4 Nisha-Byadwal Ec 2343

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Ls MADE EASY India's Best Institute for IES, GATF & PSiis ESE 2018 : Mains Test Series UPSC ENGINEERING SERVICES EXAMINATION Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Test 1: jital Circuits + Control Systems Name:,,..N feud. wal... Jz g RollNo: [Ee 1 | @[mM a@lnle |A 6|96 Test Centres ‘Student's Signature Dehi[4 Bhopal] Noida} Rip] Indore = Lucknow) Pune fovkata] —shubanesver] Patna | Hyderatad > DE eae CT bases) USE Ovestion No. Marks Obtained 2 hice ah ___ | ig 4. The space limit for every part of the OS cuest on is specified in this Question Cum ‘Qe = —— j in the Question Cum Answer Booket g must 2¢ clearly struck off. Q7 & Last two pages of this booklet ere 98 these two pages after completior of tre Total Marks ‘examination. Obtained \| Wwe ¢ @ MADE ERSH Question cum Answer Booklet | Page 1 of 72 Do mt Q1 (aj | Prove the following Boolean equations; Seeker ® Gi) (iii) BE(B AC) ~p penove, #8 & i| A@ea = 4e+4 ond ales “i ROS = AB AAS Cp =p) fo we tomttialre at BO’ -AB the a : heianee, equarion() = equation @) vs AGE E@ BD bev peonad. TH pewove (iy 7G - F Oe= 408 we Com werte Ae+ AB = AE 3 ay >! Res |heo tems AaB BR al Ae -Ae ~ (418)(448) Ce <8 ort -a) 2 (Me B) (r+ +B)= ABtABR — AOR -—@ Nut Oa = Fer FE (sh =0 a id alee 8s noe =AwB —-—-—3B pee 09° @and @ we vruelude sor 7®QO=AOBe=ADT Hence puoo ved Ac " Te prove 8 @(@E a) Now, BACRac + BAC) SRO] Penne ier eters [24345 marks} thisrargin MADE EASY destin cum Answer Booklet — | Page 2 of 72 De net ‘his margin pO (ac + 2tHe = a Obie + OF +48) BA (BH ac) = BLOOAL) +R CAGAL) we Kwoue Haat CxOy = XO) Co + BCe@ac) + VLROAC) > B(bAC +8 RC) es CER + BAO) > BF ay Bae ee sant. spine AC(CatR) (8 a+ eA Hues, BE CB MBAC) > AL rower paroved S$ MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet | rage sor 72 Donat ‘hisnrain Qu (b) Int A Perform the followings conversions () (32875100098), into octal (Gi) (675.625),, into hexadecimal (iii) (A72E),, into octal to COMELE (39815100098), into octet : [ee Cai woth and 05100095 5 > = |. onB0196 = 2° cage) { ba5 5), ( oe eds 7 (293), OG25%2 =h-9¢ D2 yrson Osh =] e rorD [prsems), = (293° My (an ey a ds 2 pelo cu ee) [44343 marks] Doot @ MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | PageS of 72 |e ean Qu (©) ] Design NOT, two-input AND, OR, NAND and NOR gates using only 2:1 multiplexers (without sing any gates), — 110 marks} aus i th] He Deaxg Nor aw uaa At) UX ( Toth +e.blo, flere nN ota ote ALY waose be frpur wd Y> output Y NOT path. ° ! t 1f > « I ——] = ss vs Ato tA =a oe 1 The Hay faves ony ONAL MOX Os OD) AND ae werrag SB) MUX Taasth able poe ane gan 4 5 * The dexran tanre Orly oye OL) OX a = Alot At) = 6+ AB = Pb. ee =| Of MH ds ral ti Cm Mb —- -_ Tout eee m4 que” @ MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 6 of 72 Doret this margin fy} NAND gate wer BL 1 hADe x B Feuuth table, te io e Je Z 5 J N < (ed, valent Moxy g—dry Lt} =Ar Ans Bers = (v8) (ers) i lor A We YS De oat 221 Mb* 1 he anaxgn fours re om 9 Way Mut zY= Att At =W+AG be “epee oO a So ep j I O*°N ey _ Cnr ne) Ml ee fate \ Me aa + Thy aunty aKa U0 dry pau Nom gee “id ath MDA ee & + toble NOP th rudt | g Aly om 0° Mamig y's nigeot hen meme re er o xl Ty | & ae AR +OERS 9 on} Ty . vawg Sing e = Yo Ree Yoerrenss MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet —_ | Page 7 of 72 wen tris agin Qu (d) Design an A.B flip flap, whose characteristic table is shown in the figure below, using FX ilip lop, Rane ea * 7 7 oft | j Q, | Gy eteetsite Too | at | Beer saNentstate ' Af = Extttions [10 marks} oo «8 ' Hd 2kciation tobe orn - aie ; 5 ! im 8 ! poe eyntlt vy im put pe k eee: i fo tre pret a1 aod C year “etate mbtrimed fes AB pup fer L mmo, 6) +2d(1a,5, 4) oe ZmC5, yt Et, aM, 6) wihoe Sa Hijau to gure COL maj deus. ay equaln fib Tan Hy im ther beunes 9) 1,8 and Oy~ KN do help Kemap Dorat MADE EASY Question cum AnswerBooklet —_| Page 8of 72. [unten this margin Kemap SB ae posze Ta 4 - of M7! &ii« pT=RG+ AB Do net wen 6 MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet — | Page sof 72 [wren Q1(e) | Designs CMOS agi cinuait 1 implemen ne torowtdgmmproieis: vo A+BIG+D) . [10 marks] Pag -fo dualaws Yai + BCE +B) a cones. og pil we Lom Zimapll py Y as = : ‘ Y= p+ & Ate) vain apie Heerep alte y= ay), ps eel e t mB rage Now Y= A(areay- gm CMOS baie Yrere will be. tuo tafe acai one vard— 4 Pox. | )PuLL WP aad ope ek cal foxy PULL “dour gf AAD No. ical pene fe a sea beemine— je powthe bos bie que kyon He power feaiee Ve f Akos Pal Heil IE MPC 5 br ae wee woes epic et; D> whl he tonnosted for Lewecties Bandcb vuidl be cormected im poxattel 40-€0Ah oMnen- duns! A amd CA+C) MEM be Connected im series wih eon OHA. NEABS MADE EASY auestion cum Answer Booklet | ee Myleene | Page 100f 72 A (ated) Neubert q NMOG Me = 4 Neumtht oy PMA aut etek rather gee foe y aaa 7 4 aa Franerctose my wt acag Mau = R. Donat | thismarge MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet | rays 120f 72 Do nat this margin a2@) @ hms Minimize the following exaressior using K-map. F{A,E,C,D,E) = X(8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31) [10 marks] qe ™ fosction PUM Gris BE)= Er (8) 4,20,11, 19,16, 16, 18,91, 24, 95, 28, 24,2031) He KM Ap will be @ H-vatabe. k-nmop: E=6 Era FLAR Gn = pry am tactra D _ BEDE Dat thes letra mimynized 2 aac carton me ra T) {XN MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 13 of 72 Dono: this margin Q2 by Wo Consicier the following expression FAB) = Tam(1, 8,7, 9, 10,11, 15) Implement the above expression using, @ Gi) 15:1 multiplexer. 8:1 muluplexer by connecting 4, Band Cz the select lines. (ii) 4:1 multiplexer by connecting A and B Lo the select Tiaies, uy pe PEAR CD) = Em (15m 14, 151,18) Aimte, tris 4 vastable Junction POMUZAd nal Mm tevmk ao Ring tte) 16s) Mow Fm pus fo the! to B-- -p-onete%e a9 WE ok. 4o qe PLA, t.1) wan Brimex (5+7+8 marks] it tan MU aoerty be (iat puxtene the rer tw oF Ftp,o,¢,9) 1 dmthnis 96 era Gite vA he -cepuie do paatise op vests alee aes ea My and A,B,L ao S2heer Woe 5 obuauwi Hut table afBao~ Gee] Tis = | TI | BU | Abd Jer | fee| ase fase | par Age DB boo efter Slo foro | foro fore} e | o

5) Eq (0) 3) Tox EM) +24 fo, 13,8) MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet — | Page 17 of 72 Do net bis margin Ginette Af ) sc uned over tm the Cound ane 01346 es + 4 ty To | Of yt We, rPoy ey oe 2 \ o/s t } i q ro U \ oto ye oc 8 Qacamicete {tom Mra, above state table, re she Input] 44 O 1 the heat dave Te Bw htth ah un weed amd 4 tne in pul Arebr flop ytrate r RmowsLtae tia be 1 wudtn te) eb mo ment Ltore wey bag wi oo a add state pol all sue wnusod ofl state therfore WU cquiahoy Le @ MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet Q2 (ay | Page 18 of 72 Done ‘hisrrgin Veriorm the follow:ng additior. and subtraction of excess-3 numbers: 0200 1000+ 0101 1000 (3) 120021011 - 0100 1001 Check the results obtained, by performing the above operations in decimal format qT ea [10 marks} Pu | Ciac 18b0 7 : = germ ae im 2x Cen— 3 Poni J D1 o bb ed 3) Exceas— fous 9 ¢ Biewut Poe 3 1910 cco + (ore ogi o tte 36 compli ment 7 B= ae , er 3 Bina form = Mug eote 3 (foe rhe wv “LANLIY _. 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Hane viv ea - one sa ttn +0 es gst > (tr 00 18 63) - (s¥ec0n0) = (1000 a 4 ts cond (1000 C010), =(136) 5 NBS Inderiomat Demat’ [Reed oY) ase = (/t50 18), = (209), and (01 60 100.) wu GAt1DD 010), = (Ho), Nwus dina (182) 15 7 Q \ ot Heme vet ae i“ \ @ MADE ERGY Question Cum Answer Booklet — | Page 19 of 72 [ten (i')] te subskoer foo loll ~ ono 1001) excess S * S MADE ERSY Question cum AnswerBooklet | Page 37 of 72 rm Denot wenn thismarge 25 (@) By using the Mason's gain tormula, determine the transfer furction < of the following signal flow graph [12 marks] Decode Mason's d avs fosetve- wean en feumnene m ‘| a ae LOM be, Go = 2D Pedx / 9 a whey Pee poawear ‘Reto se / Av= fads 9) here Wad path Se A ‘ ime 3 Aye) “CA oMertivictiual tops nottocichng / \ # 7 fost amd pout) (Atm 9) te00 vin sou \x \ | | ond 4 = s, G paren net fouciwws forward pash)—~ 4 he (aata individual 10 0pe) + sees ee men tour dope) = - / ope) d \ a) Was onl forwawie, wat youn find ah Gh bie big by brs ' fy, Og Big bry by 03 = bye big b,, fu 2g Gig by Tour No 4 Coe pa Nema ben 4 duo Nort voueled Loops + bys batty Libs = by Hy my Hg bys bra He hy by = by hy bts 43 Lge Mets ty by = Ney Oybtety Le be = MH bie Hy lie Ly Gs oury Li Hey bey big Ha big Ha, MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet — | Page 38 of 72 Do nat writen tris marin R c z youl UL+he Vols abtaimed jm Mason? feswaseta t “a CL by binttgbiy big + Sy bubs tigt bi bra brabin + hg yg lrg EN PISS eS SDE eee tS 1 (bt) H, + big Ho Feig's + by bigHy¢ qty) t[beam Mat by Org byt 4 Sip biybig Hawg by Mtepity + bra tte) SOU Ha dty big HOI ty brebig H Brrbt alta Orn + 61g b1 4 bry (" Girt) ~ Giga Pista —biy besity = big ity + Gidea hy My + Gy beg VSM S + by bry oeMiy + bub hy + bate) @ MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet | Page 39 of 72 Denot vee Q5(b) tw] tres fin Upsed doop a al a aaa | The closed-loop trensfer function of an initially relaxed LTI system is given by, cyt Re) 5243942 Find the response of the system c(!) for the excitation r(@) = (417 1 84)n (0). [12 marks] ( ‘ Meh ox og UT apy Bb ct) ) Res) 2 eta, he Given Input] enditatten ale) rar at) alo ond loploct iene ene Gf ait) = Als) RU) = / Bay Eo \ o : ~ ond Rls) = tude. New ¢ =\_! pes zk “ty \e +3et9 ‘ pe wr ats) ‘eal opin ces) we. ha < ra] Cegre fy srtaseas Gr )led ch (SHLS4a) ss, ts = Os 3 (+4) uannd = Hou€tion cey> _B = BA +e@iye i,» -—@O ae sty S oe 3 A+ wm _(Strx C0) = 2 2 -| sty) =f tons nag ed’ © an. thiceara erat MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page 40cf 72 [3 crs, _ 8 (642) 8 = 2h as e2(ea = ~s 24 pep onebost wes tPEtaD sera sn uw Nunwe0lnt oer Of ab abe LHC wed pe vt ae (pB-D=> 2 BI (oRtc)=0 @ Br-98= -0 wd got d= Oo de-DE EY Oe Mo oh. we ae eR SAL et 9!) od 2 é 29 <3 eae | Im v-euse Lap Lowe bisa jenn tm botin asd a ~ Mu) + UW) -ae uw + HWW a (° So ES Stuy ue uy Huw a t= ly ee mate ane Y UpEy fing Donot wri in themarge Q5(¢) MADE ERS Question cum AnswerBooklet | Page 41 of 72 The open-loop transfer function of a system with unity negative feedback is given by, Kis+1)) qg= 4) (e427 Without drawing, root locus diagram, prove that the toot locus (for K > 0) of the systen! lits un a [12 marks] +e jive Spon Joap teavs Best Runction % a Aas 1 ee ° ) Mi = EGE oe BCS REED [give (ers (fase) ad Leta polat S- 6+ ]u Lie on MnDh totuas Hrestypers dnt “rly a 6 je puscting = 8) ve. in nd “— A Loe J ° a. son *U ae Siig 3 L age t ) té (ewe nana J ME+ syed +4) f ~ 4 wre etree 1 | (air ase) ) MOY)“ ( piaarauern + [lace HN) Jer tyay Wl) < afogwra us = ag gt (Ae / ep) h) = ale gona’ ; rw age tl et ranean \ = ~IGo' 4 a = qawt a - ton a} = tow! (A=8 ( 5) (4280 1) gop ees we 4 900 4 1 { Dow row . _ 96 bows Fo we? +364 7 = ruety} = 180 Pus + SLO sieea wth SS a ieee, Donat | Pageazof 72 |", MADE ERSY Question cum Answer Booklet a [aetna | ae \ (Pew aer) Tw tHesi” = 4am (1984) 20 V+ péwrdis \/ dein ras ee | Tay tine) rraPeger Me A Preefonie equating tuo memento “to ALHD ae . teh teri) S ydlees) 2 (¢ aut tact) ote tury Cues was php (Pe reesdton) (e2-w wor) [e +2) = grewe ter tue + Pw puore =e + ula +o + de gu Fue +4 jp es lie ge twlos Cp aia, IMO Stomdasd eq” 01 c checele a giver * (era™ ae ay = wraue (4, -b) Bs LonieL anid te uy Mabing ¢ ey cumipauing eg B ud 6) wt coms aay Jncur Cine oo} Locus ont agttena Vet on a diese wit ¢ —8 finer : Ww dH entase (“3 50 amd Hadiug= Ve Hanes feoned wy ——-O Donat MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet — | Page43 of 72 [Wien thismarga Q5(d) fy irow®= § (St2)(ha acre) + e(s01) = ‘Determine the range of K for which the closed loop system shown below is stable. Rb) eS iF [12 marks] ne prowafent fewreei om ge g Ziven aupstoim co be, Foune uo we knoe | e9 } cg a act. bts) Plc) Petes) “cts Ls Tc oe K Tee 5649) (toot D+KISH]) ) s(¢ta) C342 ME Chonodhnubte eqLaction apc Anafent pomert on ey 3 eR OR page ERL) relsr)=0 {Ot urs oP) eer mR sy pc tor eg s(y +e Pa 7D “oe ap a pein jto debeumwine uty a He é ft Qardnle auay: ‘ - w | a k és | 4 (ee) ge jeu tery) & nyo MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet | Fageasof 72 Donot tein thismargn he? the digiewd es be, alle — fo Mote’ Auwwoit Anitenin® Lao, tips G84 codoumnd! Avcoritde tnentle Blould be came! A ( @o-k yo % Ao-t 7o ¥ [oor - yu doe bey) He 10> (do-eLery) ~ 16K 20 a Se do 2 = 2 JOU -K tBO- UK-1LK70 2 =u tRn 70 tots eK we -Bo CO y2 280 9 kw bes = Uy = loo rad } ce c MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | rages or 72 Donor thismargh Ss the slope pos NT wine ke -opaplaee amg fapiyes -doda, HL aint Bead 4ne. velys «we cam wetite tne Line yation Odb = anal’) & Ret - s won iDperees ig tao for cHon ac ere wh60e bede. poled a i) =1) © es) = en($ top) ot) &(sti0) cts) Sou [s+i00) Pier, Pls) B(l 410) sob ds @ transfer function ta and ppuler austen MADE EASY Question cum answer Booklet — | Page 55 of 72 Dorot thems 7 (a) std Consider the Llock diagram shown in the ‘igure below: é @ Obtain the transfer fanetion | using the block diagram reduction technique. (ii) Verify the result obtained in part (i) using the equivalen: signal flow greph and Mason's gain formula, [15 +10 marks] (@) the, oe eee ding som ty sep ewig he, “i fetone My afte ot, | \ ——) bin | Le 78 ad Ee Sedat jue boek Od cummt Mand Bone MADE ERSY Question cum answer Booklet — | Pages6of 72 |r, X ) ===] ay f tay of By iad Ha fist, | i a —s her Tre negative feu at k Wes tye Sig ome is a aay 7 ECS ee) hs Steps: rs tne block og ter Fe be oly Hw bbek ep favor 4 Porn ey eu ahs | Oe lage __ 1+ 4 pn —— fr iro re MADE ERSY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Page s7of 72 Doret wetein thi margin ny ite pours amg feed barn pout ane ( ( Haesee + hy ) ara O13 big vin He . JPoyoaH3 ths ig et trylitonbntt) +6), JL “Pa bi ae —, —Vahs: _}4 Dp bint ato sat he 2 — K & Te by (tm btas) fon boty Vln babs ¢ big hg Hg t ty Fenbra Hy H at bn big Hg Hy ae Masong {aaa we. F fed 5 ma sh anol d Staph = po flag Sitges Coot ba we EN : eZ aH we SS Da bite bs Aged Poa Oy (27) MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet —_ | Fage 58 of 72 Dorot wets thismargh aw) Comsisler the block diagram shown in the figure below «I —-Q)— Determine the unit step response of the system and the maximum peak overshoot of “espons fat =| £8 . ae - | - 8 PLS Sras+y | st Posty ahi: ts wi and epider sustems x tu OEY CHES uation y= \ A abe yh Whin sw, M9 rN | oie Cx. ovnd =4 toys, ‘ ae rad ~$r/—- 5 N ow mpi e@ any ig aye + 1h+30}- the unit step [15 marks] ye & get al and wail ahep HAR OORE 4M be. al a od Pt)=V bit ereys _Bs sUetesty) 92 = AC romrunt age cs gvaieu> —— Ee a S(g? OSH) Comp Aeot0RE - [& ghozo pe-#e-a: re a= @ Jape ye > cle - ae sug> 2. @Ute - ce)=/| a- ae* cost ~ a im Jae | ule) e FA 7 x pts é - * wae es tes @ dul) dim Cour) ¥(t) MADE ERSY QtestioncumAnswerBooklet | rages90f 72 i geaeand presen a = Ag B5tt s(erocty)) £ Pigsey das Dow riven his raeain Doret @ MADE EASY Question Cum Answer Booklet | Faget of 72. [itn Gite | ‘Thecharackiiate iquation dk atest bop syatem iacgiven tip Where “@” is a system constant. Sketch the variation of the roots of the characteristic equation in the s-plane when “x” is varying from 0 toe. [29 marks} fea] dre Chauaeteuic eg sarees c le SUS) Ly Spt biphly) a(ses) 3 a (sts) +50 673) = 0 Ane, epen Lovp Mime per function tambe 7, as a(s+s ti's)wl 5) atses) 3 (sts) The Rook Lous oj he port slew tan be pblardaa!— . v NB a . (y +e Horr locus Ato Geom Yue amd teumimatu ot pen Lrop xvr0- ay gon Letua Ww betratheo|! aed Barat to wef. e7Hher rivim bes "4 Coote oft elle Kereta Whéth ever ipa sp poles we ar $ = ps9 Yuyoes awe ar f= ae =22} ud pen loop guts = =m (HVaned peor 0 wa) Gi he (2 =] ety ; aurn 4 + Rock Low Lie Ag} to ne number 4 oad, poles Oma LU0%« e a Neg eh a act beomehec +ewmtimute to Hy xee0 at o MADE EASY Question cum Answer Booklet | reyeo2 ot 72 Done te tsrrargin ay —p—8 + a “hges “8 -3 any | a Sig ( I suo Saddle point dk aa 2 a = -{¢( s¢a)) cre ° (S45) D gerrisstio- 62-396 =D Me chew Gl [Naz ebay Bg 297 x soft oimy or 9 “my mopt dew 3, $= —h B94 U P = ~Qga2q) Shu dddle priney/ a) Ti mh vat L) hear = Me Hoot Lp cus 16 . se {4 AUMMETCTA! abot won and “qe AY op ted g = ay a }

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