TD-15 11 Datalist PDF

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The illustration shows the TD-15.

Data List
TD-15 Kit List
No. Name No. Name No. Name
1 Premium 41 Rough Groove 81 User Kit
2 Alternative 42 Breaker 82 User Kit
3 Heavy 43 Raspy Beat 83 User Kit
4 Compact 44 House 84 User Kit
5 Wah Wah Hop 45 Hip Hop 85 User Kit
6 Ambient 46 Latin 86 User Kit
7 Crisp Disco 47 Samba 87 User Kit
8 Drum'n Bass 48 Ele-DRUM 88 User Kit
9 Savanna 49 808 89 User Kit
10 Brushes 50 909 90 User Kit
11 Studio 51 User Kit 91 User Kit
12 Shuffle 52 User Kit 92 User Kit
13 Vintage Rock 53 User Kit 93 User Kit
14 Rockin Gate 54 User Kit 94 User Kit
15 Tight Groove 55 User Kit 95 User Kit
16 Light 56 User Kit 96 User Kit
17 Vintage Jazz 57 User Kit 97 User Kit
18 Jazz Funk 58 User Kit 98 User Kit
19 Unplugged 59 User Kit 99 User Kit
20 4 on Floor 60 User Kit 100 User Kit
21 Nu RnB 61 User Kit
22 Minimal 62 User Kit
23 Lo-Fi 63 User Kit
24 Wide Beatzzz 64 User Kit
25 Shorty 65 User Kit
26 808 Ambient 66 User Kit
27 Electronica 67 User Kit
28 Impact 68 User Kit
29 Solid 69 User Kit
30 Rock Stage 70 User Kit
31 Mellow 71 User Kit
32 Lite Pop 72 User Kit
33 Tight Funk 73 User Kit
34 Garage 74 User Kit
35 Funky Jazz 75 User Kit
36 Fusion 76 User Kit
37 Mixture 77 User Kit
38 Metal 78 User Kit
39 Ballad 79 User Kit
40 Loose 80 User Kit

TD-15 Instrument List
No. Name X Stick No. Name X Stick No. Name X Stick
Kick A 41 Dirty K 82 Bright S
1 Beech K 42 Lo-Fi K 83 Bright SR √
2 Solid Maple K 43 Short Noise K 84 Loose S
3 Birch K 44 Gate K 85 Loose SR √
4 Loose K 45 Phase K 86 Sustain S
5 15"Maple K 46 Reverse K 87 Sustain SR √
6 18"Maple K 47 Nail K 88 Solid S
7 Hard Maple K 48 Dororo K 89 Solid SR √
8 Coated K 49 Cave K 90 Wood Hoop S
9 Coated K /M 50 Symphonic K 91 Wood Hoop SR √
10 24"Solid K 51 Industrial K 92 Vintage Wood S
11 24"Solid K /M 52 Door K 93 Vintage Wood SR √
12 24"Open K 53 Voice K 94 Vintage Metal S
13 24"Open K /M 54 R8 Low K 95 Vintage Metal SR √
14 18"Floor Tom K 55 808 K 96 Brush S
15 20"Dry K 56 909 K 97 Brush SR √
16 Half Muted K 57 909 Wood K Snare B
17 Soft Beater K 58 Elec K 98 Punch S
18 Ambience K 59 Gabba K 99 Punch Gate S
19 Close Miked K 60 Space K 100 Radio S
20 Plugged K 61 Elephant K 101 Disto Slap S
21 Plastic K Snare A 102 Short Buzz S
22 Blast K 62 Mahogany S 103 Noisy XStick S
Kick B 63 Mahogany SR √ 104 Dense Click S
23 Tight K 64 Aluminum S 105 Dub Step S
24 Tight Cut K 65 Aluminum SR √ 106 Drum'n Bass 1 S
25 Dance K 66 Maple S 107 Drum'n Bass 2 S
26 Minimal House K 67 Maple SR √ 108 House 1 S
27 New House K 68 Steel S 109 House 2 S
28 Tech House K 69 Steel SR √ 110 House Low S
29 Early House K 70 Brass S 111 Tiny House S
30 Drum'n Bass 1 K 71 Brass SR √ 112 Garage S
31 Drum'n Bass 2 K 72 Lite Steel S 113 Box S
32 Drum'n Bass 3 K 73 Lite Steel SR √ 114 Hip Hop S
33 Break Beats K 74 Lite Brass S 115 Hop S
34 Nu Hip K 75 Lite Brass SR √ 116 Ambient Snap S
35 Impact K 76 7.0"Deep S 117 Clap 1 S
36 Tronic K 77 7.0"Deep SR √ 118 Clap 2 S
37 ShorTronic K 78 12"Maple S 119 Dirty Clap S
38 New Tronic K 79 12"Maple SR √ 120 Whack S
39 Electro Knock K 80 12"Steel S 121 Cruddy S
40 Knock K 81 12"Steel SR √ 122 Dance S

TD-15 Instrument List

No. Name X Stick No. Name X Stick No. Name X Stick

123 Tail S 164 16"Maple T4 206 10"Brush T1
124 Reggae 1 S 165 16"Maple T4R 207 10"Rim Click T1R
125 Reggae 2 S 166 12"Birch T1 208 12"Brush T2
126 Gate S 167 12"Birch T1R 209 12"Rim Click T2R
127 Reverse S 168 14"Birch T2 210 13"Brush T3
128 Industrial S 169 14"Birch T2R 211 13"Rim Click T3R
129 Voice S 170 16"Birch T3 212 16"Brush T4
130 808 S 171 16"Birch T3R 213 16"Rim Click T4R
131 808 SR √ 172 18"Birch T4 Tom B
132 808 XStick 173 18"Birch T4R 214 Lo-Fi T1
133 909 S 174 10"Coated T1 215 Lo-Fi T2
134 909 SR √ 175 10"Coated T1R 216 Lo-Fi T3
135 909 XStick 176 12"Coated T2 217 Lo-Fi T4
136 Elec 1 S 177 12"Coated T2R 218 Low Boost T1
137 Elec 2 S 178 13"Coated T3 219 Low Boost T2
138 Cross Stick 1 179 13"Coated T3R 220 Low Boost T3
139 Cross Stick 2 180 16"Coated T4 221 Low Boost T4
140 Cross Stick 3 181 16"Coated T4R 222 Gate T1
141 Cross Stick 4 182 10"Solid T1 223 Gate T2
142 Cross Stick 5 183 10"Solid T1R 224 Gate T3
143 Cross Stick 6 184 12"Solid T2 225 Gate T4
144 Cross Stick 7 185 12"Solid T2R 226 Jet T1
145 Cross Stick 8 186 14"Solid T3 227 Jet T2
146 Cross Stick 9 187 14"Solid T3R 228 Jet T3
147 Cross Stick 10 188 16"Solid T4 229 Jet T4
148 Cross Stick 11 189 16"Solid T4R 230 Voice T1
149 Cross Stick 12 190 10"Roto T1 231 Voice T2
Tom A 191 10"Roto T1R 232 Voice T3
150 10"Beech T1 192 12"Roto T2 233 Voice T4
151 10"Beech T1R 193 12"Roto T2R 234 808 T1
152 12"Beech T2 194 14"Roto T3 235 808 T2
153 12"Beech T2R 195 14"Roto T3R 236 808 T3
154 13"Beech T3 196 18"Roto T4 237 808 T4
155 13"Beech T3R 197 18"Roto T4R 238 909 T1
156 16"Beech T4 198 Tube Hi C T1 239 909 T2
157 16"Beech T4R 199 Tube Hi C T1R 240 909 T3
158 10"Maple T1 200 Tube G T2 241 909 T4
159 10"Maple T1R 201 Tube G T2R 242 Elec T1
160 12"Maple T2 202 Tube E T3 243 Elec T2
161 12"Maple T2R 203 Tube E T3R 244 Elec T3
162 13"Maple T3 204 Tube C T4 245 Elec T4
163 13"Maple T3R 205 Tube C T4R 246 Elec Bend T1

TD-15 Instrument List

No. Name X Stick No. Name X Stick No. Name X Stick

247 Elec Bend T2 286 18"Bright CrE 326 20"Brush RdB
248 Elec Bend T3 287 16"Thin Cr 327 20"Sizzle Rd
249 Elec Bend T4 288 16"Thin CrE 328 20"Sizzle RdE
Hi-Hat A 289 19"Wild Cr 329 20"Sizzle RdB
250 14"Session HH 290 19"Wild CrE Ride B
251 14"Session HHE 291 18"Brush Cr 330 Short Tail 1 Rd
252 13"Bright HH 292 18"Brush CrE 331 Short Tail 2 Rd
253 13"Bright HHE 293 Brush&Sizzle Cr 332 Short Tail 3 Rd
254 15"Wild HH 294 Brush&Sizzle CrE 333 Lo-Fi 1 Rd
255 15"Wild HHE 295 10"Splash 334 Lo-Fi 2 Rd
256 14"Brush HH 296 10"Splash E 335 Lo-Fi 3 Rd
257 14"Brush HHE 297 20"China 336 Drum'n Bass Rd
258 Tambourine HH 298 20"China E 337 Mainly Bell 1 Rd
259 Tambourine HHE 299 14"Trash 338 Mainly Bell 2 Rd
260 Foot Clave HH 300 14"Trash E 339 Trashy Rd
261 Foot Clave HHE 301 17"Trash Cr 340 Reverse Rd
Hi-Hat B 302 17"Trash CrE Perc
262 Club 1 HH Crash B 341 Bongo Hi Open
263 Club 2 HH 303 Sweep Cr 342 Bongo Hi Slap
264 Dub Step HH 304 Lo-Fi Cr 343 Bongo Hi Op/Slap
265 Drum'n Bass HH 305 Phase Cr 344 Bongo Lo Open
266 Hip Hop HH 306 Ambient Cr 345 Conga Hi Open
267 House HH 307 Voice Cr 346 Conga Hi Slap
268 Sharp House HH 308 808 Cr 347 Conga Hi Op/Slap
269 Low Step HH 309 Elec Cr 348 Conga Lo Open
270 Crackle HH 310 Reverse Cr 349 Conga Slide
271 Lo-Fi HH 311 Reverse Trash 350 Timbale Hi Open
272 Industry HH Ride A 351 Timbale Hi Rim
273 Jingle HH 312 20"Dark Rd 352 Timbale Hi Op/Rm
274 Voice HH 313 20"Dark RdE 353 Timbale Lo Open
275 808 HH 314 20"Dark RdB 354 Timbale Paila
276 909 HH 315 20"Bright Rd 355 Cajon Open
277 78 HH 316 20"Bright RdE 356 Cajon Slap
278 78 Metal HH 317 20"Bright RdB 357 Cajon Bass
Crash A 318 19"Light Rd 358 Cowbell 1
279 16"Dark Cr 319 19"Light RdE 359 Cowbell 1 Tip
280 16"Dark CrE 320 19"Light RdB 360 Cowbell 2
281 18"Dark Cr 321 21"Dry Dark Rd 361 Cowbell 3
282 18"Dark CrE 322 21"Dry Dark RdE 362 Cowbell 4
283 16"Bright Cr 323 21"Dry Dark RdB 363 Claves 1
284 16"Bright CrE 324 20"Brush Rd 364 Claves 2
285 18"Bright Cr 325 20"Brush RdE 365 Maracas

TD-15 Instrument List

No. Name X Stick No. Name X Stick No. Name X Stick

366 Shaker 408 Tabla Tun/Tin/Na 450 78 Claves
367 Small Shaker 409 Tabla Ge 451 78 Metal Beat
368 Tambourine 1 410 Tabla Gin SFX
369 Tambourine 2 411 Tabla Ka 452 Clap
370 Tambourine 3 412 Tabla Ge/Ka 453 Ambience Clap
371 Guiro Slide 413 Tabla Ge Slide 454 House Clap
372 Guiro Shot 414 Sagat Mute/Open 455 Fat Clap
373 Rain Stick 415 Nagado Taiko 456 Tech House Clap
374 Vibra-Slap 416 Nagado Taiko Rim 457 Minimal Clap
375 Cabasa 417 Hira Taiko 458 Buzz Clap
376 Surdo Open 418 Hira Taiko Rim 459 Noize Clap
377 Surdo Mute 419 Concert BD 460 808 Clap
378 Surdo Mute/Open 420 Concert BD Mute 461 909 Clap
379 Surdo Rim 421 Timpani G 462 Snaps
380 Pandeiro Thumb 422 Timpani C 463 Snappin'
381 Pandeiro Slap 423 Piatti 464 Sticks
382 Pandeiro Jingle 424 Castanet 465 Click
383 Repinique Mt/Op 425 Wood Block Hi 466 Tek Click
384 Repinique Rim 426 Wood Block Lo 467 Metro Click
385 Agogo Hi 427 Triangle Open 468 Metro Bell
386 Agogo Lo 428 Triangle Close 469 Beep
387 Whistle 429 Triangle Cl/Op 470 Pyon
388 Whistle Short 430 Crotale 471 Hi-Q
389 Caxixi 431 Bell Tree 472 Low Saw
390 Cuica Hi 432 Sleigh Bells 473 Disto Beep
391 Cuica Lo 433 Tree Chimes 474 Metal Noise
392 Djembe Open 434 Gong 475 Metal Phase
393 Djembe Slap 435 Steel Drum 476 Sweep Slap
394 Djembe Open/Slap 436 Glockenspiel 477 Rusty Iron
395 Djembe Bass 437 Kalimba 478 Machine Noise
396 African Jingle 438 Marimba 479 Robo 1
397 Metal Crasher 439 Vibraphone 480 Robo 2
398 Pot Drum Side 440 808 Cowbell 1 481 Stamp
399 Pot Drum Mute 441 808 Cowbell 2 482 Ratchet
400 Pot Drum Side/Mt 442 808 Maracas 483 Air Driver
401 Pot Drum Bass 443 808 Claves 484 Hammer
402 Pot Drum Release 444 808 Conga 485 Barrel
403 Pot Drum Bs/Rels 445 78 Cowbell 486 Afro Stomp
404 Tabla Na 446 78 Guiro 487 Discovery
405 Tabla Ti 447 78 Maracas 488 Super Low
406 Tabla Tin 448 78 Tambourine 489 Reflective Bell
407 Tabla Tun 449 78 Bongo 490 Noise & Phase

TD-15 Instrument List

No. Name X Stick About Remarks

491 Reverse & Phase X Stick (Cross Stick)
492 Reverse Voco When the X STICK is turned ON, it
493 Voice-Yeah makes possible to use both “Rim
Shot” and “Cross Stick” on the rim.
494 Voice-Ahhh
495 Voice-Haaa
496 Voice-Dat
About Kick Instruments
497 Voice-Doot
When playing these sounds very
498 Voice-Boom
hard, the result will be the same
499 Voice-Tun as when you leave the beater
500 Sin 440Hz against the head of an acoustic
bass drum.

501 OFF
About Snare/Tom Instruments
The last letter of each instrument
name means the sound of head
shot, or rim shot.
S head sound of Snare
SR rim sound of Snare
T1 head sound of Tom 1
T1R rim sound of Tom 1

About Cymbal Instruments

The last letter of each instrument
name means the sound of bow
shot, edge shot, or bell shot.
HH bow sound of hi-hat
HHE edge sound of hi-hat
CrBw bow sound of crash
CrE edge sound of crash
Rd bow sound of ride
RdB bell sound of ride
RdE edge sound of ride

TD-15 Song List
Song Name Producer Tempo
All Night Michael Schack 120
Rock Time! Roland Corporation 93
BigCity Fusion Roland Corporation 115
Funky Time Roland Corporation 138
Swingin' 50's Roland Corporation 140
12 Bar Funk Roland Corporation 124
Autumn Ballad Roland Corporation 84
Cool Funk Roland Corporation 104
Country Pop Roland Corporation 92
Easy Bossa Roland Corporation 120
Funky Rock Roland Corporation 100
Groove Zone Roland Corporation 84
Latin_Fresco Roland Corporation 126
Latin Voyage Roland Corporation 120
Mental Metal Roland Corporation 106
Pop 40 Roland Corporation 80
Pop Funk Roland Corporation 128
Pop of the_Pop Roland Corporation 84
Smooth'nGroove Roland Corporation 186
Spring Ballad Roland Corporation 84
Suspense Roland Corporation 60
Texas Rock Roland Corporation 120
Tight Rock Roland Corporation 152

TD-15 Multi-effect List
The TD-15 provides ten types of multi-effect (MULTI-FX).
00: THRU
The effect won’t be applied.
No. Effect Name
Flattens out high levels and boosts low levels, smoothing
02 SATURATOR out fluctuations in volume.
Parameter Value Explanation
Adjusts the volume at which
05 AUTO WAH Threshold -48–0 dB
compression begins
Make Up 0–24 dB Adjusts the output gain
2:1, 3:1, 4:1, 8:1,
Ratio Compression ratio
08 LO-FI 100:1
09 PHASER Sets the time from when the
input exceeds the Threshold
10 RING MOD Attack 0–100
until the volume starts being
Adjusts the time after the
signal volume falls below
Release 0–99 the Threshold Level until
compression is no longer
Gain of the low frequency
Low Gain -15–+15 dB
Gain of the high frequency
High Gain -15–+15 dB

A saturator which distorts the sound is connected in
parallel with a compressor, producing a rougher tonal
character and boosting the loudness. This also cuts the
low-frequency region of the input audio.

Parameter Value Explanation

Amount of distortion of the
Sat Drive 0–127
Output volume of the
Sat Level 0–127

Output volume of the

Comp Level 0–127
Amount of high-range boost/
High Gain -12–+6 dB
Volume at which the satura-
Sat&Comp tor sound and compressor
Mix sound are mixed with the
original sound
Level 0–127 Output level

TD-15 Multi-effect List


This is an equalizer which cuts the volume greatly, Cyclically controls a filter to create cyclic change in timbre.
allowing you to add a special effect to the sound by
cutting the volume in varying ranges. Parameter Value Explanation
Adjusts the basic frequency
Parameter Value Explanation Manual 0–127
at which the effect is applied.
Boosts and cuts the low Adjusts the amount of the
frequency ranges. wah effect that will occur
Boost/Cut Low -64–+63 At -64, the sound becomes in the range of the center
inaudible. 0 is equivalent to Peak 0–127 frequency.
the input level of the sound. Set a higher value for Peak
Boosts and cuts the middle to narrow the range to be
frequency ranges. affected.
Boost/Cut Mid -64–+63 At -64, the sound becomes Mod Rate 0–127 Frequency of modulation
inaudible. 0 is equivalent to Mod Depth 0–127 Depth of modulation
the input level of the sound.
Proportion by which the
Boosts and cuts the high phase of the wah effect’s
frequency ranges. Mod Phase 0–180 deg modulation will be offset
Boost/Cut High -64–+63 At -64, the sound becomes between the left and right
inaudible. 0 is equivalent to sides.
the input level of the sound.
Volume balance between
Level 0–127 Output level Balance the direct sound (D) and the
effect sound (W)
Level 0–127 Output level

This is a filter with an extremely sharp slope. The cutoff
frequency can be varied cyclically. 06: OVERDRIVE
Mildly distorts the sound. The tone quality of the
Parameter Value Explanation distorted sound is adjusted with a filter.
Filter type
Frequency range that will Parameter Value Explanation
pass through each filter Frequency of the filter that
LPF: Frequencies below the BYPASS, cuts the low-frequency
cutoff 16–1000 Hz content of the input sound
LPF, BPF, HPF, (BYPASS: no cut)
Type BPF: Frequencies in the
region of the cutoff Drive 0–127 Amount of distortion
HPF: Frequencies above the Tone quality of distorted
cutoff Tone 0–127
NOTCH: Frequencies other Volume balance between
than the region of the cutoff D100:0W–
Balance the direct sound (D) and the
Cutoff frequency of the filter effect sound (W)
Cutoff 0–127 Increasing this value will raise Level 0–127 Output level
the cutoff frequency.
Filter resonance level

Resonance 0–127 Increasing this value will

emphasize the region near
the cutoff frequency

Mod Sw OFF, ON On/off switch for modulation

Mod Rate 0–127 Rate of modulation

Mod Depth 0–127 Depth of modulation
Volume balance between
Balance the direct sound (D) and the
effect sound (W)
Level 0–127 Output level

TD-15 Multi-effect List


Intensely distorts the sound. The tone quality of the This is a stereo phaser. The phaser effect will be varied
distorted sound is adjusted with a filter. stepwise.

Parameter Value Explanation Parameter Value Explanation

Frequency of the filter that 4-STAGE,
Number of stages in the
BYPASS, cuts the low-frequency Mode 8-STAGE,
Pre HPF phaser
16–1000 Hz content of the input sound 12-STAGE
(BYPASS: no cut)
Adjusts the basic frequency
Drive 0–127 Amount of distortion Manual 0–127 at which the sound will be
Tone Sw OFF, ON Switches Tone on/off
Rate 0–127 Frequency of modulation
Tone quality of distorted
Tone 0–127
sound Depth 0–127 Depth of modulation
Volume balance between Selects whether the left
Balance the direct sound (D) and the and right phase of the
effect sound (W) modulation will be the same
or the opposite.
Level 0–127 Output level
INVERSE: The left and right
INVERSE, phase will be opposite. When
SYNCHRO using a mono source, this
08: LO-FI spreads the sound.
SYNCHRO: The left and right
This is a low-pass filter equipped with overdrive. It cuts phase will be the same.
the upper range and adds distortion. Select this when inputting a
stereo source.
Parameter Value Explanation Resonance 0–127 Amount of feedback

Cutoff frequency of the filter Rate of the step-wise change

Step Rate 0–127
Cutoff 0–127 in the phaser effect
Increasing this value will raise
the cutoff frequency. Level of the phase-shifted
Mix 0–127
Filter resonance level
Increasing this value will Level 0–127 Output level
Resonance 0–127
emphasize the region near
the cutoff frequency
Drive 0–127 Amount of distortion
Level 0–127 Output level
This is a ring modulator in which the modulation
frequency changes in a stepwise manner.

Parameter Value Explanation

RING MOD: Applies
amplitude modulation to the
RING MOD, input signal
ENV OSC ENV OSC: Outputs oscillation
corresponding to the input
Raise or lower the ring
Pitch -64–+63
modulation frequency
Rate at which step changes
Rate 0–127
are repeated
Speed at which the modula-
Attack 0–127 tion frequency changes
between steps
Low Gain -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
High Gain -15–+15 dB Gain of the high range
Volume balance between
Balance the direct sound (D) and the
effect sound (W)
Level 0–127 Output level

TD-11 Kit List
No. Name No. Name
1 Real ROCK 41 User Kit
2 Studio 42 User Kit
3 House 43 User Kit
4 Swing Jazz 44 User Kit
5 Neo Funk 45 User Kit
6 Thrash Metal 46 User Kit
7 Tight Hit 47 User Kit
8 Latin 48 User Kit
9 Blues Rock 49 User Kit
10 Acid Jazz 50 User Kit
11 Ballad
12 Jungle
13 Dimension
14 Jump'n Bass
15 Reggae
16 Brushes
17 Jazzy Bop
18 Post Punk
19 Tour
20 Compact
21 Alterna
22 Processed
23 Elec Drums
24 TR-808
25 TR-909
26 User Kit
27 User Kit
28 User Kit
29 User Kit
30 User Kit
31 User Kit
32 User Kit
33 User Kit
34 User Kit
35 User Kit
36 User Kit
37 User Kit
38 User Kit
39 User Kit
40 User Kit

TD-11 Instrument List
No. Name X Stick No. Name X Stick No. Name X Stick
Kick A 45 Brush S 89 Roto T1
1 Maple K 46 Brush SR √ 90 Roto T2
2 Shallow K Snare B 91 Roto T3
3 Wood K 47 Dub Step S 92 Plugged T1
4 18"Hybrid K 48 House S 93 Plugged T2
5 Plugged K 49 Dirty Clap S 94 Plugged T3
6 Bop K 50 808 S 95 Brush T1
7 Low K 51 808 SR √ 96 Brush T2
8 Blast K 52 808 XStick 97 Brush T3
9 Solid Maple K 53 909 S 98 808 T1
10 Coated K 54 909 SR √ 99 808 T2
11 24"Solid K 55 909 XStick 100 808 T3
Kick B 56 Elec 1 S 101 909 T1
12 NuHip K 57 Elec 2 S 102 909 T2
13 Rap K Tom A 103 909 T3
14 Impact K 58 10"Maple T1 104 Elec Tom
15 Drum'n Bass K 59 10"Maple T1R 105 Elec Bend Tom
16 New House K 60 12"Maple T2 Hi-Hat A
17 Tronic K 61 12"Maple T2R 106 Custom HH
18 808 K 62 14"Maple T3 107 Custom HHE
19 909 K 63 14"Maple T3R 108 Dark HH
20 Elec K 64 16"Maple T4 109 Dark HHE
Snare A 65 16"Maple T4R Hi-Hat B
21 Custom S 66 10"Birch T1 110 Brush HH
22 Custom SR √ 67 10"Birch T1R 111 Tambourine HH
23 Vintage Maple S 68 12"Birch T2 112 808 HH
24 Vintage Maple SR √ 69 12"Birch T2R 113 909 HH
25 VintageCustom S 70 14"Birch T3 114 78 Metal HH
26 VintageCustom SR √ 71 14"Birch T3R Crash A
27 White Ash S 72 16"Birch T4 115 16"Thin Cr
28 White Ash SR √ 73 16"Birch T4R 116 16"Thin CrE
29 13" S 74 12"Custom T1 117 16"Paper Cr
30 13" SR √ 75 12"Custom T1R 118 16"Paper CrE
31 Heavy S 76 14"Custom T2 119 18"Dark Cr
32 Heavy SR √ 77 14"Custom T2R 120 18"Dark CrE
33 VintageBright S 78 16"Custom T3 121 16"Fast Cr
34 VintageBright SR √ 79 16"Custom T3R 122 16"Fast CrE
35 Lite Steel S 80 12"Coated T1 123 18"Fast Cr
36 Lite Steel SR √ 81 12"Coated T1R 124 18"Fast CrE
37 Lite Brass S 82 14"Coated T2 125 16"Power Cr
38 Lite Brass SR √ 83 14"Coated T2R 126 16"Power CrE
39 7.0"Deep S 84 16"Coated T3 127 18"Power Cr
40 7.0"Deep SR √ 85 16"Coated T3R 128 18"Power CrE
41 Sustain S Tom B Crash B
42 Sustain SR √ 86 Oyster T1 129 10"Med 1 Splash
43 Tight Buzz S 87 Oyster T2 130 10"Med 2 Splash
44 Tight Buzz SR √ 88 Oyster T3 131 10"Rude 1 Splash

TD-11 Instrument List

No. Name X Stick No. Name X Stick About Remarks

132 10"Rude 2 Splash 177 Guiro Shot X Stick (Cross Stick)
133 18"Med 1 China 178 Vibra-slap When the X STICK is turned ON, it
134 18"Med 2 China 179 Cabasa makes possible to use both “Rim
Shot” and “Cross Stick” on the rim.
135 20"Heavy China 180 808 Cowbell
136 19"PiggyBack 181 808 Maracas
137 Piggy Cr 182 808 Claves
About Snare/Tom Instruments
The last letter of each instrument
138 Mallet Cr 183 78 Maracas
name means the sound of head
139 Brush Cr 184 78 Tambourine shot, or rim shot.
140 BrushSizzle Cr 185 78 Metal Beat
141 Processed Cr SFX
S head sound of Snare
142 808 Cr 186 808 Clap
SR rim sound of Snare
143 Reverse Cr 187 909 Clap
T1 head sound of Tom 1
Ride 188 Disto Beep
T1R rim sound of Tom 1
144 20"Custom Rd 189 Machine Noise
145 20"Custom RdE 190 Super Low
20"Custom RdB
22"Clean Rd
191 OFF
About Cymbal Instruments
The last letter of each instrument
148 22"Clean RdE name means the sound of bow
149 22"Clean RdB shot, edge shot, or bell shot.
150 20"Bright Rd (Example)
151 20"Bright RdE
HH bow sound of hi-hat
152 20"Bright RdB
HHE edge sound of hi-hat
153 24"Heavy Rd
CrBw bow sound of crash
154 24"Heavy RdE
CrE edge sound of crash
155 24"Heavy RdB
Rd bow sound of ride
156 20"Sizzle Rd
RdB bell sound of ride
157 20"Sizzle RdE
RdE edge sound of ride
158 20"Sizzle RdB
159 20"Brush Rd
160 20"Brush RdE
161 20"Brush RdB
162 Bongo Hi
163 Bongo Lo
164 Conga Hi
165 Conga Lo
166 Conga Slide
167 Timbale Hi Open
168 Timbale Hi Rim
169 Timbale Lo Open
170 Timbale Paila
171 Cowbell
172 Cowbell Tip
173 Claves
174 Small Shaker
175 Tambourine
176 Guiro Slide

TD-11 Song List
Song Name Producer Tempo
Rockin' Out Roland Corporation 120
Smooth Pop Roland Corporation 93
12 Bar Funk Roland Corporation 115
Cool Funk Roland Corporation 138
Country Pop Roland Corporation 140
Funky Rock Roland Corporation 124
Groove Zone Roland Corporation 84
Latin Voyage Roland Corporation 104
Mental Metal Roland Corporation 92
Pop 40 Roland Corporation 120
Smooth'nGroove Roland Corporation 100
Spring Ballad Roland Corporation 84
Texas Rock Roland Corporation 126
Tight Rock Roland Corporation 120

• Recording, duplication, distribution, sale, lease, performance, or broadcast of copyrighted material (musical
works, visual works, broadcasts, live performances, etc.) belonging to a third party in part or in whole without the
permission of the copyright owner is forbidden by law.
• Do not use this product for purposes that could infringe on a copyright held by a third party. We assume no
responsibility whatsoever with regard to any infringements of third-party copyrights arising through your use of this
• The copyright of content in this product (the sound waveform data, style data, accompaniment patterns, phrase data,
audio loops and image data) is reserved by Roland Corporation.
• Purchasers of this product are permitted to utilize said content for the creating, performing, recording and
distributing original musical works.
• Purchasers of this product are NOT permitted to extract said content in original or modified form, for the purpose of
distributing recorded medium of said content or making them available on a computer network.

MIDI Implementation Chart
Drum Sound Module Date: Mar. 1. 2012
Model TD-15/TD-11 Version: 1.00

Function... Transmitted Recognized Remarks

Basic Default 1–16, OFF 1–16, OFF Memorized

Channel Changed 1–16, OFF 1–16, OFF
Default Mode 3 Mode 3
Mode Messages X X
Altered ************** **************

Note 0–127 0–127 Memorized

: True Voice
Number ************** 0–127
Note On O 9nH, v = 1–127 O
Note Off O 8nV, v = 64 O

After Key’s O O
Touch Channel’s X X
Pitch Bend X X

Control 0, 32 O O Bank Select

Change 4 O O Foot Control

O O *1
0–99 0–99 *2
Program 0–49 0–49 *3
: True Number ************** 0–99 *2
0–49 *3

System Exclusive O O Device ID = 17 (10H)

: Song Position X X
: Song Select X X
: Tune Request X X

System : Clock X X
Real Time : Commands X X
: All Sound Off X O (120)
: Reset All Controllers O O
Aux : Local On/Off X X
Messages : All Notes Off X O (123–127)
: Active Sensing O O
: System Reset X X
*1 O X is selectable.
Notes *2 For the TD-15
*3 For the TD-11

Mode 1 : OMNI ON, POLY Mode 2 : OMNI ON, MONO O : Yes

Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 4 : OMNI OFF, MONO X : No


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of ROLAND
Roland and V-Drums are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Roland Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
16 1PS

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