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State Institute of Rural Development Assam




The Bijoynagar handloom cluster is situated in South Kamrup and comprises of Mirza, Bijoynagar,
Palashbari, Rani, Chaygaon, Boko areas. The location of South Kamrup is as follows: Nagaon
district is on the east and southern part of Goalpara district on the west, the Brahmaputra river
on the north and the hills of Meghalaya on the south.

As for the socio- cultural milieu, South Kamrup is divided into two regions by the city of
Guwahati. It stands at a point and the two regions lying to the east and west of it are more or
less separated in respect of socio- cultural relations. Though South Kamrup is inhabited by tribal
and non- tribal population, it is primarily dominated by the non- tribal. It is seen that the border
areas are covered by the tribal population excluding the riverine area of the Brahmaputra. Among
the tribals, the Rabhas are largest in number followed by the Bodos. There is a small number of
Garo villages also. The important places of South Kamrup are as follows:

Palashbari: The old Palashbari was practically eroded by the Brahmaputra and a new Palashbari
has come up near the old one. Palashbari is a fast growing commercial place and is famous for
exporting timber. The headquarters of the Palashbari Revenue Circle is located here. After the
devastating erosion of Palashbari in 1956, the commercial centre of the town has been shifted to
Bijoynagar. The official site has shifted to Mirza.

Chaygaon: It is an important business centre especially on jute and rice. Big weekly markets are
held twice where considerable trade is carried out. Relics of the Chander Merghar constructed by
Chand Sadagor of the Sati- Beula fame are still here. Chandrika Devalaya is an old place of
worship in the locality. Local tradition links this temple with the Epic age. Ruins of a Shiva temple
also exist here.

Boko: Boko is also a trading centre of importance. It mainly has tribal population and the villages
of this area are known for eri culture.



Handloom is an ancient industry in India. The features of this sector vary across the country. In
some parts of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam and Orissa, it has attained the status of a mature
industry, and in other parts, it is still an enterprise confined to the needs of the household.
The last 100 years have seen the growth of mechanized textile production internationally. In part
due to competition, handloom has lost much of its market and is almost non-existent in most
countries. However, handlooms are still a force to reckon within India and some other Asian
countries such as Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Cambodia.
Today, India's textile sector comprises four important segments -- modern textile mills,
independent power looms, handlooms and garments. Though there is a huge, informal tailoring
enterprise, it has not been studied or considered worthy of public attention, leave alone policy.
There are also sub-sectors like textile machinery manufacturing and spinning sectors, which form
part of the textile sector.
Though it employs the largest number of people, the handloom sector is considered a sunset
industry, and there is an air of inevitability given the relentless march of mechanization,

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modernization and sophistication. Still, there are many advocates of handloom for reasons
including ideology, philosophy, sheer love for handloom products and economic arguments.
However, irrespective of the policies, projects and aspirations arising out of various quarters, the
handloom sector is undergoing changes that are impacting the livelihoods of handloom weavers.
Bijoynagar located in South Kamrup District of Assam State is such an area where handloom has
been a dominant sector of means of livelihood. It is in this area that there can be found a
particular concentration of eri handloom weaving. Located at a distance of about 30 kms from
Guwahati city, there are numerous villages in and around the area where eri weaving is a
dominant activity.
Historically it is seen that eri was reared for both food and yarn and can be traced back to a few
hundred years. The Bijoynagar cluster has developed over the last fifty years, especially after the
floods of 1954. It was at this time the river Brahmaputra caused great devastation around the
Palashbari area forcing a lot of families to relocate themselves in the nearby areas one of which
is Bijoynagar. The relocated families had among themselves some traders (Marwaris). Since the
area already had a history of eri rearing and weaving, these traders foresaw some prospect and
thus entered the eri handloom weaving sector. The South Kamrup area of Assam was known to
be a concentration of eri weaving, but this was done mostly for self-consumption and also to
cater to the local markets in a limited way. This has now scaled down due to the cost factor and
the eri handlooms of this area can now be said to be a product mainly for the external market.

List of Villages of the Bijoynagar Handloom Cluster taken up for the Diagnostic Study:

Sl.No. Name of Village

1 Azara
2 Rani
3 Bangara
4 Dharapur
5 Palashbari
6 No.3 Amtola
7 Amtola
8 No.2 Ziakur
9 No.1 Ziakur
10 Amranga
11 Gosaihaat
12 Haligaon
13 Tarapatti
14 Satpokhili
15 Borjhar
16 Kandupur
17 Batiapara
18 Kollapara
19 Mirza
20 Barkuchi
21 Nabagaon
22 Satpara
23 Mazpara
24 Barduar Bagan
25 Kochpara
26 Dahali
27 Dhantola
28 Narayanpur
29 Lochona

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30 Rajapukhuri
31 Kukuria
32 Palli
33 Kokjhar
34 Ward No.5 Palashbari
35 Sapathuri
36 Chulikata
37 Dhalipar
38 Choikata
39 Khatala
40 Bhatipara
41 Barchu
42 Bondapara
43 Simalubari
44 Uparhali
45 Kukurmara


India’s textile history dates back to past five thousand years. Its earliest evidence was found in
the excavations of Mohen-jo-daro and its proactive performance stretched even during India’s
freedom struggle in the early part of 20th century. Art, fusion and vitality, not only in the myriad
fibers and blends but also in the plethora of weaves and the versatility of embellishments leaves
everyone wonderstruck.
This skill of handspun, hand-woven and handcrafted textiles crosses the realm of art and
pervades the life of the craftsperson or the weaver by whom it is inextricably woven not only with
his feelings and emotions but also as his only means of survival. Even in its phase of decline, the
industry is estimated to provide employment to 6.5 million people in the country, second perhaps
to agriculture.

The Past

During the pre-independence era, there was very little effort made to develop the handloom
sector and handloom weavers were pitted against modern textile mills. They struggled to survive
against competition from industrial products, exploitation by middlemen and the vicious circle of
debt. The production was generally of poor quality because of inferior raw materials and badly
organized marketing infrastructures.
At the time of independence, there were about three million handlooms in the country. Due to
poor market-knowledge, weak market linkages and inconsistency in the quality of products,
weavers were unable to get reasonable price for their products.
In the 1960s massive state support started, production and technical improvements were
encouraged, new markets were created, and road connections were improved.
For more than 40 years now, the handloom sector has been receiving assistance through a wide
variety of policy measures at the national, as well as the state Government level.

Recent Trends

With the onset of economic liberalization in 1991 and consequent changes in policy, the weaving
industry as a whole, now faces a severe crisis. Since 1998, subsidies have started to decrease
and by the end of the year 2000, purchases by Government corporations have also fallen.

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Further, although any assistance given to this industry in the past should have directly benefited
the weaving community, which is the most underprivileged class, yet the bulk of weavers remain
impoverished. They may have received a larger number of orders but their wage rates have not
increased since years.

Traders and Master Weavers have been making larger gains on account of increase in the total
production of the Bijoynagar handloom cluster. They now conduct the majority of sales through
direct channels in Guwahati city, handloom fairs, exhibitions and expositions. Although they have
made some investment in the Bijoynagar cluster yet investment of capital in other businesses or
other locations is distinctly visible. There is an emerging consensus that the best of Assam
handloom produced textiles that are made of eri have a great potential in the international
markets. Power looms cannot replicate the highly evolved skills needed in this type of production.
Further, there is a lot of scope for improvement, experimentation and innovation in the
production process. With the introduction of contemporary design inputs, strategic market
positioning, the gearing-up of the institutional infrastructure and the support to Business
Development Service (BDS) providers, the Bijoynagar cluster with its unique product can face
global competition by becoming competitive on account of its tremendous potential in niche

The Future

The Indian hand-woven textiles demonstrate sheer synergy of craftsmanship and tradition, the
world’s largest pool of highly skilled textile workers, the added advantage of small runs, the ideal
source of inspiration for couture fabrics and the readiness to design, sample and weave with
international designers.

The Indian handloom industry is largely dispersed and each pocket has developed as a
specialized cluster with a certain distinction of its own. Whereas some of them have been able to
sustain themselves the others require specific and strategic interventions to enable the weavers
harness their own skill and become self-sustainable.

The Bijoynagar cluster is among the best known eri clusters and occupies a special place because
of its tradition of eri weaving passed down from generation to generation


In any handloom cluster, the Core Cluster Actors consists of Traders, Master Weavers, Weavers,
Warpers, Designers, Dyers and Yarn Suppliers. Out of these, in the Bijoynagar cluster the
majority are the Traders and the Weavers.

The Traders

The traders have been the mainstay of marketing of Bijoynagar handloom products. They are
mainly the Marwaris although now many Assamese businessmen have also entered the eri
market. The Traders are presently an affluent class with other means of income as well. Some of
the big ones also own a large number of looms themselves. They have good marketing contacts,
a fairly good sense of design innovation and a self built capital base. They have directed part of
their capital into upgradation of looms and design, and partly in sectors other than weaving. The
Traders however seem to be oblivious to the hardships of the Weavers and are largely concerned
with their own survival and growth. They also remain secretive about their trading activities.
Nevertheless, this group of core actors can prove to be instrumental in bringing about capacity
building of the Weavers provided their outlook is made more holistic. For instance they do not
acknowledge the contribution of the weaver’s family, particularly the women weavers who not

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only weave but also perform reeling, spinning and sometimes even rearing activities. This
attitude needs to be changed.

The Master Weavers

Decades back, this category was itself engaged in the weaving occupation but today they are
mainly traders who undertake the overall responsibility of taking orders and getting them
executed. They own looms and get weaving done on contractual basis. Usually, directly or
indirectly, they control anything from 5-10 looms to about 30-40 looms. They supply the weaver
with raw material, which is woven according to the specifications of the Master Weavers. They
pay for the charges incurred by the weaver for weaving.

The Weaver

The Bijoynagar area has a cross section of weavers from different communities and castes. There
is also a fair distribution between tribal and non- tribal weavers. In fact handloom weaving is
more or less a household activity. Out of the entire weaving population only a very small
percentage of them have been able to provide a good living standard to their families, i.e.
providing education or necessary consumables. Only some families have been able to undertake
loom upgradation.

Contribution of Women Weavers:

Women are engaged in the weaving industry in a major way even though their contribution is
either unpaid or poorly paid for the ancillary activities if performed by her outside the family
weaving. It is estimated that about 75% of the weavers are women.

Women are mainly confined to the house, although there are some examples of women
going for work.
Boys and girls are given an opportunity to attend school, but only in the self-sufficient
homes. Many of the average earning weaver families were found to be educating their
younger generation before training them on the loom.
The younger generation (age group 15-18 years) was found to be averagely educated,
enlightened, keen learners and above all ready to adopt weaving as their profession provided
they had reasonable returns.
Absence of social security particularly amongst the average and poor weavers makes them
indebted to the upper income groups such as the Master weavers and the Traders.
The self-sufficient weaver spends on daily necessities, schooling and if savings permit on
durables such as music systems, television sets, etc.
Upgradation in looms and trade is noticeable amongst the high income trading and
weaving families.
The economic condition of some weavers is good, that is in terms of their upgraded looms,
necessities of daily living, access to schools and some luxuries.
The economic condition of the other weavers is close to subsistence with family earnings
falling in the range of Rs. 50-Rs 60 per day.
The looms are the traditional hand looms situated in dimly lighted sheds where sometimes
the whole family lives, cooks, eats, weaves and sleeps.

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The support structure for the handloom cluster consists of the following organizations working for
the upliftment of the weavers of the South Kamrup area:

 Central Silk Board

 Weavers Service Centre
 Sericulture Department of the State Government
 Handloom Department of the State Government
 India Institute of Handloom Technology
 State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD), Assam

Central Silk Board:

The Central Silk Board (CSB) program covers all forms of silkworm rearing for which necessary
funds are outlayed to the tune of rupees in crores. The CSB is operating on a catalytic basis
through its regional offices and field stations. The State Government is collaborating with the CSB
for infrastructure development. It is also assisting farmers for rearing silkworms, maintenance of
eri farms, provision for eri food plants, training, providing startup tools, etc. The CSB has also
evolved a standardized Package of Practices for increasing productivity by upgrading technology
to the intermediate stage. However this has yet to reach all farmers and spinners.

Weavers Service Centre:

The Weavers Service Centre (WSC) provides extensive training on the field regarding weaving,
dyeing, silk production, designing, etc. Although the WSC has not worked much on eri culture, it
is now going in for training weavers by master weavers through ARTFED. The master weavers
provide all round training to the interested weavers right from design development, card cutting
to value addition of the finished products.
Sericulture Department of the State Government:

The Sericulture Department of the State Government is making efforts to transform Sericulture
from a household occupation into a vibrant commercial activity. The national supply gap of 7000
mt provides a golden opportunity for our rural economy. The Department is primarily responsible
for the transfer of technology through its 1000 strong extension staff who have direct and
continuous interface with the sericulturists. The department is working towards standardization of
sericulture operations all over the State, thus ensuring uniformity and performance at the
mastery level. It is also ensuring complete transfer of current sericulture technology to the
farmers and spinners. Utmost importance is given to motivate the farmers to adopt proven
technologies for increasing production The efforts of the department will benefit the practice of
sericulture as a sustainable economic avocation.

Handloom Department of the State Government:

The Directorate of Handloom and Textiles, Assam is looking after the activities of the sector. One
of the schemes being implemented by the Department is the Deen Dayal Hathkargha Protisthan
Yojana, which takes care of a wide gamut of activities such as Product Development,
Infrastructure Support, Institutional Support, Training to Weavers, Supply of Equipment &
Marketing Support, etc., both at the macro and micro level in an integrated and coordinated
manner. The Department is also implementing Health Package Scheme, Rural Work Shed cum
Housing Scheme and Integrated handloom Village Development Program. Scheme for Marketing
Handloom Products through Exhibitions and Fairs, Development of Exportable Products and their
Marketing Scheme. A lot of weavers are being benefited under the schemes of the Department.

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ARTFED is the apex handloom and handicrafts cooperative federation. The shareholders are the
primary and district level cooperative societies. The ARTFED extends raw material, design and
technical support. However the ARTFED has over the years laid a lot of stress on marketing of
the handloom products and succeeded in exposing the traditional fabrics of the state to
international levels. Eri occupies a significant share in the handloom product- mix. Among the
items that ARTFED markets, eri men’s shawls, women’s shawls, bed covers, quilts and Jawahar
jackets occupies prominent place. The annual turnover of eri products of ARTFED is about Rs.4 to
5 crores. ARTFED also sources and sells eri products through its marketing outlets. Eri bed
spreads and quilts are exported to the USA, South Africa, Italy, France, Germany and Taiwan.
The exports are to the tune of nearly Rs.1 crore annually. ARTFED also holds exhibitions where a
lot of eri products are on display and sale. Some of these eri products are dyed, particularly
Indian Institute of Handloom Technology:

This institute provides post high school full time courses in handloom technology but the
emphasis is not particularly on eri.

State Institute of Rural Development (SIRD), Assam:

The SIRD Assam has been working in the area for the upliftment of the weavers through special
projects undertaken by the department of rural development. Under these projects emphasis is
given on skill upgradation of the weavers by providing technical training through the master
weavers of the Weavers Service Centre in the Growth Centre or the Common Facility Centres set
up under the special project. The SIRD is providing working sheds along with looms and
accessories, machineries, raw material, etc., as common facility. The weavers have also been
provided with credit facility from various financial institutions and banks with a subsidy
component of 50 per cent. The SIRD is also marketing the products through its marketing
outlets. The weavers are also given exposure in different fairs held over the country and are also
taken for exposure visits to different handloom clusters of the country.


Basic information on eri:
Life cycle of silk worms has four stages- egg, larva, pupa and moth. Domesticated eri silkworms
are multivoltine which completes 5-6 generations per year.
Stages of eri silkworm:
Different stages of eri Summer (minimum days) Winter (maximum days)
silk worm
Egg stage 9 18
Larval stage 17 45
Spinning stage 3 6
Pupal stage 13 22
Moth stage 4 6
Total days 46 97

Optimum Temperature and Humidity requirements:

Different activities require certain range of temperature and humidity to complete the life cycles
of different varieties of silkworm

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Different stages of eri Summer Temperature (in Winter humidity

silk worm degrees Celsius) percentage
Incubation of eggs 24- 26 85- 90
Larval stage 24- 26 75- 85
Spinning of cocoon 24- 25 75- 80
Storage of seed 22- 24 70- 80
cocoon/moth emergence
Pairing of moths 22- 24 70- 80

The climate of the State is sub- tropical with moderate temperature.

Rearing schedule for eri silkworm:
Spring season:

Name of Crop Date of Date of maturing Date of moth

hatching/brushing emergence
1st batch March 16 to 18 April 8 to 10 April 21 to 23
2nd batch May 4 to 6 May 22 to 24 June 5 to 7
3rd batch June 16 to 18 July 4 to 6 July 17 to 19
4th batch July 28 to 30 August 16 to 20 August 31 to
September 5

Autumn season:

5th batch September 14 to 17 October 16 to 19 November 3 to 6

6th batch November 18 to 20 December 23 to 25 January 15 to 17
Basic seed rearing at January 27 to 28 February 19 to 21 March 6 to 8
government grainage

Post cocoon operation:

In the post- cocoon operations we have to sun dry and go for degumming of the cocoons:
The key goal of cocoon drying is to protect cocoon quality, preserve condition of cocoons for
reeling and prevent damage caused by long periods of storage. The first hazard is the continued
metamorphosis of the pupa. A newly emergent moth will pierce the shell rendering the cocoon
useless for conversion to raw silk. Exposure to excessive moisture within the cocoon causes
putrification and moulds.
Sun drying
No investment is required to dry cocoons in bright sunshine. Clearly, this is only possible in
tropical and sub-tropical zones. Fresh cocoons are spread in thin layers on a mat or planks of
wood and exposed to direct sunlight. Depending on the strength of the sun, the process takes
two to three days. Though cheap and simple to employ, the main disadvantage is silk fibre’s
sensitivity to ultra-violet rays, which harm fibre strength and colour. Since there are limited
facilities for quick marketing of cocoons, sun drying continues to be utilized in many tropical and
sub-tropical countries.
De- gumming of eri cocoons:
Cocoon cooking unwinds the cocoon filament spun by the silkworm. The sericin covering around
the cocoon filament is agglutinated after silkworm spinning, and then hardened through the
cocoon drying process. In preparation for reeling, it should be softened.
Processing softens sericin by heat, water and steam. Ideally there will be uniform softening of
the outer and inner cocoon shell.

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Degumming of eri cocoon:

Materials Recipe- I Recipe- II

Eri cocoon 1 kg 100 gms
Soda 10% (100 gms) 2 gm/ltr
Soap - 20 gm/ltr
Material: Liquor 1:10 1:10
Boiling time 1 hr 1 hr
Temperature 90- 95 degrees Celsius 90- 95 degrees Celsius

 Take water in a stainless steel container and put over fire. When the temperature rises to
50- 60 degrees Celsius add soda or soda and soap (as per requirement) and stir well to
dissolve it
 Immerse the cocoons tied in a thin muslin cloth and boil for 45- 60 mins at 90- 95
degrees Celsius
 Wash the properly boiled cocoons in clear water and clean the inner dirts of the cocoons
(if any) and dry
 Make eri cakes putting 5- 6 cocoons together
 Use the cakes for spinning

Sun drying of eri cocoons:

 Remove the pupae from the eri cocoons through the open end just after harvesting, if
the cocoons are not preserved for breeding purposes
 Spread the empty cocoons in bamboo/wooden tray or on a tarpaulin in a thin layer and
expose to sun for 2 to 3 days
 Follow the same procedure for eri cut cocoons also
 These cocoons can be preserved for many years
 If the cocoons are spun just after harvesting then stifling is not necessary
 Other methods of stifling is not required for eri cocoons

Eri is not a continuous filament and so it does not require reeling or unwinding of cocoons. So,
eri cocoons are spun straight on a ‘ takli’ or a small machine or in a spinning mill. All cocoons
except the stained ones are considered good for spinning.


Silk reeling is the process by which a number of cocoon baves are reeled together to produce a
single thread. This is achieved by unwinding filaments collectively from a group of cooked
cocoons at one end in a warm water bath and winding the resultant thread onto a fast moving
reel. Raw silk reeling may be classified by direct reeling method on a standard sized reel, indirect
method of reeling on small reels, and the transfer of reeled silk from small reels onto standard
sized reels on a re-reeling machine. The last technique is primarily applied in modern silk reeling
Various reeling devices:
1. Hand spinning wheel (‘Takli’)
This primitive spinning apparatus is operated by two hands – one to drive the wheel and the
other to feed in cocoons. One end of the reeling thread is wound onto each wheel, while cocoons
are boiled in a separate pot.
2. Charka type spinning machine

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The Charka type is in use in India. This machine is operated with separate work motions in reel
driving and cocoon feeding to reeling ends by two men per machine. Each machine has 3 ends or
more to a reel, which is the same size as the large wheel of the Re-reeling machine in order to
save the re-reeling process (direct reeling method).

3. Sitting type spinning machine

There are two kinds of sitting type reeling machines, foot operated and motor-driven. The motor-
driven reeling machine is not equipped with the stop motion attachment. There are obstacles to
the production of good quality raw silk as the raw silk thread is wound too rapidly to maintain
good quality control.
The traditional ‘takli’ produces 5 gms of yarn per hour. The other machines produce yarn at five
times higher rate. There are weavers who can spin 10 or even 15 gms per hour on a ‘ takli’.

As a whole spinning remains an area of concern because of two reasons:

Firstly the yarn quality is affected. This is because of the fact that in a household different
women folk spin on the ‘takli’ thereby resulting in a difference in quality of the yarn. Also since a
poor weaver family purchases cocoons in small quantities the yarn required to make, say, a
men’s shawl comprises of different yarns and hence the quality is not consistent.

Secondly the ‘takli’ spinning slows down the production process. This is because on a ‘ takli’ the
amount of days required to make yarn for a pair of shawl is about 15 days (daily output of 60
gms of yarn if ‘takli’ is run for 3 hrs). But the demand for shawls is seasonal; October- February is
the peak season for weaving.
When a weaver does not have enough weaving work she engages herself in the less rewarding
‘takli’ spinning.

Social dimension of ‘takli’ spinning:

Spinning on a ‘takli’ is like second nature to the weaving families. While a weaver spins on a
‘takli’ she at the same time chats thus rendering the fatigue content of the work low. Spinning on
a ‘takli’ also brings supplementary income to a poor weaver family which other technologies
cannot deliver.
The weaving is generally done on traditional looms. There are ‘ taat’ looms and ‘haath’ looms but
‘taat’ looms are mainly in vogue. The ‘haath’ looms are used for weaving wide width fabric.

Basic information on eri (standard):

Sl.No. Particulars Eri

1 Scientific name Philosamia ricini
2 Major food plants Castor, Kesseru
3 Spacing for plantation Castor- 1.5 by 1.5 m
Kesseru- 2 by 2 m
4 Number of food plants per acre Castor- 1722
Kesseru- 1200
5 Season for raising nursery Kesseru- February to March
6 Season for raising plantation Castor- March- April
Kesseru- August- September
7 Yield of leaves per acre Castor- 10000 kgs
Kesseru- 36000 kgs after 5th year of plantation
8 Number of eggs per laying 200- 350
9 Quantity of leaves required to rear 1 Castor- 10 kgs

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DFL Kesseru- 8 kgs

10 Cocoons from 1 DFL 200- 250
11 Numbers of cocoon to a kg With pupa- 250
Empty 2500
12 Average quantity of cocoon per 100 20000- 25000 numbers with pupa- 80- 100
DFLs kgs. Empty cocoon- 8- 10 kgs
13 Quantity of cocoon required to 1.3 kgs
produce 1 kg of silk yarn
14 Denier of single cocoon filament Spun silk (count)
15 Average filament length of a cocoon 15 mtrs
16 Ratio for silk worm seed production 1 DFL per 5 seed cocoons


Each stage of the production process has been briefly explained below:
1. Procurement of raw material: The raw material or eri cocoons are purchased by the Spinners
from either the castor farms or local sellers who come to sell from the adjoining eri rearing
villages at the weekly markets. The Weavers also sometimes purchase readymade eri yarn from
the yarn dealers at Bijoynagar or Mirza or other such places. The Khadi Board also provides
cocoons to Spinners and supplies the yarn spun by them directly to the Weavers who work on
daily wage basis.
2. The dyeing of eri yarn is generally not done although at present some of the Weavers are
going for dyeing locally and on an experimental basis.
3. The cocoons are boiled by the Spinners (de- gumming) and make them into eri cakes which
are used for spinning. The spun yarn is then made into hanks.
4. After this the yarn is loosened and wound on reels. This is a prelude to the preparation of the
warp and weft.
5. For the weft the yarn is wound on pirms with the help of a charkha and this activity is usually
performed by the members of the weavers’ family. Although warping is a specialized process, it is
generally performed by the Weavers only. The warp yarns are wound on bobbins, which are
arranged across a wooden frame called reel. The yarns from these reels pass through a reed to
be wound around a vertical drum.
6. The next step is the task of passing the warp through the reed and the healds. The warp
threads are then joined to the old warp threads with a deft twist of the hand of the women folk.
This process takes approx 3-4 days.
7. Before the actual weaving begins the Weaver sets the design of the border of the shawl along
with the motifs. If the loom is fitted with a Jacquard machine the design motifs are woven with
the help of the designed punch cards that are fitted with the vertical harness. In other cases the
motifs are woven with the help of design shuttles. Thus the process of making designs on
ordinary looms is a time consuming one and it requires a lot of attention of the womenfolk of the
weaving family. This process takes anywhere between 3-4 days depending on the complexity of
the design and the type of loom. The amount of time taken reduces if the number of ply in the
weft yarn is more and consequently the weaver can move faster and cover more ground.
However in this case the output is less fine. Similarly higher the reed count more is the
production time but the finer is the shawl.
8. The weaving is performed by one or two very skilled weavers of the same family. The looms
being used are largely traditional handlooms with shuttle. The eri shawl or fabric or which is
called ‘thaan’ in local parlance does not generally require any post loom process except
calendaring for smoothening out the fabric after it is cut off the loom to be packed and sold.
Little is done by way of labeling and product specification or by way of customized packing

Diagnostic Study of Bijoynagar Handloom Cluster 11

State Institute of Rural Development Assam


Sericulture: it is an agro- industry, the end product of which is ‘silk’. There are four different
types of silk each of which is produced by a distinct variety of silk worms feeding on different
host plants. The types of silk are muga silk, eri silk, mulberry silk and tassar silk.
Eri culture: The silk produced by Philosamia ricini is called eri silk. It is one of the non- mulberry
silks and is grown in Assam & in the eastern parts of India. The heavy rainfall & humid
atmosphere in these parts are suited to eri culture. The food plants for Philosamia ricini is castor.
The alternative food plants are Plumeria Ailanthus papaya, Carica utilissima, Manihot fragans, but
eri culture is mainly practiced on castor.
This silk worm is multivoltine & is reared indoors. The eggs are white, hatch in ten days. The
hatched larvae are mounted on castor leaves in the rearing-house & are allowed to grow by
periodical feeding. The worms pass four moults during its larval period of 30-32 days. Eri
silkworm is generally hardy & not easily susceptible to diseases. At the end of the larval period,
the larvae crawl in search of a suitable place among castor leaves to spin the cocoons. The
cocoons are usually white. However, brick red cocoons have also been observed.
The cocoons of the eri silkworm cannot be reeled, as they are made up of uneven fibres. Usually,
after the emergence of the moths, the cocoons are used for producing spun-yarn. Since the pupa
in this case has a chance to escape, eri silk in a sense is eco- friendly or a non- violent product.
During the last year about 931 MT of cut cocoons was produced in Assam state as a whole. From
this a total of 698 MT of yarn was made. The total plantation area for eri was 7047 hectares.
For the district of Kamrup, the total cocoon production was about 21000 kgs. Production of raw
silk was about 15737 kgs and the plantation area was about 313 acres.
In the Bijoynagar eri cluster comprising of about 68 seri villages the cocoon production was
above 5000 kgs and the plantation area above 55 acres. Raw silk production was also above
4000 kgs. The Bijoynagar cluster comprises of mainly the areas covering Rani, Umsore, Barduar,
Rajapara, etc. About 1600 families are involved in different aspects of eri silk production.
In the Bijoynagar cluster eri culture is a chain activity. The chain starts from rearing of eri
silkworms and finishes at the post- weaving treatment of woven material. The different
components of the chain are rearing, cocoon de- gumming, spinning, weaving and post- weaving
treatments. The entire eri spinning process is a woman driven activity. The weaving workforce in
the Bijoynagar cluster is more than 5000 according to current production estimates. Although the
annual turnover of weaving is about Rs.7 to 8 crores, eri activity has not received much attention
as it should have been. The eri culture activity is surviving because it has over the years
developed into a tradition and a way of life for the people of this area.
Raw Material and Market:
Raw Material:
The basic raw material is the eri cocoon. Other than Bijoynagar cluster in Kamrup district, the
other eri cocoon producing districts are that of Dhubri, Barpeta, Darrang, Kokrajhar. These
districts together contribute about 20 per cent of the eri production of the State of Assam.
The Silk which is derived from the eri cocoons is a protein fibre produced by the worm for
spinning the cocoon. The purpose of the cocoon is to provide a protective casing to the worm
during the most critical period of its life, i.e., the pupal stage. Basically there are two proteins
that form the silk fibre, i.e., ‘fibroin’ which constitutes the core of the fibre and ‘sericin’ a waxy
substance which encases the fibroin. These proteins are synthesized by the silk worm from the
leaf it feeds on during its larval period. The details of the eri cocoon are furnished below:
Color: White, Brick Red (unreelable)
Shape: Elongated flossy spindle shaped
Weight of single cocoon
with pupae: 3.5 to 4.7 gms
Nos./kg of cocoons required
to produce 1 kg silk yarn: 1.3 kgs
Single cocoon filament length: 15 mtrs

Diagnostic Study of Bijoynagar Handloom Cluster 12

State Institute of Rural Development Assam

The eri cocoons are readily available in the Bijoynagar area but the bulk of the cocoon goes to
Bhagalpur/Bihar for mixing with tassar. The price of the eri cocoons is increasing yearly which in
turn is hurting the eri weaving in a large way. It is largely the poor families that are engaged in
rearing. Some traders provide money to these rearers as advance and obtain cocoons from them
but at a price not justified as per the labor put in by the rearers. Eri cocoons are also sourced
from the rearers by agents/collectors. This kind of sourcing is not a primary activity but the
traders enter the eri sector depending on the market conditions and other considerations.

Eri silk worm rearing is an ardous process and has not grown over the years. A lot of timely care
is required and cannot be pursued as one of multiple occupations. Even then the poor pursue the
activity as a tradition. The main constraint to growth of eri is availability of food supplement-
castor for the larvae. The production of eri will rise only if there is a technical breakthrough in
terms of the requirement of castor. Land is another factor. The poor do not have enough land to
raise eri farms for cultivation. The quality of seed is another important factor. Good quality seed
will give a good harvest of large cocoons and in turn better quality of the eri yarn. In the
Bijoynagar cluster the rearing is done by tribal as well as non- tribal families in relatively remote
areas because the worms are sensitive to noise.

Storage, Handling and Seasonal Mismatch:

If one were to go by history, eri silkworms were raised traditionally for food supplement. In local
parlance the pupae is called ‘polu’. Because of this the preservation of cocoons is not so proper
which in turn leads to considerable wastage.
During the period April to August 2/3 rd of cocoon production is achieved. The balance is
completed during the November to January period. April to August is a relatively lean season for
weaving purposes. It is also seen that old cocoons give less yield than the fresh ones. Thus there
should be better methods of storage and preservation of cocoons as because there is a mis-
match between the weaving and rearing season.

The factors controlling the eri market takes into consideration of the following basic ingredients
of eri silk:
1. That it is a winter product
2. It is a traditional and ethnic product which is extremely durable and expected to outlive
the buyer and handed down from generation to generation
3. It is an eco- friendly product and is non- violent in nature

Eri is also an expensive product. A typical eri women’s shawl can cost anything between Rs.400
to Rs.500 and men’s shawl between Rs.900 to Rs.1400. The eri fabric or ‘thaan’ is sold in running
metre at the rate of Rs.250 and above depending on the quality of the fabric. However even if eri
is an expensive product its rank is not as coveted as, say. ‘ pashmina’ shawls. In places like
Buddhist regions of Nepal, Bhutan, etc., eri is a coveted product and even the middle class buys
it. The product line of eri is also narrow compared to other fabrics. Bulk of it is men’s shawl.
Market size and destination:

The trade estimates for eri products is as follows:

Men’s shawl (2.5 m by 1.25 m) : 60, 000 to 70, 000

Women’s shawl (2.25 m by 1.25 m) : 15, 000 to 20, 000
Fabric (‘thaan’ is 12 m by 36 inches) : 6, 000 to 8, 000

The eri products that come out of the Bijoynagar area are relatively simple with no intricate
designs or dyes. These plain products generally go to the Buddhist areas, mainly Nepal from
where it is marketed in a large way. The Nepal market for eri men’s shawls is large and occupies

Diagnostic Study of Bijoynagar Handloom Cluster 13

State Institute of Rural Development Assam

a big chunk of the international market. Generally the Buddhists use the eri shawls as a wrap or
even sometimes as a lining material. It has been reported that some eri products are dyed
outside India. China is also a major purchaser of eri products and has also entered the market in
a large way. The rest of the market of eri men’s shawls is in northern and northeastern India.
The women’s shawls sell largely in Assam and other northeastern states of India. Compared to
the men’s shawls, women’s shawls are designed and also involves mix of other fibres for better
effect. The eri ‘thaans’ generally go to places like Rajasthan, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh where they
are used for men’s winter wear ‘ kurtas’. Bed spreads, quilts and other furnishings made out of eri
products is mainly exported and not much is known about the final use and value addition of
these products in the international markets.

Process of Sale:
The weavers generally sell their products to the local traders. The local traders in turn sell it to
the traders from outside the State like Nepal/Bihar, etc. There are also some businessmen of
Bijoynagar area who have established direct contacts with buyers from different parts of the
country or even outside the country. These businessmen sell large orders of eri products outside
through the channels. Some weavers directly sell the eri products at different exhibitions, fairs,
either through government agencies or NGOs, etc. Otherwise the women weavers sell the eri
products mainly in local markets but this is done in only a small way. Many middlemen have also
infested the eri market at Bijoynagar and operate when there is a shortage. Thus the chain is
generally like this: Woman Weaver- Local Trader- Trader from outside the State.

The local traders of Bijoynagar do not have a clear grasp of the end use of the eri products when
it goes outside the State. Things like product price, specifications do not fall in a clear
understanding between the local trader and the outside trader. Customer profiles, trade margins,
etc., are areas that remain in the dark for the local traders. The entire eri trade can be said to be
a sort of wholesale trade and is carried out as per orders from buyers.

As for the small traders or the weavers, generally a pair or what is called as a ‘ joda’ is sold by
them. This is because the weavers do not produce in large quantities due to lack of storage. Nor
can a weaver bargain effectively in the market thereby giving the trader an advantage always.
Even then the small weavers do not feel that they are being exploited. There are also
cooperatives that have been operating in this area for a long period. One such institution is the
Dakshin Kamrup Samaggra Vikash Parishad established in the year 1978. This institution has four
sub- centres and supplies cocoons to the spinners centrally. The spinners are paid wages for
spinning the yarn. The institution has its own weavers. The prices of the products are fixed by
the organization and it produces mainly shawls and ‘ thaans’. The products are mainly sold in the
local market or exported outside the state. The Assam Khadi and Village Industries Board is also
operating in the area and is working in a similar fashion. Some businessmen have also entered
the eri market and they have set up looms centrally where they employ weavers for producing
the eri products. On the whole it is seen that the trader is apparently in a stronger position. The
relationship between the trader and the weaver is however an open and equal one. The weaver-
trader combine takes any swings in earnings in their stride and do not keep any grudges.
Market shifts:

During the last few years there have been no radical changes in the market so as to throw the
business out of gear. At times there are temporary hitches but they are soon overcome. However
the weaver force is not showing any significant growth.

Competition and External Interest:

The eri market has not been able to make in depths nationally because of the lack of awareness
on eri. A major risk is the stakeholders remaining in the dark about market features and
processes. The Bijoynagar area also does not seem to face much competition from any other eri

Diagnostic Study of Bijoynagar Handloom Cluster 14

State Institute of Rural Development Assam

cluster in the country. If there are any significant competitors then they are Karnataka and China.
Karnataka has been reported to open up many product development opportunities for eri ties,
bedspreads, curtains, stoles, ‘kurtas’ and even jeans. As of now however there is not much
evidence of active interest in eri products by designers, non- local exporters or foreign buyers.


For the production process and the marketing channels discussed in the previous chapters, a
value chain analysis table and a chart has been presented which enables a tabulation of the
contribution of the various cluster actors as well as helps to ascertain the value addition outside
the cluster.

For a typical pair of eri men’s shawl we have the following:

Cocoon Rearer (1125 gms) Rs.400

Cocoon Trader Margin Rs.100
Cocoon Cost to Weaver Rs.500
Cocoon spinning into yarn (cooking included) Rs.400
Shawl Weaving Rs.750
Weaver level Cost Rs. 1650
Local Trader margin (40% to 60%) Rs.2475
Outstation Trader margin Not known

From the above it is seen that the local trader- cocoon and eri trader have a 37% share in the
value chain. The chain does not show yarn trader since he is not ubiquitous. If we introduce the
yarn trader, the trader share will move up to 40%.

The trader margin up to the yarn level are reasonable because the system operates in an
environment where players have access to one another and there is active knowledge. A woman
may buy cocoon from a trader, spin and sell the yarn back to the cocoon trader or buy ready
yarn from him. The woman is clearly aware of the gross margins.

It is in relation to the external buyers- from Nepal/Bihar, that the margins rise sharply because
the weavers do not have knowledge about or access to these buyers. The limited volumes
sustain the system.

The process equilibrium also sustains the chain. A determined woman weaver can earn, say,
Rs.1500 per month and this meets her expectations. A trader who accomplishes a turnover of
Rs.1 crore, after considering his operating expenses, etc., earns about Rs.15 to Rs.18 lakhs per
year. His investment in working capital will vary from Rs.60 lakhs to Rs.80 lakhs and that is his
key strength.

The enhanced expectations of weaver women and investment preparedness by women weavers
will alter the shape of the value chain.

Lack of Integration:

While cocoons are not a constraint there is a perception that rearing and weaving are getting
divorced. Those families that rear do not weave and vice versa.

Diagnostic Study of Bijoynagar Handloom Cluster 15

State Institute of Rural Development Assam



Survey Findings:

The survey interviewed 500 families in 45 villages who are engaged in some form of eri work.

It is seen that large families are common. About 98% of the families are larger than 4 members
each. In fact about 70% of the families have seven or more members each.

Family Size (numbers of families)

Family Size No. of families

Up to 4 8
5 or 6 140
7 or 8 214
Over 8 138
Total 500

Families pursue multiple occupations. It was seen that about 77% of the families follow three or
more occupations.

Family Occupation (numbers of families)

Family Occupation No. of families

One Occupation 8
Two Occupation 106
Three Occupation 116
More than three 270
Total 500

Among the occupations the survey revealed that agriculture/horticulture, animal husbandry,
poultry and fishery are the most common.

Nature of Family Occupation (numbers of families)

Occupation No. of families

Agri/Horti 122
Animal 94
Poultry 74
Fishery 72
Salaried Job 48
Daily Wage Work 31
Business 50
Others 9
Total 500

Diagnostic Study of Bijoynagar Handloom Cluster 16

State Institute of Rural Development Assam

Most of the families by and large have ownership of land. 490 out of 500 families clearly own
some land or the other.
Land Ownership (numbers of families)

Yes 490
No 0
Not clear 10
Total 500

The ownership of land ranges from three bighas to over six bighas

Extent of Land Ownership (numbers of families)

Land Ownership No. of families

Less than or equal to 2 bighas 116
3 to 4 bigha 112
5 to 6 bigha 144
More than 6 bigha 116
Not replied 12
Total 500

A single family may rear, spin, weave- do any or all of these. However the most popular
combination is that of spinning and weaving. 38% of the families do this.

Eri Work (numbers of families)

Eri work activity No. of Families

All three 32
Rearing and Spinning 36
Spinning and Weaving 192
Rearing alone 116
Weaving alone 64
Spinning alone 60
Total 500

Rearing and spinning combination does not exist, while just 6% of the families practice all three.
Out of the interviewed families 13% do only weaving. On the whole, 51% of the interviewees
weave. Only 2/3rd of the rearers spin and/or weave. Rearing, thus, is substantially a standalone
activity at the family level.

45% of those who weave (116 out of 256) are the ones who buy ready yarn. However, they buy
in small quantities, largely up to 4kgs each

Ready Yarn Purchase (numbers of families)

0.1 to 2 kg 44
2.1 to 4 kg 48
More than 4 kg 24
Total 116

Diagnostic Study of Bijoynagar Handloom Cluster 17

State Institute of Rural Development Assam

During the last year, about 120 families have used the spinning machine, 350 have used the
‘takli’ but these numbers are not exclusive because some families use both. 1/3 rd of machine
owning families use it regularly, others do not do so. 34% of those who do not own machines
have some views on it and most of them rate it so- so.

The weavers utilize mostly ‘taat’ looms. Around 200 families own some looms, which are stacked
away or non- operational.

Out of the eri products, men’s shawl is the staple product. On an average the output per weaver
is around 4 to 5 ‘jodas’ or pairs. The weavers sell mainly to the traders. Some of them however
want to sell to cooperatives but generally the cooperatives have their own weavers. Quite a few
of the interviewed have had some kind of exposure at ‘ melas’, fairs, etc. A small amount, around
17%, of the weavers are aware where the products finally go for end use. They are generally in
the dark about the market conditions and are concerned only about how their product can find
any buyer locally. A very few of the families have done some kind of embroidery work on their
products but this is not limited to weavers families alone. The tradition of embroidery is not
predominant in the Bijoynagar cluster. Around 20% of the families are members of Self Help
Groups. 25% of the families have received some form of assistance from the government.
As for the rearers 3.5 batches of cocoons are produced in a year on an average. The families
generally grow the white variety. The production of cocoons have not gone up as per the price
which has been rising by the year. The wastage of cocoons is about 1.5%. There are local
markets where the cocoons are sold by the rearers. They are the Dhupdhara main market,
Malong, Hahim, Adaguri weekly market, Rani market, Mirza, Chaygaon, etc. These cocoons are
also produced by some tribal families in the neighbouring Meghalaya hills. The price of cocoons
range from Rs. 320 to Rs.400 depending on the quality.
The pupae are also sold in the local markets. Pupae sell at about Rs.40 to Rs.50 per kg. The
income from selling pupae exceeds the income from yarn because of the fact that pupa generally
weighs nine times the yarn per cocoon.


The analysis has been done keeping in mind the historical, geographical, social, economic and
industry related core issues and conditions existing in the cluster.
The following chart lists the SWOT components and their implications, which are the likely points
of interventions and the basis of a long run strategy.

Strengths & Implications:

1. The cluster’s tradition of weaving eri products and the availability of eri silk which is almost like
wool and is considered non- violent/ eco- friendly
-Promotes not only national as well as international interest but popularize Bijoynagar.
2. The rich resource of weaving and design skills.
-Enables product diversification and value addition.
3. Inherent strengths of Bijoynagar vis-à-vis other handlooms.
-Facilitates brand name and marketing
4. The readiness of the new generation to enter this trade
-Will prevent the craft from languishing.

Weakness & Implications:

1. Lack of awareness on eri silk in the national market except in a few states of northern India-
Dominance of market by other products such as synthetic dress material, synthetic saris, etc.
2. Absence of social security- Encourages captive buying by the big traders, master weavers and
encourages distress selling.

Diagnostic Study of Bijoynagar Handloom Cluster 18

State Institute of Rural Development Assam

3. Narrow product range and geographical spread of the market not very wide
-Creates a bad Product-Image
4. Dearth of capital investment in the industry
-Outdated looms & technology, leading to outdated products & inability to comply with new
5. Weaver is socially, financially and marketwise backward and vulnerable.
-Prevents innovation, encourages social ills and distress selling.
6. The industry is not well linked to the global markets and fashion dynamics
-Poor Exports
7. Poor gender sensitization: unpaid women workers with no social or medical security
-Poor family earnings and insecurities.
8. Limited scale of activity dilutes interest of officials, agencies, researchers, entrepreneurs,
exporters and marketing outfits- Keeps potential interventions away from the sector and thus
deprives it of opportunities for growth.

Opportunities & Implications:

1. The keenness of women and new generation to learn and progress.
-Shall enable effective interventions.
2. Unique product character and amenability of the product for diversification according to
fashion dynamics
-Will lead to market expansion and innovation.
3. Development of an export market of apparel fabric & furnishings
-International market for Bijoynagar.

Threats & Implications:

1. Limited rearing of eri silkworm and competing demand from outside states for eri cocoon-
Potential to kill eri handloom weaving fully.
2. Limited scale and poor visibility- If overtaken by market forces there is a chance of the activity
dying out.


Equity and Growth

1. The output of the cluster has increased substantially in the last decade and the number of
handlooms has increased in the same period. This reflects the strength of the cluster, as there
has been an overall declining trend in some handloom clusters of the country. But surprisingly
the level of wages have either remained static or gone down.
2. The increase in turnover could be attributed to the innovation and the self-learning attitude of
the Traders. They have adopted new designs for product development and tried new marketing
activities. Also, the tapering in the institutional support in purchases has propelled the Master
Weavers to market directly in the Guwahati and other metro cities of the country.
3. There is a greater evidence of wealth generation manifested through construction activity
(hotels, nursing homes, shops, etc.) and investment in other service-industry in and around Mirza
and Bijoynagar.
4. However, prosperity has only increased in the higher rungs (traders and master weavers) and
has totally eluded the weaver community. They continue to be poor and ill paid for their high skill
base and the arduous work.

Marketing & designing

1. The designing capacities of the cluster have not kept pace with time. The art of traditional
designing has declined as the best design masters have passed away and the present ones have
limited capacities and means to upgrade themselves. There are no modern day designers

Diagnostic Study of Bijoynagar Handloom Cluster 19

State Institute of Rural Development Assam

working in the cluster and even though in the past some state agencies have hired them in the
past, the benefit of their work has not passed to the cluster in any sustainable way. They have
only worked in a static mode as one-off interventions. There is a total alienation of the weaver
from fashion forecasting issues. As a result, the majority of the weavers remain untouched by
issues relating to design and product development.
2. Sales exhibitions organized by Government agencies through out India serve as a strong
medium. But sadly, these have been monopolized by a select few Master Weavers and Traders.
Due to a premium on such channels, there are invariable cases of bulk false-named bookings and
resale of facilities, which further cuts the chances of marketing for poorly networked weavers.
3. Most of the production is for domestic market. Even though there have been small export
orders yet the cluster actors are uninformed about the actual details of such sales i.e. country of
sale, acceptance/rejection, required documentation and procedures. Hence the cluster has not
benefited in terms of information generation relating to exports. In the state sponsored
international visits, the official representing the cluster gives little feedback to the real cluster
actors. The weaver’s knowledge of consumer behaviour and market trends continues to be
4. The domestic market for handloom products is also changing. The consumer is becoming more
discerning and would like to purchase handlooms on the basis of value and merit, and not solely
to show empathy.
5. There is a general trend in the market for customized and small lots. Therefore, there is need
to prepare the weavers in a different customized mode, which can also become the core
competence of the handloom products.
6. Along with the importance of traditional marketing channels like exhibition and sales in Indian
cities, etc. the new channels such as e-commerce need to be explored. There are very good
private sector players for on-line marketing of eri handloom in small and customized lots.

Institutional linkages & Capacity Building

1. The quality of Bijoynagar products is becoming a critical consideration in marketing especially
for high-end consumers and export marketing. Therefore it is required to reposition Bijoynagar,
may be on quality based branding.
2. There is a poor access to information within the cluster. For instance, the visits of designers to
the cluster, even those sponsored by the Government agencies are not properly known to the
weaver, which results in a limited interface.
3. The Resource centres in the state though upgraded significantly still lacks in effective usage.
Presently, the courses conducted by the training centre need total revamping and should be
based on the skill development and capacity building and not just on how to weave. The other
facilities in the resource centres like CAD, dyeing etc. need wide publicity and monitoring by
private sector. The general lack of information or sufficient exposure of the local staff also
impedes the exploitation of such facilities.
4. There in no system in place through which the cluster can effectively make use of the BDS
(Business Development Services) providers. Even though diverse BDS resources are present
locally, they face several limitations in the absence of effective institutional framework and
therefore do not have a well-defined presence. The local BDS also need more training and
5. The impact of globalization poses a threat to the cluster. Therefore, it is necessary to have an
effective sustainable development strategy for ensuring a sustainable future.
7. A number of State and Central Government agencies like the Directorate of Handlooms,
Sericulture Department, ARTFED, Department of Rural Development, Khadi & Village Industries
Board, Khadi Commission, Central Silk Board, the Development Commissioners, Govt. of India,
and others in the Handlooms and Handicrafts sectors operate different schemes. Each one of
them works in a standalone mode. There is a need to have better synergy and coordination
amongst them so that they avoid duplication and optimize returns at the cluster level.

Diagnostic Study of Bijoynagar Handloom Cluster 20

State Institute of Rural Development Assam

Issues Of The Different Economic Segments In The Cluster:

Sl. No. Segment Major Issues Remarks

1 Weavers earning Working capital Existing interventions are
less than Rs Health of generic nature. They
2500 p.m. Mainly unskilled need focused attention on
Poor marketing working capital solution
linkages; mostly doing and skills-based
distress sales, either to capacity building and social
Master Weavers or to near by security measures
Mainly produce low

2 Weavers earning Heavy dependence on Need selected market

between Rs 2500 local traders for the sale of interventions through
p.m. to Rs 5000 their products and raw network mode. Most of
p.m. material supply. these are
Occasionally members of cooperative
participate in expos organized societies. However the
in different parts of the state Presidents and Secretaries
or outside the state. of the societies have
Mainly produce middle monopolized these
range societies to market their

3 Master Weavers Mainly linked to Need better

earning between Government agencies for the marketing
Rs 5000 p.m. to marketing of their linkages with high-end
Rs10000 p.m. products, e g. ARTFED. retailers like Fab India
Participate in Participation in
selected national fairs like International
Delhi fairs through Government
Haat, SARAS and Silk Fab. agencies.
They are good in Need designer
traditional designs inputs on
and pattern making. regular basis.

4 Traders Currently, controlling 90% of Mainly require

the buyer-seller
cluster's output. They are meets at Bijoynagar and
mainly other
procuring from the first three important cities in India.
categories. Currently Inputs required for
supplying to the diversification of the
major outlet in different products
metros especially in garments and
through agents furnishings.

Diagnostic Study of Bijoynagar Handloom Cluster 21

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