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SPS 340.60 Liquefied Natural Gas Systems (LNG) Checklist

Production, Storage, and Handling of LNG NFPA 59-A - 2009 Ed

Owner: __________________________________City; ____________________State/zip________________________

Location: ______________________________ Contact Phone: ________________________ Cell: ________________

Tank Manufacturers___________________________________ Tank Capacity ______________ Year Built _________

Vessel Marking: ____________ NB No.___________ Serial No. ____________ MAWP _________ QTY. __________

LNG NFPA 59-A – 2009 Ed

Code Section Item Description Code Section Item Description
5.2 Plant Site Provisions Pneumatic Mortar aci 506r
5.2.1 Written site evaluation prepared (A) High tensile elements prestressed concrete
1) Potential incidents & mitigating measures ASTM A 227, ASTM A 416,
2) Adjacent activities ASTM A 421, ASTM A 821, API 620
3) Severe Weather patterns 100 year period Reinforcing steel for reinforced concrete
4) Other natural hazards ASTM A 82, ASTM A 185
5) Security 7.5.3 Construction, Inspection, and Tests
5.2.2 All-weather accessibility for Pers. safety and (1) Concrete containers ACI 318 & 344R-W
5.2.3 Site Provisions for Spill and Leak Control Inspected to ACI 311.4R Impound Area and type Acceptable Metal Containers Tested and Insp. API 620
(a) Containers 7.6 (1-7) Markings of Containers
(b) Process areas & Capacity of PRV base on (1 thru 7)
(c) Vaporization areas Computations for sizing valves
(d) Transfer areas 8.1 Vaporization Facilities
(e) Areas surrounding flammable refrigerant 8.3.1 Design, fab and insp. ASME VIII –260 TO Minimum separation between containers 100F
Table 8.4.1 Two inlet valves with vent valve in supply Process Equipment >50ft from ignition Heated Vaporizer heat source shut off 50ft Loading Unloading connections >50ft 8.5.1 Vaporizer relief valve 110% vapor. Cap
6.1 Process Systems 9.2.1 All piping B31.3
6.3.1 Pumps and Compressors designed NO! Type F spiral welded or furnace butt
6.3.5 Pumps and Compressor pressure relief Threaded pipe at least schedule 80
6.5.2 & .3 Boilers and Pressure vessels ASME NO! Cast-iron, malleable-iron, & ductile
6.5.4 Shell & Tube heat exchanges built Sec VIII Fittings Schedule 80 LNG Containers in contact LNG –20F are No compression fitting under –20F (C) Piping to be design ASME VIII or B31.3 Container connection >1” equipped one of
7.3.2 Seismic Design 1. auto close valve fire exposed
7.3.7 Foundations 2.remote quick operating valve nor- close (2) Bottom outer tank protected from corrosion 3. check valve on filling connections Outer tank ground contact requirements Welding-ASME B31.3, 328.2, Tank bottom temp monitoring system oper IMPACT-TESTED MATERIALS, QUA
7.4 Metal Containers No Oxygen-fuel gas welding
7.4.1 15 or less psi comply with API 620 A-Q 9.4.4 (1) Piping shall be color-coded
100 % RT a), b), c). Pressure tests ASME B31.3, section 345 Double walled and Evacuated All circum butt welds shall be RT or UT Inner tank of welded Construction, ASME All socket welds and fillet welds PT or MT
Stamped and registered All full penetration for branch shall be (E) The outer tank shall have relief device (1) Examined thoroughly by in-process 344.7
7.5 Concrete Containers & 2 Life time records and storage Comply with ACI 318 / 344R-W 9.9.3 Liquid lines expansion relief valves install Reinforcing bars limited to Table 4-3.2.3 10.2* 10.5 Level-temp-pressure-vacuum gages install A(1) Concrete handling requirements ACI 318 10.6 Fail safe emergency shutdown (B) Concrete Properties test data available A(1) Aggregate specification ASTM C 33

SBD-0000 (R11/11)

Owner Installer: __________________________________________________________ Page 2

LNG NFPA 59-A – 2009 Ed

Code Section Item Description Code Section Item Description
11.1 Transfer of LNG and refrigerants 13.1 Stationary ASME 100,000 gallons or less
11.2.1 Posted “ No Smoking” 13.1.2 Aggregate storage cap 280,000 gallons
11.2.2 Multiple products un /loaded identified 13.2.1 Site prep provisions for spills
11.3.1 Isolation valves installed at extremity of each 13.2.2 All-weather accessibility to site
transfer system
11.4.1 Remote Pump/Comp Shut down min 25’ 13.2.3 Storage & Transfer secured if unattended
11.4.4 Signal lights shall be provided at Un/Load Operating instructions of emergency controls
for remote pump /comp, idle/operating shall be posted
11.6 Tank Vehicle and Car Un/Loading 13.3.1 All piping between inner & outer containers in
accordance ASME VIII or ANSI B31.3
11.6.5 Piping, pumps, comp protected barriers 13.3.5 Containers double-walled
11.6.6 Shutoff valves and bleed connections 13.3.6 Inner Tank ASME sect VIII
11.6.7 Bleeds or vents safe place of discharge 13.7.1 Product retention valves (Liquid & vapor)
11.6.8 Emergency valve for liquid and vapor at least 13.14.1 All piping ANSI B31.3
25’ not more 100’ 13.14.1 (1) No F piping, spiral welded, & furnace butt Un/Loading closer than 25’ valve installed 13.14.1 (2) Welders qualified ASME IX
25’ to 100’ 13.14.1 (5) All pipe below -20F Austenitic Stainless
11.8 Hoses and Arms 13.15 Container Instrumentation
11.8.1 Hoses or arms designed temp & press 13.15.2 Equipped with Level Gauging
11.8.2 Hoses shall be approved for service 13.15.4 PRV shall vent to atmosphere
11.8.3 Flexible metallic hose/pipe below -60F 13.15.5 PRV sized with 7.9.5 or CGA S-1.3
11.8.6 Hoses shall be inspected & tested annually 13.15.6 Inner container PRV manual full open stop
valve to isolate it from the container
11.9 Communications and Lighting The INNER PRV stop valve shall be lockable
or sealed
11.9.1 Communications shall be provided at load or 13.17 Portable flammable gas indicator shall be
unloading locations readily available
11.9.2 Transfer in darkness shall have lighting 13.18 Written operating & maint. procedures
12.1 Fire Protection, Safety, and Security 13.18.1 Basic operations requirements
(1 thru 6)
12.2 Fire Protection for all facilities 13.18.3 .1 Written manual emergency procedures
12.2.1 Extent determined by an evaluation of 13.18.4 Written maintenance procedure manual
following 10 …(12.2.2)
12.3 Emergency Shutdown Systems
12.3.1 Shall have ESD system(s) to isolate or
shutdown source of LNG
12.3.2 Duplication valves not required if exist
12.3.6 Operating instructions shall be present
12.3.7 Manual actuators located at least 50’
12.4 Fire and Leak Detection
12.4.1 Enclosed building shall be monitored
12.4.1 Low temp or flammable gas detection Fire detectors shall activate an alarm
12.5.1 Water supply and system shall be provided
unless 12.2.1 unnecessary or impractical
12.6.1 Portable or wheeled fire ext (min 20#) NFPA-30AChap 12 and 4.3.72
12.8 Personnel Safety This chapter shall apply when LNG is dispensed as motor
12.8.1 Protective clothing be available & accessible vehicle fuel along with Class I or Class II flammable liquids.
12.8.3 Written procedures protect employees
12.8.4 3 portable gas indicators available

SBD-0000 (R11/11)

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