4 Nisha-Byadwal Ec 2343
4 Nisha-Byadwal Ec 2343
4 Nisha-Byadwal Ec 2343
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Veriorm the follow:ng additior. and subtraction of excess-3 numbers:
0200 1000+ 0101 1000 (3) 120021011 - 0100 1001
Check the results obtained, by performing the above operations in decimal format
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Page 37 of 72
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By using the Mason's gain tormula, determine the transfer furction < of the following signal flow
[12 marks]
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Page 39 of 72
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The closed-loop trensfer function of an initially relaxed LTI system is given by,
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Find the response of the system c(!) for the excitation r(@) = (417 1 84)n (0).
[12 marks]
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The open-loop transfer function of a system with unity negative feedback is given by,
4) (e427
Without drawing, root locus diagram, prove that the toot locus (for K > 0) of the systen! lits un a
[12 marks]
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‘Determine the range of K for which the closed loop system shown below is stable.
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