Process Integration Notes

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CPE 614


Introduction to
Process Integration
Using Pinch Analysis
What is Pinch Technology?
 A systematic technique for the optimal design and retrofit
(improvement) of process systems to achieve maximum
energy and resource efficiency (recovery)
 Given
- A set of hot (surplus of heat) process streams (to be
- A set of cold (deficit of heat) process streams (to be
 Objective:
- To develop a network of heat recovery to achieve
minimum total cost
Pinch Design Target
 Minimum heating requirement (usually steam rate)
 Minimum cooling requirement (usually water flow
 Minimum number of units (HE)
 Minimum HE Network Area
Basic Concept of Process Design:
Interface of process-utility

 Utility serves the process

 Supply and demand
relationship exists
between utility and
Utility  So, DON’T TREAT THE
The “Onion” Diagram

The diagram that emphasizes the sequential

or hierarchical, nature of process.
Process modification…
What is better process
integration about?
 Better process design
 Reduced utility costs
 Reduced emissions
 Better utilization of capital
 Increased throughput in retrofit

 Practical
 Saves Energy
 Saves Emissions
 Saves Capital
 Applies to New Design and Retrofit
 Applies to Continuous and Batch
 Applies to All Process Industries
Key concepts of heat exchanger
The heat transfer from one media to another is governed
by several basic rules:
 Heat will always be transferred from a hot product to
a cold product
 Must always be a temperature difference between the
 The heat loss by the hot product is equal to the
amount of heat gained by the cold product, except for
energy losses to the surrounding area.
Heat Exchanger Schematic

Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger

• Common HE used in chemical process industries for heat

• Many tubes go from a header on one side to a header on the
other. The other fluid is in the space outside the tubes.
• Hot streams exchange energy with colder streams so that the
thermal energy of the hot streams is not wasted.
Heat Exchanger Schematic
Counter-current heat Co-current/ Parallel Flow
exchanger Heat Exchanger

Tai Tai

Tbo Tbi Tbo Tbi

Tao Tao

Fluids flow in opposite Fluids flow in the same

directions. direction.
Heat Exchanger Network:
 Stream that needs cooling → “ hot stream” (heat source)

Tin = 2000C Tout= 500C

Cooling water is use for cooling

 Stream that needs heating → “cold stream” (heat sink)

Tout = 1300C Tin = 400C

Steam is use for heating

How Much Heating Is Needed?
 A cold stream (that needs heating)

Ttarget= 1300C

Tsupply = 400C A Heater-Use Medium

Pressure Steam

Given: Heat Capacity Flowrate, FCp (MW/K) = 2.0

Determine Enthalpy Change ΔH (MW)= FCpΔT
How Much Cooling Is Needed?
 A Hot stream (that needs cooling)
Ttarget= 500C

Tsupply = 2000C
A Cooler-Use Medium
Cooling Water
Given: Heat Capacity Flowrate, FCp (MW/K) = 1.0
Determine Enthalpy Change ΔH (MW).
Exercise: Heat Exchange between
Process Streams
Stream Stream Tsupply (0C) Ttarget (0C) FCp = CP ΔH (MW)
Number Type (MW/K)
1 Cold 40 130 2.0
2 Hot 200 50 1.0

Before Integration After Integration

A process to process
heat exchanger
Temperature-Enthalpy Diagram
• Temperature-Enthalpy diagrams can be used to determine heat
recovery potential

A simple flowsheet with ONE hot stream and ONE cold stream

Stream Type Supply Target ∆H

Temp. Temp. (MW)
(oC) (oC)
1 Cold 40 110 14

2 Hot 160 40 -12

"Minimum Permissible Temperature

ΔTmin = 20OC

Which Exchanger Violates ΔTmin?

CPE 614

Process Energy Targets

 Process energy targets (minimum steam and cooling

water requirements) can be obtained from:

 Composite Curves
 Cumulative process heat availability (surplus)
 Cumulative process heat requirement (deficit)
 Problem Table Analysis
 Process heat surpluses and deficits within some
specified temperature intervals
A simple flowsheet with two hot streams
and two cold streams
Process Energy Targets:
Composite Curves
Representation of process streams ‘heat content on a
plot of temperature (T) versus enthalpy (ΔH)’
Procedure for Composite Curves:
1. Calculate unknown value (ΔH or CP value)
2. Plot T – H diagram for hot stream
3. Composite T – H diagram for hot stream and
determine new CP value
4. Calculate new ΔH for QC,min, Qrecovery and QH,min
5. Repeat step 2 – 4 for cold stream
6. Plot hot and cold stream together
7. Pinch point: vertical distance between hot CC and
cold CC = ΔTmin
Example 1
Determine the energy target through Composite
Curve by given ∆Tmin = 10◦C.

Stream Type Supply Temp. Target Temp. ∆H (kW)

Ts (oC) TT (oC)

Reactor 1 Cold 20 180 3200


Reactor 1 Hot 250 40 -3150


Reactor 2 Cold 140 230 2700


Reactor 2 Hot 200 80 -3000

Effect of ΔTmin

 ΔTmin = the smallest approach temperature (ΔT) for

heat exchange
 Bigger ΔTmin gives:
 Less heat recovery
 Maximum hot and cold utilities
 Maximum energy consumption
 Big capital cost
 Small ΔTmin gives:
 Maximize energy recovery
 Minimize hot and cold utilities
 Minimize energy consumption
BUT, there are problems with the CC!!!
1) Complicated
2) Difficult to get accurate point for Pinch
temperature, QHmin and Qcmin

An Alternative:
Process Energy Targets:
Problem Table Analysis
 2 Approaches:
 Hot and Cold Temperature Intervals
 Global (Shifted) Temperature Intervals
Cold Stream +∆Tmin /2
Hot Stream -∆Tmin /2

 General Idea
 Get net ΔH for each heat/enthalpy interval

 Cascade ΔHnet downwards for cumulative net ΔH

 Only cascade for positive heat flow – eliminate
negative heat flow
Procedure for Problem Table Analysis:
1. Determine Interval Temperature Table
2. Draw shifted temperature intervals
3. Calculate Interval Heat Balance,
4. Cascade any surplus heat from high to low
5. Cascade for positive heat flows
6. Pinch point: Heat = 0 kW
Example 2
Determine the energy target through Problem Table
Analysis by given ∆Tmin = 10◦C .

Stream Type Supply Target ∆H (kW) Heat

Temp. Temp. Capacity
Ts (oC) TT (oC) Flowrate,
CP (kW

Reactor 1 Cold 20 180 3200 20


Reactor 1 Hot 250 40 -3150 15


Reactor 2 Cold 140 230 2700 30


Reactor 2 Hot 200 80 -3000 25


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