So This Is Why The LORD Destroyed

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So now we know the truth.

It has been hidden for millennia.

Because it’s that bad.

Of course, we learned it in Sunday school… that satan is the prince of the power of the air. That
he deceives and wants to rule the world. We knew he was evil. But not like this.

Are you ready? I’m sorry to have to tell you this…

Satan-worshippers have been running the world for millennia.

What do you mean? The leaders at the top do satanic rituals. They hurt people. They hurt
children. They believe they get their power from offering sacrifices to Baal or Molech. They
really do believe this. And they actually do get a certain amount of power from this, because they
are a huge mafia organized crime group ring will literally do ANYTHING for power and money.

All of this, right under our noses.

All of this being done by the very politicians who claimed to be working for our good.


I have a feeling this was the information that Daniel was told to conceal. At the end of this
document, I will tell you why I think it was concealed.

But now, let me tell you the Bible stories you’ve always heard, in the light of this information.

First we had Noah and the flood. The whole earth had to be DESTROYED except for 8 people.
What in the world could have been so wrong that the Lord had no other choice? I believe it's this
satanic worship… even cannibalism. And if Noah had not been rescued, then they would have
ended up killing him and his family too.

So fast forward to the time of Abraham… the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Same thing. The
entire cities had to be DESTROYED because the LORD could not find even 10 people who
were righteous. Again they were surely involved with satanic worship and human sacrifice and

How about the time of the Captivity in Egypt? This explains why Pharoah commanded all the
babies be thrown into the Nile. Yes, the people were growing too strong. But it was also a
sacrifice to their false god. And that explains why the LORD sent such horrible plagues to
Next fast forward to the time when Joshua with into the Promised Land, and the Lord told him to
DESTROY every man, woman and child. What in the world could cause the Lord to give such
demand? Again it was pedophilia, and child sacrifice, and cannibalism. These people lived in
CANANN - they were CANNIbals. Did Joshua’s army follow through with what the Lord told
them to do? No, they did not. And just as the LORD had warned them, they inter-married and
ended up doing the very same sins.

So the LORD warned them over and over and over. Finally He punished them by sending them
BACK in to captivity. This time in Babylon. That enslavement actually stopped them from
continuing in this horrifying sin.

But that didn't mean this sin stopped worldwide. As horrible as it sounds, the horrifying sadistic
practices actually do work. Just like the mafia, organized crime works. Bullying works. So
long as the good people are in fear and stand down. The bad guys win.

Fast forward to when Jesus entered the scene. These crimes against humanity were still going
on. Horrible. And when Jesus called the religious leaders out, they knew they had to get rid of
Him. Same as today. They can’t continue when their evil ways are exposed for all to see. So
did that mean Jesus failed because he didn’t get rid of the satan worshippers? No. He completed
His first mission. He bought our forgiveness at the cross. And set us free from the power of sin.

But He intends for this world to be cleansed of satan worship entirely. So He told his disciples to
go into all the world and preach the Gospel, and to train everyone to observe everything He
commanded. That’s how they would fill the earth with believers who would worship Jesus and
not the devil. Jesus said He would return after they had completed that mission… when the
Gospel had reached the entire world.

The early believers were doing great completing this mission… until the Church was infiltrated
and put under the control of the satan-worshippers. Of course, your average church-goer was not
involved. It was the leadership… with the lure of power and money… controlled by those at the
top… ultimately the bloodlines. How awful to use God’s house for the worship of satan... for
control and for wealth. How evil is that?

Fast forward to the 1500’s. Martin Luther, a sincere priest in the Roman Catholic Church,
discovered the evil that was going on in the Church - specifically the satan worship, pedophilia,
& human sacrifice. Even though history books will tell you it was all just a dispute over
doctrinal teaching. So Martin Luther and others like Wycliffe started spreading Bibles
everywhere… like the Internet! It was The First Great Awakening! As the common people woke
up to what was going on and the evil they had been lead to do, they PROTESTED the
Established Church! They became the Protestants! Many began to expose the evil that was
going on… and they started their own places of worship.

But guess what? You guessed it! The Protestant Church was infiltrated and misdirected too!
Time will tell what has been done under our noses in the Protestant Church, but we do know this.
Most believers are told to focus on the evil coming in the future, and that they will be raptured
before that. So most believers stand down instead of fighting against the evil in our Country.
And most are told not to get involved in politics. Independent churches have been able to
operate more outside that control mechanism… but most have joined denominations that
controlled the masses. And then the Masons infiltrated church leadership. And the cherry on
top? The 501C3 by Lyndon Johnson. It was the 30 pieces of silver that the believers took. So
long as they promised not to speak on political issues, they could enjoy a 30% tax deduction on
their charitable gifts. And a crumbling society to go along with it.

So, from the beginning, way back to Noah, the truth about what was going was suppressed. But
now it all makes sense… why everything has been such a mess. This evil cabal has really done a
number on our health and our wealth and our peace and our understanding.

So why has this truth been concealed for so long? Here’s one possible answer. You see, the
LORD Jesus said He would establish His Kingdom on earth once the Gospel was preached to all
the world. Well, until now, there have not been enough people in place all over the world, who
could kick these bad guys out, and rule in a righteous way. But now, it appears, there are.

We are a ragtag bunch, but our LORD Jesus just couldn’t wait any longer to rid this world of the
evil ones. The enemy knew 2000 years ago he didn’t have much time.

Now TIME is up. And Jesus is even now casting out the satan worshippers, and establishing His
rule in the world. He intends for us to take authority and to rule and reign with Him in every
place throughout the world. So let’s get to it!

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