IndianJRadiolImaging - Imaging in Laringeal Cancer
IndianJRadiolImaging - Imaging in Laringeal Cancer
IndianJRadiolImaging - Imaging in Laringeal Cancer
Correspondence: Varsha Joshi, Senior Consultant, Vijaya Diagnostics, Hyderabad, India. Email: [email protected]
Imaging plays an important complementary role to clinical examination and endoscopic biopsy in the evaluation of laryngeal cancers.
A vast majority of these cancers are squamous cell carcinomas (SCC). Cross‑sectional imaging with contrast‑enhanced computed
tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging allows excellent depiction of the intricate anatomy of the larynx and the
characteristic patterns of submucosal tumor extension. CT, MRI and more recently PET‑CT, also provide vital information about
the status of cervical nodal disease, systemic metastases and any synchronous malignancies. Additionally, certain imaging‑based
parameters like tumor volume and cartilaginous abnormalities have been used to predict the success of primary radiotherapy or
surgery in these patients. Integration of radiological findings with endoscopic evaluation greatly improves the pretherapeutic staging
accuracy of laryngeal cancers, and significantly impacts the choice of management strategies in these patients. Imaging studies
also help in the post‑therapeutic surveillance and follow‑up of patients with laryngeal cancers. In this article, we review the currently
used laryngeal imaging techniques and protocols, the key anatomic structures relevant to tumor spread and the characteristic
patterns of submucosal extension and invasion of laryngeal cancer. The role of CT, MRI and PET‑CT in the evaluation of patients
with laryngeal SCC and the impact of imaging findings on prognosis and clinical management is also discussed.
A high field MRI scanner using a dedicated neck coil
is preferred. A combination of multiplanar noncontrast
T1‑weighted, T2‑weighted and T2‑weighted fat saturation Figure 1A: Normal anatomy of larynx. Frontal view
images with postcontrast T1 fat‑suppressed images
are routinely used. It is important to take the T1 and
T2 sections at the same levels. A section thickness of 4 mm
is preferred with an interslice gap of 0-1 mm. The entire
examination takes about 30 minutes, and the patient is
asked to refrain from coughing and swallowing during
the acquisition.
A clear understanding of the laryngeal anatomy is Figure 1B: Normal anatomy of larynx. Lateral view
fundamental to the interpretation of CT and MRI scans
of patients with laryngeal SCC. A detailed review of the
anatomy[8] is beyond the scope of this article. A few key
anatomical features are discussed below[8,9] [Figures 1‑4].
Laryngeal cartilages
The larynx extends from the tip of epiglottis to the inferior
margin of the cricoid cartilage. The epiglottis, thyroid,
cricoid and the paired arytenoid cartilages are the four
principal laryngeal cartilages [Figure 1].
Figure 2C: Normal anatomy of larynx on axial contrast CT images – Figure 2D: Normal anatomy of larynx on axial contrast CT images
supraglottis. The preepiglottic space (white asterisk) seen anterior to – supraglottis. The stem of the epiglottis is seen attaching to the
the epiglottis (thin arrow). Note the aryepiglottic folds (bent arrows) inner surface of the thyroid cartilage in the midline (thin arrow). The
and the piriform sinuses (notched arrows) aryepiglottic folds (bent thick arrows), piriform sinuses (notched arrows)
and paraglottic spaces (curved elbow arrows) are seen
and enlarged posteriorly, to form the superior and inferior
cornua. The superior cornua provide attachment to the The imaging appearance of these cartilages depends
thyrohyoid ligament and the inferior cornua articulate on whether or not they are ossified. The epiglottis and
medially with the sides of the cricoid at the cricothyroid the vocal process of arytenoids are fibrocartilages that
joint. The cricoid is the inferiormost ring‑shaped laryngeal do not ossify. Nonossified cartilages have soft tissue
cartilage and the foundation of the larynx. The paired attenuation on CT and intermediate signal intensity on
arytenoid cartilages sit along the upper margin of the T1‑weighted (T1W) and T2‑weighted (T2W) images.
cricoid lamina, forming the cricoarytenoid joints. The The thyroid, cricoid and arytenoid are hyaline cartilages
vertical height of the arytenoid spans the laryngeal that show progressive ossification with age. On CT, the
ventricle. The apex of the arytenoid attaches the vestibular ossified cartilages have hyperattenuating inner and outer
ligament and corresponds to the level of the false cords. margins with low attenuation of the medullary cavity. On
The base of the arytenoids projects the vocal processes MRI, the ossified cortical margins are of low signal and
anteriorly, that attach the vocal ligament running along the fat‑filled medullary cavity is of high signal on T1W
the inner margin of true vocal cords. and T2W images.
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Figure 2E: Normal anatomy of larynx on axial contrast CT images – Figure 2F: Normal anatomy of larynx on axial contrast CT images
supraglottis. The tip of the arytenoid cartilages (double headed arrows) – glottis. The cricoarytenoid joints (straight arrows) are seen. The
and the false cords (small arrows) are seen. The paraglottic spaces thyroarytenoid muscle forms the bulk of the true vocal cords (block
(curved elbow arrows)are seen deep to the false cords. This section arrows) at this level. Note the anterior commissure (elbow arrow) and
represents the superior margin of the laryngeal ventricular complex the posterior commissure (curved arrow)
Figure 3B: Sagittal T1W MR image through the larynx. Sagittal T1W
Figure 3A: Sagittal CT image through the larynx. Sagittal CT MRI shows the epiglottis (thin arrow) and the preepiglottic fat space
reformation shows the epiglottis (thin arrow) and the preepiglottic fat (thick arrow). Note the close relationship of the base of tongue (elbow
space (thick arrow). Note the close relationship of the base of tongue arrow) with the epiglottis
(elbow arrow) with the epiglottis
The TNM classification laid down by the American Joint
however, axial images also provide good delineation of Commission on Cancer (AJCC) is universally accepted
the same [Figure 2C‑E]. for staging laryngeal cancer[10] [Table 2]. This classification
incorporates all information available prior to treatment,
Tumor Origin and Characteristic Patterns of including the clinical examination, endoscopy, endoscopic
Spread (T staging) biopsy and cross‑sectional imaging. The guidelines rely
heavily on the use of cross‑sectional imaging for the T
Clinical examination followed by endoscopy is always staging; however, no recommendation is made regarding
the first step in T staging of laryngeal SCC. CT and the preference of one technique over the other.
MRI are performed to define the submucosal extent
and deeper margins of the tumor. Small and superficial The general radiological criteria used for tumor involvement
mucosal tumors may not be appreciated at CT or MRI include asymmetric soft tissue prominence or thickening,
and hence, it is mandatory that an endoscopy is done abnormal contrast enhancement, a bulky mass, obliteration of
prior to any imaging study. Integration of cross‑sectional the normal fat planes and spaces, or a combination of these.[11]
imaging with endoscopy findings significantly improves
the accuracy of T staging. Zbaren, et al. reported the Supraglottic SCC
accuracy of clinical T staging alone for laryngeal SCC Approximately 30% of all laryngeal cancers arise in the
to be 57.5%, but as high as 80% when combined with supraglottis. They often present in advanced stages,
contrast‑enhanced CT.[9] because symptoms (hoarseness, due to vocal cord
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involvement) do not occur until late. Due to the rich a. Epiglottic SCC
lymphatic network of the supraglottis, nodal disease (level These are anterior midline cancers that primarily invade
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Figure 5B: Supraglottic mass arising from the epiglottis. Axial line
diagram shows the pathways of spread (thick black arrows) of epiglottic
mass (red colour)
Glottic SCC
into the PES [Figures 5 and 6]. While the SCCs arising
Glottic SCCs represent about 65% of all laryngeal cancers.
from the mobile portion of the epiglottis may spread from
Hoarseness of voice due to vocal cord involvement is the
the PES further into the base of tongue and laterally into
primary presenting symptom in these patients. Metastatic
the PGS, those arising from the stem often invade the low
nodal disease is rare in glottic carcinomas due to the sparse
PES and via the anterior commissure, reach the glottis or lymphatic drainage of the glottis. The 5‑year survival rate for
subglottis [Figure 5]. The primary sign of PES invasion T1 glottic cancers is 90% and falls to 25% for T4 cancers.[12]
at imaging is replacement of the normal fat by abnormal
enhancing soft tissue [Figures 6,7,9,18A and 19B]. The Glottic SCCs commonly arise from the anterior half of
sensitivity of CT and MRI to detect invasion of the PES the vocal cord and spread into the anterior commissure.
is 100% and the corresponding specificities are 93% and Anterior commissural disease is seen on CT or MRI as
84‑90%.[9,13] soft tissue thickening of more than 1‑2 mm. The accuracy
of CT in predicting anterior commissure involvement is
b. Aryepiglottic fold (AE fold) SCC about 75%.[14]
These cancers present as exophytic or infiltrative masses.
They expand the AE fold and spread into the PGS. They From the anterior commissure, the tumor may spread
may spread further anteriorly into the PES or posteriorly further anteriorly into the contralateral cord and the thyroid
to invade the piriform sinus [Figures 8 and 9]. cartilage or posteriorly into the posterior commissure,
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Figure 8: Supraglottic mass arising from the aryepiglottic fold. Line Figure 9: Supraglottic SCC – aryepiglottic fold. A right aryepiglottic
diagram shows a section through the aryepiglottic fold in the axial plane. fold mass (thin white arrows) is seen invading into preepiglottic (white
The mass in the false cord is seen in red with pathways of spread in asterisk) and right paraglottic space (black asterisk) and narrowing the
black curved arrows right piriform sinus (curved white arrow). Note sclerosis of thyroid lamina
(thin black arrow) with extralaryngeal tumor (white curved elbow arrows)
Figure 10: Supraglottic mass arising from the false cord. Line diagram
shows a section through the false cord in the axial plane. The mass in
the false cord is seen in red with pathways of spread in black curved
arrows Figure 11: Supraglottic SCC - False cord. Axial contrast CT section
through the false cords shows a mass within the right false cord and
invading into the right PGS (black asterisk)
Figure 12B: Glottic mass. Axial line diagram shows the pathways of
spread (thick black arrows) of glottic SCC (red mass lesion)
Transglottic SCC
Laryngeal SCC encroaching on both, the glottis and
supraglottis, with or without subglottic component and
when the site of origin is unclear, is termed as transglottic
tumor [Figure 17A, B].[6,7] This tumor spread is frequently
through the PGS and is readily identified on CT or MR
imaging [Figure 18]. Transglottic carcinoma is frequently
accompanied by metastatic lymphadenopathy.[7] Coronal
images are particularly helpful in assessing transglottic
extension of tumor [Figure 18D].
Figure 13: Glottic SCC. Axial contrast CT image shows a glottis mass
in the left true cord reaching the anterior commissure (black asterisk).
Mild thickening of posterior commissure is noted (thick black arrow)
with sclerosis of left arytenoid and left lamina of thyroid cartilage
Figure 15: Subglottic SCC. Axial contrast CT image through the Figure 16: Advanced subglottic SCC. Axial CT image through the
subglottis shows a smooth well-defined enhancing mass is seen on the subglottis in another patient shows a circumferential subglottic mass
right side (thin white arrows) reaching anteriorly just below the anterior with destruction of the cricoid and the thyroid cartilages (curved black
commissure (black asterisk) elbow arrows) and extralaryngeal spread of tumor (thin white arrows)
if the tumor is restricted to the supraglottis and does not T1‑weighted sequences have been the accepted criteria
involve the laryngeal ventricle or the arytenoids, is a partial for positive identification of neoplastic cartilaginous
laryngectomy indicated [Figures 19A, B]. Extension of glottis invasion [Figures 20B and 21]. However, peritumoral
carcinoma across the anterior commissure to involve greater inflammation may mimic neoplastic invasion if these
than 1/3 of the contralateral vocal cord contraindicates a criteria are used, especially in the thyroid cartilage, thereby
vertical hemilaryngectomy. Disease in the interarytenoid leading to false positive assessments. Recently, Becker,
region and the posterior commissure precludes supracricoid et al,[19] reported that in assessing neoplastic infiltration
laryngectomy.[6,7] Presence of significant cartilage invasion of laryngeal cartilage at MR imaging, the T2‑weighted
on CT or MRI is also associated with a higher risk of tumor and gadolinium‑enhanced T1‑weighted signal intensity
recurrence, increased risk of late complications and is should be compared with the signal intensity of the
predictive of poor response to radiation therapy.[7] Isolated adjacent tumor on the corresponding sequences. If the
sclerosis of arytenoids cartilage at CT does not affect the cartilage displays higher signal intensity than tumor, a
radiation outcomes in patients with laryngeal carcinoma.[16] diagnosis of peritumoral inflammation within the cartilage
Cricoid cartilage invasion always requires a total laryngectomy. is suggested; if, however, the cartilage displays a similar
signal intensity to tumor, neoplastic cartilage invasion is
T‑staging Parameters Used for Prognosis of suggested [Figures 20B and 21].[18]
the Disease Process
The CT criteria for reporting cartilage invasion include
Cartilage invasion sclerosis, erosion, lysis and the presence of extralaryngeal
MRI has a high sensitivity (89%‑95%) but lower tumor [Figures 22A, B].[19,20] While sclerosis has a high
specificity (74%‑84%) as compared to CT for the detection sensitivity (83%) to detect intracartilaginous disease, it
of cartilage invasion. The negative predictive value of has a specificity that varies from one cartilage to another,
MRI to exclude cartilage invasion is also very high, at being lowest in the thyroid cartilage (40%) and higher
around 94%‑96%.[17,18] in the cricoid and arytenoid cartilages (76% and 79%
respectively).[17‑19] Erosion or lysis and extralaryngeal tumor
Presence of tumor invasion can be readily identified on the are highly specific criteria (86%‑95%) for neoplastic cartilage
T1‑weighted images if the cartilage is ossified [Figure 20A]. disease; however, their sensitivity ranges between 64% and
Tumor is seen as abnormal soft tissue intensity within the 72% and 44%, respectively, as they occur very late in the
bright signal of the medullary fat of the cartilage. High course of the disease.[18] By applying a combination of all
intracartilaginous signal on fat‑suppressed T2 weighted and the above criteria, the overall sensitivity of CT is as high as
cartilaginous enhancement on postcontrast fat‑suppressed 91% with a negative predictive value of 95%.
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Figure 17C: Transglottic mass. Coronal line diagram shows the spread
of transglottic cancer in the paraglottic space
Post‑Treatment Evaluation
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to use for comparison at subsequent post‑treatment results in significant anatomic distortion making the
follow‑up in patients with laryngeal SCC. A decreased FDG diagnosis of recurrence extremely difficult. Recurrence
activity in the early phase of combined chemoradiation is following surgery is generally reported on CT, when
associated with greater tumor response, survival and local focal areas of nodularity or soft tissue are noted in the
control.[29] A pretreatment SUV less than 9 in the primary surgical bed. These typically occur at the cut margins
tumor has been found to be predictive of a lower rate of local of the surgery where the tumor was previously located.
recurrence and improved disease free survival compared Radiation for laryngeal SCC is followed by significant
with a primary tumor SUV of 9 or more.[30] edema, thickening and abnormal enhancement in
the laryngeal tissues. The normal fat in the PES and
While endoscopy remains the preferred method to the PGS has a stippled appearance. The epiglottis,
diagnose mucosal recurrences, imaging contributes to the aryepiglottic folds and the arytenoids are swollen.
detection of deep recurrence. Surgery for laryngeal cancer Fragmentation, sclerosis and lysis of the cartilages may
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Figure 23A: Post-treatment CT following chemoradiation. Axial contrast Figure 23B: Post-treatment PET-CT following chemoradiation. Axial
CT image in a patient with epiglottic cancer, post chemoradiation PET-CT image obtained eight months later shows an area of uptake
therapy shows no obvious mass. The biopsy was negative on the left side suggesting tumor recurrence. Biopsies were consistently
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
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