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Activity worksheets LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme

Simply Suspense Photocopiable

The Lady or the Tiger?, pages 1–6 d The gardener looked at the King’s daughter’s
While reading eyes and she smiled at him.
1 What is the King saying? Match the beginning ………………………………………………
of the sentences in column A with the ends of e When she moved her head to the left, the
the sentences in column B. gardener knew which door he must choose.
a If we catch a 1 he finds a beautiful Miss Bracegirdle’s Night of Fear, pages 10 –18
wrongdoer, woman. While reading
4 What happens to Miss Bracegirdle first? What
b If the wrongdoer 2 he dies. happens next? Write the numbers 1–13.
chooses the wrong a c She finds a knife in the man’s pocket.
door, b c She gets under the bed.
c If he chooses the 3 he finds the tiger. c c She goes to a hotel and a girl shows her
right door, her room.
d If he is lucky, 4 we bring him to d c She goes to bed.
the stadium. e c She goes to meet her sister from the boat.
e If he is unlucky, 5 he lives. f c She arrives in Bordeaux.
g c She knows that she is in the wrong room.
2 Complete the following sentences with words h c She realises the man is dead.
from the box. i c She sees a man in her bed.
arms clever dark good-looking j c She sneezes.
long love k c She takes a hot bath.
l c The handle of the door comes off in her
a The King’s daughter had ……… red hair. hand.
b The gardener was a very ………-……… m c The maid tells her the man is dead.
c The King’s daughter was as ……… as the Pages 20–23
King. While reading
d The gardener was in ……… with the King’s 5 After Miss Bracegirdle wrote the letter to her
daughter. brother on page 20, she wrote a letter to a
e The King found his daughter in the gardener’s friend. Use the words in the box below to
……… . finish it.
f The King’s men shut the gardener in a wrong bath dead under believe
……… room. immediately scream strange handle
Pages 7–9 Dear Cynthia,
While reading a I am going to tell you a story that you will
3 There is something wrong in each of these not ……… .
sentences. Make them right. b Are you sitting down? I spent last night
a The King’s daughter was a weak young ……… the bed of a Frenchman!
woman, but she was very clever. c He was ……… !
……………………………………………… d I came back to my room after a ……… ,
b The sister of the King’s driver was going to be e but then I saw a ……… man in the bed.
behind the door in the stadium. f I knew I was in the ……… room.
……………………………………………… g I ……… tried to leave the room,
c In the stadium, the gardener was not afraid h but then the door ……… came off in my
but he was very tired. hand!
……………………………………………… i ‘What can I do?’ I thought. ‘I mustn’t
……… .’
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Activity worksheets LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme

Simply Suspense Photocopiable

6 Match a word or phrase from A with a word b Mr Marriner’s museum is …
or phrase from B. 1 poorer than Madame Tussaud’s.
2 richer than Madame Tussaud’s.
3 as rich as Madame Tussaud’s.
a wake 1 station c When he went to the Murderers’ Room,
b cup of 2 table Mr Hewson knew …
c writing 3 box 1 none of the figures.
d door 4 tea 2 all of the figures.
e police 5 night’s sleep 3 some of the figures.
f letter 6 handle d Dr Bourdette is …
g a good 7 up 1 six feet tall with blue-black hair and big
7 Complete the following sentences with 2 five feet tall with a big moustache and no
expressions from exercise 6. glasses.
a Miss Bracegirdle couldn’t get out of the room 3 five feet tall with a little moustache and big
because the ………… came off in her hand. glasses.
b She finally returned to her room and had e The police …
………… . 1 know that Dr Bourdette is dead.
c In the morning, she asked the girl for a strong 2 think that Dr Bourdette is dead.
………… .
3 hope that Dr Bourdette is dead.
d She sat at the ………… and wrote a letter to
her brother. Pages 30–39
e Then she walked quickly to the ………… to While reading
send her letter. 10 Who says what? Who are they talking to?
What is happening?
The Waxwork, pages 24–30
a ‘Where do I put it, sir?’
While reading
8 Who is who? Put the right names in the
b ‘I can choose a place for it, thank you.’
sentences. One sentence needs more than one
c ‘I think she finds you interesting.’
Dr Bourdette Dr Crippen Mrs Dyer ………………………………………………
Mr Hewson Mr Marriner Mrs Thompson d ‘If I turn round now, it only shows that I’m
a ………… was small, weak and not very afraid.’
interesting. ………………………………………………
b ………… doesn’t want to spend the night in e ‘I don’t want to take up your time with my
the Murderers’ Room. uninteresting story.’
c The police can’t find the body of ………… . ………………………………………………
d ………… is going to write a story for The After reading
Morning Times. 11 Talk with another student and answer the
e ………… was a murderer known for her following questions.
unusual lovers. a Which was your favourite story? Why?
f ………… were all murderers. b Which of the following characters from the
9 Which is right, 1, 2 or 3? stories did you find the most interesting – the
a Hewson stays in the Murderers’ Room gardener, Miss Bracegirdle or Mr Hewson?
because … Why?
1 he thinks murderers are very interesting. c Which of the characters mentioned in b do
2 he wants to sell the story to a newspaper. you feel the most sympathy for? Why?
3 his newspaper wants him to write a story
about it.
c Pearson Education Limited 2008 Simply Suspense - Activity worksheets 2 of 2
Progress test LEVEL 2 Teacher Support Programme

Simply Suspense Photocopiable

1 Eleven things are wrong. Find them and make them 4 Complete the summary. Put the letters in the right
right. place to make words.
The story The Lady or the Tiger? is about a king in a Miss Bracegirdle was in France for the …………
far off country long ago. One day the king thinks of RIFST time. She had travelled to Bordeaux to meet
a plan to stop crime. He builds a huge theatre and her ………… RITESS. The hotel was very nice, but
invites his people there. He shows them three doors. something very ………… UCYKLUN happened; she
Each month a wrongdoer is brought there and has to went to the wrong room and got ………… KELCOD
choose a door. Behind one of the doors there is a lion in. There was a strange man in the bed and Miss
and certain death for the wrongdoer. Behind the other Bracegirdle was very ………… CREASD. She didn’t
door is a beautiful woman. If he chooses the woman, know what to do. Then she ………… ZEENDES
the wrongdoer can marry her. The king’s plan doesn’t and saw that the man was dead. She found a knife in
work and there are more crimes. And then one day he the dead man’s ………… OKTPEC and used it to
finds his wife in the arms of a soldier. The king is very open the door. She went back to her own room and
angry, and has them arrested and taken to the stadium. slept until ………… VENELE. She decided not to go
His son finds out which door will hide the beautiful to the ………… LOCIPE.
woman. 5 Match A and B.
2 Look at this list of words:
so, before, after, when, because
a The owner of the 1 heard somebody
Complete the sentences with the right word.
waxworks museum speaking inside his
a ……… the King built the stadium, there were
many crimes.
b The night watchman 2 showed the writer a
b The King told his men to arrest the gardener
little French razor.
……… he was furious.
c The King’s daughter was in love with the gardener, c Raymond Hewson 3 seemed to be very
……… she found out which door the tiger was interested in the
behind. writer.
d ……… the King’s men arrested the gardener they d Mrs Dyer 4 took the writer down
gave him bread and water. to the Murderers’
e ……… he saw the King’s daughter move her finger, Room.
the gardener knew which door to choose. e Dr Bourdette 5 was on the floor above
3 Choose the right answer, 1, 2 or 3. the Murderers’ Room.
a Miss Bracegirdle lives in … 6 Choose the correct answer, 1, 2 or 3.
1 London. a How much money will Mr Marriner give Mr
2 Easingstoke. Hewson if his story comes out in The Morning
3 Bordeaux. Times? …
b Before she goes to bed, Miss Bracegirdle wants 1 One hundred pounds.
to … 2 Ten pounds.
1 write a letter to her brother. 3 Five pounds.
2 have a cup of tea. b Who tells Mr Hewson that Mrs Dyer is making
3 have a bath. eyes at him? …
c The man in the bed is … 1 Mr Marriner.
1 the owner of the hotel. 2 The night watchman.
2 a murderer. 3 Dr Bourdette.
3 Miss Bracegirdle’s brother. c Why doesn’t Mr Hewson leave the Murderers’
d In the morning, Miss Bracegirdle … Room? …
1 goes to meet her sister. 1 Because the night watchman will laugh at him.
2 goes to the police. 2 Because he is enjoying himself.
3 goes back to England. 3 Because The Morning Times won’t pay.

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