A Deepdive Into Splunk Ebook Edureka Splunk Certification Training - Original
A Deepdive Into Splunk Ebook Edureka Splunk Certification Training - Original
A Deepdive Into Splunk Ebook Edureka Splunk Certification Training - Original
Look at the below image to get an idea of how machine data looks.
Now imagine if you were a SysAdmin trying to figure out what went wrong in your
system’s hardware and you stumble upon logs like the one’s in the above image, what
would you possibly do? Would you be able to locate in which step your hardware failed
you? There is a remote chance that you might be able to figure it out, but even that is
only after spending hours in understanding what each word means. To tell you in a
nutshell, machine data is:
• Complex to understand
• In an unstructured format
• Not suitable for making analysis / visualization
This is where a tool like Splunk comes in handy. You can feed the machine data to
Splunk, which will do the dirty work(data processing) for you. Once it processes and
extracts the relevant data, you will be able to easily locate where and what the problems
Splunk started off this way, but it became more prominent with the onset of Big Data.
Since Splunk can store and process large amounts of data, data analysts like myself
started feeding big data to Splunk for analysis. Dashboards meant for visualization was
a revelation and within no time Splunk was extensively used in the big data domain for
If you have a machine which is generating data continuously and you want to analyze
the machine state in real time, then how will you do it? Can you do it with the help of
Splunk? Yes! You can. The image below will help you relate to how Splunk collects data.
Real time processing is Splunk’s biggest selling point because, we have seen storage
devices get better and better over the years, we have seen processors become more
efficient with every ageing day, but not data movement. This technique has not
improved and this is the bottleneck in most of the processes within organizations.
If you already think Splunk is an awesome tool, then hear me out when I say that this is
just the tip of the iceberg. You can be rest assured that the remainder of this blog post
will keep you glued to your seat if you have an intention to provide your business the
best solution, be it for system monitoring or for data analysis.
• Your input data can be in any format for e.g. .csv, or json or other formats
• You can configure Splunk to give Alerts / Events notification at the onset of a
machine state
• You can accurately predict the resources needed for scaling up the infrastructure
• You can create knowledge objects for Operational Intelligence
The infographic below mentions some of the functionalities for which Splunk can be
To give you more clarity on how Splunk works, I am going to tell you how Bosch used
Splunk for data analytics. They collected the healthcare data from the remotely located
patients using IoT devices(sensors). Splunk would process this data and any abnormal
activity would be reported to the doctor and patient via the patient interface. Splunk
helped them achieve the following:
This will help you know the pros and cons of each of these tools, after which you will be
able to zero in on the tool most appropriate for your organization’s needs. I learnt the
differences between these tools when I was doing research for my project, where
abnormal system state and frauds needed to be alerted in real time. That was when I
learnt that there were tools dedicated to monitor the systems by processing machine
data. So I have published this blog to share what I learnt:
Splunk, ELK and Sumo Logic are among the most widely used in the market and they
provide a good representation of the different types of tools available. Other popular
tools being Loggly, Graylog and PaperTrails.
You can go through the below table to get an overview of the features supported by
the three tools.
Proprietary / Open-Source
Splunk is a proprietary tool which provides both an on-premise and a cloud setup. The
difference between on-premise and cloud setup lies in where you are storing your data.
If you are going for an on-premise setup, you can choose between Splunk Enterprise or
Splunk Light. If you prefer a cloud setup, then you can opt for Splunk Cloud, which is a
SaaS version of Splunk Enterprise.
ELK on the other hand is a combination of three open source tools(Elastic Search-
Logstash-Kibana). Similar to Splunk, ELK can be installed on-premise as well as setup on
the cloud. Their cloud platform is called Elastic Cloud. If you are an AWS user, then you
have another option: AWS Elastic Search. In October last year, AWS released this as a
hosted solution for ELK.
Bottom line: Splunk and Sumo Logic are proprietary software and you pay for a wide
range of functionality. Whereas ELK is open source and cheaper. So if you work for a
small or a medium sized company, proprietary software might not be the best option
because you might be paying for a whole lot of features that you might not use.
With Splunk and Sumo Logic, you have a complete data management package at your
disposal. Once you have imported the data, you can search and investigate that data.
You can perform analysis to gain insights and formulate business strategies accordingly.
You can even showcase your findings in a visual form by using visualization dashboards.
Since ELK is a combination of three tools, Searching, Analysis & Visualization will only
be possible after the ELK stack is setup. Elastic Search does data storage and works as
an analytics engine, Logstash is a data collection and transferring agent and Kibana is
used for visualizing data. These three tools together are called the ELK stack (Elastic
search – Logstash – Kibana).
Bottom line: Searching, Analysis & Visualization can be done with all three tools, but
they are done in different ways in different tools.
Data Type
I did some research on the different data types that these tools accept and I learnt
some interesting facts about Splunk and Sumo Logic. Splunk claim that their tool can
accept data in any format, for e.g. .csv, or json or any other log format. Even Sumo
Logic claim that their tool can ‘collect logs from almost any system in nearly any
Another detail to be considered here is the difference in the way data is parsed. I
noticed that in ELK and Sumo Logic, the data fields must be first identified and then
configured before it is shipped. But with Splunk I can do it after the data comes to the
system. This makes data onboarding easier by separating shipping and field labeling.
I found that Splunk is very good for setting up integrations with other tools. It has
around 600 plugins for IT operations, security and other needs. Although ELK is seeing
an increased number of available plugins, it does not support as many integrations as
Splunk does. Logstash which is responsible for the data on boarding in ELK, has only
around 160 plugins at present and work is ongoing for more integrations.
Splunk has a big customer base, thus a very strong community. I found the Splunk
community helpful and many of my questions got answered there. This is why I feel
Splunk would offer better support than Sumo Logic and ELK.
I also found that Splunk’s knowledge base has an accurate documentation for setting
up clusters and plugins, but with Sumo Logic I did not find the documentation to be as
good as I expected and I had a tough time navigating through the documentation.
All three of these tools have their own advantages and categories in which they are
better than the other. My only intention here is to help you in your decision making. So,
it is necessary that you choose the tool that can be tailored to your needs.
I found Splunk to be the most comfortable among these tools because it was very easy
to use and it was a one stop solution for my needs. It let me do Searching, Analysis,
Visualization all on the same platform and offered me good support when I needed it.
Currently, Splunk has 1200 odd apps that help make sense of different formats of log
data, providing visibility across on-premise, cloud and hybrid environments. Between
these apps and the sudden proliferation of Splunk in organizations — big and small —
careers around Splunk have skyrocketed in the last couple of years, and there is a fair
indication that things will only get better from here on.
Splunk careers
Forbes says that big data related jobs pertaining to unstructured machine data and
Internet of Things (IoT) have seen unprecedented growth percentages in excess of
704% globally over the last five years. Specific job roles that promise lucrative Splunk
careers include:
• Software Engineer
• Systems Engineer
• Programming Analyst
• Solutions Architect
• Security Engineer
• Technical Services Manager
If you are a Splunk enthusiast (or aspire to be one anytime soon), the future is filled
with possibilities that are challenging and lucrative. This is just the perfect time to
learn and master Splunk. A career in Splunk has three primary spokes – Architect,
Administrator and Developer. If you decide to bring Splunk on to your resume, here
are the list of tasks you’d be expected to perform, depending on the job title you
If you are a Splunk Architect, your organization will expect you to leverage Splunk for
searching and reporting data, creating Splunk Knowledge Objects, operating
Dashboards and Visualizations, Architecting and Deploying Splunk across your
organization. On the other hand, if you decide to become a Splunk Admin, you need
to perform Installation, License Management, management of Splunk Apps,
Configuration and Index Management, Event Parsing, Distributed Search and
Performance Tuning. Finally, if you aspire to be a Splunk Developer, you are entirely
responsible for end-to-end solution development as well as maintenance. Primary
responsibilities of a Splunk developer include implementation, workload management,
architecture, design and estimation.
As on October 2016, the following companies had attractive openings for Splunk
competencies worldwide. Take a good look at these companies, that are a mix of
industries ranging from technology to Iot to manufacturing, and everything in between.
With the right knowledge and training of Splunk, you can soon have a business card
with one of these big names on it.
As some wise soul once said, “Inefficiency is the mother of all opportunities”. Looks like
the wise soul had Splunk in mind! Earlier this year, Gartner sounded a warning alarm –
Unstructured data growth is rapidly outpacing structured data and is poorly controlled,
stored and managed on file shares, on personal devices and in the cloud. This
realization stems from the fact that 50% of IT teams in the world are completely
unprepared for the humongous growth of unstructured data. What is more shocking is
the fact that by 2022, 93% of all data in the digital universe will be unstructured in
nature (Source: IDG). It doesn’t take rocket science to understand that enterprises
cannot survive with insights from just 7% of data. Data from social chatter, usage logs,
customer clickstreams etc. are critical data that are invaluable to organizational
strategies and success, and the evolution of offerings like Splunk are heavily capitalizing
on the mismanagement of unstructured data. In simple words, this means just one
thing — There is a pressing need for Splunk specialists in the world. Needless to say,
you can be in the forefront of this revolution of sorts.
You might be aware that Domino’s Pizza is an e-commerce cum fast food giant, but you
might be unaware of the big data challenge they were facing. They wanted to
understand their customers’ needs and cater to them more effectively by using Big
Data. This is where Splunk came to the rescue.
Look at the image below which depicts the circumstances that were building up to
cause big data problems at Domino’s.
Domino’s felt that the solution to these problems would lie in a tool which can easily
process data. That was when they implemented Splunk.
Turner mentioned that using Splunk for Operational Intelligence in place of a traditional
APM tool helped him to lower the cost, search the data faster, monitor performance
and get better insights into how customers were interacting with Domino’s. If you look
at the below image, you will find the different applications that were set up by
implementing Splunk.
• Interactive Maps, for showing orders in real time coming from all across US. This
brought employee satisfaction and motivation
• Real time feedback, for employees to constantly see what customers are saying and
understand their expectations
• Dashboard, used to keep scores and set targets, compare their performance with
previous weeks/ months and against other stores
• Payment Process, for analyzing the speeds of different payment modes and
identifying error free payment modes
• Promotional Support, for identifying how various promotional offers are impacting
in real-time. Before implementing Splunk, the same task used to take an entire day
• Performance Monitoring, to monitor the performance of Domino’s in-house
developed point of sales systems
I am going to present a hypothetical Splunk use case scenario which will help you
understand how Splunk works. This scenario demonstrates how Domino’s Pizza used
Promotional data to get better clarity as to which offer/coupon works best with respect to
different regions, order revenue sizes and other variables.
*Note: The example of Promotional data used is hypothetical in nature and data
present might not be accurate.
Domino’s had no clear visibility into which offer works best – in terms of:
• Offer type (Whether their customers preferred a 10% discount or a flat $2 discount?)
• Cultural differences at a regional level (Do cultural differences play a role in offer
• Device used for buying products (Do devices used for ordering play a role in offer
• Time of Purchase (What is the best time for the order to be live?)
• Order revenue (Will offer response change wrt to order revenue size?)
As you can see from the below image, promotional data was collected from mobile
devices, websites and various outlets of Domino’s Pizza(using Splunk Forwarders) and
sent to a central location(Splunk Indexers).
Splunk forwarders, would send the promotional data generated in real time. This data
contained information about how customers responded when they were given offers,
along with other variables like demographics, timestamp, order revenue size and device
The data also contained the time when customers responded and if they would prefer
to buy in-store or do they prefer to order online. Most importantly, it contained Order
revenue data – to understand if offer response changes with the order revenue size.
Once the raw data was forwarded, Splunk Indexer was configured to extract the
relevant information and store it locally. Relevant information being the customers who
responded to offers, time at which they responded and the device used for redeeming
the coupons/offers.
For performing various operations on the Indexed data, Search head was used. It is the
component which gives a graphical interface for searching, analyzing and visualizing
the data stored in the Indexers. Domino’s Pizza gained the below insights by using the
visualization dashboards provided by the Search head:
In USA and Europe, customers preferred a 10% discount instead of a $2 offer. Whereas
in India, customers were more inclined to a flat $2 offer
10% discount coupons were used more when the order revenue size was large, whereas
flat $2 coupons were used more when order revenue size was small.
Mobile apps were the preferred device for ordering during the evening and orders
coming in from the website was most during the noon. Whereas ordering-in-store was
highest during the morning
Domino’s Pizza collated these results to customize the offers/coupons with respect to
order revenue sizes for customers from a particular geography. They also determined
which was the best time to give offers/coupons and targeted the customers based on
the device they were using.
Before I talk about how different Splunk components function, let me mention the
various stages of data pipeline each component falls under.
In this stage, Splunk software consumes the raw data stream from its source, breaks it
into 64K blocks, and annotates each block with metadata keys. The metadata keys
include hostname, source, and source type of the data. The keys can also include values
that are used internally, such as character encoding of the data stream and values that
control the processing of data during the indexing stage, such as the index into which
the events should be stored.
1. In Parsing phase, Splunk software examines, analyzes, and transforms the data to
extract only the relevant information. This is also known as event processing. It is
during this phase that Splunk software breaks the data stream into individual events.
The parsing phase has many sub-phases:
2. In Indexing phase, Splunk software writes parsed events to the index on disk. It writes
both compressed raw data and the corresponding index file. The benefit of Indexing is
that the data can be easily accessed during searching.
This stage controls how the user accesses, views, and uses the indexed data. As part of
the search function, Splunk software stores user-created knowledge objects, such as
reports, event types, dashboards, alerts and field extractions. The search function also
manages the search process.
Splunk Components
If you look at the below image, you will understand the different data pipeline stages
under which various Splunk components fall under.
In fact, you can install several such forwarders in multiple machines, which will forward
the log data to a Splunk Indexer for processing and storage. What if you want to do
real-time analysis of the data? Splunk forwarders can be used for that purpose too. You
can configure the forwarders to send data to Splunk indexers in real-time. You can
install them in multiple systems and collect the data simultaneously from different
machines in real time.
Compared to other traditional monitoring tools, Splunk Forwarder consumes very less
cpu ~1-2%. You can scale them up to tens of thousands of remote systems easily, and
collect terabytes of data with minimal impact on performance.
Universal Forwarder
Data transfer is a major problem with almost every tool in the market. Since there is
minimal processing on the data before it is forwarded, lot of unnecessary data is also
forwarded to the indexer resulting in performance overheads.
Why go through the trouble of transferring all the data to the Indexers and then filter
out only the relevant data? Wouldn’t it be better to only send the relevant data to the
Indexer and save on bandwidth, time and money? This can be solved by using Heavy
forwarders which I have explained below.
As the Splunk instance indexes your data, it creates a number of files. These files
contain one of the below:
Splunk processes the incoming data to enable fast search and analysis. It enhances the
data in various ways like:
Another benefit with Splunk Indexer is data replication. You need not worry about loss
of data because Splunk keeps multiple copies of indexed data. This process is called
Index replication or Indexer clustering. This is achieved with the help of an Indexer
cluster, which is a group of indexers configured to replicate each other’s’ data.
A Splunk instance can function both as a search head and a search peer. A search head
that performs only searching, and not indexing is referred to as a dedicated search
head. Whereas, a search peer performs indexing and responds to search requests from
other search heads.
In a Splunk instance, a search head can send search requests to a group of indexers, or
search peers, which perform the actual searches on their indexes. The search head then
merges the results and sends them back to the user. This is a faster technique to search
data called distributed searching.
Search head clusters are groups of search heads that coordinate the search activities.
The cluster coordinates the activity of the search heads, allocates jobs based on the
current loads, and ensures that all the search heads have access to the same set of
knowledge objects.
Look at the above image to understand the end to end working of Splunk. The images
shows a few remote Forwarders that send the data to the Indexers. Based on the data
present in the Indexer, you can use the Search Head to perform functions like searching,
analyzing, visualizing and creating knowledge objects for Operational Intelligence.
• Use Splunk CLI / Web Interface to communicate with the Search Head. The
communication happens via a REST API
• Use the Search Head to make Distributed searches, set up Alerts and Reminders,
perform Reporting and setup knowledge objects for gaining Operational Intelligence
• Run Scripts to automate data forwarding from remote Splunk forwarders to pre-
defined Network Ports
• Monitor files and logs coming in at real time by specifying the path of a file to where
the data needs to be stored
• Perform Routing, Cloning and Load Balancing of the forwarded data and customize
your deployments by using a Deployment Server
• Create multiple users with restricted access to perform operations on the indexed
Splunk Timechart
Let me explain all about Splunk Timechart and where they can be used. As an example,
assume you have a large amount of data and you need to measure the number of sales
and revenue generated on a monthly basis for an international apparel chain.
Splunk Timechart can be used to analyze if the performance metrics (sales and revenue
in this case) has had an increasing or a decreasing trend over time.
Splunk Timechart refers to visualization of any data with respect to time.
In Timechart, data is represented in the form of line, area or column charts which is
plotted against x-axis that is always a time field, whereas y-axis is the variable field.
For the above example, if we had to create the Timechart for both sales and revenue
numbers of an apparel chain on a monthly basis, we can plot sales and revenue on the
y-axis and time on x-axis. The Splunk Timechart visualization would look like:
Now, you know how data can be visualized using Splunk Timechart. Next, let’s learn
another knowledge object- Splunk Data Models. Let me help you to understand it
By now, you might have understood what data models are and how they are useful. You
must be also wondering whether you can generate your own data model. The answer is
yes, you can design a new data model and also edit existing models. This can be done
using the Data Model Editor. However, only users who have been assigned the Admin
or Power role can create data models. Other users have to first manage their
permissions in order to create data models.
Let me take you through the steps involved in creating data models:
Step 1: Go to Settings-> Data Models.
Step 3: Specify a ‘Title’ to your data model. You can use any character in the title,
except an asterisk. The data model ‘ID’ field will get filled automatically as it is a unique
identifier. It can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. Spaces between
characters are not allowed.
Step 4: Choose the ‘App’ you are working on currently. By default, it will be ‘home’.
Step 6: Click ‘Create’ and open the new data model in the Data Model Editor. Below, I
have attached a screenshot that will help you understand the procedure for creating a
data model:
Project Statement: Create data Models to solve the Big Data challenge of Domino’s
All of us are familiar with Domino’s Pizza. With outlets in 81 countries, it is one of the
largest pizza chains in the world. First of all, do you know how they collect data in real
time from several touch points? Secondly, how do they examine real-time data globally
to improve their customer performance?
Data models are ideal in such a scenario since they help in organizing and managing
huge data in a structured manner.
For the Domino’s example, it will return a JSON file for the “Domino’s Data” data model.
It has the model ID “Splunk Data Model Tutorial”. Now, let us have a look at how data
models structure the data:
In this example, if you send raw data to Splunk, the Data Model helps you create the
structure by representing it in a JSON.
As you can see from the above image, there is an Object Name List that contains five
subsets: Customer errors, failed orders, telephone orders, website orders and
promotional offers.
The first subset, ‘Customer errors’ contains all the error data that customers face while
processing an order.
The second subset, ‘failed order’ contains all the relevant data that deals with failed
The third subset, ‘telephone order’ contains data that are processed via telephone.
‘Website orders’ will collect data ordered via domino’s website and the fifth subset
‘promotional offers’ deals with all the coupons and offers from Domino’s.
As data model divides the data into various subsets, it brings clarity to your data to
help you analyze it in a hierarchical format, thereby solving Domino’s Big Data
By now, you would have understood how data can be visualized using Splunk Timechart
and managed using Data Models. Next, let me explain another knowledge object i.e
Splunk Alert, and how it can be used.
Splunk Alert
Let’s consider a situation where you have a real-time application that needs to be up
and running all the time. If it crashes or an error occurs during the operation, the
problem needs to be identified and fixed immediately. But how will you know when
something goes wrong? You cannot manually sit in front your system and monitor its
state 24×7. The convenient way out would be to get notified instantly when something
goes wrong. This is where Splunk Alerts can help you.
Alerts are used to monitor your events and perform actions when pre-defined
conditions occur.
• Alerts are triggered based on search results and user-defined conditions.
• Alerts use saved searches to look for events in real time or at a scheduled time.
• There is a set of alert actions that helps you get notifications about a particular event.
Alert action refers to the response that occurs when an alert is triggered. Some of the
main alert actions are:
• Email notifications: Send an email notification to specified recipients
• Run scripts: Invoke a custom script
• Send log events: Send log event to Splunk receiver endpoint
• Webhook: Generic HTTP POST to a specified URL.
Now that you have a basic idea of what a Splunk alert is and how it works, let me go on
further and list down the different types of alerts and when they are used:
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Splunk Knowledge Objects
In the above image, you can see that there are two types of alerts: Scheduled alert and
Real-time alert. Also, real-time alerts are further classified into per-result and rolling
window alerts. Don’t worry, I will explain each one of them in detail. First, let’s start with
scheduled alert:
Scheduled Alert: Suppose you belong to a retail firm and need to know the sales
status at the end of every day, you can create a scheduled alert which will notify the
total sales at 12 AM every day. This type of an alert can be used whenever an
immediate response to an event is not required.
Per-result Alert: Let us take a scenario where a networking website admin wants to
know whenever the website is down with error ‘500’. Here, the admin can choose the
per-result trigger condition so that every failed attempt can be tracked.
Per-result alert type can be used when you want a notification in real-time whenever
the search returns a result that matches the search condition.
Rolling window Alert: Imagine you need to create an alert which notifies if the person
has 5 consecutive failed login attempts in a span of 15 minutes. This can be done using
this real-time alert with rolling time window triggering. It is used to monitor the results
in a specific time interval like every 30 minutes or 1 hour whenever it matches the
search condition.
Now that you know the different types of alerts, you must be wondering how an alert
can be created.
For these types of scenario, you can follow the below steps to create an alert.
Step 1: Open your Splunk Enterprise and write a search condition which you want as an
In the above scenario, you can save the below search query for setting up an alert:
sourcetype=access_combined status>=500
Step 2: After writing the search query, when you click on the ‘Save As’ button, you will
be asked a set of questions like alert title, description, type, permission and many more.
You can use the cron schedule which simplifies this process and brings flexibility to
perform the task at any point of time. It can be done by using some cron parameters
corresponding to minute, hour, day of month, month and day of week. We use
the cron expression to customize a schedule.
For example:
*/5**** – for every 5 minutes
*/30**** – for every 30 minutes
0 */12 *** – Every 12 hours, on the hour
0 */20 ***- Every 20 minutes, Monday through Friday.
0 9 1-7 * 1- First Monday of each month, at 9 AM.
Below, I have attached a screenshot that will help you understand the procedure for
creating an alert:
An event refers to any individual piece of data. The custom data that has been
forwarded to Splunk Server are called Splunk Events. This data can be in any format, for
example: a string, a number or a JSON object.
Let me show you how events look in Splunk:
As you can see in the above screenshot, there are default fields (Host, Source,
Sourcetype and Time) which gets added after indexing. Let us understand these default
1. Host: Host is a machine or an appliance IP address name from where the data
comes. In the above screenshot, My-Machine is the host.
2. Source: Source is where the host data comes from. It is the full pathname or a file or
directory within a machine.
For example: C:\Splunk\emp_data.txt
3. Sourcetype: Sourcetype identifies the format of the data, whether it is a log file,
XML, CSV or a thread field. It contains the data structure of the event.
For example: employee_data
4. Index: It is the name of the index where the raw data is indexed. If you don’t specify
anything, it goes into a default index.
5. Time: It is a field which displays the time at which the event was generated. It is
barcoded with every event and cannot be changed. You can rename or slice it for a
period of time in order to change its presentation.
For example: 3/4/16 7:53:51 represents the timestamp of a particular event.
Now, let us learn how Splunk Event types help you to group similar events.
Assume you have a string containing the employee name and employee ID and you
want to search the string using a single search query rather than searching them
individually. Splunk Event types can help you here. They group these two separate
events and you can save this string as a single event type (Employee_Detail).
Do note that you cannot use a pipe character or a sub search while defining an event
type. But, you can associate one or more tags with an event type. Now, let us learn how
these Splunk event types are created.
There are multiple ways to create an event type:
1. Using Search
2. Using Build Event Type Utility
3. Using Splunk Web
4. Configuration files (eventtypes.conf)
1. Using Search: We can create an event type by writing a simple search query.
Go through the below steps to create one:
> Run a search with the search string
For Example: index=emp_details emp_id=3;
> Click Save As and select Event Type.
You can refer to the below screenshot to get a better understanding:
2. Using Build Event Type Utility: The Build Event Type utility enables you to
dynamically create event types based on events returned by searches. This utility also
enables you to assign specific colors to event types.
Once you click on ‘Build Event Type’ displayed in the above screenshot, it will return the
selected set of events based on a particular search.
3. Using Splunk Web: This is the easiest way to create an event type.
For this, you can follow these steps:
» Go to Settings
» Navigate to Event Types
» Click New
You must be aware of what a tag means in general. Most of us use the tagging feature
in Facebook to tag friends in a post or photo. Even in Splunk, tagging works in a similar
fashion. Let’s understand this with an example. We have an emp_id field for a Splunk
index. Now, you want to provide a tag (Employee2) to emp_id=2 field/value pair. We
can create a tag for emp_id=2 which can now be searched using Employee2.
• Splunk tags are used to assign names to specific fields and value combinations.
• It is the simplest method to get the results in pair while searching. Any event type
can have multiple tags to get quick results.
• It helps to search groups of event data more efficiently.
• Tagging is done on the key value pair which helps to get information related to a
particular event, whereas an event type provides the information of all the events
associated with it.
• You can also assign multiple tags to a single value.
Now, you might have understood how a tag is created. Let us now understand how
Splunk tags are managed. There are three views in Tag Page under Settings:
Let us get into more details and understand different ways to manage and get quick
access to associations that are made between tags and field/value pairs.
1. List by field value pair: This helps you to review or define a set of tags for a
field/value pair. You can see the list of such pairings for a particular tag.
Refer to the below screenshot to get a better understanding:
3. All unique tag objects: It helps you to provide all the unique tag names and
field/value pairings in your system. You can search a particular tag to quickly see all the
field/value pairs with which it’s associated. You can easily maintain the permissions, to
enable or disable a particular tag.
Refer to the below screenshot to get a better understanding:
Licensing In Splunk
First of all, Splunk licensing is the most important aspect in a Splunk environment
because it is the license which controls how much data comes into your system and
gets indexed on a daily basis. So it is important that you choose the best license plan
be it for your organization or for yourself. Before I talk about the types of licenses
available, I want to mention the different ways in which Splunk can be used.
Splunk Enterprise is an on-premise enterprise grade software license which you can
buy and deploy locally in your infrastructure. With built in premium apps for security
and operations, Splunk Enterprise is the most preferred model for medium to large
scale infrastructure and businesses. Enterprise version can be purchased with either an
annual subscription or a perpetual subscription and either way you can avail technical
support from Splunk.
Splunk Light however is a smaller and a cheaper version of Splunk enterprise. In Splunk
light, there is a cap of 20 GB that can be indexed in a day and it is limited to 5 native
users. You cannot make use of premium apps and clustering is not possible. You have
flexibility with respect to user roles, user interface is the same and even the commands
are same except for enterprise class features and capabilities. You can also collect data
from active directories, sensors and mobile apps.
When it comes to different types of licenses available, you can go for either:
License Master
Now that you have a fair idea of licensing in Splunk, it is time for me to introduce you
to a very important Splunk role called License master which is the next section of this
Splunk tutorial blog. License master is responsible for making sure that the Splunk
environment always adheres to its license i.e the right amount of data gets indexed by
Consider a scenario where you need to index 250 GB of data on one day, 500 GB of
data the next day and 1 TB of data on another day and then it suddenly drops to 100
GB on some other day. Then, you should ideally purchase a 1 TB/day license, so that
you can index upto 1 TB of data on any given day.
The license master thus ensures that you do not index more than the agreed
volume of data as per your license. If you violate your licensing terms, then you will
be given a notification on your Search head or Web UI saying that you have exceeded
the indexing volume and you either need to reduce the amount of data coming in or
you need to buy a higher capacity of license.
License slave and license pool are the next topics of discussion in this Splunk
tutorial. License slave is that Splunk role which reports back to the master. Important
point to note is that license slave is another name for an indexer. Search peer is also a
name given to the Indexer.
License master will determine the amount of data indexed by sending a message to the
license slave. The slave would reply by saying that in ‘x’ minutes, ‘y’ amount of data has
been ingested and cumulatively, the master will be collecting responses from all the
slaves and be in sync.
The master and slaves together form a license pool. If any slave has exceeded the
data limit or is about to exceed the limit, a warning message will be displayed across
the pool. You will be notified which pool is facing an issue, so that you can re-arrange
the licenses within your pool.
Consider a scenario where all three Indexers within your pool have a license of indexing
only 20 GB of data/day. On a random day if Indexer-1 ingests 30 GB data, which is more
than its licensed volume, then you can re-arrange the licenses within your pool by
allocating additional resources from Indexer-2 and Indexer-3 to Indexer-1. Thus by
sharing the additional volume from other Indexers, you can balance the licenses within
your pool.
Licensing takes care of the data coming into an indexer. But, what happens next? Data is
surely not going to stay in the there forever. So, in this section of Splunk tutorial blog, I
am going to discuss how data in Splunk ages throughout its lifetime.
• Data goes into a hot bucket the first time it gets indexed. Data in hot buckets are
both searchable and are actively being written to. An index can have several hot
buckets open at a time
• When the hot bucket reaches a certain size or attains a certain age or if splunkd gets
restarted, the hot bucket rolls to warm bucket. At this point, a new hot bucket is
created. Warm buckets are searchable, but are not actively written to. There can be
many warm buckets
• When the indexer reaches a maximum number of warm buckets or after certain age,
they begin to roll tocold buckets. Do note that it always selects the oldest warm
bucket to roll to cold
• After a set period of time or when data in these cold buckets grow less important,
they roll to either frozen buckets or thawed buckets. Data in these buckets are
either archived or deleted
The bucket ageing policy, which determines when a bucket moves from one stage to
the next, can be modified by editing the attributes in indexes.conf file. If you are
wondering what .conf or configuration files are, then don’t worry. That is the next topic
of discussion in this Splunk tutorial blog. Alternatively, you can also set the path of
these bucket directories from Splunk web.
Configuration Files
Configuration files play a very important role in the functioning of your Splunk
environment. These configuration files contain Splunk system settings, configuration
settings and app configuration settings. You can edit these files and accordingly
changes will be reflected in your Splunk environment. However, the changes made to
configuration files will be taken into effect only if the Splunk instance is restarted.
These configuration files can be found in the below places:
• $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/default
• $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local
• $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/
Path where these configuration files are stored is consistent in all operating systems.
They are always stored in $SPLUNK_HOME, the directory where Splunk is installed.
• However, all your customizations, personalized configurations, built apps and saved
searches will be stored in$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/default. For example, if you
create a search app, then it will be stored in this path:
$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/default. Similarly, it is highly advisable that Splunk
admins create a backup in the local folder in apps directory:
Everything you see in the UI is configurable/ modifiable via the configuration file. In fact
there are a lot of options that cannot be edited via UI, but it is possible via CLI or by
directly editing a configuration file. I prefer to use CLI over Web UI because it is easier
at times. For example, you can restart Splunk from server settings or server controls,
but I find it easier to go to command prompt and run a command. This is just one of
the many things for which I prefer to use CLI over Web UI.
As I mentioned earlier, all configuration files have .conf extension and they store various
settings and some of the most commonly stored settings are:
• System Settings
• Authentication
• Authorization
• Indexes
• Deployment Configurations
• Cluster Configurations
• Saved Searches
Basically, whatever you run and save would be stored in a file. For example, saved
searches would be stored in a folder called savedsearches.conf and indexer location will
be stored in indexes.conf and so on.
Each configuration file consists of one or more stanzas. Each stanza begins with a
stanza header enclosed in square brackets followed by file settings. Each setting is an
attribute value pair that specifies particular configuration settings. Below is the basic
pattern of a configuration file containing more than one stanza.
Important point to note is that attributes are in camel case, where the first word is
completely in small letters and subsequent words will have first letter as capital and
other letters will be small. This nomenclature should be followed accurately in case of
troubleshooting and that is why this topic is very important for a Splunk administrator.
Configuration file precedence is the next topic in this Splunk tutorial blog. It is the most
important concept from troubleshooting perspective and it is an interviewer’s favourite
It is important that you always remember, files in System local directory have the
highest priority. App localdirectories have the next priority and then comes App
default directories. So, if there are no settings in App local directory, it will look for
settings in App default directory and if there is no setting there, it will look for it in the
next precedence level i.e System default directory.
If you put any settings or configurations in default directory and you want it to be
respected then, it would not happen because if there is any stanza which Is overlapping
or present in any of the above directories, then configurations in those files will be
You can edit your configurations either via Web UI or through configuration
files. When you do it through web, Splunk will do a validation right away and tell you if
the changes are a good move or a bad move. It will highlight fields and suggest which
fields you need to fill. Thus, there is less chance of human errors while editing via Web
When we change configurations in Splunk Web, that change will be written to a copy of
the configuration file for that setting. Splunk software creates a copy of this
configuration file, writes the change to that copy, and adds it to a directory under
We can also edit the configuration files directly for changing any setting. For some
customizations that Splunk Web does not support, we must edit the configuration files
directly. The direct configuration change however, requires frequent restart of Splunk
One of the cons of editing configuration files directly is that you might end up breaking
your Splunk instance. So it is important that you modify the configurations correctly.
The best practice is to read out the documentation clearly, look up an example and
setup a test environment before you make any changes directly into the configuration
files of a production environment.
This is the final topic under configuration files. Here, I will tell you what are the most
common configuration files and and what settings and stanzas they contain.
Most commonly used configuration files in Splunk are:
• inputs.conf
• outputs.conf
• props.conf
• savedsearches.conf
• indexes.conf
• authentication.conf
• authorize.conf
This configuration file is used to capture data. For example, if you want to monitor a file
coming in, or if you want to monitor certain ports then, you can do that by writing
settings in this file. These can be set on Forwarders and Indexers. Commonly used
attributes in inputs.conf are:
Above is a screenshot of inputs.conf file whose stanza header is monitor. I have set the
path ofindex to _internal, which is a default location where data is
stored and sourcetype=splunk_version, which is the format of data in which I want to
This file is mostly set on forwarders or set on instances that forward data. The settings
in this file tell Splunk instance where to send the data. For example, it can contain a
string of IP addresses or machines names of your Indexers. You can also write settings
here to perform load balancing, where the data will be routed to another Indexer if
forwarding to one Indexer fails. You can also set the frequency of data forwarding and
configure TCP acknowledgements. The levels of TCP output stanzas in outputs.conf are:
1. Global: [tcpout]
2. Target group
3. Single server
Props.conf is used to maintain and track the properties of every event that comes in.
Props.conf applies “rules” while the data is getting parsed. For example, route specific
events to a particular index, create index-time field extraction, you can specify how
events gets timestamped, the format of the timestamp and how the events should
break. Basically, props.conf will apply your configuration settings to your data while it is
indexed. Props.conf can be written on indexer, heavy forwarder, and/or search head.
1. Scheduling options
2. Notification options
3. Settings of Email action
4. Settings of Script action
This file is written to manage and configure indexer settings. Indexes can be created by
directly editing this file. You can set the homepath, where the indexer should store the
data by default. You can also set cold, frozen and thawed paths for the indexer to store
the aged out data. Commonly used attributes in indexes.conf are:
1. Per Index Options
2. Home Path
3. Cold Path
4. Thawed Path
This is the file where you have to store your LDAP authentication settings. If you are
connecting to an active directory or LDAP directory protocol, then those attributes need
to be setup in this file. Rules present here are also used to map users to various roles.
Commonly used attributes in authentication.conf are:
• LDAP settings
• Map Roles
This file is used for providing the user interface and configuring their roles and
capabilities. Basically, user specific preferences and differences are stored in this file. You
can set the different levels of access for each user over here and control what each user
views and accesses.
In the next section of this Splunk tutorial blog, I will talk about the two different times
at which processing happens. They are Index-time and Search-time.
Index-time processing is the processing of data that happens before the event is
actually indexed. Examples of this are data fields which get extracted as and when the
data comes into the index like source, host and timestamp.
First thing that you should be aware of is that a Splunk Admin is not responsible for
creating any reports, dashboards, knowledge objects or saved searches because they
are user based roles.
The questions covered in this blog post have been shortlisted after collecting inputs
from many industry experts to help you ace your interview. In case you want to learn
the basics of Splunk then, you can start off by reading the first blog in my Splunk
tutorial series: What Is Splunk? All the best!
Q1. What is Splunk? Why is Splunk used for analyzing machine data?
This question will most likely be the first question you will be asked in any Splunk
interview. You need to start by saying that:
Splunk is a platform which allows people to get visibility into machine data, that is
generated from hardware devices, networks, servers, IoT devices and other sources
Splunk is used for analyzing machine data because it can give insights into application
management, IT operations, security, compliance, fraud detection, threat visibility etc
To learn more about this topic, you can read this blog: What Is Splunk?
This is a sure-shot question because your interviewer will judge this answer of yours to
understand how well you know the concept. The Forwarder acts like a dumb agent
which will collect the data from the source and forward it to the Indexer. The Indexer
will store the data locally in a host machine or on cloud. The Search Head is then used
for searching, analyzing, visualizing and performing various other functions on the data
stored in the Indexer.
You can find more details about the working of Splunk here: Splunk Architecture:
Tutorial On Forwarder, Indexer And Search Head.
Splunk Architecture is a topic which will make its way into any set of Splunk interview
questions. As explained in the previous question, the main components of Splunk
are Forwarders, Indexers and Search Heads. You can then mention that another
component called Deployment Server(or Management Console Host) will come into
the picture in case of a larger environment. Deployment servers:
Q4. Why use only Splunk? Why can’t I go for something that is open source?
This kind of question is asked to understand the scope of your knowledge. You can
answer that question by saying that Splunk has a lot of competition in the market for
analyzing machine logs, doing business intelligence, for performing IT operations and
providing security. But, there is no one single tool other than Splunk that can do all of
these operations and that is where Splunk comes out of the box and makes a
difference. With Splunk you can easily scale up your infrastructure and get professional
support from a company backing the platform. Some of its competitors are Sumo Logic
in the cloud space of log management and ELK in the open source category. You can
refer to the below table to understand how Splunk fares against other popular tools
feature-wise. The detailed differences between these tools are covered in this
blog: Splunk vs ELK vs Sumo Logic.
This is another frequently asked Splunk interview question which will test the
candidate’s hands-on knowledge. In case of small deployments, most of the roles can
be shared on the same machine which includes Indexer, Search Head and License
Master. However, in case of larger deployments the preferred practice is to host each
role on stand alone hosts. Details about roles that can be shared even in case of larger
deployments are mentioned below:
• This is because the Deployment server not only caters to the requests coming from
the Deployment master, but also to the requests coming from the Forwarders.
Q6. What are the unique benefits of getting data into a Splunk instance via
You can say that the benefits of getting data into Splunk via forwarders are bandwidth
throttling, TCP connection and an encrypted SSL connection for transferring data
from a forwarder to an indexer. The data forwarded to the indexer is also load balanced
by default and even if one indexer is down due to network outage or maintenance
purpose, that data can always be routed to another indexer instance in a very short
time. Also, the forwarder caches the events locally before forwarding it, thus creating a
temporary backup of that data.
You can find the detailed explanation in this link: Splunk Architecture: Tutorial On
Forwarder, Indexer And Search Head.
License master in Splunk is responsible for making sure that the right amount of data
gets indexed. Splunk license is based on the data volume that comes to the platform
within a 24hr window and thus, it is important to make sure that the environment stays
within the limits of the purchased volume.
Consider a scenario where you get 300 GB of data on day one, 500 GB of data the next
day and 1 terabyte of data some other day and then it suddenly drops to 100 GB on
some other day. Then, you should ideally have a 1 terabyte/day licensing model. The
license master thus makes sure that the indexers within the Splunk deployment have
sufficient capacity and are licensing the right amount of data.
In case the license master is unreachable, then it is just not possible to search the data.
However, the data coming in to the Indexer will not be affected. The data will continue
to flow into your Splunk deployment, the Indexers will continue to index the data as
usual however, you will get a warning message on top your Search head or web UI
saying that you have exceeded the indexing volume and you either need to reduce the
amount of data coming in or you need to buy a higher capacity of license.
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Splunk Interview Questions
Basically, the candidate is expected to answer that the indexing does not stop; only
searching is halted.
If you exceed the data limit, then you will be shown a ‘license violation’ error. The
license warning that is thrown up, will persist for 14 days. In a commercial license you
can have 5 warnings within a 30 day rolling window before which your Indexer’s search
results and reports stop triggering. In a free version however, it will show only 3 counts
of warning.
Physical Security: If your organization deals with physical security, then you can
leverage data containing information about earthquakes, volcanoes, flooding, etc to
gain valuable insights
Network Security: You can increase security in your systems by blacklisting certain IPs
from getting into your network. This can be done by using the Knowledge object called
Employee Management: If you want to monitor the activity of people who are serving
their notice period, then you can create a list of those people and create a rule
preventing them from copying data and using them outside
Easier Searching Of Data: With knowledge objects, you can tag information, create
event types and create search constraints right at the start and shorten them so that
they are easy to remember, correlate and understand rather than writing long searches
queries. Those constraints where you put your search conditions, and shorten them are
called event types.
These are some of the operations that can be done from a non-technical perspective by
using knowledge objects. Knowledge objects are the actual application in business,
which means Splunk interview questions are incomplete without Knowledge objects. In
case you want to read more about the different knowledge objects available and how
they can be used, read this blog: Splunk Tutorial On Knowledge Objects
This is a common question aimed at candidates appearing for the role of a Splunk
Administrator. Alerts can be used when you want to be notified of an erroneous
condition in your system. For example, send an email notification to the admin when
there are more than three failed login attempts in a twenty-four hour period. Another
example is when you want to run the same search query every day at a specific time to
give a notification about the system status.
Workflow actions is one such topic that will make a presence in any set of Splunk
Interview questions. Workflow actions is not common to an average Splunk user and
can be answered by only those who understand it completely. So it is important that
you answer this question aptly.
You can start explaining Workflow actions by first telling why it should be used.
Once you have assigned rules, created reports and schedules then what? It is not the
end of the road! You can create workflow actions which will automate certain tasks. For
• You can do a double click, which will perform a drill down into a particular list
containing user names and their IP addresses and you can perform further search
into that list
• You can do a double click to retrieve a user name from a report and then pass that as
a parameter to the next report
• You can use the workflow actions to retrieve some data and also send some data to
other fields. A use case of that is, you can pass latitude and longitude details to
google maps and then you can find where an IP address or location exists.
The screenshot below shows the window where you can set the workflow actions.
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Data models are used for creating a structured hierarchical model of your data. It can
be used when you have a large amount of unstructured data, and when you want to
make use of that information without using complex search queries.
A few use cases of Data models are:
Create Sales Reports: If you have a sales report, then you can easily create the total
number of successful purchases, below that you can create a child object containing the
list of failed purchases and other views
Set Access Levels: If you want a structured view of users and their various access levels,
you can use a data model
Enable Authentication: If you want structure in the authentication, you can create a
model around VPN, root access, admin access, non-root admin access, authentication
on various different applications to create a structure around it in a way that normalizes
the way you look at data.
So when you look at a data model called authentication, it will not matter to Splunk
what the source is, and from a user perspective it becomes extremely simple because as
and when new data sources are added or when old one’s are deprecated, you do not
have to rewrite all your searches and that is the biggest benefit of using data models
and pivots.
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Splunk Interview Questions
On the other hand with pivots, you have the flexibility to create the front views of your
results and then pick and choose the most appropriate filter for a better view of results.
Both these options are useful for managers from a non-technical or semi-technical
background. You can find more details about this topic in this blog: Splunk Data
Questions regarding Search Factor and Replication Factor are most likely asked when
you are interviewing for the role of a Splunk Architect. SF & RF are terminologies
related to Clustering techniques (Search head clustering & Indexer clustering).
• The search factor determines the number of searchable copies of data maintained by
the indexer cluster. The default value of search factor is 2. However, the Replication
Factor in case of Indexer cluster, is the number of copies of data the cluster maintains
and in case of a search head cluster, it is the minimum number of copies of each
search artifact, the cluster maintains
• Search head cluster has only a Search Factor whereas an Indexer cluster has both a
Search Factor and a Replication Factor
• Important point to note is that the search factor must be less than or equal to the
replication factor
There will be a great deal of events coming to Splunk in a short time. Thus it is a little
complicated task to search and filter data. But, thankfully there are commands like
‘search’, ‘where’, ‘sort’ and ‘rex’ that come to the rescue. That is why, filtering commands
are also among the most commonly asked Splunk interview questions.
Search: The ‘search’ command is used to retrieve events from indexes or filter the
results of a previous search command in the pipeline. You can retrieve events from your
indexes using keywords, quoted phrases, wildcards, and key/value expressions. The
‘search’ command is implied at the beginning of any and every search operation.
Where: The ‘where’ command however uses ‘eval’ expressions to filter search results.
While the ‘search’ command keeps only the results for which the evaluation was
successful, the ‘where’ command is used to drill down further into those search results.
For example, a ‘search’ can be used to find the total number of nodes that are active
but it is the ‘where’ command which will return a matching condition of an active node
which is running a particular application.
Sort: The ‘sort’ command is used to sort the results by specified fields. It can sort the
results in a reverse order, ascending or descending order. Apart from that, the sort
command also has the capability to limit the results while sorting. For example, you can
execute commands which will return only the top 5 revenue generating products in
your business.
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Rex: The ‘rex’ command basically allows you to extract data or particular fields from
your events. For example if you want to identify certain fields in an email
id: [email protected], the ‘rex’ command allows you to break down the results
as abc being the user id, edureka.co being the domain name and edureka as the
company name. You can use rex to breakdown, slice your events and parts of each of
your event record the way you want.
Lookup command is that topic into which most interview questions dive into, with
questions like: Can you enrich the data? How do you enrich the raw data with external
You will be given a use case scenario, where you have a csv file and you are asked to do
lookups for certain product catalogs and asked to compare the raw data & structured
csv or json data. So you should be prepared to answer such questions confidently.
Lookup commands are used when you want to receive some fields from an external
file (such as CSV file or any python based script) to get some value of an event. It is
used to narrow the search results as it helps to reference fields in an external CSV file
that match fields in your event data.
An inputlookup basically takes an input as the name suggests. For example, it would
take the product price, product name as input and then match it with an internal field
like a product id or an item id. Whereas, anoutputlookup is used to generate an output
from an existing field list. Basically, inputlookup is used to enrich the data and
outputlookup is used to build their information.
Q18. What is the difference between ‘eval’, ‘stats’, ‘charts’ and ‘timecharts’
‘Eval’ and ‘stats’ are among the most common as well as the most important
commands within the Splunk SPL language and they are used interchangeably in the
same way as ‘search’ and ‘where’ commands.
• At times ‘eval’ and ‘stats’ are used interchangeably however, there is a subtle
difference between the two. While ‘stats‘ command is used for computing statistics
on a set of events, ‘eval’ command allows you to create a new field altogether and
then use that field in subsequent parts for searching the data.
• Another frequently asked question is the difference between ‘stats’, ‘charts’ and
‘timecharts’ commands. The difference between them is mentioned in the table
This is the kind of question which only somebody who has worked as a Splunk
administrator can answer. The answer to the question is below.
The obvious and the easiest way would be by using files and directories as input
Configuring Network ports to receive inputs automatically and writing scripts such that
the output of these scripts is pushed into Splunk is another common way
But a seasoned Splunk administrator, would be expected to add another option called
windows inputs. These windows inputs are of 4 types: registry inputs monitor, printer
monitor, network monitor and active directory monitor.
Q20. What are the defaults fields for every event in Splunk?
There are about 5 fields that are default and they are barcoded with every event into
They are host, source, source type, index and timestamp.
To determine the priority among copies of a configuration file, Splunk software first
determines the directory scheme. The directory schemes are either a) Global or b)
When the context is app/user, directory priority descends from user to app to system:
You can extract fields from either event lists, sidebar or from the settings menu via the
The other way is to write your own regular expressions in props.conf configuration file.
Q23. What is the difference between Search time and Index time field extractions?
As the name suggests, Search time field extraction refers to the fields extracted while
performing searches whereas, fields extracted when the data comes to the indexer are
referred to as Index time field extraction. You can set up the indexer time field
extraction either at the forwarder level or at the indexer level.
Another difference is that Search time field extraction’s extracted fields are not part of
the metadata, so they do not consume disk space. Whereas index time field extraction’s
extracted fields are a part of metadata and hence consume disk space.
Data coming in to the indexer is stored in directories called buckets. A bucket moves
through several stages as data ages: hot, warm, cold, frozen and thawed. Over time,
buckets ‘roll’ from one stage to the next stage.
• The first time when data gets indexed, it goes into a hot bucket. Hot buckets are
both searchable and are actively being written to. An index can have several hot
buckets open at a time
• When certain conditions occur (for example, the hot bucket reaches a certain size
or splunkd gets restarted), the hot bucket becomes a warm bucket (“rolls to warm”),
and a new hot bucket is created in its place. Warm buckets are searchable, but are
not actively written to. There can be many warm buckets
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• Once further conditions are met (for example, the index reaches some maximum
number of warm buckets), the indexer begins to roll the warm buckets to cold based
on their age. It always selects the oldest warm bucket to roll to cold. Buckets
continue to roll to cold as they age in this manner
• After a set period of time, cold buckets roll to frozen, at which point they are either
archived or deleted.
The bucket aging policy, which determines when a bucket moves from one stage to the
next, can be modified by editing the attributes in indexes.conf.
The biggest advantage of having a summary index is that you can retain the analytics
and reports even after your data has aged out. For example:
• Assume that your data retention policy is only for 6 months but, your data has aged
out and is older than a few months. If you still want to do your own calculation or dig
out some statistical value, then during that time, summary index is useful
• For example, you can store the summary and statistics of the percentage growth of
sale that took place in each of the last 6 months and you can pull the average
revenue from that. That average value is stored inside summary index.
That is the use of Summary indexing and in an interview, you are expected to answer
both these aspects of benefit and limitation.
You might not want to index all your events in Splunk instance. In that case, how will
you exclude the entry of events to Splunk.
An example of this is the debug messages in your application development cycle. You
can exclude such debug messages by putting those events in the null queue. These null
queues are put into transforms.conf at the forwarder level itself.
If a candidate can answer this question, then he is most likely to get hired.
Time zone is extremely important when you are searching for events from a security or
fraud perspective. If you search your events with the wrong time zone then you will end
up not being able to find that particular event altogether. Splunk picks up the default
time zone from your browser settings. The browser in turn picks up the current time
zone from the machine you are using. Splunk picks up that timezone when the data is
input, and it is required the most when you are searching and correlating data coming
from different sources. For example, you can search for events that came in at 4:00 PM
IST, in your London data center or Singapore data center and so on. The timezone
property is thus very important to correlate such events.
Q28. What is Splunk App? What is the difference between Splunk App and Add-
Splunk Apps are considered to be the entire collection of reports, dashboards, alerts,
field extractions and lookups.
Splunk Apps minus the visual components of a report or a dashboard are Splunk Add-
ons. Lookups, field extractions, etc are examples of Splunk Add-on.
Any candidate knowing this answer will be the one questioned more about the
developer aspects of Splunk.
Q29. How to assign colors in a chart based on field names in Splunk UI?
You need to assign colors to charts while creating reports and presenting results. Most
of the time the colors are picked by default. But what if you want to assign your own
colors? For example, if your sales numbers fall below a threshold, then you might need
that chart to display the graph in red color. Then, how will you be able to change the
color in a Splunk Web UI?
You will have to first edit the panels built on top of a dashboard and then modify the
panel settings from the UI. You can then pick and choose the colors. You can also write
commands to choose the colors from a palette by inputting hexadecimal values or by
writing code. But, Splunk UI is the preferred way because you have the flexibility to
assign colors easily to different values based on their types in the bar chart or line chart.
You can also give different gradients and set your values into a radial gauge or water
Now this question may feature at the bottom of the list, but that doesn’t mean it is the
least important among other Splunk interview questions.
Sourcetype is a default field which is used to identify the data structure of an incoming
event. Sourcetype determines how Splunk Enterprise formats the data during the
indexing process. Source type can be set at the forwarder level for indexer extraction to
identify different data formats. Because the source type controls how Splunk software
formats incoming data, it is important that you assign the correct source type to your
data. It is important that even the indexed version of the data (the event data) also
looks the way you want, with appropriate timestamps and event breaks. This facilitates
easier searching of data later.
For example, the data maybe coming in the form of a csv, such that the first line is a
header, the second line is a blank line and then from the next line comes the actual
data. Another example where you need to use sourcetype is if you want to break down
date field into 3 different columns of a csv, each for day, month, year and then index it.
Your answer to this question will be a decisive factor in you getting recruited.
I hope this set of Splunk interview questions will help you in preparing for your
interview. You can check out the different job roles, a Splunk skilled professional is
liable for by reading this blog on Splunk Careers.
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