Section The Ecological Importance Understory Herbaceous Plants

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Section 4.

The Ecological Importance of Understory Herbaceous Plants
By: Chris Clement

The Biodiversity Debate
Maintenance of species diversity is of major interest to both land managers and the
scientific community. For nearly halfa century, ecologists have debated the attributes of species
diversity. Ecologists in the early 1960s proposed several hypotheses regarding the importance of
species diversity in maintaining ecosystem integrig2, but very little research has been conducted
to evaluate the functional importance of a diverse ecosystem Despite the lack of consensus by
the scientific community on this issue, the commonly held belief among non-scientists seems to
be that high species diversity directly corresponds with efficient ecosystem processes and high
ecosystem stability. There may be some truth in this statement, but species poor ecosystems are
not always ineEcient and unstable. Some of the world's most extensive and ancient ecosystems,
such as boreal forests, bogs, and heathlands, all typically have relatively low species richnesse6
Therefore, such generalizations about the hnctional role of biodiversity remain flawed and are in
need of firther examination. Thus, concrete knowledge of the functional role of diversity is a
crucial area of study and is important for understanding the importance of biodiversity and
evaluating how changes in vegetation impact ecosystem processes (e.g. net primary
The Function and Orinin of Biodiversity
Grime, in a recent issue of Science, stated: "there is no convincing evidence that
ecosystem processes are crucially dependent on higher levels of biodi~ersit~."~
This sentiment
resonates with several hypotheses of the origin of biodiversity.
Holdgatc describes onc theory regarding the ongin of biodiversi~.~
As ecosystems
develop, initially productivity, diversity, and biomass increase together. However, as systems
become even more diverse and complex, the rates of production are likely to level off as
availabIe nutrients are shared between a larger number of competitors and consumers, even
though diversity may continue to increase with times. The classical ecological explanation is
that ecosystems develop in such a way that the available energy is parceled out between greater
numbers of species, each specialized to filla particular ecological niche. If so, diversification is
a process of elaboration within the system, and is not essential for ecological integrity.
Another theory on the origin of biodiversity states that diversity depends not only on the
rate of species input (by immigration and speciation) and species output (by emigration'and
extinction), but also on the ecological history of the region. Therefore, much observed diversity
is merely a reflection of the movement of species across a world with great variety in geography
and climate and, io hctional and ecological terms, involves considerable duplication8Yet
again, in this case, diversity is not critically essential for the integrity of the functional unit.
The most commonly held belief by the non-scientsc community seems to be that all
biodiversity is desirable and that it directly confers efficient ecosystem processes and high
ecosystem stability. T i concluded fiom a grassland-savanna experiment that species
diversity does have significant effects on plant productivity, and both hctional diversity and
functional composition had significant impacts on four of the six ecosystem processes tested
(productivity, plant % nitrogen, plant total nitrogen, and light penetration).2oAnother study
conducted by Hooper and Vitousek concluded that changes in net primary productivity did not
correlate with increasing fimctional group richness, and that increasing productivity was
attributed to increases in species di~ersity.~
These studies support the hypothesis that species
diversity stab'ies community and ecosystem processes. Except for one important process, net
primary productivity, the weight of evidence seems to show that above a threshold number of
species, increases in species diversity do not improve function.3,8,12
The role of species diversity in ecosystem functioning and s t a b ' i remains a mainstay of
ecological debate and has spawned an intriguing alternative theory.2,6,8,9, 10,20,21.23.24,25

The Functional Group Conce~tand the Redundancy Theorv

The redundzncy theory hinges on a functional group concept. in which ecosystem
processes are detrr~~lir~ed
primarily by rhe fiincziord characterisics of component organisms
(e.g. species composition) rather than species diversity. 'S 12, 23,24. 25 If there are numerous
species, many occupying closely linked ecological niches, and conditions alter to disrupt the
ecosystem and eliminate key components, it is more likely that there will be replacements at
band than if the system were simple. Thus, the principal ecological importance of biological
diversity may well be its storage of a great quantity of genetic information out of which healthy
ecosystems can be reconstituted under an enormous range of conditions and circumstances.8,9,24
In my ecosystem, it is virtually certain that there wiU be a range of species existing in sub-
optimal conditions, among but subordinate to, those best suited by current conditions. Some of
these are of great potential importance as the founder stocks for new ecosystems if conditions
This concept raises some dficult questions about the importance of biotic diversity
because it implies that species within a functional group are equivalent or 'redundant' in their
impact on ecosystem processes and that ecosystems could function equally well with fewer
There are two extreme viewpoints on redundancy. The first holds that each species
in an ecosystem plays a functional role, such that the removal of each species incrementally
weakens the integrity of the system.24The second holds that a community is composed of a few
fimctionai groups, each with several ecologically equivalent species, such that species can be lost
fiom the community with little effect on ecosystem processes, as long as each hctional group is
represented.3, 12,23,24 In essence, the role of redundancy is to provide insurance. Because each
species can tolerate only a limited range of climatic and biotic conditions, a change in
environment beyond these conditions leads to a weakening of the species, or possible extinction,
and a resultant negative effect on ecosystem processes.3s 12323924 If there are several species in a
functional group, some species in each group are likely to survive an extreme event and replace
the gap in ecosystem process function left by the weakened or extinct species within the same
functional group.
There may be some flaws in the redundancy or fimctional group theory. Solbrig states
"The higher the diversity of an ecosystem, the more dependent the species are on the existence of
diversity. In other words the higher the diversity, the narrower the ecological niche of each
species".16 If this is so, diversity is a consequence of habitat complexity, biological complexity,
energy and nutrient availability. and time. It does not follow that diversity is essential for
resilience, and high di~ezsitymay imp1y high risk because of extreme specialization. Of course,
the truth in this particular debate most probably lies somewhere between these two extreme
Though the theory of functional groups remains a potentially valid concept, there have
been few research projects that have successfilly defined the functional groups for a given
ecosystem. Plant species differ in the rates and pathways by which they process resources, in
their effect on the physical environment, and in their interactions with other species.'
Nevertheless, ecologists have long been dissatisfied with the phylogenetic classification of plants
by taxonomists because these classifications do not reflect the ecological functions of plants.16 In
theory, functional group defmitions should be based on physiological, morphological, andlor
phenological attributes of potential signiscance to a particular process. Nevertheless, &ologists
remain a long way fiom being able to predict how many and which species might be expendable
for any function of a given ecosystem.'
Understory Removal
The primary focuses of this project were to add to the body of knowledge regarding the
debate on the functional role of biodiversity by examining the effects of understory removal on
ecosystem processes and to make relevant recommendations on development in the Highlands
Plateau. Current trends in development on the Highlands Plateau often lead to the removal of
significant portions of the understory. Thus, recent trends in development, coupled with the fact
that there is not a single reference in any relevant land use planning document pertaining to the
conservation of understory herbaceous plants, necessitated study of the functional role of the
understory in ecosystem processes. If the mass ratio theory, which states that the extent to which
a plant species affects ecosystem b c t i o n can be predicted from its contn%utionto total plant
biomass, proves to be true, then the relatively meager biomass contribution of the understory,
compared to the standing woody biomass in a typical Southern Appalachian oak-hickory
hardwood forest, would suggest that understory plays little, if any role in the function of
ecosystem processes.7,8,10 On the other hand, ifunderstory herbaceous plants prove to be a
significant part of the functional biodiversity, then ecosystem processes will be affected by their
fiperimental Desigm
Three 40-m x 20-rn plot-pairs located at two elevations (six replicates of treatment and
six paired conrrctls, each a 15-mx 15-m nested measurement plot) in the Coweeta Basin were
used as the test sites. In summer 1998, plots were permanently marked and vegetation was
measured in each 15-m x 15-m plot. Percent cover of herbaceous species was estimated using
the he-intercept method along four 15-m transects for each plot. Initial biomass was estimated
by clipping all herbaceous and deciduous shrubs in six 1.o-m2 quadrats in each plot. In mid-
summer 1998 (after plot establishment and vegetation measurements), a l l herbaceous and
deciduous shrub species were manually removed fiom the six treatment plots. Thereafter,
treatment plots were weeded twice during the growing season (in May and July) to maintain
treatment integrity.
In December 1999, dendrometer bands were placed at diameter at breast height (dbh; 1.37-m
fiom ground level) on all woody sterns 2 10 cm dbh in each plot pair. Woody sterns with a dbh
of < 10 cm were measured to the nearest 0.1 cm at dbh using a standard diameter-calibrated tape
measure. In cases when the tree diameter was in the general vicinity of 10 cm at dbh, a
dendrometer band was used to measure the diameter, as well as a diameter-calibrated tape
measure. Woody stems with a dbh of < 1.0 cm were measured at 3 cm fiom the ground.
The intended duration of this project is 15 years, with this interim summary representing a
third-year evaluation. Throughout the project duration, aboveground net primary productivity
was calculated annually to estimate the rate of conversion of resources to biomass per
unit area per unit time, along with carbon nitrogen ratios derived fiom litter samples. Net
primary productivity is a complex measure of the net effects of both abiotic and biotic processes
within an ecosystem and serves as a convenient, single index for comparing behaviors of
different ecosystems.l4 ANPP has essentially two components: woody biomass and foliage
biomass. Woody biomass was estimated annually using a set of species-specific diameter-based
allometric equations derived for Southern Appalachian pine-hardwood forests." l 3 The diameters

of each tree within the measurement plots were taken each December using either dendrometer
bands (for woody sterns 1 10 cm at dbh) or diameter tapes (for woody stems < 10 cm at dbh). In
the case of having two different diameters (one derived fiom the dendrometer band and one fiom
the tape measure), the data taken fiom'the tape measure readings was used to calculate the
woody biomass over the entire measurement plot due to the increased accuracy of these
measurements compared to those of the dendrometer bands, which take two or three years to
settle around the tree and provide accurate measurements. Foliage biomass u-asestimated using
two methods: {I) species-specific, diameter-based dometric equations md (2) a system of litter
collections using baskets of a set area evenly spread out within the measurement plot. The
woody biomass and the foliage biomass component were then combined to produce annual total
biomass values. The dift'erence in the total biomass values each year represented the ANPP.
The other component of this project dealt with estimating the carbon and nitrogen content if
the litter samples. First, litter samples fiom each collection basket were sorted into four
categories (deciduous leaves, Hemlock or Tsuga canadensis leaves, Rhododendron maximum
leaves, and other - which included seeds, twigs and branches, flowers, and any other biotic
material that does not fall into the three previous categories). After biomass measurements were
made, each sample from each collection basket was processed to give the percent carbon and
nitrogen in each sample. From these data, carbon and nitrogen content was calculated, along
with carbon to nitrogen ratios, and tabulated and summarized by measurement plot.

Study Area
The study area is a rich, cove forest located within the Coweeta Bask, western North
Carolina (3S002'N latitude, 83'27'W longitude). Schafale and Weakley described this rich, cove
community as a mesic site, at moderate elevation (1,065 m to 1,220 m), with rich and generally
deep soils, and primarily broad coves and lower slopes (low terrain shape index; 4,500-5,000).'~
Soils are described as Cullasaja-Tuckasegee complex, loamy-skeletal or coarse-loamy, mixed,
rnesic Typic ~ a ~ l u m b r e ~ t Mean
s . " annualprecipitation is 190 cm with most months receiving at
least 10 crn" Mean annual temperature is 13"C, and average temperatures are 6.7"C in the
dormant season, and 18.5"C in the growing season."
The forest has a dense canopy of mesophytic trees, including Liriodendron tulipifera,
Tilia americana, Acer saccharum, Aesculus octandra, Betula lenta, Magnolia acuminata, Prunus
serotina, Tsuga canadensis, Fraxinus americam, and Fagus grandifolia. The herb layer is lush
and diverse. The cove has a minimal evergreen shrub (Rhododendron maximum and Kalmia
latifolia) component and absence of known 'keystone' species (e.g. nitrogen fixers, calcium
accumulators) in the herbaceous layer.

.4nalysis of the effects of understory removal was divided into essentiaUy two
components: aboveground net primary productiviq (ANPP) and carbon to nitrogen ratios.
-- primary productivity (g/'m2) was calculated using an allometric estimate
Aboveground net
for standing woody biomass (Table 4.3.1) and three diierent foliage estimates (biomass fi-om
allometry, total litter, and total minus other litter) (Table 4.3.2). For 1999, the ANPP
calculations for the control plots were 759 76,696 * 60, and 637 k 63 g/m2respectively, while
the ANPP values for the treatment plots were 81 1 41,679 i28, and 618 i 27 g./rn2 respectively
(Table 4.3.3). For 2000, the ANPP calculations for the control plots were 875 45,830 * 3 1,
and 784 28 g/m2 respectively, while the ANPP calculations for treatment plots were 1041 73, *
* *
923 53, and 853 57 g/m2 respectively (Table 4.3.3). While only two years of data exist at
this point, an increase in aboveground net primary productivity was seen fiom 1999 to 2000 in
both the control and the treatment plots, with average difference in the control and treatment
* *
plots being 132 9 g/m2 and 236 4 g/m2,respectively. Most of this observed difference could
be attributed to an increase in woody biomass, while foliage production in 2000 remained close
to that in 1999. However, there is a difference in the allometric foliage estimates as compared to
the physical litter collections. This difference can be attributed to the fact that not all of the
branches of trees in the test site shed leaves within the measurement plots, making the litter
collection foliage estimates less than the allometric foliage estimates. In 1999, treatment plots
were on average 5 g/m2greater than the control plots, but in 2000 this figure rose to 5 1 glm2.
Carbon to nitrogen ratios in 1999 for control and treatment plots were 59 and 61
respectively, white in 2000 both controI and treatment plot C:N ratios increased to 64 and 67
respectively (Table 4.3.4).

Given the fact that only three years of data have been collected on this 15-year research
endeavor, well-supported conclusions cannot be drawn at this time. Nevertheless, it seems likely
that understory herbaceous plants may fall in some important functional group within this oak-

hickory hardwood forest ecosystem. It is important to recognize that the species in a functional
group are not the same in all respects. If an ecosystem is stable (if its dynamics are such that all
of its species are likely to persist), it is reasonable to expect that those bctional groups that
ensure its stability are likely to include a number of species.2,3,23,24 Within such plant functional
-aaups, because of the continuum of vegetation organization. there will be differentiation in
species responses t o environmental graaients. The olerlappmg responses allow the plant
community as a whole to respond to changes in environmental factors. The compensatory
behavior in the set of hctionally equivalent species maintains the function performed by the
group. The species are therefore the same with respect to the process that ensures stability, but
diierent in terms of their individual responses to the environment. It seems inevitable that,
throughout the wide spectrum of understory herbaceous plants, many would fall into some
crucial functional group, and thus have effects on the productivity of the trees and the long-term
stability of the ecosystem
If this prediction proves to be true, the ramifications for development are immense.
Many current development and landscaping practices in the Highlands Plateau often lead to the
destruction of the understory herbaceous layer and, therefore, a potential weakening of local
ecosystem stability and a decrease in the function of ecosystem processes. Furthermore, the
landscaping replacements for the removed understory often include a variety of exotic plants that
are typically not effective substitutes for native plants with regard to ecosystem process hction.
Future development practices must consider implementing strategies that either minimize the
amount of the understory removed in the initial development and landscaping processes, or that
seek to adequately replace the damaged or removed understory with a variety of native plants.
While these recommendations may provide adequate means of conserving the understory
herbaceous layer for the time being, it is still important to fixther the general understanding of
the functional role of the understory in the various ecosystems within the Highlands Plateau.
The first step in gaining a W e r understanding of the precise hctional role of
biodiversity in these ecosystems is to establish the important functional types of organisms.
24 In other words, it is necessary to determine which biological and hctional variables are
pertinent to ecosystem persistence, in effect reducing the complexity of the system by describing
the essential structure (form) of the ecosystem and then the critical processes (hctions) that
In the case of this experiment, plants are categorized in essentially two
shape and maintain it.23724
groups: tress and herbaceous understory plants. These class5cations do not represent functional
groups in themselves. However, the data collected fiom the above recommendations, in
conjunction with the finalized results of this experiment, could serve to holistically describe the
role of the understory in ecosystem processes. function, and stability.

With regards to this particular project, it is imperative that the data collection process be
continued for the remainder of the 15-year duration. Furthermore, the process of data collection
needs to be refined and improved upon. It is crucial that accurate and consistent measurements
be taken for the diameter at breast height. In many cases, due to irregularities in the data
collection, diameters decreased by up to 0.5 cm each year. While these errors may seem small, . .:
when extrapolated into woody biomass data, they have the potential to significantly affect both
the wood and the total aboveground net primary production values. Some of these errors can be
attributed to dendrometer bands settling into the wood over the first two or three years and
variations in the bark layer due to exfoliation or damage. However, in the case many of the
flawed diameter-caliirated tape measure readings, it is simply inconsistency in the data
collection process that has led to these errors. Over time, the trends in aboveground net primary
productivity will be more apparent, and appropriate recommendations for development and
zoning policy will follow. It is crucial, however, to keep the Highlands Biological Station and
the Highlands capstone internships in connection with this project, because they will serve as the
liaison between the Coweeta Hydrologic Lab and the relevant policy-making bodies of the town
of Highlands and Macon County.
In the meantime, given our inadequate understanding and knowledge of how many and
which kinds of species occur in an ecosystem, the best way to approach the problem of
conserving them all is to ensure that the system continues to have the same overall structure (in
the case of terrestrial ecosystems, the vegetation and three-dimensional spatial distribution of
biomass, both live and dead) and h c t i o n (the level of primary productivity; rates and pathways
of nutrient cycling, and the sizes of available and unavailable nutrient pools; the trophic pattern
and dynamics, including kinds and.levels of herbivory and predation; the pathways and
efficiency of water use).23,24 Underpinning this view is a central tenet of biology and ecology:
the relationship between form and function. A change in one leads inexorably to adjustments
and changes in the other. This philosophical approach to conservation endorses none of the
current theories on functional biodiversity, but rather approaches the management of land in a
practical manner that will likely protect the Ikndamental nature of the landscape.
The loss of species and ecosystems is proceeding h t e r than research aimed at
iilentifj-ingpriorities. The response to this IJ? most c'onsen'ationists is to fight for as much land
for conservation as possible and to worry about management later. This confrontationist
approach, aimed at securing fragmented conservation reserves, is less likely in the long term to
achieve the overarching conservation goal of maintaining species diversity than one involving a
range of resource-use strategies covering whole regions. It is simply not possible to conserve all
species in a region by means of reserves. Conservation has to be achieved outside of reserves,
with a range of uses from reserves, through various forms of multiple-use with conservation
easements, to full-scale use such as industry, agriculture, and mining.6,7,8,24
Conservation efforts in the Highlands Plateau have made great strides in the last decade
in acquiring ecologically delicate or critical tracts of land. For instance, organizations lke the
Highlands Land Trust seek to acquire ecologically important tracts of land and to procure
conservation easements on private land. Nevertheless, it is the duty of both the town of
Highlands and the Macon County board of commissioners to seek to direct development in
residential, commercial, and industrial areas in a way such that the water and land resources of
the Highlands Plateau are protected and conserved for years to come. As mentioned before, it is
not only the pristine tracts of land that are important to protect, it is also the wildfife migration
corridors, riparian areas, and ecosystems in various succesional stages that occur in less pristine
areas that have already been developed. Potential means of fostering change include, but are not
limited to, amendments to the Zoning Ordinance of 1977, the Land Use Plan of 1989, and the
recently discussed Sedimentation Ordinance, reemphasizing the protection of ecologically
critical areas such as those mentioned above through well-dehed and rigorously enforced
regulations. Public education regarding the economic and environmental benef3s of land
conservation easements could also .aid in firthering the conservation of a wide range of
ecosystems in various development regions. Fortunately, development on the Highlands Plateau
remains reiatively sparse compared to many towns, and there is time to develop a system in
which the natural land and water resources can be conserved for generations to come.
Table 4.3.1: Allometric equations to estimate annual wood and foliage biomass (g m-l)

Common Tree Species Wood Biomass Foliage Biomass

Acer rubrum (Log-'(Log(D)*2.591- (Log-'(Log(D)* 1.778 -
1.096)*1.003 1.620)* 1.052
Acer pensylvanicurn (Log-'(Log(D)*2.68 1- ( ~ o ~ - ' ( ~ o g ( ~ ) * 2-. 0 2 2
1.281)*1.021 2.122)*1.158
Aesculus octandra ( L O ~ - ' ( L O ~ ( D1-) * ~ . ~ ~ ( ~ o ~ - ' ( ~ o g ( ~ ) * 2-. 0 2 2
1.28 1)*1.021 2.122)*1.158
Betula allegheniensis (Log-l(Log(D)*2.68 1- ( ~ o ~ - ~ ( ~ o g ( ~ ) *-2 . 0 2 2
1.28 1)" 1.021 2.122)*1.158
Betula lenta (Log-'(Log(~)*2.728- (~og-'(Log(D)*2.628 -
1.254)*1.016 3.086)*1.041
Castanea dentata ( ~ o ~ - ' ( ~ o ~ ( ~ ) * 2 . 6 8 1 - (Log-'(Log(D)*2.022 -
1.281)*1.021 2.122)*1.158
Carya species (Log-'(Log(D)*2.773- (Log-'(Log(D)*2.356 -
1.349)*1.005 2.595)*1.217
Cornusjlorida ( ~ o ~ - ' ( ~ o ~ ( ~ ) * 2 . 7 6 0 - (Log-'(Log(D)*2.048 -
1.384)*1.008 2.160)*1.157
Fraxinus americana ( L O ~ " ( L O ~ ( D 1- )*~.~~ (Log-'(Log(D)*2.022 -
1.281)*1.021 2.122)*1.158
Hamamelis virginica ( L O ~ - ' ( L O ~ ( D ) * ~ . ~ ~ ~( -~ o ~ - ' ( ~ o ~ ( ~ ) *-2 . 0 2 2
1.281)*1.021 2.122)*1.158
Liriodendron tulipifera ( ~ o ~ " ( ~ o ~ ( ~ ) * 2 . 6 4 6 - (LO~-'(LO~(D)* 1.981 -
1.258)* 1.008 2.192)* 1.080
Magnolia acuminata ( L O ~ - ' ( L O ~ @1)-* ~ . ~ ~ ( L O ~ - ' ( L O ~ ( D ) - *~.O~~
1.281)*1.021 2.122)*1.158
Miscellaneous hardwoods (~o~"(L,og(~)*2.681- ( ~ o ~ - ' ( ~ o ~ ( ~ ) *-2 . 0 2 2
1.281)*1.02 1 2.122)*1.158
Nyssa sylvatt'ca ( ~ 0 ~ - ~ ( ~ 0 ~ @ ) * 2 . 6 8 1 - ( ~ o ~ - ~ ( ~ o ~ ( ~ )-* 2 . 0 2 2
1.281)*1.021 2.122)*1.158
Quercusprinus (Log-'(~og(D)*2.926- (Log"(~og(~)*2.214 -
1.619)*1.013 2.323)* 1.142
Quercus rubra (~o~-'(Lo~@)*2.65 1- (Log-'(Log@)*2.326 -
1.279)*1.01 1 2.514)*1.097
Rhododrndmn maximum (LO~'"LO~(D) *2.681 - @,og~'@,os(D)*Z.022 -
1.281)*1.021 2.122)* 1 . I 58
Robinia pseudoacacia (Log-"~og(~)*2.681- (~og-'(~og(~)*2.022 -
1.281)*1.021 2.122)*1.158
Tilia americana ( ~ o ~ - ' ( ~ o ~ ( ~ ) * 2 . 6 8 1 - ( ~ o ~ - ' ( L o ~ ( ~ ) * 2-. 0 2 2
1.281)*1.021 2.122)* 1.158
Tsuga canadensis ( ~ o ~ - ' ( ~ o ~ ( ~ ) * 2 . 3 4 2 1 - (LO~"(LO~@)* 1.3954 -
1.0891) + 0.9472)
D = diameter in cm at breast height
The Effects of Land-Use Change on
the Biodiversity of the
Highlands Plateau:
A Carolina Environmental Program Report

Carrie Banks
Chris Clement
Jeffrey Davis
Lom Eberle
Beth Haley
Jennifer Matthews
Matthew Simon
Jennifer Walton

December 7,2001
Highlands Biological Station
P.O. Box 580
Highlands, NC 2874 1
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Chapter 1 Introduction.............................................................;..............2
Chapter 2 Study Area.. ............................................................................5
Chapter 3 Drivers of Change.. ...................................................................14
Chapter 4 Land Resources
Section 4.1: Introduction.. ................................................. .19
Section 4.2: Land Conservation (Jeffrey Davis). ........................21
Section 4.3: Ecological Importance of Understory (Chris Clement). .32
Section 4.4: Rare Vascular Plant Species (Matt Simon)................47
Section 4.5: Black Bear Populations (Beth Haley). ....................-55
Section 4.6: The Southern Pine Beetle (Jennifer Walton). ..............69
Chapter 5 Water Resources
Section 5.1 :Introduction.. ................................................. .79
Section 5.2: Water Policy. ...................................................80
Section 5.3: Water Quality (Carrie Banks). ....................,.........83
Section 5.4: Water Quantity (Lorri Eberle). ............................. 101
Chapter 6 Community Awareness and Outreach
Section 6.1 : Introduction.. .................................................I19
Section 6.2: Community Awareness (Jennifer Matthews). ........... 120
Chapter 7 Surnmary of Recommendations.. ................................................. .14 1
" A. Community Survey
B. Southern Pine Beetle GIs Maps
C. Benthic Macroinvertebrate Tables

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