L Cat Implementation Guide
L Cat Implementation Guide
The “Assessment Process Guidelines and Summary” manual is a document dedicated to
providing the user, the participant, with the fundamental tools to successfully understand and
implement the Learning Capability Assessment Tool at either a Caterpillar Training Facility or a
Dealer Training Organization.
This manual will help the leadership at the Training Organization understand the functionality of
the Learning Capability Assessment Tool, processes, and guidelines.
All documentation and guides may be printed for future reference via the Learning Capability
Assessment Tool Website.
The intent/purpose of this tool is to accurately assess the current state of a Training
Organization to measure its effectiveness against a global set of training standards. Next, given
the current state, the tool and process is designed to help guide a Training Organization with
Caterpillar support through a development plan tailored to the outcome of the organization
The Learning Capability Assessment Tool will measure and assess a Training Organization's
ability to deliver Service Training. The implementation of this tool is critical to delivering high-
value, effective and consistent training while adhering to fair and legal Caterpillar Global
The development of the 1 to 5 Star rating scale, assessment criteria, criteria definitions, and
assessment guidelines is a collaborative effort from Caterpillar, Inc., Marketing Organizations,
and Caterpillar Dealers worldwide.
This assessment is not mandatory, however Caterpillar, Inc. recommends the self-assessment
for Global Standardization & the Continuous Process Improvement for training operations
The criterion in the Learning Capability Assessment Tool is independent of regional markets,
climates, cultures and economies. The development team used all of these factors in the
development of this tool. The criterion in the assessment is based strictly on current
Dealer/Caterpillar Best Practices, Technologies, World-class Performance Results, and
Caterpillar Standards.
The Learning Capability Assessment Tool will be continually updated as new processes evolve,
technology moves forward, and Caterpillar, Inc. grows to support a larger customer base.
The following is a High Level process map of the Learning Capability Assessment Process. The
process is tailored to the participant:
The most important step of this process is the third step: Familiarization with the LCAT
Assessment Process. The next section will illustrate the Learning Capability Assessment
Process in a detailed explanation.
The decision to participate in the Learning Capability Assessment process is completely up to
the Training Organization. One question that continually comes up is the cost for
implementation. The tool is strictly a tool to help the Training Organizations worldwide at no
cost. The tool is delivered in a self-assessment format and the level of participation is up to the
participant. There are a few outcomes that can happen regardless of a full integration and
Obtain resources and tools from the web at no cost. Coaching from MPC’s and Caterpillar Reps
to maximize the user’s Training Organization performance, at no cost. Participate and choose
not to pursue an official rating from Caterpillar, Inc., still retaining tools, development plans, and
resources. Participate and receive additional coaching, development plans, support, and
worldwide recognition as an officially rated 1 through 5 star Training Organizations.
The LCAT is a web based tool that is accessed through the GMD website at
https://globalservicetraining.cat.com/. Click on Technician Development (TCDP) in the left
hand navigation tool bar under the Service Learning tab. Additional navigation will then appear.
Information and resources for LCAT are divided among 5 pages which are: Learning Capability
Assessment Tool, Training Resources, Assessment Checklist, Take the Assessment, and Post
Assessment Process. If the user does not have access to the Global Manpower Development
website, contact the Learning Champion for the user’s MPC to request LCAT information.
Learning Capability Assessment Tool
The Learning Capability Assessment Tool page is the first page in the LCAT website pages.
This page is intended to provide the user with:
• An introduction to LCAT
• A list of Learning Champions by MPC
• A downloadable copy of this instruction manual
• A downloadable process map
Training Resources
The Training Resource page provides reference material for the tools and methodologies used
throughout the assessment process. The page is broken down to reflect the same 4 areas that
the assessment is divided into.
• Training Materials
• Training Operations
• Training Staff
• Training Administration
Assessment Checklist
As a participant, the pre-assessment checklist will help to answer some initial questions.
Basically, what categories and sections will be assessed, what measurements are needed prior
to the assessment, and some idea of what to expect for the assessment. The Pre-Assessment
Checklist will list all criteria that should be considered/measured prior to logging into the
assessment. The criteria will involve taking physical measurements and collecting
documentation in preparation for the assessment.
Take the Assessment
After the person in charge of conducting the LCAT at the user’s facility has familiarized
themselves with the instructions, complete the pre-assessment checklist and contact the
appropriate Learning Champion for the required password they use this page to click the “Start
the Assessment” button to launch the assessment tool.
Post Assessment Process
The post Assessment page provides the user with a glimpse of the next steps in the LCAT
process. The page explains in brief the options available to the dealer once the Learning
Champion has provide feedback to the user on LCAT results and provides a link to contact the
Learning Champion if question remain.
The LCAT page contains everything the user need to understand the methodology, instructions,
and process steps for the Learning Capability Assessment Process via the ability to download
the Implementation Guide, SERV7040.
The SERV7040 Implementation Guide is included on this page in an Adobe PDF format that
can be down loaded to the user’s hard drive or simply printed from the user’s browser.
Whether or not the manual is downloaded and saved or accessed via the web browser when
needed, the assigned organization person with responsibility of conducting the LCAT process
should read the manual in it’s entirety before starting the process. Becoming familiar with the
complete LCAT process and what is needed to conduct an assessment will reduce the time to
conduct the assessment.
The Learning Champion is considered the Subject Matter Expert (SME) and will coach the user
through the Learning Capability Assessment Process. Once a commitment has been reach to
conduct a LCAT assessment, the Learning Champion will provide a password that will unlock
the Online Assessment tool. At this time the Learning Champion may chose to schedule a
meeting with the purpose of outlining an assessment timeline and to prepare the user for the
rest of the steps in the process.
- Introductions
- Roles & Responsibilities
- Assessment Password Assigned
- Assessment Structure and Hierarchy
- Pre-Assessment Checklist
- Action Plans
- POC’s/Contact Info Exchanged
- Cat/Participant Expectations
- Commitment
- Q&A
Assessment Checklist
As a participant, the pre-assessment checklist will help to answer some initial questions.
Basically, what categories and sections will be assessed, what measurements are needed prior
to the assessment, and some idea of what to expect for the assessment. The Pre-Assessment
Checklist will list all criteria that should be considered/measured prior to logging into the
assessment. The criteria will involve taking physical measurements and collecting
documentation in preparation for the assessment. It is recommended that the organization
representative print the Pre-Assessment Checklist using the supplied printer friendly version via
the website, and check off items as they are accomplished. Completing the Pre-Assessment
Checklist will significantly reduce the number of times the Assessor stops and starts the
assessment process thereby reducing the time required to accomplish the assessment.
As an organization progresses through the assessment it is possible to save the progress made
and start at a later time. The assessment tool will return the user to the place that was last
saved by selecting the “Bookmark” button. Furthermore, If questions have been answered in
error at any time during the assessment the user will have the ability to go back to change
answers. Simply click the back button located on the bottom right side of the assessment.
A Global Assessment Scale that was developed via a 6 Sigma project governs the Assessment
and it is the results of a collaboration of efforts by Caterpillar and Dealer subject matter experts
Worldwide. A complete structure of the assessment is covered later in the documentation. The
criteria is divided into (4) major categories:
• Training Materials
• Training Staff
• Training Operations
• Training Administration
As the user answer each of the questions in the assessments, the section tree will follow the
user’s progress and indicate how many questions are left in a given section. The assessment is
broken down into many different types of questioning. Definitions will appear throughout the
assessment. Any hypertext in blue can be defined by placing the user’s mouse over the term.
There are a few calculators in the assessment. The calculators will allow the user to model
different scenarios and reset values to original state. Any white space in the calculators can be
overridden to apply to the user’s current situation. Ensure that the data onscreen is correct
before the user click the “Submit Values” screen.
Throughout the assessment there are standards for each of the sections. Be sure to pay close
attention to the details in these standards, as the audit will measure each of these within the
user’s organization during the audit or validation period.
Learning Champion Delivers Star Rating and Development Plan
Once the Assessment has been completed and submitted the Learning Champion will receive
an automated email from the assessment tool. The Learning Champion will access the user’s
report and review the Star Rating and Development plan. Once the data is submitted the
Learning Champion has 30 days to contact the organization and deliver the unofficial Star
Rating and communicate the Development plan to the organization. At this point there are two
options the organization can take with regards to the LCAT Audit process; accept the unofficial
rating or validate rating through an audit process.
The Learning Champion will have the responsibility for giving the user a
Developmental Plan. At a later date, around (180) days, the participant should re-
enter the process. The Training Organization would go through the assessment
process again and have (30) days to request an audit and make this score
• Validate Rating
The user may request an audit, which would give the user the official rating upon
completion. This is the preferred choice, as the user would receive an official
rating from Caterpillar, receive feedback for improvement and departmental
goals, as well as the user’s organization would be poised for Global Alignment.
The Learning Champion is responsible for scheduling an audit no later than (30)
days after the user’s assessment date. An audit must completed at the user’s
facility within (120) day of the assessment to be valid.
Involvement in the LCAT is completely voluntary and choosing not to do anything with the
results is an option in itself. The user may go through the Learning Capability Assessment
Process, not request an audit and keep the unofficial score for a rating period. This choice is not
recommended and does not help Training Organizations World-wide align, however, the choice
is the user's as the LCAT is simply a tool to help the user develop the user’s Training
Organization. If an unofficial rating is accepted, communicate this decision with the user’s
Learning Champion. The Learning Champion will still be responsible for giving the user a
Developmental Plan. The Learning Champion will give the user the date for next assessment
The audits are scheduled and completed with a sense of urgency, standardization, and rigor.
The audit process will ensure that the user's organization is held to the same standard as other
organizations throughout the World. An audit must completed at the user’s facility within (120)
days of the assessment to be valid. An audit scheduled past this date would require the user to
begin the process over and retake the assessment. If it is determined that a special
circumstance exists, the approval of the Global Process Team would be required. This will be
on a case-by-case basis only and must be coordinated by the Learning Champion.
Only after the Audit is conducted can a star rating be validated and an “Official Star Rating”
awarded. The Learning Champion has (30) days from the end of the audit to forward the
“Official Rating”. The official rating is maintained for a period of 18 months by the organization.
During this time it is expected that the organization will work with the Learning Champion to
outline any further development that is needed along with establishing the organization’s long-
term goals. The Learning Champion will advise the organization of the date for the next
Assessment to be completed and will continue to advise the organization during on LCAT
matters during the rating period. Types of recognition for Official Star Ratings are left completely
up to the Learning Champions of the different MPC’s. Contact the user’s Learning Champion for
further information on certificates and/or plaques.
TRAINING RESOURCES: The training resources page is made up of the four categories in the
Learning Capability Assessment Tool.
- Training Materials
- Training Staff
- Training Operations
- Training Administration
Each of the training resources page gives the participant files and tools to download on some of
the concepts and models used during the assessment.
The participant also has a chance to prepare prior to taking the assessment.
During the assessment, terms and definitions will appear. Most of the questions can be
answered in the training resources pages. After the assessment is completed, the development
plan could also refer to some of these documents.
The following screen shows the resources available for Training Materials. Training Materials
downloads would include/not limited to: Instructional Design Models, Sample Task Analysis
forms, Training Resources Lists, Sample Courses, etc.
*Throughout the requirements, (Meet Criteria) will appear. This means there are definitive
standards that apply to those requirements. Standards will be listed throughout the assessment
in definitions.
Section 2 - Curriculum:
1) Develop a minimum of (1) Curriculum.
2) Communicate Curriculum by email, mailing, or other method.
3) Courses within Curriculum contain Learning Outcomes, Course Descriptions, and
Section 3 - Service Training Demand:
Section 3 - Compliance:
1) All training activities follow established standards, are documented, and communicated
for those that must comply (Meet Criteria).
Section 5 - Certifications:
Section 2 - Curriculum:
1) Develop a minimum of (1) Curriculum.
2) At a minimum, communicate curriculum by course catalog or other method.
3) Curriculum will contain Knowledge, Skills, and Practical Assessments with clear link to
CRI objectives.
Section 4 - Training Manpower Alignment:
1) Minimum of 60-79% of Manpower Requirements.
Section 3 - Compliance:
Section 5 - Certifications:
4 Star Characteristics: Caterpillar recognized Level III Training. Focus on Repair & Diagnose,
Perform Troubleshooting. Dedicated, but not limited to: Administrative, Instructors, and Mgt.
Personnel, Dedicated Training Operations, Training Library, Training Bays, Labs. Highly aligned
with DSTAB.
Skills Inventory and Learning Plans created. Training Needs Analysis and Training Evaluations
conducted. Blended Learning Capabilities. 4 Star Contamination Control Rating for Cat Training
Facility or Dealer Organization.
Section 2 - Curriculum:
1) Curriculum will contain Criterion Referenced Instruction (CRI) Objectives.
Section 4 - Training Manpower Alignment:
1) Minimum of 80-99% of Manpower Requirements.
Section 3 - Compliance:
Section 5 - Certifications:
5 Star Characteristics: Caterpillar recognized Level III Training Operation. Focused on Repair
& Diagnose and Perform Troubleshooting. Dedicated, but not limited to: Administrative,
Instructors, and Mgt. Personnel, Dedicated Training Operations, Training Library, Training Bays,
Labs. Highly aligned with DSTAB. Skills Inventory and Learning Plans created. Training Needs
Analysis and Training Evaluations conducted. Identify and Measure KPI's for Training. 5 Star
Contamination Control Rating for Cat Training Facility or Dealer Organization. Blended Learning
Capabilities and deployment.
Section 2 - Curriculum:
1) At a minimum, communicate curriculum by website to Learners and Technicians.
2) Curriculum is aligned to Business Goals and Training Plans.
3) Curriculum is aligned to a (HPI) Human Performance Model.
Section 1 - Training Facilities (Meet Criteria):
1) Minimum of 100% of Classroom Requirements (Meet Criteria).
2) Dedicated tooling and storage area for Dedicated Training Lab (Meet Criteria).
3) Implement Contamination Control (Req. = 5 Star).
4) Training Instructors have a dedicated training prep area for classes. (Meet Criteria).
Section 3 - Compliance:
Section 5 - Certifications:
1) An implemented process to certify learners/technicians (Meet Criteria).
Training Manager The Point of Contact for a Training Organization in this Process.
Responsibilities to include: Decision to Participate, Perform
Organizational Pre-Gap Analysis, Communication with Organizational
Leadership, Coordinate with Learning Champion, Manage Changes,
Take the Official Assessment, Organize Leadership Meetings, Host
Organizational Audits. Facilitate Developmental Plans. Provide
Learning Champion Direct Support Role of Learning Champion. Entry Level Position that
Assistant should replace Learning Champion or provide support if LC is unable to
fulfill duties.
How is the Assessment Organized? There are (4) major categories. Training Materials,
Training Staff, Training Operations, and Training Administration. Each category has a series of
sections and subsections, as shown below:
Organizational Rating
Training Bay
Training Development ManPower Alignment 20% Business Planning
0% 24% 25%
Training Lab
Material Evaluation
40% Training Office
Training Library
Training Aids
WEIGHTING– The points in the assessment and criteria are weighted in accordance to the
consensus of the global development team. The percentages shown above outline the
weighting/importance level for each of the categories, sections, and subsections.
In addition to points and the official weighting, all participants will need to meet the minimum
requirements for each star level, this is regardless of awarded points. The Learning Champion
will apply the minimum requirements during the Audit Process. Each requirement is tied to a
star level.
At first glance, a Service Training Manager would ask; what are the monetary benefits for
implementation? In the first two years of this process, Caterpillar will be collecting data from this
tool so that there will be statistical data to prove there is benefits derived from the investment of
training in the user Organization. There are also tools for the user to use that will allow the user
to measure Training KPI’s within the user Organization. To use this tool or the resources
included there will be no cost.
The calculators and resources provided will give a business case and justify reasoning for hiring
(x) amount of Instructors based off current training demands.
What role will make this decision? At Caterpillar Training Centers, the audience or people who
need to make a decision are:
At the Caterpillar Dealership, the audience or people who need to make a decision are:
- Training Supervisor/Manager
- HR Manager
- Product Support Manager
The Training Organization will benefit by using the results of the Learning Capability
Assessment Process to improve Training Materials, Delivery, Training Staff, Facilities, and
Training Operations to a Caterpillar Global Standard.
What is the Significance of the Rating or Output of this Tool?
The ratings for this tool are simple; there are (5) possible ratings with a 1 Star to 5 Star Award.
Once either an unofficial or official score is given, this is the user’s current state or where the
user is today. The greatest benefit is the ability to improve and set realistic goals for the user
Training Organization. In conjunction with the Marketing Profit Centers (MPC’s), a
developmental plan will be issued to the user to help the user align with the user Training
Organizational Goals.