Msec and Policy Questions

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Policy Formulation

Book of James Anderson

1. As a sub-discipline of political science, what is the context of policy study? What are the reasons
for studying public policy and public policy-making. In the context and typologies of policy and
policy study, a known political scientist named Theodore J. Lowi gave four types of policy.
Identify and explain what are these types of policy are.(Fatima)

2. Define public policy. What are the characteristics of a successful public policy? Public policies
are drafted, implemented and assessed through the policy cyle. Adequately explain what the
policy cycle is. We know that different authors would have different versions of the policy cycle,
give at least three authors/ experts in public policy formulation and describe their different
versions of the policy cycle. It has been given that the policy cycle have its own shortcomings
and problems. Discuss what these shortcomings are, and why said problems occur.(roseanne)

3. In public policy formulation and implementation, having a “pluralist civil society” is said to be a
wiser and smarter way of democracy, as government solicits participation and contribution
from other sectors of the society. Explain why this is so. Discuss also why government and
social actors need to treat each other with mutual respect in the area of policy-making. (rinalyn)

Book on Public Policy Analysis (William N. Dunn)

4. What does it mean to say that policy analysis is a process of producing knowledge about and in
the policy-making process? (maricel)
5. Describe intellectual and social characteristics of policy analysis. Give 2 examples.(celso)
6. “Our problem is not to do what is right,” stated Lyndon Johnson during his years in the White
House. “Our problem is to know what is right.” Considering the major characteristics and types
of policy problems discussed in this chapter, to what extent can we know in advance what is
”right?” (marcelina)
7. A commonly accepted viewpoint among many policy analysts in government and in universities
is that policy analysis can be objective, neutral, and impartial. Given the characteristics of ill-
structured problems, consider the extent to which this viewpoint is plausible. (amor)
8. Explain why the qualifier changed (if it did) after introducing the objection and rebuttal. If the
qualifier did not change, why not?(jasmin)
9. Why are communication and use of information central to the aims of policy analysis?(niel)
10. If policy analysis is an intellectual activity carried out within a political process, what are the
implications for the use of analysis by policy makers?(nica)
11. “Policy analysis is the beginning, not the end, of efforts to improve the policy-making process.”
12. Why are skills needed to develop policy documents and give oral presentations different from
skills needed to conduct policy analysis?(kristia lei)
MSEC Principles and Concept (TODARO)

1. Why is economics central to an understanding of the problems of development? (Jo)
2. Why is a strictly economic definition of development inadequate? What do you understand
economic development to mean? Can you give hypothetical or real examples of situations
in which a country may be developing economically but still be underdeveloped?(berna)
3. Why is an understanding of development crucial to policy formulation in developing
nations? Do you think it is possible for a nation to agree on a rough definition of
development and orient its strategies accordingly?(necie)

Historic Growth....

4. ”Social and institutional innovations are as important for economic growth as technological
and scientific inventions and innovations.” What is meant by this statement? Explain your

Poverty, Inequality....

5. Distinguish between size and functional distributions of income in a nation. Which do you
feel is the more appropriate concept? Explain your answer.(Kayzel)
6. Is progress being made in the fight against poverty? Why or why not?(cecile)
7. What types of poverty policies have proved most effective?(ruby))
8. Economic growth is said to be a necessary but not sufficient condition to eradicate absolute
poverty and reduce inequality. What is the reasoning behind this argument?(glenn)
9. Outline the range of major policy options available to LDC governments to alter and modify
the size distribution of their national incomes. Which policy or policies do you believe are
absolutely essential, and which are important but not crucial? Explain your answer.(Mark)

Population Growth...

10. What is the relationship between the age structure of a population and its dependency
burden? Is the dependency burden higher or lower in developing countries? Why?(agnes)
11. Explain the notion of the hidden momentum of population growth. Why is this an
important concept for projecting future population trends in different developing
12. Explain why fertility rates are failing in some developing countries and not in others. (elba)
13. Outline and comment briefly on some of the arguments in favour of the idea that
population growth is a serious problem in developing nations.(lovely)

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