Informational Text Analysis Worksheet

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Informational Complexity Analysis Worksheet CCSS Grade Bands Text-Analysis Tools

Stimulus Title Stimulus Author Lexile SR RMM

Quantitative Analysis: Computer-based quantitative tools used to analyze text complexity and recommend placement of a text within a grade band 2-3 420-820 0.36-5.62 3.53-6.13
Lexile 4-5 740-1010 3.97-8.40 5.42-7.92
Source Rater 6-8 925-1185 5.85-10.87 7.04-9.57
Reading Maturity Metric 9-10 1050-1335 8.41-12.26 8.41-10.81
11-CCR 1185-1385 9.62-13.47 9.57-12.00
*Texts such as poetry, drama, transcripts, and those depicting step-by-
Qualitative Analysis: rubric to analyze text complexity and place a text within a specific grade step processes will be assigned a grade level based on a qualitative
Mark Mark Mark
Criteria Very Complex Moderately Complex Readily Accessible NOTES
(if present) (if present) (if present)
The text contains multiple purposes, and the The primary purpose of the text is not stated The primary purpose of the text is clear,
primary purpose is subtle, intricate, and/or explicitly but is easy to infer based upon concrete, narrowly focused, and explicitly
abstract context or source; the text may include stated; the text has a singular perspective
multiple perspectives
Connections among an expanded range of Connections between some ideas, Connections between ideas, processes, and
ideas, processes, or events are often implicit, processes, or events are implicit or subtle; events are explicit and clear; organization is
subtle, or ambiguous; organization exhibits organization is generally evident and chronological, sequential, or easy to predict
some discipline-specific traits; any text sequential; any text features help facilitate because it is linear; any text features help
features are essential to comprehension of comprehension of content readers navigate content but are not essential
content to understanding content
Language is generally complex, with abstract, Language is often explicit and literal but Language is explicit and literal, with mostly
ironic, and/or figurative language, and archaic includes some academic, archaic, or other contemporary and familiar vocabulary; text
and academic vocabulary and domain- words with complex meaning; text uses some uses mostly simple sentences
LANGUAGE FEATURES specific words that are not otherwise defined; complex sentences with subordinate phrases
text uses many complex sentences with or clauses
subordinate phrases and clauses
The subject matter of the text relies on The subject matter of the text involves some The subject matter of the text relies on little or
specialized, discipline-specific knowledge; the discipline-specific knowledge; the text makes no discipline-specific knowledge; if there are
KNOWLEDGE DEMANDS text makes many references or allusions to some references or allusions to other texts or any references or allusions, they are fully
other texts or outside areas; allusions or outside ideas; the meaning of references or explained in the text
references have no context and require allusions may be partially explained in context
Graphics are essential to understanding the Graphics are mainly supplementary to Graphics are simple and may be unnecessary
USE of GRAPHICS text; they may clarify or expand information in understanding the text; they generally contain to understanding the text
(Optional) the text and may require close reading and or reinforce information found in the text
thoughtful analysis in relation to the text
Spoken language is highly academic and Spoken language includes some academic Spoken language is non-technical, and the
technical, and the points made are often vocabulary and/or some technical language, points made are highly explicit and coherent;
AUDIO STIMULUS implicit; the content seldom overlaps with the and the points made are sometimes implicit; the content bears a clear relationship to the
(Optional) content in the text with which it is paired, and the content introduces some ideas or points text with which it is paired and may even
the relationship between the two texts is not present in the text with which it is paired repeat the same points
subtle and intricate
The visual presentation is essential to The visual presentation is mainly The visual presentation is simple and only
VISUAL/VIDEO STIMULUS understanding the text with which it is paired; supplemental to understanding the text with slightly reinforces understanding of the text
(Optional) it may clarify or expand information in the text which it is paired; it is fairly easy to with which it is paired; it is easy to understand
and requires close reading or thoughtful understand and generally reinforces and engages the reader more than it provides
analysis in relation to the text information found in the text information

Briefly explain recommended placement based on your consideration of the Notes

Final Placement Recommendation
Quantitative and Qualitative results recorded above.

Grade Level

Complexity Level

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