Reflective Lesson Plan 3

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Claflin University School of Education

EDUC 450: Professional Clinical Practice

Reflective Lesson Plan Model

Name: Latasha Jones Date: March 3, 2018

Title of Lesson What are Magnets?
Source This lesson came from the quick lab section in the student’s textbook,
Interactive Science.
Subject Area (s) Science
Grade Level 2nd Grade
Curriculum Standards Standards 2.P.3B.1, 2.P.3B2
Describe the lesson’s activities and content to provide a clear
overview of the lesson.
I will tell students that they will explore magnets and the types of
objects that are attracted to them. I will also explain to students that
they will make predictions about whether or not the objects in front of
them are magnetic, and then discover if their predictions are correct.
Description and Background I will pass out all of the necessary materials and resources needed for
Information the experiment. Before they experiment, I will have the students make
predictions about which materials will be attracted by the magnet and
which will not. They will use the prediction chart in their science
textbook to record their predictions.
Next, each student will take turns within their group testing each object.
On their charts, they will write yes or no under each object as a
prediction. Then in the box underneath record what was attracted by
the magnet and what was not and were their predictions confirmed. Ask
students if they can explain the results of their experiments. Lastly,
students will share their results with their peers.
What will students be able to do at the conclusion of this lesson?
Make sure that your objective(s) are measurable.
At the conclusion of the lesson students will:
Lesson Objectives  Determine which objects are magnetic and which are not.
 Observe that magnets have two sides; north and south.
 Predict the motion of magnets, based on knowledge that they
repel and attract.
 How magnets can be use to apply force on objects
 Know that magnetic objects have iron in them.
How will I vary these objectives for students who do not
understand the material?
I will vary the objectives for students for students who do not
understand the material by showing additional strategies on how
Varying Objectives for magnetism works by using the materials. After demonstrating
Individuals Needs I will observe to ensure it is done correctly. I will also model how to
make predictions and record it.

How will I vary these objectives for students who have already
mastered the concept?
The students who have mastered the concept will write a brief
explanation of magnetism based on his or her results from the quick
lab. The explanation will include a description of the behavior of atoms
in a magnet, as well as reasons that the specific materials with which
students experimented were or were not attracted by a magnet.

How will I vary these objectives for students who are presently
learning English? N/A
Why is it important for the students to learn this content?
Statement of Purpose It is important for students to learn this content because students will
gain an understanding that certain materials are attracted to magnets
and some are not.
What materials and supplies are needed to help your students
achieve the stated objectives? What will the teacher need? What
will the students need? What other resources are needed? Will
you use resource speakers?
The materials and supplies that are needed to achieve the stated
objectives are as followed;
Students Teacher
Materials and Resources -Magnets -Magnet
-Pennies -Penny
-Toothpicks -Toothpick
-Paper clips -Paperclip
-Pencil -Pencil
-Crayons -Crayon
-Screw -Screw
-Aluminum Foil -Aluminum Foil
-Interactive Science textbook -Interactive Science

Other resources needed are the Interactive Clear touch smartboard.

No, I will not use resource speakers.
What will you do to motivate the students and get their attention?
Magnets have a special power that lets them attract other magnetic
things. Magnets can apply force to move some objects and they do this
by either pulling or pushing other objects. Today we’re going to have
Anticipatory Set some fun with magnets and you’ll even learn how to make objects float
in the air!

What is the “hook” that will serve as a focus for the lesson’s
The hook that I’ve decided to use is an instructional video on how
magnetism works and what objects and materials attract to magnets. I
believe this is a great hook because my students love technology and
enjoy educational videos.


How will I find out what students already know about this topic?
No extended prior knowledge is needed for this lesson. Though some
students may be more familiar with magnetism than others all students
will get an equal chance to explore and experiment with magnets in this
lesson. I will ask questions to those who have worked with magnets in
Pre-assessment the past.
The questions that will be asked are as followed:
 What is this object?
 How are magnets used in our everyday lives?
 How do you know when something is a magnet?
 How can you tell if an object is magnetic or not?
What will I do to show students what is expected?
Teacher Modeling or To show students what is expected I will verbally instruct them on what
Demonstration is expected and how to do it. Then I will demonstrate how to make
predictions, write them down, and test predictions.
What will we do together as they learn how to succeed at the new
Guided Practice Whole group instruction will be used for guided practice so the students
can have a visual demonstration before working independently. We will
complete the making predictions portion of the quick lab together.
What questions will you ask to determine if students understand
so far? To check for understanding I will pose the following questions:
 What does a magnet do?

 What are some uses of magnets?

 What is a magnet made out of?

 Why does it attract things?

Checking for Understanding What techniques or strategies will be used to determine if

students understand so far?
A technique I will use would be to put pictures of objects on the
smartboard overhead projector displaying an image so the students can
determine if it is magnetic and why. Students will use dry erase boards
and markers to write yes or no. This technique would have students
interested, engaged, and willing to participate, but most importantly
What will students do by themselves to show that they have
internalized the knowledge?
Independent Practice Independently students will show that they have internalized the
knowledge by testing out their predictions and drawing conclusions
from the results.
How will I conclude the lesson and relate it to future experiences?
How will you wrap up the lesson to reinforce concepts taught
Closure during the lesson?
Students will demonstrate what they have learned by completing a
ticket out of door. They each will write three sentences saying what
they have learned about magnetism.
What will students do to demonstrate what they have learned?
Assessment Throughout the remaining days of the week I will continue to teach
(attach to lesson plan) about magnetism and how it works using various examples. At the end
of the week the will take an assessment on magnetism and using
What can students do at home or in the classroom to apply the
knowledge or skills?
To apply knowledge at home students can test magnetism using
refrigerator magnets with other items in their home. To apply their
knowledge in the classroom students can use the bar magnets on
Extension Activities objects and materials they’ve discovered in the classroom.

How could you use your colleagues or community agencies to

improve student performance?
I could use colleagues to improve student performance. For example, a
colleague that is really great in science is Dr. Gordon. I can go to her
for advice towards planning more science lessons the students will
enjoy and for observation feedback.
How will you use technology to assist students with learning the
concepts? I will use technology such as the Smart Board and laptop to
show a Bill Nye the Science Guy video.

Technology What technology will you use to enhance the delivery and
comprehension of your content?
Technology will enhance the delivery and comprehension of the content
because in the video Bill Nye explains magnetism thoroughly, in
addition to conducting a lab on how magnetism works. Upon the
completion of the video the students and I will conduct our very own lab
working with magnets.


Describe the strengths of your instructional techniques, strategies
and classroom management.
Strengths of my instructional techniques were incorporating technology
into the lesson, connecting to each learning style, and passing out the
The use of technology is great because the students enjoy learning
from watching educational videos. I connected to each learning style; I
had pictures, actual objects, and written information to connect to visual
Strengths learners, I repeated the instructions and what was expected several
times to connect to those students who learn best by hearing, and lastly
I connected with bodily-kinesthetic students because we did a lab so it
was hands on.

Describe the strengths of student engagement.

The strength of student engagement was strong because the students
were very eager
Describe the weaknesses of your instructional techniques,
strategies and classroom management.
The weaknesses are in classroom management. I could have done
better with managing their talkativeness and being on task more
instead of the students being focused on playing with the magnets and
Weaknesses materials.

Describe the weaknesses of student engagement.

The weakness of student engagement was during instruction. They
were so fascinated by the magnets attracting and repelling that I had to
repeat the instructions and what was expected more than needed.
What would you change when teaching this lesson again?
Suggestions for When teaching this lesson again I would add a few more materials and
Improvement objects for the students to use when working with magnets. I would
change this because there more objects that did not connect to the
magnet than objects that actually were magnetic.
Revised 6-2013

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