FCC Tests Report Arris Tg862g TG 862ct-r

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: FR160127AC


according to

47 CFR FCC Part 15 Subpart C § 15.247

Equipment : Touchstone Wireless Telephony Gateway

Model No. : TG862G , TG862G/CT
Brand Name : Arris
Filing Type : New Application
Applicant : Arris International, Inc.
3871 Lakefield Drive, suite 300, Suwanee,
Manufacturer : Arris International, Inc.
3871 Lakefield Drive, suite 300, Suwanee,
Received Date : May 27, 2011
Final Test Date : Jun. 17, 2011

Test result included is only for the 802.11b/g part of the product.
The test result in this report refers exclusively to the presented test model / sample.
Without written approval of SPORTON International Inc., the test report shall not be reproduced except in full.
The measurements and test results shown in this test report were made in accordance with the procedures and
found in complCaince with the limit given in ANSI C63.4-2003 and 47 CFR FCC Part 15 Subpart C.
The test equipment used to perform the test is calibrated and traceable to NML/ROC.

SPORTON International Inc.

No. 52 Hwa Ya 1 Rd., Hwa Ya Technology Park, Kwei-Shan HsCaing, Tao Yuan Hsien, Taiwan,

SPORTON International Inc.

Report Format Version: a
FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Table of Contents
1 SUMMARY OF THE TEST RESULT .......................................................................................................................2
2 GENERAL INFORMATION......................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Product Details .........................................................................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Accessories ..............................................................................................................................................................................................3
2.3 Table for Filed Antenna ............................................................................................................................................................................3
2.4 Table for Carrier Frequencies ..................................................................................................................................................................3
2.5 Table for Test Modes ...............................................................................................................................................................................3
2.6 Table for Testing Locations ......................................................................................................................................................................4
2.7 Table for Supporting Units .......................................................................................................................................................................4
2.8 Table for Parameters of Test Software Setting ........................................................................................................................................4
2.9 EUT Operation during Test ......................................................................................................................................................................4
2.10 Test Configuration ....................................................................................................................................................................................5

3 TEST RESULT .........................................................................................................................................................6

3.1 AC Power Line Conducted Emissions Measurement ..............................................................................................................................6
3.2 Maximum Peak Output Power Measurement ........................................................................................................................................10
3.3 Power Spectral Density Measurement ...................................................................................................................................................12
3.4 6dB Spectrum Bandwidth Measurement ...............................................................................................................................................18
3.5 Radiated Emissions Measurement ........................................................................................................................................................24
3.6 Band Edge and Fundamental Emissions Measurement ........................................................................................................................42
3.7 Antenna Requirements ..........................................................................................................................................................................47

4 LIST OF MEASURING EQUIPMENTS ..................................................................................................................48

5 TEST LOCATION ...................................................................................................................................................50
6 TAF CERTIFICATE OF ACCREDITATION ...........................................................................................................51
APPENDIX A. MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE ................................................................................. A1 ~ A3
APPENDIX B. TEST PHOTOS ........................................................................................................................ B1 ~ B6
APPENDIX C. PHOTOGRAPHS OF EUT ..................................................................................................... C1 ~ C19

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TEL : 886-2-2696-2468 Issued Date : Jun. 16, 2011
FAX : 886-2-2696-2255 FCC ID : UIDTG862
FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

History of This Test Report

Original Issue Date: Jun. 16, 2011

Report No.: FR160127AC
■ No additional attachment.
□ Additional attachment were issued as following record:
Attachment No. Issue Date Description

Turbo 6

2437 MHz

47 CFR FCC Part 15 Subpart C

Further, this requirement does not apply to intentional radiators that must be professionally installed.

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FAX : 886-2-2696-2255 FCC ID : UIDTG862
FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

according to

47 CFR FCC Part 15 Subpart C § 15.247

Equipment : Touchstone Wireless Telephony Gateway

Model No. : TG862G , TG862G/CT
Brand Name : Arris
Applicant : Arris International, Inc.
3871 Lakefield Drive, suite 300, Suwanee, GA30024.

Sporton International as requested by the applicant to evaluate the EMC performance of the product
sample received on May 27, 2011 would like to declare that the tested sample has been evaluated and
found to be in compliance with the tested rule parts. The data recorded as well as the test configuration
specified is true and accurate for showing the sample’s EMC nature.

Wayne Hsu / Vice Manager
Reviewed Data: Jul. 30, 2004

SPORTON International Inc.

No. 52 Hwa Ya 1st Rd., Hwa Ya Technology Park, Kwei-Shan HsCaing, Tao Yuan Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC


Applied Standard: 47 CFR FCC Part 15 Subpart C

Part Rule Section Description of Test Result Under Limit
3.1 15.207 AC Power Line Conducted Emissions Complies 4.19 dB
3.2 15.247(b)(3) Maximum Peak Output Power Complies 4.88 dB
3.3 15.247(e) Power Spectral Density Complies 16.88 dB
3.4 15.247(a)(2) 6dB Spectrum Bandwidth Complies -
3.5 15.247(d) Radiated Emissions Complies 3.19 dB
3.6 15.247(d) Band Edge Emissions Complies 0.52 dB
3.7 15.203 Antenna Requirements Complies -

Test Items Uncertainty Remark

AC Power Line Conducted Emissions ±2.3dB Confidence levels of 95%
Maximum Peak Output Power ±0.8dB Confidence levels of 95%
Power Spectral Density ±0.5dB Confidence levels of 95%
6dB Spectrum Bandwidth ±8.5×10-8 Confidence levels of 95%
Radiated Emissions (9kHz~30MHz) ±0.8dB Confidence levels of 95%
Radiated Emissions (30MHz~1000MHz) ±1.9dB Confidence levels of 95%
Radiated / Band Edge Emissions (1GHz~18GHz) ±1.9dB Confidence levels of 95%
Radiated Emissions (18GHz~40GHz) ±1.9dB Confidence levels of 95%
Temperature ±0.7℃ Confidence levels of 95%
Humidity ±3.2% Confidence levels of 95%
DC / AC Power Source ±1.4% Confidence levels of 95%

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

2.1 Product Details
Only the radio detail of IEEE 802.11b/g is shown in this report. For more detailed features description,
please refer to the manufacturer’s specifications or user’s manual.
Items Description
Power Type 8.4Vdc from battery
Modulation DSSS for IEEE 802.11b ; OFDM for IEEE 802.11g
Data Modulation
Data Rate (Mbps) DSSS (1/ 2/ 5.5/11) ; OFDM (6/9/12/18/24/36/48/54)
Frequency Range 2400 ~ 2483.5MHz
Channel Number 11b/g: 11
Channel Band Width (99%) 11b: 14.92 MHz ; 11g: 16.20 MHz
Conducted Output Power 11b: 21.62 dBm ; 11g: 25.12 dBm

2.2 Accessories
Please refer to the specifications or user’s manual.

2.3 Table for Filed Antenna

Ant. Antenna Type Connector Gain (dBi) Remark
A PCB Antenna I-PEX 2.98 TX / RX

2.4 Table for Carrier Frequencies

Frequency Allocation for 802.11b/g
Frequency Band Channel No. Frequency Channel No. Frequency
1 2412 MHz 7 2442 MHz
2 2417 MHz 8 2447 MHz
3 2422 MHz 9 2452 MHz
4 2427 MHz 10 2457 MHz
5 2432 MHz 11 2462 MHz
6 2437 MHz - -

2.5 Table for Test Modes

Preliminary tests were performed in different data rate to find the worst radiated emission. The data
rate shown in the table below is the worst-case rate with respect to the specific test item. Investigation
has been done on the entire possible configuration for searching the worst cases. The following table is
a list of the test modes shown in this test report.
Test Items Mode Data Rate Channel
AC Power Line Conducted Emissions
Normal Mode Auto -
Radiated Emissions 9kHz~1GHz
Maximum Peak Output Power 11b/CCK 11 Mbps 1/6/11
Power Spectral Density 11g/BPSK 6 Mbps 1/6/11
6dB Spectrum Bandwidth
Radiated Emissions Above 1GHz
Fundamental Emissions 11b/CCK 11 Mbps 1/6/11
11g/BPSK 6 Mbps 1/6/11
Band Edge Emissions 11b/CCK 11 Mbps 1/11
11g/BPSK 6 Mbps 1/11

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

2.6 Table for Testing Locations

Test Site No. Site Category Location
CO04-HY Conduction Hwa Ya
TH01-HY OVEN Room Hwa Ya
03CH03-HY SAC Hwa Ya
Semi Anechoic Chamber (SAC).

2.7 Table for Supporting Units

Support Unit Brand Model FCC ID Remark
Telephone x2 HTT HTT-806 N/A
Flash Transcend JetFlash V30 DoC
Personal Computer
HP d330uT DoC
(Remote Workstation)
(Remote Workstation)
LCD Monitor Conducted
(Remote Workstation) Emissions
BTC 9110 DoC
(Remote Workstation)
(Remote Workstation)
Center office
- - -
(Remote Workstation)
Notebook DELL E5500 DoC
Note:The center office provides is by customer.

2.8 Table for Parameters of Test Software Setting

During testing, Channel & Power Controlling Software provided by the customer was used to control
the operating channel as well as the output power level. The RF output power selection is for the
setting of RF output power expected by the customer and is going to be fixed on the firmware of the
final end product.

Power Parameters of IEEE 802.11b/g

Test Software Version RT3352QA
Frequency 2412 MHz 2437 MHz 2462 MHz
IEEE 802.11b 0F 13 0F
IEEE 802.11g 14 1A 13

2.9 EUT Operation during Test

An executive program, “Ping.exe” under WIN XP, which generates a complete line of continuously
repeating “H“ pattern was used as the test software.
The program was executed as follows :
a. Turn on the power of all equipment.
b. The EUT reads the test program from the hard disk drive and runs it.
c. The EUT sends "H" messages to the panel and displays "H" patterns on the screen.

At the same time, the following programs were executed:

- Executed "ping.exe" to link with the remote workstation to receive and transmit data by LAN and

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

2.10 Test Configuration

2.10.1 Radiation Emissions Test Configuration
For radiated emissions 9kHz~1GHz
120 Vac / 60 Hz
120 Vac / 60 Hz



For radiated emissions above 1GHz

120 Vac / 60 Hz
120 Vac / 60 Hz



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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.1 AC Power Line Conducted Emissions Measurement
3.1.1 Limit
For this product which is designed to be connected to the AC power line, the radio frequency voltage
that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies within the band 150
kHz to 30 MHz shall not exceed below limits table.
Class B
Frequency (MHz) QP Limit (dBuV) AV Limit (dBuV)
0.15~0.5 66~56 56~46
0.5~5 56 46
5~30 60 50

3.1.2 Measuring Instruments and Setting

Please refer to section 4 of equipments list in this report. The following table is the setting of the
Receiver Parameters Setting
Attenuation 10 dB
Start Frequency 0.15 MHz
Stop Frequency 30 MHz
IF Bandwidth 9 KHz

3.1.3 Test Procedures

1. The EUT warm up about 15 minutes then start test.
2. Configure the EUT according to ANSI C63.4. The EUT or host of EUT has to be placed 0.4 meter
far from the conducting wall of the shielding room and at least 80 centimeters from any other
grounded conducting surface.
3. Connect EUT or host of EUT to the power mains through a line impedance stabilization network
4. All the support units are connected to the other LISNs. The LISN should provide 50uH/50ohms
coupling impedance.
5. The frequency range from 150 KHz to 30 MHz was searched.
6. Set the test-receiver system to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum Hold
7. The measurement has to be done between each power line and ground at the power terminal.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.1.4 Test Setup Layout

(1) Interconnecting cables that hang closer than 40 cm to the ground plane shall be folded back and
forth in the center forming a bundle 30 to 40 cm long.
(2) I/O cables that are not connected to a peripheral shall be bundled in the center. The end of the
cable may be terminated, if required, using the correct terminating impedance. The overall length shall
not exceed 1 m.
(3) EUT connected to one LISN. Unused LISN measuring port connectors shall be terminated in 50 Ω.
LISN can be placed on top of, or immediately beneath, reference ground plane.
(3.1) All other equipment powered from additional LISN(s).
(3.2) Multiple outlet strip can be used for multiple power cords of non-EUT equipment.
(3.3) LISN at least 80 cm from nearest part of EUT chassis.
(4) Cables of hand-operated devices, such as keyboards, mice, etc., shall be placed as for normal use.
(5) Non-EUT components of EUT system being tested.
(6) Rear of EUT, including peripherals, shall all be aligned and flush with rear of tabletop.
(7) Rear of tabletop shall be 40 cm removed from a vertical conducting plane that is bonded to the
ground plane.

3.1.5 Test Deviation

There is no deviation with the original standard.

3.1.6 EUT Operation during Test

The EUT was placed on the test table and programmed in normal function.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.1.7 Results of AC Power Line Conducted Emissions Measurement

Final Test Date Jun. 17, 2011 Test Site No. CO04-HY
Temperature 25.8℃ Humidity 56.3%
Test Engineer Jason Configuration Normal Mode

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC


Level = Read Level + LISN Factor + Cable Loss.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.2 Maximum Peak Output Power Measurement

3.2.1 Limit
For systems using digital modulation in the 2400-2483.5MHz, the limit for peak output power is 30dBm.
The limited has to be reduced by the amount in dB that the gain of the antenna exceed 6dBi. In case of
point-to-multipoint antenna reduction operation, the limit has to be reduced by 1dB for every dB that the
directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6dBi.

3.2.2 Measuring Instruments and Setting

Please refer to section 4 of equipments list in this report. The following table is the setting of the power
Power Meter Parameter Setting
Filter No. Auto
Measurement time 0.135 s ~ 26 s
Used Peak Sensor MA2411B

3.2.3 Test Procedures

1. The transmitter output (antenna port) was connected to the power meter.
2. Turn on the EUT and power meter and then record the peak power value.
3. Repeat above procedures on all channels needed to be tested.

3.2.4 Test Setup Layout

3.2.5 Test Deviation

There is no deviation with the original standard.

3.2.6 EUT Operation during Test

The EUT was programmed to be in continuously transmitting mode.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.2.7 Test Result of Maximum Peak Output Power

Final Test Date Jun. 08, 2011 Test Site No. TH01-HY
Temperature 22.6℃ Humidity 61.7%
Test Engineer Cain Configuration 802.11b/g

Configuration IEEE 802.11b

Conducted Peak Power Max. Limit
Channel Frequency Result
(dBm) (dBm)
1 2412 MHz 20.11 30.00 Complies
6 2437 MHz 19.73 30.00 Complies
11 2462 MHz 21.62 30.00 Complies

Configuration IEEE 802.11g

Conducted Peak Power Max. Limit
Channel Frequency Result
(dBm) (dBm)
1 2412 MHz 25.08 30.00 Complies
6 2437 MHz 25.06 30.00 Complies
11 2462 MHz 25.12 30.00 Complies

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.3 Power Spectral Density Measurement

3.3.1 Limit
For digitally modulated systems, the power spectral density conducted from the intentional radiator to
the antenna shall not be greater than 8 dBm in any 3 kHz band during any time interval of continuous

3.3.2 Measuring Instruments and Setting

Please refer to section 4 of equipments list in this report. The following table is the setting of the
spectrum analyzer.
Spectrum Parameter Setting
Attenuation Auto
Span Frequency 1.5MHz
RB 3 kHz
VB 30 kHz
Detector Peak
Trace Max Hold
Sweep Time 500s

3.3.3 Test Procedures

1. The transmitter output (antenna port) was connected to the spectrum analyzer.
2. Set RBW of spectrum analyzer to 3 kHz and VBW to 30 kHz. Set Detector to Peak, Trace to Max
3. Mark the frequency with maximum peak power as the center of the display of the spectrum.
4. Set the span to 1.5MHz and the sweep time to 500s and record the maximum peak value.

3.3.4 Test Setup Layout

3.3.5 Test Deviation

There is no deviation with the original standard.

3.3.6 EUT Operation during Test

The EUT was programmed to be in continuously transmitting mode.

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FAX : 886-2-2696-2255 FCC ID : UIDTG862
FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.3.7 Test Result of Power Spectral Density

Final Test Date Jun. 08, 2011 Test Site No. TH01-HY
Temperature 22.6℃ Humidity 61.7%
Test Engineer Cain Configuration 802.11b/g

Configuration IEEE 802.11b

Power Density Max. Limit
Channel Frequency Result
(dBm) (dBm)
1 2412 MHz -13.25 8.00 Complies
6 2437 MHz -12.52 8.00 Complies
11 2462 MHz -11.90 8.00 Complies

Configuration IEEE 802.11g

Power Density Max. Limit
Channel Frequency Result
(dBm) (dBm)
1 2412 MHz -11.06 8.00 Complies
6 2437 MHz -8.88 8.00 Complies
11 2462 MHz -12.65 8.00 Complies

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Power Density Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11b / 2412 MHz

MARKER 1 * RBW 3 kHz Marker 1 [T1 ]
2.4125 GHz * VBW 30 kHz -13.25 dBm
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 s 2.412500000 GHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB

1 PK

-10 1








Center 2.412494 GHz 150 kHz/ Span 1.5 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 09:10:52

Power Density Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11b / 2437 MHz

MARKER 1 * RBW 3 kHz Marker 1 [T1 ]
2.43749 GHz * VBW 30 kHz -12.52 dBm
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 s 2.437490000 GHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB

1 PK

-10 1








Center 2.437484 GHz 150 kHz/ Span 1.5 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 09:34:21

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FAX : 886-2-2696-2255 FCC ID : UIDTG862
FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Power Density Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11b / 2462 MHz

MARKER 1 * RBW 3 kHz Marker 1 [T1 ]
2.462482 GHz * VBW 30 kHz -11.90 dBm
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 s 2.462482000 GHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB

1 PK









Center 2.462488 GHz 150 kHz/ Span 1.5 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 09:52:44

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Power Density Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11g / 2412 MHz

MARKER 1 * RBW 3 kHz Marker 1 [T1 ]
2.411813 GHz * VBW 30 kHz -11.06 dBm
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 s 2.411813000 GHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB

1 PK








Center 2.41181 GHz 150 kHz/ Span 1.5 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 10:01:40

Power Density Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11g / 2437 MHz

MARKER 1 * RBW 3 kHz Marker 1 [T1 ]
2.43681 GHz * VBW 30 kHz -8.88 dBm
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 s 2.436810000 GHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB

1 PK









Center 2.43681 GHz 150 kHz/ Span 1.5 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 11:01:36

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Power Density Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11g / 2462 MHz

MARKER 1 * RBW 3 kHz Marker 1 [T1 ]
2.461809 GHz * VBW 30 kHz -12.65 dBm
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 s 2.461809000 GHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB

1 PK

-10 1








Center 2.461806 GHz 150 kHz/ Span 1.5 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 11:07:56

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.4 6dB Spectrum Bandwidth Measurement

3.4.1 Limit
For digital modulation systems, the minimum 6dB bandwidth shall be at least 500 kHz.

3.4.2 Measuring Instruments and Setting

Please refer to section 4 of equipments list in this report. The following table is the setting of the
spectrum analyzer.
Spectrum Parameters Setting
Attenuation Auto
Span Frequency > 6dB Bandwidth
RB 100 kHz
VB 100 kHz
Detector Peak
Trace Max Hold
Sweep Time Auto

3.4.3 Test Procedures

1. The transmitter output (antenna port) was connected to the spectrum analyzer in peak hold mode.
2. The resolution bandwidth of 100 kHz and the video bandwidth of 100 kHz were used.
3. Measured the spectrum width with power higher than 6dB below carrier.

3.4.4 Test Setup Layout

3.4.5 Test Deviation

There is no deviation with the original standard.

3.4.6 EUT Operation during Test

The EUT was programmed to be in continuously transmitting mode.

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FAX : 886-2-2696-2255 FCC ID : UIDTG862
FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.4.7 Test Result of 6dB Spectrum Bandwidth

Final Test Date Jun. 08, 2011 Test Site No. TH01-HY
Temperature 22.6℃ Humidity 61.7%
Test Engineer Cain Configuration 802.11b/g

Configuration IEEE 802.11b

99% Occupied
6dB Bandwidth Min. Limit
Channel Frequency Bandwidth Test Result
(MHz) (kHz)
1 2412 MHz 12.12 14.88 500 Complies
6 2437 MHz 12.12 14.88 500 Complies
11 2462 MHz 12.16 14.92 500 Complies

Configuration IEEE 802.11g

99% Occupied
6dB Bandwidth Min. Limit
Channel Frequency Bandwidth Test Result
(MHz) (kHz)
1 2412 MHz 16.12 16.20 500 Complies
6 2437 MHz 16.08 16.20 500 Complies
11 2462 MHz 16.12 16.20 500 Complies

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FAX : 886-2-2696-2255 FCC ID : UIDTG862
FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

6 dB Bandwidth Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11b / 2412 MHz

POWER BW (%) * RBW 100 kHz Delta 1 [T1 ]
99 % * VBW 100 kHz 0.01 dB
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 ms 12.120000000 MHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB OBW

1 [T1 ]
-0.92 dBm A
2.405760000 GHz
1 PK D1 4.59 dBm
1 Temp 11 [ T 1 OBW]
0 D2 -1.41 dBm -8.24 dBm

T1 2 . 4 0 4 4T020 0 0 0 GHz LVL

Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
-7.83 dBm
2.419280000 GHz







Center 2.412 GHz 2 MHz/ Span 20 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 09:10:02

6 dB Bandwidth Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11b / 2437 MHz

POWER BW (%) * RBW 100 kHz Delta 1 [T1 ]
99 % * VBW 100 kHz -0.13 dB
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 ms 12.120000000 MHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB OBW

1 [T1 ]
-0.36 dBm A
2.430760000 GHz
D1 5.05 dBm
1 PK
1 Temp 11 [ T 1 OBW]
0 D2 -0.95 dBm -7.67 dBm
T1 2 . 4 2 9 4T020 0 0 0 GHz LVL
Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
-7.40 dBm
2.444280000 GHz







Center 2.437 GHz 2 MHz/ Span 20 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 09:32:52

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

6 dB Bandwidth Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11b / 2462 MHz

POWER BW (%) * RBW 100 kHz Delta 1 [T1 ]
99 % * VBW 100 kHz 0.85 dB
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 ms 12.160000000 MHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB OBW

1 [T1 ]
-1.16 dBm A

D1 5.42 dBm 2.455720000 GHz

1 PK
Temp 11 [ T 1 OBW]
0 D2 -0.58 dBm -7.15 dBm
T1 2 . 4 5 4 3T620 0 0 0 GHz LVL
Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
-7.02 dBm
2.469280000 GHz







Center 2.462 GHz 2 MHz/ Span 20 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 09:51:14

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

6 dB Bandwidth Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11g / 2412 MHz

POWER BW (%) * RBW 100 kHz Delta 1 [T1 ]
99 % * VBW 100 kHz -0.42 dB
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 ms 16.120000000 MHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB OBW

1 [T1 ]
-5.45 dBm A
2.403880000 GHz
1 PK
Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
VIEW D1 0.35 dBm
0 -7.09 dBm
1 T12
T1 2.403720000 GHz LVL
D2 -5.65 dBm
Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
-5.52 dBm
2.419920000 GHz







Center 2.412 GHz 2 MHz/ Span 20 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 10:00:55

6 dB Bandwidth Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11g / 2437 MHz

POWER BW (%) * RBW 100 kHz Delta 1 [T1 ]
99 % * VBW 100 kHz 0.10 dB
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 ms 16.080000000 MHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB OBW

1 [T1 ]
-2.92 dBm A
2.428880000 GHz
1 PK
D1 3.06 dBm Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
0 1 - 4T.25 1 dBm
D2 -2.94 dBm
2.428720000 GHz LVL
Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
-3.06 dBm
2.444920000 GHz







Center 2.437 GHz 2 MHz/ Span 20 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 11:00:56

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

6 dB Bandwidth Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11g / 2462 MHz

POWER BW (%) * RBW 100 kHz Delta 1 [T1 ]
99 % * VBW 100 kHz 0.72 dB
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 ms 16.120000000 MHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB OBW

1 [T1 ]
-5.05 dBm A
2.453840000 GHz
1 PK
Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
VIEW D1 1.31 dBm
0 - 6T
1.22 3 dBm
D2 -4.69 dBm 2.453720000 GHz LVL
Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
-4.87 dBm
2.469920000 GHz







Center 2.462 GHz 2 MHz/ Span 20 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 11:07:14

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.5 Radiated Emissions Measurement

3.5.1 Limit
In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally
modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the
intentional radiator shall be at least 20dB below that in the 100kHz bandwidth within the band that
contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated
measurement. If the transmitter measurement is based on the maximum conducted output power, the
attenuation required under this paragraph shall be 30dB instead of 20dB. In addition, radiated
emissions which fall in section 15.205(a) the restricted bands must also comply with the radiated
emission limit specified in section 15.209(a).
Frequencies Field Strength Measurement Distance
(MHz) (micorvolts/meter) (meters)
0.009~0.490 2400/F(KHz) 300
0.490~1.705 24000/F(KHz) 30
1.705~30.0 30 30
30~88 100 3
88~216 150 3
216~960 200 3
Above 960 500 3

3.5.2 Measuring Instruments and Setting

Please refer to section 4 of equipments list in this report. The following table is the setting of spectrum
analyzer and receiver.
Spectrum Parameter Setting
Attenuation Auto
Start Frequency 1000 MHz
Stop Frequency 10th carrier harmonic
RB / VB (Emission in restricted band) 1MHz / 1MHz for Peak, 1 MHz / 10Hz for Average
RB / VB (Emission in non-restricted band) 1MHz / 1MHz for Peak

Receiver Parameter Setting

Attenuation Auto
Start ~ Stop Frequency 9kHz~150kHz / RB 200Hz for QP
Start ~ Stop Frequency 150kHz~30MHz / RB 9kHz for QP
Start ~ Stop Frequency 30MHz~1000MHz / RB 120kHz for QP

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.5.3 Test Procedures

1. Configure the EUT according to ANSI C63.4. The EUT was placed on the top of the turntable 0.8
meter above ground. The phase center of the receiving antenna mounted on the top of a
height-variable antenna tower was placed 3 meters far away from the turntable.
2. Power on the EUT and all the supporting units. The turntable was rotated by 360 degrees to
determine the position of the highest radiation.
3. The height of the broadband receiving antenna was varied between one meter and four meters
above ground to find the maximum emissions field strength of both horizontal and vertical
4. For each suspected emissions, the antenna tower was scan (from 1 M to 4 M) and then the
turntable was rotated (from 0 degree to 360 degrees) to find the maximum reading.
5. Set the test-receiver system to Peak or CISPR quasi-peak Detect Function with specified
bandwidth under Maximum Hold Mode.
6. For emissions above 1GHz, use 1MHz VBW and RBW for peak reading. Then 1MHz RBW and
10Hz VBW for average reading in spectrum analyzer.
7. When the radiated emissions limits are expressed in terms of the average value of the emissions,
and pulsed operation is employed, the measurement field strength shall be determined by
averaging over one complete pulse train, including blanking intervals, as long as the pulse train
does not exceed 0.1 seconds. As an alternative (provided the transmitter operates for longer than
0.1 seconds) or in cases where the pulse train exceeds 0.1 seconds, the measured field strength
shall be determined from the average absolute voltage during a 0.1 second interval during which
the field strength is at its maximum value.
8. If the emissions level of the EUT in peak mode was 3 dB lower than the average limit specified,
then testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT will be reported, otherwise, the emissions
which do not have 3 dB margin will be repeated one by one using the quasi-peak method for below
9. For testing above 1GHz, the emissions level of the EUT in peak mode was lower than average limit
(that means the emissions level in peak mode also complies with the limit in average mode), then
testing will be stopped and peak values of EUT will be reported, otherwise, the emissions will be
measured in average mode again and reported.
10. In case the emission is lower than 30MHz, loop antenna has to be used for measurement and the
recorded data should be QP measured by receiver. High – Low scan is not required in this case.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.5.4 Test Setup Layout

For radiated emissions below 30MHz

For radiated emissions above 30MHz

3 or 1m

Above 10 GHz shall be extrapolated to the specified distance using an extrapolation factor of 20
dB/decade form 3m to 1m.
Distance extrapolation factor = 20 log (specific distance [3m] / test distance [1m]) (dB);
Limit line = specific limits (dBuV) + distance extrapolation factor [9.54 dB].

3.5.5 Test Deviation

There is no deviation with the original standard.

3.5.6 EUT Operation during Test

The EUT was programmed to be in continuously transmitting mode.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.5.7 Results of Radiated Emissions (9kHz~30MHz)

Final Test Date Jun. 16, 2011 Test Site No. 03CH03-HY
Temperature 20℃ Humidity 50%
Test Engineer Daniel

Freq. Level Over Limit Limit Line Remark

(MHz) (dBuV) (dB) (dBuV)
- - - - See Note

The amplitude of spurious emissions that are attenuated by more than 20 dB below the permissible
value has no need to be reported.
Distance extrapolation factor = 40 log (specific distance / test distance) (dB);
Limit line = specific limits (dBuV) + distance extrapolation factor.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.5.8 Results of Radiated Emissions (30MHz~1GHz)

Final Test Date Jun. 16, 2011 Test Site No. 03CH03-HY
Temperature 20℃ Humidity 50%
Test Engineer Daniel Configuration Normal Mode

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC


The amplitude of spurious emissions that are attenuated by more than 20dB below the permissible
value has no need to be reported.
Emission level (dBuV/m) = 20 log Emission level (uV/m).
Corrected Reading: Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Read Level - Preamp Factor = Level.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.5.9 Results for Radiated Emissions (1GHz~10th Harmonic)

Final Test Date May 27, 2011 Test Site No. 03CH03-HY
Temperature 20℃ Humidity 50%
Test Engineer Daniel Configuration 802.11b Ch. 1

Note: The items 2 and 3 are on un-restricted band, so the limit is -20dB for the field strength of the
fundamental emissions (see section 3.6.7).

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC


Note: The items 2 and 3 are on un-restricted band, so the limit is -20dB for the field strength of the
fundamental emissions (see section 3.6.7).

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Final Test Date May 27, 2011 Test Site No. 03CH03-HY
Temperature 20℃ Humidity 50%
Test Engineer Daniel Configuration 802.11b Ch. 6

Note: The item 4 is on un-restricted band, so the limit is -20dB for the field strength of the
fundamental emissions (see section 3.6.7).

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC


Note: The item 4 is on un-restricted band, so the limit is -20dB for the field strength of the
fundamental emissions (see section 3.6.7).

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Final Test Date Jun. 03, 2011 Test Site No. 03CH03-HY
Temperature 20℃ Humidity 50%
Test Engineer Daniel Configuration 802.11b Ch. 11

Note: The item 5 is on un-restricted band, so the limit is -20dB for the field strength of the
fundamental emissions (see section 3.6.7).

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC


Note: The item 5 is on un-restricted band, so the limit is -20dB for the field strength of the
fundamental emissions (see section 3.6.7).

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Final Test Date May 27, 2011 Test Site No. 03CH03-HY
Temperature 20℃ Humidity 50%
Test Engineer Daniel Configuration 802.11g Ch. 1

Note: The items 2 and 3 are on un-restricted band, so the limit is -20dB for the field strength of the
fundamental emissions (see section 3.6.7).

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC


Note: The items 2 and 3 are on un-restricted band, so the limit is -20dB for the field strength of the
fundamental emissions (see section 3.6.7).

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Final Test Date May 27, 2011 Test Site No. 03CH03-HY
Temperature 20℃ Humidity 50%
Test Engineer Daniel Configuration 802.11g Ch. 6

Note: The item 4 is on un-restricted band, so the limit is -20dB for the field strength of the
fundamental emissions (see section 3.6.7).

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC


Note: The item 4 is on un-restricted band, so the limit is -20dB for the field strength of the
fundamental emissions (see section 3.6.7).

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Final Test Date Jun. 03, 2011 Test Site No. 03CH03-HY
Temperature 20℃ Humidity 50%
Test Engineer Daniel Configuration 802.11g Ch. 11

Note: The item 4 is on un-restricted band, so the limit is -20dB for the field strength of the
fundamental emissions (see section 3.6.7).

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC


Note: The item 4 is on un-restricted band, so the limit is -20dB for the field strength of the
fundamental emissions (see section 3.6.7).

Emission level (dBuV/m) = 20 log Emission level (uV/m).

Corrected Reading: Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Read Level - Preamp Factor = Level.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.6 Band Edge and Fundamental Emissions Measurement

3.6.1 Limit
In any 100kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally
modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the
intentional radiator shall be at least 20dB below that in the 100kHz bandwidth within the band that
contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated
measurement. If the transmitter measurement is based on the maximum conducted output power, the
attenuation required under this paragraph shall be 30dB instead of 20dB. In addition, radiated
emissions which fall in section 15.205(a) the restricted bands must also comply with the radiated
emission limit specified in section 15.209(a).
Frequencies Field Strength Measurement Distance
(MHz) (micorvolts/meter) (meters)
0.009~0.490 2400/F(KHz) 300
0.490~1.705 24000/F(KHz) 30
1.705~30.0 30 30
30~88 100 3
88~216 150 3
216~960 200 3
Above 960 500 3

3.6.2 Measuring Instruments and Setting

Please refer to section 4 of equipments list in this report. The following table is the setting of the
spectrum analyzer.
Spectrum Parameter Setting
Attenuation Auto
Span Frequency 100 MHz
RB / VB (Emission in restricted band) 1MHz / 1MHz for Peak, 1 MHz / 10Hz for Average
RB / VB (Emission in non-restricted band) 11MHz / 1MHz for Peak

3.6.3 Test Procedures

1. The test procedure is the same as section 3.5.3; only the frequency range investigated is limited to
100MHz around band edges.
2. In case the emission is fail due to the used RB/VB is too wide, marker-delta method of FCC Public
Notice DA00-705 will be followed.

3.6.4 Test Setup Layout

This test setup layout is the same as that shown in section 3.5.4.

3.6.5 Test Deviation

There is no deviation with the original standard.

3.6.6 EUT Operation during Test

The EUT was programmed to be in continuously transmitting mode.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.6.7 Test Result of Band Edge and Fundamental Emissions

Final Test Date May 31, 2011 Test Site No. 03CH03-HY
Temperature 20℃ Humidity 50%
Test Engineer Daniel Configuration 802.11b Ch. 1, 6, 11

Channel 1

The item 2 is the Fundamental Emissions.

Channel 6

The item 1 is the Fundamental Emissions.

Channel 11

The item 1 is the Fundamental Emissions.

Emission level (dBuV/m) = 20 log Emission level (uV/m).
Corrected Reading: Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Read Level - Preamp Factor = Level.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Final Test Date May 31, 2011 Test Site No. 03CH03-HY
Temperature 20℃ Humidity 50%
Test Engineer Daniel Configuration 802.11g Ch. 1, 6, 11

Channel 1

The item 2 is the Fundamental Emissions.

Channel 6

The item 1 is the Fundamental Emissions.

Channel 11

The item 1 is the Fundamental Emissions.

Emission level (dBuV/m) = 20 log Emission level (uV/m).
Corrected Reading: Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Read Level - Preamp Factor = Level.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

For Emission not in Restricted Band

Final Test Date Jun. 08, 2011 Test Site No. TH01-HY
Temperature 22.6℃ Humidity 61.7%
Test Engineer Cain Configuration 802.11b/g

Low Band Edge Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11b / 2412 MHz

MARKER 1 * RBW 100 kHz Marker 1 [T1 ]
2.3968 GHz * VBW 100 kHz -32.71 dBm
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 ms 2.396800000 GHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB


1 PK D1 4.88 dBm


D2 -15.12 dBm


-30 1






Center 2.382 GHz 10 MHz/ Span 100 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 09:09:05

High Band Edge Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11b / 2462 MHz

MARKER 1 * RBW 100 kHz Marker 1 [T1 ]
2.4838 GHz * VBW 100 kHz -43.37 dBm
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 ms 2.483800000 GHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB


D1 5.39 dBm
1 PK


D2 -14.61 dBm



-40 1





Center 2.492 GHz 10 MHz/ Span 100 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 09:54:52

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Low Band Edge Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11g / 2412 MHz

MARKER 1 * RBW 100 kHz Marker 1 [T1 ]
2.3996 GHz * VBW 100 kHz -34.55 dBm
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 ms 2.399600000 GHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB


1 PK
VIEW D1 1.18 dBm


D2 -18.82 dBm







Center 2.382 GHz 10 MHz/ Span 100 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 09:59:04

High Band Edge Plot on Configuration IEEE 802.11g / 2462 MHz

MARKER 1 * RBW 100 kHz Marker 1 [T1 ]
2.4908 GHz * VBW 100 kHz -42.99 dBm
Ref 20 dBm * Att 30 dB * SWT 500 ms 2.490800000 GHz

20 Offset 1.6 dB


1 PK
VIEW D1 0.62 dBm


-20 D2 -19.38 dBm


-40 1





Center 2.492 GHz 10 MHz/ Span 100 MHz

Date: 8.JUN.2011 11:09:13

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

3.7 Antenna Requirements

3.7.1 Limit
Except for special regulations, the Low-power Radio-frequency Devices must not be equipped with any
jacket for installing an antenna with extension cable. An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure
that no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The
use of a permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional
radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this Section. The manufacturer
may design the unit so that the user can replace a broken antenna, but the use of a standard antenna
jack or electrical connector is prohibited. Further, this requirement does not apply to intentional
radiators that must be professionally installed.

3.7.2 Antenna Connector Construction

Please refer to section 2.3 in this test report; antenna connector complied with the requirements.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC


Instrument Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Characteristics Calibration Date Remark
EMC Receiver R&S ESCS 30 100174 9kHz – 2.75GHz Apr. 20, 2011
LISN MessTec NNB-2/16Z 99041 9kHz – 30MHz Mar. 10, 2011
LISN Conduction
EMCO 3810/2NM 9703-1839 9kHz – 30MHz May. 04, 2011
(Support Unit) (CO04-HY)
RF Cable-CON HUBER+SUHNER RG213/U CB049 9kHz – 30MHz Apr. 21, 2011
Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is one year.

Instrument Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Characteristics Calibration Date Remark
Spectrum Analyzer R&S FSU26.5 100015 20Hz ~ 26.5GHz Jan. 06, 2011
DC Power Source G.W. GPC-6030D C671845 DC 1V ~ 60V Apr. 15, 2011
Temp. and Humidity Conducted
GCaint Force GTH-225-20-S MAB0103-001 N/A Oct. 22, 2010
Chamber (TH01-HY)
RF CABLE-1m Jye Bao RG142 CB034-1m 20MHz ~ 7GHz Dec. 02, 2010
RF CABLE-2m Jye Bao RG142 CB035-2m 20MHz ~ 1GHz Dec. 02, 2010
Signal Generator R&S SMR40 100116 10MHz ~ 40GHz Mar. 29, 2011
Power Sensor Anritsu MA2411B 0917017 300MHz~40GHz Jan. 06, 2011
Power Meter Anritsu ML2495A 0949003 300MHz~40GHz Jan. 06, 2011
Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is one year.

Instrument Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Characteristics Calibration Date Remark
AC Power Source HPC HPA-500W HPA-9100024 AC 0 ~ 300V Jul. 26, 2010*
Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is two year.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Instrument Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Characteristics Calibration Date Remark
3m Semi Anechoic 30 MHz - 1 GHz Radiation
SIDT FRANKONIA SAC-3M 03CH03-HY Jun. 18, 2010
Chamber 3m (03CH03-HY)
Amplifier SCHAFFNER COA9231A 18667 9 kHz - 2 GHz Jan. 25, 2011
Amplifier Agilent 8449B 3008A02120 1 GHz - 26.5 GHz Aug. 02, 2010
Spectrum Radiation
R&S FSP40 100004 9 kHz - 40 GHz Nov. 17, 2010
Analyzer (03CH03-HY)
Bilog Antenna SCHAFFNER CBL 6112D 22237 30 MHz – 1 GHz Oct. 16, 2010
Horn Antenna EMCO 3115 6741 1GHz ~ 18GHz May 30, 2011
Horn Antenna SCHWARZBECK BBHA9170 BBHA9170154 15 GHz - 40 GHz Jan.13, 2011
RF Cable-R03m Jye Bao RG142 CB021 30 MHz - 1 GHz Jan. 18, 2011
RF Cable-HIGH SUHNER SUCOFLEX 106 03CH03-HY 1 GHz - 40 GHz Jan. 18, 2011
Turn Table HD DS 420 420/650/00 0 – 360 degree N/A
Antenna Mast HD MA 240 240/560/00 1m-4m N/A
Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is one year.

Instrument Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Characteristics Calibration Date Remark
Loop Antenna R&S HFH2-Z2 860004/001 9 kHz - 30 MHz Jul. 29, 2010*
Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is two year.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

SHIJR ADD : 6Fl., No. 106, Sec. 1, Shintai 5th Rd., Shijr City, Taipei, Taiwan 221, R.O.C.
TEL : 886-2-2696-2468
FAX : 886-2-2696-2255
HWA YA ADD : No. 52, Hwa Ya 1st Rd., Kwei-Shan HsCaing, Tao Yuan Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL : 886-3-327-3456
FAX : 886-3-318-0055
LINKOU ADD : No. 30-2, Dingfu Tsuen, Linkou ShCaing, Taipei, Taiwan 244, R.O.C
TEL : 886-2-2601-1640
FAX : 886-2-2601-1695
DUNGHU ADD : No. 3, Lane 238, Kangle St., Neihu Chiu, Taipei, Taiwan 114, R.O.C.
TEL : 886-2-2631-4739
FAX : 886-2-2631-9740
JUNGHE ADD : 7Fl., No. 758, Jungjeng Rd., Junghe City, Taipei, Taiwan 235, R.O.C.
TEL : 886-2-8227-2020
FAX : 886-2-8227-2626
NEIHU ADD : 4Fl., No. 339, Hsin Hu 2nd Rd., Taipei 114, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL : 886-2-2794-8886
FAX : 886-2-2794-9777
JHUBEI ADD : No.8, Lane 724, Bo-ai St., Jhubei City, HsinChu County 302, Taiwan, R.O.C.
TEL : 886-3-656-9065
FAX : 886-3-656-9085

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TEL : 886-2-2696-2468 Issued Date : Jun. 16, 2011
FAX : 886-2-2696-2255 FCC ID : UIDTG862
FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC


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TEL : 886-2-2696-2468 Issued Date : Jun. 16, 2011
FAX : 886-2-2696-2255 FCC ID : UIDTG862
FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Appendix A. Maximum Permissible Exposure

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

1. Maximum Permissible Exposure

1.1. Applicable Standard
Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a manner that ensures that
the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy levels in excess limit for maximum permissible
exposure. In accordance with 47 CFR FCC Part 2 Subpart J, section 2.1091 this device has been
defined as a mobile device whereby a distance of 0.2 m normally can be maintained between the user
and the device.
(A) Limits for Occupational / Controlled Exposure
Averaging Time
Frequency Range Electric Field Magnetic Field Power Density (S)
|E|²,|H|² or S
(MHz) Strength (E) (V/m) Strength (H) (A/m) (mW/ cm²)
0.3-3.0 614 1.63 (100)* 6
3.0-30 1842 / f 4.89 / f (900 / f)* 6
30-300 61.4 0.163 1.0 6
300-1500 F/300 6
1500-100,000 5 6
(B) Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
Averaging Time
Frequency Range Electric Field Magnetic Field Power Density (S)
|E|²,|H|² or S
(MHz) Strength (E) (V/m) Strength (H) (A/m) (mW/ cm²)
0.3-1.34 614 1.63 (100)* 30
1.34-30 824/f 2.19/f (180/f)* 30
30-300 27.5 0.073 0.2 30
300-1500 F/1500 30
1500-100,000 1.0 30
Note: f = frequency in MHz ; *Plane-wave equivalent power density

1.2. MPE Calculation Method

30  P  G E2
E (V/m) = Power Density: Pd (W/m²) =
d 377
E = Electric field (V/m)
P = Peak RF output power (W)
G = EUT Antenna numeric gain (numeric)
d = Separation distance between radiator and human body (m)
The formula can be changed to

Pd =
30  P  G
377  d 2
From the peak EUT RF output power, the minimum mobile separation distance, d=0.2m, as well as the
gain of the used antenna, the RF power density can be obtained.

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

1.3. Calculated Result and Limit

Antenna Type : PCB Antenna
Max Conducted Power for IEEE 802.11b/g: 25.12dBm
Test Min. User Conducted Conducted
Gain (dBi) Numeric Gain Density
Mode Distance (cm) Power (dBm) Power (mW)
2.4G 20 2.98 1.986095 25.12 325.0873 0.1285

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

Appendix B. Test Photos

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FCC TEST REPORT Report No. : FR160127AC

1 Photographs of Conducted Emissions Test Configuration



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2 Photographs of Radiated Emissions Test Configuration

For radiated emissions 9kHz~30MHz



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For radiated emissions 30MHz~1GHz



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For radiated emissions above 1GHz



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APPENDIX C. Photographs of EUT

Model No: TG862G

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Model No: TG862G/CT

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