiring targets include benefits. In fact, the pooling and sharing
2013 was a fairly quiet year for technical and scientific professionals of skills could be a common theme for HR
accounting and finance recruitment. specialising in clinical research, R&D, and other sectors in 2014 and beyond.
The recruitment process elongated and quality and regulatory affairs, sales
companies continued to hold out for the and marketing, finance and export.
‘perfect’ candidate, with a blend of skills Biotech companies will also be actively
and experience across internal auditing, recruiting medical directors and business
control and consolidation. managers.
Salaries are likely to
KEY TRENDS remain stable in 2014,
■■ 2013 saw the launch of new innovative projects requiring a range of skills although companies
across R&D, maintenance, IT and Health. may need to offer
■■ It was a quiet year for finance recruitment but companies did hire across bespoke increases if
internal audit, control and consolidation. they want to recruit
■■ HR site managers and labour relations managers will be key hiring priorities in and retain exceptionally
2014. talented individuals.
■■ Across IT, organisations may need to offer higher salaries to recruit and retain
exceptionally talented individuals.
■■ In order to adapt to increasingly competitive markets, medical device
companies will need to strengthen their teams in 2014.
Group Controller 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 80 - 110k 80 - 110k 100 - 150k 100 - 150k
Treasury & Credit Control 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 55 - 80k 55 - 80k 75 - 110k 75 - 110k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
W ithin the
banking sector,
internal opportunities and flexibility to
secure the best talent. Home
working and flexi-time are now standard
a number of workforce expectations, and a strong
regulatory changes company brand and progressive working
came into effect in policies will go a long way to attracting
2013. This led to the right people for key roles. Companies
hiring managers should also act quickly and decisively
actively seeking risk within the recruitment process.
and compliance Employees will be less hesitant as the
specialists who could keep up with the economy picks up, and companies that
shifting skills requirements. spend too long deliberating could lose out
on key candidates.
Engineering and IT were other priority
hiring sectors, with a particular
focus on IT professionals with cloud
computing and digital marketing
experience. These needs will intensify
in 2014 and we’re likely to see larger
businesses and German SMEs investing
in their IT and digital knowledge in the
coming months. Mobile storage and
search engine optimisation (SEO)
will be key priority areas within IT and
20% “
in 2014 will probably accelerate the
movement of people and pay across the Confidence, optimism and
board. Given increased focus on career job opportunities should
development and training by candidates, increase in Germany in
Looking to move jobs hiring managers may need to offer more 2014.
he accounting & finance recruitment education and experience to help them Since then, salaries have largely remained
market started slowly last year. grow internationally and to comply with stable and we don’t expect noticeable
However, things picked up in accounting standards, such as IFRS and changes this year.
quarter two as more international US GAAP.
companies saw potential to develop their Salaries last increased
business in the German market. Whilst In order to attract the best people in 2011 as the economy
businesses are still focused on cost this year, hiring managers will need to
promote training and career paths to
started to recover
management, there should be further
increases in opportunities for accounting potential employees. Being able to offer following the global
professionals as forecasts from economic flexible-working opportunities will also financial crisis; however
institutes create a more positive outlook. give companies the best chance of they have remained
securing the right people – these benefits stable since and we
Despite the overall mood of caution, are increasingly more important than
there is still a shortage of skilled salary packages. In terms of salaries,
don’t expect to see a
accountancy and finance professionals there were increases in 2011 as the rise this year.
in the market. Companies are looking market started to recover following the
for accountants with international global financial crisis.
uarters two and three of 2013 the most opportunities. However, a development. Banks in particular will
were particularly busy for the shortage of these specialists made it need to offer training and development
recruitment of professionals across difficult for hiring managers to secure new opportunities, particularly as salaries
banking & financial services. In particular, staff. We expect both of these trends to are likely to remain stable this year as
there was more activity in Frankfurt as continue this year as banks and financial the country recovers from the economic
it benefited from growth in the global institutions deal with these new regulatory challenges of previous years.
financial markets. The positive mood pressures.
created by more optimistic economic The positive economic
forecasts will continue this year and may Another likely trend is banks and financial outlook has already
result in further restructures, and therefore institutions extending their middle and
an increased need for compliance front office teams in a bid to support
lifted the mood of those
professionals. product sales as they expand their in banking & financial
business. To secure the best people, services - this is
Last year there were a number of hiring managers will need to show likely to bolster the
changes to industry regulations, meaning they can offer short and long-term recruitment market in
professionals with compliance expertise opportunities to potential employees,
and risk management experience found and that there’s room for individual
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
here were steady increases in the for stakeholders. This will make it difficult in company infrastructure. However, we
recruitment of HR professionals for hiring managers to find people with expect them to broadly stay the same
last year, with particular market the right mix of experience, especially this year for most HR generalists. Some
shortages for development and training professionals who can translate the in-demand specialists such as change
managers. There was also a requirement requirements of international businesses managers and transition experts may see
for change management professionals, into local structures. As a result, they rises.
as companies implemented new might need to focus on developing
technologies and looked for individuals existing employees by offering training To secure strong HR
with expertise in transition management programmes, something that may also professionals
and experience of protecting corporate be attractive to potential applicants. The
cultures. traditional HR department will continue
companies will
to transform into a lean service-based need to offer training
As companies restructured their teams function and will require generalists who programmes to ensure
last year, they are now expecting HR can multi-task. HR generalists are
business partners to perform the same skilled in multiple areas.
duties as HR managers, but also Salaries for HR professionals increased
configure and deliver tailor-made solutions slightly in 2013 following developments
VP Human Resources 120 - 160k 120 - 160k 130 - 190k 130 - 190k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he IT sector is experiencing As well as cloud computing and mobile regard to developing their skills. Smaller
rapid growth in Germany, which experts, companies will be searching companies would do well to promote
in turn meant specialists found for general project managers capable of communication training for example, to
new opportunities last year. We expect handling assignments from start to finish. attract skilled people away from bigger
corporate companies to continue Candidates who also have business businesses.
developing their IT departments, and process knowledge will find even more
service providers to offer modified opportunities, as will professionals This year, we will also see a shift away
IT tools in response to technological who combine technical skills with the from companies requiring fluent native
advances. These trends, coupled with a ability to interact successfully with the German-speakers to those with less
more positive economic outlook means business. Hiring managers are likely German speaking knowledge, such as
we expect this upturn in demand for IT to see shortages of skills for well- skilled IT professionals from India or the
professionals to continue. rounded individuals as demand grows. US.
To stand the best chance of securing
Another key area for IT recruitment is them companies should offer personal
in security. This is still a hot topic for development, training and true career
all companies as they focus on new progression.
ways of keeping data secure. In order
to do this, businesses must have good IT professionals will be able to command
IT infrastructures in place and greater higher salaries this year as they become
numbers of specialists will be required in increasingly aware of the demand for
this area. Additionally, cloud computing their skills and companies implement
and mobile technology is growing rapidly, more new technology, particularly mobile.
creating competition for specialists who However, they’ll also expect additional
are able to integrate these services. company benefits, particularly with
Salaries will slightly
KEY TRENDS increase again this year
■■ All companies, but particularly SMEs, will need to offer training, workshops as companies focus
and other non-financial benefits to attract the best people. on implementing and
■■ The IT sector is expected to grow again this year as businesses look to offering new cloud,
implement new technologies, most notably cloud computing and mobile storage and mobile
technology. technologies and require
■■ IT skills and specialist knowledge are becoming more important than fluency experts to help them
in German. achieve this.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ompanies increased their hiring and many moving abroad, companies Overall, salaries are likely to increase
budgets in quarter four of 2012, had to scour the market for the depth slightly this year, and there will be greater
which meant more opportunities of expertise they were looking for. This opportunity to earn more in bonuses as
for sales professionals and key account forced many to recruit junior applicants targets become more achievable in a
managers in particular last year. The need and develop them in-house. There buoyant market.
for sales and marketing professionals were also opportunities for product and
continued to increase in quarters three key account managers as technology With economic
and four when business picked up. With continued to advance. And as companies growth predicted
experts forecasting economic growth this looked to the web to generate more
year, there’s every indication hiring will brand awareness and sales, there was a
this year, companies
continue as companies look to expand. greater need for online marketing experts. will need results-driven
Other benefits such as flexible working sales people to achieve
Online and technology businesses or company cars will be important to healthy targets as
presented most opportunities for good allow smaller businesses in particular to well as marketing
sales people in 2013. However, with an compete as salaries begin to rise.
ageing workforce, reduced numbers professionals to
of people choosing sales as a career promote new products.
A lthough there is
an abundance
of individuals
candidates generally placed greater
emphasis on career development, training
and organisational stability. These factors
with generalist will continue to define employers of
skills in Ireland, in choice in Ireland in 2014.
2013 companies
were looking
for employees
with specialist
capabilities –
specifically compliance, risk and IT skill
expect increased legal and accounting
In order to recruit and
hiring as organisations look for individuals
retain high-calibre
to strengthen their teams following a
individuals, hiring
prolonged period of limited hiring activity.
managers will need to
think beyond salary
Although remuneration played a part in
Looking to move jobs incentives.
attracting high-calibre individuals in 2013,
rofessionally-qualified accountants roles for the first time in five years. Hiring
felt more confident about moving managers will be keen to take on finance
jobs in 2013, securing new business partners as organisations
positions across both industry and hire new staff with a proven ability
financial services. There was renewed to add value from the word go. The
demand for accountants with one to pharmaceutical, IT, FMCG and insurance
three years’ post-qualified experience as sectors are likely to expand at the fastest
organisations strengthened their finance rate. Management and accountants with
teams in response to increased business strong business acumen will be in high
activity – FMCG, IT and pharmaceutical demand for business partnering roles or gain new staff will need to highlight
companies were particularly active. within these areas. Strong management clear career progression plans. In
Meanwhile, most hiring activity in financial accountants will also be sought by fact, promotion prospects will play the
services revolved around management banking and financial institutions, but biggest role in negotiations this year
and financial accountants and internal audit professionals will have the greatest as salaries are likely to remain largely
auditors. Across the board, professionals negotiating power in this sector. We unchanged, despite increased demand
with ‘Big 4’ experience and multinational anticipate that employers will reintroduce for accounting and finance professionals.
audit experience proved especially counter-offers to retain exceptional talent Speed to market will also be crucial when
popular. Domestic and international banks in short supply – especially commercially- advertising new vacancies in order to
also took on contract staff – typically for aware accountants and auditors. secure the best people.
12 to 24 months – to circumvent any
headcount restrictions still in place. As the biggest motivation for job‑movers
is a desire for more training and
In 2014 we expect a further increase in development opportunities, employers
activity, including SMEs creating new looking to retain their best employees
Skilled accounting
KEY TRENDS professionals –
■■ Increased demand for qualified accountants with one to three years’ particularly those with
experience as a result of new business activity. international experience
■■ Within commerce the FMCG, ICT and pharmaceutical sectors generated – will be in high demand
most demand for accountancy and finance professionals. and likely to secure
■■ Management and cost accountants, finance business partners and auditors multiple job offers.
will be most sought-after in 2014.
■■ Companies are likely to make counter-offers for their top employees as staff
retention becomes an increased priority.
■■ Salaries within this sector should remain similar to 2013.
Financial Services
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
here were opportunities across Dublin and regional locations like Cork,
most sectors within banking and Waterford, Galway, Naas and Kilkenny in
financial services in 2013. The 2014.
steadiest growth came from arrears
management as banks and collection There will also be activity within other
companies continued to work with key areas this year. Hiring managers
those in mortgage arrears. In parallel, within arrears management will continue
the necessity for candidates with APA/ to look for qualified professionals at
QFA qualifications was highlighted by the all levels. However, as the supply of
emergence of new qualification providers these professionals is short, employers Across the board, most banking and
across this area in the Dublin market. may need to consider candidates from financial services professionals cite their
different areas of banking. Several main reason for leaving roles as a lack
Hiring activity within the IFSC and IFSC and financial services openings of career progression opportunities –
insurance companies was more will come from aircraft leasing and with some even making lateral moves
subdued, with pockets of demand for risk SPV administration firms, which have where more in-house training is offered.
professionals, transaction accountants, seen significant growth in recent years. As salaries are largely expected to stay
underwriters and actuaries. Fund Meanwhile, the focus for insurance in line with 2013, it is crucial that hiring
administrators also looked to expand providers will be hiring for back office managers clearly outline career paths for
their teams as the hedge fund industry functions – actuaries and risk analytics both prospective and existing employees.
drifted away from the Cayman Islands professionals will be in demand as The only sector likely to experience some
to onshore locations in Europe. Both firms face increased monitoring from uplift in pay is arrears management, with
junior and senior fund accountants had regulators. Hiring managers in this sector many companies having to increase their
opportunities to move employers and will have preference for professionals who offering to compete with rival employers.
this growth will continue both within have completed their insurance exams.
The greatest demand
KEY TRENDS for banking and financial
■■ The necessity for APA/QFA qualified arrears managers is highlighted by the services professionals
emergence of new qualification providers. will come from debt
■■ There will be continued strengthening of the fund administration sector during management companies
2014 and large organisations will continue their expansion plans. and retail banks as the
■■ Salaries will remain in line with 2013 across most specialisms, with some focus continues on
uplift for arrears management professionals. rectifying loan books.
■■ Fund administrators looked to expand their teams as the hedge fund industry
drifted away from the Cayman Islands to onshore locations in Europe.
Asset Management
Fund/Portfolio Manager 65 - 80k 65 - 80k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k 100 - 140k 100 - 130k
Investment/Treasury Operations
Corporate/Commercial Banking
Credit Risk Analyst (Quantitative) 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k
Wealth Management
Private Client Portfolio Manager 48 - 50k 48 - 50k 60 - 75k 60 - 75k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k
Aircraft Leasing
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
Treasury/Cash Management 14 - 18 15 - 17
Fund Administration
Trustee 15 - 19 15 - 19
ASU (Unqualified) 12 - 14 12 - 14
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he job market was active Professionals with technical regulatory In 2013, salaries stayed largely the
throughout 2013 for both expertise, specific product knowledge same with some increases of 5-10%
permanent and contract and strong communication skills will for job-movers. However, the short
compliance professionals – particularly be very popular this year. Individuals supply of compliance professionals
at the junior to mid-level end of financial with funds experience and a legal will require employers to offer more
services. As professionals gained background will be particularly desirable competitive incentives this year, including
confidence to move, replacement hiring for AIFMD-related roles. Data protection higher salaries. In fact, permanent job-
increased. There was also a noticeable professionals will also have a good seekers and contract workers who can
increase in temporary and contract roles command over the market with the onset demonstrate knowledge of a specific
in response to regulatory developments of new EU data protection reforms and sector are likely to receive multiple offers.
in AIFMD, FATCA and AML. We expect Ireland’s continued appeal as a data As job-movers seek better development
that this trend will continue in 2014 as protection centre. We expect replacement opportunities, hiring managers should
the Central Bank of Ireland and other hiring levels to remain strong across consider pairing pay rises with clear
regulatory authorities increase supervisory banking and insurance, particularly in career development.
and reporting requirements, especially relation to conduct of business and
within the banking and funds sectors. prudential compliance.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he IT job market experienced In 2014, an increased focus on As the local market becomes more
quarter-on-quarter growth in 2013 e‑commerce is expected to drive greater competitive, hiring managers will need
as domestic IT organisations and demand for Java, .Net, Spring and Hi- to be open to hiring skilled individuals
foreign companies expanded their teams. bernate developers as well as SharePoint coming from abroad – IT workers from
With more foreign direct investment in and Dynamics specialists within Microsoft southern Europe are increasingly looking
Ireland, there was greater competition Partner organisations. Companies are to Dublin for new opportunities. Speed
for skilled IT professionals and many also showing signs of growing app and to market, offering exposure to new
specialists were in short supply. mobile technology in-house, so experi- technologies and substantial salary
enced mobile developers are unlikely to increases will help employers attract
In particular, the financial services sec- stay on the market for more than a few top talent. We anticipate the biggest
tor required IT experts for a number of days. Other key growth areas will include pay rises will go to the most in-demand
change management projects, outsourc- testing and quality assurance – with more professionals like senior developers and
ing activities and data migration. Skilled companies incorporating online applica- contract project managers.
developers were also required across the tions to test new technologies – along
board as companies tried to stay on top with experienced permanent and short-
of software developments. term project change managers.
Network Engineer CCNA - CCIE 35 - 80k 35 - 90k 250 - 600 250 - 600
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
s economic confidence improved when competition will remain steady for growth in this area. Firms are competing
in 2013, private practice and in- solicitors with banking and insolvency for the same professionals and skills,
house legal teams looked to fill experience. Personal insolvency solicitors which has led to increased candidate
gaps arising from downsizing during the will also remain in demand due to new confidence in terms of moving roles;
downturn. Lawyers with two to five years’ legislation which has recently been this is expected to continue. Across the
post-qualification experience received implemented in this area. Company board, salaries have remained relatively
the most interest – especially those secretaries with ICSA qualifications and stagnant in 2013 and we foresee that this
with commercial litigation, corporate funds experience will continue to be too will remain the case in 2014.
and regulation experience. Solicitors popular.
qualified to handle NAMA-related work Lawyers with two to five
were particularly sought-after. A number As opportunities within the legal sector years’ post-qualification
of in-house opportunities arose within develop, Irish legal professionals working
experience were in
the technology, telecommunications and overseas may show renewed interest
energy sectors, including many openings in opportunities back home. Those in highest demand.
within multinational corporations. the best position to secure work will be
individuals with international banking
This will be a continued trend in 2014 experience as we anticipate significant
Private Practice
Company Secretarial
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
145 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
ottom-line growth was the priority Marketing professionals and digital or car allowance benefits. People with
in 2013 as companies looked specialists will continue to find specialist skills such as data analytics,
for professionals who could help opportunities in 2014. Improved market customer loyalty, insights and social
maximise revenues. Among marketers, confidence means professionals with media will expect the highest pay rises.
brand management, consumer insights strong commercial acumen, good Most professionals are keen to work with
and social media experts were in highest insights into consumer trends and an large global brands, so offering increased
demand. Meanwhile, most openings ability to deliver internal and external exposure to major products will be an
in the sales sector went to junior and communications strategies will be added incentive.
mid-level staff to accommodate the deemed critical to new business growth.
upturn in business activity. Strategic sales Social media specialists who can ensure
professionals with FMCG experience companies use the latest channels to
were also well-received as companies reach target audiences will also perform
tried to build on their relationships with well.
large retailers. The more specialist
the professional the better, with hiring With marketers and sales professionals
managers preferring people who still expressing some uncertainty about
could clearly demonstrate the ability to the market, most people will only consider
implement change in an organisation. permanent positions with salary increases
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ecretarial support candidates will remain scarce in 2014. excellent typing skills to command higher
enjoyed an extremely busy job salaries this year. This year competitive
market throughout 2013. Legal This year, we anticipate growing demand salaries are a key consideration if hiring
secretaries with experience in commercial for support staff and in particular expect managers hope to entice top talent
litigation, personal injuries and medical to see more opportunities for secretarial, in this field. Additional perks such as
negligence were especially sought-after. administration and customer service benefits packages; flexi-time and career
As were bilingual customer services staff across the pharmaceutical, legal progression opportunities will also be
and administration staff within Dublin- and investment sectors. A shortage of useful negotiating tools. We also expect
based customer service centres of large multilingual individuals within customer companies to retain top-quality contract
international organisations – both on a services will lead to skills shortages staff by offering completion bonuses.
temporary and permanent basis. We also – especially for Dutch and German-
saw some key changes for customer speakers. This year, competitive
service staff working within retail banking salaries are a key
as new regulatory developments meant While many salaries remained stagnant
consideration if hiring
APA qualifications were a minimum in 2013, we expect legal secretaries
requirement. Candidates with these with a commercial litigation background, managers hope to entice
qualifications were difficult to source and experience with keyhouse systems and top talent in this field.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
here was a significant increase in openings. The greatest competition will attract the highest-calibre candidates,
openings for senior supply chain be for professionals with experience in highlighting this for both permanent and
and procurement professionals FMCG and pharmaceuticals, and hiring contract staff. In particularly busy sectors
during 2013, with the highest demand managers will have a preference for like pharmaceuticals, employers may
coming from pharmaceutical, logistics candidates with multinational experience need to consider people with experience
and FMCG sectors. Professionals with who can relocate to other geographic outside the industry.
specialist knowledge of transformation locations where necessary.
projects, Six Sigma and lean management To entice highly-skilled
principles were particularly popular with Although most salaries will remain supply chain and
multinational corporations. As Dublin in line with 2013, specialist supply
chain and procurement experts in the
became the chosen hub for European
procurement functions, people with a pharmaceuticals and medical device professionals, hiring
second language were also in demand. industries will command a premium as managers should offer
they fall into increasingly short supply. clear opportunities for
Of the roles coming to market this Given salaries will remain largely static, career progression.
year, there will be a healthy mix of hiring managers should offer clear
newly-created and replacement-based opportunities for career progression to
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Overall, the recruitment market home in Luxembourg with offices invest in workforce training and
in Luxembourg remained stable to staff and roles to fill, boosting education, and wants to open
during 2013. Some commercial recruitment in this area. up its borders to skilled foreign
employers significantly reduced workers to help build the domestic
their staffing numbers, a However, high unemployment knowledge economy.
continuing trend from the past few levels (6.7%) suggest there is
years, although the large banks, pronounced skills mismatch in a
legal firms and audit companies country that continues to create
saw more consistent hiring levels. jobs.
W hile
suffered, along with
positions and German-speaking
professionals. Generally, salaries should
remain stable in 2014, although a lack
Companies and their clients will need to
be ‘clean’ and free of risk, therefore
highly-skilled audit professionals will be
most countries, of local skills may mean companies are needed, as will specialist compliance
from the global willing to pay more for niche positions in staff.
economic crisis, risk and compliance – particularly with
professionals new regulations on the horizon. As new laws mandate increased
continued to information-sharing between European
enjoy a very high COMMERCE & INDUSTRY jurisdictions, there’ll also be more
standard of living demand for data-storage experts. Tax
(with GDP per capita second only to Commerce and industry is highly diverse lawyers will also be required to render
Qatar). With a strong banking sector, in Luxembourg, comprising steel, regulatory services, although finding local
the outlook for 2014 is stable; and with chemicals, rubber and other products. candidates with strong legal education,
China Construction Bank setting up We saw limited change in these areas training and background may be a
its headquarters in the country, there during 2013 and the sector as a whole challenge given existing talent shortages.
is likely to be increased recruitment remains a minor contributor to GDP. One Lawyers are also often reluctant to
in this area. Salaries, however, have major company shifted various staffing move in-house due to the higher salary
not increased - other than through functions to a shared service centre, but incentives paid by law firms, although
mandatory indexation (around 2.5%), elsewhere movement was minimal. Those some welcome alternatives for a better
and aren’t likely to rise in 2014 except companies that were hiring were work/life balance.
for very specialist positions. looking for financial controllers, analysts
and tax specialists. Risk and insurance
BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES managers with a good understanding of
global taxation were also recruitment
With over 2,500 billion assets under targets.
management within the fund industry, and
300 billion assets under management in Some new IT, gaming and e-commerce
banking, the sector as a whole remains companies set up holding companies in
strong. However, in 2015 new regulations 2013, which may increase demand for
will have a major impact on private business and group controllers and legal
banking; it’s proposed all money will need and treasury experts. Languages,
to be registered and all interest will be including French and German, will be
taxed, which will have huge implications critical, but sourcing the necessary
for those who have historically stowed professional skills locally will remain a
their private wealth in Luxembourg. challenge.
Salaries should remain
LEGAL, RISK & COMPLIANCE stable in 2014, although
In 2013 we saw trust companies merging
a lack of local skills may
and forced to work together through
mean companies are
private equity transactions, with more With new transparency rules and anti-
willing to pay more for
new company mergers expected in 2014. money-laundering regulations coming into
niche positions in risk and
This should stimulate recruitment, with a force, legal, risk and compliance will be
strong need for all accounting-related key areas for hiring in 2014 and beyond.
Fund Manager 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 70 - 120k 70 - 120k 120 - 175k 120 - 175k
Estate Planner 50 - 75k 50 - 75k 65 - 100k 65 - 100k 100 - 150k 100 - 150k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Accounting & Reporting Manager 45 - 75k 45 - 75k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Tax Manager/Director 60 - 95k 65 - 95k 100 - 150k 80 - 140k 125 - 175k 100 - 180k
Tax Advisor 65 - 95k 65 - 95k 85 - 125k 85 - 125k 105 - 150k 105 - 130k
Legal Advisor 60 - 95k 60 - 95k 85 - 125k 85 - 125k 110 - 150k 110 - 130k
Risk Manager 65 - 80k 65 - 80k 80 - 105k 80 - 105k 100 - 140k 100 - 140k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
the year,
companies in the
where employment conditions are
favourable. Only when employees see
no opportunity for internal progression
Dutch banking will they move on – so managers should
sector had nominal show willingness to invest in people’s
recruitment needs, careers if they want to hold on to their
with the exception best performers.
of growing demand
for niche skills The same applies when recruiting new
and experience in staff - offering special project experience,
compliance, risk and audit. increased responsibility and international
mobility may help to attract and retain key
Business support personnel and people, who are generally more interested
candidates with foreign languages, in long-term stability and development
especially French, German and more than short-term financial gain.
recently, Scandinavian languages, were
also popular targets for companies
looking to fill customer service roles.
they will probably come in areas where
multilingual skills are required or in In 2014, employees
specialist contract roles. and job-seekers in The
Netherlands will generally
Hiring managers should be aware that be more interested in
employees’ inclination to stay in their long-term stability and
current role is likely to continue in 2014, development rather than
Looking to move jobs particularly for those in specialist roles short-term financial gain.
n Amsterdam the finance recruitment Eindhoven was a different story, with and rewards. This will also be the case in
market followed similar trends to 2012, large differences between recruitment Amsterdam. In Eindhoven, professionals
with stable job levels dominated by by larger corporate clients and SMEs. with Masters degrees will find the most
replacement hiring. However, a number Unlike SMEs, larger corporates put opportunity in the permanent market. To
of companies centralised their accounting dedicated recruitment teams in place for attract the best, hiring managers may
in local centres, which created demand each discipline, including finance, as well want to consider offering longer-term
for professionals with shared services as incentive plans for employees and contracts.
experience. With a focus on external recruiters who proactively approached
markets, companies also looked for potential candidates. We also saw CFOs Salaries remained at 2012 levels in
business control experts. As market stay in their roles for longer due to the both Amsterdam and Eindhoven and
conditions start to improve, we expect uncertainty of the market. However, this we expect this to be the case in the
to see recruitment activity in Amsterdam is changing and senior professionals will permanent market for the next 12
increase. start to look for new roles as confidence months.
grows. Those with a track record of
In Rotterdam, demand for financial effective leadership during times of
staff remained resilient under economic change were the most sought-after.
pressure, with stable activity from the
private sector. Although we did see This year, employment in Rotterdam
permanent and contract opportunities is expected to grow steadily, driven by
decline slightly in the public sector. This companies needing business controllers
year we expect to see the number of and analysts capable of transforming
permanent placements grow at the numbers into commercial data. However,
fastest rate for 24 months. retention will be a key challenge and
companies may be forced to increase pay
Companies are unlikely
KEY TRENDS to offer pay increases
this year, and if they do
■■ As the economy strengthens, we expect to see no increases or minimal pay
these will be limited to
increases of 2-3% in the Netherlands.
around 3%.
■■ Professionals with shared service experience should find opportunities as
more companies centralise their finance functions in local centres.
■■ CFOs and other senior people may start to move as the market improves;
this should create openings at a senior level.
■■ Retaining talent could prove difficult across the board and companies will
need to look at offering pay increases, rewards and training and development
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 156
anking and financial services and are hiring highly-skilled people to
recruitment in the Netherlands was deliver this. This year, there will be a
influenced by extended regulation shortage of generalists who understand
across the sector in 2013. This had a finance, IT and banking operations.
large impact on operations, for both Therefore it will be crucial for companies
multinational banks and insurance to look for potential in individuals who
companies. As a result, professionals may not have strengths or experience in
with regulatory change experience were all three areas. Equally, companies may
fought-over by hiring managers. Another need to think about maximising the skills
key trend last year was a move by of their existing employees and finding
banks and financial institutions towards ways to bring specialists from each
consolidated IT functions as a way to area together rather than expecting one
deliver faster financial reporting. It meant person to know and do everything.
interim specialists with knowledge of
banking operations and compliance faced There was pressure on salaries last
no shortage of opportunity and we expect year as the sector looked to manage
this to be the case this year. operational costs while also responding to
new regulation. We therefore didn’t see a
SMEs, on the other hand looked for rise in salaries for permanent employees
permanent staff, particularly professionals or rates for contractors. This is expected
who demonstrated in-depth experience to be the case this year too, although
of finance and business control. As with there may be exceptions for individuals
larger banks and institutions, SMEs have who can demonstrate they’re adding real
identified the need to offer faster reporting value.
Salaries are expected
KEY TRENDS to remain stable, as
they did in 2013, but
■■ Extended regulation meant there was fierce competition among banks and
top performers will
financial institutions for professionals with regulatory change experience.
be able to command
■■ Last year’s trend for consolidated IT functions will continue, meaning interim higher pay or hourly
IT specialists with banking operations and compliance experience will remain
in demand. rates in some
■■ Hiring managers will increasingly place more importance on a prospective
employee’s concrete results than on overall experience.
■■ To get round the shortage of people with combined IT, banking operations
and finance experience, companies will need to bring together individuals
with these skills.
Head of Compliance 130 - 150k 130 - 150k 150 - 175k 150 - 175k 175 - 200k 175 - 200k
Risk Manager 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 70 - 110k 70 - 110k 110 - 180k 110 - 180k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ifficult economic conditions last It was difficult for hiring managers to to increase as the improved economy
year meant companies continued tempt people away from existing roles gives people more confidence to look for
to look for ways to reduce as employees sought stability rather new opportunities.
operating costs. Redundancies meant than new opportunities and we expect
there was pressure on those who kept the situation to be the same this year. Rates may increase
their jobs to deliver better results and One thing in the employer’s favour is the slightly towards the
companies tried hard to balance reducing surplus of interim professionals, which
end of this year as
their labour costs whilst retaining their top means contract rates should remain
HR performers. stable in the first part of this year. confidence among job-
movers grows in line
Overall, the need for HR professionals The economy as a whole is expected with the improved state
dropped significantly compared to 2012 to improve steadily and this should of the economy.
levels. Where there was a need, it was for encourage companies to start looking
HR generalists and business partners, as for talent development professionals -
well as for learning and development and who will need to focus on retaining top
compensation and benefits professionals. performers. We may also see rates start
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ast year, IT companies in the managers. However, it will be difficult
Netherlands focused their efforts to find these professionals – especially
on gaining greater control of IT directors, business consultants and
management and business information. analysts who can demonstrate how their
This led to openings for professionals with skills have translated into results. When
experience in information management companies did find the right people last
at all levels, from both a business and year, they were willing to pay higher
an IT support perspective. For the same salaries - we anticipate a continuation of
reason, ERP system implementation this trend for at least the next 12 months.
specialists found themselves with a
choice of job opportunities - in both There will also be stiff competition
the interim and permanent markets. As for good interim project managers as
well as demanding specific technical companies react to consistently tight
knowledge, hiring managers asked for budgets and look to balance cost-savings
greater decision-making and strategic with the need to transform business
abilities. models (in line with the changing needs
of the market). For example, more and
Companies also searched for IT more businesses in the retail sector are
professionals who could match their IT looking to create e-commerce solutions
support skills with the ability to partner and as a result they’ll need more people
with the business to achieve company- with information management and digital
wide goals. It’s these professionals we experience.
expect the market to favour this year,
specifically project and programme
When companies did
KEY TRENDS find the right people last
year, they were willing to
■■ The focus on balancing cost-savings with the need to develop information
pay higher salaries - we
management (IM) systems will lead to increased recruitment of IM
professionals. anticipate a continuation
of this trend for at least
■■ Companies in the retail sector will continue to look for e-commerce
professionals as they focus on developing solutions in this area. the next 12 months.
■■ Hiring managers will be very selective when choosing project and programme
managers; looking specifically for those who can prove their skills have
translated into results.
■■ When they find the right people, companies may need to pay higher salaries
to secure them.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he job market for interim finance in demand. Industry, chemicals and permanent jobs. This year will be much
professionals was mixed last logistics companies all sought interim the same, with rates remaining stable,
year. Early in the year demand professionals as they focused heavily on similar to last year. However, with the
came primarily from the food, retail and improving efficiency in production and economy expected to strengthen, there
FMCG sectors, with a particular need supply chain functions. We anticipate this may be more projects starting later in
for business analysts and commercial focus on cost-saving to continue this year, the year, creating an increased need for
controllers with excellent IT tooling and as a result there will be an increasing interim management professionals.
experience. These individuals were need for management information across
in demand as businesses sought to both commercial and operations. This will
understand their market, clients and lead to increased opportunities for sales,
products much more thoroughly during marketing, production and supply chain
uncertain economic times. We expect this professionals alike.
trend to continue this year, with specific
requirements for professionals with With changeable market conditions,
experience in Hyperion, TM1, Clickview we weren’t surprised to see interim
and SAP BPC. professionals looking to move to
permanent roles last year in a search
Further to this, hiring managers will for greater stability. This wasn’t easy,
be highly selective when it comes to and many didn’t succeed as companies
taking on interim professionals for continued to favour applicants from the
projects, creating a market that favours permanent market. In turn, there were
specialists rather than generalists. Later very few new interim professionals joining
in the year though, in quarters three the market last year, with people instead
and four, there was a noticeable shift preferring to concentrate on securing
As the economy
KEY TRENDS begins to recover,
■■ Rates for interim management professionals didn’t increase last year and more projects will
they’re expected to remain stable this year. start and more interim
■■ There are signs the economy will strengthen this year, which means more
professionals will be
projects could be started in quarters three and four, bolstering the interim needed.
recruitment market.
■■ Specialists with specific knowledge of industries, technologies and processes
will continue to find more opportunities than generalists.
■■ An increasing focus on cost-saving and commercial awareness will generate
competition for interim finance professionals who can deliver insights on
gaining efficiencies within sales, production and or supply chain.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
then, we expect salaries to stay stable,
he in-house legal jobs market was
with some professionals even prepared
slow overall in 2013 but we did see
to compromise on salary with a view to
some demand for permanent hires,
investing in their future.
particularly senior-level professionals at
the start of the year. However, the hiring
Private Practice
focus for the rest of the year was on junior
and mid-level legal counsel as companies With clients demanding lower rates as
sought to deal with budget restraints. part of cost-cutting measures, private reduced rates to clients. We expect to
We expect these cost considerations to practices reduced hiring budgets last see more senior people moving to these
continue over the next 12 months. year in a bid to lower their overheads. practices as they grow.
This slowed recruitment and meant hiring
Whilst expansion of teams will remain managers were looking for commercial While salaries will mostly remain stable,
limited, we do expect more companies to lawyers with both legal and client-relation lawyers with specialist expertise in
bring legal functions in-house. This should skills. There was also a focus on recruiting banking and finance, litigation and
create openings for senior staff to move senior people with the ability to bring in insolvency law may be able to command
into, which in turn, will give junior staff new business from day one, something small rises if they decide to move.
opportunities to take their next career that will continue to be the case this year.
step. We also anticipate that those with
contract and corporate law backgrounds The tough economic climate is also
will be in demand. In addition, the creating increased opportunities for
cautious but positive economic forecast boutique practices with lower overheads,
should encourage companies to increase as a result they were in a position to offer
Boutique practice
KEY TRENDS teams should flourish
■■ As in 2013, in-house legal teams will look to grow slowly by taking on junior this year as clients
legal counsel staff as budgets remain tight. demand reduced
■■ More companies will look to create in-house legal teams to cut the costs of
rates from external
using external practices, creating more positions for senior people. providers, or create
in-house teams to cut
■■ Private practices will continue to reduce hiring budgets as they look to cut
overheads to offer the reduced rates that clients continue to demand. costs.
■■ As lower overheads often allow boutique firms to offer clients reduced rates,
they are starting to take market share from larger firms - this could mean
more jobs becoming available in these boutique firms in the year ahead.
Private Practice
US & UK Firms - Associate 45 - 70k 45 - 70k 70 - 105k 70 - 105k 100 - 120k+ 110 - 150k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
any sales and marketing In all other industries, the focus on Pay rates remained stable last year, as
professionals struggled to cost-savings and operational efficiency did on-target earnings (OTE). The only
find opportunities last year as will mean reduced opportunities for noticeable change here was that bonuses
companies focused on cost leadership sales and marketing professionals. It will accounted for 40% of salary, up from
strategies. Interestingly, the technology also make promotion difficult for those 30% in the previous year.
industry – specifically in the mechatronics looking to take their next career step - a
and semi-conductor space – reversed knock-on effect of reduced movement As companies look to
this trend. In these areas, companies in the market. However, there may be balance growth and
focused their efforts on innovation and some interesting developments in retail
operational efficiency,
new products. As a result, they found as companies look to capitalise on the
budget for the recruitment of both consumer trend for shopping online. bonuses will continue
junior and senior sales and marketing This should mean increased opportunity to make up a larger
professionals to promote new products. for e-commerce professionals, as well percentage of the
This trend has shown no signs of slowing as those with search engine advertising overall pay split.
this year and we fully expect to see stiff (SEA) optimisation experience.
competition for these professionals in
Marketing Director 60 - 95k 60 - 90k 80 - 150k 80 - 150k
Marketing Intelligence Manager 55 - 85k 50 - 85k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k
Brand/Category Manager 38 - 50k 35 - 50k 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 65 - 90k 65 - 90k
Merchandising Manager 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k
Trade Marketing Manager 38 - 50k 35 - 50k 53 - 68k 50 - 70k 67 - 85k 65 - 85k
Marcom Online Marketer 35 - 50k 40 - 55k 50 - 70k 55 - 75k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k
Marketing Analyst 35 - 50k 35 -50k 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 65 - 85k 60 - 85k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 166
he tax & treasury recruitment steady flow of replacement openings
market followed the trend of for junior and mid-level cash managers
previous years, with more roles and treasurers in 2014. However, these
coming to market at the start of the year professionals may become increasingly
and tailing off towards the end. Quarters hard to find as cash management
one and two started positively with a specialists tend to move into treasury
slight increase in the number of openings or finance roles and fewer people are
compared with 2012 and as expected coming through at a junior level.
dropping off as the year ended. We
anticipate the same pattern emerging There is every indication that the
again this year. Netherlands will continue to be an
attractive location for head offices and
Despite the drop-off in new roles at holding entities thanks to good holding
the end of last year, we did see some tax rates. With this in mind, there will
replacement hiring, although there were be a need for both junior and senior
still fewer vacancies as professionals tax professionals to staff these offices.
remained cautious about moving in However, hiring managers will struggle
uncertain economic times. Trends were to find enough budget to attract ‘Big
similar in the treasury market. Very few 4’-qualified professionals. When recruiting
senior people looked to move, but for any type of role, hiring managers
this was balanced out by increased should be aware that pay and benefits
movement in middle management. This need to outweigh the risk of moving and
was particularly true of cash managers improve their offers accordingly.
and assistant treasurers, creating a
When recruiting for any
KEY TRENDS type of professional,
hiring managers
■■ Most tax hiring will take place in the early part of the year.
should be aware that
■■ Senior professionals will continue to be cautious about moving, meaning pay and benefits need
junior people will step into these roles, creating some movement in the to outweigh the risk of
moving and improve
■■ Junior and mid-level cash managers and treasurers will find plenty of their offers accordingly.
opportunities this year as this part of the market remains particularly active.
Tax Manager 55 - 80k 55 - 80k 80 - 110k 80 - 110k 110 - 150k 110 - 150k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
L 30%
ast year the predominant hiring trend experience in the exact position they were
saw multilingual customer services, being recruited for, in the same industry.
sales support, sales and order Besides that, businesses also focused on
management professionals in demand. education, personality and how quickly of most workforces
This was due to increasing numbers the prospective employee could start. will be on temporary/
of companies choosing to relocate fixed term contracts
their EMEA offices in the Netherlands Both the inclination towards hiring
because of tax advantages. These offices contractors and the need for multilingual
were busy setting up customer service individuals will continue this year as
and internal sales departments which Amsterdam remains an attractive place
generated new vacancies. Overall, the for companies to establish business
recruitment market was fairly steady but support divisions and teams. While
there was still some doubt over economic rates will largely stay the same this year,
stability, which meant companies excellent multilingual staff may be able to
favoured contractors over permanent command higher rates.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
169 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
s anticipated, market conditions and increasing numbers of temp-to- these flexible candidates are in short
remained consistent in 2013, with perm placements. As companies start supply. Those hiring managers who
stable recruitment levels in the to feel more confident, focusing once recognise this shortage and speed up
finance sector. International companies again on improving their business lines the recruitment process are more likely
established growing numbers of shared and financial processes, they will invest to secure the best available talent. It
service centres (SSCs) in the Netherlands, in the extension of projects which had may also be the case that multilingual
leading to increased requirements for previously been placed on hold. To make professionals will demand higher rates
multilingual contractors. Across the these improvements companies will need as a result, so we’re likely to see slight
market, companies continued to prefer specialists with specific skills. Those with increases on 2013 levels.
hiring contractors as they prioritised specific skills may notice an increase in
workforce flexibility. openings too. As companies compete
for multilingual
This year we are likely to see hiring In summary, there will be increased
managers continue to search for demand for qualified international
professionals with
excellent multilingual professionals with candidates with specific skills who are specific systems
SSC experience. In addition, we expect willing to commit to an organisation for knowledge, rates are
growth in the number of temps on-site longer timeframes. At the same time, likely to increase for the
top performers.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
In the second half of 2013, Spain With minimum salaries becoming and results picked up across
transitioned out of depression more stable and ‘hiring and firing’ the board. Real estate began
into a more optimistic economic rules more flexible, companies to improve slowly and Spain’s
environment. Shifting from an began to abandon the caution that entrepreneurial spirit returned,
extended cycle of unemployment has been the hallmark of Spanish leading many to believe the market
and financial crisis, we witnessed recruitment in recent years. will improve this year.
positive change ushered in In addition, with the financial
by strong reforms and new markets putting more money
employment laws. into the country, performance
I n order to maintain
companies will
however, we expect salaries to remain
stable and consistent with 2013.
there will still be major demand for offline
positions and personnel. In line with
these market changes, hiring managers
need strong ENGINEERING will need to target creative online
leadership professionals who can think ‘outside
in 2014. Key The engineering sector picked up in the box’. With the Spanish economy
sectors, including 2013 as leading national companies in recovery mode, companies need to
technology, expanded their activities overseas. play catch-up with online developments
IT, telecoms, We saw renewable energy and oil and may struggle to find skilled online
engineering, retail and gas projects being developed in business managers from the domestic
and online, will require new skills in all emerging economies, plus an increase workforce. Sales and marketing salaries
areas. Talent management will therefore in international rail and aeronautical are likely to remain stable in 2014, with
be vital to entice people into new programmes. Engineering companies more weight given to specific rewards for
positions. Companies should be aware therefore needed skilled professionals to individual performance.
that, as conditions improve, employees help execute these projects abroad, and
are likely to press for change in salaries people to help build up their business INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
and working arrangements. development teams at home.
From spring onward confidence and
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE Similar demand is expected in 2014. optimism picked up in the Spanish
For international roles, applicants with market, leading many to believe 2014 will
In the early part of 2013, we saw specialist engineering and language be a strong year for IT recruitment. Cloud
accounting and finance positions skills will be required. Oil and gas and computing and mobile will be the main
decrease significantly as companies power generation experts will also focus areas, while business intelligence
outsourced their finance functions to be key recruitment targets, but hiring and ‘big data’ will continue to play a
shared service centres. Hiring therefore managers will need to be proactive in major role in market recovery. Companies
focused on senior professionals involved their efforts to secure top talent and may will be seeking professionals with a
in day-to-day business operations, have to increase salaries for quality and mixture of technology and business skills,
such as finance managers and finance experience. although there’ll be fierce competition
business partners. However, during the for their signatures. Cloud computing
second half of the year, companies began SALES & MARKETING experts, and those with knowledge of ‘the
to build up their teams with specialist internet of things’, will be in high demand
finance professionals. In 2013, sales and marketing and very short supply. Hiring managers
departments continued to undergo will need to fight for top-tier employees
These trends are likely to continue in a major transition to online channels. and can expect wage demands to
2014, with sales controller and financial There was a need for new, innovative increase.
controller roles becoming increasingly sales and marketing professionals to
important to companies looking to enhance profitability, and for people
As the economy
grow. Applicants with five to ten years’ who could help facilitate transformation.
improves, employees are
experience will be targeted in particular E‑commerce managers, online business
likely to press for change
and hiring managers may need to push managers, SEO specialists and digital
in salaries and working
up salary bands given the anticipated marketing experts will be critical to
competition for these roles. Generally, companies expanding in this area. But
*NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Commissioning Manager 75 - 85k 75 - 85k 90 - 120k 100 - 120k 120 - 160k 120 - 140k
Intl Construction Manager 70 - 80k 75 - 85k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k 100 - 120k 100 - 120k
Business Development Manager 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 60 - 80k 70 - 90k 85 - 95k 100 - 120k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
173 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
*NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
*NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 174
The Swiss market remained more open to taking on new roles lists, as were those with
relatively stable during 2013. As in new organisations, and a mood international experience, IT,
expected, there was a slight trend of cautious optimism prevailed accounting and analytical skills.
towards growth and recovery among those recruiting and With teams getting smaller in
which is set to continue in 2014, those looking for fresh most areas, employees with a
despite the continued move opportunities. broad range of knowledge and
towards ‘offshore’ shared service skills were also popular hiring
centres for certain roles and Succession planning was a key targets, along with those who
functions. focus for Swiss companies in could help push businesses
2013. In particular, professionals forward in line with growing market
With confidence returning, with five to eight years’ experience confidence.
employees in Switzerland were were top of hiring managers’ wish-
I n 2014 we’re
likely to see a
greater need for
considerably – by up to 50% in some
cases. This is something hiring managers
will need to keep an eye on in 2014,
premium and will continue to be so in
2014. With banks equipping themselves
to deal with fraud and integrity issues,
niche capabilities particularly as companies look to develop and as conditions in Europe improve
in banking. global accounting systems which are generally, we expect to see a continuing
Additionally, best delivered via shared service offices recovery and hiring growth in the year
ongoing regulatory in low-income countries. Looking ahead, ahead.
pressures mean an we’re likely to see companies seeking to
increasing number hire employees with broad experience 2014 is tipped to be the year when
of companies will and know-how that can be applied in a companies come out of ‘downturn mode’
require compliance, risk and audit number of areas. Wanting more value in Switzerland, and we expect hiring
expertise. However finding the right from their staff, companies will prioritise managers to start taking more calculated
candidates in these areas won’t be an professionals with cross-functional skill risks – for example, recruiting people not
easy task. Although the general Swiss sets and multi-tasking potential – for only to fill gaps but to increase headcount
workforce is skilled, these specialist example, finance specialists with IT and and push business forward. Banks are
skills will remain scarce in the year foreign language capabilities. also likely to pay more for top-quality
ahead. employees in 2014, and we expect to
Despite the preference for local hiring, see salaries rise as the specialist skills
The trend for hiring people locally is also strong applicants from Germany and shortage continues.
likely to continue, given the risk and cost other countries will continue to restrict
associated with bringing people in from salary movements. Companies are likely
overseas, not to mention the complexities to opt for employees with lower pay
of visa applications. Salaries, meanwhile, expectations than those in Switzerland,
may see a slight increase in 2014 particularly if they offer skills (for example
having been stable in 2013 (except in in tax) that are hard to find in the
compliance and financial services, where domestic market. Meanwhile, in order to
they went up slightly). attract top talent, hiring managers should
consider speeding up their recruitment
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE processes and promoting long-term
stability and career development as major
The Swiss accounting and finance (AF) differentiators.
market was fairly steady in 2013, although
offshoring hit businesses and recruitment BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES
hard in places. In an effort to lower costs
and increase efficiencies, companies Quiet for most of the year, the banking
continued to shift their accounting and financial services market picked up in
functions to shared service centres in Switzerland during the summer. With the
Eastern Europe, meaning there was less era of Swiss banking secrecy coming to 2014 is tipped to be
need for these roles in Switzerland. Some an end, many banks began restructuring the year when Swiss
of the major companies, many of which and putting robust transparency companies come out of
have traditionally drawn heavily from the measures in place. As a result, risk, audit ‘downturn mode’.
local workforce, reduced their AF teams and compliance specialists were at a
Chief Financial Officer 150 - 180k 150 - 180k 140 - 250k 140 - 250k 250 - 400k 250 - 400k
Finance Manager 120 - 160k 120 - 160k 140 - 200k 140 - 200k 180 - 250k 180 - 250k
Group Controller 110 - 150k 110 - 150k 140 - 190k 140 - 190k 160 - 250k 160 - 250k
Financial Controller 110 - 150k 110 - 150k 120 - 180k 120 - 180k 150 - 250k 150 - 250k
Accounting Manager 100 - 140k 100 - 140k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k 190 - 200k 190 - 200k
Chief Accountant 100 - 130k 100 - 130k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k 140 - 200k 140 - 200k
Accountant 80 - 100k 80 - 100k 100 - 125k 100 - 125k 120 - 140k 120 - 140k
Audit Manager 130 - 160k 130 - 160k 150 - 180k 150 - 180k 160 - 220k 160 - 220k
Auditor 100 - 130k 100 - 130k 110 - 150k 110 - 150k 140 - 180k 140 - 180k
Business Process Manager 100 - 140k 100 - 140k 130 - 170k 130 - 170k 160 - 220k 160 - 220k
Financial Analyst 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 100 - 130k 100 - 130k 120 - 140k 120 - 140k
Head of Tax 180 - 230k 180 - 230k 200 - 240k 200 - 240k 240 - 300k 240 - 300k
Tax Manager 150 - 180k 150 - 180k 160 - 200k 160 - 200k 200 - 250k 200 - 250k
Tax Specialist (VAT, TP) 120 - 150k 120 - 150k 130 - 160k 130 - 160k 150 - 180k 150 - 180k
Head of Treasury 180 - 240k 180 - 240k 200 - 240k 200 - 240k 230 - 300k 230 - 300k
Treasury Manager 130 - 160k 130 - 160k 160 - 200k 160 - 200k 220 - 280k 220 - 280k
Credit Manager 110 - 140k 110 - 140k 125 - 160k 125 - 160k 150 - 180k 150 - 180k
Cash Manager 100 - 130k 100 - 130k 120 - 150k 120 - 150k 140 - 180k 140 - 180k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Corporate Functions
Chief Financial Officer 140 - 200k 140 - 200k 180 - 310k 180 - 310k
Chief Operating Officer 140 - 200k 140 - 200k 180 - 310k 180 - 310k
Financial Controller 80 - 140k 80 - 120k 130 - 180k 130 - 180k 160 - 220k 160 - 220k
Risk Manager 100 - 140k 110 - 140k 130 - 200k 130 - 180k 160 - 290k 160 - 290k
Sales/Trader 100 - 150k 100 - 130k 130 - 180k 120 - 160k 160 - 300k 160 - 250k
Sell Side Analyst 120 - 180k 120 - 160k 130 - 190k 130 - 190k 170 - 260k 170 - 260k
Operations/Back/Middle Office 90 - 130k 85 - 120k 110 - 170k 110 - 130k 160 - 280k 130 - 170k
Relationship Manager/Private 100 - 160k 120 - 150k 130 - 180k 150 - 180k 170 - 280k 180 - 250k
Client Advisor 110 - 150k 110 - 140k 130 - 170k 130 - 170k 160 - 260k 160 - 260k
Private Banking Assistant 70 - 110k 70 - 100k 85 - 120k 85 - 110k 100 - 130k 95 - 110k
Portfolio Manager 100 - 160k 100 - 130k 150 - 200k 130 - 180k 170 - 300k 180 - 250k
Buy-side Analyst 100 - 150k 100 - 140k 120 - 170k 120 - 170k 150 - 220k 150 - 220k
Quantitative Analyst 100 - 140k 100 - 130k 130 - 180k 130 - 180k 160 - 240k 160 - 230k
Buy-side Trader/Dealer 100 - 130k 100 - 120k 120 - 160k 120 - 150k 140 - 180k 140 - 180k
Sales Asset Management 110 - 140k 110 - 140k 130 - 170k 130 - 170k 150 - 220k 150 - 220k
Compliance Officer 120 - 140k 110 - 140k 140 - 200k 140 - 180k 200 - 250k 200 - 270k
Fund Lawyer 100 - 120k 100 - 120k 110 - 170k 110 - 170k 130 - 200k 130 - 200k
Legal Counsel 110 - 150k 120 - 150k 130 - 190k 150 - 190k 180 - 390k 200 - 300k
Underwriter 100 - 140k 100 - 140k 130 - 180k 130 - 180k 160 - 230k 160 - 230k
Actuary 100 - 140k 100 - 140k 130 - 160k 130 - 160k 150 - 140k 160 - 220k
ALM/Risk Reserving 100 - 140k 100 - 140k 140 - 180k 140 - 180k 160 - 200k 160 - 200k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 178
2013 was a slow year in Brazil with just over
2% GDP growth.
M anagement
skills remained
scarce during 2013.
currency, which depreciated against the
US dollar and the Euro in 2013.
Generally, employees will accept smaller
Salaries will shift in line
salary increases to move now than in
the past, as career growth, sustainability with inflation with 8%
and international mobility become more rises for those staying in
compelling considerations. People are existing roles and 15-20%
Looking to move jobs also keeping a close eye on the Brazilian for those moving jobs.
onsolidation was a major theme for as the Campo de Libra oil fields are up the recruitment process to prevent
most companies in Rio de Janeiro explored. Many multinationals are competitors from securing talent first. As
in 2013, but sectors including building back-office teams and roles in with last year, salaries will rise 7-9% in line
pharmaceuticals and infrastructure demand include: senior accountants, tax with inflation, but roles in the oil and gas
did recruit key posts throughout the managers with tax benefits experience, and energy sectors may command more
year. The forthcoming World Cup also FP&A specialists and treasury managers, throughout the year.
increased hiring activity. Companies especially if they have international
in the oil and gas, mining, energy and experience and English language skills. Salaries will rise 7-9%
telecommunications sectors did reduce in line with inflation,
headcount overall but then recruited The tough conditions in the recruitment but roles in the oil and
top-level specialists, focusing on getting market over the last two years have
more value from fewer people as a way to hit job-movers’ confidence. As a result gas and energy sectors
manage costs. they’re now keen on opportunities may command more
for career development and gaining throughout the year.
This year we expect the market recovery international exposure. Hiring managers
to begin. Oil and gas and infrastructure should highlight these extra benefits to
opportunities (and salaries) will increase potential employees, and also speed
Finance & Administrative Manager 120 - 180k 150 - 240k 160 - 270k 175 - 340k
Business Controller 130 - 200k 150 - 230k 160 - 320k 185 - 360k
FP&A Manager 110 - 180k 140 - 210k 160 - 280k 195 - 305k
Treasury Manager 130 - 200k 160 - 225k 180 - 300k 195 - 315k
Accounting Manager 110 - 160k 120 - 195k 130 - 250k 160 - 270k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
t was a mixed year for recruitment in This year will see some critical changes With so many interesting projects about
Brazil’s engineering sector. Although for Rio de Janeiro. Petrobrás alone is to begin, hiring managers will really have
the economy was volatile there was investing US $147 billion in exploration to ‘sell’ and clearly explain their projects
still hiring activity in many areas such as and production over the next five years, to job-movers, especially as the economic
energy, oil & gas, property & construction, and local policy means 60-70% of this will downturn and stock volatility meant
telecommunications and mining. be ring-fenced for ‘domestic suppliers’. salaries did not reach their expected
target in 2013 and bonuses were not paid
However, the biggest surprise came Hiring managers will be looking for out. Without salary increments to attract
from the president of OGX group, who senior mechanical, process and quality and retain people, hiring managers will
dramatically fell from being the world’s engineers. The Campo de Libra oil field need to clearly map out career paths and
fifth richest person to a sub-billionaire in exploration will require extremely qualified offer opportunities such as MBAs and
only nine months. Eike Batista’s group engineers due to complex geography international experience to attract the
declared a judicial settlement with OGX and environmental concerns and we highest-calibre candidates.
and OSX, which spooked investors and anticipate increased competition among
prevented the development of strategic employers for specialist engineers,
projects as well as recruitment. geophysicists, geologists and architects.
Company Man 213 - 335k 225 - 360k 260 - 460k 275 - 485k 400 - 600k 430 - 620k
QHSE Manager 130 - 265k 150 - 280k 210 - 330k 235 - 340k 270 - 400k 275 - 415k
Geophysical 120 - 240k 135 - 265k 210 - 330k 235 - 345k 265 - 400k 275 - 425k
Project Manager 100 - 210k 110 - 230k 200 - 240k 220 - 255k 200 - 300k 220 - 315k
Engineer (Naval, Directional, Fluids, Subsea, Production) 100 - 213k 110 - 230k 170 - 290k 180 - 305k 270 - 600k 300 - 615k
Maintenance Engineer 100 - 200k 120 - 215k 160 - 240k 175 - 255k 175 - 280k 180 -310k
Supply Chain Manager 190 - 270k 210 - 290k 265 - 340k 285 - 365k 302 - 400k 325 - 430k
Operations Director 225 - 290k 245 - 310k 270 - 320k 290 - 345k 285 - 415k 305 - 445k
Procurement Manager 145 - 190k 150 - 205k 180 - 225k 195 - 240k 218 - 302k 235 - 325k
Construction Manager 130 - 180k 135 - 190k 165 - 242k 180 - 260k 228 - 372k 245 - 400k
Real Estate Manager 130 - 190k 140 - 205k 170 - 256k 185 - 275k 190 - 320k 205 - 340k
Project Manager 125 - 177k 135 - 190k 167 - 242k 180 - 260k 200 - 280k 215 - 300k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he recruitment market in accounting will also be demand for strategic-thinking recommend that hiring managers also
and finance in 2013 was marked professionals with a macro view of the offer training, study opportunities and
by three strong quarters followed business, to reinforce accounting, cost international exchanges to attract and
by deceleration at the end of the year, and control areas. Specific technical retain talent. Giving staff involvement in
mainly due to uncertainty surrounding the expertise such as industrial costs and the decision-making process and defined
potential business impact of the coming financial planning will be needed, and challenges for professional growth will
World Cup in June, the presidential there will be a particular call for people also be key retention tools when salary
elections in October and the late carnival with backgrounds in industries such as rises are not available.
in March. This inconsistent financial agribusiness, luxury goods, consumer
forecast meant organisations were goods and retail in general. English and Salaries in 2013 did not
cautious about recruiting long-term other foreign language skills will also help change significantly,
positions in late 2013. set applicants apart.
aside from the annual
This year hiring managers will be Salaries in 2013 did not change federal mandate of 8%
looking for people with a combination significantly, aside from the annual federal wage increases – we
of strong technical capabilities and mandate of 8% wage increases. We expect the same this
exceptional team-building skills. There expect the same this year. As a result we year.
Chief Financial Officer 330 - 520k 335 - 530k 440 - 650k 450 - 655k
Finance & Admin Manager 125 - 180k 130 - 200k 140 - 225k 160 - 238k
Head of Controlling 170 - 260k 185 - 270k 215 - 330k 220 - 340k 270 - 400k 285 - 420k
Business Controller 110 - 160k 115 - 170k 130 - 220k 140 - 230k 175 - 280k 180 - 300k
Cost Controller 110 - 130k 120 - 140k 120 - 180k 130 - 195k 150 - 220k 160 - 240k
FP&A Manager 115 - 200k 125 - 215k 160 - 240k 170 - 260k 210 - 340k 225 - 355k
Treasury Manager 160 - 250k 170 - 260k 180 - 290k 190 - 310k 220 - 365k 230 - 380k
Accounting Manager 110 - 160k 120 - 175k 130 - 220k 140 - 240k 135 - 280k 145 - 300k
Internal Audit Manager 100 - 150k 110 - 160k 120 - 200k 125 - 210k 135 - 250k 145 - 270k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n 2013 recruitment was driven by the and a good balance of strategy and Salaries are not likely to increase beyond
reaction to 2012’s economic crisis delivery skills – these candidates will be in the 7-8% rise in inflation this year so
– positions and assignments that short supply, however. organisations that can offer a clear career
had been put on hold were available path and training and development
again and there was an active market, The World Cup in June and presidential programmes will secure the best
especially for sales managers, key elections in October will create short- professionals.
account managers and marketing term vacancies in linked sectors such as
managers. Later in the year however, a tourism, consumer goods and across In 2014 we expect a
downward sales forecast linked to the media – particularly as businesses steady increase in
continuing decrease of Brazilian GDP increase advertising surrounding the
slowed down recruitment for sales and election – but this will affect recruitment
demand for key sales
even more so for marketing. in sectors such as infrastructure as professionals who can
resources get diverted away from other effectively develop new
In 2014 we expect a steady increase in ongoing projects. Overall, people who business.
demand for key sales professionals who can add value and understand the whole
can effectively develop new business. business will be preferred. Social media
Employers will be looking for core skills and English language skills will be key
but also analytical skills, business acumen too.
General Manager 250 - 305k 270 - 330k 290 - 375k 324 - 410k 360 - 570k 385 - 635k
Sales Director 200 - 280k 200 - 285k 255 - 340k 275 - 360k 300 - 450k 310 - 470k
National Sales Manager 150 - 210k 160 - 220k 170 - 255k 184 - 275k 225 - 300k 243 - 324k
Technical Sales Manager 135 - 170k 140 - 180k 155 - 255k 165 - 270k 245 - 350k 255 - 370k
New Bus Development Manager 95 - 135k 110 - 150k 110 - 170k 120 - 190k 155 - 245k 170 - 270k
Key Account Manager 110 - 140k 110 - 140k 135 - 180k 135 - 185k 180 - 250k 180 - 250k
Marketing Director 185 - 250k 195 - 260k 215 - 310k 225 - 325k 270 - 370k 285 - 385k
Digital Marketing Manager 115 - 150k 125 - 160k 140 - 190k 150 - 200k 190 - 250k 205 - 280k
Trade Marketing Manager 130 - 165k 130 - 170k 145 - 210k 150 - 220k 195 - 300k 205 - 305k
Marketing & Pricing Director 145 - 190k 157 - 200k 180 - 265k 190 - 275k 235 - 320k 240 - 336k
Market Research Manager 90 - 140k 95 - 150k 115 - 160k 110 - 170k 135 - 215k 145 - 220k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n 2013 Brazil’s economy began to This year legal compliance managers will
grow again. In private practice, there be in demand because of global cost
was strong demand for associate-level pressure and the need for corporate
lawyers and senior lawyers in corporate, transparency – but people with a legal
mergers and acquisitions, intellectual academic background are rare. Tax
property and tax roles. In-house lawyers co‑ordinators, managers and legal
were needed to fill vacancies left by co‑ordinators will also be popular, but
retirement and restructuring. we do not expect tax or legal divisions to
offer new roles.
The biggest development though was As salaries will only increase 7-8% in line
the Brazilian Bar Association’s decision In addition, tax, intellectual property and with inflation, applicants will put more
that international law firms had to partner corporate law specialists who are fluent in emphasis on training and development.
with established local firms in Brazil. This English will also be in short supply, mainly
motivated lawyers to look for secure across regulatory segments, infrastructure,
new opportunities within legal firms and oil & gas, agribusiness and fast-moving
in‑house rather than in international firms. consumer goods.
The Brazilian Bar
KEY TRENDS Association’s decision
■■ In private practice, there was strong demand for associate level lawyers and that international law
senior lawyers in corporate mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property firms should partner
and tax roles. with local firms
■■ The changes by the Brazilian Bar Association motivated lawyers to look for motivated lawyers to
new local opportunities. look for roles within
■■ This year, legal compliance managers will be in demand because of global
local firms.
cost pressure.
Tax Director 250 - 360k 267 - 385k 280 - 490k 300 - 530k
Tax Manager 100 - 210k 108 - 225k 150 - 220k 160 - 235k 190 - 320k 205 - 345k
Tax Planning Manager 130 - 220k 140 - 230k 170 - 260k 184 - 280k 230 - 380k 245 - 390k
Legal Director 250 - 380k 270 - 410k 320 - 480k 340 - 510k
Legal Manager 100 - 190k 108 - 205k 135 - 260k 145 - 280k 190 - 350k 205 - 378k
Associate Lawyer 85 - 140k 90 - 150k 110 - 170k 120 - 185k 150 - 230k 165 - 250k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
made a comeback in 2013 - with most big thing’ is more important than base
companies fighting to keep their star salaries for this dynamic workforce.
players on board.
Looking to move jobs
he recruitment market for in publishing, entertainment and music Salaries will increase again this year with
accountancy and finance companies. the very best professionals commanding
professionals across commerce a premium – salary rises are still a primary
was extremely buoyant in 2013. This This year, New York’s digital media and motivator for professionals moving jobs.
was particularly evident across the media technology organizations will continue to Prospective employers will also need to
and technology, consumer products and grow. Hiring managers will specifically be be mindful that the best candidates may
manufacturing industries. looking for operations-focused finance very well receive counter-offers in efforts
professionals to help with strategic to retain them.
More specifically, within media, the planning, especially those with financial
digital economy generated a number planning and analysis experience. Digital and technology
of new finance and accounting roles Employers will also be looking for audit firms will continue to
within start-up organizations, further and tax professionals from ‘Big 4’ firms
bolstering the market. However, as a – but they will need to pay well above drive recruitment
result of the growing shift to online in market rates to secure top talent due to across a range of
the wider economy, accountancy and high demand from organizations across finance positions this
finance recruitment activity decreased multiple industries. year.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he recruitment market for demand for accounting and finance
accountants within financial services professionals in the city – favouring
was challenging in 2013. Although those with the flexibility to work in other
equity markets did fairly well in the US, locations.
other markets – notably fixed income,
currencies and commodities – suffered This year, experienced finance
midway through the year. The ongoing professionals with project management
regulatory burden meant professionals experience will be in particularly strong
with regulatory expertise were in demand demand. With many larger firms filling
across the board, but this increased vacancies in 2013, new openings are reporting and internal audit.
pressure on costs affected recruitment in likely to come from smaller brokers,
other areas. dealers and regional banks lagging As in 2013, we expect salaries in the
behind in their compliance with new sector to rise by a further 3-5% this year
The expense of having employees based regulation. Financial services firms will but work/life balance, job satisfaction and
in New York City caused many firms continue to demand accountants with career planning are just as important for
to outsource to nearshore or offshore proven regulatory experience and strong recruiting and retaining talented people.
locations last year. This lowered the knowledge of accounting policy, financial
Finance professionals
KEY TRENDS with project
■■ Ongoing regulatory burden meant professionals with expertise in this area management
were in demand across the board. experience, and those
■■ Many firms outsourced their accounting and finance functions to nearshore or who can be flexible
offshore locations last year. over location, will be in
■■ Experienced finance professionals with project management experience will strongest demand this
be in particularly strong demand this year.
■■ Financial services firms will continue to demand accountants with proven
regulatory experience and strong knowledge of accounting policy, financial
reporting and internal audit.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he banking operations recruitment as companies seek to cut costs and of quality skill sets is definitely reducing.
market remained challenging in improve processes in parallel. Candidate As with last year, salaries will not rise
2013. Many operational functions shortages for specialist regulatory roles dramatically – but roles in areas such as
were nearshored to less expensive will no longer be quite so acute as regulation and control will still command a
locations elsewhere in the US or increasing numbers of professionals gain premium.
offshored to other regions – Asia was experience in Dodd Frank and other new
a popular choice. This in turn caused a requirements. Project and change
drop in recruitment for settlements, trade management
support and other functions. Conversely, Over the past year, many companies lost
experience will be in
as companies broadened their areas of out on excellent candidates due to long
expertise, for example branching into and challenging approval processes. In demand at all levels of
operational risk and control, there were order to successfully secure candidates seniority.
pockets of hiring activity. in 2014, hiring managers will need to
ensure they can make offers as quickly as
This year, project and change possible so they remain competitive in the
management experience will be in market. There are many candidates still
demand at both junior and senior levels available and looking, however, the pool
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
t was a busy year for both legal and This year, we expect the same trends
compliance recruitment during 2013. to continue as firms rebuild stronger
Dodd-Frank regulation, increased legal and compliance teams. There will
scrutiny by government agencies, be particular demand for attorneys in
controversial trading practices and investment management with compliance
ineffective risk and internal controls all backgrounds and experience dealing with
impacted the financial services industry. the SEC. Also, swap dealers and futures
Overall, this increased the need for compliance officers will be very much
compliance officers in futures and in demand – we could even see talent
derivatives compliance, AML, compliance shortages here. In order to recruit the best talent in
testing/audit, trading compliance, mutual this more competitive market, hiring
fund and hedge fund compliance. Although the compliance and legal managers will need to focus on a broader
job market was robust last year, range of benefits – rather than relying on
Recruitment of attorneys in financial compensation levels did not change brand alone. Offering clear promotion
services was strong overall. Across other much from 2012 as firms sought to opportunities, training and the potential to
industries, there was steady demand strengthen teams with conservative hiring quickly take on additional responsibilities
for lawyers with broad commercial and budgets. This year, cost management will help companies hire key talent. In
corporate backgrounds. Attorneys with will be balanced by firms’ desire to addition, any firms still running lengthy
privacy and anti-corruption experience will grow their teams and meet regulatory recruitment processes may lose out on
also continue to be highly sought-after. demands. Therefore, salaries will remain talented applicants to competitors.
In private practice, recruitment steadily stable overall and we anticipate that
increased as law firms added attorneys professionals may receive multiple job
to teams that had operated on a leaner offers – increasing pressure on salaries.
basis since the financial crisis.
Salaries will remain
KEY TRENDS stable overall and we
■■ Legislation, enforcement actions, increased government scrutiny and anticipate that
ineffective risk and internal controls continued to impact the financial services professionals may
industry in 2013. receive multiple job
■■ Within the investment management space, attorneys with experience dealing offers – increasing
with the SEC will be in high demand.
pressure on salaries.
■■ Attorneys with broad legal backgrounds will be in high demand as in-house
legal departments seek one person with knowledge across several legal
■■ Specialist attorneys with privacy and anti-corruption experience will continue
to be highly sought-after.
■■ Swap dealer and futures compliance officers will be very much in demand,
and as a result may be hard to come by this year.
Private Practice Associate 150 - 210k 160 - 210k 210 - 280k 210 - 280k 280 - 290k+ 280 - 290k
In-house Attorney - Financial Services 130 - 200k 130 - 200k 200 - 250k 200 - 250k 250 - 300k+ 250k - 300k+
In-house Attorney - Commerce 100 - 180k 100 - 180k 180 - 230k 180k - 230k 230 - 270k+ 230 - 270k+
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
Investment Banking
Financial Services
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
T 5-10%
he recruitment market in 2013 rise in many areas. Quantitative risk
grew very steadily as the year professionals with backgrounds in credit
progressed. Overall, government risk modeling and model validation will
regulations such as Basel 2.5/3, Dodd be in high demand because of increasing Salary increases seen in 2013
Frank and CCAR had a huge impact, regulation – some banks are lagging
and firms had mandates to grow their behind in their compliance and will need
risk management and quantitative teams. help in the first half of this year. Similarly, Salaries increased by 5-10% in 2013 and
Investment banks recruited a significant people with Basel, CCAR and Dodd are expected to rise again this year. As
number of quantitative and regulatory risk Frank expertise will be near the top of the job-movers find more opportunities, the
professionals, but they struggled to hire list but difficult to source. pressure will be on employers to increase
specialist regulatory risk or risk modeling salaries in order to retain talented people.
professionals as the talent pool was so As the US economy improves and
small. interest rates rise, banks are hopeful that
fixed income revenues will rise too and
Elsewhere, many banks experienced a risk management and quantitative teams
drop in fixed-income trading volumes that have been restricted may finally get
which tempered recruitment in some approval to grow headcount.
risk management and quantitative areas,
and a number of non-business facing Overall, the market has improved since
roles were offshored to places like India, the financial crisis and many professionals
which halted growth within many financial are being pursued by several firms at
institutions. once. To stand the best chance of hiring
in this climate, we recommend that hiring
This year recruitment will continue to managers are decisive when recruiting.
Overall the market has
KEY TRENDS improved since the
■■ Government regulations were a huge issue and firms have mandates to grow financial crisis and
risk management and quantitative teams. many professionals are
■■ The offshoring of some non-business-facing roles halted growth at many being pursued by
financial institutions. several firms at once.
■■ Regulatory risk roles will be in high demand in the first half of the year.
■■ Professionals with Basel, CCAR and Dodd Frank expertise will be top of hiring
managers’ wish lists this year.
3 - 6 YRS’ EXP
2013 2014
Market Risk
Credit Risk
Quantitative Risk
Operational Risk
NB: Figures are total compensation numbers including bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ales and marketing recruitment in the digital and technology sectors. Within the start-up and SME area, offering
increased significantly in 2013, Hiring managers will be looking for the right incentives – a competitive base
with developments in digital business development and product salary and the opportunity to progress
media and mobile technology strongly marketing professionals as companies careers upwards – will greatly assist with
to the fore, as well as improved activity innovate to stay ahead of the competition. the hiring process. The market is growing
within the manufacturing sector. As Quantitative and marketing analytical fast so hiring managers will need to move
companies looked to grow in this ever- skills will be vital in pursuit of this goal but more quickly to secure the best people.
changing environment, high value was difficult to find as this is a still-developing
placed on the recruitment of talented niche area. This year the most
sales and marketing professionals. The competitive salaries will
other key recruitment driver in 2013 Salaries in 2013 increased, especially
in fast-growing organizations looking
be offered by companies
was an overwhelming need across the
digital industry for analytically-driven to differentiate themselves and recruit looking to aggressively
professionals to interpret ‘Big Data’. the best talent – and this year the expand or go public.
most competitive salaries will be within
This year there will also be increased companies looking to aggressively
recruitment across start-ups and SMEs expand or float on the stock market.
2013 2014
Vice President Marketing 180 - 250k 180 - 250k
Communications Manager 80 - 100k 80 - 100k
Marketing Director 125 - 200k 150 - 225k
Marketing Manager 95 - 145k 100 - 150k
Public Relations Manager 75 - 120k 75 - 135k
Product Marketing Manager/Director 120 - 185k 120 - 185k
Vice President Sales 180 - 250k 180 - 250k
Regional Sales Manager/Director 80 - 150k 80 - 150k
National Sales Manager/Director 110 - 175k 110 - 175k
Account Manager 80 - 110k 80 - 110k
Business Development Manager/Director 85 - 150k 85 - 150k
Chief Analytics Officer 250 - 350k 250 - 350k
Director, Analytics 150 - 200k 150 - 200k
Senior Data Scientist 80 - 110k 80 - 110k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
here was steady growth in product that will grow revenues. As a result, necessary to go the extra mile to secure
management recruitment in 2013. data science and analytics professionals the best people and this could help sway
It was a year without too many will be in high demand, as will data- them away from other offers. Salaries will
surprises – caution surrounding the driven product managers – junior-level be increasing across the board this year,
Series A crunch faded (where smaller product managers will be particularly but to retain the best people it will also be
percentages of companies receiving sought‑after as teams expand. important to clearly project their career
seed funding were expected to make it Experienced UX designers are the key path and provide opportunities for growth
to first round financing) and damaged group of professionals expected to be and responsibility.
confidence associated with the poor in especially short supply - as engaging
Facebook IPO soon passed. digital experiences become more critical Overall there is a great
to business success. Those with PHDs in need for talented
This year, we expect the number of statistics and mathematics as well as up-
available professionals to reduce, making
people who can turn
and-coming product designers will also
the market attractive for job-movers but be hard to find. data into concrete
much more competitive for companies plans to grow
trying to secure talented professionals. With an increasingly candidate-short revenues.
Overall there will be increased need for market our advice to hiring managers this
professionals who can turn large amounts year is to make the recruitment process
of data into concrete plans and insights as streamlined as possible. It may be
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ales and marketing recruitment in This year, with continued investment and to potential new employees. Salaries will
the technology sector was very growth among tech start-ups, there will rise in line with Bay Area inflation, but
healthy across the San Francisco be more opportunities for mid and mid- the proportion of equity offered, work/
Bay Area during 2013. US venture capital senior sales and marketing professionals. life balance and company culture will also
funding increased at a steady pace of Recruitment will increase but there will be important. Progressive compensation
over 10% compared to 2012, resulting in be a growing gap between supply and and performance management retention
significantly-increased recruitment activity demand for junior and mid-level sales strategies will also be needed to keep
– particularly for sales and marketing employees with mobile technology sales and marketing professionals
hires. Lucrative IPOs also led to increased experience, due to more and more engaged in their roles.
confidence in the market. In addition, an companies targeting the same pool of
increasing number of mobile technology talent. Marketers with strong analytical
start-ups looking to monetize led to a backgrounds will also be in high demand.
greater need for business development,
sales and marketing employees with To successfully hire in this market
mobile advertising and app developer companies need to offer genuinely
knowledge. compelling salary and equity components
Salaries will rise in line
KEY TRENDS with Bay Area inflation,
■■ Very healthy recruitment levels were seen across the Bay Area in 2013. but the proportion of
■■ This year, there will be more opportunities for mid and mid-senior level sales equity offered, work/life
and marketing professionals. balance and company
■■ Progressive compensation packages will be needed to retain sales and culture will also be
marketing professionals this year. important.
■■ To successfully hire in this market, companies need to offer genuinely
compelling salary and equity components to potential new employees.
2013 2014
VP of Business Development 450k+ 450k+
Business Development Director 150 - 250k 150 - 250k
Business Development Manager 80 - 130k 90 - 140k
Account Executive Mid-Market 70 - 170k 80 - 180k
Account Executive SMB 60 - 150k 60 - 150k
Developer Relations Director 110 - 200k 110 - 200k
Developer Relations Manager 60 - 100k 60 - 100k
Account Director 120 - 150k 120 - 150k
Account Manager 70 - 110k 70 - 110k
VP Sales 170 - 300k 170 - 300k
Sales Director 120 - 250k 130 - 270k
Sales Manager 100 - 140k 100 - 140k
Account Executive Enterprise 90 - 250k 90 - 250k
Product Marketing Director 130 - 170k 130 - 170k
Product Marketing Manager 75 - 130k 80 - 140k
PR & Communications Director 120 - 180k 130 - 190k
PR Manager 80 - 120k 80 - 130k
VP of Marketing 180 - 300k 180 - 300k
Marketing Director 150 - 200k 150 - 200k
Marketing Manager 90 - 130k 90 - 140k
Marketing Executive 50 - 80k 50 - 80k
User Acquisition Director 140 - 200k 140 - 200k
User Acquisition Manager 90 - 130k 90 - 140k
Demand Generation Director 160 - 200k 160 - 200k
Demand Generation Manager 130 - 160k 130 - 170k
Digital Marketing Director 120 - 170k 120 - 170k
Digital Marketing Manager 80 - 110k 80 - 110k
Ad Operations Manager 50 - 90k 60 - 100k
Creative Director 140 - 200k 140 - 200k
Growth Hacker 120 - 170k 120 - 170k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
W ith China’s
slowing, Australian
Salaries stagnated in 2013 and even
decreased for junior-level employees.
mining royalties Without the profits to support salary
dried up in 2013 increases, there were at best 2-3% pay
and geologists increments within many organisations.
and metallurgists – The market may improve in 2014,
once in such high particularly if banking, construction and
demand – were the public sector continue to recover,
looking for new adding to the demand for strong
roles in Perth. National unemployment employees.
reached 5.8% at the end of the year,
and GDP growth dropped from 4% in With competition for talent set to grow,
2012 to 2.6%. hiring managers should focus on running
efficient recruitment process if they want
But it wasn’t all bad news. Construction to attract top-level specialists this year.
made a comeback in New South A show of commitment and honesty
Wales, and hiring managers turned will also go a long way to securing an
their attention to engineering staff with employee’s signature, as well as their
relevant expertise, while a slight uplift in trust. Companies definitely need to ‘walk
the banking sector led to calls for finance the talk’ regarding training, development
and compliance specialists, and project and mapping out career progress - only
and business analysts. Mortgage lending by looking after their quality people will
also resurfaced as banks responded to they retain them.
positive signs from the property sector,
and elsewhere companies looked to hire
IT experts, particularly those with cloud
computing knowledge.
new government is proving ‘business
friendly’ and we’re likely to see confidence Companies will be
returning across the market. China, too, fighting it out to find
is set to bounce back, which will impact top-tier domestic
Looking to move jobs positively across various supply chains. employees in 2014.
here was significant turmoil across hiring may pick up as a result whilst the are prepared to drop their expectations
accounting teams within commerce volume of active finance professionals compared to previous years. However,
in 2013. Redundancies were in the market will mean time to identify junior job-seekers will benefit from more
common as confidence in the South and hire the right resource should be stable salaries as there are fewer newly-
Australian economy dropped. Major reduced, especially at the senior end qualified accountants looking to move.
consolidations also left many high-calibre of the spectrum. The hiring managers
senior accounting professionals seeking likely to have difficulty are those A top-heavy market
employment in Adelaide or interstate. seeking candidates with industry- means senior
If the job market improves in 2014, specific experience. Instead, identifying
employers may find that several of the transferable skills during the interview
top performers have left the state to find phase will broaden the market and professionals are
work. identify successful individuals from prepared to drop their
differing and non-traditional backgrounds. salary expectations.
While there is unlikely to be any radical
uplift in hiring trends, large employers Organisations will be able to offer lower
should stabilise as consolidation periods salaries in 2014 as the top-heavy market
draw to a close. Replacement-based means senior accounting professionals
n 2013, the federal election had a large may even be an increase in opportunities companies that offer flexible working
impact on confidence within the banking for ambitious new graduates with sales conditions will find it easier to retain staff
and financial services industry. Plans potential, despite having limited work while there is no budget for pay rises.
for new role creation were put on hold experience. Employers seeking senior Meanwhile, professionals who have been
until after the election, at which point we financial planners with local experience made redundant will be increasingly
experienced a slight improvement in the and an established book of contacts will flexible about role types and salary
job market. Economic confidence is likely find they are still very scarce and difficult expectations.
to pick up in 2014. to source.
Organisations will
Hiring managers may look to expand Organisations will have roughly the same have roughly the same
their teams in order to accommodate the salaries to offer as 2013, so attracting
centralisation of many support functions those rare professionals with both
salaries to offer as
from the eastern coast to Adelaide. industry experience and local expertise 2013, so attracting top
Banks and other financial institutions may require an emphasis on better work/ employees may require
are expected to prioritise new business life balance. Although we expect the an emphasis on better
growth by employing candidates with economy to strengthen this year, we are work/life balance.
exceptional client-facing skills. There still facing tough economic times and
2013 2014
Treasury Manager 130k+ 140k+
Relationship Manager - Institutional 120 - 150k 120 - 150k
Relationship Manager - Corporate 100 - 120k 110 - 120k
Relationship Manager - SME 70 - 80k 75 - 85k
Senior Credit Risk Analyst 80 - 90k 80 - 90k
Financial Markets - Analyst 75 - 85k 75 - 85k
Credit Risk Analyst 70 - 80k 70 - 80k
Financial Services
Portfolio Funds Manager 110 - 140k 120 - 150k
Senior Financial Planner 110 - 130k 110 - 130k
Financial Planner 90 - 105k 90 - 105k
Trainee Dealer 80 - 90k 80 - 90k
Portfolio Funds Administrator 60 - 70k 60 - 75k
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he job market for IT professionals space. Among these, the stand-out of mass competition for vacancies.
in Adelaide experienced a huge individuals in demand will be those However, recruitment conditions are likely
shake-up in 2013 as some of South competent with CISCO, Citrix and to improve in the second quarter once
Australia’s largest employers made mass VMware software. the local election is settled and business
redundancies. Hiring activity dramatically optimism picks up.
decreased, with just a few small pockets While few organisations will struggle to
of stability among local retailers and find new employees, those that project Salaries are expected
higher education organisations. IT confidence and stability are much more to stay stable at best
professionals still in work were reluctant likely to attract interest and applications
to move jobs given the uncertainty of the from job-movers and top performers. The and there may even be
economy, while companies replacing staff same will be true for those organisations declines for prospective
or hiring for new roles were overwhelmed that offer opportunities to work with employees as a result of
by applications. leading technologies. the intensive
competition for roles.
In 2014 demand is likely to be highest for We expect salaries to remain stable at
senior network engineers and solution best and some prospective employees
architects with a firm grip on the retail may need to take pay cuts as a result
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
oth the sales and marketing Sales professionals with a business is likely to increase throughout 2014,
disciplines experienced fluctuating development focus will continue to be competition between hiring managers will
hiring activity this year, with sales in demand during 2014. We expect the mean business development managers
emerging as the stronger of the two job market to pick up early in the year as may come at a price. Salaries alone will
as a result of increased competition in companies rely on their sales departments not be enough to attract top performers,
the information and communications to help raise the stakes against especially within the growing ICT sector.
technology sector (ICT). New posts competition. Continued growth within the Organisations that offer a work/life
were less frequent compared with 2012, digital communications and technology balance and structured bonus plans are
with many organisations consolidating sectors will require hiring managers to likely to secure the strongest reputations
their communications teams. However, take on marketing professionals with as desirable employers.
the industrial sector remained buoyant SEO and SEM skills to manage large-
throughout the whole of 2013. Product scale online campaigns. Technology sales Salaries alone will not be
and business developers were particularly professionals will also fare well as cloud- enough to attract top
desirable across the board as companies based solutions increase in popularity. performers, who will
gained confidence and set more increasingly demand
As movement within Adelaide’s sales,
optimistic objectives for profits in the latter
half of the year.
marketing and communication sectors non-financial benefits.
2013 2014
Senior Business Development Manager 95 - 140k 100 - 135k
Business Manager 95 - 125k 100 - 130k
Business Development Manager 75 - 100k 80 - 100k
Account Executive 70 - 130k 75 - 135k
Account Manager 65 - 125k 70 - 120k
Channel Manager 85 - 125k 90 - 130k
Regional Sales Manager 100 - 130k 110 - 130k
Sales Manager 85 - 125k 90 - 130k
Sales Executive 65 - 85k 75 - 85k
Project Manager 90 - 115k 95 - 120k
Relationship Manager 70 - 85k 75 - 85k
Marketing Manager 95 - 130k 100 - 130k
Marketing Executive 65 - 85k 75 - 85k
Marketing Co-ordinator 45 - 65k 45 - 65k
Product Manager 80 - 100k 90 - 110k
Product Development Manager 85 - 105k 95 - 110k
Brand Manager 85 - 95k 85 - 105k
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
high number of redundancies frequency, especially in the second redundancies in these areas and people
in the secretarial and business quarter when business picks up following are unlikely to leave a permanent position
support teams across all areas the Christmas holiday lull. Employers for a temporary one. Looking past
and industries meant that permanent will be seeking qualified secretarial job titles and focusing on transferable
vacancies for these professionals professionals who have some industry- skills will help companies identify the
dropped dramatically in 2013. In an effort specific experience, are immediately right person for the job. Expats new
to cut costs, organisations favoured available and have flexible salary to Adelaide may also prove an asset
temporary staff to help out during busy expectations. to organisations as more overseas
periods. Many companies also elected to professionals break into the Australian
In most cases, creating highly-specific
manage their own hiring needs, further market.
job briefs for roles needing people with
reducing costs by eliminating consultancy
general skills will be sufficient in attracting
good applicants. However, when more Salaries are expected
As more redundancies are expected in specialist skills are needed – such as legal to stay stable at best
2014, employers can expect to receive secretaries and professionals with specific as a result of the
an excess of CVs for temporary and software experience – hiring managers intensive competition
permanent vacancies alike. Temporary may find there’s a less-than-satisfactory
for roles.
positions are likely to increase in response. There have been fewer
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n increase in hiring activity in flexibility by promoting contract positions remain stable across the board. A more
Brisbane’s banking and financial over permanent roles. competitive market may mean that
services sector in the two middle companies need to accelerate their hiring
In 2014, this trend is likely to continue.
quarters of 2013 was partly due to the strategy in order to win the race for top
The increased number of prospective
implementation of new reforms outlined in performers. A heightened emphasis on
employees means organisations can
the Future of Financial Advice legislation. job security and progression potential
afford to be more specific in their
The biggest effect was on financial will help organisations stand out as an
advertised vacancies, calling on
planning and superannuation, with staff employer of choice.
experienced bankers with established
moving out of smaller firms and back
portfolios and strong personal networks.
into major organisations that needed to
Financial planners and professionals
Salaries are expected
expand their compliance teams. In other to remain stable, despite
with risk and compliance specialisations
industries, the hiring attitude remained
can expect to command more control an increased need for
over the job market as companies look risk and compliance
Although general market confidence is to understand and adhere to the new professionals.
improving, the clear trend from 2013 is regulations.
for companies to maximise workforce
However, salaries are expected to
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
any accounting teams within Newly-qualified accountants and processes. Businesses will particularly
commerce struggled in the professionals with niche skills like favour people with finely-tuned skills
changing economic conditions statutory reporting, internal audit and tax in process improvement, project
of 2013. The decreased value of enjoyed a slightly more open job market management and cost-control.
commodities and the high Australian in 2013 as they remained in high demand
dollar meant companies involved in across most sectors. Opportunities for As temporary and fixed term vacancies
mining, resources and exports had to executive-level financial professionals are likely to be on the rise in 2014,
focus on streamlining their businesses. were more limited and candidates faced employees will need to keep an open
Most hiring activity came from SMEs, greater competition for fewer roles. mind about the kind of roles they
especially once the federal election are prepared to accept. However,
helped to settle any uncertainties about The market is expected to improve over organisations who want to attract
Australia’s future economic prospects. the course of 2014, opening more doors exceptional employees will need to create
for these senior professionals. Employers a clear vision for the future. Successfully
Reduced recruitment budgets meant beginning to expand their accounting retaining ambitious staff members will
that hiring managers had to advertise and finance teams will seek people with also require transparency about the
fixed term and temporary contracts over realistic salary expectations – which organisation’s growth strategies and
permanent positions. Not only did this should remain similar to 2013 – and a career path opportunities.
help to build a more flexible workforce, track record of adaptability in times of
the approval process was also considered change. Individuals who can demonstrate
much easier and quicker than a full-time leadership during restructuring processes
equivalent hire. will come out on top in competitive hiring
KEY TRENDS Organisations who want
to attract exceptional
■■ Hiring activity during 2013 was particularly flat for executive-level employees will need to
professionals, who remained in high supply. create a clear vision for
■■ The stand-out trend of 2013 was for organisations to favour temporary and the future.
fixed term contracts over permanent roles.
■■ In 2014 the highest employer demand will be for newly-qualified accountants
and change management leaders.
■■ Salary expectations decreased during 2013 but are expected to stabilise as
the economic climate improves in 2014.
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
iring activity across accounting and experts and contestability specialists.
finance teams within Brisbane’s Accountants prepared to move from the
public sector experienced a major commercial sector will also be warmly
shakeup in 2013 as a result of the job welcomed into the public sector, as they
cuts programme implemented by the new are perceived to adapt well to changing
state government. Mass redundancies work environments. And during peak
and strict headcount freezes meant periods like financial year-end, these
organisations had to rely on short-term professionals are likely to be in higher
contractors in order to maintain control of demand.
their permanent hiring budgets. However, levels and departments. Salary-wise,
temporary accounting professionals did With an anticipated surge in demand organisations should expect to pay similar
have more opportunities to consider, as for contractors to work on projects rates compared to 2013 – when salaries
departmental restructuring and process and to cope with busy periods (as did fall slightly compared with 2012.
improvements created new project- companies look to keep costs low The only employees likely to negotiate
related roles towards the end of 2013. with lean permanent teams) many will higher wages are those with specialist
be snapped up quickly in an effort to skills like financial modelling, which will
Hiring trends in 2014 are likely to beat competitors to the market. The be increasingly important for companies
continue in this vein, with organisations resurgence of the commercial sector in working to reduced budgets.
looking to employ more temporary staff Brisbane will also increase competition
to meet the fixed term demands of for potential ‘cross-over’ employees.
new projects. Professionals who stand Hiring managers will need to clearly
the highest chance of winning work outline the potential opportunities within
include experienced financial analysts, their business, and be quick on their
business analysts, process improvement feet to secure top performers across all
As competition for
KEY TRENDS contractors grows, a
■■ Public sector job cuts forced organisations to streamline their accounting and streamlined recruitment
finance teams in 2013. process will be crucial
■■ The trend for companies to favour project-based contractors will increase in if hiring managers
2014. hope to secure the best
■■ As competition for contractors grows, a streamlined recruitment process will employees.
be crucial if hiring managers hope to secure the best employees.
■■ Salary expectations decreased in 2013 but are expected to stabilise in 2014
as employers become more prepared to negotiate.
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 212
013 marked a year of transition for while energy, oil and gas, commercial Clear career progression opportunities,
human resources and occupational construction, retail, health, technology, varied learning and development options
health and safety recruitment finance and insurance sectors begin and attractive benefits will help to attract
in Brisbane. While hiring activity was to pick up speed. Health and safety ambitious employees. However, the
dominated by the oil and gas sector professionals, as well as commercial trend for fixed term agreements is also
in quarter one, increased economic HR business partners, will all be in likely to continue. While organisations will
confidence meant organisations from demand by companies to help strike tend to offer pro rata salaries rather than
the retail, health and transport sectors a better balance between HR strategy daily rates to cut down on the cost of
experienced more movement later in and client engagement. However, as temporary staff, many will offer pay rises
the year. However, the focus for most HR professionals have been adversely in line with changes in the consumer price
companies remained on productivity affected by redundancies in recent index in order to stay competitive.
and cost efficiency, so many new years, companies can expect to receive
employees were hired on a fixed term a high volume of responses to new job
basis and to support organisational opportunities.
re-designs. Specialists in organisational
design, change management, industrial Sorting through an excess of CVs will
relations and remuneration were highly mean that hiring managers will have
sought-after, as were professionals with to carefully identify individuals with
experience of working with blue-chip both technical knowledge and strong
companies. communication skills. Hiring people with
staying power should be a priority, as
We expect hiring trends in 2014 to businesses with a reputation for high staff
follow a similar pattern. The resources satisfaction will be in a good position
sector is likely to experience slow growth to expand when the market improves.
Many companies will
KEY TRENDS offer pay rises in line
■■ Because downsizing and cost management were clear themes during 2013, with changes in the
there were more job-seekers than opportunities. consumer price index in
■■ HR and health and safety specialists may need to consider fixed term order to stay
contracts, as replacing permanent roles with fixed term contracts is becoming competitive.
more common.
■■ Professionals in the oil and gas and related sectors still command the highest
■■ We are expecting an increased number of interim roles in the first half of
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses/site allowances unless otherwise specified.
n 2013, the job market for Brisbane- roles may be increasingly tempted by
based IT professionals showed signs of permanent positions that offer more
growth, following redundancies in 2012. security. Contract workers who continue
Managers in the private sector received to accept temporary roles are likely to do
sign-off on bigger hiring budgets and new so at a decreased rate in order to stay
public sector projects had a dramatic competitive. Because hiring managers will
impact on the number of new vacancies. be able to search a large pool of potential
As further technology-refresh projects are employees, they are likely to specify more
scheduled for 2014, we expect this trend precise expectations for candidates.
to continue. Technical staff with diverse hiring processes if they want to secure
skill sets will have the greatest command Many companies will seek multi-talented their preferred talent. More generous
over the market. For example, business IT professionals who can play a role in salaries could be on offer later in the year
analysts who can combine collating and several elements of a project, helping to if the number of available IT professionals
documenting business requirements streamline costs as a result. However, decreases, but the economic upturn may
with applications packaging, testing companies will continue to need not affect salaries for some time.
or programming will prove particularly specialists in more niche areas like SAP,
popular. but due to short supply they may need
to turn to recruitment consultancies to
There continues to be an excess find the right person for the job. They
of professionals compared with should also be prepared to offer higher
opportunities, so hiring managers will rates for these individuals. As more
expect good people in return for lower projects get sign-off, competition to
salaries. IT experts who were previously attract top performers will increase, and
only interested in lucrative contract employers will need to tighten up their
As more projects get
KEY TRENDS sign-off, competition to
■■ As IT managers received sign-off on more projects, demand for professionals attract top performers
at all levels increased in 2013. will increase, and
■■ The rise in demand was matched by a large pool of professionals looking for employers will need to
work following 2012 redundancies. tighten up their hiring
■■ Contract workers may consider permanent positions if stable job processes if they want
opportunities arise in 2014. to secure their preferred
■■ Salaries are expected to remain the same in 2014, unless decreased talent.
availability of IT professionals stimulates competition.
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he job market in Brisbane’s legal However, things are looking up for 2014.
sector could best be described The economic outlook is improving and
as stable in 2013. Following many impending changes to the Fair Work
mergers and acquisitions in 2012, most legislation by the new federal government
companies focused on productivity are expected to drive demand for
rather than growth in an effort to stablise industrial relations specialists. In-house
their existing teams. One major cause hiring managers are likely to have more
of companies’ cautious attitudes was flexibility to hire individuals who can help
the downturn in the mining sector. the company adhere to new regulations.
International firms with major practice Mergers and acquisitions that occurred through lower cost options. Professionals
areas in this sector were extremely under- in late 2013 will also have a knock-on of all levels of experience will be looking
utilised, as large mining houses curtailed effect on 2014 hiring trends. Lawyers for job stability and a healthy work/
their spending on external legal resources with skills in corporate restructuring and life balance, in addition to clear career
in a move to reduce outgoing costs. infrastructure will be highly sought-after progression and competitive salaries.
Likewise, in-house teams were expected this year. Pay rises will remain marginal except for
to take on more work during peak periods job-movers and top lawyers, who may be
as hiring managers were allocated In particular, mid-level legal professionals open to offers from competitors.
reduced budgets. What little movement who are three to five years’ qualified will
there was came from staff replacements have more opportunities as private firms
and occasional opportunities with mid-tier prepare to meet clients’ reduced budgets.
and boutique practices. Even then, most They may also look to increase their
new positions were created to maximise graduate recruitment drives as another
company-wide profits. way of securing client engagement
Pay rises will remain
KEY TRENDS marginal except for
■■ The downturn in the mining sector put severe strain on hiring managers within those moving into new
this practice area. roles and top-performing
■■ The government’s impending changes to the Fair Work legislation are lawyers staying in their
expected to encourage movement for industrial relations specialists. current roles.
■■ Hiring activity in firms will be focused on graduates and mid-level lawyers as
companies focus on client engagement at a reduced cost.
2013 2014
Private Practice - Top-Tier
0 - 3 yrs’ PQE 60 - 100k 60 - 100k
3 - 5 yrs’ PQE 80 - 150k 80 - 150k
5 - 8 yrs’ PQE 150 - 200k 150 - 200k
8+ yrs’ PQE 180k+ 180k+
Private Practice - Mid-Tier
0 - 3 yrs’ PQE 55 - 95k 55 - 95k
3 - 5 yrs’ PQE 75 - 135k 75 - 135k
5 - 8 yrs’ PQE 120 - 165k 120 - 165k
8+ yrs’ PQE 150k+ 150k+
Private Practice - Boutique
0 - 3 yrs’ PQE 50 - 80k 50 - 80k
3 - 5 yrs’ PQE 70 - 115k 70 - 115k
5 - 8 yrs’ PQE 110 - 150k 110 - 150k
8+ yrs’ PQE 140k+ 140k+
Company Secretary
3 - 5 yrs 80 - 140k 80 - 140k
5 - 8 yrs 140 - 180k 140 - 180k
8+ yrs 180 - 240k 180 - 250k
In-house Counsel - FS/Resources/Energy
1 - 3 yrs’ PQE 65 - 110k 65 - 110k
3 - 5 yrs’ PQE 100 - 150k 100 - 160k
5 - 8 yrs’ PQE 140 - 190k 140 - 195k
8+ yrs’ PQE - General Counsel 180k+ 180k+
In-house Counsel - TMT/Retail/FMCG/Leisure
1 - 3 yrs’ PQE 55 - 100k 55 - 100k
3 - 5 yrs’ PQE 80 - 140k 80 - 140k
5 - 8 yrs’ PQE 130 - 180k 130 - 180k
8+ yrs’ PQE - General Counsel 180k+ 180k+
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he combination of a continued available for these roles, the job market With the projected growth in hiring
slowdown in the mining sector and remained relatively even. Hiring managers anticipated by mid-year, organisations
the absence of any large projects had a good selection of professionals, will need to reduce delays in their
set the hiring market for procurement, which meant people were prepared to hiring processes as competition for top
supply chain and logistics professionals accept job offers at reduced salaries. performers will be exceptionally high.
off to a slow start in 2013. However, Long-term stability was a priority for the Retaining talented staff members should
March saw the start of new opportunities, majority of employees. These trends are also be a priority for hiring managers
as an increase in job-flow had a positive likely to continue well into 2014, although with budgets to offer promotions and
effect on contract and temporary hiring. the beginning of some significant projects pay rises. These signs of stability will
in the second half of the year may give help confirm to both new and existing
Brisbane-based operational specialists professionals greater command over the employees that the business is secure.
within the oil and gas industry enjoyed market.
an especially open job market as several
large liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects Employees with diverse skill sets will fare
came to maturity in Queensland and well as companies continue to streamline
Western Australia. The freight-forwarding costs. In particular, sales and operations
and government sectors also had planning specialists will be sought-after
capacity to take on contractors. Later as employers – especially those within
in the year, the retail and FMCG sectors the FMCG, pharmaceutical and medical
focused on reducing overheads, and sectors – hope to develop an integrated
took on more production planners, approach to demand planning, supply
procurement contract managers and chain management, sales, marketing and
contracts administrators for this purpose. finance.
Retaining talented
KEY TRENDS staff members should
■■ Procurement, supply chain and logistics professionals within the oil and gas be a priority for hiring
sector were in high demand in 2013. managers with budgets
■■ The retail and FMCG sectors emerged as stable environments for production to offer promotions and
planners, contracts managers and contracts administrators. pay rises.
■■ Companies want to create a more integrated solution across demand
planning, supply chain management, sales, marketing and finance.
■■ Individuals are likely to continue prioritising job stability over substantial pay
rises in 2014.
ith the exception of the oil and approval process should also accelerate
gas sector, hiring activity in investment in the Galilee Basin. In
resources, engineering and mining, however, the downturn is
construction slowed down in 2013. likely to continue, limiting recruitment
Four major liquefied natural gas (LNG) activity in this area. There will also be
projects in Queensland were the major little movement within commercial
sources of jobs, especially for highly- construction, and specialists in these
specialised principal pipeline engineers. sectors face stagnant salaries in line with
These projects will continue to stimulate 2013 trends.
employment throughout 2014. However, on pre-negotiated permanent salaries.
more opportunities are likely to arise for Oil and gas sector staff with operations To this end, emphasising long-term
commissioning engineers, completion and maintenance experience will receive growth strategies and outlining employee
engineers, inspectors and quality high salaries as demand for their skills benefits will help companies encourage
professionals as projects move towards increases. However, we expect the exceptional contract workers to transition
completion. Hiring managers will be generous pay rises previously enjoyed to permanent vacancies.
particularly focused on finding technical by pipeline engineers, project engineers
staff with diverse operations experience. and construction staff to plateau as
their capabilities become less integral to
The job market in 2014 will also the projects in progress. Another trend
be improved by the launch of new is in the area of drilling engineering,
infrastructure projects like the Bruce where employers are starting to favour
Highway upgrade and the newly- permanent hires over temporary contract
announced underground bus and train engagement as it will enable them to limit
project. A newly-refined environmental high contractor rates and focus instead
Salary increases will be
KEY TRENDS highest for professionals
■■ Salaries within the mining and commercial construction sectors plateaued as in the oil and gas sector
hiring in these sectors decreased, and we can expect this to continue into with operations and
2014. maintenance experience
■■ As oil and gas projects move into operations and maintenance phases, as demand for their
specialists in these areas will be increasingly needed. skills increases.
■■ Major infrastructure projects in 2014 will open the job market to civil
2013 2014
Principal Design Engineer 180 - 220k 180 - 220k
Project Engineer 145 - 210k 130 - 180k
Senior Design Engineer 125 - 155k 125 - 155k
Design Engineer 85 - 120k 90 - 120k
Site Engineer 80 - 130k 80 - 120k
Cost Controls 180 - 300k 180 - 300k
Project Director 185 - 250k 200 - 250k
Project Manager 160 - 220k 150 - 210k
Estimator 100 - 175k 150 - 220k
Contract Administrator 80 - 120k 70 - 100k
Project Director 320 - 450k 290 - 410k
Project Controls Manager 260 - 350k 220 - 280k
Site General Manager 290 - 390k 290 - 320k
Mine Manager 240 - 280k 230 - 280k
Technical Services Manager 240 - 280k 215 - 250k
Principal Materials Handling Engineer 200 - 250k 180 - 220k
Principal Mine Planning 200 - 260k 200 - 230k
Principle Metallurgist 210 - 250k 195 - 230k
Senior Geotechnical Engineer 150 - 200k 150 - 185k
Senior Mining Engineer 150 - 190k 155 - 180k
Oil & Gas
Senior Drilling Engineer 200 - 250k 205 - 260k
Lead Project Engineer 195 - 250k 175 - 230k
Senior Geoscientist 195 - 240k 185 - 240k
Rig Manager 185 - 210k 195 - 220k
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses and site uplifts unless otherwise specified.
he slowing economy had a level sales and marketing professionals struggle to secure proven ICT sales
significant impact on hiring proved more popular than senior professionals unless they are willing to
activity within sales, marketing employees whose salary expectations pay a premium. While organisations
& communications during 2013. Most exceeded ideal operating costs. Previous should be prepared to adjust salaries
companies involved in mining and redundancies meant choice was high and according to consumer price index
infrastructure projects had to put growth hiring managers were more exacting in increases, a focus on offering internal
plans on hold in response to changing their search to find the perfect candidate. career opportunities in order to attract
conditions. Government transitions at a This trend is likely to continue in 2014, and retain top performers will also be
state and federal level further affected and demand will be especially high required.
sales, marketing and communications for prospective employees with direct
teams across all sectors. industry experience and the ability to
add immediate value to the business.
Cost-cutting strategies of the state Professionals with skills in business
government put increased pressure on development, commercial marketing and
public sector marketing budgets, while digital marketing will be warmly received.
an elongated federal election timetable Companies – especially SMEs – will
caused many organisations to take a be looking at hiring multi-skilled senior
cautious approach with their business professionals who are experienced in
strategies. However, following the federal developing, implementing and managing
election later in the year, noticeable commercial strategies.
improvements in the economic outlook
helped renew the confidence of hiring As the job market is still crowded with
managers across the board. job-seekers, most professionals will be
prepared to accept similar or reduced
When hiring did recommence, mid- salaries in 2014. Hiring managers may
While organisations
KEY TRENDS should be prepared to
■■ The elongated federal election timetable caused hiring managers to take a adjust salaries
cautious approach until the new government was confirmed. according to the
■■ Redundancies occurred in some sectors, and many sales and marketing consumer price index,
professionals were forced to accept salary reductions. a focus on offering
■■ In 2014 we expect to see the market improve alongside a post-election boost internal career
to business confidence. opportunities in order to
■■ Solutions sales professionals with a proven track record will remain in high attract and retain top-
demand throughout 2014. performers will also be
2013 2014
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ow business confidence kept less experience. As the market improves price index. Regional and site-based
support staff hiring in Brisbane to a and more jobs become available, these candidates will continue to be in demand
minimum in 2013, and companies individuals will look to reclaim their as the government invests in regional
were more inclined to take on temporary preferred positions in 2014. Anyone infrastructure. Organisations may find
employees during peak periods. This with a diverse skill set will stand out superannuation, parking benefits,
was partly driven by a delicate political to employers seeking people who can healthcare and fitness plans to be efficient
climate, with the extended federal election add value. Receptionists/administration tools for enhancing staff satisfaction.
timetable encouraging caution. There was assistants and executive assistants/
stiff competition for jobs as candidates office managers are expected to take Salary increases will
from both the private and public sector on increasing responsibilities. Where be limited to minor
competed for similar roles. However, as possible, companies will continue hiring adjustments, with
confidence improved post-election, hiring contract staff with the potential to
picked up later in the year. become permanent employees when the
organisations focusing
economy improves. on non-financial
One key trend from 2013 was a
incentives to attract and
high number of senior administrative Until more people find secure roles,
professionals accepting junior roles salary increases will be limited to minor retain key talent.
conventionally targeted at people with adjustments in line with the consumer
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ast year was uncertain for banking to move, and it means this year more people in a highly-competitive market and
and financial services recruitment senior people will be open to discussions allows for quicker recruitment processes.
with most institutions only taking about new roles. This is good news Because of the shortage of good people,
on temporary staff and contractors. This for hiring managers who want to take retention plans will be crucial too, as will
was exacerbated by multiple restructures, on experienced group and statutory transparency in salary rises and career
recruitment freezes and the tendency accountants to assist in the management opportunities. While salaries haven’t
to take functions offshore, particularly of changes in regulatory requirements and typically been the key driver for people
in quarters one and two. Quarter three the resulting focus on risk and assurance. looking to move, they will increase as
was the real turning point, with a sudden companies compete for the best people,
rush for junior finance professionals, Technical financial accountants remain in particularly in niche technical areas.
particularly in financial control and short supply, with large financial services Further opportunities will also be created
management accounting. This carried businesses working particularly hard as international markets improve and
through to the end of the year, along to retain their existing talent through expats move home.
with more senior, permanent roles in competitive salaries and access to
these areas and in financial planning engaging and high-value work, whilst
and analysis (FP&A). This looks set the recent trend of offshoring has
to continue, as hiring managers have also created a skills gap at the mid-
increasing freedom to fill permanent roles, management level.
replace leavers and grow their teams.
The focus for hiring managers will need
An increase in vacancies at one of the to be on networking with potential
‘Big 4’ encouraged a flurry of activity employees even when not recruiting, and
last year. This raised confidence among to understand who is actively looking.
those who were previously reluctant This will make it easier to take on the right
Pay rates will be just
KEY TRENDS one consideration for
■■ Confidence in the market among banking and financial services professionals potential employees, but
will mean more people will consider moving roles. companies will also
■■ As the international markets continue to improve, increasing numbers of need to make non-
expats will move home, creating opportunities in all areas. financial benefits clear
■■ Hiring managers will need to focus on building strong relationships with in the recruitment
potential employees so they have a strong network when looking to recruit. process.
■■ Changes in regulatory requirements seen last year will continue to create a
need for group and statutory accountants in particular.
Program Manager 180 - 220k 200 - 250k 150 - 180 150 - 190
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
t looked as though 2013 was going analysts. It will also boost the need for life’ mentality to the new norm of
to follow the same trends as 2012, for junior-level finance managers and staying with a firm for two to three years.
with recruitment largely being driven controllers as well as commercially- Those that offer a positive, dynamic
by replacement rather than new hires. focused professionals, which wasn’t working environment and clear career
After a slow start, the first six months of the case when the market was tougher. paths are holding on to the best people
the year were largely characterised by More specifically, in transactional finance, with non-financial benefits such as flexible
companies taking on contractors. The there will be a continued need for strong working hours and a clear company
pattern shifted in the second half of the credit professionals and part-qualified ethos; all important to employees
year, with permanent roles becoming accountants as companies both continue deciding whether to stay or move.
much more prevalent. This was true of to monitor their credit risk closely and Interestingly, salaries changed very little
both the qualified and transactional parts seek to bring future talent on board to but there’s likely to be some pressure for
of the market, as growing confidence develop into key roles. There will also be these to increase as shortages in parts of
meant the economy picked up in some a shortage of ’Big 4’- qualified chartered the market become more apparent.
areas and businesses started to look for accountants with one to five years’ post-
senior people. We’re also expecting this qualification and commercial experience,
to be the case this year as more projects creating fierce competition between
start, which require additional resources companies in this area. High-calibre
and executive-level appointments to contractors will continue to be difficult
implement change. to source, with the strongest candidates
already in roles or looking for permanent
If the market continues to improve (as positions.
we think it will) hiring managers in the
qualified market will typically look to It has been interesting to see how
recruit senior level accountants and companies react to the shift from a ‘job
Salaries will start to
KEY TRENDS increase this year as
■■ More positions will open up across the board as market sentiment and the hiring managers
economy continues to improve. compete for a smaller
■■ There will be increased competition for ’Big 4’- qualified chartered pool of suitable
accountants with commercial experience. professionals.
■■ Non-financial benefits will continue to be important for employees.
■■ The need for senior-level accountants and analysts will increase further as the
qualified market strengthens.
holistic view of the banking a particular emphasis on those offering The increase in hiring activity across
operations sector in 2013 might business development skills. most parts of the market will bring with
suggest a placid market, with it greater competition for top talent –
salaries remaining fairly stable. However, All this turbulence is giving way to a particularly for women since there is an
this would belie the real changes on more assured and confident climate emphasis on gender diversity. Salaries
the ground. Two of Melbourne’s ‘Big 4’ in 2014. The emphasis is on revenue are likely to remain relatively stable,
banks engaged in major restructuring generation now, and hiring managers will except where specialist skills are required.
programmes resulted in redundancies be looking for people who can add value Employees will be looking for good career
at the senior level and a high degree – whether through business development progression opportunities and, to attract
of uncertainty for junior and mid-level or process improvement. With the the best, hiring managers will need to
managers. The hangover of earlier M&A restructuring over, banks, superannuation manage their recruitment processes
activity among large wealth management firms and wealth managers will be quickly and efficiently.
organisations led to consolidation, while hiring to fill newly-created roles and are
risk and investment operations were also focusing on retail and high-net-worth
subdued due to offshoring and internal clients. In these areas, phone-based and
restructuring. administrative staff with superannuation,
SMSF and financial planning knowledge
However, new demand arose from large will be valued. Lending institutions, where
superannuation firms creating internal business is thriving, will also be looking
fund management capabilities. And for people with sales development
the lively residential and commercial experience. Those with either risk or
loans markets led to a strong call for credit assessment expertise will be in
lending and credit staff at all levels, with short supply.
Salaries are likely to
KEY TRENDS remain relatively stable,
■■ Hiring in risk and investment operations was subdued in 2013, but this was except in areas where
balanced by growth in revenue generating areas such as commercial and specialist skills are
corporate lending. required. These niche
■■ With the considerable restructuring of 2013 over, banks and wealth skills could include
management organisations will be actively hiring once again. analytics, specialist
■■ Vigorous markets in residential and commercial loans mean there is a lending skills or
premium on professionals in lending and credit assessment. technical compliance,
■■ Hiring managers can expect increased competition for top talent and will and are likely to carry a
need to ensure that recruitment processes are engaging and efficient. 10 – 20% premium.
Investment Operations
he hangover from the global specialist skills – for remuneration reviews
economic crisis, uncertainty or graduate recruitment, for example.
ahead of the federal election and A number of big projects are awaiting
a downturn in mining all contributed approval and if these get the green light
to cautious hiring in 2013. Many larger there will be a greater need for specialists
companies restructured and made HR such as change managers, instructional
redundancies. Those that were hiring designers and training managers. HR
preferred to take on contractors rather professionals who bring experience from
than create permanent positions. To large organisations will also be sought-
save costs, they often sought to employ after for their ability to steer a business and able to influence at all levels of an
contractors on a fixed term basis rather through complex decision-making organisation. Effective communicators
than on day rates, but career contractors processes. who can manage rapid change and
were generally not prepared to accept influence workforces to adapt quickly
these terms. Salaries remained stable in 2013 with are also more likely to be hired. Personal
little variation from 2012, and although qualities such as these will be at least as
In the coming year, as business there is now more optimism, this important as specific skill sets.
sentiment improves, SMEs will be leading picture is unlikely to change very much.
the way and it will take time before Employees are aware that companies
larger organisations increase their HR are still cautious about hiring, so they
recruitment. The pattern of hiring is likely are flexible in their expectations. They
to fluctuate, depending on the time of particularly value opportunities for career
year. There will be times when generalist development and the chance to develop
skills will be sought, but at other times new skills. Employers are seeking people
companies will be looking for more who are engaging and responsive
Salaries remained
KEY TRENDS stable in 2013 with little
■■ HR recruitment was slow during 2013 owing to uncertainty about the political variation from 2012,
and economic environment. and although there is
■■ Hiring in the SME sector was more optimistic and is leading the way as a now more optimism,
result of increased business confidence this year. this picture is unlikely to
■■ Personal qualities, such as confidence and an ability to influence at all levels, change very much.
will be at least as important as specific skill sets.
here is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ way transformation. This had led to a shortage
of describing the IT market in of skilled IT professionals in these areas,
2013 – its behaviour was almost which we expect to be a continued issue
entirely industry-specific. Starting with this year. In particular, companies will be
the negatives, many telecommunications looking for Microsoft Lync and Office 365
companies moved to outsource and consultants, JavaScript developers, SAP
offshore low to mid-level technical TM consultants, cloud consultants and
positions. Consequently, there were large SAS analysts. As ever, project managers,
reductions in demand for contract staff business analysts and developers who
and little permanent recruitment. Mining can demonstrate the ability to articulate
was little better. Uncertainty created by business needs and translate them into board in 2013, and although there will
the national election also caused financial technical solutions will be in high demand. be some increases in 2014, it’s the total
services IT recruitment to slow down, This will also be true for individuals who benefits package that will count. Flexible
though a reduction in contract positions can work autonomously and be fully hours, the ability to influence business
was balanced by some increases in accountable for their own projects. outcomes, RDOs and health and finance
permanent hiring. benefits are all important; but for technical
Growing confidence in global markets staff it should be no surprise that it’s the
On the positive side, with the election should lead to increased IT recruitment training and development offered that is
over, IT positions in the banking, wealth this year. Permanent hires will be most appealing.
and superannuation fields are showing preferred as companies seek to reduce
more signs of life. There is also good temp costs and keep a tight rein on
news in the retail, security/digital their intellectual property, which was
and logistics sectors as companies exiting the business when contractors
use technology to effect business left. Salaries were fairly static across the
Salaries were fairly
KEY TRENDS static across the board
■■ Telecoms companies moved jobs offshore to save costs, resulting in a in 2013, and although
reduction in IT opportunities, particularly for contractors. there will be some
■■ By contrast, there was, is and will be strong demand for experts in the new increases in 2014,
and developing technologies for retail, logistics and security/digital. it’s the total benefits
■■ There will continue to be a premium for professionals who can bridge the gap package that will count.
between business need and technical solution.
■■ Offering training in new technologies is a vital component of the benefits
package for IT personnel at all levels.
he sector suffered in 2013 from creativity and confidence to sell solutions,
the fall-out of the global financial rather than simply products, and there is
crisis and uncertainty in the run- high demand for such people at around
up to the federal election. Companies the $100k level. Marketing professionals
were cautious about introducing new need to show that they can help achieve
product or service lines, resulting in little a quantifiable return on investment and be
need for new sales and marketing roles. capable of working well with their sales
In Melbourne, this meant that the focus colleagues. It’s all about demonstrable
was on replacement rather than growth. added value.
Unsurprisingly, salaries remained fairly practitioners will always be snapped up
stable. The single exception was the IT The climate is becoming a little more by nimble employers, so it will pay for
and digital sector, which generated its benign and exceptional people with companies to move fast when they find
own momentum as businesses exploited specialist experience will be able to someone who is a good fit.
new opportunities in social media. secure salary increases. However, pay
levels are unlikely to move much for
Following the change of government, the majority. In the absence of salary
confidence is picking up, but there is differentiation, companies that can offer
some way to go. Given the bottom-line good professional development and
focus, companies are increasingly looking career progression will have the best
for specialist skills. In-depth industry chance of securing stronger individuals. In
knowledge wins out over general sales this subdued market, it’s understandable
and marketing experience every time. that some businesses have taken their
Companies want business development time over the recruitment process, but
managers who can demonstrate the this can backfire. The most talented
Marketing professionals
KEY TRENDS need to show that
■■ The global financial crisis and uncertainty about national elections kept the they can help achieve
sales, marketing and communications sector subdued in 2013. a quantifiable return
■■ The IT and digital sector was an exception, given the flourishing of social on investment, and
media. be capable of working
■■ Specialist, in-depth industry knowledge is prized over general sales and well with their sales
marketing experience. Companies are looking for demonstrable added value. colleagues. It’s all about
■■ Some confidence is returning, but salaries are likely to remain stable for all but demonstrable added
the most talented individuals. value.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he permanent market held steady benefited from bonuses where companies There was evidence of businesses
in 2013, with a flow of demand were performing well. over-selling roles last year, changing
for support staff at all levels from requirements during the recruitment
This year, businesses will start to feel
reception and administration to personal process and taking too long to make
more confident so will be hiring new
and executive assistants. There was decisions on potential employees.
people after a period coping with high
stimulus at the mid to senior-end as Employers need to give people a clear
volumes of work using only existing staff.
national and international businesses insight into their needs and their culture.
Companies are also increasingly looking
and financial services companies This will help ensure that there is a
for people to fill online customer service
needed experienced PAs to support new good fit from the start and increase staff
roles. In this environment, culture-fit is
executive roles created during a wave of retention. Where companies want to take
really important.
restructuring. on a high volume of people quickly, using
Employers are happy to hire and train assessment centres is a good solution.
By contrast, the temporary market
displayed stop-start characteristics. junior people as long as they share the
Companies often needed to find qualified company’s ethos. At the more senior
support staff at very short notice – even levels, companies require people who
looking to take people on for a ‘same- can add value quickly, but fitting with the
day start’. This was particularly true for culture is still equally important. Salaries
reception and administration positions. in customer service, administration and
Businesses were active in hiring front-line reception will remain fairly constant this
customer service staff – especially those year, but competition at the top-end
in the energy, fast-moving consumer means there will be slight increases for
goods and retail sectors. Base salaries executive assistants, managers and team
remained static but some employees leaders.
Employers are happy
KEY TRENDS to hire and train junior
■■ The market for permanent business support staff was steady in 2013. people as long as they
■■ Companies often tried to fill temporary vacancies at very short notice.
share the company’s
ethos. At more senior
■■ This year, businesses will start to feel more confident and new hires are
levels, companies
require people who can
■■ There is a growing need for front-line and online customer service staff.
add value quickly, but
fitting with the culture
is still important.
Business Support
Project Support
t was an extremely challenging year sectors in Western Australia are
in accounting and finance. The healthcare, aged care and oil and gas.
main reason was a slowdown in the Organisations within these areas will be
mining sector, as major projects moved looking for people with specific sector
from construction to production. This experience to increase knowledge and
dramatically reduced the number of new expertise among their staff. Small-to-
roles available, and many people working medium-sized enterprises will be looking
or looking to work in mining were forced for talented accounts receivable clerks
to look elsewhere. Volatile commodity and credit control staff to maintain a
prices also caused problems in the healthy cashflow. salaries are not really expected to
resources sector as companies struggled increase, companies will still need to offer
with high overheads, fewer orders or even Hiring managers will be working in competitive packages, and bring job
no orders at all. Staff bore the brunt of a market crowded with available security, professional development and
this, and redundancies in the resources candidates this year. There is a surplus a structured career path to the fore in
sector left more professionals available of accountants, senior accountants and order to attract the best candidates in the
than ever before. financial controllers, as well as newly- market.
qualified commercial accountants, all of
This year will see activity in some key whom must be open to lower rates of
areas, though. Those same resources pay for good opportunities. Upstream
companies will be looking to streamline oil and gas professionals are in short
or improve their processes, so they supply though. We recommend that
will need people like business analysts hiring managers speed up the recruitment
who can effectively implement change process and move quickly to secure
management strategies. The growth the best people available. Although
The growth sectors this
KEY TRENDS year will be healthcare,
■■ Hourly rates of pay for accountants and financial controllers fell as businesses aged care and oil and
took advantage of a flooded market. gas. Organisations
■■ Fixed term appointments were more common for employers reluctant to hire within these areas will
permanent staff but still offered some job security. be looking for people
■■ People from the slowing mining sector will look to other industries, notably oil with sector-specific
and gas which is one of the few growing sectors. experience to increase
■■ Healthcare, education and not-for-profit organisations have benefited from knowledge and expertise
accounting redundancies. among their staff.
Group Financial Controller 190 - 240k 170 - 240k 100 - 150 100 - 150
he recruitment market in IT was very investment, developers and consultants remain constant. Companies will expect
tight and competitive throughout in cloud, CRM and business intelligence core skills and relevant experience
2013. A challenging economy, will be in demand. There will be a focus alongside other qualities when hiring new
interstate/international relocations and on making information accessible from employees: a good attitude, flexibility,
the run-up to the federal election in mobile and tablet devices, which will diligence and a strong cultural fit. Many
September all had an effect. In addition, create competition for specialist engineers employers are now highlighting staff
projects were reassessed for their and architects (unified communications). retention, training and development to
urgency and put on hold, redundancies Many projects that were put on hold last secure the best people. We recommend
from corporate restructures and budget year will get the green light, which should that hiring managers take the long view
cuts meant there were more people translate to increased demand for various when recruiting. Rather than holding
available for work with ultimately fewer skills, in particular business intelligence out for the perfect person, make new
opportunities. There was, however, consultants, SharePoint architects employees’ professional development
high demand for some specialist roles, and business analysts. Operational paths align with company goals and you’ll
namely business intelligence consultants, systems administrators and qualified be on track towards building a strong,
CRM specialists, SharePoint developers, network engineers will be needed, and loyal IT team.
.Net developers, network engineers, as companies look to increase their
system administrators and solution sales competitive advantage they will need
specialists. to recruit solution sales people – but
businesses will be reluctant to let strong
This year we expect a broadly cautious sales professionals go.
approach to recruitment, though
optimism will return as companies Employers will still be working within tight
continue to invest in technology as budget constraints when they recruit, and
they increasingly recognise its benefit combined with availability of candidates
to operational efficiency. Given this in the market, salaries are expected to
Many employers are
KEY TRENDS now highlighting staff
■■ Redundancies in the resource sector have created a crowded marketplace, retention, training and
while competition for most positions has stabilised salaries. development to secure
■■ Business analysts, project managers, test managers, system administrators, the best people.
helpdesk analysts and IT managers were the most competitive positions
throughout 2013.
■■ Efficiency-driving projects will need people with CRM, business intelligence
and cloud skills.
■■ Both employers and employees will be putting more emphasis on career
development, training and stability.
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified. *OTE
he beginning of 2013 was marked However, operators in mining will continue drilling activity in Western Australia.
by a fall in the number of vacancies to decrease their recruitment following
due to weak commodity prices, lack of funding and investment in major Overall we recommend that hiring
increasing costs relative to the rest of resources projects. As a result, salaries managers concentrate on retaining staff
the country and the transition of major within the EPCM and mining sector will by offering career development, work/
resources projects from construction decrease due to an oversupply of skills life balance and salary incentives – this
phase to production. This largely set the - those in construction will follow suit will improve brand perception across the
trend for the year. Many expansion-related as firms reduce hiring levels. In oil and marketplace without relying purely on
projects in iron ore, gold and greenfield oil gas, there will be a focus on operations pay rises. Line managers will need to act
and gas were delayed, which meant there and maintenance as we draw closer to quickly to secure good people as there
were a greater number of people looking large-scale greenfield projects’ production will not be a surplus for long, and salaries
for work in the engineering, procurement deadlines in 2018, resulting in higher may increase for experienced engineers
and construction management (EPCM) permanent salary levels for super majors as project deadlines near.
sector. However, the residential and and operators. In addition, there will be
commercial construction sector grew a high level of demand for contract skills
in the last quarter, driven by increasing from the oil and gas construction and
demand from large Perth metropolitan installation sector.
infrastructure spending programmes and
first-time buyers. We expect this growth Looking more closely at recruitment
to continue throughout 2014. trends across oil and gas, experienced
project engineers, quality assurance,
This year we will see metro-based quality control and integrity engineers
infrastructure projects continue to will be in demand, including well services
increase their levels of recruitment. professionals driven by the ongoing
Salaries are expected
KEY TRENDS to remain stagnant at
the start of 2014 but may
■■ Construction skills will be needed to keep up with the demand for new
increase for experienced
engineers as energy
■■ In engineering and mining, professionals have been forced to accept lower projects get closer to
pay to secure work.
■■ New oil and gas rigs will call for experienced specialists.
■■ Oil and gas salaries will be driven by operators in 2014, with construction
driving the demand for contract positions.
2013 2014
Engineering Manager 200 - 300k 200 - 290k
Principal Engineer 200 - 270k 200 - 250k
Senior Engineer 130 - 190k 130 - 170k
Engineer 110 - 160k 90 - 150k
Designer 90 - 140k 90 - 130k
Project Manager 165 - 300k 160 - 280k
Construction Manager 180 - 270k 180 - 250k
Contract Manager 140 - 220k 140 - 200k
Site Manager 140 - 220k 120 - 200k
Estimator 120 - 200k 120 - 190k
Project Engineer 110 - 170k 110 - 160k
Supervisor 115 - 150k 115 - 140k
Mining & Resources
Project Manager 260 - 370k 260 - 350k
Principal Mining Engineer 200 - 260k 200 - 250k
Senior Mining Engineer 170 - 240k 170 - 230k
Graduate Mining Engineer 90 - 120k 90 - 110k
Geologist 130 - 180k 130 - 170k
Oil & Gas
Exploration Manager 200 - 250k 200 - 250k
Drilling Engineer 180 - 230k 180 - 230k
Project Engineer 150 - 220k 150 - 220k
Contracts Engineer 150 - 220k 150 - 220k
Integrity Engineer 100 - 150k 100 - 150k
Geologist 130 - 160k 130 - 160k
QA/QC Inspector 105 - 115k 105 - 120k
Slickline/Wireline Supervisor 100 - 110k 100 - 110k
Cementing Field Supervisor 75 - 90k 75 - 90k
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses and site uplifts unless otherwise specified.
he level of activity in sales and demand will be people with established
marketing recruitment generally networks of contacts through which
increased in 2013. The industrial they can drive sales in a new job – these
and financial services sectors showed professionals will command higher
particularly strong growth, and there was salaries accordingly. Sales executives
competition to secure high-quality people with detailed knowledge of oil and gas
for roles in private and business banking, services will be hard to find, as only a
as well as in the oil and gas markets. handful of organisations are prepared to
Mid-year we also saw a peak in financial train new staff in this industry. Corporate
and professional services vacancies in relationship bankers will be scarce too, can expect more – but they will value the
the market. In the second half of 2013, as there are few who want to relocate to opportunity to develop new skills. They
small and medium-sized businesses regional towns and cities. will also appreciate the opportunity to
looked for business development-focused show their achievements and personal
relationship managers as they positioned For hiring managers, there are important traits at interview.
themselves for more competitive trends to bear in mind. In contrast to
conditions in 2014. previous years, in 2013 candidates
were looking for a promotion and career
This year we will see positive activity development opportunities, not just a
across most sectors and the keyword salary increase. It’s vital to make clear the
is quality. Hiring managers will continue key performance indicators, targets and
to search for highly motivated, well- earnings during the interview process.
connected business development staff, People will be realistic about their salary
particularly with FMCG, financial services expectations – most will remain stable,
and oil and gas experience. In highest except for oil and gas service staff who
People moving jobs
KEY TRENDS are now looking beyond
■■ Rates of recruitment rose steadily in 2013, particularly in the financial services salary increases,
and industrial sectors. seeking clear promotion
■■ High-calibre sales and marketing staff are in demand and competition will be and career development
strong, despite a growing number of opportunities. opportunities.
■■ There may be increased demand in niche areas of the banking and industrial
sectors, with higher base earnings and bonus potential.
■■ Vacancies may go unfilled for months at a time due to the population size of
Western Australia.
verall, 2013 was a year of opportunities and meant that people Hiring managers will be looking for
fluctuations. In quarter one applied for roles for which they were over- professionals with the right mix of
the market was quite buoyant, qualified, particularly among senior HR experience, organisational fit and attitude,
particularly in the contract market where managers and advisors. which could make filling vacancies more
the completion of projects over Christmas difficult. We recommend companies
and into the New Year increased This year we expect more optimism in invest in hiring processes and allow for
workflow. But as the year went on, the market as companies start to invest progression within the role itself or the
recruitment activity slowed – a downturn again in new projects, technology, capital cultural fit, qualifications and attitude.
in the resources sector caused local spending and operational efficiency. Organisations should also resist the
economic uncertainty; the federal election There will be seasonal peaks, for example temptation to recruit over-qualified people
and organisational restructures were the para planners and customer service just because they’re available, and invest
main factors. Companies increasingly associates to cover workload around in back office recruitment activities such
moved workloads around internally to the financial year-end. We expect to as skills and psychometric testing to find
cover redundancies instead of bringing see people moving across companies the right candidates.
in extra staff. For the recruitment and industries too. Many organisations
market, this meant that there was more will be implementing learning and
competition for fewer positions and development programmes to improve
people had to be more flexible over salary retention and productivity, which will
levels. create a need for experienced HR and
learning and development professionals.
One cause for concern was that more It will also increase demand for change
companies were recruiting internally or management staff, who may be hard to
using their own staff to refer people. find as they are often in contract or fixed
This led to a decline in advertised term assignments.
This year we expect
KEY TRENDS more optimism in the
■■ The biggest challenges for professionals will be heavy competition and the market, as companies
possibility of being over-qualified for some vacancies. start to invest again
■■ Employers will need to work hard to retain and motivate their staff, and should in new projects,
avoid allocating them extra work from redundant positions. technology and
■■ Experienced change management, HR and learning and development staff operational efficiency.
will be needed to implement new policies and procedures.
■■ Many organisations will continue to operate with lean resources and most
recruitment will be for replacement roles.
Human Resources
I 90%
t was a positive year in recruitment for therefore want candidates who can
banking and financial services, despite communicate on a more commercial
the election, taxes, superannuation level and partner with the business they
increases and other changes in regulation represent, while capital and funding of major banks
affecting the sector. We saw the fallout experts will also be needed to drive restructured or
from 2012’s spate of redundancies forward new finance policies. Decision changed processes
start to reverse in the form of structural support and FP&A professionals will
changes and re-hiring of amended be highly sought-after, and due to the
positions. Project spending increased, increase in finance project work we skills and taking on more responsibility
and retail banking, wealth management should also see a demand for project – whilst superannuation and investment
and insurance all saw increases in their accountants, system accountants and companies in particular are looking
recruitment activity. This was offset general ledger experts. Projects may still for finance professionals with an
somewhat by reductions in the presence be the best place for senior finance staff as understanding of how customers think,
and headcount of accounting functions more central accounting functions move which is an added competency within
locally, as centralisation into the main to Asia, making the future of investment finance teams. We recommend that
Asian hubs of Singapore and Hong Kong banks’ BAU teams less certain. hiring managers remain flexible – a lot of
increased. The vast majority of large very good CVs were overlooked in 2013
organisations restructured or improved After a spate of offshoring, professionals because they weren’t exact matches.
processes in some way, which shook up hoping to take the remaining onshore Salaries remained the same in 2013 but
job descriptions and highlighted where roles will need to prove themselves as will rise this year, though employees are,
staffing needs to change in 2014. multi-dimensional and adding value as unusually, often looking beyond pay.
opposed to process-minded. Hiring More variety, having a business-facing
This year, as more process-driven roles managers are expecting higher quality element to their role or the opportunity to
are rationalised, the focus will be on hiring professionals for all roles – in terms of get involved in a project will also be key
value-add professionals. Companies will technical understanding, communication
Program Manager 180 - 220k 200 - 250k 150 - 180 150 - 190
Business Analyst (6+ yrs’ exp) 125 - 150k 120 - 150k 70 - 100 75 - 100
Project Manager (10+ yrs exp) 150 - 170k 150 - 180k 85 - 140 95 - 150
cross commerce and industry, change management, which we expect to behave during the recruitment process
wider economic uncertainty made continue throughout 2014. has a huge impact on their employer
hiring managers hesitant in 2013. brand. Long, cumbersome or abandoned
This meant that recruitment processes This year across New South Wales the recruitment processes can be very
became longer, especially for qualified ‘value-add’ roles left vacant will finally be damaging. For that reason, hiring
and senior-level roles. In accounting, an filled, taking pressure off under-resourced managers should ensure roles and
expected upturn in the recruitment of teams. We also predict that increased processes are signed off internally, and
‘value-add’ roles failed to materialise. investment in property, construction show real commitment to filling the
Many of these positions were left vacant and infrastructure will create demand vacancy in good time. Although salary
and the related work and responsibilities for commercially-orientated finance levels will be stable, both employers
shared among the existing workforce – professionals. People with experience and employees need to be flexible, and
putting pressure on finance teams. in managing large-scale project spend, companies should improve their wider
business and operations partnering, benefits packages to stay competitive.
Elsewhere there was more positive as well as engineers and other non-
activity: business-critical roles within finance executives will also be in a good
finance opened up, particularly for newly- position this year. There will be particular
qualified accountants or those with up to difficulty finding individuals who have left
five years’ post-qualification experience. the ‘Big 4’ and amassed a further three
These professionals were also sought by to five years’ experience. People with
SMEs, where finance skills are not widely backgrounds in analysis, planning and
distributed internally. There was also a strategic decision support will be a focus
strong call for people with experience for recruiters too.
in cost-cutting, process improvement,
rationalising or offshoring finance and We can’t overstate that how businesses
Although salary
KEY TRENDS levels will be stable,
■■ We expect to see increased demand for commercial finance professionals both employers and
from $100k to senior and executive level. candidates need to be
■■ Hybrid roles will be very popular to bridge the gap between finance and the flexible.
wider business, particularly sales, marketing, operations and supply chain.
■■ Demand within property, construction and infrastructure finance will be steady
as investment in these areas grows.
■■ There will again be demand for roles with a focus on efficiency and change –
particularly around offshoring and automated systems which reduce human
n 2013, recruitment levels rose across This year we expect these themes to opportunities and work/life balance are
banking operations. Quarter one was continue. Customer-facing roles in retail the most important drivers. Salaries for
a little slow because of an elongated banking, superannuation and insurance in-demand roles increased across all
year-end, but after that activity increased will still be in great demand as banks sectors, with a particular rise for entry-
substantially. The biggest growth came attempt to position themselves differently level positions. To recruit people in
from superannuation, retail banking, and talented people move up or move on. areas where there is less availability, we
business banking, insurance and wealth recommend that companies focus on
management organisations – all of which Within insurance hiring, managers may training – it may be time-consuming in the
increased customer engagement to focus struggle to find claims staff, particularly for short-term, but it will pay dividends later.
on retention and winning market share. life claims – inflexibility over requirements
Customer interaction and experience and people progressing from these
were a big focus last year, and recent roles will exacerbate the shortage. We
graduates or newly-qualified financial recommend that hiring managers within
services professionals with excellent ‘soft’ insurance, financial planning and para
skills were popular with companies. planning take a more flexible approach to
who they’re prepared to recruit.
There was particularly busy activity
in insurance and financial planning – To attract good junior people, hiring
experienced claims assessors, qualified managers should offer them a transparent
financial planners and para planners and finite career path. We’ve found
were continually in demand and moving that providing timelines and examples
between organisations. The lending of progression attracts people more
sector also took on staff as more effectively than promises of a higher
mortgages were refinanced and new salary. For experienced professionals, a
loans approved. competitive salary, career progression
Salaries for customer-
KEY TRENDS facing roles and other
■■ Superannuation, retail banking, business banking, insurance and wealth entry-level positions
management all created more jobs to help increase client engagement. saw the biggest rise –
■■ The lending sector took on more people as increasing numbers of mortgages but salaries for other
were refinanced and new loans approved. in-demand positions
■■ Recent graduates or newly-qualified financial services professionals with in claims and financial
excellent ‘soft’ skills will continue to be a primary focus. planning remained
■■ Hiring managers need to be more flexible in who they consider, particular for static.
insurance claims, financial planning and para planning.
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ecruitment in the HR and OH&S leaders to help drive the business forward
market last year was influenced and align people strategies to that of
by widespread restructures, with the business. As businesses are under
instructional designers and strategic HR pressure to comply with new legislation,
professionals in high demand to ensure high-calibre OH&S professionals with
these were effectively implemented, strong qualifications will continue to be in
whilst internal recruiters were also hired demand. Strong, experienced recruiters
on a contract basis to handle post- will also be required to manage senior-
restructure HR needs. A further effect of level positions across various disciplines.
this restructuring was that the market was An overall theme for the year will be Development opportunities are one of
over-supplied with senior HR directors greater insistence on stronger qualified the biggest things HR professionals
competing for a small number of roles. professionals and experience in a are looking for, so to attract and
Finally, hybrid roles were increasingly changing or restructuring environment. retain employees, ensure that these
called to market as growing SMEs opportunities are clearly available and
combined roles and recruited multi- This year, we recommend that hiring visible to candidates, as top talent want
talented staff such as HR/payroll and HR/ managers look more closely at what’s to be stretched and challenged. Salaries
office managers. motivating HR professionals to move should continue to remain constant in
jobs before they sell a role to candidates. 2014.
As with last year, there will be a greater Candidates want to explore all
call for instructional designers and possibilities, so hiring managers need this
learning specialists in 2014. HR advisors clarity to ensure they get the right fit for
and commercially-minded HR business both parties and retain new hires for the
partners will also be critical – there is a longer-term.
continued weight of expectation on HR
Career development
KEY TRENDS opportunities are the
■■ Hybrid roles were increasingly requested across the SME market as key driver for high-
organisations combined roles and recruited multi-talented staff. calibre HR professionals.
■■ Restructures remain common, so experience within an environment that has To aid in the attraction
undergone change & restructuring will continue to be in demand. of talent, ensure this
■■ Stronger internal recruiters were hired on a contract basis to manage HR is outlined through the
requirements post-restructuring. interview process, and
to facilitate retention
it is crucial that this is
followed through.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
257 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
n 2013 the market for IT professionals in in Europe and Asia typically offer larger was common to see very long interview
banking and financial services was more trading environments and more attractive processes, particularly as hiring managers
buoyant than expected and major banks salaries. High demand for DevOps and were under budget pressure and needed
and insurance companies were hiring build automation engineers last year has greater reassurance they were making the
frequently. New regulatory compliance created a shortage this year, and senior right selection. We recommend making
requirements demanded more business- consultants with skills across OBIEE and the process shorter or more flexible,
orientated IT professionals, whilst some Teradata will be very useful to employers for example by combining interviews
of the larger banking and financial – however, this combination of skills is or offering video-conferencing options
organisations undertook transformation, hard to come by in Australia. As in 2013, to reduce travel requirements. This will
consolidation or simplification projects roles relating to regulatory compliance speed up recruitment times and could
which required highly-skilled contractors. and IT people with keen business skills mean securing a strong contender before
will be the most valued. competitors can.
We expect to see plenty of recruiting
activity in quarter one this year. New Salary changes were polarised in 2013:
projects and increasing budgets will allow offshoring led to less demand and lower
more freedom to increase hiring, with salaries for operations support and
less reliance on Statements of Work as testing professionals. But growth areas
an alternative to headcount approval. such as cloud, regulatory compliance,
Project managers and business analysts Agile, Calypso and mobile development
with specific domain knowledge or Agile typically offered salary premiums.
experience will be needed. Front office
trading developers for Calypso, Murex Changing the nature of the recruitment
and ION will also be required, but these process could give employers a
skills are scarce in Australia as companies competitive edge this year. In 2013, it
Salaries were
KEY TRENDS polarised in 2013:
■■ The job market was more buoyant than expected and new project budget offshoring led to lower
allocations will further increase demand. salaries for operations
■■ The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, Future of Financial Advice, support and testing.
Dodd Frank and Stronger Super all led to a requirement for more business- But areas such as
orientated IT skills. cloud, regulatory
■■ Consolidation or simplification projects at large banking and finance compliance, Agile,
organisations require highly skilled contractors.
Calypso and mobile
development offered
salary premiums.
autious recruitment was the overall were created by major upgrades and We recommend that hiring managers
trend in 2013. Although Australia implementations. act quickly to secure a strong applicant.
was and is still not technically The marketplace is competitive at
in recession, lingering concerns about This year project managers and the moment, and becoming more so.
the Euro crisis, sluggish US recovery, business analysts will need to add value, Salaries for generic skills such as testing,
slowing Chinese growth, plus the end preferably through their experience in database administration and project
of the mining boom and an unpopular new government compliance such as management remained the same. But
government, all affected recruitment the Foreign Tax Compliance Act. Skills in mobile, UI/UX, cloud, DevOps, Agile and
decision-making. Many roles were Agile, online, digital, e-commerce, cloud e-commerce skills commanded more.
withdrawn, even at late stages of the and SAAS will also be sought-after, as Regardless of salary, IT professionals
hiring process. will business intelligence consultants will be looking for clear career paths and
who can support big data analysis exposure to new technologies in any new
Within disciplines there was a mixed requirements to inform decision-making. role.
picture, too. Business analysts and The popularity of responsive technologies
project managers were in demand again, and the increasing use of tablets and
but what was once a general market Smartphones will drive a need for
became much more specialist, and niche candidates with front-end experience
skills were critical for success. Across (JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3) and UX/
infrastructure, there were requirements for UI designers with mobile experience.
cloud, VMware and DevOps skills, but not For cloud-focused roles, the focus will
for generic skills in database and system shift from VMware to AWS. DevOps
administration. However, enterprise and automation-focused skills will help
resource planning, customer relationship companies looking to increase efficiency
management and development roles using resources already in-house.
Salaries for generic
KEY TRENDS skills such as testing,
■■ Companies continue to focus on efficiency and will prefer people who can database administration
add value to the bottom line. and project
■■ In government and banking, regulatory compliance experience will be highly management will
beneficial as new legislation comes into effect. remain constant, but
■■ Developers with front-end, UX/UI and mobile or responsive experience will be professionals with
in a strong position. mobile, UI/UX, cloud,
DevOps, Agile and
e-commerce skills will
command premiums.
ast year, the legal recruitment market talented people. They will especially be
in Sydney experienced a turbulent looking for high-quality mid to senior-
12 months. The hangover from associate-level lawyers, as many partners
a spate of mergers and acquisitions and senior legal counsels moved to
in 2012 was further exacerbated as smaller organisations in 2013. This year,
international firms entered Australia and those individuals will need additional
acquired local companies. Pay freezes support from more junior lawyers.
and redundancies dominated the first half
of the year and most recruitment focused Mergers and acquisitions have surged,
on replacing absolutely necessary staff. so people with experience in this area firms, so there may need to be slight
Firms concentrated on doing more with will also be in demand. Corporate, increases here to retain the best people.
less, and were more likely to engage commercial litigation and financial Professionals will generally need to move
external counsel than bring in a new services regulations will need new legal if they want to see a significant impact on
team leader. That said, the second half hires in the first six months – but hiring their salary, but non-financial rewards will
of 2013 saw some increased activity as managers will struggle to find associates also be important for job-movers. A firm’s
new regulations, particularly surrounding with experience and knowledge of new culture, work/life balance and long-term
financial advice and superannuation, regulations. career progression are also essential
meant firms had to grow their teams. considerations.
The main challenge for employers this
Things seem to be taking a more positive year will be convincing people that the
turn this year. With the federal election market has turned – news coverage
out of the way and a sense of confidence of redundancies shook confidence
returning to the market, hiring managers severely in early 2013. Salaries have been
are once again starting to look for frozen for one year, even two at some
Many partners and
KEY TRENDS senior legal counsels
■■ A spate of redundancies slowed recruitment right down, shaking employees’ moved to smaller firms
confidence in the market. in 2013 – this year we
■■ M&A activity has surged and lawyers with experience in the area will be very expect them to build
much in demand. up their teams and hire
■■ New regulations surrounding financial advice and superannuation will drive more junior lawyers.
the need for new team members.
■■ Corporate, commercial litigation and financial services regulations will offer the
majority of new roles.
2013 2014
Private Practice - Top-Tier
0 - 3 yrs’ PQE 75 - 120k 75 - 120k
3 - 5 yrs’ PQE 110 - 150k 100 - 160k
5 - 8 yrs’ PQE 140 - 200k 140 - 210k
8+ yrs’ PQE 180k+ 180k+
Private Practice - Mid-Tier
0 - 3 yrs’ PQE 60 - 100k 70 - 110k
3 - 5 yrs’ PQE 90 - 140k 90 - 150k
5 - 8 yrs’ PQE 120 - 170k 120 - 180k
8+ yrs’ PQE 150k+ 160k+
Private Practice - Boutique
0 - 3 yrs’ PQE 45 - 90k 45 - 97k
3 - 5 yrs’ PQE 80 - 120k 80 - 130k
5 - 8 yrs’ PQE 100 - 150k 120 - 170k
8+ yrs’ PQE 140k+ 150k+
Company Secretary
3 - 5 yrs 80 - 140k 80 - 140k
5 - 8 yrs + 140 - 200k 140 - 200k
In-house Counsel - FS/Resources/Energy
1 - 3 yrs’ PQE 80 - 120k 80 - 120k
3 - 5 yrs’ PQE 110 - 160k 110 - 160k
5 - 8 yrs’ PQE 145 - 210k 140 - 220k
8+ yrs’ PQE - General Counsel 200k+ 200k+
In-house Legal Counsel - TMT
1 - 3 yrs’ PQE 75 - 115k 70 - 120k
3 - 5 yrs’ PQE 100 - 150k 100 - 150k
5 - 8 yrs’ PQE 120 - 170k 125 - 180k
8+ yrs’ PQE - General Counsel 185k+ 185k+
In-house Counsel - Retail/FMCG/Leisure
1 - 3 yrs’ PQE 65 - 100k 65 - 100k
3 - 5 yrs’ PQE 90 - 140k 90 - 150k
5 - 8 yrs’ PQE 125 - 180k 130 - 190k
8+ yrs’ PQE - General Counsel 180k+ 180k+
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
263 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
n procurement the recruitment market experience will be in-demand as With more people than vacancies
was stable throughout 2013. At companies extend their procurement this year, salaries are likely to remain
category management level, stronger approach deeper into the business. stable but to secure those in-demand
activity was driven by professionals Finding these candidates may be professionals companies need to focus
changing roles and by companies looking challenging as experienced procurement on culture and career opportunities. For
for specialist category knowledge. At analysts and category managers are procurement roles, where we are likely to
the more senior level though, there looking to progress into category see some shortages, we advise openness
were fewer roles owing to a lack of and management roles respectively. to transferable experience – category
opportunities for heads of procurement to Many supply chain companies will be knowledge is easier to learn than
move up any further. Within supply chain, implementing new methodologies, so stakeholder engagement for example. In
sales and operations planning continued professionals with commercial planning supply chain, improving staff engagement
to grow, while in logistics, distribution skills who have implemented full S&OP with S&OP processes can help attract
and, to a lesser extent warehousing, processes will be very desirable. Highly- and retain the best, meanwhile in
outsourcing was the general trend analytical planners who can also manage logistics, be prepared to offer slightly
- leading to increased demand for multiple internal relationships and manage higher compensation for top performers.
commercial account managers. The detail will be very valuable but in very
outsourcing market was particularly active short supply. In the logistics sector,
as innovation increased and drove the teams will be asked to do more with less
need to acquire new skill sets. – so affinity with efficiency processes,
automation and lean principles will be
This year, innovative category an advantage. Moreover, individuals with
management skills (particularly in skills across international freight and local
construction), specialist category distribution or direct-to-store models will
knowledge and stakeholder management be in demand but scarce.
With more people than
KEY TRENDS vacancies this year,
■■ High-quality category managers will be in demand across procurement, salaries are likely to
especially in construction. remain stable but to
■■ Professionals with commercial planning skills who have implemented full secure those in-demand
S&OP processes will be valuable. professionals
■■ Logistics teams will need to do more with less, and this will demand efficiency companies need to
process experience. focus on culture and
■■ A faster recruitment process will help employers be more appealing to career opportunities.
t was a slow start to 2013, but there mean that experts in enterprise risk will be skills who will be snapped up. Hiring
was a significant increase in recruitment needed this year. managers may have to look further
across risk, compliance and audit in afield due to a local shortage of these
quarters three and four. This was the case More specifically, hiring managers will be candidates and will also need to focus
for both permanent and contract markets looking for quantitative risk professionals on retaining good employees, which will
due to a number of large restructures and compliance experts with project push up salaries. A focus on work/life
across the risk and compliance functions or change management experience. balance and international mobility will help
of many financial institutions. It was Strong product-specific knowledge companies successfully compete for the
also buoyed by changes to regulatory will be in demand, as well as a broad best people. Increasingly, these seem to
legislation, for example Foreign Account understanding of risk principles. be more important to candidates than
Tax Compliance Act (FACTA) and the basic salaries. More professionals are also
Future of Financial Advice (FOFA). In terms of internal auditing, companies seeking contract or project-specific roles
This change agenda meant existing want ‘Big 4’ consultants with knowledge due to the flexibility and higher pay that
compliance teams weren’t able to meet of international finance, particularly those comes with them.
increased pressure and companies had capable of engaging with stakeholders.
to take on more people, largely on a Domestic banks will especially need these
contract basis. This pushed up salaries candidates in order to take advantage of
for contractors, whilst permanent salaries growth in the Asia-Pacific region.
largely stayed the same. We expect
companies to continue their focus on Regulators will continue to focus on the
strengthening their three lines of defence level of capital held by institutions. This
from an enterprise risk perspective, and means it will be professionals offering
for local regulatory bodies to follow the both high-level financial modelling
lead of international regulators. Both will experience and effective communication
Regulatory changes and
KEY TRENDS increased pressure to
■■ To attract and retain the best people, companies will need to promote comply will ensure the
the non-financial benefits on offer, from work/life balance to international recruitment market
exposure. stays active and basic
■■ Salaries will steadily increase, more so in the contract market, as shortages of salaries increase.
available candidates across the sector start to hit home.
■■ Changes to regulations and restructures in financial institutions mean risk and
compliance experts will continue to be in demand.
■■ There will be fierce competition for people with experience in financial
modelling and strong communication skills.
Risk Management
Quantitative Risk 70 - 120k 70 - 120k 120 - 200k 120 - 200k 200k+ 200k+
Market Risk 70 - 100k 70 - 100k 100 - 160k 100 - 160k 160k+ 160k+
Investment Banking 70 - 100k 70 - 110k 110 - 170k 110 - 180k 170k+ 180k+
Funds Management 70 - 110k 70 - 110k 100 - 160k 100 - 170k 160k+ 170k+
Internal Audit
ecruitment activity in this area Things picked up again in quarter four, as competition here was particularly
fluctuated last year. In quarter one, particularly for marketing and product fierce. It’s likely to be the same this year,
companies made replacement managers as end-of-year financial plans although contractor rates will settle as
hires and took on contractors they and restructures were put in place. We project deadlines loom.
hadn’t managed to secure at the end of expect to see the same trend this year,
2012. Retail banks, superannuation and along with requirements for finance Contractor rates that
wealth management providers bolstered product experts. Hiring managers will find went up in 2013 are
hiring as they positioned themselves a shortage of people with experience in
likely to stabilise this
to best manage market changes. As this niche area, and they’ll need to offer
such, change managers and customer career progression to attract the best. year as projects come to
experience professionals found the most And with institutions understanding the an end and competition
openings. A focus on strategy in quarter need to strengthen their digital offering, for temporary staff
one meant there was increased activity in insight and analytics professionals will declines.
quarter two. Difficulties in getting sign-off continue to find plenty of opportunities.
for permanent roles meant contractors
were in highest demand, but this Salary levels were stable last year, except
plateaued in quarter three. for increases in rates for contractors
2013 2014
he market for sales and marketing demand for flexible solutions from this
professionals was best described newly-confident market. It wasn’t such
as ‘up and down’ in Sydney during good news for the industrial market, in
the first half of last year, fluctuating largely which recruitment activity declined last
as a result of external factors. The federal year. This was due to the high volume of
election and a reduction in consumer recruitment in the broader industrial and
spending had the largest impact, but technical sales space in 2010-2012, and
things picked up in quarters three and therefore wasn’t unexpected.
four across the entertainment, liquor and
food sectors. There was also growing There has also been significant decline and online marketing functions. This
positive sentiment across the board; in new mining and construction projects. means more opportunity for digital
something we expect to continue this Despite record volumes of minerals being marketing professionals, as well as
year, along with cautious increases in extracted, there isn’t the same level of national account managers and people
recruitment activity. There was a small aggressive growth and companies are to strengthen customer insight teams
rise in IT and technology recruitment, waiting to capitalise on indications that as companies try to gain a competitive
specifically in the B2B IT sector across the economy will grow. This will mean advantage. However, we expect salaries
SMEs and businesses new to Australia. increased opportunities for business to remain stable as companies also focus
Both enjoyed the results of increased development managers and channel/ on managing costs.
confidence and spend in the enterprise product marketers, particularly those who
sector in Asia, the US and Europe. show they can react quickly to changes
in the market. Demand for brand and
Cloud services providers continued to product managers within consumer
outperform traditional product-focused product divisions has remained stable,
businesses, and we expect sustained with growth instead from customer-led
Salaries will remain
KEY TRENDS unchanged this year
■■ The positive sentiment that characterised the second half of last year is as companies try to
predicted to continue and grow this year across all commerce and industry manage costs and
roles. stick to budgets in line
■■ The aggressive growth previously seen across mining and construction with moderate growth
recruitment has already slowed significantly and these areas will continue to strategies.
be quiet this year.
■■ The focus on customer-led marketing efforts will continue, meaning
more opportunities for account managers, digital marketers and insight
here were steady increases in managers will need to find strategies as legal secretaries, team assistants,
recruitment activity across the that balance new recruitment needs with facilities assistants and career corporate
board last year, dominated by continued budget restraints. receptionists who commanded higher
temporary hiring as companies looked salaries. Changes to legislation meant
to adopt a flexible approach. Hiring This year will be particularly positive there was an increase in salaries for junior
managers were particularly selective when for secretarial and business support staff though, and this was good news
it came to permanent roles, choosing professionals with multiple skill sets, who for receptionists, administration staff and
people who could demonstrate exactly could find themselves with several offers. team assistants. Now the federal election
how they’d add value across multiple Our advice to hiring managers in securing is over, confidence in hiring should grow
areas of the business. these people would be to act quickly in this sector.
and ensure the recruitment process is
This year the permanent opportunities smooth. It’s also important to note that
that were put on hold in 2013 will open salary is not necessarily the deciding
up again and filling these will be a priority factor when people choose to move.
for many overworked teams. To retain
the best people, companies should listen Pay rates remained stable last year,
to their employees’ concerns, and hiring except for in-demand applicants such
Pay rates remained
KEY TRENDS stable last year,
■■ Steady hiring increases were seen across the board in 2013. except for in-demand
■■ Pay rates remained stable last year, except for in-demand applicants such as
legal secretaries, team assistants, facilities assistants and career corporate
■■ In 2014, permanent opportunities previously put on hold will open up again.
■■ Support professionals with multiple skill sets will be in demand this year and
could find themselves with several offers.
W ith
declining and
shortage of skills in these areas, we may
see more companies prepared to look
overseas to meet their needs. Salaries
economic generally remained flat in 2013, apart from
conditions slight increases for those specialists most
improving in New in demand, mainly across IT, finance and
Zealand, business sales and marketing.
increased in WELLINGTON
2013. We expect
this trend to continue this year, as The Wellington market was largely
long as global economic conditions driven by ongoing transformation
remain favourable, particularly given and restructuring in 2013, which led
the continued Christchurch rebuild to increased demand for temporary
activities. workers and contractors. IT saw the
most activity throughout the year, with
AUCKLAND other notable areas of demand seen
for property, procurement, payroll and
In Auckland, the growth in business change management professionals. We
confidence saw the number of permanent also witnessed a shortage of top-tier
staff requirements increase – many of talent across most disciplines, due to
these positions had been previously increased demand for professionals with
covered by contractors. The demand a combination of technical skills, business
for experienced finance and sales and partnering and stakeholder management
marketing professionals also grew in experience. Salaries saw minimum
line with rising confidence, and there movement in line with inflation, and a lack
was a widespread call for IT project and of growth hiring meant salaries remained
program managers, business analysts relatively unchanged. Additionally,
and developers. government consolidation and headcount
caps kept permanent hiring at reasonably
With skill shortages expected to continue subdued levels. As the economy and
in these key areas, finding the right business confidence continues to improve
people will require swift and efficient in 2014, hiring is likely to increase across
recruitment processes. Degree-calibre the board. This will naturally mean more
professionals with more than three to four demand and candidate movement in the
years’ experience will be in particularly market. Employers will need to ensure
short supply, including IT transformation they are in tune with the market to attract
and development specialists, qualified and retain the best talent.
accountants (specifically CPAs with
more than four years’ experience) as
well as business development and sales
Looking to move jobs professionals. Given the continued
here was steady recruitment across The impact of these trends is likely to timely feedback in the early phases of
both the permanent and contract continue to be felt in 2014. We expect recruitment will help to make a lasting
job markets in Auckland during companies to seek more mid-level impression on possible job-movers.
2013, with a particular boost of vacancies managers as the senior-level managers Salaries may continue to increase as
in the second half of the year. This was a hired last year start to restructure their companies compete to secure the right
result of improved economic confidence teams. Hiring managers will be keen talent. In 2013 they went up around 5%
and higher-than-expected revenue results to find professionals who are willing to compared with 2012 to accommodate
– welcome relief following two years of be flexible about job requirements and the rising cost of living and increased
strict headcount freezes. are able to adapt to evolving business competition for accounting and finance
needs. Other specific skills such as strong professionals. But pay rises may not
The construction and engineering sectors technical reporting and commercial be enough to remain competitive.
in particular experienced a renewed need awareness will be attractive, with Organisations are advised to sell a
for accounting and finance professionals transactional professionals highly sought- positive work/life balance, flexible hours,
as Christchurch rebuild initiatives moved after. Transactional accounting and payroll insurances and wellness benefits when
forward. Several more junior roles were staff in particular will be difficult to source negotiating with potential new staff.
also created to cope with the increased as their existing employers seek to retain
activity and there was a sharp incline of them by offering more benefits.
activity at the senior end of the spectrum.
Junior accountants from $50-70k, As more companies compete for the
commercial analysts from $90-110k same top performers, employers will need
and senior professionals seeking more to make a conscientious effort to stand
than $130k enjoyed significantly more out to prospective employees. Outlining
opportunities compared with recent perks of the job, demonstrating clear
years. paths for career progression and giving
The job market
KEY TRENDS will become more
■■ The Christchurch rebuild will boost hiring of accounting and finance competitive in 2014
professionals in the second half of 2014 - hiring activity will be focused on when top talent in
junior accountants, senior-level transactional professionals and commercial accounting and finance
are likely to receive
■■ Salaries went up by around 5% in 2013 primarily due to increased multiple offers and
competition for candidates and inflationary pressure. counter-offers.
■■ In 2014 hiring managers will need to further increase salaries and sell a
positive work/life balance to ensure their offers stand out.
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he job market for banking and To aid this growth, institutions will While most salaries will remain stable,
financial services professionals in primarily need relationship bankers professionals from particularly competitive
Auckland stabilised considerably with good local knowledge and strong areas like risk and compliance may
in 2013 compared with the fluctuations business development capabilities. These command slightly higher salaries.
of the previous year. There was a individuals will be considered invaluable To make a lasting impression with
continued effort to implement efficiency team members as companies compete prospective employees, we recommend
measures and reduce costs (especially for market share across personal and hiring managers engage individuals with
in large organisations with offshore head business banking. Hiring managers the selling points of the role and offer
offices), which restricted hiring activity to may need to consider recruiting people timely feedback after interviews to retain
business-critical posts and project-based from the commercial sector in order to their interest.
openings. However, hiring managers secure individuals with strong technical
are expected to be busier in 2014 as knowledge and wider business skills. Risk Having removed as
most businesses have removed as many and compliance professionals will also many excess costs as
excess costs as possible and are now be in demand as organisations look to possible, institutions
turning their focus to hiring professionals support growth while adhering to the Anti
who can assist in driving revenue growth. Monday Laundering Act and the various will now be in a position
Financial Markets Authority legislation. to hire.
slow start for the HR job market level and HR business partners at the
evolved into a busier year by $90-120k level may well be brought in to
quarter two in 2013. Replacement work alongside line managers. In-house
hiring, business-wide restructures and recruiters may also prove increasingly
increased business confidence all helped popular as organisations prepare for
to boost the frequency of new vacancies. larger recruitment drives to accommodate
expected business growth. New
Another noticeable development was the legislation scheduled for 2014 will also
increase in temporary positions. Fixed- boost demand for health and safety
term contracts were an increasingly professionals across all sectors. It will be bonuses will also play a crucial role in
popular way for businesses to cover crucial for companies to act quickly if they staff retention efforts, which will be a key
maternity leave, holidays and staff are to secure the right talent for the HR focus in 2014 when HR professionals
secondments. But restructuring had challenges that lie ahead. with sought-after skills like organisational
perhaps the biggest impact on HR development, internal recruitment,
professionals, more of whom were Prospective employees will be motivated employee training and succession
needed to oversee these processes and by career progression, personal planning will be aggressively headhunted.
absorb wider responsibilities. development, good management and
company stability along with salary
Staff retention and employee engagement increases. In particular, hard-to-find
will be top priorities for HR teams in specialists like learning and development
2014 and they will look to hire learning experts will claim the biggest uplift in
and development specialists to help pay. Some companies will also consider
develop and implement employee training individual performance-based bonuses as
schemes. HR advisors at the $65-90k added incentives for job-movers. These
Retention is going
KEY TRENDS to be a key focus for
■■ Restructuring initiatives increased demand for learning and development, businesses in 2014 as
change management and HR business partner professionals. skill shortages in many
■■ There was a noticeable increase in the number of temporary and fixed areas lead to more
term contract openings created to cover maternity leave, holidays and proactive headhunting.
■■ New legislation expected will impact companies’ health and safety practices,
increasing demand for HR regulators.
■■ Along with slight salary increases, employers will consider performance‑based
bonuses for top talent.
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
here was a steady increase in after will be big data experts who can Unsurprisingly, salaries were pushed
hiring activity within the IT sector in formalise business intelligence processes to the higher end as more roles came
Auckland during 2013, culminating by developing meaningful reporting to market in 2013. In recent years
in quarter four seeing the highest level programmes, software developers who employees may have been happy
of vacancies since 2008. Every area can build automated tools and IT security accepting new roles in return for better
of IT benefited from the extremely staff who can thoroughly review company job stability and career development
buoyant job market, from service desk security systems ahead of high profile opportunities, but this is no longer
analyst positions through to programme events. In fact, the demand for IT security sufficient in 2014.
managers. The marked growth was specialists is expected to grow tenfold in
partly because of increased economic the next decade. Salaries and hourly rates are expected
confidence. Companies were more liberal to go up even further this year. We
when approving projects that could Sourcing IT professionals will require recommend that employers react to
increase productivity, automate processes fast and proactive hiring methods the highly-competitive job market by
and implement the latest technologies. regardless of what skills and experience implementing an efficient interview
Naturally, the start of more new projects are required. However, the professionals process and taking extra measures to
meant contract managers and business in shortest supply are likely to include: ensure new joiners are a good cultural fit,
analysts were needed to oversee CRM and AX consultants who can refine which will maximise the chances of their
operations. customer experience; web developers long-term employment.
with SharePoint experience; mid-level
As the frequency of new openings is .Net developers with at least four years’
expected to increase even further in experience; and IT specialists with a good
2014 – for temporary and permanent staff knowledge of mobile work solutions like
alike – competition over already-scarce IT Cisco, Juniper, Checkpont and Citrix.
specialists will become fiercer than ever.
Among the professionals most sought-
Over the past four years
KEY TRENDS IT professionals have
■■ The number of new IT vacancies in quarter four of 2013 reached a record been attracted to new
high not seen since 2008. positions where stability,
■■ Big data, new software products, security and CRM solutions will be top ongoing training and
priorities for IT departments in 2014. career development
■■ Salaries reached the top bandings in many roles during 2013 and we expect have been offered, but
these to soar even higher this year. financial incentives will
■■ Extremely efficient interview processes will be crucial in securing top talent in become increasingly
the face of increased competition. important in 2014.
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
mproved economic confidence gave senior lawyers enjoyed the opportunity expectations in order to secure good
the legal job market a boost in 2013, to work on multiple projects. Mid-level in-house opportunities with long-term
but reduced budgets still played a role lawyers will continue to be the preferred career options. We advise employers to
in major hiring decisions. Private practice choice in 2014. streamline their hiring methods to get
and in-house legal teams alike preferred first choice of the existing and incoming
mid-level lawyers who could hit the To appeal to the shrinking pool of lawyers.
ground running and were more affordable intermediate-level professionals, law
than their senior counterparts. firms are expected to offer higher Hiring managers will
salaries as well as promising fast-track continue to focus on
However, with many junior and mid-level career progression. In-house legal
lawyers leaving New Zealand to gain teams are unlikely to do the same as
securing top-tier mid-
international experience, hiring managers most lawyers leaving private practice to level lawyers in order
were often forced to take on part-time work in-house are prepared to accept to expand their teams
senior counsel. By doing this they could pay cuts in return for a better work/life while adhering to tight
receive top-quality legal advice at rates balance. Even the more mature talent budgets.
more fitting with their budgets. This was a pool returning to Auckland after working
mutually beneficial development as many internationally will be flexible with salary
2013 2014
Private Practice
7+ yrs' PQE 90 - 150k+ 90 - 150k+
6 yrs' PQE 83 - 145k 85 - 140k
5 yrs' PQE 78 - 115k 80 - 120k
4 yrs' PQE 65 - 95k 70 - 100k
3 yrs' PQE 50 - 78k 53 - 85k
2 yrs' PQE 40 - 64k 43 - 65k
1 yr PQE 39 - 60k 40 - 60k
Newly-qualified 34 - 46k 35 - 45k
7+ yrs' PQE 81 - 150k+ 85 - 150k+
6 yrs' PQE 70 - 100k 70 - 100k
5 yrs' PQE 63 - 95k 65 - 100k
4 yrs' PQE 58 - 86k 60 - 90k
3 yrs' PQE 49 - 78k 50 - 85k
2 yrs' PQE 44 - 76k 45 - 80k
1 yr PQE 41 - 69k 40 - 70k
Newly-qualified 40 - 60k 40 - 60k
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
fter a quiet start to the year at the find multi-skilled professionals with the Having open discussions about the scale
senior end of the procurement, ability to run a thorough start-to-finish and scope of projects as well as offering
supply chain and logistics job process. Anyone with core contract longer-term career opportunities will
market, 2013 evolved into a busy year of management skills and strong supplier help companies generate interest from
hiring activity. Many organisations delayed relationships was especially popular. potential contractors and permanent
expanding their numbers, relying first on employees. Offering slight salary
consulting firms to help restructure teams. Mid to senior-level procurement increases compared with 2013 –
In some cases, consultants advised specialists, managers and category especially for hard-to-fill openings like
companies to transfer the reporting lines managers will be in high demand in 2014 procurement specialists – will also help
of the procurement functions to their as more projects are approved. Among companies stand out as competitive
finance divisions. With most decisions these professionals, individuals with employers.
made by July, the second half of the international experience will be highly
year marked a significant change in the sought-after. But procurement specialists
attitudes of hiring managers. won’t be easy to secure as people with
the desired CIPS qualifications will remain
Once organisations had a clear hiring in much higher demand than supply.
agenda in place, their first priority was to
2013 2014
Procurement Director 125 - 200k 125 - 200k
Procurement Manager 100 - 150k 100 - 150k
Strategic Sourcing Manager 90 - 140k 100 - 140k
Contracts/Relationship Manager 80 - 130k 90 - 130k
Procurement Specialist 80 - 120k 85 - 125k
Tenders Advisor 55 - 70k 55 - 80k
Procurement Co‑ordinator 50 - 60k 50 - 65k
Contracts Administrator 50 - 60k 50 - 65k
Supply Chain
Distribution Centre Manager 95 - 150k 100 - 150k
Demand/Supply Planning Manager 90 - 130k 100 - 130k
Operations Manager 90 - 140k 90 - 140k
Supply Chain Manager 85 - 140k 90 - 130k
Demand/Supply Planner 65 - 90k 70 - 100k
Logistics Manager 75 - 130k 85 - 130k
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
283 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
ales, marketing and Wellington office of a large supermarket Already salaries have soared beyond
communications professionals retailer with its Auckland counterpart. traditional rates and these pay rises are
benefited from a strong market in This move caused a surge in demand likely to continue in 2014 – especially
2013, as employers were prepared to for senior business managers with a for individuals with specialist skills,
compete for top performers by offering background in fast-moving consumer established relationships and technical
higher salaries. This was largely due to goods. understanding. Even increasing the
global interest in New Zealand export speed of the recruitment process may be
products playing a central role in boosting Overall, steady hiring is expected across insufficient for securing the best talent in
business confidence. While the economic most industries with an increased some cases. Hiring managers should be
recovery has caused significant uplift in emphasis on insights, analytics prepared to take a chance on more junior
hiring across several sectors, employee and trade marketing as businesses professionals who they can train on the
shortages have made sales, marketing become more interested in customer job. Contractors will also be in demand
and communications one of the most engagement. As a result, hiring managers during particularly busy periods, but
competitive job markets. This is primarily will be seeking professionals with a they too will be sought-after and able to
due to the fact that many sales and documented relationship history with negotiate on the terms of the contract.
marketing professionals prefer to work their customers and proven experience
overseas where they can earn higher in specific channels. People with a good
salaries and gain diverse commercial understanding of digital marketing or
experience. Among the professionals data mining tools are also likely to prove
in shortest supply are communications popular.
specialists, marketing analysts and key
account managers. Across most sectors, key account
managers, brand managers and sales
Perhaps one of the biggest shake-ups and marketing analysts will be in a good
was the proposed merger to unite the position with high demand at all levels.
Steady hiring is
KEY TRENDS expected across most
■■ Global demand for New Zealand export products has helped to boost the industries with an
economic recovery. increased emphasis
■■ Sales and marketing professionals frequently looked abroad for higher on insights, analytics
salaries and more diverse experience, putting a strain on the job market in and trade marketing
New Zealand. as businesses become
■■ In 2014 businesses hope to get closer to the customer through better more interested in
insights, analytics and trade skills within their marketing teams. customer engagement.
■■ Individuals with specialist skills, good relationships and technical prowess can
expect to earn much higher salaries.
Sales Director 185 - 220k 185 - 225k 100 - 125 100 - 125
Marketing Director 180 - 220k 180 - 220k 100 - 120 100 - 120
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
edundancies in 2013 had a some Australian firms outsourcing large throughout 2014, hiring managers may
significant impact on the job call centre divisions to New Zealand. not have time to wait for the candidate
market for secretarial and business with the perfect level of experience. With
support staff in Auckland. As a result of With secretarial and support staff the exception of some slight increases to
major cost-reduction initiatives, several in greater supply than demand, the wages of experienced PAs, EAs and
companies made senior Executive organisations may be prepared to hold office managers, companies should find
Assistants (EAs) redundant, with mid- out for the right person. However, as salary expectations across most levels
level EAs and PAs then expected to companies continue to seek remain similar to 2013.
support multiple people. Office managers experienced PAs and office managers
and sales support professionals were who can effectively handle additional Hiring managers will
also expected to take on additional responsibilities, hiring managers need need to be more agile
responsibilities. In many cases, hiring to consider motivated and enthusiastic when hiring and be
managers preferred to hire contractors professionals whose abilities can be prepared to fast-track
for fixed periods during which they could developed on the job. interviews and offers
assess their value before offering them to secure the most
permanent positions. Call centre support Given an expectation that firms will in-demand
staff were also in demand, partly due to gradually advertise more vacancies professionals.
t the start of last year, recruitment efficiency gains. Employers will be looking
in the private sector was focused for evidence of these skills no matter what
on roles beyond core accounting. the core role is, including management
For example, there were pockets of accountants, business analysts and
demand for business partnering experts business intelligence professionals.
with skills in providing analysis and Accountants with two to seven years’
advice on KPIs and strategy. Throughout post-qualification commercial experience
2013 there was also stable demand for will be in highest demand, with many
contractors from junior accounts staff employers vying for their skills. As
up to CFO level. In the public sector, the in previous years, people who can that require two to five years’ post-
new All of Government recruitment panel ‘work away from the desk’ and really qualification experience and niche skills
led to a number of prescribed openings embed themselves in an organisation’s such as International Financial Reporting
coming to market as vacancies were operations will continue to be highly Standards (IFRS), and contract positions
divided into nine set categories. valued. generally. For mid to senior-level roles,
identifying the package of wider benefits
Overall this year we are expecting In order to secure the most sought- and potential career development can be
cautious growth. Increasing confidence in after individuals, companies may need very enticing.
the economy will see more accountants to tighten up the recruitment process,
leaving practice for industry, and this will shortening the time taken to hire. Hiring
be happening earlier in their careers. We managers should also sell the role and
also expect hiring managers will seek the company in order to engage the
business partners – professionals who best people. While we expect salaries to
can analyse figures and offer strategic rise in line with inflation, some roles are
advice, particularly in relation to potential commanding more: for example, those
Salaries should rise with
KEY TRENDS inflation, but some will
■■ Skills beyond core accounting are in demand – CVs that demonstrate rise faster - for example
business analysis, efficiency improvement and strategy advice will get - people with two to five
attention. years’ post-qualification
■■ People with two to five years’ post-qualification experience are highly experience, very niche
regarded by employers, and command higher salaries. skills such as IFRS
■■ More people will leave practice for industry this year, and earlier than in specialists, and contract
previous years. positions generally.
■■ Employers will value people who can form relationships and have a positive
impact across an organisation.
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he first half of 2013 was dominated to recoup 2013’s capital outlay on jobs market in 2014 and most hiring is
by compliance with the Anti compliance. Professionals who can expected to be for replacements rather
Money Laundering Act, creating therefore identify and deliver process than newly-created roles. In terms of
demand for contractors and some efficiencies and work outside their core salaries, the expectation is that they will
movement in the jobs market. However, role will be in demand – for example move mainly in accordance with inflation,
the backdrop of ongoing regulatory business analysts, business improvement although people with specific skills such
change, including The Reserve Bank’s and analytical management accountants. as market risk may achieve more.
new restrictions on loan-to-value ratios,
meant many organisations’ forecasts With a growing reputation for offering Salaries on the whole
were destabilised, prompting an overall ‘value for money’, we also anticipate will rise with inflation,
mood of caution and a cost-conscious professionals with two to seven years‘
experience will remain in high demand.
but people with niche
approach. The second half of the year
was more settled and focused around Securing individuals at this level will be and in-demand skills,
permanent replacement hiring. increasingly difficult as competition for such as market risk,
their skills grows. can expect greater
This year, managing costs will still be increments.
a primary focus following the need Cautious optimism will characterise the
ngineering & construction construction, there will be a strong both construction and engineering
professionals were generally in short demand for site managers, quantity anticipated this year, employers may need
supply in 2013, owing primarily to surveyors and project managers to look at offshore talent, or alternatively,
earthquake engineering works and the from intermediate to senior-level. consider candidates who can quickly
gathering momentum of the rebuild in Transport projects will need senior level pick up new skills, for example those with
Christchurch. Seismic-qualified structural transportation engineers, and there will mixed project backgrounds. As a result
engineers were particularly in demand. be continuing demand for structural we do expect some growth in salary and
engineers, especially those with seismic benefits packages, particularly at senior
In contrast, the collapse of a large New experience and an understanding of and principal level.
Zealand-based building contractor local building regulations. There is a lack
flooded the market with skilled of public/private partnership experience With continued skill
construction workers. Projects were re- too and as projects increase chartered shortages across
tendered, and new construction divisions professionals who can sign off structural
were formed.
both construction and
drawings that comply with new building
codes will be highly sought-after. engineering anticipated,
This year some major new projects employers may need to
will begin. In commercial and civil With continued skill shortages across look at offshore talent.
2013 2014
Group Manager 140 - 180k 140 - 185k
Principal Engineer 110 - 140k 120 - 140k
Senior Engineer 100 - 120k 100 - 120k
Intermediate Engineer 80 - 100k 80 - 100k
Engineer 45 - 75k 45 - 75k
Project Director 200 - 250k 200 - 260k
Programme Manager 120 - 190k 125 - 200k
Senior Estimator 100 - 140k 110 - 140k
Project Manager 80 - 120k 80 - 120k
Senior Quantity Surveyor 80 - 120k 80 - 130k
Estimator 60 - 90k 60 - 100k
Quantity Surveyor 45 - 80k 45 - 80k
Project Co‑ordinator 40 - 70k 40 - 75k
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he HR recruitment market was this year we expect to see recruitment in the run-up to the general election.
fairly stable in 2013 but there were activity as HR teams regroup. There When it comes to salaries, permanent
some peaks of activity following will be a continued need for senior and fixed term rates are now on a par - a
widespread restructures – creating HR advisors with workforce planning change from previous years when fixed
openings for learning and development experience, and HRIS analysts – though term rates were elevated to offset job
specialists. Recruitment in the HRIS the right combination of skills, experience security.
and payroll areas were consistently and attributes is rare. Payroll specialists
busy throughout the year, in part driven will also be in short supply, especially The Ministry of
by the introduction of Novopay within those with Novopay experience. To Education’s Novopay
the Ministry of Education. Contract secure in-demand professionals this year,
opportunities slowed down later in the hiring managers will need to clearly define
system continues to
year as organisations sought to control and communicate their employee value require significant
costs and better manage their contractor proposition during the hiring process. resources, but it might
workforce. be difficult to source
Whilst we anticipate continued demand professionals with the
At the end of 2013 a number of top-level for these specialist professionals in 2014,
HR professionals moved jobs, so early we predict HR recruitment will dip slightly right skill sets.
T recruitment in Wellington began This year will see significant recruitment With shortages of key professionals
strongly last year with increased activity in some areas. Solutions becoming an issue in certain areas, hiring
demand - particularly for business architects, business analysts, business managers may need to be flexible in their
analysts and project managers. It intelligence specialists and change and current salary bands for roles – however,
was also a busy year for business release managers will all be in demand. there will not necessarily be general salary
transformation and process change, as Large government departments and at increases this year. More importantly,
the public sector focused on efficiency least two major banks are embarking on hiring managers should try to speed
gains through shared services, new large-scale transformational programmes, up the recruitment process to secure
technologies and a more customer- drawing on a shrinking talent pool, the best talent. For existing staff, career
orientated public service model. The particularly at senior level. A drive for web, development and training opportunities
newly-created All of Government mobile and cloud capability will also lead are important – especially the opportunity
technical services panel and a public- to demand for security and Agile delivery to be deployed to important and
sector fixed-headcount directive led to an experts. interesting projects.
increase in third party solutions and larger
vendor-based teams. Employers are also increasingly looking
for people who can combine technology
This in turn created demand for vendor, skills with a wider remit across people,
change and release experience and in- process and systems, supporting
house architecture skills, as well as an the business and understanding the
increased emphasis on project control outcomes of projects. Architects and
and governance. Risk and assurance business analysts are increasingly being
also came to the fore following a large asked to work closer to the business and
technology replacement solution going there is a real skills gap here.
The main activity this
KEY TRENDS year will be contract-
■■ Anticipated growth in outsourcing of technical delivery and support roles and driven, but the IT
a drive for quality and assurance. recruitment market
■■ Technologies such as MS CRM, AX and SharePoint, IBM Websphere, JAVA generally will slow down
Weblogic and ERP systems such as Oracle e-business and SAP will be a as the general election
focus across both the public and private sectors. approaches.
■■ There are skills shortages in most senior-level positions within the business
transformation area.
■■ People who can identify with the operations of the wider business and
understand the outcomes of projects will be popular.
he private practice recruitment Anti-Money Laundering/Countering We anticipate that the private practice
market saw little movement last Finance of Terrorism Act. market will remain stable overall this year.
year. Many firms were affected In comparison, we expect more activity
by the All of Government legal services This year, in-house procurement and at the senior end of the in-house jobs
panel but called upon internal resource commercial teams will be recruiting market as General Counsel and Assistant
rather than recruiting new people. The commercial contracts specialists, GC look for new opportunities following
same can be said in the insolvency area particularly in the telecommunications and little movement in the last one to three
which, although busy, saw few new roles energy sectors. Employers will also be years.
created. The in-house legal market was keen to recruit commercial and regulatory
stable with many roles being replacement in-house lawyers with five to 10 years’ Salary bandings
hires rather than newly-created positions. post-qualification experience, especially remained the same in
those with technology experience. This is
In the first half of 2013 many banking being driven by large-scale technological
2013 and will remain
and finance companies took on legal change in both the public and private constant in 2014 -
consultants on contract as they geared sectors. reflecting overall
up for regulatory changes such as the workflows.
2013 2014
Private Practice
7+ yrs' PQE 90 - 150k+ 100 - 150k+
6 yrs' PQE 83 - 145k 83 - 140k
5 yrs' PQE 78 - 115k 78 - 115k
4 yrs' PQE 65 - 95k 65 - 90k
3 yrs' PQE 50 - 78k 50 - 78k
2 yrs' PQE 40 - 64k 45 - 65k
1 yr PQE 39 - 60k 45 - 54k
Newly-qualified 34 - 46k 34 - 46k
7+ yrs' PQE 81 - 150k+ 85 - 150k+
6 yrs' PQE 70 - 100k 80 - 110k
5 yrs' PQE 63 - 95k 75 - 95k
4 yrs' PQE 58 - 86k 70 - 86k
3 yrs' PQE 49 - 78k 60 - 78k
2 yrs' PQE 44 - 76k 50 - 80k
1 yr PQE 41 - 69k 45 - 72k
Newly-qualified 40 - 60k 40 - 60k
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
rocurement is mainly driven by the This year, the replacement hiring of chief managers make the best of the interview
public sector in Wellington and procurement officers in late 2013 will process: a two-way conversation that
there was little significant movement have an effect on the market – each engages candidates will help retain them
overall last year. However, in the first one will want to put their own stamp for longer. There was little movement in
part of the year there were numerous on the organisation and recruit teams salaries last year, but companies may
intermediate permanent roles available, accordingly. This will require senior need to offer higher pay to secure the
and a quiet market for senior roles last category and procurement management calibre of people they need in 2014.
year should mean more activity this year. roles in particular. ICT procurement
professionals will also be in demand but Senior category and
The establishment of a government hard to find, and in the private sector procurement
commercial team caused more junior procurement staff will also be in
movement within government agencies
management roles will
short supply – they will be looking to start
and less demand for external support. their careers in the public sector and be filled early this year,
One notable trend was a shift in focus be part of the government procurement and experienced
towards professionals with Member of academy. professionals will
the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and generally command
Supply (MCIPS) qualifications, and more Candidates in general will be scarce
people studying towards them. this year, so we recommend that hiring
higher salaries.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he recruitment market was positive but there will be new openings across offices in 2014 and other companies
last year with ample opportunities all levels as more companies ensure consolidate their workforce into smaller
for facilities, property and asset their property and assets are properly areas.
management professionals across both managed and maintained. Project
the public and private sectors. We expect managers, project co‑ordinators and But some organisations may find their
there to be an increasing need for highly- asset managers with a construction staff moving to competitors this year
specialist professionals this year. With background will be placed quickly, if they don’t carefully review salaries
more seismic activity than ever before, and they in turn will need exceptional and ensure they’re in line with market
companies have to invest greater focus staff to turn around improvement work rates. There is a wide range of salaries
on internal fixtures. As a result, seismic on tight deadlines. Where demand offered across the public and private
specialists within facilities and project exceeds supply in the workforce, some sectors – often for similar roles – and
management with engineering and employers will expect staff to broaden more new vacancies in 2014 may force
construction qualifications are scarce and their responsibilities and adopt new organisations to implement pay rises.
in high demand. skills. There will also be a requirement
for facilities professionals with relocation
Professionals with five to 10 years’ experience as a number of government
experience will be particularly popular, departments are expected to move
2013 2014
Facilities Management
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
t was a difficult year for senior marketing with customers through new channels. Overall this year salaries and contract
professionals as some key businesses Employers may well recruit more at rates will remain static – only internal
moved their offices to Auckland or graduate or advisor level and develop change and communications
reduced the size of their marketing teams. people internally, but across more senior professionals will command higher
With more candidates than vacancies, positions employers will expect broad increments this year.
employers were very selective and experience and a willingness to specialise.
expected people to have broad marketing In a candidate-rich
experience across all functions. It was Despite more candidates being available market, employers will
a better year for communications as in the market, the best talent will still
senior professionals with internal and be hard to secure. Our advice is to
expect a combination
change experience were in high demand, move quickly to secure those with of wide-ranging
resulting in higher salaries. valuable technical skills and experience, experience and a
and trust them to learn about new willingness to
This year, organisations will focus on industry. Internally, identify the essential specialise.
internal communications, but there will team members and offer them higher
also be digital and direct marketing roles salaries and professional development
available as organisations communicate opportunities.
2013 2014
National Sales Manager 100 - 180k 90 - 160k
Enterprise Sales Manager 100 - 180k 100 - 180k
Key Account Manager 75 - 120k 75 - 120k
Business Development Manager 65 - 150k 60 - 150k
Territory Manager 55 - 80k 60 - 80k
Sales/Account Manager 55 - 95k 55 - 90k
Sales/Market Analyst 55 - 70k 55 - 70k
Sales Representative 50 - 80k 50 - 75k
Sales Administration/Support 40 - 60k 35 - 55k
Marketing Manager 80 - 150k 80 - 150k
Product Specialist 80 - 110k 80 - 100k
Product/Brand Manager 80 - 130k 80 - 130k
Trade Marketing Manager 75 - 95k 80 - 100k
Market Research/Insights Manager 80 - 140k 75 - 130k
Category Manager 75 - 95k 75 - 95k
Sponsorship & Events Manager 70 - 110k 70 - 110k
Channel Manager 70 - 110k 70 - 110k
Marketing Co‑ordinator 50 - 65k 60 - 70k
Market Researcher 50 - 80k 55 - 75k
Assistant Brand/Product Manager 50 - 70k 55 - 75k
Communications Manager 80 - 150k 85 - 150k
he overall focus for employers co‑ordinators and personal assistants salaries this year, though experienced
in 2013 was on fixed term and who can progress within an organisation – executive assistants may be able to
temporary hiring, ranging from employers expect the ability to multi-task negotiate more. Hiring managers should
four weeks to six months. There was and adapt to ever-changing policy. The note that our recent candidate research
greatly increased demand for a temporary recruitment process will become more shows only 28% of job-movers take
flexible workforce in the public sector in detailed, particularly for contact centre a position because of salary alone –
particular, and many businesses invested staff. Many employers are conducting factors like the opportunity to progress
in projects such as asset management psychometric tests, only interviewing and flexibility around work/life balance is
information systems which required high-scoring applicants, and there is also becoming increasingly important.
temporary data entry staff. Senior a greater focus on finding people with the
managers also relied heavily on executive right personality. All of these factors are There was greatly
assistants, personal assistants and high- aimed at helping organisations ensure increased demand for
level administrators who could handle new people are capable of advancing contract and fixed-
multiple duties and more responsibilities. through the business to promote organic
term roles, particularly
This year hiring managers will look for executive and personal
dynamic administrative staff, including There will be little or no movement in assistants and high-
level administrators.
NB: Figures are salaries inclusive of superannuation, but exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
T hroughout the
year companies
in China competed
In the year ahead we can expect to
see salaries following a similar trend to
2013, with job-movers likely to achieve
for top sales increments of between 15% and 25%
people with local (20% for IT, 20-30% for risk/compliance,
experience and and 15% for supply chain), while those
product knowledge. who stay in their current role may receive
Hiring managers around 8-10%. Hiring managers should
focused on R&D, keep an open mind with regard to future
looking in particular hiring targets to ensure they meet their
for employees who could work needs, focusing on the ‘best-suited’
closely with clients and translate their recruits, rather than those who meet all
requirements into new products. skills or qualification criteria. The so-called
‘perfect candidate’ can prove costly
There was also a strong call for managers in terms of salary and can be hard to
with international mindsets who could attract and retain, whereas an employee
support business growth, particularly in with the right attitude can be developed
e-commerce, while the banking workforce internally to carry out specific roles and
grew as foreign companies expanded into responsibilities.
second-tier cities.
Following the Third Plenum meeting in
Keeping an eye on costs, many November 2013, China’s leadership
companies turned to shared service pledged its commitment to accelerating
centres in Beijing and Shanghai for their growth and developing internal markets.
IT, human resources and accounting It also set out plans to scrap China’s
needs. Additionally, employees from one-child policy, which should impact
Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and positively on the FMCG sector. However,
Malaysia – with Mandarin language it may be wise to keep future growth
skills and lower salary expectations than expectations in check. The much-
other internationals – were brought in to publicised 10% GDP target is probably a
fill labour gaps. Generally, it is thought step too far, and confidence and optimism
that the domestic workforce will be able in 2014 will need to be tempered with a
to meet skills demands in 2014 and dash of realism.
beyond, although directors with hands-on
experience of strategy implementation
will continue to be in short supply. Hiring
managers will also need to cast their nets Job-movers are likely to
wide to find professionals with strong achieve increments of
sales skills who are well versed in local between 15% and 25%,
culture. while those who stay in
roles may receive around
Looking to move jobs 8-10%.
ccounting and finance addition, more multinational companies accounting and finance roles with local
professionals were reluctant to are focusing on China as a strategic professionals.
change jobs in Beijing’s uncertain market and will look to acquire
economy throughout 2013. As a result, local companies. To facilitate these In order to attract the strongest
the number of vacancies went down company transitions, we expect a rise employees, companies may need to
compared with previous years. There was in opportunities for senior mergers and offer salary rises of 10-15% in line with
just one exception to this trend as the acquisitions professionals. However, as increases seen last year. Annual pay
need for new staff with internal auditing there is a smaller local talent pool with rises will help to retain staff – 2014 salary
and compliance experience increased. sufficient decision-making experience, reviews may result in 7-9% increments,
This was primarily because medical and companies may need expats for roles which is consistent with 2013 levels.
pharmaceutical companies required in- such as CFO and M&A director. In Offering wider responsibilities will also
house experts in order to meet stricter particular, M&A professionals with over improve employee satisfaction, boost
legal and compliance standards. eight years’ experience and some internal skill sets and encourage job-
exposure to international markets will seekers to think beyond the ‘Big 4’.
In the face of increasing market prove particularly popular. Meanwhile,
regulation, the job market is likely to in an effort to manage overall costs,
continue in the same vein in 2014. In companies are likely to fill more junior
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n 2013, the job market for HR While HR teams are not expected to expect increases between 10-30%,
professionals in Beijing remained expand in 2014, firms hiring employee with the greatest pay rises going to
stable. With several new foreign replacements will be looking for managers professionals with the strongest track
SMEs expanding into China, there was with a strong track record of rolling out records and those willing to relocate to
increased competition for mid to senior- productivity-boosting training schemes. Beijing.
level HR specialists who understood both As companies hope to keep their
the local market and the ambitions of business models lean, they should be Professionals moving
international companies. The increased willing to offer good salaries, long-term jobs from tier-one to
desire to foster staff loyalty also had an training opportunities and clear career
impact on the HR sector, with companies progression in order to attract loyal
tier-two cities could
seeking organisational development employees. command salary
and efficiency experts who could design increases of 20-30%.
tailored skill development programs. Pay rises for job-movers were substantial
Likewise, new openings for compensation in 2013, and companies will have to
and benefits specialists increased as continue offering significant increments
both local and international firms set new if they want to remain a competitive
budgets and staff satisfaction goals. employer in 2014. Applicants could
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
hile many large multinational growth-driving initiatives. The most 15%. These figures are expected to
corporations were conservative desirable employees will have a firm remain consistent in 2014, with newly-
when it came to growing their understanding of the local market and created roles accounting for as many
marketing teams during the uncertain some experience with foreign business as 60% of the opportunities. Among
market in 2013, there were noticeably development. However, these individuals these, business development roles will be
more vacancies with foreign SMEs. will also be the hardest to find. We advise particularly prevalent.
This trend emerged as companies new companies to keep an open mind when
to China needed brand and marketing hiring for these roles. Incorporating clear Marketing professionals
managers to help them expand their targets will increase staff motivation and with sales experience
business network. boost productivity of internal marketing
can expect the highest
The job market is likely to continue in salary increases when
this vein in 2014. SMEs and expanding Salary increments of up to 30% were moving jobs, top-
companies will require PR and events seen for professionals with strong sales performers will secure
managers, government relations backgrounds seeking new roles in 2013. up to 30%.
specialists and business development However, less-experienced individuals
managers to take responsibility for were generally happy to move for 10-
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
W 70%
hile the job market for sales directors to senior sales managers
consumer-focused sales and sales general managers. Many of
professionals was quiet as a these new and expanding companies will
result of economic uncertainty, there were be SMEs looking for professionals who of roles from newly-
significantly more openings for industrial understand the local market and have a created positions
sales staff in 2013. Foreign SMEs in the proven track record with related products.
manufacturing sector were looking to
increase the headcount of their sales Increasingly focused on gross revenues,
combination of a successful track record,
teams as they continued to boost their companies will be expanding their sales
strong market knowledge, specific
influence in China. Mid to senior-level teams, as many as 70% of vacancies
product experience and exceptional
sales professionals were in particularly will be newly-created roles. In order
communication skills.
hot demand by heavy machinery to stand out to potential job-movers,
manufacturers, which were relatively highlighting career potential will be just as
successful last year. crucial as pay rises and we recommend
hiring managers speak openly about
Improvements are expected in the retail the organisation’s future growth strategy
sector this year, which should translate to when recruiting new employees.
more roles for sales managers capable
of breaking into new consumer channels. Sales professionals moved for salary
The energy sector is also likely to be a increments of 10-30% in 2013 and are
big growth-driver as the global demand likely to expect similar incentives this year.
for new energy sources takes hold in The biggest salary jumps will go to those
China. As a result, we expect to see an with the strongest sales backgrounds,
increase in vacancies for everyone from and to individuals with the hard-to-find
The biggest salary
KEY TRENDS increases will go to
■■ Heavy machinery manufacturers performed well in 2013 and experienced the hard-to-find
new demand for mid to senior-level sales professionals. professionals with
■■ Foreign SMEs in both the industrial and consumer sectors increased their the combination of a
headcount to extend their influence in China. successful track
■■ Job-movers with the strongest sales backgrounds secured 15-30% salary record, strong market
increments. knowledge, specific
■■ 70% of sales posts are expected to come from new headcount while 30% product experience
are likely to be staff replacements in 2014. and exceptional
communication skills.
2013 2014
IT Sales
Industrial Sales
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
I 10-20%
n 2013, hiring trends across the supply Industries on the rise in the capital
chain and quality market in Beijing include consumer goods, environmental
varied dramatically according to sector. protection and efficient energies.
Although recruitment demands dropped Companies in these areas will be looking pay rises expected by job-movers
off among manufacturing companies in for research and development employees
traditional areas like mining, there was as well as quality control professionals
more activity in emerging e-commerce to help increase their product ranges, of 10-15%, though professionals in
and green sectors. This was a result improve brand reputation and manage promising industries like energy saving
of tough new government regulations costs. However, it will be difficult to find could command as much as 20%. Hiring
and environmental concerns which employees with enough experience for managers from multinational corporations
together created jobs for research these roles. There will certainly be stiff will need to think about increasing
and development, quality testing and competition for candidates with good employee incentives. Otherwise, they
production professionals within the industry knowledge, bilingual capabilities risk losing top employees to local private
sustainable energy sector. and at least eight years’ experience. companies, who are fast earning a
reputation as preferred employers who
As the machinery, construction, With these professionals in short supply, offer higher salaries and more staff
commercial property and mining hiring managers need to decide on development opportunities.
industries in Beijing slow down, their priority requirements early in the
manufacturing organisations are likely recruitment process and keep an open
to look to surrounding cities like Tianjin mind during interviews. In addition to
& Hebei for business. This process of good salaries, added benefits such as
relocation could help to deliver much- gym membership will help attract the
needed growth outside Beijing. best applicants. Those moving jobs in
2013 were looking for salary increments
There will certainly be
KEY TRENDS stiff competition for
■■ The traditional manufacturing sector slowed, and with it the need for supply professionals with good
chain and quality professionals with expertise in mining, machinery and industry knowledge,
construction. bilingual capabilities
■■ Hiring activity was highest for e-commerce companies and organisations within and at least eight years’
the emerging green industry. experience.
■■ Professionals from the energy-saving sector expected salary increments of
20% or more in 2013.
■■ Foreign SMEs moving into China will look to expats for senior general
management roles and quality control positions, as local prospective employees
may struggle to meet international standards.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he job market for accounting managers should be aware that last year Matching or building on last year’s 15-
and finance professionals varied also saw automotive and special materials 30% salary increases for job-movers
significantly between industries companies replacing senior-level foreign will help companies secure specialists
during 2013. People with experience in management with local talent. Across in short supply, for example financial
the automotive, electric and electronic all sectors, stricter budget controls and controllers. We also expect to see last
sectors were recruited aggressively. The increased focus on top-level growth year’s 5-10% annual pay rises continue
special materials sector also took on new will require companies to hire finance this year in order to retain top performers.
staff to deal with developments in aircraft controllers, cost controllers and finance
manufacturing. But many large machinery analysts. Finding these professionals Across all sectors,
firms were restructuring and reluctant to won’t be easy though – especially stricter budget controls
create new roles in the process. if several years’ experience, English
will require companies
fluency and leadership skills are required.
With the expansion of joint ventures in the When meeting potential candidates, to hire finance
automotive sector, we expect to see new businesses may need to offer insight into controllers, cost
opportunities open up for professionals company growth prospects and discuss controllers and finance
with knowledge of foreign accounting opportunities for career development. analysts.
and finance practices. However, hiring
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n 2013, a mood of caution prevailed Overall, global economic uncertainty and automotive backgrounds. But these
in the operations and engineering affected mechanical engineering the most. employees may be difficult to find as the
jobs market in Nanjing, with many Domestic infrastructure projects like desired level of technical knowledge is
companies putting restructuring plans high-speed rail developments were put on rare in the local market. To attract strong
in motion. There were fewer calls for hold, and companies shrank headcount applicants with industry knowledge, good
management-level positions in research and even laid off staff in some areas. communication skills and extensive work
and development, as companies experience, employers will need to offer
specialising in machinery, automotive and The automotive sector is likely to enjoy competitive pay.
electronics opted to hire more mid-level continued success in 2014, increasing
engineers. Sluggish performance in the the need for personnel who can help Mid and senior-level staff will be most
chemicals sector also led to reduced improve product quality and workplace reluctant to move and are unlikely to be
hiring requirements. However, we did see safety. Hiring priorities here will include enticed by anything less than a 15-25%
increased headcount in the automotive engineering professionals, environmental pay rise, compared with 15-20% in 2013.
sector created by new general manager health and safety experts and continued Eight to 10% annual salary increments
and plant manager roles, plus strong improvement specialists. Companies should be sufficient to retain staff, while a
demand for positions relating to finished will also be looking for research and collaborative work environment will further
products and spare parts. development professionals with chemical help to boost employee satisfaction.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
lthough there was little hiring This renewed focus on HR professionals staff, once hiring managers do find the
activity in HR during 2013, we is likely to become more pronounced in right people, they need to make clear the
expect to see more vacancies 2014. In particular, those with experience challenges associated with the role.
emerge in 2014 as chemical and of designing and implementing bespoke
automotive manufacturers initiate training and benefits packages will be key In 2013, top HR professionals could
new projects in Nanjing. Foreign SME recruitment targets. command as much as a 30% pay rise.
investment in surrounding cities such as As we expect demand for HR talent to
Zhenjiang, Wuhu and Chuzhou is also However, sourcing the best professionals increase in 2014, salary increments are
likely to boost HR talent demand in the will require the most efficient hiring likely to remain consistent with this level.
area. processes as talent shortages grow. Employers should focus on staff retention
Learning and development managers schemes for their HR teams, including
As companies looked to retain staff in with extensive experience in training and internal training and greater involvement
2013 through competitive employment career development will be in especially in overall business strategy.
schemes, specialists in learning and high demand, as will compensation and
development and compensation and benefits managers well versed in salary
benefits became a top hiring priority. structures. To ensure retention of quality
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he job market for both sales and competition for experienced sales and moving jobs to increase from the 2013
marketing professionals was marketing professionals. Some roles such range of 15-35% to a more competitive
reasonably active in 2013. The as product managers will be difficult to 20-40%, in line with increasing
automotive, chemical, electric and fill, as the strongest individuals with the expectations. Sales and marketing
electronic sectors presented great best technical backgrounds are usually professionals will also be attracted by
opportunities for sales professionals, while a based in Shanghai. More specifically new career progression and development
large number of new marketing roles came roles like product life-cycle managers may opportunities like exchange programs
from the power automation sector. Growth also emerge as companies refine their with regional headquarters.
was stimulated by foreign organisations in offering and tailor it to the local market.
the automotive and automation industries. Employers will prefer applicants who Salary rises for job-
In particular, more mid to senior-level sales have an MBA degree and around eight movers are expected to
professionals and product managers were years’ experience in both marketing and
required to establish strong corporate technical departments, but they may
rise to 20-40% in 2014.
reputations in the local market. need to improve on past offers to attract
the most desirable employees.
In 2014, companies in these high-
performing sectors are likely to be in We expect salary increments for those
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n 2013, there was a dip in the job Within the automotive sector, more will help to secure the strongest
market for supply chain professionals. positions of this nature are likely to appear possible team, reducing the chance
This was mainly due to the closure in 2014, when hiring managers will be that applicants will accept positions
of a number of chemical factories in seeking individuals with strong technical elsewhere. In addition to offering pay rises
Nanjing, which had a negative impact on and industry backgrounds in supply chain in the region of 8-10%, employers should
sourcing and logistics roles. Companies quality assurance and logistics. There will also consider competitive annual salary
in many other sectors focused on be fierce competition for professionals reviews and broader role responsibilities
streamlining their business models, with industry-specific knowledge and to retain top employees.
which further contributed to increasingly proven track records for delivering
conservative hiring practices. However, exceptional product quality. There will be fierce
the automotive sector did see a slight competition for
uplift in replacement hiring. In particular, As the market steadily improves, hiring
companies in this area sought quality- managers should review their recruitment professionals with
control staff with a keen eye for suppliers methods to successfully recruit the industry-specific
who could enhance quality while keeping strongest employees. Speeding up the knowledge and proven
within budgets. interview and negotiation processes track records.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n 2013 the overall mood in accounting annual bonuses are awarded. In those an improving market, companies will also
and finance was reserved, as a slowing sectors, companies will be looking for be offering training, mentoring and career
economy meant that many firms took experienced accounting and finance planning in order to retain their staff.
longer to expand their teams or even professionals – particularly those who
stopped altogether. The government have been involved in big store openings. As in 2013, we expect
came down hard on corruption and Financial planning and analysis skills will candidates who switch
extravagant spending and introduced also be valuable, as will English-speaking
a high luxury-consumption tax. This, and CICPA-certified accounts people.
jobs in 2014 to be
combined with increasing travel outside Meanwhile, businesses entering China looking for an increase
China, impacted the domestic luxury will be looking for finance managers in their salary of
sector and reduced the need for new (especially those with enterprise resource 10-20%.
employees within it. planning experience), directors and
financial controllers.
But prospects seem brighter this year.
Hiring managers will fill more roles in As in 2013, we expect candidates who
quarter two, especially in FMCG, retail, switch jobs in 2014 to be looking for an
luxury and professional services after increase in their salary of 10-20%. With
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
313 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
L 30%
ooking back on 2013, the front will therefore need front office sales
office market was busier than professionals to help grow their market
2012. This mainly stemmed from share. There will be a strong call for
the expansion of Asian and Australian employees who understand China salary increments will
commercial banks and other large foreign and have good business development be expected
banks into China’s smaller cities. The skills, solid product knowledge and an
market overall has seen mixed fortunes entrepreneurial approach. Mid to senior-
though. European banks generally level professionals with eight to 15 years’
A purely financial driver can mean hiring a
looked only to replace outgoing staff, business experience will be particularly
less-than-loyal employee, which may not
and worldwide economic instability led desired by hiring managers, especially
be in a company’s best interests. To hold
to slower developments in investment relationship and product sales managers.
on to valued professionals, employers
banking, private banking, asset These skills are in short supply locally
should set realistic sales targets, and
management and private equity. Yet at and with an anticipated boom, demand is
strike a balance between sales objectives
the same time, the uncertain economy only going to increase. In order to secure
and business growth.
increased demand for credit and the best, we recommend that hiring
compliance professionals. managers review their expectations of the
number of years’ experience employees
However, the market looks likely to need and the revenue they are expected
improve this year. A new Free Trade to generate.
Zone is being established in Shanghai,
and there could well be a boom in While people who are moving jobs
corporate and investment banking and expect salary increments of 20-30%,
private equity when key economies we recommend looking closely at a
pick up again. Chinese businesses candidate’s motivations for moving jobs.
To hold on to valued
KEY TRENDS professionals,
■■ As the Free Trade Zone is established, market conditions will improve. employers should set
■■ Foreign banks will expand to smaller cities across China and create more realistic sales targets
front office roles. and strike a balance
■■ Corporate banking will be the main source of demand for front office between sales
employees. objectives and business
■■ Relationship managers and sales product managers will be particularly growth.
important to companies.
■■ Experienced professionals are in short supply.
■■ People who understand the Chinese market and culture will prove popular.
I 25%
n 2013, recruitment activity for middle years’ experience in tier-one banks.
and back office functions improved Qualified senior credit approvers will also
on 2012 levels, driven largely by Asian be in short supply as large corporate
and Australian commercial banks. The companies look for a safe pair of hands average mover’s
continued impact of the global economic to manage large portfolios. Back-office salary increase
crisis increased demand for credit and hiring managers will be looking for
compliance professionals, but slowed juniors across trade finance and cash
down activity in investment banking, management operations, and mid-level right people. There are a limited number
private banking, asset management and risk-control staff will be needed to help of local people in the banking sector due
private equity. businesses steer towards safer trade to the small talent pool, so looking within
finance products. financial institutions beyond banking
We are expecting further improvement for example, or seeking out Mandarin-
this year with the new Free Trade Across the sector, job-movers expect speaking expats currently based overseas
Zone in Shanghai and the expansion 20-30% salary increments, and people can pay dividends. Employees who
of foreign banks into China’s second staying in their existing roles around know the Chinese market and can
and third-tier cities. Growth will mostly 8-12%. As well as bearing these salary adapt quickly to its culture will have the
come from corporate banking, while we expectations in mind, all hiring managers advantage in the coming year.
expect a boom in investment banking should focus on creating a shorter
and private equity recruitment as key interview or recruitment process. People
economies improve. Recruitment for may lose interest in an organisation if
middle-office functions such as finance, the process is drawn out, especially in
risk, compliance and internal audit will the peak quarter one and quarter two
also be busy, and there will be particularly recruitment periods. We also suggest that
strong demand for those with six to eight managers look more widely to find the
Back office hiring
KEY TRENDS managers will be
■■ As the Free Trade Zone is established market conditions are expected to looking for juniors
improve. across trade finance
■■ Foreign banks will expand to smaller cities across China and create new and cash management
roles. operations, mid-level
■■ Back office professionals with tier-one banking experience will thrive. risk control staff will
also be in demand.
■■ Mid-level risk control staff will be in demand.
■■ Candidates who understand the Chinese market and culture will do best.
2013 2014
Front Office
Middle Office
Back Office
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ver the last year, activity in Human business functions. HR professionals with Qualified business
Resources has been broadly FMCG exposure are particularly suitable
partners with a proven
similar to 2012. Consistently we’ve as they can bring experience and skills
seen organisations expecting more from from a relatively mature market. However, ability to support
their HR professionals, increasingly relying qualified business partners with a proven development and
on their input to help make business ability to support development and introduce successful
decisions. This has resulted in a strong introduce successful people strategies are people strategies are
demand for high-calibre HR business scarce, and as such are very valuable.
In line with last year, mid to senior-level
In 2014 these trends will continue, with professionals expect to increase their
companies recruiting HR professionals salary by 15-25% when moving jobs.
who can demonstrate stronger Hiring managers should also recognise
commercial awareness. As businesses that HR professionals want organisations
grow in scale and reach, and career to value and invest in their discipline.
development and retention becomes Companies that can demonstrate this will
critical, hiring managers will focus even have a competitive edge.
more on HR roles that tie into specific
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n 2013, more companies relocated worked within a multinational corporation, should be rewarded with training,
technology functions to China to have online operation experience and promotions and pay increments. But
better manage their costs, in the good communication skills. We’ve seen the key factor is to maintain one-on-one
process creating new opportunities also more R&D centres opening in China, communication with existing IT staff - our
for IT professionals. In addition, IT bringing with them a requirement for previous employee survey showed many
managers with cross-region experience Java and C++ developers, architects, IT professionals left roles because of poor
were needed to support fast-growing business analysts and product managers. relationships with their hiring managers.
industries setting up headquarters in In addition, there is a growing trend for
Shanghai, where we saw demand for investment banks setting up technology
project managers, regional IT audit and hubs in China, generating demand
e-commerce managers. for qualified software engineers with
investment bank core-system experience.
Looking at the wider picture, the Chinese
government recently introduced measures All this growth means IT professionals
to tip the balance of the economy are expecting more. While those moving
away from manufacturing and towards jobs received pay rises of over 20% in
domestic consumption. This is creating a 2013, it’s not just about money: some
need for IT professionals who understand professionals will actually take a pay
the needs of both clients and consumers. cut for their ideal role with the right
There will also be more e-commerce development opportunities. To attract the
roles, for example in customer best, hiring managers should offer new
relationship management, supply chain recruits the chance of an expanded role,
management and internet banking. In this with responsibilities over and above their
area, the strongest professionals will have previous position. Existing employees
Many IT professionals
KEY TRENDS are willing to take a pay
■■ More companies moved to China to save costs, creating jobs that filled the cut for their ideal job,
gaps left by a slow economy. but they want greater
■■ With the Chinese economy tilting from manufacturing to domestic responsibility in return.
consumption, there’s a consequent need for consumer-savvy
IT professionals.
■■ Companies are likely to focus more on retention of IT professionals.
■■ There will be a focus on finding people with a combination of technical and
‘soft’ skills.
2013 2014
Regional IT Director 1.3 - 1.8m 1.3 - 1.8m
Regional SAP Director 1.0 - 1.9m 1.0 - 1.9m
SAP Director 750k - 1.1m 700k - 1.1m
Country IT Director 850k - 1.6m 750k - 1.6m
Application Director 550k - 1.3m 550k - 1.3m
Consulting Director 450k - 1.0m 450k - 1.0m
IT Security Director 600 - 800k 550 - 800k
IT Advisor (In-house) 450 - 500k 450 - 500k
Commercial Systems Manager 400 - 700k 380 - 700k
Consulting Manager 400 - 650k 400 - 650k
IT Security Manager 400 - 450k 350 - 450k
UI Design Manager 300 - 500k 300 - 600k
Project Management Officer 300 - 600k 300 - 600k
Service Manager 300 - 500k 300 - 500k
Software Development Manager 300 - 500k 300 - 500k
IT System Process Owner 300 - 500k 300 - 500k
IT Manager 300 - 500k 300 - 500k
Application Manager 300 - 570k 300 - 570k
BI Manager 250 - 500k 250 - 500k
IT Auditor 250 - 450k 250 - 450k
SAP Manager 430 - 700k 400 - 700k
SAP Consultant 230 - 500k 230 - 500k
Business Analyst 220 - 500k 220 - 550k
ERP/Application Consultant 220 - 500k 220 - 500k
IT Consultant 250 - 800k 250 - 800k
Senior Infrastructure Manager 400k - 1.0m 400k - 1.0m
Data Centre Manager 400 - 550k 400 - 550k
Database Administrator 220 - 650k 220 - 650k
Senior System Administrator 245 - 400k 250 - 400k
Infrastructure Manager 210 - 420k 210 - 420k
Help Desk Support 200 - 300k 120 - 250k
Software Architect 400k - 1.5m 400k - 1.3m
Senior Software Developer 250 - 500k 250 - 500k
Software Developer 120 - 350k 120 - 350k
UI Designer 200 - 300k 180 - 300k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
319 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
hroughout 2013, the market for continues to present a good opportunity managers should offer competitive
entry-level engineers and R&D for local professionals - organisations salaries and the promise of promotion to
professionals was strong, but most will be looking for professionals with attract and retain their best employees.
of the mid to senior-level roles available the potential to help their businesses
were replacement hires, particularly in grow, improve efficiency and achieve Organisations will be
manufacturing which experienced more international standards in China. With looking for professionals
muted growth. This year we expect this in mind, environment and health and
operations and manufacturing recruitment safety experts with experience locally and
with the potential to
to continue growing in key sectors such within the relevant industry will be key help their businesses
as automotive, chemicals and FMCG, targets. Lean managers, Master Black grow, improve efficiency
with a particularly busy period anticipated Belt and Six Sigma Specialists will also be and achieve
after Chinese New Year. in demand. international standards
Senior-level expats have had a difficult Experienced professionals are in short
in China.
time locating to China in the last year as supply, and this means loyalty may be
many companies, notably in the FMCG sacrificed for the prospect of 20-30%
sector, sought to manage costs. But this salary increases. With this in mind, hiring
2013 2014
Chief Operating Officer 1.4 - 2.4m 1.5 - 2.5m
Head of Operations 1.1 - 1.8m 1.2 - 1.9m
Plant GM 800k - 1.4m 800k - 1.5m
Operations Director 800k - 1.7m 800k - 1.8m
Master Black Belt 650k - 1.5m 700k - 1.6m
Environmental Health & Safety Director 700k - 1.4m 750k - 1.5m
Senior Lean Consultant 700k - 1.2m 700k - 1.3m
Operations Manager 550k - 1.1m 550k - 1.2m
Facility Manager 350 - 600k 350 - 650k
Production Manager 300 - 550k 300 - 600k
Maintenance Manager 300 - 500k 300 - 550k
Environmental Health & Safety Manager 300 - 650k 300 - 700k
Black Belt 250 - 600k 250 - 600k
Project Manager 300 - 550k 300 - 550k
Lean Consultant 300 - 550k 350 - 550k
Safety Manager 350 - 400k 350 - 450k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he job market for sales and consumers are quickly developing online But while companies across the board
marketing professionals spending habits. Companies will therefore continue to call for experienced sales
experienced fluctuations in 2013. be wise to target digital managers, and marketing professionals to help hit
However, some sectors within consumer e-commerce managers and e-customer their growth targets, the most desirable
and professional services experienced a relationship managers as part of their employees may be reluctant to leave their
surge in demand for both replacement hiring strategy. current roles.
and new hires. Retail and luxury firms,
for example, required in-store sales Other areas of rapid growth include fast- Organisations should be prepared to
managers to help exploit consumer moving consumer goods such as food offer 10-20% pay rises to attract job-
purchasing power. But this trend is likely and toiletries. Many Shanghai-based movers – sometimes more for specialists
to slow in 2014 as the rising consumer companies will focus on exporting to from niche sectors such as professional
price index gradually restricts people’s tier-three and four cities where consumer services. As a result of the high cost of
ability to indulge in luxury goods. Store spending is on the rise. Among these hiring new employees, staff retention
openings within the luxury retail sector businesses, Chinese and western wine will be a key focus for companies. Good
will also be less prevalent, although retailers are proving especially successful career development plans will be integral
senior managers will still be looking for and may need to recruit high-calibre mid to satisfaction within sales and marketing
trainee and junior sales and marketing to senior-level professionals with a deep teams.
professionals. understanding of the Chinese market.
And as China becomes an increasingly
In 2014, companies are likely to focus popular visitor destination, travel and
on recruiting sales and marketing holiday providers will likely need to
professionals with experience in expand their sales and marketing teams
e-commerce. The advent of new too.
online retail platforms means Chinese
Organisations should
KEY TRENDS be prepared to offer
■■ Despite slowing GDP growth in 2013, high consumer purchasing power 10-20% pay rises to
meant retail and luxury firms continued to open stores and employ in-store attract job-movers.
sales managers.
■■ The luxury retail sector is expected to slow in 2014 as the CPI rises, but
e-commerce and fast-moving consumer goods will experience continued
■■ Job-movers received 10-20% salary increments in 2013 and are likely to
expect similar in 2014, with mid to senior-level professionals in professional
services potentially commanding more.
ales and marketing professionals annual bonus payouts. We believe the to reach high-calibre industrial sales and
within the industrial sector faced most active sectors will be automotive, marketing specialists. Promoting training
changeable conditions throughout machinery and chemical, as these have and development opportunities will be
2013. During the first half of the year, been consistent catalysts for growth in crucial to attract ambitious mid to senior-
the job market boomed for individuals recent years. Senior sales and marketing level sales and marketing professionals.
with all levels of experience. However, professionals will be needed across all
as China’s economy slowed, vacancies sectors as companies expand their teams Job-movers in this industry generally
for more junior roles became scarce. for the year ahead. received salary increases of 20-30%
Sales directors, marketing directors, in 2013, and similar pay rises will be
key account managers and business We expect employers to be on the expected this year. To retain existing
development managers enjoyed a lookout for business development employees, annual salary increases
relatively steady number of opportunities managers and sales directors who can of 10% will be the standard in 2014.
as top-line growth remained a priority help win new business while respecting Companies looking to really stand out
for many organisations. Automotive and tight budgets. As companies start may want to consider more generous
chemical companies were the most prioritising staff retention, they’ll be salary reviews.
proactive in advertising new sales and looking for loyal self-motivators with long-
marketing roles, with expansion into term strategic vision and good people-
China’s second-tier cities leaving key management skills.
vacancies open in Shanghai.
However, there’s a shortage of candidates
The job market is likely to pick up after who meet this description and high-
Chinese New Year, when new hiring performing sales professionals are
budgets will be reinforced by a positive rarely active in the job market for long.
economic outlook and professionals Companies will need to work harder this
will be considering job moves following year to promote their brand, if they want
As companies start
KEY TRENDS prioritising staff
■■ With top-line growth a key objective for 2013, sales directors, marketing retention, they’ll be
directors, key account managers and business development managers were looking for loyal self-
key hiring targets. motivators with long-
■■ Job-movers received 15-30% salary increments in 2013 and are likely to term strategic
expect similar rises this year. management skills.
■■ Professionals who stayed in the same role received around 10% pay rises
2013 2014
Sales General Manager 1.5 - 2.0m 1.5 - 2.0m
National Sales Director 850k - 1.6m 850k - 1.6m
National Key Account Director 600k - 1.2m 600k - 1.2m
National Key Account Manager 300 - 500k 300 - 500k
National Sales Operation Director 500 - 800k 500 - 800k
National Sales Manager 450 - 650k 450 - 650k
Regional Sales Manager 350 - 550k 350 - 550k
Marketing General Manager 1.5 - 2.0m 1.5 - 2.0m
National Marketing Director 850k - 1.3m 850k - 1.3m
National Marketing Manager 500 - 650k 500 - 650k
Regional Marketing Manager 300 - 450k 300 - 450k
National Trade Marketing Director 600k - 1.0m 600k - 1.0m
National Trade Marketing Manager 300 - 500k 300 - 500k
Senior Product/Brand Manager 300 - 450k 300 - 450k
Product/Brand Manager 250 - 400k 250 - 400k
Regional Trade Marketing Manager 250 - 400k 250 - 400k
Brand General Manager 1.2 - 1.6m 1.2 - 1.6m
National Sales Director 800k - 1.2m 800k - 1.2m
National Sales Manager 600 - 750k 600 - 750k
National Sales Operation Manager 400 - 600k 400 - 600k
Regional Sales Manager 350 - 550k 350 - 550k
Marketing Director 850k - 1.2m 800k - 1.2m
Marketing Manager 500 - 800k 500 - 800k
Group Product Manager 300 - 500k 300 - 500k
Senior Product Manager 250 - 450k 250 - 450k
Trade Marketing/Special Events Manager 250 - 450k 250 - 450k
Public Relations Manager 200 - 450k 200 - 450k
Training Manager 300 - 500k 300 - 500k
Visual Merchandising Manager 250 - 400k 250 - 400k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
323 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 324
2013 2014
Professional Services
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n the early part of 2013, companies This year, more companies are expected Many job-movers looking for these roles
were expanding their supply chain and to roll-out expansion plans, generating will begin their search soon after the
procurement teams in China. Continued new vacancies. Hiring managers will be Chinese New Year, so hiring managers
talent shortages placed pressure on looking for local candidates with resumes need to invest in training and offer flexible
operational growth strategies, however showing consistent career progression working options to attract and retain
these shortages reduced later in the year and experience, especially in fast-growing the best candidates. They’ll also need
as uncertainties over the economy grew. sectors such as automotive, FMCG to keep in mind that job-movers will be
Cost and efficiency became important and third-party logistics. Growth and looking for 20-30% salary increments.
drivers, especially for multinationals, and compliance will be key themes, with mid
this meant trade compliance experts, to senior-level trade compliance and Job-movers will be
logistics managers and sourcing regulatory affairs professionals in demand. looking for 20-30%
specialists were required. In the drive Customs and import/export experience
salary increments, while
to manage costs, many companies will be sought-after too as the economy
outsourced their supply chain operations, grows and confidence increases. people staying in the
which saw multinationals recruiting less Sourcing specialists will also be in same position expect to
but third-party logistics firms recruiting demand as organisations will still continue receive a 10% increase.
more. to focus on managing costs.
2013 2014
Supply Chain VP 1.3 - 2.5m 1.4 - 2.5m
Procurement Director 800k - 1.5m 1.0 - 1.5m
Supply Chain Director 800k - 1.8m 800k - 2.00m
Quality Director 650k - 1.4m 700k - 1.5m
Supply Chain Manager 400 - 800k 350 - 900k
Procurement Manager 300 - 550k 300 - 600k
Quality Manager 400 - 650k 400 - 650k
Sourcing Manager 450 - 600k 400 - 600k
Logistics Manager 400 - 550k 400 - 600k
Supplier Quality Manager 350 - 600k 350 - 600k
Supplier Development Manager 350 - 600k 400k - 650k
Commodity Manager 350 - 600k 400 - 600k
Demand Planning Manager 350 - 600k 350 - 600k
Warehouse Manager 300 - 550k 350 - 600k
Merchandising Manager 300 - 550k 350 - 550k
Supplier Development Manager 250 - 400k 250 - 450k
Import/Export Manager 300 - 600k 300 - 650k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ast year saw more recruitment Despite an increase in recruitment levels This year, those moving jobs will be
activity in accounting and finance in 2013, costs management is still key seeking a 20% salary increase as well as
compared to 2012. One of the and a mood of caution prevails. As a long-term development plans, retention
main sources of new roles for local result, hiring managers are likely to remain bonuses and employee benefits. Hiring
accounting and finance professionals hesitant when considering bringing in new managers will benefit from an agile
was the growing number of new shared staff. However, caution around costs will mindset and being able to quickly adjust
service centres, as companies managed mean there are openings for professionals their requirements to changing market
costs and sought to improve working with cost efficiency and working capital conditions, helping them to secure the
efficiencies. Having filled most senior management experience. Bucking the highest quality candidates.
posts during the early part of the year, the trend, new shared service centres will
automotive and chemical sectors were still be seeking to fill a number of roles,
looking for junior and mid-level staff. New especially for general ledger and accounts
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) receivable/payable experts. They will
factories also opened in Suzhou, many of also need treasury and tax professionals
which required cost analysts, pricing and with five to eight years’ experience and
quotation specialists, tax, treasury and a strong knowledge of IFRS and US and
credit controllers. China GAAP.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n 2013, the biggest effect on more technical and R&D centres will open seeking opportunities to handle projects
engineering recruitment came from in China this year too, particularly ones from the start and autonomy is a key
a drop in chemical sector roles as serving the automotive and machinery factor in choosing a new role (in the
companies invested less in the local sectors. As a result, fluent English- past, R&D took place overseas with just
mature market and more in south- speaking R&D experts who can complete manufacturing needed in China.) Existing
western China. Most employers in projects independently will be on many staff will be looking for retention incentives
the engineering sector were carefully companies’ wish lists. Hiring managers in the form of internal training and
reviewing their organisations’ headcount need to be aware that there’s a particular career development plans or overseas
and taking on very few new people. There shortage of these skills in the automotive opportunities.
were some significant exceptions though sector where R&D is fairly new to China.
with, for example, many companies in the People moving jobs will
automotive, machinery and bio-chemical In terms of salary, candidates moving jobs expect 15-20% salary
sectors moving their manufacturing to are looking for 15-20% salary increases
compared to 10% increments if they
Suzhou, creating roles for R&D engineers
and managers, and manufacturing stay in their current role. When it comes
engineering managers. In line with the to other key motivators this year, mid to
relocation of manufacturing, we predict senior-level professionals are increasingly
2013 2014
Technical Director 700k - 1.2m 800k - 1.3m
R&D Director 500k - 1.3m 700k - 1.5m
Engineering Director 500k - 1.3m 600k - 1.3m
Construction Manager 500 - 850k 400 - 700k
Technical Manager 450 - 850k 450 - 850k
R&D Manager 350 - 550k 400 - 600k
Lean/Six Sigma Manager 320 - 520k 320 - 520k
Engineering Manager 300 - 500k 350 - 600k
Facilities Manager 300 - 500k 300 - 500k
Project Manager 250 - 450k 250 - 500k
Maintenance Manager 250 - 450k 250 - 450k
Tooling Manager 180 - 280k 200 - 320k
Automation Manager 250 - 350k 250 - 400k
Project Engineer 100 - 200k 120 - 220k
Design Engineer 150 - 220k 150 - 250k
ME Engineer 100 - 200k 120 - 220k
Automation Engineer 100 - 200k 120 - 220k
Application Engineer 150 - 220k 150 - 250k
Maintenance Engineer 100 - 200k 120 - 220k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
329 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
fter a slow start in 2013, continuing trend, particularly in the growing HR professionals will increasingly look
recruitment of human resources automotive, chemical and pharmaceutical to be recognised for their skills in 2014,
professionals picked up sectors, for companies looking for seeking clear career paths in current
significantly as new companies in the HR employees with around 15 years’ roles and 20-30% salary increases in new
automotive, chemical and pharmaceutical experience who can play an active role in roles.
sectors established or expanded developing company strategy. Technical
operations in Jiangsu Province. New training managers will also be sought- Technical training
R&D centres are also opening alongside after as factories aim for operational managers will be prized
manufacturing factories in Suzhou, and excellence and improving staff skills. In
finds as factories aim
HR professionals with R&D experience addition, strategic, business-focused HR
continue to be in high demand. professionals who are willing to travel will for operational
be particularly in demand. To find these excellence and
The biggest development in HR professionals, companies investing in improving staff skills.
recruitment related to China’s new Labour surrounding cities, such as Kunshan,
Law – to keep pace, companies sought Taicang, Changshu and Nantong will
HR professionals with detailed knowledge search for talented people in Suzhou who
of employment legislation. There will be a are willing to travel to these regions.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
013 was a year of contrasts for will be looking to build on modest growth companies. Companies should also bear
the industrial sales and marketing from last year. Technical sales people are in mind that staff will want to be part of
sector. Fewer industrial orders and in short supply. However, as these sectors a strong corporate culture and receive
lower subsidies in the new energy sector, pick up companies will be exploring new a competitive salary, with job-movers
along with delayed foreign investment, directions in sales. seeking pay increases of 20-25%.
resulted in lower demand for sales
professionals. Elsewhere, automotive and This will create opportunities for Companies will be
medical device manufacturers took on experienced business development and exploring new directions
sales staff to boost top-line growth. strategy sales professionals, as well as for
senior sales managers – especially those
in sales, creating
Market conditions are expected to with industrial sales or Chinese market opportunities for
improve overall this year. The construction experience. experienced business
machinery sector is showing signs of development and
recovery as China launches incentives for Hiring managers need to be open-minded strategy sales people,
the Great West Development. Automotive when they recruit, for example looking
companies will be carrying out business within the automotive sector to find sales
as well as senior sales
expansion plans and the chemical sector and marketing people for machinery managers.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries inclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
perations & manufacturing strong management skills that can be development, as many candidates
recruitment was relatively slow in transferred from roles in the machinery cite a lack of career progression as
2013. This was primarily due to an and industrial equipment sectors. the main reason for leaving a role. Mid
uncertain global economy and western to senior-level professionals also say
manufacturing projects forming local Additionally, Chinese manufacturers are strong company growth prospects and
partnerships rather than ordering from making their operations teams more sales a rewarding culture are key factors in
China. Employers were hesitant to take oriented, meaning that commercially- choosing a role - those organisations
on new people, especially in machinery minded general managers with an who can effectively ‘sell’ these points will
manufacturing roles. The automotive international vision will be invaluable. As secure the best professionals this year.
and machinery sectors were notable Chinese firms buy out more companies
exceptions, with companies actively who are industry leaders in other Job-movers will expect
recruiting senior professionals. This year, countries, they’ll be looking for specialists salary increases of
the automotive sector will continue to with experience in overseas markets.
5-20% but even more
be active, and those with an industry
background and experience in automotive Job-movers will expect salary increases important is career
factory management will be a hiring of 5-20%, but even more important is progression.
priority. So too will senior employees with career progression and professional
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he level of recruitment in quality supplier factories required senior quality (10-20% increments), clear progression
and EHS was much the same in managers, quality supervisors and opportunities and a mature corporate
2013 as in 2012. There was a flurry senior engineers. In 2014, as in 2013, culture, or better training if they stay in
of activity in quarter two after bonus there will be specific overall demand for their current roles.
payouts, but in the second half of the regional quality directors, EHS directors
year companies were more cautious in and regional supplier quality managers. As more companies
their approach due to general economic As more companies move their global move their global
uncertainty. Many organisations simply sourcing centres to China, supplier
increased their employees’ workloads quality engineers with strong technical
sourcing centres to
rather than filling vacancies. backgrounds and communication China, supplier quality
skills will be in demand. Senior quality engineers with strong
Where hiring did occur, demand was engineers, again with good technical skills technical backgrounds
highest in the automotive, machinery, and solid levels of experience, will also be and communication
electronics and electrics, medical and highly sought-after.
chemical sectors. New automotive
skills will be in demand.
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) In general, professionals moving jobs
factories opened around Suzhou, and will be looking for competitive salaries
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
espite an overall trend of hesitancy Companies also want their new sourcing A focus on cultural values, development
in supply chain and sourcing and planning staff to be specialists, and opportunities for career progression
recruitment, there was strong bringing hands-on experience, technical will also help attract high-quality staff.
momentum in the automotive and knowledge, commercial insight and the Existing employees will be looking for a
electronics industries, especially in the ability to deliver results. However, these 5-10% increment plus a retention bonus,
third quarter of 2013. Organisations have specialists are often keen to take on internal job rotation options and further
been focusing on supplier development, management roles, so compromise is education opportunities to stay in their
on-time goods delivery and whole supply vital to avoid a mismatch in expectations. roles.
chain management, and will continue to Employers will particularly value people
do so this year. with SAP implementation or key user Companies want new
experience, and fluent English-speaking sourcing and planning
Another noticeable trend saw many sourcing, planning and sub-function
foreign companies streamlining their
staff to be specialists,
organisational structures, creating bringing hands-on
demand for high-level supply chain Salary levels fell overall in 2013, but this experience, technical
professionals to help control costs and year hiring managers may need to offer knowledge and
improve processes and performance. 15-25% to meet candidate expectations. commercial insight.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
H ong Kong is
widely regarded
as the gateway
likely to be repeated in 2014, although
companies will continue to take a
cautious approach to hiring. Of course, if
to China, and in the economy picks up we’ll see increased
2013 businesses recruitment activity, particularly if China’s
continued to set up renewed commitment to economic
here – particularly growth – set out in the Third Plenum
in the retail and meeting in November 2013 – comes to
sourcing sectors fruition.
with a view to
expanding into the mainland. With China Looking ahead, hiring managers should
planning to relax its one-child policy, focus on keeping their top employees
retail companies saw an opportunity by offering healthy wage increases,
to gain a foothold in what is expected promoting organisational stability, career
to be an expanding FMCG market. progression and training. Employees
In 2014, we expect to see retailers often view periods of slow growth as an
showcasing their products to Chinese opportunity to improve their skills and
tourists in Hong Kong with an eye on knowledge; enabling them to do so will
future sales ventures. make them feel valued and help to retain
their services.
There was a return to hiring in the IT
sector in 2013, with particular focus on
cloud computing and IT infrastructure.
And having previously settled for
less, companies are now looking
for the highest-performing recruits.
There has also been more movement
amongst senior employees, which led
to widespread promotion for middle
managers. Middle management therefore
saw talent shortages and is an area
where companies will focus recruitment
during 2014. As Hong Kong is a small
market hiring managers may also see This year top performers
severe shortages for those in-demand IT are not only looking for
specialists. a 10-15% pay increase,
but are increasingly
For employees staying within their present motivated by clear career
roles, salaries in Hong Kong increased progression, training,
3-5% in 2013 in line with inflation. Job- and stability. Companies
movers on the other hand saw pay delivering this will attract
Looking to move jobs increments of 10-15%. These trends are the best in the market.
I 20%
n the face of economic instability The role of the finance function is also
employers took a risk-averse approach developing, with finance professionals
to the hiring of accounting and finance now being expected to play a more
professionals in 2013 - new vacancies instrumental role in business decision- pay rises commanded
were mostly limited to replacement hiring. making. However individuals with by some contractors
With such a cautious approach, the exceptional presentation skills and
recruitment processes that followed were the ability to explain financial data to
typically very long with multiple levels commercial partners are scarce. With
of approval required and stricter hiring such versatile requirements, hiring particularly as cost-control initiatives
criteria enforced. It became increasingly managers should act quickly and continue to limit salary increases in 2014.
common – especially when filling senior extend offers as soon as they have Job-movers may expect pay rises of
positions – for employers to run five or identified such talent in order to ward-off 10-15% while staff remaining in the same
more rounds of interviews. In order to competitors. permanent roles will likely receive around
secure the necessary headcount in time 3-4%, which is in line with expectations
for peak periods, hiring managers often Given the difficulty of identifying and from 2013. However, as contractors
leaned towards contractors for greater attracting finance professionals with increase in popularity, top performers
flexibility. In some cases, fixed term the right communication and business- could secure increases of 20%, in
contracts were viewed as a probation partnering skills, companies should addition to lucrative completion bonuses.
period with the potential to develop into consider offering soft-skills training
permanent employment. This increased programs – especially for mid to senior-
reliance on contract workers is likely level employees. It is these kinds of
to continue in 2014 until multinational career progression opportunities that will
corporations lift strict headcount freezes. appeal to the most motivated individuals,
Employers are likely to
KEY TRENDS use an attractive
■■ Strict headcount freezes restricted hiring primarily to replacement staff, with corporate culture and
as many as five rounds of interviews becoming the standard. career progression
■■ Many employers prioritised contract hiring for greater flexibility and ‘try before opportunities rather
you buy’ probation periods. than competitive
■■ As finance professionals are increasingly expected to assist business salaries to recruit and
decision-making, hiring managers are placing more emphasis on presentation retain talent.
■■ Salary increases will remain similar to 2013, with the exception of some
significant pay rises for contractors.
NB: Figures are basic exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
INVESTMENT BANKING at most 10%. This increment was by no Demand for sales professionals within
means guaranteed and on average, 0-5% commercial and corporate banking will
nvestment banks remained cautious in
was more typical across most investment continue but we anticipate more stringent
their approach to hiring over the past
banking departments (IBD) – we selection criteria.
two years. In the second half of 2013
anticipate similar levels in 2014. In fact,
there was some selective hiring into debt
many analysts and associates haven’t Salaries continued to increase, with most
capital markets teams as corporates in
seen a salary rise for 18 months. candidates expecting and receiving an
Asia sought to raise capital through debt
average 25% salary increment when
issuance, however equity capital market
CORPORATE & TRANSACTION moving jobs. Year-on-year, salaries
(ECM) businesses remained very quiet.
BANKING rose 15-20% for individuals staying in
We anticipate these trends continuing in
their current roles. This trend is likely to
to 2014. There was a continued demand for
continue in 2014 as banks continue to
relationship managers across all areas of
grow their corporate and transaction
Looking in more detail, it became clear commercial and corporate banking, with
banking businesses.
that debt capital market (DCM) teams the SME (commercial banking) and local
within the banks were somewhat under- corporate sectors (corporate banking)
resourced as analyst intakes into these the most active. Candidates who are
areas greatly reduced since 2008. fully trilingual (English, Cantonese, and
As a result, fixed income and credit Mandarin) and have an established client
professionals with three to six years’ network were particularly in demand.
experience are currently at a premium on Transaction banking grew significantly
the market. in 2013 as regional and international
banks established new lines or sought
The annual increment on base salaries to expand existing business lines within
in investment banks in Hong Kong was trade finance and cash management.
Despite a cautious
KEY TRENDS hiring market, top
candidates will have
■■ Most IBD businesses will take a cautious view on hiring as 2014 gets
more than one job
option, first-mover
■■ 2013 saw a rise in demand for both investor relations professionals and value advantage is so
creation portfolio managers within private equity.
important when tabling
■■ With overall job security still uncertain, many professionals may leave the an offer.
industry and change careers, so retaining top talent will be a focus for many
firms this year.
FINANCE & ACCOUNTING Job-movers in 2013 generally received stemming from Basel III, Dodd Frank
10-15% salary increments, while and EMIR we anticipate similar hiring
iring activity was relatively quiet
professionals who stayed in their current activity in 2014. Market and counterparty
in 2013, as banks continued to
roles saw their salary remain largely risk were quiet though and recruitment
offshore more process-driven
unchanged. Salaries this year are only resulted from a need to replace
accounting jobs to lower-cost countries
expected to remain at similar levels to headcount – particularly to fulfil credit
such as India, the Philippines, and China.
2013. and market risk and Basel III reporting
Many financial services firms also chose
projects to satisfy regulators’ demands for
to expand their responsibilities to existing
OPERATIONS information.
staff rather than seeking external staff
for replacements, which contributed Despite market uncertainties and a
With more industry regulations in
to lower hiring levels. In 2014, we challenging business climate, there were
place, employers will be very strict
expect that roles requiring substantial pockets of hiring across operations. Most
on candidates’ knowledge of specific
financial regulatory knowledge will be in new hiring in 2013 was mainly in the trade
regulatory requirements. Banks will
high demand and short supply due to finance operations and client onboarding
continue to seek risk professionals to
tightening industry regulations arising sectors – the majority at junior to mid-
meet fundamental requirements from the
from BASEL III and increased supervisory levels. Any senior recruitment that took
regulators - for trading risk control, and
oversight by the SFC and HKMA. There place was mostly replacement headcount
reporting across operational, credit and
are also further signs of growth with some due to ongoing regulatory changes.
market risk functions.
companies starting to focus on strategic
development and business expansion. In 2014 we expect that continued
Many banks will be looking for business
Commercially-focused candidates offshoring will lead to a decrease in
analysts and projects managers with risk
capable of interpreting business results operations hiring. However, certain
experience in driving regulatory projects.
and financial regulations to facilitate fields such as client onboarding, know
Candidates with cross-product and
such decision-making will therefore be in your client (KYC), and trade finance
strong regulatory knowledge are likely to
demand. operations will continue to see hiring
be in demand.
activity. Although many foreign institutions
We anticipate the overall market for offshored their operations to India, China,
Hiring managers are advised to run
accounting recruitment will be tough in Kuala Lumpur, and Manilla, mainland
swifter recruitment process in order to
2014 with hiring activity remaining flat and Chinese banks actually expanded their
obtain the best talent in the market. In
mostly replacement-based. Investment operations in Hong Kong.
terms of retention, internal rotation across
banks that no longer offer market rate multiple product lines and risk functions is
bonuses, have carried out redundancy Operations professionals moving jobs
recommended to keep the better-qualified
programs, or require staff to work in 2013 received salary increments of
talent within the organisation. Salary levels
extremely long hours are likely to find it 10-15%. We expect the level of salary
remained steady in 2013 and this trend
more challenging to hire staff in 2014. increment in 2014 to remain consistent
is likely to continue in 2014. Employers
Increasingly, accounting professionals with 2013.
will only be willing to pay a significant
are seeking opportunities within buy- premium for professionals with specific
side institutions, which are proving to be RISK & GOVERNANCE
regulatory knowledge.
relatively more stable environments than Recruitment levels in the operational risk
sell-side firms. space remained relatively high throughout
2013. As a result of the regulatory burden
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 342
Risk Management
Counterparty Risk 360 - 600k 300 - 600k 600k - 1.2m 600 - 900k 1.2 - 1.95m 900k - 1.5m
Credit Risk 360 - 600k 300 - 480k 560k - 1.0m 480 - 720k 920k - 1.5m 720k - 1.5m
Market Risk 400 - 700k 400 - 660k 700k - 1.1m 660 - 900k 1.1 - 1.5m+ 900k - 1.5m+
Operational Risk 420 - 600k 300 - 560k 600k - 1.0m 560k - 1.0m 1.0 - 1.8m 1.0 - 1.5m+
Change Management 240 - 480k 240 - 480k 480 - 900k 480 - 900k 830k - 1.3m 900k - 1.4m
Financial & Regulatory Reporting 380 - 520k 380 - 520k 520 - 900k 520 - 900k 900k - 1.7m 900k - 1.7m
Fund Accounting & Admin 216 - 420k 216 - 420k 420 - 840k 420 - 900k 840k - 1.4m+ 900k - 1.5m+
Management Reporting 380 - 500k 380 - 520k 560 - 850k 520 - 880k 850k - 1.3m 880k - 1.3m
Product Control & Valuation 420 - 550k 432 - 552k 550 - 840k 552 - 864k 840k - 1.5m+ 864k - 1.5m+
Strategic Planning 380 - 520k 380 - 520k 520 - 880k 520 - 880k 880k - 1.7m 880k - 1.7m
Tax Planning & Advisory 360 - 480k 360 - 480k 480k - 1.1m 480k - 1.1m 1.1 - 1.7m 1.1 - 1.7m
Treasury 240 - 360k 240 - 360k 360 - 720k 360 - 720k 720k - 1.2m 720k - 1.2m
Internal Audit
Fund & Wealth Management 400 - 540k 410 - 550k 540 - 940k 550 - 950k 940k - 1.6m 950k - 1.68m
IBD & Markets 440 - 570k 450 - 600k 570 - 960k 600 - 990k 960k - 1.7m 990k - 1.78m
Insurance 410 - 550k 420 - 560k 550 - 890k 560 - 935k 890k - 1.5m 935k - 1.58m
Information Technology 400 - 540k 410 - 550k 540 - 920k 550 - 920k 920k - 1.5m 920k - 1.58m
Retail & Commercial Banking 400 - 540k 400 - 540k 540 - 880k 540 - 880k 880k - 1.45m 880k - 1.45m
NB: Figures are basic exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Business Operations
Business Analyst 300 - 500k 300 - 500k 500 - 840k 500 - 840k 840k - 1.3m 840k - 1.3m
Change Management 300 - 540k 300 - 540k 540 - 960k 540 - 960k 1.0 - 1.4m 1.0 - 1.4m
Clearing/Reconciliations 340 - 420k 240 - 420k 420 - 820k 420 - 820k 800k - 1.0m 800k - 1.0m
Client Servicing 300 - 480k 300 - 480k 480 - 900k 480 - 900k 900k - 1.5m 900k - 1.5m
Collateral Management 300 - 480k 300 - 480k 480 - 900k 480 - 900k 900k - 1.5m 900k - 1.5m
Confirmation 240 - 420k 240 - 420k 480 - 900k 480 - 900k 900k - 1.3m 900k - 1.5m
Corporate Actions 240 - 420k 240 - 420k 420 - 820k 420 - 820k 820k - 1.0m 800k - 1.0m
Data Management 300 - 480k 300 - 480k 480 - 900k 480 - 900k 900k - 1.5m 900k - 1.5m
KYC/Client Onboarding 240 - 420k 240 - 420k 420 - 960k 420 - 960k 960k - 1.2m 960k - 1.2m
Settlements 240 - 420k 240 - 420k 420 - 820k 480 - 900k 800k - 1.0m 900k - 1.3m
Trade Support 240 - 420k 300 - 480k 420 - 820k 480 - 900k 900k - 1.5m 900k - 1.5m
Client Services - Cash/Trade 260 - 432k 260 - 432k 432 - 720k 432 - 720k 720k - 1.08m 720k - 1.08m
Client Services - Securities 260 - 450k 260 - 450k 450 - 720k 450 - 720k 720k - 1.08m 720k - 1.08m
Implementation - Cash/Trade 300 - 550k 300 - 550k 500 - 900k 550 - 900k 900k - 1.3m 900k - 1.3m
Implementation - Securities 360 - 600k 360 - 600k 600 - 900k 600 - 900k 900k - 1.3m 900k - 1.3m
Product Mgmt - Cash 360 - 600k 360 - 650k 600 - 900k 650k - 1.0m 900k - 1.3m 1.0 - 1.4m
Product Mgmt - Trade Finance 360 - 600k 360 - 700k 600 - 900k 700k - 1.0m 900k - 1.3m 1.0 - 1.5m
Product Mgmt - Securities 360 - 600k 360 - 600k 600 - 900k 600 - 900k 900k - 1.2m 900k - 1.2m
NB: Figures are basic exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
NB: Figures are basic exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
here were significant variations in roles this year. Several senior HR hiring managers should be flexible and
HR hiring trends within financial practitioners from the banking industry consider people with transferable skills.
services and commercial have moved to large local conglomerates. For instance, individuals with commercial
organisations in 2013. The more cautious We anticipate increased demand for experience can perform well in similar
of the two were financial institutions, senior level professionals in 2014, roles within financial services. Senior
which had to contend with strict with companies seeking director level job-movers more likely to meet the full job
headcount freezes and tough approval individuals with good strategic business specification may ask for higher pay rises,
processes - even for replacement sense and hands-on working methods. so fostering mid-level talent could prove a
roles. The particularly low demand for In particular, employers will want HR better financial decision. Salary increases
recruitment professionals suggests these directors who can manage any further should remain in line with 2013, with
organisations will not be increasing their hiring themselves. Meanwhile, HR HR professionals from financial services
hiring activity in 2014. However, they did generalists, OD experts and benefits securing 10-15% more and those from
hire additional compensation and benefits specialists will remain popular within commercial industries commanding
specialists, demonstrating a keenness to financial services. Several compensation around 15-20%.
retain their best talent. In commerce we and benefits professionals already moved
saw more vacancies for HR professionals, jobs last year, so employers may need to
with significant replacement hiring and consider contractors to cover these roles
new positions opening up for talent while permanent candidates are in short
managers and organisation development supply.
(OD) experts. A good potential sign of
future growth. Contract roles are likely to increase
across many areas in 2014 – especially
It is little surprise then that many HR in financial services where headcount
professionals in financial services are approval will remain difficult to secure.
expected to cross over into commercial Where permanent employees are needed,
Financial services
KEY TRENDS professionals will be
■■ In financial services hiring has been restricted to replacement staff and increasingly open to
retention specialists. positions in commerce,
■■ In commerce the job market is more buoyant, with newly-created roles for where more new roles
senior staff expected to oversee future growth. have been created and
■■ More hiring managers are taking on contractors, especially for scarcer fewer headcount
positions like compensation and benefits specialists. freezes enforced.
■■ Mid to senior-level HR professionals in finance will continue to claim salary
increases of 10-15%, while people in finance can earn 15-20% pay rises.
NB: Figures are basic exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
347 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
T 5%
he job market for IT professionals especially pre-sales, solution architecture
was slow in the first half of 2013. and service delivery. However senior IT
The few vacancies on offer managers with this kind of knowledge
were focused on replacement hires or remain scarce as the skill set is relatively higher increases
business-critical positions. Candidates new. Instead, organisations may have expected
remained cautious and were reluctant to invest in staff with strong potential for for contractors
to leave secure roles and unsurprisingly picking up new skills on the job. Providing compared with
contractors across all levels of experience education allowances for employees to 2013
were the preferred choice for companies earn certifications like PMP and CCIE may
working to specific project deadlines. The serve as a useful negotiating tool during
second half of 2013 brought an increase the final stages of hiring. Meanwhile,
contractors increases they may be able
in jobs called to market and faster-paced candidates with more traditional skills like
to negotiate higher increases. Last year
hiring, pointing to a more positive outlook application support workers, Java and
IT specialists received up to 10% rises
for 2014 – particularly for professionals C++ developers, business intelligence
for contract renewal and 15-20% for
with experience in Infrastructure as a analysts and Dynamic AX implementation
new contracts. As we predict that fewer
Service (IaaS). As more organisations specialists will be driven primarily by
prospective employees will be available
outsource their help desks, there has financial incentives.
on a permanent basis, the top performing
been an increase in new data centres in
contractors could command rate
Hong Kong and a rise in demand for IaaS With a number of new data centres
increases as much as 20-25% in 2014.
professionals to manage them. launching in Hong Kong there will also
When negotiating with lower budgets, we
be continued demand for data centre
advise hiring managers to offer retention
We expect this trend to continue in 2014 operation managers and IaaS-associated
bonuses in order to encourage loyalty.
and hiring managers will increasingly roles this year – many of which will be
10-15% is generally expected.
prioritise individuals with IaaS experience, filled by contractors. As demand for
Infrastructure as a
KEY TRENDS Service (IaaS) has
become increasingly
■■ Because the job market picked up towards the end of 2013, we expect more
central to organisations’
hiring activity this year.
development as more
■■ As senior IT managers with necessary IaaS skills will be scarce, employers companies outsource
may start to offer education allowances to build up their IT teams’ capabilities.
their help desks. This
■■ Salary increases of 10-15% will remain standard for job-movers, but activity is likely to direct
companies may offer additional sign-on bonuses to increase their appeal.
future hiring trends.
■■ Contractors are increasingly necessary to fill gaps in the full-time employment
market and are expected to earn significant pay rises in 2014.
NB: Figures are basic exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
349 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
trict headcount freezes in the legal with a broad background and strong
market meant vacancies were multi-jurisdictional transactional
primarily for new business launches experience will be hired quickly as
and replacement staff. Hiring managers companies seek talent who can add
looking for compliance professionals value in multiple ways. Where possible
had far more freedom as the regulatory though, companies will look internally
burden continued to grow. We have seen and train existing staff to absorb new
many legal professionals with less career responsibilities before expanding their
options are capitalising on this trend by legal teams.
moving into pure compliance roles in
order to gain experience. This may help As organisations continue to focus on
to address the current short supply of cost-control and consolidation, salaries
qualified compliance professionals. are unlikely to move significantly in
2014. Instead, hiring managers should
As more new businesses move into the
focus on retaining their current staff
region we anticipate increased recruitment
and attracting potential job-movers by
in 2014. Compliance will continue to
promoting internal career progression
be the main driver of movement as all
and training prospects. The only people
industry sectors face increasing regulatory
likely to command substantial pay rises
pressure. Senior compliance professionals
or bonuses are experienced compliance
from investment banks will continue to be
professionals, with more opportunities
in particularly strong demand, but they
arising for fewer prospective employees
continue to be scarce.
as the year goes on.
Headcount will remain heavily restricted
this year, so available legal professionals
Tightening compliance
KEY TRENDS regulations will continue
■■ Most vacancies in the legal sector in 2013 were limited to replacement roles to define hiring activity,
and new business development roles. giving experienced
■■ Incoming regulation will put increasing pressure on hiring managers to source compliance
experienced compliance professionals. professionals a
■■ Lawyers considering moving jobs may be drawn to the compliance sector as significant advantage in
the legal market remains relatively stagnant. an otherwise restricted
■■ Salaries and bonuses are unlikely to rise in 2014 for anyone except senior job market.
compliance specialists.
In-house Commerce & Industry 700k - 1.15m 700k - 1.15m 950k - 1.65m 950k - 1.65m 1.4 - 1.9m 1.4 - 2.0m
In-house Financial Services 850k - 1.3m 850k - 1.5m 1.05 - 1.8m 1.05 - 1.8m 1.45 - 2.0m 1.45 - 2.0m
ISDA Negotiator 480 - 750k 480 - 750k 700k - 1.0m 700k - 1.1m 950k - 1.2m 950k - 1.4m
Private Practice - US Firms 1.05 - 1.6m 1.05 - 1.6m 1.55 - 2.3m 1.55 - 2.3m 1.95 - 2.35m 1.95 - 2.35m
Private Practice - International 850k - 1.35m 850k - 1.35m 1.2 - 1.85m 1.2 - 1.85m 1.5 - 1.9m 1.5 - 1.9m
Paralegal 240 - 430k 240 - 430k 390 - 550k 390 - 550k 530 - 630k 530 - 630k
Anti-Money-Laundering 420 - 520k 420 - 530k 475 - 950k 500k - 1.0m 1.0 - 1.7m+ 1.1 - 1.75m
Front Office 450 - 550k 450 - 580k 570 - 950k 600k - 1.1m 1.1 - 1.8m 1.15 - 1.85m+
General Compliance 420 - 520k 420 - 540k 470 - 900k 490k - 1.0m 900k - 1.4m 1.0 - 1.5m+
Insurance/Security Firms 400 - 500k 400 - 520k 500k - 1.0m 500k - 1.0m 880k - 1.35m 900k - 1.55m
2013 2014
Company Secretarial
NB: Figures are basic exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
combination of residential as developers have a strong pipeline
and corporate development, of projects in place. Project directors,
infrastructure spending and the project managers, quantity surveyors,
booming retail and leisure markets structural engineers and on-site staff will
accelerated the job market for property be particularly popular this year and in
and construction workers. The only many cases, professionals will receive
downsizing trend came from corporate multiple offers and counter-offers.
real estate, where companies outsourced
facilities management and transactions In order to build skilled and efficient teams
to improve efficiency. But any resulting for the increased workload, it is vital that
reduction of in-house teams was employers pay at least market rates.
matched by new demand for junior to Some top performers received more than
mid-level professionals within property 20% salary increases last year and they
firms. will be expecting similar incentives of at
least 10-20% in 2014. Employers may be
These factors contributed to a able to compensate for lower increases
competitive marketplace in which multiple with sign-on bonuses, extra allowances
employers competed for top performers or opportunities for employers to broaden
and companies took extra measures their skill sets. Even professionals in
to retain their best staff. 2014 promises greater supply will look to secure pay
a similarly competitive environment rises of 5%.
2014 promises to be a
KEY TRENDS competitive
■■ Residential and corporate development, infrastructure spending and the marketplace in which
booming retail and leisure markets accelerated the job market this year. many employers
■■ Project directors, project managers, quantity surveyors, structural engineers will compete for top
and on-site staff will be particularly popular in 2014. performers.
■■ Some top performers received more than 20% salary increases in 2013 and
they will expect similar rises this year.
■■ Employers may be able to compensate for lower increases with sign-on
bonuses, extra allowances or opportunities for employees to broaden their
skill sets.
2013 2014
Architectural Design
Design Director 1.4 - 1.8m 1.4 - 1.8m
Assistant Director 1.2 - 1.4m+ 1.2 - 1.4m+
Senior Design Manager 870k - 1.0m 900k - 1.2m
Design Manager 650 - 850k 700 - 900k
Senior Construction Manager 750k - 1.0m 800k - 1.2m
Construction Manager 550 - 800k 600 - 900k
Corporate Real Estate
Regional Director 1.4 - 1.8m 1.4 - 1.8m
Director 1.2 - 1.5m 1.2 - 1.5m
Manager 800k - 1.2m 800k - 1.2m
Director 850k - 1.2m 900k - 1.2m+
Associate Director 750 - 950k 800k - 1.0m
Principle Engineer 600 - 850k 650 - 900k
Senior Engineer 500 - 700k 500 - 750k
Engineer 300 - 500k 300 - 500k
Interior Design
Senior ID Manager 850k - 1.2m 900k - 1.2m+
ID Manager 550 - 750k 600 - 800k
Director 1.2 - 1.3m+ 1.2 - 1.3m+
Assistant Director 1.0 - 1.2m 1.0 - 1.2m
Senior M&E Manager 750 - 950k 800k - 1.0m
Project Management
General Manager 1.5 - 2.0m 1.5 - 2.0m
Project Director 1.3 - 1.5m 1.3 - 1.5m
Senior/Project Manager 650k - 1.2m 650k - 1.3m
Quantity Surveying
Director 1.1 - 1.3m+ 1.1 - 1.3m+
Assistant Director 900k - 1.2m 900k - 1.2m
Senior QS Manager 600 - 800k 700k - 1.0m
NB: Figures are basic exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
espite the somewhat subdued while ongoing financial conferences will
economic conditions, employers call for a steady stream of fixed term
were still hiring sales and marketing marketing professionals as the year
professionals in 2013 – albeit under strict goes on. However as businesses seek
selection criteria. Many organisations ran greater growth from markets in mainland
prolonged recruitment processes in an China and North Asia, speeding up their
effort to find their ideal employees, which recruitment processes will help them
were often those with fluency in Mandarin, build the best possible teams to support
Cantonese and English. However, with this expansion. It will be rare to find
many people reluctant to move in the professionals with the desired level of to 2013, with some slight increments
face of market instability, there was added experience, industry-specific knowledge, of 3-5% for most general marketing
pressure on hiring managers contending tri-lingual language skills and the ability roles. Some organisations may also offer
with an already short supply of potential to work in multicultural environments. additional fringe benefits in order to stand
job-movers. Instead, employers often Taking a more flexible approach will help out as a competitive employer.
took on contractors to help with hiring managers fill vacancies with quicker
increased workloads in the run-up to turnarounds.
specific deadlines and major events.
Offering training opportunities and
Project-based sales and marketing roles clear career progression are attractive
are likely to become even more prevalent incentives that can be paired with salary
in 2014, within both financial services increases to entice top performers. Pay
and commerce. Hiring managers will rises for job-movers are expected to
need to secure experienced professionals remain around 10-20%. The cost of
until they take can on permanent staff, contractors should also remain similar
As businesses are
KEY TRENDS seeking growth from
■■ New vacancies took longer than usual to fill in 2013 as a result of stricter markets in mainland
selection criteria. China and North Asia,
■■ Employers are increasingly prioritising trilingual candidates fluent in Mandarin, sales and marketing
Cantonese and English. roles will be created to
■■ There are not enough potential job-movers to fill vacancies as people are facilitate the expansion.
reluctant to move while the market remains unstable.
■■ Salary expectations should be consistent with job-movers commanding
around 10-20% and contract-based marketing professionals earning
3-5% annual pay rises.
2013 2014
Financial Services
Head of Corporate Communications 1.4 - 1.6m 1.5 - 1.7m
Head of Corporate Access 1.4 - 1.5m 1.5 - 1.6m
Head of CSR 1.2 - 1.3m 1.3 - 1.5m
Head of Events 1.2 - 1.3m 1.3 - 1.5m
Head of Internal Communications 1.3 - 1.4m 1.3 - 1.5m
Head of Marketing 1.4 - 1.6m 1.5 - 1.8m
Head of Product Development 1.4 - 1.6m 1.5 - 1.8m
Media Relations Director 1.0 - 1.2m 1.0 - 1.3m
Marketing Director 900k - 1.1m 900k - 1.5m
Corporate Communications Manager 520 - 810k 550 - 850k
CSR Manager 600 - 850k 600 - 850k
Digital Marketing Manager 550 - 900k 600 - 900k
Events Manager 600 - 850k 500 - 800k
Internal Communications Manager 600 - 850k 600 - 900k
Marketing Communications Manager 600 - 850k 600 - 900k
Marketing Manager 600 - 850k 500 - 900k
Media Relations Manager 600 - 900k 600k - 1.0m
Product Development Manager 700k - 1.0m 800k - 1.2m
Events Executive 300 - 500k 350 - 500k
Internal Communications Executive 350 - 500k 350 - 500k
Marketing Executive 350 - 500k 350 - 500k
Media Relations Executive 350 - 500k 350 - 500k
Roadshow Executive 300 - 500k 350 - 500k
General Manager 1.1 - 1.5m+ 1.1 - 1.6m+
Marketing Director 850k - 1.2m+ 850k - 1.3m+
Sales Director 900k - 1.3m+ 900k - 1.4m+
Key Account Manager 550 - 900k 550 - 900k
Business Unit Manager 550 - 850k 550 - 850k
Brand Manager 500 - 800k 500 - 800k
Consumer Insights Manager 500 - 800k 500 - 800k
Marketing Manager 500 - 800k 500 - 800k
Product Manager 500 - 800k 500 - 800k
NB: Figures are basic exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 356
2013 2014
Managing Director 1.5 - 1.6m 1.6 - 1.8m
General Manager 1.3 - 1.5m 1.3 - 1.5m
Account Director 850k - 1.1m 1.0 - 1.2m
Carrier Sales Director 1.0 - 1.3m 1.1 - 1.4m
Marketing Director 900k - 1.15m 900k - 1.1m
Sales Director 900k - 1.25m 1.0 - 1.2m
Account Manager 450 - 750k 600 - 800k
Alliances Manager 650 - 850k 700k - 1.0m
Business Development Manager 650 - 850k 700k - 1.2m
Carrier Sales Manager 650 - 950k 700k - 1.0m
Channel Manager 650 - 900k 700 - 900k
Digital Marketing Manager 500 - 800k 500 - 850k
Marketing Communications Manager 450 - 800k 500 - 800k
Marketing Manager 500 - 700k 500 - 800k
Sales Manager 650 - 850k 700k - 1.0m
Marketing Executive 220 - 320k 300 - 400k
Sales Executive 290 - 480k 300 - 500k
General Manager 1.1 - 1.5m+ 1.1 - 1.6m+
Brand Director 1.0 - 1.4m+ 1.1 - 1.5m+
Marketing Director 900k - 1.4m+ 1.0 - 1.4m+
Retail Operations Director 900k - 1.4m+ 900k - 1.4m+
Area Sales Manager 500 - 850k 500 - 850k
Brand Manager 450 - 700k 500 - 800k
Marketing Manager 380 - 620k 400 - 650k
Retail Operations Manager 450 - 700k 450 - 700k
Visual Merchandising Manager 450 - 700k 450 - 700k
Wholesale Manager 450 - 700k 500 - 750k
PR Manager 400 - 600k 400 - 600k
Senior Buyer 300 - 450k 400 - 500k
Buyer 250 - 300k 260 - 300k
NB: Figures are basic exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
357 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
2013 2014
Financial Services
NB: Figures are basic exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n 2013 contract hiring took priority over secretaries with experience finding and and both permanent salaries and
permanent headcount for organisations renovating office space. The sectors contract rates are expected to remain
seeking secretaries and business most likely to create new openings this stagnant as a result. Hiring managers
support staff. This was primarily because year are investment banks, insurance may be prepared to hold out for the
of extremely lean budgets and headcount providers, commercial institutions and ideal person, with some recruitment
freezes across several sectors. There law firms. However finding individuals cycles stretching out to eight weeks.
were also fewer department heads with industry experience and the Secretaries and business support
moving to Hong Kong, which significantly ability to cover several traditional job staff should be flexible with salary
cut the number of secretarial vacancies. descriptions – such as team support, expectations as the top performers
Most permanent openings were limited to PA, admin assistant and customer are securing no more than 15% when
replacement staff, and this trend is likely service – won’t be easy. And just as moving jobs. Meanwhile, we advise
to continue in 2014. employers’ expectations are rising, employers to attract the best contract
so too are those of candidates. The staff with better benefits plans including
Demand is highest across permanent importance of work/life balance is a medical care and annual leave.
and contract markets for business bigger factor than ever in Hong Kong,
support staff with a proven ability with employees increasingly keen to
to multi-task and support large avoid shift and weekend work. Contract
teams or multiple individuals. Strong staff also prefer assignments longer
communication skills are equally than three months and may be reluctant
important with an increasing need for to sign up for anything less.
support staff to work with both staff and
clients across international borders. As Salaries did not rise in 2013 and are
new companies look to set up in Hong unlikely to do so this year. Employers
Kong, there is also some demand for still have more power in the job market
Hiring managers will
KEY TRENDS look for secretarial
■■ Budget controls largely limited most 2013 hiring activity to replacement roles and business support
and contract positions. professionals with
■■ Secretarial staff with experience supporting large teams are in strongest strong communication
demand. skills and the ability to
■■ The top pay rises for job-movers should be no higher than the 2013 liaise with people from
maximum of 15%. different countries.
■■ Employers are typically running extended recruitment cycles of eight weeks or
more in order to find the perfect candidate.
NB: Figures are basic exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he frequency of new opportunities Quality assurance professionals and skills necessary to perform a role. Salary
in 2013 varied widely across local garment technicians will also be in increases and performance incentives will
the supply chain, logistics demand as customers are increasingly help hiring managers to attract new team
and procurement disciplines. The raising their expectations in the fashion members and retain their best employees.
procurement sector was by far the most industry. However, there are few of these We expect pay rises to be in line with
reserved, with hiring managers focusing specialist professionals in the market as 2013, with procurement specialists
only on replacement hiring. The logistics many have moved to mainland China, earning 10-15% for moving jobs and
and supply chain job market was a little causing a notable shortage in Hong top-performers in logistics and supply
steadier but still primarily restricted to Kong. In general, hiring managers will chain and sourcing and merchandising
replacement roles, while in sourcing continue to prioritise cost-control by commanding increases of up to 25%.
and merchandising there was significant seeking professionals like sourcing
activity. The biggest drivers of new job managers with strong negotiation skills,
creation were sourcing companies, who and demand and supply planners with
moved to Hong Kong for its low tax base proficiency in Excel and good analytical
and good geographic location in relation abilities. Some mid to senior-level
to mainland China. Recruitment patterns managers may be difficult to attract as
are expected to continue in the same vein people remain reluctant to move when job
in 2014, when the bulk of new vacancies stability is uncertain.
will continue to come from the sourcing
and merchandising sector. To overcome both the barriers of
limited selection and job market inertia,
Candidates with trilingual language skills organisations will need to consider
and geographical mobility will be most looking to other industries where
popular with new sourcing companies. candidates may have the transferable
There will be significant
KEY TRENDS hiring activity in the
■■ Hiring managers in the procurement and logistics and supply chain sectors sourcing and
were primarily limited to replacement hiring in 2013. merchandising sector
■■ Demand for trilingual sourcing professionals soared as new sourcing bases as more sourcing
moved to Hong Kong. offices move to Hong
■■ Rising standards in fashion retail are expected to increase competition over Kong for its low tax
the already small pool of quality assurance professionals. base and good
■■ Salaries are expected to be consistent with 2013 as job-movers secure geographic location in
10-25% increases depending on their skills and specialisms. relation to mainland
2013 2014
Corporate Services
Head of Procurement 1.5 - 1.95m+ 1.5 - 2.0m+
VP Procurement 900k - 1.2m 900k - 1.2m
VP Sourcing IT/Non-IT 900k - 1.2m 900k - 1.2m
AVP Procurement 600 - 850k 650 - 850k
AVP Sourcing IT/Non-IT 600 - 850k 650 - 850k
Compliance Manager 550 - 650k 550 - 650k
Logistics/Supply Chain
Head of Logistics 1.4 - 1.8m+ 1.4 - 1.8m+
Head of Procurement 1.4 - 1.8m+ 1.4 - 1.8m+
Head of Supply Chain 1.4 - 1.8m+ 1.4 - 1.8m+
Logistics/Warehouse Manager 480 - 620k 500 - 650k
Procurement Manager 700 - 900k 700 - 900k
Supply Chain Manager 700 - 900k 700 - 900k
Logistics Specialist 450 - 650k 450 - 650k
Procurement Specialist 450 - 650k 450 - 650k
Demand/Supply Planner 350 - 450k 350 - 450k
Managing Director 2.0 - 3.0m+ 2.0 - 3.0m+
General Manager 1.4 - 2.0m+ 1.5 - 2.0m+
Sourcing Director 1.2 - 1.6m+ 1.3 - 1.7m+
General Merchandising Manager 1.2 - 1.5m 1.2 - 1.5m
QA/QC Manager 550 - 650k 550 - 750k
Social Compliance Manager 600 - 850k 650 - 900k
Senior Merchandiser 400 - 600k 400 - 600k
Product Developer 280 - 450k 300 - 500k
Third Party Logistics
Sales Director 1.3 - 1.7m+ 1.3 - 1.7m+
Operations/Logistics Director 1.1 - 1.5m 1.1 - 1.5m
Operations/Logistics Manager 700 - 900k 700 - 900k
Regional Key Account Manager 650k - 1.0m 650k - 1.0m
Sales Manager 600 - 750k 600 - 750k
Key Account Manager 450 - 600k 450 - 600k
NB: Figures are basic exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Strong growth and a positive With a presidential election Meeting hiring requirements could
economic climate resulted in an scheduled for summer 2014, continue to be a challenge for
active Indonesian recruitment a subsequent ‘wait and see’ companies in Indonesia this year,
market in 2013. With Indonesia approach being taken with regard where specialist professionals
more open to international trade, to political decision-making and remain in short supply.
foreign banks and multinationals local currency volatility (which saw
continued to expand into the the Indonesian Rupiah devalue Companies will need to further
region. Government legislation against the US dollar) we could strengthen and expand their HR
continued to promote the see these factors undermine the functions too if they want to find
recruitment of Indonesian growing mood of confidence - key professionals who can help
nationals, and apart from some particularly if export and fulfil their business objectives.
senior leadership positions production continue to be
most hiring was targeted at the affected.
domestic workforce.
S alaries in
Indonesia were
fairly fluid in 2013,
through strong career planning, training
opportunities and competitive pay. Well-
educated junior employees who can be
business leaders to tactically recruit, train
and retain staff. The HR job market will
continue to grow in 2014 as organisations
with 30% rises for developed internally may be a shrewd expand and require additional hiring
those moving hiring option. expertise to meet their recruitment needs.
jobs in the HR professionals in Indonesia typically
commercial sector, BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES move roles every 18 to 24 months; as a
and up to 50% result, companies will continue to build up
for key specialists In 2013 the financial sector continued to their HR teams in 2014. We expect a
moving into new grow rapidly, with hiring needs increasing strong focus on compensation and
finance roles. Offers will continue to be across all areas. International banks benefits and learning and development
competitive in 2014 but will be made on sought vice president-level professionals as key areas that will help enhance a
a case-by-case basis depending on in areas such as credit, risk, compliance, company’s brand and reputation, with
applicant quality. legal and business finance. Internationally- recruitment in these areas growing
educated employees were also high on accordingly. Management-level HR
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE the recruitment radar as banks looked salaries are likely to rise 30% on average
to develop their middle management in 2014, in line with 2013.
There was increased hiring activity in structures. This trend will continue this
the accounting & finance recruitment year with legislation, compliance and SALES & MARKETING
market in 2013. As companies continued reporting requirements increasing across
to expand within Indonesia, new Indonesia. Senior level country sales managers and
accounting professionals were required marketing directors were popular hiring
to manage and process larger volumes of As companies attempt to develop home- choices in 2013. In keeping with other
financial data. Companies also focused grown future management teams, areas, strong local professionals with
on internationalising their accounting functional heads are embarking on international experience were in short
functions and there was both new and graduate and training management supply and will continue to be scarce in
replacement hiring at managerial and programs, with skills and knowledge 2014. Following internal restructuring we
head-of-function level. Domestic development becoming a key retention also expect to see increased efforts to
applicants with overseas experience were tool. Indeed, retention is now particularly recruit heads of sales, brand and
key recruitment targets. urgent as local experience remains in marketing managers as businesses
short supply. We predict that hiring seek fresh talent in order to maximize
With a choice of job opportunities managers will continue to compete for their brand presence. With candidates’
available, accountants looking to move their choice of candidates, and anticipate expectations growing, companies should
roles could expect to receive multiple that salaries will continue to rise. focus on offering benefits such as medical
offers, which led to salary increases and cover and increased travel allowances
complex hiring processes. Professionally- HUMAN RESOURCES if they want to entice top sales and
qualified accountants will continue to be marketing applicants. Salaries should be
in high demand, as will those who can The HR function is becoming increasingly in line with the 15-20% increases seen
help evolve the finance function from a important for companies across all in other sectors. Overall we expect to
processing to ‘value-add’ operation. As sectors. Specifically, companies have see increased hiring activity within HR
competition increases, hiring managers been looking for strategically-minded HR functions in the FMCG, pharmaceutical
should focus on retaining key staff professionals who can partner with and automotive industries.
2013 2014
Chief Financial Officer 1430 - 1755m 1430 - 1755m
Finance Director - MNC 975 - 1209m 975 - 1209m
Finance Director - SME 715 - 910m 715 - 910m
Financial Controller - MNC 506 - 637m 600 - 700m
Financial Controller - SME 416 - 481m 450 - 550m
Commercial Manager 364 - 429m 364 - 455m
Corporate Finance 286 - 351m 286 - 351m
Senior Finance Manager 247 - 283m 300 - 500m
Finance Manager 181 - 222m 275 - 390m
Senior Financial Planner 182 - 252m 182 - 252m
Financial Planner 144 - 179m 144 - 179m
Internal Audit Director 663 - 806m 700 - 850m
Internal Audit Manager 221 - 265m 300 - 400m
Senior Auditor 377 - 481m 250 - 320m
Auditor 143 - 208m 143 - 208m
Accounting & Taxation
Tax Director 624 - 754m 624 - 754m
Group Accountant - Consolidations 364 - 429m 390 - 470m
Credit Controller 299 - 364m 260 - 390m
Cost Controller 173 - 333m 173 - 333m
Senior Tax Accountant 156 - 201m 175 - 200m
Accountant 131 - 159m 120 - 175m
Tax Accountant 121 - 150m 120 - 150m
AP/AR Accountant 112 - 129m 75 - 100m
Treasury Manager 249 - 318m 300 - 400m
Treasury Analyst 126 - 198m 120 - 150m
Senior Business Analyst 299 - 455m 250 - 450m
Business Analyst 169 - 234m 200 - 250m
Senior Financial Analyst 151 - 232m 250 - 350m
Financial Analyst 128 - 162m 150 - 200m
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Compensation & Benefits 220 - 330m 240 - 330m 400 - 550m 450 - 550m 475 - 650m 500 - 650m
Organisational Development 220 - 330m 240 - 330m 400 - 550m 450 - 550m 475 - 650m 500 - 650m
HR Generalist/Business Partner 220 - 330m 240 - 330m 400 - 550m 450 - 550m 475 - 650m 450 - 650m
Training & Development 220 - 330m 240 - 330m 400 - 550m 450 - 550m 475 - 650m 450 - 650m
HRIS 220 - 330m 250 - 390m 400 - 550m 450 - 600m 475 - 650m 500 - 650m
Organisational Development 220 - 330m 250 - 390m 400 - 550m 450 - 600m 475 - 650m 500 - 650m
HR Generalist/Business Partner 220 - 330m 250 - 390m 400 - 550m 450 - 600m 475 - 650m 500 - 650m
Training & Development 220 - 330m 250 - 390m 400 - 550m 450 - 600m 475 - 650m 500 - 650m
Compensation & Benefits 220 - 330m 250 - 390m 400 - 550m 450 - 600m 475 - 650m 500 - 650m
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
Business Development
PR & Communications
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
J apan is currently
facing a chronic
skills shortage
Medical services also picked up their
recruitment activity, with a focus on
MRs, clinical research professionals
among its junior and regulatory affairs specialists. Within
workforce due financial services, regulatory compliance
to a variety of professionals were much sought-after,
converging forces. while retail companies required front-line
The ageing and managerial level staff.
reluctance among young Japanese These recruitment requirements are
people to take on career jobs (opting likely to continue in 2014. The challenge
instead for part-time work), low levels will be finding the right skills to meet
of English language skills and generally them. For example, in a population of
low levels of professional qualifications 127 million, there are only 20,000 qualified
are all contributing to this trend. And Japanese CPAs (accountants). Lawyers
with many women leaving the workforce and engineers are also going to be in
early to have children (and not returning) increasingly short supply. As Japanese
the issue is being compounded. In 2014 companies look to expand internationally,
we’ll see these trends affect the jobs they will increasingly need employees who
market further. can speak English as a basic prerequisite,
and will need to compete fiercely within a
To help with their foreign expansion constrained talent pool.
plans, Japanese companies are looking
to source Japanese professionals with Despite the high levels of market activity
international language skills (English in the in 2013, the deflationary environment
main, but also Mandarin and Korean), as of the last 10 years kept salaries fairly
well as non-Japanese people well-versed stagnant with only nominal increases. This
in Japanese culture and language ability. trend was however counterbalanced by
This trend will increase should the Trans- a drop in the price of consumer goods.
Pacific Partnership free trade agreement, Salaries are only likely to go up in 2014
which is currently being negotiated, come if there’s a rise in general inflation. Hiring
into effect. managers may well need to increase
their financial offers if they want to entice
Throughout 2013, many companies top-tier employees, although long-term
looked to fill business support roles as stability, career development and training
optimism around the economy led to a will also be critical to recruiting and
loosening of corporate purse-strings. retaining key staff.
Technology was another busy hiring area,
particularly for online, mobile, gaming,
and e-commerce, while engineers were
needed for manufacturing positions,
especially within the automotive industry.
he increasingly positive market Bilingual auditors and product controllers
conditions in Tokyo led to a rise with strong technical abilities will continue
in permanent and contract hiring to be sought-after, as will Japan-based
across banking and financial services. professionals due to the high costs of
Interestingly, in 2013 this was largely relocation. Equally, seasoned managers
made up of replacement hires, rather and team leaders with these skills are in
than companies looking to expand and much shorter supply.
fill newly-created roles. However, the
continued scrutiny and enforcement of To secure the best people with in-
new policies by regulatory bodies across demand skill sets, hiring managers will importance of work/life balance, and
Japan meant audit specialists were in need to move candidates through the offer good bonuses. Perhaps most
particular demand. Many companies were recruitment process quickly. Building trust importantly, companies willing to look
also actively realigning and restructuring and rapport at interviews will become outside of financial services for talented
their finance functions, and as a result, much more important for securing the professionals will benefit in the long-term.
professionals with experience in treasury, best professionals in an increasingly
product control, financial accounting and competitive market.
management accounting proved popular;
a trend we expect to see continue. Base salaries remained fairly stable
in 2013, so flexibility in this area will
There’s nothing at the moment to suggest unsurprisingly help organisations to
that these changes will dramatically alter secure the strongest individuals – bearing
the needs of hiring managers in Tokyo in mind employee expectations of a
this year. In fact, 2013 activity is probably 5-7% rise. From a retention perspective,
a good indicator of how this year will look. companies will need to recognise the
As a result of increased
KEY TRENDS competition, hiring
■■ Increased competition for junior bilingual staff with financial services managers will
experience. increasingly need to
■■ Companies looking for talent outside of banking and financial services. look outside of financial
■■ Demand for auditors and product controllers, ideally already based in Japan.
services to fill roles.
■■ Flexibility on basic salaries to attract and secure the best people.
■■ Increased emphasis on recognising the importance of work/life balance.
■■ A switch from simply finding replacements to filling newly-created roles.
Investment Banking/Securities
Product Control 6.5 - 10m 6.5 - 10m 10 - 18m 10 - 18m 18m - 20m+ 18m - 20m+
Internal Audit 6.5 - 10m 6.5 - 10m 10 - 18m 10 - 18m 18m - 20m+ 18m - 20m+
Financial/Mgt Accounting 6.5 - 9.5m 6.5 - 9.5m 9.5 - 16m 9.5 - 16m 18m - 20m+ 18m - 20m+
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Investment Banking/Securities
Product Control 2800 - 4700 2800 - 4800 4200 - 8000 4200 - 8100 5300 - 10000 5300 - 10100
Internal Audit 2500 - 4700 2500 - 4800 3200 - 9000 3200 - 9100 6300 - 11000 6300 - 12000
Financial/Mgt Accounting 2500 - 3700 2500 - 3800 2900 - 8000 2900 - 8100 5000 - 10000 5000 - 11000
Tax 2600 - 4200 2600 - 4300 3000 - 6000 3000 - 6100 5000 - 8000 5000 - 8100
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he market in Tokyo remained stable trends didn’t continue this year. And with
throughout 2013, with mid to more and more companies switching
senior-level business control and systems to fall in line with International
financial planning professionals proving Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), it’s
in particularly strong demand. This likely to be a good year for those with
specific demand balanced out a shortage knowledge and experience in this space.
of demand for general accounting
skills caused by many companies Bilingual junior and mid-level financial and
taking functions offshore. Resulting business analysts are also set to have
redundancies in this area did however another busy year, and are in particularly
mean more contract staff were required to short supply. This means hiring managers
cover busy periods. will have to dig deep to find people with
these skills, as well as for tax specialists
Interestingly, the rapid depreciation of the with strong knowledge of recent changes
Yen has actually had a positive impact to Japanese law.
on hiring, with international companies
feeling a lot more comfortable investing in With competition fierce, hiring managers
non-revenue generating roles. It has also will need to make quick decisions to
boosted the export market and therefore avoid losing out in a highly competitive
the need for transactional accountants in market. The hiring processes will not
billing, accounts payable and accounts only need to be quick, but flexible too,
receivable on a temporary basis. This particularly on the contract side where
was particularly true during the first half of demand for permanent employees means
the year. We’d be very surprised if these contractors will be In shorter supply.
Flexibility and speed will
KEY TRENDS be the two key features
■■ Little demand for transactional accounting positions due to the offshoring of of successfully securing
these functions. the best candidates this
■■ Increased competition for tax specialists with knowledge of recent changes to year, as those with
Japanese law. in-demand skills
■■ Flexibility in hiring processes and skills needed in skills-short areas, become in shorter
particularly in contract bilingual accountancy roles. supply.
■■ With strong competition for the best talent, hiring managers will need to make
quick decisions to avoid losing out.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n Tokyo, the increased need for middle areas of operations. This is likely to be
and back office professionals was underpinned both by replacement hiring
indicative of the market as a whole. in a market where people are happier to
We’ve been encouraged by the appetite move jobs and by adding experienced
for good people with knowledge of people to existing teams.
all product areas, from equities and
fixed income, to derivatives, project The upturn in the market overall and
management and operational risk. levels of competition means hiring
managers will increasingly need to be in
This is a result of companies deciding to a position to make quick hiring decisions
keep more of these functions in-house, and keep more of an open mind on
rather than offshoring. The jobs market the types of candidates who could suit
was also buoyed by the strength of roles. For example, bilingual Japanese
the Japanese economy, which helped professionals with the relevant industry
companies feel more confident in building experience will be in much shorter supply
teams that have been pared-back in this year. This is because operations
recent years. specialists are typically moving into other
areas of the business or away from
The cost-cutting measures we’ve financial services altogether. Salaries
seen in recent years have subsided have increased with demand and there’s
with companies starting to take on every indication and expectation this
more permanent, qualified operations will continue to be the case in 2014,
specialists. We predict a continued particularly in respect to contract rates.
focus on businesses strengthening most
The upturn in the market
KEY TRENDS overall means hiring
■■ Increased competition for contract operations, middle and back office and managers will need to
junior bilingual staff means hiring managers need to move fast to hire the be in a position to make
best. quick decisions and
■■ People with extensive experience of equity and bond processing will be in keep an open mind on
high demand, across both contract and permanent markets. the types of candidates
■■ Basic rates will increase slightly for contractors as competition increases and who are best suited to
hiring managers look to secure the best ahead of the competition. particular roles.
Project Management 6.5 - 10m 6.5 - 10m 10 - 15m 10 - 15m 15 - 20m+ 15 - 20m+
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Project Management 3000 - 5200 3000 - 5300 5200 - 13000 5200 - 13100 6500 - 12000 6500 - 12400
Middle Office 2500 - 2900 2500 - 3000 3200 - 6500 3200 - 6600 5000 - 10000 5000 - 10200
Settlements 2500 - 2900 2500 - 3000 2700 - 6500 2700 - 6600 5000 - 10000 5000 - 10200
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
dministration and support workers Directly benefiting from these changes To compensate for this short supply,
faced a changeable market in 2013 were bilingual secretaries, but as organizations may need to consider
as many companies restructured these individuals were in short supply junior secretaries with strong potential
teams to reduce costs. In many cases, on a permanent and contract basis, to develop the skills they lack upon
this meant group administrators assisting competition increased. Administration application. A speedy hiring process will
more than one executive, an increase in staff were often hired on a contract basis also be crucial to contend with increased
contractors to cover busy spells and an and offered a permanent role once they’d demand for skilled administration staff.
influx of less-experienced support staff proven their value, especially when the Offering higher salaries for contract
with lower salary expectations. market improved later in the year and as a staff will help businesses attract top-
result, the availability of contract workers performers in 2014, however, salaries
The daily tasks within administration roles is steadily decreasing. In 2014, we for permanent workers are expected
also changed, as businesses in Japan therefore expect experienced secretaries to remain stable, with most people
continue to internationalise, secretaries and support workers with both top-tier prioritising job stability over pay rises.
were required to take on more translation, language, interpretation and general
interpretation and communications administration skills to continue to be in
responsibilities than ever before. high demand.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
NB: Figures are generally based on employees with 2+ years of experience.
hanges to government policy, less likely to move - with professionals and development specialists in a bid to
contract law and an improved typically more brand and stability- continue to develop and therefore retain
economy in 2013 meant focused. Across all industries, there senior employees.
companies were bullish in taking on HR was a healthy appetite for Japan-based
professionals - making for a lively job compensation specialists who could With the demand for qualified
market in Tokyo. This was true of finance, provide independent advice to business contractors likely to continue this year,
IT and the consumer goods market, leaders. This is something we’ll see more hiring managers should prepare for a
with contract and permanent bilingual of this year. shortage of good-quality candidates.
generalists and business partners proving This will almost certainly be the case for
particularly popular hires. In finance, However, as some companies experienced interpreters and translators,
there was also steady annual growth consolidated HR functions in 2013, as more international companies look
in the employment of permanent junior there was also a move towards taking to integrate their Japan offices and
payroll and recruitment staff. With this on generalist and business partners. Japanese companies internationalise.
in mind, 2014 is likely to be a good year This led to a shortage of HR business Our advice is to act quickly when making
for professionals looking for payroll and partners with strong strategic experience offers, keep the interview process as
recruitment roles and senior generalist in complex global organisations. We short as possible and recognise that
positions. expect salaries to increase in line expectations of steady 5-7% salary
with competition for good talent, and increases look set to continue this year.
It’s also looking good for contractors recommend hiring managers increasingly
in IT and gaming, as companies took consider taking on junior employees with
on mid and senior-level specialists to the potential to progress quickly.
strengthen talent acquisition teams.
We noticed those in permanent roles in We also expect that companies will
these industries, and in fashion, were need to invest in training or learning
Keep the interview
KEY TRENDS process as short as
■■ Internationalisation of Japanese companies and international companies possible and recognise
expanding into Japan means more interpreters and translators will be that expectations of
steady 5-7% salary
■■ When recruiting for all HR roles, hiring managers will need to be flexible in
increases look set to
the experience they look for and quick to make offers to secure prospective
employees. continue this year.
■■ With companies seeking permanent bilingual administration and assistant
staff, there will be a shortage of contractors with experience in these areas.
■■ More Japan-based compensation specialists will be needed across all
industries, in a bid to provide specialist, independent advice to business
n 2013 there was an overall increase Recruitment activity growth is likely Acting quickly is essential for companies
in demand for IT professionals as to continue in 2014, with the fast- hoping to attract the highest-calibre
Abenomics helped to spur growth moving consumer goods, medical, candidates. Employers may also need
across the commerce industry. Those pharmaceutical, retail and automotive to consider hiring IT professionals with
candidates with strong web, ERP, CRM, industries expected to generate new experience in other industries and in
and BI experience were especially popular positions for IT professionals of all levels. order to attract top performers from
with hiring managers. There was also Specifically, more retail companies are all backgrounds, competitive salaries
strong demand for IT managers, web expected to launch in Tokyo as they and flexible working hours are crucial.
experts and technical support staff with expand further into Asia and as a result, Contract staff earned 3% pay increments
domain expertise on both a permanent bilingual IT professionals will prove last year and will expect to make at least
and contract basis, whilst the rapid particularly popular. But finding suitably- as much in 2014. And while salaries for
increase in smartphone users within qualified people won’t be easy. There are permanent employees remained stable
Japan also motivated many organisations few individuals with both the necessary in 2013, vastly increased demand across
to focus on hiring IT professionals with technical background and fluency in some sectors, such as pharmaceuticals,
mobile web experience. multiple languages. will likely lead to higher salary
expectations this year.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ast year was an interesting 12 not all positive; companies continued to
months for finance recruitment, base some functions offshore, and we
particularly in quarter two and witnessed a decline in demand across
beyond as Abenomics took effect and infrastructure operations, with roles such
companies began looking for more staff as network and server engineers not in
and diverse skills. This was particularly favour.
true of candidates working within front
office technology at investment banks In 2014, we expect to see strong
and project managers and co-ordinators demand for both permanent and contract
in the insurance contract market. technical engineers, particularly for those organisations will need to focus on
Things also started to turn around in the with bilingual skills and experience in the retaining their best contractors beyond
permanent market even though some of design, build and deployments of new current contract end dates, while for
the major insurance companies merged infrastructure systems. In addition, IT permanent hires the key will be acting
in a bid to reduce operational costs in a professionals capable of offering technical quickly and potentially compromising on
saturated market. support to Japanese users locally will fit to avoid losing people to tech venture
be in demand as sales of new products companies and other industries actively
There was confidence among hiring increase. and aggressively seeking IT professionals.
managers in taking on front office
application support, business analyst or To secure the best candidates, hiring
management level positions in both equity managers will need to consider paying
and fixed income teams. In insurance, above market rates – a distinction
those with extensive industry experience from recent years where salaries have
and bilingual skills were in particularly remained largely stable for both contract
strong demand. However, the market was and permanent roles. For contractors,
Following two years of
KEY TRENDS tight headcount
restrictions, Abenomics
■■ Contracting project managers are expected to be popular, along with
and renewed investment
technical engineers on project-based assignments.
in technology is
■■ Aggressive hiring anticipated across all areas of finance in the permanent boosting opportunities
market, including in application, infrastructure and management.
for contract and
■■ Increased competition to secure strong applicants between the finance permanent professionals.
market and tech venture companies.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
nline technology specialists improving, we expect to see more potential rather than those who are a
were in high demand in 2013. professionals in the market and perfect fit will allow hiring managers
Specifically, software developers organisations therefore acting quickly to access to a much wider talent pool.
and smartphone developers across all secure the strongest talent. Specialists Employers should also consider hiring
levels enjoyed a very active job market. with experience in newer programming staff at all levels of seniority, as age
In addition, as more foreign companies languages such as Objective C, Python, restrictions for applications can rule
launched in Tokyo and leading Japanese Java-Android, and Ruby on Rails are out professionals with strong technical
firms expanded internationally, bilingual likely to prove very popular. Open source knowledge.
developers were increasingly desirable. developers, smartphone developers and
However it is important to note that web developers will also continue to find Expect salaries to
although many large companies in jobs with ease. increase in this sector
particular had ambitious hiring plans for
As a result of increased competition,
as competition for online
2013, they generally struggled to find
skilled individuals who matched their organisations will need to be prepared technology professionals
requirements. to be more flexible in the hiring process. becomes even more
Staying open-minded during the interview aggressive.
With candidate and business confidence phase and considering candidates with
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified
here was a high volume of teams, particularly with developers and individuals who have potential rather
recruitment activity among project managers. There will be limited than those who are ready to do the job
technology vendors in Tokyo competition from larger companies in this straightaway. This will be particularly
during 2013. Professionals looking area, with a preference for permanent important in companies that are taking
for permanent roles continued to be consultants, project managers and new technologies to market.
in demand as a result of companies systems engineers.
continuing to outsource IT functions. Finally, there were no significant rises in
Interestingly, big data companies and We expect the market in 2014 to feel very basic pay rates during 2013 but we’re
cloud services providers shifted the focus different, with organisations embarking expecting that to change this year as
of their recruitment to post-sales positions on a real push of hiring professionals who the shortage of available talent becomes
- for example, consultants, project can combine customer services skills and more acute.
managers and systems engineers - in line technical ability in big data, cloud services
with developments in their sales cycles. and SaaS. Roles are most likely to be
created by overseas companies looking
Whereas the permanent market was to enter the Japanese market. Given
active across all areas except telecoms that these technologies are relatively
(which slowed down considerably new to Japan, it will be difficult for hiring
from 2012 as many projects reached managers to find bilingual candidates with
conclusions) things were much slower the appropriate levels of skills experience
for contractors as existing resources on both a permanent and contract basis.
were used to complete projects.
However, this year is set to be more To succeed in securing the highest-
active for contract staff with many smaller calibre candidates, companies will need
companies looking to strengthen project to be flexible, and more actively consider
Fierce competition
KEY TRENDS means hiring managers
■■ Basic rates of pay will increase as companies compete for people – for both will need to be flexible;
permanent and contract roles. considering people
■■ A push from overseas companies looking to break into the Japanese market with potential rather
will create opportunities for professionals with technical ability in big data, than those who can do
cloud services and SaaS. the job straightaway.
■■ New technologies entering the market mean those with cutting-edge
technical abilities will be in very high demand.
*NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified
n 2013, the job market for legal and monitoring and testing activities in hold out for the perfect person is likely
compliance professionals remained response to regulatory pressure. Several to end in disappointment. While lawyers
positive in Tokyo. Particularly active Tokyo-based companies are also moving from private law firms to in-house
areas included financial institutions looking for more work overseas, and will teams will be prepared to accept lower
needing compliance specialists to help require bilingual employees to draft legal salaries, job-movers from other in-house
them adhere to increased regulatory documents in English as a result. In order positions should be able to negotiate
scrutiny, and commercial businesses to keep costs low, firms are likely to take slightly higher pay rises compared with
within pharmaceutical, industrial and IT on more bengoshi to work in their in- 2013.
sectors expanding their in-house legal house teams. However, as competition
teams. The dominant trend in 2013 was for bengoshi and compliance officers The dominant trend of
for companies to cut ties with costly legal increases, these positions may not be 2013 was for companies
consultancies and look for qualified in- easy to fill. to cut ties with costly
house lawyers instead.
legal consultancies
When companies identify someone with
Compliance will continue to drive the job strong potential, they will need to hire and look for qualified
market in 2014, with many companies them quickly as counter-offers are to be in-house lawyers
taking on new employees to manage expected. Delaying the hiring process to instead.
Private Practice
Financial Services
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits or bonuses unless otherwise specified.
iring activity in risk management will perform particularly well in the in this field can expect pay rises of 5-7%
was steady across all Tokyo- increasingly international market risk in 2014. Highly technical and senior staff
based financial institutions in 2013. sector. Meanwhile, in credit risk, hiring in the credit and market risk sectors
Credit risk specialists were in particularly managers may need to consider will have the biggest advantage in pay
strong demand as more Japanese prospective employees with outside negotiations.
firms increased their borrowing related experience as qualified credit risk experts
to overseas investments. This trend for will be in short supply. Financial analysts Although salaries for
replacement-based and newly-created and accountants have the transferable risk workers have been
credit risk vacancies is likely to continue skills required to take on junior credit risk stagnant in recent years,
in 2014. We also anticipate seeing more roles, and for the right career potential
market risk positions arise as financial professionals may be prepared to cross
professionals in this field
institutions look to step up big data over. can expect pay rises of
analysis. 5-7% in 2014.
Bigger salaries will also unsurprisingly
Individuals with good technical attract potential candidates. Although
knowledge, regulatory liaison experience salaries for risk workers have been
and strong second language fluency stagnant in recent years, professionals
Credit Risk
Credit Risk Specialist 6.5 - 11m 6.5 - 11.5m 10 - 18m 10 - 19m 16m+ 17m+
Market Risk
Market Risk Specialist 7.5 - 11m 7.5 - 11.5m 10 - 18m 10 - 19m 17m+ 18m+
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits or bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he growing strength of the is having on requirements; more and were wanted by consumer companies.
Japanese economy is having more we’re seeing companies place Hiring managers will need to increase
a positive effect on recruitment importance on overseas work experience budgets, be flexible with requirements
across the board, pushing up pay rates and language skills. It’s crucial for hiring and stress their offering to beat their
and competition for good marketers and managers to act fast to hire these in- competition to the best people.
sales people. Common trends include demand professionals. It’s more important
the need for (and shortage of) bilingual than increasing salaries, although pay FINANCIAL SERVICES
professionals and the importance of swift rates look set to rise, particularly in
2013 was the first year for some time
processes to secure the best applicants. technical sales and marketing positions.
in which recruitment wasn’t affected by
companies streamlining marketing teams.
CHEMICAL CONSUMER & RETAIL Senior marketers, online specialists and
During 2013 hiring managers in Despite a slow start to last year, the bilingual marketers were in particularly
traditionally active areas (cosmetic, market picked up in quarter two, mostly strong demand. Media, PR and corporate
and food and beverage) continued to thanks to replacement and large-scale communications functions were also
need strong professionals; however it recruitment by international companies brought back in‑house from nearshore
was pleasing to see activity in some entering the Japanese market. This is cost centres, resulting in more roles being
quieter sectors begin to pick up. There’s probably going to be the most noticeable called to market. This was an important
every indication this trend will continue trend for this year too, due to the steadily development for financial companies
in 2014, especially within specialty improving economy. For a brief time, needing to deal more effectively with
chemical divisions, as companies seek hiring managers took recruitment in- bad press. This will continue to be the
technically-educated, English-speaking, house, but a lack of good people soon focus among larger firms, but smaller
junior professionals. The difficulty here saw external agencies back in favour. In companies will seek out generalist
is that the number of science graduates terms of the most popular hires, sales marketing professionals who can also
in Japan is diminishing. What’s also professionals with good business English handle PR. Hiring managers will need to
interesting is the effect globalisation and business development experience make quick decisions and look outside
financial services for the best people. As
the market for marketing professionals
KEY TRENDS continues to improve, we expect to see
salaries increase slightly during 2014.
■■ Confidence in sales and marketing recruitment will continue to grow as the
Japanese economy gets stronger.
■■ Overseas work experience and language skills will become more attractive as
Japanese chemical companies continue to internationalise. Globalisation and
foreign companies
■■ Consumer and international retail companies entering the Japanese market
will continue to recruit on a large scale in 2014. entering the Japanese
market will continue
■■ In financial services, hiring managers will need to make quicker hiring
decisions as the market continues to improve.
to increase demand
for language skills and
overseas experience.
HEALTHCARE traditionally desirable candidates, forcing rates have remained stable but flexibility in
companies to look at those about to retire salaries for more senior appointments will
The first half of 2013 was a struggle, with
within 10 years or be more flexible on be crucial.
many companies freezing recruitment.
experience and background. Companies
Things were particularly difficult in the
that are only just realising that there’s a ONLINE
medical device industry, but they started
shortage of bilingual talent may struggle
to look up in quarters three and four. It’s The focus was on business development,
to hire as there won’t be many relevant
not as optimistic for the pharmaceutical senior sales and relationship management
people available for overly-demanding
sector, where many companies posted appointments last year. Decisions were
requirements from hiring firms.
negative sales forecasts. We expect generally based on what the person
Professionals in these fields are slowly
to see hiring managers recruiting could bring to the company in terms
becoming more active and will be paid
professionals with very specific areas of connections and perspective, rather
rates increasing from the 5-10% we saw
of expertise to fit with restructures than their experience. This was due to
last year.
happening across the industry. But a number of new investment projects,
they’ll find it difficult because there’s a Silicon Valley start-up enquiries and
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UK and Indian companies entering the
shortage of good people willing to move.
Companies could benefit from taking The market was a good place for both Japanese market. There’s every indication
on individuals with a lack of perceived job-seekers and employers in 2013 this hiring trend will continue in 2014.
experience but with the right potential. thanks to the improving Japanese Bilingual junior candidates with online
There’s also a lack of professionals for economy. There has been increased expertise and those with five years’ plus
regulatory affairs, drug safety and quality hiring activity among hardware, mobile experience will enjoy more opportunity as
assurance roles. As a result, salaries have and software vendors due to the market non-online companies build up in-house
gone up by at least 5%. shift towards ‘mobility,’ where many digital proficiency. People with in-house
employers sought professionals with and agency experience will continue to
INDUSTRIAL extensive experience with local partners, be out-of-budget for most companies,
mobile/telecommunication carriers and even for agencies, who tend to offer
Growth in automotive, machineries, new
electronic manufacturers. This will mean higher salaries. The pay in this sector is
energy and solar, and a noticeable need
competition for high-quality professionals still comparatively low but it’s gradually
for bilingual professionals for technical
is likely to be aggressive. We’ve also increasing. As well as understanding this,
and sales and marketing roles epitomised
noticed a trend towards software, hiring managers will need to be focused
2013. What was most interesting was
hardware and IT infrastructure solutions on skills and ability rather than age.
the willingness of companies to take on
providers developing their own internal
engineers from different industries. This
year, hiring managers will need to ensure
consultancy service divisions to compete Key trends this year
with traditional IT consultancy companies. include the need for
the interview process is as efficient as
This has definitely increased job-seekers’
possible to secure the best people. It will (and shortage of)
interest in the market. All of this means
be particularly difficult to acquire junior
consultants and people with specific bilingual professionals
to mid-level professionals and bilinguals and the importance
expertise in IT sales and marketing will
as they’ll be sought by more and more
companies looking to gain the competitive
be needed, along with distributors and of swift processes
systems integrators. The latter are crucial to secure the best
edge locally and internationally. This
in helping companies succeed in the
will continue to create a scarcity of applicants.
increasingly competitive market. Pay
2013 2014
Store Manager 5 - 8m 5 - 8m
Financial Services
Corporate Communications 6 - 8m 6 - 8m
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits or bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 390
2013 2014
Information Technology
Account Executive 5 - 8m 5 - 8m
Web Producer 5 - 7m 5 - 7m
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits or bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ast year was fairly stable in terms Growth in the permanent market, The difference between securing the
of supply chain recruitment in including many contract roles being made right person in this environment will be
Tokyo, although there were some permanent, meant there was only a slight determined by the length and efficiency
pockets of increased hiring activity. increase in contract recruitment activity in of the interview process. The key problem
Professionals with demand planning, 2013. for businesses is that good people are in
sales and operations planning (S&OP) short supply. Many graduated at a time
skills were particularly popular with However improved market conditions when job opportunities were few and
pharmaceutical and medical companies. did boost the number of direct contract far between, meaning they joined good
In the automotive and semiconductor roles. This will continue in 2014, with companies to which they are very loyal.
sectors there were opportunities for QA/ bilingual staff proving popular but difficult This year, it will be up to hiring managers
QC and production professionals, as to appoint on contracts due to higher to promote and ‘sell’ their companies to
well as demand for customer-interfacing demand for them in permanent positions. potential employees and there may be
support experience within manufacturing This skill is increasingly desirable as more instances of one-off incentives such
companies. Japanese companies go global and as sign-on bonuses.
international companies integrate their
There’s nothing to suggest these trends Japanese offices. The requirements
won’t continue this year with market for bilingual professionals from both
confidence growing. Having said that, we Japanese and foreign-based companies
noticed companies were careful to only will probably push up pay rates and force
hire the best talent, with a continued need hiring managers to be more flexible with
for those with good business English contract types this year. This is good
skills. With such a focus on quality, the news for junior candidates trying to
interview process was much slower and secure a role.
salary negotiations more difficult.
A healthy economy and
KEY TRENDS shortage of people with
■■ Hiring managers will need to make their companies as attractive as possible bilingual and technical
to appeal to employees with skills in short supply. abilities mean supply
■■ Competition for bilingual professionals and those with business English and chain recruitment will
technical experience in QA/QC will continue to be aggressive. be particularly
■■ Globalisation of Japanese companies as well as international companies competitive this year.
entering the Japanese market will mean greater competition when it comes to
securing international experienced supply chain professionals.
■■ Pay rates will steadily increase due to the government’s attempt to offset the
sales tax increase by reducing corporate taxes and increasing salaries.
Planner 6 - 9m 6 - 9m
QA/QC Specialist 6 - 9m 5 - 9m
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
393 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
n 2013 Osaka continued to be an creating a positive market in Osaka. This professionals with experience in controlling
important city for Japanese and has been positive for HR professionals costs under unpredictable circumstances.
international businesses, with many as companies work to ensure they have The weak Yen also encouraged increased
choosing to have hubs here as well the HR resources in place to cover any trading and companies sought to
as Tokyo. As a result, there were new expansions of their workforce. However, hire import and export co‑ordinators,
opportunities for accounting and finance, the trend for foreign capital companies particularly contractors. This year,
HR, IT, supply chain and sales and centralising HR functions into regional increased demand for Japan-made
marketing professionals, despite budget shared service centres means some goods is expected, as is the rising cost
cuts in some areas. HR professionals may see a decline in of imported raw materials. Therefore,
new positions domestically. With these professionals with strong experience in
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE trends in mind we expect hiring managers global supply chain and cost-reduction will
to seek strategically-minded, bilingual be in high demand. Specialist experience
Despite some streamlining of transactional
HR generalists who have experience of here will be in short supply, meaning
accounting activities in regional shared
managing HR functions in multinational companies will need to look for people
service centres, hiring managers still
businesses. For temporary workers, with transferable skills. They may also
fought over senior bilingual accounting
the Worker Dispatching Act increased need to offer salary increases, as potential
and finance professionals for both
regulations, which resulted in a decrease employees face a rise in the cost of living.
permanent and contract roles. There was
in hiring for some support positions.
also competition for analysts and cost
Despite this, some contractors should INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
accountants with industrial/manufacturing
continue to enjoy increased opportunity,
backgrounds as businesses looked As a result of continued outsourcing and
with companies – particularly in the airline
to take advantage of the increasingly offshoring of IT functions, businesses
and hotel sectors – choosing fixed term
competitive market - created as a result looked for IT professionals with strategic
contracts to create flexible workforces.
of the depreciating Yen. As the Yen business process re‑engineering and
continues to depreciate, those with a planning experience. This trend also
strong grasp of USGAAP/IFRS will be SUPPLY CHAIN meant there was less demand for
in highest demand. However, there will Increased optimism from the economic software engineers, as more of these
be shortages of good accounting and stimulus introduced by the Japanese roles were moved to offshore locations.
finance professionals with language skills administration meant there were This will continue to be the case for the
and this, combined with the rising cost of signs that companies were starting next 12 months at least. As businesses
living, may mean hiring managers need to prepare for growth. However, they continue to reduce costs by outsourcing
to offer salary increases. Companies will remained cautious and there wasn’t development functions, competition for
also seek to hire contractors to fill gaps a noticeable increase in opportunities both permanent and contract qualified
until permanent staff can be hired. In all for supply chain professionals last bilingual professionals with the ability
areas, companies will need to be more year. We anticipate that confidence to manage vendors will increase too.
flexible in the skills and experience they will grow this year and businesses will Competition among companies for the
consider and focus on securing those with start to increase headcount. Further to same types of professionals will mean a
potential. this, the re-evaluation of the Yen has skills shortage and companies may need
prompted organisations to assess the to consider those with potential, not just
HUMAN RESOURCES effectiveness of their supply chains and ‘ready-made’ applicants.
procurement strategies. As a result, we
The Japanese administration introduced
saw more companies looking for bilingual
stimulus measures over the last year,
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 394
SALES & MARKETING for IT sales and marketing professionals, Companies are likely to find that
particularly those with knowledge of cloud applicants have multiple offers on the
The recruitment of sales and marketing
computing, mobile, online and real-time table, meaning they’ll need to move
professionals varied according to sector
information analysis. The increase in quickly and be generous.
last year. In the industrial and chemical
cloud-based technology in particular has
sector Japanese companies looked to
changed the landscape of the market. In retail, English-speakers continued to
cut costs and compete with neighbouring
Previously, professionals with hardware be popular, closely followed by Chinese-
countries to produce cheaper, yet
or software backgrounds were popular, speakers as Japan experienced an
durable, good-quality products. This
but this is being superseded by demand increase in Chinese tourists shopping for
meant more permanent and contract
for those with experience in both areas, luxury items.
opportunities for bilingual process and
coupled with a sound knowledge of web
plant engineers with experience of
managing processes in nearshore and
offshore locations.
In healthcare there was a strong trend for
pharmaceutical companies outsourcing
In the automotive industry we’re
their clinic development. This inspired a
increasingly finding the need for bilingual
growth in the number of clinical research
engineers on the mechanical side. We
organisations (CROs), which is expected
expect to see hiring managers competing
to continue this year. As a result, hiring
for all of these professionals this year,
managers will be looking for CRAs and
and while there is unlikely to be a huge
project managers, particularly those with
increase in pay rates, we do anticipate
bilingual skills, and the competition here
some rises.
will push up salaries.
There were also increases in demand
Salaries may need to
KEY TRENDS increase to match the
■■ People face an increase in the cost of living this year and this may mean rise in cost of living,
companies are forced to offer increased salaries to job-movers. but the focus for hiring
■■ With Japan’s luxury goods market attracting more Chinese tourists, more retail managers this year will
sales and marketing professionals with Chinese language skills will be needed. be overcoming
■■ As Japanese businesses adopt mobile, cloud and real-time information candidate shortages by
technology, sales and marketing professionals with experience in these areas attracting people with
will be needed. transferable skills.
■■ With companies competing for the same skill sets, hiring managers will need to
look for potential and be prepared to train good people in‑house.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Import/Export Staff 3.5 - 5.5m 3.5 - 5.5m 1450 - 2500 1450 - 2500
Supply Chain Staff 3.5 - 5.5m 3.5 - 5.5m 1450 - 2500 1450 - 2500
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
Industrial & Chemical
President/CEO General 15 - 25m 15 - 25m
General Manager/Divisional Head Sales 12 - 20m 12 - 20m
Sales Director 10 - 15m 10 - 15m
Sales Engineering Manager 8 - 12m 8 - 12m
Business Development Manager 8 - 13m 8 - 13m
Sales Manager 7 - 12m 7 - 12m
Marketing Manager 7 - 11m 7 - 11m
Sales Executive 6 - 8m 6 - 8m
Sales Engineer 5 - 9m 5 - 9m
Design Engineer 5 - 9m 5 - 9m
Chemical Engineer 4.5 - 8m 4.5 - 8m
Consumer & Retail
Marketing Manager 7 - 10m 7 - 10m
Area Manager 5 - 8m 5 - 8m
Store Manager 5 - 7.5m 5 - 7.5m
Visual Merchandise Manager 5 - 6.5m 5 - 6.5m
Marketing Executive 5 - 6.5m 5 - 6.5m
Sales Executive 4 - 7m 4 - 7m
Store Sales Associate 3 - 4.5m 3 - 4.5m
Information Technology & Online
Branch Manager 10 - 15m 10 - 15m
Sales Manager 9 - 12m 9 - 12m
Account Manager Sales 7 - 10m 7 - 10m
Sales Executive 4 - 6m 4 - 6m
General Manager/Country Manager 12 - 25m 12 - 25m
Marketing Director 12 - 25m 12 - 25m
Sales Manager 7 - 14m 7 - 14m
Clinical Development Manager 8 - 12m 8 - 12m
Regulatory Affairs 6 - 15m 6 - 15m
Marketing/Product Manager 6 - 12m 6 - 12m
Clinical Scientist/Researcher 5 - 8m 5 - 8m
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits or bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 398
Recruitment in Malaysia remained buoyant
during 2013.
M arket and
conditions were
increments of 5-7% in line with GDP. Of
course, talented employees may receive
above-average offers, with companies
strong in a coming under pressure to pay premium
number of areas salaries in order to retain their key
in 2013, including employees.
IT, financial
services, sales As the competition for local talent
and marketing, increases, the Malaysian government is
commerce and HR. planning to step up its efforts to bring
In particular, private practice law firms overseas nationals home. It is hoped that
were increasing their hiring levels, while those with international experience and
contract managers were also popular exposure can be tempted back to fill
targets. skills gaps, raise standards, and facilitate
knowledge and technology transfer to
In 2014, in-house legal and IT the domestic market.
professionals will also be in short
supply, as will HR positions focused on
compensation and benefits and talent
acquisition. There’ll also be increasing
demand for finance and accounting
opportunities will secure the best talent in
the market. Typically, job-movers can
expect 20-30% increases
In a country where salaries seldom go in 2014, and yearly
down, pay was again increasing in 2013. increments of 5-7% in line
Typically, job-movers will expect 20-30% with GDP.
Looking to move jobs increases in 2014, and yearly
2 15-20%
013 was a positive year for professionals with experience in strategic
accountancy recruitment, particularly business development, financial planning
as new shared service centres and analysis and treasury.
opened across the region. Growth in At least 15-20% pay rises will be
this area was supported by Malaysia’s This year, with stricter corporate expected by those taking up new
economic stability, infrastructure and governance frameworks in place and the roles this year
government incentives, together with a opening of new shared services centres,
strong pool of qualified professionals. In we will see more businesses setting up
turn, accounting professionals and heads or expanding internal compliance and
more prepared to invest in change
of shared services found themselves with risk management teams. As a result there
management programs.
more opportunities, a trend that’s set to was stiff competition from companies
continue this year. looking to attract commercially-aware
Across the board, companies will need
professionals with risk management
to consider offering at least 15-20%
The finance function continued to and compliance experience. In
pay rises for the majority of job-movers
broaden in scope in 2013, from a pure particular, more internal controls and risk
and up to 30% for top talent. When it
finance focus to include treasury, risk management executives will be needed.
comes to retaining staff, regular salary
and corporate governance - contributing
reviews and offering non-monetary
to the growing demand for accounting There will also be competition amongst
rewards and incentives will be crucial.
professionals. One of the other most employers for tax professionals
Professionals across all accounting and
notable shifts was the changing role of with understanding of indirect taxes
finance positions are increasingly seeking
accounting professionals; companies in preparation for the first-ever
companies that offer a clear career
increasingly required them to be true implementation of the Goods and
path and international exposure. Those
business partners rather than part of the Services Tax in Malaysia in 2015. Project
companies that deliver on career growth
back-office function. As a result, hiring managers will undoubtedly be top of
are likely to see higher retention rates.
managers stepped up their search for the wish list too, as companies become
Companies need
KEY TRENDS to review salaries
■■ The setting up of new finance shared services means more companies will be regularly to retain
looking for accounting professionals and heads of shared services. staff in a highly-
■■ Stricter compliance to the corporate governance framework will mean competitive market
companies continue to need people with risk and compliance management but apart from
experience. monetary rewards,
■■ Job-movers will continue to expect pay increases of 15-20%, while those employees also
staying with their current company want a variety of responsibilities and move jobs for career
regular pay reviews. progression, global
■■ The sector is typified by people staying in roles for between three and five mobility and flexible
years before they seek out their next challenge. working hours.
2013 2014
Chief Financial Officer 300 - 500k 300 - 500k+
Finance Director - MNC 300 - 384k 300 - 420k
Finance Director - SME 240 - 300k 240 - 300k
Financial Controller - MNC 200 - 300k+ 200 - 300k+
Financial Controller - SME 180 - 220k+ 180 - 220k+
Corporate Finance 140 - 210k+ 140 - 210k+
Commercial Manager 120 - 180k 120 - 216k+
Senior Finance Manager 120 - 168k 120 - 192k
Finance Manager 102 - 144k 102 - 156k
Accounting & Taxation
Tax Manager 145 - 216k 145 - 216k+
Credit Controller 96 - 144k+ 96 - 144k+
Cost Controller 84 - 144k 84 - 168k+
Senior Tax Accountant 90 - 108k+ 90 - 108k+
Tax Accountant 54 - 90k 54 - 90k
Cost Accountant 60 - 102k+ 60 - 102k+
Accountant 60 - 96k 60 - 96k
AP/AR Analyst 54 - 90k 54 - 96k
Senior Financial Analyst 85 - 120k 85 - 120k
Financial Analyst 60 - 96k 54 - 96k
Senior Business Analyst 84 - 120k 85 - 120k
Business Analyst 60 - 96k 60 - 96k
Internal Auditor - Director 252 - 300k+ 252 - 300k+
Internal Auditor - Manager 96 - 132k 96 - 144k
Senior Auditor 120k+ 120k+
Auditor 48 - 88k 48 - 102k
Treasury Manager 150 - 192k 150 - 192k+
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
ecruitment activity across banking mergers on the cards. It’s good news are few and far between. Specialist
and financial services was variable for front office staff, specifically client investment bankers in niche areas such
during 2013. There was caution coverage bankers in local banks and as equity and commodity derivatives and
in the first half of the year due to the corporate finance professionals and quantitative analysis will also be in short
Malaysian general election - investment regional investment bankers. Those with supply. To secure the best people, hiring
banks in particular waited for the results cash and trade sales experience will be managers can’t assume a big brand will
before making any decisions. Not only invaluable in transaction banking too. be enough - instead, expectations of
that, several large banks went through One area of note is Malaysia’s focus on applicants’ experience may have to be
transformations and temporarily froze the positioning itself as a global leader in lowered. Professionals in this sector are
recruitment of front office personnel in the Islamic capital market. Those with expecting (and in most cases receiving)
the process. The second half of the year investment banking experience and 15-20% salary rises when they move, and
was much more active, with investment success in convincing investors and this will be higher for key specialists.
projects and appetite for new hires issuers to tap into Malaysia’s Islamic
back on track post-election. The sector capital markets will be attractive to hiring
as a whole enjoyed a buoyant year managers. The same will apply to fund,
with domestic business and consumer investment and portfolio managers with
spending growing. Banks increased their equities and fixed income experience
focus on wealth management for high- in the growing area of Islamic asset
net-worth individuals and opportunities for management.
relationship managers opened up.
The market continues to offer strong
The outlook for 2014 is positive, with opportunities for corporate finance
the Malaysian economy set to grow and specialists with Qualified Senior Personnel
the completion of several large banks’ status, particularly as these professionals
Front office recruitment
KEY TRENDS looks set to grow this
■■ Islamic banking is a huge focus area in Malaysia - those with a proven track year, led by a country-
record in this area will find new opportunities. wide focus on
■■ Big brands won’t be able to rely on their name to attract applicants, instead becoming a global
they’ll need to be competitive in terms of salary and really ‘sell’ the role. leader in Islamic
■■ The standard pay expectations for job-movers looks set to remain high, at banking.
15‑20% as in 2013.
■■ The jobs market will be more settled this year, following a year which included
the Malaysian general election and a number of significant mergers.
iddle and back office recruitment regional hubs being migrated to Malaysia. across middle and back office functions
in Kuala Lumpur saw high levels Credit risk professionals will also continue this year - hiring managers may have to
of activity in 2013, particularly for to be needed, especially in corporate look for transferable skills instead. People
risk, project management and finance portfolios, and there’ll be extensive with international experience will also be
professionals. It was a positive year competition to secure those with specific in short supply. It’s also worth bearing
for regional insurance companies who experience in Basel, ICAAP and capital in mind that employees are placing
expanded their local presence, with management. This is mainly due to greater importance on long-term career
experts required in risk underwriting, increased regulatory pressure and the fact paths. This means companies offering
claims, policy servicing and insurance that Malaysian banks are managing risk secondments could be more attractive to
finance. There’s likely to be a slight more proactively; they’re also focused on those looking to become well-rounded. In
pause in hiring activity in early 2014 as attracting professionals who can identify addition, companies should be aware that
banks take stock of their new teams and potential dips in the market. Overall, job-movers are typically expecting (and
ensure their talent is fully optimised before banks are recruiting for almost all middle receiving) 20‑30% pay rises, a trend that
recruiting further. and back office roles, so competition for looks set to continue.
the best people is on the increase. It will
Overall we anticipate increased hiring also become more and more difficult to
levels in the year ahead, bolstered retain top talent, especially with growing
by Malaysia’s political and economic competition for skills from neighbouring
stability and the availability of bilingual countries.
Locally, people with knowledge of
In 2014, professionals with experience in derivatives and FX options products are
shared services can expect multiple job scarce, so it’ll continue to take more time
opportunities - with increasing numbers of to find the most talented professionals
Salaries will need to be
KEY TRENDS increasingly flexible as
■■ Overall, we anticipate increased hiring levels in the year ahead, bolstered by companies search for
Malaysia’s political and economic stability. the best people.
■■ Companies will need to concentrate on putting retention plans in place to
ward-off headhunting from neighbouring countries and other companies.
■■ The trend for taking on more middle and back office staff across banking and
financial services shows no signs of slowing.
■■ Regulatory changes will encourage companies to search for specialists in this
area, particularly with knowledge of Basel and ICAAP.
rends in the recruitment of HR With more multinational businesses As a result, HR professionals with
professionals were largely the entering the Malaysian market, experience in employer branding,
same last year as they were in competition to attract and keep the compensation and benefits as well as
2012. Companies continued to place best people will intensify. This will inspire talent management will find plenty of
importance on business partnering a slight premium in salary increases opportunities this year.
roles and hiring HR professionals with and companies to focus on retention
business acumen rather than those with strategies - defining clear career Salaries are likely to rise
administrative and operational experience. progression plans for their top performers. this year as competition
However, businesses are increasingly Despite having to work harder to secure
for HR professionals
aware that professionals with both types the best professionals, hiring managers increases.
of experience are essential to building expectations are still high, expecting
well-rounded HR teams. As a result, applicants to have both the ability to
this year will see opportunity across the multi-task and multinational experience.
board, including for those with experience
in shared services environments due to
new centres being set up.
Organisation Development 108 - 180k 108 - 190k 180 - 336k 190 - 336k
Talent Management 102 - 180k 102 - 180k 180 - 240k 180 - 250k
ompanies remained cautious in The upward trend in demand for IT
quarter one of 2013 while they professionals looks set to continue this
waited for financial uncertainty in year, which will create a market that
foreign markets to settle. But this didn’t favours employees. With this in mind, it
last long and the rest of the year was will be crucial for hiring managers to set
much more buoyant, with openings the right expectations when recruiting to
across the sector encouraged by avoid future attrition.
multinationals looking to Malaysia for their
technology needs. In the past few years, we have seen
generally consistent pay rates, in
This is the biggest trend we’ve seen in addition, with the rising demand for
recent years and one we’re expecting to IT professionals we anticipate notable
continue throughout 2014. In particular, increments in 2014. Established
it will be a good year for program organisations within Malaysia might need
and project managers, as well as to revise budgets to remain competitive
developers and infrastructure specialists and attractive to potential employees.
- competition will be stiff for these
professionals. IT as a whole will experience growth this
year, in particular across key areas such
However, we expect to see the biggest as mobile, big data, cloud services and
shortages for technology specialists from social computing. Professionals with
software disciplines due to expanding expertise in these areas will be highly
demand and an increased need locally. sought-after by hiring managers in large
and small companies alike.
The upward trend
KEY TRENDS in demand for IT
■■ IT recruitment will grow as more multinationals look to consolidate their professionals looks set
IT hubs in Malaysia, where they can find cost-effective, efficient services. to continue this year,
■■ Areas that will see impressive growth are likely to be big data, cloud services, creating a market that
mobility and social computing. favours employees.
■■ With an employee-driven market, hiring managers need to think about
enhancing their employer brand in the market as well as improving retention
■■ It will be difficult to find technology specialists with expertise in certain niche
software disciplines due to a limited local talent pool.
2013 2014
Chief Technology Officer 350 - 420k+ 350 - 540k+
IT Director 280 - 350k+ 280 - 420k+
IT Program Manager 216 - 260k 216 - 300k
Service Delivery Manager 120 - 216k 120 - 240k
Project Manager 120 - 216k 120 - 216k
ERP/Business Application
SAP Consultant 100 - 240k 100 - 240k
Consultant - Functional 95 - 180k 95 - 180k
Business Analyst Manager 90 - 144k 90 - 168k
Consultant - Technical 75 - 120k 75 - 120k
Application Support Analyst 50 - 96k 50 - 96k
Software Development
Development Manager 120 - 168k 120 - 180k
Solution Architect 120 - 192k 120 - 192k
Test Manager 102 - 156k 120 - 156k
Java/J2EE Software Engineer 85 - 120k 85 - 120k
C++ Software Engineer 85 - 120k 85 - 120k
.Net/C# Software Engineer 85 - 120k 85 - 120k
Software Developer 85 - 120k 85 - 120k
ABAP 60 - 120k 60 - 120k
Systems Administration
Infrastructure Manager 120 - 168k 120 - 168k
Infrastructure Team Leader 85 - 110k 85 - 110k
Voice/Network Engineer 75 - 96k 75 - 96k
IT Business Analyst 65 - 108k 65 - 108k
Database Administrator 60 - 84k 60 - 84k
Server Administrator 60 - 84k 60 - 84k
Desktop Support Analyst 48 - 60k 48 - 60k
Help Desk Support Analyst 48 - 60k 48 - 60k
IT Security, Risk and Control
IT Security Analyst 100 - 125k 100 - 125k
IT Auditor 85 - 120k 85 - 120k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
pportunities within legal and solid compliance experience in global
compliance were abundant markets, transaction banking and wealth
in 2013, making for an active management. Companies may find this
recruitment market that we believe will talent among the pool of candidates
continue this year. This upturn has in returning to Malaysia from Singapore,
part been inspired by companies in Hong Kong and London.
commercial sectors hiring lawyers with
drafting and negotiating skills in order to Other changes that affected the
reduce external legal costs. recruitment market included the recent
liberalisation of foreign law firms. This hours, particularly to working parents.
It was also interesting to note increased essentially meant that foreign firms could It’s also important to note that salary
activity around anti-money-laundering establish local bases and practise law in increases of 20-25% will continue to
(AML) and counter-financing of terrorism Malaysia, either as Qualified Foreign Law be expected this year for professionals
compliance (CFT). The penalties imposed Firms (QFLF) or through joint ventures. moving jobs.
upon international banks for failing to Professionals with merger and acquisition
comply with AML laws made it clear this (M&A) experience will also be needed
function had to be strengthened. The as more companies look to consolidate
compliance recruitment drive was further services, particularly in pharmaceuticals,
bolstered by new regulatory guidelines oil and gas, and telecommunications.
issued by the Central Bank, including the
new Financial Services Act. As competition for these professionals
and corporate commercial lawyers
This year, the most sought-after intensifies, hiring managers will need to
professionals are likely to be those with offer attractive incentives and flexible
In a candidate-driven
KEY TRENDS market, salary
■■ New regulations and the need to comply with AML and CFT will continue to expectations of 20‑25%
create a need for compliance professionals across the board. are likely for those
■■ Employees will demand higher incentives and career prospects to consider a moving jobs.
job move.
■■ With new rules allowing foreign firms to set up local offices in Malaysia we’ll
see a highly active recruitment market for all legal professionals.
■■ The most difficult roles to fill this year will be M&A and corporate commercial
lawyers as more companies look to consolidate services.
Private Practice
Financial Services
Investment Banking - Global 48 - 96k 52 - 102k 96 - 180k 102 - 186k 180k+ 186k+
Company Secretary
W 30%
e saw sustained demand in Globally, the pharmaceutical and
the recruitment of sales and healthcare industry was impacted by
marketing professionals last several major compliance issues. This
year. Companies expanded their teams meant their offices in Malaysia were
Job-movers with niche
gradually in all areas, except where they cautious when it came to any hiring
skill sets may receive
needed people with technical analytical activity, including sales and marketing.
up to 30% salary increments
skills. Here, there was a sharp increase
in openings. These analytical skills, Within financial services this year,
along with digital marketing and product companies will be looking to take on
continued infrastructure improvements
development experience will continue to people with analytics, credit card and
and the positive outlook related to oil
be needed across all areas. product management skills as marketers
and gas. One thing for hiring managers
focus on increasing consumer spend.
With increased consumer spending to note is that people are placing greater
And with banks realising the importance
in 2013, the FMCG and retail sectors importance on ‘company fit’ during the
of customer loyalty, there’ll be more
remained relatively buoyant and will interview process and companies will
opportunities for heads of credit card
continue to hire actively in 2014. We need to sell themselves to potential
divisions and portfolio managers.
foresee major retail brands seeking employees to secure the best this year.
Telecommunications companies will
professionals with good bilingual have the same focus and this will mean Pay rates generally stayed the same last
language skills, particularly in English and new opportunities in social media and year but as recruitment picks up and
Mandarin. This is also in line with business e-commerce. We are also likely to see competition for good people intensifies,
expansion through the opening of new strong demand for sales talent across there will be increases this year, typically
boutiques. Within FMCG, we anticipate automotive, aviation, coatings, pumps around 5-8%. Job-movers will continue
more opportunities for sales and branding and valves, filtration, cables and switches to expect between 15 and 20% salary
professionals as companies seek strong as well as raw materials sectors. increases, while those experienced
commercial talent to launch new brands or in niche skill set areas could receive
categories in a highly-competitive market. This uptrend is due to Malaysia’s
premiums of up to 30%.
As competition
KEY TRENDS intensifies for all sales
■■ As Kuala Lumpur continues to be an attractive city for companies looking to and marketing roles,
establish a presence in Asia, there will be more and more opportunities for we anticipate a rise in
senior sales people. both replacement hiring
■■ Hiring managers will need to make it very clear what they can offer to and newly-created roles
potential employees, both in terms of salary increases, non-monetary benefits as businesses seek to
as well as career progression.
establish themselves in
■■ Candidates are increasingly interested in regional positions as they see it as the Malaysian market.
an excellent career opportunity.
■■ Companies may need to offer salary increases of 15-30% to attract and
secure the best people.
Managing Director 360 - 504k 360 - 520k 360 - 540k 360 - 550k
Sales Director 300 - 480k 300 - 480k 240 - 360k 240 - 400k
Marketing Director 300 - 420k 300 - 440k 240 - 420k 240 - 420k
Communications Director 180 - 240k 180 - 250k 180 - 260k 180 - 260k
Head Of Market Research 180 - 240k 180 - 250k 180 - 240k 180 - 264k
Marketing Manager 180 - 240k 180 - 250k 144 - 240k 144 - 240k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
I 3-8%
n Kuala Lumpur, the supply chain, skills, as well as strategic sourcing
procurement and engineering professionals. Competition will be fierce
recruitment market was active in and the expectation from job-movers
2013 and indicative of a strong year of a 20-30% salary increase, as seen salary increases will be
ahead. This activity was driven mainly in 2013, will continue to be realistic this typical for non‑movers
by companies in consumer, healthcare, year. As usual, this rise outstripped pay
retail and manufacturing. Meanwhile, increases for those who didn’t move
the majority of professionals hired in companies, which sat at between 3 and and offers made quickly. In terms of
service sectors, such as shipping, third 8%. retention, companies will need to ensure
party logistics (3PLs) and 4PLs, were employees have a clear idea of their
replacement hires rather than new This year will be much more about career path in the organisation and how
appointments. Where there were newly- securing professionals who not only their professional goals and ambitions
created roles, these tended to require fit the role description but who can will be supported. This is also something
people with continuous improvement, also help companies meet wider job-seekers will start to place much more
lean and project management experience business challenges. As a result, hiring emphasis on in the future.
and qualifications; reflecting an industry- managers will need to be open about
wide focus on operational efficiency. This these challenges and provide clear job
was particularly true of manufacturing and briefs if they’re to find the right people.
there’s nothing to suggest this won’t be Because the recruitment market in this
the case this year too. area seems to be steadily growing,
prospective employees may explore
This focus on efficiency means multiple roles at the same time. This
companies will be competing for people means hiring managers will need to make
with strong demand and supply planning sure interview processes are efficient
This year will be much
KEY TRENDS more about securing
■■ As companies focus on operational efficiency people with skills and professionals who
experience in continuous improvement, lean and project management will be not only fit the role
needed. description but who can
■■ Job-movers will expect salary increases of between 20 and 30%, while pay also help companies
rises will probably remain steady at 3-8%. meet wider business
■■ To attract and retain the best people, hiring managers will need to focus on challenges.
promoting clear career paths.
■■ Prospective employees will start to explore multiple roles at the same time so
hiring processes will need to be efficient to secure the best.
2013 2014
Procurement Director 240 - 300k 240 - 300k
Regional Procurement Manager 125 - 190k 125 - 190k
Procurement Manager 96 - 120k 96 - 144k
Assistant Procurement Manager 60 - 84k 60 - 84k
Strategic Sourcing Manager 120 - 264k 120 - 240k
Buyer/Procurement Associate 80 - 100k 80 - 100k
Supply Chain & Logistics
Supply Chain Director 360 - 480k 360 - 480k
Supply Chain Manager 90 - 180k 120 - 180k
Supply/Demand Planning Manager 125 - 190k 125 - 190k
Supply/Demand Planner 80 - 100k 80 - 100k
Customer Service Manager 120 - 150k 120 - 150k
Operations Manager 108 - 144k 108 - 144k
Contract Manager 84 - 120k 84 - 144k
Warehouse Manager 72 - 102k 84 - 108k
Production Planning Manager 84 - 120k 84 - 120k
Logistics Manager 96 - 144k 96 - 144k
Operations Director 204 - 288k 216 - 300k
Quality Director 228 - 264k 240 - 288k
Head of Health & Safety 156 - 228k 180 - 240k
HSE Manager 120 - 144k 120 - 144k
Production Manager 120 - 174k 120 - 180k
Continuous Improvement Manager 168 - 216k 180 - 240k
New Product Development Manager 120 - 168k 120 - 180k
Senior Project Manager 144 - 192k 168 - 216k
Project Manager 90 - 180k 120 - 168k
Project Engineer 72 - 84k 72 - 96k
Civil & Infrastructure Engineer 84 - 108k 96 - 120k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
W e saw a
number of
key trends this
compliance, audit and legal experts in
2014. But the emphasis on domestic
hiring - mandated through the Ministry
year. Companies of Manpower (MOM) - may mean
in Singapore are managers struggle to meet niche skills
continuing to requirements in these and other areas.
improve the way Mergers and acquisitions specialists
they interact with and staff with quality ‘deal experience’
customers online will be in particularly short supply, as
which resulted will institutionalised sales professionals
in increased expansion across IT working in fixed income and equity.
teams. As a result, project managers,
business analysts and online marketing In line with last year, we expect to see 15
candidates were popular hiring targets - 20% pay increments for successful local
in 2013. job applicants in 2014. We are also likely
to see the focus on domestic hiring start
Customer service professionals and to push salaries up across the board.
candidates with regional sales and Hiring managers will therefore need to pay
business development skills were also the market rate in order to attract talented
in high demand as companies started individuals. Companies should also be
to focus on growth - this trend is likely prepared to take on employees with
to continue in 2014. In addition, we also transferrable skills who can be developed
expect to see a continuing need for internally.
technology contract workers, especially
developers, infrastructure engineers Overall, making people feel valued and
and testers. Contractors will also be wanted - through salary and development
required by a range of companies where programs and speedy interview
permanent staff are proving difficult to processes - will be critical to recruiting
source. and retaining skilled employees in 2014.
Managers should also focus on promoting
We have also seen definite market from within and taking calculated risks
activity and increased recruitment levels on people they know and trust. New
within the FMCG, property and retail responsibilities, international opportunities
sectors. These developments are a result and career enhancement schemes will all
of Singapore’s continuing residential go a long way to helping companies keep
and commercial projects as well as the hold of their top talent.
country’s position as the preferred head
20% “
office base in Southeast Asia.
In 2014, we expect to see
15-20% pay increments
Ongoing regulation from the Monetary
for successful local job
Authority of Singapore (MAS) means
Looking to move jobs applicants.
companies will continue to look for risk,
T 10-15%
he permanent accounting & in Singapore - recognising the benefits of
finance recruitment market in a flexible workforce with regional finance
Singapore remained reasonably experience and Mandarin or Southeast
buoyant last year, particularly across Asian language skill sets. We expect to Salary expectations for those moving
oil and gas, FMCG, pharmaceuticals see an increase in overseas contracting jobs externally in 2013
and professional services. With a professionals entering the market,
similar economic outlook this year, the particularly from the Asia Pacific region
permanent recruitment market should and UK. Demand for these candidates
remain stable. Professionals who had the will however be balanced by the Fair
most opportunities were junior to mid- Consideration Framework.
level professionals within core accounting
functions. The market for senior finance Salaries for existing employees increased
professionals remained much more static, in line with inflation last year at circa 4%,
and there was limited movement at CFO job-movers secured higher increases and
level. As always, professionals with niche generally received 10-15%, despite some
skills, in treasury, taxation and internal expecting up to 25%. With the job market
audit were in high demand. for accounting and finance professionals
remaining stable this year, we anticipate
Demand for contracting professionals similar salary levels for both permanent
continued on an upward curve in 2013, and contract professionals.
particularly across the FMCG, oil &
gas and shipping sectors. We expect
this trend to continue through 2014 as
global businesses set up regional hubs
The job market for
KEY TRENDS accounting and finance
■■ The Fair Consideration Framework – which mandates employers to consider professionals will remain
Singaporean candidates before EP holders – will continue to bolster local stable this year, with
employment rates. similar salary levels for
■■ Professionals with niche skills in areas such as treasury, taxation and internal both permanent and
audit will command premium salary increments. contract professionals.
■■ Contractors will see more opportunities as companies set up regional hubs in
Singapore and recognise the benefits of a flexible workforce.
■■ As competition for high-quality talent increases, companies will need to make
quick decisions when they identify prospective employees.
he finance recruitment market product controllers to work on a contract been with their current employer for a
was reasonably strong in 2013. basis. Overall, the financial services long time will be less inclined to move,
Financial and product control roles sector is facing continued cost and owing to their fear of being last in/first out
were in demand as banks renewed their headcount pressures this year, driving in a new role.
emphasis on ensuring their financial more offshoring activities. As a result,
integrity. There were high rates of hiring managers are especially keen to There were high rates of
permanent recruitment in insurance find people who are the best option for permanent recruitment
and private equity, particularly in private the long-term – avoiding having to recruit
in insurance and private
wealth, for which Singapore has become again in the near future.
a specialist hub. equity, particularly in
Salaries in 2013 did not change much, private wealth, for which
This year, finance and regulatory change and we don’t anticipate any change this Singapore has become a
and compliance contractors will continue year. Hiring managers are specifically specialist hub.
to be in demand. The increasing looking for professionals whose CVs
regulatory environment also means those show a stable career path and who want
with good Basel III knowledge are in to form a long-term career with a new
short supply. Demand has also grown for employer. Overall, employees who have
here was a steady flow of hiring As corporate banks increasingly position equity within boutique firms and priority
requirements for front office their services to include more complex, bankers on the verge of entering the
professionals in the banking cross-border transactions, alongside their private banking market.
sector last year. This was largely due to usual suite of products, there will also
activity in investment banking – mainly be greater competition between hiring Salaries have stabilised across the sector,
in corporate finance and across private managers for professionals who can although local banks have increased pay
banks as teams were up-skilled. With demonstrate product and global markets rates. However, these are still 20-30%
mergers and acquisitions anticipated to knowledge, as well as language skills. lower than foreign banks.
gain momentum, many banks will look
to bolster junior-level hires to take on Hiring managers could look at cross Professionals with
execution work as senior management border applicants to widen their choice of local and international
originate deals. There’s growing optimism candidates. However, they must comply
experience, as well
amongst private equity firms and with the Fair Consideration Framework to
investment banks too, and if quantitative ensure fair hiring practices are observed. as specific product
easing starts to wind down, increased Hiring managers will therefore compete knowledge and
confidence will lead to more recruitment for highly-technical skills, such as in languages will be highly
activity. institutional sales for fixed income and sought-after.
he operations recruitment market business district, also prompted many to Operations recruitment is still very much
in 2013 was relatively buoyant. move jobs. a ‘buyers market’ with hiring managers
The first half of the year saw more favouring professionals who want a stable
contract hires - any replacement hiring, This year we expect less offshoring role for the long-term. However these
particularly in foreign banks, became activity, though companies who do will professionals are likely to already be in
contract positions (many of which be looking for senior operations change long-term posts and will be reluctant to
were later offshored). In the second contractors to help them increase move for fear of being ‘first out’.
half of the year, permanent roles within efficiencies in running these projects.
private banks, fund managers and There will be more demand in risk and People moving from
asset management businesses were control-related areas, for example across long-term posts will be
increasingly called to market. Offshoring regulatory change, audit, operations
reluctant to move for
to lower cost locations such as China, control, regulatory reporting and client
India and the Philippines was a key trend, on-boarding. Smaller financial institutions fear of being ‘first out’.
leading to redundancies and internal are also likely to offer more opportunities,
moves as teams were restructured. particularly at senior level. With numerous
Banks relocating operations to Changi candidates available across the market,
Business Park, outside of the central salary levels will remain stable this year.
isk, governance and controls seeing a greater number of vacancies In 2014 we expect to see a shortage of
remain the focus for financial at banks which already have robust people with portfolio risk and analytics
institutions amidst ongoing market operational risk processes in place – with experience. This is because banks up-
volatility. As a result, recruitment for these banks now in a position to take a skilled these teams in 2013 when moving
experienced professionals remained more proactive and business-oriented risk from a reporting-focused approach
active last year and we expect this management approach. to proactive portfolio management
trend to continue. In addition, changing and value-added analytics. When
regulation is creating demand for Private banking risk professionals also hiring here, companies should look for
specialist skills, for example in clearing remain in demand. Singapore continues transferable skills and consider offering
and counterparty credit risk (CCP). to enjoy status as a global private banking salary increases. Overall, pay rises will
Guidelines here are still not entirely clear, hub. This has seen increased capital remain stable, with more weight given to
so banks are hiring CCP professionals as inflow into the country and continued performance bonuses.
well as training existing employees. demand for experienced credit approvers
with product knowledge and business
Amidst these regulatory changes, risk managers who can revitalise sales
operational risk managers continue to be governance processes.
in high demand. However, we are also
here was considerably more on enhancing customer satisfaction. too, with hiring managers seeking
activity in the engineering Design engineers experienced in professionals with strong academic
recruitment market last year mechanical and electrical design qualifications, something that was also
than anticipated as confidence levels (especially those with exposure to mirrored in marine offshore and oil and
increased and additional headcount calculations and analysis) will be in short gas. Companies also looked for those
was approved. The pharmaceutical and supply; to secure these candidates quick with research backgrounds, particularly
medical devices sectors made a large recruitment processes will be key. In in organic and inorganic chemistry with
contribution to overall hiring numbers, addition, design engineers with project experience in working with specific
while smaller increases were seen in food management experience are in limited chemical compounds.
manufacturing. The demand was mainly supply given the recruitment in this field
for professionals with quality assurance, throughout 2013. We also anticipate that As it is a candidates’ market this year,
production, automation and process HSE candidates with strong knowledge with professionals often interviewing with
streamlining as production facilities of risk management and the skills to several companies at once, running a
opened up in the region. influence at regional level will be top of smooth and efficient recruitment process
hiring managers’ wish lists. will keep the best talent engaged -
This year, there will be more opportunities offering the best chance to secure in-
for service engineers as companies focus We saw growth in the chemicals sector demand skills sets.
ecruitment activity for HR savvy HR practitioners capable of driving with a global mindset. With the Singapore
professionals remained healthy in the business forward will be especially government encouraging MNCs to hire
2013, despite expectations of a popular with growing companies. Hiring local talent, we expect the demand for
relatively flat year. Singapore remained managers will also favour people who strong local talent to hold up in 2014.
the regional hub of choice for many combine creativity and pragmatism and
foreign multinational companies, as a aren’t afraid to ‘get their hands dirty’. Salary increases should range between
result, demand for HR professionals with But, given the uncertain market outlook, 12-20% for junior to mid-level positions
start-up experience remained strong. employers will want to keep their costs and 5-10% for senior-level roles in order to
Hiring of training specialists was active low and their organisations lean. Cost- stay competitive. Employers are also likely
as companies looked to up-skill and lift cutting initiatives will also cause some to offer more completion bonuses to retain
the productivity levels of their workforce. uplift in contract hiring as a more versatile exceptional contract staff. Alternatively, they
Despite the flurry of hiring activity, solution to increased workloads. should be prepared to offer 5-10% increases
many hiring managers took a cautious for short-term contractors and better
approach and replaced permanent staff HR specialists in workforce analytics, benefits along with internal progression
with contractors to maximise workforce rewards and technical/product training opportunities for long-term contractors.
flexibility. There was an especially high will be in short supply as companies place
demand for temporary payroll specialists, greater emphasis on creating organisation
compensation and benefits experts, HR effectiveness in this region. We anticipate
generalists and recruiters. a rising demand for temporary payroll
staff and junior-level HR executives will
HR will continue to be a priority in 2014 make these vacancies difficult to fill too.
as more businesses incorporate HR
expertise into their talent development In 2013, we saw an increase in demand
and salary programmes. Commercially- by hiring managers to hire local candidates
Hiring managers may
KEY TRENDS need to keep an open
■■ Middle managers and HR business partners will be in particularly strong mind in the year ahead.
demand in 2014. They should think
■■ Temporary contracts are also on the rise as employers prefer a more flexible creatively and recruit
workforce – particularly for payroll staff and junior HR executives. people with transferable
■■ Junior to mid-level permanent job-movers will continue to expect 12-20% pay skills who can be trained
rises while senior employees will command 5-10% increases. internally.
■■ More employers are offering completion bonuses or 5-10% salary increases
to retain top contractors.
■■ Career progression and pay rises will be motivating factors for both
permanent and temporary HR professionals.
HR Generalist/Business Partner 60 - 110k 60 - 110k 110 - 180k 110 - 180k 180 - 400k+ 180 - 400k+
Compensation & Benefits 60 - 120k 60 - 120k 120 - 220k 120 - 220k 220 - 350k+ 220 - 350k+
Organisational Development 60 - 100k 60 - 100k 100 - 250k 100 - 250k 250 - 320k+ 250 - 320k+
Training & Development 55 - 90k 55 - 90k 90 - 165k 90 - 165k 165 - 250k+ 165 - 250k+
Recruitment 50 - 90k 50 - 100k 90 - 140k 100 - 140k 140 - 250k+ 140 - 250k+
HR Generalist/Business Partner 60 - 120k 60 - 120k 120 - 200k 120 - 200k 200 - 400k+ 200 - 400k+
Compensation & Benefits 60 - 125k 60 - 125k 125 - 220k 125 - 220k 220 - 350k+ 220 - 350k+
Organisational Development 60 - 100k 60 - 100k 100 - 250k 100 - 250k 250 - 320k+ 100 - 250k
Training & Development 60 - 100k 60 - 100k 100 - 180k 100 - 180k 180 - 250k+ 180 - 250k+
Recruitment 60 - 100k 60 - 100k 100 - 150k 100 - 150k 150 - 250k+ 150 - 250k+
NB: Figures are basic salaries and exclude employer’s CPF contribution.
Figures will vary depending on whether the incumbent is holding a regional/global role.
NB: Figures are basic salaries and exclude employer’s CPF contribution.
O 20%
ffshoring and restructuring prevented a number of companies hiring
characterised many business directly. As a result, many looked to take
sectors last year and made for a on contractors to plug gaps in the interim.
cautious approach to the recruitment of Companies will offer
IT professionals in Singapore. Foreign However, this year we expect customer pay rises of up to 20%
banks, for example, restructured at a experience and usability, and cloud for top specialist talent
senior level, with the majority also moving and storage to drive recruitment across
commoditised technical skill sets to all sectors. Organisations will look to
lower-cost locations such as India and enhance the way they interact with shortage of candidates expected, we
Malaysia. This impacted on the need for customers online and use new cloud and would recommend putting retention plans
technical IT professionals in Singapore, virtualisation solutions to further cut costs in place for top-tier employees, to include
although the market overall was buoyed this year. These trends will be in strong learning and development courses and
by the commerce and industry sectors evidence in both contract and permanent leadership opportunities. Hiring managers
towards the middle of last year. We recruitment. will also need to recognise that job-
expect both trends to continue this year, movers can and will expect pay rises
with outsourcing organisations benefiting As a result of an increased focus on these of 10-15%, and the most experienced
while end clients look for partners to areas, the likelihood is that there’ll be a professionals of up to 20%. This will be
help achieve operational efficiency. shortage of professionals with the right balanced out by stable salary levels for
Professionals with outsourcing knowledge experience. Hiring managers may struggle existing employees.
and experience should find more to find top-tier cloud, virtualisation and
opportunity as a result. The market for storage specialists. Business intelligence
contract staff was slightly different to the consultants will also be in short supply
permanent market, buoyed by restrictions as multinationals crave information to
in Employment/Special Passes, which make smarter business decisions. With a
As more companies
KEY TRENDS seek IT professionals
■■ Companies across all sectors will continue to consider cutting costs by who can help cut
moving IT functions to cheaper, offshore locations, which will impact costs and improve user
opportunity for IT professionals in Singapore. experience online, there
■■ Cloud and virtualisation specialists will find more opportunity this year as will be a shortage of
companies rely on this area of IT to further cut costs. applicants, which will
■■ As companies realise the value of providing the best possible customer drive salary increases of
experience, IT professionals with usability backgrounds will be highly sought- 10-15%.
■■ Salary levels will stay the same as in 2013, however job-movers can expect
increases of 10-15%.
T 20%
he legal and compliance recruitment levels of competition to secure this
market was marked by buoyant key skill set. Across the in-house jobs
activity levels in 2013, with several market, multinationals continue to
key changes driving the hiring agenda. face pressure to drive down external Average salary
We saw aggressive hiring for anti-money- costs so we anticipate in-house legal increases of up to 20%
laundering (AML) and financial crime teams will expand in the year ahead as seen in 2013
risk specialists, especially for those with they increasingly deal with their own
around eight to 10 years’ experience, and commercial legal matters. Singapore-
we expect further demand here from the qualified lawyers with three to seven officers in AML and financial crime, and
banking sector. In addition, as Singapore years’ PQE will be preferred over their for those working in private banking and
looks to further regulate its banking international counterparts for their ability asset management. We expect these
industry to prevent another financial to handle any arising litigious matters. professionals to continue to command
crisis and maintain its global reputation increases of up to 20% this year. Hiring
as a secure financial hub we anticipate Four international private practice firms managers will need to continue to offer
greater need for legal and compliance were awarded licenses to practice competitive salaries as well as offer clear
professionals this year. Singapore international law last year and career progression to secure the best
we saw Singapore-qualified lawyers move candidates.
In private practice, the government’s from local to international firms, even
promotion of Singapore as an arbitration though local law firms increased basic
hub is expected to boost job levels, salaries by as much as 25% to compete.
meaning that a variety of smaller firms Salaries increased across the board last
may look to hire arbitration partners year, on average between 10 and 20%.
to start new businesses. However, However, some increased by as much
hiring managers will experience high as 30%, particularly for compliance
As Singapore looks
KEY TRENDS to further regulate its
■■ Singapore-qualified lawyers with three to seven years’ PQE, will be in high banking industry and
demand for both in-house and private practice roles. maintain its global
■■ Salaries increased by as much as 30% last year, pushed up by more demand reputation as a secure
for compliance specialists. financial hub, we
■■ We expect to see salary increases of 20% across the board this year, as in- anticipate greater
house legal teams within banks, law firms and private practices fight to attract demand for legal
the best people. and compliance
he recruitment of sales and companies focus efforts on getting their strong sales people that find the most
marketing professionals across new recruits up to speed. opportunities as sales targets become
both consumer and technical increasingly difficult to achieve. Digital
healthcare was strong last year. In the Last year we also noticed more marketers will have a good year too, as
consumer sector, this was driven by competition amongst hiring managers consumer companies look to adapt to
FMCG, hospitality and travel as more for people with experience in niche online user habits.
companies chose to move global areas. In consumer, there was plenty
business divisions to Singapore. This of opportunity for people with shopper As competition for sales and marketing in
meant professionals with a mix of global marketing, analytics and innovation all areas intensifies, hiring managers will
and regional experience were at the top experience, as companies looked for need to be open-minded when it comes
of hiring managers’ wish lists. The same competitive advantages. The technical to the experience they need. For example,
was true of the technical healthcare healthcare sector was further boosted by when looking for innovation professionals
sector, with companies choosing the government’s attractive tax rebates in the consumer sector, companies will
Singapore as a regional hub. for companies setting up research need to consider applicants without Asia
and development (R&D) centres in the experience and those from the agency
country. This meant stiff competition for, side. Exactly the same is true in the
The upturn in recruitment activity was also and a resulting shortage of people with technical healthcare sector. However,
bolstered by pharmaceutical companies experience in healthcare R&D. hiring managers will also have to focus on
hiring clinical study, project and product local talent across all functions due to the
managers, as well as regulatory affairs As well as difficulty in finding good R&D Fair Consideration Framework. Sales and
personnel and sales representatives. In professionals, hiring managers may marketing professionals across consumer
medical devices, hiring was more focused struggle to find sales representatives and technical healthcare expected salary
on commercial roles such as business with scientific qualifications and those rises of 15-20% when moving roles and
and marketing managers. As a result we with niche experience in growing areas there’s nothing to suggest these increases
expect this year to be quieter as such as ‘in-vivo’. In consumer, it will be will not be achieved this year too.
Attractive tax rebates
KEY TRENDS for companies setting
■■ R&D professionals will notice more opportunity as the Singapore government up R&D centres in
continues to offer attractive tax rebates to companies choosing to set up R&D Singapore will encourage
centres in the country. hiring managers to look
■■ Hiring managers will need to offer salary increases of 15-20% for job-movers if for experienced R&D
they want to attract the best people. professionals.
■■ As more companies across consumer and technical healthcare choose
Singapore as a location for various business divisions, people with global
experience will prosper.
■■ Competition for sales people with a proven track record will be fierce as sales
targets are stretched and become more challenging to achieve.
2013 2014
Business Development
Sales & Marketing Director 150 - 230k+ 180 - 240k+
Sales Director 140 - 240k+ 160 - 240k+
Sales Manager 80 - 100k 80 - 140k
Business Development Manager 80 - 110k 80 - 120k
Account Director 140 - 200k+ 140 - 200k+
Key Account Manager 70 - 90k 70 - 100k
Marketing Director 150 - 220k+ 180 - 240k+
Marketing Manager 80 - 100k 100 - 120k
Marketing Research Director 120 - 200k+ 120 - 200k+
Marketing Research Manager 80 - 100k 80 - 120k
Visual Merchandising Manager 80 - 100k 80 - 100k
Brand Manager 80 - 100k 89 - 100k
Product Marketing Manager 70 - 120k 70 - 120k
Trade Marketing Manager 70 - 100k 70 - 100k
PR & Communications
Public Relations Director 120 - 180k+ 120 - 180k+
Public Relations Manager 70 - 120k 70 - 120k
Corporate Communications Manager 70 - 100k 70 - 100k
Corporate Affairs Director 120 - 180k+ 120 - 180k+
Online Marketing Manager 80 - 150k 80 - 150k
Technical Healthcare
Business Unit Director 200 - 240k+ 200 - 240k+
Sales Director 180 - 200k+ 180 - 200k+
Sales Manager 100 - 120k+ 110 - 140k+
Marketing Director 180 - 200k+ 180 - 200k+
Marketing Manager 100 - 120k+ 100 - 120k+
Product Manager 80 - 100k+ 80 - 100k+
Market Access Manager 120 - 150k+ 120 - 150k+
Regulatory Affairs Director 180 - 200k+ 180 - 200k+
Regulatory Affairs Manager 100 - 120k+ 100 - 120k+
Medical Affairs Director 200 - 240k+ 200 - 240k+
Medical Affairs Manager 150 - 180k+ 150 - 180k+
Clinical Research Director 180 - 200k+ 180 - 200k+
Clinical Research Manager 100 - 120k+ 100 - 120k+
NB: Figures are basic salaries and exclude employer’s CPF contribution.
ompany restructures and a general With a conscious move towards hiring
aversion to assigning budget to local talent, along with a focus on driving
recruitment meant the IT market increased return on investment, this will
remained stable throughout last year. create more demand for Singaporean
While we expect fewer restructures this mid to senior-level commercial sales and
year, companies are still likely to exercise marketing professionals leading to salary
caution as they wait to see how the inflation in this area.
economy fares. Having said that, there
was a noticeable increase in demand We expect competition for candidates
for sales and marketing professionals in with specific channel, industry, regional
the automotive, oil and gas and software and product knowledge to increase and
sectors. as these talents will be difficult to find,
roles may remain open for significant
Another key trend this year will be the periods of time.
need for online marketing professionals.
As consumers and businesses across Line managers with realistic expectations
Asia switch allegiance to online channels and a desire to source transferable skill
and the use of mobile technology grows, sets will secure the best talent. With the
companies will specifically need digital challenges outlined above, 2014 will be
and mobile IT experts. As companies dominated by a focus on companies
look to grow business in these areas retaining top performers.
both regional sales and business
development managers will continue
to find opportunities across all sectors.
We expect competition
KEY TRENDS for professionals
■■ Changes to legislation combined with a shift towards hiring local talent will with specific channel,
push up salaries across the sector, for all roles. industry, regional and
■■ We expect to see more job title changes and salary increases across the product knowledge to
board. increase.
■■ People with specific channel, industry, region and product knowledge will find
plenty of openings across all sectors.
■■ Mid-level regional sales/business development skills have been in high demand
all year and this is unlikely to change in 2014 as the region remains both a
target and growth area for many industries.
2013 2014
Business Development
Managing Director 200 - 300k+ 250 - 350k+
Sales & Marketing Director 150 - 230k+ 180 - 250k+
Sales & Marketing Manager 80 - 130k 80 - 130k
Sales Director 150 - 225k+ 180 - 250k+
Sales Manager 70 - 120k 70 - 120k
Account Director 140 - 200k+ 140 - 200k+
Senior Business Development Manager 120 - 180k+ 140 - 200k+
Business Development Manager 80 - 120k 80 - 120k
Aftersales Manager 80 - 120k 90 - 130k
Key Account Manager 65 - 100k 75 - 110k
Sales Engineer 40 - 60k 40 - 60k
Marketing Director 150 - 200k+ 165 - 225k+
Marketing Manager 75 - 120k 80 - 120k
Marketing Research Director 140 - 200k+ 150 - 225k+
Marketing Research Manager 90 - 130k 100 - 150k
Direct Marketing Manager 80 - 120k 80 - 120k
Product Marketing Manager 70 - 115k 80 - 120k
Brand Manager 70 - 90k 70 - 100k
PR & Communications
Public Relations Director 120 - 200k+ 120 - 200k+
Public Relations Manager 75 - 120k 80 - 120k
Corporate Communications Director 100 - 160k+ 130 - 200k
Corporate Communications Manager 75 - 110k 80 - 130k
Corporate Affairs Director 100 - 160k+ 130 - 200k
NB: Figures are basic salaries and exclude employer’s CPF contribution.
The above listed positions are also available on a contract basis of which the monthly rates will be pro-rated against the annual salary of permanent roles.
he business support recruitment Those who can demonstrate a willingness as they continue to prove difficult to
market in Singapore was largely and ability to go beyond what’s in recruit and remain in high demand.
stable last year. In the contract their job description will find the most
space, the finance and banking sectors opportunity. There will also be competition Overall this year we’re expecting to see
drove recruitment activity as organisations among hiring managers for professionals more permanent recruitment and tighter
looked for more flexibility in an uncertain with more than five years’ experience regulations around hiring coming into
economy. There was also increased supporting top-level managers in force. There will also be high demand for
recruitment activity across commerce, multinational companies. The same will executive assistants who can provide all
pharmaceuticals, FMCG and IT. As apply to those with English and Mandarin aspects of support - not just the traditional
it became increasingly necessary for skills who can liaise with offices and PA. Companies are moving towards
companies to reduce costs, hiring vendors in China. And as offshore law shared pools of support staff to encourage
managers competed for team secretaries firms continue to expand in Singapore, a flexible workforce in their business. We
and executive assistants who were able to more office managers with experience will also see a greater demand for legal
multi-task and support a number of top- in setting up new offices will be needed. secretaries as offshore law firms continue
level managers. However, the permanent Legal secretaries will also be in demand to expand in Singapore.
market was affected by the global from both existing law firms expanding
financial situation last year, with banks and in Singapore and new firms as the legal
financial institutions cautious and unwilling industry continues to grow. With the
to carry out any major recruitment. exception of these individuals, the talent
pool is still quite deep, meaning salaries
We expect these trends to continue this and rate increases will be unlikely this
year with companies continuing to focus year. However, we expect to see rates
on hiring proactive individuals with the increase for investment banking and legal
ability to handle broader responsibilities. secretaries, and corporate receptionists
Secretarial and support
KEY TRENDS professionals will need
■■ Investment banking and legal secretaries, as well as corporate receptionists to demonstrate flexibility
will be in high demand and could be the only roles that command salary and business acumen as
increases this year. managers delegate
■■ Team secretaries and executive assistants with the ability to multi-task and more responsibility to
go beyond their job descriptions will be in demand as companies look to pool them.
resources and reduce costs.
■■ Banks and financial institutions will continue to be cautious about the market
and we don’t expect to see recruitment pick up significantly in this sector.
■■ As offshore law firms expand in Singapore and new firms arrive, the market
for legal secretaries and office managers will be buoyant.
Business Support
NB: Figures are basic salaries and exclude employer’s CPF contribution.
n 2013 we saw a number of companies on recruiting and promoting local talent in although many expect higher financial
setting up in Singapore, with several all areas in line with the Fair Consideration rewards when moving jobs, promoting
establishing regional and global hubs Framework to be implemented in career growth prospects will be key. Many
for planning and logistics. During the 2014. Despite the skills available professionals are so keen to develop
first half of the year the permanent locally, companies will see shortages their leadership capabilities, we’re
procurement market was active as of key supply chain and procurement likely to see greater shortages of mid-
companies continued to focus on professionals in certain areas. In level professionals. In fact, companies’
procurement as a vehicle for improving particular, there’s likely to be a lack of willingness to let high-performing
efficiencies and cutting costs. However, mid-level strategic sourcing procurement juniors step into ‘bigger’ roles is likely to
with various organisations facing managers with strong commercial and continue, reducing salary bandings in
budgetary constraints and undergoing category management skills. Dynamic some places as it did in 2013. However,
transformation, hiring for permanent roles junior employees will continue to be companies will remain stringent on
slowed in the second half of 2013. in high demand and short supply, leadership appointments.
while multi-skilled senior supply chain
For contractors, these conditions professionals who can deliver process
had more positive implications – with improvements and wear multiple hats will
companies increasingly using this flexible also be much sought-after.
resource to help with work volumes
during the transformation process. In To stand the best chance of hiring
2014, this hiring trend is likely to continue these in-demand professionals, it’s
– contractors are now very much part of becoming much more important to clearly
the recruitment landscape in Singapore. communicate company growth plans
and offer candidates greater clarity on
We also expect to see an ongoing focus the challenges of potential roles. And
With more options
KEY TRENDS available to them in the
■■ There will be increased demand for contractors as companies carry out jobs market,
change management programmes and start new projects. Singaporean supply
■■ Strategic sourcing will be a key area of focus within procurement in 2014. chain and procurement
■■ Following the Fair Consideration Framework, there will be ongoing focus on
professionals are likely
recruiting and promoting local talent in all areas. to see rising salary
levels in 2014.
■■ Despite skills available locally, companies will still see shortages of key supply
chain and procurement professionals in certain areas.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries and exclude employer’s CPF contribution.
The above listed positions are also available on a contract basis of which the monthly rates will be pro-rated against the annual salary of permanent roles.
With a number of new international progression potential. However in order to accommodate and
companies entering the market, Korea’s ageing population retain new talent where they can.
2013 saw moderate economic means that finding talented Developing a strong employer
growth and recruitment activity young employees with specialist brand that resonates in the market
in Korea. Despite the internal attributes – notably, good technical will therefore become a priority for
perception that Korea is in and communication skills and hiring managers.
recession, GDP increased 2-3% international knowledge – will be a
and is expected to do the same in challenge in 2014 and beyond. Rigid labour laws occasionally put
2014. restraints on recruitment activity in
While senior employees and Korea. However, in general salaries
Bilingual Korean nationals applicants remain in abundance, remain fairly fluid.
continued to dominate there is growing recognition that
the recruitment market for old-style management practices
international firms, with many are becoming outdated. As a
companies looking for junior to result, companies are increasingly
mid-level staff with good career looking to restructure and adapt
n 2013, employees
who stayed in
their current role
employee - skills can be acquired on the
job; personality can’t.
FINANCIAL SERVICES Strong marketing skills and a global
saw 3-4% pay
increments, while There was very little recruitment activity outlook were high on the agenda for
average-performing in financial services in Korea in 2013. hiring managers in consumer and retail.
job-movers could Companies made very few additions to With a dearth of relevant qualifications
expect a 5-10% their teams and salaries remained static. and experience on the market, there will
increase and There was a slight increase in available be a lot of competition for managers with
high-achievers roles towards the end of the year, but we strong e-commerce and online marketing
earned between 10% and 20%. This expect 2014 to be equally quiet, unless skills in 2014 but recruitment levels will
trend looks set to continue in 2014 as the global economy picks up. depend heavily on consumer spending
market conditions improve. In all areas trends.
managers should consider regional and TECHNOLOGY
global career paths as a major draw for Technology was one of Korea’s most INDUSTRIAL
prospective employees. active sectors in 2013 and will be again
in 2014. Businesses competed for Foreign companies supplying the
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE manufacturing industry continue to look
software, hardware and gaming technical
Under pressure to improve quality specialists, as well as sales people to Korea as part of their expansion plans.
without increasing headcount, there capable of selling to the big Korean As a result, hiring in this area picked
was increased replacement hiring in companies. Candidates with cloud up in 2013 and will increase again in
accounting and finance in 2013 – but and security experience also proved 2014. Hiring managers will be looking
very little hiring for growth. Reflecting the hugely popular with hiring managers. for industry knowledge and technical
national picture, hiring managers were In particular, employees with strong know-how, and for account managers
looking for junior to mid-level staff with business development skills were at with aggressive sales and marketing
good communication and managerial a premium across gaming, online and capabilities.
skills as well as business acumen. While mobile.
there is no shortage of accountants HUMAN RESOURCES
on the market, companies struggled – Finding these niche capabilities will
and will continue to struggle – to find require a dedicated search strategy. In HR, meanwhile, companies will be
employees who can progress to become As foreign companies continue to hire looking for strategic partners who can
valuable business partners able to aggressively in this area, competition will move beyond traditional roles to help with
operate in an international setting. remain fierce for top-tier recruits - who organisational development. Specialist
can generally expect salary increases of staff with around three to six years’
In 2013, professionals moving jobs 10-20% on signing – or more depending experience will be hard to find, and there
within accounting and finance generally on their ability. In addition to strong will be strong competition for top talent.
achieved a 5-15% pay increase, which English language skills, employers are
we anticipate will remain constant in the now expecting highly-related industry and
year ahead. Hiring managers should keep technical experience as a prerequisite.
an open mind when recruiting in this area
and should be prepared to look outside
the industry to find the ‘right’ kind of
2013 2014
CFO 130 - 200m+ 140 - 220m+
FD (Large Organisation) 100 - 150m 120 - 160m
FD (Small/Medium Organisation) 90 - 120m 90 - 120m
FC (Large Organisation) 70 - 95m 80 - 100m
FC (Small/Medium Organisation) 70 - 80m 70 - 80m
Internal Audit Manager 60 - 80m 60 - 80m
Tax Manager 50 - 70m 50 - 70m
Finance Manager 50 - 70m 55 - 70m
Financial Planning/Analysis Manager 40 - 70m 50 - 70m
Treasury Manager 40 - 70m 50 - 70m
Internal Auditor 40 - 60m 40 - 60m
Credit Manager 40 - 55m 40 - 55m
Senior Financial Analyst 45 - 60m 50 - 60m
Senior Financial Accountant 40 - 50m 45 - 55m
Financial Analyst 35 - 45m 40 - 50m
Tax Accountant 30 - 45m 40 - 50m
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
Country Head - Small/Medium Organisation 150 - 200m+ 150 - 225m+
Country Head - Small Organisation 120 - 150m+ 120 - 150m+
Sales Director 100 - 120m+ 100 - 120m+
Sales Manager 70 - 100m 70 - 100m
Major Account Manager 70 - 90m 70 - 90m
Account Manager 35 - 50m 35 - 50m
Business Development Manager 50 - 80m 50 - 80m
Marketing Director 80 - 100m 80 - 100m+
Channel Manager 40 - 60m 40 - 60m
Consumer & Retail
Country Head - Small/Medium Organisation 130 - 180m+ 130 - 180m+
Sales Director 90 - 140m+ 110 - 140m+
National Key Account Manager 70 - 90m 90 - 130m
Retail Manager 70 - 90m 70 - 90m
Marketing Director 100 - 150m+ 120 - 170m+
Marketing Manager 60 - 90m 60 - 90m
Digital Marketing Manager 60 - 80m 60 - 80m
Product Manager 60 - 80m 50 - 70m
Merchandising Manager 40 - 60m 40 - 60m
Country Head - Small/Medium Organisation 140 - 200m+ 150 - 200m+
Country Head - Small Organisation 110 - 150m+ 110 - 150m+
Sales Director 90 - 110m+ 100 - 120m+
Sales/Branch Manager 70 - 90m 70 - 100m+
Business Development Manager 70 - 95m 70 - 100m+
Application Development Specialist 75 - 90m 75 - 95m
Sales Engineer 70 - 85m 70 - 90m
Account Manager 65 - 80m 65 - 85m
Sales Support Representative 65 - 80m 65 - 85m
Marketing Manager 40 - 60m 40 - 60m
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
In 2013, the Taiwanese to thrive in Taiwan, with increasing than in 2012 due to tougher
recruitment market was affected numbers of cash-rich customers export conditions. The trend
by uncertainty in China and the pouring in from mainland for manufacturing companies
eurozone during the early part of China. Large multinationals shifting to lower-cost centres also
the year. Companies were hesitant also continued to recruit for key played a part. However, hiring did
to build teams through new personnel as they aimed to grow pick up in new growth markets
headcount, although replacement their share of this increasingly such as cloud computing and
hiring remained strong and will buoyant market. embedded storage, with research
continue in 2014. and development engineers and
The other traditional pillar of the experienced sales professionals in
Despite the uncertain outlook, Taiwanese economy, technology, strong demand.
FMCG, luxury and retail continued experienced a more difficult year
W hile the
to find top talent
look to expand beyond Taiwan into Asia.
People with good knowledge of regional
tax, audit and accounting regulations
recruitment activity as they expanded
their businesses in Taiwan and beyond.
In 2014, cloud computing, server,
remains, overall, will also be high on hiring managers’ networking and storage are all likely
there are plenty wish lists. The local talent shortage, to expand and bolster hiring levels.
of reasons to be meanwhile, will be particularly severe in Companies dealing in PCs, notebooks,
optimistic about FMCG, retail and manufacturing. desktops and all-in-one computers will
2014. As China likely recruit on a replacement basis, while
and Europe regain BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES R&D specialists and product and sales
momentum, there managers will be key targets for hiring
are signs that Taiwan will maintain its Hiring levels were strong in the banking managers.
competitive strength in key areas such and financial services sector during the
as technology, with potential growth first half of 2013. Asset management SALES & MARKETING
in manufacturing, sales, retail and companies pursued front office
pharmaceuticals. professionals as business volumes Strong demand from the retail, cosmetics,
grew. Later in the year hiring slowed, luxury and FMCG sectors generated high
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE although risk and compliance personnel levels of recruitment activity in sales and
– particularly in middle and back-office marketing. In particular, companies were
Hiring activity in accounting and finance roles – were required to meet local keen to take on employees from mainland
remained fairly level, with most demand regulatory requirements. As the financial China and Hong Kong – especially
coming from the manufacturing, industry’s recovery continues, albeit Taiwanese returnees – particularly those
FMCG and retail sectors. Recruitment slowly, the outlook for 2014 is promising with strong leadership, negotiation and
was mainly replacement-based, with but hard to predict. We anticipate communications skills.
a focus on hiring professionals with insurance companies, asset management
strong English and Chinese language companies and foreign banks will look for We expect sector growth to continue
skills, all-round financial skills and compliance and anti-money-laundering in 2014, when companies will be
international experience. And while we (AML) professionals. AML managers and seeking senior product managers, sales
are seeing the migration of certain finance VP level AML professionals with legal and directors, brand general managers and
functions to mainland China, more compliance backgrounds will be popular, marketing directors. High-quality sales
senior, commercially-rounded finance although very hard to find among the and marketing professionals will be in
professionals will be needed in Taiwan to domestic workforce. Hiring managers short supply, so hiring managers will
assist with business expansion. may need to offer overseas or regional need to make highly-competitive offers
training opportunities to attract top talent. if they want to secure talented overseas
The technology and manufacturing professionals.
sectors showed strong growth INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
momentum in 2013 and companies
looked for mid-level accounting and A drop in demand for desktops,
finance professionals across these notebooks and monitors impacted IT
Hiring managers will need
areas. In 2014, accounting and finance hiring in 2013, while wider economic
to offer at least 10-15%
managers will be popular hiring targets; uncertainty meant some companies
increments to entice
so too will controllers with regional imposed a headcount freeze. However,
senior job-movers.
experience as local and foreign firms local IT companies increased their
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Investment Consultant 700 - 950k 700 - 970k 1.0 - 1.2m 1.0 - 1.2m 1.35m+ 1.4m+
RM - Corporate Banking 600 - 780k 700 - 800k 900k - 1.2m 900k - 1.3m 1.5 - 2.0m+ 1.5 - 2.2m+
RM - Financial Institutions 600 - 820k 650 - 880k 950k - 1.4m 950k - 1.55m 1.75 - 2.8m+ 1.8 - 3.0m+
RM - Retail Banking 500 - 820k 500 - 850k 700k - 1.0m 700k - 1.1m 1.05 - 1.2m+ 1.1 - 1.3m+
Sales- Transaction Banking 600 - 820k 650 - 850k 1.2 - 1.5m 1.2m - 1.65m 2.0 - 2.75m+ 2.0 - 2.9m+
AML/Financial Crime 700 - 850k 720 - 950k 1.0 - 1.5m 1.0 - 1.6m 1.7 - 2.1m 1.8 - 2.2m+
Compliance 575 - 720k 550 - 750k 970k - 1.5m 1.0 - 1.7m 2.5m+ 2.5 - 4.0m
Financial Reporting 350 - 600k 400 - 680k 750k - 1.2m 800k - 1.3m 1.3m+ 1.45m+
Human Resources 580 - 700k 500 - 700k 800k - 1.2m 800k - 1.3m 1.4 - 1.9m 1.5m - 2.0m
Internal Audit 450 - 550k 450 - 650k 650 - 900k 700k - 1.1m 1.2 - 1.6m 1.3 - 1.7m
Legal 575 - 720k 550 - 770k 970k - 1.5m 1.0 - 1.6m 2.5m+ 2.7m+
Risk 550 - 750k 550 - 800k 950k - 1.2m 970k - 1.3m 1.6m+ 1.7m+
Operation/KYC 550 - 750k 550 - 800k 900k - 1.1m 950k - 1.2m 1.5 - 1.7m 1.5 - 1.8m+
Asset Management
Client Services 600 - 800k 650 - 950k 800k - 1.2m 800k - 1.3m 1.2 - 1.6m 1.3 - 1.7m
Compliance 900k - 1.5m 1.0 - 1.7m 1.5 - 2.5m 1.6 - 2.65m 2.5 - 3.6m 2.5 - 3.7m
Internal Audit 800k - 1.1m 900k - 1.2m 1.1 - 1.6m 1.2 - 1.8m 1.6 - 2.5m 1.8 - 2.8m
Legal 1.0 - 1.5m 1.1 - 1.6m 1.5 - 3.0m 1.7 - 3.2m 3.0 - 3.85m 3.0 - 4.0m
Sales 870k - 1.05m 870k - 1.1m 1.05 - 2.5m 1.1 - 2.5m 2.5 - 3.8m 2.5 - 3.9m
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified. RM = Relationship Manager
2013 2014
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturer
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
General Manager 4.8 - 5.4m 5.0 - 5.5m
Commercial Head 3.0 - 4.5m 3.1 - 4.6m
Sales Director 3.5 - 4.5m 3.6 - 4.6m
Category Manager 1.8 - 2.5m 1.9 - 2.6m
Channel Sales Manager 1.8 - 2.5m 1.9 - 2.6m
Marketing Director 3.2 - 4.5m 3.5 - 4.6m
Marketing Manager 2.5 - 3.0m 2.6 - 3.2m
Senior Brand Manager 1.6 - 2.0m 1.8 - 2.2m
Brand Manager 1.4 - 1.65m 1.5 - 1.85m
Assistant Brand Manager 800k - 1.0m 900k - 1.2m
National Sales Manager 2.0 - 2.8m 2.0 - 3.0m
Trade Marketing Manager 1.8 - 2.5m 2.0 - 2.8m
Key Account Manager 1.3 - 1.5m 1.4 - 1.6m
Retail Cosmetics
Brand General Manager 3.5 - 4.5m 3.8 - 4.8m
Area Manager 900k - 1.2m 1.0 - 1.4m
Brand Manager 3.0 - 3.8m 3.2 - 4.0m
Senior Product Manager 1.3 - 1.75m 1.4 - 1.8m
Product Manager 1.1 - 1.35m 1.2 - 1.5m
Assistant Product Manager 650 - 850k 750k - 1.0m
Sales Manager 1.6 - 2.0m 1.8 - 2.2m
Sales Operations Manager 1.5 - 1.8m 1.8 - 2.2m
Marketing Manager 1.8 - 2.5m 2.0 - 2.8m
General Manager 3.5 - 4.5m 3.5 - 4.8m
Retail Head 1.5 - 2.4m 1.6 - 2.6m
Area Manager 1.2 - 1.5m 1.3 - 1.6m
Boutique Manager 1.0 - 1.2m 1.0 - 1.4m
Brand Manager 2.8 - 3.5m 2.8 - 3.5m
Marketing Manager 1.8 - 2.0m 1.8 - 2.3m
Marketing Specialist 600 - 850k 800k - 1.0m
PR Manager 1.7 - 2.3m 1.8 - 2.5m
PR Specialist 600 - 850k 750 - 900k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 450
Although growth in Thailand in 2013 was slower
than predicted, recruitment remained largely
A n increase in
the minimum
wage in Thailand in
opportunities, training, and development
will also be essential - the new generation
of professionals want to progress their
2013 led to many careers rapidly, moving roles much more
labour-intensive regularly. They want to see clear career
manufacturing paths, with salaries that rise in line with
companies their progress.
trying to improve
efficiencies and Looking ahead, companies will continue
reduce overheads. to invest in Thailand, which is on course
The financial services industry began to become a top-performing country
preparing for the international challenge in the region by 2025. It is definitely
of increased mobility through the AEC a country ‘on the up’ - in fact, it’s the
by trying to source local talent. second-fastest-growing country in the
region. 2014 will see this reflected in
There were also strong calls for sales, terms of increased competition for local
marketing and distribution skills among and international professionals.
pharmaceutical and retail companies. And
as large multinationals continued to set up
in Thailand to capitalise on this promising
market, hiring managers cast their nets
wide to recruit the best business-oriented
HR and finance staff.
in short supply. Salaries will continue
at similar levels to 2013, with 15-20% Salaries will continue at
increases for those who move jobs and similar levels to 2013,
year-on-year increments of 5-10% for with 15-20% increases for
employees staying in their roles. However, job‑movers and year-on-
in-demand specialists looking for new year increments of 5-10%
roles could command pay rises of 25% or for employees staying in
over. their roles. In-demand
specialists looking
Companies will need to focus on for new roles could
developing their employer brand to command pay rises of
Looking to move jobs attract top talent in 2014. Internal career 25% or over.
he positive economic and business FMCG or trading background, or with have bargaining power and they too can
climate in Thailand led to increased experience in a multinational corporation. expect meaningful salary increases. It’s
demand for finance professionals not often that the cliché ‘the world is your
in 2013 – especially those with fluency In the manufacturing sector, where oyster’ is really applicable, but for senior
in English and with a strong educational cost-saving remains critical, businesses accountants and finance professionals
background. Demand outstripped supply are keen to find accountants with solid in Thailand, we would say this is true in
for these candidates who were therefore costing experience. Accountants with 2014.
able to command excellent salary broad experience – in commercial
increments. This demand will continue finance, costing and tax – can expect to
in 2014 as multinational corporations receive multiple job offers.
expand in the region, stimulated by
the opportunities created as a result of Given the shortage of suitably qualified
the function of the ASEAN Economic English-speaking professionals,
Community (AEC). companies will have to work hard to
retain their existing highly-skilled people.
Companies expanding further in Thailand A good strategy for retention is to offer
and the South-East Asia region this year attractive career progression, rotation
will be looking for professionals with into different roles and an enhanced
strong tax skills to help manage potential benefits package. To attract new talent,
corporation tax liabilities. Organisations companies may find themselves having to
will also be seeking professionals in offer salary increments of more than 30%.
commercial finance, especially from an Even at the more junior levels, candidates
Skilled finance
KEY TRENDS professionals can
■■ Business expansion into the Southeast Asia region is creating high command excellent
demand for accountants, especially those with experience in multinational salaries and companies
corporations. may offer increments of
■■ Tax, commercial finance and costing capabilities are all needed, and 30% or more for the
experience in FMCG is valued. right candidate.
■■ With a limited supply of skilled finance professionals fluent in English,
candidates are in a strong negotiating position.
■■ Companies may offer salary increments of 30% or more to attract the right
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
n view of the country’s participation in In the securities industry, local businesses Internal salary increases for professionals
the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) sought foreign expertise to grow through in the same company in 2013 were similar
from 2015, Thailand continues to remain acquisition and have particularly been to those in 2012 - typically between 5%
an attractive market to investors from seeking professionals with management and 15%.
Southeast Asia and beyond. However, experience in operational and market
entry into the AEC has brought with it risk. Conversely, overseas institutions This is likely to be repeated in 2014, but
considerable change for the banking and have been seeking individuals with companies may well offer uplifts of 25%
financial services industry. skills in compliance risk to help manage to prise talented individuals away from
a regulatory clamp-down on internal their existing employers.
Mergers and acquisitions and internal operations and employment policies.
reorganisations have shaken up the
sector; new products have been Once they have established appropriate
developed; and, most significantly, back-office systems to meet these
the regulatory environment has been regulatory requirements, these firms are
changing rapidly. Consequently, likely to shift the emphasis of their hiring
wholesale and consumer banks have towards front office positions. This is
been seeking candidates with skills in particularly the case in the securities and
credit and operational risk as they seek to asset management industries, where
manage expansion in an orderly way; this institutions will be seeking professionals
looks set to continue in 2014. As a result with a strong client portfolio to aid
of the high competition for these roles, expansion. Ideally, even here, potential
relationship managers with credit risk employees will be well-versed in banking
experience in particular can expect to be and securities regulation.
very well-rewarded.
Local players need
KEY TRENDS experts in operational
■■ Forthcoming entry into the AEC has created a shake-up of the banking and and market risk, but
financial services sector. compliance skills are
■■ The regulatory environment has been shifting rapidly, causing banks and top of the list for foreign
other institutions to search for more expertise in compliance. institutions.
■■ There are significant shortages of candidates with skills in credit, operational,
market and compliance risk.
■■ Salary increments of 25% may be offered to prise employees away from
their current roles, and more may be available to those with a compliance
Private Equity 950k - 1.2m 1.1 - 1.3m 1.3 - 2.2m 1.5 - 2.4m 2.4 - 3.1m+ 2.8 - 3.5m+
Corporate Banking 800 - 950k 800 - 950k 900k - 1.8m 1.0 - 2.2m 2.5 - 3.6m+ 2.5 - 3.6m+
Cash/Treasury Sales 900 - 950k 960 - 1.1m 950k - 1.8m 1.1 - 2m 1.9 - 2.9m+ 2.0 - 3.0m+
Trade Sales 800k - 1.1m 880 - 1.2m 1.3 - 1.6m 1.3 - 1.6m 2.2 - 3.1m+ 2.0 - 2.9m+
Investment Banking 600k - 1.2m 660k - 1.2m 1.3 - 2.5m 1.4 - 2.7m 2.6 - 3.6m+ 2.7 - 3.7m+
Private Banking 650k - 1.0m 650k - 1.0m 1.1 - 2.2m 1.1 - 2.2m 2.2 - 3.2m+ 2.2 - 3.2m+
Equity Capital Markets 700k - 1.2m 770k - 1.3m 1.3 - 2.5m 1.4 - 2.7m 2.6 - 3.6m+ 2.8 - 3.8m+
Debt Capital Markets 700k - 1.2m 770k - 1.3m 1.3 - 2.5m 1.4 - 2.5m 2.6 - 3.6m+ 2.6 - 3.6m+
Commercial Banking 600 - 850k 660 - 950k 900k - 1.7m 990k - 1.8m 1.8 - 2.8m+ 1.9 - 2.9m+
Priority Banking 550k - 1.0m 605k - 1.1m 900k - 1.5m 990k - 1.6m 1.9 - 2.9m+ 2.0 - 3.0m+
Banking Operations
Treasury Settlements 600 - 750k 600 - 750k 750k - 1.8m 750k - 1.8m 1.9 - 2.9m+ 1.9 - 3.0m+
Cash Management 480 - 720k 500 - 780k 750k - 1.5m 900k - 1.7m 1.7 - 2.7m+ 1.8 - 2.8m+
Trade Support 450 - 650k 450 - 710k 680k - 1.1m 748k - 1.2m 1.6 - 2.6m+ 1.7 - 2.7m+
Corporate Governance
Market Risk 700k - 1.2m 720k - 1.2m 1.3 - 2.6m 1.5 - 2.5m 2.7 - 3.7m+ 2.7 - 3.7m+
Credit Risk 650k - 1.1m 700k - 1.2m 1.2 - 2.4m 1.3 - 2.5m 2.6 - 3.6m+ 2.7 - 3.7m+
Operational Risk 660k - 1.2m 700k - 1.3m 1.3 - 2.5m 1.4 - 2.7m 2.6 - 3.6m+ 2.8 - 3.8m+
Internal Audit 600 - 900k 660 - 990k 1.0 - 1.8m 1.1 - 1.9m 1.9 - 2.7m+ 2.0 - 3.0m+
Compliance 700k - 1.5m 770k - 1.6m 1.2 - 2.9m 1.3 - 3.1m 3.0 - 4.8m+ 3.0 - 5.0m+
Financial Accounting
Business Analysis 600 - 850k 660 - 935k 860k - 1.9m 946k - 2.0m 2.0 - 3.0m+ 2.0 - 3.0m+
Finance Operations 540 - 830k 550 - 850k 840k - 1.6m 950k - 1.8m 1.7 - 2.7m+ 2.0 - 3.0m+
Fund Accounting 530 - 800k 550 - 820k 900k - 1.8m 920k - 2.0m 1.9 - 2.7m+ 2.2 - 3.0m+
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
R is maturing as a discipline in analytics and those with compensation
Thailand as the country adjusts and benefits expertise.
to new minimum-wage legislation
and increased international exposure. No In addition, HR experts who understand
longer are organisations simply seeking how to improve productivity are in
professionals competent in the basics demand as companies focus on
of operational, administrative and payroll their organisational design, especially
HR. Instead, companies of all sizes, from since minimum-wage legislation has
multinationals to SMEs, are increasingly pushed up the costs of labour-intensive
recognising the value of HR professionals industries. Companies also understand particularly in relationship-building, can
able to take a strategic view of the that to compete internationally they typically expect increments of 25% or
workforce. must be able to present themselves more. Hiring managers are therefore
well as an employer of choice and this advised to ensure that recruitment
HR experts with these skills have been demands efficient recruitment processes. processes for mid to senior-level
particularly sought-after in 2013 – with Candidates with employer branding and management positions take no more than
bilingual professionals especially prized. In talent acquisition and retention experience four to five weeks.
addition, multinational corporations have will be highly sought-after.
been keen to source HR professionals
with the regional experience to help While salaries for general HR
in the recruitment and development management have remained fairly static,
of staff internationally. We expect this the shortage of strategic HR candidates
pattern of demand to continue in 2014 meant these individuals commanded
and anticipate a rise in the hiring of relatively high rewards. Senior managers
practitioners with experience in HR and directors with a strong track record,
At the top end of the
KEY TRENDS market, strategic HR
■■ The importance of HR as a discipline is increasing, hence companies are professionals can
looking into more strategic functions such as retention management and expect increments of at
employee engagement. least 25%.
■■ Demand is rising for HR practitioners who can take a strategic view of the
■■ HR professionals with experience in employer branding, HR analytics and
compensation and benefits are in short supply.
■■ Salaries for general HR management positions have remained fairly static, but
uplifts of 25% or more are common for senior strategic hires.
Organisational Development 720k - 1.0m 720k - 1.1m 1.1 - 2.2m 1.2 - 2.4m 2.2 - 3.0m 2.4 - 3.2m
Compensation & Benefits 600 - 960k 700k - 1.0m 1.2 - 2.2m 1.1 - 2.4m 2.2 - 3.0m 2.2 - 3.2m
HR Generalist 600 - 900k 600 - 900k 1.0 - 2.0m 1.0 - 2.2m 2.0 - 3.4m 2.2 - 3.4m
Business Partner 600 - 900k 600 - 900k 1.0 - 2.0m 1.0 - 2.2m 2.0 - 3.0m 2.2 - 3.0m
Training & Development 540 - 900k 540 - 900k 1.0 - 2.0m 1.0 - 2.0m 2.0 - 2.8m 2.0 - 2.8m
HRIS 540 - 800k 540 - 800k 1.2 - 1.7m 1.2 - 1.7m 1.75 - 2.5m 1.75 - 2.6m
Recruitment 500 - 750k 500 - 750k 710 - 960k 750k - 1.2m 1.0 - 2.2m 1.2 - 2.8m
Payroll 420 - 660k 420 - 660k 610 - 900k 610 - 900k 1.1 - 1.7m 1.0 - 1.8m
Mobility 420 - 660k 420 - 660k 610 - 900k 670 - 900k 900k - 1.5m 900k - 1.6m
Organisational Development 800k - 1.5m 800k - 1.5m 1.5 - 2.2m 1.5 - 2.4m 2.2 - 3.0m 2.4 - 3.0m
HRIS 720k - 1.0m 720k - 1.0m 1.2 - 2.0m 1.0 - 2.2m 1.75 - 2.5m 2.2 - 2.8m
HR Generalist 600k - 1.0m 600k - 1.0m 1.1 - 2.0m 1.0 - 2.3m 2.2 - 3.0m 2.3 - 3.2m
Business Partner 600k - 1.0m 600k - 1.0m 1.1 - 2.0m 1.0 - 2.3m 2.2 - 3.0m 2.3 - 3.2m
Training & Development 720 - 900k 720 - 900k 950k - 1.8m 950k - 1.9m 1.8 - 2.4m 1.9 - 2.4m
Compensation & Benefits 600k - 1.0m 600k - 1.0m 1.2 - 2.2m 1.0 - 2.5m 2.2 - 3.0m 2.5 - 3.2m
Recruitment 500 - 750k 500 - 750k 800k - 1.7m 800k - 1.7m 1.7 - 1.8m 1.7 - 2.2m
Payroll 500 - 700k 500 - 700k 720k - 1.2m 720k - 1.2m 1.1 - 1.7m 1.2 - 1.7m
Mobility 500 - 670k 500 - 670k 680k - 1.0m 680k - 1.0m 1.0 - 1.4m 1.0 - 1.4m
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Figures vary depending on whether the incumbent is holding a regional/global role.
hailand is a high-growth economy In 2014 we expect the enterprise therefore likely to exceed those available
for IT and is one of the world’s software development industry to grow to senior executives, who can expect
top 30 destinations for IT offshore strongly. With the opening up of the perhaps 10-20% rises. However, as
outsourcing. Whereas in previous years ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) from the demand for talent grows, salary
the focus was on low value-added 2015, the banking, financial services and rises of 25% or more may well become
services such as maintenance and insurance industries are also expanding commonplace for top performers or
support, European, US and large Asian rapidly and will be actively seeking niche specialists. Among these, specialist
conglomerates have transformed the bilingual IT professionals, particularly compliance professionals stand out, since
landscape and businesses are now active those who are internationally mobile businesses undergoing restructuring need
in the analysis and use of Big Data and and used to working in a multicultural to convince the regulators that they are fit
the delivery of other high-value services. environment. This applies not only to for purpose.
permanent staff but also to contractors;
Organisations are therefore actively and since using contract staff allows
recruiting specialists in areas such companies to build capacity quickly
as cloud computing, data recovery without adding to headcount, IT
and business continuity. Expertise in businesses are increasingly likely to follow
integrated systems infrastructure, with this model.
a focus on security software, is also
highly valued. Development and project Having hired senior people in 2013
managers have been in demand on the to set up and structure organisations
software side, while hardware companies for change, companies will have a
have been hiring professionals with greater need in 2014 for those who
project sales capabilities. can implement it. Increments for middle
management (typically 15‑25%) are
Middle managers will
KEY TRENDS enjoy salary uplifts of
■■ The IT sector is transforming from a focus on maintenance and support to the 15-25%, outstripping
delivery of higher value-added services. the 10-20% increases
■■ Companies are looking for specialists in areas such as big data, cloud available to their senior
computing, data recovery and business continuity. colleagues.
■■ There is an acute shortage of bilingual IT professionals, especially for the
banking and financial services sector.
■■ Demand in 2014 will be greater for middle management who can implement
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
he opening up of the ASEAN the emerging markets of Vietnam, professionals with five to seven years’
Economic Community (AEC) Cambodia and Laos are particular targets experience, companies therefore are
in 2015 will lead to significant for Thai business expansion, candidates increasingly targeting those with three to
increases in regional trade this year. with experience in these countries are five years’ experience.
Businesses wanting to take advantage well-placed to progress their sales and
of the opportunities presented have marketing careers in Thailand. In addition to uplifts, companies are
therefore been actively building their sales advised to offer clear long-term career
and marketing functions. The strongest In manufacturing, Japanese-speakers development if they are to succeed in
growth in demand for skilled sales and were also much sought-after. We expect attracting and retaining talented sales and
marketing professionals has come from similar trends in 2014, with salaries marketing professionals.
the retail, FMCG, hospitality, automotive likely to increase in FMCG, food retail,
and other manufacturing sectors. and automotive businesses. Given
the slower rate of hiring in the IT and
Companies in the IT and telecoms industries, salaries for sales
telecommunications industries have and marketing professionals in these
not been recruiting as actively, but have businesses will not grow as fast as
continued with a steady pace of hiring. elsewhere.
The professionals most sought-after were
those with expertise in digital marketing Nevertheless, the general increase in
and online/e-commerce, and also those business demand set against an unlimited
with a background in FMCG. Experience talent pool will mean that most sales and
in this sector is widely perceived to give marketing professionals changing jobs
individuals strong transferable skills, can expect an uplift in salary. There is a
especially in relation to strategy. Since potential shortage of sales and marketing
Salaries are likely to
KEY TRENDS increase in FMCG, food
■■ The sales and marketing sector has been stimulated by the AEC, with retail and automotive
companies in FMCG, hospitality, retail and manufacturing hiring actively. businesses.
■■ IT and telecoms businesses have been continuing to hire steadily but not at
the same pace as other industries.
■■ Companies are particularly looking for people with a background in FMCG, or
experience in Vietnam, Cambodia or Laos.
■■ Excess demand for marketing and sales people means that salaries will
increase, and there will be attractive opportunities even for people with less
than five years’ experience.
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014 462
In 2013, the recruitment market As a result, hiring managers looks set to intensify. Generally,
started slowly in Vietnam but were open to enticing overseas the outlook is fairly positive, with
picked up after the New Year Vietnamese back home due to international companies starting
or ‘Tet’ celebrations, with hiring their international exposure and to turn to Vietnam as a sourcing
activity across IT as well as the expanded portfolio. alternative to China. Market
pharmaceutical and industrial conditions will continue to be a
sectors. People were willing to In view of the severe talent challenge, but as multinationals
move jobs but in most cases shortage, most companies were convert representative offices into
market conditions could not flexible in their hiring requirements wholly-owned businesses and
support their salary expectations. and considered applicants with subsidiaries, future growth looks
Companies continued to prefer broadly matching skill sets. promising.
hiring local professionals, however Employers will need to focus on
the candidate-short market and developing skills and knowledge
skills gap between middle and top internally if they want to build up
management meant this need their teams, particularly as the
could not always be met. competition for quality local talent
2013 2014
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
Front Office
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
Human Resources
Business Support
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
Business Transformation
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
GM/MD 117 - 195k 135 - 225k
Sales & Marketing Director 104 - 130k 120 - 150k
Sales & Marketing Manager 52 - 65k 60 - 75k
Sales Director 65 - 91k 75 - 105k
National Account Manager 52 - 65k 60 - 75k
Regional Account Manager 26 - 39k 30 - 45k
Key Account Manager 26 - 39k 30 - 45k
Business Development Manager 26 - 32.5k 30 - 37k
Area Sales Manager 19.5 - 26k 22.5 - 30k
District Sales Manager 13 - 19.5k 15 - 22k
Sales Engineer 8 - 13k 9 - 15k
Marketing Director 78 - 104k 90 - 120k
Marketing Manager 65 - 91k 75 - 105k
Corporate Affairs Director 78 - 91k 90 - 105k
Corporate Affairs Manager 26 - 39k 30 - 45k
Business Unit Manager 65 - 91k 75 - 105k
Marketing Research Director 78 - 91k 90 - 105k
Marketing Research Manager 39 - 52k 45 - 60k
Public Relations Director 65 - 78k 75 - 90k
Public Relations Manager 32.5 - 39k 37 - 45k
MarComms Director 52 - 65k 60 - 75k
MarComms Manager 39 - 52k 45 - 60k
Direct Marketing Manager 52 - 78k 60 - 90k
Trade Marketing Manager 39 - 52k 45 - 60k
Channel Manager 32.5 - 39k 37 - 45k
Product Manager 22 - 32.5k 25.5 - 37k
Visual Merchandising Manager 19.5 - 26k 22.5 - 30k
Brand Manager 19.5 - 26k 22.5 - 30k
Technical Healthcare
Medical Director 58.5 - 78k 67 - 90k
Medical Affairs Manager 26 - 45.5k 30 - 52k
Clinical Research Manager 32.5 - 45.5k 37.5 - 52.5k
Clinical Research Specialist 15.5 - 22k 18 - 25.5k
Regulatory Affairs Manager 26 - 39k 30 - 45k
Regulatory Affairs Specialist 15.5 - 23.5k 18 - 27k
Medical Science Liaison 19.5 - 28.5k 22.5 - 33k
Medical Specialist 13 - 19.5k 15 - 22.5k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits & bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 2014
Supply Chain & Procurement
Supply Chain Director 60 - 84k 66 - 92.5k
Supply Chain Manager 30 - 48k 33 - 53k
Plant Manager 48 - 60k 53 - 60k
Operations Manager 48 - 60k 53 - 66k
Continuous Improvement Manager 30 - 42k 33 - 46k
Logistics Manager 30 - 36k 33 - 39.5k
Maintenance Manager 30 - 36k 33 - 39.5k
Planning Manager 24 - 48k 26.5 - 53k
Customer Service Manager 24 - 36k 26.5 - 39.5k
Procurement Manager 24 - 30k 26.5 - 33k
Warehouse Manager 24 - 30k 26.5 - 33k
Sourcing Manager 24 - 30k 26.5 - 33k
Service Manager 24 - 30k 26.5 - 33k
Production Manager 24 - 36k 26.5 - 39.5k
HSE Manager 24 - 30k 26.5 - 33k
Facility Manager 21.5 - 26.5k 24 - 29k
Third Party Logistics
Operations/Logistics Manager 30 - 40k 33 - 44k
Sales Manager 24 - 30k 26.5 - 33k
Key Account Manager 18 - 30k 20 - 33k
Engineering Manager 30 - 42k 33 - 46k
Project Manager 26 - 36k 28.5 - 39.5k
QA/QC Manager 30 - 36k 33 - 39.5k
R&D Manager 18 - 30k 20 - 33k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
2013 proved to be a good which is fast becoming the that were put on hold refinanced.
transition year for the Middle East, major service hub for the region. Villa prices in Dubai rose by 35%
UAE and Dubai. With foreign Currency liquidity returned to the as the population began to swell
investment increasing and sectors markets; banks started lending again.
including financial services, again and project and trade
property and construction showing finance bounced back, which had At the end of the year the world
genuine and sustainable signs of a positive impact on hiring activity Expo 2020 was won by Dubai.
recovery the outlook for 2014 is across the board. This is an historic event for Dubai,
positive and we expect economic the UAE and the Arab world.
growth to accelerate across the In particular, construction While the exact value to the
stable countries of the GCC. companies re-engaged with economy is hard to calculate it’s
large-scale building projects. We generally agreed that the positive
Following the upheavals of the saw large-scale infrastructure and sentiment created will carry the
Arab Spring and the ongoing industrial developments in Saudi economy forward for the next
conflict in Syria, 2013 was a Arabia, Qatar and the UAE while seven years and will no doubt
year in which people and jobs the property sector also recovered, have a large effect on recruitment.
continued to flood into Dubai, with some of the major projects
I n 2014, hiring
will need to
to grow their finance teams across the
Middle East and Africa as opportunities
continue to open up in Saudi and
winning the EXPO 2020 expectations
are that opportunities will continue to
increase, particularly in areas such as real
acknowledge that North Africa in 2014. With the general estate, construction, health and projects.
there is liquidity improvement in the world economy and
back in the specific local success such as Dubai With regard to hiring lawyers, there
market and that Expo 2020 and the renewal of large scale is likely to be a higher demand for
professionals can infrastructure projects in Abu Dhabi we candidates with expertise in construction,
and will move if expect sectors such as construction, infrastructure, real estate and finance.
they so desire. engineering and supply chain to also have There will also be a continued demand in
They’ll also need to ensure that their significant finance staffing needs. arbitration and litigation which has been a
company packages are in line with practice area all law firms have been busy
those of their competitors, especially as Local talent continues to be in short with this year. Organisations have been
expectations regarding housing, health supply meaning it is a great time to be recruiting locally and internationally, from
and education allowances can be high. an Emirati accounting professional with UK and Australia in particular, and since
Over the last four years these complex both government and private sectors hiring will increase in 2014 and there is a
benefits packages have diminished vying for the best candidates across smaller pool of talent in the Middle East to
due to the global financial crisis; wage the UAE and particularly in Abu Dhabi. choose from, clients are really going to be
inflation in the region also faltered There is also a shortage of qualified looking to hire from London and Australia
and salaries remained stable in 2013. candidates who are fluent in Arabic from much more. Therefore, hiring managers
However, with the region in recovery GCC countries. However, it is worth will need to be competitive when trying to
mode, pay and benefits will creep back noting when nationality and language are recruit experienced solicitors from outside
up and will be a major differentiator in not part of the hiring criteria, there is an of the region as the demand is high, but
the recruitment market. abundance of talent as the UAE becomes the supply of candidates is low, with the
a real destination of choice for finance Middle East still not attracting as many
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE professionals. lawyers as other jurisdictions such as
Hong Kong and Singapore.
Within the accounting and finance LEGAL
market, a greater number of opportunities Another trend we have seen is that there
began to emerge during the year. The Within the legal sector there was is a growing number of lawyers who are
busy sectors for 2013 were professional increased hiring activity up until Ramadan, looking for in-house positions and in light
services, retail, pharma, education after which things quietened down. In of the EXPO 2020, this could be a busy
and FMCG. We saw growing demand some areas however, such as corporate year for organisations looking to hire
for finance directors, controllers and and finance, there were fewer legal lawyers in preparation for higher levels of
other senior finance specialists along vacancies, but this wasn’t a reflection work‑flow.
with a range of corporate governance of the market, which remained buoyant.
professionals. Generally we saw not only Companies were simply more cautious
increases in the sizes of finance teams to having learned from their over-hiring
cope with the increased demand but also mistakes of the past. There has certainly
a genuine drive to up-skill roles. been a regional upturn in the market
as activity has been strong across the
We expect the service sectors to continue GCC and with the added bonus of Dubai
2013 2014
NB: All salary packages are inclusive of basic salary, housing and transport and should be considered the monthly cash pay. This does not include medical insurance, flights home or bonus.
2013 2014
Qualified by Experience
Transaction Processing
NB: All salary packages are inclusive of basic salary, housing and transport and should be considered the monthly cash pay. This does not include medical insurance, flights home or bonus.
2013 2014
General Accounting Roles
Chief Financial Officer 65 - 110k 70 - 130k+
Finance Director 40 - 60k 40 - 60k
Financial Controller 30 - 50k 35 - 55k
Finance/Internal Audit Manager 28 - 38k 28 - 38k
Financial Accountant/Internal Auditor (3 - 6 yrs') 18 - 33k 20 - 35k
Financial Accountant/Internal Auditor (0 - 3 yrs') 12 - 22k 15 - 25k
FP&A/Business Analyst (3 - 6 yrs') 18 - 33k 20 - 35k
FP&A/Business Analyst (0 - 3 yrs') 12 - 22k 15 - 25k
PQ Financial & Management Accountant 13 - 18k 15 - 20k
Head of Treasury (MD) 50 - 110k 20 - 120k+
Treasurer Manager 35 - 50k 35 - 50k
Assistant Treasurer 18 - 38k 20 - 40k
Tax Director (MD) 50 - 100k 50 - 100k+
Tax Manager (VP) 30 - 45k 30 - 45k
Tax Associate 16 - 36k 18 - 38k
Chief Compliance Officer (MD) 50 - 90k 50 - 100k+
Compliance Manager (VP) 25 - 45k 30 - 50k
Compliance Officer (KYC/AML) 18 - 38k 20 - 40k
Chief Risk Officer (MD) 55 - 115k 60 - 120k+
Head of Risk Management (Director) 40 - 60k 40 - 60k
Manager Credit Risk (VP) 30 - 50k 30 - 50k
Credit Risk Analyst (AVP) 18 - 35k 18 - 35k
Manager Market Risk (VP) 28 - 48k 30 - 50k
Market Risk Analyst (AVP) 18 - 35k 18 - 35k
Manager Operational Risk (VP) 33 - 52k 35 - 55k
Operational Risk Analyst (AVP) 20 - 35k 22 - 38k
Credit Analysis
Credit Analyst Manager (VP) 28 - 38k 30 - 40k
Senior Credit Analyst (AVP) 16 - 27k 16 - 27k
Credit Analyst 10 - 16k 10 - 16k
NB: All salary packages are inclusive of basic salary, housing and transport and should be considered the monthly cash pay. This does not include medical insurance, flights home or bonus.
475 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
9+ yrs’ PQE / General Counsel 71 - 73k 71 - 73k 72 - 96k 72 - 96k 65 - 120k 65 - 120k
NB: All salary packages are inclusive of basic salary, housing and transport and should be considered the monthly cash pay. This does not include medical insurance, flights home or bonus.
S outh Africa
remains a
market where
likely to be increased activity in property
and construction, creating new jobs and
strong commercial
experience and For those looking to hire in these areas,
specialist skills are hiring managers are advised to develop
scarce. Throughout quick and robust interview processes
2013 professionals to attract the best professionals.
with knowledge Demonstrating clear career paths for
of mergers and prospective employees, and providing
acquisitions topped hiring managers’ internal training and development, will
wish lists, as did those specialising also go a long way to attracting and
in learning and development, retaining talent.
compensation and benefits, risk and
compliance and structured finance.
looks set to continue, with a range of
products, goods and services coming Salaries are likely to rise
into the country. Additionally, although it’s by around 8-15% in 2014.
been tough in the mining sector, there’s
D 10-15%
uring 2013, accountancy hiring change. More businesses are seeking
levels increased in line with transformation across all levels and
the year-on-year economic will need employees who can make an
improvements South Africa has immediate difference to the business. It pay rises will go to top performers
experienced since 2011. With each will be typical of many job descriptions
new quarter, more new vacancies were to demand two to three years’ post-
advertised, exceeding 2012 hiring qualification experience. But while the board, with roles deemed ‘business-
levels. Core finance functions were at companies will be reluctant to settle for critical’ allocated the highest salaries
the heart of this movement, with the anything less than the top talent, hiring of all. At the top end of the spectrum
most in‑demand professionals including managers should consider streamlining employment equity professionals,
financial managers, accountants and the recruitment process. People with who will be in shorter supply this year,
analysts. One key trend saw renewed the desired level of experience – ideally will be in the strongest position to
demand for finance professionals with in multiple regions across Africa – won’t negotiate salaries. The highest increases
commercial skills – many individuals be easy to find and competition for accounting and finance professionals can
securing roles had to demonstrate top performers will be high. Having the expect are within the region of 10-15%.
an ability to develop strong business ability to make decisions quickly and
partnerships with key stakeholders such offer clearly-defined career paths and
as commercial managers and sales training programmes will help employers
directors. We anticipate similar trends and attract and secure the best people before
improvements in the job market in 2014. another offer proves more enticing.
Market conditions will
KEY TRENDS continue to improve and
■■ The volume of new roles increased quarter-on-quarter in 2013 and we expect hiring levels will
this growth to continue in 2014. increase across all
■■ Core finance professionals are increasingly expected to build strong business accounting and finance
relationships with key stakeholders. roles as a result.
■■ High competition for the best talent means employers need to streamline
recruitment processes and act quickly.
■■ Employment equity professionals and other ‘business-critical’ job-movers will
secure up to 10-15% pay rises.
2013 2014
Corporate Finance
ore hiring at all levels occurred will be Sub-Saharan expansion. salaries within financial services from one
within the banking and financial As more companies look beyond institution to another – and often from one
services sector in 2013 as Johannesburg, hiring managers will department to another – can encourage
revenues grew and business confidence prioritise professionals with in-country employees to look elsewhere if they don’t
improved. From core accounting and experience or interest in different regions. feel rewarded. Companies determined
product-related roles to highly-specialised African actuaries and other risk and to retain staff will have to offer market-
risk and compliance positions, the compliance professionals will prove related salary increases and competitive
increased volume of new vacancies particularly popular – especially those with performance bonuses. For job-movers,
encouraged more professionals to move expertise in insurance, capital markets hiring managers can expect to pay
jobs. In particular, employment equity or asset management. Companies need between 13-18% pay rises compared
specialists such as chartered accountants professionals with specialist market with prospective employees’ previous
and actuaries were more in demand than and regulation knowledge so they can salary expectations. We anticipate the
ever. Risk took centre stage for many more accurately predict risk in the highest increases will go to risk and
hiring managers as they looked for staff current climate. But as there will be skill compliance specialists due to the lack of
who could implement policies related shortages in these areas, employers will qualified professionals in this area.
to new regulations like anti-money- need to act fast and keep an open mind.
laundering, Basel III, Solvency II and more Taking on internationally-experienced
from the FSB. These specialisms will be professionals and finance-qualified
a continued focus in 2014, as will other postgraduates with raw talent will help
roles within the middle and back offices to create balance and support staff
as firms seek greater checks and controls development.
on the business.
The focus for salaries this year will be
Another key area of growth in 2014 on consistency. Major differences in
We expect continued
KEY TRENDS demand for risk and
■■ Hiring increased across all areas and all levels in 2013 as revenues grew and compliance professionals
market confidence improved. with fields of expertise
■■ New regulations such as Basel III and Solvency II caused a surge in demand such as specific
for qualified risk and compliance professionals. products, capital
■■ International experience is increasingly prioritised during interviews as more markets, insurance or
businesses look to expand into Sub-Saharan Africa. asset management.
■■ Salary discrepancies across many institutions mean companies should review
their pay and benefits in order to retain top talent.
■■ Job-movers can expect to earn around 13-18% more in 2014, with risk
professionals commanding the highest premiums.
2013 2014
Investment Banking & Financial Services
Corporate Finance CA (3 - 5 yrs’ exp) 750k - 1.1m 750k - 1.1m
Corporate Finance CA (1 - 3 yrs’ exp) 500 - 750k 550 - 750k
Operations Manager 500k+ 500k+
Product Controller (CA/CIMA + 2 - 5 yrs' exp) 625 - 875k 625 - 875k
Product Controller - Part-qualified (2 - 5 yrs’ exp) 450 - 650k 450 - 650k
Senior Strategy Analyst Engineer + CFA/MBA (5+ yrs' exp) 800k+ 800k+
Strategy Analyst Engineer + CFA/MBA 450 - 800k 450 - 800k
Private Banking Executive (3+ yrs' exp) 350 - 475k 350 - 475k
Qualified CA (3 - 5 yrs’ exp) 675 - 900k 700 - 925k
Qualified CA (1 - 3 yrs’ exp) 550 - 675k 550 - 700k
Recently-Qualified CA 500 - 550k 500 - 600k
Management Accountant CIMA + Training (3 - 4 yrs’ exp) 400 - 600k 400 - 600k
Accountant - Hons Degree + Articles 350 - 400k 350 - 450k
Senior Finance
Business Unit CFO - Investment Banking 1.1m+ 1.2m+
Business Unit CFO - Financial Services/Private Banking 775k+ 800k+
Research Analyst CA (3 - 5 yrs’ research + CFA exp) 700k - 1.1m 700k - 1.2m
Research Analyst CA (1 - 3 yrs’ research + CFA exp) 500 - 700k 525 - 750k
Global Markets (8+ yrs' exp) 1m+ 1.2m+
Investment & Wealth Management (8+ yrs' exp) 800k+ 900k+
AML/Surveillance/Control Room (8+ yrs' exp) 800k+ 900k+
Global Markets (5 - 8+ yrs' exp) 600k - 1m 600k - 1.2m
Investment & Wealth Management (5 - 8 yrs' exp) 450 - 800k 500 - 900k
AML/Surveillance/Control Room (5 - 8+ yrs' exp) 450 - 850k 500 - 900k
Global Markets (1 - 4 yrs' exp) 400 - 600k 400 - 600k
Investment & Wealth Management (1 - 4 yrs' exp) 300 - 450k 300 - 500k
AML/Surveillance/Control Room (1 - 4 yrs' exp) 250 - 450k 250 - 500k
iring activity within the engineering create new business in South Africa and expectations. Last year the biggest salary
and natural resources sectors Sub-Saharan Africa. However, technical increases went to mechanical engineers,
presented a mixed picture during experience is always in short supply SHEQ managers and production
2013. While there was significant demand and there will be increased competition managers. In 2014 we anticipate pay
for construction and infrastructure for locals with specialist knowledge – rises of 10-15% within these areas.
engineering professionals, continued especially electrical engineers with five to
mining strikes caused hiring managers 10 years’ work experience. Senior-level The ongoing need
in this field to take a reluctant approach managers with a track record for running for professionals
to acquiring more staff. The outlook for efficient and cost-effective projects should
with technical sales
2014 is more positive though and we also fare very well.
anticipate improved hiring momentum if experience is a positive
pay disputes within the mining sector can With greater demand anticipated for sign that companies are
be resolved. highly skilled professionals like technical still investing in
engineers and sales staff, hiring managers securing new business
One especially good sign for the year should run a very streamlined recruitment
is the ongoing need for professionals process and make sure the salaries
in both South Africa and
with a technical sales background to they advertise are in line with market Sub-Saharan Africa.
3 - 6 YRS’ EXP
2013 2014
General Manager 850k - 1.5m 900k - 1.5m
Engineering Manager 850k - 1.4m 850k - 1.4m
Project Manager 750k - 1.3m 750k - 1.3m
Structural Engineer 800k - 1.2m 800k - 1.2m
Mine Planning Engineer 700 - 900k 700 - 900k
Mechanical Engineer 650 - 850k 650 - 950k
Sales/Business Development Manager 620 - 900k 620 - 900k
Construction Manager 580 - 880k 580 - 880k
Process Engineer 520 - 800k 520 - 800k
Estimator/Cost Engineer 500 - 720k 500 - 720k
SHEQ Manager 450 - 650k 600 - 750k
Supply Chain Manager 650 - 850k 650 - 850k
Civil Engineer (BSc) 450 - 650k 450 - 650k
Electrical/Controls Engineer 480 - 680k 480 - 680k
Production Manager 480 - 670k 500 - 700k
NB: These figures are cost to company excluding bonuses, based on a professional with 5 - 8 years’ experience and can vary depending on industry sector.
483 Robert Walters Global Salary Survey 2014
emand for HR professionals In 2014 we anticipate hiring managers While most organisational development
remained relatively strong in will take a similar approach. Most managers earned R550-800K last year,
2013. Both HR specialists and activity will be limited to replacement many could earn up to R1 million in 2014.
generalists/business partners were in and specialist positions until there is a Job-movers with other specialisms may
demand, particularly those who could add serious uptick in the overall economy. secure around 10% pay rises. As staff
value at an operational and strategic level. Until then, employers will expect retention will be a continued priority for
Although confidence was improving, potential staff to demonstrate both several organisations, general annual
companies focused first on developing business understanding and technical increases of 6-7% will also be offered to
their current workforce and retaining HR capabilities. Those who can offer many HR professionals to retain them in
talent before significantly expanding an holistic HR solution that benefits their current positions.
their teams. That’s why organisational overall business development will be
development and organisational design in high demand. In fact, organisational
experts proved popular hires. Vacancies development and design professionals
for employee relations specialists also will be so popular that hiring managers
increased in unionised sectors such as may have to pay a premium to secure
manufacturing and mining, following pay them.
disputes in 2013.
2013 2014
HR Specialist
Industrial/Employee Relations Manager 450 - 600k 400 - 700k
Remuneration & Benefits Consultant 450 - 600k 400 - 700k
Organisational Development Manager 550 - 800k 600 - 900k
Change Manager 550 - 750k 550 - 750k
Learning & Development Manager 450 - 600k 550 - 800k
Recruitment Manager 550 - 750k 550 - 750k
Recruitment Officer 180 - 300k 180 - 300k
BEE Advisor 350 - 650k 350 - 650k
Talent Manager 550 - 750k 550 - 900k
Payroll Manager 500 - 800k 600 - 900k
HR Generalist
HR Director 900k - 1.2m 900 - 1.3m
HR Manager 500 - 800k 550 - 850k
HR Business Partner 400 - 650k 400 - 700k
HR Consultant 320 - 500k 320 - 500k
HR Officer/Co‑ordinator 200 - 300k 180 - 300k
013 was a good year for in- One particular theme this year will FCMG sectors especially will encourage
house and private practice legal be increased focus on cross-border increased hiring at all levels.
professionals. transactions. As more companies
expand into Sub-Saharan Africa, both With salaries already on the rise in
Recruitment was steady throughout in-house teams and private practices will 2013, hiring managers can expect to
the year with particular demand for look to improve their multijurisdictional pay even more to remain competitive
attorneys with three to seven years’ capabilities. The roll-out of more in 2014. Experienced job-movers are
post-admission experience. Professionals transformation programmes and the expecting pay rises around 10%, with
with specialisms such as banking and need to adhere to increased regulatory hiring managers paying even higher
finance law, employment equity law, pressure will also mean employment premiums for scarce talent such as
multijurisdictional experience, compliance equity and compliance professionals specialist transactional attorneys.
and regulatory knowledge as well as are in demand. In most cases, hiring Wherever possible, top salaries should be
project finance experience were in managers will be determined to find paired with maximum exposure to varied
demand and this will continue through experienced people for these roles. legal work in order to attract the most
2014. We anticipate consistent activity ambitious individuals.
with hiring managers always on the However, lawyers in the commercial
lookout for top performers who can add and industrial sectors will enjoy more
value to the organisation. flexibility. Revenue growth in the IT and
Experienced professionals
KEY TRENDS moving jobs are expecting
■■ Legal recruitment was steady throughout the year, with particular demand for pay rises of around 10%,
attorneys with three to seven years post-admission experience. higher premiums will be
offered for scarce talent
■■ Specialists in banking and finance law, employment equity law,
multijurisdictional experience, compliance and regulatory knowledge as well such as specialist
as project finance will be in demand through 2014. transactional attorneys.
■■ Revenue growth in IT and FMCG will encourage increased hiring at all levels.
2013 2014
In 2013 North Africa continued to Parts of North Africa certainly will be eagerly awaited by
feel the reverberations of the Arab remain difficult recruiting ground, employees, companies and
Spring. While we saw relative with foreign businesses reluctant communities alike.
stability in Morocco, social and to set up offices and prospective
political unrest in Algeria and employees deterred by ongoing
Tunisia hit the markets hard in security problems. In 2014, the
these countries. outcome of elections in the region
A general skills
compounded the
Salaries remained static in 2013 in line
with previous years, although they were
consistently higher for employees working
problems facing in the energy and oil and gas sectors,
the North African particularly in Algeria. These trends will
market in 2013. continue in 2014, with no great salary
Companies were uplifts or shifts predicted within the
looking to hire sales region.
directors, technical
directors, CFOs and Salaries are a key issue for workers in
CEOs, with consultancy functions also North Africa, many of whom will leave
needed in-house. But with domestic roles without hesitation for small short-
professionals in Algeria and Tunisia term financial gain. Hiring managers
seeking employment in more stable may therefore need to focus on building
countries, there were only a limited employee loyalty through training,
number of people available to meet development and global mobility
internal demand. opportunities.
Following the recent period of flux and Compelling internal packages will also
uncertainty in North Africa, laws are help to recruit and retain key staff -
changing in a number of countries. companies should think about presenting
This means companies are in need a solid long-term vision, which, in contrast
of professionals with tax, compliance to the recent regional instability, could
and legal skills, of which there are very serve to reassure existing and prospective
few in the region; and in 2013 hiring employees.
managers struggled to fill positions in
these areas. In 2014 we recommend
companies look beyond national markets
to find the employees they require. Risk
management roles were, and continue to
be, equally hard to fill.
ahead, companies may find potential
recruits in Egypt, where extreme market Salaries remained static
instability means domestic professionals in 2013 in line with
will be looking for external opportunities. previous years, although
Requisite levels of spoken French, they were consistently
however, may be an issue among higher for employees
Egyptian professionals. working in the energy and
oil and gas sectors.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are net salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses, and are based on both salaries of expatriates and local candidates.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are net salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses, and are based on both salaries of expatriates and local candidates.
2013 2014
NB: Figures are net salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses, and are based on both salaries of expatriates and local candidates.
In recent years there has been Across Sub-Saharan Africa, telecoms, IT and infrastructure -
a favourable business climate risks have been reduced and even lingering political, social and
in Sub-Saharan Africa. With markets opened for investment, economic uncertainty has not
a burgeoning middle class, encouraging new countries like prevented progress. Building on a
strong commitment to economic China to invest in the region, strong year in 2013, the outlook
transformation and new resource along with traditional investors for 2014 is very optimistic.
discoveries, the region is home such as the USA and countries
to some of the fastest-growing from Europe. We’ve seen massive
economies in the world. growth in mining, engineering,
G eneral
growth in the region
be at an advantage. Commodities and
natural resources will also continue to
remain one of the most active sectors as
increased in 2013. some of the world’s largest projects are
Social and political taking place within the region.
turbulence did
affect business and Hiring managers should keep an open
recruitment but the mind to the talent that exists locally and
market started to remain flexible regarding applicants’
pick up later in the backgrounds. People trained in one area
year. can be encouraged to adapt and reapply
their skills in another.
Looking in more detail at 2013 trends,
senior level general managers were top Companies may also want to think about
of hiring managers’ wish lists in Sub- addressing the global perceptions of
Saharan Africa. Engineering professionals Sub-Saharan Africa; despite the strong
in sectors such as natural resources, economic growth, there is a lot still to
power generation, renewable energy be done to de-mystify the region and
and petrochemicals were also in high to promote it as a safe, sophisticated
demand. Local professionals with environment in which to advance careers
overseas experience and education were and do business.
hugely popular, particularly in engineering ,,
and finance. In a job-rich, skill-short
market, however, the right professionals
were in very short supply and this will
continue to be the case in 2014.
experienced international professionals
‘of country origin’ but there won’t be the
Economic and
drastic wage increases we’ve seen in the
political stabilisation
should continue in
2014, paving the way
The most active recruiters will be financial
for better business
services institutions that can offer the
opportunities and hiring
entire suite of banking services from
activities, particularly
retail banking through to wholesale and
as infrastructure across
corporate banking. Financial services
the region continues to
organisations that can offer true pan-
African geographic coverage will also
2013 2014
Accounting & Finance
CFO 111k+ 120k+
Finance Director 83 - 130k 90 - 140k
Finance Controller/Manager 64 - 83k 70 - 90k
Chartered Accountant (3 - 5 yrs' exp) 46 - 70k 50 - 75k
Management Accountant 46 - 70k 50 - 75k
Senior Management
General Manager/CEO 130k+ 140k+
Director 92 - 139k 100 - 150k
Senior Manager 74 - 111k 80 - 120k
Engineering & Natural Resources
Engineering Manager 92 - 148k 100 - 160k
Project Manager 74 - 121k 80 - 130k
Structural Engineer 74 - 121k 80 - 130k
Mine Planning Engineer 64 - 83k 70 - 90k
Sales/Business Development Manager 64 - 83k 70 - 90k
Construction Manager 55 - 83k 60 - 90k
Process Engineer 51 - 74k 55 - 80k
Estimator/Cost Engineer 46 - 70k 50 - 75k
SHEQ Manager 43 - 62k 47 - 67k
Supply Chain Manager 55 - 83k 60 - 90k
Civil Engineer 46 - 70k 50 - 75k
Electrical/Controls Engineer 46 - 65k 50 - 70k
Product Manager 46 - 65k 50 - 70k
Human Resources
HR Director 92k+ 100k+
HR Manager 69 - 93k 75 - 100k
HR Specialist 69 - 93k 75 - 100k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
salaries and recruitment trends in
your industry, call one our specialist Over the last 28 years the
consultants today. company has grown and
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We now have 53 offices in
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