Ejercicios Relativos L.V.: 1. Completa Las Siguientes Oraciones Con Un Pronombre Relativo

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1. COMPLETA LAS SIGUIENTES ORACIONES 5. Dan says he will always remember the day _______
CON UN PRONOMBRE RELATIVO his parents first bought him a bike for his birthday.

1.George, …..father is a doctor, is a nice boy. 6. That's the drawer _______ I keep my jewellery.

2.This is the animal (…. / that) John saw last week. (El 7. The town _____ I used to live in was not very big.
relativo puede omitirse. La oración tiene dos
8. The people _______ house I am staying at are very
kind to me.
3.He is the boy that…. /…… broke the window. (Dos
9. Is this store _______ you said you bought the
soluciones posibles)
fishing equipment?
4.I don’t understand the reason … he got so angry.
10. Here is the place ___grandpa always used to talk
5…… you say is false. I strongly disagree. (Para los about.
hablantes de español, es bueno traducir el WHAT por
11. I am in need of a coat _______ will keep me warm.
"lo que" para entender mejor el significado de la
oración) 12. We don't have a big enough room in _______ we
can apply sample tests.
6.That is the school ….Andrew works.

13. Why don't you consult someone _______ has

7.Mary, …. was eighteen yesterday, is one of my best
experienced the same troubles?
friends. (Nunca podría ser THAT, porque THAT no se
puede poner después de coma. Es una regla). 14. The woman _______ husband is a football player
always complains about the stains _______ never
8.The table, ….. you broke yesterday, was bought by
come off easily.
my grandmother. (Nunca podría ser THAT, porque
THAT no se puede poner después de coma. Es una 15. Here is a big thank you to all _______ contributed
regla). to this wonderful website.

9.I don’t understand …. you say. Could you repeat it? 16. What I'm now going to tell you is something
_______ you'll never foget in your life.
10.That is the dog (which / ….) I told you yesterday.
(El relativo puede omitirse. La oración tiene dos 17. The severe drought _______ occured last summer
soluciones) ruined the crop.

2.Use the relative pronouns in the box to complete 18. The voters were overwhelmingly against the
the sentences canditate _______ proposals called for higher taxes.

who(m) that which where 3.Escribe el pronombre relativo correcto.

when whose
1.The man…. came first in the 100 metre race, broke
1. The doctor ___examined the child was very gentle. the world record.

2. I live in Canada, ___ is a densely populated country. 2.At the zoo, there is a parrot…… can talk to the
3. Lee teaches a class of students _______ native
language is not English. 3.Do you know the woman ….. son is a famous actor?

4. Yesterday, I ran into an old friend ____I hadn't 4.I really like the suit …. you bought for the wedding!
seen for years.

5.It was my brother…. I entrusted with looking after 5.Complete the sentences with a suitable relative
my baby. pronoun.

6.Did you see the car…. was driving much too fast? 1. She knows Antonio Bear, ………… is an excellent
7.It was very sad to see the bird….. wing was broken.
2. He uses American Sign Language,………… is different
8.Today, I saw the woman … always helps grandma
from British Sign Language.
with her shopping.
3. The Bahamas, …………… my friends have gone on
9.Do you like the new plants …. I bought for the living
holiday, is supposed to be beautiful.
4. His father, …………… mother tongue is English, speaks
10.I was offered a job by the manager of the
French quite well.
company, ….. I met at the interview.
5. Molly was born in 1996, ……my sister was just one.
11.Look at that dog… is chasing its own tail!
6.Elige la respuesta correcta.
12.Becky and Amy are two sisters…. faces look very
much alike. 1.The book that I am reading is fantastic.

13.This is the newest phone…. you can buy in the The pronoun is necessary. The pronoun isn't
shops. necessary.

14.Harriet Shaw was the name of the girl …. he 2.Can you buy me the book that won the Booker Prize
wanted to give a valentine’s present to. last year?

15.I need someone ….. can fix my washing machine. The pronoun is necessary. The pronoun isn't
4.Choose the correct relative pronoun.
3.Bill has many CDs which were recorded by his
1. They met outside the house which / where / whose
brother's record company.
the party was held.
The pronoun is necessary. The pronoun isn't
2. What’s the name of the artist who / which / when
painted the Mona Lisa?
4.The man who I met at the party last week wants to
3. Her father didn’t like the car who / when / that her
go out to dinner this weekend.
mother had chosen.
The pronoun is necessary. The pronoun isn't
4. The girl who / whose / that bicycle was stolen is
terribly upset.
5.Rachel said that she was going to Rome next week.
5. That’s the book who / which / where he
recommended. The pronoun is necessary. The pronoun isn't
6. Have you met the couple who / which / where want
to buy the house? 6.My birthday, which is also the birthday of my
father, is September 3rd.
7. I remember the day where / which / when my
brother was born. It is a defining relative clause. It is a non-
defining relative clause.

7.I received many gifts for my birthday, but the gifts 8.Correct the errors in these sentences.
I love the most are the ones that my children gave me.
a. Joan won the prize, that surprised me a lot.
It is a defining relative clause. It is a non-
b. The children, that were playing football, broke one
defining relative clause.
of my windows.
8.Those are our neighbors whose house just burned
c. The house in that I was born has just been
It is a defining relative clause. It is a non-
d. Fred is the man who he lives next door.
defining relative clause.

e. The books which they are on the table are mine.

9.My friend Victor, who is a great guy, is single now.

f. I can’t remember the name of the person from who

It is a defining relative clause. It is a non-
I borrowed this pen
defining relative clause.

10.He has had many jobs, but his favorite was the one
that he had in the museum when he first finished

It is a defining relative clause. It is a non-

defining relative clause.

7.Write who/that/which in the blanks.

a. I met a woman who can speak six languages.

b. What’s the name of the man _____lives next door?

c. What’s the name of the river _____goes through

the town?

d. Everybody ____ went to the party enjoyed it very


e. Do you know anybody ______wants to buy a car?

f. Where is the picture ______was on the wall?

g. She always asks me questions _____are difficult to


h. I have a friend ____ is very good at repairing cars.

i. A coffee-maker is a machine ______makes coffee.

j. I don’t like people ________ never stop talking.

k. Have you seen the money ______was on the table?

l. Why does he always wear clothes ______ are too

small for him?

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