The Courier - August 21 2017

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EST 1867


Insets: Luka Kauzlaric, Dylan Burns

The historic first AFL game played in Ballarat on Saturday, boasting more than 10,000 people at Mars Stadium, was not
the only drawcard for the city. A blockbuster weekend that included the launch of the International Foto Biennale and
Royal South Street’s bands competition saw crowds in the streets and motels filled to bursting. Full Story Pages 3-7


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2 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017

Fun, food and festivity TRAINS TO
BY MICHELLE SMITH Ballarat for 26 years but the
association only formed in DEPART 5.10am* (reserved
FOOD brings people togeth- March after members of coach 6.40am), 5.12am
er and for Indonesian Inde- the Indonesian community (6.32am) 6.10am (7.29am)
pendence Day it’s central to gathered to be part of the 6.38am (8am) 7.17am
the festive atmosphere of the Ballarat Begonia Festival. (8.37am) 7.39 (8.59am)
celebration. Most members of the 8.02am (9.39am) 9.12am
Ballarat’s small Indone- group have been in Ballarat (10.39am) 10.12am(11.39am)
sian community gathered to for less than a decade. 11.12am (12.39am) 12.12pm
to mark the 62nd Indonesian Ms Craggs said it was (1.39pm) 1.12pm (2.39pm)
Independence Day and the important for Indonesian 2.12pm (3.39pm) 3.12pm
separation of the archipelago people to remain connected (4.39pm) 3.52*(5.14pm)
from more than 300 years of to their culture and the group 5.15pm*(coach 7.10pm)
Dutch rule. promoted social connections 4.55am (coach 7.10am)
“In Indonesia it’s a very big within the community. 5.35pm (7.27pm) 6.52pm
public holiday, then every- “There are so many people (8.38pm) 8.08pm (9.45pm)
body in the village cleans up depressed because there is 8.52pm*(10.20pm) 9.30pm
the yard and paints and then not enough socialising, so (10.59pm) 10.13pm
there’s food and lots of differ- we get together, have fun to- (11.59pm) *Service
ent games,” said Ballarat Re- gether and have lots of food,” departs Ballarat. Others
gion Indonesian Community she said. from Wendouree.
president Linda Craggs. “And for that reason we
welcome everyone, not just
The hall of the One2One
church was festooned with Indonesian people, because
getting together is better
Indonesian flags as mem-
bers each cooked dishes for a than staying at home.
communal lunch. “Food brings us together
Nasi goreng, chilli eggs, in Indonesia and in Australia. DEPART S/Cross 5.10am
rice, beef rendang and tradi- It’s a very traditional thing (arrive 7.02am) 6.09am*
tional cakes and sweets were with all of the members (7.43am)7.26am*(9.13am)
on the menu as they would cooking then sharing a meal.” 8.17am (9.47am)9.17am
be in their home country on Ms Craggs said there (10.52am)10.17am(11.52am)
a festive day. was renewed interest in 11.17am (12.52pm)12.17pm
“Today we had some the Indonesian culture (1.48pm) 1.17pm (2.52pm)
speeches, played the Indone- with many school students 2.17pm (3.52pm) 3.17pm
sian anthem, enjoyed some learning Indonesian as a sec- (4.52pm) 4pm (5.19pm)
lunch then had dancing and ond language. 4.33pm (5.51pm) 4.54pm
games,” Ms Craggs said. “Many people think they (6.12pm) 5.10pm (6.29pm)
Traditional games played know Indonesia because 5.51pm (7.09pm) 6.26pm
on independence day, which they know Bali, but actually (7.43pm) 7.15pm (8.45pm)
is also known Hari Kemerde- we are a big nation with 27 7.55pm (9.22pm) 8.35pm
kaan, include sack racing, different dialects and cul- (10.05pm) 9.25pm* (coach
climbing palm trees, dancing tures so there is real variety,” 11.02pm) 9.35pm (11.05pm)
and other fun activities. she said. CROONER: Noldi belts out a song at Indonesian Independence Day celebrations with 10.25pm (11.51pm) *Termi-
Ms Craggs has lived in members of the Ballarat Region Indonesian Community Association. Picture: Kate Healy nates at Ballarat

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for beer

Beer Festival will abandon its
home of City Oval in 2018 in
It’s got a lot of
favour of Lake Wendouree as natural shade
it attempts to reverse a falling and it’s a much
attendance rate.
The festival which be- prettier site than
gan in 2012 has gone on to City Oval.
become a regular Ballarat
fixture, attracting its biggest Richard Dexter - Ballarat
crowd of 6500 in 2013. Beer Festival director
Despite good weather the
2017 event attracted just 3300 5000 people on Saturday,
people after being wedged January 20. Ballarat City
between major events such councillors will vote on pro-
as the Nick Cave and the Bad viding funding for the event
Seeds concert and the Red on Wednesday.
Hot Summer Tour featuring While Mr Dexter applied
John Farnham. for $25,000 council funding
Festival director Richard through the Tourism Event
Dexter said he was confident Grant, council officers have
the location change would suggested allocating just
give the event a new lease on $16,600 to the Beer Festi-
life. City Oval won’t be avail- val. The event has always
able for January 2018 as it received some council
will be undergoing upgrades. funding, however council
“It’s got a lot of natural officers are recommending
shade and it’s a much pret- the $16,600 be recognised as
BIG BAND: Royal South Street Society president Peter Zala and Victorian Band League president Megan Stapleton tier site than City Oval, and one-off seed funding.
backstage in the green room at Her Majesty's Theatre during the Victorian Band Championships. Picture: Luka Kauzlaric I think people were getting a Mr Dexter said fencing
little sick of going to a festival costs alone for the new site

Brass bands strike a tune for Vic titles at a footy oval,” Mr Dexter
The festival will be located
would hit $12,000 and coun-
cil assistance was crucial
to the success of the event.
FROM a seven-year-old from 28 brass bands across the competition was fierce. said the number of youth between Pipers by the Lake Council estimates put the
pounding a drum bigger the state travelled to the the- “The music standard has bands was increasing, and the adventure play- economic benefit of the Beer
than him to performers atre, which has been home to been particularly high and which bode well for the al- ground, with Pipers to act as Festival at $355,000, however
in their 90s, members of the Victorian Band Champi- very, very entertaining,” ready-healthy future of brass the VIP space. Mr Dexter said the figure was
Victoria’s brass bands have onships, held as part of the said Royal South Street So- bands. About 30 brewers will be more than $820,000.
belted out their most rousing Royal South Street Eistedd- ciety president Peter Zala. “The competition in Bal- located along the lakeside “I understand events must
tunes in the Victorian Band fod, since 1900. “The brass band culture is larat is tough given we’ve as- parking spaces on Wendou- become self-reliant but last
Championships at Her Maj- With a minimum of 16 very strong.” sembled the best from right ree Parade, 10 less than the year our funding from the
esty’s Theatre. band members and an aver- Victorian Band League around the state,” she said. 2017 event. Mr Dexter hopes City of Ballarat was cut in
More than 700 performers age of 28 to 30 in each band, president Megan Stapleton – MICHELLE SMITH to attract between 4500 and half,” Mr Dexter said.


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4 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017


Small live site crowds old-style


BALLARAT footy fans with-

out a ticket to Mars Stadium
opted to stay away from the
For us (with on outer
showgrounds on Saturday, five children) STANDING on the mound,
with estimates of little more to get tickets in the outer, evoked feelings
than 200 people settling in at of AFL past: children sitting
the live site for the AFL clash would have been atop their dad’s shoulders,
between the Western Bull- difficult, but we surrounded by raucous pa-
dogs and Port Adelaide.
While the roars from the
can still feel the rochial supporters.
Port Adelaide cheer squad
10,000-strong crowd could atmosphere and president Ian Wilson felt
be heard clearly from across it’s free so it’s Western Bulldogs’ fans could
the fence all afternoon, fans have been louder.
at the live site were left con- awesome. “They just need to make
fused when there was no Danielle Prollius - Ballarat a bit more noise, really let
sound from the broadcast in mum us hear them,” Mr Wilson
the first two quarters, despite said. A small pocket of Port
the speakers operating for sound for everything else.” supporters made sure their
the opening ceremony. The There was plenty of activi- presence was felt.
sound issues were addressed ties to keep kids entertained The cheer squad was sta-
for the second half. at the free-entry space, with tioned behind the goals, on
Local footy fans Joe Natoli inflatable footballers provid- the showground side, and
and Brian Allen were among ing the perfect platform for SMALL SHOWING: The Bulldogs' mascots were keen to get in on the action at the live drew on power from the
those who gathered inside some up-and-coming stars site, but the crowds were less enthusiastic. Picture: Lachlan Bence. mound behind them.
the shed at the showgrounds to practice their speccy tech- Ballarat’s Elizabeth Rob-
to watch the game and enjoy nique. she was anticipating a larger to get tickets would have Cazaly’. inson was one of the first
the ales supplied by Ballarat Local food providers such crowd, she was grateful the been difficult, but we can Mr Brady said despite the Bulldogs’ supporters inside
brewers Athletic Club, Cubby as The Forge Pizzeria, Zed site was opened as a free al- still feel the atmosphere and small showing, the entire city the stadium. She was thrilled
Haus and Red Duck. and Co and the trusted Ro- ternative for families. it’s free so it’s awesome.” was abuzz due to its inaugu- to find a gift from the club on
“You really wonder why tary Club sausage sizzle en- “We planned to come here Meanwhile football music ral AFL fixture. her seat – like every seat – un-
there’s no sound on the big sured nobody went hungry all along because we thought legend Mike Brady wasn’t “I really love regional cities rapping it to find a large flag.
screens,” Mr Natoli said. during the fixture. if the council were going to deterred by the small crowd, and I think they are the heart Together, the flags rein-
“It seems bizarre and Mum Danielle Prollius, put it on we’d come and sup- delivering roaring rendi- and soul of football and I’m forced this stadium was Bull-
puzzling and disappointing, who was at the live site with port it,” Ms Prollius said. tions of classics ‘One Day in really glad to see the AFL dogs’ territory, waving out
especially since there was her five children, said while “For us (with five children) September’ and ‘Up There have sought to do this here.” any signs of Port support.

The Courier
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VR4189666 Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 5


Dream becomes a reality


WE DID it, Ballarat.

Hosting an AFL premier-
ship season match has been
the dream of many for so
long and it finally became
a reality in what was a huge
celebration for the city.
Shop fronts were decorat-
ed with red, white and blue of
this Ballarat’s team, Western
Bulldogs and anticipation
was almost electric about the
streets on Saturday morning. PROUD: Free flags for supporters
Gates opened at noon, reinforced this was Bulldogs territory.
and Mars Stadium became Picture: Dylan Burns
a festival with live buskers,
a Sovereign Hill welcom-
ing party, hometown food
trucks by break-out eating
areas, and a chance to pat
Ballarat-bred Bulldogs’ club
mascot Caesar.
Wendouree MP Sharon
Knight said there had long
been doubters we could pull
this off, and she admitted to
feeling a little emotional up-
on arriving at the ground.
“I always knew we would
host AFL,” Ms Knight said.
“Over the years, so many THE MOMENT: Western Bulldogs step out
people said we would never for an historic Mars landing.
get an AFL game, we’d never DELIGHT: Darcy Hanks stakes his spot in the outer up close to AFL action. Picture: Luka Kauzlaric Picture: Dylan Burns
fill a stadium. I always knew,
of course we can. Then, with game fixturing was intense, exactly as promised. impressed by the ice-bath velopment Minister Jaala ticularly when the Bulldogs
the Bulldogs everything just economies of hosting a game “I feel really proud what room for both teams. Pulford said government ran through the banner with
fell into place.” keep increasing and it was al- our club has been able to do,” His one issue? “We’re a talk had been on economic fireworks and flames.
This did not mean it was ways tough to get all the right Mr Gordon said. little disappointed the away impact and the stadium, but Ballarat mayor Samantha
then easy. Bulldogs presi- infrastructure in place. Mr Gordon said he gen- team has hot water, as well as even she was caught by sur- McIntosh said it was special
dent Peter Gordon said there But a strong partnership uinely believed facilities in cold,” Mr Gordon quipped. prise with the electtric vibe. to watch Ballarat Auskickers
were a lot of obstacles to with the City of Ballarat and Ballarat were as good or bet- Mars Stadium’s official Fans could feel the roar in action at half-time be-
bring AFL to Ballarat. He said state government had been ter than on the Gold Coast or attendance was 10,087 fans. spread through the stands cause this game truly was for
competition for AFL home instrumental in delivering in Perth. He was particularly Victorian Regional De- and across the mound, par- rural and regional Victoria.

Bulldogs moot women’s team for region

WESTERN Bulldogs pres- opment process. here in Ballarat. We have Ballarat for five years, includ- Bulldogs AFLW player spent a pre-season camp in
ident Peter Gordon wants The Bulldogs are keen to women’s football in mind as ing this season. Laura Bailey, who hails from Ballarat last year. This historic
to create a women’s team tap into the booming female well,” Mr Gordon said. Mr Gordon said Mars Sta- Ballarat, said it would be AFL match was the first time
in Ballarat under the football ranks in this region. “We want opportunities dium could be a great venue great to one day bring her Bailey had seen Mars Sta-
club’s branding. This is about inspiration, for boys and girls to play at for the Bulldogs’ AFLW team game for an in-season match dium complete. Bailey said
Mr Gordon has started pathways and strengthening the elite level and we want to and this is something the to her hometown. she was extremely humbled
talks for a Victorian Women’s ties between the Bulldogs, bring that from great quali- club hoped to pitch for fixtur- Bailey also plays for St to be part of the stadium’s
Football League that reflect- City of Ballarat and, more ty AFL and VFL men’s and ing in the women’s national Kilda Sharks in the VFLW but opening ceremony – and to
ed Ballarat in some way. How widely, western Victoria. women’s football.” league. But competition for her only time spent on Mars see her Ballarat splashed in
this would look, he said, was “We are not just for AFL The Bulldogs have com- home games was tough in Stadium as a player was with red, white and blue.
very much still in the devel- football and men’s football mitted to play AFL games in both AFL and AFLW. the Bulldogs’ AFLW team – MELANIE WHELAN

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6 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017


Foto fest open for clicks

BY MICHELLE SMITH some on the streets and lan-
eways, and others in more
SUNSHINE yellow kept unusual spaces like Lake
pace with the red, white and Wendouree and the Botan-
blue of the Bulldogs and ic Gardens.
the teal, black and white of Exhibitions are spread
Port Adelaide as the Ballarat across more than 80 different
International Foto Biennale venues with a core program
more than shaped up to its of nine curated events and
sporting rival on its open- more than 90 fringe exhibi-
ing weekend. tions from photographers of
Yellow signs pointed the MAIN STREET: Iranian photographer Shadi Ghadirian's all ages and stages.
way to the 100 BIFB exhibi- Like Everyday photographic installation in the middle of One of the nine core
tions through the city and Sturt St shines a light on gender and social issues in Iran. events is Tell, which features
crowds of locals and visitors the work of 17 indigenous
clutched their yellow BIFB photographers at the Ballarat
programs as they meandered Mining Exchange.
through town in search of the Curator Jessica Clark said
favourite photos. her goal for the exhibition
BIFB director Fiona Sweet was to open people’s minds
was ecstatic at the strong about the possibilities of
support for the event during photography and how
its opening weekend. photographers embed and
“From all our volunteers conceptualise photographic
who are manning all the gal- practice, and to show people
leries, they’re saying there’s how diverse indigenous art is
been a huge response and a TELL: Curator Jessica Clark, performer Barry Gilson, HIDDEN ART: The happy faces and unbridled enthusiasm and can be.
massive number of visitors,” Pitcha Makin' Fella Ted Lexton and Ilbijerri Theatre artistic for life of Elli Bardas' Inner Wild Child models offer a The collection brings to-
she said. director Rachel Maza at the exhibition opening. bright spot in Unicorn Lane. Pictures: Luka Kauzlaric gether new commissions
“I’m amazed how many and recent works from Ab-
people are excited and how Ms Sweet said they comple- we also got the audiences alistic celebrity shots of the Ballarat International Foto original and Torres Strait
many have come for the first ment each other. walking past because every David LaChapelle retrospec- Biennale with the other 99 Islander artists, highlighting
time to Ballarat because they “I actually think having exhibition has a sign out the tive exhibition, the first time photographic exhibits free new photographic technol-
have seen and responded to the football in the opening front,” she said. his work has been displayed to enter for the 30 days of ogies and techniques to tell
the program.” weekend was terrific for us. Strong crowds streamed in Australia. the festival. the stories and articulate the
Far from the footy detract- Not only did we get the audi- through the Art Gallery of The LaChapelle is the Some exhibitions are in experience of life as an indig-
ing from the city’s art culture, ence specific to the BIFB, but Ballarat to view the hyper-re- only paid exhibition in the galleries, some in shops, enous person.

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VR4213721 Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 7


Student scores photo prize

BY MICHELLE SMITH white portraiture, maybe
reminiscent of 1960s, and as
PHOTOGRAPHY student the sitter leans toward us we
Elli Bardas has won the inau- are invited in. The subject is a
gural Martin Kantor Portrait mature and beautiful woman
Prize with a black and white and we can see in this open
portrait of her aunt that she face something of an inner
took as part of a second-year light, perhaps life well lived,
school assignment. and her hands are active
The stunning portrait of hands that have lived and
Vicki Vidor won the $15,000 worked,” Ms Cass said.
cash prize, beating out more The final portraits featured
than 150 other entries and 27 a cast of well-known faces
other finalists in the acquisi- including SBS presenter Lee
tive award. Lin Chin, actor Bryan Brown,
“What a great start to performer Barry Humphries,
establishing a portraiture musicians Tim Rogers, Nick
collection of significant Cave and Paul Kelly, and
Australians in Ballarat,” entertainer and comedian
said Ballarat International Wil Anderson.
Foto Biennale director Fio- The award was named
na Sweet. in the memory of late pho-
The subjects of the tographer and philanthropist
eye-catching portraits, which Martin Kantor, whose son
are now on display in Ballarat Heath spoke at the ceremony
Town Hall, had to be a signif- on behalf of the family.
icant, living Australian in the “Photographs and por-
field of arts, letters, science, WINNER: Photographer Elli Bardas (R) celebrates being named winner of the inaugural Martin Kantor Portrait Prize at traits are a perspective that
sports or politics. the Ballarat International Foto Biennale with her aunt and portrait subject Vicki Vidor. Picture: Luka Kauzlaric last forever and really cap-
Ms Vidor OAM has been a ture something about how
board member of the Light- and Babies. and inspiring leader within was also new to her. first recipient. we live. Things do change
house Foundation, which “I actually took the photo the family as well as the com- “I have realised through Judge Naomi Cass said the and my dad managed to
supports homeless young as part of an assignment, and munity.” doing this course that art job of choosing a winner was move from documenting
people, for more than 20 when the opportunity came The winning photograph photography is what I’m tough for the experienced time and place to facilitate
years and is patron of the up to enter it I had nothing to was among Ms Bardas’ first interested in,” said the panel . what we are all here for, to
foundation’s Vicki Vidor lose,” Ms Bardas said. set of serious portraits when mother of two after she was “This portrait stands with- appreciate these beautiful
Home for Young Mothers ”Vicki … is an impressive shooting in black and white announced as the prize’s in a tradition of black and portraits,” he said.

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8 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017


support for
Daffodil Day
BY ANNA EVANS for three years,” she said. years of Daffodil Day we have
“I’m giving back while vol- made some extraordinary
A CHANCE for the commu- unteering my time.” breakthroughs in the preven-
nity to show how much they Ms Auchettle said she tion and treatment of cancer
care for those affected by thinks the increase in volun- but we still have much to do,”
cancer is coming up on Au- teers this year is a testament said Cancer Council Victoria
gust 25. to the value that the com- head of events Megan Potter.
Daffodil Day has seen the munity places on the Can- “We are asking people
number of volunteers reg- cer Council. to buy a daffodil pin and
istered for this year’s event The Cancer Council Victo- to support Cancer Council
almost double those of last ria has set a $1 million dollar in the fight against cancer.
year, reaching a total of 1500. target for the fundraising We couldn’t do what we do
One volunteer prepared to event this year. without the amazing support
throw in her support for the Some of the merchandise of all our volunteers and the
cause is Jane Auchettle. that will be on sale at shop- wider community. It really
Working as an educator for ping centres, train stations is incredible what we have
the Cancer Council, Ms Au- and other designated sites achieved together. So please,
chettle said the opportunity this year includes pins, pens, this Daffodil Day, wear yel-
to become involved in Daffo- mini footballs, soccer balls low and buy something at
dil Day came up through her and the fireman Dougal bear, a Daffodil site to show your
work. which will all go toward re- support.”
But she has also has seen search about cancer. For those interested in
the effects of cancer first “We know that about a buying a merchandise box
hand. “Two years prior (to third of cancers are pre- for schools and workplaces
becoming involved) my fa- ventable. Education about or for other ways to get in-
ther in law passed away from prevention is a key focus for volved, visit www.daffodil- YELLOW: Jane Auchettle is one of about 1500 volunteers who will help in the Daffodil
liver cancer. I cared for him Cancer Council. Thanks to 31 Day campaign to raise funds for Cancer Council Victoria. Picture: Lachlan Bence

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Ballarat a cruelty hotspot

BY ANNA EVANS total of 10,180 cruelty reports things happening where they that, for the second year in She stressed that a large “With community support
across the state. need it most. a row, too many Victorian part of the problem in Bal- we can make a difference,”
BALLARAT has scored poor- At the forefront of reports “This year, RSPCA Victoria animals were reported to us larat was due to the first three she said.
ly in reports of animal cruelty were those that involved has started working more because of concerns about reasons, with about 63 per “In most cases, concerns
in comparison to other areas dogs and puppies, with a to- closely with local councils very basic issues: food, wa- cent of cases related to insuf- reported to us are quickly re-
in Victoria. tal of 182, more than double to understand local animal ter, shelter and vet care when ficient water, food or shelter. solved by our Inspectors ed-
Out of 79 local Victorian the 65 reports involving cats welfare issues, and to put in they’re sick or injured. These “The message is, if we want ucating the owner or person
council areas, data released and kittens. place tailored, local initia- kinds of problems are so pre- to know if an owner is strug- in charge of the animals in-
by RSPCA Victoria showed RSPCA Victoria Chief tives to educate owners and ventable.” gling with basic needs, they volved, and reminding them
Ballarat came out at 11th Executive Officer Dr Liz better protect animals. Dr Walker said there were need to ask for help and if of their legal obligations to
position for animal cruelty Walker said the point of As with last year’s data, five main reasons that drive they can’t provide care, may- care for their animals.
reports, an increase on 14th doing the analysis is so they reports received in 2016-17 people to commit animal be they need to relinquish In some cases, a stronger
position last year. can understand the rate of about animals not receiving cruelty including ignorance, the animal.” she said. response is needed: a notice
Between the period of reporting and different types basic care far outnumbered incapability and apathy as She said the analysis to comply, seizing and taking
2016-2017, RSPCA data of offences so they can work all other offences report- well as cruelty for commer- wasn’t about finger pointing an animal into protective
showed Ballarat cruelty with the local councils and ed,”she said. cial gain and malicious in- but about trying to under- custody, or – when all else
reports made up 281 of a communities to get the right “It’s disappointing to see tent. stand. fails – prosecuting.”

Friends seeking a new home

INSEPARABLE, furry and animal welfare outcome other RSPCA transfer centre
fluffy, Sandy and Romey across Victoria. With this in or the City of Ballarat’s care if
are looking for a new home mind, we made the difficult they are in quarantine.
together. With RSPCA Pets decision to close Pets Place.” “So many Ballarat res-
Place soon to close its doors, RSPCA Victoria Chief Exec- idents have opened their
the bunnies are just two of utive Officer Dr Liz Walker hearts and homes to adop-
the anticpated 20 Ballarat said. Pets Place will close on tion animals during the four
animals that RSPCA Victoria August 31, on the same day years Pets Place has been
is hoping to find homes for that RSPCA Ballarat Animal open.,” Dr Walker said.
by the end of this week. Care Centre will move from Around four thousand pets
“We receive a huge RSPCA Victoria to the City have been homed through
amount of support through of Ballarat while facility de- Pets Place since September
donations from the commu- velopment is carried out. 2013. For updated adoption
nity and need to make sure Unadopted animals still profiles visit
FURRY FRIENDS: Romey and Sandy, two bunnies from Pets Place – which will close its we use every single donation available at the end of the adoption
doors at the end of the month – are looking for a new home together. dollar to achieve the best month will move on to an- – ANNA EVANS

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10 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017


Three men accused of IS-inspired mosque attack Missing

THREE men have been
accused of committing
in December, Victoria and
federal police say.
The third man allegedly
involved in the destruction
each of engaging in a ter-
rorist act over an earlier
lege is these were Islamic
State-inspired attacks. boy’s dad
Islamic State-inspired ter- Two of those men, of the mosque is 29-year- fire at the Imam Ali Islamic They were inspired and
rorist attacks against a Mel-
bourne mosque.
25-year-old Ahmed Mo-
hamed and 27-year-old
old Hatim Moukhaiber,
who was arrested after po-
Centre in November.
“We’re not saying that
designed to influence, put
fear into a particular com-
The trio, aged in their
20s, are each accused of
Abdullah Chaarani, are al-
ready in custody over an
lice pulled over his car at
Roxburgh Park on Saturday
these are just arson at-
tacks,” Australian Federal
Moukhaiber appeared answers
engaging in a terrorist act alleged plan, separate to night. Police Assistant Commis- in Melbourne Magistrates
over an arson attack that the arson attack, to bomb Mohamed and Chaarani sioner Counter Terrorism Court on Sunday while Mo- MALCOLM Turnbull has
destroyed the Imam Ali Is- Melbourne landmarks on are also set to be charged Ian McCartney said. hamed and Chaarani are described a Sydney fam-
lamic Centre at Fawkner Christmas Day. with an additional count “What we’re going to al- set to appear on Monday. ily’s ordeal as “tragic” as
the father of seven-year-
old Julian Cadman arrived

Security ‘evolving
in Barcelona to try and find
out what has happened to
his son after last week’s ter-
ror attack in Barcelona.
Andrew Cadman was

with terror threat’

rushed from the airport
by Australian consular of-
ficials and police to Bar-
celona’s main justice and
forensic centre.
It is thought he was then
VENUE operators of being taken to hospital
crowded public places and where his seriously injured
architects of new buildings wife and Julian’s mother,
are being urged to have se- Jom, is being treated.
curity top of mind under a The cars avoided wait-
new plan revealed by Mal- ing British and Australian
colm Turnbull. media and a cordon was
The prime minister’s imposed at the hospital.
new national security pro- Julian became separated
gram has been in the plan- from his mother when a
ning for a year but comes van ploughed into crowds
after the latest attack in in the city’s busy Las Ram-
Barcelona, in which a vehi- blas district on Friday.
cle was once again used to “Our prayers go out to all
mow down innocent peo- the victims, but we to pray
ple in a crowded area. that little boy will be found
“It is part of our continu- and will be restored alive to
ous program of optimising, his parents,” Mr Turnbull
improving the way we can told reporters in Sydney on
keep Australians safe,” Mr Sunday. “It is a very tragic
Turnbull said on Sunday. circumstance and one of
He said Australia had the great risk.”
best security agencies in On Saturday, British au-
the world. thorities and Spanish po-
“But we recognise that lice denied reports Julian,
the threat is constantly who is understood to be a
evolving, so what we have dual British-Australian citi-
to do is to make sure we too ON ALERT: Prime Minister MalcolmTurnbull addresses the media during a Sydney press conference on a new zen, had been found at a
are constantly improving national strategy to tackle the growing use of vehicles by terrorists in their attacks. Picture: AAP hospital in Barcelona.
and updating the measures Another Sydney woman,
we have.” strategies to strengthen Under the new plan are done at the design put in place at that time.” Suria Intan, who was on
States and territories and fortify such places. – Australia’s Strategy For stage,” Mr Turnbull said. The program, which pro- the last few days of a Euro-
have been involved in de- There will be a greater use Protecting Crowded Places “You can’t proof every vides a do-it-yourself pean holiday with friends,
veloping the plan. of permanent bollards – From Terrorism which has site 100 per cent – there toolkit on installing bol- is also in a serious condi-
Venue owners and op- like in Sydney’s busy Pitt St been under development are certainly things that lards and planters, and tion in hospital after being
erators will be given gov- shopping precinct – to sep- since the Nice attack in July can be done to existing other methods of mitigat- injured in the attack.
ernment and police help arate vehicles from pedes- 2016 – new buildings will sites – but the most impor- ing a hostile vehicle attack, Ms Intan is a Common-
for security audits of their trians and more use of po- have to undertake security tant thing is as you get new was presented to business- wealth Bank worker who is
facilities to determine any lice and security agencies measures. developments, new plans es, councils and private op- heavily involved with Hill-
weaknesses and develop around mass gatherings. “The best mitigations that security measures are erators last week. song church.

Burqa stunt ‘put senators in soap opera’ Antoniolli claims win

PAULINE Hanson wear-
ing a burqa into the Sen-
they could at the time. But
he thinks the Senate’s pro-
in Ipswich by-election
ate chamber left the rest of cedures committee –which IPSWICH councillor An- ed. The Electoral Commis-
the elected representatives [The burqa] was a prop. We were governs chamber dress drew Antoniolli has called sion Queensland was yet to
standards – should con-
there looking like extras
in a curious soap opera, a
left almost like extras in some sort sider whether it’s appropri-
victory in Saturday’s by-
election to replace long-
formally announce a win-
ner. The former policeman
senior Liberal believes. of curious soap opera. ate for religious garb to be serving mayor Paul Pisa- considered himself the un-
Cabinet minister Arthur Senior Liberal Arthur Sinodinos used in that way. sale. derdog of the two favour-
Sinodinos is surprised the “It was quite a shock- Mr Pisasale was mayor ites, and said Mr Tully had
One Nation leader was al- ing and confronting event of Ipswich for 13 years be- conceded in a text message
lowed into the chamber “I don’t think it was ap- the community. Attorney- when it occurred,” he said. fore he resigned suddenly that read: “Congratula-
wearing the Islamic garb propriate for her to be al- General George Brandis, At present, there are no in June amid corruption al- tions, Mr Mayor.”
during question time last lowed to use the Senate in who won plaudits from formal rules laid down by legations. Mr Pisasale resigned cit-
Thursday. that way.” all sides for his immedi- the Senate about what sen- Mr Antoniolli was lead- ing complications from his
“That was a prop. We Senator Hanson has ate stinging rebuke to the ators should wear and the ing the count on Sunday multiple sclerosis, but it
were left almost like extras defended her decision to stunt, said Senate Presi- matter of dress is left up with 32,355 votes, ahead of was later revealed he had
in some sort of curious wear the burqa, saying it’s dent Stephen Parry and to individual judgement, rival and acting mayor Paul allegedly been stopped at
soap opera,” he told ABC sparked a debate about the the upper house clerk dealt subject to any ruling by the Tully’s 28,801 votes, with 80 Melbourne airport with
TV on Sunday. full-body coverings among with the situation as best president. per cent of the vote count- $50,000 cash. Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 11


Counter-protesters march against hate in Boston

Boston Counter-protesters Organisers of the event, ploughed into counter- on Saturday – drew about speakers of the conserva-
marched through the city the Boston Free Speech demonstrators. 40,000 people. Counter- tive activist rally said the
THOUSANDS of demon- on Saturday to historic Bos- Coalition, had publicly dis- Opponents feared that protesters chanted slogans, event “fell apart”.
strators chanting anti-Nazi ton Common, where con- tanced themselves from white nationalists might and waved signs that said: Saturday’s showdown in
slogans in a public rejec- servatives had planned to the neo-Nazis, white su- show up in Boston anyway, “Make Nazis Afraid Again”, Boston was mostly peace-
tion of white nationalism deliver a series of speeches premacists and others who and turned out in force, “Love your neighbor”, “Re- able, and after demonstra-
upstaged a small group in but soon left. fomented violence in Char- some dressed entirely in sist fascism” and “Hate tors dispersed, a picnic at-
Boston that planned a “free Police vans later escort- lottesville on August 12. black with bandannas over never made US great”. Oth- mosphere took over with
speech rally” a week after a ed the conservatives out A woman was killed at their faces. ers carried a large banner stragglers tossing beach
violent clash rocked Virgin- of the area, as boisterous that Unite the Right rally, Officials said the rallies that read: “SMASH WHITE balls, banging on bongo
ia and reverberated across counter-protesters scuffled and many others were – the largest of about a half SUPREMACY”. drums and playing reggae
the United States. with police. injured, when a car dozen around the country One of the planned music.

Missing imam ‘may Tributes

be key to terrorists’ parties
in Spain
Barcelona Barcelona

A MISSING imam and a BARCELONA’S Las Ramb-

house that exploded days las boulevard on a Satur-
ago has become the focus day night is typically full
of the investigation into of tourists and party-goers
an extremist cell responsi- but after a terrorist attack
ble for two deadly attacks the mood was sombre and
in Barcelona and a nearby contemplative.
resort, as authorities nar- On Thursday, a van sped
rowed in on who radical- down the largely pedes-
ised a group of young men trian boulevard, killing 13
in northeastern Spain. people and injuring more
Investigators searched than 100. Two Australians
the home of Abdelbaki Es were seriously hurt in the
Satty, an imam who in June attack, while hopes of find-
abruptly quit working at a ing seven-year-old NSW
mosque in the town of Rip- boy Julian Cadman alive
oll, the home of the Islamic were fading.
radicals behind the attacks Late into Saturday
that killed 14 people and night and early on Sunday
wounded more than 120 morning crowds were still
last week. gathering around the red-
Police were trying to de- candle vigils which dot
termine whether Es Satty the first-half of the 1.2km
was killed in a botched boulevard, which runs
bomb-making operation from the city’s gothic heart
on Wednesday, the eve of PAYING RESPECTS: Spain’s King Felipe and Queen Letizia lay flowers at a memorial for the victims of the van to the sea.
the Barcelona bloodshed. attack in Las Ramblas promenade in Barcelona. Picture: AP Notes read “No tinc por”,
His former mosque has Catalan expression for “We
denounced the deadly at- At least one of the sus- Catalan police said a enade Thursday, killing 13 has claimed responsibility are not afraid”.
tacks and weeping rela- pects was still on the run, manhunt was centred on people and injuring 120. for both. It is a sentiment repeat-
tives marched into a Ripoll and his younger brother Younes Abouyaaquoub, Another attack early on Fri- Neighbours, family and ed over and over, scrawled
square on Saturday, tear- had disappeared, as had a 22-year-old Moroccan day killed one person and even the mayor of Ripoll in chalk on the pavement,
fully denying any knowl- the younger brother of one suspected of driving the wounded five in the resort said they were shocked by and even written in marker
edge of the radical plans of of the five attackers slain by van that ploughed into a of Cambrils. news of the alleged involve- on trees that line the popu-
their sons and brothers. police on Friday. packed Barcelona prom- The Islamic State group ment of the young men. lar walkway.

Baghdad in July in Mosul, the New Delhi After crossing much Washington for the atomic bomb that
country’s second-largest of the country from the would soon be dropped
IRAQI Prime Minister city. The town, about A PASSENGER train eastern city of Puri, 10 THE wreckage of the US on Hiroshima when it
Haider al-Aabadi says the 150km east of the Syrian derailment north of New wagons derailed, the warship Indianapolis, was fired upon in the
operation to retake the border, sits along a major Delhi has killed at least 23 Ministry of Railways said. which was sunk by a North Pacific Ocean by a
town of Tal Afar, west of road that was once a key people and left 70 injured, The accident left several Japanese torpedo off the Japanese submarine on
Mosul, from the Islamic IS supply route. just six months after 39 carriages mounted on top Philippines in the final July 30, 1945. It sunk in
State group has begun. Aid groups have people died in another of others, overturned or days of World War II, has 12 minutes.
Al-Abadi says IS warned the operation derailment in India. in a tangle of metal. been found. About 800 of the 1197
fighters inside the town could trigger a The accident happened The 65,000km Indian The ship is more than crew members aboard
have “no option” but to humanitarian crisis as in the northern state rail network is the fourth 18,000 feet (5.5km) below survived the sinking, but
surrender or die. Tal Afar a stepped-up campaign of Uttar Pradesh, on largest in the world with the surface of the Pacific only 316 were rescued
and the surrounding area of air strikes has already Saturday when the Utkal 1.3 million employees Ocean, the Navy said. alive five days later, with
is one of the last pockets forced tens of thousands Express train derailed, and 12,500 trains which The cruiser was the rest lost to exposure,
of IS-held territory in Iraq to flee, according to the in a hailstorm, near carry about 23 million returning from its mission dehydration, drowning
after victory was declared United Nations. Muzaffarnagar. passengers daily. to deliver components and sharks.
12 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017



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E’re backers, not bystanders.
Like many, we’re concerned
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want to play our part. That’s
Catholic priests and
the seal of silence
why we’re among the 867 people who
invested in what will be Australia’s largest,
community-owned solar farm.
SolarShare is building its flagship project,
a one-megawatt solar farm that shares land
with a vineyard, in the Majura Valley in

Canberra. ATHER Michael McArdle was report- Denis Hart, told the ABC: "I believe that this In this environment the church's case fails
It’s the first of hopefully many solar farms edly so distressed by his acts of child is an absolutely sacrosanct communication on practical and moral grounds.
and projects owned by the community. sexual abuse in Queensland that he of a higher order which priests by nature We now know that confessing to the crime
SolarShare has been funded by people would often seek the succour of the respect, they don't ever want to do anything of child abuse can serve to perpetuate that
like us, who will receive a good return on our confessional. Over a 25-year period, before that would hurt children," he said. abuse by absolving the abuser as easily as it
initial investment as the electricity it gener- he was convicted in 2002, he confessed to Writing for Fairfax Media this week, can lead to the protection of the child.
ates from the sun is sold. At the same time, sexually assaulting children an estimated Father Frank Brennan said he would go to We know also that the confessional
the farm will power 260 homes, reducing 1500 times to 30 different priests. In keeping jail before abiding by such a law and sought itself has been debased by the church. On
our reliance on polluting fossil fuels. with Catholic tradition in Australia, the to explain his reasoning. "Common sense the very day that Hart made his case in
While governments can be slow to act, priests did not report his crimes to authori- tells me that a sex abuser would be even less defence of confession to the ABC, Gerald
individuals, communities and businesses ties, but moved him on to different parishes, likely to present for confession if he knew Ridsdale, the priest who went about his
across Australia are finding their own to greener pastures. that the confessional seal did not apply," he abuse unfettered by the church between the
solutions. McArdle's case resonates because last wrote. "If the seal of the confessional were 1960s and 1980s, formally pleaded guilty to
The transition to renewable energy has week the royal commission into child sex maintained, there is a chance, just a chance, assaulting 12 more children (he has pre-
started – and it’s exciting. But it needs to abuse released 85 recommendations on that a child sex abuser might be convinced viously been convicted of assaulting more
happen faster if we are to leave this place improvements to the criminal justice sys- by the priest to turn himself in. Take away than 50 children) including a girl he raped in
better, cleaner and safer for our grandchil- tem. Among them was the proposal that the the seal, and that ever so slim chance will be a confessional box.
dren. None of us can do everything, but we seal of the religious confessional be broken snuffed out." Brennan argues that breaking the seal
can all do something. and that clergy who fail to report child Brennan's is a reasonable argument and would have little impact since priests would
As soon as we could, we put solar panels abuse revealed in confession face criminal once upon a time it might even have been a break the law and few confess to such
on our roof making our house somewhat prosecution, just as anyone else in Australia satisfactory one. Not now, not after we have crimes anyway.
of a novelty in the neighbourhood. These would. Since only the Catholic Church is learned from the same royal commission But arguing that a law should not apply to
days, solar covers 21 per cent of Australia’s the only major religion in Australia that that 7 per cent of priests working between those who intend to flout it is preposterous.
suitable rooftops. still insists that its canon law be held above 1950 and 2009 were accused of child abuse. And besides, our laws are more than mech-
A couple months ago we bought an secular law in this regard, this was rightly Not after we learned of the 4444 alleged anisms of justice, they are our community
electric car, which we fuel for free with the seen as a challenge to the Catholic Church, cases of sexual abuse they stand accused standards.
rooftop panels. We were amazed to see that and the Catholic Church, which is defensive of. Not after we learned of the extraordinary If the Catholic Church wants to regain
India, Britain, France and Norway have of its significant privileges, responded. energy the church dedicated to protecting Australia's trust, it should consider living by
announced plans to ban the sale of new Last Tuesday Melbourne's archbishop, itself and its priests from justice. them.
petrol and diesel cars.
Until governments pick up the pace,
individuals will have to work together. Being
part of a larger project, like a community
solar farm, is a great way to be part of an ONLINE EMAIL PHONE FACEBOOK TWITTER
exciting new vision. Find us on the web Send your letter to: Call us: Find us at Follow us at
David and Lainie Shorthouse are SolarShare [email protected] (03) 5320 1200
investors, and Canberra residents. ballaratcourier ballaratcourier Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 13


Sun is shining on a regional destination
OR a city that possibly doesn’t shine trains and shuttles to the ground working there were people everywhere seeking out
at its best in winter and certainly well to accommodate a portion of the 10,000 and finding the plethora of gold billboards
has a reputation for demonstrating plus crowd. The live site next door may not promising diverse and rich delights through
the worst excesses of desolation have been a success but events such as this the international lens of countless artists.
during those hibernal months, Ballarat can should always have that “live and learn” Last, but by no means least, Royal South
sometimes really turn it on. appraisal to them. And given the AFL will be Street continued to draw its own specialised
This past weekend is a good case in point. back for more, hopefully as many as three throng, in this weekend’s case with about
On one hand there was the epic inaugu- games a year this will be more than impor- thirty big bands competing. That may not
ration of the long-awaited Eureka ground tant. If a game were sold out, for instance, sound like much but if each of these bands
upgrade into an AFL stadium. Bulldog’s perhaps it might be worth considering a has on average almost thirty members that
fans might have walked away disheartened festival in a downtown location such as is another thousand people in town without
having had their finals hopes dashed by the Camp Street without the parking pressures even counting family and friends.
last minute surge from Port Adelaide, but or weather exposure that the showgrounds The council has reported a hotel occu-
few of them would say they hadn’t put on a can have at this time of year. pancy rate of nearly 100 percent which all
good show. Coaches and players alike were At the same time, there was certainly the above probably contributed to and this
glowing in their praise of the new boutique no shortage of people in the CBD for what is just the start of the economic benefits. In
ground; a regional stadium but with the real might ordinarily be branded “a dead winter turn only one reward for enormous efforts
feel and facilities of AFL elite-level compe- weekend” in Ballarat. On the contrary the put into to make it all happen. Big deal?
tition. By all accounts public transport was launch of the Foto Biennale may not have Turning the winter around in Ballarat to be a
one of the days many successes, with both had as great a single crowd as the footy but big deal is just that.


If the High Court found that ministers Covering the same-sex marriage debate
Barnaby Joyce, Fiona Nash and Matthew presents the media with an acute ethical
Canavan had not been validly elected at dilemma: how to give effect to people’s
the last federal election in July 2016 it could right of free speech while taking into
order a special recount of the votes, as it did account truth-telling, offensiveness, and
in relation to senators Bob Day and Rod Cul- the risk of doing harm.
leton, with the seat then most likely going to While this is a balance that conscientious
the next person on the Coalition ticket. journalists always have to strike, it is ob-
This may disrupt the balance between vious from the nature of the debate so far
the National Party and the Liberal Party in that the same-sex marriage issue is capa-
the Senate, as those most likely to replace ble of generating unusually pernicious and
the two National Party senators would be potentially harmful material.This marks it
from the Liberal Party. Joyce’s seat, being in out as a case requiring especial vigilance.
the lower house, would most likely go to a The starting point is to separate the
byelection two basic questions that arise from the
A bigger question arises, however, as to government’s decision to hold a voluntary
the validity of decisions that they made as postal plebiscite.
ministers since the last election. If they were One of these is a question of opinion:
not validly elected in July 2016, then Section While the dual citizenship issue has created chaos amongst the Nationals and other should same-sex marriage be supported
64 of the Constitution becomes relevant. parties, it could also impact on the legitimacy of ministerial legislation or opposed? It is in relation to this that the
The three months grace period to not be ethical dilemmas arise.
a sitting member ran out a long time ago. ered defect in their election or appointment. such as when the validity of their appoint- The other is a question of fact: is the vol-
So, for a considerable time they would have For example, the decisions of a Western ment is contested, or their lack of qualifica- untary postal plebiscite methodologically
been exercising powers conferred upon Australian magistrate were upheld, even tion to hold office is “notorious”. defensible as a way to obtain the opinion
ministers by statute, without actually being though they were taken after she had It is quite possible that point arises when, of the voting public?
ministers. Were those decisions valid? Could reached the compulsory age for retirement. in the case of a Commonwealth minister, The later can be disposed of swiftly.The
they be challenged? The application of the doctrine, however, they admit to being a dual national and refer fact is that while the plebiscite might be
This brings into play the “de-facto officer” is uncertain. It does not necessarily apply to the High Court the question of their qual- politically useful, it is scientifically worth-
doctrine. This is a common law doctrine to all decisions of an invalidly appointed ification to sit in the parliament, especially less. It is what researchers call a SLOP – a
that protects people who rely on acts done officer, and therefore is likely to lead to if the invalidity to hold parliamentary office self-selecting opinion poll.
in the apparent execution of their office by litigation if decisions are contentious. exceeds three months. It is no better than a dial-in survey about
an officer who appears to be “clothed with Its application has also been doubted in For this reason, it would be prudent for some piece of football trivia – shouldToby
official authority”, even though they may not relation to matters that concern a breach of those ministers who are currently under a Greene be suspended for kicking an oppo-
validly hold that office. the Constitution. It is difficult to reconcile cloud concerning their lawful occupation nent’s face – dial X for yes andY for no.
It is not aimed at protecting those who the [de facto officer] doctrine with the of office to cease to make decisions which There’s only one kind of poll that’s worse
invalidly exercise power, but rather those fundamental role of the federal Constitu- are contentious or might give rise to legal – push polling.This happens where the
who rely in good faith on the apparent tion as the ultimate source of other laws. challenges with significant consequences. question is asked in such a way as to push
authority of those who publicly exercise Constitutional rulings can occasionally be Instead, such actions, if they need to the respondent toward a particular answer.
power. The doctrine is also relied on to give unsettling, at least for a period. However, be taken before the question of the status The one thing we will be able to say at the
certainty concerning the validity of acts of this is inherent in the arrangements of a na- of these ministers is resolved by the High end of the plebiscite is that it shows the
persons whose appointment or election may tion that lives by the rule of law and accords Court, could be taken by acting ministers to opinions of those who chose to take part. It
later be challenged. a special status to the federal Constitution as ensure their validity and avoid the financial will tell us nothing statistically valid about
The public policy behind the doctrine is to its fundamental law. and social costs of further litigation and the opinions of the voting population as
avoid the chaos that would ensue if deci- Moreover, the doctrine ceases to protect uncertainty. a whole.
sions of public officials were automatically the actions of the purported official at the Anne Twomey, Professor of Constitution- Scientifically speaking, the government
rendered invalid because of a later discov- point when they lose the cloak of authority, al Law, University of Sydney would be better off asking a reputable
polling outfit such as Newspoll to do a
stratified random survey of 2,000 voters
for about A$122,000, rather than the $122
million the postal vote is going to cost.
VISIT/POST GUIDELINES: A letter to the editor is one way to have your say. All letters must be signed and carry the name, full address and daytime tele-
Denis Muller, Senior Research Fellow in
phone number(s) of the author. We will publish the writer’s name and suburb/town. In rare cases, we may consent to withholding a writer’s name
2 Webster Street, Ballarat. or suburb/town. Letters should be no more than 250 words and may be edited for space, clarity and legal reasons. Shorter letters will be given the Centre for Advancing Journalism,
PO Box 21 Ballarat 3353. preference. Web comments made at are published before appearing on these pages. Any comment which is deemed University of Melbourne
inappropriate will not be published. Preference will be given to those who provide a valid email address.
14 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017

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Watoto Children’s Choir to to rebel leaders during the tour Australia. A team of adults accom- everyday and I am receiving larat, PS Sayle St 707sqm
deliver a serious message. civil war. “This production is going pany the young perform- quality education,” Roland $250,000 PRD Nationwide,
The 18-member choir from The all-singing, all-danc- to challenge preconceived ers around the world and said. PS Walker St $257,000
Uganda are partway through ing stage stars pepper their ideas about miracles,” said help share Watoto’s vision The choir also helps the Ballarat Real Estate Pty Ltd.
a six month Australian tour songs of hope with personal Watoto Choirs creative direc- and mission. children develop confidence WENDOUREE PS Carpen-
and have performed two stories, acting as advocates tor James Skinner. Choir member Roland and boldness, setting them ter St $280,000 Buxton,
shows to packed crowds for the millions of other Afri- The Watoto Choir has Amanya, 12, moved into Wa- up for success in adulthood. PS Grevillea Rd 662sqm
in Ballarat. can children who have expe- toured the world since 1994 toto Village with his mother Children who lived at Wato- $200,000 PRD Nationwide,
Each choir member has rienced the same heartbreak, to share the stories of Africa’s Stella in 2013 after his fa- to have gone on to become PS Marie Cr 5rm $270,000
lost one or both parents pain and suffering as them. orphans and widows. ther died. lawyers, teachers, computer Trevor Petrie RE.
and now lives at the Watoto The choir launched a new Since its inception the “Since coming to Watoto, scientists, journalists, farm- Source: Real Estate
village, which provides res- concert Signs & Wonders choir has toured six conti- we have enjoyed a good life. ers and doctors. Institute of Victoria,

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Lotus Wintersea, Kai McFarlane, Steve McFarlane. Judith Armstrong, Eleanor Armstong. Evelyn Rundle (age five), John Rundle.


This was a history-making event with the first
AFL match for premiership points in Ballarat.
Pictures: Luka Kauzlaric

FJ Ali, aged seven.

EXCITED: Caitlin Hanks with eight-year-old Olivia show they can Be More Bulldog at Mars Stadium on Saturday.

Michael Saitlik, Glenn Ireland. Rick Isaac, Brooke Isaac. Anakin Bawden, Siddharth Rajesh.


16 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017

TODAY A few showers. TODAY A few showers. TODAY Morning showers.

2/12ºC 5/12ºC 2/12ºC 1/12ºC 3/10ºC 0/10ºC 1/14ºC 5/14ºC 2/14ºC 1/14ºC 3/13ºC 1/13ºC 5/14ºC 8/13ºC 6/14ºC 5/15ºC 6/12ºC 4/13ºC


WARNINGS were current at 5pm yesterday. Location Max** Min Rain* Today **MaxTemp to 3pm *Rainfall 24 hours to 9am
17 C Ballarat 10 -3 0.8
1300 659 217 (cost of a local call)
VICTORIA Tomorrow Bendigo 11 -2 0.2
4 / 17ºC Castlemaine na 1 0
Areas of morning frost about the east.
Geelong 13 2 0.8
Scattered showers, contracting to the east
Hamilton 11 -1 0.2
and northwest during the day then clearing
Horsham 11 -4 0
later. Snowfalls above 900 metres. A cold
HORSHAM ECHUCA Melbourne 13 5 2
and mostly cloudy day with mainly BENDIGO Today
moderate northerly winds.
12ºC ALBURY- Mildura 15 -2 0
12 C Today Mortlake 12 -3 0.2
10 C º Tomorrow WODONGA Mt Buller 0 -8 3
Cloudy. High (70%) chance of showers in the Tomorrow 1 / 15ºC Today Port Fairy 13 1 0
1 / 15ºC
morning. Snow falling above 900 metres. 1 / 14 C º 9ºC Warrnambool 12 -1 0
Winds northerly 20 to 30 km/h. Tomorrow
Cloudy. High (80%) chance of showers, most BALLARAT PORT FAIRY
likely in the morning and afternoon. Snow Today High 1:21pm 1.3m 11:46pm 0.8m
Low 5:13am 0.6m 8:51pm 0.7m
falling above 900 metres. Winds northeast- 9ºC
erly 20 to 30 km/h becoming light in the late Tomorrow MELBOURNE MOUNT BULLER High 1:33pm 1.2m
evening. 2 / 12ºC Today Low 6:07am 0.5m 8:28pm 0.7m
Cloudy. Very high (90%) chance of showers
in the morning. Snow falling above 1100
HAMILTON Tomorrow Tomorrow High 11:10am 1.5m 10:58pm 1.4m
Low 3:47am 0.4m 4:26pm 0.8m
Today 6 / 15ºC -5 / 3ºC
metres. Winds north to northeasterly 20 to 30 TOMORROW
12ºC High 12:11pm 1.6m
km/h becoming light in the late afternoon.
BENDIGO AND NORTHERN COUNTRY Tomorrow Low 5:03am 0.4m 5:39pm 0.7m
3 / 13ºC
Cloudy. High (80%) chance of showers in the SALE
morning. Winds northeasterly 15 to 25 km/h
turning easterly 15 to 20 km/h in the late
SA-Vic Border to Cape Otway Sun protection recommended
Winds: Northerly 15 to 20 knots shifting west WARRNAMBOOL 12ºC
12:00pm - 1:10pm
to southwesterly around 10 knots during the Today Tomorrow BENDIGO
afternoon and tending west to northwesterly º
13 C 4 / 16ºC Sun protection recommended
during the evening. Seas: 1 to 2 metres, Tomorrow 11:50am - 1:20pm
decreasing to 1 metre during the afternoon. 5 / 14ºC w w w. b o m . g o v. a u WARRNAMBOOL
Swell: Southwesterly 2 to 2.5 metres. © Commonwealth of Australia 2017
Sun protection generally not
Weather: Cloudy. 90% chance of showers. recommended
August 21, 2017

Sunny Mostly Partly Cloudy Chance Shower Showers Showers Storms rain Light rain Rain Rain, Windy Dusty Fog Haze, Frost Snow
Sunny Cloudy shower or two storm (drizzle) storm smoke


1016 1016
1016 1014 1016 1015
1016 1024
1024 1024
1025 1021 1025
1021 1027 1019
1028 1029
1002 1006 1019
1016 1017
1024 1024 998 1024
1016 1024
1016 1000 1016 1024
1008 1016
1008 1008 1022 1016
1008 1008


Location Weather High Low
Amsterdam rain 18 13
Athens fine 33 30
Auckland rain 16 10 400 DARWIN
Bangkok rain 33 26 300 34
Barcelona fine 28 25 200
Beijing rain 27 22 150
Christchurch rain 11 0 100 BROOME
Frankfurt cloudy 21 10 50 33 27 CAIRNS
Helsinki rain 21 16 25
Hong Kong fine 34 29 15
Johannesburg fine 14 1 10
Kuala Lumpur rain 32 25 5 ALICE SPRINGS 26
London fine 20 12 1
Los Angeles
Moscow mist 30 16 Week ending
Noumea fine 23 16
August 20, 2017 18 PERTH
Paris rain 22 11 SUN & MOON ADELAIDE 16 19
Seoul rain 28 22 Rise 6:27am Rise 6:57am Rise 6:37am Rise 6:55am 12 SYDNEY
Set 5:30pm Set 5:49pm Set 5:36pm Set 5:33pm CANBERRA
Singapore rain 30 27
Rise 5:52am Rise 6:25am Rise 6:03am Rise 6:25am
Suva fine 27 19 MELBOURNE
Tel Aviv fine 34 23 Set 4:54pm Set 5:14pm Set 5:01pm Set 4:55pm
Tokyo rain 29 22
New First Full Last 14 HOBART
Washington fine 33 24
Aug 22 Aug 29 Sep 6 Sep 13
Wellington rain 13 8 Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 17

ABC (CH 2, 20) SBS (CH 3, 30) PRIME7 (CH 6) NINE (CH 5, 50) WIN (CH 8, 80)
6.00 News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 ABC 6.00 WorldWatch. 7.30 Italian News. 6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 6.00 Today. (CC) 6.00 Entertainment Tonight. (PG, R,
News. (CC) 8.10 Filipino News. 8.40 French News. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 9.00 Today Extra. (PG, CC) CC) 6.30 Family Feud. (R, CC) 7.00
10.00 Landline. (R, CC) 9.30 Greek News. 10.30 German 11.30 Seven Morning News. (CC) 11.30Morning News. (CC) WIN’s All Australian News. (R, CC) 8.00
11.00 Back Roads. (R, CC) News. 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 12.00 MOVIE Reflections. Timothy 12.00The Ellen DeGeneres Show. The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, CC)
12.00 ABC News At Noon. (CC) Arabic News. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 Hutton. A Europol agent Variety show. (PG, R, CC) 8.30 Studio 10. (PG, CC) 12.00 Dr Phil.
1.00 Midsomer Murders. (Mv, R, CC) Al Jazeera News. (CC) 2.00 Tommy pursues a serial killer. 1.00 Extra. Entertainment news (PGl, R, CC) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.30
2.30 Doc Martin. (PG, R, CC) Fleming: Voice Of Hope. (CC) 3.00 (2008, Malv, CC) program. (CC) Ben’s Menu. (R, CC) 3.00 Judge Judy.
3.20 Grand Designs New Zealand. Lockerbie: My Brother’s Bomber. (PG, R, 2.00 The Daily Edition. The hottest 1.30 The Block. Hosted by Scott (PG, CC) 3.30 Alive And Cooking. (CC)
(R, CC) CC) 4.00 The Supervet: Bionic Stories. issues from the day’s news. (CC) Cam. (PG, R, CC) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine
4.10 Pointless. (R, CC) (PGa, R, CC) 5.00 Cycling. Vuelta a 3.00 The Chase. (CC) 3.00 News Now. (CC) Schofield. (R, CC) 4.30 The Bold And
5.00 ABC News: Early Edition. (CC) España. Stage 2. Highlights. (CC) 5.30 4.00 Seven News At 4. (CC) 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) The Beautiful. (PG, CC) 5.00 TEN
5.30 The Drum. (CC) Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) 5.00 The Chase Australia. (CC) 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. (CC) Eyewitness News. (CC)
6.00 The Checkout: Snack Size. 6.00 River Cottage Australia. Paul 6.00 Seven News. (CC) 6.00 Nine News. (CC) 6.00 WIN News. (CC)
(PG, CC) travels south to Bega. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. Scarlett 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 6.30 The Project. (CC)
6.10 Restoration Man. (CC) 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) and Kat may be in danger. Ash 7.30 The Block. The teams decide 7.30 Australian Survivor. Things
7.00 ABC News. (CC) 7.30 Staying Healthy: A Doctor’s struggles with the chemistry how to best use the space and get feisty when the survivors
7.30 7.30. Presented by Leigh Sales. Guide. Dr Pixie McKenna between himself and Tori. what type of room they will take part in a highly competitive
(CC) crunches data from the UK’s (PGv, CC) deliver to the judges this week. challenge. (CC)
8.00 Australian Story: The Strong National Health Service in order 7.30 Hell’s Kitchen Australia. Marco (PG, CC) 8.45 Have You Been Paying
Man. The story of Grant to reveal what made people takes the celebrities to visit 8.40 This Time Next Year. Follows Attention? Celebrity guests
Edwards. (CC) sick. (CC) Italian grandmother Pina for a inspirational stories, including compete to see who can
8.30 Four Corners. Investigative 8.30 24 Hours In Emergency: lesson on how to make pasta that of a Bali bombing victim remember the most about
journalism program, presented In Sickness And In Health. from scratch. (PG, CC) who is determined to find love. events of the week. (Mals, CC)
by Sarah Ferguson. (CC) A 27-year-old is rushed to St 8.45 The Story Of Diana. Part 2 of 2. (PGam, CC) 9.45 Life In Pieces. Tensions rise
9.15 Media Watch. Takes a look at a George’s after suffering cardiac Documentary event, marking 9.50 Footy Classified. A team of when Greg finds cash that he
range of issues affecting media arrest during a game of ice the 20th anniversary of Diana’s footy experts tackles the AFL’s thought Matt stole from him
consumers. (PG, CC) hockey. (M, CC) tragic passing, through a series burning issues. Hosted by Craig when they were kids. (PG, CC)
9.35 Q&A. Host Tony Jones is joined 10.25 SBS World News Late Edition. of interviews. (PG, CC) Hutchison. (M, CC) 10.15 Elementary. Sherlock is
by the Leader of the Opposition (CC) 10.45 Britain’s Secrets: Body Image. 11.20 Botched. (Mmn, CC) recruited to steal a computer
Bill Shorten. (CC) 10.55 The World Game. Soccer news, Part 2 of 4. English TV presenter 12.20 Law & Order. (Mav, R, CC) from a meth-dealing motorcycle
10.40 Lateline. (R, CC) features and match results. (CC) Anne Robinson explores 1.15 Nine Presents. (M, R, CC) gang. (Mv, R, CC)
11.10 The Business. (R, CC) 11.25 Farang. A furious Thyra goes the subject of body image. 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 11.00 The Project. Join the hosts for
11.25 Golf. PGA Tour. Wyndham missing. (Malv, CC) (Man, CC) 2.00 Extra. (R, CC) a look at the day’s news, events
Championship. Highlights. (CC) 1.15 Rectify. (Ma, R, CC) 12.00 Quantico. President Haas 2.30 Global Shop. and hot topics. (R, CC)
12.20 Humans. (Mls, R, CC) 1.10 The 4.00 Being Mortal. (PG, R, CC) assembles a task force. 3.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. 12.00 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC)
Mix. (R, CC) 1.40 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) (Mav, CC) (R) 1.00 The Late Show With Stephen
3.50 Auction Room. (R, CC) 4.20 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 1.00 Home Shopping. (R) 3.30 Good Morning America. (CC) Colbert. (PG, CC)
Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R, CC) 5.05 5.30 Deutsche Welle English News. 5.30 Sunrise. News, sport and 5.00 News Early Edition. (CC) 5.30 2.00 Home Shopping. (R)
The Bill. (PG, R, CC) (CC) weather. (CC) Today. (CC) 4.30 CBS This Morning. (CC)

ABC2 (CH 22) SBS VICELAND (CH 32) 7TWO (CH 62) 9GEM (CH 52) ONE (CH 81)
6.00 Children’s Programs. 1.15 6.00 WorldWatch. 11.00 NHK Japanese 6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Flushed. (C) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 6.30 This Is Your 6.00 Home Shopping. 8.00 RPM. 8.30
Clangers. 1.45 The Adventures Of News. 11.35 Hindi News. 12.00 MOVIE 7.30 Oh Yuck. (C) 8.00 Jay’s Jungle. Day! (PG) 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Operation Repo. (PG) 9.00 Undercover
Bottle Top Bill And His Best Friend The Solitude Of Prime Numbers. (2010, (P) 8.30 Harry’s Practice. 9.00 Million Shop. 8.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 9.00 Boss. (PG) 10.00 Megastructures
Corky. 2.00 Lah-Lah’s Adventures. Maln) 2.05 Bear Grylls’ Mission Survive. Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 10.30 TV Shop. 9.30 Danoz. 10.30 Harry. Breakdown. 11.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 12.00
2.15 Tree Fu Tom. 2.40 Olivia. 3.05 (M) 3.05 Mysterious Cities Of Gold. (PG) NBC Press. 11.30 Free Range Cook. (PG) 11.30 As Time Goes By. (PG) 12.10 WIN’s All Australian News. 1.00 Nash
Wallykazam! 3.30 Play School. 4.25 3.40 Vs Arashi. (PG) 4.35 Street Genius. 12.00 Adam’s Pasta Pilgrimage. 12.30 MOVIE Night Boat To Dublin. (1946, Bridges. (M) 2.00 Matlock. (M) 3.00
Octonauts. 4.40 Peg + Cat. 4.55 Andy’s 5.00 VICE News Tonight. 5.30 If You One Foot In The Grave. (PG) 2.00 The PGv, CC) 2.05 Secret Dealers. (PG) 3.05 Jake And The Fatman. (PG) 4.00
Prehistoric Adventures. 5.10 Floogals. Are The One. 6.35 MythBusters. (PG) Making Of Dunkirk. (PG) 2.15 Million Miniseries: Miss Marple: The Murder Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 5.00 Star
5.25 Dot. 6.35 Ben And Holly’s Little 7.35 The Feed. 8.00 South Park. (M) Dollar Minute. 2.45 Animal Rescue. At The Vicarage. (PG) 4.15 Heartbeat. Trek: The Next Generation. (PG) 6.00
Kingdom. 7.00 Spicks And Specks. 7.30 8.30 MOVIE Biutiful. Javier Bardem. 3.15 Hell’s Kitchen Australia. (PG) 4.30 (PG) 5.20 Are You Being Served? (PG) M*A*S*H. (PG) 7.30 MacGyver. (M) 8.30
Dirty Jobs. (PG) 8.30 Louis Theroux: (2010, MA15+an) 11.15 Cycling. Vuelta a Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes MOVIE The Good Shepherd. Matt
A Place For Paedophiles. (M) 9.30 España. Stage 3. 2.00 Desus And Mero. Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. (PG) 8.30 By. (PG) 7.30 David Attenborough’s Damon, Angelina Jolie, Alec Baldwin.
Stacey Dooley Investigates. (MA15+) (M) 2.30 CGTN English News. 3.00 Thai Inspector George Gently. (M) 10.30 Air Life Story. (PG) 8.40 Agatha Christie’s (2006, Mlsv) 12.00 The Last Man On
10.25 Tales Of The Grim Sleeper. (M) News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi Crash Investigation. (PG) 11.30 Bargain Marple. (PG) 10.40 Killer On The Line. Earth. (M) 1.00 Home Shopping. 2.00
12.10 The Human Tissue Squad. (M) News. 4.30 Sri Lankan Sinhalese News. Hunt. 12.30 Doc Martin. (PG) 1.30 (M) 11.50 Footy Classified. (M) 1.00 TV Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 3.00 Matlock.
1.10 Dirty Jobs. (PG) 2.10 Close. 5.00 5.00 Korean News. 5.30 Indonesian Inspector George Gently. (M) 3.30 Late Shop. 1.30 Friends. (PG) 2.00 Global (M) 4.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 5.00 The
Children’s Programs. News. Programs. Shop. 2.30 Late Programs. Doctors. (M)

ABC ME (CH 23) ABC NEWS (CH 24) 7MATE (CH 63) 9GO! (CH 53) ELEVEN (CH 82)
6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC 6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Shannon’s 6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 The Matt
1.05 Adventure Time. (PG) 1.25 News. 6.00 ABC News National. 6.30 Legends. (PG) 8.00 The Next Level. Friends. (PG) 12.00 Dawson’s Creek. Hatter Chronicles. 6.30 Transformers:
Detentionaire. 1.50 Life With Boys. 2.10 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News With The 9.00 Harley-Davidson TV. (PG) 9.30 (PG) 1.00 Baggage Battles. (PG) 2.00 Robots In Disguise. 7.05 Pokémon.
WAC: World Animal Championships. Business. 9.00 ABC News National. Temporary Australians. (PG) 10.00 Rabbids Invasion. (PG) 2.30 Be Cool, 7.35 Dofus. 8.00 Totally Wild. (C) 8.35
2.35 Annedroids. 3.05 Backyard 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 Big Smo. (PG) 11.00 Starsky & Hutch. Scooby-Doo! (PG) 3.00 Pokémon. 3.30 Transformers. 9.00 Super Wings. 9.30
Science. 3.30 The Penguins Of ABC News. 11.30 7.30. 12.00 ABC (PG) 12.00 S.W.A.T. (PG) 1.00 American Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu. (PG) 4.05 Crocamole. (P) 10.00 Touched By An
Madagascar. 4.05 Matilda And The News. 12.30 The Drum. 1.00 Al Jazeera Hoggers. (M) 2.00 Big Smo. (PG) 3.00 Batman: The Brave And The Bold. (PG) Angel. (PG) 11.00 Dads. (PG) 11.30 The
Ramsay Bunch. 4.20 Little Lunch. 4.35 Newsgrid. 2.00 BBC Global. 2.30 7.30. Blokesworld. (PG) 3.30 What Went 4.30 The Looney Tunes Show. 5.00 Millers. (PG) 12.00 Good Wife. (PG)
Japanizi: Going, Going, Gong! 5.05 Eve. 3.00 BBC Global. 3.30 The Link. 4.00 Down. (PG) 4.00 Speed With Guy Ben 10: Ultimate Alien. (PG) 5.30 Teen 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 The Wrong Girl.
5.40 The Day My Butt Went Psycho! Al Jazeera Newshour. 5.00 Outside Martin. (PG) 5.00 Mountain Men. (PG) Titans. (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) (M) 3.00 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00
6.10 The Deep. 6.35 Make It Pop! Source. 5.30 Lateline. 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn 6.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00 The Malcolm. (PG) 4.30 Raymond. (PG)
7.00 MOVIE The Boy In The Dress. Stars. (PG) 7.30 Talking Footy. 9.00 Middle. (PG) 7.30 Science Of Stupid. (M) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family Feud.
(2014, CC) 8.10 Tomorrow When The MOVIE G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra. 8.00 Top Gear. (PG) 9.10 MOVIE Space 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Malcolm. (PG)
War Began. (PG) 8.55 The Haunting Channing Tatum. (2009, Mlv) 11.30 Jail: Cowboys. Clint Eastwood. (2000, PGal, 7.30 Fresh Off The Boat. (PG) 8.00 The
Hour. (PG) 9.20 Total Drama Presents: Las Vegas Jailhouse. (M) 12.00 Talking CC) 11.50 South Beach Tow. (M) 12.30 Simpsons. (PG) 8.30 MOVIE Paper
Ridonculous Race. 9.40 Rage. (PG) Footy. 1.30 American Pickers. (PG) 2.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 1.00 Regular Towns. Nat Wolff. (2015, Msv) 10.40
10.40 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs. Late Programs. Show. (PG) 1.30 Children’s Programs. Raymond. (PG) 11.10 Late Programs.

NITV (CH 34) 6.00 Morning Programs. 7.30 Bushwhacked! 8.00 The Dreaming. 8.30 Wapos Bay. 9.00 My Animal Friends. 9.15 Aussie Bush Tales. 9.30 Mugu Kids. 10.00 Te Kaea.
10.30 First Australians. (PG) 11.30 MOVIE Fantome Island. (2011) 1.00 Sitting Bull: A Stone In My Heart. (PG) 2.00 Be Deadly. (PG) 2.30 Watchers Of The North. 3.00
Aussie Bush Tales. 3.15 Tales Of Tatonka. 3.30 Inuk. 4.00 Cities Of Gold. (PG) 4.30 Kagagi. (PG) 5.00 Tangaroa. 5.30 Kriol Kitchen. 6.00 Surviving. 6.30 The Prophets. (PG) 7.00 Our Stories. 7.20 Custodians. 7.25
NITV News. 7.30 Family Rules. (PG) 8.00 Black Panthers. (M) 9.00 The Point. 9.30 Get Your Fish On. 10.00 Hunting Aotearoa. (M) 10.30 City Slickers Rodeo. (PG) 11.00 Survive Aotearoa. 12.00 Volumz. (PG)
RATING ADVICE: (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
CONSUMER ADVICE: a: adult themes; d: drug references; h: horror; l: language; n: nudity; s: sexual references; v: violence. CC: Closed Captions; b&w: Black & White; R: Repeat. VIC | 2108

HOROSCOPES with Alison Moroney

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) (March 21-April 19) (April 20-May 20) (May 21-June 20) (June 21-July 22)
Aquarius tends to make Pisces is financially- Aries’ natives are highly Through thoroughly Strongly motivated Strong motivations
quick decisions and take motivated during August active at the moment, investigating a situation towards the achievement steer Cancer in their
decisive actions during 21-24, so is quick on the investing their exuberant or problem during of goals during August quest to advance in life,
August 21-24 as they reach uptake of opportunities energies towards August 21-24, important 21-24, Gemini individuals enabling them to invest
towards the attainment of for career and social achieving career related realisations are achieved are able to work well with energy effectively into
a goal. Important social advancement that goals during August 21-24; that may be effectively others to achieve mutually responsibilities and
interests are also featured. arise then; these are you meet with success. utilised in implementing beneficial outcomes. work-related activities
important days. financial strategies. during August 21-24.


(July 23-Aug. 22) (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Leo’s creativity flourishes The trends of August 21-24 Developing strategies, A strong work-ethic will Sagittarius’ creative During August 21-24 a
under the fortunate trends are wonderful for financing planning interests, power Scorpio’s finances flair and zest for life will strong domestic base and
operating during August property and domestic negotiations, and during August 21-24.You’ll positively shape their family ties ease any recent
21-24, benefiting your work interests, and are attended streamlined organisation work quickly and efficiently life during August 21-24, difficulties Capricorn may
and children, and bringing by a strong potential for dominate Libra’s activities towards your planned whilst enhancing earning have experienced; you’re
a great enjoyment of life long-term success. Family during August 21-24, objectives, achieving capacity.Young people vitalised by support and
and long-term prospects. activities are favourably as you’re enthused by expected targets as you inspire and revitalise you. an enhanced sense of
highlighted. another individual. do so. security.
18 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017

ACROSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Take by theft
5 Public walk 9 10
9 Sea nymph
10 In excited eagerness 11 12
11 Dye
12 Fissure 13 14 15 16
13 Strong material
14 Lofty 17 18 19 20
17 Cut off
19 Stories 21 22 23 24
GINGER MEGGS 21 Love god
25 26 27
23 Occupant
25 Allow
28 29 30
26 Disliked intensely
27 Expressing denial
31 32 33
28 Newspaper executive
30 Ship’s officer
34 35 36
31 Essential
33 Difficult question
37 38
34 Layer
36 Cold dish
39 40
37 Greedy
38 Citrus fruit 41 42
39 Servant
GARFIELD 40 Swarms
41 Level 7 Tin-plate 26 Pungent
42 Deposit as a wager 8 Bridge tax 29 String of invective
15 Yoga positions 30 Unassuming
DOWN 16 Stretcher 32 Burdened
2 Gave a stifled laugh 17 Choose 33 Trees
3 Indirect efforts 18 Given by vow 35 Muslim leader
4 Passenger ship 20 Was ahead
5 Worth 22 Hanger-on
6 Given life 24 Stationery item


6 Fifty in high wind on the
ship (7) 6 7
7 See 21-across
9 Suddenly appear when the 8
arrival of the fizzy drink is
announced (3,2) 9 10
10 Crazy craft in disarray (7)
12 With which the timorous
may approach Red Indian 11
settlement (11)
14 The Montgolfiers who rose 12
to fame (11)
18 Exact prices fluctuating one 13
point (7)
19 Take off operatic heroine by
ZITS the middle of the act (5) 14 15 16
21 & 7-across Subject to
insurance, so not exposed 17
to the elements (5,5)
22 Favourable deal the 18 19
innkeeper hopes to make (7)

1 No hired transport returning
in rasher fashion (5) 21 22
2 Different clues about a part
of the sentence (6)
3 See 20 down
4 Headgear made of good
French open fabric (6) 13 Snipping off pieces around 20 & 3-down Container wagon
5 Book from which I study one coupling? (7) attached (6)
Roman law first (7) 15 One who secures the
THE PHANTOM 8 It’s hard work to keep strong-box (6)
on the track of Virginia 16 Objects when there are
inside (7) veiled hints about the leader
11 Feelings of conscience of the gang (6)
about key form of 17 Tackle I had to make
communication (7) unyielding (5)


24 Notebook; 26 Hot; 29Tirade; 30 Modest; 32 Laden; 33 Palms;
8Toll; 15 Asanas; 16 Litter; 17 Select; 18 Votive; 20 Led; 22 Parasite;
11 Remorse; 13 Pairing; 15 Locker; 16Things; 17 Rigid; 20 Car. Down: 2Tittered; 3 Asides; 4 Liner; 5 Merit; 6 Animated; 7 Latten;
DOWN 1 Bacon; 2 Clause; 3Ton; 4 Bonnet; 5 Lexicon; 8Travail; 38 Lemon; 39 Maid; 40Teems; 41 Even; 42 Stake;
22 Bargain. 28 Editor; 30 Mate; 31 Vital; 33 Poser; 34Tier; 36 Salad; 37 Avid;
12 Reservation; 14 Balloonists; 18 Precise; 19 Mimic; 21 Under; 14Tall; 17 Sever; 19Tales; 21 Eros; 23Tenant; 25 Let; 26 Hated; 27 Not;

ACROSS 6 Galleon; 7 Cover; 9 Pop up; 10 Frantic; Across: 1 Steal; 5 Mall; 9 Siren; 10 Agog; 11 Stain; 12 Rift; 13 Denim;


GOOD: 14 Simple rules, challenging puzzle

1 What is the common All the numbers from 1 to 9 must be
meaning of the Latin term used once only in each 3x3 square,
EXCELLENT: 20 in each row (horizontal) and each
GENIUS: 23 tabula rasa? column (vertical).
2 Which fashion designer
famously resided at the Ritz

SOLUTION Paris for more than 30 years?
3 Prince Charles was how SOLUTION
many years older than his
first wife, Diana?
4 Which British queen wore

black mourning clothes for
40 years after the death of
spar spiral parasail her husband?
rial sail salpa sari sial slap 5 Anne Boleyn reportedly had
Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of papal para pipa rail rasp
how many fingers?
four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must pail pair paisa palp papa
be included and each letter may only be used once. aria aril lair lapis liar lira
No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns,
apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. Reference
appal APPRAISAL aralia 3. 12 years; 4. Queen Victoria; 5. 11
source: Macquarie Dictionary. alap alar alas alias aplasia 1. Clean slate; 2. Coco Chanel; Monday, August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 19

Connect with Classifieds

Phone: 1300 66 66 51
Email: [email protected]
Death Notices Death Notices Funeral Notices Funeral Notices In Memoriam
Adult Services..............................................21
Boats and Accessories................................ 20 BIGARELLI EDWARDS BALLARAT SCHICKLING
Caravans and Motor Homes........................20 (Dickie) Eileen
Computer Service and Repairs....................21 Lesley May
The Funeral Service
Death Notices .............................................. 19 Headstones • Monuments In loving memory of
and Committal for Renovations • Lettering my beautiful mother
Education and Tuition..................................20 Passed away peacefully on 19th August 2017 at the late Mrs Eileen All cemeteries
Events & Functions ...................................... 21 Gandarra, aged 83. who passed away
Edwards will be held All work fully guaranteed 21st August 2008.
For Sale........................................................20 Beloved wife of Linneo (dec.), loving mother and at the “Ballarat Trust us to set your loved
mother-in-law of Stephen and Debbie, Michael Funeral Centre”, one's memory in stone Her enduring love,
Funeral Notices............................................19 and Kathy, Susan and Dale McKee and Angela. 1114 Doveton St 5331 2957 kindness and
In Memoriam................................................19 Devoted Granny to Tim and Jay, Kate and friendship continues
Nth, Ballarat on 1/128 Elsworth St. East
Massage.......................................................21 Zakka and Clare, Chiara, Callum and Nicola, Wednesday August Visit our showroom to be treasured and
Motor Vehicles.............................................20 Annie and Mark. 23, 2017 at TWELVE remembered as the
Positions Vacant .......................................... 20 Great Granny to Sienna and Sebastian, Delilah –THIRTY (12:30) pm. years pass by.
Public Notices..............................................20 and Edward and Phoebe.
Love Elke and Bram.
Real Estate...................................................20 Daughter of the late Percy and Madge Dickie THELWELL WILSON
Sports...........................................................20 (both dec.) of Dunkeld.
Trade Services.............................................21
Colman Eli 'Col' MEMORIALS
A special thank you to the wonderful staff at 22.08.1929 – 18.08.2017 STONEMASONS
Under $100 .................................................. 20 BALLARAT
Utes..............................................................20 Gandarra. Peacefully at
FLOWER & All District Cemeteries.
Wanted to Buy ............................................. 20 Geelong Hospital, Headstones & Monuments. Personalise the
Forever in our hearts. surrounded by his Dorothea Elizabeth All Memorial Works memory of your
Now at peace and reunited with the love of loving family. a a a
your life. A Memorial Service loved ones
Loving husband of for Mrs Dorothea Ph 5335 8074 with one of these special
Dorothy. Elizabeth Flower will logos on your personal notice
As long as life and memories last, you will be 814 Latrobe St
forever in our hearts. Mum and dad reunited. be held at the WD
Loved father of Rose Chapel, 339 Ballarat 3350
Much loved mother of Stephen and Debbie. Rosemary and Carol
Grandmother to Tim and Jay, Kate and Warrigal Road,
and father-in-law of
Connect with Zakka, Clare and Heath. Great Grandmother
to Sienna, Phoebe and Sebastian.
Loving Pop to his
Burwood on Friday
25th August, 2017
commencing at
In Memoriam

Place a Classifieds ad
I will always miss our cherished ritual of greeting
each other with 'Mother','Son'.
Goodbye beautiful Mother, Mother-in-law, Gran
& Great Gran.
grandchildren and
great grandchildren.
'We feel privileged
A Private Cremation
will be held earlier.
Andrew Ian
1300 666 651 Michael, Kathy, Chiara, Callum, Nicola, to have had him August 21, 2016
[email protected] Delilah & Edward in our lives.' One year today you
Save time, submit online 24/7 left us. Mum, Granny, We thought of you
You will always be the centre of our family and Funeral Notices today but that is
Print and online packages available our inspiration for what is important in life from a nothing new,
throughout Australia long life well lived.
Thanks for the cooking skills, the laughs and We think of you
Ongoing business advertising self service BENNETTS every day.
enquiries: [email protected] being the star of our whacky Christmas photos.
Always loved and remembered. It's the heartache of If you need assistance please call
Lawrence (Laurie)
Emoji now available Give Nonno a big hug ! Joy “Bluey” losing you that will our specially trained Classified
Susan, Dale, Annie and Mark McKee Mass celebrating the never go away. staff who can help you when
The Funeral Service entry into Eternal Life placing a personal notice
of the late Mr Mum, Kristina,
Death Notices Death Notices for the late Mrs Joy Darryn, Lyndon, Please phone
My beautiful brave mum and my best friend. Our “Bluey” Bennetts will Lawrence McCartin
special 4 years we shared, some good some be held in the will be in St Alipius Lorinda, Christopher, 1300 666 651
Church, Victoria St, Matthew and Nicole.
bad, I will forever cherish. “Ballarat Funeral
BENNETTS There were times when you suffered and only I Centre”, 1114 Ballarat East on
BENNETTS Friday (August 25,
Joy saw your pain, but we got through it together. Doveton St Nth,
Joy You are now at peace and back with Dad. I love Ballarat on 2017) at TEN
Dearly loved
sister-in-law of Peg
and Frank Burge
Many happy
memories of family
you and my heart will ache for you every day.
Rest now and be at peace.
Wednesday August
23, 2017 at THREE
(3:00) pm.
Burial will follow in
the Ballarat New
(both deceased).
Deeply loved aunty
thoughts to Robert
Burial will follow in
the Ballarat New
Cemetery .
of Ken, Peter, Debbie
and their families.
Sleeping peacefully
and the
Bennett's clan.
All our love, Pam and
Jim (deceased) Keast
and family. THELWELL
Colman Eli 'Col'
Joy BIGARELLI BIGARELLI Online Tributes appear in their own
Deepest sympathy to Lesley (Dickie) Family and friends dedicated Classifieds section.
Bob and family. BENNETTS
Lesley May are invited to attend All notices (Death, Funeral and In Memorium) placed in print
Dearly loved sister of Joy Much loved the funeral service also appear online with an accompanying Guest Book to
Jack (deceased), Passed away on sister-in-law of Maria for Mr Colman Eli
Pia and Daryl.
Requiem Mass for the enable family and friends from any location to share their own
sister-in-law of Lesley 17.08.2017 late Mrs Lesley May 'Col' Thelwell to be
and Auntie of Jason held at the Geelong messages and memories with you.
Deepest sympathy to Bigarelli will be offered
and Kirsten, Jackie You fought bravely to at St Columba's Memorial Park To visit our Tributes page, go to
Bob, Rhonda, the end. Now in the
and Paul, Benjamin Robbie, Tracey, Pete, Church. Lydiard Street Crematorium Chapel,, click on the
and Grace. arms of your beloved North, Ballarat on Burvilles Road,
Brett and families. Linneo again.
Classifieds tab and select ‘Tributes’.
Memories are a Loved sister of Val Thursday (August 24) Armstrong Creek

Call 1300 666 651 to

legacy of love. and sister-in-law of commencing at 1.00 (Geelong) on
Sadly missed and Our deepest p.m. Burial will follow THURSDAY (24th
Bob (both deceased). sympathy to Stephen,
lovingly remembered. in the Ballarat New August) at 1.30pm.
Treasured memories
today and always.
Angela and
Cemetery. Connect with Classifieds
Bigarelli family. Lloyd Tuckers Funeral &
BENNETTS Sandra, Alan, Alan,
Joy Karne, Dean and Pato, Uncle Lloyd,
Mark and families. Service
our friend and best Geelong 5221 4788
Fond memories of FLOWER mate of 48 years.
Aunty Joy. Deepest Dorothea Elizabeth Funny, laughable
sympathy to Bob, times after cattle and
Rhonda and Peter, Died peacefully on horseback and in WALDRON
Personalise the memory of
Rob and Mary, your loved ones
aged 99 cart. Bereavement William Joseph (Joe)
Tracey, Pete and
Deb, Brett and
with one of these special logos
on your personal notice Beloved wife of Peace perfect peace. Thanks The Funeral Service
Rupert (deceased) . and Committal for
Michelle and families. Syd, Margaret, Kim, Has your loved one
Loved mother of the late Mr William
Mark and families. recently passed away (Joe) Waldron will be
Sadly missed Estelle (deceased), and you wish to thank held in "The Ballarat
Mark, Robert and Family, Relatives and Funeral Centre",
Daryl, Myree, Ryan also dearly loved by Friends for their love
and Sarah. 1114 Doveton Street
all in their extended and support? North, Ballarat North
families. on Tuesday, August
If you need assistance,
Much loved please call our trained 22, 2017 at TWO-
Classified Staff who THIRTY (2.30)pm.
If you need assistance please call our
specially trained Classified staff who can can help you place a
help you when placing a personal notice.
personalised notice.
Please phone
1300 666 651 1300 666 651
20 THE COURIER Monday, August 21, 2017

Phone: 1300 666 651

Connect with Classifieds Email: classifi[email protected]

For Sale For Sale Motor Vehicles Real Estate Public Notices
•Weight loss Positions Vacant Positions Vacant
straight from the farm near Wedderburn, pwr, •Quit Cigarettes
to you. Delivery availa- good fencing & gates, •Other addictions
ble. 1-20 blocks $5,
21-50 $4.50, 51-99 $4
CLEARANCE great weekender or
rebuild STCA now only
•Phobias & Trauma
Daniel 0481 022 834 BALLARAT
and 100 plus $3. $69,500. Call 9840 8777 DELIVERIES
Phone 0437 414 633. Weekdays 6am start
Engine Stands, HILUX SR 2009, Sports

Engine Cranes,
6 1/2 to 13hp Petrol
diesel, manual, bullbar,
canopy, extra wheels,
1 ACRE Phone: 5222 5050
or email
Engines, Pipe VGC, 330,000 kms,
2hrs from Melb. Build-
ing, relocation, retire-
APPRENTICE robyn.fisher
Benders, Trolley
Jacks, 5" & 9",
rego (XBR535),
$19,500. — Phone:
ment, 5 mins to Tourist BRICKLAYERS
H/Duty Angle 0408 148 402.
town bargain buy at
$39,500. Call 9840 8777
WANTED 3 refs & Police Chk
Grinders, Fire Fight

Stihl BG56 Blower Van adv not ess
Pumps, Hyd. Press, Ph. 0417 305 836
ONLY $269 ABN - sole traders ok
Including Free
Chain Blocks, 6 to
20 ton Bottle Jacks, 9 ACRES ST.KILDA V
Vac Attachment Pedestal Drills Suit Weekender, Bank
Discounted Prices loan avail. Only $411 Sun. August 27 - Bus GENERAL
EE Day & Sons PM on 30% deposit. leaves 12.30pm from Business Closing
Call 9840 8777 GOLD Depot. Text Mel:
Phone 5339 2211 G.R. EDWARD NISSAN Navara, 2004,
207 Dana St. Dual Cab., Diesel, Man-
ual. Well maintained Education and
0491 164 440 or email:
[email protected] Boiler Maker
STIHL CHAINSAWS Ph. 5332 1802 and serviced. RWC. Tuition
Required for part-time
work. Lethbridge area.
Reg:SSI 595. $11,900 Wanted to Buy Ph. 0429 361 378.
ono. Ph:0488 410 847
Buttoning Upholstery Utes ENGLISH TUTORING AAAA Better price for Labourer /
are retiring All ages, all levels anything old, antiques,
STIHL MS170 14'' VIT & WWCC gramophones, china, Crusher
Was $379 Roger 0419 859 961 iron beds, radios, kero
lamps, lighting, bottles, Operator
Now only $249 MATHS TUTOR enamel signs 5332 6841
Required. Lethbridge
area. Ph. 0429 361 378.
EE Day & Sons Clearance sale. Quality FALCON 2009 Ute auto Ex Teacher/uni student, ASK ABOUT OUR lounge suites and chairs. ded. gas, hard top ex for a mature aged 1  PACKAGE
Phone 5339 2211 Large amounts of fabric for cond 1AJ9CK $8000 student who needs PHOTO CAR ADS
neg. P: 0408 492 175 coaching in Maths. Ph. Call The Courier Classifieds
cushions- upholstery. 1300 666 651

Leather - full hide pieces. 0400 173 967
Benches- display cabinets. Caravans and Motor
Prices Slashed/ Homes Wanted to Buy
All stock must go.
607 Latrobe Street,

Windows, cast iron Motor Vehicles ADJECTIVE

verandah posts, 1. of or relating to the fingers or toes
hardwood timber, steel 2. to use with a finger
3. using or characterized by computer technology
purlins, windows,
doors, kitchens, CAMPER TRAILER
flooring, roofing iron, Cub-Campomatic, full SENTENCE:
antiques & “I read The Courier Digital Edition every day on my computer or tablet.
length annex, inbuilt gas Modern brick veneer home -

s the complete print edition in a digital format at my fingertips.”
so much more. Cnr Whitelaw Ave & cooker, $1,200 ono.
Phone: 5345 3680 or ANY SUBURB - up to $280,000
Delacombe 0400 990 599. Quiet gent seeking 2 or 3 bedroom
GOLD DETECTORS 2008 SsangYong low maintenance home in good condition -
Rexton AWD Boats and move in late September. Garage space for
SALES & HIRE Accessories
2 cars essential. GENUINE PURCHASER


LICENCE Call today for more details:
Diesel, 7 seater, COURSE JOHN MORRIS 0418 543 637
We stock a huge
range of prospecting automatic, travelled Victorian Marine
equipment 131,345kms, leather, Licence inc.Jetski
Picks, Pans, Sluices, sunroof. endorsement
Sieves, Maps, Books, and 1JV-2XK BALLARAT
NOW ONLY $8,990 The Courier Digital Edition is the new digital replica of the printed
a large range of Coiltek, Monday 4th September product delivered direct to your desktop or tablet device daily.
Commander & Nuggett DRIVEAWAY
LMCT 9071 6pm - 10pm
Finder Coils Convenient 13, 26 or 52 week personal and multi-user business
5335 5900 or 0418 508 750 Bookings Essential subscriptions available.
EE Day & Sons Rubens: 0477 555 335
Phone 5339 2211 Approved Transport Safety Visit to subscribe from Vic. Course Australian only $6.60 per week.
Boating College.
Provider #3399


61/2hp Petrol Motor $125 CAB with Canopy,
Make your ad
13hp Petrol Engines.$275 2000, 298k, RWC, relia- more appealing
Fire Fight Pump $280 ble & dependable, reg with a photo!
G.R. EDWARD Jan 18, UPG-438, Call 1300 666 651 or email

207 Dana St. Ph. 5332 1802 $3250. P: 0408 531 150 classifi[email protected]

UNDER $100
Advertisement No1 VR4184045
POST TO: The Courier Under $100 Classifieds,
PO Box 21, Ballarat 3353 or

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• Advertisements are a maximum right to refuse publication of coupon will be shredded. Ph:
of 3 lines (approx. 6
9 words) advertisements. Monday, August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 21

Phone: 1300 666 651

Connect with Classifieds Email: classifi[email protected]

Computer Service Trade Services Trade Services Trade Services Trade Services Trade Services Trade Services Events & Functions
and Repairs
Payment terms available! Public Tours
Service Specialist
We Pickup & Deliver
For a professional
service and guaranteed
RAPID MINI CHIP •Canberra Floriade
Ph. Virgil 0404 814 448 PAINTER Qualified Arborist & •Midnight Oil (Bus Only)
workmanship on all Horticulturist, Free
Computer running your plumbing needs * Home Renovations •Tesselaar Tulips 4/10
Slow?? * Interior /exterior Quotes. Fully Insured.
Getting Frustrated?? Domestic-Commercial please call. Home Maintenance Tree Climbing Experts, •Dream Lover 11/2 SOLD OUT
Electrical Works Ash: 0407 680 278 Stump Removal, •Dream Lover 18/2/18
Don't bang your Quality work Rebed and Point 'The Bobby Darin Musical'
head against Split System Matt: 0409 966 837 at realistic price Demossing & Respray Chipping and Tree •Public Extended Touring - call us
the wall !!! Air Conditioning FREE Quote Fully Qualified Tradesman Pruning. Mulch $15/mt
GARDENING & MOWING Call Peter (Insured) P: Adam 0409 005 227
Give@Your Home Emergency Works Pruning roses, Lawns, Football
Support a Call !! 0417 597 762 Accredited Monier
Trench & Excavations Spray Weeds, Ride-On, Roofing Specialist TREES & HEDGES Rd 23: Hawthorn v Bulldogs
Prompt, Friendly Rubbish Removed.
No job too small
Fully insured. Free
Quotes. 0417 724 565.
Rick Miller Painting Ballarat Bricks & Roofing
Ph: 0407 453 953 See website for details.
Experienced 35 years Servicing Ballarat & 30 Years Experience
Ph. 0407 241 170 Extensions, Fences, Surrounding Towns. Free quotes
5335 5005
Piers. Small to Medium
Projects. Discounts Available HANDYMAN Prompt and reliable
Phone 0417 349 974 No Alcohol
Massage Cash & Pensioners Tiling, Plaster Repairs,
Ph. 0418 518 642 The Friendly Professionals... Painting and PLASTERING & PAINTING WE LOAD IT FOR YOU
Bathroom Upgrades. Home maintenance, trade Cheaper than a skip!!!
Ph 0400 007 441 No Hidden Surprises: Your Tree Care Adult Services
Ph Peter: 0418 525 064 qualified. No job too small.
1st Time in Town Ph: 0438 374 811 We Turn Up,
Quote Job, Load It,
• Qualified Climber
New! New! New! HOME MAINTENANCE • Limited Access Tower
Massage 'til late
Ph. 0406 173 840.
Roof repairs, Guttering, PLUMBER Its Gone!
Free Quotes (one of a kind)
Gutters clean, Gutter Hot Water Services, • Hedge Specialists
BALLARAT'S guard, Plastering, spouting, leaking taps, Phone: Glen • Total Tree Removals
Professional Massage • EXTENSIONS
painting, and fencing.
All work guaranteed.
toilets, any small jobs.
Rick 0418 503 411
0409 429 061
• Chipping
•Storm Cleanups
Asian. New lady.
Start early til late
• DECKS All Types of 0417 508 678 Fully Insured Free Quotes
Robert 0432 333 678 CARA
0414 477 678
Scott 0431 414 461 Sexy Busty Blonde,
sz 10 w killer curves,
• WINDOWS Supply and install - Small plumbing jobs: Very PROMPT &
leaking taps, toilets, hot RELIABLE SERVICE V friendly.
Trade Services • CONCRETING TV Points & Aerials
water services, spouts... 0437 884 546
Ph: 0458 690 310 or Air Cond, CCTV, Home & Property Call Josh 0409 189 234 SWA 6044XE
(03) 5330 2518 Phone & Data MAINTENANCE
Septic system installs,
A RAPID RESPONSE Registered Builder
Call Jim (Rec 16942) • Carpenters repairs and extensions, M DANNI M
• Electricians
PLUMBING permits. Gorgeous Busty Curvy.
Brunette, Great Service.
Same day service Mark 0419 674 453 No Priv. No's. No TXT
SMALL JOBS AND Experienced Tradesman ELECTRICIAN • Painters • Handyman
Reg. 106340 Available 7 days
Call / Txt 0477 666 992
Small to Larger jobs welcome
PH. 0427 212 549 Domestic or Commercial & Home Security
• Plasterers
• Lawns
• Tilers
• Gardening
EMERGENCIES Ph: 0415 691 908
Good rates

Call Rob 0418 904 089 • Landscaping 24 / 7 Rot Repairs
ASBESTOS (REC26352) Free Quotes
Draft Proofing Jessica
Ph: 0408 006 322,
windows, FARM FENCING 5333 5555 Ph: 0408 342 300 Emergency Glass
Locks & Winders Gorgeous, classy busty
[email protected] AH 5334 2779
0427 500 230 rubbish removal, fully Servicing Ballarat area Call Ben 0411 398 000 brunette. For a very
insured. Call Kelly at No passionate satisfying
Fuss No Dust Cleaning Michael: 0409 579 414 Landscape Gardener
for 25 years experience.
on: All types of garden TREE PRUNING Ph 0415 609 959.
0439 968 485 work. incl. retaining AND REMOVAL SWA 9513XE
FREE REMOVAL OF SCRAP walls, paving, turf, new
gardens, watering
• Experienced FARMER’S
CONCRETING Fridges, freezers, wash- systems, stone work.
ing machines, dryers, Ballarat & Surrounds
• Highly Qualified
• Fully Insured
Ballarat Caravan Local Area-Small jobs stoves, hot water serv-
Driveways, paving, BOBCAT HIRE
ices, cars / parts, steel Exc. rates. Free Quotes
Damien 0419 562 093 LIFTOVER New
& Trailer Repairs shed slabs, footpaths. • Roof Replacements [email protected] Busty, Beautiful.
etc. Home or Commercial Full price Saturday, repeat
l Service & repairs Jack 0481 278 813 Ph: 0467 090 574 • New Roof Installation Wednesday liftover Start early til late.
Prompt, service SWA1054XE.
l Diesel heaters • Gutter Replacements
M C Hutton Landscaping • Only applies to lineage
l Solar panels GARDEN OVERGROWN? Phone 0427 453 803 • Tank Installation BILL'S TREE LOPPING advertisements
0414 477 678
l Cameras Fully insured. No job
GRASS TOO LONG? Call 0412 093 601 too big or small. Storm • Includes placement
Email: ballaratcaravantrailer TREES TOO LARGE? UTES 4WD TRUCKS CARS damage, stump removal. on internet
Here for your pleasure...
[email protected] Sell your vehicle in
Check out the Trade Services columns of The Courier The Courier Classifieds "We will beat any Free quote 5342 0987 Phone 1300 666 651 Ph 0416 081 232
Gareth: 0417 353 869 to find someone to work for you. 1300 666 651 /0424 865 222. Email: classifi[email protected] SWA 9107XE
written quote"

Local News.
Anytime. Anywhere. Anyhow.


22 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017

From page 23 BEST: Wickliffe Lake Bolac: Thomas Gibson, Nathan BEST: Glenthompson Dunkeld: Benjamin Morganti, Ladder
Curtis, Tristan May, Luke Kenelley, Michael Otto, Dylan Praolini, Simon Gordon, Jack Gordon, Ethan TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS
GOALS: Trentham: Tyson Scoble 3, Corey Pertzel 3, Bradley Keilar; Caramut: Adam Lehmann, Michael McRae, Tristan McMahon; Great Western: Jack Dalton, 1 Moy-Willaura 17 17 0 0 0 0 1604 355 451.83 68
Robert Bruton 2, Samuel Evans 2, Stefan Lendrec Pegg, Phillip Edwards, Aaron Tebble, Andrew Trent Neagle, Jesse Bennett, Luke Notting, Nathan 2 GreatWestern17 13 3 1 0 0 1080 631 171.16 54
2, Brodie Ward 2, Jed Pertzel 1; Carisbrook: Geary, Adam Doak Gannon, James Gooden 3 Penshurst 16 12 4 0 0 1 1161 410 283.17 52
Fraser Tatchell 1 4 Hawk-Mac 16 9 7 0 0 0 1068 634 168.45 36
BEST: Trentham: Darcy Matricardi, Stefan Lendrec, Glenthompson Dunkeld 4.6 12.11 14.15 22.22 (154) Moyston Willaura 4.4 6.7 12.9 17.9 (111) 5 Glen-Dunkeld 17 8 9 0 0 0 790 858 92.07 32
Tyson Scoble, Timothy Brown, Kelton Reid, Samuel Great Western 0.0 0.1 2.1 4.1 (25) Tatyoon 0.0 0.2 1.2 2.3 (15) 6 Tatyoon 17 5 12 0 0 0 611 1011 60.44 20
Evans; Carisbrook: Anden Lever, Blake Matthews, GOALS: Glenthompson Dunkeld: Christopher McLeod GOALS: Moyston Willaura: James Dalkin 7, Nicholas 7 AraratEagles 17 2 14 1 0 0 548 1306 41.96 10
Cooper Tatchell, Fraser Tatchell, Jesse Janes, 5, Damien Logan 4, William Fergusson 3, Brandon Brain 4, Josh Byron 2, Mitchell Laundy 1, Jordan 8 Lis-Derr 17 0 17 0 0 0 286 1943 14.72 0
Jordan Whelan Weatherson 3, Nathan Lester 2, Calvin Ross 1, Leigh 9 SMWRovers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Thomas 1, Angus McGregor 1, Jack Watson-Rice 1; 10 Wickliffe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Bubb 1, Tyler Staude 1, James Anagnostou 1, Matthew Tatyoon: Riley Wood 2
Lexton 4.4 4.6 8.10 10.13 (73) Lowe 1; Great Western: Samuel Cocks 1, Brett Dowie 1, 11 Caramut 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Maldon 0.0 1.1 1.1 3.4 (22) BEST: Moyston Willaura: Nathan Orszaczki, Angus 12 Woor-Mort 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0
Nathan Gannon 1, Thomas McCord 1 McGregor, James Dalkin, Matthew Scully, Adam
GOALS: Lexton: Myles Sandlant 2, Branden Morrison 2, BEST: Glenthompson Dunkeld: James Anagnostou, Gellert, Bradley Bond; Tatyoon: Eric Fisher, Timothy LEADING GOALKICKERS
Luke Arvidson 1, Jeff Debast 1, Corey Rowe 1, Joshua Nathan Lester, Christopher McLeod, Matthew Lowe, Gubbins, Brendan Hinchliffe, Brent Tate, Riley Wood, 101...............................................................Aaron Byron (Moyston Willaura) 10
Stepnell 1, Daniel Quixley 1, Aden Bermingham 1; Ryan Fischer, Calvin Ross; Great Western: Aiden Lee, 42........................................................Kyle Smitten (Hawkesdale Macarthur) 6
Mason McLaren
Maldon: Darcy Kelly 2, Rieley Fitzgibbon 1 Luke Notting, Nathan Gannon, Nicholas Dunford, Brady 41...............................................................Thomas Robinson (Great Western) 2
BEST: Lexton: Luke Arvidson, Jordan Greene, Branden Miller, Patrick Bell Woorndoo Mortlake 1.3 4.6 8.9 8.12 (60) 32.................................................................Jackson Thomas (Great Western) 4
Morrison, Corey Rowe, Harrison Dowling, Aden 29...................................................................Ned Parsons (Moyston Willaura) 3
Penshurst 3.0 3.1 3.3 4.5 (29)
Bermingham; Maldon: Brodie Doyle, Blayne Cananzi, Moyston Willaura 2.1 8.7 11.10 18.15 (123) 28...............................................................Ryan Nellthorp (Moyston Willaura) 1
Tate Webb, Noah Webb, Rieley Fitzgibbon, Darcy Kelly Tatyoon 2.2 3.3 4.6 4.6 (30) GOALS: Woorndoo Mortlake: Donald Mc Innes 2, Tyne 26..........................................................Lachie Field (Glenthompson Dunkeld) 0
Anderson 2, Peter Harris 2, Travis Anders 1, William 25....................................................................Connor Mottram (Ararat Eagles) 2
GOALS: Moyston Willaura: Ben Robertson 6, Billy Rasmussen 1; Penshurst: Todd Hatherell 1, Jacob 24...................................................................................Jack Kruger (Penshurst) 3
Maryborough Rovers 1.2 3.6 6.7 12.13 (85) Laurie 5, Daniel Guinane 4, Matthew Peel 1, Harrison
Royal Park 0.0 1.1 1.2 2.2 (14) Mibus 1, Michael Crane 1, Josh Cameron 1 21...................................................................................Aaron Glare (Penshurst) 2
Cronin 1, Lynden Brewis 1; Tatyoon: Mitchell Cronin 1, BEST: Woorndoo Mortlake: Jonathon Hooper, Tyne
GOALS: Maryborough Rovers: Jacko Feeney 4, Luke Tom Veale 1, William McOrist 1, Matthew Blackburn 1 Anderson, Hayden Wright, Jesse Trigg, Donald Mc
Mullan 2, Josh Milne 2, Angus Voutier 1, Mathew BEST: Moyston Willaura: Billy Laurie, Daniel Guinane, CAULFIELD GALLOPS, SATURDAY
Llewellyn 1, Jack Dawson 1, Marshall Murray 1; Royal Innes, Tom Grant; Penshurst: Samuel Cameron,
Matthew Peel, Rhys Cronin, Joshua Day, Patrick
Park: Lachlan Bates 1, Riley Walhouse 1 Robert Funk, Jack Kruger, Jackson Linke, Oscar Linke, TAB DIVS FOR $1
Higgins; Tatyoon: Lachie Marr, Jarrod Blandford,
BEST: Maryborough Rovers: Jacko Feeney, Luke Samuel Modra Race 1: 1 8 2. Win $6.50 place $2.10 $1.70 $1.80. Q: $12.30. E:
Mitchell Cronin
Mullan, Brodie Pearson, Mathew Llewellyn, $34.10. Duets: 1-8: $4.80, 1-2: $5.50, 8-2: $2.70. T: $71.40. First
Marshall Murray; Royal Park: Lachlan Bates, Riley SMW Rovers 1.3 4.4 8.5 10.5 (65) 4: 1-8-2-7: $327.20. Sub: NSR. All Started.
Penshurst 1.0 10.1 12.8 14.12 (96)
Lismore Derrinallum 4.2 4.2 8.2 9.6 (60) Race 2: 3 2 7. Win $7.10 place $2.10 $1.60 $9.00. Q: $17.30. E:
Hamilton, John Leathan, Bailey Jacobs, Jake Turner, Woorndoo Mortlake 3.4 4.4 6.8 9.10 (64) $33.80. Duets: 3-2: $6.10, 3-7: $27.50, 2-7: $33.70. T: $754.90.
Ethan Chaplin GOALS: Penshurst: Luke Ferguson 3, Grant Ewing 3, GOALS: SMW Rovers: Jake Fleming 3, Luke Ashmore 2, D: $42.60. First 4: 3-2-7-8: $5, 657.00. Sub: 5. Scr: 9.
Christopher Eales 3, Jesse Dalton 1, Samuel Rentsch Angus Peart 2, Shaun Liston 1, Callum Baker 1, James Race 3: 16 2 11. Win $4.70 place $2.10 $2.50 $5.60. Q: $14.80.
Newstead 5.7 9.12 11.19 13.24 (102) Linke 1; Lismore Derrinallum: Simon Cooper 5, Daniel E: $29.70. Duets: 16-2: $6.50, 16-11: $21.10, 2-11: $26.90. T:
Natte Bealiba 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 (7) 1, Kieran Neeson 1, James Dalton 1, Izaac Ewing 1;
Woorndoo Mortlake: Nick Bateman 3, Jordon Buckley Vagg 2, Stephen Walters 1, Matthew Bacon 1 $698.40. D: $36.60. First 4: 16-2-11-6: $3, 988.60. Sub: 16. Scr:
GOALS: Newstead: Lincoln White 3, Harry Lovett 3, 3, Matthew Pemberton 2, Richard McCormick 1 BEST: SMW Rovers: Angus Peart, Timothy Peart, Shaun 10, 17, 18, 19, 5(L).
Charlie Chapman 2, Alex Murphy 2, Michael Penrose BEST: Penshurst: Joseph Franklin, Justin Eales, Liston, Luke Ashmore, Lachlan Fisher, Jake Fleming; Race 4: 4 5 9. Win $4.30 place $1.70 $3.80 $3.60. Q: $35.60. E:
1, Koby Smith 1, Oliver Daldy 1; Natte Bealiba: Lismore Derrinallum: Steven Fisher, Jayden Brewer, $63.50. Duets: 4-5: $12.60, 4-9: $11.10, 5-9: $30.50. T: $619.70.
Luke Ferguson, Chay Deary, Campbell Watt, Kieran D: $17.60. First 4: 4-5-9-8: $5, 073.80. Sub: NSR. All Started.
Jackson Goodwin 1 Neeson; Woorndoo Mortlake: Damien Pemberton, Simon Cooper, Matthew Bacon, Stephen Walters,
BEST: Newstead: Lincoln White, Charlie Chapman, Matthew Halloran Race 5: 8 1 7. Win $3.10 place $1.50 $1.30 $2.90. Q: $3.60. E:
Keilan Webster-Bamford, Mark Macdonald, Richard $8.80. Duets: 8-1: $2.30, 8-7: $5.20, 1-7: $4.60. T: $79.40. D:
Michael Penrose, Koby Smith, Jovian Goulton, Alex McCormick, Johan Dunn, Matthew Pemberton
Ladder $31.40. First 4: 8-1-7-11: $298.70. Sub: 1. Scr: 2, 10.
Murphy; Natte Bealiba: Luke Haw, Harry Cullum, Race 6: 4 11 13. Win $3.00 place $1.40 $4.30 $4.50. Q: $28.50. E:
Monique Gavriliadis, Paige Scott, Tony Hall SMW Rovers 4.2 7.2 8.3 18.5 (113) TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS $43.90. Duets: 4-11: $9.30, 4-13: $12.30, 11-13: $32.70. T: $468.30.
Lismore Derrinallum 3.3 7.6 10.8 11.9 (75) 1 SMWRovers 17 17 0 0 0 0 1752 461 380.04 68 D: $16.70. First 4: 4-11-13-6: $2, 999.80. Sub: 4. Scr: 7, 10.
Avoca 0.5 3.7 4.8 7.10 (52) 2 Wickliffe 17 14 3 0 0 0 1604 617 259.97 56 Race 7: 2 9 3. Win $2.60 place $1.50 $4.60 $1.40. Q: $32.70. E:
Navarre 1.1 1.1 2.1 3.1 (19) GOALS: SMW Rovers: Jarryd Underwood 7, Sam Munro
2, Timothy Cleeland 2, Tyler Mason 2, Lachlan Pickering 3 Glen-Dunkeld 17 13 4 0 0 0 1378 777 177.35 52 $47.80. Duets: 2-9: $12.90, 2-3: $1.90, 9-3: $14.30. T: $145.00.
GOALS: Avoca: Jai Howell 3, Jamie Beavis 2, Brendan 4 Lis-Derr 17 10 6 1 0 0 1452 775 187.35 42 D: $7.50. First 4: 2-9-3-8: $1, 262.90. Sub: 2. Scr: 1, 10, 11.
1, John Forbes 1, James Costigan 1, Billie Leskosek 1, Race 8: 1 11 7. Win $2.80 place $1.60 $1.60 $3.10. Q: $4.70. E:
Wardlaw 1, Sidney Robinson 1; Navarre: William Carter Liam Baker 1; Lismore Derrinallum: Michael Lockyer 5 Moy-Willaura 17 10 7 0 0 0 1357 963 140.91 40
1, Cameron Wickham 1, Will Wickham 1 6 Woor-Mort 17 10 7 0 0 0 979 1104 88.68 40 $10.20. Duets: 1-11: $2.70, 1-7: $7.20, 11-7: $8.80. T: $68.80. D:
4, Jacob Morgan 1, Todd Lamont 1, Bradley Lockyer $9.90. First 4: 1-11-7-8: $1, 158.30. Sub: 1. Scr: 3, 10.
BEST: Avoca: Sean Cudmore, Jayden Coghlan, Jamie 1, Tim Turner 1, Jed Millard 1, Scott Henderson 1, 7 Hawk-Mac 17 8 9 0 0 0 1234 1022 120.74 32
Beavis, Lewis Redpath, Samsen Marlow, Lachlan Race 9: 3 8 14. Win $5.70 place $2.20 $15.50 $1.80. Q: $237.00.
Josh Anderson 1 8 Penshurst 17 7 10 0 0 0 1233 1060 116.32 28 E: $357.90. Duets: 3-8: $74.10, 3-14: $5.30, 8-14: $54.30. T: $3,
Wardlaw; Navarre: Cameron Wickham, Kaiden BEST: SMW Rovers: Thomas Thewlis, Jarryd 9 Tatyoon 17 6 10 1 0 0 989 1118 88.46 26 023.20. D: $35.90. First 4: 3-8-14-16: $13, 792.20, 3-8-14-20: $7,
Walton, William Pitts, James Anderson, Blade Wells, Underwood, Jonathan Box, John Forbes, Liam Baker, 10 GreatWestern 17 3 14 0 0 0 764 1682 45.42 12 484.20. Sub: 14. Scr: 1, 4, 15, 17, 18, 6(L).
Declan Bogale James Costigan; Lismore Derrinallum: Brandon 11 Caramut 17 3 14 0 0 0 685 1871 36.61 12 VIC TAB DOUBLE on races 7 and 9: Hartnell (2): Here To
Greenwood, Michael Lockyer, Brent Rogers 12 AraratEagles 17 0 17 0 0 0 253 2230 11.35 0 There (3) $39.20. Subs: 2, 14.
Campbells Creek 4.3 5.5 6.8 11.9 (75) VIC TAB EARLY QUADDIE on races 2, 3, 4, 5: (3)(16)(4)(8):
Talbot 0.1 3.2 3.4 5.6 (36) Ladder LEADING GOALKICKERS $736.50. Subs: 5, 16, NSR, 1.
GOALS: Campbells Creek: Bailey Muscat 7, Riley 68...................................................Brock Wardlaw (Glenthompson Dunkeld) 2 VIC TAB QUADDIE on races 6, 7, 8, 9: (4)(2)(1)(3): $438.40.
TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS Subs: 4, 2, 1, 14.
McGuinness 3, Robert Muscat 1; Talbot: Trenton 1 Moy-Willaura 17 15 2 0 0 0 2207 894 246.87 60 54........................................................Zachariah Gellie (Lismore Derrinallum) 0
Severino 3, Joshua Clark 1, Bailey Gordon 1 46........................................................................ Lachlan Fisher (SMW Rovers) 0 VIC TAB BIG6 on races 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: (4)(8)(4)(2)(1)(3):
2 Lis-Derr 17 15 2 0 0 0 2122 1166 181.99 60 Major (winners of 6 races): $36, 955.60 Supplementary
BEST: Campbells Creek: Dylan Stevens, Bailey 3 Wickliffe 17 11 6 0 0 0 1672 1058 158.03 44 45........................................................Dillon McAuliffe (Wickliffe Lake Bolac) 5
Muscat, Harley Muscat, Rhian Hyland, Kincade Rigg, (winners of first 5 races): $128.00. Subs: NSR, 1, 4, 2, 1, 14.
4 Penshurst 17 11 6 0 0 0 1436 1131 126.97 44 44................................................................Jhye Kenna (Wickliffe Lake Bolac) 0
Riley McGuinness; Talbot: Mitchell Harrison, Baylee
5 Tatyoon 17 11 6 0 0 0 1553 1268 122.48 44 42...........................................................................Callum Baker (SMW Rovers) 1 BALLARAT TROTS, SATURDAY
Borg, Lachlan Roche, Joshua Tull, Tannar Santon, 33...............................................................................Josh Cameron (Penshurst) 1 TAB DIVS FOR $1
6 SMWRovers 17 10 7 0 0 0 1700 1390 122.30 40
Josiah Rowland 31..............................................................................Michael Crane (Penshurst) 1 Race 1: 5 8 6. Win $2.20 place $1.04 $2.50 $4.80. Q: $12.10. E:
7 Hawk-Mac 17 8 9 0 0 0 1921 1449 132.57 32
8 Woor-Mort 17 8 9 0 0 0 1646 1596 103.13 32 31................................................................Daniel Vagg (Lismore Derrinallum) 2 $16.80. Duets: 5-8: $5.10, 5-6: $11.90, 8-6: $17.20. T: $202.70.
Ladder 30.........................................................................Luke Ashmore (SMW Rovers) 2 First 4: 5-8-6-4: $825.80. Sub: 5. Scr: 7.
9 Glen-Dunkeld 17 8 9 0 0 0 1315 1544 85.17 32
TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS Race 2: 5 8 4. Win $1.90 place $1.04 $1.80 $2.90. Q: $11.20. E:
10 AraratEagles 17 2 15 0 0 0 880 2170 40.55 8
1 Trentham 16 16 0 0 0 0 2090 151 1384.11 64 11 Caramut 17 2 15 0 0 0 921 2454 37.53 8 Under 16.5 $16.60. Duets: 5-8: $4.10, 5-4: $11.60, 8-4: $19.50. T: $86.00. D:
2 Maryborough 16 14 1 1 0 0 1416 366 386.89 58 $6.00. First 4: 5-8-4-6: $1, 129.40. Sub: 5. Scr: 3.
12 GreatWestern 17 1 16 0 0 0 903 2156 41.88 4 Penshurst 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.9 (111) Race 3: 3 5 2. Win $2.30 place $1.20 $1.90 NTD. Q: $1.60. E: $2.20.
3 Navarre 16 12 4 0 0 0 1492 377 395.76 48
4 Avoca 16 11 4 1 0 0 1300 408 318.63 46 Lismore Derrinallum 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 (1) T: $24.70. D: $6.20. First 4: 3-5-2-4: $177.40. Sub: NSR. All Started.
LEADING GOALKICKERS Race 4: 7 6 3. Win $9.40 place $3.60 $1.20 NTD. Q: $13.00. E: $30.70.
5 Carisbrook 16 10 6 0 0 0 1047 637 164.36 40 77....................................................Patrick Sinnott (Hawkesdale Macarthur) 8 GOALS: Penshurst: Jack Kruger 3, Henry Bensch 3, T: $83.30. D: $31.40. First 4: 7-6-3-2: $566.50. Sub: NSR. All Started.
6 Lexton 16 8 8 0 0 0 667 943 70.73 32 69....................................................................Ryan Elliot (Lismore Derrinallum) 0 Jye Uebergang 2, Izaac Ewing 2, Aaron Glare 2, Dougal Race 5: 4 1 8. Win $6.30 place $1.60 $1.90 $1.60. Q: $3.80. E:
7 Newstead 16 7 9 0 0 0 734 1123 65.36 28 66.......................................................Michael Lockyer (Lismore Derrinallum) 4 Doery 2, Jack Page 1, Timothy Smith 1, Brody Gibbs 1; $11.50. Duets: 4-1: $4.80, 4-8: $4.80, 1-8: $2.10. T: $66.40. D:
8 CampCreek 16 6 10 0 0 0 1003 1242 80.76 24 63................................................................Jarryd Underwood (SMW Rovers) 7 Lismore Derrinallum: $89.80. First 4: 4-1-8-7: $492.50. Sub: NSR. All Started.
9 Royal Park 15 5 10 0 0 1 492 1173 41.94 24 61..........................................................John Vanderwaal (Moyston Willaura) 0 BEST: Penshurst: Aaron Glare, Duncan Rentsch, Oscar Race 6: 2 10 8. Win $97.80 place $11.30 $4.90 $1.50. Q: $1,
10 Maldon 16 4 12 0 0 0 649 1113 58.31 16 54...................................................... Charles Nield (Hawkesdale Macarthur) 1 Linke, Jacob Mibus, Izaac Ewing, Henry Bensch; 399.90. E: $1, 204.00. Duets: 2-10: $25.70, 2-8: $25.70, 10-8:
11 NatteBealiba 16 1 15 0 0 0 363 1617 22.45 4 49................................................................................. Jesse Dalton (Penshurst) 1 Lismore Derrinallum: $25.70. T: $7, 146.50. D: $461.40. First 4: 2-10-8-5: $4, 309.00.
12 Talbot 15 0 15 0 0 0 166 2269 7.32 0 48....................................................................................Adrian Pilgrim (Tatyoon) 0 Sub: NSR. All Started.
46...........................................................Wayne Loader (Lismore Derrinallum) 0 Hawkesdale Macarthur 3.2 8.4 10.9 17.11 (113) Race 7: 7 6 4. Win $5.30 place $2.90 $9.90 NTD. Q: $64.80. E:
LEADING GOALKICKERS $276.40. T: $585.80. D: $390.80. First 4: 7-6-4-5: $2, 807.10.
101.........................Corey Pertzel (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 3 44....................................... Brandon Weatherson (Glenthompson Dunkeld) 3 Ararat Eagles 0.0 1.0 1.1 5.1 (31)
Sub: NSR. All Started.
61..............................................................................................Jai Howell (Avoca) 3 Reserves GOALS: Hawkesdale Macarthur: Kyle Smitten 6, Race 8: 6 3 8. Win $5.20 place $3.00 $1.04 NTD. Q: $6.10. E:
57..................................................................Bailey Muscat (Campbells Creek) 7 Brenton Dalton 4, Griffin Lay 2, Edward Kelly 1, Hamish $14.50. T: $73.80. D: $50.30. First 4: 6-3-8-5: $332.60. Sub: 3. Scr: 1.
48.........................................................Josh O’Connor (Maryborough Rovers) 0 Hawkesdale Macarthur 5.10 11.14 17.19 23.26 (164) Wortley 1, Sam Jewell 1, Fletcher Cozens 1, Liam VIC TAB DOUBLE on races 5 and 7: Lagertha (4): Sweet
48..............................................................Luke Mullan (Maryborough Rovers) 2 Ararat Eagles 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (0) Meekes 1; Ararat Eagles: Zane Dollimore 2, Connor Wise (7) $35.70. Subs: NSR, NSR.
43...........................Tyson Scoble (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 3 Mottram 2, Barlee Maxwell 1 VIC TAB EARLY QUADDIE on races 1, 2, 3, 4: (5)(5)(3)(7):
41...................Darcy Matricardi (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 0 GOALS: Hawkesdale Macarthur: Isaac Harman 10, $217.20. Subs: 5, 5, NSR, NSR.
BEST: Hawkesdale Macarthur: Kyle Smitten, Brenton
38............................................................................. James Anderson (Navarre) 0 Andrew Wortley 3, Kirk Pellazar 3, Simon Cozens 1, VIC TAB QUADDIE on races 5, 6, 7, 8: (4)(2)(7)(6): $16,
Oliver Wortley 1, Edward Kelly 1, Edmond Dwyer 1, Dalton, Declan Gleeson, Griffin Lay, Jack Block, 791.60. Subs: NSR, NSR, NSR, 3.
34..................................................................................Lochie Rickard (Navarre) 0 Fletcher Cozens; Ararat Eagles: Barlee Maxwell, Ryan
33.........................................................................Cameron Wickham (Navarre) 1 Hamish Wortley 1, Shane Dowie 1, Fletcher Cozens 1; BALLARAT GALLOPS, SUNDAY
Ararat Eagles: Wepner, Connor Mottram, Case Maxwell, Aaron Dunn,
BEST: Hawkesdale Macarthur: Kirk Pellazar, Patrick Jake Ritchie-Barrowman TAB DIVS FOR $1
MININERA AND DISTRICT Race 1: 3 1 5Win $3.20 place $1.50 $2.20Q: $6.20. E: $13.50. T:
Kelly, Shane Dowie, Simon Sharrock, Isaac Harman, Great Western 2.5 4.5 7.8 9.10 (64) $31.20. First 4: 3-1-5-Field: $36.30. Sub: 4. Scr: 2.
Seniors Jeremey Sheehan; Ararat Eagles: Lachie Bond, Aaron Glenthompson Dunkeld 0.2 1.3 3.3 4.3 (27) Race 2: 11 12 10. Win $2.90 place $1.60 $2.80 $3.30. Q: $11.20. E:
Dunn, Paul Stocks, Connor Mottram, Roarke White, $28.00. Duets: 11-12: $5.10, 11-10: $13.70, 12-10: $22.40. T: $171.60.
Hawkesdale Macarthur 6.5 13.7 21.11 26.11 (167) Regan Hughes GOALS: Great Western: Jackson Thomas 4, Thomas D: $6.80. First 4: 11-12-10-2: $951.50. Sub: 11. Scr: 3, 7, 4(L).
Ararat Eagles 0.1 1.3 1.4 4.5 (29) Robinson 2, Jedd Gay 1, Cameron Notting 1, Ajay Race 3: 10 3 9. Win $7.00 place $1.80 $1.10 $1.90. Q: $5.10. E:
Wickliffe Lake Bolac 4.5 9.12 15.17 19.22 (136) Shalders 1; Glenthompson Dunkeld: Ben Starkie 2, Ben $14.20. Duets: 10-3: $2.40, 10-9: $5.00, 3-9: $4.80. T: $86.30. D:
GOALS: Hawkesdale Macarthur: Patrick Sinnott 8,
Caramut 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (6) Beggs 1, Matthew Fry 1 $16.10. First 4: 10-3-9-8: $402.10. Sub: 3. Scr: 1.
Simon O’Keefe 4, Alexander White 4, Murray Habel
3, Benjamin Gow 2, Luke Gow 2, Lachlan Reichman 1, GOALS: Wickliffe Lake Bolac: Dillon McAuliffe 5, Jesse BEST: Great Western: Thomas Robinson, Cameron Race 4: 3 9 6. Win $5.40 place $1.40 $1.20 $1.90. Q: $2.90. E:
Patford 3, Nicholas Vallance 2, Cameron Emond 2, Notting, Sean Moran, Harvey Evans, Riley Thomas, $10.80. Duets: 3-9: $2.20, 3-6: $2.70, 9-6: $3.50. T: $32.20. D:
Jack Sproal 1, Charles Nield 1; Ararat Eagles: Brohdie $40.20. First 4: 3-9-6-1: $95.20. Sub: NSR. All Started.
Smyth 2, Zachary Jenkins 1, Tulloch Maxwell 1 Corey Mazzonetto 2, Brad Bishop 1, Matthew Enright Jedd Gay; Glenthompson Dunkeld: Edward Beggs,
Connell Schurmann, Dylan Ross, Nicholas Ferguson, Race 5: 2 3 1. Win $3.70 place $1.80 $3.00 NTD. Q: $17.60. E: $28.30.
BEST: Hawkesdale Macarthur: Alexander White, Simon 1, Thomas Waller 1, Dion Hunter 1, Charles Wild 1; T: $51.00. D: $24.20. First 4: 2-3-1-8: $130.60. Sub: 1. Scr: 5, 9, 7(L).
O’Keefe, Aaron Seabrook, Benjamin Gow, Lachlan Caramut: Robert Mann 1 Ben Starkie, Ben Beggs Race 6: 2 7 5. Win $3.90 place $1.40 $1.50 $3.00. Q: $6.50. E:
Reichman, Luke Gow; Ararat Eagles: Ned Hutchinson, BEST: Wickliffe Lake Bolac: Nicholas Vallance, Charles $13.10. Duets: 2-7: $2.90, 2-5: $11.00, 7-5: $11.90. T: $91.90. D:
Ashley Leggett, Mark Coole, Oakley Taylor, Jesse Wild, Jesse Patford, Dion Hunter, Cameron Emond, Moyston Willaura 4.6 11.7 13.12 18.17 (125) $12.50. First 4: 2-7-5-3: $282.60. Sub: NSR. All Started.
Hutchins, Zachary Jenkins Brad Bishop; Caramut: Tatyoon 0.1 0.2 1.2 1.3 (9) VIC TAB DOUBLE on races 4 and 6: Two Hats (3): Wells (2)
GOALS: Moyston Willaura: Aaron Byron 10, Ned $22.10. Subs: NSR, NSR.
Wickliffe Lake Bolac 3.7 8.14 14.17 17.20 (122) Glenthompson Dunkeld 2.2 5.5 10.5 11.6 (72) Parsons 3, Reece Kettle 2, Shaun Vermeend 1, Ryan VIC TAB EARLY QUADDIE on races 1, 2, 3, 4: (3)(11)(10)(3):
Caramut 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 (8) Great Western 2.3 2.4 3.5 5.7 (37) Nellthorp 1, Charlie Waites 1; Tatyoon: William Lawrie 1 $347.50. Subs: 4, 11, 3, NSR.
VIC TAB QUADDIE on races 3, 4, 5, 6: (10)(3)(2)(2): $501.10.
GOALS: Wickliffe Lake Bolac: Danniel Smith 3, Michael GOALS: Glenthompson Dunkeld: Tristan McMahon 2, BEST: Moyston Willaura: Ethan Thomas, Charlie Subs: 3, NSR, 1, NSR.
Otto 2, Harley Hunter 2, Luke Kenelley 2, Nathan Curtis Jack Hutchins 2, Brock Wardlaw 2, Matthew Cole 1, Waites, Shaun Vermeend, Aaron Byron, Ned Parsons, VIC TAB BIG6 on races 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6: (3)(11)(10)(3)(2)(2):
2, David O’Neill 2, Tristan May 1, Bradley Keilar 1, Benjamin Morganti 1, Michael Alderman 1, Eric Cadzow Ryan Nellthorp; Tatyoon: Archie Conboy, William Major (winners of 6 races): $5, 153.70 Supplementary
Richard Blackburn 1, Corey Mazzonetto 1; Caramut: 1, Dylan Praolini 1; Great Western: Rayne Salmon 2, Lawrie, Joshua Dobson, Jake Arnott, Marcus Graham, (winners of first 5 races): $195.00. Subs: 4, 11, 3,
Andrew Geary 1 Richard Wisby 1, Matthew McKinnis 1, Justin Lee 1 Mason McLaren NSR, 1, NSR. Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 23

From page 24 BEST: Melton: Lochlan Ericson, Ryan Hehir, Liam BEST: Talbot: Trent Barras, Jonathon Arnel, Jorde Bux, Ladder
Martin, Braedon Griffiths, Joshua Parsons, Kyle Ryan Aquilina, Luke Kemp, Zachary Graham; Campbells TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS
Derose; Melton South: Jesse Geddes, Dylan Clarke, Creek: Lewis Thomas, Harrison Booth, Matthew Lorenz,
BALLARAT FOOTBALL LEAGUE Broden Collins, Dennis Shannon, Mitchell Fino, Matthew Hodgetts, Jordan Ilsley, Brendan Galvin
1 NatteBealiba 16 15 1 0 0 0 2219 452 490.93 60
2 Lexton 16 14 2 0 0 0 1559 576 270.66 56
Reserves Nathan Petrovski 3 Royal Park 16 13 3 0 0 0 1722 613 280.91 52
Ladder 4 Trentham 16 12 4 0 0 0 1477 612 241.34 48
Bacchus Marsh 4.6 7.8 14.10 19.13 (127) TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS 5 Carisbrook 16 10 6 0 0 0 1505 844 178.32 40
Sebastopol 0.2 1.4 2.4 4.4 (28) TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS 1 Navarre 16 15 1 0 0 0 1891 635 297.80 60 6 Navarre 16 9 7 0 0 0 1122 899 124.81 36
1 East Point 15 13 2 0 2 0 1312 538 243.87 60 2 Carisbrook 16 14 2 0 0 0 1916 770 248.83 56 7 Newstead 16 9 7 0 0 0 1223 1025 119.32 36
GOALS: Bacchus Marsh: Connor Stone 3, Liam Noonan
2 Redan 15 11 4 0 2 0 1193 524 227.67 52 3 NatteBealiba 16 13 3 0 0 0 1962 720 272.50 52 8 Avoca 16 8 8 0 0 0 1109 1015 109.26 32
3, Tyler Huynh 2, Ashley Whittle 2, Timothy Walsh 1,
3 NthBallarat 15 11 4 0 2 0 1118 514 217.51 52 4 Harcourt 16 12 4 0 0 0 1594 1059 150.52 48 9 Talbot 16 7 9 0 0 0 1128 1095 103.01 28
Tim Hughes 1, Thomas Wardell 1, Dylon Bishop 1,
4 L’Wendouree 15 10 5 0 2 0 1167 654 178.44 48 5 Royal Park 16 10 6 0 0 0 1441 1169 123.27 40 10 Harcourt 16 7 9 0 0 0 1066 1182 90.19 28
Baiden Cracknell 1, Jake Millar 1, Alex Sweet 1, Joshua
5 BaccMarsh 13 7 6 0 2 2 1019 596 170.97 44 6 Talbot 16 10 6 0 0 0 1446 1246 116.05 40 11 Dunolly 16 3 13 0 0 0 701 1710 40.99 12
Calvitto 1, Daniel Bonnici 1; Sebastopol: Shaun Henry 2, 6 Ballarat 16 9 7 0 1 0 892 715 124.76 40
Jack Powel 1, Jack Ryan 1 7 Trentham 16 9 7 0 0 0 1581 1027 153.94 36 12 Maryborough 16 3 13 0 0 0 502 1975 25.42 12
7 Melton 15 6 9 0 2 0 957 923 103.68 32 8 Maryborough 16 8 8 0 0 0 1537 1173 131.03 32 13 Maldon 16 2 14 0 0 0 513 2141 23.96 8
BEST: Bacchus Marsh: Baiden Cracknell, Liam Noonan, 8 MeltonSth 15 6 9 0 2 0 879 1054 83.40 32
Dylon Bishop, Tim Hughes, Daniel Bonnici, Alex Sweet; 9 Newstead 16 7 9 0 0 0 1138 1332 85.44 28 14 CampCreek 16 0 16 0 0 0 384 2091 18.36 0
9 Sunbury 15 5 10 0 2 0 757 1006 75.25 28 10 Lexton 16 5 11 0 0 0 1106 1327 83.35 20
Sebastopol: Shaun Henry, James Richards, Adam 10 Darley 15 3 12 0 2 0 662 1180 56.10 20
Young, Jack Powel, Ben Silvey, Harrison Bogers 11 Maldon 16 4 12 0 0 0 692 2179 31.76 16 LEADING GOALKICKERS
11 Sebastopol 13 0 13 0 2 0 163 2284 7.14 8 12 Avoca 16 2 14 0 0 0 986 1762 55.96 8 76...........................Josh Murphy (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 8
Darley 3.1 6.6 10.7 13.15 (93) 13 CampCreek 16 2 14 0 0 0 880 2095 42.00 8 68...........................................................................Corey Fothergill (Carisbrook) 2
LEADING GOALKICKERS 14 Dunolly 16 1 15 0 0 0 649 2325 27.91 4 59..............................................................................Jason Hunt (Natte Bealiba) 2
Ballarat 2.3 3.6 6.8 6.8 (44) 41.............................................................................Nicholas Canny (East Point) 3
49........................................................................Nicholas Balic (Natte Bealiba) 3
GOALS: Darley: Ross Gundry 3, Travis Stephenson 39................................................................................. Lachlan McLean (Redan) 0 LEADING GOALKICKERS 46......................................................................................James Walton (Avoca) 1
3, Aaron Speak 2, Kyle Doyle 1, Thomas Thacker 1, 34................................................................Callum Mc (Kay Lake Wendouree) 0 72.....................................................................................Cody Driscoll (Navarre) 0 37............................................................................. Desmond Critchley (Avoca) 0
Khyle Forde 1, Kirk Fenton 1, Abraham Kur 1; Ballarat: 31...........................................................................Aaron Clarke (Melton South) 0 66..................................................................................Luke Treacy (Carisbrook) 0 35........................................................................Matthew Levings (Royal Park) 1
Damien Larkin 3, Ben Hobbs 1, Jakob Robertson 1, 26.............................................................................Bailey Medwell (East Point) 2 54.............................Jake Keogh (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 0 31...................................................................Lucas Johnstone (Natte Bealiba) 0
Lucas Hodgetts 1 26................................................................Ryan Carter (Melton Incorporated) 0 54.........................................................................................Ben Clay (Royal Park) 4 30.........................................................................Grant Condon (Natte Bealiba) 0
BEST: Darley: Kyle Doyle, Kirk Fenton, Travis 24........................................................................Ethan McMasters (East Point) 0 46.......................................................................... Emmet Smith (Natte Bealiba) 6 30......................................................................................Justin Hobson (Lexton) 0
Stephenson, Thomas Thacker, Ricky Hawkins, Ross 24....................................................................Nathan Gemmell (Melton South) 1 44........................................................................Trent Mortlock (Natte Bealiba) 2
Gundry; Ballarat: Damien Larkin, Ben Hobbs, Micah 24.....................................................Thomas Simpson (Melton Incorporated) 2 41.........................................................Bryce Fletcher (Maryborough Rovers) 0 Under 17.5
Reynolds, Pearce Antonio, Brad Milikins, Tyrese Nunn 24........................................................................Benjamin Noonan (East Point) 0 41...........................................................................................Karl Lewicki (Avoca) 0
39.............................................................................Joshua Brown (Royal Park) 3 Trentham 3.4 5.6 9.10 11.15 (81)
East Point 6.4 12.7 19.14 26.18 (174) MARYBOROUGH CASTLEMAINE 37..................................................................................Brayden Frost (Harcourt) 2 Carisbrook 0.1 0.1 1.1 2.2 (14)
North Ballarat City 0.0 1.0 2.1 3.1 (19) DISTRICT FOOTBALL LEAGUE GOALS: Trentham: Riley Matricardi 5, Ryan Bourke 1,
GOALS: East Point: Angus Wright 11, Brent Fitzpatrick Seniors Corey Pertzel 1, Eli Kinnell 1, Harrison Knight 1, Joel
7, Andrew Stevenson 2, Jethro Kirby 1, Thomas Trentham 4.0 6.9 9.13 12.14 (86)
Carisbrook 4.2 8.6 10.9 12.9 (81) Dovaston 1, Timothy Brown 1; Carisbrook: Todd Doran
Whittington 1, Jaime Tung 1, Lachlan Thornton 1, James Carisbrook 3.2 4.6 5.8 6.10 (46) 1, Sean Hermann 1
Bassett 1, Jack McClure 1; North Ballarat City: Andrew Trentham 1.0 4.2 8.4 8.5 (53)
GOALS: Trentham District Football/Netball Club: Josh BEST: Trentham: Ryan Bourke, Riley Matricardi, Joel
Porter 1, Joseph McKinnon 1, Ryan Hobbs 1 GOALS: Carisbrook: Nichlos Wright 3, Liam Murphy 8, Dolf Reid 1, Jamie Cutler 1, Brian Purcell Brown, Zachary Kupsch, Harrison Knight, Zane French;
BEST: East Point: Angus Wright, Jack Peeters, Brent Cunningham 3, Matthew Jukes 1, Angus McKinna 1, 1, James Cann 1; Carisbrook: Nathan Wright 2, Corey Carisbrook: William Cain, Michael Epworth, Sean
Fitzpatrick, Mitchell McCrow, Joshua Draffin, Kade Jonathon Gray 1, Riley Herd 1, Steven Patterson 1, Fothergill 2, Mark Cox 1, Paul Keirl 1 Hermann, Todd Doran, Zak Rinaldi, Mitchell Patterson
Rattley; North Ballarat City: Thayne Turley, Ryan Brady Neill 1; Trentham District Football/Netball Club: BEST: Trentham District Football/Netball Club: Jamie
Hobbs, Dean Ryan, James Vanderkley, Nathan Shaw, Trent Davey 2, James Gray 2, Neville Purtell 2, Mitchell Cutler, Peter Connor, Harley Forgo, Matthew Smith, Lexton 4.2 6.5 8.5 9.8 (62)
Joseph McKinnon Steen 1, Kasey Williams 1 James Cann, Paul Smith; Carisbrook: Mark Cox, Maldon 3.1 6.4 7.6 8.9 (57)
BEST: Carisbrook: Steven Patterson, Jackson Bowen, Jordan Hooper, Thomas Hurse, Liam Hurse, Ben GOALS: Lexton: Dylan Hinchliffe 4, Jayden Severino
Melton 3.3 6.5 7.5 9.7 (61) Matthew Jukes, Lachlan Edwards, Jakob Tidyman, Butler, Rhys Webb 2, Lochlan Pett 1, Darcy Cullenward 1, Beau Butler 1;
Melton South 2.1 4.6 7.9 7.13 (55) Thomas Wright; Trentham District Football/Netball Maldon: Damian Kitchingman 3, Flynn Leeson 2, Noah
GOALS: Melton: Brody Richie 3, Jack Hughes 2, Club: Jake Keogh, Mark Strickland, Jack Powell, Lexton 6.1 12.4 14.7 16.12 (108) Webb 1, Ashley Woodman 1, Isaiah Hartley 1
Matthew Gunn 1, Matthew Griffin 1, Ashden Crone 1, Rowan Prentice, Nicholas Stevenson, Neville Purtell Harcourt 1.0 3.2 3.4 4.6 (30) BEST: Lexton: Dylan Hinchliffe, Darcy Cullenward,
Jack Simpson 1; Melton South: Ryan Holzer 3, Dylan GOALS: Lexton: Ryan Allan 3, David McBain 3, Lochlan Pett, Trent Watts, Kade Lusby; Maldon: Aaron
Nicholson 2, Jordan Madafferi 1, Jack Morrissey 1 Harcourt 7.5 10.10 14.14 18.18 (126)
Lexton 1.1 2.2 4.3 4.3 (27) Christopher Dahlstrom 2, Tim Sinclair 2, Bradley Adams Millen, Isaiah Hartley, Travis Munn, Bailey Brown,
BEST: Melton: Bradley Newman, Brody Richie, Tristan 1, Bradley Vagg 1, Bradley Fleming 1, Riley Browne Damian Kitchingman, Ashley Woodman
Batten, James Taylor, Thomas Button, Samuel Hurst; GOALS: Harcourt: Nathan Mitchell 3, Paul Chaplin 3, 1, Lloyd Bennett 1, Brendan Van Egmond 1; Harcourt:
Melton South: Marc Dransman, Jayden Vincent, Benjamin Leech 3, Lachlan Price 2, Brayden Frost 2, Nathan Leist 2, Joshua Hutchinson 1, Beau York 1 Royal Park 8.4 17.7 23.11 31.19 (205)
Jonathon Bell, Jack Mepstead, Dean Van Heemst, Nicholas Matricardi 2, David Wilson 1, Brendan Josey BEST: Lexton: David Impey, Daniel Marek, Lloyd Maryborough Rovers 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (0)
Michael Callus 1, Jeffrey McMurtrie 1; Lexton: Timothy Oliver 1, Justin Bennett, Nicholas Warner, Riley Browne, Malcolm GOALS: Royal Park: Jackson Lanfranchi 8, Brock
Hobson 1, Michael Smith 1, Bryce Karslake 1 Sargent; Harcourt: Brendan March, Beau York, James Walker 5, Thomas Christie 3, Declan Wagstaff 3, Luke
Ladder BEST: Harcourt: Brady Davidson, Benjamin Leech, Lord, Kyle West, Dylan Murray, Justin Michielsen Lang 3, Nathan Parker 3, Billy Dalton 2, Tye Jenke
TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS Nathan Mitchell, Brendan Josey, Brayden Frost,
1, Zayne Earl 1, James Muller 1, Daniel LeTisser 1;
1 Darley 15 13 2 0 2 0 1349 562 240.04 60 Nicholas Matricardi; Lexton: Nigel Reid, Lachlan Dunolly 3.2 4.6 5.8 8.10 (58)
Rokebrand, Carl Loader, Michael Smith, Thomas Maryborough Rovers:
2 East Point 15 12 3 0 2 0 1449 688 210.61 56 Maldon 2.0 2.2 6.3 6.5 (41) BEST: Royal Park: Jackson Lanfranchi, Zayne Earl, Billy
3 Sunbury 15 12 3 0 2 0 1017 644 157.92 56 Cullinan, Cohan Poulton
GOALS: Dunolly: Mitchell Kerney 3, Jarrod Loader 1, Dalton, Declan Wagstaff, James Muller; Maryborough
4 L’Wendouree 15 12 3 0 2 0 1156 751 153.93 56 Maldon 3.2 8.7 9.7 12.14 (86) Gavin Prigg 1, Darren Smith 1, Liam Tierney 1, Jayden Rovers: Ayden Hodges, Thomas Jago, Tyson Jones,
5 BaccMarsh 15 10 5 0 2 0 1190 699 170.24 48 Dunolly 4.3 6.3 10.3 11.3 (69) McDonald 1; Maldon: Daniel Smith 4, David Giffard 1, Josh Milne, Jai Wilson
6 Melton Sth 15 8 7 0 2 0 1247 868 143.66 40 David Kiely 1
7 Melton 15 4 10 1 2 0 778 1086 71.64 26 GOALS: Maldon: Nicholas Kelly 5, Kyle Winstanley 1, Newstead 3.0 4.4 7.5 10.9 (69)
BEST: Dunolly: Liam Tierney, Michael Lench,
8 Redan 15 4 11 0 2 0 824 1019 80.86 24 Luke Dyer 1, Nicholas McKnight 1, Luke Spalding 1, Natte Bealiba 3.1 3.1 4.4 5.4 (34)
Andrew Raven, Gavin Prigg, Reece Fitzpatrick,
9 Sebastopol 15 3 11 1 2 0 740 1226 60.36 22 Jamie Cox 1, Marc Carroll 1, Josh Pascoe 1; Dunolly:
Martin Gale; Maldon: Ben Duncan, Jackson Douch, GOALS: Newstead: Harrison Everist 4, Oliver Mcmullan
10 Ballarat 16 4 12 0 1 0 833 1270 65.59 20 Craig Gloury 2, Charles Knowles 2, Jesse Hawkes 2,
Toby Johnston 1, Peter Wytkamp 1, Billy Hawkes 1, Beau Kitchingman, David Giffard, Jeremy Cross, 1, Desmond Cook 1, Declan Nendick 1, Patrick Grant 1,
11 NthBallarat 15 0 15 0 2 0 366 2136 17.13 8 Dean Primmer Aidan McConachy 1; Natte Bealiba: Zac Mortlock 3,
Nicholas Facey 1, Hayden Wellard 1
LEADING GOALKICKERS BEST: Maldon: Liam Roberts, Christopher Downes, Noah Elliott 1, Brady Templeton 1
Royal Park 6.2 16.3 22.7 32.10 (202) BEST: Newstead: Aidan McConachy, Oliver Mcmullan,
40.........................................................................................Aaron Speak (Darley) 2 Mathew Trigg, Nicholas Kelly, Matthew Gray, Luke Maryborough Rovers 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 (3)
37............................................................................Brent Fitzpatrick (East Point) 7 Spalding; Dunolly: Matthew Gibbs, Grant Raven, Tyrone Moloney, Liam Latch, Harrison Everist, Ethan
30.............................................................................. Angus Wright (East Point) 11 Ajieng Athuay, Jesse Hawkes, Jayson Groenewald, GOALS: Royal Park: Steven Shovan 5, Andrew Peck 5, Hobson; Natte Bealiba: Blake Dawson, Zac Mortlock,
25.........................................................................................Ross Gundry (Darley) 3 Jordan Fraser Dayne Baker 5, Brendan Birch 3, Ashley Hardy 3, Trent Jackson Solomano, Brady Templeton, Jordan Mortlock,
22.............................................................................Ryan Holzer (Melton South) 3 Pye 2, Bradley Reeves 2, Jibb Iglesias 2, Peter Egan Mason Smith
20.......................................................................Brayden Wood (Melton South) 0 Royal Park 2.1 5.6 6.8 11.10 (76) 1, Christian Whelan 1, Shane Gray 1, Darren Cook 1,
Maryborough Rovers 2.4 4.7 4.10 7.12 (54) Matthew Levings 1; Maryborough Rovers: Avoca 0.1 2.2 2.4 4.4 (28)
19.......................................................................................Dane Grenfell (Darley) 0 Navarre 0.2 0.5 2.5 3.6 (24)
18.................................................................Tyler Huynh (Bacchus Marsh Inc) 2 GOALS: Royal Park: Ben Clay 4, Joshua Brown 3, BEST: Royal Park: Warrick Miller, Andrew Peck,
18.................................................................. Jordan Madafferi (Melton South) 1 Zachary Dunne 1, Bradley Carrigg 1, Jayden Humphrey Dayne Baker, Steven Shovan, Cameron Fraser, Bradley GOALS: Avoca: Jamie Beavis 2, RIley Wardlaw 1, Taylor
15...........................................................................Cameron Burrows (Sunbury) 0 1, Brett Cook 1; Maryborough Rovers: Bradley Fraser Reeves; Maryborough Rovers: Matthew Peck, Daniel Kennedy 1; Navarre: Wil Clough 2, Kaiden Walton 1
15...........................................................................Stephen Keiller (Sebastopol) 0 4, Nathan Richardson 1, Brayden Guareschi 1, Jennison, Trent Monk, Andrew Hughes, Damon Smith BEST: Avoca: Taylor Kennedy, Brayden Wardlaw,
15.......................................................... Jake Buttigieg (Melton Incorporated) 0 Elliott Massina 1 Brayden Northern, Dominic Howe, Brodie Wardlaw,
Natte Bealiba 6.5 7.10 9.13 14.16 (100) Lachlan Wardlaw; Navarre: Wil Clough, Lachlan
BEST: Royal Park: Brett Cook, Stefan Pye, James
Under 18.5s Newstead 0.0 1.0 3.1 3.1 (19) Wilkinson, Declan Pyke, Kell Bibby, Mace Bibby,
Lindeback, Jay Anderson, Jackson Lanfranchi;
Maryborough Rovers: Bradley Fraser, Tom Dargaville, GOALS: Natte Bealiba: Simon Hanns 4, Nicholas Balic William Pitts
BACCHUS MARSH v. SEBASTOPOL Kane Bullen, Peter Manser, Nathan Richardson 3, Chris Dellavedova 2, Jason Hunt 2, Thomas Hewitt
Bacchus Marsh won by forfeit. 1, Shane Mortlock 1, Karl Morley 1; Newstead: Neil Ladder
Natte Bealiba 6.5 13.7 18.10 23.15 (153) Boyack 2, Craig Davies 1 TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS
Ballarat 5.3 9.5 12.9 12.10 (82) Newstead 0.0 3.2 3.5 4.5 (29) BEST: Natte Bealiba: Rhys Long, Ryan McClelland, 1 Trentham 14 14 0 0 2 0 2234 137 1630.66 64
Darley 0.0 0.2 0.3 2.4 (16) Simon Hanns, Grant Doyle, Benjamin Weir, 2 Carisbrook 15 13 2 0 1 0 1858 326 569.94 56
GOALS: Natte Bealiba: Emmet Smith 6, Kegan Ross 4,
GOALS: Ballarat: Lachlan Rinaldi 2, William Johnston 2, William Collicoat 4, Thomas Douglas 3, Taylor Strachan Shane Mortlock; Newstead: Willam Penrose, 3 Newstead 14 10 4 0 1 1 1109 595 186.39 48
Brandyn Davidson 2, Harrison Butler 1, Mason Keast 1, 2, Trent Mortlock 2, Stephen Ross 1, Callum Prest 1; Brent Devereaux, Zachary Tanner, Neil Boyack, 4 Royal Park 14 9 5 0 2 0 1072 612 175.16 44
Jakob Robertson 1, Tyrese Nunn 1, Regan Bradshaw 1, Newstead: Sam Kerr 2, Rhys Smith 1, Madison James 1 Ashley Webster 5 NatteBealiba 14 8 6 0 1 2 1109 653 169.83 44
Micah Reynolds 1; Darley: Khyle Forde 2 BEST: Natte Bealiba: Taylor Strachan, Kegan Ross, 6 Camp Creek 13 7 6 0 3 0 980 873 112.26 40
BEST: Ballarat: Brandyn Davidson, Austin McPherson, Emmet Smith, Christopher Jardine, Callum Prest, Navarre 3.6 4.8 6.9 9.13 (67) 7 Avoca 14 6 8 0 2 0 680 1103 61.65 32
Damon Rumler, Ash Gray, Isaiah Shearer, Regan William Collicoat; Newstead: Ben Krol, Sam Kerr, Avoca 0.1 1.5 1.7 2.7 (19) 8 Maldon 15 5 10 0 1 0 819 1501 54.56 24
Bradshaw; Darley: Matthew Horan, Khyle Forde, Oliver Mcmullan, Jayden Bott, Thomas Nankivell, GOALS: Navarre: Aidan Jensz 4, Thomas Dyke 2, 9 Lexton 14 4 10 0 2 0 464 1306 35.53 24
Jye Gordon, Jack Bewley, Bryce Stephenson, Dylan Bourke Thomas Hannett 1, Bryce Tickner 1, Trent Driscoll 1; 10 Navarre 15 2 13 0 1 0 474 1339 35.40 12
Dylan Beecham Avoca: James Walton 1, Paul Loaney 1 11 Maryborough 15 0 14 0 0 0 218 2445 8.92 0
Navarre 5.5 11.8 20.11 24.16 (160) BEST: Navarre: Luke Jordan, Charles Driscoll,
East Point 2.1 4.3 7.4 10.6 (66) Avoca 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (0) Jack McRae, Aidan Jensz, Thomas Dyke, Thomas
North Ballarat City 1.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 (16) 104..........................................................................Timothy Rinaldi (Carisbrook) 0
GOALS: Navarre: Josh Fowkes 6, Riley Bibby 5, Timothy Hannett; Avoca: Jackson Steel, Nicholas Drury,
59..................................Eli Kinnell (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 1
GOALS: East Point: Nicholas Canny 3, Bailey Medwell Notting 4, Louis Hannett 2, Ashley Driscoll 2, Lachlan Jaye Farnsworth, RIley Wardlaw, Lachlan Howell,
37............................................................................Harrison Everist (Newstead) 4
2, Ethan Lawler 2, Matthew Romeril 1, Mitchell Slorach 2, Aaron Slorach 1, Daniel Parkin 1, Rhett Darcy Carey
32......................Riley Matricardi (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 5
Tuddenham 1, Isaac Quick 1; North Ballarat City: Murphy 1; Avoca:
Talbot 6.2 11.4 15.8 18.15 (123) 32.....................Zachary Kupsch (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 0
BEST: East Point: Dallas Martin, Tom Clark, Mitchell BEST: Navarre: Sam Kaye, Brent Flood, Daniel Reading,
Campbells Creek 2.2 4.3 4.4 5.4 (34) 31........................... Ryan Bourke (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 1
Tuddenham, Matthew Romeril, Ethan Lawler, Nicholas Riley Bibby, Josh Fowkes, Louis Hannett; Avoca: Jason 29.........................Joel Dovaston (Trentham District Football/Netball Club) 1
Canny; North Ballarat City: Thomas Hotchin, Jack Wood, Bryce Howell, Alistair Meldrum, Stephen Wylie, GOALS: Talbot: Dallas Byars 4, Mathew Zeuschner 3, 28...................................................................Brady Templeton (Natte Bealiba) 1
Simpson, Charlie Perks, Ryan Wood, Tynan Haintz, Toby Beavis, Daniel Howell Damien Wilson 2, James Collings 2, Anthony Haby 1, 26...................................................................Shaun Scoble (Campbells Creek) 0
Fletcher Loader Cole Harris 1, Lachlan Ratcliff 1, Bradley Coffey 1, Anton
Talbot 3.1 11.5 14.10 16.16 (112) 26.................................................................................... Zak Rinaldi (Carisbrook) 0
Roche 1, Brett Tottenham 1, Karl Gunther 1; Campbells
Melton 0.5 2.7 4.12 5.13 (43) Campbells Creek 1.0 3.1 7.4 9.5 (59) Creek: Tully Goulding 2, Liam Frye 1, Jordan Ilsley 1, Under 14.5
Melton South 2.4 2.6 2.8 5.11 (41) GOALS: Talbot: Trent Barras 5, Luke Kemp 4, Zachary Brad Sturgess 1
GOALS: Melton: Lochlan Ericson 2, Thomas Simpson Peoples 2, Jonathon Arnel 2, Thomas Hardisty 2, Jorde BEST: Talbot: Mathew Zeuschner, Jacob Plier, Kieran Trentham 3.2 7.3 10.7 15.7 (97)
2, Caiden Nolan 1; Melton South: Mitchell Fino 1, Bux 1; Campbells Creek: Liam Stubbings 2, Matthew Duffin, Jac Matthews, Damien Wilson, Jack Kenden; Carisbrook 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 (8)
Jesse Geddes 1, Dylan Clarke 1, Nathan Gemmell 1, Hodgetts 2, Rhys Griffiths 1, Tully Goulding 1, Lewis Campbells Creek: Rhys Griffiths, Tully Goulding, Ricky
Dennis Shannon 1 Thomas 1, Liam Frye 1, Aaron Murray 1 Crotty, Colin Priest, Lachlan Picken, Jordan Picken Continued page 22
24 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017

BEST: Darebin: K. Brennan, D. Pearce, M. Hickey, K. GOALS: Oakleigh Chargers: J. Higgins 3, S. Harte 1, D. GOALS: Daylesford: Jordan Botheras 3, Robert Rodgers
AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Roe, K. Tyndall, A. Lister; Seaford: S. Karlson, T. Daly, G. Stanford 1, C. Thompson 1, T. Wooller 1, E. Michelmore 3, Joel Adams 2, Aaron Brereton 2, Cade O’Brien 1,
Walker, J. Rolland, G. Ricardo, D. Lawrence 1, J. Troiani 1; Sandringham Dragons: L. Harris 2, I. William Giacometti 1, Luke Adams 1; Hepburn: Matthew
VFL Morrisby 2, L. Barrett 1, A. Jarnestrom 1, C. Constable 1 Penny 2, Joshua Carman 1, Michael Chapman 1
St Kilda 3.3 8.4 12.6 13.8 (86) BEST: Oakleigh Chargers: M. Day, J. Higgins, M. BEST: Daylesford: Robert Rodgers, Jordan Botheras,
Geelong 1.4 6.7 9.7 11.10 (76) VU Western Spurs 1.2 3.2 3.2 4.3 (27)
Collingwood 1.2 3.6 6.14 9.17 (71) Warren, S. Harte, T. Wooller, L. Stacker; Sandringham Aaron Brereton, Peter Jenkin, Matthew O’Brien, Jarrod
GOALS: St Kilda: J. Garner 5, G. Harris 2, P. McWilliams Dragons: A. Brayshaw, H. Persson, H. Mclean, C. Adams; Hepburn: Joshua Carman, Max Johns, Stuart
GOALS: Geelong: J. Cunico 2, T. Atkins 2, R. Gardner 1, 2, J. Gardner 1, T. Lucas-Rodd 1, T. Watson 1, N. Constable, I. Morrisby, J. Crocker Gundry, Matthew Penny, Mathew Piper, Joe Malone
A. Black 1, J. Gow 1, D. Capiron 1, S. McLachlan 1, L. Clarke 1; VU Western Spurs: A. Newman 2, S. Jolly 1,
Webb 1, R. Abbott 1; Collingwood: K. Kirby 3, L. Keeffe A. Quigley 1 Eastern Ranges 6.2 9.3 16.5 19.8 (122) Under 18
2, J. Hellier 1, N. Gray 1, J. White 1, K. Beveridge 1 BEST: St Kilda: T. Lucas-Rodd, J. Garner, G. Harris, R. Calder Cannons 2.1 5.8 7.11 9.13 (67)
BEST: Geelong: T. Atkins, R. Abbott, J. Cunico, A. Black, GOALS: Eastern Ranges: J. Ross 5, S. Hayes 2, R. Qualifying Final
Neaves, D. Pedersen, N. Clarke; VU Western Spurs: C.
D. Lang, J. Gow; Collingwood: K. Beveridge, J. Blair, J. Hardeman, E. Gamble, B. White, A. Gogos, A. Newman, Stoddart 2, D. Moore 2, M. Doreian 2, J. Lynch 1, T.
White, J. Hellier, L. Keeffe, K. Kirby Hepburn 8.2 10.4 16.7 17.9 (111)
T. Dinuccio Brown 1, J. Stephenson 1, T. Garner 1, J. Rouget 1, C. Springbank 0.0 2.1 2.2 5.4 (34)
Hirst 1; Calder Cannons: A. Tilley 2, N. Balta 2, J. Evans
Essendon 4.5 6.5 10.8 13.10 (88) Geelong 5.3 7.5 9.7 9.8 (62) 1, L. Sholl 1, M. Borg 1, B. Caluzzi 1, R. West 1 GOALS: Hepburn: Izaac Grant 5, Alister Ferrier 4,
Footscray 2.2 4.7 9.9 12.11 (83) Eastern Devils 1.0 1.5 4.5 4.5 (29) BEST: Eastern Ranges: J. Ross, T. North, J. Stephenson, Samuel Sinclair 3, Harrison Nevill 1, Jordan Grant 1,
GOALS: Essendon: K. Langford 2, H. Hocking 2, J. R. Stoddart, S. Hayes, J. Burleigh; Calder Cannons: Jimmy Wallesz 1, Billy Pedretti 1, Hayden Rodgers
GOALS: Geelong: K. Darby 4, A. Habib 2, D. Higgins 1, H.
Long 2, J. Ottavi 1, D. Younan 1, N. O’Brien 1, J. Peters B. Bernacki, J. Bytel, A. Tilley, M. Podhajski, J. 1; Springbank: Alexander East 2, Nathan Richards 1,
Burchell 1, R. Cranston 1, M. Boyd 1; Eastern Devils: S.
1, N. Hind 1, J. Ridley 1, A. Boyse 1; Footscray: M. Riccardi, N. Balta Kieran Maher 1, Issac Akuatse 1
Alexander 1, S. D’Arcy 1, S. McNamara 1, M. Hutchins 1
Honeychurch 3, T. Boyd 3, B. Gowers 2, L. Webb 1, T. BEST: Hepburn: Hayden Rodgers, Bryce Coffey, Izaac
BEST: Geelong: A. Teague, R. Cranston, L. Mithen, Geelong Falcons 4.4 5.9 8.10 12.11 (83)
Campbell 1, J. Smith 1, N. Jamieson 1 Grant, Ned Johns, Harrison Nevill, Jordan Grant;
D. Higgins, H. Trevean, R. Garing; Eastern Devils: Murray Bushrangers 0.2 1.4 7.4 9.7 (61)
BEST: Essendon: K. Langford, N. O’Brien, B. Stanton, M. Springbank: Kieran Maher, Thomas Simpson, Darcy
S. Carroll, S. McNamara, R. Privitelli, S. D’Arcy, S.
Dea, J. Long, N. Hind; Footscray: T. Campbell, P. Lipinski, GOALS: Geelong Falcons: A. Garner 3, F. O’Gorman 2, Waller, Flynn Donegan, Braden O’Neil
McGeoch, A. Ryan
L. Webb, B. Gowers, T. Boyd, M. Honeychurch L. Noble 2, D. Handley 2, J. Henderson 2, J. Worpel 1;
Murray Bushrangers: J. Richards 4, D. Langlands 3, B. Elimination Final
Diamond Creek 5.2 8.3 10.3 11.4 (70)
Northern Blues 3.2 5.6 9.6 16.9 (105) Cranbourne 0.0 0.1 1.3 1.4 (10) Paton 1, J. Wilson 1
Werribee 2.8 4.9 5.15 10.16 (76) Newlyn 5.0 8.5 11.5 13.5 (83)
BEST: Geelong Falcons: H. Benson, J. Walters, H. Elliot, Skipton 0.0 1.0 1.1 1.3 (9)
GOALS: Northern Blues: A. Gallucci 4, N. Graham 3, Ladder M. Chafer, J. Jaska, C. Parish; Murray Bushrangers:
D. Stevens 2, D. Gorringe 2, K. LeBois 1, T. Wilson 1, D. Langlands, J. Richards, J. Butts, B. Paton, L. GOALS: Newlyn: Reece Wynd 6, Patrick Parr 4, Byron
TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS Vandermeer, N. Murray Wynd 2, Fraser Hay 1; Skipton: Leonard Henricksen 1
L. Sumner 1, M. Korcheck 1, K. Declase 1; Werribee: 1 Darebin 13 11 2 0 0 0 787 295 266.78 44
M. Munro 3, T. Gribble 2, J. Corbett 2, L. Thomas 1, B. BEST: Newlyn: Fraser Lowe, Byron Wynd, Reece Wynd,
2 DiamondCreek 13 11 2 0 0 0 779 399 195.24 44 Gippsland Power 3.4 6.5 7.7 13.11 (89) Hayden Gilmore, Lachlan Opie, Joshua Milne; Skipton:
McKay 1, L. Hansen 1 3 Melbourne 13 10 3 0 0 0 739 390 189.49 40 Bendigo Pioneers 2.0 3.7 7.10 10.12 (72) Jackson McPhan, Fraser Morcombe, Samual Dunn,
BEST: Northern Blues: N. Graham, T. Wilson, S. Russell, 4 St Kilda 13 9 4 0 0 0 657 485 135.46 36
C. O’Shea, D. Gorringe, A. Gallucci; Werribee: M. GOALS: Gippsland Power: J. Hudson 3, I. Mosquito 2, Matthew Plover, Brad Uwland, Cree Stranks
5 Geelong 13 8 5 0 0 0 506 370 136.76 32
Hanson, K. Aylett, J. Anderson, M. Munro, R. Barrack, K. Reid 2, A. Quigley 2, N. Hogan 1, W. Stephenson 1, R.
6 VUWestern 13 7 6 0 0 0 539 498 108.23 28 Henkel 1, N. Lowden 1; Bendigo Pioneers: P. Dow 2, A. Qualifying Final
W. Fordham 7 EasternDevils 13 4 9 0 0 0 623 669 93.12 16 Byrne 2, J. Brander 2, J. Caldwell 2, B. Daniels 2 Ballan 3.3 4.6 6.9 7.11 (53)
8 Cranbourne 13 3 10 0 0 0 284 797 35.63 12 BEST: Gippsland Power: C. Porter, N. Hogan, J. Hudson,
Coburg 9.1 10.3 13.6 16.9 (105) Buninyong 1.0 4.2 4.4 5.4 (34)
9 Box Hill 13 2 11 0 0 0 329 697 47.20 8 B. Motton, C. Serong, L. Carroll; Bendigo Pioneers: J.
North Ballarat 3.1 9.7 10.7 14.9 (93)
10 Seaford 13 0 13 0 0 0 239 882 27.10 0 Caldwell, P. Dow, A. Mertz, J. Brander, D. Henderson, GOALS: Ballan: Campbell Sparrow 3, Dylan Bulluss
GOALS: Coburg: R. Exon 3, B. Mullane 3, L. Bunker 2, 3, Luke Currie-Jones 1; Buninyong: Seamus Dunne 2,
AFL Vic Development League B. Daniels
H. Kerbatieh 2, K. Brown 2, P. McEvoy 1, L. Hunt 1, M. Mitchell Emmlin 2, Lachlan Phillips 1
Ercolano 1, P. Lawlor 1; North Ballarat: A. Hooper 5, L. Dandenong Stingrays 4.2 7.6 11.10 13.13 (91) BEST: Ballan: Ryan Bongart, Lunophare Folly, Hayden
George 3, B. Lusby 1, H. Walters 1, B. Jones 1, J. Keeble Northern Blues 1.1 5.3 9.5 12.9 (81)
Werribee 2.5 3.7 4.9 8.9 (57) GWV Rebels 2.2 4.4 4.10 5.14 (44) Thompson, Lachlan Conlan, Luke Currie-Jones,
1, L. Kiel 1, J. McQueen 1 Campbell Sparrow; Buninyong: Hunter Donald, Clayton
BEST: Coburg: N. Blair, S. Gregory, L. Hunt, H. Kerbatieh, GOALS: Northern Blues: H. Payne 3, S. Fowler 2, C. GOALS: Dandenong Stingrays: L. Young 3, A. Bonar 2,
J. Nanscawen 2, B. Williams 2, H. Clark 1, B. Morrish McManus, Bailey Squire, Kyden Brown, Jonty Trotter,
B. Allan, P. McEvoy; North Ballarat: A. Hooper, L. Kiel, J. Adams 2, T. Jones 1, B. Malual 1, W. Krithararis 1, S. Seamus Dunne
Keeble, B. Lusby, S. Lyle, L. George Bolger 1, S. Peet 1; Werribee: A. Adams 2, P. Fairhead 1, M. DeWit 1, L. Davies - Uniacke 1; Greater Western
Victoria Rebels: A. Shepherd 2, L. Dawson 1, D. Cox 1,
1, J. Menadue 1, D. Foley 1, B. Houlihan 1, M. Pickering
M. Schnerring 1 Elimination Final
Casey Demons 2.3 6.6 9.7 11.12 (78) 1, M. Brett 1
Williamstown 3.4 4.6 5.9 7.12 (54) BEST: Dandenong Stingrays: J. Davies, M. DeWit, A. Beaufort 4.1 7.3 9.5 12.6 (78)
BEST: Northern Blues: T. Jones, H. Payne, Z.
Paterson, H. Clark, A. Bonar, L. Young; Greater Western Creswick 3.2 4.5 7.6 7.8 (50)
GOALS: Casey Demons: L. Hulett 2, Y. Zijai 1, C. Ballard, B. Malual, S. Glover, M. Stavrou; Werribee:
Victoria Rebels: F. Appleby, J. Johnston, C. Wellings, A.
Maynard 1, A. Scott 1, S. Weideman 1, B. Fritsch 1, E. M. Brett, D. Foley, B. Houlihan, J. Williams, S. GOALS: Beaufort: Mitchell Ryan 3, William MacInnes
Domic, L. Meek, A. Shepherd
Morris 1, A. Ferreira 1, J. Watts 1, J. Kennedy-Harris 1; Amarantidis, A. Adams 3, Oliver Pescott 2, Jeremy Broadbent 1, Rory Brennen
Williamstown: L. Schultz 2, J. Chisari 1, J. Dorgan 1, D. Ladder 1, Joel Chester 1, Jack Peacock 1; Creswick: Mitchell
Kempster 1, T. Condon 1, B. Cavarra 1 Sandringham 2.2 7.6 11.7 15.11 (101) Jarvis 1, Liam Blake 1, Will Preston 1, Kaylab Eggers 1,
Coburg 3.2 5.3 11.5 13.6 (84) TEAM P W L D B FOR AGST % PTS
BEST: Casey Demons: J. Munro, E. Morris, J. Watts, 1 GeelongFalcons 16 13 3 0 0 1436 885 162.26 52 Jackson Scholten 1, Keenen Stringer 1, Peter Porter 1
T. Bugg, S. Frost, J. Kennedy-Harris; Williamstown: GOALS: Sandringham: J. Fisscher 4, C. Cathcart 3, 2 OakleighChargers 16 13 3 0 0 1402 875 160.23 52 BEST: Beaufort: Joel Chester, William MacInnes,
N. Sing, L. Schultz, J. Tippett, N. Meese, B. R. Monkhorst 2, L. Batten 1, J. Haidon 1, J. Sziller 3 Dand Stingrays 16 11 5 0 0 1429 1175 121.62 44 Joseph Watkins, Bailey Thompson, Rory Brennen;
Bewley, J. Dorgan 1, J. Matera 1, N. Pavlou 1, D. Hughes 1; Coburg: B. 4 Sandringham 16 10 6 0 0 1191 971 122.66 40 Creswick: Trevor Millar, Jed Knights, Peter Porter, Liam
Cannolo 3, N. Dodge 3, M. Betson 1, C. Haberfield 1, J. 5 MurrayB’rangers 16 10 6 0 0 1416 1165 121.55 40 Blake, Aiden McCubbin, Jackson Scholten
Richmond 5.3 12.7 15.15 22.17 (149) McDonald 1, J. Svarc 1, R. Schraven 1, B. Barton 1, M. 6 Eastern Ranges 16 9 7 0 0 1199 1215 98.68 36
Sandringham 2.0 5.3 8.5 12.7 (79) Mattingly 1 7 NorthernKnights 16 6 9 1 0 984 1196 82.27 26 Under 15
GOALS: Richmond: S. Lloyd 4, C. Moore 2, B. Lennon BEST: Sandringham: L. Verma, L. Batten, T. Grace, 8 GippslandPower 16 6 10 0 0 1119 1288 86.88 24
N. Pavlou, R. Atkins, T. Laumets; Coburg: B. Cannolo, Qualifying Final
2, S. Bolton 2, T. Stengle 2, S. Hampson 2, T. Elton 2, J. 9 Calder Cannons 16 5 11 0 0 1077 1412 76.27 20
Short 2, C. Menadue 1, S. Morris 1, C. Ellis 1, A. Miles S. Donnelly, C. Byrne, C. Haberfield, J. Sandric, 10 Western Jets 16 5 11 0 0 1002 1333 75.17 20 Buninyong 0.0 2.2 3.2 5.9 (39)
1; Sandringham: C. Rich 3, H. Brayshaw 2, J. Fox 2, J. M. Mattingly 11 GWV Rebels 16 4 11 1 0 1123 1422 78.97 18 Gordon 0.2 0.3 3.4 3.4 (22)
Lonie 2, E. Phillips 1, R. Marshall 1, M. Hayes 1 12 BendigoPioneers 16 3 13 0 0 1065 1506 70.72 12
Casey Demons 4.3 9.7 14.13 23.21 (159) GOALS: Buninyong: Angus Trevisan 1, Fergus Drendel
BEST: Richmond: S. Lloyd, J. Short, C. Moore, A. Miles,
Williamstown 2.3 4.5 5.5 5.6 (36) CENTRAL HIGHLANDS 1, Mitchell Hodder 1, James Inglis 1, Bayden Marchant
C. Ellis, J. Batchelor; Sandringham: J. Lonie, B. Rice, K.
Answerth, D. McKenzie, C. Rich, J. Fox GOALS: Casey Demons: N. Gardiner 2, D. Collis 2, J. FOOTBALL LEAGUE 1; Gordon: Ash McKenzie 1, Clayton Winter 1,
Moncrieff 2, C. MacHaya 2, M. Cox 2, S. Dwyer 1, N. Lachlan Reynolds 1
Port Melbourne 3.1 7.2 9.3 13.8 (86) Foote 1, K. Byers 1, T. Vander Haar 1, D. Johnston 1, Reserves BEST: Buninyong: Jack Atkinson, Mitchell Hodder,
Box Hill Hawks 1.1 5.5 6.9 8.10 (58) D. Allsop 1, T. Baker 1, C. Ambler 1, J. Di Pasquale 1, Harry O’Keane, William Deans, Logan Taylor, Fergus
J. Freeman 1, J. Briggs 1, A. Cotte 1, P. Lewis-Smith 1; Qualifying Final Drendel; Gordon: Lucas Blazko, Lachlan Reynolds,
GOALS: Port Melbourne: J. Lisle 4, S. Michael 2, B. Clayton Winter, Andrew Jones, Nathan Farrar,
Pearson 1, S. Clarke 1, H. Hooper 1, B. Mihocek 1, D. Williamstown: T. Wilkinson 2, N. Ebinger 2, E. Carr 1
Buninyong 4.2 6.2 11.4 13.4 (82) Thomas Conroy
Conway 1, R. Nahas 1, A. Anastasio 1; Box Hill Hawks: BEST: Casey Demons: J. Briggs, D. Johnston, M. Cox,
Creswick 0.1 3.5 4.5 6.10 (46)
K. Stewart 2, O. Hanrahan 1, A. Brolic 1, L. Walker 1, J. D. Collis, K. Byers, S. Dwyer; Williamstown: J. Owen,
T. Wilkinson, L. McMahon, L. Carter, C. Buykx-Smith, GOALS: Buninyong: Kenny Terry 3, Toby Goss 3, Elimination Final
O’Rourke 1, D. Willsmore 1, W. Murphy 1 Connor O’Keefe 2, David Kelly 2, Adam Scott 2, Ian
BEST: Port Melbourne: D. Mascitti, B. Mihocek, J. Lisle, J. Minogue Learmonth 1.3 2.6 4.8 6.8 (44)
Firns 1; Creswick: Ryan Knowles 1, Michael Griffin 1,
T. Pinwill, K. Haretuku, E. Templeton; Box Hill Hawks: Box Hill Hawks 2.3 6.6 9.8 12.9 (81) Will McNabb 1, Zackary Lubeek 1, Joshua Mitchell 1, Carngham Linton 0.0 1.0 2.0 5.0 (30)
A. Brolic, H. Morrison, D. Mirra, K. Stewart, L. Walker, Port Melbourne 1.3 4.5 6.9 8.11 (59) Samuel Gibson 1 GOALS: Learmonth: Angus Treweek 2, Alexander Hay
B. Whitecross BEST: Buninyong: Joshua Finley, Adam Scott, 1, Joshua Pegg 1, Noah Hutchinson 1, Austin Hare 1;
GOALS: Box Hill Hawks: D. Hehir 4, B. Kilpatrick 2, T.
Ladder Jacotine 1, V. Adduci 1, M. Traynor 1, T. Davies 1, L. Cox Phil Benn, Toby Goss, Joshua Mann, Tyler Dittloff; Carngham Linton: Logan Hayles 2, James Crebbin 1,
1, M. Knoll 1; Port Melbourne: I. Conway 3, A. Vella 2, D. Creswick: Ben Moran, Tom Walmsley, Michael Griffin, Brody Benson 1, Connor Palmer 1
TEAM P W L D B FOR AGST % PTS Jayke Arnold, David Wright, Zackary Lubeek BEST: Learmonth: Charlie Martin, Joshua Pegg, Aidan
1 Williamstown 17 13 4 0 1 1711 1086 157.55 52 Iaccarino 1, B. Hogan 1, J. Gleeson 1
BEST: Box Hill Hawks: S. Gibson, B. Kilpatrick, D. Carter, Connor Smith, Blade McDonald, Nicholas
2 Box Hill Hawks 17 12 4 1 1 1694 1385 122.31 50 Elimination Final Griffin; Carngham Linton: Nathan Achison, Zachary
3 Port Melbourne 17 11 5 1 1 1629 1172 138.99 46 Hehir, J. Haynes, T. Maloney, J. Fisher; Port Melbourne:
T. Knowles, I. Conway, A. Vella, M. Arnot, M. Faming, Justin Carlson, Logan Hayles, Connor Palmer,
4 Casey Demons 17 11 6 0 1 1336 1262 105.86 44 Beaufort 3.0 5.0 7.3 10.6 (66)
Wooffindin, M. Rivett Kobe Burns
5 Richmond 17 10 7 0 1 1798 1315 136.73 40 Dunnstown 1.0 2.2 2.2 3.3 (21)
6 Essendon 17 10 7 0 1 1586 1242 127.70 40 Ladder GOALS: Beaufort: Scott Howard 3, Ashley George 3, Qualifying Final
7 Footscray 17 10 7 0 1 1636 1290 126.82 40 Tom McWilliam 2, Thomas Le Lievre 1, James Slater 1;
8 Collingwood 17 8 9 0 1 1439 1482 97.10 32 TEAM P W L D B FOR AGST % PTS Dunnstown: Jarryd Walters 2, Ben Sinclair 1 Springbank 2.4 2.6 4.6 7.7 (49)
9 Northern Blues 17 8 9 0 1 1318 1415 93.14 32 1 Port Melbourne 16 11 5 0 2 1501 1133 132.48 44 BEST: Beaufort: Digby Sangster, Scott Howard, Hepburn 0.0 1.0 2.1 3.3 (21)
10 Werribee 17 8 9 0 1 1379 1671 82.53 32 2 Casey Demons 15 10 5 0 3 1321 967 136.61 40 Sam Leckie, Ashley George, Jake Hart, Jarrod Sing; GOALS: Springbank: Jack Sides 3, Angus Stewart
11 Geelong 17 7 10 0 1 1298 1508 86.07 28 3 Box Hill Hawks 15 9 6 0 3 1390 1140 121.93 36 Dunnstown: Kyle Andrews, Joel Williams, Ben Sinclair, 2, Connor Parkin 2; Hepburn: Zane Petkovic 2, Sean
12 Sandringham 17 7 10 0 1 1390 1697 81.91 28 4 Sandringham 16 8 8 0 2 1241 1244 99.76 32 Kirby Neville, Jarryd Walters, Isaac Keating Armstrong 1
13 Coburg 17 2 15 0 1 1109 1913 57.97 8 5 Williamstown 15 7 7 1 3 1127 1299 86.76 30
BEST: Springbank: Nick Butler, Patrick Simpson, Angus
14 North Ballarat 17 1 16 0 1 1037 1922 53.95 4 6 Northern Blues 15 7 8 0 3 1031 1042 98.94 28 Qualifying Final Stewart, Max Olver, Hugh Porter, Ryan Maher; Hepburn:
7 Coburg 15 6 9 0 3 1142 1337 85.42 24
Waubra 2.2 3.5 8.7 9.12 (66) Shannon Harraghy, Brayden Yanner, Brody Thomas,
Women 8 Werribee 15 2 12 1 3 912 1503 60.68 10
Learmonth 2.3 4.8 7.10 8.12 (60) Nash Robinson, Alex Boyd
Melbourne Uni 3.3 3.6 5.9 6.12 (48) TAC CUP
GOALS: Waubra: Mark Molloy 2, Christian Doggett 2, Elimination Final
Box Hill 1.1 3.2 3.2 4.4 (28) Western Jets 3.1 7.6 7.9 9.12 (66) Drew Layton 1, Nicholas Holding 1, Andrew Ham 1,
GOALS: Melbourne Uni: M. Conti 1, H. Ibrahim 1, E. Northern Knights 2.2 4.4 7.6 7.8 (50) Zachary Kennedy 1, Benjamin McDonald 1; Learmonth: Clunes 3.0 4.2 6.5 9.10 (64)
Kearney 1, M. Hope 1, J. Anderson 1, D. Berry 1; Box Wade Veldhuis 3, Paul Rogan 2, Aiden Broughton 2, Skipton 2.0 3.1 4.2 6.2 (38)
GOALS: Western Jets: D. Cassar 4, C. Rayner 2, L. Dyson George 1
Hill: E. Gilder 3, B. Slaney 1 Fogarty 2, C. Thar 1; Northern Knights: J. Shea 2, M. GOALS: Clunes: Reace Bourne 2, William Mayhood 2,
BEST: Melbourne Uni: M. Conti, B. Lochland, C. Adams, BEST: Waubra: Mark Molloy, Joshua Doggett, Christian Ethan Azzopardi 2, Fletcher McGuire 1, Harpur Adam
Harman 1, E. Penrith 1, S. Binion 1, M. Andrews 1, C. Doggett, Nathan Waterson, Zachary Kennedy, Drew
A. Eva, L. Spark, K. Ashmore; Box Hill: J. Van Dyk, J. Farchione 1 1, Lachlan Gerling 1; Skipton: Jack Sheehan 2, Harry
Crockett-Grills, E. Gilder, E. Mackie, K. Stratton, T. Luke Layton; Learmonth: Paul Rogan, Wade Veldhuis, Bufton 2, Marty Boyer 1, Harry Wills 1
BEST: Western Jets: L. Fogarty, C. Rayner, L. Hitch, Z. Dyson George, Luke Karslake, Brad Knowles,
Butters, N. Stuhldreier, D. Cassar; Northern Knights: BEST: Clunes: Lachlan Gerling, Ethan Azzopardi, Ricky
Darebin 7.3 11.6 17.9 21.9 (135) Matthew Beaumont
A. Federico, B. Wiggins, M. Harman, N. Coffield, M. Davies, Thomas Muir, Darcy Coon, Kieren Nagendran;
Seaford 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 (8) Skipton: Jack Sheehan, Zachary Smith, Harry Bufton,
Lentini, L. Perry Elimination Final
GOALS: Darebin: K. Brennan 8, D. Pearce 4, G. Colvin 2, Edward Boyer, Cameron Gardner, Lachlan Maxted
S. Simpson 2, G. Hammond 1, K. Tyndall 1, E. Gardner 1, Oakleigh Chargers 1.2 4.5 6.6 9.9 (63) Daylesford 2.0 6.1 11.3 13.5 (83)
A. O’Connor 1, A. Lister 1; Seaford: D. Lawrence 1 Sandringham Dragons 3.6 4.8 6.11 7.13 (55) Hepburn 0.1 1.2 1.3 4.3 (27) Continued page 23 Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 25

BALLARAT greyhounds today EG
Get The Gaff: Jason Formosa (Heathcote) Well Big End: Samantha Ferguson (Avalon) Runner Be Hopeful: Andrew Mooney (Amherst) Strong Hillbilly Hell: David Taylor (Durham Lead) Strong
TAB GUIDE down the track in all three, must lift Note: Race times correct at time up in three of four here, looks the danger type, loves a wide draw, main danger effort at Geelong, can sneak into a place
Daily Double 6, 8 Like Lily: Joseph Pace (Ballan) Not the worst, of publication. Mate Bale: Matthew Marshall (Pentland Hills) Just A Dot: Neville Vincent (Lal Lal) Does her
Quadrella 5, 6, 7, 8 place claims if she runs Misses the kick, down on confidence, place best best racing here, respect if runs 11—Bottle-O 3.12
First Four All Races Dashing Dream: David Gehan (Stawell) Can Krank Panda: Jay Robinson (Hazeldene) Etched In Black: Aaron Blake (White Hills) Been Grade 5 (Tier 3), 390m
Fixed Odds All Races
3—R & J Batteries 12.24 miss the kick, rarely wins, prefer to watch Struggled for some time now, looks outclassed a while since his last win, prefer to watch
1- NEVER SATISFIED, 12.00 ......NBT
Grade 7 (Tier 3), 390m Go Maysie Go: Pauline Patterson (Bet Bet) Wise Harry: Tamara Fernandes (Tragowel)
1- LILLY SHAN, 2.60 .............. 22.25Q
253 Injured last time, had a freshen up, threat Rarely runs a bad race here, must for exotics 9—Mega Merch Rural 2.22 2- MONSTER DEEDS, 10.00 ... 22.55
1—Sinclair Meats 11.44 2- QUICKSILVER HOPE, 6.00 . 22.69
642 Just Crystal: Leigh Mitchell (Parwan) Solid win Jersey: Scott Gibson (Harcourt) Front runner, Grade 6 (Tier 3), 450m 3- OUR SPIRIT, 21.00 ............ 22.76Q
Maiden (Tier 3), 390m 3- IZGREV, 16.00 ....................... FSTD
here recently, this is harder, place looks out of her depth in this event 1- FULL OF CHARM, 12.00 ........NBT
354 4- LORD REGNAR, 14.00 ...........NBT
Hashtag Johnny: Malcolm Lowe (Woorndoo) 5- CAMPEON, 3.60 .....................NBT
1- SIGHT SCREEN, 12.00 ...........NBT
832 4- QUARTER TO, 4.00 ................ FSH
535 Lacks mid race burn, tends to find bother 7—Lynette’s Florist 1.47 2- RIVERDALE BANJO, 3.40 .. 25.87
2- AVATAR DODGE, 4.00 ............NBT
352 5- COSMIC GEORGE, 10.00 ......NBT
623 Kintamani: David Gehan (Stawell) Strong 3- CHARLOTTE STREET, 4.60 FSTD
672 6- ICONIC CHIEF, 2.90 ...............NBT
Grade 5 (Tier 3), 450m
467 6- ACOLA SWEETIE, 12.00 ........NBT
675 Horsham winner, respect if she runs 4- FABREGAS LARA, 12.00 .......NBT
863 7- GUNMETAL ANGEL, 8.00 ......NBT
4- STITCH GUN MISS, 15.00 .....NBT
522 1- MANHATTAN MAN, 4.60 .... 25.93
764 5- WISHES FULFILLED, 10.00 ...NBT
821 8- MAXIMUM MELVA, 4.20 ..... 22.33
875 5—Lynette’s Florist 1.04 2- BELENA BOLD, 8.00 ..............NBT
5- AVATAR WOODY, 21.00 .........NBT
658 8- MONKEY YEAR, 5.00 .............NBT
532 6- GOOD BOY OSCAR, 4.80 ......NBT
538 Reserves
6- MY RACHAEL, 4.60 ................NBT
542 1-2 Wins (Tier 3), 545m 3- COSMIC KILBY, 7.50 .......... 25.88
322 7- GAMMY’S CHOICE, 12.00 ... FSTD
778 9- 684 IKON PARKER, 10.00 ............. FSH
Reserves 4- CLAVASH, 12.00 .....................NBT
7- ROGUE ONE, 3.40 ............. 22.49Q
2F8 9- 148 KOLORA DAVEY, 7.50 ........ 22.72 1- BENNY BIG HEAD, 4.60 ........NBT
536 8- BLACK LEGEND, 5.00 ...........NBT
735 10- 346 LITTLE MIX, 6.00 ................. 22.20
8- MAT’S ROAD, 6.00 .................NBT
772 2- TEXAS RISING, 6.00 ............ FSTD
242 5- IMA EBAY, 10.00 .................. 25.49
221 Reserves ICONIC CHIEF 1, Campeon 2,
10- 664 WITH A WHISPER, 14.00 .......NBT 6- INTER SAM, 3.50 .................... FSH
Reserves LILLY SHAN 1, Quarter To 2, 3- WINEY BAGO, 3.40 .............. FSTD
131 9- 845 TOMDOR, 10.00 ......................NBT Maximum Melva 3, Gunmetal Angel 4
9- 364 TOO FAR OUT, 21.00 .............NBT 4- AROLOK LIL’ GAL, 4.80 ...... 31.82
342 7- LEACHWOOD LASS, 12.00 25.83
548 10- 855 BELENA SURF, 16.00 ............NBT
Monkey Year 3, Quicksilver Hope 4 8- SCOTT DYNAMISM, 4.00 ......NBT
422 Never Satisfied: Kenneth Davies (Norlane)
10- 836 FINE WINE, 16.00 ...................NBT 5- TRADEMARK ROCKY, 8.00 31.68
147 RIVERDALE BANJO 1, Charlotte Street 2, Missed a place in her past eight, prefer to watch
Lilly Shan: Douglas Sheridan (Talbot) Drops in
6- DROGMA, 21.00 .....................NBT
887 Reserves Good Boy Oscar 3, Black Legend 4
ROGUE ONE 1, Avatar Dodge 2, class, has the good draw, take catching 9- 243 VIRGIL, 16.00 ..........................NBT
Monster Deeds: Garry Anders (Koroit) Down on
My Rachael 3, Mat’s Road 4 Quicksilver Hope: Pauline Patterson (Bet Bet) 7- MILLY’S CHOICE, 12.00 ...... FSTD
473 Full Of Charm: David Aleksov (Brookfield) Draw form but does race well here, place
Solid 22.69 PB here, must be kept safe 8- HECTOR BOGART, 8.00 ..... 31.79
557 10- 666 TAKE FRIGHT, 15.00 ........... 25.98 helps but does get tired, place preferred Our Spirit: David Shovan (Inglewood) Lacks
Sight Screen: Samantha Taylor (Durham Lead)
Last two runs have been solid enough, place Izgrev: Malcolm Lowe (Woorndoo) Slow early, Reserves SCOTT DYNAMISM 1, Inter Sam 2, Riverdale Banjo: Ian Green (Little River) Drops in early speed, may not get into contention
again can scout wide, trouble ahead 9- 764 PAINTS A STORY, 5.50 ........ FSTD Manhattan Man 3, Belena Bold 4 class, great mid race burn, suited Lord Regnar: Lori Courts (Corio) Got all the
Avatar Dodge: Richard Boehm (Dunolly) Smartly Quarter To: Nicholas Sheehan (Koroit) Good 10- 616 ULTRA SHARKY, 6.00 ......... 31.79 Manhattan Man: Michael Said (Diggers Rest) Charlotte Street: John Weir-Smith (Dooen) Has favours at Geelong, place claims best
placed at Shepparton, danger if pings muster, better than form, main danger Fast early, handles this draw well, big threat the speed to cross and lead, main danger Campeon: Peter Frost (Heathcote) Drops in
Cosmic George: Ian Robinson (Avoca) Rarely
WINEY BAGO 1, Texas Rising 2, Fabregas Lara: James Barnes (Lismore) Can class, can muster quickly, danger
Serendipity Gold: Sandra Elmes (Dunolly) Slow Belena Bold: Neville Partridge (Carranballac) Hit
wins but never far away here, place hope Arolok Lil’ Gal 3, Trademark Rocky 4 or miss early, major player if he pings away take a while to wind up, place claims best Iconic Chief: Matthew Marshall (Pentland Hills)
early and will need to show improvement
Acola Sweetie: Tim Noy (New Gisborne) One Benny Big Head: Nicholas Sheehan (Koroit) Up Cosmic Kilby: Evan Barsby (Werribee) Races Wishes Fulfilled: Michael Meyer (Bromley) Got Slick Warrnambool winner in June, go close
Stitch Gun Miss: Deborah White (Parwan) Can
paced and unlikely to make an impact in distance, can lead, may hold on for a place best when he can lead, next time all the breaks at Geelong, this is harder Gunmetal Angel: Jason Formosa (Heathcote)
lead but will get tired, place preferred
Flaming Causeway: Justin Jacobs (carisbrook) Texas Rising: Sheryl Thomas (Sandon) Should Clavash: Douglas Hammerstein (Ararat) Should Good Boy Oscar: Aaron Blake (White Hills) Placed in nine of 18 here, keep safe again
Avatar Woody: Sandra Elmes (Dunolly) Beaten
Been a long time since his only win, outclassed get the gun run throughout, danger work into the mix mid race, place claims Strong effort two runs back, threat with luck Maximum Melva: Lori Courts (Corio) Back in
in all three runs, needs to lift.
Monkey Year: Evan Keene (Long Gully) Settles Winey Bago: Andrew Mooney (Amherst) Trip Ima Ebay: Ronald Dunne (St Albans) Never Gammy’s Choice: Keith Kelly (Wallan) Solid form, get’s a cart across, threat
My Rachael: Peter Rowan (Warrnambool) Led
on the speed, wide draw suits, threat suits, has good muster, hard to hold out straight track form, may be place value Ikon Parker: Gregory Couldridge (Sandon)
for a long way at Warrnambool, threat headed here last week, put in exotics
Kolora Davey: Chris Stanton (Clunes) Solid Arolok Lil’ Gal: Joyce Riches (The Sisters) Saves Black Legend: John Frewin (anakie) Strong, Struggled since moving to Vic, must find plenty.
Rogue One: Gary Peach (Cape Clear) Quick trial Inter Sam: Tony Interligi (Endeavour Hills) Great
record here, respect if he runs her best for this track and trip, threat wide draw suits, must be respected
winner here in March, looks his race turn of foot, drops in class, main danger Little Mix: Kevin Miller (Skipton) Saves her best
With A Whisper: Linda Desmond (Waubra) Yet to Trademark Rocky: Gary Hansen (Daisy Hill) Tomdor: Andrew Mooney (Amherst) Major player
Mat’s Road: Kevin Dillon (Wyndham Vale) Leachwood Lass: Neville Vincent (Lal Lal) Front for this track and trip, respect
win here in 10 attempts, needs to improve Strong winner here in July, must keep safe. if he starts from a wide draw.
Should get a nice cart across early, keep safe runner, will be posted wide early, tested
Drogma: David Basile (Heathcote) Lacking Belena Surf: Neville Partridge (Carranballac)
Too Far Out: Kevin Gavin (Killarney) Long time
4—Brendan Dodd Signs 12.42 confidence, drawn to find bother
Scott Dynamism: Mark Attard (Altona Green)
Down on confidence, may struggle if he runs
12—Strides Centre 3.27
maiden, unlikely to make an impact Last two runs have been super, go close Grade 5 (Tier 3), 390m
Grade 7 (Tier 3), 450m Milly’s Choice: Keith Kelly (Wallan) Wide draw
Fine Wine: Elizabeth Matthyssen (Talbot)
Another who has had plenty of chances, tested 1- AVATAR DJAY, 3.40 ................NBT
helps but still needs to improve
Virgil: Scott Gibson (Harcourt) Steady record
here, may struggle if he runs
10—Topcat Video 2.50 1- WILL DAZZLE, 3.60 ................NBT
2- FLEETWOOD TED, 2.80 ...... FSTD
Hector Bogart: Geoffrey Mitchell (Maidstone)
Take Fright: David Taylor (Durham Lead) Has Grade 6 (Tier 3), 390m 2- SORRY MAURIE, 16.00 .......... FSH
Only win came here, include in exotics.
2— 12.04 3- WHY NOT KYLIE, 12.00 ....... FSTD
866 Paints A Story: John Higgins (Linton) Looking place claims if runs from a wide draw. 1- POISON PEN, 4.60 ................. FSH
216 3- MYSTIC POWERS, 10.00 .......NBT
Maiden (Tier 3), 450m 4- SPRING STITCH, 10.00 ........ FSTD
525 for this distance range, value if styarts
2- PREDEMONIC, 10.00 .......... 22.59
831 4- POWERFUL SENOR, 8.00 .. 22.50
1- BRUCE MAE, 8.00 ..................NBT
383 Ultra Sharky: Kevin Daisley (Lismore) Never
8—Energis Solutions 2.07 3- GOLD ATTRACTION, 10.00 ...NBT
477 5- MISS HOUDINI, 6.00 ..............NBT
5- SERIOUS SECRET, 8.00 ........NBT
152 Grade 5 (Tier 3), 545m 4- FLASH DEEDS, 7.50 ...............NBT
442 6- DASHING DREAM, 14.00 ......NBT
423 headed in her win here, can run a drum 6- CAMPARI LAD, 4.00 ............ 22.56
3- CELESTIAL EMMA, 6.00 .......NBT
375 1- CASANOVA, 7.50 ....................NBT
254 5- STORM OF ALL, 14.00 ...........NBT
887 7- AVATAR WOLF, 9.00 ............ 22.48
7- GO MAYSIE GO, 6.50 ........... FSTD
688 6—Eureka Concrete 1.22 2- STEVRON AUTOS, 21.00 .......NBT
452 6- FRISCO LIZ, 4.20 ................. 22.21
4- GEOPARK RUBY, 7.50 ........... FSH
622 8- JUST CRYSTAL, 8.00 .......... 26.52
271 8- FIVE MISSISSIPPI, 4.20 ...... 22.36
Grade 5 (Tier 3), 450m 3- OLYMPIC LASS, 16.00 ........ 31.85
346 7- NOLITA NELLY, 3.50 ..............NBT
5- LUSH LIFE, 6.00 ..................... FSH
735 Reserves Reserves
6- NELLIE SHAN, 4.00 .............. FSTD
273 1- POWER SENSATION, 14.00 25.91
887 4- MEENIYAN JET, 3.40 .......... 31.21
453 8- PILLAR CREEK, 6.50 .......... 22.73
642 9- 465 HOREY’S GIRL, 8.00 ..............NBT
9- 678 HASHTAG JOHNNY, 10.00 ....NBT 2- BREAK THE CODE, 4.60 .... 25.51
412 5- LORD KITCHENER, 12.00 .....NBT
458 Reserves
7- TAKE THE RAPID, 9.00 ..........NBT
278 10- 147 KINTAMANI, 6.50 ....................NBT 10- 687 DUKE OF DALLAS, 12.00 ...... FSH
8- AGENT VOILET, 4.00 ........... FSTD
264 3- FULL OF BOLONEY, 4.20 ... 25.72
655 6- DESTINI SCORCHER, 8.00 ...NBT
742 9- 688 JACK’S LASS, 26.00 ........... 22.96 FIVE MISSISSIPPI 1, Campari Lad 2,
AVATAR DJAY 1, Fleetwood Ted 2, 4- SLIPAWAY BOLT, 7.50 ........ 25.47
321 7- AMY BALE, 4.00 .................. 31.50
561 10- 436 HILLBILLY HELL, 7.50 ...........NBT
Reserves Go Maysie Go 3, Spring Stitch 4 5- DAZZLING DIVA, 6.00 ............NBT
381 Will Dazzle 3, Avatar Wolf 4
9- 584 GET THE GAFF, 16.00 ............ FSH 8- BE HOPEFUL, 4.60 .............. 31.29
471 PILLAR CREEK 1, Nolita Nelly 2,
Will Dazzle: Jason Formosa (Heathcote) Good
10- 564 LIKE LILY, 7.50 ........................NBT
Avatar Djay: Richard Boehm (Dunolly) Big drop 6- BIG END, 3.50 .........................NBT
831 Reserves Frisco Liz 3, Poison Pen 4
in class, has the good draw, go close muster, draw suits, looms as a threat
7- MATE BALE, 10.00 .................NBT
588 9- 865 JUST A DOT, 18.00 ............. 31.25 Poison Pen: Leon Lacy (Noble Park) Sizzles
AGENT VOILET 1, Lush Life 2, Fleetwood Ted: Paul Mathieson (Lara) No luck
8- KRANK PANDA, 26.00 ......... FSTD
847 Sorry Maurie: Joe Interligi (Dandenong North)
Nellie Shan 3, Celestial Emma 4 since his debut win, can atone, danger 10- 358 ETCHED IN BLACK, 12.00 ....NBT early, may get tired, still keep safe Wide runner, does not like to be crowded, tested
Why Not Kylie: Wayne Gray (Wendouree) Been Reserves MEENIYAN JET 1, Be Hopeful 2, Predemonic: Lori Courts (Corio) Good win last Mystic Powers: Jason Hardy (Sunbury) Beaten
Bruce Mae: Jack Campbell (Anakie) Slow early, 9- 368 WISE HARRY, 8.00 .............. 26.04 week but prefer out wide
relies on luck, place at best steady since her Warragul win, tested Destini Scorcher 3, Casanova 4 in both runs here, prefer to watch
Spring Stitch: Deborah White (Parwan) Led for a 10- F76 JERSEY, 12.00 ........................NBT Gold Attraction: Douglas Sheridan (Talbot) Form Powerful Senor: Gregory Couldridge (Sandon)
No Quarter Given: Paul Hofman (Creswick) Casanova: Michael Said (Diggers Rest) Recent and confidence has tapered off, tested
long way at Warragul, keep safe FULL OF BOLONEY 1, Big End 2, form has been solid enough, keep safe Talented but does not like to be crowded, risky
Beaten in all six runs here, prefer to watch Flash Deeds: Garry Anders (Koroit) Rarely runs a
Serious Secret: Cooper Hayes (Mill Park) Dazzling Diva 3, Break The Code 4 Stevron Autos: David Basile (Heathcote) One Miss Houdini: Patti Ladd (Burnley) Never
Celestial Emma: Paul Mathieson (Lara) Solid bad race, include in exotics
Showed good speed here last week, place again paced, moves wide at the bends, tested headed at Warragul, strong place claims
effort three runs back, may be value Power Sensation: Aaron Blake (White Hills) Storm Of All: Sebastiano Gibilisco (Lockwood
Geopark Ruby: Deborah White (Parwan) Drawn Form and confidence has really tapered off, Olympic Lass: Jack Campbell (Anakie) Racing South) Struggles here but race isn’t overly Campari Lad: John Higgins (Linton) In form,
to find early bother, tough ask This publication takes all care tested well below her best, prefer to watch strong, place likes this track and trip, danger
Lush Life: Kevin Gavin (Killarney) No luck to Break The Code: Steve Daniliuk (Sunbury) Meeniyan Jet: Selwyn Coates (St Albans Park) Frisco Liz: Ronald Gilliland (Darraweit Guim) Avatar Wolf: Sandra Elmes (Dunolly) Showed
date, strong type, main danger
in compiling the TAB details but Drops in class, good PB here, hard to hold out good speed at Bendigo, keep safe
Prefer out wide but is well graded, keep safe Can come out running, big threat if she crosses
Nellie Shan: Douglas Hammerstein (Ararat) cannot accept any responsibility Full Of Boloney: David Gehan (Stawell) Better Lord Kitchener: Keith Kelly (Wallan) Been a long Nolita Nelly: Trent Blacker (Mitchell Park) Good Five Mississippi: Wendy Miller (Skipton) Drops
Placed in two of her past three, threat again for any errors. Readers are urged than form reads, strong type, go close time since his last win, tough ask win at Cranbourne, danger if pings away in class, solid record here, go close
Take The Rapid: Daniel Turnley (Diamond Creek) to check TAB information with the Slipaway Bolt: Kevin Quinn (Cundare) Racing Destini Scorcher: Emilio Rinaldi (Lethbridge) Pillar Creek: Raylene Gavin (Killarney) Ideally Horey’s Girl: Tamara Fernandes (Tragowel)
Solid record here to date, must for exotics consistently but the draw is a worry, place Placed in two of four here, can threaten again drawn, strong chaser, hard to hold out Placed in both runs here, place claims if runs
Agent Voilet: Jason Hardy (Sunbury) Draw suits,
official lists before placing their Dazzling Diva: John Higgins (Linton) Good win Amy Bale: Correy Grenfell (Avalon) Good win Jack’s Lass: Kevin Ward (Mount Moriac) Well Duke Of Dallas: David Schwarz (Dallas) Better
has the speed to cross, go close bets. last time, rise in distance helps, threat last time, this is harder, place beaten in recent months, prefer to watch suited to straight track racing, next time

ECHUCA gallops today MR

Note: Race times correct at time of publication. TAB GUIDE TRACK/RAIL/WEATHER 15 67472 Canelo dwb (2) M & L Cerchi........C Caserta (a1.5) 54 31.00
Daily Double 8, 10 Track heavy (9). 16 1059s Sassoon (3) Andrew Payne ..................................... 54 21.00
1 12.00 Melbourne Cup Day @ Echuca 1000m Early Quadrella 3, 4, 5, 6 Rail is out 1m from the 1600m HAY BALE, Valliano, Foreign Affair, Got The Goss

Apprentices can claim 3yo Fillies Maiden SW $22,000

Quadrella 7, 8, 9, 10
First Four All Races
to the 1400m, then true for the
9 4.00 Leveson North Melbourne 1170m
1 Arctic Circle (16) D K Weir.........................J Childs 57 7.50 Fixed Odds All Races Apprentices can claim Benchmark 58 $18,000
2 335 As It Lies (9) Brent Stanley .......................... M Dee 57 5.00 Weather overcast.
3 Astrological (3) D K Weir ..........................H Coffey 57 9.00 1 8s002 Honourable Tycoon w (10) B J McCarthy.............. 62 6.00
2 64490 Lots Of Smacks dw (1) Ms B Simpson . J Martin (a1.5) 61 21.00
Belle Xaar (6) D K Weir .................... L Riordan (a2)
Bonnieux (17) M D Moroney ........... SCRATCHED
Cosmic Moon (2) D K Weir .......................J McNeil


5 2.00 Ferrari Building & Maintenance 1400m 3 04221 Make Mine Brandy cdwhn (5) Rhys Archard .........
............................................................... L King (a2) 61 5.00
7 7s Fabrication (5) R D Griffiths ........................N Rose 57 9.00 Apprentices can claim 3yo & up Maiden SW $22,000 4 31060 Not A Blemish dw (12) T & K O’Sullivan ................
8 First Pride (13) Murray Johnson ........... L King (a2) 57 15.00 1 7s5 Amendment (5) M A Kavanagh ................. J Winks 58.5 8.50 ........................................................Ms J Eaton (a3) 61 13.00
9 Miss Norway (7) J D Sadler.............. B Mertens (a) 57 13.00 2 2 Lawless Reign (15) N D Girvan . Ms G Cartwright (a2) 58.5 6.00 5 76s84 Pantheress dw (15) L & T Corstens. B Thompson (a) 61 7.50
10 2s Omorose (8) C Maher ................................ L Nolen 57 7.50 3 45s68 Lord Zidane (11) L & T Corstens .. B Thompson (a) 58.5 11.00 6 31s04 Under God’s Sky dw (2) Ms A Blackburn ..............
11 Second Marriage (1) J W Price ....... Ms J Da Rose 57 17.00 4 23 Our Blackjack b (12) T D Kelly .................J McNeil 58.5 7.50 .......................................................C Caserta (a1.5) 61 17.00
12 Shelley Beach (18) S J Webb ....... B Thompson (a) 57 15.00 5 34 Zelenus (16) D K Weir .................................. J Allen 58.5 8.50 7 35098 Any Given Bender dw (7) Henry Dwyer .................
13 Splash Around (4) E V Musgrove ....J Martin (a1.5) 57 17.00 6 726s0 Deregold (14) Ms H Davies........................ F Alesci 56.5 34.00 ....................................................... Ms C Hall (a1.5) 60.5 21.00
14 Written On Rock (11) Shane Stockdale ................. 7 4s032 Exceder (9) Shea Eden .........................J Turner (a) 56.5 3.60 8 1s523 Ansinna b (16) Shea Eden ....................J Turner (a) 60 9.00
.......................................................T Stockdale (a4) 57 21.00 8 35s0 Great Alpine Road (7) R K Challis.........P Moloney 56.5 21.00 9 67155 Atunnah Courage dw (3) Ms E Haworth .. R Beattie 60 13.00
EMERGENCIES 9 066 Her Turn (4) G L Donaldson ................... J Benbow 56.5 26.00 10 45s21 Scrutineer dwn (8) Nicholas Roe............................
15 30s Margot (15) R W Smerdon ............ B Thompson (a) 57 15.00 10 89 Just Like Serena (3) G A Osborne ............J Childs 56.5 34.00 ............................................... Ms G Cartwright (a2) 60 6.00
16 48s Conconi (10) T & K O’Sullivan ........................J Hill 57 21.00 11 70745 Miss Vigilante (13) Sam Pritchard-Gordon............. 11 22240 Mr Cooley tw (9) P A Banks ..........Ms J Eaton (a3) 59.5 11.00
17 67s Paseo Del Rio (14) S J Webb ................................. 57 15.00 .............................................................Ms L Meech 56.5 17.00 12 s7404 Davaluri wn (4) C J Cassar ........................ F Alesci 59 13.00
18 7s05 Just Foxing (12) Paul Rocke................A Creighton 57 41.00 12 Alkashaaf (2) D & B Hayes & T Dabernig....C Parish 56 7.50 13 04s37 Duro Canyon w (18) Ms H Davies ......... J Benbow 58.5 13.00
OMOROSE, As It Lies, Cosmic Moon, Astrological 13 Schappose (1) M G Price............................. M Dee 56 8.50 14 6s88s Surefire Lass t (17) S A Dwyer ....... SCRATCHED
14 88s Pamando (10) John McArdle .......... SCRATCHED
2 12.30 Two Tarts Plate1100m
15 s8500
Bellwhist (8) Ms B Schreuder ..............A Creighton 58.5 51.00
15 846s8 Yarrayne Lass w (6) B & A McKnight .... Ms C Puls 56.5 26.00
16 64s29 Captain Magic c (13) P Gorman............................. 58.5 21.00
Apprentices can claim 3yo & up Maiden SW $22,000 16 57s5 Crooked Gent (6) Luke Oliver......... SCRATCHED 17 5s560 Miss Ritziano w (11) Rodney Foster ...................... 55.5 41.00
ALKASHAAF, Schappose, Exceder, Our Blackjack 18 83660 Crafty Eva dw (14) K L Corstens ............................ 54.5 34.00
1 500 Bud Ricks (2) S J Webb............................... M Dee 58.5 51.00
2 46s Futurist (4) R W Smerdon ............. B Thompson (a) 58.5 9.00 6 2.30 Murphys Turf & Landscaping 1600m HONOURABLE TYCOON, Pantheress, Make Mine Brandy, Ansinna
0 Lord Wentworth (10) Wez Hunter........A Creighton 58.5
Percival (7) Shane Stockdale ........T Stockdale (a4) 58.5 13.00
63s Shot At The Reward (6) B J McCarthy....C Symons 58.5

Apprentices can claim 3yo & up F&M Benchmark 58 $18,000 10 4.30 Barmah Hotel Handicap 1400m
6 84255 Struck Out (1) P A Banks...............Ms J Eaton (a3) 58.5 7.00 1 00169 Elle Excite twh (9) Rhys Archard .......... L King (a2) 63 9.50 Apprentices can claim Benchmark 58 $18,000
7 95s88 Thunder Gun (14) D Binaisse ................P Moloney 58.5 15.00 2 6s807 Shewearsthepants dwbn (3) D K Weir..L Riordan (a2) 61 4.40
3 634s8 The Donchess (5) R K Challis................P Moloney 61 26.00 1 s9226 Turfonic d (15) D & B Hayes & T Dabernig..L King (a2) 61.5 3.60
8 6 Toolleen Town (13) Ms E Haworth.............J Childs 58.5 31.00 4 s8918 Belle Sarzy dw (6) Sharna Valli ......Ms J Eaton (a3) 60.5 26.00 2 s5472 Awake In Grinzing w (10) K Hann ....... A Boyd (a2) 61 3.00
9 877s Watch My Shadow (15) Colin Scott.. SCRATCHED 5 70034 Beleura Belle (12) A W Noonan.......J Martin (a1.5) 60 13.00 3 75972 Sir Nemo dw (5) A H Parker.......................J Childs 60.5 10.00
10 53s9 Flying Frenchy (11) Luke Oliver......................J Hill 56.5 21.00 6 s7612 Ennis (7) M & L Cerchi ..................C Caserta (a1.5) 60 8.00 4 221s7 Matiano dw (1) Nicholas Roe ..Ms G Cartwright (a2) 60 8.00
11 s547s Red Pearl (5) Ms S Naylor ............C Caserta (a1.5) 56.5 15.00 7 35451 Hurry Harriet (10) J F Moloney..................J Childs 60 5.00 5 688s0 Exilia Miss (7) L & T Corstens................................. 59.5 21.00
12 27426 Tilly’s All Class (9) E V Musgrove ..... B Mertens (a) 56.5 13.00 8 s3462 Try Pink d (2) Brian McGrath ........ B Thompson (a) 60 3.70 6 s4160 Katy Kat w (13) Patrick Payne ................................ 59.5 17.00
13 48s Black Sail (8) C Maher ............................... L Nolen 56 3.80 9 s8696 Interchange Emily (8) J W Price ........Ms L Meech 59.5 11.00 7 45226 Ruary Mac w (6) C J Davis .............. L Riordan (a2) 59.5 13.00
14 Heavenly Thought (3) D K Weir................J McNeil 56 6.00 10 1s859 Kirbaz h (11) Ms G Johnstone ..................H Coffey 58.5 15.00 8 9s879 To Infinity dwn (12) Shea Eden .............J Turner (a) 59.5 17.00
EMERGENCY EMERGENCIES 9 87200 First Watch (11) Ms A Macpherson .......P Moloney 58.5 21.00
15 99008 Beau Dazzle (12) D L Boal......................... L Smith 56.5 51.00 11 335s0 Halcyon dw (1) Dane Smith .................................... 58.5 17.00 10 30283 Hard Spark t (16) S Fliedner ..................... C Parish 58.5 8.00
BLACK SAIL, Heavenly Thought, Shot At The Reward, Futurist 12 88269 Joe’s Pride (4) R Pecora ...........................J McNeil 57.5 15.00 11 70499 Just Stellar w (9) C J Davis ............. L Riordan (a2) 58 10.00
3 1.00 De Bortoli Wines Plate 1100m
7s002 Heart Of Class (13) M G Price..................... M Dee
77s99 Queen Elsa (14) Anthony Chibnall ..........................
SHEWEARSTHEPANTS, Interchange Emily, Ennis, Elle Excite
59 17.00
54 34.00
Solar Bravo tw (3) Ms A Curran...............J Keating 57.5
Shark Magic w (2) Dane Smith............................... 57
Apprentices can claim 3yo & up Maiden SW $22,000 14 s7797 Stellar Princess twn (14) Ms B Schreuder ............. 56 34.00
Deck Of Cards (5) D P Dwyer.................... L Nolen 58.5
Lanomroh (6) Bryan Maher ........................J Childs 58.5
7 3.00 bet365 Handicap 2100m 15 8590s
Joliet Jake w (8) B I Stanaway ............................... 54 34.00
Apprentices can claim Benchmark 58 $18,000 16 60990 Hunted (4) D L Boal.................................... L Smith 54 51.00
3 Master Control (12) Cathleen Wilson .....D Schmitt 58.5 13.00 AWAKE IN GRINZING, Turfonic, Matiano, To Infinity
4 552 My Boy Greg (9) Ms J Wicks .......... SCRATCHED 1 s9941 Undercover Poet wh (5) Rhys Archard ... L King (a2) 62 5.00
5 s850s New Kintaro h (3) Ms G Johnstone ................J Hill 58.5 21.00 2 5s464 Our Boy Charlie wb (11) S A Dwyer .. L Riordan (a2) 61.5 3.50
6 676s0 Supanemo (2) K L Corstens....................... J Winks 58.5 26.00 3 s1304 Cisco Delago tcdwh (3) M Cornish & Ms D Gaskin GEAR CHANGES
7 455s3 Toffiato (7) J W Price.................................J McNeil 58.5 3.50 .......................................................T Stockdale (a4) 61 9.00
4 80s51 Lucifer’s Boy w (12) R K Challis .................. J Allen 60.5 7.50 RACE 1: (4) Belle Xaar, (14) Written On Rock blinkers on first time; (6)
8 Triathlon (14) D K Weir ................................. J Allen 58.5 5.00
9 5 Diamondsinthesun (8) D J O’Prey ......................... 5 48242 Solas tw (14) E V Musgrove ......................J McNeil 58.5 5.50 Cosmic Moon barrier blanket on first time; (8) First Pride blinkers off first
............................................... Ms G Cartwright (a2) 56.5 21.00 6 96146 Decisive Diamond (10) R K Challis .......P Moloney 58 9.00 time, cross-over noseband on first time, tongue-tie on first time, visors
10 557 Full Reward (10) Lesia Masnyj......Ms L Doodt (a2) 56.5 17.00 7 05563 Margot’s Boy (8) Ms B Dunn ...................... J Duffy 57.5 7.50 on first time; (16) Conconi tongue-tie on first time RACE 2: (2) Futurist
11 4s Return Flight (15) B J McCarthy ........... C Symons 56.5 17.00 8 1s678 Deemico dw (9) R K Challis ................Ms L Meech 57 15.00 gelded; (3) Lord Wentworth winkers on first time; (4) Percival blinkers on
12 0s9s Vuitton (13) Shea Eden .........................J Turner (a) 56.5 13.00 9 27s50 Alsa Doll dwn (2) G A Thornton .Ms S Thornton (a2) 56 21.00 first time; (6) Struck Out cross-over noseband on first time, tongue-tie off
13 Equestria (4) M D Moroney....................P Moloney 56 13.00 10 50400 Ventura Highway tw (6) B I Stanaway . T Marshall (a) 54.5 17.00
11 s0080 Wilston (13) Sylvia Thompson ........ SCRATCHED first time; (7) Thunder Gun front pads on first time; (9) Watch My Shadow
14 Ma Chao (1) M G Price ................................ M Dee 56 6.00 cross-over noseband on again, gelded, tongue-tie on first time; (11) Red
EMERGENCY 12 08907 Knucklemanna w (4) B I Stanaway .......... C Parish 54 17.00
15 Experimentation (11) R W Smerdon ...................... 56 13.00 13 41s00 Charles Filou d (1) D P Dwyer ................................ 54 51.00 Pearl off-side bubble cheeker on first time, lugging bit on first time; (13)
MA CHAO, Toffiato, Triathlon, Equestria 14 s6P08 Access All Areas (7) T D Kelly...... B Thompson (a) 54 51.00 Black Sail ross-over nose band on first time, tongue-tie on first time
OUR BOY CHARLIE, Decisive Diamond, Undercover Poet, RACE 3: (2) Lanomroh tongue-tie on first time, winkers off first time; (3)
4 1.30 1PRINT Plate 1400m Lucifer’s Boy
Master Control cross-over noseband on first time; (9) Diamondsinthesun
Apprentices can claim 3yo & up Maiden SW $22,000 8 3.30 Border Inn Winter Sprint 1170m winkers on first time; (10) Full Reward tongue-tie off first time; (14) Ma
Chao blinkers on first time; (15) Experimentation tongue-tie on first time,
1 48229 Heza Jolly Swagman (7) A Aquilina ....................... Apprentices can claim Benchmark 78 $35,000 winkers on first time RACE 4: (6) Legal Mistress ear muffs off first time;
............................................... Ms G Cartwright (a2) 58.5 11.00 1 00208 Got The Goss dw (15) D K Weir ...... L Riordan (a2) 60.5 17.00 (9) She’s Moxie winkers on first time; (14) Watchmespin tongue-tie on first
2 5587s Lord Reset (5) G Eurell ...................................J Hill 58.5 8.00 2 56213 Hay Bale wb (6) R D Griffiths ......................M Allen 59 2.40
3 8s9 Mr Boombastic b (8) Henry Dwyer.............. M Dee 58.5 10.00 time RACE 5: (3) Lord Zidane blinkers on first time; (12) Alkashaaf lug-
3 04173 Caprese dwn (4) A H Parker ................. L King (a2) 58 9.50 ging bit on first time RACE 7: (13) Charles Filou blinkers on again RACE
4 777 Son Of Sunny (13) Smiley Chan ................J Childs 58.5 21.00 4 s3375 Squeaky Squirrel dw (11) D K Weir..........J McNeil 57.5 21.00
5 25s50 Chattering (14) Ms A Blackburn ... Ms C Hall (a1.5) 56.5 21.00 5 6s313 As Bad As Tyson tdw (9) C D Widdison..Ms L Meech 56 11.00 8: (1) Got The Goss winkers off again; (5) As Bad As Tyson norton bit off
6 26s37 Legal Mistress (3) D R Brideoake ......... C Symons 56.5 7.50 6 53L66 Valliano d (16) D & B Hayes & T Dabernig.............. first time, tongue-tie on first time; (6) Valliano blinkers on again, winkers
7 72660 Rowdy Rousey (9) G A Thornton . Ms S Thornton (a2) 56.5 11.00 ........................................................... B Mertens (a) 56 6.00 off again; (10) Lika Shadow blinkers on again; (16) Sassoon blinkers off
8 4s523 Sense Of Denial (10) L & T Corstens . B Thompson (a) 56.5 5.50 7 1211s Light ‘n’ Fire dw (13) D K Weir .................... M Dee 55.5 11.00 first time RACE 9: (4) Not A Blemish front bar plates on first time; (5)
9 986 She’s Moxie (15) Damien Hunter ..............H Coffey 56.5 11.00 8 32363 Foreign Affair d (7) Henry Dwyer........... C Symons 55 11.00
10 768s Snowboarder (4) G A Osborne...........Ms L Meech 56.5 21.00 Pantheress near-side blinker on first time, near-side bubble cheeker on
9 27166 Artie Fred dw (5) Paul Rocke...................... J Duffy 54.5 15.00 first time, cross-over noseband off again, lugging bit off first time, wink-
11 6s245 Up And Above b (11) Murray Johnson . L King (a2) 56.5 4.20 10 s1889 Lika Shadow tdwh (1) Ms G Johnstone .................
12 Roar (1) R W Smerdon ............................... L Nolen 56 13.00 ....................................................... B Thompson (a) 54.5 31.00 ers off first time; (8) Ansinna blinkers on again; (14) Surefire Lass cross-
13 7 Coral Coast (2) S J Webb................. B Mertens (a) 54 21.00 11 s226s World Of Hope dwbn (12) D Binaisse ...P Moloney 54 7.00 over nose band on first time, tongue-tie on first time; (15) Yarrayne Lass
14 7 Watchmespin (6) D T O’Brien.................... J Winks 54 6.50 12 9s441 Destiny’s Reward (8) B A Gentle.............. C Parish 54 17.00 tongue-tie on again; (16) Captain Magic winkers off first time RACE 10:
EMERGENCY 13 77256 Storm Approach cdwh (14) L J Lake..T Marshall (a) 54 51.00 (5) Exilia Miss blinkers off again, ear muffs off first time, winkers on again;
15 86500 Amazing Miss Ruby (12) D T Curran ..................... 56.5 51.00 14 68s77 Villainous Vixen twh (10) John W Thomas ............. (14) Stellar Princess visors on first time
LEGAL MISTRESS, Up And Above, Roar, Watchmespin ........................................................Ms J Eaton (a3) 54 51.00
26 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017


JWH escapes suspension for errant elbow Defeat

JUDICIARY with grade one dangerous
contact to the head or neck
charge and outcome from
the game for an incident
Stadium for allegedly spit-
ting at a referee at halftime
art said it warranted pun-
ishment if proven.
SYDNEY Roosters prop
Jared Waerea-Hargreaves
over the incident during
Saturday’s win over the Ti-
with Ryan Matterson.
Cronulla stars James
of Sunday’s home defeat by
Penrith, the club has con-
“It’s not on. They (ref-
erees) do a tough job. It’s
Manly in
is set to escape suspen- gers.
sion for his late and errant
elbow to Wests Tigers five-
But he can avoid a ban
with an early guilty plea,
Maloney and Wade Gra-
ham can accept fines for
grade one offences for trip-
The patron was kicked
out of the arena, with stadi-
unacceptable and defi-
nitely should be punished.
I didn’t know that - that’s
eighth Tuimoala Lolohea’s leaving him free to play in ping and a careless high um security to pass on his news to me,” Stuart said af- BULLDOGS V SEA EAGLES
head. the Roosters’ crucial clash tackle respectively against information to the Raid- ter the match. “They’ve got
The New Zealand Test with Cronulla on Saturday. North Queensland. ers for further action to be MANLY are walking a finals
a tough gig. We’ve all got
forward has been charged Tigers winger David No- Meanwhile, a Canberra considered. tightrope after they were
tough gigs though, but that
by the match review panel foaluma received a similar fan was ejected from GIO Raiders coach Ricky Stu- beaten 30-16 by Canter-
is unacceptable.”
bury on Sunday.
The Bulldogs put in

Raiders pipped by
their best attacking perfor-
mance of the year to snap
a four-game losing streak,
effectively sending Manly’s
finals ambitions into a tail-

Penrith at the post

The Sea Eagles, who
were third a month ago,
have now lost four of their
past five games to fall to
eighth on the ladder.
RAIDERS V PANTHERS Manly face the Warri-
ors in Auckland on Sunday
CANBERRA’S late dash for before playing Penrith at
a finals spot is all but over home in round 26.
after being pipped by Pen- And they would still
rith 26-22 in an enthralling need to improve if they are
contest at GIO Stadium on to have any impact come
Sunday. September, given they have
The Raiders erased a now conceded 170 points
10-point halftime deficit to in their past five games.
lead with eight minutes to They were again caught
go before unlikely Panthers lacking in defence on their
rookie Tyrone May dived own line, while their attack
over from short range to didn’t have the impetus it
steal a thrilling win. has had for most of the sea-
The defeat ended the son. It showed as the Sea
Raiders’ four-game win- Eagles’ second-half points
ning streak but, more im- came through Lewis Brown
portantly, leaves Ricky Stu- in the final minute, despite
art’s side four points out completing at 82 per cent
of the top eight with two for the match.
games to go. In comparison, the of-
They must now win ten-clunky Bulldogs scored
both their matches against 30 points for the first time
Newcastle and Melbourne this season.
and rely on either Manly or Will Hopoate produced
North Queensland losing the last pass for three tries,
both of theirs to quality for as the Bulldogs worked the
September action. WINNER: PantherTyrone May scores the winning try against Canberra on Sunday. Picture: AAP same play twice for Marce-
Raiders coach Ricky lo Montoya to score a first-
Stuart blamed the defeat have allowed getting up to mainder of it (we’re) prob- Not since their 2003 pre- it today in our own right, half double.
on their slow start, but la- that 20-10 (with) so much ably not in this position.” miership have the Panthers and then we had to win it Brett Morris also crossed
mented a lost opportunity on the line,” Stuart said. For the Panthers, their recorded seven wins on the again when they surged at closed to halftime to get
to move within striking dis- “The first 25 minutes of seventh straight victory all trot. Panthers coach An- us,” he said. “That’s hard to Canterbury past 10 points
tance of the finals. the game let us down. but cements their finals thony Griffin hailed their do at this time of the year in the opening half for the
“I was really happy with “If we had of played the spot and also keeps them performance as one of the – win tight games of foot- first time this season, be-
the way we got back into first 25 minutes of the game in the hunt for a charge at best of the season. ball twice. We’ll take a lot of fore he and brother Josh
that game, we should never the way we played the re- the top four. “We had a chance to win confidence out of that.” both scored after the break.


(W Smith 2 D Alvaro T Moeroa S Radradra tries (B Croft 3 N Asofa-Solomona W Chambers D Finucane C Scott (W Blake N Cleary J Mansour T May tries N Cleary 5 goals)
M Moses 5 goals) S Vunivalu tries C Smith 5 D Finucane goals) P W D L B PF PA PD Pts
CANBERRA 22 STORM 22 18 0 4 2 537 324 213 40
GOLD COAST 8 NEWCASTLE 12 (N Cotric J Papalii J Tapine J Wighton tries J Croker 3 goals) BRONCOS 22 15 0 7 2 543 371 172 34
(B Nakubuwai W Zillman tries) at ANZ Stadium. Referee: (L Fitzgibbon J Wardle tries T Hodkinson 2 goals) at at GIO Stadium. Ref: A Shortall, A Klein. Crowd: 14,818. ROOSTERS 22 15 0 7 2 464 398 66 34
Gavin Badger, Grant Atkins. Crowd: 6826. McDonald Jones Stad. Ref: J Stone, A Gee. Crowd: 16,001. SHARKS 22 14 0 8 2 436 373 63 32
EELS 22 14 0 8 2 422 407 15 32
CANTERBURY 30 PANTHERS 22 13 0 9 2 478 415 63 30
SOUTH SYDNEY 36 SYDNEY ROOSTERS 22 (M Montoya 2 B Morris 2 B Lee J Morris tries COWBOYS 22 12 0 10 2 435 409 26 28
(A Johnston 3 C Murray A Reynolds C Walker tries (M Aubusson A Guerra L Mitchell M Pearce tries M Mbye 3 goals) SEA EAGLES 22 12 0 10 2 502 479 23 28
A Reynolds 6 goals) M Gordon 3 goals)
MANLY 16 DRAGONS 22 11 0 11 2 497 410 87 26
NZ WARRIORS 18 WESTS TIGERS 18 (L Brown B Kelly J Trbojevic tries D Cherry-Evans M Wright RAIDERS 22 10 0 12 2 506 437 69 24
(R Tuivasa-Sheck 2 S Mannering tries I Luke 3 goals) at ANZ (J Aloiai T Lolohea J Tedesco tries T Lolohea 3 goals) at goals) at ANZ Stad. Ref: G Badger, B Cummins. Crowd: 8912. RABBITOHS 22 9 0 13 2 442 478 -36 22
Stadium. Referee: Chris Butler, Chris Sutton. Crowd: 6213. Allianz Stadium. Ref: C James, H Perenara. Crowd: 9585. BULLDOGS 22 8 0 14 2 308 421 -113 20
WARRIORS 22 7 0 15 2 407 525 -118 18

(A Glenn 2 J Kahu A Milford C Oates tries A Milford 2 goals) (J Brailey P Gallen V Holmes C Townsend tries ROUND 25 KNIGHTS 22 5 0 17 2 382 576 -194 14
J Maloney 5 goals) Thursday: Broncos v Eels, 7.50pm; Friday: Raiders v
ST GEORGE ILLAWARRA 12 Knights, 6pm; Tigers v Cowboys, 7.50pm; Saturday: Titans
(T Lafai P Vaughan tries G Widdop 2 goals) at Suncorp Stadium. NORTH QUEENSLAND 16 v Bulldogs, 3pm; Storm v Rabbitohs, 5.30pm; Sharks v
Referee: Matt Cecchin, Gavin Reynolds. Crowd: 31,832. (E Lowe T Martin M Morgan tries E Lowe 2 goals) at Roosters, 7.30pm; Sunday: Warriors v Sea Eagles, 2pm;
1300SMILES Stad. Ref: G Sutton, D Munro. Crowd: 15,539. Panthers v Dragons 4pm. Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 27


Leckie doubles up in Hertha debut Jedinak

must play
SOCCER they can thrive this season

MATHEW Leckie has

without suspended for-
ward Ousmane Dembele
to make
scored twice on his Bun-
desliga debut for Hertha
Berlin to beat promoted
by opening their campaign
with a 3-0 rout at Wolfsburg.
US international Chris-
the cut
Stuttgart 2-0 at home while tian Pulisic scored one goal SOCCER
last season’s runners-up and set up another.
RB Leipzig suffered a shock Dembele remained sus- SOCCEROOS skipper Mile
loss to Schalke. pended after missing train- Jedinak will be available for
The Socceroos forward, ing when Barcelona made a the World Cup qualifiers
who joined from Ingolstadt bid for him. Dortmund are against Japan and Thailand
in the off-season, eluded a yet to receive a second of- if he gets through club duty
defender with a clever flick fer after turning down a bid this week unscathed.
and finished in style just reportedly worth 85 million Coach Ange Posteco-
after the restart, and then euros ($126 million) with glou told ABC’s Offsiders
blasted home after Stutt- another 20 million euros in he had been in regular
gart failed to clear a corner. add-ons. contact with Jedinak, who
Leckie had failed to score “We have a clear position was selected in his prelimi-
in his previous 30 matches, and a clear idea. If this is nary 30-man squad despite
his most recent goal com- met, Dembele will be trans- struggling with the groin
ing in May last year against ferred this summer. If not, injury that kept him out of
Bayer Leverkusen. he’ll stay with Dortmund,” the Confederations Cup.
He has now scored three sporting director Michael But he expected Jedinak
goals against Stuttgart, his Zorc said before kick-off in should be right, provided
best return against any Wolfsburg. he played and recovered
Bundesliga outfit. His Soc- Dortmund fans have well from at least one of
ceroos teammate Mitch turned against the 20-year- Aston Villa’s two matches
Langerak was left on the old Dembele, who had six this week.
bench on Saturday as Stutt- goals and 13 assists in his “He’s an important part
gart’s back-up goalkeeper. debut Bundesliga season of what we’ve been build-
Elsewhere, Borussia after joining for 15 million ing and what people don’t
Dortmund showed signs euros from Rennes last year. ON TARGET: Mathew Leckie celebrates after scoring for Hertha Berlin. Picture: AAP know is he’s been playing
hurt for probably the last 12
to 18 months for us,” Poste-

Fresh woe for Ryan

coglou said. “(He) always
puts his hand up. If he gets
through 90 minutes, he’ll
be there for sure.”
Villa face Wigan Athletic

as United stay hot

at home in the EFL Cup
midweek, then travel to
face Bailey Wright’s Bristol
City in the English Champi-
onship at the weekend.
Postecoglou is due to
EPL thoroughbreds were shack- Premier League champi- showcased their attacking ing day win over Leicester trim his squad by seven
led in a 1-0 defeat at Stoke ons got off to a flying start firepower. was dissipated quickly after players this week.
MANCHESTER United City. in their first home game of After the first-up maul- Jese, Stoke’s new loan sign- Several of his European-
netted four goals for the Socceroos gloveman Mat the season. ing of West Ham by the ing from Paris Saint-Ger- based players are in tip-top
second consecutive week Ryan’s tough start to life Mahrez was also be- same score, United man- main, capped a fine debut form, with Tom Rogic dom-
in the Premier League to in the top flight continued hind Leicester’s second ager Jose Mourinho was a by scoring the winner 90 inant as usual for Celtic
rout Swansea City 4-0 on when Shinji Okazaki struck goal, swinging in a corner happy man on Sunday. seconds after the break. and Aaron Mooy enjoying
Saturday and ensure their early and Harry Maguire early in the second half for “I think the team is con- The home side, revel- a terrific start to life in the
highest-scoring start to a netted a header from a cor- Maguire to head home his fident and in both matches ling once again in being Premier League with Hud-
season for 110 years. ner as Leicester City beat first goal for the Foxes. winning 1-0 at halftime, we Arsenal’s bogey team, then dersfield Town.
United manager Jose Brighton 2-0 at home. Manchester United fans didn’t start the second half produced a magnificent Winger Mathew Leckie
Mourinho said he “let the Japanese international would be ill-advised to looking like we had to keep rearguard action to keep also made a stunning debut
horses run freely” at the Okazaki was on hand to ri- start dreaming about the a clean sheet to win the out the Gunners, who had for Bundesliga side Hertha
Liberty Stadium but his old fle home the rebound from title just yet but they will be match,” he said. an equaliser from Alexan- Berlin, scoring twice in a 2-0
foe Arsene Wenger was left a Riyad Mahrez shot in the heartened by another vin- Arsenal’s early-season dre Lacazette ruled out for win to celebrate the birth of
frustrated after his Arsenal first minute as the 2016 tage performance which optimism after their open- a fractional offside. his daughter last week.

Rogic on song in Celtic win

SOCCER McGregor in the shadow of lead and confidence could as he drove past Adam
fulltime. hardly be higher. Frizzell too easily in the
SOCCEROOS midfielder Brendan Rodgers had The champions dictated penalty area to set up For-
Tom Rogic turned pro- made eight changes for the tempo without creating rest whose side-footed
vider for Celtic in the Scot- the 5-0 home thrashing of any clear-cut opportuni- shot from eight yards beat
tish Premiership, setting Kilmarnock in the Scottish ties and Forrest, Rogic and MacDonald.
up both goals in a 2-0 win Cup earlier in the month Benyu all had efforts from In the 88th minute the
over Kilmarnock at Rugby and this time he opted for distance which left Kilmar- Socceroo was at it again,
Park. half a dozen. nock keeper Jamie Mac- striding forward before
Rogic, whose last- Celtic remain unbeaten Donald untroubled. slipping the ball through
minute strike to snatch a this season in all compe- There were occasional to Griffiths, it seemed, only
win against the same op- titions as they prepare to moments of panic in both for it to break for McGregor
position last campaign was jet out to Kazakhstan for penalty areas from cross- who slipped it past Mac-
voted the best of the sea- the second-leg of their es and corners but the Donald before taking the
son, beat two men and slid Champions League playoff game was drifting quietly acclaim of a huge travelling
the ball to James Forrest against Astana on Wednes- towards the break when support who are enjoying
for an easy finish before day where they will take Celtic struck. heady days at the Parkhead
GOALSCORER: Celtic’s James Forrest. Picture: PA then linking with Callum a surely unassailable 5-0 Rogic was the provider club.
28 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017

Townsend kicks six as Richmond thrash Fremantle St Kilda
DOCKERS V TIGERS count 18-6 in the open-
ing term as the home side
goals, while Jack Riewoldt
(four goals), Kane Lambert
If they lose, they could
drop to as low as sixth.
The capitulation was
more disappointing for
make light
RICHMOND are just one
win away from secur-
opened up a four-point lead.
But Richmond blew the
(three), Dustin Martin (36
disposals, two goals) and
Sunday’s win was Rich-
mond’s biggest ever over
Fremantle given it was their
final ever match at Subiaco
work of
ing a top-four berth after game wide open with an Shaun Grigg (36 touches) Fremantle, eclipsing their
thrashing Fremantle by 104
points in Sunday’s record-
eight-goals-to-nil second
term to set up the 25.5 (155)
also had big games.
Richmond (14-7) are in
90-point victory over the
Dockers at the MCG in 1998.
Oval ahead of next year’s
move to Perth Stadium.
The one bright spot to
the Roos
breaking clash at Domain to 7.9 (51) victory in front of fourth spot, and they will The result was also the come out of the game for SAINTS V KANGAROOS
Stadium. a crowd of 34,204. guarantee themselves a equal biggest defeat in Ross Fremantle was the success-
The Tigers looked shaky Former GWS midfielder double chance in the finals Lyon’s coaching career, fol- ful AFL return of Harley COACH Alan Richardson
early on, with Fremantle Jacob Townsend finished if they account for St Kilda lowing on from last week’s Bennell, who booted two- wants St Kilda burning over
dominating the inside-50m with a career-high six at the MCG next Sunday. 104-point loss to Sydney. first-quarter goals. summer if they miss the
finals again.
The Saints honoured

Hogan bags six as

retiring legend Nick Rie-
woldt on Sunday with a re-
sounding 49-point win over
North Melbourne at Etihad

Dees hold off Lions

The 18.19 (127) to 12.6
(78) win was Riewoldt’s last
home game and he kicked
two goals in a dominating
Saints performance.
Saints and North players
DEMONS V LIONS the 22-year-old who has formed a guard of honour
had to deal with the death as he was chaired from the
MELBOURNE are poised to of his father and a testicular field, before Riewoldt ac-
play finals for the first time cancer diagnosis this year. knowledged the fans with a
since 2006, but the De- “It’s terrific for Jesse … lap of honour.
mons made life tough for he’s had a really difficult But amid the happi-
their long-suffering fans in year but he’s had a fantas- ness, the Saints knew they
Sunday’s 13-point win over tic little period of training,” had underperformed this
Brisbane. Goodwin said. season.
A six-goal haul from Demons skipper Nathan They aimed to return
Jesse Hogan was the high- Jones (32 disposals) and to the finals this year for
light, but the last-placed Clayton Oliver (30 touch- the first time since 2011,
Lions threatened to spoil es) were also key factors in but last week’s loss to Mel-
the party when they piled the win. bourne means it is out of
on four unanswered goals It will take a disaster for their hands.
to come roaring back from the Demons not to play fi- St Kilda are 10th and
a 32-point deficit in the last nals, but Goodwin wasn’t must upset in-form Rich-
quarter. willing to look past the mond next Saturday at the
Brisbane trailed by just round-23 clash against the MCG, plus Essendon and
seven points with under Pies. West Coast must lose.
two minutes remaining, Melbourne couldn’t “It’s more than likely that
but the Demons held their shake the dogged Lions we’re not going to make it
nerve to record a 16.8 (104) over the first three quar- so that’s something that
to 14.7 (91) win in front of ters of the hotly contested will burn with us and we
30,422 fans at the MCG. match but scratched their would hope it would drive
The victory was Mel- way to a 15-point lead at the group,” Richardson
bourne’s 12th of the sea- the last break. said.
son and means it will take Goodwin’s men looked “In our journey together
a loss to Collingwood next home when they booted the we haven’t been a position
week and other results to first three goals of the final where we have been in con-
go against them for them to term, but brave Brisbane’s trol. We had that last week
miss out on a finals berth. four unanswered majors set and we lost it.”
Hogan put in a domi- up a thrilling finale. Richardson took the
nant display after missing “We did a lot of things unusual step of coach-
just two matches with a right today and gave our- ing from the interchange
broken collarbone. selves a chance to win the bench and said it was his
Demons coach Simon game,” Lions coach Chris part of fostering better
Goodwin paid tribute to Fagan said. RETURNING IN STYLE: Jesse Hogan booted six goals against Brisbane. Picture: AAP communication.


SYDNEY 5.1 7.1 11.3 13.5 (83) GWS 2.1 7.4 8.6 12.9 (81) MELBOURNE 3.3 6.6 11.8 16.8 (104)
ADELAIDE 2.2 5.5 8.10 11.14 (80) WEST COAST 3.1 6.3 8.5 9.6 (60) BRISBANE 2.3 6.3 9.5 14.7 (91)
Goals: Sydney: L Franklin 3 G Rohan 2 S Reid 2 J Kennedy J McVeigh K Jack Goals: Greater Western Sydney: T Greene 3 B Deledio 2 D Shiel J Kelly Goals: Melbourne: J Hogan 6 C Pedersen 3 J Garlett 2 A Brayshaw B Vince P W L D F A % Pts
K Tippett T Papley Z Jones. Adelaide: M McGovern 4 E Betts 2 J Jenkins J Patton L Whitfield N Wilson S Mumford T Scully. West Coast: J Kennedy 4 C Petracca J Harmes J Melksham. Brisbane Lions: D Beams 3 T Rockliff 2 ADELAIDE 21 15 5 1 2344 1676 139.9 62
M Crouch R Sloane T Lynch T Walker. M Priddis 2 D Petrie J Cripps L Partington. D Gardiner D Zorko E Hipwood H McCluggage J Allison J Barrett J Walker GWS 21 14 5 2 2022 1709 118.3 60
Best: Sydney: J Kennedy L Franklin L Parker D Hannebery S Reid J Lloyd Best: Greater Western Sydney: J Kelly N Wilson C Ward S Mumford T M Close R Bastinac.
GEELONG 21 14 6 1 2031 1759 115.5 58
J McVeigh. Adelaide: R Sloane T Lynch R Laird M Crouch M McGovern. Greene. West Coast: E Yeo J Kennedy M Priddis S Mitchell L Shuey. Best: Melbourne: J Hogan N Jones C Oliver C Pedersen J Lewis C Petracca.
Injuries: Sydney: Nil. Adelaide: D Talia (ankle). Reports: Sydney: Z Jones for Crowd: 15,751 at Spotless Stadium. Brisbane Lions: D Beams D Zorko R Bastinac R Mathieson D Rich L Taylor. RICHMOND 21 14 7 - 1870 1603 116.7 56
rough conduct on B Crouch (Adelaide) in last quarters. Adelaide: Nil. Crowd: 30,422 at MCG. PORT ADELAIDE 21 13 8 - 2033 1651 123.1 52
Crowd: 51,466 at Adelaide Oval. ESSENDON 4.2 6.8 8.11 12.18 (90) SYDNEY 21 13 8 - 1955 1594 122.6 52
GOLD COAST 3.1 6.1 8.1 9.3 (57) ST KILDA 4.3 8.14 14.17 18.19 (127) MELBOURNE 21 12 9 - 1952 1835 106.4 48
PORT ADEL. 2.2 5.5 8.10 14.12 (96) Goals: Essendon: C Hooker 2 J Begley 2 J Stewart 2 A McDonald-Tipungwuti NORTH MELB. 5.2 6.3 8.5 12.6 (78) ESSENDON 21 11 10 - 2028 1912 106.1 44
BULLDOGS 3.3 6.5 9.11 11.13 (79) C McKenna D Heppell D Parish J Daniher J Green. Gold Coast: B Ainsworth 3 Goals: St Kilda: J Bruce 3 J Gresham 3 T Membrey 3 N Riewoldt 2 WEST COAST 21 11 10 - 1864 1787 104.3 44
Goals: Port Adelaide: C Dixon 4 C Wingard 2 P Ryder 2 R Gray 2 J Polec O D MacPherson D Swallow J Martin J Schoenfeld M Hallahan P Wright. S Savage 2 B Acres J Billings J Sinclair J Steele M Weller. ST KILDA 21 11 10 - 1844 1864 98.9 44
Wines S Gray T Boak. Western Bulldogs: B Dale 4 L Hunter 2 T Cloke 2 J Best: Essendon: D Zaharakis B Goddard J Begley D Heppell C Hooker. Gold North Melbourne: B Brown 2 B Cunnington 2 N Hrovat 2 T Garner 2 J Simpkin WESTERN BULLDOGS 21 11 10 - 1767 1814 97.4 44
Dunkley M Suckling T Liberatore. Coast: B Ainsworth A Hall S May T McKenzie P Hanley M Rosa. J Ziebell S Gibson T Goldstein. HAWTHORN 21 9 11 1 1765 1965 89.8 38
Best: Port Adelaide: P Ryder T Boak C Dixon J Polec O Wines B Ebert. Crowd: 16,817 at Metricon Stadium Best: St Kilda: J Steven S Ross J Billings L Dunstan J Steele J Newnes. COLLINGWOOD 21 8 12 1 1845 1880 98.1 34
Western Bulldogs: J Macrae B Dale J Johannissen C Daniel T McLean. North Melbourne: S Higgins B Cunnington L McDonald T Goldstein.
Injuries: Port Adelaide: D Houston (shoulder) R Gray (corked thigh). Western CARLTON 4.4 6.4 10.4 12.5 (77) Reports: St Kilda: J Carlisle at quarter time for striking L McDonald,
FREMANTLE 21 8 13 - 1515 2053 73.8 32
CARLTON 21 6 15 - 1537 1900 80.9 24
Bulldogs: J Stringer (hamstring). Reports: Nil. HAWTHORN 1.1 5.7 8.8 10.10 (70) J Carlisle at quarter time for striking D Mountford.
GOLD COAST 21 6 15 - 1736 2176 79.8 24
Crowd: 29,126 at Etihad Stadium.
GEELONG 2.2 6.5 8.6 10.10 (70) Goals: Carlton: J Lamb 2 J Pickett 2 L Casboult 2 B Gibbs C Curnow D
NORTH MELBOURNE 21 5 16 - 1853 2185 84.8 20
COLLINGWOOD 6.1 7.2 9.4 9.5 (59)
Thomas M Kreuzer M Wright Z Fisher. Hawthorn: P Puopolo 2 B McEvoy I
Smith J Roughead L Breust R Burton S Burgoyne T Duryea W Langford.
RICHMOND 3.0 11.2 18.5 25.5 (155) BRISBANE LIONS 21 5 16 - 1798 2396 75.0 20
Goals: Geelong: J Murdoch 2 P Dangerfield 2 S Menagola 2 H Taylor J Bews Best: Carlton: S Docherty J Pickett M Murphy L Jones M Kreuzer FREMANTLE 3.4 3.5 5.8 7.9 (51) NEXT WEEK
J Parsons W Buzza. Collingwood: M Cox 2 T Broomhead 2 W Hoskin-Elliott 2 B Boekhorst J Lamb. Hawthorn: T Mitchell S Burgoyne R Burton J Gunston Goals: Richmond: J Townsend 6 J Riewoldt 4 D Butler 3 K Lambert 3 Friday: Hawthorn v Western Bulldogs (Etihad Stadium). Saturday: Collingwood v
D Moore J Blair S Sidebottom. B McEvoy. D Martin 2 A Rance B Houli D Rioli J Graham K McIntosh S Edwards T Melbourne (MCG); Brisbane Lions v North Melbourne (G); Sydney v Carlton (SCG);
Best: Geelong: P Dangerfield M Duncan S Menagola C Guthrie Z Tuohy S Injuries: Carlton: B Smedts (head). Hawthorn: L Shiels (corked hip) replaced Nankervis. Fremantle: H Bennell 2 H Crozier 2 H Ballantyne J Deluca N Fyfe. Geelong v GWS Giants (Suncorp Stadium); Port Adelaide v Gold Coast (Adelaide Oval).
Selwood. Collingwood: T Adams J Crisp A Treloar M Scharenberg D Moore. in selected side by C Glass. Best: Fremantle: Fyfe, Hamling, S.Hill, Mundy. Richmond: Martin, Grigg, Sunday: Essendon v Fremantle (Etihad Stadium); Richmond v St Kilda (MCG); West
Injuries: Geelong: Nil. Collingwood: T Adams (eye). Crowd: 47,889 at MCG. Crowd: 35,799 at Etihad Stadium. Townsend, Ellis, Lambert, Houli. Coast v Adelaide (Domain Stadium). Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 29


Burgoyne and Simpson keen to play on Solomon

VETERANS Simpson is confident all
to teach
DECORATED veterans
signs point to him being
offered a new deal by the
Suns ugly
Shaun Burgoyne and Kade
Simpson are unlikely to join
the cavalcade of stars retir-
“I think my manager ac-
tually caught up with (Carl-
ing at the end of the season. ton list manager Stephen SUNS
Burgoyne, a three-time Silvagni) this week, so I’m
Hawthorn premiership sure it’ll take place,” Simp- HE may be in charge for
player, and Simpson, a vet- son told the Nine Network’s only one more game, but
eran of 285 games for Carl- Sunday Footy Show. interim Gold Coast coach
ton, have both flagged their “(We’ll) probably wait Dean Solomon is intent on
interest in extending their until the end of the year, teaching the Suns the art of
careers. but fingers crossed.” playing ugly while he is in
“Nothing has been put Western Bulldogs coach charge.
in concrete just yet, but I’m Luke Beveridge has also The long-time Suns as-
pretty positive about play- given strong indications sistant is adamant that is
ing next year,” Burgoyne that veteran Dale Morris, the path to success, point-
told Channel Seven. 34, will play on next year. ing to Sydney’s success
“I just have to sit down The game is set to lose when explaining his meth-
and talk to the club … obvi- some of the most decorat- od after Saturday’s 33-point
ously there’s a lot of things ed players to grace the field loss to Essendon.
that go on once the last at the end of the season. Gold Coast at times
game is played. The group includes dropped an extra two men
“(But) I’m fairly confi- Hawthorn pair Luke Hodge into defence at Metri-
dent that I can play next and Josh Gibson, Bulldogs con Stadium in an effort
year if the club allows me to duo Bob Murphy and Mat- to starve the Bombers of
do that.” thew Boyd, St Kilda’s Nick points.
Burgoyne will be 35 at Riewoldt, Essendon’s Jobe And it worked to a de-
the start of next season and Watson, West Coast’s Sam gree, the visitors leading
Simpson will turn 34 in May Mitchell and Matt Priddis by just 10 at the final break
next year, but both have en- and Greater Western Syd- before adding four goals
joyed stellar seasons. ney’s Steve Johnson. NOT DONE YET: Hawthorn’s Shaun Burgoyne wants to play in 2018. Picture: AAP in the final term when
the Suns opted to send
men forward and hunt

Giants excited by
a win.
It was Solomon’s second
game in charge since the
axing of Rodney Eade, with
the position up for grabs

Geelong challenge
next season.
But it was a clear shift in
approach that the interim
coach hopes sticks beyond
this season.
“We’re showing right
GIANTS themselves a home game a club-record 43 dispos- well there,” he said. “They Kelly returned to the now we’ve got a lot of work
in week one of the finals. als in the Giants’ 12.9 (81)- deserve to be in the top field shortly after he was to do to become a finals
QUALIFYING final hosting GWS could yet snatch 9.6 (60) win over over West four, like we deserve to be cleaned up in the final- side, but with that type of
rights will be up for grabs the minor premiership if Coast. in the top four. quarter marking contest, game plan it shows you
in Geelong with Greater Adelaide slip up against “It’s going to be a real “There’s a lot hanging on indicating after the game can hang in and be within
Western Sydney young West Coast. competitive one and we’re the game. It’s a great oppor- he was feeling fine. 10 points at three-quarter
gun Josh Kelly calling it A Geelong victory looking forward to it.” tunity for us to represent Cameron suggested time, and play ugly footy,”
the perfect preparation for would almost certainly en- In terms of the regular our footy club in the right the in-demand midfielder he said.
September. sure both sides return to season, GWS coach Leon manner.” should be right to face the “I’m not sure this footy
Saturday’s meeting be- Simonds Stadium for a far Cameron suggested it “can’t Kelly, who continued to Cats. club has played ugly footy
tween the Cats and Giants more meaningful rematch get any bigger”. increase his value as clubs “He seems OK,” Cam- over our journey.
is the clear highlight of the a fortnight later. “They’re a terrific team. swarm with lucrative of- eron said. “Clearly we saw a shift
final round of the regular “A huge challenge. Lead- We know what we’re go- fers, was sporting a cut “But we’ll keep monitor- tonight … it was a bit of
season. ing into finals, it’s probably ing to get at their home above his eye after a nasty ing him during the week growth tonight, but we’re
The winner will finish the perfect game for us,” ground, it’ll be a packed collision with Eagles key because he obviously got still not happy with the
in the top two, securing Kelly said after collecting house and they play really forward Josh Kennedy. hit on the head.” result.”

Dons not worried about numbers

BOMBERS their for-and-against even regardless of the ladder,” it in your half and eventu-
higher, wasteful in front of the coach said. ally the goals come.”
A DOMINANT final-round goal with 18 behinds. Worsfold said he would Josh Begley made the
win against Fremantle in A big win against the have liked “a couple more most of his debut, nullify-
Melbourne should see Dockers should see the goals” against the Suns, but ing the absence of small
Essendon finish the season Bombers play finals, given was satisfied with the out- forward Orazio Fantasia
inside the top eight, but they have the best percent- come given the Suns’ new in a sparkling opening
coach John Worsfold says age of the four teams on 44 penchant for stacking the term.
percentages won’t be spo- points. defence and clogging the The 19-year-old kicked
ken about this week. But Worsfold said he avenue to goal. two goals and set up two
The Bombers took care wouldn’t be crunching the “The idea was to keep more in a brilliant quarter.
of Gold Coast on Saturday numbers this week ahead the pressure on, keep “Essendon fans have
night at Metricon Stadium, of the crucial Etihad Sta- pushing forward and we known about him, he’s
a 33-point win moving dium clash. believed that would win us been in really good form in
them to seventh on the lad- “We don’t say to our- the game,” the Essendon the VFL,” Worsfold said.
der. selves that we need to take coach said. “It was an excellent start
But Worsfold’s side our chances, because we “If you set up well, it for what’s hopefully a nice
SLIDING MARK: David Zaharakis. Picture: AAP missed a chance to push need to take our chances means you’re going to lock long career for him.”
30 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017

Whincup surges to claim wins record in Sydney Lynagh
SUPERCARS Park, lifted him above
greatest, there’s no doubt
about that,” Lowndes said.
Whincup’s success at
Eastern Creek also put him
me, he will be around for
another 10 years at least,”
CRAIG Lowndes has hailed
Jamie Whincup as the
The Red Bull Holden
driver now has the record
“It’s hard to say he’s the
greatest of all time as dif-
in the mix for a seventh
title, moving to within
he said.
“The numbers don’t
greatest Supercars driver for most championships, ferent eras have different 12 points of series leader
of the current era after his
long-term rival claimed his
pole positions and race
wins after 13 dominant
“It was just a matter of
Scott McLaughlin.
In keeping with his per-
mean a huge amount right
now … I’m still in the heat
of the battle, it’s all still
record for most race wins in seasons. time before he beat it. He’s sonality, Whincup refused happening. RUGBY
the sport. So does that make Whin- a great, determined driver to get caught up by the his- “I’m sure they’ll mean a
Whincup’s 106th series cup the greatest driver of all and for as long as he puts tory of the moment. lot when I hang the helmet AUSTRALIAN rugby legend
win, achieved on Sun- time? his backside in a race car “The only problem is up and move on to some- Michael Lynagh has sav-
day at Sydney Motorsport “Of this era, he’s the he’ll win races.” Lowndsey will out-drive thing else.” aged the Wallabies’ “school-
boy” skills and revealed
how his offers to help have

Rewards aplenty for

fallen on deaf ears.
Commentating on Sat-
urday night’s Bledisloe Cup
opener for Sky Sports in
Britain, Lynagh pulled no

Kyrgios in Cincinnati
punches after the Wallabies
slumped to a humiliating
54-34 loss at Sydney’s ANZ
“I can’t overestimate
how angry I am at seeing an
TENNIS No.1 Rafael Nadal – left Kyr- Australian team who have
gios poised to soar to 10th skills that are non-exist-
NICK Kyrgios will play for in the ATP Race to London. ent,” Australia’s 1991 World
the biggest trophy of his The Canberran is also Cup-winning five-eighth
career – and potentially so guaranteed to climb to 18th said.
much more – after surging in the rankings – at least – “Passing and catching
into his maiden Masters just in the nick of time for and making tackles and
1000 final in Cincinnati. the last grand slam of the trusting the bloke beside
Kyrgios secured a pre- season in New York. you are pretty basic even at
cious top-16 seeding for With defending cham- schoolboy level.
the US Open starting on pion Stan Wawrinka and “Australia had a month
Monday week with his grit- world No.5 Novak Djokovic together to try and create
ty 7-6 (7-3) 7-6 (7-4) semi- already confirmed scratch- stuff … and they come up
final victory over Spanish ings, the rankings rise en- with that in the first half.
veteran David Ferrer. sures Kyrgios a top-16 seed- Very, very disappointing.”
After a horror four ing at Flushing Meadows. Lynagh was later asked
months, the enigmatic Aus- As such, Kyrgios is guar- on Twitter why, as such a
tralian was suddenly a win anteed to avoid running key player during one of
over Grigor Dimitrov away into a higher-ranked rival the golden eras of Aus-
from vaulting into conten- until at least the fourth tralian rugby, he hadn’t
tion for a spot in the eight- round. been used as a talent
man World Tour Finals for Success against Dim- scout.
the first time. itrov in the first showdown “Have offered. But never
Hip and shoulder inju- between first-time Mas- asked to do so,” he replied.
ries had restricted Kyrgios ters 1000 finalists since The Wallabies trailed
to just five wins since April, 2002 would rocket Kyrgios by 48 points after 48 min-
but the 22-year-old’s daz- to a career-high ranking utes before winning the
zling turnaround in Cin- of No.12 and earn him his last half-hour 28-0 at ANZ
cinnati has mirrored the fourth ATP title after wins Stadium.
blazing form he showed on in Tokyo, Atlanta and Mar- But, in an ominous
American hard courts ear- seille last year. warning for the Wallabies
lier in the season. “Obviously, I’m excited, ahead of next Saturday’s
Inspired runs to three but it’s just another tennis return bout in Dunedin, All
semi-finals and a quarter- match to me,” Kyrgios said. Blacks coach Steve Hans-
final in successive events in “I’ll just go out and serve en said: “We got seduced
March and April and now and whatever happens, by the scoreboard” and
his win over Ferrer – a day happens. It’ll be a tough “buttoned off mentally in
after conquering new world match.” RED-HOT: Nick Kyrgios during his semi-final win in Cincinnati. Picture: AAP second half”.

SOUTH Australian Norris, who turned AUSTRALIA have TheTall Blacks bounced SIMONA Halep is again No.1 Karolina Pliskova 6-3
journeyman Jason Norris professional in 1996, said trounced New Zealand back from a 31-10 deficit one win away from 6-2.
has scored the biggest he was on the verge of 106-79 in their Asia Cup after the first quarter to delivering Australian Halep can displace
win of his golf career, retirement two years ago basketball semi-final to trail 46-33 at the main coach Darren Cahill his Karolina Pliskova atop
claiming a four-shot but decided to persist in advance to the decider. break. third tennis world No.1 the rankings if she beats
victory in the Australasian the hope of winning a The Boomers kept However, they couldn’t after cruising into the Muguruza on Sunday.
Tour’s $1.5 million Fiji significant tournament. their unbeaten record halt an Australian offence final of the Cincinnati If she does, she will
International. “It’s taken me 21 years intact after a blistering which featured five Open. become Cahill’s s third
The 44-year-old posted to have a win like this,” start which saw them players who scored in Romanian Halep charge to do so, after
a final round of five-under Norris said. 22-2 ahead, from which double figures. crushed American Sloane Lleyton Hewitt and Andre
67 at Natadola Bay on “I think it was just point they were never The Boomers shot Stephens 6-2 6-1 in her Agassi.
Sunday for a 14-under our week. Everything threatened. 55 per cent from the field semi-final and will face At 20, Hewitt became
total 274 to secure just aligned, putts Andrej Lemanis’ side for the game including Wimbledon champion the youngest men’s
European and Asian dropped, some good will face three-time 9-of-18 from three-point Garbine Muguruza in year-end No.1 in history
tour cards as well as the shots came and it was champions Iran in the range while tallying 29 the title decider after in 2001 under the South
$250,000 winner’s cheque. amazing.” final on Monday morning. assists on 40 field goals. Muguruza trounced world Australian. Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 31


City's Shaun Romein

scored on his return from

fight out
2-2 draw
BALLARAT City came away
from Epping Stadium with
a point after a 2-2 draw with
Melbourne Victory in its Na- WELL, WELL, WELL: Wells gets over the last jump ahead of Over The Yardarm in the Grand National Steeplechase in Ballarat. Pictures: Luka Kauzlaric
tional Premier League two
west clash.
In what was a free-flowing
opening half, all four goals
were scored in the first pe-
riod before things tightened
Wells joins immortals
up in the second half.
Victory scored from its RACING then appeared to hit the lead, earnings (flat and jumps) to
first foray forward, finding BY DAVID BREHAUT but was run down again in a $1,097,322.
the back of the net after driving finish. This also gives Wells three
four minutes. Josh De Voo-
gel drew a penalty, Shaun
WELLS joined Australian
racing’s jumping immortals
While Bashboy was a 12yo
when he took out his third
The most feature steeplechases wins
in a row, having also taken
Romein converting from by claiming a third Grand Na- Grand National Steeple at exhilarating out the Mosstrooper at Ben-
the spot. Nelson Salvatore tional Steeplechase, 4500m, Sportsbet-Ballarat in 2015, experience on a digo and Crisp, at Sandown,
then put City in front for a in Ballarat on Sunday. Wells is an 11yo and has had where he also edged out
2-1 lead within 15 minutes. He emulated Bashboy as to overcome a career-threat- racecourse of my Over The Yardarm.
Melbourne equalised shortly a three-time winner of the ening injury to become one life." In another classic finish,
after, which proved the fi- $350,000 classic. of the greats over the fences. the Warrnambool-trained
nal score. Carrying the colours made Trained by Kathryn owner Sandy McGregor Two Hats ($5) shaded the
Coach Danny Gnjidic famous by Prince of Pen- Durden at Geelong, Wells Darren Weir-trained Cheq-
said his group just strug- zance in his 2015 Melbourne beat Bashboy in 2014, but of Penzance was going to win uered Flag ($1.45 favourite)
gled to finish off some of its Cup victory, Wells ($4) had missed the next year with a long way from the post. in the $125,000 E-Cycle Solu-
good work. to dig deep into his reserves injury before again saluting “He (Wells) wasn’t going tions JJ Houlahan Hurdle,
“Our boys were disap- to hold off the Darren Weir- last year. to win until the last 50 yards.” 3200m. Former Ballarat Cup
pointed not to have won, we trained Over The Yardarm Principal owner Sandy McGregor said Wells had a winner Mujadale led before
saw it as two points dropped ($3.40) the smallest of mar- McGregor, who had three great will to win. finishing third.
rather than a point gained,” gins. South Australian visitor runners in the event, de- “He’s a wonderful horse. It was a change in fortune
Gnjidic said. Bold Zamour ($18) was a scribed the win as his most It’s a fantastic day.” for the Aaron Purcell-trained
“We were able to get in brave third. exhilarating experience on a Wells, who was ridden Two Hats, which has finished
behind them on a number Richard Cully aboard Wells Over The Yardarm was racecourse of his life. by Richard Cully, has now second in the Dreschler and
of occasions, but just lacked on a special day for the slightly inconvenienced by He said in the 2015 Mel- won eight of 16 jumps starts Grand National Hurdles in
that final part of it.” veteran jumper. Wells at the last jump and bourne Cup he knew Prince and takes his total career his previous two runs.

Vikings suffer costly loss, drop top spot

ALTONA 3 DEF the ball in, an Altona clear- the game on its real-
SEBASTOPOL 2 ance was hit flush, so flush it ly rallied them and changed
SEBASTOPOL Vikings suf- cleared the keeper and sailed the whole complexion of
fered an unexpected and through from 50 metres. the game.”
costly loss to Altona North Smith said it was disap- Smith said it was crucial
in its FFV state league four pointing to drop top spot the side move on and focus
west campaign. after holding it for 10 rounds. on taking six points away
The Vikings went down “To lose top spot with from the final two rounds
3-2 while promotion rival two games to go is a blow,” to give it every chance of re-
Point Cook won, meaning Smith said. claiming top spot.
it leapfrogs Sebastopol to “I thought the playing “The game is gone, we
the top of the table with two group played ok, (but) I need to look towards the next
rounds remaining. thought we were slightly flat two games and make sure we
Coach Corey Smith said a in areas. bounce back.
“freak” goal, which leveled “Anything can happen in a “Every time we’ve been
the scores at 1-1, gave the op- football match, but we have tested this year we’ve risen
position a huge boost which enough quality in our side to to the test...with two games
changed the momentum. finish the game off earlier. to go, the onus is on us to go SLIP UP: Sebastopol Vikings dropped top spot after its 3-2 loss to Altona North on
After Vikings’ goalie kicked “It (the ‘freak’ goal) turned and get six points.” Saturday. Pictured is Scott Berg.
32 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017


bid gone
in final
Shattered Roosters
relinquish lead late
COBURG 16.9 (105) D to be in a winning position,
NTH BALL 14.9 (93) that’s why the boys are pret-
BY DANIEL SHORT ty shattered.
“They (Coburg) couldn’t
IN WHAT has been a tough of had a better first quarter
season for the Roosters, in regards to efficiency (nine
the feeling post-match in goals from 12 inside 50s).’
the rooms on Saturday was “From quarter-time, we
as dark as any this season could’ve thrown in the towel,
following a shattering loss but the boys have stuck at it
to Coburg. all year.”
North Ballarat has won The Roosters lost co-cap-
just one match this season, tain Tony Lockyer late in
as was the case for the Li- the match with concussion
ons pre-match. 24 minutes which not only took away
into the final quarter, the run off half-back, but also a
Roosters led by nine points, “wise head” from a side that
seven minutes later, it had lacks leadership.
snatched defeat from the Greig said as tough as it
jaws of victory. was to let the game slip out
Coburg kicked three late of its grasp, the group would
goals, including one on the go to school on the final 10
siren, to post a 16.9 (105) to minutes and continue to
14.9 (93) Victorian Football educate its youth on exe- CONTEST: Rebels ruckman Lloyd Meek returned to the side after notching games in the VFL for the North Ballarat
League victory. cuting its structures late in Roosters. He is pictured here competing against the Stingrays' Bailey Williams. Pictures: Dylan Burns
Despite the chaotic final close matches.
minutes, the Roosters made
an impressive fight back after
conceding nine goals in the
“We’ll go through that
Monday, it’s learning for
the boys.
Dandenong stings Rebels on rebound
opening term as Coburg took “What can we learn from DANDENONG 13.13 (91) tled very well early in the
full advantage of the breeze. it? We should’ve won the D GWV 5.14 (44) third quarter… but when we
Given the the character game, but what are we go- GREATER Western Victoria got the ball forward we just
shown to work its way back ing to do about it? Just little Rebels could not emulate the couldn’t score,” Rebels coach
into the game on enemy soil, things, it’s concentration and comeback heroics of their Gerard FitzGerald said.
it would have been a memo- it’s inexperience, you’ve got previous match, going down The Rebels went inside 50
rable victory in an otherwise to be in those positions to by 47 points to Dandenong two more times than the vis-
forgettable season for the learn from them.” Stingrays in TAC Cup com- itors but could not capitalise,
young Roosters – but it was Greig praised his leaders petition on Sunday. while the Stingrays were
not to be. who led the charge after Late goals from the third- damaging on the rebound.
Coach Marc Greig said quarter-time. Andrew Hoop- placed Stingrays hurt the Rebels player Elliott Lamb
it was a somber mood in er kicked five goals, Luke Kiel Rebels on their home turf in suffered a corked thigh late
the rooms. racked up 29 possessions, what was an otherwise com- in the game and did not play
“They know they should’ve the bulk of which were con- petitive first half. the final quarter.
won that game of footy,” tested. James Keeble covered Between the 20 and 25 FitzGerald said the players
Greig said. the ground well, taking 10 minute mark of the first two would continue to work hard
“To be up by nine with marks while Lachy George CRUNCH: The Stingrays' Joshua Bateman tackles Rebels' quarters, the Stingrays kicked in each quarter in the final
25 gone in the last quarter... provided the spark in the fi- Callan Wellings during Sunday's TAC Cup clash at Mars five goals without a reply. two games this season.
we’ve worked our way back nal term. Stadium, a day after the AFL match. “I thought we arm-wres- – SIOBHAN CALAFIORE

Rangers set up grand final showdown

BASKETBALL knocking out second-placed number of wins and losses. assists and a steal, and is at home this season, but Basketball Ballarat is ex-
BALLARAT Miners are set Hobart Chargers 105-98 in When the teams previously likely to again be one to stop will be without the club’s pecting the game to be a sell
to play their biggest game in an elimination final in Ho- met at the Mars Minerdome after dominating in the Min- most valuable player award out with more than 600 tick-
more than a decade when bart on Friday night. in July, the Ballarat GMHBA ers’ first final against Hobart. winner Craig Moller, who ets already sold.
they meet Dandenong Rang- Garrett Johnson, Lucas Miners came away with a The match marked the is representing Australia at If the Miners win, the team
ers in a South East Australian Barker and Tim Lang each 13-point victory after leading second time the Miners had the World University Games will advance to the SEABL
Basketball League home scored 19 points to get the at every break and dominat- triumphed over the Rangers, in Taiwan. championship game and
court conference final. Rangers across the line. ing the aerial contest. with a 16-point win earlier in However, the Miners will play the winner of the east
The Rangers secured their While Dandenong fin- Import Marvin King-Davis the season in Dandenong. be fresh from a week off after conference final, which is
spot in Saturday night’s ished the season in third, it was best on court with 33 Ballarat boasts an impres- securing their spot in the fi- between Nunawading and
blockbuster game after was equal with Ballarat on points, nine rebounds, four sive 12 wins, one loss record nal last weekend. Mt Gambier. Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 33


Towners, Lakies claim

preliminary final spot

North Ballarat City's Stacey DUNNSTOWN and Lear-

McCartin in action this month have secured their
season. spots in the Central High-
lands Netball League’s A

North grade preliminary finals after

hard-fought victories over
the weekend.
closes in The Towners prevailed
over Beaufort by six goals

on the
in Bungaree on Saturday to
continue their undefeated
run for the season. Maddison Peterkin

top four When the sides previously

met in May, Dunnstown got
over the line by just one goal
ahead of the next final.
“We can see that through
BFNL after a gutsy last quarter. The that hard work you have
NORTH Ballarat City's five- fourth-placed Beaufort again success and I think that go-
goal win over East Point provided a tough battle. ing forward we just need to
was set-up by a brilliant In the second qualifying ensure, like everyone does,
second term which swung final on Sunday, Learmonth that you just continue on
the Ballarat Netball League A advanced after a nail-bit- with those processes and
grade game. ing three goal victory over you continue to make them
North scored 20 goals to Springbank on home court. better,” she said.
nine to take a seven-goal The stakes were higher Centre Kathryn O’Dwyer
half-time lead and held on in the elimination finals, played a terrific game, but
for victory in a tight sec- with Bungaree knocking out Douglas said it was a team
ond half. eighth-placed Waubra with a effort across the board.
The victory sees North 14-point win at Dunnstown In the second elimination
Ballarat City draw level on on Saturday. final on Sunday, Buninyong
points with fourth-placed Bungaree coach Prue ended Ballan’s season with a
East, just 0.46 off it in per- Douglas said it was a tight nine goal win at Waubra.
centage. first half, but in the third WEEK 2 FINALS
The BNL top six is final- quarter her players man- SATURDAY
ised, and has been for some- aged to make their mark on LEARMONTH
time, with Sunbury 16 points the game and started to run SEMI FINAL
clear on top of the ladder and away with it. UNDER-13: Waubra v Bungaree
sixth-placed Lake Wendou- Some of the key focuses UNDER-15: Bungaree v Newlyn
ree 14 clear of seventh – but heading into the game were UNDER-17: Learmonth v
the five sides in between persistence in defence, Creswick
will have a fierce battle for patience going into attack C-GRADE: Springbank v Hepburn
finals position. and taking the right options B-GRADE: Creswick v Clunes
Only six points seperates rather than rushing things, A-GRADE: Beaufort v Bungaree
second and fifth, under- which, Douglas said, the SUNDAY
lining the closeness of the players managed to pull off. DAYLESFORD
top bracket. “The win is always great, SEMI FINAL
In other matches, Se- but the fact that they actually UNDER-13: Dunnstown v Newlyn
bastopol overran Bacchus implemented what we were UNDER-15: Hepburn v Dunns-
Marsh to win by seven goals hoping to get going in our town
after trailing at three-quar- game was very pleasing,” UNDER-17: Buninyong v Clunes
ter-time. Ballarat defeated she said. C-GRADE: Buninyong v Newlyn
Darley by 10 goals while Mel- Douglas said the win B-GRADE: Springbank v Newlyn
ton edged out Melton South RISING UP: Dunnstown's Elenoa Costello takes to the air to defend against Rebecca would instill some more con- A-GRADE: Springbank v
32-23. Lofts from Beaufort in a qualifying final at Bungaree on Saturday. Pictures: Kate Healy fidence in the young group Buninyong

34, 102.70; Melton 16, 54.89; North Ballarat City 14, 57.20; C GRADE, Qualifying final: Bungaree 35 d Springbank 27; LADDER: Trentham 60, 189.11; Lexton 56, 174.80; Harcourt
NETBALL Sebastopol 8, 44.16. Learmonth 52 d Buninyong 21. Elimination final: Hepburn 46 d 50, 141.19; Navarre 46, 131.88; Avoca 46, 122.51; Natte
BALLARAT D GRADE: Bacchus Marsh 52 d Sebastopol 33; Darley 29 d Rokewood 34; Newlyn 39 d Waubra 27 Bealiba 42, 131.21; Dunolly 34, 93.49; Carisbrook 30, 111.42;
Ballarat 28; East Point 45 d North Ballarat City 30; Melton 32 17/UNDER, Qualifying final; Hepburn 48 d Learmonth 27; Maryborough Rovers 28, 113.29; Royal Park 20, 67.50; Maldon
19/08/2017 Bungaree 33 d Buninyong 13. Elimination final: Creswick 47 d 16, 74.45; Newstead 12, 63.25; Campbells Creek 8, 59.52;
drew with Melton South 32
A GRADE: Sebastopol 49 d Bacchus Marsh 42; Ballarat 41 d Gordon 22; Clunes 31 d Newlyn 25 Talbot 0, 37.54.
LADDER: Lake Wendouree 66, 168.72; Bacchus Marsh 56,
Darley 31; North Ballarat City 55 d East Point 50; Melton 32 d 15/UNDER, Qualifying final: Learmonth 31 d Bungaree 21; C GRADE: Lexton 41 d Harcourt 38; Dunolly 24 d Maldon 23;
Melton South 23 141.13; Sunbury 56, 139.47; East Point 54, 132.24; Melton Maryborough Rovers 28 d Royal Park 24; Natte Bealiba 43 d
Buninyong 42 d Hepburn 31. Elimination final: Newlyn 28 d
LADDER: Sunbury 66, 163.86; Redan 50, 147.05; Sebastopol South 44, 113.94; Redan 32, 105.50; Melton 32, 78.72; Darley Springbank 16; Dunnstown 33 d Ballan 21 Newstead 23; Navarre 43 d Avoca 32; Campbells Creek 37 d
50, 109.65; East Point 48, 123.55; North Ballarat City 48, 24, 61.33; Ballarat 22, 87.22; North Ballarat City 18, 67.65; 13/UNDER, Qualifying final: Buninyong 35 d Waubra 13; Talbot 17; Trentham 39 d Carisbrook 31
123.09; Lake Wendouree 44, 104.99; Bacchus Marsh 30, 91.08; Sebastopol 12, 65.30. Hepburn 19 d Dunnstown 15. Elimination final: Bungaree 18 d LADDER: Harcourt 58, 185.14; Trentham 56, 182.26; Avoca
Ballarat 24, 84.40; Melton South 24, 73.74; Darley 20, 75.57; 19/UNDER: Bacchus Marsh 57 d Sebastopol 18; Ballarat 50 d Smythesdale 16; Newlyn 25 d Creswick 14 52, 165.91; Navarre 52, 140.47; Natte Bealiba 46, 133.64;
Melton 12, 49.60. Darley 27; North Ballarat City 40 d East Point 24; Melton South Lexton 44, 151.40; Carisbrook 32, 116.70; Dunolly 28, 81.34;
B GRADE: Bacchus Marsh 36 d Sebastopol 31; Ballarat 47 d 31 d Melton 30 MARYBOROUGH CASTLEMAINE Maryborough Rovers 28, 81.24; Campbells Creek 20, 72.73;
A GRADE: Lexton 44 d Harcourt 41; Dunolly 51 d Maldon 46; Royal Park 16, 69.91; Newstead 10, 61.54; Talbot 4, 26.97;
Darley 23; East Point 55 d North Ballarat City 49; Melton South LADDER: Redan 64, 225.32; Ballarat 64, 178.51; Melton
Maryborough Rovers 58 f Royal Park 27; Natte Bealiba 59 d Maldon 2, 56.49.
52 d Melton 45 South 52, 136.06; North Ballarat City 52, 131.68; Melton 44, Newstead 24; Navarre 49 d Avoca 46; Campbells Creek 44 d 17/UNDER: Harcourt 39 d Lexton 20; Dunolly 31 d Maldon 13;
LADDER: Sunbury 68, 163.42; Lake Wendouree 60, 195.26; East 120.15; Bacchus Marsh 40, 115.99; Darley 28, 80.69; Lake Talbot 27; Trentham 58 d Carisbrook 42 Maryborough Rovers 54 d Royal Park 3; Natte Bealiba 22 d
Point 52, 135.92; Ballarat 44, 128.44; North Ballarat City 44, Wendouree 26, 95.03; Sunbury 20, 59.45; East Point 18, 59.03; LADDER: Trentham 64, 156.03; Maryborough Rovers 48, 125.91; Newstead 18; Navarre 39 d Avoca 15; Talbot 39 d Campbells
114.41; Redan 40, 114.31; Melton South 36, 94.85; Bacchus Sebastopol 8, 30.47. Lexton 44, 131.60; Harcourt 44, 125.89; Avoca 44, 121.44; Creek 27; Trentham 41 d Carisbrook 20
Marsh 28, 74.82; Darley 24, 63.29; Sebastopol 12, 56.16; Carisbrook 42, 119.13; Natte Bealiba 36, 129.48; Navarre LADDER: Trentham 64, 210.89; Maryborough Rovers 60,
Melton 8, 44.93. CENTRAL HIGHLANDS 36, 108.65; Maldon 32, 105.47; Dunolly 30, 106.41; Royal 238.97; Harcourt 50, 164.74; Navarre 44, 148.68; Lexton 42,
C GRADE: Bacchus Marsh 49 d Sebastopol 29; Ballarat 37 d A GRADE, Qualifying final: Dunnstown 53 d Beaufort 47; Park 12, 82.81; Newstead 8, 80; Campbells Creek 8, 54.48; 131.25; Talbot 40, 104.55; Dunolly 32, 108.90; Newstead 32,
Darley 31; East Point 51 d North Ballarat City 20; Melton South Learmonth 50 d Springbank 47. Elimination final: Bungaree 44 d Talbot 0, 36.70. 99.44; Natte Bealiba 30, 92.09; Avoca 26, 85.26; Maldon 12,
41 d Melton 15 Waubra 30; Buninyong 55 d Ballan 46 B GRADE: Lexton 37 d Harcourt 31; Dunolly 37 d Maldon 31; 76.12; Campbells Creek 8, 74.17; Carisbrook 8, 47.42; Royal
LADDER: Sunbury 60, 141.08; Ballarat 52, 145.91; Lake B GRADE, Qualifying final: Learmonth 38 d Creswick 26; Maryborough 44 d Royal Park 19; Natte Bealiba 51 d Newstead Park 0, 20.94.
Wendouree 44, 137.43; Redan 44, 133.41; Bacchus Marsh 44, Bungaree 42 d Springbank 32. Elimination final: Clunes 38 d 22; Navarre 35 d Avoca 24; Campbells Creek 34 d Talbot 27; • Results of 15/under and 13/under along with Mininera and
110.66; East Point 36, 127.90; Melton South 36, 111.75; Darley Buninyong 27; Newlyn 36 d Dunnstown 31 Trentham 41 d Carisbrook 20 District will run in The Courier this week.
34 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017


East Point passes test

in battle for final spot
EAST POINT 17.8 (110)
NORTH CITY 14.11 (95)
Jarrah Maksymow kicked
EAST Point kept its Bal- 10 goals in a big day for
larat Football League finals Bacchus Marsh.
chances alive with a grinding
15-point win over North Bal-
larat City at the Eastern Oval
on Saturday.
With Bryson McDougall
dominant in attack with 10 smother
goals, the Kangaroos broke
away in the last term.
East Point climbs into Steven Tung
sixth position on percent-
age from Melton South,
and one game ahead of
with McDougall making the
most of his opportunities.
North Ballarat Melton with After North led by 14 B MARSH 22.28 (160)
one round to play in which points at the first break, East SEBASTOPOL 1.3 (9)
it meets second-placed Point steadied to put the JARRAH Maksymow had a
Lake Wendouree. game back on an even play- day out as Bacchus Marsh
Kangaroos coach Jake ing field – sneaking in front crushed Sebastopol by 151
Bridges embraced the by four points at half-time. points in the BFL at Mad-
winning feeling, speaking Daniel Semmens was dingley Park on Saturday.
about their ability to run out prominent in the midfield, as The Cobras were always
the game. was ruckman Paul Koderen- going to have the game large-
“Its one of the things I love ko, who got well on top. ly its own way, with it being
about this group. We focused City seemed to find an- first against last.
on how we finished games other gear in the third term However, it could hardly
and how we’d like to finish and at one point looked like have been more one-sided as
games and to their credit taking the game away. Maksymow kicked 10 goals.
I thought we did that real- With the ever durable Si- Bacchus Marsh had 50
ly well. mon McCartin and Daniel scoring shots to four, and did
“I thought the way we Jones having an impact, City not allow the Burra to score
played the ground today was gained the ascendancy and at all in the second and last
really good, as was our ability with it a 10-point lead to go term as Taylor Stewart kicked
to put pressure on the oppo- into the last quarter. the visitor’s only goals in the
sition. This was where it really third quarter.
“It doesn’t matter who you ended for North Ballarat Sebastopol has conceded
play. If you don’t put enough City though. 150 points or more in four of
pressure on you can look The Kangaroos ran the its past six games in what has
second rate,” he said. game out much the better, been tough second half of
North Ballarat City coach kicking six goals to two in the the season.
Jordyn Burke, while disap- final term. Dean Heta again starred
pointed, said the opportuni- As well as a stand-out for the Cobras, while Daniel
ty to play in a high pressure game by McDougall, Char- Burton continued to work
finals-like contest would lie Lee also prove a handful back into something like his
benefit his younger players for North. best form.
moving forward. City stuck it out, but this The Heta and Burton
City started the better with was a game East Point was combination, as they rotate
a clear understanding of just going to let go and for the between the ruck and deep
how much was riding on second time this year it took in attack, is going to have
the result. out North. a major say in the Bacchus
It did not take long though Melton now awaits North BIG MEN: Nathan Dunstan works hard in a physical battle to keep East Point veteran Marsh finals series and its
for East Point to find its feet, Ballarat City. ruckman Paul Koderenko under control. Pictures: Lachlan Bence premiership defence.


Bacchus Marsh 3.8 10.16 15.21 22.28 (160) East Point 3.1 7.1 11.5 17.8 (110) LEADING GOALKICKERS
Sebastopol 0.2 0.2 1.3 1.3 (9) North Ballarat City 5.3 6.4 12.8 14.11 (95) 52......................................................................Brendan Fevola (Melton South) 3
GOALS: Bacchus Marsh: Jarrah Maksymow 10, Billy GOALS: East Point: Bryson McDougall 10, Charlie Lee 50.................................................Jarrah Maksymow (Bacchus Marsh Inc) 10
3, Christopher Quinlan 1, Daniel Semmens 1, Steven 46..............................................................Lucas Anderson (Lake Wendouree) 0
Griffiths 2, Jethro Calma-Holt 2, Hamish Coulton 2,
Tung 1, Daniel Tung 1; North Ballarat City: Ryan Luke 45.....................................................................Bryson McDougall (East Point) 10
Alec Del Papa 1, Dean Heta 1, Declan Phyland 1, Kane
2, Mitchell Gilbert 2, Nathan Olver 2, Daniel Jones 2, 44.............................................................................Nicholas O’Farrell (Ballarat) 4
White 1, Daniel Burton 1, Tyson Shea 1; Sebastopol: 40.....................................................................Mitchell Banner (Melton South) 2
Thomas McPhan 1, Martin Curtis 1, Simon Mc Cartin 1,
Taylor Stewart 1 Tom Bromley-Lynch 1, Adam Turley 1, Harrison Loader 1 38...........................................................Braedan Kight (Melton Incorporated) 2
BEST: Bacchus Marsh: Dean Heta, Jarrah Maksymow, BEST: East Point: Bryson McDougall, Daniel Semmens, 38................................................................William Young (North Ballarat City) 0
Matt Denham, Daniel Burton, Simon Lafranchi, Hamish Paul Koderenko, Andrew Maconachie, Ryan Walsh, 35..................................................................................Benjamin Said (Sunbury) 0
Coulton; Sebastopol: Marshall Cain, Tom Petersen, Ben Jordan Payne; North Ballarat City: Oliver Nash, 33..........................................................................................Harley Inglis (Darley) 0
Hutt, Hamish Everett, Joshua Morgan Mitchell Gilbert, Daniel Jones, Jordyn Burke, Tom
Bromley-Lynch, Adam Turley LADDER
Darley 2.4 6.10 10.15 15.17 (107) TEAM P W L D B FF FOR AGST % PTS
Ballarat 2.2 3.5 5.5 7.8 (50) Melton South 4.2 7.4 12.7 13.7 (85) 1 Bacchus Ma15 13 1 1 2 0 1606 916 175.33 62
Melton 4.1 8.3 11.3 12.6 (78) 2 Lake Wendo15 13 2 0 2 0 1513 1015 149.06 60
GOALS: Darley: Dane Grenfell 4, Travis Minns 3, Mark
Hanson 2, Christopher Graham 2, Nicholas Thacker GOALS: Melton South: Nick Kommer 3, Brendan 3 Darley 15 11 4 0 2 0 1476 1033 142.88 52
Fevola 3, Jonathon Kent 2, Mitchell Banner 2, Matthew 4 Redan 15 11 4 0 2 0 1320 1012 130.43 52
2, Drew Edwards 1, Tom Evans 1; Ballarat: Nicholas
Notman 1, Josh Ficheroux 1, Sean Humphries 1; 5 Sunbury 15 8 7 0 2 0 1128 972 116.05 40
O’Farrell 4, Matthieu Brehaut 2, Sam James 1 6 East Point 15 5 8 2 2 0 1293 1392 92.89 32
Melton: Ryan Carter 3, Angus Grigg 3, Connor Griffiths
BEST: Darley: Jackson Carrick, Tom Evans, 2, Braedan Kight 2, Dillon Sharp 1, Ben Archard 1 7 Melton Sou 15 6 9 0 2 0 1291 1533 84.21 32 Paul Koderenko urges on East Point
Leigh Spiteri, Luther Baker, Travis Minns, Luke BEST: Melton South: Nick Kommer, Mark Lynch, Adam 8 North Ball 15 5 10 0 2 0 1242 1330 93.38 28
Delahey; Ballarat: Jack Sutherland, Daniel Hobbs,
teammate Ryan Walsh against North
El Houli, Lachlan Watkins, Benjamin Sortino; Melton: 9 Melton 15 5 10 0 2 0 928 1141 81.33 28
Nicholas Garner, William Garner, Daniel Kennedy, Connor Griffiths, Jack Walker, Brett McIntyre, Nathan 10 Ballarat 16 3 12 1 1 0 1144 1580 72.41 18 Ballarat City at the Eastern Oval. Picture:
Tyler Constable Wallace, Jake Gleeson, Dillon Sharp 11 Sebastopol 15 1 14 0 2 0 844 1861 45.35 12 Lachlan Bence. Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 35


down to
wire for
Panthers put end
to Melton's hopes
M SOUTH 13.7 (85) ed most.
MELTON 12.6 (78) Melton South joint coach
MELTON South has lived to Sean Triplett could not speak
fight another day with a dour highly enough about Kom-
seven-point win over arch-ri- mer’s contribution.
val Melton in the Ballarat He described the ex-Es-
Football League at MacPher- sendon player as “outstand-
son Park on Saturday. ing”.
With all the ingredients The fleet-footed Lynch
of a knockout final, the en- continually made things
counter did not fail to deliver. difficult for Melton,
The Panthers had to wait while El Houli controlled
until the closing stages be- the backline.
fore mid-season recruit Jon- Brendan Fevola also had
athon Kent kicked the goal a big presence, as he and
to keep them in the hunt for Kommer each contributed
finals and also effectively three goals.
end Melton’s season. Triplett also talked up the
The heartbreaking loss efforts of youngsters Aaron
means coach Brad Murphy Clarke, Jack Watkins and Da-
will be leaving the Bloods vid Callus from under-18.5s,
without realising his desire saying their efforts in the
to end their finals drought. back-end of the season had
GOTCHA: Young Ballarat defender Luke Wynd ties up Darley's bustling Dane Grenfell at Alfredton Oval. Pictures: Murphy said Melton provided a significant lift.
Lachlan McKenzie had every chance – kick- Connor Griffiths, Jack
ing to what should have Walker, Brett McIntyre and

Darley boots away to end Swans’ year been the scoring end in the
last quarter.
He said the Bloods had
Jake Gleeson did all they
could to get Melton over
the line.
DARLEY 15.17 (107) the last quarter – more than plenty of play, locking the Coming off a winless 2016,
BALLARAT 7.8 (50) enough in even team effort to ball in their forward line, but Melton South began the year
DARLEY produced a work- satisfy coach Heath Scotland. just could not get the goal with a “last to first” motto.
man-like performance to For Ballarat coach Shane they needed in the dying While the Panthers have
overrun Ballarat in the BFL Hutchinson, it was again a minutes to grab the lead. fallen short of this in the
at Alfredton on Saturday. case of his young outfit not Murphy acknowledged home and away season, they
The Devils did what they making enough of time with Melton South’s pressure remain in the race to play
needed to do, with its depth the ball and then being una- around the ball proved a dif- finals with one round to go.
and class too much for the ble to stop a run of goals by ference. Triplett said Melton South
Swans in their last outing of the opposition. He said you could not was up and about and be-
the season. Nick O’Farrell kicked four expect to have 19 fewer lieved it was up to giving
Ballarat threatened Darley goals for the Swas to give him clearances at stoppages and itself a chance of making to
with the first two goals of the 44 for the season, while Dane still win. top six by beating Darley.
third term to be within 12 Grenfell match that effort for For Melton South, it was It will take a massive turn-
points, but then the Devils Darley as a small forward. largely down to the cream around from last time they
opened up. Ballarat finishes 10th on rising to the top as top-end met, but the Panthers believe
They kicked four unan- the ladder with three wins, EVER-RELIABLE: Key defender Darren Leonard takes recruits with Nick Kommer, anything can happen on
swered goals and then went while. Darley is looks to keep an uncontested mark, with only Darley teammate Luke Mark Lynch and Adam El their home deck in a do-or-
on a five-goal to one run in a hold on third position. Delahey in sight. Houli shining when it count- die encounter.

Finals battle down to three for last game

THEN there were three. back into sixth position after ond-placedLakeWendouree. rely on East Point losing. In see East Point and Melton beat against a Melton with
East Point, Melton South beating North Ballarat City, The Kangaroos do have this scenario, North Ballarat South lose. nothing to play for.
and North Ballarat City with a percentage break over their fate in their own hands. City would have no say in That would be enough to There is also still a possi-
remain in the struggle for Melton South with one home Win and they hold sixth, but the outcome. see City squeeze in on per- bility of the top four of Bac-
sixth position and the last and away round to play. lose and they have to rely Darley annihilated Melton centage. chus Marsh, Lake Wendou-
berth in the Ballarat Football Although now a game on both Melton South and South by 122 points, but the Based on form and ladder ree, Darley and Redan being
League finals. adrift and eighth, North Bal- North Ballarat losing. Devils are not in that type of positions, this appears the shuffled around, with the
Melton dropped out of the larat is marginally favourite There is only one way the form and this has the poten- most likely outcome. Redan and Bacchus Marsh
race with a seven-point loss to play finals with the more Melton South can make it. tial to be a tight contest. East Point and Melton clash the key. Sunbury is fifth
to Melton South. favourable fixture. The Panthers need to beat To make it, North Ballarat South will be outsiders, while and will finish fifth.
East Point has moved East Point plays sec- third-placed Darley and also has to get over Melton and North Ballarat City the one to – DAVID BREHAUT
36 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017


GOOD EFFORT: Defender Chris Wills, who is pictured BIG MEN FLY: Beaufort's Josh McDermott and SLIDE: Beaufort forward Lachlan Murray kicked three
under pressure from Beaufort's Chris Drew, had a good Buninyong's Anthony Ebery battle in the ruck on goals to help lead the Crows to a three-point qualifying
game for Buninyong on Saturday. Saturday at Bungaree. Pictures: Kate Healy. final win over Buninyong.

Crows edge past Bombers

BEAUFORT 8.5 (53) an ankle injury.
BUNINYONG 7.8 (50) Mark Phelps and Lachlan
BY JOHN MCGREGOR Baker kicked two goals each

BEAUFORT’S dream of
It was a fantastic for the Bombers.
There were great perfor-
Central Highlands Football game of footy… mances from Buninyong,
League premiership glory played the right but those to stand out were
is well and truly alive after Chris Wills, Jack Robertson,
knocking off Buninyong on way, the way Jake Coxall, Ned Gilbert, Dan
Saturday in the first qualify- finals footy Pelchen and Alex Bomitali.
For Beaufort coach Rohan
ing final at Bungaree.
It was tight right to the last
should be." Brown, the clash was “the
quarter when the Bombers Beaufort coach Rohan way finals footy should be”.
took the momentum and al- Brown “It was a fantastic game of
most got over the line. footy… played the right way,
But in the end, Buninyong into the final stanza. the way finals footy should
was pipped by three points. Beaufort had to slug it out be. Credit to Buninyong,
It was Beaufort that got off in the first half and managed they’re a great team. There
to a flying start with Lachlan a one-point lead at quarter will be 44 pretty sore blokes
Murray scoring the first ma- time. Buninyong then lev- tonight I reckon,” Brown said.
jor for the Crows in less than elled the scores at 4.4 (28) It was a case of missed
30 seconds. apiece at the long break. chances for Buninyong
Murray followed up with The Bombers looked a coach Jarrod Morgan.
another goal in the third real chance of overhauling “We just didn’t take our
quarter and a vital one in the Crows in the last term by chances. It was a good
the last. keeping their rivals to one arm-wrestle all day. We gave
Star recruit Jarrod Mc- goal. But Buninyong wasted ourselves every chance in
Corkell was a late inclusion opportunities in front of the the last quarter. We missed
for Beaufort skipper Michael big sticks and came up short a couple of set shots, but you
Foster and his influence was at the final siren. know that happens. It was
felt on the scoreboard with Beaufort had an even always going to be close,”
two big goals. spread of talent across the he said.
The irrepressible Jack ground. Those who worked The Crows now get a week
Duke was a force to be reck- a little harder included Levi off to prepare for a prelimi-
oned with, too. Two vital Cox, Mitch Jenkins, Tom Sta- nary final showdown, while
goals from Duke in the third pleton and Lee Marshall. the Bombers are left to take
term – including one after A major casualty was on Daylesford in a knock-
the siren – swung the Crows Crows half-forward Jayden out semi-final next Satur- TEAMWORK: Beaufort players celebrate a goal during the hard-fought victory against
into a six-point lead going Orr, who will have scans on day afternoon. Buninyong on Saturday. The Crows have now booked their place in a preliminary final.

Qualifying Final 1 Qualifying Final 2
Hepburn 5.3 12.7 17.10 17.12 (114)
Beaufort 1.2 4.5 7.5 8.5 (53)
Springbank 2.4 4.4 6.4 10.7 (67)
Buninyong 1.2 4.4 6.5 7.8 (50)
GOALS: Hepburn: Mitchell Mc Kay 3, Jacob Brown 3,
GOALS: Beaufort: Lachlan Murray 3, Jack Duke 2, Jarrod Jimmy Rodgers 2, Bradley McKay 2, Thomas Godsell 2,
McCorkell 2, Zac Marrow 1; Buninyong: Mark Phelps Sean Salmon 1, Jackson Hogan 1, Steven Carman 1, Lee
2, Lachlan Baker 2, Jaymes Gorman 1, Jack Romeril 1, Cox 1, Andrew McKay 1; Springbank: Mitchell Couch
Jake Dunne 1 3, William Driscoll 3, Travis Toohey 1, Terence (Terry)
BEST: Beaufort: Jarrod McCorkell, Levi Cox, Mitchell Maher 1, Justin Simpson 1, Tyler George 1
Jenkins, Thomas Stapleton, Lachlan Murray, Lee BEST: Hepburn: Bradley McKay, Mitchell Mc Kay, Jacob
Marshall; Buninyong: Christopher Wills, Jack Robertson, Brown, Jimmy Rodgers, Alan Ware, Joseph Clarke;
Jacob Coxall, Ned Gilbert, Daniel Pelchen, Alex Bomitali Springbank: Tyler George, Brock Freeman, Samuel Cue,
Mitchell Couch, William Driscoll, Brett Maher
Elimination Final 1
Elimination Final 2
Daylesford 3.2 5.4 7.8 8.11 (59) Gordon 3.3 7.9 9.12 12.17 (89)
Waubra 1.1 4.3 5.5 7.7 (49) Bungaree 1.4 2.4 6.6 10.7 (67)
GOALS: Daylesford: William Hughes 2, Luke Carland 2, GOALS: Gordon: Ashley Munari 4, Jordan Clampit 2,
Cameron Lovig 1, Sebastian Walsh 1, Emlyn Nettleton Steven Nicholson 2, Chris McGuigan 2, Brendan Sutcliffe
1, Jack Nulty 1; Waubra: Joshua Crawford 2, Joshua 1, Tye Murphy 1; Bungaree: Luke Mirtschin 4, Jack
King 1, Jesse Sardo 1, William Booth 1, Paul Dodds 1, Walter 2, Matthew Sheridan 1, Jackson Murphy 1, Jake
Tim Boyle 1 Trevenen 1, David Benson 1
BEST: Daylesford: Sam Winnard, Joel Cowan, Cameron BEST: Gordon: Cameron Richardson, Adam Toohey,
Ralph, Zac Tisdale, Sebastian Walsh, James Evans; Ashley Munari, Mark Gunnell, Luke Gunnell, Bradley CHFL: Elimination Final - Waubra v Daylesford. Tim Mullane (Waubra) and Cameron
Waubra: William Booth, Paul Dodds, Darcy Jenkins, Hallam; Bungaree: Z. Denham, C. Morgan, M. Harrington,
Geordie Lukich, James Lukich, Thomas Nash Luke Mirtschin, David Benson, Matthew Geary Lovig (Daylesford). Picture: Kate Healy Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 37


past flat HE'S BACK: Ash Munari
kicked three goals in his

Tigers return for Gordon.

Hepburn marches end the
to preliminary final Demons’
HEPBURN 17.12 (114)
SPRINGBANK 10.7 (67)
When the Burras kicked
five goals to two in the third
BY TIM O'CONNOR term, the match was over bar GORDON 12.17 (89)
the shouting. BUNGAREE 10.7 (67)
A RAMPANT Hepburn dis- On a day when experience GORDON weathered a last-
mantled an under-strength was lacking for Springbank, half push from Bungaree to
Springbank on Sunday to stand-in coach Nick Couch run out 22-point winners in
leave the Tigers’ Central went down early with a ham- the second elimination final
Highlands Football League string injury and took no at Waubra on Sunday.
premiership defence further part in the game after Ash Munari, who returned
in tatters. quarter time. from a knee injury, had a
The Burras backed-up The likes of Billy Driscoll huge influence in the Eagle’s
their round nine success and Tyler George tried hard win and kicked four majors.
against the reigning two- to carry the Tigers, but were Great two-goal efforts from
time champions with a outnumbered by a host of Steven Nicholson, Jordan
scintillating performance in Hepburn contributors. Clampit and Chris McGui-
the second qualifying final Driscoll finished the day gan added to Gordon’s effec-
at Learmonth. with three goals, as did tive attacking play.
A preliminary final is Hep- Mitch Couch, while Brown Cam Richardson, Mick
burn’s next mission, while and Mitch McKay managed Nolan and Jack Toohey set
Springbank is left to battle the same tally for the Bur- BIG GAME: Mitch McKay was one of Hepburn's star performers on Sunday, kicking up forward thrusts and scor-
rivals Gordon in a knockout ras. Those two players were three goals in the win against Springbank. Pictures: Dylan Burns. ing opportunities.
semi next weekend. among the stars for Hepburn, Meanwhile, Caleb My-
It was a powerful first-half with Brad McKay, Andy ers was sent off to hospi-
display that set up the victo- McKay and Jimmy Rodgers tal for assessment after a
ry, with the Burras up by 51 among a stack of others to heavy knock.
points at the long break. play well for the winners. Bungaree was flat-footed
And the big margin was SEMI FINALS and awkward in the first
nothing short of what the SATURDAY (at Learmonth) half, but gathered its resolve
team deserved. UNDER-15: Gordon v Learmonth. in the final two terms to win
Despite leading by 17 UNDER-18: Springbank v the ball and finally convert.
points at the first change, Newlyn. RESERVES: Creswick v The Demons cut the 35-point
it was really in the second Beaufort. SENIORS: Buninyong v half time deficit to 24 points
term that the Burras got full Daylesford. at the last change.
reward for their dominance. SUNDAY (at Daylesford) A super three-goal effort
Jacob Brown and Jimmy UNDER-15: Hepburn v Clunes. from Luke Mirtschin in the
Rodgers led the way with two UNDER-18: Buninyong v Beau- last quarter was rousing,
goals each in that quarter fort. RESERVES: Learmonth v but too late for the Bunga-
as Hepburn put the game Daylesford. SENIORS: Spring- TACKLE: Springbank defender Matt Tyler is held up by Hepburn's Jackson Hogan on ree boys.
to bed. bank v Gordon. Sunday at Learmonth. – JOHN MCGREGOR

Elimination final pain for Roos yet again

DAYLESFORD 8.11 (59) testateverychangeandeven- forward Seb Walsh also
WAUBRA 7.7 (49) tually recorded a 10-point proving important in the end
WAUBRA has suffered a victory at Dunnstown. result. Luke Carland and Will
third-straight elimination It was the same venue Hughes led the way in attack
final exit from the Central that Daylesford had suffered with two goals each.
Highlands Football League a 48-point defeat at just a For Waubra, Will Booth
playoff series. week earlier. That result saw and Paul Dodds were named
As they did in 2015 and the Bulldogs just hang on to at the top of the standout
2016, the Roos finished fifth eighth spot thanks to a mar- performers, while Josh Craw-
on the ladder at the end of ginally superior percentage. ford was the only multiple
the home and away rounds, Daylesford’s success goal-kicker with two.
but were bundled out of the was just its second win The weekend’s upset de-
competition at the hands of since round 12 and sets feat ends the coaching ten-
an eighth-placed rival. up a semi-final showdown ure of Grant Luscombe, who
And for the second time with Buninyong. finishes his three-year stint
in as many years it was Ruckman Sam Winnard at the helm of Waubra with-
Daylesford that caused Wau- was named best for the out a finals win for all of his
CONTESTED: Daylesford's Seb Walsh looks to take a mark in front of Waubra opponent bra’s undoing. winners on Saturday, with hard work.
Dean Robertson on Saturday. Picture: Kate Healy. The Bulldogs led the con- onballer Joel Cowan and – TIM O'CONNOR
38 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017


Dixon thrilled with ‘unreal’ Mars surface

CHARLIE Dixon had a huge “It’s a short deck, but quite already had the feel of an “And they were very loud, team’s standout contribu- from the former Gold Coast
impact on the outcome wide and that sort of suits us AFL venue. like always.” tors. Suns player, who has booted
of Saturday’s clash with fairly well,” he said. “I loved every bit of it, apart Dixon kicked four goals “Getting your hands on 42 majors for the campaign.
the Western Bulldogs and “I reckon it’s one of the from the wind and the cold,” as the Power closed out the ball is always good, but Dixon has played all 21
couldn’t be more pleased best (grounds) we have Dixon said with a smile. the game best to clinch a our pressure and our mid- games so far in 2017.
with the surface that was played on this year, just “There was a lot of Dogs 17-point win in the inaugural fielders with their pressure The fifth-placed Port Ad-
served up at Mars Stadium. because everything is a bit supporters out there, but we AFL fixture for premiership (that) they put on, they give elaide will take on Dixon’s
Speaking to The Courier in chopped up at the moment also had a lot of supporters. points in Ballarat. me the chance to come at the old side next weekend in the
the Port Adelaide rooms af- with the weather.” And that’s amazing for our The powerful key forward footy the way I did,” he said. last round of the home and
ter the game, Dixon said the Dixon, like his coach Ken supporters to come and sup- had 18 disposals and took It was another top perfor- away season.
ground was “unreal”. Hinkley, said the stadium port us like they did. eight marks to be one of the mance in a strong season – TIM O'CONNOR

‘I love
Hinkley excited by
AFL's newest venue
BY TIM O'CONNOR A great little boutique sta-
dium for AFL football for
PORT Adelaide coach Ken the future.”
Hinkley has heaped praise Western Bulldogs coach
on Mars Stadium after his Luke Beveridge raved about
team scored a gutsy win in the surface provided for
Ballarat on Saturday. the inaugural AFL match
Hinkley’s boys dug deep to in Ballarat.
land a 17-point victory over “I’ve always said that
the Western Bulldogs in the Launceston is probably the
first AFL match for premier- best surface in the competi-
ship points in the city. tion. And it is. The curators
“Because I win it feels down there do a magnifi-
great, doesn’t it? I love Bal- cent job for the games, but
larat!,” Hinkley said during now I think it’s second to
the post-match press confer- this. The surface here is just
ence. superb,” Beveridge said of
“We’ve got Shanghai Mars Stadium.
as the first of our second “The City of Ballarat have
home grounds and Ballarat really embraced us. It’s a
could be our second one, I shame we couldn’t win for
don’t know. them today, but we enjoyed
“Great courage to the the experience until the fi-
Bulldogs and their club. As nal result.
we’ve done, (they’ve) taken “We’re here for the next
a game to a different spot. It four years and we need to
takes a bit of courage. I think get the ledger back on square
it’s great for the game that we first off and then make it a
take it to the regional centres place where it is difficult to
when we can and, if we can, come and play for the oppo-
like we did, take it overseas. sition.”
It can only be a positive for A crowd of 10,087 turned
the game.” out for Saturday’s game, PUMPED UP: Former North Ballarat Rebels player Jake Neade celebrates one of Port Adelaide's goals in Ballarat on
Hinkley said Mars Stadium which was played in chilly Saturday. Neade finished the day with 18 possessions. Picture: Dylan Burns.
had the feel of an AFL-quali- and windy conditions.
ty venue.
“It was on. You could tell
you were at an AFL game
Many of the supporters
that made it to the fixture
received Western Bulldogs
Neade enjoys trip to old home ground
of football, couldn’t you?,” flags, which created great JAKE Neade has a lot of fond Mars Stadium. that plenty had changed am Picken.
he said. scenes at the venue. memories of Ballarat from Neade, a North Ballarat since he last played on Roughead had a tough
“I remember this ground The build-up to the match his time at St Patrick’s College Rebels draftee, didn’t set the the ground. battle with Port Adelaide
from my time some time included a brief fireworks and in the TAC Cup program. world on fire with his perfor- “I was happy to be back big man Paddy Ryder and
back and the stands here are display before the first And the 23-year-old add- mance, but played a hand in here. I haven’t been back finished the day with 14 dis-
great. I think the City of Bal- bounce at 1.45pm. ed another highlight on the team’s success. here in nearly five years, I posals and 31 hit-outs, while
larat should take great credit. The big light towers were Saturday afternoon when his The small forward had 18 think,” Neade said. Picken started strongly, but
If they put one on the other turned on late in the game Port Adelaide side clinched disposals and made five tack- The Bulldogs’ two players only finished the day with
side of the ground, it would as some misty rain fell from a 17-point win against les in a serviceable display. with strong Ballarat ties are 19 touches.
be a nice look, wouldn’t it? the sky. the Western Bulldogs at Neade told The Courier Jordan Roughead and Li- – TIM O'CONNOR Monday August 21, 2017 THE COURIER 39


SORE: Western Bulldogs veteran Robert Murphy is HIGH: Port Adelaide's Ollie Wines catches Western HEAD TO HEAD: Bulldogs ruckman Jordan Roughead
helped from the ground after a knock to the head on Bulldogs opponent Caleb Daniel over the shoulder in a (left) and Power big man Paddy Ryder (right) had a good
Saturday. Murphy returned to the field soon after. tackle. battle on Saturday.

Bulldogs stung by Power

BY DANIEL CHERNY showing, and Robbie Gray
added his second goal of the
AS HE lay on the ground game, ensuring the Power
after a clash of heads in mid- still have much to look for-
field with Brad Ebert, there ward to still in 2017.
were fears it might have been The same cannot be said
curtains for Bob Murphy. of the Dogs. They toiled well
Defiantly he got back to his for well over three quarters
feet and played out the game. but, as has been the way for
He wasn't stretchered off the them for much of the year,
ground, but his premiership there was something miss-
dreams were over. That hole ing. Jack Macrae finished
in his heart, spoken of at his with 41 disposals, and Dale
retirement press conference showed he is an emerging
days ago, will not be filled. star, but unlike Port they
There won't be another didn't have a matchwinner
fairytale. Barring an unlikely when needed. Jake Stringer
string of results elsewhere, was sidelined in the early
the Western Bulldogs' flag minutes with a hamstring
defence is over. injury, Marcus Bontempelli
It was the AFL's newest was a non-factor, and Jason
venue, but it was an old-fash- Johannisen finished with 0.4.
ioned arm-wrestle. Port Ade- After the weekend’s other
laide fighting for a top four matches were completed,
spot, the Bulldogs, trying to the Bulldogs fell to 11th on
keep their top eight chances the ladder, percentage be-
alive. The margin was never hind three other teams on
greater than 14 points until 44 points. They take on Haw-
there were less than two thorn next Friday night.
minutes left, and the way The Power are fifth on
this game swung, they could the table and will be out to
have gone another four secure a double chance in
quarters in chilly Ballarat finals when they tackle the
and the gap might not have Gold Coast next Saturday
got any bigger. evening.
But when push came to MATCH DETAILS
shove, the Power had the an- PORT ADELAIDE 2.2 5.5 8.10 14.12
swers. Two goals down when (96)
Bulldog Bailey Dale kicked WESTERN BULLDOGS 3.3 6.5 9.11
his fourth goal just shy of 11.13 (79)
nine minutes into the final GOALS – Port Adelaide: C Dixon
term, Port could have been 4 C Wingard 2 P Ryder 2 R Gray 2
done. Yet when needed their J Polec O Wines S Gray T Boak.
stars delivered. Charlie Dix- Western Bulldogs: B Dale 4 L
on was a mountainous figure Hunter 2 T Cloke 2 J Dunkley M
in the final term, dominating Suckling T Liberatore
in the air to kick two goals, BEST – Port Adelaide: Dixon,
while Paddy Ryder blitzed Ryder, Boak, S. Gray, Ebert,
Jordan Roughead in the ruck. Wines, Polec. Western Bulldogs:
PUMPED: Port Adelaide captain Travis Boak celebrates a goal during the team's hard-fought victory against the Captain Travis Boak round- Macrae, Dale, Liberatore,
Western Bulldogs at Mars Stadium. Pictures: Dylan Burns. ed out a strong four-quarter McLean, Daniel, Hunter
40 THE COURIER Monday August 21, 2017


Wells takes
out third
GN Steeple

PARTY TIME: Former Ballarat boy

Jake Neade celebrates
with fans on Saturday.
Picture: Dylan Burns.

Port Adelaide ruins Bulldogs' day at Mars Stadium. Coverage inside.


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