Guideline For Sterilization Process Validation: (Date:1995-11-01)
Guideline For Sterilization Process Validation: (Date:1995-11-01)
According to the GMP regulations, to avoid microbiological
contamination on aseptic products, a manufacturer must set up
and exactly comply with the documented manufacture process.
This documentation must include the validation of all
sterilization process.
The efficacy of a given sterilization process for a specific drug
product is evaluated on the basis of a series of protocols and
scientific experiments designed to demonstrate that the
sterilization process and associated control procedures can
reproducibly deliver a sterile product.
Regardless of whether the applicant uses terminal sterilization or
aseptic processing to manufacture a drug product that is
purported to be sterile, the information about the validation of
that process should be submitted for all types of sterilization.
Whether a product is sterilized by a terminal sterilization
process or by an aseptic filling process, the efficacy of the
sterilization process may be validated without the manufacture
of three production batches.
Sterilization process validation data, however, should be
generated using procedures and conditions that are fully
representative and descriptive of the procedures and conditions
proposed for manufacture of the product in the application.
This document is intended to provide guidance for the
submission of information and data in support of the efficacy of
sterilization processes in drug applications. This document will
be used as a reference when the manufacturers execute
validation on the aseptic drug products.
Section 1. Description of the Process and Product
7. Reprocessing
A description and validation summary of any program that
provides for reprocessing (e.g., additional thermal processing) of
product should be provided. Please note that the stability
program is also affected by additional thermal processing.
2. Thermal Monitors
The number of thermal monitors used and their location in the
chamber should be described. A diagram is helpful.
3. Multiple Barriers
Each barrier that separates areas of the drug product claimed to
be sterile should be separately evaluated and validated.
2. Cycle Parameters
(1) The parameters and limits for all phases of the cycle, e.g.,
prehumidification, gas concentration, vacuum and gas pressure
cycles, exposure time and temperature, humidity, degassing,
aeration, and determination of residuals should be specified.
(2)Specific procedures used to monitor and control routine
production cycles to assure that performance is within validated
limits should be provided.
3. Microbiological Methods
The microbiological methods (growth medium, incubation
temperature, and time interval) for cultivating spores from
inoculated samples during validation experiments should be
described as well as the microbiological methods used as part of
routine production cycles.
4. Stability
The program for monitoring the stability of packaging and the
integrity of the container-closure system barrier over the
claimed shelf life should be described.
Section 2. Radiation
1. The Facility and the Process
(1)The radiation facility should be identified (A diagram is
(2) The radiation source, method of exposure (i.e., movement
through the irradiator), and the type and location of dosimeters
used to monitor routine production loads should be described. If
the low dose site is not used for routine monitoring, data that
shows the dose relationship between the two sites should be
5. Monitoring Stability
The program for monitoring the stability of packaging and the
integrity of the container-closure system barrier over the
claimed shelf life should be described.
Section 1. Buildings and Facilities
A brief description of the manufacturing building and facilities
should be provided. The following information should be
1. Floor Plan
(1)A floor plan of the areas holding the aseptic filling facilities
including preparation and holding areas, filtering and filling
areas, and gowning rooms should be included.
(2) Class 100, Class 10,000, Class 100,000 should be identified.
(3)Isolators or barrier systems should be identified.
2. Location of Equipment
(1)The placement of all critical equipment, including, but not
limited to, laminar flow hoods, autoclaves, lyophilizers, and
filling heads, should be identified.
(2) Equipment within barrier or isolation systems should be
8. Incubation parameters
The incubation time and temperature for each group of units
incubated and specifications for any group of units subjected to
two (or more) different temperatures should be specified.
10. Simulations
The procedures used to simulate any steps of a normal
production fill should be described. This might include, for
example, slower line speed, personnel shift changes, equipment
failure and repair, mock lyophilization and substitution of vial
headspace gas.
3. Exceeded Limits
A description of the actions taken when specifications are
exceeded should be provided.
Section 8 Bacterial Endotoxins Test and Method
The bacterial endotoxin test used for the product should be
described, if applicable. This description should include
qualification of the laboratory, inhibition and enhancement
testing and results, determination of noninhibitory concentration
and maximum valid dilution.
Section 2 Preservative Effectiveness
1.The efficacy of preservative systems inadvertently introduced
during drug product use should be demonstrated at the minimum
concentration specified for drug product release or at the
minimum concentration specified for the end of the expiration
dating period, whichever is less.
2.Since the efficacy of preservative systems is judged by their
effect on microorganisms, microbial challenge assays should be