Chapter-3 Class Scheduling

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This chapter describes and discusses how the proponents gathered the
necessary data and information used in the entire study. It describes who would
be the respondents . This also shows the research method used, statistical
treatment data, population and sample size, sampling technique used,
respondents of the study, procedure of data collection and instruments used, and
used software developmental tool.

Research Method Used

The proponents used the design and developmental research in developing
a Class Scheduling tool for Perpetual Help College of Manila: A Web Application
and Mobile Application because it has been defined as the systematic study of
designing, developing, and evaluating instructional programs, processes, and
products that must meet criteria of internal consistency and effectiveness.
According to Ritchey, Rita C. (1994) expanded on Nunamaker et al. (1991) and
Hevner et al. (2004) to develop a 6-phase model including: a) identify the problem
motivating the research; b) describe the objectives; c) design and develop the
artifact; d) subject the artifact to testing; e) evaluate the results of testing; and f)
communicate those results. Figure 2 outlines the 6-phase design and development
framework. We will follow such approach as the framework for design and
development research studies.

Figure 4: The 6-Phase Design and Development Research Approach (Peffers et al,
(2007) expanded on Nunamaker et al. (1991) and Hevner et al. (2004)
Steps in Design and Development of Class Scheduling tool for PHCM
1. Identify the problem
The proponents identified the problem by starting with the current issue in the
Perpetual Help College of Manila and recent problem-solution to how blind can read
bibles and make an easy way for blind persons.
The Proponents Research on different studies addressing the reading of the blind
citizens was studied and considered. After the review of related literature, the
proponent decided to develop a Class Scheduling tool for Perpetual Help College of
Manila: A Web Application and Mobile Application
2. Describe the objectives
The proponents formulated the general and specific objectives by starting to know
the existing structure of the scheduling of Perpetual Help College manila
The proponents also studied different mobile and web programming language and
other platforms to develop the Class Scheduling tool for Perpetual Help College of
Manila: A Web Application and Mobile Application.
3. Design & Develop the artifact
These phase included three factors. Building a conceptual framework, designing the
system architecture and building a prototype for testing and evaluation(hevner, 2004,
Nunamaker et al, 1991).
The proponent created the conceptual framework using Input Process and Output
(IPO) diagram. Different diagrams are created to support the system architecture
presented by the proponents. A hierarchical chart was created by the proponents to
show the program flow of the mobile application.
4. Test the Artifact
In this phase, the proponents used black box testing to check the functionalities and
requirements established during design and development phases.
5. Evaluate Testing results
The proponents evaluated the Class Scheduling tool for Perpetual Help College of
Manila: A Web Application and Mobile Application level of acceptance based from
ISO 9126 (International Standards Organization)
6. Communicate the testing results
In this phase, the proponents derived its results and conclusions from the interpreted
data and previous studies related to the proposed Mobile application
Gantt Chart of Activities

Figure 5. Gantt Chart of Activities

Figure 4 shows that the completion of the entire study will be on the 34 th week. The
project started on the first week of july 2017 and estimate to be finished on the 2 nd week
of march 2018. Listed below is the table of summary for estimated expected finished of
the chapters of the study.

Statistical Tools
The statistical description and analysis of data were treated using the
following formula:

A. For finding the weighted mean, the researchers used the formula below,

1(f) + 2(f) + 3(f) + 4(f) + 5(f)

WM =


WM = weighted mean
f = frequency
N = total population

Description of the Respondents

The respondents of the study were college deans and system administrator
of Perpetual Help College of Manila.
The respondents were 10 deans, 10 IT Experts and 1 System Administrator.

Instruments used in the study

There are great varieties of research instrument used by the proponents to
aid in data gathering. The proponents used the following instruments.
Interview. This involved the collection of data through direct verbal
interaction. The proponents conducted an interview with the College Dean, Thesis
adviser and PINSP Ines to gain information. The proponents also asked their ideas
on how to develop an informative and useful mobile application in relate with the
Internet Research. The proponents also used this research instrument to
gather some related literatures and studies. It also help the proponents gain tips
and ideas in developing a quick response mobile application.

Table 1 Summary of Estimated Finished of Activities in Weeks

Table 1 show that chapters 2,4, and 5 got the longest activity to be done in the
project which lasted 20 weeks while chapters 1 and 3 lasted only for 8 weeks.

Sampling Technique
The proponents used the simple random sampling technique in gathering the
respondents. The simple random sampling technique is a subset of individuals chosen
from a large set of population. Each individual is chosen randomly and entirely by chance,
such that each individual has the same probability of being chosen at any stage during
the sampling process. In this technique, each member of the population has an equal
chance of being selected as subject. The entire process of sampling is done in a single
step with each subject selected independently of the other members of the population.
The proponents collected a simple random sample where each unit of the target
population is assigned a number. A set of random numbers is then generated and the
units having those numbers are included in the sample.

Respondents of the Study

The qualified respondents of the study are the different Dean representatives of
Perpetual Help College Of Manila. Some IT professionals are also qualified respondents
for this study. Thus they are the ones who are the knowledgeable and involve in this
study. The respondents evaluated the survey questionnaires and Interview in regards of
Class Scheduling Tool that the proponents gave them which supplies the information the
proponents need.
Respondents Number of Respondents
Dean of Colleges 10
IT Experts 10
System Administrator 1

Table 2: Table of Respondents

Research Instruments Used
Research Instruments are measurement tools that are designed to obtain
data on a topic of interest from research subjects. Research instruments include
the purpose/variable measured, sample population, methodology, other
instruments, items and questions and the source for the instrument. The
proponents used the following instruments in gathering data like.

Interview – Collecting data by doing interview in regards for an easy Class

Scheduling Tool for Perpetual Help College of Manila: A Web Application and
Mobile Application. An interview is a conversation where questions are asked and
answers are given by the blind some students and Dean members of Perpetual
Help College of Manila. Interview refers to a one-on-one conversation with one
person acting in the role of the interviewer and the other in the role of the
interviewee. The interviewer asks questions, the interviewee responds, with
participants taking turns talking. Interviews usually involve a transfer of information
from interviewee to interviewer, which is usually the primary purpose of the
interview, although information transfers can happen in both directions
Questionnaires/Surveys – A common way in gathering information from a
number of respondents by doing questionnaires and surveys in regards of Class
Scheduling Tool for Perpetual Help College of Manila. A questionnaire is a
research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the
purpose of gathering information from respondents. While a survey is a data
gathering method that is utilized to collect, analyze and interpret the views of a
group of people from a target population. The surveys were answerable by level
of acceptance in terms of expectation and based on the ISO 9126 in terms of:
Functionality, Reliability, Usability, Maintainability, and Portability. The survey was
in a five point scale, the table level of each scale can be seen at the Likert’s Scale.
Library Research –Library research involves the step-by-step process used
to gather information in order to write a paper, create a presentation, or complete a
project. As you progress from one step to the next, it is commonly necessary to back up,
revise, add additional material or even change your topic completely. This will depend on
what you discover during your research. There are many reasons for adjusting your plan.
For example, you may find that your topic is too broad and needs to be narrowed,
sufficient information resources may not be available, what you learn may not support
your thesis, or the size of the project does not fit the requirements.

Observation Research – Collecting data by observation. Observation is a

systematic data collection approach. The proponents use all of their senses to examine
people in natural settings or naturally occurring situations related to the proposed Class
Scheduling tool. Observation of a field setting involves: prolonged engagement in a
setting or social situation. Observational research or field research is a type of co-
relational or non-experimental research in which the proponents observe ongoing

Internet Research – Collecting data by doing online research gathering

information about the studies and literatures related to the research. It will also help widen
the proponents’ knowledge about the study. Internet research is the practice of using
Internet information, especially free information on the World Wide Web, or Internet-
based resources like Internet discussion forum in research. Internet research is distinct
from library research focusing on library-bound resources. Internet research can provide
quick, immediate, and worldwide access to information.

Likert’s Scale – The Likert’s Scale was used to interpret items in the questionnaires.
These responses were based on the respondents. This scale will help the proponents to
get an accurate result on the scores given by the respondents during the survey. Likert
scales (named after their creator, American social scientist Rensis Likert) are quite
popular because they are one of the most reliable ways to measure opinions, perceptions,
and behaviors.
Compared to binary questions, which give you only two answer options, Likert-type
questions will get you more granular feedback about whether your product was just “good
enough” or (hopefully) “excellent.” They can help decide whether a recent company outing
left employees feeling “very satisfied,” “somewhat dissatisfied,” or maybe just neutral.This
method will let you uncover degrees of opinion that could make a real difference in
understanding the feedback you’re getting. And it can also pinpoint the areas where you
might want to improve your service or product.

The proponents used the Likert’s Scale to interpret items in the questionnaires.
These responses were based on the respondents. This scale will help the proponents to
get an accurate result on the scores given by the respondents during the survey. The
scale will have 5 ranks or ratings where in 5 is the highest and 1 is considered to be the
lowest rating a respondent could give the proposed project. The range and interpretation
of the five point scale are shown in the tables.

Scale Range Interpretation

5 4.5 – 5.0 Highly Functional
4 3.5 – 4.4 Functional
3 2.5 – 3.4 Uncertain
2 1.5 – 2.4 Non-Functional
1 0 – 1.4 Highly Non-Functional

Table 2: The Five-Point Likert Scale for the level of functionality

Scale Range Interpretation

5 4.5 – 5.0 Highly Reliable
4 3.5 – 4.4 Reliable
3 2.5 – 3.4 Uncertain
2 1.5 – 2.4 Non- Reliable
1 0 – 1.4 Highly Non- Reliable

Table 3: The Five-Point Likert Scale for the level of reliability

Scale Range Interpretation
5 4.5 – 5.0 Highly Usable
4 3.5 – 4.4 Usable
3 2.5 – 3.4 Uncertain
2 1.5 – 2.4 Unusable
1 0 – 1.4 Highly Unusable

Table 4: The Five-Point Likert Scale for the level of usability

Scale Range Interpretation

5 4.5 – 5.0 Highly Maintainable
4 3.5 – 4.4 Maintainable
3 2.5 – 3.4 Uncertain
2 1.5 – 2.4 Unmaintainable
1 0 – 1.4 Highly Unmaintainable

Table 5: The Five-Point Likert Scale for the level of maintainability

Scale Range Interpretation

5 4.5 – 5.0 Highly Convenient
4 3.5 – 4.4 Convenient
3 2.5 – 3.4 Uncertain
2 1.5 – 2.4 Inconvenient
1 0 – 1.4 Highly Inconvenient

Table 6: The Five-Point Likert Scale for the level of portability

Scale Range Interpretation
5 4.5 – 5.0 Highly Expected
4 3.5 – 4.4 Expected
3 2.5 – 3.4 Uncertain
2 1.5 – 2.4 Unexpected
1 0 – 1.4 Highly Unexpected

Table 7: The Five-Point Likert Scale for the level of expectation

Data Gathering Procedures

Proponents asked permission to College of Computer Studies’ dean, Ms. Anna
Liza Villanueva and thesis adviser, Mr. Jeusuel De Luna to perform a survey outside the
school premises. Upon approval, the proponents prepared the questionnaire and seek
advice with Mr. De Luna regarding the questionnaire given. The said adviser checked the
questionnaire to ensure that it is presentable and correct. After several consultations, the
proponents are able to revise the questionnaire until Mr. De Luna approved that the
questionnaire is ready to present and distribute to the corresponding respondents.

The needed data for this study was collected from surveys from people and People
that uses the old Scheduling System of Perpetual Help College of Manila. The proposed
system entitled “Class Scheduling Tool” is all about necessary information with regard to
Class Scheduling for Perpetual help College of Manila. The proponents also had an
interview from the Perpetual Help College of Manila which it discussed about the current
state of Class Scheduling of how to avoid the conflict of schedule. We asked other
information in regards of this study as an addition through gathering data. The proposed
system entitled “Class Scheduling Tool for Perpetual Help College of Manila: A Web
Application and Mobile Application” is all about necessary information with regards to
Class Scheduling on Web Application with A Mobile Application.
The proponents went to Perpetual Help College of Manila and seek permission to
conduct a study, survey and interview. As proof, the proponents presented the request
letter addressed to the Over All Coordinator and Director of the Perpetual help College of
Manila, Dr. Rosalina R. Pangilinan. Upon approval, the proponents proceeded to the
Perpetual Help College of Manila Office of the Director where Dr. Pangilinan’s Office is
located. Upon arrival, the School Director’s Assistant welcomed the proponents and said
that Mrs. Corazon B. Salvador is around and available and willing to entertain interviews.
The proponents proceeded to The School Director, Dr. Pangilinan. Upon interview, the
proponents presented the study, demonstrated how the system works and explained the
significance of the study. Once the interview was done, School Director, Dr. Pangilinan
approved the proponents’ study and gave some advice, tips, and knowledge as an
improvement of the proponents’ study. The proponents also asked permission to perform
a survey to deans of Perpetual Help College of Manila. Upon approval, the proponents
distributed the survey questionnaires to deans of Perpetual Help College of Manila. The
survey questionnaires were answerable based on ISO 9126 in terms of functionality,
reliability, usability, maintainability, and portability in regards of using a mobile phone in
Class Scheduling tool. Questionnaires were retrieved together with their answers within
the same day.

Statistical Treatment Data

Statistical treatment of data is essential in order to make use of the data in the right
form. Raw data collection is only one aspect of any experiment; the organization of data
is equally important so that appropriate conclusions can be drawn. The proponents
tabulated and calculated using statistical computations the gathered data in this study.
The mean and the standard deviation were computed. These are formulas that were used
to compute the result.

Software Design and Development Tools

The Software Design and Development Tools brings together the best practices of
theory and implementation in the development of software systems. Software Design and
Development Tools used to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs
and applications. The term usually refers to relatively simple programs, that can be
combined together to accomplish a task, much as one might use multiple hand tools to
fix a physical object.
The proponents used the Waterfall Model because it is simple and easy to
understand and use and it is easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model in which
each phase has specific deliverables and a review process. The waterfall model is a
sequential approach, where each fundamental activity of a process represented as a
separate phase, arranged in linear order. In the waterfall model, the proponents plan and
schedule all of the activities before starting developing. The waterfall model is a
sequential or non-iterative design process which it is used in software development
processes, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards just like an actual
waterfall through the phases of analysis, design, implementation, testing and

Figure 6: Waterfall Model

Analysis Phase – In this initial phase, the proponents discussed what will be the
potential requirements of the application which this methodically analyzed and written
down in a specification document that serves as a basis for future development. The
proponents identified the problem by starting with the current state issues in regards of
reading a bible that affects their blindness. The proponents then research on different
studies and literature addressing blind person reading process. The proponents
formulated the general and specific objectives by starting to know the existing process of
blind persons that reads bible and also the structure of the Holy bible application The
proponents also studied the possible requirements on developing the mobile application.
Analysis is a detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, typically as
a basis for discussion or interpretation. Analysis encompasses tasks that go into
determining the needs or conditions of the study.

Design Phase – In this second phase, included three factors naming Building a
conceptual framework, Designing the system architecture and lastly, Building a prototype
for testing and evaluation. The proponents created the conceptual framework using the
(IPO) or the Input, Output, and Process Diagram which it can be seen at figure 2. The
proponents created a System Architecture to show the program flow of the mobile
application which it can be seen at figure 8. The proponents studied the specifications
from the first phase and prepared the system design. The components of this phase also
include decisions about information architecture and applied technologies such as
programming languages, class libraries, and program sequences. The result of the
program design is usually recorded in diagrams describing the theoretical behavior of the
software. The proponents specified what will be the technical design requirements, such
as programming language, data layers, database file structure and defining the overall
system architecture.
The proponents created a System Architecture and used to help people
understand or simulate the system model represents which it gives a bird-eye view of the
system. The System Architecture is the conceptual model that defines the structure,
behavior, and more views of a system. A system architecture description is a formal
description and representation of a system, organized in a way that supports reasoning
about the structures and behaviors of the system.

Figure 7: System Architecture of Class Scheduling to

The proponents created a process model of Class Scheduling System for Perpetual
Help College of Manila: A web Application and Mobile Application which it gives a bird-
eye view of the system. This is a simplified representation of a software process where it
shows quick glance about very general process of the system. These generic models are
abstractions of the process that can be used to explain different approaches to the
Coding Phase – In this third phase, the specified design requirements will be now
programmed into set of codes. The proponents used Laravel and MySql for the Web
Application and Android Studio for the development of Mobile Application. Android studio
is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based,
object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies
as possible. Android applications are developed using the Java language. Android Studio
incorporates many of the powerful features of those powerful languages while addressing
some of their drawbacks. Some of the Java’s important core features are it is easy to
learn and understand; it is designed to be platform-independent and secure, using virtual
machines; and it is object-oriented.

Testing Phase – With the coding of the application is complete, in this fourth phase
the testing of the written code now comes into scene. The proponents tested if there are
any flaws in the designed application. The proponents tested the developed application
to check the functionalities and requirements established during the design and
development phase and to see if there are any bugs and errors that needs to be fix or to
change in the application. Software testing is a process of executing a program or
application with the intent of finding the software bugs. It can also be stated as the process
of validating and verifying that the application meets the scope and technical
requirements that guided in its design and development

Maintenance Phase – Once the developed application is done, it is now ready for
deployment to live in the client environment but there are some issues and problems that
usually come up. In which this issues need to be solve and requires enhancement in the
application; hence this never ending fifth and last phase referred as maintenance.
Software maintenance is the modification of a software product after delivery to correct
faults, to improve performance or other attributes. A common perception of maintenance
is that it merely involves fixing defects.

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