DCR 2016 Constipation, Evaluation and Management of

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The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons’

Clinical Practice Guideline for the Evaluation and
Management of Constipation
Ian M. Paquette, M.D. • Madhulika Varma, M.D. • Charles Ternent, M.D.
Genevieve Melton-Meaux, M.D. • Janice F. Rafferty, M.D. • Daniel Feingold, M.D.
Scott R. Steele, M.D.

he American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons for functional constipation include at least 2 of the fol-
is dedicated to assuring high-quality patient care lowing symptoms during ≥25% of defecations: straining,
by advancing the science, prevention, and manage- lumpy or hard stools, sensation of incomplete evacuation,
ment of disorders and diseases of the colon, rectum, and sensation of anorectal obstruction or blockage, relying on
anus. The Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee is com- manual maneuvers to promote defecation, and having less
posed of Society members who are chosen because they than 3 unassisted bowel movements per week.7,8 These cri-
have demonstrated expertise in the specialty of colon and teria include constipation related to the 3 common sub-
rectal surgery. This committee was created to lead inter- types: colonic inertia or slow transit constipation, normal
national efforts in defining quality care for conditions re- transit constipation, and pelvic floor or defecation dys-
lated to the colon, rectum, and anus. This is accompanied function. However, in reality, many patients demonstrate
by developing Clinical Practice Guidelines based on the symptoms attributable to more than 1 constipation sub-
best available evidence. These guidelines are inclusive and type and to constipation-predominant IBS, as well. The
not prescriptive. Their purpose is to provide information etiology of constipation is multifactorial and can include
on which decisions can be made rather than to dictate a extrinsic factors such as diet, medications, metabolic or
specific form of treatment. These guidelines are intended neurologic disorders, and psychosocial issues, as well as in-
for the use of all practitioners, healthcare workers, and trinsic factors mentioned above. The variable nature and
patients who desire information about the management severity of constipation symptoms require an individual-
of the conditions addressed by the topics covered in these ized approach to evaluation and treatment. Constipation
guidelines. It should be recognized that these guidelines is most commonly managed by primary care physicians
should not be deemed inclusive of all proper methods of and gastroenterologists, with colon and rectal surgeons
care or exclusive of methods of care that are reasonably usually becoming involved for more complicated cases. A
directed to obtaining the same results. The ultimate judg- collaborative approach across specialties is often needed to
ment regarding the propriety of any specific procedure achieve optimal outcomes.
must be made by the physician in light of all of the cir-
cumstances presented by the individual patient.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM These guidelines are an update of the previous edition of
The American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons prac-
Constipation is a benign condition that can have a signifi- tice parameters for treatment of constipation published
cant impact on quality of life. The prevalence has been es- in 2007.9 An organized search of MEDLINE, PubMed,
timated to be as high as 30% in select populations and has and the Cochrane Database of Collected Reviews was
been noted to be higher in women, nonwhites, those aged performed through June 2015. Key-word combinations
>65 years, and those with lower socioeconomic status.1–6 included constipation, obstructed defecation, slow transit,
Constipation is characterized by dysfunction of colonic surgery, rectocele, rectal intussusception, pelvic dyssynergia,
motility and the defecation process. The Rome III criteria anismus, paradoxical puborectalis, megacolon, megarectum,
and related articles. Directed searches of the embedded
Dis Colon Rectum 2016; 59: 479–492 references from primary articles were also performed.
DOI: 10.1097/DCR.0000000000000599 The primary authors reviewed all of the English language
© The ASCRS 2016 articles and studies in adults, systematic reviews, and
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 59: 6 (2016) 479

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
480 Paquette et al: Constipation Practice Guideline

meta-analyses. Recommendations were formulated by need to be stopped or modified. Patients may also have
the primary authors and reviewed by the entire Clinical an associated or undiagnosed psychiatric, neurologic, or
Practice Guidelines Committee. The final grade of recom- endocrine disorder that will require treatment to help
mendation was performed using the Grades of Recom- address constipation symptoms.13 Lastly, a careful assess-
mendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation ment of symptoms may help distinguish among consti-
system10 (Table 1) and approved by the entire Clinical pation subtypes. Those with infrequent, hard stools may
Practice Guidelines Committee. be more likely to have colonic inertia, whereas those with
incomplete evacuation and straining are more likely to
Evaluation of Constipation have pelvic floor dysfunction. The presence of abdominal
1. A directed history and physical examination should be pain may indicate IBS. However, the history alone may be
performed in patients with constipation. Grade of Rec- inadequate to clearly establish a diagnosis, because many
ommendation: Strong recommendation based on low- or patients will have symptoms associated with more than 1
very-low-quality evidence, 1C subtype.
Although constipation is a benign condition, a thorough The physical examination is directed at the abdomi-
history and physical examination can help ensure that nal and anorectal components. Generally the abdomen
a serious life-threatening disease is not the underlying is nontender but may be remarkable for distension or
cause of the constipation. Patients who also report rectal discomfort with palpation. External anorectal exami-
bleeding, change in caliber of stools, blood in the stool, nation includes the evaluation for an anal wink and the
weight loss, anemia, or a family history of colorectal can- presence of stool staining or excoriation, hemorrhoids,
cer should be evaluated for a colorectal malignancy that full-thickness or mucosal rectal prolapse, and fissures.
may be causing obstruction.11,12 In addition, a careful his- Digital rectal examination can reveal the presence of
tory may elicit modifiable behavioral factors, such as diet, anal hypertonia, poor incremental squeeze, paradoxical
dehydration, or immobility, as well as medications that puborectalis contraction, rectocele, anorectal masses,
may be contributing to constipation.8,11 Opioids, antide- stricture, or fecal impaction that can be associated with
pressants, anticholinergics, calcium channel blockers, and constipation. In particular, a Valsalva maneuver should
calcium supplements are commonly implicated and may be done to diagnose a rectocele, prolapse, pelvic floor

TABLE 1. The GRADE system: grading recommendations

Methodologic quality of
No. Description Benefit vs risk and burdens supporting evidence Implications
1A Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh risk and RCTs without important limitations Strong recommendation, can
high-quality evidence burdens or vice versa or overwhelming evidence from apply to most patients in
observational studies most circumstances without
1B Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh risk and RCTs with important limitations Strong recommendation, can
moderate-quality burdens or vice versa (inconsistent results, methodologic apply to most patients in
evidence flaws, indirect, or imprecise) or most circumstances without
exceptionally strong evidence reservation
from observational studies
1C Strong recommendation, Benefits clearly outweigh risk and Observational studies or case series Strong recommendation but
low- or very-low-quality burdens or vice versa may change when higher-
evidence quality evidence becomes
2A Weak recommendation, Benefits closely balanced with risks RCTs without important limitations Weak recommendation, best
high-quality evidence and burdens or overwhelming evidence from action may differ depending
observational studies on circumstances or patient
or societal values
2B Weak recommendations, Benefits closely balanced with risks RCTs with important limitations Weak recommendation, best
moderate-quality and burdens (inconsistent results, methodologic action may differ depending
evidence flaws, indirect, or imprecise) or on circumstances or patient
exceptionally strong evidence or societal values
from observational studies
2C Weak recommendation, Uncertainty in the estimates of Observational studies or case series Very weak recommendations;
low- or very-low-quality benefits, risks and burden; other alternatives may be
evidence benefits, risks, and burden may equally reasonable
be closely balanced
Adapted with permission from Chest. 2006;129:174–181.
GRADE = Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation; RCT = randomized controlled trial.

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 59: 6 (2016) 481

descent, or puborectalis dysfunction. Anoscopy or rigid 4. Anorectal physiology and colon transit investigations
proctoscopy, although not necessary, may also be helpful may help identify the underlying etiology and are useful
to evaluate internal hemorrhoids, proctitis, or masses. In in patients with refractory constipation. Grade of Recom-
women, the vagina should also be evaluated for rectocele mendation: Strong recommendation based on low-qual-
and cystocele. ity evidence, 1C
In those patients who do not respond to basic treatments
2. Validated measures that assess the nature, severity, involving fiber supplementation and osmotic laxatives
and impact of constipation on quality of life can be used and where no other underlying cause is identified, further
as part of the medical evaluation for constipation. Grade testing is warranted. Disorders of defecation, described as
of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on pelvic floor dysfunction, pelvic floor dyssynergia, anismus,
low- or very-low-quality evidence, 2C obstructive defecation, or pelvic outlet obstruction, are
Objective measures that assess the severity of constipa- best assessed using anorectal physiology testing.30,31 This
tion and its impact on quality of life may help provid- includes measurement of resting and squeeze pressures
ers decide on course of treatment or whether to pursue with anal manometry, measurement of rectal volume sen-
more diagnostic studies.14 Although the Rome criteria sation, testing of rectoanal inhibitory reflex, and balloon
are used to identify constipation and its subtypes, it does expulsion. EMG is used to assess puborectalis relaxation.
not assess severity of the condition.15–18 Many measures Classic findings include internal sphincter hypertonia,
have been developed to assess constipation specifically, poor incremental squeeze pressures, blunted rectal sensa-
with variable psychometric properties. These include the tion, paradoxical puborectalis relaxation or nonrelaxing
Constipation Assessment Scale,19 Constipation Scoring puborectalis muscle, and lack of balloon expulsion. How-
System,20 Patient Assessment of Constipation Symptom ever, not all of these findings are required to diagnose pel-
Questionnaire,21,22 Knowles-Eccersley-Scott Symptom vic floor dysfunction, nor does any single test confirm the
Score,23 Garrigues Questionnaire,24 Chinese Constipa- diagnosis.32 There is some evidence that balloon expulsion
tion Questionnaire,25 and Constipation Severity Instru- testing results are not necessarily diagnostic of obstructed
ment.26 Other measures assess all bowel function and defecation.33,34 The rectoanal inhibitory reflex is specifi-
incorporate measures of fecal incontinence or specifi- cally absent in the setting of Hirschsprung disease.35 If the
cally address 1 aspect of constipation, such as obstruc- findings are normal, then it is reasonable to proceed with
tive defecation. The purpose of all of these measures is investigations of colonic transit that can be performed us-
simply to develop a consistent means of categorizing the ing radiopaque markers, scintigraphy, or wireless motility
baseline severity of the disease and to follow response to capsules. Most commonly, radiopaque markers are used
treatment over time. because they are widely available, inexpensive, and easy to
3. The routine use of blood tests, radiographic examina-
tions, or endoscopy is not typically needed in patients 5. Imaging with cinedefecography, MRI defecography, or
with constipation in the absence of alarming symptoms, transperineal ultrasound echodefecography may be useful
screening recommendations, or other significant comor- in identifying anatomical abnormalities associated with
bidities. Grade of Recommendation: Strong recommen- obstructive defecation. Grade of Recommendation: Strong
dation based on low- or very-low-quality evidence, 1C recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C
The diagnostic workup for constipation should ad- If anorectal physiology testing is not diagnostic for defeca-
dress other conditions that may be implicated, such as tion dysfunction, other imaging studies, such as defecog-
colorectal cancer or endocrine disorders. Blood tests can raphy, can be useful to identify anatomic abnormalities,
identify anemia, hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroid- such as rectocele, enterocele, internal intussusception, or
ism, or diabetes mellitus but are not specifically help- prolapse, that may be associated with constipation.39,40 A
ful in assessing constipation. Select patients may require recent review of 630 patients with chronic constipation
laboratory testing based on patient-, anesthesia-, or determined that cinedefecography was abnormal in 90.9%
procedure-specific risk stratification. Similarly, imaging of patients.41 Cinedefecography or cystocolpoproctogra-
studies such as CT scans can demonstrate colonic dila- phy involves specialized fluoroscopic equipment, exposes
tion or fecal loading but are unlikely to demonstrate an patients to ionizing radiation, and is often uncomfortable
anatomic abnormality or obstruction unless the patient and embarrassing for the patient. However, it provides
reports symptoms that are suspicious for these find- an excellent view of posterior compartment anatomic
ings.27 A colonoscopy should be recommended if the defects and pelvic floor function. MRI defecography has
patient meets the guidelines for general screening or the advantages of eliminating radiation exposure and
if other concerning symptoms, such as hematochezia, demonstrating the anterior compartment organs (bladder
weight loss of >10 pounds, anemia, or blood in the stool, and vagina) that may have associated abnormalities. The
warrant further investigation.28,29 primary disadvantages of MRI are related to cost and the

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482 Paquette et al: Constipation Practice Guideline

s­ upine positioning of the patient who does not mimic the ments for chronic constipation. A recent Cochrane review
normal positioning of defecation.42 Transperineal ultra- evaluated the efficacy of lactulose or polyethylene glycol in
sound, echodefecography, and 3-dimensional anorectal/ treating chronic constipation and fecal impaction.58 The
vaginal ultrasonography have all been reported to assess meta-analysis included 10 randomized controlled trials
pelvic floor function with high specificity and sensitivity that compared lactulose with polyethylene glycol in the
to pelvic floor abnormalities, but their use is limited by management of chronic constipation. The findings indi-
lack of availability and operator expertise.43,44 cated that polyethylene glycol was better than lactulose in
outcomes of stool frequency per week, form of stool, re-
Nonoperative Management of Constipation lief of abdominal pain, and the need for additional prod-
uct use. The authors concluded that polyethylene glycol
1. The initial management of symptomatic constipation
should be used in preference to lactulose in the treatment
is dietary modification, including fiber and fluid supple-
of chronic constipation.58
mentation. Grade of Recommendation: Strong recom-
mendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B 3. The use of stimulant laxatives, such as bisacodyl, for
Diet modification to increase water and fiber consump- chronic constipation is reasonable in the short term as
tion is considered an important, first-line component in a second-line treatment. Grade of Recommendation:
the management of constipation and is typically recom- Strong recommendation based on moderate-quality evi-
mended before technical investigations of pelvic floor dence, 1B
function and colon motility are performed.45–48 Dietary There have been few rigorously conducted trials assessing
fiber fortification by increasing intake of food items that the efficacy of stimulant laxatives to treat patients with
are high in fiber offers a strategy that is a gentler alterna- constipation. The efficacy and safety of 4 weeks of treat-
tive to using laxatives and enemas.49–53 Dietary fiber sup- ment with oral bisacodyl tablets in patients with chronic
plementation has been shown to allow discontinuation of constipation, defined by Rome III criteria, was tested in
laxatives in 59% to 80% of elderly patients with chronic a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-
idiopathic constipation while improving body weight and center trial in the United Kingdom.59 Patients were ran-
well-being.54 A moderate increase in dietary fiber intake domly assigned, in a 2:1 ratio, to groups that were given
has been shown to be a safe and convenient alternative to 10 mg of bisacodyl (n = 247) or placebo (n = 121), once
laxatives and works by increasing bowel frequency and fe- daily, for 4 weeks. Patients used an electronic diary each
cal bulk in patients with chronic idiopathic constipation day to record information relating to their constipation.
even in the setting of pelvic outlet obstruction.49,51,55,56 The number of complete spontaneous bowel move-
However, 80% of patients with slow colon transit and 63% ments per week during the treatment period increased
of patients with a disorder of defecation and outlet ob- from 1.1 ± 0.1 in both groups to 5.2 ± 0.3 in the bisacodyl
struction issues do not respond to increased dietary fiber, group and 1.9 ± 0.3 in the placebo group. Compared with
whereas 85% of patients without an underlying pathologi- baseline, there was a statistically significant improvement
cal finding improve or become symptom free.48 in the overall Patient Assessment of Constipation quality
A systematic review of the efficacy of soluble and insol- of life score and all of the subscales in the patients treated
uble fiber supplementation in the management of chronic with bisacodyl compared with those who received pla-
idiopathic constipation from 2011 identified 6 random- cebo. The authors concluded that oral bisacodyl was an
ized controlled trials comparing fiber with placebo or no effective and well-tolerated treatment for patients with
therapy in adult patients with chronic idiopathic constipa- chronic constipation. However, the long-term effects of
tion.57 Formal meta-analysis was not undertaken because chronic stimulant laxative use were not assessed,59 and
of concerns related to methodology across the studies. there is still a paucity of quality data regarding many
Compared with placebo, soluble fiber led to improvements other commonly used agents, including milk of magne-
in global symptoms (86.5% vs 47.4%), straining (55.6% sia, senna, and stool softeners, for the management of
vs 28.6%), pain on defecation, stool consistency, and the chronic constipation.60
mean number of stools per week (3.8 stools per week after
therapy compared with 2.9 stools per week at baseline), as 4. The use of newer agents for constipation, such as lubi-
well as a reduction in the number of days between stools. prostone and linaclotide, may be considered when dietary
modifications, as well as osmotic and stimulant laxatives,
2. The use of osmotic laxatives, such as polyethylene gly- have failed. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommen-
col and lactulose, is appropriate for the management of dation based on moderate-quality evidence, 2B
chronic constipation. Grade of Recommendation: Strong Lubiprostone (Amitiza) is an intestinal type-2 chloride
recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B channel activator that increases intestinal fluid secretion
Lactulose and polyethylene glycol, commonly used osmot- and improves small intestinal transit and stool passage.
ic laxatives, have been shown to be effective and safe treat- Lubiprostone is currently approved by the US Food and

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Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 59: 6 (2016) 483

Drug Administration for the treatment of chronic idio- Surgical Management of Constipation
pathic constipation in adults, opioid-induced constipation 1. Patients with refractory colonic slow-transit constipa-
in adults with chronic noncancer pain, and irritable bow- tion may benefit from total abdominal colectomy with il-
el syndrome with predominant constipation in women eorectal anastomosis. Grade of Recommendation: Strong
≥18 years of age.61 recommendation based on low-quality evidence, 1C
Linaclotide (Linzess), a potent guanylate cyclase C In contrast to segmental colon resection where failure rates
agonist, is a therapeutic peptide approved in the United for the treatment of slow-transit constipation can be as
States for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with high as 100%,71 patients with slow-transit constipation re-
constipation and chronic idiopathic constipation. Lina- fractory to medical therapy not associated with pelvic out-
clotide has also been shown to reduce visceral hypersen- let obstruction or functional problems demonstrate good
sitivity in preclinical studies and to improve abdominal rates of clinical improvement (50%–100%) after total
pain and constipation symptoms in phase 2 and 3 clini- abdominal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis (TAC-
cal trials of patients with irritable bowel syndrome with IRA).31,71–74 Morbidity after TAC-IRA includes anastomot-
constipation.62,63 ic leak (1%–11%),75 bowel obstruction (8%–33%),74 and
Newer agents, such as elobixibat,64,65 prucalopride,66 prolonged postoperative ileus (24%).72 TAC-IRA has also
and plecanatide,67 are currently under investigation. been described with a laparoscopic approach with good
Although these agents have shown some success in Eu- results.76
ropean trials, their ultimate role in the management of
Although constipation generally improves after TAC-
constipation awaits formal approval by the US Food and
IRA for slow-transit constipation, patients may experience
Drug Administration, as well as longer-term results and
diarrhea, abdominal pain, fecal incontinence, and recur-
rent constipation.74 In a series of 17 patients with TAC-
5. Biofeedback therapy is a first-line treatment for symp-
IRA for slow-transit constipation at long-term follow-up,
tomatic pelvic floor dyssynergia. Grade of Recommenda- symptoms included abdominal pain in 41%, bloating in
tion: Strong recommendation based on moderate-quali- 65%, need for bowel movement assistance in 29%, and in-
ty evidence, 1B continence to gas or liquid stool in 47%, as well as lower
Biofeedback can help patients with constipation and quality of life score (Medical Outcomes Study Short Form
dyssynergic defecation. A prospective randomized trial 36) compared with the general population.77 Similar find-
investigated the efficacy of biofeedback (manometric- ings were observed in a survey of 75 patients at long-term
assisted anal relaxation, muscle coordination, and simu- follow-up, where diarrhea was reported in 46% and lower
lated defecation training biofeedback) with either sham GI quality-of-life scores were associated with abdominal
feedback therapy or standard therapy (diet, exercise, and pain, diarrhea, and incontinence.78 Despite this, >90% of
laxatives) in 77 subjects (69 women) with chronic con- patients reported that they would undergo TAC-IRA again
stipation and dyssynergic defecation.68 At baseline and to treat their constipation.78
after 3 months of treatment, physiologic changes were Several alternative surgical procedures for the treat-
assessed by anorectal manometry, balloon expulsion, and ment of slow-transit constipation have been described,
colonic transit study, and symptomatic changes and stool such as side-to-side cecorectal anastomosis and antiperi-
characteristics were recorded using a visual analog scale staltic cecorectal anastomosis with subtotal colectomy us-
and prospective stool diary. Subjects in the biofeedback ing either open or laparoscopic approaches. The efficacy
group were more likely to correct their dyssynergia, im- of these procedures compared with TAC-IRA is unclear.
prove defecation indexes, and decrease balloon expulsion A subtotal total colectomy with cecorectal anastomosis
time. Colonic transit improved after biofeedback or stan- potentially addresses obstructive defecation, resulting
dard therapy but not after sham therapy. Biofeedback in less diarrhea because of preservation of the ileocecal
increased the number of complete spontaneous bowel valve.79,80 The side-to-side cecorectal anastomosis (Jinling
movements and decreased the use of digital maneuvers procedure) via an open or laparoscopic approach has been
and was associated with higher global bowel satisfac- reported in several series with good success. In a retrospec-
tion. In this study, biofeedback relieved constipation tive review of 117 patients who underwent this procedure,
and improved physiologic bowel function in patients there was a significant reduction in the Cleveland Clinic
with dyssynergia.68 A high pretreatment constipation Florida constipation scores observed at 1 month that was
symptom score, a high rectal sensory threshold, and a maintained at 48 months, as well as significant improve-
delayed colonic transit time have been associated with ments in postoperative GI quality of life and high satisfac-
a poor biofeedback treatment outcomes for pelvic floor tion rates.81
dyssynergia.69 The presence or absence of irritable bowel Similarly, a subtotal colectomy with antiperistaltic
syndrome does not appear to impact the success rates of cecorectal anastomosis via a laparoscopic or open ap-
biofeedback for constipation.70 proach appears to have good immediate postoperative

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
484 Paquette et al: Constipation Practice Guideline

outcomes, good postoperative function with a mean of manual manipulation of the vaginal wall or rectum, dif-
4.8 ± 7.5 bowel movements daily, and decent satisfaction, ficult rectal vault emptying with defecation, and an ab-
with 78% of patients stating that they would undergo normal defecography with a lack of emptying of contrast
this surgery again.82–86 Quality of life after antiperistaltic from the rectocele. An additional indication that has been
cecorectal anastomosis also appears comparable to that suggested is that a rectocele >4 cm in size should be re-
seen with TAC-IRA.86 In a retrospective study compar- paired if it is symptomatic.96
ing antiperistaltic cecorectal anastomosis and subtotal Synthetic or biological mesh products have been
colectomy using the laparoscopic versus open approach, described in rectocele repairs, particularly for rectocele
functional outcomes appeared comparable, but the lapa- repairs performed with a transvaginal or transperineal
roscopic approach was associated with less postoperative approach. Some cases of erosion have been reported with
complications.85 Retrospective comparison of cecorectal the use of mesh.97,98 The use of dermal allografts and por-
anastomosis versus ileosigmoid anastomosis with subto- cine collagen matrix for repair of rectoceles has also been
tal colectomy demonstrated that cecorectal anastomosis described with similar postoperative results.99,100 It is un-
was more often associated with persistent constipation clear whether recurrence rates and functional outcomes
and lower patient satisfaction (73% versus 93%) with the are significantly improved with the addition of mesh or
procedure.87 Although long-term outcomes are not avail- biological materials, especially with the transvaginal ap-
able, a small number of reports describe the use of colonic proach,101–103 although there may be some efficacy with
bypass with various cecorectal or ileorectal anastomoses to transperineal repair.104
treat slow transit constipation.88,89 Transvaginal repair of a rectocele may allow for rela-
tively better visualization and access to the endopelvic fascia
2. Patients with refractory slow-transit constipation as-
and levator musculature, as well as maintenance of rectal
sociated with pelvic outlet obstruction or functional
mucosal integrity that may reduce infection and fistula
disorders often require treatment for pelvic floor dys-
complications. Transvaginal rectocele repair has also been
function before TAC-IRA, although treatment should be
described more recently using a defect-specific anatomic
individualized based on symptoms. Grade of Recommen-
approach where the rectovaginal defect is closed trans-
dation: Weak recommendation based on low-quality evi-
versely. Short-term results show improved constipation
dence, 2C
symptoms in >80% of patients, decreased need for digital
A thorough constipation workup, including defecography,
assistance, and perineal support and low recurrence.105–108
colon transit study, and anorectal physiology, can help to
differentiate patients with irritable bowel syndrome and Sand et al109 retrospectively identified patients after trans-
normal-transit constipation who are less likely to benefit vaginal rectocele repair with traditional nonanatomic
from surgery and can identify patients with slow-transit (N = 183) and anatomic site-specific repairs (N = 124)
constipation, outlet obstruction, functional disorders, and/ ≥1 year after surgery and found a higher anatomic recur-
or other pelvic floor disorders. Patients with slow-transit rence rate in the defect-specific repair compared with the
constipation should be assessed for concomitant outlet traditional approach but found no difference in dyspareu-
obstruction or functional disorders, which may benefit nia or bowel symptoms between the 2 approaches.
from additional management.31,90–95 In general, patients A randomized trial of more than 100 patients com-
with slow-transit constipation and pelvic floor dyssyn- pared traditional nonanatomic transvaginal repair with
ergia should be treated with biofeedback before subtotal defect-specific transvaginal repair with or without graft
colectomy, because TAC-IRA in this population is associ- augmentation and found no differences in anatomic cure
ated with higher rates of recurrent constipation and lower rates, functional failure (15% overall), sexual function im-
rates of satisfaction.71 When slow-transit constipation is provement, and dyspareunia at 1-year follow-up among
associated with rectal intussusception or a nonemptying the 3 groups.102 Sand et al109 reported on 132 women un-
rectocele/enterocele on defecography, repair of the outlet dergoing either standard transvaginal rectocele repair or
obstruction is recommended before or concomitant with repair reinforced with polyglactin 910 mesh (an absorb-
TAC-IRA.90,92 able mesh) and found no difference in recurrence rates at
1 year between the 2 groups.101 More recently, Sung et al103
3. In patients with significant outlet obstruction symptoms conducted a trial of 137 patients who were randomly as-
from a rectocele, surgical repair may be considered after signed to porcine submucosal graft versus no graft with
addressing any concomitant functional etiologies of ob- a transvaginal rectocele repair and found no difference
structive defecation. Grade of Recommendation: Strong in anatomic failure, vaginal bulge failure, or defecatory
recommendation based on moderate-quality evidence, 1B symptom failure 1 year after surgery.
Rectocele repair has been described using transvaginal, Transrectal rectocele repair theoretically has the ad-
transrectal, or transperineal approaches with good results vantage of less sexual and defecatory dysfunction than
in patients with symptoms of outlet obstruction, such as repairs with the transvaginal approach and also being

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 59: 6 (2016) 485

able to simultaneously address other anorectal pathology of long-term outcomes.117–130 Series also described post-
simultaneously seen in <80% of patients.110 Transrectal operative complications, including pain, urgency, incon-
anatomic repair is relatively contraindicated in patients tinence, constipation, rectal diverticulum, retroperitoneal
with combined rectocele and fecal incontinence, because emphysema, and bleeding,126,131–136 as well as the develop-
the rectocele is closed transversely, plicating the muscula- ment of rectovaginal fistula.137 Proctalgia after transrectal
ris anteriorly, which may shorten the anal canal and wors- stapled repair is commonly described and appears, at least
en internal sphincter function.111–113 Although outcome in part, to be associated with inflammation from retained
measurements and patient selection are variably reported, staples.133
both defect-specific anatomic and nonanatomic transrec- A moderate-to-high degree of satisfaction has been
tal approaches have similar outcomes, with improvement reported with stapled transanal rectal resection, between
of evacuation problems, decreased need for digital assis- 64% and 86%,135,138–140 despite significant morbidity in
tance or perineal support, and improvement of constipa- 7% and defecation urgency and rectal sensitivity between
tion in >50% of patients. 11% and 25%.121,128,129,135 A prospective, multicenter trial
The transperineal approach involves a transverse in- following 90 patients after stapled transanal rectal resec-
cision made across the bulbocavernosus and transverse tion demonstrated at 1-year follow-up improvement in all
perineal muscles followed by identification and develop- of the constipation symptoms without worsening of fe-
ment of the plane between the external anal sphincter and cal incontinence.141 In this study, there was no incidence
the vaginal mucosa superior to the cul-de-sac, often with of dyspareunia; 17.8% of patients had fecal urgency and
placement of mesh along the length of dissection, with pli- 8.7% had incontinence to flatus. Longer follow-up results
cation of the levator muscles and closure of the vaginal include a series of 344 patients followed for a median of
mucosa. This approach is particularly appealing for pa- 81 months where 81% of patients were highly satisfied
tients with both a symptomatic rectocele and fecal incon- and rectal urgency was resolved in all of the patients at
tinence as a result of a sphincter defect, because with this long-term follow-up.139 In contrast, several medium-term
approach a concomitant sphincteroplasty or levatorplasty studies (median follow-up, 39–42 months) demonstrate
may be performed. Ayabaca et al114 at a median 48 months increasing symptomatic recurrence over time,142 including
of follow-up observed improvement in fecal continence in 1 study with ongoing decline from 18 months onward of
74% (25/34). Transperineal repair with prosthetic mesh is symptoms and quality-of-life scores.130,143,144
described and in at least 1 series was associated with a de-
creased need for digital assistance or perineal support with 5. Surgical repair of rectal intussusception may be con-
defecation and improvement of defecography findings.104 sidered in patients with severe symptoms of obstructed
A few prospective studies have been conducted to defecation after failing nonoperative treatments. Grade
assess the efficacy of different approaches. Rectocele op- of Recommendation: Weak recommendation based on
erations performed via transrectal versus transvaginal ap- low-quality evidence, 2C
proaches demonstrated equal complication rates in the Several approaches to treat outlet obstruction attributed
2 groups.115 In all, 54% of patients had postoperative con- to rectal intussusception (internal rectal prolapse) have
stipation, and 34% had gas, liquid, or stool incontinence. been described, including rectopexy using different tech-
Sexual dysfunction was reported in 22%. A small, recent, niques, Delorme repair, and the Ripstein procedure. Al-
prospective study examining transvaginal versus transrec- though surgical repair may resolve anatomic issues like
tal repair in 30 patients demonstrated improvement of rectal ulcers145 or rectal intussusception seen on defe-
outlet obstruction symptoms (93% and 73%), no de novo cography,146 many of these repairs may not improve or
dyspareunia with both, and less recurrence in the trans- may potentially worsen functional outcomes for patients.
vaginal group (7% vs 40%) at 12 months after surgery.116 Furthermore, in almost half of the cases, functional im-
provement can be attained without the use of surgery.147
4. Transrectal stapled repair of rectoceles and rectal in- Although there are only small numbers of studies, no
tussusception are typically not recommended because of direct comparisons between procedures and little func-
the high rate of complications. Grade of Recommenda- tional outcome data, several series of ventral rectopexy
tion: Weak recommendation based on moderate-quality appear promising.
evidence, 2B Ventral rectopexy for the treatment of rectal intus-
A variety of approaches for repairing rectoceles and internal susception appears to be associated with improvement
intussusception with endoanal staplers have been described. in constipation in 80% to 95% of patients with minimal
Early reports showed some promise for these procedures for new-onset constipation and ≈5% recurrence rates.148,149
evacuatory improvement, but few studies compared out- A series of 40 patients after ventral mesh rectopexy with-
comes of transrectal stapled rectocele repair with other tra- out sigmoid resection in the setting of rectal intussuscep-
ditional approaches, and there was inconsistent assessment tion (mean follow-up of 38 months) found that 65% of

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
486 Paquette et al: Constipation Practice Guideline

patients on self-assessment reported being “cured,” with approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for
another 33% “improved,” along with significant improve- this condition in the United States. Grade of Recom-
ment in symptoms of fecal incontinence.149 mendation: Weak recommendation based on moderate-
quality evidence, 2B
6. Antegrade colonic enema with appendicostomy or ce- Sacral neuromodulation (SNM) has been used for the
costomy may be an effective bowel management strat- treatment of chronic constipation from slow transit or
egy in select highly motivated patients with refractory outlet dysfunction outside of the United States.160–164
chronic constipation, although this is not a common al- The reported success of peripheral nerve evaluation test
ternative. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recommen- stimulation has been 42% to 100%,160 whereas the larg-
dation based on low-quality evidence, 2C est multi-institution series reported a 73% full-system
Although most commonly used in the treatment of con- implantation rate.165 Two double-blind crossover stud-
stipation and fecal incontinence in children, antegrade en- ies have demonstrated significant improvements in the
ema therapy has been described in adults with neurogenic percentage of successful bowel movements and Wexner
constipation (spina bifida or spinal cord lesion),150–152 as constipation scores when the device was turned on versus
well as slow-transit constipation or obstructed defeca- off.166,167 The 2 largest prospective studies have shown im-
tion.153–156 To administer antegrade enema therapy, a cath- provements in Cleveland Clinic constipation scores from
eterizable conduit is created most commonly using the 18 to 10 at longest available follow-up.165,168 Kamm et al165
appendix, although a cecostomy tube technique has also also demonstrated improvement of a visual analog score
been described.157 for bowel function from a baseline of 8 up to 66 after treat-
The main disadvantage to antegrade colonic enema is ment (0 represented the worst function, whereas 100 rep-
the high incidence of surgical complications, with stenosis resented perfect function.) The aforementioned studies all
of the conduit occurring in 23% to 100% of cases.152,155 included patients with slow-transit constipation, as well as
Many of these stenoses are amenable to minor revision, outlet dysfunction constipation. Although patients from
although some require takedown of the conduit. There is both subgroups derived clinical benefit from the therapy,
some evidence to suggest a decreased incidence of stenosis the studies did not separately report efficacy for the 2 sub-
when an indwelling catheter is left in place.158 In a series of groups. One study by Ratto et al161 indicated that 47% of
45 patients with constipation, leaving an indwelling cathe- implanted patients sustained a ≥50% improvement in
ter in the conduit eliminated the need for surgical revision
Cleveland Clinic constipation score at mean follow-up
because of stenosis. Although antegrade irrigation failed
of 51 months, but improvement was better in the setting
in one third of patients, satisfactory functional outcomes
of obstructed defecation. Another study by Graf et al163
were achieved in the 65% who continued to irrigate.158
showed that only 11% of patients had sustained improve-
Success has been reported as technical success, with little
ment at 24 months.
objective data available regarding improvement of consti-
A recent double-blind, randomized crossover study
pation. Lees et al152 reported that 47% of 37 patients had
was conducted for SNM in slow-transit constipation. This
a functional conduit at a median follow-up of 36 months
and that 88% of patients in their series required at least 18-month trial compared SNM with sham, with a success-
1 revision. Most series report that ≈50% of patients still use ful outcome defined as >2 days per week for ≥2 of 3 weeks
the conduit for irrigations at latest follow-up.152,155,158,159 In of passing a bowel movement with the sense of com-
addition to technical complications, patient compliance plete evacuation. A total of 59 patients were included in
appears to play a crucial role, with most series describing a this study. There was no difference in achievement of the
high proportion of patients with a functional conduit who primary outcome in patients treated with SNM vs sham.
chose not to continue their antegrade enemas. The best- However, only 28% of the patients had a positive response
reported functional results come from Hirst et al,153 who to SNM during test implantation, and all of the patients
described that 65% of the patients experienced subjective were included in the trial whether they had success on test
improvement in defecation, although this may represent a implant or not.169
best-case scenario, because 25% of their patients were lost Although the available evidence suggests that SNM is
to follow-up. The limited available data suggest that this an effective treatment for chronic constipation, the major-
procedure may be chosen in highly motivated patients, ity of published reports were uncontrolled, with no com-
with the best success being demonstrated in patients with parison with any other treatment modality. There was also
neurogenic causes for constipation.150,153,159 no consistent definition of constipation or uniform meth-
od to measure improvement in these studies. Additional
7. Sacral neuromodulation may be an effective treat- evidence is needed to determine which criteria should be
ment for patients with chronic constipation and suc- used to determine success with test stimulation, whether
cessful peripheral nerve evaluation test when conserva- patients who fail a test implantation should be implanted
tive measures have failed; however, it is not currently with a permanent stimulator, and which criteria should be

Copyright © The American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum Volume 59: 6 (2016) 487

used to determine success of permanent stimulation, as APPENDIX

well as to delineate which patients may benefit from this
treatment versus other modalities. Contributing members of the ASCRS Clinical Practice
Guidelines Committee: Joseph Carmichael, Wolfgang
8. Completion proctectomy with IPAA is typically not rec- Gaertner, Daniel Herzig, Eric Johnson, John Migaly, Ar-
ommended. Grade of Recommendation: Weak recom- den Morris, David Stewart, Jon Vogel, and Martin Weiser.
mendation based on low-quality evidence, 2C
There have been limited case reports in the literature of REFERENCES
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