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ratti 6y Culture
Gilang Pratama
Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta
Jalan Arjuna Utara No. 9 Kebon Jeruk Jakarta
[email protected]
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dampak menyeluruh dari gaya kepemimpinan
transformasional terhadap kinerja karyawanbaik secara langsung maupun yang dimediasi
oleh kepuasan kerja dan dimoderasi oleh budaya organisasi. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini
diadakanuntuk menemukanadanyapengan.:h antara gaya kepemimpinantransformasional,
kepuasaan kerja dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan didalam institusi
pendidikan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukanberdasarkanriset yang terdahap survey
yang diberikan kepada responden. Didalam penelitian ini digunakan pengumpulan data
primer dan sekunder. Data utama didapatkandari metode interview dan kuesioner baik
secara resmi yang bersifat administratif maupuntidak. Sampelpada penelitian ini sebesar
320 yang di analisisdengan metode deskriptif, uji validitas dan reabilitas serta di analisis
menggunakanpemodelanstructural equation. Hasil penelitian pada institusi pendidikan di
Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan transformasionalmemiliki pengaruh
positif terhadap kinerja karyawan,dimana hasil yang sama baiknya juga dinyatakan saat
pengaruh tersebut dipengaruhioleh mediasi kepuasankerja dan dimoderasi oleh budaya
organisasi. Pengaruh dengan nilai tertinggi dalam pencapaian pengningkatan kinerja
karyawan adalah faktor gaya kepemimpinantransformasional. Penelitian ini merupakan
kebutuhan dalam memperkayapengetahuan dalam bidang ilmu sumber daya manusia
khususnya gaya kepemimpinantransformasional,kepuasankerja, budaya organisasi dan
kinerja karyawan.
This paper aims to analyze the overall impact of transformational leadership style directly
and indirectly on employees' job performance mediating by work satisfaction and
moderating by organizaoonal culture. Furthennore, to find the influence of transformational
leadership on employees' job performance mediating by work satisfaction and moderating by
organizational culture within educational institution in Indonesia. This is a survey-based
research study. Primary and secondary data we!C' used in this study. Primary data were
gathered via questionnaire formal and informal interview. Sample size is (n 320); =
tneretore, descriptive sti/tistics, validity reability analysis and structural equation modelling
analysis have been used. The overall results support that transformational leadership style
has a significant positive impact on employees' job performance as well as mediating by
work satisfaction and moderating by culture at selected educational institution in Indonesia.
Transformational leadership style is the most important factor for achieving work satisfaction
goals. This study fulfils an acknowledged necessity of teaming the impact of transformational
leadership, work satisfaction, culture on employees' job performance.
symools, rituals, and myths developed over
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'Effect of Transjormational f.Latfersfrip 'Towartfs 'Empfo!Jet 's Pujomuma 'lftmugfi Satisfaction and Afotkrattl 6!J Cuftu rt
time and serves as the glue that holds the Employee Performance
organization. Culture can be defined as the Every human being has the potential to
interaction of various traits habits that affect act in various forms of activity. The ability of
groups of people in their environment. In the human acts can be obtained either naturally
establishment of the organization's culture (present at birth) or studied. Although humans
there are two important things to note, they are have the potential to behave in certain ways,
constituent elements of organizational culture but it is only behavior at certain times only.
and organizational culture formation process Potential to behave in certain ways it is called
itself. The ability, whereas the expression of this
potential is known as the performance (Mathis
lob Satisfaction and Jackson,2001). Employee'sperformance is
Job satisfaction is defined by how influenced by organizational performance itself,
individuals feel positively or negatively which are including the development of the
depending various factors or dimensionsin job organizational management, the compensation
environment (Smith, Kendall, and Hulin, 2004). plan, the communication system, managerial
Job satisfaction is a pleasant emotional style, organization structure, policies and
disposition and loves in his job. This attitude is procedures. Robbins (2006) suggested that
reflected by a self-esteem (Hasibuan, 2000). another term for human performance is
Job satisfaction itself can be interpreted as the measurable output of productivity,
result that based on a comparisonof what is absenteeism, turnover, citizenship, and
received from his job compared to what was satisfaction.
expected, desired and thought as the proper Whereas Baron and Greenberg (1990)
thing or entitled for employee. suggested that the performance of the
Further, Elenkov (2002) suggestedthat individual is also referred to job performance,
job satisfaction is an assessment, a feeling or work outcomes, and task performance.
attitude of a person or employee to work and Performanceand organizational goals can be
relate to work environment, types of shaped quantitative and qualitative output,
employment, compensation, labor relations creativity, flexibility, reliable, or anything else
among networks, social relations at work, and that is desired by the organization. The
so on. So it can be said that job satisfaction is emphasisof the performance can be short term
the fulfillment of some desires and needs or long term, it also be at the level of
through work activities. Robbins (2006) individuals, groups or organizations.
suggested that job satisfaction is part of the Performance management is a process that
motivation process. Robbins (2006) suggested designed to link organizational goals to
that job satisfaction is as a general attitude of individual goals, so both of those goals should
employee towards his job. Work requires have met and intgratec!. Performance can also
interaction with colleaguesand superiors,follow be an act or execution of tasks that have been
the rules and policies of the organization, meet completed by a person in a certain period of
the performance standards, life on the working time and can be measured. There are four
conditions and similar rules. elements: the results of job functions, factors
According Elenkov(2002) suggests that that affect the achievement of employees; the
there are two factors that affect job achievement of organizational goals; and a
satisfaction, they are factor in employee and specifictime period.
factor in job. Factors that exist in employees
are intelligence (IQ), a special skill, age, sex, Hypotheses
physical condition, education, work experience, In general, work satisfaction can be
employment, personality, emotions, ways of determined whether or not is led to a leader.
thinking, perception, and work ethic. The work Good leader will have positive influence on
factors are type of work, organizational work satisfaction and have a control within
structure, rank (class), notch, quality business activity in general. Employees who
supervision, financial security, opportunities for feel satisfaction in a job, would prefer their
promotion, social interaction, and labor work than remuneration even though the
relations. remuneration is Important, it is will drive the
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. ..r. nee rrftrouaft Satisfactiunaruf Motkratuf 6y Cufture
'a is 'bn foyet s Pe'J orma
'Ejfa.t oj'Transformatiorwfuaifers!Up'Towa~
1' • .
. HZ' Transformational Leadership will improve
. ·t· In a previous · ~
success of business act1v1 1es. .. (ZOOg), employee pe11ormanc~ ..
study conducted by Zaman and affect '."ng
Generally, within organization, job
Sadasa (2013) state that lead~rsh1p _can d satisfaction assessment is formed by
job satisfaction. Further attention. Chi, Yeh a~ accumulating feeling and employee attitude
Yu (2014) state that tr~~sfor~ation lea~ers~~ towards his job, work ~nvironm~nt, type of
have significant positive . i~pact 0 Jh employment, compensation, relations among
satisfaction. From. t~e descnpti~n above, t e partners, social relationship at ~ork and similar
proposed hy~thes1~ rs ~s follows. things. Employee who has satisfied a~ut his
H1'. Le~dersh1p will increase employee job jobs, work environment and co~pensat1?n ~ill
sattsfaction. . fl have high motivation in work. High rnotivation
Leadership is an attempt to in u~nct~ ~ in work will certainly encourage the employee
lot of people throuqh the. c~mm1um~~~fs to improve performance in work. In a previous
process to achieve orgarnz~ iona .. · d ducted by Amburgey {2005)
Appropriate leader can dynamically rnobiltze stu Y con . . . . .
and encourage and mot.1va t e orqanization suggeste.d t.hat JOb satlsfaction has a positive
members in order to achieve the goals in and significant effect . o.n emp1oyee
accordance with the line that has performance. Fro~ ~he description above, the
established been proposed hyP?thes:s IS a~ fol_lows:
by the management.
form of leadership style can The exact H3: Job satisfaction will improve employee
employees to improve performancein general. performance.
A leader who has the charisma of leadership An organizational culture is the habits
will be able to become a figure for his that affect groups of people within
subordinates. This figure is to be a role model organization, culture or personality of the
and became a symbol that reflects the soul of organization should capable to supporting and
the organization. An organization that has a influencing employee satisfaction and employee
good leadership style will be able to encourage performance as well as greater impact on
the performance of subordinates. With a strong culture development. In a previous study
figure, motivation and culture can be built the conducted by Kathrins (2007) Olasupo (2011)
improvement of organizationalperformance in and Fakhar (2014) states that organizational
general and performance of employees culture can affect employee performance. From
particularly. In a previous study conducted by the description above, the proposed hypothesis
Zaman and Yiing (2009) similarly Huu, Liu, Hsu is as follows:
and Yu (2014) suggested that the leadership H4: Organizational culture will improve
style can encourage and improve employee employee performance.
performance and company performance in
general. From the description above, the
From the proposed hypothesis above, the
proposed hypothesis is as follows:
relationship between variables can be visualized
as follows:
Wor\; Sorisfxtion
. : ;
·:. ·------.
~01;,,,,,,::: )
-~---- Figure 1 ~
Source: data processingresult.
J11mal 't(Onorm •l/Oiuin( 7 'J./.P
J mor 2, '71/. .<wtm/.Jer2016
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'Effectof Tmnsformational uaikrsfrip Towards 'Empfoyu 's Pr.iformana 'Ifirougfr. Satisfacticm aruf Moaurit.ttf6!J Culture
u; ac
\ \.·•-•o
"'·'~ Ki.nuaa -e-e
Figure 1
Source:data processingresult.
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..r. nee 'J1irouafr Satisfaction ana Motluatti 6!f Cufturt
.• r: . 'Ii rtls 'Dnpfoget•5 Pe'J orma 'a
'£!fut oj'Tronsformational Lt.atfwrup owa _ . . .
. . object. Furthermore, this nnplication managerial
they are as has been proven that m this stuh~ can manage in action plan below:
there is influence of transformational leaders '?
towards work satisfaction and employees
performance as well as organizational culture
towards employee's performance in research
Table 1
Action Plan
Activity Series
No Program
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'Effectof 'Tmns[ormationai Lt.atfersliip 'Towarl.s 'Empfoyee's Perjormana 'Ifirougli. Satisfaction aruf Motferatetf6y Culture
Furthermore, these findings indicate Chi, H.-K., Yeh, H.-R., & Yu, C.-H. (2008). 'The
that the employee's performance is result of Effects of Transformation Leadership,
quality and satisfaction that can be achieved by Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction
an employee in performing tasks according on the Organizational Performance in
responsibilitiesgiven to him was influenced by the Non-profit Organizations'. The
the transformational leadership. Journal of Global BusinessManagement,
The results also prove that the culture 4(1), 129-137.
of the organization has been able to
accommodate some of the diversity contained Dasgupta,S., Papadimitrou,, C., & Vazirani, U.
within an organization and can provide comfort (2006). 'Algorithms'. England:
and satisfaction in work. cambridge Univesrsity Press.
This study also finds that supporting the
hypothesis H4 with t-value 5. 93, which states Denison, A. (1990). 'Cooperate Culture and
that the organizational culture is the result of OrganizationalEffectiveness'. New York:
the interaction of traits habits that affect groups Wiley.
of people within the organization, to form a
subjective perception the entire organization DuBrin, A. J. (2012). 'Leadership' (Terjemahan
based on primary aspect such as ed.). Jakarta: PrenadaMedia.
transformational leadership that can affect
employee performance. Elenkov, D. (2002). 'Effects of Leadership on
In summary it can be concluded that: Motivation and Performance in Russian
transformational leadership have positive Companies'. Journal of Business
significant to work satisfaction as well as to Research, 55, 467-480.
employee's performance, work satisfaction has
positive mediating effect between relationship Fakhar, Shahzad, (2014} "Impact of
and employee's performance, and the last is organizationalculture on employees' job
organization culture have positive significant performance: An empirical study of
impact on relationship between software houses in Pakistan",
transformational leadership and employee's International Journal of Commerce and
performance. Management,Vol. 24 Iss: 3, pp.219 -
The limitations in this research is only 227
focussing on sampling in one educational
foundation and it has not been able to Ferdinand, A. (2006). 'Metode Penelitian
represent all variables result in measuring and Manajemen'.Semarang: Badan Penerbit
evaluating for Indonesia region. Development UniversitasDiponegoro.
advice that can be given is the next study
should develop wider research coverage on Gibson, J. L. (2006). 'Organizations (Behavior,
several similar educational foundation so that it Structure, Processes)' (12 ed.). New
can representwider findings nationally. York: Mc Graw-Hill.
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Handbook'. Lanham: ScarecrowPress
Organizational Culture, Leadership a~d
Firm Performance in a Vietnam Family
Business'. The International Journal; of
Zaman, K., & Yiing, L H. (2009). 'The
Organizational Innovation, 6(4), 109-
moderating effects of organizational
121. culture on the relationships between
leadership behaviour and organizational
Kathrins, R. (2007). 'The Relationship of
commitment and between
Leadership Style and Types of
organizational commitment and job
Organizational Cultures t~ ~e
satisfaction and performance'.
Effectiveness and Employee Satisfaction
Leadership & Organization Development
in Acute Care Hospital'. College of
Journal, 30(1), 53-86.
Business Administration Of Touro
University International. California:
ProQuest Information and Learning
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